SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline

Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Mechanism for Time-Sensitive Research Opportunities in Environmental Health
Sciences (R21)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute of Environmental Health
01-Apr-2015 275,000 USD
Ms. Martha I. Barnes, MS
04-Feb-2014; 03-Mar-2014; 01-Apr-2014; 01-May-2014; 02-Jun-2014; 01-Jul-2014; 01-Aug-2014; 02-Sep-2014; 01-Oct-2014; 03-Nov-2014; 01-Dec-2014; 02Jan-2015; 02-Feb-2015; 02-Mar-2015; 01-Apr-2015; 01-May-2015; 01-Jun-2015; 01-Jul-2015; 03-Aug-2015; 01-Sep-2015; 01-Oct-2015; 02-Nov-2015; 01-Dec2015; 04-Jan-2016; 01-Feb-2016; 01-Mar-2016; 01-Apr-2016
Synopsis National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) invites applications for environmental health research in which an unpredictable opportunity has
arisen to collect human biosample or exposure data (e.g., following natural or made-made disasters, health care policy changes, etc). The three distinguishing
features of an eligible study are: 1) the unforeseeable nature of the opportunity; 2) the clear scientific value and feasibility of the study; and 3) the need for rapid
review and funding (substantially shorter than the typical NIH grant review/award cycle) in order for the scientific question to be approached and for the research
design to be implemented. The shortened time frame will be achieved by more frequent application due dates and expediting peer review, council concurrence
and award issuance. The entire cycle from submission to award is expected to be within 3-4 months. This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental
(R21) grant mechanism.
Indirect Costs
Funding This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. Applications submitted in response to this announcement must be submitted
electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. The total project period for an
application submitted in response to this funding opportunity may not exceed two years. Direct costs are limited to $275,000 over the two years of the R21
award, with no more than $200,000 in direct costs allowed in any single year. Because the nature and scope of the proposed research will vary from application
to application, it is anticipated that the size and duration of each award will also vary. F&A costs requested by consortium participants are not included in the
direct cost limitation. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending March 8, 2013; NIH Guide, Week Ending January 31, 2014. (kww)
Deadline Notes The deadline for receipt of optional letters of intent is thirty days prior to the application deadline. The deadlines for receipt of full applications are: February 4,
2014; March 3, 2014; April 1, 2014; May 1, 2014; June 2, 2014; July 1, 2014; August 1, 2014; September 2, 2014; October 1, 2014; November 3, 2014;
December 1, 2014; January 2, 2015; February 2, 2015; March 2, 2015; April 1, 2015; May 1, 2015; June 1, 2015; July 1, 2015; August 3, 2015; September 1,
2015; October 1, 2015; November 2, 2015; December 1, 2015; January 4, 2016; February 1, 2016; March 1, 2016, April 1, 2016, by 5:00 PM local time of
applicant organization. This FOA will expire on April 2, 2016.
Funding Limit 275,000.00 maximum
Funding Duration 2 year(s)
Eligibility Eligible applicants are: for-profit or non-profit organizations; public/State-controlled institutions of higher education; private institutions of higher education; units
of State and local governments; units of State and local Tribal government; Hispanic-serving institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs);
Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs); Small Business; eligible agencies of the Federal
government; domestic institutions/organizations; and faith-based or community-based organizations. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be
designated on the application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
RFA-HG-14-007--Mentored Career Development Award in Biomedical Big Data
Science for Clinicians and Doctorally Prepared Scientists (K01)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS
RFA-HG-14-007 01-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Michelle Dunn, Ph.D.
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Deadline Dates (ALL) 01-Mar-2014; 01-Apr-2014; 01-Mar-2015; 01-Apr-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications for a mentored career development award in the
area of Big Data Science. The aim of the initiative is to support additional mentored training of scientists who will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to be
independent researchers as well as to work in a team environment to develop new Big Data technologies, methods, and tools applicable to basic and clinical
research. This FOA will use the NIH K01 Research Scientist Development Award mechanism.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will use the NIH K01 Research Scientist Development Award mechanism. Applications submitted in response to this announcement must be
submitted electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. NIH intends to commit
$1.5 million in FY2015 to fund 6-7 awards. Award budgets are composed of salary and other program-related expenses. NIH will contribute up to $167,000 per
year toward the salary of the career award recipient. Mentored career awards require the candidate to devote a minimum of 9 person-months to conducting
health-related research. Indirect Costs (also known as Facilities & Administrative [F&A] Costs) are reimbursed at 8% of modified total direct costs. CFDA#s:
93.286, 93.989; 93.350; 93.213; 93.213; 93.394; 93.395; 93.396; 93.397; 93.398; 93.399; 93.867; 93.172; 93.233; 93.837; 93.838; 93.839; 93.866; 93.273;
93.855; 93.856; 93.846; 93.865; 93.279; 93.173; 93.121; 93.847; 93.113; 93.859; 93.242; 93.307; 93.853; 93.361; 93.879; 93.351; 93.313; 93.310. Reference:
NIH Guide, Week Ending January 17, 2014; NIH Guide, Week Ending January 24, 2014. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 1, 2014 . The deadline for receipt of optional letters of intent is
thirty days prior to the application deadline. The deadlines for receipt of full applications is April 1 annually.
Funding Limit 0.00 see detail
Funding Duration 0 year(s)
Eligibility Eligible applicants are: non-profit organizations; public/State-controlled institutions of higher education; private institutions of higher education; Hispanic-serving
institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs); Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Tribally Controlled Colleges and
Universities (TCCUs); and domestic institutions/organizations. Any candidate with the skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to carry out the proposed
research as the Program Director/Principal Investigator (PD/PI) is invited to work with his/her mentors and organization to develop an application for support.
Individuals from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups as well as individuals with disabilities are always encouraged to apply for NIH support. Multiple
PDs/PIs are not allowed. By the time of award, the individual must be a citizen or a non-citizen national of the United States or have been lawfully admitted for
permanent residence. While former PDs/PIs on NIH research project (R01), program project (P01), center grants (P50), sub-projects of program project (P01),
sub-projects of center grants (P50), other career development awards (K–awards), or the equivalent NIH or non-NIH grants are eligible to apply, they must
demonstrate their commitment to a future career as a full-time biomedical Big Data scientist and a significant shift in research focus to Big Data Science.
Candidates for this award must have a research or health-professional doctoral degree or equivalent. Such degrees include, but are not limited to, the PhD,MD,
DO, DDS, DMD, OD, DC, PharmD, ND (Doctor of Naturopathy), as well as a doctoral degree in nursing. This funding opportunity may support individuals who
propose to train in a new field or individuals who have had a hiatus in their research career because of illness or pressing family circumstances. The award is
intended for research-oriented investigators at any level of experience, from the postdoctoral to faculty level, who have shown clear evidence of productivity and
research excellence in the field of their training and who would like to expand their research capability, with the goal of making significant contributions to
research areas in Big Data Science that are relevant to the NIH mission. At the time of award, the candidate must have a “full-time” appointment at the
academic institution that is the applicant institution. The level of effort should be a minimum of 9 person months or 75% of full-time professional effort.
RFA-HG-14-008--Courses for Skills Development in Biomedical Big Data Science
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS
RFA-HG-14-008 01-Apr-2015 450,000 USD
Michelle Dunn, Ph.D.
01-Mar-2014; 01-Apr-2014; 01-Mar-2015; 01-Apr-2015; 01-Mar-2016; 01-Apr-2016
SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications for research education activities in the mission
areas of the NIH. The goal of this Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) Program is to support educational activities that complement and/or enhance the training of a
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
workforce to meet the nation’s biomedical, behavioral and clinical research needs in Big Data Science. To this end, this FOA encourages the development of
creative educational activities with a primary focus on Courses for Skills Development. This FOA will use the NIH R25 Education Projects award mechanism.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will use the NIH R25 Education Projects award mechanism. Applications submitted in response to this announcement must be submitted
electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. NIH intends to fund an estimate of
4-5 awards, corresponding to a total of $700,000 for fiscal year 2015. Application budgets may not exceed $150,000 in direct costs annually and need to reflect
the actual needs of the proposed project budgets. The scope of the proposed project should determine the project period. The maximum project period is 3
years. Indirect Costs (also known as Facilities & Administrative [F&A] Costs) are reimbursed at 8% of modified total direct costs (exclusive of tuition and fees
and expenditures for equipment), rather than on the basis of a negotiated rate agreement. Because the nature and scope of the proposed research will vary
from application to application, it is anticipated that the size and duration of each award will also vary. F&A costs requested by consortium participants are not
included in the direct cost limitation. CFDA#s: 93.989; 93.350; 93.213; 93.213; 93.394; 93.395; 93.396; 93.397; 93.398; 93.399; 93.867; 93.172; 93.233; 93.837;
93.838; 93.839; 93.866; 93.273; 93.855; 93.856; 93.846; 93.286; 93.865; 93.279; 93.173; 93.121; 93.847; 93.113; 93.859; 93.242; 93.307; 93.853; 93.361;
93.879; 93.351; 93.313; 93.310. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending January 17, 2014; NIH Guide, Week Ending January 30, 2015. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 1, 2014. Optional letters of intent may be submitted thirty days
prior to the application due date . The deadline for receipt of full applications is April 1 annually. This FOA will expire on April 2, 2016.
Funding Limit 150,000.00 per year
Funding Duration 3 year(s)
Eligibility Eligible applicants are: non-profit organizations; public/State-controlled institutions of higher education; private institutions of higher education; Hispanic-serving
institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs); Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Tribally Controlled Colleges and
Universities (TCCUs); and domestic institutions/organizations. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be designated on the application for projects that
require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model. The PD/PI should be an established investigator in the scientific area in
which the application is targeted and capable of providing both administrative and scientific leadership to the development and implementation of the proposed
program. The PD/PI will be expected to monitor and assess the program and submit all documents and reports as required. esearchers from diverse
backgrounds, including racial and ethnic minorities, persons with disabilities, and women are encouraged to participate as preceptors/mentors. Mentors should
have research expertise and experience relevant to the proposed program. Applications must describe the intended participants, and the eligibility and/or
specific educational background characteristics that are essential for participation in the proposed research education program. Participants should be upperlevel undergraduate students to senior faculty. Unless strongly justified on the basis of exceptional relevance to NIH, research education programs should be
used primarily for the education of U.S. citizens and permanent residents.
RFA-HG-14-009--Open Educational Resources for Biomedical Big Data (R25)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS
RFA-HG-14-009 01-Apr-2015 600,000 USD
Michelle Dunn, Ph.D.
01-Mar-2014; 01-Apr-2014; 01-Mar-2015; 01-Apr-2015; 01-Mar-2016; 01-Apr-2016
SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications forresearch education activities in the mission
areas of the NIH. The goal of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to complement and/or enhance the training of a workforce to meet the nation's
biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research needs in utilizing'Big Data.' To this end, this funding opportunity announcement encourages the development of
creative educational activities with a primary focus on Curriculum or Methods Development. In particular, this Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) FOA encourages
R25 applications proposing the development of open educational resources (OER) for use by large numbers of learners at all career levels that enhance the
ability of the workforce to use and analyze biomedical Big Data. This FOA will use the NIH R25 Education Projects award mechanism.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will use the NIH R25 Education Projects award mechanism. Applications submitted in response to this announcement must be submitted
electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. NIH intends to fund an estimate of
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Opportunity Title
Deadline Notes
Funding Limit
Funding Duration
Sponsor Name
4-5 awards, corresponding to a total of $1.0 million for fiscal year 2015. Application budgets may not exceed $200,000 in direct costs annually and need to
reflect the actual needs of the proposed project budgets. The scope of the proposed project should determine the project period. The maximum project period is
3 years. Indirect Costs (also known as Facilities & Administrative [F&A] Costs) are reimbursed at 8% of modified total direct costs (exclusive of tuition and fees
and expenditures for equipment), rather than on the basis of a negotiated rate agreement. Because the nature and scope of the proposed research will vary
from application to application, it is anticipated that the size and duration of each award will also vary. F&A costs requested by consortium participants are not
included in the direct cost limitation. CFDA#s: 93.989; 93.350; 93.213; 93.213; 93.394; 93.395; 93.396; 93.397; 93.398; 93.399; 93.867; 93.172; 93.233; 93.837;
93.838; 93.839; 93.866; 93.273; 93.855; 93.856; 93.846; 93.286; 93.865; 93.279; 93.173; 93.121; 93.847; 93.113; 93.859; 93.242; 93.307; 93.853; 93.361;
93.879; 93.351; 93.313; 93.310. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending January 17, 2014. (kww)
Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 1, 2014. Optional letters of intent may be submitted thirty days
prior to the application due date . The deadline for receipt of full applications is April 1 annually. This FOA will expire on April 2, 2016.
200,000.00 per year
3 year(s)
Eligible applicants are: non-profit organizations; public/State-controlled institutions of higher education; private institutions of higher education; Hispanic-serving
institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs); Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Tribally Controlled Colleges and
Universities (TCCUs); and domestic institutions/organizations. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be designated on the application for projects that
require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model. The PD/PI should be an established investigator in the scientific area in
which the application is targeted and capable of providing both administrative and scientific leadership to the development and implementation of the proposed
program. The PD/PI will be expected to monitor and assess the program and submit all documents and reports as required.
NIMH Administrative Supplement Program to Enable Continuity of Research
Experiences of MD/PhDs during Clinical Training (Admin Supp)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS PA-14-263
01-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Nancy Desmond
01-Apr-2015; 01-Apr-2016; 01-Apr-2017
SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) invites applications for Administrative Supplement Program to Enable Continuity of Research
Experiences of MD/PhDs during Clinical Training. The program is designed to support advanced research opportunities for exceptional individuals holding the
MD/PhD degree who are early in their research careers and thereby help these individuals transition efficiently and effectively from the period of clinical training
to the next stage of their research careers. This administrative supplement program will provide focused, protected research time for eligible individuals during
residency and/or clinical fellowship. The proposed research experience must have the potential to contribute significantly to the candidate’s research career.
This FOA will use the NIH Administrative Supplement award mechanism. Administrative supplement requests must be submitted on paper for the following
activity codes: P01 Research Program Projects P20 Exploratory Grants P30 Center Core Grants P50 Specialized Center U19 Research Program – Cooperative
Agreements UM1 Multi-Component Research Project Cooperative Agreements Administrative supplement requests may be submitted electronically for the
following activity codes: DP1 NIH Director’s Pioneer Award (NDPA) DP2 NIH Director’s New Innovator Awards DP5/UP5 Early Independence
Award/Cooperative Agreement R01 Research Project Grant R21 Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Award R21/R33 Phased Innovation Award R34
Clinical Trial Planning Grant Program R37 Method to Extend Research in Time (MERIT) Award U01 Research Project – Cooperative Agreements UH2/UH3
Phase Innovation Awards Cooperative Agreement
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will use the NIH Administrative Supplement award mechanism. Applications submitted in response to this announcement must be submitted
electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. Application budgets are limited to
no more than the amount of the current parent award, and must reflect the actual needs of the proposed project. The funding mechanism being used to support
this program, administrative supplements, can be used to cover cost increases that are associated with achieving certain new research objectives, as long as
the research objectives are within the original scope of the project, or the cost increases are for unanticipated expenses within the original scope of the project.
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Opportunity Title
Deadline Notes
Funding Limit
Funding Duration
Sponsor Name
Any cost increases need to result from making modifications to the project that would increase or preserve the overall impact of the project consistent with its
originally approved objectives and purposes. The project and budget periods must be within the currently approved project period for the existing parent award.
The project period of the supplement may not exceed the duration of the candidate's clinical training period nor may it include any anticipated period of no-cost
extension of the parent grant. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending June 20, 2014. (kww)
NIMH accepts and reviews applications on a continuous basis until April 1 of each fiscal year. Applications received after April 1 will be considered for funding in
the next fiscal year. Earlier submission is strongly encouraged. Applications for FY 15 funds should be submitted no later than April 1, 2015 by 5:00 pm.
Applications for FY 16 funds should be submitted no later than April 1, 2016. Applications for FY 17 funds should be submitted no later than April 1, 2017.
0.00 not provided
0 year(s)
This announcement is for supplements to existing projects. To be eligible, the parent award must be active and the research proposed in the supplement must
be accomplished within the competitive segment. The parent award must have at least 12 months remaining at the anticipated time of award.The proposed
supplement must be to provide for an increase in costs due to unforeseen circumstances. All additional costs must be within the scope of the peer reviewed and
approved project. Eligible applicants are: for-profit or non-profit organizations; public/State-controlled institutions of higher education; private institutions of
higher education; units of State and local governments; units of State and local Tribal government; Hispanic-serving institutions; Historically Black Colleges and
Universities (HBCUs); Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs); Small Business; eligible
agencies of the Federal government; domestic institutions/organizations; and faith-based or community-based organizations. More than one PD/PI, or multiple
PDs/PIs, may be designated on the application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model. Only one
application per parent award is generally allowed. Individual(s) must hold an active grant or cooperative agreement, and the research proposed in the
supplement must be accomplished within the competitive segment of the active award. Eligible PD(s)/PI(s) must hold an active, NIMH-supported research
project grant or cooperative agreement, or must hold an active DP1, DP2, or DP5 award in which the funded research is aligned with the mission and strategic
priorities of the NIMH. Individuals are invited to work with their organizations to develop applications for support. At the time of application, each candidate: 1)
must be a citizen or a non-citizen national of the United States or have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence; 2) must have graduated from a
combined MD/PhD program or must have graduated from independent MD and PhD programs (in either order of completion) with time between the awarding of
the two degrees not to exceed 10 years; 3) must currently be in good standing in an ACGME-accredited residency program or in good standing in a clinical
fellowship program; 4) must be able to commit appropriate effort to the proposed research experience in any year; and 5) must not currently have support to
obtain research experience from either federal or non-federal funds. Candidates during residency must commit no less than 1.8 person-months (15% of full-time
professional effort) to the proposed research experience; at the time of award, such candidates must be in postgraduate year (PGY) 2 of residency or beyond.
Candidates during fellowship must commit no less than 6 person-months (50% of full-time professional effort) to the proposed research experience.
NIMH Administrative Supplement Providing Research Experiences for Physicians and
National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS PA-15-069
Medical Students from Diverse Backgrounds
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
01-Apr-2015 Not Specified
LeShawndra N. Price, Ph.D.
01-Apr-2015; 01-Apr-2016; 01-Apr-2017
SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) invites applications for Administrative Supplement Providing Research Experiences for Physicians and
Medical Students from Diverse Backgrounds. The purpose of these supplements is to support advanced research experiences for outstanding early career
physicians and medical students from underrepresented backgrounds. This program aims to increase the opportunities available for individuals from
underrepresented backgrounds working in the mental health research workforce by recruiting and supporting outstanding physician-scientists and medical
students. The proposed research experience must be an integral part of the approved research of the parent grant and must have the potential to contribute
significantly to the candidate's research career. This FOA will use the NIH Administrative Supplement award mechanism.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will use the NIH Administrative Supplement award mechanism. Applications submitted in response to this announcement must be submitted
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Opportunity Title
Deadline Notes
Funding Limit
Funding Duration
Sponsor Name
electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. Application budgets are limited to
no more than the amount of the current parent award, and must reflect the actual needs of the proposed project. The funding mechanism being used to support
this program, administrative supplements, can be used to cover cost increases that are associated with achieving certain new research objectives, as long as
the research objectives are within the original scope of the peer reviewed and approved project, or the cost increases are for unanticipated expenses within the
original scope of the project. Any cost increases need to result from making modifications to the project that would increase or preserve the overall impact of the
project consistent with its originally approved objectives and purposes. he project and budget periods must be within the currently approved project period for
the existing parent award. The project period of the supplement may not include any anticipated period of no-cost extension of the parent grant. Reference: NIH
Guide, Week Ending December 12, 2014. (kww)
NIMH accepts and reviews applications on a continuous basis until April 1 of each fiscal year. Applications for FY 15 funds should be submitted no later than
April 1, 2015 by 5:00 pm. Applications for FY 16 funds should be submitted no later than April 1, 2016 by 5:00 pm. Applications for FY 17 funds should be
submitted no later than April 1, 2017 by 5:00 pm. This FOA will expire on April 2, 2017.
0.00 not provided
0 year(s)
Eligible applicants are: for-profit or non-profit organizations; public/State-controlled institutions of higher education; private institutions of higher education; units
of State and local governments; units of State and local Tribal government; Hispanic-serving institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs);
Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs); Small Business; eligible agencies of the Federal
government; domestic or foreign institutions/organizations; and faith-based or community-based organizations. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may
be designated on the application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
Core Infrastructure and Methodological Research for Cancer Epidemiology Cohorts
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS
Joanne Elena, Ph.D., M.P.H.
01-Mar-2015; 01-Apr-2015; 08-Jun-2015; 08-Jul-2015; 10-Oct-2015; 10-Nov-2015; 11-Feb-2016; 11-Mar-2016; 08-Jun-2016; 08-Jul-2016; 10-Oct-2016; 10Nov-2016; 10-Feb-2017; 10-Mar-2017
Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Cancer Institute (NCI) invites applications for for targeted infrastructure support of the core functions of Cancer Epidemiology Cohorts
(CECs) and methodological research. Through this FOA, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) will support infrastructure and core functions for existing or new
CECs. This FOA will also lead to support of core functions for CECs currently funded through other grant mechanisms by the Epidemiology and Genomics
Research Program (EGRP) and other components of the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS) at the NCI. This program will use the
NIH U01 Research Project Cooperative Agreements award mechanism.
Indirect Costs
Funding This program will use the NIH U01 Research Project Cooperative Agreements award mechanism. Applications submitted in response to this announcement
must be submitted electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. Applicants may
request up to five years of support for U01 awards with costs appropriately tailored to the proposed work. The total direct costs for any year may not exceed
$2.5 million. Because the nature and scope of the proposed research will vary from application to application, it is anticipated that the size and duration of each
award will also vary. F&A costs requested by consortium participants are not included in the direct cost limitation. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending January
30, 2015. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after February 26, 2015. Optional letters of intent may be submitted thirty
days prior to the application due date. The deadlines for receipt of full applications are: April 1, 2015; July 8, 2015; November 10, 2015; March 11, 2016; July 8,
2016; November 10, 2016; March 10, 2017, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
Funding Limit 2,500,000.00 per year
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Funding Duration 5 year(s)
Eligibility Eligible applicants are: for-profit or non-profit organizations; public/State-controlled institutions of higher education; private institutions of higher education; units
of State and local governments; units of State and local Tribal government; Hispanic-serving institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs);
Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs); Small Business; eligible agencies of the Federal
government; domestic or foreign institutions/organizations; and faith-based or community-based organizations. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may
be designated on the application for projects that require a "team science" approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
RFA-DK-14-027--Consortium for the Study of Chronic Pancreatitis, Diabetes and
Pancreatic Cancer Clinical Centers (CSCPDPC -CCs) (U01)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive
and Kidney Diseases/NIH/DHHS
RFA-DK-14-027 02-Apr-2015 1,350,000 USD
Jose Serrano M.D., Ph.D.
02-Mar-2015; 02-Apr-2015
SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) and National Cancer Institute (NCI) invite applications for the
establishment of a clinical consortium, composed of one Coordination and Data Management Center (CDMC) and up to 9 Clinical Centers (CC), to conduct
studies on chronic pancreatitis (CP) and factors that increase the risk of pancreatic cancer in patients (children and adults) with CP, pancreatogenic (type 3c)
diabetes (T3cDM) and in patients with newly diagnosed diabetes. This program will use the NIH U01 Research Project Cooperative Agreements award
Indirect Costs
Funding This program will use the NIH U01 Research Project Cooperative Agreements award mechanism. Applications submitted in response to this announcement
must be submitted electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. Application
budgets are limited to $270,000 in direct costs per year. Application budgets should reflect the actual needs of the proposed project. The maximum project
period is 5 years. Because the nature and scope of the proposed research will vary from application to application, it is anticipated that the size and duration of
each award will also vary. F&A costs requested by consortium participants are not included in the direct cost limitation. CFDA#s: 93.847, 93.393 and 93.399.
Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending October 17, 2014. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 2, 2015. The deadline for receipt of optional letters of intent is
March 2, 2015. The deadline for receipt of full applications is April 2, 2015, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
Funding Limit 270,000.00 per year
Funding Duration 5 year(s)
Eligibility Eligible applicants are: for-profit or non-profit organizations; public/State-controlled institutions of higher education; private institutions of higher education; units
of State and local governments; units of State and local Tribal government; Hispanic-serving institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs);
Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs); Small Business; eligible agencies of the Federal
government; domestic institutions/organizations; and faith-based or community-based organizations. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be
designated on the application for projects that require a "team science" approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
RFA-DK-14-028--Consortium for the Study of Chronic Pancreatitis, Diabetes and
Pancreatic Cancer Coordination and Data Management Center (CSCPDPC- CDMC)
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive
and Kidney Diseases/NIH/DHHS
RFA-DK-14-028 02-Apr-2015 1,000,000 USD
Contact Name Jose Serrano M.D., Ph.D.
Contact Telephone 301-594-8871
Contact Email js362q@nih.gov
Sponsor Website
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Program URL http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-DK-14-028.html
Deadline Dates (ALL) 02-Mar-2015; 02-Apr-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) and National Cancer Institute (NCI) invite applications for the
establishment of a clinical consortium, composed of one Coordination and Data Management Center (CDMC) and up to 9 Clinical Centers (CC), to conduct
studies on chronic pancreatitis (CP) and factors that increase the risk of pancreatic cancer in patients (children and adults) with CP, pancreatogenic (type 3c)
diabetes (T3cDM) and in patients with newly diagnosed diabetes. This FOA solicits applications for the Coordination and Data Management Center (CDMC).
This program will use the NIH U01 Research Project Cooperative Agreements award mechanism.
Indirect Costs
Funding This program will use the NIH U01 Research Project Cooperative Agreements award mechanism. Applications submitted in response to this announcement
must be submitted electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. Application
budgets are limited to $1.0 million in direct costs, exclusive of F&A costs for consortium and subcontract arrangements. Application budgets should reflect the
actual needs of the proposed project. The maximum project period is 5 years. Because the nature and scope of the proposed research will vary from application
to application, it is anticipated that the size and duration of each award will also vary. F&A costs requested by consortium participants are not included in the
direct cost limitation. CFDA#s: 93.847, 93.393 and 93.399. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending October 17, 2014. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 2, 2015. The deadline for receipt of optional letters of intent is
March 2, 2015. The deadline for receipt of full applications is April 2, 2015, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
Funding Limit 1,000,000.00 maximum
Funding Duration 5 year(s)
Eligibility Eligible applicants are: for-profit or non-profit organizations; public/State-controlled institutions of higher education; private institutions of higher education; units
of State and local governments; units of State and local Tribal government; Hispanic-serving institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs);
Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs); Small Business; eligible agencies of the Federal
government; domestic institutions/organizations; and faith-based or community-based organizations. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be
designated on the application for projects that require a "team science" approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
High Throughput Screening (HTS) to Discover Chemical Probes (R03)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS PAR-13-135
03-Apr-2015 100,000 USD
Yong Yao, PhD
03-Mar-2015; 03-Apr-2015; 06-Jul-2015; 06-Aug-2015; 04-Nov-2015; 04-Dec-2015
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to promote and support discovery and development of new chemical probes as research tools for use by the
research community to advance the understanding of biological functions and disease mechanisms. The announcement encourages partnership between assay
submitters and a funded High Throughput Screening (HTS)/chemical probe discovery facility to conduct the joint research. Through this announcement, NIH
wishes to stimulate research in 1) discovery and development of novel, small molecules for their potential use in studying disease treatment relevant to the
missions of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers, and 2) discovery and/or validation of novel, biological targets that will inform studies of disease
mechanisms. Emphasis will be placed on assays that provide new insight into important disease targets and processes. This program will use the NIH Small
Research Grant (R03) award mechanism.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. Applications submitted in response to this announcement must be submitted
electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. Applicants may request a project
period of up to two years and budget for direct costs of up to $50,000 per year. Because the nature and scope of the proposed research will vary from
application to application, it is anticipated that the size and duration of each award will also vary. F&A costs requested by consortium participants are not
included in the direct cost limitation. CFDA#s:93.242, 93.273, 93.286, 93.865, 93.279. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending March 8, 2013. (kww)
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Sponsor Name
Deadline Notes Optional letters of intent may be submitted thirty days prior to the application due date. The deadlines for receipt of full applications are: April 3, 2015; August 6,
2015; December 4, 2015, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
Funding Limit 50,000.00 per year
Funding Duration 2 year(s)
Eligibility Eligible applicants are: for-profit or non-profit organizations; public/State-controlled institutions of higher education; private institutions of higher education; units
of State and local governments; units of State and local Tribal government; Hispanic-serving institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs);
Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs); Small Business; eligible agencies of the Federal
government; domestic or foreign institutions/organizations; and faith-based or community-based organizations. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may
be designated on the application for projects that require a "team science" approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
RFA-MH-16-220--Novel Assays to Address Translational Gaps in Treatment
Development (UH2/UH3)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS RFA-MH-16-220 03-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Lois Winsky, Ph.D.
03-Mar-2015; 03-Apr-2015
SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) invites applications to identify, optimize, and evaluate measures of neurophysiological processes that
are disrupted within or across mental disorders and which can be assessed in animals and humans. The goal is to support further development of these
measures as assays for evaluating potential new drug and device therapies and their targets. Data will also reveal assay measures where the performance
between preclinical species and humans is dissimilar, thus establishing a firm basis for limiting speculative extrapolations of preclinical findings. Ultimately, the
goal of this FOA is to improve the efficiency of the therapeutic development process by addressing inconsistencies between the preclinical screening pipeline
and clinical evaluation of new treatment candidates and thereby hasten the development of more effective treatments for mental disorders. This FOA will use
the NIH UH2/UH3 Phase Innovation Awards Cooperative Agreement award mechanism.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will use the NIH UH2/UH3 Phase Innovation Awards Cooperative Agreement award mechanism. Applications submitted in response to this
announcement must be submitted electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide.
NIMH intends to commit $1.5 million in FY 2016 to fund 3-4 awards. Application budgets are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed
project. The UH2 period may not exceed 2 years, the UH3 period may not exceed 3 years. The total duration of the UH2 and UH3 phases may not exceed 4
years. Because the nature and scope of the proposed research will vary from application to application, it is anticipated that the size and duration of each award
will also vary. F&A costs requested by consortium participants are not included in the direct cost limitation. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending January 16,
2015. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 3, 2015. The deadline for receipt of optional letters of intent is
March 3, 2015. The deadline for receipt of full applications is April 3, 2015, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
Funding Limit 0.00 not provided
Funding Duration 4 year(s)
Eligibility Eligible applicants are: for-profit or non-profit organizations; public/State-controlled institutions of higher education; private institutions of higher education; units
of State and local governments; units of State and local Tribal government; Hispanic-serving institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs);
Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs); Small Business; eligible agencies of the Federal
government; domestic or foreign institutions/organizations; and faith-based or community-based organizations. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may
be designated on the application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
Advanced Tools and Technologies for Cerebrospinal Fluid Shunts STTR (R41/R42)
National Institute of Neurological Disorders
and Stroke/NIH/DHHS
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
05-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Page 9
Opportunity Title
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Sponsor Name
Stephanie J. Fertig, M.B.A.
05-Aug-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 05-Dec-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Apr-2015; 07-May-2015
The sponsors invite Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant applications from small business concerns (SBCs) for projects to design and develop
advanced tools and technologies for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunts that will lead to improved clinical treatment for patients with hydrocephalus. This FOA will
utilize the STTR (R41/R42) grant mechanisms for Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track applications.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will utilize the STTR (R41/R42) grant mechanisms for Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track applications. Applications submitted in response to this
announcement must be submitted electronically through Grants.gov using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and the SF424 (R&R) SBIR/STTR
Application Guide. For this funding opportunity, total funding support normally may not exceed $150,000 for Phase I awards and $1,000,000 for Phase II
awards. Applicants are encouraged to propose a budget that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the research project. Durations up to 2 years for
Phase I and up to 3 years for Phase II may be requested. Total costs include direct costs, Facilities & Administrative (F&A)/indirect costs, and fee. F&A costs
requested by consortium participants are not included in the direct cost limitation. CFDA#s: 93.853, 93.865. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending June 1, 2012.
