International Online CAE Education CENTER ICAEEC Introduction to FEM analysis with Patran / MSC Nastran 1. Program identification Title: Introduction to FEM analysis with Patran / MSC Nastran – online course. Director: Professor Juan José Benito Muñoz. Department: Construction & manufacturing engineering (UNED University) 2. Eligibility & requirements A degree is required, although students in the last part of their degree may be admitted with proof of their academic status. 3. Presentation y objectives The objective of this course is to introduce the student to the use of Finite Element analysis software so that they acquire the basic skills to be able cope with this type of analysis in profesional practice. This course originated as a collaboration between UNED and Ingeciber, S.A., a company that specializes in Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE). 4. Content The course consists of three subjects: a. Introduction to the use of the application software I (50 hours) b. Introduction to the use of the application software II (40 hours) c. Practical application with Patran & Nastran. (40 hours) The content of each subject is detailed below. - 1st Subject: Introduction to the use of the application software I. Structured into the following chapters: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Overview Introduction to the Finite Element Method Basics of MD Nastran and Patran MD Nastran Elements Overview Units 1 International Online CAE Education CENTER ICAEEC Sections 1. 2. 3. 4. - Space Station Truss Case Study: Traffic Signal Pole Case Study: Aircraft Wing Rib Case Study: Intercooler Structure 2nd Subject: Introduction to the use of the application software II. The chapters of this subject are: 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Case Study: Scuba Tank Case Study: Car Design Case Study: Communications Tower Case Study: Slender Column Buckling Linear Contact Appendix 1. 2. 3. Parasolid Modeling Results Postprocessing Model Checkout The first two subjects consist of various practical exercises that complement the documentation provided. - 3rd Subject: Practical Application with Patran & Nastran. Examples. This subject completes the two previous ones with complex practical exercises in order to study the software in depth. The exercises are as follows: Aerospace specialty - Aircraft wing Space satellite Mechanical specialty - Cap and ring Intersection of two cylindrical shells Construction specialty - Warehouse Industrial building with saddle roof 2 International Online CAE Education CENTER ICAEEC 5. Time table Course duration: Two and a half months. Distance evaluation tests: Students must deliver three of the practical exercises proposed in the practical subject. Delivery dates of the distance evaluation tests: - 1st CAE: 4th week 2nd CAE: 6th week 3rd CAE: 9th week Evaluation Exam: - 10th week 6. Methodology Distance learning methodology is used, with prepared study material and an annotated bibliography, tutorials, online meetings, distance evaluation tests (principally practical exercises using the computer) and evaluation exams. 7. Teaching material Students will receive the teaching guide and corresponding material for each module, which basically consists of the subject texts. Furthermore, to perform the practical exercises and complete the training, the educational version of MSC Patran & Nastran will be provided by the course. The course uses a virtual classroom as a training facility where study tools can be found, and also as the main means of communication with the students. Other tools will also be used: Online sessions, additional material (video-classes) and other complementary documentation. 8. Student services The different consultations (by telephone, email, or in person) carried out by the teaching staff are done in tutorial hours. Each subject has four hours (unless indicated otherwise) per week during the teaching period of the subject plus two more weeks after it finishes, as indicated in the following table and time table. The tutorials of all the subjects will be: - Tuesdays from 12:00 to 14:00 Thursdays from 16:00 to 18:00 3 International Online CAE Education CENTER ICAEEC 9. Evaluation and qualification criteria Student evaluation will be performed using: a. Continuous distance evaluation of each of the subjects. This consists of the resolution of the tests that are sent with the course documentation, and must be returned in the specified distance evaluation test delivery dates. b. Evaluation exams evaluated by a commission chosen by the academic board. These tests may be done off-site. 10. Accreditation A diploma from Fundación UNED, UNED & Ingeciber specifying a pass and the grade, in the case of passing the corresponding evaluation exams. This title corresponds to 13 ECTS credits. 11. Teaching staff Professor Juan José Benito Muñoz (Director). Construction & Manufacturing Engineering Department (UNED). Mr. Ambrosio Baños Abascal (Coordinator & tutor). UNED collaborator, Ingeciber, S.A. Mr. Mariano Serrano de la Asunción (tutor). Ingeciber, S.A. Mr. Pablo Arrieta Yáñez (tutor). Ingeciber S.A. 12. Fees Tuition fees are €910. For current and former students of the UNED Master’s in Theoretical and Practical Application of the Finite Element Method and CAE Simulation, there is a 33% discount. 13. Validations Students who pass this course can ask the academic board of UNED Master’s in Theoretical and Practical Application of the Finite Element Method and CAE Simulation for the validation of the application and practical subjects of the mechanical branch of the expert module with Patran & Nastran 4
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