Deadline Notes The deadlines for receipt of standard applications under this announcement are: April 5, August 5 and December 5 annually. The deadlines for receipt of AIDSrelated applications are: January 7, May 7, and September 7 annually. This program will expire on May 8, 2015.
Funding Limit 0.00 see detail
Funding Duration 3 year(s)
Eligibility Only United States small business concerns (SBCs) are eligible to submit STTR applications. A small business concern is one that, at the time of award, for
both Phase I and Phase II awards, meets all of the following criteria: is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in the field of operation in which it is
proposing, has a place of business in the United States and operates primarily within the United States or makes a significant contribution to the US economy,
and is organized for profit; is at least fifty-one percent owned and controlled by one or more individuals who are citizens of, or permanent resident aliens in, the
United States; and has, including its affiliates, an average number of employees for the preceding twelve months not exceeding 500. For a STTR application,
the Project Director(PD)/Principal Investigator(PI) may be employed with the SBC or the participating non-profit research institution as long as s/he has a formal
appointment with or commitment to the applicant SBC, which is characterized by an official relationship between the SBC and that individual. More than one
PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be designated on the application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI
model. An eligible cooperative U.S. research organization must be: a nonprofit college or university; or a nonprofit research institution, including nonprofit
medical and surgical hospitals; or a contractor-operated, federally funded research and development center.
Early Stage Development of Technologies in Biomedical Computing, Informatics, and
Big Data Science (R41/R42)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Human Genome Research
05-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Vivien Bonazzi, Ph.D.
05-Apr-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Aug-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Dec-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Apr-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Aug-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Dec-2016; 07Jan-2017; 05-Apr-2017; 07-May-2017
Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH)and its participating Institutes and Centers invite Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant applications
from small business concerns (SBCs) that propose development of a broad base of innovative technologies in biomedical computing, informatics, and Big Data
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Science that will support rapid progress in areas of scientific opportunity in biomedical research. It is expected that this research and development is conducted
in the context of important biomedical and behavioral research problems. As such, applications are intended to develop enabling technologies that could apply
to the interests of most NIH Institutes and Centers and range from basic biomedicine to research in all relevant organ systems and diseases. Major themes of
research include collaborative environments; data integration; analysis and modeling methodologies; and novel computer science and statistical approaches.
New opportunities are also emerging as large and complex data sets are becoming increasingly available to the research community. This FOA will utilize the
R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track applications.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will utilize the R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track applications. Applications submitted
under this announcement must be submitted electronically through Grants.gov using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and the SF424 (R&R)
SBIR/STTR Application Guide. According to statutory guidelines, total funding support (direct costs, indirect costs, fee) normally may not exceed $150,000 for
Phase I awards and $1,000,000 for Phase II awards. With appropriate justification from the applicant, Congress will allow awards to exceed these amounts by
up to 50% ($225,000 for Phase I and $1,500,000 for Phase II). Applications will not be considered for budgets over this. According to statutory guidelines,
award periods normally may not exceed 1 year for Phase I and 2 years for Phase II. Applicants are encouraged to propose a project duration period that is
reasonable and appropriate for completion of the research project. Total costs include direct costs, Facilities & Administrative (F&A)/indirect costs, and fee.
NOTE: Applicants are allowed to request funds for activities involved in depositing data into federated and public repositories in accordance with applicable cost
principles. If there are no such repositories available to the applicant, the requested budget may include costs necessary to make the data publicly available.
Applicants should request budget for data management that is consistent with the scope and scale of the proposed project and within the direct cost limits
included in each FOA when applicable. CFDA#s: 93.859, 93.273, 93.361, 97.853, 93.286, 93.865, , 93.846, 93.172, 93.113, 93.242, 93.879, 93.855, 93.856,
93.279. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending March 14, 2014; NIH Guide, Week Ending August 1, 2014. (kww)
Deadline Notes The deadlines for receipt of standard applications under this announcement are: April 5, August 5 and December 5 annually. The deadlines for receipt of AIDSrelated applications are: January 7, May 7, and September 7 annually. This program will expire on May 8, 2017.
Funding Limit 0.00 see detail
Funding Duration 0
Eligibility Only United States small business concerns (SBCs) are eligible to submit STTR applications. A small business concern is one that, at the time of award, for
both Phase I and Phase II awards, meets all of the following criteria: is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in the field of operation in which it is
proposing, has a place of business in the United States and operates primarily within the United States or makes a significant contribution to the US economy,
and is organized for profit; is at least fifty-one percent owned and controlled by one or more individuals who are citizens of, or permanent resident aliens in, the
United States; and has, including its affiliates, an average number of employees for the preceding twelve months not exceeding 500. For the STTR program, the
PDs/PIs may be employed with the SBC or the single, “partnering” non-profit research institution as long as s/he has a formal appointment with or commitment
to the applicant SBC, which is characterized by an official relationship between the SBC and that individual. An eligible cooperative U.S. research organization
must be: a nonprofit college or university; or a nonprofit research institution, including nonprofit medical and surgical hospitals; or a contractor-operated,
federally funded research and development center.
Development of Appropriate Pediatric Formulations and Pediatric Drug Delivery
Systems (R41)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute of Child Health and Human
05-Apr-2015 225,000 USD
George P. Giacoia, M.D.
05-Dec-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Apr-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Aug-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Dec-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Apr-2016; 07-May-2016; 08-Aug-2016; 07Sep-2016
Synopsis National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) and National
Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) invite applications to address different and complementary research needs for the development of
appropriate pediatric drug formulations in different age groups. This FOA also encourages the development and testing of novel drug delivery systems in the
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
pediatric population. The goal of this FOA is not to duplicate or compete with the private sector but to complement and accelerate the development of
appropriate pediatric drugs formulations and drug delivery systems. This FOA will use the NIH R41 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will use the NIH R41 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I only. Applications submitted under this announcement must be
submitted electronically through Grants.gov using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and the SF424 (R&R) SBIR/STTR Application Guide.
According to statutory guidelines, total funding support (direct costs, indirect costs, fee) normally may not exceed $150,000 for Phase I awards. With appropriate
justification from the applicant, Congress will allow awards to exceed these amounts by up to 50% ($225,000 for Phase I. According to statutory guidelines,
award periods normally may not exceed 6 months for Phase I. CFDA#: 93.865, 93.350, 93.173. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending September 6, 2013. (kww)
Deadline Notes Optional letters of intent may be submitted thirty days prior to the application due date(s). The deadlines for receipt of standard R43 applications under this
announcement are: April 5, August 5 and December 5 annually. The deadlines for receipt of AIDS-related applications are: January 7, May 7, and September 7
annually. This program will expire on September 8, 2016.
Funding Limit 225,000.00 maximum
Funding Duration 6 month(s)
Eligibility Only United States small business concerns (SBCs) are eligible to submit STTR applications. A small business concern is one that, at the time of award, for
both Phase I and Phase II awards, meets all of the following criteria: is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in the field of operation in which it is
proposing, has a place of business in the United States and operates primarily within the United States or makes a significant contribution to the US economy,
and is organized for profit; is at least fifty-one percent owned and controlled by one or more individuals who are citizens of, or permanent resident aliens in, the
United States; and has, including its affiliates, an average number of employees for the preceding twelve months not exceeding 500. For the STTR program, the
PDs/PIs may be employed with the SBC or the single, “partnering” non-profit research institution as long as s/he has a formal appointment with or commitment
to the applicant SBC, which is characterized by an official relationship between the SBC and that individual. An eligible cooperative U.S. research organization
must be: a nonprofit college or university; or a nonprofit research institution, including nonprofit medical and surgical hospitals; or a contractor-operated,
federally funded research and development center.
NINDS Exploratory Clinical Trials for Small Business (STTR [R42])
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute of Neurological Disorders
and Stroke/NIH/DHHS
05-Apr-2015 750,000 USD
Stephanie Fertig
05-Dec-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Apr-2015; 07-May-2015
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) invites applications for Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) from small business
concerns (SBCs) for exploratory clinical trials to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). The trials must focus on products related to
the mission and goals of the NINDS and may evaluate drugs, biologics, devices, or diagnostics as well as surgical, behavioral or rehabilitation therapies. Only
Phase II and Fast-Track applications are supported under this program. Phase I applications are only accepted as part of a Fast-track application. This FOA will
utilize the NIH R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase II and Fast-Track applications are supported under this program. Phase I
applications are only accepted as part of a Fast-track application.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will utilize the R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - - Phase II and Fast-Track only. Phase I applications are only accepted as
part of a Fast-track application. Applications submitted under this announcement must be submitted electronically through Grants.gov using the SF424
Research and Related (R&R) forms and the SF424 (R&R) SBIR/STTR Application Guide. According to statutory guidelines, total funding support normally may
not exceed $100,000 for Phase I awards and $750,000 for Phase II awards. Applicants are encouraged to propose a budget that is reasonable and appropriate
for completion of the research project. Durations up to 2 years for Phase I and up to 3 years for Phase II may be requested. Applicants are encouraged to
propose a project duration period that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the research project. Total costs include direct costs, Facilities &
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Opportunity Title
Deadline Notes
Funding Limit
Funding Duration
Sponsor Name
Administrative (F&A)/indirect costs, and fee. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending January 13, 2012; NIH Guide, Week Ending September 19, 2014. (kww)
Optional letters of intent should be submitted one month prior to the application deadline date. The deadlines for receipt of standard applications under this
announcement are: April 5, August 5 and December 5 annually. The deadlines for receipt of AIDS-related applications are: January 7, May 7, and September 7
annually. This program will expire on May 8, 2015.
750,000.00 maximum
3 year(s)
Only United States small business concerns (SBCs) are eligible to submit STTR applications. A small business concern is one that, at the time of award, for
both Phase I and Phase II awards, meets all of the following criteria: is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in the field of operation in which it is
proposing, has a place of business in the United States and operates primarily within the United States or makes a significant contribution to the US economy,
and is organized for profit; is at least fifty-one percent owned and controlled by one or more individuals who are citizens of, or permanent resident aliens in, the
United States; and has, including its affiliates, an average number of employees for the preceding twelve months not exceeding 500. For the STTR program, the
PDs/PIs may be employed with the SBC or the single, “partnering” non-profit research institution as long as s/he has a formal appointment with or commitment
to the applicant SBC, which is characterized by an official relationship between the SBC and that individual. An eligible cooperative U.S. research organization
must be: a nonprofit college or university; or a nonprofit research institution, including nonprofit medical and surgical hospitals; or a contractor-operated,
federally funded research and development center.
Improved Biomaterials for Urinary and Dialysis Catheters (STTR) (R41/R42)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive
and Kidney Diseases/NIH/DHHS
05-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Michael Flessner, MD, PhD
05-Dec-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Apr-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Aug-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Dec-2015; 07-Jan-2016
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) invites applications for Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant
applications from small business concerns (SBCs) for research and development of biomaterials that reduce or eliminate the adherence of cells and microorganisms and the systemic and local inflammatory response to indwelling catheters used for dialysis or urinary drainage (e.g., intravenous, intraperitoneal, or
intravesicular). This FOA will utilize the R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track applications.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will utilize the R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track applications. Applications submitted
under this announcement must be submitted electronically through Grants.gov using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and the SF424 (R&R)
SBIR/STTR Application Guide. According to statutory guidelines, total funding support normally may not exceed $100,000 for Phase I awards and $750,000 for
Phase II awards. Applicants are encouraged to propose a budget that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the research project. According to
statutory guidelines, award periods normally may not exceed 1 year for Phase I and 2 years for Phase II. Applicants are encouraged to propose a project
duration period that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the research project. Total costs include direct costs, Facilities & Administrative
(F&A)/indirect costs, and fee. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending December 21, 2012. (kww)
Deadline Notes The deadlines for receipt of standard applications under this announcement are: April 5, August 5 and December 5 annually. The deadlines for receipt of AIDSrelated applications are: January 7, May 7, and September 7 annually. This program will expire on January 8, 2016.
Funding Limit 0.00 see detail
Funding Duration 0
Eligibility Only United States small business concerns (SBCs) are eligible to submit STTR applications. A small business concern is one that, at the time of award, for
both Phase I and Phase II awards, meets all of the following criteria: is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in the field of operation in which it is
proposing, has a place of business in the United States and operates primarily within the United States or makes a significant contribution to the US economy,
and is organized for profit; is at least fifty-one percent owned and controlled by one or more individuals who are citizens of, or permanent resident aliens in, the
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
United States; and has, including its affiliates, an average number of employees for the preceding twelve months not exceeding 500. For the STTR program, the
PDs/PIs may be employed with the SBC or the single, “partnering” non-profit research institution as long as s/he has a formal appointment with or commitment
to the applicant SBC, which is characterized by an official relationship between the SBC and that individual. An eligible cooperative U.S. research organization
must be: a nonprofit college or university; or a nonprofit research institution, including nonprofit medical and surgical hospitals; or a contractor-operated,
federally funded research and development center.
Technological Improvements to Data Collection in NIDDK Kidney and Urology Clinical National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive
Studies (SBIR) (R41/R42)
and Kidney Diseases/NIH/DHHS
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
05-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Michael Flessner, MD, PhD
05-Dec-2014; 05-Apr-2015; 05-Aug-2015; 05-Dec-2015
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) invites applications for Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant
applications from small business concerns (SBCs) for research and development of devices, software, or technology that will optimize data collection for NIDDK
clinical studies. This FOA will utilize the R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant for Phase I, and Phase II applications.
Indirect Costs
Funding According to statutory guidelines, total funding support (direct costs, indirect costs, fee) normally may not exceed $150,000 for Phase I awards and $1,000,000
for Phase II awards. With appropriate justification from the applicant, Congress will allow awards to exceed these amounts by up to 50% ($225,000 for Phase I
and $1,500,000 for Phase II). As written in the statute and under appropriate circumstances, NIH can apply for a waiver from SBA to issue an award exceeding
$225,000 for Phase I or $1,500,000 for Phase II, if this cap will interfere with NIH‘s ability to meet its mission. According to statutory guidelines, award periods
normally may not exceed 1 year for Phase I and 2 years for Phase II. Applicants are encouraged to propose a project duration period that is reasonable and
appropriate for completion of the research project. Total costs include direct costs, Facilities & Administrative (F&A)/indirect costs, and fee. Reference: NIH
Guide, Week Ending December 21, 2012; NIH Guide, Week Ending February 22, 2013. (kww)
Deadline Notes The deadlines for receipt of standard applications under this announcement are: April 5, August 5 and December 5 annually. This program will expire on
January 8, 2016.
Funding Limit 0.00 see detail
Funding Duration 0
Eligibility Only United States small business concerns (SBCs) are eligible to submit STTR applications. A small business concern is one that, at the time of award, for
both Phase I and Phase II awards, meets all of the following criteria: is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in the field of operation in which it is
proposing, has a place of business in the United States and operates primarily within the United States or makes a significant contribution to the US economy,
and is organized for profit; is at least fifty-one percent owned and controlled by one or more individuals who are citizens of, or permanent resident aliens in, the
United States; and has, including its affiliates, an average number of employees for the preceding twelve months not exceeding 500. For the STTR program, the
PDs/PIs may be employed with the SBC or the single, “partnering” non-profit research institution as long as s/he has a formal appointment with or commitment
to the applicant SBC, which is characterized by an official relationship between the SBC and that individual. An eligible cooperative U.S. research organization
must be: a nonprofit college or university; or a nonprofit research institution, including nonprofit medical and surgical hospitals; or a contractor-operated,
federally funded research and development center.
Safe and Effective Instruments and Devices for Use in Neonatal and Pediatric Care
Settings (R41/R42)
National Institute of Child Health and Human
05-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Contact Name Tonse N. K. Raju, MD, DCH
Contact Telephone 301-402-1872
Contact Email rajut@mail.nih.gov
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
Page 14
Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Website
Program URL http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-091.html
Deadline Dates (ALL) 05-Aug-2014; 05-Dec-2014; 05-Apr-2015; 05-Aug-2015; 05-Dec-2015; 05-Apr-2016
Synopsis NICHD, NHLBI, NIMH and NINDS invite Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant applications from small business concerns (SBCs) to propose
research to develop new devices and instruments, and/or improve existing devices and instruments, to monitor and treat newborn infants and small children
safely and efficaciously. This FOA will utilize the (R41/R42) Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) (R41/R42) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will utilize the R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track applications. Applications submitted
under this announcement must be submitted electronically through Grants.gov using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and the SF424 (R&R)
SBIR/STTR Application Guide. According to statutory guidelines, total funding support (direct costs, indirect costs, fee) normally may not exceed $150,000 for
Phase I awards and $1,000,000 for Phase II awards. With appropriate justification from the applicant, Congress will allow awards to exceed these amounts by
up to 50% ($225,000 for Phase I and $1,500,000 for Phase II, a hard cap). According to statutory guidelines, award periods normally may not exceed 1 year for
Phase I and 2 years for Phase II. Applicants are encouraged to propose a project duration period that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the
research project. Total costs include direct costs, Facilities & Administrative (F&A)/indirect costs, and fee. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending January 25,
2013. (kww)
Deadline Notes Optional letters of intent should be submitted thirty days before the application due date. The deadlines for receipt of standard applications under this
announcement are: April 5, August 5 and December 5 annually. This program will expire on May 8, 2016.
Funding Limit 0.00 see detail
Funding Duration 2 year(s)
Eligibility Only United States small business concerns (SBCs) are eligible to submit STTR applications. A small business concern is one that, at the time of award, for
both Phase I and Phase II awards, meets all of the following criteria: is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in the field of operation in which it is
proposing, has a place of business in the United States and operates primarily within the United States or makes a significant contribution to the US economy,
and is organized for profit; is at least fifty-one percent owned and controlled by one or more individuals who are citizens of, or permanent resident aliens in, the
United States; and has, including its affiliates, an average number of employees for the preceding twelve months not exceeding 500. For the STTR program, the
PDs/PIs may be employed with the SBC or the single, “partnering” non-profit research institution as long as s/he has a formal appointment with or commitment
to the applicant SBC, which is characterized by an official relationship between the SBC and that individual. An eligible cooperative U.S. research organization
must be: a nonprofit college or university; or a nonprofit research institution, including nonprofit medical and surgical hospitals; or a contractor-operated,
federally funded research and development center.
Small Business Technology Transfer Research (STTR) to Develop New Diagnostic,
Monitoring and Therapeutics Technologies for the Complications of Type 1 Diabetes
(T1D) [STTR (R41/R42)]
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive
and Kidney Diseases/NIH/DHHS
05-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Guillermo Arreaza-Rubin, M.D.
05-Aug-2014; 05-Dec-2014; 05-Apr-2015; 05-Aug-2015; 05-Dec-2015; 05-Apr-2016; 05-Aug-2016; 05-Dec-2016
SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) invites applications for Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) from
small business concerns in partnership with scientific/academic centers that may lead to the development of novel technologies for the early diagnosis,
monitoring and treatment of micro and macro vascular complications of diabetes which are associated with significant morbidity and mortality of the disease and
high costs to the health care system. This FOA will utilize the R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will utilize the R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track applications. Applications submitted
under this announcement must be submitted electronically through Grants.gov using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and the SF424 (R&R)
SBIR/STTR Application Guide. According to statutory guidelines, total funding support (direct costs, indirect costs, fee) normally may not exceed $150,000 for
Phase I awards and $1,000,000 for Phase II awards. With appropriate justification from the applicant, Congress will allow awards to exceed these amounts by
up to 50% ($225,000 for Phase I and $1,500,000 for Phase II). According to statutory guidelines, award periods normally may not exceed 1 year for Phase I and
2 years for Phase II. Applicants are encouraged to propose a project duration period that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the research project.
Total costs include direct costs, Facilities & Administrative (F&A)/indirect costs, and fee. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending January 3, 2014; NIH Guide,
Week Ending July 11, 2014. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 5, 2014. The deadlines for receipt of standard applications
under this announcement are: April 5, August 5 and December 5 annually. This program will expire on January 8, 2017.
Funding Limit 0.00 see detail
Funding Duration 0
Eligibility Only United States small business concerns (SBCs) are eligible to submit STTR applications. A small business concern is one that, at the time of award, for
both Phase I and Phase II awards, meets all of the following criteria: is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in the field of operation in which it is
proposing, has a place of business in the United States and operates primarily within the United States or makes a significant contribution to the US economy,
and is organized for profit; is at least fifty-one percent owned and controlled by one or more individuals who are citizens of, or permanent resident aliens in, the
United States; and has, including its affiliates, an average number of employees for the preceding twelve months not exceeding 500. For the STTR program, the
PDs/PIs may be employed with the SBC or the single, “partnering” non-profit research institution as long as s/he has a formal appointment with or commitment
to the applicant SBC, which is characterized by an official relationship between the SBC and that individual. An eligible cooperative U.S. research organization
must be: a nonprofit college or university; or a nonprofit research institution, including nonprofit medical and surgical hospitals; or a contractor-operated,
federally funded research and development center.
Small Business Technology Transfer Program - Grant
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS
05-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Dr. Michael-David A.R.R. Kerns
07-Jan-2015; 05-Apr-2015; 07-May-2015
SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Aging (NIA) invites eligible United States small business concerns (SBCs) to submit Small Business Technology Transfer
(STTR) grant applications. United States SBCs that have the research capabilities and technological expertise to contribute to the R&D mission(s) of the NIH,
CDC, FDA or ACF awarding components identified in this FOA are encouraged to submit SBIR grant applications in response to identified topics (see:
http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/sbirsttr1/2014-2_SBIR-STTR-topics.pdf). This FOA will utilize the NIH R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR)
Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award mechanisms.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will utilize the NIH R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award mechanisms. According to
statutory guidelines, total funding support (direct costs, indirect costs, fee) normally may not exceed $150,000 for Phase I awards and $1,000,000 for Phase II
awards. With appropriate justification from the applicant, Congress will allow awards to exceed these amounts by up to 50% ($225,000 for Phase I and
$1,500,000 for Phase II, a hard cap). NIH has received a limited waiver from SBA, as authorized by the statute, to exceed the hard cap for specific topics that
can be found here. Due to the nature of the waiver, some NIH Institutes and Centers generally will not consider applications with budgets over $225,000 for
Phase I and $1,500,000 for Phase II. Please refer to the appropriate Institute’s or Center’s topic section to determine whether they will consider applications
above these amounts. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact NIH program officials prior to submitting any application in excess of the hard cap
($225,000 for Phase I and $1,500,000 for Phase II). In all cases, applicants should propose a budget that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the
research project. According to statutory guidelines, award periods normally may not exceed 1 year for Phase I and 2 years for Phase II. Applicants are
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
Page 16
Opportunity Title
Deadline Notes
Funding Limit
Funding Duration
encouraged to propose a project duration period that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the research project. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending
January 17, 2014; NIH Guide, Week Ending December 19, 2014. (kww)
Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 5, 2014. The deadlines for receipt of standard applications
under this announcement are: April 5, August 5 and December 5 annually. The deadlines for receipt of AIDS-related applications are: January 7, May 7, and
September 7 annually. This program will expire on May 8, 2015.
0.00 see detail
Only United States small business concerns (SBCs) are eligible to submit STTR applications. A small business concern is one that, at the time of award, for
both Phase I and Phase II awards, meets all of the following criteria: is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in the field of operation in which it is
proposing, has a place of business in the United States and operates primarily within the United States or makes a significant contribution to the US economy,
and is organized for profit; is at least fifty-one percent owned and controlled by one or more individuals who are citizens of, or permanent resident aliens in, the
United States; and has, including its affiliates, an average number of employees for the preceding twelve months not exceeding 500. For a STTR application,
the Project Director(PD)/Principal Investigator(PI) may be employed with the SBC or the participating non-profit research institution as long as s/he has a formal
appointment with or commitment to the applicant SBC, which is characterized by an official relationship between the SBC and that individual. An eligible
cooperative U.S. research organization must be: a nonprofit college or university; or a nonprofit research institution, including nonprofit medical and surgical
hospitals; or a contractor-operated, federally funded research and development center. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be designated on the
application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
Small Business Technology Transfer Program - Grant
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Sponsor Name
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and
05-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Kathy Jung, Ph.D.
07-Jan-2015; 05-Apr-2015; 07-May-2015
SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) invites eligible United States small business concerns (SBCs) to submit Small
Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant applications. United States SBCs that have the research capabilities and technological expertise to contribute to
the R&D mission(s) of the NIH, CDC, FDA or ACF awarding components identified in this FOA are encouraged to submit SBIR grant applications in response to
identified topics (see: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/sbirsttr1/2014-2_SBIR-STTR-topics.pdf). This FOA will utilize the NIH R41/R42 Small Business
Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award mechanisms.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will utilize the NIH R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award mechanisms. According to
statutory guidelines, total funding support (direct costs, indirect costs, fee) normally may not exceed $150,000 for Phase I awards and $1,000,000 for Phase II
awards. With appropriate justification from the applicant, Congress will allow awards to exceed these amounts by up to 50% ($225,000 for Phase I and
$1,500,000 for Phase II, a hard cap). NIH has received a limited waiver from SBA, as authorized by the statute, to exceed the hard cap for specific topics that
can be found here. Due to the nature of the waiver, some NIH Institutes and Centers generally will not consider applications with budgets over $225,000 for
Phase I and $1,500,000 for Phase II. Please refer to the appropriate Institute’s or Center’s topic section to determine whether they will consider applications
above these amounts. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact NIH program officials prior to submitting any application in excess of the hard cap
($225,000 for Phase I and $1,500,000 for Phase II). In all cases, applicants should propose a budget that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the
research project. According to statutory guidelines, award periods normally may not exceed 1 year for Phase I and 2 years for Phase II. Applicants are
encouraged to propose a project duration period that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the research project. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending
January 17, 2014; NIH Guide, Week Ending December 19, 2014. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 5, 2014. The deadlines for receipt of standard applications
under this announcement are: April 5, August 5 and December 5 annually. The deadlines for receipt of AIDS-related applications are: January 7, May 7, and
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
Page 17
Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
September 7 annually. This program will expire on May 8, 2015.
Funding Limit 0.00 see detail
Funding Duration 0
Eligibility Only United States small business concerns (SBCs) are eligible to submit STTR applications. A small business concern is one that, at the time of award, for
both Phase I and Phase II awards, meets all of the following criteria: is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in the field of operation in which it is
proposing, has a place of business in the United States and operates primarily within the United States or makes a significant contribution to the US economy,
and is organized for profit; is at least fifty-one percent owned and controlled by one or more individuals who are citizens of, or permanent resident aliens in, the
United States; and has, including its affiliates, an average number of employees for the preceding twelve months not exceeding 500. For a STTR application,
the Project Director(PD)/Principal Investigator(PI) may be employed with the SBC or the participating non-profit research institution as long as s/he has a formal
appointment with or commitment to the applicant SBC, which is characterized by an official relationship between the SBC and that individual. An eligible
cooperative U.S. research organization must be: a nonprofit college or university; or a nonprofit research institution, including nonprofit medical and surgical
hospitals; or a contractor-operated, federally funded research and development center. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be designated on the
application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
Small Business Technology Transfer Program - Grant
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and
05-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Todd Merchak
07-Jan-2015; 05-Apr-2015; 07-May-2015
SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) invites eligible United States small business concerns (SBCs) to submit Small
Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant applications for research and development of new biomedical imaging and bioengineering techniques and devices
to fundamentally improve the detection, treatment, and prevention of disease; enhancing existing imaging and bioengineering modalities; supporting related
research in the physical and mathematical sciences; encouraging research and development in multidisciplinary areas; supporting studies to assess the
effectiveness and outcomes of new biologics, materials, processes, devices, and procedures; developing technologies for early disease detection and
assessment of health status; and developing advanced imaging and engineering techniques for conducting biomedical research at multiple scales. United
States SBCs that have the research capabilities and technological expertise to contribute to the R&D mission(s) of the NIH, CDC, FDA or ACF awarding
components identified in this FOA are encouraged to submit SBIR grant applications in response to identified topics (see:
http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/sbirsttr1/2014-2_SBIR-STTR-topics.pdf). This FOA will utilize the NIH R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR)
Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award mechanisms.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will utilize the NIH R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award mechanisms. According to
statutory guidelines, total funding support (direct costs, indirect costs, fee) normally may not exceed $150,000 for Phase I awards and $1,000,000 for Phase II
awards. With appropriate justification from the applicant, Congress will allow awards to exceed these amounts by up to 50% ($225,000 for Phase I and
$1,500,000 for Phase II, a hard cap). NIH has received a limited waiver from SBA, as authorized by the statute, to exceed the hard cap for specific topics that
can be found here. Due to the nature of the waiver, some NIH Institutes and Centers generally will not consider applications with budgets over $225,000 for
Phase I and $1,500,000 for Phase II. Please refer to the appropriate Institute’s or Center’s topic section to determine whether they will consider applications
above these amounts. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact NIH program officials prior to submitting any application in excess of the hard cap
($225,000 for Phase I and $1,500,000 for Phase II). In all cases, applicants should propose a budget that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the
research project. According to statutory guidelines, award periods normally may not exceed 1 year for Phase I and 2 years for Phase II. Applicants are
encouraged to propose a project duration period that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the research project. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending
January 17, 2014; NIH Guide, Week Ending December 19, 2014. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 5, 2014. The deadlines for receipt of standard applications
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
Page 18
Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
under this announcement are: April 5, August 5 and December 5 annually. The deadlines for receipt of AIDS-related applications are: January 7, May 7, and
September 7 annually. This program will expire on May 8, 2015.
Funding Limit 0.00 see detail
Funding Duration 0
Eligibility Only United States small business concerns (SBCs) are eligible to submit STTR applications. A small business concern is one that, at the time of award, for
both Phase I and Phase II awards, meets all of the following criteria: is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in the field of operation in which it is
proposing, has a place of business in the United States and operates primarily within the United States or makes a significant contribution to the US economy,
and is organized for profit; is at least fifty-one percent owned and controlled by one or more individuals who are citizens of, or permanent resident aliens in, the
United States; and has, including its affiliates, an average number of employees for the preceding twelve months not exceeding 500. For a STTR application,
the Project Director(PD)/Principal Investigator(PI) may be employed with the SBC or the participating non-profit research institution as long as s/he has a formal
appointment with or commitment to the applicant SBC, which is characterized by an official relationship between the SBC and that individual. An eligible
cooperative U.S. research organization must be: a nonprofit college or university; or a nonprofit research institution, including nonprofit medical and surgical
hospitals; or a contractor-operated, federally funded research and development center. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be designated on the
application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
Small Business Technology Transfer Program - Grant
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS
05-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Michael Weingarten
07-Jan-2015; 05-Apr-2015; 07-May-2015
SYNOPSIS: National Cancer Institute (NCI) invites eligible United States small business concerns (SBCs) to submit Small Business Technology Transfer
(STTR) grant applications. United States SBCs that have the research capabilities and technological expertise to contribute to the R&D mission(s) of the NIH,
CDC, FDA or ACF awarding components identified in this FOA are encouraged to submit SBIR grant applications in response to identified topics (see:
http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/sbirsttr1/2014-2_SBIR-STTR-topics.pdf). This FOA will utilize the NIH R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR)
Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award mechanisms.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will utilize the NIH R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award mechanisms. According to
statutory guidelines, total funding support (direct costs, indirect costs, fee) normally may not exceed $150,000 for Phase I awards and $1,000,000 for Phase II
awards. With appropriate justification from the applicant, Congress will allow awards to exceed these amounts by up to 50% ($225,000 for Phase I and
$1,500,000 for Phase II, a hard cap). NIH has received a limited waiver from SBA, as authorized by the statute, to exceed the hard cap for specific topics that
can be found here. Due to the nature of the waiver, some NIH Institutes and Centers generally will not consider applications with budgets over $225,000 for
Phase I and $1,500,000 for Phase II. Please refer to the appropriate Institute’s or Center’s topic section to determine whether they will consider applications
above these amounts. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact NIH program officials prior to submitting any application in excess of the hard cap
($225,000 for Phase I and $1,500,000 for Phase II). In all cases, applicants should propose a budget that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the
research project. According to statutory guidelines, award periods normally may not exceed 1 year for Phase I and 2 years for Phase II. Applicants are
encouraged to propose a project duration period that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the research project. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending
January 17, 2014; NIH Guide, Week Ending December 19, 2014. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 5, 2014. The deadlines for receipt of standard applications
under this announcement are: April 5, August 5 and December 5 annually. The deadlines for receipt of AIDS-related applications are: January 7, May 7, and
September 7 annually. This program will expire on May 8, 2015.
Funding Limit 0.00 see detail
Funding Duration 0
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
Page 19
Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Eligibility Only United States small business concerns (SBCs) are eligible to submit STTR applications. A small business concern is one that, at the time of award, for
both Phase I and Phase II awards, meets all of the following criteria: is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in the field of operation in which it is
proposing, has a place of business in the United States and operates primarily within the United States or makes a significant contribution to the US economy,
and is organized for profit; is at least fifty-one percent owned and controlled by one or more individuals who are citizens of, or permanent resident aliens in, the
United States; and has, including its affiliates, an average number of employees for the preceding twelve months not exceeding 500. For a STTR application,
the Project Director(PD)/Principal Investigator(PI) may be employed with the SBC or the participating non-profit research institution as long as s/he has a formal
appointment with or commitment to the applicant SBC, which is characterized by an official relationship between the SBC and that individual. An eligible
cooperative U.S. research organization must be: a nonprofit college or university; or a nonprofit research institution, including nonprofit medical and surgical
hospitals; or a contractor-operated, federally funded research and development center. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be designated on the
application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
Small Business Technology Transfer Program - Grant
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute of Child Health and Human
05-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Dr. Louis A. Quatrano, Program Director
07-Jan-2015; 05-Apr-2015; 07-May-2015
SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) invites eligible United States small business concerns (SBCs) to submit Small
Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant applications. United States SBCs that have the research capabilities and technological expertise to contribute to
the R&D mission(s) of the NIH, CDC, FDA or ACF awarding components identified in this FOA are encouraged to submit SBIR grant applications in response to
identified topics (see: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/sbirsttr1/2014-2_SBIR-STTR-topics.pdf). This FOA will utilize the NIH R41/R42 Small Business
Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award mechanisms.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will utilize the NIH R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award mechanisms. According to
statutory guidelines, total funding support (direct costs, indirect costs, fee) normally may not exceed $150,000 for Phase I awards and $1,000,000 for Phase II
awards. With appropriate justification from the applicant, Congress will allow awards to exceed these amounts by up to 50% ($225,000 for Phase I and
$1,500,000 for Phase II, a hard cap). NIH has received a limited waiver from SBA, as authorized by the statute, to exceed the hard cap for specific topics that
can be found here. Due to the nature of the waiver, some NIH Institutes and Centers generally will not consider applications with budgets over $225,000 for
Phase I and $1,500,000 for Phase II. Please refer to the appropriate Institute’s or Center’s topic section to determine whether they will consider applications
above these amounts. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact NIH program officials prior to submitting any application in excess of the hard cap
($225,000 for Phase I and $1,500,000 for Phase II). In all cases, applicants should propose a budget that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the
research project. According to statutory guidelines, award periods normally may not exceed 1 year for Phase I and 2 years for Phase II. Applicants are
encouraged to propose a project duration period that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the research project. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending
January 17, 2014; NIH Guide, Week Ending December 19, 2014. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 5, 2014. The deadlines for receipt of standard applications
under this announcement are: April 5, August 5 and December 5 annually. The deadlines for receipt of AIDS-related applications are: January 7, May 7, and
September 7 annually. This program will expire on May 8, 2015.
Funding Limit 0.00 see detail
Funding Duration 0
Eligibility Only United States small business concerns (SBCs) are eligible to submit STTR applications. A small business concern is one that, at the time of award, for
both Phase I and Phase II awards, meets all of the following criteria: is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in the field of operation in which it is
proposing, has a place of business in the United States and operates primarily within the United States or makes a significant contribution to the US economy,
and is organized for profit; is at least fifty-one percent owned and controlled by one or more individuals who are citizens of, or permanent resident aliens in, the
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
Page 20
Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
United States; and has, including its affiliates, an average number of employees for the preceding twelve months not exceeding 500. For a STTR application,
the Project Director(PD)/Principal Investigator(PI) may be employed with the SBC or the participating non-profit research institution as long as s/he has a formal
appointment with or commitment to the applicant SBC, which is characterized by an official relationship between the SBC and that individual. An eligible
cooperative U.S. research organization must be: a nonprofit college or university; or a nonprofit research institution, including nonprofit medical and surgical
hospitals; or a contractor-operated, federally funded research and development center. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be designated on the
application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
Small Business Technology Transfer Program - Grant
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute on Deafness & Other
Communication Disorders/NIH/DHHS
05-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Dr. Roger Miller, Program Director
07-Jan-2015; 05-Apr-2015; 07-May-2015
SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Deafness & Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) invites eligible United States small business concerns (SBCs) to submit
Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant applications for research on the normal mechanisms of, as well as on diseases and disorders of hearing,
balance, smell, taste, voice, speech and language. United States SBCs that have the research capabilities and technological expertise to contribute to the R&D
mission(s) of the NIH, CDC, FDA or ACF awarding components identified in this FOA are encouraged to submit SBIR grant applications in response to identified
topics (see: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/sbirsttr1/2014-2_SBIR-STTR-topics.pdf). This FOA will utilize the NIH R41/R42 Small Business Technology
Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award mechanisms.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will utilize the NIH R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award mechanisms. According to
statutory guidelines, total funding support (direct costs, indirect costs, fee) normally may not exceed $150,000 for Phase I awards and $1,000,000 for Phase II
awards. With appropriate justification from the applicant, Congress will allow awards to exceed these amounts by up to 50% ($225,000 for Phase I and
$1,500,000 for Phase II, a hard cap). NIH has received a limited waiver from SBA, as authorized by the statute, to exceed the hard cap for specific topics that
can be found here. Due to the nature of the waiver, some NIH Institutes and Centers generally will not consider applications with budgets over $225,000 for
Phase I and $1,500,000 for Phase II. Please refer to the appropriate Institute’s or Center’s topic section to determine whether they will consider applications
above these amounts. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact NIH program officials prior to submitting any application in excess of the hard cap
($225,000 for Phase I and $1,500,000 for Phase II). In all cases, applicants should propose a budget that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the
research project. According to statutory guidelines, award periods normally may not exceed 1 year for Phase I and 2 years for Phase II. Applicants are
encouraged to propose a project duration period that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the research project. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending
January 17, 2014; NIH Guide, Week Ending December 19, 2014. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 5, 2014. The deadlines for receipt of standard applications
under this announcement are: April 5, August 5 and December 5 annually. The deadlines for receipt of AIDS-related applications are: January 7, May 7, and
September 7 annually. This program will expire on May 8, 2015.
Funding Limit 0.00 see detail
Funding Duration 0
Eligibility Only United States small business concerns (SBCs) are eligible to submit STTR applications. A small business concern is one that, at the time of award, for
both Phase I and Phase II awards, meets all of the following criteria: is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in the field of operation in which it is
proposing, has a place of business in the United States and operates primarily within the United States or makes a significant contribution to the US economy,
and is organized for profit; is at least fifty-one percent owned and controlled by one or more individuals who are citizens of, or permanent resident aliens in, the
United States; and has, including its affiliates, an average number of employees for the preceding twelve months not exceeding 500. For a STTR application,
the Project Director(PD)/Principal Investigator(PI) may be employed with the SBC or the participating non-profit research institution as long as s/he has a formal
appointment with or commitment to the applicant SBC, which is characterized by an official relationship between the SBC and that individual. An eligible
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
cooperative U.S. research organization must be: a nonprofit college or university; or a nonprofit research institution, including nonprofit medical and surgical
hospitals; or a contractor-operated, federally funded research and development center. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be designated on the
application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
Small Business Technology Transfer Program - Grant
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial
05-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Dr. R. Dwayne Lunsford, Coordinator
07-Jan-2015; 05-Apr-2015; 07-May-2015
SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) invites eligible United States small business concerns (SBCs) to submit Small
Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant applications for research on the etiology, pathogenesis, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of oral, craniofacial
and dental diseases and conditions. United States SBCs that have the research capabilities and technological expertise to contribute to the R&D mission(s) of
the NIH, CDC, FDA or ACF awarding components identified in this FOA are encouraged to submit SBIR grant applications in response to identified topics (see:
http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/sbirsttr1/2014-2_SBIR-STTR-topics.pdf). This FOA will utilize the NIH R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR)
Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award mechanisms.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will utilize the NIH R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award mechanisms. According to
statutory guidelines, total funding support (direct costs, indirect costs, fee) normally may not exceed $150,000 for Phase I awards and $1,000,000 for Phase II
awards. With appropriate justification from the applicant, Congress will allow awards to exceed these amounts by up to 50% ($225,000 for Phase I and
$1,500,000 for Phase II, a hard cap). NIH has received a limited waiver from SBA, as authorized by the statute, to exceed the hard cap for specific topics that
can be found here. Due to the nature of the waiver, some NIH Institutes and Centers generally will not consider applications with budgets over $225,000 for
Phase I and $1,500,000 for Phase II. Please refer to the appropriate Institute’s or Center’s topic section to determine whether they will consider applications
above these amounts. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact NIH program officials prior to submitting any application in excess of the hard cap
($225,000 for Phase I and $1,500,000 for Phase II). In all cases, applicants should propose a budget that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the
research project. According to statutory guidelines, award periods normally may not exceed 1 year for Phase I and 2 years for Phase II. Applicants are
encouraged to propose a project duration period that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the research project. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending
January 17, 2014; NIH Guide, Week Ending December 19, 2014. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 5, 2014. The deadlines for receipt of standard applications
under this announcement are: April 5, August 5 and December 5 annually. The deadlines for receipt of AIDS-related applications are: January 7, May 7, and
September 7 annually. This program will expire on May 8, 2015.
Funding Limit 0.00 see detail
Funding Duration 0
Eligibility Only United States small business concerns (SBCs) are eligible to submit STTR applications. A small business concern is one that, at the time of award, for
both Phase I and Phase II awards, meets all of the following criteria: is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in the field of operation in which it is
proposing, has a place of business in the United States and operates primarily within the United States or makes a significant contribution to the US economy,
and is organized for profit; is at least fifty-one percent owned and controlled by one or more individuals who are citizens of, or permanent resident aliens in, the
United States; and has, including its affiliates, an average number of employees for the preceding twelve months not exceeding 500. For a STTR application,
the Project Director(PD)/Principal Investigator(PI) may be employed with the SBC or the participating non-profit research institution as long as s/he has a formal
appointment with or commitment to the applicant SBC, which is characterized by an official relationship between the SBC and that individual. An eligible
cooperative U.S. research organization must be: a nonprofit college or university; or a nonprofit research institution, including nonprofit medical and surgical
hospitals; or a contractor-operated, federally funded research and development center. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be designated on the
application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Opportunity Title
Small Business Technology Transfer Program - Grant
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Sponsor Name
National Institute of Environmental Health
05-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Dr. Daniel Shaughnessy, Program Administrator
07-Jan-2015; 05-Apr-2015; 07-May-2015
SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) invites eligible United States small business concerns (SBCs) to submit Small
Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant applications for research and training focused on the identification, assessment and mechanism of action of agents
in the environment and how they contribute to disease and dysfunction. United States SBCs that have the research capabilities and technological expertise to
contribute to the R&D mission(s) of the NIH, CDC, FDA or ACF awarding components identified in this FOA are encouraged to submit SBIR grant applications
in response to identified topics (see: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/sbirsttr1/2014-2_SBIR-STTR-topics.pdf). This FOA will utilize the NIH R41/R42 Small
Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award mechanisms.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will utilize the NIH R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award mechanisms. According to
statutory guidelines, total funding support (direct costs, indirect costs, fee) normally may not exceed $150,000 for Phase I awards and $1,000,000 for Phase II
awards. With appropriate justification from the applicant, Congress will allow awards to exceed these amounts by up to 50% ($225,000 for Phase I and
$1,500,000 for Phase II, a hard cap). NIH has received a limited waiver from SBA, as authorized by the statute, to exceed the hard cap for specific topics that
can be found here. Due to the nature of the waiver, some NIH Institutes and Centers generally will not consider applications with budgets over $225,000 for
Phase I and $1,500,000 for Phase II. Please refer to the appropriate Institute’s or Center’s topic section to determine whether they will consider applications
above these amounts. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact NIH program officials prior to submitting any application in excess of the hard cap
($225,000 for Phase I and $1,500,000 for Phase II). In all cases, applicants should propose a budget that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the
research project. According to statutory guidelines, award periods normally may not exceed 1 year for Phase I and 2 years for Phase II. Applicants are
encouraged to propose a project duration period that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the research project. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending
January 17, 2014; NIH Guide, Week Ending December 19, 2014. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 5, 2014. The deadlines for receipt of standard applications
under this announcement are: April 5, August 5 and December 5 annually. The deadlines for receipt of AIDS-related applications are: January 7, May 7, and
September 7 annually. This program will expire on May 8, 2015.
Funding Limit 0.00 see detail
Funding Duration 0
Eligibility Only United States small business concerns (SBCs) are eligible to submit STTR applications. A small business concern is one that, at the time of award, for
both Phase I and Phase II awards, meets all of the following criteria: is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in the field of operation in which it is
proposing, has a place of business in the United States and operates primarily within the United States or makes a significant contribution to the US economy,
and is organized for profit; is at least fifty-one percent owned and controlled by one or more individuals who are citizens of, or permanent resident aliens in, the
United States; and has, including its affiliates, an average number of employees for the preceding twelve months not exceeding 500. For a STTR application,
the Project Director(PD)/Principal Investigator(PI) may be employed with the SBC or the participating non-profit research institution as long as s/he has a formal
appointment with or commitment to the applicant SBC, which is characterized by an official relationship between the SBC and that individual. An eligible
cooperative U.S. research organization must be: a nonprofit college or university; or a nonprofit research institution, including nonprofit medical and surgical
hospitals; or a contractor-operated, federally funded research and development center. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be designated on the
application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
Small Business Technology Transfer Program - Grant
National Eye Institute/NIH/DHHS
05-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Contact Name Jerome Wujek, Ph.D.
Contact Telephone 301-451-2020
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Opportunity Title
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Sponsor Name
07-Jan-2015; 05-Apr-2015; 07-May-2015
SYNOPSIS: National Eye Institute (NEI) invites eligible United States small business concerns (SBCs) to submit Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR)
grant applications for research with respect to eye diseases, visual disorders, mechanisms of normal visual function, preservation of sight, and the special
health problems and requirements of individuals with impaired vision. Applications for all areas of vision research are encouraged. United States SBCs that
have the research capabilities and technological expertise to contribute to the R&D mission(s) of the NIH, CDC, FDA or ACF awarding components identified in
this FOA are encouraged to submit SBIR grant applications in response to identified topics (see: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/sbirsttr1/2014-2_SBIRSTTR-topics.pdf). This FOA will utilize the NIH R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will utilize the NIH R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award mechanisms. According to
statutory guidelines, total funding support (direct costs, indirect costs, fee) normally may not exceed $150,000 for Phase I awards and $1,000,000 for Phase II
awards. With appropriate justification from the applicant, Congress will allow awards to exceed these amounts by up to 50% ($225,000 for Phase I and
$1,500,000 for Phase II, a hard cap). NIH has received a limited waiver from SBA, as authorized by the statute, to exceed the hard cap for specific topics that
can be found here. Due to the nature of the waiver, some NIH Institutes and Centers generally will not consider applications with budgets over $225,000 for
Phase I and $1,500,000 for Phase II. Please refer to the appropriate Institute’s or Center’s topic section to determine whether they will consider applications
above these amounts. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact NIH program officials prior to submitting any application in excess of the hard cap
($225,000 for Phase I and $1,500,000 for Phase II). In all cases, applicants should propose a budget that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the
research project. According to statutory guidelines, award periods normally may not exceed 1 year for Phase I and 2 years for Phase II. Applicants are
encouraged to propose a project duration period that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the research project. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending
January 17, 2014; NIH Guide, Week Ending December 19, 2014. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 5, 2014. The deadlines for receipt of standard applications
under this announcement are: April 5, August 5 and December 5 annually. The deadlines for receipt of AIDS-related applications are: January 7, May 7, and
September 7 annually. This program will expire on May 8, 2015.
Funding Limit 0.00 see detail
Funding Duration 0
Eligibility Only United States small business concerns (SBCs) are eligible to submit STTR applications. A small business concern is one that, at the time of award, for
both Phase I and Phase II awards, meets all of the following criteria: is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in the field of operation in which it is
proposing, has a place of business in the United States and operates primarily within the United States or makes a significant contribution to the US economy,
and is organized for profit; is at least fifty-one percent owned and controlled by one or more individuals who are citizens of, or permanent resident aliens in, the
United States; and has, including its affiliates, an average number of employees for the preceding twelve months not exceeding 500. For a STTR application,
the Project Director(PD)/Principal Investigator(PI) may be employed with the SBC or the participating non-profit research institution as long as s/he has a formal
appointment with or commitment to the applicant SBC, which is characterized by an official relationship between the SBC and that individual. An eligible
cooperative U.S. research organization must be: a nonprofit college or university; or a nonprofit research institution, including nonprofit medical and surgical
hospitals; or a contractor-operated, federally funded research and development center. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be designated on the
application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
National Institute of General Medical
Small Business Technology Transfer Program - Grant
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
05-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Scott Somers, Ph.D
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Sponsor Name
Program URL http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/sbirsttr1/2014-2_SBIR-STTR-topics.pdf
Deadline Dates (ALL) 07-Jan-2015; 05-Apr-2015; 07-May-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) invites eligible United States small business concerns (SBCs) to submit Small Business
Technology Transfer (STTR) grant applications for research and research training in the basic medical sciences and related natural and behavioral sciences
and in specific clinical areas (i.e., clinical pharmacology, trauma and burn injury, sepsis and anesthesiology). United States SBCs that have the research
capabilities and technological expertise to contribute to the R&D mission(s) of the NIH, CDC, FDA or ACF awarding components identified in this FOA are
encouraged to submit SBIR grant applications in response to identified topics (see: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/sbirsttr1/2014-2_SBIR-STTR-topics.pdf).
This FOA will utilize the NIH R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award mechanisms.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will utilize the NIH R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award mechanisms. According to
statutory guidelines, total funding support (direct costs, indirect costs, fee) normally may not exceed $150,000 for Phase I awards and $1,000,000 for Phase II
awards. With appropriate justification from the applicant, Congress will allow awards to exceed these amounts by up to 50% ($225,000 for Phase I and
$1,500,000 for Phase II, a hard cap). NIH has received a limited waiver from SBA, as authorized by the statute, to exceed the hard cap for specific topics that
can be found here. Due to the nature of the waiver, some NIH Institutes and Centers generally will not consider applications with budgets over $225,000 for
Phase I and $1,500,000 for Phase II. Please refer to the appropriate Institute’s or Center’s topic section to determine whether they will consider applications
above these amounts. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact NIH program officials prior to submitting any application in excess of the hard cap
($225,000 for Phase I and $1,500,000 for Phase II). In all cases, applicants should propose a budget that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the
research project. According to statutory guidelines, award periods normally may not exceed 1 year for Phase I and 2 years for Phase II. Applicants are
encouraged to propose a project duration period that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the research project. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending
January 17, 2014; NIH Guide, Week Ending December 19, 2014. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 5, 2014. The deadlines for receipt of standard applications
under this announcement are: April 5, August 5 and December 5 annually. The deadlines for receipt of AIDS-related applications are: January 7, May 7, and
September 7 annually. This program will expire on May 8, 2015.
Funding Limit 0.00 see detail
Funding Duration 0
Eligibility Only United States small business concerns (SBCs) are eligible to submit STTR applications. A small business concern is one that, at the time of award, for
both Phase I and Phase II awards, meets all of the following criteria: is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in the field of operation in which it is
proposing, has a place of business in the United States and operates primarily within the United States or makes a significant contribution to the US economy,
and is organized for profit; is at least fifty-one percent owned and controlled by one or more individuals who are citizens of, or permanent resident aliens in, the
United States; and has, including its affiliates, an average number of employees for the preceding twelve months not exceeding 500. For a STTR application,
the Project Director(PD)/Principal Investigator(PI) may be employed with the SBC or the participating non-profit research institution as long as s/he has a formal
appointment with or commitment to the applicant SBC, which is characterized by an official relationship between the SBC and that individual. An eligible
cooperative U.S. research organization must be: a nonprofit college or university; or a nonprofit research institution, including nonprofit medical and surgical
hospitals; or a contractor-operated, federally funded research and development center. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be designated on the
application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
Small Business Technology Transfer Program - Grant
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS PA-14-072
05-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Margaret Grabb, Ph.D
07-Jan-2015; 05-Apr-2015; 07-May-2015
SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Mental Health (NIHM) invites eligible United States small business concerns (SBCs) to submit Small Business Technology
Transfer (STTR) grant applications to develop technologies that can advance the mission of the Institute, including in basic neuroscience research relevant to
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
mental disorders, translational and clinical research of mental disorders, clinical diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders, and dissemination of evidencebased mental health care. United States SBCs that have the research capabilities and technological expertise to contribute to the R&D mission(s) of the NIH,
CDC, FDA or ACF awarding components identified in this FOA are encouraged to submit SBIR grant applications in response to identified topics (see:
http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/sbirsttr1/2014-2_SBIR-STTR-topics.pdf). This FOA will utilize the NIH R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR)
Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award mechanisms.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will utilize the NIH R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award mechanisms. According to
statutory guidelines, total funding support (direct costs, indirect costs, fee) normally may not exceed $150,000 for Phase I awards and $1,000,000 for Phase II
awards. With appropriate justification from the applicant, Congress will allow awards to exceed these amounts by up to 50% ($225,000 for Phase I and
$1,500,000 for Phase II, a hard cap). NIH has received a limited waiver from SBA, as authorized by the statute, to exceed the hard cap for specific topics. Due
to the nature of the waiver, some NIH Institutes and Centers generally will not consider applications with budgets over $225,000 for Phase I and $1,500,000 for
Phase II. Please refer to the appropriate Institute’s or Center’s topic section to determine whether they will consider applications above these amounts.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact NIH program officials prior to submitting any application in excess of the hard cap ($225,000 for Phase I and
$1,500,000 for Phase II). In all cases, applicants should propose a budget that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the research project. According
to statutory guidelines, award periods normally may not exceed 1 year for Phase I and 2 years for Phase II. Applicants are encouraged to propose a project
duration period that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the research project. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending January 17, 2014; NIH Guide,
Week Ending December 19, 2014. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 5, 2014. The deadlines for receipt of standard applications
under this announcement are: April 5, August 5 and December 5 annually. The deadlines for receipt of AIDS-related applications are: January 7, May 7, and
September 7 annually. This program will expire on May 8, 2015.
Funding Limit 0.00 see detail
Funding Duration 0
Eligibility Only United States small business concerns (SBCs) are eligible to submit STTR applications. A small business concern is one that, at the time of award, for
both Phase I and Phase II awards, meets all of the following criteria: is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in the field of operation in which it is
proposing, has a place of business in the United States and operates primarily within the United States or makes a significant contribution to the US economy,
and is organized for profit; is at least fifty-one percent owned and controlled by one or more individuals who are citizens of, or permanent resident aliens in, the
United States; and has, including its affiliates, an average number of employees for the preceding twelve months not exceeding 500. For a STTR application,
the Project Director(PD)/Principal Investigator(PI) may be employed with the SBC or the participating non-profit research institution as long as s/he has a formal
appointment with or commitment to the applicant SBC, which is characterized by an official relationship between the SBC and that individual. An eligible
cooperative U.S. research organization must be: a nonprofit college or university; or a nonprofit research institution, including nonprofit medical and surgical
hospitals; or a contractor-operated, federally funded research and development center. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be designated on the
application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
Small Business Technology Transfer Program - Grant
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute on Minority Health and
Health Disparities/NIH/DHHS
05-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Vincent A. Thomas, Jr., MSW, MPA
07-Jan-2015; 05-Apr-2015; 07-May-2015
SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) invites eligible United States small business concerns (SBCs) to submit Small
Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant applications for research to improve minority health and eliminate health disparities. Research and development
may proceed and or be initiated at the molecular, cellular, individual, community or population level. Funding support for focus groups, phase I/II clinical trials,
and other studies as needed to develop and test the proposed product may be requested. Additionally, NIMHD seeks innovative strategies that engage,
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
collaborate, or partner with health disparity communities for designing and delivering innovative products and services to improve minority health and eliminate
health disparities. United States SBCs that have the research capabilities and technological expertise to contribute to the R&D mission(s) of the NIH, CDC, FDA
or ACF awarding components identified in this FOA are encouraged to submit SBIR grant applications in response to identified topics (see:
http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/sbirsttr1/2014-2_SBIR-STTR-topics.pdf). This FOA will utilize the NIH R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR)
Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award mechanisms.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will utilize the NIH R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award mechanisms. According to
statutory guidelines, total funding support (direct costs, indirect costs, fee) normally may not exceed $150,000 for Phase I awards and $1,000,000 for Phase II
awards. With appropriate justification from the applicant, Congress will allow awards to exceed these amounts by up to 50% ($225,000 for Phase I and
$1,500,000 for Phase II, a hard cap). NIH has received a limited waiver from SBA, as authorized by the statute, to exceed the hard cap for specific topics. Due
to the nature of the waiver, some NIH Institutes and Centers generally will not consider applications with budgets over $225,000 for Phase I and $1,500,000 for
Phase II. Please refer to the appropriate Institute’s or Center’s topic section to determine whether they will consider applications above these amounts.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact NIH program officials prior to submitting any application in excess of the hard cap ($225,000 for Phase I and
$1,500,000 for Phase II). In all cases, applicants should propose a budget that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the research project. According
to statutory guidelines, award periods normally may not exceed 1 year for Phase I and 2 years for Phase II. Applicants are encouraged to propose a project
duration period that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the research project. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending January 17, 2014; NIH Guide,
Week Ending December 19, 2014. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 5, 2014. The deadlines for receipt of standard applications
under this announcement are: April 5, August 5 and December 5 annually. The deadlines for receipt of AIDS-related applications are: January 7, May 7, and
September 7 annually. This program will expire on May 8, 2015.
Funding Limit 0.00 see detail
Funding Duration 0
Eligibility Only United States small business concerns (SBCs) are eligible to submit STTR applications. A small business concern is one that, at the time of award, for
both Phase I and Phase II awards, meets all of the following criteria: is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in the field of operation in which it is
proposing, has a place of business in the United States and operates primarily within the United States or makes a significant contribution to the US economy,
and is organized for profit; is at least fifty-one percent owned and controlled by one or more individuals who are citizens of, or permanent resident aliens in, the
United States; and has, including its affiliates, an average number of employees for the preceding twelve months not exceeding 500. For a STTR application,
the Project Director(PD)/Principal Investigator(PI) may be employed with the SBC or the participating non-profit research institution as long as s/he has a formal
appointment with or commitment to the applicant SBC, which is characterized by an official relationship between the SBC and that individual. An eligible
cooperative U.S. research organization must be: a nonprofit college or university; or a nonprofit research institution, including nonprofit medical and surgical
hospitals; or a contractor-operated, federally funded research and development center. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be designated on the
application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model. esignated on the application for projects that
require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
Small Business Technology Transfer Program - Grant
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute of Nursing
05-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Dr. Paul Cotton, Program Director
07-Jan-2015; 05-Apr-2015; 07-May-2015
SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) iinvites eligible United States small business concerns (SBCs) to submit Small Business Technology
Transfer (STTR) grant applications for research focused on biological and behavioral aspects of critical health problems that confront the Nation. Emphasis is
on seeking ways to reduce the burden of illness and disability by understanding and easing the effects of acute and chronic illness, improving health-related
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Sponsor Name
quality of life by preventing or delaying the onset of disease or slowing its progression, establishing better approaches to promote health and prevent disease,
and improving clinical environments by testing interventions that influence patient health outcomes and reduce costs and demand for care. United States SBCs
that have the research capabilities and technological expertise to contribute to the R&D mission(s) of the NIH, CDC, FDA or ACF awarding components
identified in this FOA are encouraged to submit SBIR grant applications in response to identified topics (see: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/sbirsttr1/20142_SBIR-STTR-topics.pdf). This FOA will utilize the NIH R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will utilize the NIH R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award mechanisms. According to
statutory guidelines, total funding support (direct costs, indirect costs, fee) normally may not exceed $150,000 for Phase I awards and $1,000,000 for Phase II
awards. With appropriate justification from the applicant, Congress will allow awards to exceed these amounts by up to 50% ($225,000 for Phase I and
$1,500,000 for Phase II, a hard cap). NIH has received a limited waiver from SBA, as authorized by the statute, to exceed the hard cap for specific topics. Due
to the nature of the waiver, some NIH Institutes and Centers generally will not consider applications with budgets over $225,000 for Phase I and $1,500,000 for
Phase II. Please refer to the appropriate Institute’s or Center’s topic section to determine whether they will consider applications above these amounts.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact NIH program officials prior to submitting any application in excess of the hard cap ($225,000 for Phase I and
$1,500,000 for Phase II). In all cases, applicants should propose a budget that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the research project. According
to statutory guidelines, award periods normally may not exceed 1 year for Phase I and 2 years for Phase II. Applicants are encouraged to propose a project
duration period that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the research project. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending January 17, 2014; NIH Guide,
Week Ending December 19, 2014. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 5, 2014. The deadlines for receipt of standard applications
under this announcement are: April 5, August 5 and December 5 annually. The deadlines for receipt of AIDS-related applications are: January 7, May 7, and
September 7 annually. This program will expire on May 8, 2015.
Funding Limit 0.00 see detail
Funding Duration 0
Eligibility Only United States small business concerns (SBCs) are eligible to submit STTR applications. A small business concern is one that, at the time of award, for
both Phase I and Phase II awards, meets all of the following criteria: is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in the field of operation in which it is
proposing, has a place of business in the United States and operates primarily within the United States or makes a significant contribution to the US economy,
and is organized for profit; is at least fifty-one percent owned and controlled by one or more individuals who are citizens of, or permanent resident aliens in, the
United States; and has, including its affiliates, an average number of employees for the preceding twelve months not exceeding 500. For a STTR application,
the Project Director(PD)/Principal Investigator(PI) may be employed with the SBC or the participating non-profit research institution as long as s/he has a formal
appointment with or commitment to the applicant SBC, which is characterized by an official relationship between the SBC and that individual. An eligible
cooperative U.S. research organization must be: a nonprofit college or university; or a nonprofit research institution, including nonprofit medical and surgical
hospitals; or a contractor-operated, federally funded research and development center. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be designated on the
application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
Small Business Technology Transfer Program - Grant
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Center for Advancing Translational
05-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Lili M. Portilla, MPA
07-Jan-2015; 05-Apr-2015; 07-May-2015
SYNOPSIS: National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) invites eligible United States small business concerns (SBCs) to submit Small
Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant applications for development innovative tools, technologies, and intervention (drug, device, diagnostic) platforms
that would support the creation of novel therapeutics and/or diagnostics, especially for rare and neglected diseases. The application may address any stage of
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Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
translation, from target validation, through pre-clinical and clinical evaluation and intervention implementation and dissemination. United States SBCs that have
the research capabilities and technological expertise to contribute to the R&D mission(s) of the NIH, CDC, FDA or ACF awarding components identified in this
FOA are encouraged to submit SBIR grant applications in response to identified topics (see: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/sbirsttr1/2014-2_SBIR-STTRtopics.pdf). This FOA will utilize the NIH R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award mechanisms.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will utilize the NIH R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award mechanisms. According to
statutory guidelines, total funding support (direct costs, indirect costs, fee) normally may not exceed $150,000 for Phase I awards and $1,000,000 for Phase II
awards. With appropriate justification from the applicant, Congress will allow awards to exceed these amounts by up to 50% ($225,000 for Phase I and
$1,500,000 for Phase II, a hard cap). NIH has received a limited waiver from SBA, as authorized by the statute, to exceed the hard cap for specific topics. Due
to the nature of the waiver, some NIH Institutes and Centers generally will not consider applications with budgets over $225,000 for Phase I and $1,500,000 for
Phase II. Please refer to the appropriate Institute’s or Center’s topic section to determine whether they will consider applications above these amounts.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact NIH program officials prior to submitting any application in excess of the hard cap ($225,000 for Phase I and
$1,500,000 for Phase II). In all cases, applicants should propose a budget that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the research project. According
to statutory guidelines, award periods normally may not exceed 1 year for Phase I and 2 years for Phase II. Applicants are encouraged to propose a project
duration period that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the research project. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending January 17, 2014; NIH Guide,
Week Ending December 19, 2014. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 5, 2014. The deadlines for receipt of standard applications
under this announcement are: April 5, August 5 and December 5 annually. The deadlines for receipt of AIDS-related applications are: January 7, May 7, and
September 7 annually. This program will expire on May 8, 2015.
Funding Limit 0.00 see detail
Funding Duration 0 month(s)
Eligibility Only United States small business concerns (SBCs) are eligible to submit STTR applications. A small business concern is one that, at the time of award, for
both Phase I and Phase II awards, meets all of the following criteria: is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in the field of operation in which it is
proposing, has a place of business in the United States and operates primarily within the United States or makes a significant contribution to the US economy,
and is organized for profit; is at least fifty-one percent owned and controlled by one or more individuals who are citizens of, or permanent resident aliens in, the
United States; and has, including its affiliates, an average number of employees for the preceding twelve months not exceeding 500. For a STTR application,
the Project Director(PD)/Principal Investigator(PI) may be employed with the SBC or the participating non-profit research institution as long as s/he has a formal
appointment with or commitment to the applicant SBC, which is characterized by an official relationship between the SBC and that individual. An eligible
cooperative U.S. research organization must be: a nonprofit college or university; or a nonprofit research institution, including nonprofit medical and surgical
hospitals; or a contractor-operated, federally funded research and development center. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be designated on the
application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
Small Business Technology Transfer Program - Grant
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Center for Complementary and
Integrative Health/NIH/DHHS
05-Apr-2015 Not Specified
D. Craig Hopp, Ph.D., Program Officer
07-Jan-2015; 05-Apr-2015; 07-May-2015
SYNOPSIS: National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) invites eligible United States small business concerns (SBCs) to submit
Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant applications for innovative technological research and development of commercializable CAM products that
would fulfill the mission of NCCAM. The application may include basic, pre-clinical, and early phase clinical studies. United States SBCs that have the research
capabilities and technological expertise to contribute to the R&D mission(s) of the NIH, CDC, FDA or ACF awarding components identified in this FOA are
encouraged to submit SBIR grant applications in response to identified topics (see: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/sbirsttr1/2014-2_SBIR-STTR-topics.pdf).
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This FOA will utilize the NIH R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award mechanisms.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will utilize the NIH R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award mechanisms. According to
statutory guidelines, total funding support (direct costs, indirect costs, fee) normally may not exceed $150,000 for Phase I awards and $1,000,000 for Phase II
awards. With appropriate justification from the applicant, Congress will allow awards to exceed these amounts by up to 50% ($225,000 for Phase I and
$1,500,000 for Phase II, a hard cap). NIH has received a limited waiver from SBA, as authorized by the statute, to exceed the hard cap for specific topics. Due
to the nature of the waiver, some NIH Institutes and Centers generally will not consider applications with budgets over $225,000 for Phase I and $1,500,000 for
Phase II. Please refer to the appropriate Institute’s or Center’s topic section to determine whether they will consider applications above these amounts.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact NIH program officials prior to submitting any application in excess of the hard cap ($225,000 for Phase I and
$1,500,000 for Phase II). In all cases, applicants should propose a budget that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the research project. According
to statutory guidelines, award periods normally may not exceed 1 year for Phase I and 2 years for Phase II. Applicants are encouraged to propose a project
duration period that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the research project. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending January 17, 2014; NIH Guide,
Week Ending December 19, 2014. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 5, 2014. The deadlines for receipt of standard applications
under this announcement are: April 5, August 5 and December 5 annually. The deadlines for receipt of AIDS-related applications are: January 7, May 7, and
September 7 annually. This program will expire on May 8, 2015.
Funding Limit 0.00 see detail
Funding Duration 0
Eligibility Only United States small business concerns (SBCs) are eligible to submit STTR applications. A small business concern is one that, at the time of award, for
both Phase I and Phase II awards, meets all of the following criteria: is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in the field of operation in which it is
proposing, has a place of business in the United States and operates primarily within the United States or makes a significant contribution to the US economy,
and is organized for profit; is at least fifty-one percent owned and controlled by one or more individuals who are citizens of, or permanent resident aliens in, the
United States; and has, including its affiliates, an average number of employees for the preceding twelve months not exceeding 500. For a STTR application,
the Project Director(PD)/Principal Investigator(PI) may be employed with the SBC or the participating non-profit research institution as long as s/he has a formal
appointment with or commitment to the applicant SBC, which is characterized by an official relationship between the SBC and that individual. An eligible
cooperative U.S. research organization must be: a nonprofit college or university; or a nonprofit research institution, including nonprofit medical and surgical
hospitals; or a contractor-operated, federally funded research and development center. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be designated on the
application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
Small Business Technology Transfer Program - Grant
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Library of Medicine/NIH/DHHS
05-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Dr. Jane Ye, Program Officer
07-Jan-2015; 05-Apr-2015; 07-May-2015
SYNOPSIS: National Library of Medicine invites eligible United States small business concerns (SBCs) to submit Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR)
grant applications for research and development projects in biomedical informatics. NLM defines biomedical informatics as the science of optimal organization,
management, presentation and utilization of information relevant to medicine and biology. The informatics projects of interest to NLM involve the application of
computer and information sciences to information problems in a biomedical domain. United States SBCs that have the research capabilities and technological
expertise to contribute to the R&D mission(s) of the NIH, CDC, FDA or ACF awarding components identified in this FOA are encouraged to submit SBIR grant
applications in response to identified topics (see: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/sbirsttr1/2014-2_SBIR-STTR-topics.pdf). This FOA will utilize the NIH
R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award mechanisms.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will utilize the NIH R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award mechanisms. According to
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Opportunity Title
Deadline Notes
Funding Limit
Funding Duration
Sponsor Name
statutory guidelines, total funding support (direct costs, indirect costs, fee) normally may not exceed $150,000 for Phase I awards and $1,000,000 for Phase II
awards. With appropriate justification from the applicant, Congress will allow awards to exceed these amounts by up to 50% ($225,000 for Phase I and
$1,500,000 for Phase II, a hard cap). NIH has received a limited waiver from SBA, as authorized by the statute, to exceed the hard cap for specific topics. Due
to the nature of the waiver, some NIH Institutes and Centers generally will not consider applications with budgets over $225,000 for Phase I and $1,500,000 for
Phase II. Please refer to the appropriate Institute’s or Center’s topic section to determine whether they will consider applications above these amounts.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact NIH program officials prior to submitting any application in excess of the hard cap ($225,000 for Phase I and
$1,500,000 for Phase II). In all cases, applicants should propose a budget that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the research project. According
to statutory guidelines, award periods normally may not exceed 1 year for Phase I and 2 years for Phase II. Applicants are encouraged to propose a project
duration period that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the research project. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending January 17, 2014; NIH Guide,
Week Ending December 19, 2014. (kww)
Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 5, 2014. The deadlines for receipt of standard applications
under this announcement are: April 5, August 5 and December 5 annually. The deadlines for receipt of AIDS-related applications are: January 7, May 7, and
September 7 annually. This program will expire on May 8, 2015.
0.00 see detail
Only United States small business concerns (SBCs) are eligible to submit STTR applications. A small business concern is one that, at the time of award, for
both Phase I and Phase II awards, meets all of the following criteria: is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in the field of operation in which it is
proposing, has a place of business in the United States and operates primarily within the United States or makes a significant contribution to the US economy,
and is organized for profit; is at least fifty-one percent owned and controlled by one or more individuals who are citizens of, or permanent resident aliens in, the
United States; and has, including its affiliates, an average number of employees for the preceding twelve months not exceeding 500. For a STTR application,
the Project Director(PD)/Principal Investigator(PI) may be employed with the SBC or the participating non-profit research institution as long as s/he has a formal
appointment with or commitment to the applicant SBC, which is characterized by an official relationship between the SBC and that individual. An eligible
cooperative U.S. research organization must be: a nonprofit college or university; or a nonprofit research institution, including nonprofit medical and surgical
hospitals; or a contractor-operated, federally funded research and development center. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be designated on the
application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
Novel Tools for Investigating Brain-derived GPCRs in Mental Health Research
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS PA-14-171
05-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Margaret Grabb, Ph.D.
05-Apr-2015; 07-May-2015; 08-Aug-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Dec-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Apr-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Aug-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Dec-2016; 07Jan-2017; 05-Apr-2017; 07-May-2017
Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) invites applications for Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant applications from small
business concerns (SBCs) that propose to develop technologies and approaches (i.e., novel ways to use new or existing technologies) that will enable
researchers to study the structure and/or function of brain localized G-protein coupled receptor proteins (GPCRs) and/or potentially identify novel selective and
specific agonists/antagonists to these receptor subtypes, with a focus on mental health function or dysfunction, including HIV-related neurocognitive disorders.
Technologies and approaches aimed at known receptor subtypes or orphan receptors would be of potential interest to NIMH. This FOA will utilize the R41/R42
Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track applications.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will utilize the R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track applications. Applications submitted
under this announcement must be submitted electronically through Grants.gov using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and the SF424 (R&R)
SBIR/STTR Application Guide. According to statutory guidelines, total funding support (direct costs, indirect costs, fee) normally may not exceed $150,000 for
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Opportunity Title
Deadline Notes
Funding Limit
Funding Duration
Sponsor Name
Phase I awards and $1,000,000 for Phase II awards. With appropriate justification from the applicant, Congress will allow awards to exceed these amounts by
up to 50% ($225,000 for Phase I and $1,500,000 for Phase II). As written in the statute and under appropriate circumstances, NIH can apply for a waiver from
SBA to issue an award exceeding $225,000 for Phase I or $1,500,000 for Phase II, if this cap will interfere with NIH‘s ability to meet its mission. Durations up to
two years for Phase I and up to three years for Phase II may be requested. Total costs include direct costs, Facilities & Administrative (F&A)/indirect costs, and
fee. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending April 4, 2014. (kww)
The deadlines for receipt of standard applications under this announcement are: April 5, August 5 and December 5 annually. The deadlines for receipt of AIDSrelated applications are: January 7, May 7, and September 7 annually. This program will expire on May 8, 2017.
0.00 see detail
2 year(s)
Only United States small business concerns (SBCs) are eligible to submit STTR applications. A small business concern is one that, at the time of award, for
both Phase I and Phase II awards, meets all of the following criteria: is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in the field of operation in which it is
proposing, has a place of business in the United States and operates primarily within the United States or makes a significant contribution to the US economy,
and is organized for profit; is at least fifty-one percent owned and controlled by one or more individuals who are citizens of, or permanent resident aliens in, the
United States; and has, including its affiliates, an average number of employees for the preceding twelve months not exceeding 500. For the STTR program, the
PDs/PIs may be employed with the SBC or the single, “partnering” non-profit research institution as long as s/he has a formal appointment with or commitment
to the applicant SBC, which is characterized by an official relationship between the SBC and that individual. An eligible cooperative U.S. research organization
must be: a nonprofit college or university; or a nonprofit research institution, including nonprofit medical and surgical hospitals; or a contractor-operated,
federally funded research and development center.
Complex Technologies and Therapeutics Development for Mental Health Research
and Practice (R41/R42)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS PA-14-196
05-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Margaret Grabb, PhD
05-Aug-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 05-Dec-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Apr-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Aug-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Dec-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Apr-2016; 07May-2016; 05-Aug-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Dec-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 05-Apr-2017; 07-May-2017
Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) invites applications from U.S. Small Business Concerns (SBC's) to develop technologies that can
advance the mission of the Institute, including in basic neuroscience research relevant to mental disorders, translational and clinical research of mental
disorders, clinical diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders, and dissemination of evidence-based mental health care. This FOA encourages SBIR grant
applications to support research and development of particular priority research topics - complex technologies that require funding levels and durations beyond
those reflected in the standard SBIR guidelines. This FOA will utilize the NIH R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II,
and Fast-Track award mechanisms.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will utilize the R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track award mechanisms. Applications
submitted in response to this announcement must be submitted electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and
SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. According to statutory guidelines, total funding support (direct costs, indirect costs, fee) normally may not exceed $150,000 for
Phase I awards and $1,000,000 for Phase II awards. With appropriate justification from the applicant, Congress will allow awards to exceed these amounts by
up to 50% ($225,000 for Phase I and $1,500,000 for Phase II). NIH has received a waiver from SBA, as authorized by the statute, to exceed the hard cap for
specific topics. The list of approved topics can be found in Appendix A at the end of PHS 2014-2 SBIR/STTR Program Descriptions and Research Topics for
NIH, CDC, FDA and ACF. Phase IIB budgets must be submitted in accordance with participating IC-specific budget limitations described in the current
SBIR/STTR Program Descriptions and Research Topics of the NIH, CDC and FDA. Durations up to two years for Phase I and up to three years for Phase II
may be requested. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending May 2, 2014. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after July 5, 2014. The deadlines for receipt of standard applications
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
under this announcement are: April 5, August 5 and December 5 annually. The deadlines for receipt of AIDS-related applications are: January 7, May 7, and
September 7 annually. This program will expire on May 8, 2017.
Funding Limit 0.00 see detail
Funding Duration 3 year(s)
Eligibility Only United States small business concerns (SBCs) are eligible to submit STTR applications. A small business concern is one that, at the time of award, for
both Phase I and Phase II awards, meets all of the following criteria: is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in the field of operation in which it is
proposing, has a place of business in the United States and operates primarily within the United States or makes a significant contribution to the US economy,
and is organized for profit; is at least fifty-one percent owned and controlled by one or more individuals who are citizens of, or permanent resident aliens in, the
United States; and has, including its affiliates, an average number of employees for the preceding twelve months not exceeding 500. For the STTR program, the
PDs/PIs may be employed with the SBC or the single, “partnering” non-profit research institution as long as s/he has a formal appointment with or commitment
to the applicant SBC, which is characterized by an official relationship between the SBC and that individual. An eligible cooperative U.S. research organization
must be: a nonprofit college or university; or a nonprofit research institution, including nonprofit medical and surgical hospitals; or a contractor-operated,
federally funded research and development center.
New Technologies for Viral Hepatitis STTR (R41/R42)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive
and Kidney Diseases/NIH/DHHS
05-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Christine L. Densmore, M.S., Program Director
05-Apr-2015; 05-Sep-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Jan-2016; 05-Apr-2016; 05-Sep-2016; 05-Jan-2017; 05-Apr-2017; 05-Jan-2018
SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invite Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant applications
from small business concerns (SBCs) to address viral hepatitis research opportunities as delineated in the Department of Health and Human Services Action
Plan for the Prevention, Care and Treatment of Viral Hepatitis and within the research missions of the participating institutes. This FOA will utilize the SBIR
(R43/R44) grant mechanisms for Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track applications.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will utilize the R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track applications. Applications submitted
under this announcement must be submitted electronically through Grants.gov using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and the SF424 (R&R)
SBIR/STTR Application Guide. According to statutory guidelines, total funding support (direct costs, indirect costs, fee) normally may not exceed $150,000 for
Phase I awards and $1,000,000 for Phase II awards. With appropriate justification from the applicant, Congress will allow awards to exceed these amounts by
up to 50% ($225,000 for Phase I and $1,500,000 for Phase II). As written in the statute and under appropriate circumstances, NIH can apply for a waiver from
SBA to issue an award exceeding $225,000 for Phase I or $1,500,000 for Phase II, if this cap will interfere with NIH‘s ability to meet its mission. According to
statutory guidelines, award periods normally may not exceed 1 year for Phase I and 2 years for Phase II. Applicants are encouraged to propose a project
duration period that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the research project.Total costs include direct costs, Facilities & Administrative
(F&A)/indirect costs, and fee. CFDA#s: 93.847, 93.865, 93.839. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending December 19, 2014. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 5, 2012. The deadlines for receipt of standard applications
under this announcement are: January 5, April 5, and September 5 annually. This program will expire on January 8, 2018.
Funding Limit 0.00 see detail
Funding Duration 0
Eligibility Only United States small business concerns (SBCs) are eligible to submit STTR applications. A small business concern is one that, at the time of award, for
both Phase I and Phase II awards, meets all of the following criteria: is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in the field of operation in which it is
proposing, has a place of business in the United States and operates primarily within the United States or makes a significant contribution to the US economy,
and is organized for profit; is at least fifty-one percent owned and controlled by one or more individuals who are citizens of, or permanent resident aliens in, the
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
United States; and has, including its affiliates, an average number of employees for the preceding twelve months not exceeding 500. For the STTR program, the
PDs/PIs may be employed with the SBC or the single, “partnering” non-profit research institution as long as s/he has a formal appointment with or commitment
to the applicant SBC, which is characterized by an official relationship between the SBC and that individual. An eligible cooperative U.S. research organization
must be: a nonprofit college or university; or a nonprofit research institution, including nonprofit medical and surgical hospitals; or a contractor-operated,
federally funded research and development center.
Collaborative Activities to promote High Dimensional Molecular Analyses in NIEHSsupported Children's Environmental Health Studies (Admin Supp)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute of Environmental Health
06-Apr-2015 300,000 USD
Kimberly A. Gray, Ph.D.
SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) invites applications for administrative supplements to awarded research grants to
facilitate or enhance ongoing efforts in proteomics, metabolomics, epigenomics and other high dimensional molecular analysis approaches in existing
pregnancy, birth, and/or children’s cohorts. This FOA will use the NIH Administrative Supplement award mechanism. Administrative supplement requests must
be submitted on paper for the following activity codes: P01 Research Program Projects; U19 Research Program – Cooperative Agreements. Administrative
supplement requests may be submitted electronically for the following activity codes: R01 Research Project Grant; R21 Exploratory/Developmental Research
Grant Award; U01 Research Project – Cooperative Agreements.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will use the NIH Administrative Supplement award mechanism. Applications submitted in response to this announcement for R01, R21 and U01
awards must be submitted electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. NIEHS
intends to commit $5,000,000 in FY 2015 to fund at least 10 to 12 awards. Application budgets are limited to $300,000 direct costs per award, and must reflect
the actual needs of the proposed project. The funding mechanism being used to support this program, administrative supplements, can be used to cover cost
increases that are associated with achieving certain new research objectives, as long as the research objectives are within the original scope of the peer
reviewed and approved project, or the cost increases are for unanticipated expenses within the original scope of the project. Any cost increases need to result
from making modifications to the project that would increase or preserve the overall impact of the project consistent with its originally approved objectives and
purposes.The project and budget periods must be within the currently approved project period for the existing parent award.All awards will be for a maximum of
a 1-year period. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending February 27, 2015. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 6, 2015. The sponsor will not accept letters of intent under
this FOA. The deadline for receipt of full applications is April 6, 2015 by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
Funding Limit 300,000.00 maximum
Funding Duration 1 year(s)
Eligibility Eligible applicants are: for-profit or non-profit organizations; public/State-controlled institutions of higher education; private institutions of higher education; units
of State and local governments; units of State and local Tribal government; Hispanic-serving institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs);
Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs); Small Business; eligible agencies of the Federal
government; domestic institutions/organizations; and faith-based or community-based organizations. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be
designated on the application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model. This announcement is for
supplements to existing projects. To be eligible, the parent award must be active and the research proposed in the supplement must be accomplished within the
competitive segment. The proposed supplement must be to provide for an increase in costs due to unforeseen circumstances. All additional costs must be
within the scope of the peer reviewed and approved project. IMPORTANT: The research proposed by the NIH grantee in the supplement application must be
within the original scope of the NIH-supported grant project.
Targeting Persistent HIV Reservoirs (TaPHIR) (R21/R33)
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
07-Apr-2015 Not Specified
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Contact Name
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Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Sponsor Name
Karl Salzwedel, Ph.D.
07-Apr-2015; 07-Apr-2016; 07-Apr-2017
SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) invite applications designed to stimulate
the development of innovative tools and strategies for curing HIV infection. HIV establishes latent infection in long-lived cells that form a reservoir of virus that
persists in infected individuals even after years of treatment with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Curing HIV infection requires innovative strategies
to identify and eliminate these reservoir cells. The task is especially difficult given the lack of HIV protein expression during latency and the low frequency of
latently infected cells during treatment. Novel approaches are therefore sought to efficiently monitor and specifically target reservoirs of latently infected cells to
facilitate the testing of strategies to cure HIV infection in vivo. This FOA will utilize the NIH R21/R33 Phased Innovation Award mechanism.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will utilize the NIH R21/R33 Phased Innovation Award mechanism. Applications submitted in response to this announcement must be submitted
electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. Support for the R21 phase cannot
exceed two years and total direct costs are limited to $275,000 over the R21 two-year period, with a maximum of $200,000 in direct costs allowed in any single
year. The R33 award phase is limited to $300,000 in direct costs per year and cannot exceed three years. The NIAID anticipates that a maximum of fifty percent
(50%) of the funded R21 phase awards will progress to the R33 award. The total project period for an application submitted in response to this FOA cannot
exceed five years. Awards will support milestone-driven exploratory/feasibility “proof-of-concept” studies (two-year R21 phase), with possible rapid transition to
expanded development (three-year R33 phase). CFDA#s: 93.855; 93.856;93.242. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending November 21, 2014. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted through Grants.gov on or after March 7, 12015. The sponsor will not accept letters of intent under this FOA. The deadline for
receipt of full applications is April 7 annually. This FOA will expire on April 8, 2017.
Funding Limit 0.00 see detail
Funding Duration 5 year(s)
Eligibility Eligible applicants are: for-profit or non-profit organizations; public/State-controlled institutions of higher education; private institutions of higher education; units
of State and local governments; units of State and local Tribal government; Hispanic-serving institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs);
Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs); Small Business; eligible agencies of the Federal
government; domestic or foreign institutions/organizations; and faith-based or community-based organizations. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may
be designated on the application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
RFA-HG-15-001--Centers for Common Disease Genomics (UM1)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Human Genome Research
RFA-HG-15-001 07-Apr-2015
Adam Felsenfeld
07-Mar-2015; 07-Apr-2015
SYNOPSIS: National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) invites applications to fund a collaborative large-scale genome sequencing effort to
comprehensively identify rare risk and protective variants contributing to multiple common disease phenotypes. This initiative will explore a range of diseases
with the ultimate goal of undertaking variant discovery for enough different examples of disease architectures and study designs to better understand the
general principles of genomic architecture underlying common, complex inherited diseases; understand how best to design rare variant studies for common
disease; and develop resources, informatics tools, and innovative approaches and technologies for multiple disease research communities and the wider
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biomedical research community. This FOA will use the NIH UM1 Research Project with Complex Structure Cooperative Agreement award mechanism.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will use the NIH UM1 Research Project with Complex Structure Cooperative Agreement award mechanism. Applications submitted in response to this
announcement must be submitted electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide.
NHGRI intends to commit $60M total costs in FY 2016 to fund 2-5 awards. - See more at: http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-HG-15001.html#sthash.LxNdvUr9.dpuf NHGRI anticipates making 2-5 awards. Application budgets are limited to $40.0 million per year in total costs but need to
reflect the actual needs of the proposed project. The maximum project period is 4 years. Because the nature and scope of the proposed research will vary from
application to application, it is anticipated that the size and duration of each award will also vary. F&A costs requested by consortium participants are not
included in the direct cost limitation. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending December 12, 2014; NIH Guide, Week Ending January 16, 2015; NIH Guide, Week
Ending February 13, 2015; NIH Guide, Week Ending February 27, 2015. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 7, 2015. The deadline for receipt of optional letters of intent is
March 7, 2015. The deadline for receipt of full applications is April 7, 2015, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
Funding Limit 40,000,000.00 per year
Funding Duration 4 year(s)
Eligibility Eligible applicants are: for-profit or non-profit organizations; public/State-controlled institutions of higher education; private institutions of higher education; units
of State and local governments; units of State and local Tribal government; Hispanic-serving institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs);
Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs); Small Business; eligible agencies of the Federal
government; domestic institutions/organizations; and faith-based or community-based organizations. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be
designated on the application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model. NOTE: All successful
applicants are expected to participate in NHGRI's diversity action plan by applying to PAR-13-063 (SPIN Program # 31417) for the September 25, 2015, due
date. Applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss the initial results of their UM1 application with staff before applying for the R25.
RFA-AA-15-007--Alcohol Biosensors (STTR)(R41/R42)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and
RFA-AA-15-007 07-Apr-2015 Not Specified
M. Katherine Jung, PhD
07-Mar-2015; 07-Apr-2015
SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) invites Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant applications from small
business concerns (SBCs) to design and produce a wearable device to monitor blood alcohol levels in real time. This FOA will utilize the R41/R42 Small
Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant mechanisms for Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track applications.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will utilize the R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant mechanisms for Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track applications.
Applications submitted under this announcement must be submitted electronically through Grants.gov using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and
the SF424 (R&R) SBIR/STTR Application Guide. According to statutory guidelines, total funding support (direct costs, indirect costs, fee) normally may not
exceed $150,000 for Phase I awards and $1,000,000 for Phase II awards. With appropriate justification from the applicant, Congress will allow awards to
exceed these amounts by up to 50% ($225,000 for Phase I and $1,500,000 for Phase II). As written in the statute and under appropriate circumstances, NIH
can apply for a waiver from SBA to issue an award exceeding $225,000 for Phase I or $1,500,000 for Phase II, if this cap will interfere with NIH‘s ability to meet
its mission. According to statutory guidelines, award periods normally may not exceed 1 year for Phase I and 2 years for Phase II. Applicants are encouraged to
propose a project duration period that is reasonable and appropriate for completion of the research project. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending December 19,
2014. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 7, 2015. The deadline for receipt of optional letters of intent is
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March 7, 2015. The deadline for receipt of full applications is April 7, 2015, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
Funding Limit 0.00 see detail
Funding Duration 0
Eligibility Only United States small business concerns (SBCs) are eligible to submit STTR applications. A small business concern is one that, at the time of award, for
both Phase I and Phase II awards, meets all of the following criteria: is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in the field of operation in which it is
proposing, has a place of business in the United States and operates primarily within the United States or makes a significant contribution to the US economy,
and is organized for profit; is at least fifty-one percent owned and controlled by one or more individuals who are citizens of, or permanent resident aliens in, the
United States; and has, including its affiliates, an average number of employees for the preceding twelve months not exceeding 500. For the STTR program, the
PDs/PIs may be employed with the SBC or the single, “partnering” non-profit research institution as long as s/he has a formal appointment with or commitment
to the applicant SBC, which is characterized by an official relationship between the SBC and that individual. An eligible cooperative U.S. research organization
must be: a nonprofit college or university; or a nonprofit research institution, including nonprofit medical and surgical hospitals; or a contractor-operated,
federally funded research and development center.
RFA-MD-15-005--NIH Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) Enhancing Diversity in
Biomedical Data Science (R25)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute on Minority Health and
Health Disparities/NIH/DHHS
RFA-MD-15-005 07-Apr-2015 1,000,000 USD
Pamela L. Thornton, PhD, MSW
07-Mar-2015; 07-Apr-2015
SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications for research education activities in the mission
areas of the NIH. The over-arching goal of this Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) R25 program is to support educational activities that enhance the diversity of the
biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research workforce. To accomplish the stated over-arching goal, this FOA will support creative educational activities with a
primary focus on research experiences and curriculum development. This FOA will use the NIH R25 Education Projects award mechanism.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will use the NIH R25 Education Projects award mechanism. Applications submitted in response to this announcement must be submitted
electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. NIH Office of the Associate
Director for Data Science intends to commit $1 million (total costs) in FY15 to fund approximately 5 awards. Applications may request up to $200,000 in direct
costs each year. The scope of the proposed project should determine the project period. The project period may not exceed 5 years. Because the nature and
scope of the proposed research will vary from application to application, it is anticipated that the size and duration of each award will also vary. F&A costs
requested by consortium participants are not included in the direct cost limitation. CFDA#s: 93.307; 93.350; 93.213; 93.398; 93.399; 93.172; 93.866; 93.273;
93.855; 93.856; 93.846; 93.286; 93.865; 93.279; 93.173; 93.121; 93.847; 93.859; 93.242; 93.853; 93.361; 93.879; 93.351; 93.310; 93.394; 93.395; 93.396;
93.397; 93.399; 93.837; 93.838; 93.839; 93.233. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending January 16, 2015; NIH Guide, Week Ending January 30, 2015. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 7, 2015. The deadline for receipt of optional letters of intent is
March 7, 2015. The deadline for receipt of full applications is April 7, 2015, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
Funding Limit 200,000.00 per year
Funding Duration 5 year(s)
Eligibility Eligible applicants are: public/State-controlled institutions of higher education; private institutions of higher education; Hispanic-serving institutions; Historically
Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs); Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs); and
domestic institutions/organizations. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be designated on the application for projects that require a “team science”
approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model. In addition, all organizations must meet the following two criteria: --The applicant institutions are
limited to domestic baccalaureate-granting colleges/universities that receive less than $7.5 million (total costs) of NIH research project grant (RPG) funding
annually. --The applicant institution must have an award-eligible pool of undergraduate students, at least 25% of whom are supported by Pell grants. NOTE: For
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the purposes of determining eligibility as an applicant institution, the annual level of NIH RPG funding received will be the average level calculated over the
preceding three fiscal years (FY 2012, FY 2013 and FY 2014), excluding SBIR/STTR funding and RPGs received through the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act (ARRA) as reported on the NIH RePORT website under NIH Awards by Location & Organization (http://projectreporter.nih.gov/reporter.cfm).
The percentage of undergraduates with Pell grants will be based on 2013 student financial aid data for the applicant institution, as reflected in the National
Center for Education Statistics IPEDS Data Center website, http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/datacenter/Default.aspx. The PD/PI should be an established investigator
in the scientific area in which the application is targeted and capable of providing both administrative and scientific leadership to the development and
implementation of the proposed program. The PD/PI will be expected to monitor and assess the program and submit all documents and reports as required.
The PD/PI should have expertise in computational/quantitative sciences relevant to biomedical research. Unless strongly justified on the basis of exceptional
relevance to NIH, research education programs should be used primarily for the education of U.S. citizens and permanent residents.
RFA-OD-15-129--Mobilizing Research: A Research Resource to Enhance mHealth
Research (U2C)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences
RFA-OD-15-129 08-Apr-2015 6,250,000 USD
Wendy Nilsen, Ph.D.
08-Apr-2015; 08-May-2015
SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications for the development of Mobilizing Research a
research resource that would allow researchers to more efficiently and rapidly evaluate mobile and wireless (mHealth) technologies. This research resource is
intended to develop an infrastructure that works with wireless carriers to create a registry of potential participants to facilitate mHealth research across a variety
of observational and clinical research studies and settings, and for a range of diseases and populations. This FOA supports Mobilizing Research for
development of the infrastructure and transition to sustainability. Therefore, the proposed integrated and centralized resource should be designed and operated
in a way that will facilitate and enable its sustainable functioning in the near future. This FOA will use the NIH U2C Resource-Related Research MultiComponent Projects and Centers Cooperative Agreements award mechanism.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will use the NIH U2C Resource-Related Research Multi-Component Projects and Centers Cooperative Agreements award mechanism. Applications
submitted in response to this announcement must be submitted electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and
SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. Applications must be submitted to Grants.gov through NIH's new Application Submission System & Interface for Submission
Tracking (ASSIST). OBBSR, NHLBI, NIAAA, NIBIB, and NINDS intend to commit a total of $2.0 million to fund one (1) award. Award budgets are limited to
$1,250,000 in direct costs per year. Future year amounts will depend on annual appropriations. The total project period may not exceed 5 years. Reference:
NIH Guide, Week Ending . (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications must be submitted to Grants.gov through NIH's new Application Submission System & Interface for Submission Tracking (ASSIST). Applications
may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after April 8, 2015. The deadline for receipt of optional letters of intent is April 8, 2015.
The deadline for receipt of full applications is May 8, 2015, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
Funding Limit 1,250,000.00 per year
Funding Duration 5 year(s)
Eligibility Eligible applicants are: for-profit or non-profit organizations; public/State-controlled institutions of higher education; private institutions of higher education; units
of State and local governments; units of State and local Tribal government; Hispanic-serving institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs);
Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs); Small Business; eligible agencies of the Federal
government; domestic institutions/organizations; and faith-based or community-based organizations. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be
designated on the application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
RFA-DK-14-020--Innovative Research in HIV in Kidney, Urology and Hematology
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive
and Kidney Diseases/NIH/DHHS
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
RFA-DK-14-020 09-Apr-2015 2,500,000 USD
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Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Sponsor Name
Paul Kimmel, M.D.
09-Mar-2015; 09-Apr-2015
SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) invites applications for innovative research projects examining the basic
and clinical aspects of HIV infection, treatment, and long-term sequelae as they relate to the mission of the Division of Kidney, Urologic and Hematologic
Diseases within NIDDK (KUH/NIDDK). This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism.
Indirect Costs
Funding This program will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. Applications submitted in response to this announcement must be submitted
electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. NIDDK intends to commit $2.6
million in FY 2015 to fund 3-6 awards. Application budgets are limited to up to $500,000 direct costs and need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed
project. The scope of the proposed project should determine the project period. Investigators may propose research projects for a minimum project period of 3
years to a maximum project period of 5 years. Because the nature and scope of the proposed research will vary from application to application, it is anticipated
that the size and duration of each award will also vary. F&A costs requested by consortium participants are not included in the direct cost limitation. Reference:
NIH Guide, Week Ending October 3, 2014. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 9, 2015. The deadline for receipt of optional letters of intent is
March 9, 2015. The deadline for receipt of full applications is April 9, 2015), by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
Funding Limit 500,000.00 per year
Funding Duration 5 year(s)
Eligibility Eligible applicants are: for-profit or non-profit organizations; public/State-controlled institutions of higher education; private institutions of higher education; units
of State and local governments; units of State and local Tribal government; Hispanic-serving institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs);
Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs); Small Business; eligible agencies of the Federal
government; domestic institutions/organizations; and faith-based or community-based organizations. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be
designated on the application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
RFA-DK-14-023--Elucidating HIV and HIV-treatment Associated Metabolic/Endocrine
Dysfunction (R01)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive
and Kidney Diseases/NIH/DHHS
RFA-DK-14-023 09-Apr-2015 2,500,000 USD
Andrew A. Bremer, M.D., Ph.D.
09-Mar-2015; 09-Apr-2015
SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) invites applications for innovative research in humans to elucidate the
role of HIV infection, including relevant host conditions or antiretroviral therapy, on metabolic and endocrine dysfunction, as well as to support innovative
research delineating the pathophysiology, etiology, risk or protective factors, and potential strategies to prevent, treat, or reverse endocrine and metabolic
dysfunction in HIV-infected individuals. Proposed projects must involve human subjects with HIV infection or materials or data from HIV-infected individuals.
Proposed projects must also be related to the mission of the Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Metabolic Diseases within NIDDK (DEM/NIDDK). This
FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism.
Indirect Costs
Funding This program will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. Applications submitted in response to this announcement must be submitted
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Deadline Notes
Funding Limit
Funding Duration
Sponsor Name
electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. NIDDK intends to commit up to
$2,500,000 in FY 2015 to fund 3-6 awards. Application budgets are limited to $500,000 direct costs in any year and need to reflect the actual needs of the
proposed project. The scope of the proposed project should determine the project period. The maximum project period is 5 years. Because the nature and
scope of the proposed research will vary from application to application, it is anticipated that the size and duration of each award will also vary. F&A costs
requested by consortium participants are not included in the direct cost limitation. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending October 24, 2014. (kww)
Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 9, 2015. The deadline for receipt of optional letters of intent is
March 9, 2015. The deadline for receipt of full applications is April 9, 2015, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
500,000.00 per year
5 year(s)
Eligible applicants are: for-profit or non-profit organizations; public/State-controlled institutions of higher education; private institutions of higher education; units
of State and local governments; units of State and local Tribal government; Hispanic-serving institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs);
Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs); Small Business; eligible agencies of the Federal
government; domestic or foreign institutions/organizations; and faith-based or community-based organizations. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may
be designated on the application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
Multilevel Interventions in Cancer Care Delivery: Building from the Problem of Followup to Abnormal Screening Tests (U01)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS
09-Apr-2015 3,000,000 USD
Stephen Hunt Taplin, MD, MPH
09-Mar-2015; 09-Apr-2015; 25-Oct-2015; 25-Nov-2015; 26-Apr-2016; 26-May-2016; 21-Aug-2016; 21-Sep-2016; 26-Apr-2017; 26-May-2017; 21-Aug-2017; 21Sep-2017
Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Cancer Institute (NCI) invites applications hat strengthen the science of multilevel effects of cancer care interventions by addressing the
problem of incomplete follow-up to abnormal screening tests for breast, colorectal, cervical and lung cancers. The goals of this FOA are two-fold. First, this FOA
seeks to advance the science of multilevel interventions in three ways: a) by establishing a common conceptualization of levels and the associated level-specific
factors that affect practice; b) by standardizing metrics of the levels and their main effects on other levels and the individuals needing follow-up care; and c) by
developing and standardizing the analysis of the effect of interventions on the individuals, groups, and organizations responsible for intervention
implementation. Second, this FOA encourages applications that test interventions to improve the follow-up of abnormal screening in one or more ways,
including: a) measuring multilevel effects of single-level interventions; b) comparing single vs. multilevel interventions; and c) testing multilevel interventions.
This program will use the NIH U01 Research Project Cooperative Agreements award mechanism.
Indirect Costs
Funding This program will use the NIH U01 Research Project Cooperative Agreements award mechanism. Applications submitted in response to this announcement
must be submitted electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. Application
budgets are expected to differ, reflecting the actual needs of the proposed projects. It is anticipated and encouraged, however, that most requests be in the
range of $450,000 to $500,000 direct costs per year commensurate with the scope and complexity of the proposed projects. Larger budgets may be requested
but no request may exceed $750,000 in direct costs per year. The total project period may not exceed 4 years. Because the nature and scope of the proposed
research will vary from application to application, it is anticipated that the size and duration of each award will also vary. F&A costs requested by consortium
participants are not included in the direct cost limitation. CFDA#s: 93.394, 93.395. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending January 30, 2014. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 9, 2015. The deadline for receipt of optional letters of intent is
30 days prior to the application due date. The deadlines for receipt of full applications are: April 9, 2015; November 25, 2015; May 26, 2016; September 21,
2016; May 26, 2017; September 21, 2017, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
Funding Limit 750,000.00 per year
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Funding Duration 4 year(s)
Eligibility Eligible applicants are: for-profit or non-profit organizations; public/State-controlled institutions of higher education; private institutions of higher education; units
of State and local governments; units of State and local Tribal government; Hispanic-serving institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs);
Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs); Small Business; eligible agencies of the Federal
government; domestic or foreign institutions/organizations; and faith-based or community-based organizations. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may
be designated on the application for projects that require a "team science" approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
National Institute of Child Health and Human NIH-NIAAA09-Apr-2015 Not Specified
RFP - AMENDMENT - Human Laboratory Paradigms
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Jacquelin M. Jones
A -- Human Laboratory Paradigms SOL NIH-NIAAA-DTRR-2015-04 DUE 040915 POC Jacquelin M. Jones, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-435-6965, Email
jacquelin.jones@nih.gov - Katharine Minker, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-3041, Email km571h@nih.govThe NIAAA has a mission to develop safe and
effective medications to treat alcohol use disorder (AUD) in various populations. Part of the mission involves translation of the pre-clinical findings through
human laboratory studies and then ultimately to clinical trials. In order to provide this missing piece of development pipeline, human laboratory studies will be
conducted with compounds and paradigms chosen by NIAAA. The NIAAA has supported both pre-clinical and clinicalmedications development activities and
continues to further expand this research area with the addition of human laboratory paradigms. To carry out this task, NIAAA intends to develop a network of
clinical sites capable of conducting multiple human laboratory paradigms on non-treatment seeking alcohol use disorder individuals that will examine the impact
of putative alcoholism therapeutics on keycomponents of the alcohol use disorder.CITE: https://www.fbo.gov/spg/HHS/NIH/NICHD/NIH-NIAAA-DTRR-201504/listing.html
Indirect Costs
Deadline Notes
Funding Limit 0.00
Funding Duration 0
RFA-DK-15-503--Limited Competition for the Continuation of the Diabetes Prevention
Program Outcomes Study (DPPOS) Clinical Centers (Collaborative U01)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive
and Kidney Diseases/NIH/DHHS
RFA-DK-15-503 09-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Karen Teff, Ph.D.
09-Mar-2015; 09-Apr-2015
SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) invites applications to continue follow-up of the Diabetes Prevention
Program Outcomes Study (DPPOS) cohort through a collaborative cooperative agreement. The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) was a multi-center
controlled clinical trial examining the efficacy of treatments to prevent or delay the development of type 2 diabetes in a population at high risk. The DPP
demonstrated that either lifestyle change or the drug metformin could reduce the development of type 2 diabetes by 58% and 31%, respectively, compared with
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Sponsor Name
placebo. Following the end of DPP, the DPP cohort was enrolled in the DPPOS to determine the long-term effects of the DPP interventions on further diabetes
development and microvascular complications. The primary purpose of this FOA is to support the DPPOS clinical centers to continue follow-up of the DPPOS
cohort to examine the effectiveness of early metformin treatment on the development of cardiovascular disease and cancer. RFA-DK-15-505 will support
continuation of the DPPOS Biostatistics Research Center. This program will use the NIH U01 Research Project Cooperative Agreements award mechanism.
Indirect Costs
Funding This program will use the NIH U01 Research Project Cooperative Agreements award mechanism. Applications submitted in response to this announcement
must be submitted electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. NIDDK intends
to commit up to $10 million in Fiscal Year 2016 to support the continuation of the DPPOS Study under RFA-DK-15-503 and RFA-DK-15-505. It is expected that
awards will be made to 21 clinical centers under this FOA. Application budgets are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project. The
maximum project period is 5 years. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending February 6, 2015. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 9, 2015. The deadline for receipt of optional letters of intent is
March 9, 2015. The deadline for receipt of full applications is April 9, 2015, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
Funding Limit 0.00 not provided
Funding Duration 5 year(s)
Eligibility This FOA is limited to the current awardees of the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study (DPPOS) Clinical Centers.
RFA-DK-15-505--Limited Competition for the Continuation of the Diabetes Prevention National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive
Program Outcomes Study (DPPOS) Biostatistics Research Center (Collaborative U01) and Kidney Diseases/NIH/DHHS
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
RFA-DK-15-505 09-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Karen Teff, Ph.D.
09-Mar-2015; 09-Apr-2015
SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) invites applications to continue follow-up of the Diabetes Prevention
Program Outcomes Study (DPPOS) cohort through a collaborative cooperative agreement. The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) was a multi-center
controlled clinical trial examining the efficacy of treatments to prevent or delay the development of type 2 diabetes in a population at high risk. The DPP
demonstrated that either lifestyle change or the drug metformin could reduce the development of type 2 diabetes by 58% and 31%, respectively, compared with
placebo. Following the end of DPP, the DPP cohort was enrolled in the DPPOS to determine the long-term effects of the DPP interventions on further diabetes
development and microvascular complications. The primary purpose of this FOA is to support the DPPOS Biostatistics Research Center to continue follow-up of
the DPPOS cohort to examine the effectiveness of early metformin treatment on the development of cardiovascular disease and cancer. RFA DK-15-503 will
support continuation of the DPPOS clinical sites. This program will use the NIH U01 Research Project Cooperative Agreements award mechanism.
Indirect Costs
Funding This program will use the NIH U01 Research Project Cooperative Agreements award mechanism. Applications submitted in response to this announcement
must be submitted electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. NIDDK intends
to commit up to $10 million in Fiscal Year 2016 to support the continuation of the DPPOS Study under RFA-DK-15-503 and RFA-DK-15-505. It is expected that
one award will be made for a Biostatistics Research Center under this FOA. Application budgets are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the
proposed project. The maximum project period is 5 years. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending February 6, 2015. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 9, 2015. The deadline for receipt of optional letters of intent is
March 9, 2015. The deadline for receipt of full applications is April 9, 2015, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
Funding Limit 0.00 not provided
Funding Duration 5 year(s)
Eligibility This FOA is limited to the current awardee of the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study (DPPOS) Biostatistics Research Center.
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Sponsor Name
RFP -- AMENDMENT -- Development and Maintenance of a Multigenotypic Aged
Mouse Colony
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS
10-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Tawanda Haynes-Brown
POC Tawanda Haynes-Brown, Phone: 3014436162, Yvette Brown, Phone: 301-443-8402 WEB: FBO.gov Permalink https://www.fbo.gov/spg/HHS/NIH/NIDA01/HHS-NIH-NIDA(AG)-RFP-14-003/listing.html E-MAIL: haynest@mail.nih.gov, yvette.brown@nih.gov haynest@mail.nih.gov, yvette.brown@nih.gov NAICS:
112990 PRESOLICITATION NOTICE The National Institute on Aging (NIA), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Department of Health and Human Services
(DHHS) intends to re-compete a requirement currently being performed under NIA Contract HHSN271201000006I. This procurement is being competed under
full and open competitive procedures under FAR Part 15. It is anticipated that a single Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) type contract will be awarded
on or about August 1, 2015 with a 10-year period of performance. It is expected that a solicitation will be issued on or about September 30, 2014.
BACKGROUND: Current and projected experiments using rodents to model the aging processes and age-related diseases in humans require animals of
defined genotype and controlled environmental and health status. Only with the meticulous, long-term control of genetic and environmental variables is it
possible to maintain relevant animal models that may be used to study many of the biological and behavioral processes in aging. Therefore,a continuous supply
of genetically defined, well characterized inbred and hybrid laboratory animals is essential for a program of research on aging. In 2010, NIA awarded a 9-year
contract for the development and maintenance of a colony of genetically defined aged mice. This RFP contemplates award of a follow-on contract. PURPOSE
AND OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this contract is to develop, maintainand distribute a standing colony of aged, genetically defined laboratory mice for use by
investigators in studies of aging. This colony is to be developed and maintained within controlled and defined barrier environments where animals are monitored
and characterized for disease status and markers of genetic purity. PROJECT REQUIRMENTS: The Contractor shall develop, maintain and distribute a
standing colony of aged mice of NIA-specified genotypes for use by investigators in studies of aging. The expected duration of this colony, and therefore of this
contract, is ten years. During years 1 through 2, animals shall be entered into thecolony, but few animals shall be removed from the colony except for the
purposes of monitoring health and genetic purity. However, if the need should arise, animals may be distributed from the colony at any time at the direction of
the Contractor Officer's Representative (COR). During years 3 through 7, animals shall continue to be entered into the colony and animals shall be distributed to
investigators. This should be a period of stable operation with young animals entering the colony at approximately the same rate as older animals leave the
colony due to distribution and normal attrition. The final period, years 8-10, will serveas the colony close-out period. Animals shall be maintained and disbursed,
but entry of animals shall cease at the beginning of year 8 or when entries begin ina renewal contract colony. Thus the population in this contract colony will
decline to a point of zero or very few animals at the end of year ten. The colony population at the end of each year of the nine year period should be
approximately as follows: YEAR 1 10,000 YEAR 4 72,000 YEAR 7 72,000 YEAR 10 Near Zero YEAR 250,000 YEAR 5 72,000 YEAR 8 50,000 YEAR 3 72,000
YEAR 6 72,000 YEAR 9 20,000 The Contractor shall acquire foundation stock for four inbred strains of mice froma stock center identified by the COR and shall
re-derive the stock by caesariansection or embryo transfer under barrier conditions. After re-derivation, testing to confirm genetic purity and SPF health status
shall be performed on the foundation colony, and breeding colonies will be established for the four inbred strains and two derivative hybrid strains. Mice will be
entered into the aging colony at levels defined in the contract Statement of Work (SOW), currently a totalof 4,150 mice per month (the hybrid strains account for
approximately 5% of thetotal entry levels). The Contractor shall provide all production space needed for the colony, including at least two independent barriers
to house the colony, with independent back-up and alarm systems. Since this is an aging colony, the contractor must be prepared to house the animals for up to
2-3 years each. Mice shall be provided with sterilized food (formulation consistent with NIH31 open formula) and bedding, and environmental conditions
(temperature, humidity range, light cycle, water treatment, etc.) as defined in the SOW. Mice shall be monitored weekly for signs of fighting or morbidity. Semiannual genetic monitoring of the breeding colonies and quarterly health monitoring of the aging colonies shallbe performed and reported to the COR as well as
be included in the semi-annual progress reports. Genetic monitoring shall be accomplished by a panel of microsatellite markers that distinguish the inbred
strains. Health monitoring shall include external exams for parasites, microbiology, serology, and histology. The Contractor shall ship the mice to investigators
upon authorization from the COR orher representative, providing secure shipping crates, food and water sources, climate-controlled transport and provide a
weekly inventory of the aging colony in a format approved by the COR.. REPORTS/DELIVERABLES: The following reports will be required: (1) Post-rederivation Health and Genetic Monitoring Report; (2) Breeding Colony Development Report; (3) Semi-Annual Progress Reports; (4) WeeklyInventory Report; (5)
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Health Monitoring Reports; (6) Genetic Monitoring Reports; Caloric Restricted Set-Aside Body Weight Reports; (7) Individual Postmortem Reports; and (8) Final
Report. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code is 112990 with a size standard of
$0.75million. This proposed acquisition was previously publicized under sources sought notices HHS-NIH-NIDA(AG)-RDSS-14-003 and HHS-NIH-NIDA(AG)SBSS-14-003. All responsible sources may submit a proposal which will be considered by the agency. This notice does not commit the Government to award a
contract. No collect callswill be accepted. No facsimile transmissions will be accepted.CITE:
https://www.fbo.gov/?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=cdad0f28224893ff5946471654814716&tab=core&_cview=0Posted 07/23/14 (W-SN03434786). (0204)
Indirect Costs
Deadline Notes
Funding Limit 0.00
Funding Duration 0
Interventions for Health Promotion and Disease prevention in Native American
Populations (R01)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS
12-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Shobha Srinivasan, Ph.D.
12-Apr-2015; 12-May-2015; 24-Jul-2015; 24-Aug-2015; 12-Apr-2016; 12-May-2016; 24-Jul-2016; 24-Aug-2016; 12-Apr-2017; 12-May-2017; 24-Jul-2017; 24Aug-2017
Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications to develop, adapt, and test the effectiveness of
health promotion and disease prevention interventions in Native American (NA) populations. NA populations are exposed to considerable risk factors that
significantly increase their likelihood of chronic disease, substance abuse, mental illness, oral diseases, and HIV-infection. The intervention program should be
culturally appropriate and promote the adoption of healthy lifestyles, improve behaviors and social conditions and/or improve environmental conditions related to
chronic diseases, the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs, mental illness, oral disease, or HIV-infection. The intervention program should be
designed so that it could be sustained within the entire community within existing resources, and, if successful, disseminated in other Native American
communities. The long-term goal of this FOA is to reduce mortality and morbidity in NA communities. For the purposes of this FOA Native Americans include
the following populations: Alaska Native, American Indian, and Native Hawaiian. The term ‘Native Hawaiian’ means any individual any of whose ancestors were
natives, prior to 1778, of the area which now comprises the State of Hawaii. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism.
Indirect Costs
Funding This program will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. Applications submitted in response to this announcement must be submitted
electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. Applicants may request up to five
years of support for R01 awards with costs appropriately tailored to the proposed work. No limit is set on the costs requested by R01 applicants. Because the
nature and scope of the proposed research will vary from application to application, it is anticipated that the size and duration of each award will also vary. F&A
costs requested by consortium participants are not included in the direct cost limitation. CFDA#s: 93.393, 93.399, 93,273, 93.121, 93.279, 93.113, 93.242,
93.361, 93.307. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending June 20, 2014; NIH Guide, Week Ending December 5, 2014. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after April 12, 2015. The deadline for receipt of optional letters of intent is
30 days before the application due date. The deadline for receipt of standard full applications is May 12 annually. The deadline for receipt of AIDS-related
applications is August 24 annually. This FOA will expire on August 25, 2017.
Funding Limit 0.00 not provided
Funding Duration 5 year(s)
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Sponsor Name
Eligibility Eligible applicants are: for-profit or non-profit organizations; public/State-controlled institutions of higher education; private institutions of higher education; units
of State and local governments; units of State and local Tribal government; Hispanic-serving institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs);
Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs); Small Business; eligible agencies of the Federal
government; domestic institutions/organizations; and faith-based or community-based organizations. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be
designated on the application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
RFA-NS-15-006--BRAIN Initiative: Next-Generation Invasive Devices for Recording
and Modulation in the Human Central Nervous System (UH2/UH3)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute of Neurological Disorders
and Stroke/NIH/DHHS
RFA-NS-15-006 14-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Kip Ludwig, PhD
SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications for translational and clinical studies for recording
and/or stimulating devices to treat nervous system disorders and better understand the human brain. The program will utilize a cooperative agreement
mechanism to support the submission of an Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) for a Significant Risk (SR) study or obtain Institutional Review Board (IRB)
approval for a Non-Significant Risk (NSR) study, and a subsequent small clinical study (e.g., Early Feasibility Study). The small clinical study should provide
data to answer key questions about the function or final design of a device. This final device design may require most, if not all, of the non-clinical testing on the
path to more advanced clinical trials and market approval. The clinical study is expected to provide information that cannot be practically obtained through
additional nonclinical assessments (e.g., bench top or animal studies) due to the novelty of the device or its intended use. Activities supported in this program
include implementation of clinical prototype devices, non-clinical safety and efficacy testing, design verification and validation activities, and pursuit of regulatory
approval for, and implementation of, a single small clinical study. This FOA will use the NIH UH2/UH3 Phase Innovation Awards Cooperative Agreement
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will use the NIH UH2/UH3 Phase Innovation Awards Cooperative Agreement mechanism. Applications submitted in response to this announcement
must be submitted electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. NIH anticipates
providing $9.0 million per year, to fund an estimated 5-10 awards. Application budgets are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed
project. Applicants should rarely exceed $1M direct costs per year for the non-clinical testing phase and $1.5M direct costs per year for the Early Feasibility
Study phase. The duration of the UH2 phase cannot exceed 3 years and the total duration of the UH2/UH3 phases combined may not exceed 5 years. Because
the nature and scope of the proposed research will vary from application to application, it is anticipated that the size and duration of each award will also vary.
F&A costs requested by consortium participants are not included in the direct cost limitation. CFDA#s: 93.853; 93.865; 93.866; 93.286; 93.867; 93.173; 93.273;
93.279; 93.242; 93.213. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending February 6, 2015. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 14, 2015. The sponsor will not accept letters of intent under
this FOA. The deadline for receipt of full applications is April 14, 2015, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
Funding Limit 0.00 see detail
Funding Duration 5 year(s)
Eligibility Eligible applicants are: for-profit or non-profit organizations; public/State-controlled institutions of higher education; private institutions of higher education; units
of State and local governments; units of State and local Tribal government; Hispanic-serving institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs);
Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs); Small Business; eligible agencies of the Federal
government; domestic institutions/organizations; and faith-based or community-based organizations. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be
designated on the application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
BRAIN Initiative: Clinical Studies to Advance Next-Generation Invasive Devices for
Recording and Modulation in the Human Central Nervous System (UH3)
National Institute of Neurological Disorders
and Stroke/NIH/DHHS
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
RFA-NS-15-008 14-Apr-2015 Not Specified
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Opportunity Title
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Sponsor Name
Kip Ludwig, PhD
SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications to pursue a small clinical study to obtain critical
information necessary to advance recording and/or stimulating devices to treat central nervous system disorders and better understand the human brain (e.g.,
Early Feasibility Study). Clinical studies supported may consist of acute or short-term procedures that are deemed Non-Significant Risk (NSR) by an Institutional
Review Board, or Significant Risk (SR) studies that require an Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) from the FDA, such as chronic implants. The clinical
study should provide data to answer key questions about the function or final design of a device. This final device design may require most, if not all, of the nonclinical testing on the path to more advanced clinical trials and market approval. The clinical study is expected to provide information that cannot be practically
obtained through additional nonclinical assessments (e.g., bench top or animal studies) due to the novelty of the device or its intended use. This FOA will use
the NIH UH3 Phase II Innovation Awards Cooperative Agreement mechanism.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will use the NIH UH3 Phase II Innovation Awards Cooperative Agreement mechanism. Applications submitted in response to this announcement must
be submitted electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. NIH anticipates
providing $3.0 million per year, to fund an estimated 2-4 awards. Application budgets are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project.
Applicants should rarely exceed $1.5 million direct costs per year. The total duration of the project may not exceed 5 years. Because the nature and scope of
the proposed research will vary from application to application, it is anticipated that the size and duration of each award will also vary. F&A costs requested by
consortium participants are not included in the direct cost limitation. CFDA#s: 93.853; 93.865; 93.866; 93.286; 93.867; 93.173; 93.273; 93.279; 93.242; 93.213.
Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending February 6, 2015. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 14, 2015. The sponsor will not accept letters of intent under
this FOA. The deadline for receipt of full applications is April 14, 2015, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
Funding Limit 0.00 see detail
Funding Duration 5 year(s)
Eligibility Eligible applicants are: for-profit or non-profit organizations; public/State-controlled institutions of higher education; private institutions of higher education; units
of State and local governments; units of State and local Tribal government; Hispanic-serving institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs);
Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs); Small Business; eligible agencies of the Federal
government; domestic institutions/organizations; and faith-based or community-based organizations. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be
designated on the application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
Translational Research in Pediatric and Obstetric Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute of Child Health and Human
15-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Zhaoxia Ren, M.D., Ph.D.
14-Aug-2014; 19-Nov-2014; 15-Apr-2015; 14-Aug-2015; 19-Nov-2015; 15-Apr-2016; 16-Aug-2016
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) invites applications for translational and clinical research as well as clinical trials that will
advance our knowledge about the underlying mechanisms of drug action, response, and safety in children at various developmental stages, and in pregnant
women and the developing fetus. The overall goals of the FOA are to improve the safety and effectiveness of current drugs for pediatric or obstetric patients,
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Sponsor Name
and to enhance the development of new drugs or a safer usage of the existing drugs for tailored therapies to meet emerging clinical needs for these special
populations. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism.
Indirect Costs
Funding This program will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. Applications submitted in response to this announcement must be submitted
electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. Applicants may request up to five
years of support for R01 awards with costs appropriately tailored to the proposed work. No limit is set on the costs requested by R01 applicants. Because the
nature and scope of the proposed research will vary from application to application, it is anticipated that the size and duration of each award will also vary. F&A
costs requested by consortium participants are not included in the direct cost limitation. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending August 9, 2013. (kww)
Deadline Notes Optional letters of intent may be submitted thirty days prior to the application receipt date. The deadlines for receipt of full applications are: August 14, 2014,
November 19, 2014; April 15, 2015, August 14, 2015, November 19, 2015; April 15, 2016, August 16, 2016, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
This program will expire on August 17, 2016.
Funding Limit 0.00 not provided
Funding Duration 5 year(s)
Eligibility Eligible applicants are: for-profit or non-profit organizations; public/State-controlled institutions of higher education; private institutions of higher education; units
of State and local governments; units of State and local Tribal government; Hispanic-serving institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs);
Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs); Small Business; eligible agencies of the Federal
government; domestic or foreign institutions/organizations; and faith-based or community-based organizations. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may
be designated on the application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
Translational Research in Pediatric and Obstetric Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute of Child Health and Human
15-Apr-2015 100,000 USD
Zhaoxia Ren, M.D., Ph.D.
14-Aug-2014; 19-Nov-2014; 15-Apr-2015; 14-Aug-2015; 19-Nov-2015; 15-Apr-2016; 16-Aug-2016
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) invites applications for translational and clinical research as well as clinical trials that will
advance our knowledge about the underlying mechanisms of drug action, response, and safety in children at various developmental stages, and in pregnant
women and the developing fetus. The overall goals of the FOA are to improve the safety and effectiveness of current drugs for pediatric or obstetric patients,
and to enhance the development of new drugs or a safer usage of the existing drugs for tailored therapies to meet emerging clinical needs for these special
populations. This FOA will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. Applications submitted in response to this announcement must be submitted
electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. Applicants may request a project
period of up to two years and budget for direct costs of up to $50,000 per year. Because the nature and scope of the proposed research will vary from
application to application, it is anticipated that the size and duration of each award will also vary. F&A costs requested by consortium participants are not
included in the direct cost limitation. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending August 9, 2013. (kww)
Deadline Notes Optional letters of intent may be submitted thirty days prior to the application receipt date. The deadlines for receipt of full applications are: August 14, 2014,
November 19, 2014; April 15, 2015, August 14, 2015, November 19, 2015; April 15, 2016, August 16, 2016, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
This program will expire on August 17, 2016.
Funding Limit 50,000.00 per year
Funding Duration 2 year(s)
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Sponsor Name
Eligibility Eligible applicants are: for-profit or non-profit organizations; public/State-controlled institutions of higher education; private institutions of higher education; units
of State and local governments; units of State and local Tribal government; Hispanic-serving institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs);
Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs); Small Business; eligible agencies of the Federal
government; domestic or foreign institutions/organizations; and faith-based or community-based organizations. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may
be designated on the application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
Translational Research in Pediatric and Obstetric Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute of Child Health and Human
15-Apr-2015 275,000 USD
Zhaoxia Ren, M.D., Ph.D.
14-Aug-2014; 19-Nov-2014; 15-Apr-2015; 14-Aug-2015; 19-Nov-2015; 15-Apr-2016; 16-Aug-2016
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) invites applications for translational and clinical research as well as clinical trials that will
advance our knowledge about the underlying mechanisms of drug action, response, and safety in children at various developmental stages, and in pregnant
women and the developing fetus. The overall goals of the FOA are to improve the safety and effectiveness of current drugs for pediatric or obstetric patients,
and to enhance the development of new drugs or a safer usage of the existing drugs for tailored therapies to meet emerging clinical needs for these special
populations. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism.
Indirect Costs
Funding This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. Applications submitted in response to this announcement must be submitted
electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. The total project period for an
application submitted in response to this funding opportunity may not exceed two years. Direct costs are limited to $275,000 over the two years of the R21
award, with no more than $200,000 in direct costs allowed in any single year. Because the nature and scope of the proposed research will vary from application
to application, it is anticipated that the size and duration of each award will also vary. F&A costs requested by consortium participants are not included in the
direct cost limitation. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending August 9, 2013. (kww)
Deadline Notes Optional letters of intent may be submitted thirty days prior to the application receipt date. The deadlines for receipt of full applications are: August 14, 2014,
November 19, 2014; April 15, 2015, August 14, 2015, November 19, 2015; April 15, 2016, August 16, 2016, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
This program will expire on August 17, 2016.
Funding Limit 275,000.00 maximum
Funding Duration 2 year(s)
Eligibility Eligible applicants are: for-profit or non-profit organizations; public/State-controlled institutions of higher education; private institutions of higher education; units
of State and local governments; units of State and local Tribal government; Hispanic-serving institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs);
Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs); Small Business; eligible agencies of the Federal
government; domestic or foreign institutions/organizations; and faith-based or community-based organizations. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may
be designated on the application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
Administrative Supplements for Research on Dietary Supplements (Admin Supp)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Office of Dietary Supplements/NIH/DHHS
15-Apr-2015 100,000 USD
Cindy Davis
15-Oct-2014; 15-Jan-2015; 15-Apr-2015
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications for administrative supplements to support research
in which the supplemental funding would investigate the role of dietary supplements and/or their ingredients in health maintenance and disease prevention.
Parent awards need not be focused on dietary supplements; this FOA may provide support to include dietary supplements within the scope of relevant research
projects. Research interests of ODS are not limited to specific health conditions, organ systems or population groups. ODS supports all types of research,
including pre-clinical, clinical, behavioral, and epidemiological. Additionally, ODS supports research and training programs that build future research capacity for
studying the role of dietary supplements in health and disease prevention. Primary consideration for support will be given to applications that stimulate dietary
supplement research where it is lacking or lagging, clarify gaps, opportunities and balance between benefits and risks where data are in conflict, target special
population groups where additional science on dietary supplements is needed, and focus on the use of dietary supplements in improving or maintaining health
and reducing the risk of chronic disease. This FOA will use the NIH Administrative Supplement award mechanism.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will use the NIH Administrative Supplement award mechanism. Administrative supplement requests must be submitted on paper for the following
activity codes: P01; P20; P30; P50; P60; U10; U19; U54; and U56. For all other activity codes, applications submitted in response to this announcement must
be submitted electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. ODS intends to
commit up to $3.0M in FY 2015 to fund approximately 30 awards. Budget requests may be for no more than $100,000 in total costs. Application budgets are
limited to no more than the amount of the current parent award and must reflect the actual needs of the proposed project. The funding mechanism being used to
support this program, administrative supplements, can be used to cover cost increases that are associated with achieving certain new research objectives, as
long as the research objectives are within the original scope of the peer reviewed and approved project, or the cost increases are for unanticipated expenses
within the original scope of the project. Any cost increases need to result from making modifications to the project that would increase or preserve the overall
impact of the project consistent with its originally approved objectives and purposes. The project and budget periods must be within the currently approved
project period for the existing parent award. CFDA#s: 93.321, 93.393, 93.273, 93.847, 93.213, 93.856, 93.855, 93.859, 93.121, 93.865, 93.989, 93.866, 93.113,
93.837, 93.838, 93.839, 93.233. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending May 2, 2014; NIH Guide, Week Ending May 23, 2014. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after September 15, 2014. The deadlines for receipt of optional letters of
intent are: October 15, 2014; January 15, 2015; or April 15, 2015, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
Funding Limit 100,000.00 maximum
Funding Duration 0 year(s)
Eligibility This announcement is for supplements to existing projects. To be eligible, the parent award must be active and the research proposed in the supplement must
be accomplished within the competitive segment. The proposed supplement must be to provide for an increase in costs due to unforeseen circumstances. All
additional costs must be within the scope of the peer reviewed and approved project. Individual(s) must hold an active grant or cooperative agreement, and the
research proposed in the supplement must be accomplished within the competitive segment of the active award. Individuals are encouraged to work with their
organizations to develop applications for support. Eligible applicants are: for-profit or non-profit organizations; public/State-controlled institutions of higher
education; private institutions of higher education; units of State and local governments; units of State and local Tribal government; Hispanic-serving institutions;
Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs); Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities
(TCCUs); Small Business; eligible agencies of the Federal government; domestic or foreign institutions/organizations; and faith-based or community-based
organizations. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be designated on the application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly
does not fit the single-PD/PI model. For supplements to parent awards that include multiple PDs/PIs, the supplement may be requested by any or all of the
PDs/PIs (in accordance with the existing leadership plan) and submitted by the awardee institution of the parent award. Additional funds may be awarded as
supplements to parent awards using the following Activity Code(s): --P01 Research Program Projects--P20 Exploratory Grants--P30 Center Core Grants--P50
Specialized Center--P60 Comprehensive Center--U10 Cooperative Clinical Research – Cooperative Agreements--U19 Research Program – Cooperative
Agreements --U54 Specialized Center- Cooperative Agreements--U56 Exploratory Grants – Cooperative Agreements--DP1 NIH Director’s Pioneer Award
(NDPA)--DP2 NIH Director’s New Innovator Awards--DP4 NIH Director’s Pathfinder Award- Multi-Yr Funding--DP5/UP5 Early Independence Award/Cooperative
Agreement--D43 International Training Grants in Epidemiology--F30 Individual Predoctoral NRSA for MD/PhD Fellowships--F31 Predoctoral Individual National
Research Service Grant Award--F32 Postdoctoral Individual National Research Service Award--K01 Research Scientist Development Award - Research &
Training--K02 Research Scientist Development Award – Research--K05 Research Scientist Award--K06 Research Career Awards--K07 Academic/Teacher
Award (ATA)--K08 Clinical Investigator Award (CIA)--K12 Physician Scientist Award (Program) (PSA)--K18 Career Enhancement Award--K22 Career Transition
Award--K23 Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Award--K24 Midcareer Investigator Award in Patient-Oriented Research--K25 Mentored
Quantitative Research Career Development Award--K26 Midcareer Investigator Award in Biomedical and Behavioral Research--K99/R00 Career Transition
Award/Research Transition Award--R01 Research Project Grant --R03 Small Grant Program--R15 Academic Research Enhancement Award (AREA) --R21
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Sponsor Name
Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Award--R21/R33 Phased Innovation Award--U01 Research Project – Cooperative Agreements
Administrative Supplements for Human Islet Research(Admin Supp)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive
and Kidney Diseases/NIH/DHHS
15-Apr-2015 100,000 USD
Sheryl Sato, Ph.D.
15-Jan-2015; 15-Apr-2015; 15-Oct-2015
SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) invites applications for administrative supplements to support increased
costs for human islets levied by the Integrated Islet Distribution Program. Requests will be considered and awarded on a case-by-case basis based on need
and justification. This FOA will utilize the NIH Administrative Supplement award mechanism. Administrative supplement requests must be submitted on paper
for the following activity codes: P01 Research Program Projects. Administrative supplement requests may be submitted electronically for the following activity
codes:DP1 NIH Director’s Pioneer Award (NDPA) DP2 NIH Director’s New Innovator Awards DP3 Type 1 Diabetes Targeted Research Award DP4 NIH
Director’s Pathfinder Award- Multi-Yr Funding R01 Research Project Grant R21 Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Award R24 Resource-Related
Research Projects R37 Method to Extend Research in Time (MERIT) Award U01 Research Project – Cooperative Agreements UC4 High Impact Research and
Research Infrastructure - Cooperative Agreement Programs.
Indirect Costs
Funding This program will use the NIH Administrative Supplement award mechanism. Applications submitted in response to this announcement must be submitted
electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. Application budgets are limited to
no more than $100,000 in total costs over the entire remaining project period. Application budgets are limited to no more than the amount of the current parent
award, and must reflect the actual needs of the proposed project. The funding mechanism being used to support this program, administrative supplements, can
be used to cover cost increases that are associated with achieving certain new research objectives, as long as the research objectives are within the original
scope of the peer reviewed and approved project, or the cost increases are for unanticipated expenses within the original scope of the project. Any cost
increases need to result from making modifications to the project that would increase or preserve the overall impact of the project consistent with its originally
approved objectives and purposes. Because the nature and scope of the proposed research will vary from application to application, it is anticipated that the
size and duration of each award will also vary. F&A costs requested by consortium participants are not included in the direct cost limitation. Reference: NIH
Guide, Week Ending October 31, 2014. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after December 15, 2014. The sponsor will not accept letters of intent
under this FOA. The deadlines for receipt of full applications are January 15, 2015, April 15, 2015, October 15, 2015, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant
Funding Limit 100,000.00 maximum
Funding Duration 0
Eligibility Eligible applicants are: for-profit or non-profit organizations; public/State-controlled institutions of higher education; private institutions of higher education; units
of State and local governments; units of State and local Tribal government; Hispanic-serving institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs);
Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs); Small Business; eligible agencies of the Federal
government; domestic or foreign institutions/organizations; and faith-based or community-based organizations. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may
be designated on the application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model. This announcement is for
supplements to existing projects. Only active awards with at least 18 months remaining at the time of submission will be considered. Awards in no-cost
extension periods are not allowed to submit an application to this FOA. To be eligible, the parent award must be active and the research proposed in the
supplement must be accomplished within the competitive segment. The proposed supplement must be to provide for an increase in costs due to unforeseen
circumstances. All additional costs must be within the scope of the peer reviewed and approved project. IMPORTANT: The research proposed by the NIH
grantee in the supplement application must be within the original scope of the NIH-supported grant project.
RFA-EY-15-001--BRAIN Initiative: New Concepts and Early- Stage Research for
National Eye Institute/NIH/DHHS
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
RFA-EY-15-001 16-Apr-2015 300,000 USD
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Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Large-Scale Recording and Modulation in the Nervous System (R21)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Jerome R. Wujek, PhD
SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invte applications for technology at an even earlier stage of
development than previous BRAIN FOAs which sought to develop novel technology (RFA-NS-15-003) or to optimize existing technology ready for in-vivo proofof-concept testing and collection of preliminary data (RFA-NS-15-004). It seeks new and untested ideas that are in the very earliest stages. The support
provided might enable calculations, simulations, computational models, or other mathematical approaches for demonstrating that the signal sources and/or
measurement technologies are theoretically capable of meeting the demands of large-scale recording or manipulation of circuit activity. The support might also
be used for building and testing phantoms, prototypes, in-vitro or other bench-top models in order to validate underlying theoretical assumptions in preparation
for future FOAs aimed at testing in animal models. Invasive or non-invasive approaches are sought that will ultimately enable or reduce the current barriers to
large-scale recording or manipulation of neural activity, and that would be compatible with experiments in humans or behaving animals. Applications are
encouraged from any qualified individuals, including physicists, engineers, theoreticians, and scientists, especially those not typically involved with neuroscience
research. This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism.
Indirect Costs
Funding This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. Applications submitted in response to this announcement must be submitted
electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. NIH intends to fund an estimate of
15 awards, corresponding to a total of $6M over two years. The initial funding period will begin in fiscal year 2015. The combined budget for direct costs for the
two year project period may not exceed $300,000. No more than $200,000 may be requested in any single year. The total project period may not exceed 2
years. Because the nature and scope of the proposed research will vary from application to application, it is anticipated that the size and duration of each award
will also vary. F&A costs requested by consortium participants are not included in the direct cost limitation. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending January 30,
2015. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after March 16, 2015 . The sponsors will not accept letters of intent under
this FOA. The deadline for receipt of full applications is April 16, 2015, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
Funding Limit 300,000.00 maximum
Funding Duration 2 year(s)
Eligibility Eligible applicants are: for-profit or non-profit organizations; public/State-controlled institutions of higher education; private institutions of higher education; units
of State and local governments; units of State and local Tribal government; Hispanic-serving institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs);
Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs); Small Business; eligible agencies of the Federal
government; domestic or foreign institutions/organizations; and faith-based or community-based organizations. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may
be designated on the application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
RFP -- AMENDMENT -- SBSA -- SBIR Topic 156 Development of a Standardized
Electronic Cigarette for Clinical Research
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institutes of Health/DHHS
N43DA-16-8925 20-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Brian H O'Laughlin
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Synopsis SYNOPSIS: A -- SBIR Topic 156 Development of a Standardized Electronic Cigarette for Clinical Research SOL N43DA-16-8925 POC Brian H O'Laughlin,
Phone (301) 443-6677, Fax (301) 443-7595, Email bo50d@nih.govThe National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda,
MD 20892 will be soliciting proposals from small business concerns that possess the research and development (R&D) expertise to conduct innovative research
that will contribute toward meeting the program objectives.NIDA has an interest in understanding the consequences of nicotine addictionand promoting research
into smoking cessation and reduction of harm caused by smoking. Electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS, also known as electronic cigarettes) are recently
developed devices that deliver nicotine along with other constituents and flavorings in an inhalable aerosol. NIDA has an interest in supporting research into
ENDS because their use is rapidly increasing in adults and youth, and they may also represent a valuable opportunity for harm reduction andsmoking cessation.
The currently available research data on ENDS is insufficient to fully inform public policy or to assess their overall impact on public health. Research is
hampered for several reasons, including the limited information available on the nicotine delivery characteristics and uncertainty that any specific model will be
available for the full term of a multi-year study. Furthermore, currently available devices do not have the product data and manufacturing documentation
required for Investigational New Drug (IND) approval, thereby preventing their use in many clinical studies. In order to accelerate ENDS research, NIDA is
seeking proposals to develop a standardized ENDS to be used in clinical research. This request for proposals may be most relevant (but not limited) to current
ENDS manufacturers, provided they are eligible to apply to the SBIR program.The solicitation is planned to be available electronically in January 2015.At the
earliest it will be posted 15 days from this notice. You will access the solicitation through the FedBizOpps (URL: http://www.fbo.gov) or through the NIDA
website: (URL: http://www.nida.nih.gov/RFP/RFPList.html). All information required for the submission of a proposal is contained in or accessible through the
solicitation package. NIDA will consider proposals submitted by any responsible offeror. This advertisement does not commit the Government to award a
contract.The solicitation will be available ONLY via electronic means. Printed copiesof the solicitation will not be distributed. Potential offerors are encouraged to
check the fedbizopps.gov for updates on the program. Any updates or corrections to the solicitation will be posted there.The purposes of the SBIR program are
to: (a) stimulate technological innovation in the private sector; (b) strengthen the role of small business in meeting Federal research/research & development
(R/R&D) needs; (c) increase the commercial application of Federally-supported research results; (d) foster and encourage participation by socially and
economically disadvantaged small businessconcerns and women-owned business concerns; and improve the return on investment from Federally-funded
research for economic and social benefits to the Nation.For purposes of the SBIR program, a small business concern is any business concern that, on the date
of award, (1) is organized for profit, with a place of business located in the United States, which operates primarily within the United States or which makes a
significant contribution to the United States economy through payment of taxes or use of American products, materials or labor; (2) is inthe legal form of an
individual proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company, corporation, joint venture, association, trust or cooperative, except that where the form is a joint
venture, there must be less than 50 percent participation by foreign business entities in the joint venture; (3) more than 50% directly owned and controlled by
one or more individuals (who are citizens or permanent resident aliens of the United States), other business concerns (each of which is more than 50% directly
owned and controlled by individuals who are citizens or permanent resident aliens of the United States), or any combination of these; OR more than 50% owned
by multiple venture capital operating companies, hedgefunds, private equity firms, or any combination of these. No single venture capital operating company,
hedge fund, or private equity firm may own more than 50%of the concern AND (4) has, including its affiliates, no more than 500 employees.CITE:
https://www.fbo.gov/spg/HHS/NIH/NIDA-01/N43DA-16-8925/listing.htmlSET-ASIDE: Total Small Business
Indirect Costs
Deadline Notes The deadline is April 20, 2015 by 4:30 pm Eastern.
Funding Limit 0.00
Funding Duration 0
National Institute of General Medical
RFA-GM-16-002--Maximizing Investigators' Research Award (R35)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
RFA-GM-16-002 20-Apr-2015 3,750,000 USD
Peter C. Preusch, Ph.D.
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Deadline Dates (ALL) 20-Apr-2015; 20-May-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) invites applications for the Maximizing Investigators' Research Award (MIRA). The award
is a grant to provide support for all of the research in an investigator's laboratory that falls within the mission of NIGMS. The goal of MIRA is to increase the
efficiency and efficacy of NIGMS funding. It is anticipated that the new program will:--Increase the stability of funding for NIGMS-supported investigators, which
could enhance their ability to take on ambitious scientific projects and approach problems more creatively.--Increase flexibility for investigators to follow
important new research directions as opportunities arise, rather than being bound to specific aims proposed in advance of the studies.--More widely distribute
funding among the nation’s highly talented and promising investigators to increase overall scientific productivity and the chances for important breakthroughs.-Reduce the time spent by researchers writing and reviewing grant applications, allowing them to spend more time conducting research.--Enable principal
investigators to devote more time and energy to mentoring junior scientists in a more stable research environment.--The purpose of this FOA is to test the
feasibility of this grant mechanism through a pilot program with restricted eligibility. This FOA will use the NIH R35 Outstanding Investigator Award mechanism.
Indirect Costs
Funding This FOA will use the NIH R35 Outstanding Investigator Award mechanism. Applications submitted in response to this announcement must be submitted
electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. NIGMS intends to commit $60
million in FY 2016 to fund up to 100 awards. Applications may request up to $750,000 direct costs per year. Investigators are encouraged to request what is
actually well justified for their research program. In general, the request should be commensurate with the investigator’s current total NIGMS research funding.
Cost efficiency is one of the goals of the MIRA program and will be one of the considerations in funding decisions. Applications may request a maximum project
period of five years. Because the nature and scope of the proposed research will vary from application to application, it is anticipated that the size and duration
of each award will also vary. F&A costs requested by consortium participants are not included in the direct cost limitation. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending
January 30, 2015; NIH Guide, Week Ending February 6, 2015. (kww)
Deadline Notes Applications may be submitted to Grants.gov in response to this announcement on or after April 20, 2015. The deadline for receipt of optional letters of intent is
April 20, 2015. The deadline for receipt of full applications is May 20, 2015, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
Funding Limit 750,000.00 per year
Funding Duration 5 year(s)
Eligibility Eligible applicants are: for-profit or non-profit organizations; public/State-controlled institutions of higher education; private institutions of higher education; units
of State and local governments; units of State and local Tribal government; Hispanic-serving institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs);
Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs); Small Business; eligible agencies of the Federal
government; domestic institutions/organizations; and faith-based or community-based organizations. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be
designated on the application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model. Eligibility to apply under this
initial FOA is limited to investigators who have received either two or more R01s, an R01 and an R37, or equivalent awards, or a single award of greater than
$400,000 direct costs, from NIGMS in FY2013 or 2014. Furthermore, it is the subset of such investigators with one or more of their current projects due to expire
in FY2016 or FY2017 that are encouraged to apply so that they can transition to MIRA support in the same fiscal that a current project expires. NIGMS
investigators with additional NIH support from other ICs are welcome to apply, but are prohibited from requesting funds for similar work as part of an NIGMS
MIRA application.
RFA-HG-13-013--Interpreting Variation in Human Non-Coding Genomic Regions Using National Human Genome Research
Computational Approaches and Experimental Assessment (R01)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
RFA-HG-13-013 21-Apr-2015 1,500,000 USD
Lisa Brooks, Ph.D.
21-Apr-2015; 21-May-2015
National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), National Cancer Institute (NCI) and National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) invite applications to
develop highly innovative computational approaches for interpreting sequence variants in the non-protein-coding regions of the human genome. The goal is to
develop methods that analyze whole-genome sequence data by integrating data sets, such as ones on genome function, phenotypes, patterns of variation, and
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
other features, to identify or substantially narrow the set of variants that are candidates for affecting organismal function leading to disease risk or other traits.
The accuracy of the computational approaches developed should be assessed using experimental data. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01)
award mechanism.
Indirect Costs
Funding This program will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. Applications submitted in response to this announcement must be submitted
electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. NHGRI, NCI, and NIDA intend to
commit $6.0 million in FY 2015 to fund 7-8 awards, and NHGRI and NIDA intend to commit an additional $5.3 million in FY 2016 to fund 6-7 additional awards.
Applications may request up to $500,000 direct costs per year. Applications may request up to three years of support. Because the nature and scope of the
proposed research will vary from application to application, it is anticipated that the size and duration of each award will also vary. F&A costs requested by
consortium participants are not included in the direct cost limitation. CFDA#s: 93.172, 93.399; 93.396; 93.395; 93.394; 93.279. Reference: NIH Guide, Week
Ending October 4, 2013; NIH Guide, Week Ending January 9, 2015. (kww)
Deadline Notes The deadline for receipt of optional letters of intent is April 21, 2015. The deadline for receipt of full applications is May 21, 2015, by 5:00 PM local time of
applicant organization.
Funding Limit 500,000.00 per year
Funding Duration 3 year(s)
Eligibility Eligible applicants are: for-profit or non-profit organizations; public/State-controlled institutions of higher education; private institutions of higher education; units
of State and local governments; units of State and local Tribal government; Hispanic-serving institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs);
Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs); Small Business; eligible agencies of the Federal
government; domestic or foreign institutions/organizations; and faith-based or community-based organizations. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may
be designated on the application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
NIDA Research Education Program for Clinical Researchers and Clinicians (R25)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS PAR-13-084
22-Apr-2015 1,750,000 USD
Debra Grossman, M.A.
22-Apr-2015; 22-May-2015; 07-Aug-2015; 07-Sep-2015
The NIDA Research Education Program will support research education for those in clinically focused careers, in a topic area related to substance
use/abuse/addiction. Participants (those receiving the research education) should be training for careers as clinical researchers, clinicians/service providers, or
optimally, a combination of the two. This mechanism may not be used for support of non-research related clinical training. This FOA will use the NIH Research
Education (R25) grant mechanism.
Indirect Costs
Funding This program will use the NIH Research Education (R25) grant mechanism. Applications submitted in response to this announcement must be submitted
electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. The total project period for an
application submitted in response to this funding opportunity may not exceed five years. Although the size of the award may vary with the scope of the proposed
research education program, it is expected that applications will stay within the following budgetary guidelines: total direct costs are limited to $350,000
annually. F&A costs requested by consortium participants are not included in the direct cost limitation. F&A costs for the applicant organization and consortium
participants will be reimbursed at eight percent of modified total direct costs. Reference: NIH Guide, Week Ending January 11, 2013; NIH Guide, Week Ending
March 29, 2013. (kww)
Deadline Notes The sponsor requests that optional letters of intent be submitted at least thirty days prior to the application submission date. The deadline for receipt of standard
applications under this announcement is May 22 annually by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization. The deadlines for receipt of AIDS-related applications
are: September 8, 2014, September 7, 2015, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.. This program will expire on September 8, 2015.
Funding Limit 350,000.00 per year
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Funding Duration 5 year(s)
Eligibility Eligible applicants are: for-profit or non-profit organizations; public/State-controlled institutions of higher education; private institutions of higher education; units
of State and local governments; units of State and local Tribal government; Hispanic-serving institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs);
Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs); Small Business; eligible agencies of the Federal
government; domestic institutions/organizations; and faith-based or community-based organizations. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may be
designated on the application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model. Those in clinically focused
careers at the following levels of professional career development may participate: medical/graduate student, postdoctoral fellow, medical resident, and/or
independent scientist. Participants should be training for careers as clinical researchers, clinicians/service providers, or optimally a combination of the two.
Participants may be working toward or have obtained either a research or clinical degree. Those in clinically focused career paths at the undergraduate level are
eligible to participate, as long as the following two conditions are met: 1) The undergraduate students must be matriculated in a program leading to a
baccalaureate degree, or be preparing for an early admission graduate program or dual degree research/clinical doctorate program (some of these programs
may not require a baccalaureate degree for admission). Premedical students constitute an example of eligible undergraduates; 2) The undergraduate research
education and training must be a complementary component of the overall proposed program and not the sole or primary component. The undergraduate
program component should be well integrated with the overall program, and further the goals/objectives stated in the original Funding Opportunity
Announcement (FOA).
Food Specific Molecular Profiles and Biomarkers of Food and Nutrient Intake, and
Dietary Exposure (R01)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive
and Kidney Diseases/NIH/DHHS
27-Apr-2015 Not Specified
Padma Maruvada
27-Apr-2015; 27-May-2015; 28-Aug-2015; 28-Sep-2015; 27-Apr-2016; 27-May-2016; 27-Aug-2016; 27-Sep-2016; 27-Apr-2017; 27-May-2017
SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers, and National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), invite
applications for research on food specific molecular signatures and biomarkers of dietary consumption and to promote collaborative interactions among NIH and
USDA supported nutrition researchers. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism.
Indirect Costs
Funding This program will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. Applications submitted in response to this announcement must be submitted
electronically through Grants.gov, using the SF424 Research and Related (R&R) forms and SF424 (R&R) Application Guide. Applicants may request up to five
years of support for R01 awards with costs appropriately tailored to the proposed work. No limit is set on the costs requested by R01 applicants. Because the
nature and scope of the proposed research will vary from application to application, it is anticipated that the size and duration of each award will also vary. F&A
costs requested by consortium participants are not included in the direct cost limitation. CFDA#s: 93.847; 93.213; 93.321; 10.310; 93.393; 93.399. Reference:
NIH Guide, Week Ending October 31, 2014; NIH Guide, Week Ending January 9, 2015. (kww)
Deadline Notes The deadline for receipt of optional letters of intent is 30 days prior to the application due date. The deadlines for receipt of full applications are: May 27, 2015;
September 28, 2015; May 27, 2016; September 27, 2016; May 27, 2017, by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
Funding Limit 0.00 not provided
Funding Duration 5 year(s)
Eligibility Eligible applicants are: for-profit or non-profit organizations; public/State-controlled institutions of higher education; private institutions of higher education; units
of State and local governments; units of State and local Tribal government; Hispanic-serving institutions; Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs);
Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions; Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs); Small Business; eligible agencies of the Federal
government; domestic or foreign institutions/organizations; and faith-based or community-based organizations. More than one PD/PI, or multiple PDs/PIs, may
be designated on the application for projects that require a “team science” approach that clearly does not fit the single-PD/PI model.
NIH Funding Opportunities: April 2015
Page 55
Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
Office of Adolescent Health/Administration
2,000,000 USD
45311 Announcement of Availability of Funds for Replicating EvidenceBased Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs to Scale in
for Children and Families/DHHS
Communities with the Greatest Need (Tier 1B)
Contact Name Eric West
Contact Telephone 240-453-8822
Contact Email eric.west@hhs.gov
Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=271309
Program URL https://www.grantsolutions.gov/gs/preaward/previewAnnouncement.do?id=50658&dispatch=%2FupdateAnnouncement&timeZone=EST
Deadline Dates (ALL) 01-Apr-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
The purpose of this FOA is to have a significant impact on reducing rates of teen pregnancy and existing disparities by replicating evidence-based teen pregnancy
prevention (TPP) programs to scale in at least 3 settings in communities and with populations at greatest need.
45531 Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Not Specified
Ryan Hedgepeth
This notice outlines a competition to designate up to 12 communities as manufacturing communities (Manufacturing Communities) through the Investing in Manufacturing
Communities Partnership (IMCP), including proposal submission requirements and instructions, and eligibility and selection criteria that will be used to evaluate proposals.
Manufacturing Communities will receive preference for a range of future Federal economic development funding and technical assistance offered by IMCP participating
agencies. Some Manufacturing Communities, as discussed in the Supplementary Information section of this notice and subject to the availability of funds, may receive
financial assistance awards from IMCP participating agencies to assist in cultivating an environment for businesses to create well-paying manufacturing jobs in regions
across the country.
45720 Native Hawaiian Library Services
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Economic Development
Administration/Department of Commerce
Institute of Museum & Library Services
Not Specified
James Lonergan, Senior Library Program Officer
Native Hawaiian Library Services grants are competitive grants available to support activities that enhance existing library services or implement new library services.
Projects must begin October 1, November 1, or December 1, 2015.
45844 ROSES 2015: KORUS-AQ: An International Cooperative Air Quality National Aeronautics & Space Administration NNH15ZDA001N- 01-Apr-2015
Field Study in Korea
Contact Name Alex Pszenny
Contact Telephone 202-358-4811
Contact Email alex.pszenny@nasa.gov
Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274954
Program URL http://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?method=init&solId={B13B8D7D-5766-8532-5253-2874630F03D2}&path=open
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Federal Other Funding Opportunities: April 2015
Not Specified
Page 1
Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
Deadline Dates (ALL) 01-Apr-2015; 15-May-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:Variations in constituents such as ozone and aerosols affect air quality, weather, and climate. Atmospheric composition is central to Earth system dynamics
because the atmosphere integrates spatially varying surface emissions globally on time scales from weeks to years. NASA works to provide monitoring and evaluation tools
to assess the effects of climate change on ozone recovery and future atmospheric composition, improved climate forecasts based on the understanding of the forcings of
global environmental change, and air quality modeling that takeinto account the relationship between regional air quality and global climate change. Achievements in these
areas via advances in observations, data assimilation, and modelingenable improved predictive capabilities for describing how future changes in atmospheric composition
affect air quality, weather, and climate.
National Institute of Justice/Department of
500,000 USD
45195 Research on the Efficacy of Different Contraband Interdiction
Modalities Used in Correctional Facilities
Contact Name
Contact Telephone 606-545-5035
Contact Email ST-Research@ojp.usdoj.gov
Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=270990
Program URL https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/sl001137.pdf
Deadline Dates (ALL) 02-Apr-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals for funding to conduct research to identify differences in agency policies and practices across the United States with respect to
keeping contraband out of correctional facilities and the efficacy of these policies and practices.
45482 RFP -- Materials for Transduction (MATRIX)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Defense Advanced Research Projects
DARPA-BAA-15-19 02-Apr-2015
Not Specified
BAA Coordinator
A -- Materials for Transduction (MATRIX) SOL DARPA-BAA-15-19 DUE 040215 BAA CoordinatorThe Materials for Transduction (MATRIX) program in DARPA’s Defense
Sciences Office (DSO) is seeking innovative ideas and novel approaches to achieve revolutionary transductional devices and capabilities using materials with energy
conversion capabilities and/or strongly correlated properties.CITE: https://www.fbo.gov/spg/ODA/DARPA/CMO/DARPA-BAA-15-19/listing.htmlGrants.gov (01/23/15).
45492 EMS for Children: Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research
Maternal and Child Health
2,400,000 USD
Network (PECARN)
Contact Name Diane Pilkey, RN, MPH
Contact Telephone 301-443-8927
Contact Email dpilkey@hrsa.gov
Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=271868
Program URL https://grants.hrsa.gov/webExternal/SFO.asp?ID=f3ee4e86-806f-4116-9862-8314e9f1ae0b
Deadline Dates (ALL) 02-Apr-2015
Synopsis Maternal and Child HealthBureau’s (MCHB) Division of Child, Adolescent and Family Health is accepting applications forthe fiscal year (FY) 2015 Emergency Medical
Services for Children (EMSC) PediatricEmergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN). Approximately $3.6 million is available in FY2015.
45971 RFP -- USDA Forest Service/ National Forest NC, 213 Bird Point
Contact Name Takele K. Woldu
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Forest Service/Department of Agriculture
Federal Other Funding Opportunities: April 2015
Not Specified
Page 2
Opportunity Title
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
B -- USDA Forest Service/ National Forest NC, 213 Bird Point Survey SOL AG-4568-S-15-0024 DUE 040215 POC Takele K. Woldu, Contracting Officer, Phone 828-2574205, Fax 828-257-4876, Email twoldu@fs.fed.us - Mike M Walker, Contract Specialist, Phone 828-257-4290, Fax 828-257-4876, Email mwalker@fs.fed.usThe National
Forest in North Carolina (NFNC) has a requirement to conduct annual Bird Point Surveys for the 2015 season. The contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment,
transportation, supervision, supplies, and incidentals to perform and complete this work in accordance with the terms specifications, conditions, and provisions of this
solicitation and resultant contract.The resultant contract will consist of a Base Period, May 01, 2015 through June 16, 2015 with the potential of 4 option
periods.LOCATIONSThe project sites are located in the National Forest of North Carolina on the following Ranger Districts:Appalachian RD Yancey County Burnsville,
NCCheoah RDGraham County Robbinsville, NCGrandfather RD McDowell County Nebo, NCPisgah RD Transylvania County Pisgah Forest, NCTusquitee RD
k C
t Cell
M Technologies
h NCR Research,
t t
t and
h i Field
l ddOffice/Department
ithi 100 ilof Energy
t th G DE-FOA-0001224
df th R
Di t02-Apr-2015
i tl
t d i N b35,000,000
NC i
46146 Ch
& Fuel
Contact Name Nicole L. Blackstone
Contact Telephone
Contact Email FY15FCTOofficewideFOA@ee.doe.gov
Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274869
Program URL https://eere-exchange.energy.gov/Default.aspx#FoaIddb7b4953-3f8e-4c54-9ae9-b08c8ad90340
Deadline Dates (ALL) 02-Apr-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
This funding opportunity will cover a broad spectrum of the Fuel Cell Technologies Office (FCTO) portfolio with areas of interest ranging from research and development
(R&D) to demonstration and deployment projects. In particular, the R&D areas of interest for this FOA include hydrogen production via microbial biomass conversion; low
platinum group metals (PGM) catalyst development for polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell applications; development of an integrated intelligent hydrogen
dispenser; and fuel cell and hydrogen manufacturing R&D focusing on hydrogen delivery pipeline manufacturing R&D. This FOA also includes demonstration subtopics that
will help to accelerate adoption of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies with specific interest in mobile hydrogen refuelers, fuel cell powered range extenders for light duty
hybrid electric vehicles, and a Communities of Excellence subtopic featuring hydrogen and fuel cell technologies.
10653 RFP--Structures and Materials Research and Development (BAA)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Department of the Navy
N00421-10-R-1041 03-Apr-2015
Not Specified
Janiece M Shall
A -- STRUCTURES AND MATERIALS RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (BAA) SOL N0021-10-R-1041 POC Janiece M Shall, Phone: (301) 757-8951, Patricia A
Cornett, Phone: (301) 757-2607 POP 21983 Bundy Road Unit 7; Bldg. 441, Patuxent River, Maryland, 20670-1127, United States 20670-1127 WEB: FBO.gov Permalink
https://www.fbo.gov/spg/DON/NAVAIR/N00421/N00421-10-R-1041/listing.html E-MAIL: janiece.shall@navy.mil, patricia.cornett@navy.mil janiece.shall@navy.mil,
patricia.cornett@navy.mil NAICS: 541712 A -- The NAVAL AIR SYSTEMS COMMAND (NAVAIR) and the Structures and Materials Engineering Divisions under the Air
Vehicle Department (AIR-4.3) are soliciting proposal abstracts for research and development. Solicitation Number: N00421-10-R-1041 Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)
CODE, BLDG 441, 21983 BUNDY ROAD, UNIT7 PATUXENT RIVER MD 20670-1127 POC: Janiece Shall Contract Specialist, (301) 757-8951, Patricia Cornett,
Contracting Officer, (301) 757-2611. This notice constitutes a BAA as contemplated by FAR 6.102(d)(2). TECHNICAL POC: Mr. Nam Phan (301) 342-9359 I.
d th St
M t i l E i
i Di
i i
d th Ai03-Apr-2015
V hi l D
t Not tSpecified
(AIR 4 3)
44977 State Board Programming
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Federal Other Funding Opportunities: April 2015
Page 3
Opportunity Title
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Sponsor Name
Daniel Stokes, Director for State Programs
03-Apr-2015; 17-Jun-2015
The National Historical Publications and Records Commission seeks proposals that strengthen the nation’s archival network through activities undertaken by state historical
records advisory boards (SHRABs). The purpose of this grant program is to assist state boards to enhance access to historical records, increase citizen engagement with
records, and provide learning and development opportunities for students, citizens and professional archivists.
National Archives and Records
45123 Access to Historical Records
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Not Specified
National Archives and Records
EDITIONS-201506 03-Apr-2015
Not Specified
Darrell Meadows, Director for Publishing
03-Apr-2015; 17-Jun-2015
The National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) of the National Archives supports projects that promote access to America's historical records to
encourage understanding of our democracy, history, and culture.
45125 State Board Programming Grants
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Alex Lorch, Director of the Access Program
03-Apr-2015; 17-Jun-2015
The National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) of the National Archives supports projects that promote access to America's historical records to
encourage understanding of our democracy, history, and culture.
45124 Publishing Historical Records in Documentary Editions
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
National Archives and Records
EDITIONS-201510 03-Apr-2015
Not Specified
Darrell Meadows, Director for Publishing
03-Apr-2015; 17-Jun-2015
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Federal Other Funding Opportunities: April 2015
Page 4
Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
Synopsis SYNPOSIS:
The National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) of the National Archives supports projects that promote access to America's historical records to
encourage understanding of our democracy, history, and culture.
1,200,000 USD
45630 Use of Social Media to Improve Engagement, Retention, and Health Health Resources and Services
Outcomes along the HIV Care Continuum - Demonstration Sites
Contact Name Adan Cajina
Contact Telephone 301-443-3180
Contact Email ACajina@hrsa.gov
Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/search-grants.html?keywords=HRSA-15-029
Program URL https://grants.hrsa.gov/webExternal/SFO.asp?ID=c903e508-1d27-40f6-8292-0b9dddd15877
Deadline Dates (ALL) 03-Apr-2015
Synopsis The purpose of this grant program is to support organizations that will implement, evaluate and disseminate findings from innovative methods for identifying, linking and
retaining HIV positive underserved, underinsured, and hard-to-reach youth and young adults in HIV primary care and supportive services through the use of social media.
These methods are expected to include innovative system approaches using a variety of social media technologies or any other internet or mobile based applications, in the
engagement and retention in care and viral load suppression of youth and young adults living with HIV. Programs will be expected to implement and evaluate the
effectiveness of their models’ design including service utilization, cost and impact on health-related outcomes, and to assist in the dissemination of findings, best practices
and lessons learned. Awardees will be required to work collaboratively with a HRSA/HAB supported Evaluation and Technical Assistance Center (ETAC) throughout the four
year project period. This will include, but is not limited to, the collecting and reporting of data to the ETAC for a comprehensive multi-site evaluation, and the dissemination of
successful models to the larger public health community.
2,200,000 USD
45631 Use of Social Media to Improve Engagement, Retention, and Health Health Resources and Services
Outcomes along the HIV Care Continuum - Evaluation and Technical Administration/DHHS
Assistance Center
Contact Name Adan Cajina
Contact Telephone 301-443-3180
Contact Email ACajina@hrsa.gov
Sponsor Website https://grants.hrsa.gov/webExternal/SFO.asp?ID=cbda0e2a-2465-42ee-a5fb-3aedf63bdd9f
Program URL http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/search-grants.html?keywords=HRSA-15-031
Deadline Dates (ALL) 03-Apr-2015
Synopsis The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) is accepting applications for fiscal year (FY) 2015 Special Projects of National
Significance Program (SPNS) initiative, Use of Social Media to Improve Engagement, Retention, and Health Outcomes along the HIV Care Continuum – Evaluation and
Technical Assistance Center (ETAC). The purpose of this cooperative agreement is to support one organization to lead a multi-site evaluation and provide technical
assistance to a cohort of up to ten demonstration sites funded under a separate announcement (HRSA-15-029) to implement, evaluate and disseminate findings from
innovative methods of identifying, linking, retaining, and achieving viral load suppression for HIV positive underserved, underinsured, and hard-to-reach youth and young
adults in HIV primary care and supportive services through the use of social media. The demonstration sites will develop and implement innovative approaches, for the use
of a variety of social media technologies or any other internet or mobile based applications in the engagement and retention in care and viral load suppression of youth and
young adults living with HIV. The ETAC is required to work collaboratively with the HRSA/HAB supported demonstration sites in the implementation of a comprehensive multiit
l Employment
d th Activities
i Pre-release
f l
d American
l fi di
t th l
bli hFOA-ETA-15-03
Not Specified
45736 Linking
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Job Centers (AJCs)
Administration/Department of Labor
Andrea Hill
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Federal Other Funding Opportunities: April 2015
Page 5
Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
Synopsis The Employment and Training Administration (ETA), U.S. Department of Labor, announces the availability of approximately $5 millionin grant funds authorized by Section
171, Pilot and Demonstration Projects, of the Workforce Investment Act and Section 212 of the Second Chance Act of 2007 for Linking to Employment Activities Prerelease Specialized American Job Centers (AJCs) grants.
National Aeronautics & Space Administration NNH15ZDA001N- 03-Apr-2015
Not Specified
45799 ROSES 2015: Advancing Collaborative Connections for Earth
System Science
Contact Name Curt Tilmes
Contact Telephone 202-358-1757
Contact Email HQ-ROSES-ACCESS@mail.nasa.gov
Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274878
Program URL http://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?method=init&solId={4477FA89-FA98-1CBC-3678-C7AB00B6E769}&path=open
Deadline Dates (ALL) 03-Apr-2015; 03-Jun-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:The primary objective of the Advancing Collaborative Connections for Earth System Science (ACCESS) program is to enhance, extend, and improve existing
components of NASA’s distributed and heterogeneous data and information systems infrastructure. NASA’s Earth science data systems, comprised of both core and
community elements, directly support agency science and applied science goals and objectives. ACCESS projects increase the interconnectedness and reuse of key
information technology software and techniques underpinning the advancement of Earth science research.
Department of Agriculture
Not Specified
Contact Name Matthew A. Morris
Contact Telephone 208-373-4166
Contact Email mamorris@fs.fed.us
Sponsor Website
Program URL https://www.fbo.gov/index?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=617811031bbe2387b05663b0369376cf&tab=core&_cview=0
Deadline Dates (ALL) 03-Apr-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
B -- R-04 NEPA MATOC IDIQ SOL AG-84M8-S-15-0001 DUE 040315 POC Matthew A. Morris, Phone 2083734166, Email mamorris@fs.fed.usThis contract requires
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analyses and studies and related work associated with both Forest Planning and Project Planning, in compliance with its terms,
specifications, and provisions. This includes furnishing labor, equipment, supervision, transportation, operating supplies, and incidentals.The United States Forest Service
(USFS) in fulfillment of its multiple use mandates requires a variety of professional services in the natural, environmental, social/economic and technical sciences to meet
legal requirements imposed by such laws as the National Environmental Policy Act, National Forest Management Act, Endangered Species Act, Clean Water Act, National
Historic Preservation Act,and others. The USFS also has professional services needs to meet program management direction for implementation of projects, monitoring of
plans and decisions, and inventory of natural resources leading to future project design and decisions. Due to changes in organization and expanding requirements, the
S i hInstitute for
d f the Behavioral
l and Social
f Sciencesi (ARI)
li t
t id f th of the Army
t t h ll
id W911NF-15-Ri tifi
f 03-Apr-2015
t ibSpecified
ti t
46105 Army
Foundational Science Research Unit (FSRU)- Broad Agency
Announcement for Basic Scientific Research
Contact Name Maria D. Nelson
Contact Telephone 919-541-4992
Contact Email maria.d.nelson.civ@mail.mil
Sponsor Website
Program URL http://www.grants.gov/custom/viewOppDetails.jsp?oppId=274666
Deadline Dates (ALL) 03-Apr-2015; 05-Jun-2015
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Federal Other Funding Opportunities: April 2015
Page 6
Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
Synopsis This Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for the Foundational Science Research Unit (FSRU) of the U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
(ARI) solicits new proposals for its fiscal year 2015 program of basic research in behavioral science.
46206 RFP -- Nasa Agency Aircrew Flight and Maintenance Training
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Aeronautics & Space Administration NNH15519974R
Not Specified
Spencer W Hurd
301-286-5091, Fax 301-286-1746, Email spencer.w.hurd@nasa.govThis notice is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items prepared in accordance with the
format in FAR Subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; offers are being
requested and a written solicitation will not be issued. Due to character limitations, the Request for Proposal (RFP) is contained in a separate link to the synopsis. This notice
is being issued as a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Commercial-off-the-Shelf simulator and classroom training (in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration
regulations / certification standards) for the following aircraft: Dassault Falcon 20; Gulfstrean G-II, G-III; King Air 200; Learjet Series 30; and, Shorts 360. The training
courses shall be for: initial and recurrent pilot qualification training; initial and recurrent maintenance training; initial and recurrent engine run and taxi training; reduced vertical
separation minima procedure training (domestic and international); and, for additional simulator training hours in conjunction with or independent of the initial and recurrent
il t -- Respiratory
lifi ti t Therapy
i i
( ) Th tAffiliation
i i f Services
th i
ft li t d Department
ill b of the Air
i dForce
f b th l
i l t t i i (l 03-Apr-2015
il t t Not
i i Specified
) Th
Michael T. Bilicki
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL https://www.fbo.gov/index?s=opportunity&mode=form&tab=core&id=cbcbb55c99a121a8beb66da7aea106af
Deadline Dates (ALL) 03-Apr-2015
Synopsis U -- Respiratory Therapy Educational Affiliation Services SOL F2MTME4329A001 DUE 040315 POC Michael T. Bilicki, Contract Specialist, Phone 2102954467, Email
michael.t.bilicki.civ@mail.mil - GARY BECK, Contracting Officer, Phone 2108086146, Fax 2102211283, Email gary.d.beck4.civ@mail.milRespiratory Therapy Educational
Affiliation Services for the Medical Education and Training Campus (METC), Joint Base San Antonio, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, 78234.CITE:
Department of the Air Force
BAA-RQKP-2015- 03-Apr-2015
Not Specified
46267 RFP -- Hybrid-Cycle Power and Thermal Management System
(PTMS) Development
Contact Name Sally Roliff, Contract Negotiator
Contact Telephone 937-713-9954
Contact Email sally.roliff@us.af.mil
Sponsor Website
Program URL https://www.fbo.gov/index?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=88e8675a368a66e5c9482118c7933ce2&tab=core&_cview=0
Deadline Dates (ALL) 03-Apr-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
A -- Hybrid-Cycle Power and Thermal Management System (PTMS) Development SOL BAA-RQKP-2015-0002 DUE 040315 POC Sally Roliff, Contract Negotiator, Phone
937-713-9954, Fax 937-255-4434, Email sally.roliff@us.af.mil - Sarah Chaffe, Contracting Officer, Phone 937-713-9952, Fax 937-255-4434, Email
sarah.chaffe@us.af.milThis announcement serves two purposes: 1) This is a Notice of Contracting Action for an anticipated upcoming program and BAA announcement as
summarized below;and 2) this is also a Sources Sought Notice for the purpose of conducting market research to identify potential sources that possess the expertise,
capabilities, and experience to meet Air Force needs as identified below:The objective of this program will be to design, develop and demonstrate a relevant-scale tactical
vehicle thermal management system which optimally managestransport of heat from dynamical heat loads to the available aircraft sinks of fuel and/or engine air during the
course of pertinent mission sets. The solicitation seeks integrated system-level solutions. As such, component-specific solutions are not within the scope of this activity.
F th t h l i l i k
T h l
R di
l (TRL) 6 d
t ti
t b id tifi d d
it bl i k iti ti
id d hi h
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Federal Other Funding Opportunities: April 2015
Page 7
Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
National Institute of Justice/Department of
1,500,000 USD
45224 Research and Evaluation on the Investigation and Adjudication of
Campus Sexual Assault
Contact Name Bethany Backes, Social Science Analyst
Contact Telephone 202–305–4419
Contact Email Bethany.Backes@usdoj.gov
Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=271048
Program URL https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/sl001144.pdf
Deadline Dates (ALL) 06-Apr-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
The sponsor is seeking applications for funding research and evaluation related to the investigation and adjudication of sexual assaults on college and university campuses.
The sponsor seeks proposals to examine: Current or new investigation practices and protocols used in the handling of campus sexual assault cases; and/or Current or new
adjudication practices and protocols used in the handling of campus sexual assault cases.
1,700,000 USD
45628 Community Health Peer Learning Program
Office of the National Coordinator for Health CLP-CL-15-001
Information Technology/HRSA/DHHS
Contact Name Paul Klintworth
Contact Telephone
Contact Email CommunityHealthFOA@hhs.gov
Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=272811
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL) 06-Apr-2015
Synopsis The purpose of this FOA is to address health challenges at the population level through a community-based collaborative approach. The Community Health Peer Learning
Program supports HHS efforts to promote the development of a nationwide health information infrastructure built on the sustainable efforts of local providers and
2,000,000 USD
45629 Workforce Training to Educate Health Care Professionals in Health Office of the National Coordinator for Health WF-WF-15-300
Information Technology
Information Technology/HRSA/DHHS
Contact Name Cinyon Reed
Contact Telephone
Contact Email workforcefoa@hhs.gov
Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=272814
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL) 06-Apr-2015
Synopsis This funding opportunity will establish 5-7 cooperative agreements to update materials and develop a training program to further the Workforce Training Programs –
Community College Consortia to Educate Health Information Technology Professionals in Health Care and the Curriculum Development Centers cooperative agreement
programs funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act), Public Law 111-5. The purpose of the Workforce Training Program is to
provide assistance to institutions of higher education, or consortia thereof, to establish or expand medical health informatics education programs to promote the rapid and
effective utilization and development of health information technologies.
National Energy Technology
45638 Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Innovative Concepts and Core Technology
Research Program
Laboratory/Department of Energy
Contact Name Mary Beth Pearse
Contact Telephone 412-386-4829
Contact Email pearse@netl.doe.gov
Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=273110
Program URL https://www.fedconnect.net/FedConnect/PublicPages/PublicSearch/Public_Opportunities.aspx
Deadline Dates (ALL) 06-Apr-2015
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Federal Other Funding Opportunities: April 2015
DE-FOA-0001229 06-Apr-2015
9,500,000 USD
Page 8
Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
This program solicits applications for research to improve the reliability, robustness, and endurance of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) cell and stack technologies. This
objective will support the development of commercially viable SOFC technology for entry into service products. These products will eventually lead to SOFC technology that
is viable for large scale central generation applications (i.e. technology that meets the SOFC program cost targets). Fuel cell technology, other than SOFC will be
considered non-responsive to this FOA.
45639 Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) Prototype System Testing Project
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Energy Technology
Laboratory/Department of Energy
DE-FOA-0001244 06-Apr-2015
12,000,000 USD
Sheldon Funk
This program solicits applications for research to test a 400K We (or higher) thermally self-sustaining atmospheric or pressurized SOFC prototype system with an average
operating temperature greater than 700 degrees C.
Environmental Protection Agency
EPA-R3-CBP-15- 06-Apr-2015
2,850,000 USD
45965 Chesapeake Bay Program Office Fiscal Year 2015 Request for
Proposals for Strategic Communication and Media Support
Contact Name Tim Roberts
Contact Telephone
Contact Email roberts.timothy-p@epa.gov
Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274696
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL) 06-Apr-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Chesapeake Bay Program Office (CBPO) is announcing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for applicants to provide the
Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) partners with support related to strategic communication, media relations, and communication product development and distribution for
the Chesapeake Bay Program. This RFP sets forth the process that will be used for competitively selecting recipients that will provide strategic communication planning and
implementation, including production and distribution of print, Web, and multimedia products intended to meet the prescribed environmental results in the Chesapeake Bay
watershed. CBP partners include federal agencies, seven watershed jurisdictions, and many non-federal organizations; however, work funded under this RFP will support
the seven watershed jurisdictions and other non-federal partners. The seven watershed jurisdictions are Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, New York,
Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.
USDA-NRCS-NJ- 06-Apr-2015
75,000 USD
Natural Resources Conservation
46216 Conservation
Innovation Grants--New Jersey
Service/Department of Agriculture
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Gail Bartok
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Federal Other Funding Opportunities: April 2015
Page 9
Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) requests applications for Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) to stimulate the development and adoption of innovative
conservation approaches and technologies. NRCS-NJ anticipates that the amount available for support of this program in FY 2015 will be approximately $208,630.
Applications are requested from eligible New Jersey government or non-government organizations or individuals for competitive consideration of grant awards for projects
between one and three years in duration.
National Institute of Justice/Department of
600,000 USD
45256 Postdoctoral Fellowship on Violence Against Women: Intimate
Partner Violence, Sexual Violence, Teen Dating Violence, and
Contact Name
Contact Telephone 606-545-5035
Contact Email VAW_Res@ojp.usdoj.gov
Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=271129
Program URL https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/sl001145.pdf
Deadline Dates (ALL) 07-Apr-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
NIJ seeks applications to support up to three postdoctoral researchers to analyze existing data or collect new data to conduct research related to violence against women
(intimate partner violence, sexual violence, stalking, and teen dating violence).
45698 Rural Health Clinic Policy and Clinical Assessment Program
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Health Resources and Services
300,000 USD
Aaron Fischbach
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Federal Office of Rural Health Policy(ORHP) is accepting applications for fiscal year (FY) 2015 for the Rural
Health Clinic Policy andClinical Assessment Program. The purpose of this program is to identify key policy, regulatory andclinical challenges facing Rural Health Clinics
(RHCs) and identify possible solutions, while alsoinforming them and other rural stakeholders about key RHC issues, including regulatory andprogrammatic changes that
affect care delivery in these locations.
Not Specified
45264 Research and Development in Forensic Science for Criminal Justice National Institute of Justice/Department of
Contact Name
Contact Telephone 606-545-5035
Contact Email forensic.research@usdoj.gov
Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=271179
Program URL https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/sl001149.pdf
Deadline Dates (ALL) 08-Apr-2015
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Federal Other Funding Opportunities: April 2015
Page 10
Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
The sponsor is pleased to announce that it is seeking applications for funding to support basic or applied research and development projects that will increase knowledge
and understanding necessary to guide forensic science policy and practice or result in the production of useful materials, devices, systems, or methods that have the
potential for forensic application. This program furthers the Department’s mission by sponsoring research to provide objective, independent, evidence-based knowledge and
tools to meet the challenges of crime and criminal justice, particularly at the State and local levels.
45266 Research and Evaluation on Children Exposed to Violence
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
1,000,000 USD
Dara Blachman-Demner
NIJ seeks proposals for research related to childhood exposure to violence. In particular, NIJ seeks proposals that address justice system responses to children identified
as being exposed to violence; polyvictimization and multisystem involvement; and resilience and help-seeking.
45879 Wrongful Conviction Review Program
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Institute of Justice/Department of
Bureau of Justice Assistance/Department of BJA-2015-4098
250,000 USD
This program provides assistance to public and non-profit entities that seek justice for those who have been wrongfully convicted. The program's purpose is to provide high
quality and efficient representation for potentially wrongfully convicted defendants in post-conviction claims of innocence.
45934 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative: Water for Agriculture
Challenge Area -- Water Availability for Diverse Agricultural Uses:
The Right Water for the Right Place and Time
Contact Name Dr. James P. Dobrowolski
Contact Telephone 202-401-5016
Contact Email jdobrowolski@nifa.usda.gov
Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274621
Program URL http://www.nifa.usda.gov/funding/rfas/pdfs/fy2015_afri_water.pdf
Deadline Dates (ALL) 09-Apr-2015
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
National Institute of Food and
Agriculture/Department of Agriculture
Federal Other Funding Opportunities: April 2015
USDA-NIFA-AFRI- 09-Apr-2015
10,000,000 USD
Page 11
Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
NIFA invites applications for the AFRI Water for Agriculture Challenge Area program designed to help solve critical water problems in rural and agricultural watersheds
across the United States for projects up to five years (FY 2014 – FY 2018). Project types supported by AFRI within this Challenge Area are multi-function
IntegratedResearch, Education, and/or Extension Projects, Food and Agricultural Science Enhancement (FASE) Grants, and conferences. In FY 2015 approximately $9.0
million will be available in support of new awards for this program.
National Institute of Food and
USDA-NIFA-AFRI- 09-Apr-2015
500,000 USD
45937 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative: Water for Agriculture
Challenge Area -- Understanding Decisions and Behaviors
Agriculture/Department of Agriculture
Connected with Agriculture and Post-harvest Processing Industry
Water Use
Contact Name Dr. James P. Dobrowolski
Contact Telephone 202-401-5016
Contact Email jdobrowolski@nifa.usda.gov
Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274621
Program URL http://www.nifa.usda.gov/funding/rfas/pdfs/fy2015_afri_water.pdf
Deadline Dates (ALL) 09-Apr-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
NIFA invites applications for the AFRI Water for Agriculture Challenge Area program designed to help solve critical water problems in rural and agricultural watersheds
across the United States for projects up to five years (FY 2014 – FY 2018). Project types supported by AFRI within this Challenge Area are multi-function
IntegratedResearch, Education, and/or Extension Projects, Food and Agricultural Science Enhancement (FASE) Grants, and conferences. In FY 2015 approximately $9.0
million will be available in support of new awards for this program.
Defense Advanced Research Projects
46108 Communicating with Computers (CwC)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Not Specified
Paul Cohen, Program Manager
06-Mar-2015; 09-Apr-2015
DARPA is soliciting innovative research proposals in the area of natural communication with computers. This program is a 6.1 basic research effort that aims to accelerate
progress toward two-way communication between people and computers in which the machine is more than merely a receiver of commands and in which a full range of
natural modes is tapped, including potentially language, gesture and facial or other expressions.
46272 RFP -- Bat Survey for the Allegheny National Forest
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
DARPA-BAA-15-18 09-Apr-2015
Forest Service/Department of Agriculture
Not Specified
Leonyce J. Moses
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Federal Other Funding Opportunities: April 2015
Page 12
Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
A -- Bat Survey for the Allegheny National Forest SOL AG-24H8-S-15-0025 DUE 040915 POC Leonyce J Moses, Contract Specialist , Phone 4142973625, Fax
4149443930, Email leonycejmoses@fs.fed.us - Melissa Johnson, Contract Specialist, Phone 8147286241, Email melissaajohnson@fs.fed.usIt is the intent of this contract
to survey selected areas of the Allegheny National Forest for bats with emphasis on the northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis), specifically pregnant, lactating, or
post-lactating females (hereafter referred to as the target). Surveys will be conducted using mist-nets, following protocols established by the USFWS, for mist-netting for the
northern long-eared bat. The location of each survey site will be accurately recorded using a Global Positioning System (GPS) unit. The Contractor will furnish all the
supervision, labor, transportation and other incidentals, except as otherwise providedby the government.CITE: https://www.fbo.gov/spg/USDA/FS/56A1/AG-24H8-S-150025/listing.html
Department of the Army
Not Specified
32609 RFP--Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for Basic and Applied
Research at the Naval Health Research Center, San Diego, CA
Contact Name Shawn Haubner
Contact Telephone 508-233-6167
Contact Email shawn.p.haubner.ctr@mail.mil
Sponsor Website https://www.fbo.gov/?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=56898b41add75cecf835390aa2780f1a&tab=core&_cview=0
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL) 10-Apr-2015
Synopsis A -- BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT FOR BASIC AND APPLIED RESEARCH AT THE NAVAL HEALTH RESEARCH CENTER, SAN DIEGO, CA. SOL W911QY-13R-0063 DUE 041015 PO Shawn Haubner, 508-233-6167 POP ACC-APG - Natick (SPS) ATTN: AMSRD-ACC-N, Natick Contracting Division (R and BaseOPS), Building 1,
Kansas Street Natick MA 01760-5011 WEB: FBO.gov Permalink https://www.fbo.gov/notices/56898b41add75cecf835390aa2780f1a E-MAIL: ACC-APG - Natick (SPS)
Research Center Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) 13-001 identifies scientificand technical areas of interest for research and/or exploratory development. This BAA is
conducted using full and open competition. In an effort to minimize proposal preparation cost, this BAA utilizes a two-step process. The first step will be the submission of a
concept paper. Offerors that submit concept papers that are consistent with the intent of the BAA, and are of interest to the government will be invited to submit a proposal
t t ) S hof Availability
i it ti of
d Fundst for a National
th t th Resource
b itti
i ti of Adolescent
ill b
t t I t ti AH-MAI-15-001
f th
b i i
45309 (Announcement
Center for HIV/AIDS Prevention Among Adolescents
for Children and Families/DHHS
Maria-Thelma Pena
This notice announces the availability of funds from the Secretary’s Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI) Fund to maintain, enhance, and re-launch a National Resource Center with
the specific focus on HIV/AIDS prevention among adolescents. This announcement seeks proposals from public and nonprofit private entities. OAH seeks to competitively
award up to $350,000 per year through a three-year cooperative agreement to support the maintenance, enhancement, re-launch, and evaluation of a comprehensive
National Resource Center website for HIV/AIDS prevention among adolescents (resource center).
45312 Announcement of Availability of Funds for Rigorous Evaluation of
Office of Adolescent Health/Administration
1,000,000 USD
New or Innovative Approaches to Prevent Teen Pregnancy (Tier 2B) for Children and Families/DHHS
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Roscoe Brunson
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Federal Other Funding Opportunities: April 2015
Page 13
Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
The purpose of this FOA is to increase the number of evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention (TPP) interventions available by rigorously evaluating new or innovative
approaches for preventing teen pregnancy and related risk behaviors. The applicant must demonstrate that the proposed intervention is needed, likely to reduce rates of
teen pregnancy and/or adolescent sexual risk behavior, relevant to the target population, and able to be rigorously evaluated. This is not a service delivery grant.
45314 Announcement of Availability of Funds for Supporting and Enabling
Office of Adolescent Health/Administration
1,000,000 USD
Early Innovation to Advance Adolescent Health and Prevent Teen
for Children and Families/DHHS
Pregnancy (Tier 2A)
Contact Name Roscoe Brunson
Contact Telephone 240-453-8822
Contact Email Roscoe.Brunson@hhs.gov
Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=271310
Program URL https://www.grantsolutions.gov/gs/preaward/previewAnnouncement.do?id=50659&dispatch=%2FupdateAnnouncement&timeZone=EST
Deadline Dates (ALL) 10-Apr-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
The primary purpose of the TPP Early Innovation Program is to establish two independent intermediaries that will select, fund, and support a portfolio of innovators across
the country to design, test, and refine interventions to advance adolescent health and prevent teen pregnancy. For the purposes of this FOA, OAH defines innovation broadly
as new or promising approaches, interventions, curricula, or strategies informed by scientific theory or empirical evidence that may lead to or have the potential to result in a
substantial reduction in teen pregnancy rates, sexually transmitted infection (STIs) rates, and associated sexual risk behaviors.
DOT-FTA-TODTA- 10-Apr-2015
1,000,000 USD
45754 National Public Transportation/Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Federal Transit Administration
Technical Assistance Ladders of Opportunity Initiative
Contact Name Kimberly Gayle
Contact Telephone 202-366-1429
Contact Email Kimberly.Gayle@dot.gov
Sponsor Website
Program URL http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2015-02-11/pdf/2015-02807.pdf
Deadline Dates (ALL) 10-Apr-2015
Synopsis The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announces a Notice of Funding Opportunity and Request for Proposals (RFP) for a new National Public Transportation/TOD
Technical Assistance Initiative, which supports the Ladders of Opportunity initiative of the President and the Secretary of Transportation by providing technical assistance for
transit-oriented development activities around public transportation stations, including technical assistance to economically distressed communities across the country.
45839 ROSES 2015: Exobiology
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Aeronautics & Space Administration NNH15ZDA001N- 10-Apr-2015
Not Specified
Michael H. New
10-Apr-2015; 12-Jun-2015
The goal of NASA's Exobiology is to understand the origin, evolution, distribution, and future of life in the Universe. Research is centered on the origin and early evolution of
life, the potential of life to adapt to different environments, and the implications for life elsewhere. This research is conducted in the context of NASA’s ongoing exploration of
our stellar neighborhood and the identification of biosignatures for in situ and remote sensing applications.
45842 ROSES 2015: Solar System Observations
National Aeronautics & Space Administration NNH15ZDA001N- 10-Apr-2015
Not Specified
Contact Name Kelly E. Fast
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Federal Other Funding Opportunities: April 2015
Page 14
Opportunity Title
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Sponsor Name
10-Apr-2015; 12-Jun-2015
Solar System Observations supports both ground- and space-based astronomical observations and suborbital investigations of our Solar System involving sounding rockets
and balloons. Proposals are solicited for observations over the entire range of wavelengths, from the ultraviolet to radio, that contribute to the understanding of the nature
and evolution of the Solar System and its individual constituents. Additionally, Solar System Observations supports NASA’s commitment to discover and inventory potentially
hazardous near Earth objects with sizes down to at least ~100 meters and to characterize that population through determination of their orbital elements. This program
element will also consider proposals that characterize a representative sample of these objects by measuring their sizes, shapes, and compositions.
46014 RFP - AMENDMENT - Squad X Core Technologies (SXCT)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Defense Advanced Research Projects
DARPA-BAA-15-26 10-Apr-2015
Not Specified
BAA Administrator
A -- Squad X Core Technologies (SXCT) SOL DARPA-BAA-15-26 DUE 041015BAA Coordinator, Email DARPA-BAA-15-26@darpa.milBy the issuanace of the subject
Broad Agency Announcement (DARPA-BAA-15-26), DARPA is soliciting innovative research proposals for the Squad X Core Technologies (SXCT) program. The objective
of the SXCT program is to develop and deliver new technologies that give dismounted squads increased situational awareness and enable them to dominate their
battlespace. The goal is to build combat power from the rifle squad up, allowing forces to be adaptable and flexible across the range of military operations. This will be
accomplished through research and development of novel technology solutions that advance the capabilities of the squad. Refer to the attachment, "DARPA-BAA-15-26,"
for complete details of the BAA.CITE: https://www.fbo.gov/spg/ODA/DARPA/CMO/DARPA-BAA-15-26/listing.html
46247 Conservation Innovation Grants--California
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
Natural Resources Conservation
Service/Department of Agriculture
USDA-NRCS-CA- 10-Apr-2015
75,000 USD
Erik Beardsley, State CIG Program Manager
NRCS in California announced the availability of Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) funding to stimulate the development and adoption of innovative conservation
approaches and technologies. Applications will be accepted from California. NRCS anticipates that the amount available for support of this program in FY 2015 will be up
to $375,000. Grants to eligible entities and individuals may not exceed $75,000. Applications are requested from eligible governmental or non-governmental organizations
or individuals for competitive consideration of grant awards for projects between 1 and 3 years in duration.
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Federal Other Funding Opportunities: April 2015
Page 15
Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
38749 NIST Standards Services Curricula Development (SSCD)
Cooperative Agreement Program
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
National Institute of Standards &
2015-NIST-SSCD- 13-Apr-2015
Technology/Technology Administration/DOC 01
112,500 USD
Erik Puskar
The NIST SSCD Cooperative Agreement Program provides financial assistance to support curriculum development for the undergraduate and/or graduate level. These
cooperative agreements support the integration of standards and standardization information and content into seminars, courses, and learning resources. The recipients will
work with NIST to strengthen education and learning about standards and standardization.
Research on Bias Crime Victimization
National Institute of Justice/Department of
1,000,000 USD
Carrie Mulford
The purpose of this program is to fund applications for research related to bias/hate crime victimization. Research proposed may be focused at the State, local, tribal,
federal justice policy and/or practice level. NIJ is particularly interested in funding research to: 1. Develop and test screening and/or assessment tools to identify bias crime
victims; 2. conduct localized victimization surveys using new and innovative sampling strategies to understand hate crime among immigrant and other understudied
communities; and 3. explore the use of non-traditional data sources to track bias crime victimization.
Rural Utilities Service/Department of
45716 Household Water Well System Grant Program
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
Not Specified
Joyce M. Taylor, Community Programs Specialist
Rural Utilities Service (RUS) announces its Household Water Well System Grant Program (HWWS) funding availability and application window for Fiscal Year (FY) 2015.
RUS will make grants to qualified private non-profit organizations to establish lending programs for homeowners to borrow up to $11,000 to construct or repair household
water wells for an existing home.
Department of Agriculture
400,000 USD
Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers Policy Research
Kenya Nicholas, Program Director
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Federal Other Funding Opportunities: April 2015
Page 16
Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
Deadline Dates (ALL) 13-Apr-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
Office of Advocacy and Outreach (OAO) solicits applications from eligible institutions to compete for financial assistance in the form of a grant to establish a Socially
Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers Policy Research Center (The Center) at an 1890 Institution. The Center will collect and analyze data, develop policy
recommendations, and evaluate policy concerning socially disadvantaged farmer and rancher issues. Approximately $400,000 is available.
Department of Agriculture
400,000 USD
45738 Outreach and Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and
Contact Name Kenya Nicholas, Program Manager
Contact Telephone 202-720-6350
Contact Email kenya.nicholas@osec.usda.gov
Sponsor Website http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2015-02-11/html/2015-02834.htm
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL) 13-Apr-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
The Office of Advocacy and Outreach announces the availability of funds and solicits applications from eligible entities to compete for financial assistance through the
Outreach and Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers Grant Program (OASDFR). This program will assist community&#8208;based organizations,
higher education institutions and eligible tribal entities in providing outreach and technical assistance to socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers. The total estimated
funding for this competitive opportunity is approximately $9.1 million.
45739 Opportunity To Collaborate in the Evaluation of Simplified Nucleic
Acid Tests for Detecting and Quantifying HIV
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Not Specified
Laura Wesolowski
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announces an opportunity for industry and the public to collaborate on a project to evaluate simplified nucleic acid tests.
HHS/CDC is interested in evaluating simplified nucleic acid tests that (1) can be used near a patient with rapid turn-around of results (2) can be used to aid in the diagnosis
of HIV-1 infection, and (3) have the potential to be used in moderately complex and/or waived laboratories as defined under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement
Amendment (CLIA) regulations. Tests of interest include those that use whole blood, serum, plasma, or dried blood spots. Performance will be evaluated relative to
HHS/Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved qualitative and quantitative nucleic acid tests as well as antibody immunoassays. More than one collaborator may be
Rural Utilities Service/Department of
45761 Revolving Fund Program
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis,
STD, and TB Prevention/CDC/DHHS
Not Specified
Joyce M. Taylor, Community Programs Specialist
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Federal Other Funding Opportunities: April 2015
Page 17
Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
Rural Utilities Service (RUS) invites applications for the Revolving Fund Program (RFP). Under the RFP, qualified private, non-profit organizations receive RFP grant funds
to establish a lending program for eligible entities.
45783 Emerging Technologies for Methane Production via Biological In-Situ National Energy Technology
Coal Conversion and Low Cost Oxygen Production for Gasification
Laboratory/Department of Energy
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Not Specified
Ashley E. Reichl, Contract Specialist
Through this program, the sponsor is soliciting proposals for support of the Gasification Systems technology area. There will be a total of two Areas of Interest. The AES
Program is pursuing research and development to (1) accelerate in-situ bio-gasification of coal seams with a goal of creating methane at a lower cost than typical U.S.
natural gas recovery systems; and (2) produce oxygen for use in coal gasification processes at a significantly lower cost than that of the commercial state of the art
Defense Advanced Research Projects
46088 RFP -- Young Faculty Award (YFA)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
DE-FOA-0001233 13-Apr-2015
DARPA-RA-15-32 13-Apr-2015
Not Specified
Dr. Daniel Hammerstrom, MTO Program Manager
A -- Young Faculty Award (YFA) SOL DARPA-RA-15-32 DUE 041315Dr. Daniel Hammerstrom, MTO Program Manager, Email DARPA-RA-15-32@darpa.milThis
solicitation replaces DARPA-RA-15-23.This Research Announcement (RA) solicits ground-breaking single-investigatorproposals from junior faculty for research and
development in the areas of Physical Sciences, Engineering, Mathematics, Medicine, Biology, Information and Social Sciences of interest to DARPA's Defense Sciences
Office (DSO), Microsystems Technology Office (MTO), and Biological Technology Office (BTO). See the full DARPA-RA-15-32 document attached.CITE:
FOA-RQKM-2015- 13-Apr-2015
46127 RFP--Defense Production Act (DPA) Title III Modernization of Navy- Department of the Air Force
Grade Alloy Steel Plate Production Project
Contact Name David H. Hall
Contact Telephone 937-713-9903
Contact Email david.hall.63@us.af.mil
Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/custom/viewOppDetails.jsp?oppId=274830
Program URL https://www.fbo.gov/index?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=1df4df9d40af6eecc57218f27cac7650&tab=core&_cview=0
Deadline Dates (ALL) 13-Apr-2015
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Federal Other Funding Opportunities: April 2015
Not Specified
Page 18
Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
Synopsis A -- Defense Production Act (DPA) Title III Modernization of Navy-Grade Alloy Steel Plate Production Project SOL FOA-RQKM-2015-0013 DUE 041315 POC David H.
Hall, Agreements Negotiator, Phone (937) 713-9903, Fax (937) 255-5302, Email david.hall.63@us.af.mil - Dianna C. Aniton, Agreements Officer, Phone (937) 713-9897,
Fax (937) 255-5302, Email dianna.aniton@us.af.milThis Title III project shall help maintain and expand domestic productioncapability of thick Navy-grade steel plate used in
the construction of Navy submarines andaircraft carriers. In addition to ensuring the aforementioned critical capability, theDefense Production Act Title III program's
investment can potentially yield ancillarybenefits. Potential benefits to the Navy as a result of upgrading outdated steel productionfacilities, tooling, andprocesses include
reduced overhead costs related with themanufacturer's maintenance of aging resources, and lower costs associated with nonvalueadded re-work for shipbuilders. Attention
will be paid to enhancing merchantsupplier capabilities in order to effectively serve the broad DoD and non-DoDcommunities. CITE:
https://www.fbo.gov/spg/USAF/AFMC/AFRLWRS/FOA-RQKM-2015-0013/listing.htmlGrants.gov (02/27/15)
Department of the Army
44961 International Technology Alliance
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Not Specified
The purpose of this United States Army Research Laboratory (ARL) and United Kingdom Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) International Technology
Alliance (ITA) Program Announcement (PA) is to solicit offers that will help to fulfill the research and development goals of the US Department of Army and UK Ministry of
Defence. This document announces a new and innovative opportunity for cooperation between the US and the UK in the area of Distributed Analytics and Information
Science (DAIS). The DAIS ITA Program is comprised of two components: (1) the Basic Research Component and (2) the Technology Transition Component. The Basic
Research Component will provide for fundamental research, the results of which will be in the public domain, while the Technology Transition Component will provide for the
application of the fundamental research results to military, security and commercial applications to foster the best technologies for future defense and security needs.
Defense Advanced Research Projects
DARPA-BAA-15-28 14-Apr-2015
Not Specified
DARPA is soliciting innovative research proposals in the area of novel Arctic sensor systems. In particular, DARPA is interested in concepts for low-cost, rapidly-deployable,
environmentally friendly, unmanned sensor systems, including deployment and data reach-back from above the Arctic Circle that can detect, track and identify air, surface
and subsurface targets.
38382 Awards for Faculty at Hispanic-Serving Institutions
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Julia Wertley-Rotenberry
46164 Future Arctic Sensing Technologies (FAST)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Endowment for the Humanities/Natl. 20150415-HB
Fndn. on the Arts & Humanities
50,400 USD
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Federal Other Funding Opportunities: April 2015
Page 19
Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
Synopsis This program supports individual faculty or staff members at Hispanic-Serving Institutions pursuing research of value to humanities scholars, students, or general audiences.
Awards are designed to be flexible, allowing applicants to define the audience, type of research, award periods, and administrative arrangements that best fit their
38384 Awards for Faculty at Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
50,400 USD
This program supports individual faculty or staff members at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) pursuing research of value to humanities scholars,
students, or general audiences. Awards are designed to be flexible, allowing applicants to define the audience, type of research, award periods, and administrative
arrangements that best fit their projects.
38386 Awards for Faculty at Tribal Colleges and Universities
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
National Endowment for the Humanities/Natl. 20150415-HB
Fndn. on the Arts & Humanities
National Endowment for the Humanities/Natl. 20150415-HB
Fndn. on the Arts & Humanities
50,400 USD
This program supports individual faculty or staff members at Tribal Colleges and Universities pursuing research of value to humanities scholars, students, or general
audiences. Awards are designed to be flexible, allowing applicants to define the audience, type of research, award periods, and administrative arrangements that best fit
their projects.
Research, Monitoring and Outcomes Definitions for Vaccine Safety
Dr. Karin Bok
Assistant Secretary for Health/DHHS
250,000 USD
OASH/ National Vaccine Program Office (NVPO) provides strategic direction for the coordination of the vaccine and immunization enterprise through the National Vaccine
Plan (NVP) implementation. NVPO specifically provides guidance and coordination for all vaccine safety systems, activities and research studies in the U.S. through the
Immunization Safety Task Force (ISTF). While engaging vaccine safety stakeholders through the ISTF, NVPO is able to identify gaps in vaccine safety monitoring and
research. NVPO has launched this pilot cooperative agreement program to partner with an organization to conduct research that will strengthen the current U.S. vaccine
safety enterprise.
45371 Research and Evaluation on Justice Systems
National Institute of Justice/Department of
Not Specified
Contact Name Brett Chapman
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Federal Other Funding Opportunities: April 2015
Page 20
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
The NIJ is seeking applications for funding for social and behavioral science research on, and evaluations related to, justice systems topics that bear directly and
substantially upon state-, local-, tribal- or federal criminal and juvenile justice policy and practice.
45843 ROSES 2015: Surface Water and Ocean Topography Science Team National Aeronautics & Space Administration NNH15ZDA001N- 15-Apr-2015
Not Specified
Contact Name Eric Lindstrom
Contact Telephone 202-358-4540
Contact Email eric.j.lindstrom@nasa.gov
Sponsor Website
Program URL http://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?method=init&solId={48AE18AA-F54F-CAF1-8478-1CD18436C72D}&path=open
Deadline Dates (ALL) 15-Apr-2015; 15-May-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) is a satellite mission being jointly developed by NASA and CNES (Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales ), the
French space agency, withcontributions from the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and the United Kingdon Space Agency (UKSA) and is currently scheduled for launch in
October 2020. SWOT is an ambitious mission that will make a transformational impact in terrestrial hydrology and create breakthroughs in mapping ocean surface
Department of the Navy
N66001-14-X-3001 16-Apr-2015
Not Specified
39851 RFP--C4ISR, Information Operations and Information Technology
System Research
Contact Name Cindy J Ledesma
Contact Telephone 619-553-9311
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL https://www.fbo.gov/?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=d8501eb28345074a1a91780193cc337e&tab=core&_cview=0
Deadline Dates (ALL) 16-Apr-2015
SOL N66001-14-X-3001 DUE 041615 POC Point of Contact
- Cindy J Ledesma, Contract Specialist, 619-553-9311; Jason Lawson, Contracting Officer, 6195537515 WEB: FBO.gov Permalink
https://www.fbo.gov/notices/d8501eb28345074a1a91780193cc337e E-MAIL: Contract Specialist cindy.ledesma@navy.mil NAICS: 541712 The Space and Naval Warfare
Systems Center, Pacific (SSC Pacific) is soliciting proposals in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 6.102(d)(2) and FAR 35.016 which provides for
competitive selection of basic research, applied research and advanced research (hereinafter referred to as research). Submissions in response to this announcement shall
be for areas relating to the advancement of Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) capabilities, enabling
technologies for Information Operationsand Cyber Operations, and Information Technology systems. Accordingly, proposals selected for award are considered to be the
result of full and open competition and fully compliant with PL 98-369, 'The Competition in Contracting Act of 1984. 'This BAA is for procurement contracts only (hereinafter
f Center
t t ) Research
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2015t -PNIST - d
07636 NIST
for Neutron
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Technology/Technology Administration/DOC NCNR - 01
Tanya Burke
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Federal Other Funding Opportunities: April 2015
Page 21
Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
Synopsis The NCNR is soliciting proposals from eligible proposers to support research involving Neutron Research and Spectroscopy specifically aimed at assisting visiting
researchers at NCNR, developing new instrumentation for Neutron Research, conducting collaborative research with NIST scientists, and to conduct other outreach and
educational activities that advance the use of neutrons by U.S. academia and industrial scientists. This will entail stationing scientific staff at the NCNR who, in collaboration
with NIST and visiting scientists, advance these objectives.
USDA-NIFA-BRAP- 17-Apr-2015
Not Specified
45969 Biotechnology Risk Assessment Grants Program
National Institute of Food and
Agriculture/Department of Agriculture
Contact Name Dr. Shing F. Kwok, National Program Leader
Contact Telephone 202-401-6060
Contact Email skwok@nifa.usda.gov
Sponsor Website http://www.nifa.usda.gov/funding/rfas/15_biotech_risk_assess.pdf
Program URL http://www07.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274693
Deadline Dates (ALL) 17-Apr-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
NIFA requests applications for the Biotechnology RiskAssessment Research Grants Program (BRAG) for fiscal year (FY) 2015 to supportenvironmental assessment
research concerning the introduction of genetically engineered (GE)organisms into the environment. The amount available for support of this program in FY 2015
isapproximately $3.6 million.
Office of Elementary and Secondary
64,000 USD
27399 Migrant Education Program (MEP) Consortium Incentive Grants
Education/Department of Education
Contact Name Rachel Crawford
Contact Telephone 202-260-2590
Contact Email Rachel.Crawford@ed.gov
Sponsor Website http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2015-02-05/pdf/2015-02350.pdf
Program URL http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=273210
Deadline Dates (ALL) 20-Apr-2015
Synopsis The purpose of the MEP Consortium Incentive Grants program is to provide incentive grants to State educational agencies (SEAs) that participate in consortia with one or
more other SEAs or other appropriate entities to improve the delivery of services to migrant children whose education is interrupted. Through this program, the Department
provides financial incentives to SEAs to participate in consortia to improve the intrastate and interstate coordination of migrant education programs by addressing key needs
of migratory children who have their education interrupted.
National Institute of Justice/Department of
2,000,000 USD
44950 Building and Enhancing Criminal Justice Researcher-Practitioner
Contact Name Bethany Backes, Social Science Analyst
Contact Telephone 202-305-4419
Contact Email RPP@ojp.usdoj.gov
Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=271455
Program URL https://ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/sl001133.pdf
Deadline Dates (ALL) 20-Apr-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
The sponsor is seeking applications for funding for criminal justice research and evaluation that includes a researcher-practitioner partnership component. This program
furthers the Department’s mission by sponsoring research that provides objective and independent knowledge and tools to meet the challenges of crime and justice,
particularly at the State and local levels.
Department of the Air Force
BAA-RQKM-2015- 20-Apr-2015
Not Specified
45464 RFP --AMENDMENT-- Filled Inorganic Resin Films (FIRF)
Contact Name Dana L. King, Contract Specialist
Contact Telephone 937-713-9902
Contact Email dana.king.5@us.af.mil
Sponsor Website
Program URL https://www.fbo.gov/index?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=8ec3a69a23ec74841666cb8c03fffa25&tab=core&_cview=0
Deadline Dates (ALL) 20-Apr-2015
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Federal Other Funding Opportunities: April 2015
Page 22
Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
A -- Filled Inorganic Resin Films (FIRF) SOL BAA-RQKM-2015-0016 Dana L. King, Contract Specialist, Phone (937) 713-9902, Email dana.king.5@us.af.mil - Dr. Gregory
Ehlert, Research Scientist, Phone (937) 255-9004, Email gregory.ehlert@us.af.mil The objective of the Filled Inorganic Resin Films (FIRF) effort is to design, synthesize,
and deliver sufficient quantities of filled, non-charring, particulate composites. Following demonstration of two initial test series, progress shall be reviewed. The technology
showing significantly enhanced stability over alternative technologies will be pursued via an option phase which shall include technology maturation and risk reduction
activities prudent to further identify material performance.CITE: https://www.fbo.gov/spg/USAF/AFMC/AFRLWRS/BAA-RQKM-2015-0016/listing.html
45885 Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Program
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Not Specified
The sponsor is pleased to announce that it is seeking applications from local and tribal partners to plan, implement, and enhance place-based, community-oriented
strategies to address neighborhood-level crime issues as a component of or a foundation to a broader neighborhood revitalization or redevelopment initiative. Byrne
Criminal Justice Innovation (BCJI) resources will target locations where a significant proportion of crime occurs as compared to the overall jurisdiction. BCJI furthers the
Department’s mission by leading efforts to enhance the capacity of local and tribal communities to effectively target and address significant crime issues through
collaborative cross-sector approaches that help advance broader neighborhood development goals.
45927 Ukraine Media Partnership Program
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Bureau of Justice Assistance/Department of BJA-2015-4095
Department of State
ESF-1972-12-0306 20-Apr-2015
400,000 USD
James Hallock, Assistant Information Officer
The Public Affairs Section (PAS) of U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine announces an open competition for program proposals through this Request for Proposals (RFP). PAS
invites U.S. non-profit/non-governmental organizations to submit media support and exchange program concept papers for supporting professional and financially viable
media in Ukraine. The project goal is to create and maintain long-term relationships between selected American and Ukrainian media outlets of similar size, and between
the individuals who work at both outlets. Within this framework, Ukrainian professionals in print, online, and broadcast media will have the opportunity to interact with U.S.
counterparts and to take part in practical training, organized by their U.S. partner. This project seeks to promote the development of free and independent Ukrainian media
outlets that are financially viable, based on the fact that independent media is critical for the further democratic development of Ukraine.
Department of State
46269 Toolkit for Identifying Best Practices on Human Rights
Contact Name Riva Kantowitz
Contact Telephone 202-663-2063
Contact Email KantowitzRB@state.gov
Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274940
Program URL
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Federal Other Funding Opportunities: April 2015
250,000 USD
Page 23
Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
Deadline Dates (ALL) 20-Apr-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
The Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL) announces a Request for Proposals (RFP) from organizations interested in submitting proposals for projects
that will define aspects of human rights documentation overseas, including the development of a toolkit to guide civil society organizations and other stakeholders working in
this area.
National Institute of Justice/Department of
4,000,000 USD
45350 Research and Evaluation on Domestic Radicalization to Violent
Contact Name John T. Picarelli
Contact Telephone 202–307–3213
Contact Email John.Picarelli@usdoj.gov
Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=271453
Program URL https://ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/sl001152.pdf
Deadline Dates (ALL) 21-Apr-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
NIJ seeks proposals for funding research to support Federal, State, local, and tribal criminal justice agencies in meeting the challenges posed by domestic radicalization to
violent extremism. The focus of this solicitation is on all forms of radicalization that lead to violent extremism in the United States. While NIJwelcomes investigator-initiated
applications that meet the aforementioned parameters of NIJ’s research portfolio on domestic radicalization, NIJ is particularly interested in responses to one or more of the
following areas of focus: (1) radicalization to indigenous violent extremism; (2) NIJ partnership to translate findings for practitioners; (3) contemporary radicalization and (4)
evaluation studies.
Assistant Secretary for Health/DHHS
300,000 USD
45426 Announcement of Availability of Funds for Embryo Donation and/or
Adoption Grant Projects
Contact Name Robert Scholle
Contact Telephone 240-453-2848
Contact Email Robert.Scholle@hhs.gov
Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=271793
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL) 21-Apr-2015
Synopsis The increasing success of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) has enabled some infertile couples to create embryos through in-vitro fertilization (IVF) that are then
cryopreserved (frozen) for future use. If a couple becomes pregnant without using all of the stored embryos, they may choose to donate the remaining embryos for use by
other infertile couples. Embryo donation is a relatively new process in which individuals with extra frozen embryos agree to release the embryos for use by another woman
who wishes to achieve pregnancy. The recipient can be either anonymous or known to the donor(s). This notice solicits applications for projects in two categories: (1)
Projects that increase public awareness of embryo donation and/or adoption; and (2) Projects that offer services, including counseling, to couples that are currently involved,
or soon may be involved, in the process of embryo donation and/or adoption. Applicants may also propose a project that addresses both the public awareness aspect of the
program and the “services” aspect in a single grant.
45922 Autism Intervention Research Network on Behavioral Health (AIR-B) Health Resources and Services
Contact Name Robin Harwood, PhD
Contact Telephone 301-443-3888
Contact Email rharwood@hrsa.gov
Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274637
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL) 21-Apr-2015
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Federal Other Funding Opportunities: April 2015
2,000,000 USD
Page 24
Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
The purpose of the MCH Autism Intervention Research Network onBehavioral Health (AIR-B Network) is to establish and maintain an interdisciplinary,multicenter research
forum for scientific collaboration and infrastructure building, which willprovide national leadership in research designed to improve the behavioral, mental, social,
and/orcognitive health and wellbeing of children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders(ASD) and other developmental disabilities. The AIR-B Network will be one
of two HRSAsupportedresearch networks that will provide national leadership in research to advance the evidence base on effective interventions for children and
adolescents with ASD and other developmental disabilities, with AIR-B having a focus on addressing behavioral health andwellbeing.
45924 Autism Intervention Research Network on Physical Health (AIR-P)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
3,000,000 USD
Robin Harwood, PhD
The purpose of the MCH Autism Intervention Research Network onPhysical Health (AIR-P Network) is to establish and maintain an interdisciplinary, multicenterresearch
forum for scientific collaboration and infrastructure building, which will providenational leadership in research designed to improve the physical health and wellbeing of
childrenand adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and other developmental disabilities. Physical health may include, but is not limited to, medical, dental,
visual, nutrition andspeech/hearing components. The AIR-P Network will be one of two HRSA-supported researchnetworks that will provide national leadership in research
to advance the evidence base oneffective interventions for children and adolescents with ASD and other developmentaldisabilities, with AIR-P having a focus on addressing
physical health and wellbeing.
46012 Sea Grant Aquaculture Extension and Technology Transfer
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Health Resources and Services
National Oceanic & Atmospheric
Administration/Department of Commerce
300,000 USD
Dorn Carlson | NOAA-OAR-SG-2015-2004399
The NOAA National Sea Grant College Program was established by Congress to promote responsible use and conservation of the nation's ocean, coastal, and Great
Lakes resources. Sea Grant carries out NOAA's mission of stewardship of our country's oceanic and atmospheric resources through a broadly based network of
universities. Sea Grant aquaculture-related activities are integrated with the rest of NOAA via the NOAA Aquaculture Office, which includes activities across multiple NOAA
Line Offices: Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (Sea Grant), the National Marine Fisheries Service (Office of Aquaculture, Fisheries Science Centers and Regional
Offices), and the National Ocean Service (Beaufort Laboratory and Hollings Marine Laboratory). NOAA recognizes the role of other Departments, such as the U.S.
Department of Agriculture and the Department of Interior, and state and regional management partners in aquaculture and coordinates with other Department
representatives at the regional level and at the national level through the Joint Subcommittee on Aquaculture.
National Institute of Justice/Department of
45456 Research and Evaluation on White-Collar Crime and Public
Contact Name Phelan Wyrick
Contact Telephone 202-353-9254
Contact Email phelan.wyrick@usdoj.gov
Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=271849
Program URL https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/sl001155.pdf
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Federal Other Funding Opportunities: April 2015
1,000,000 USD
Page 25
Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
Deadline Dates (ALL) 22-Apr-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
The sponsor is soliciting applications for funding for research and evaluation that inform efforts to detect, investigate, prosecute, and otherwise combat and prevent whitecollar crime and public corruption. NIJ is interested in building on the body of scientific knowledge, as well as providing evidence-based informationwith practical utility for
practitioners and policymakers.
45725 RFP--AMENDMENT--Robotics Outreach Competition II
National Aeronautics & Space Administration NNA15525443C
Not Specified
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Bethany A. McClave, Contracting Officer
U -- ROBOTICS OUTREACH COMPETITION II SOL NNA15525443C DUE 042215Bethany A McClave, Contracting Officer, Phone 650-604-3747, Fax 650-604-3020,
Email Bethany.A.McClave@nasa.gov NASA Ames Research Center (ARC) Robotics Alliance Project (RAP) intends to issue a Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN)
soliciting proposals to design and administer two distinct robotics competition programs, referred to collectively as theNASA Ames Robotics Outreach Competition (ROC-II).
400,000 USD
45975 Smart Defense Initiative Answering Gideon’s Call: Improving Public Bureau of Justice Assistance/Department of BJA-2015-4080
Defense Delivery Systems
Contact Name
Contact Telephone 1-800-851-3420
Contact Email responsecenter@ncjrs.gov
Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274716
Program URL https://www.bja.gov/Funding/15SmartDefenseSol.pdf
Deadline Dates (ALL) 22-Apr-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
The sponsor is pleased to announce that it is seeking applications under the Smart Defense Initiative, a grant program designed to improve public defense delivery systems
at the state and local level.
PAGA-PAAQM-15- 22-Apr-2015
198,000 USD
46056 A Diplomatic Simulations Program Project Coordination, Curriculum Department of State
Design and Video Production
Contact Name Lauren Krizner Fischer, Education Program Specialist
Contact Telephone 202-736-9044
Contact Email fischerlk@state.gov
Sponsor Website
Program URL http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274775
Deadline Dates (ALL) 22-Apr-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
Through this announcement, the U.S. Diplomacy Center of the Department of State is seeking an organization to coordinate the Diplomat Simulations Program. The
Diplomatic Simulations Program is for high school and college students and will serve as an introduction to diplomacy and the work of U.S. diplomats. Simulations require
students to negotiate on global issues, helping them to understand the nuances of doing diplomacy and how to conduct negotiations through compromise. The simulations
will include instructional videos, simulation scenarios and background information, lesson plans and additional resources.
45478 RFP -- Near Zero Power RF and Sensor Operations
Defense Advanced Research Projects
DARPA-BAA-15-14 23-Apr-2015
Not Specified
Contact Name Dr. Troy Olsson
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Federal Other Funding Opportunities: April 2015
Page 26
Opportunity Title
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
A -- Near Zero Power RF and Sensor Operations SOL DARPA-BAA-15-14 DUE 042315 Dr. Troy Olsson, Program Manager, Email DARPA-BAA-15-14@darpa.milDARPA
seeks to transform the energy efficiency of unattended sensors through elimination or substantial reduction of the stand-by power consumed by the sensors while they await
a signature of interest. The improved energy efficiency is expected to result in an increase in the sensor mission lifetime from months to years. The Near Zero Power RF
and Sensor Operations (N-ZERO) program aims to create intelligent sensors that can process and detect RF and physical sensor signatures, consume less than 10 nW of
power, and attain a low false alarm rate of 1 per hour or better in an urban environment.See the full DARPA-BAA-15-14 document attached.CITE:
https://www.fbo.gov/spg/ODA/DARPA/CMO/DARPA-BAA-15-14/listing.htmlGrants.gov (01/23/15)
45967 Justice Reinvestment Initiative: State-Level Technical Assistance
Bureau of Justice Assistance/Department of BJA-2015-4101
Not Specified
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
The sponsor is seeking applications for Justice Reinvestment Initiative: State-Level Technical Assistance. This program furthers the Department's mission by helping state
governments to analyze criminal justice system data, develop and implement policy options, and allocate scarce resources effectively while improving public safety and
enhancing state capacity to make data-driven policy decisions.
DARPA-BAA-14-25 24-Apr-2015
Not Specified
40099 Innovative Systems for Military Missions
Defense Advanced Research Projects
Contact Name D. Peter Donaghue
Contact Telephone
Contact Email DARPA-BAA-14-25@darpa.mil
Sponsor Website
Program URL http://www.grants.gov/custom/viewOppDetails.jsp?oppId=254308
Deadline Dates (ALL) 09-Jan-2015; 06-Feb-2015; 24-Apr-2015
Synopsis The Tactical Technology Office of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is soliciting executive summaries, white papers and proposals for advanced research
and development of Innovative Systems for Military Missions. This solicitation seeks system and subsystem level technologies that enable revolutionary improvements to the
efficiency and effectiveness of the military. Novel concepts are sought in the following focus areas: Ground Systems, Maritime Systems, Air Systems, and Space Systems.
40871 Community Economic Development Projects
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Office of Community Services/ACF/DHHS
800,000 USD
Gerald Shanklin
24-Apr-2015; 04-Mar-2016
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Federal Other Funding Opportunities: April 2015
Page 27
Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Community andEconomic Development (CED) program, administered by the Office of Community Services (OCS) i
n theAdministration for Children and Families (ACF), will provide approximately $17.9 million in grants($800,000 maximum per project) to Community Development Corporat
ions (CDCs) for projects designedto address the economic needs of low-income individuals and families through the creation of employmentand business opportunities.
800,000 USD
40872 Community Economic Development Healthy Food Financing Initiative Office of Community Services/ACF/DHHS
Contact Name Gerald Shanklin
Contact Telephone 855-792-6551
Contact Email OCSgrants@acf.hhs.gov
Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=255897
Program URL http://www.acf.hhs.gov/grants/open/foa/view/HHS-2014-ACF-OCS-EE-0819
Deadline Dates (ALL) 24-Apr-2015; 04-Mar-2016
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
For Fiscal Year (FY) 2014, the Office of Community Services (OCS) within the Administration forChildren and Families (ACF) at the Department of Health and Human Servi
ces (HHS) will provideapproximately $9.5 million in grants ($800,000 maximum per project) to Community DevelopmentCorporations (CDCs) for projects designed to addre
ss food deserts; improve access to healthy, affordablefoods; and address the economic needs of lowincome individuals and families through the creation ofbusiness and employment opportunities.
U.S. Agency for International Development APS-ASHA-1524-Apr-2015
20,000,000 USD
44286 Office of American Schools and Hospitals Abroad (ASHA) Fiscal
Year 2015 Program
Contact Name Ms. Kerrin Goodspeed
Contact Telephone 202-712-0510
Contact Email ASHAApplications@usaid.gov
Sponsor Website
Program URL http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=268248
Deadline Dates (ALL) 24-Apr-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Office of American Schools and Hospitals Abroad (ASHA), is accepting funding requests for its program
to assist schools, libraries, and medical centers outside the United States serving as study and demonstration centers for ideas and practices of the United States. This is a
worldwide program.
DARPA-BAA-15-08 24-Apr-2015
Not Specified
Defense Advanced Research Projects
45360 RFP -- AMENDMENT -- Resilient Synchronized Planning and
Assessment for the Contested Environment (RSPACE)
Contact Name BAA Coordinator
Contact Telephone
Contact Email DARPA-BAA-15-08@darpa.mil
Sponsor Website
Program URL https://www.fbo.gov/index?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=eae0b9a82d6ecbbac6cf3bb1f2d41664&tab=core&_cview=0
Deadline Dates (ALL) 24-Apr-2015
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Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
A -- Resilient Synchronized Planning and Assessment for the Contested Environment (RSPACE) SOL DARPA-BAA-15-08 DUE 031115BAA CoordinatorDARPA is soliciting
innovative research proposals to create a revolutionary distributed planning capability to provide resilient command and control (C2) and manage complex military
operations when communications are limited and unreliable. Resilient Synchronized Planning and Assessment for the Contested Environment (RSPACE) will develop
human-centered software decision aids that, based on commander’s intent, will assist operators throughout the C2 enterprise with controlling daily operations in a
complex battlespace – composing mission packages (coordinating across the network as needed), responding to emerging opportunities, and assessing progress
towards achieving commander’s intent. Proposed research should investigate innovative approaches that enable revolutionary advances. Specifically excluded is
research that primarily results in evolutionary improvements to the existing state of practice.CITE: https://www.fbo.gov/spg/ODA/DARPA/CMO/DARPA-BAA-15ti 2015:
ht l Laboratory Analysis of Returned Samples
National Aeronautics & Space Administration NNH15ZDA001N- 24-Apr-2015
Not Specified
45851 08/li
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Jeffrey N. Grossman
202-358 -1218
24-Apr-2015; 26-Jun-2015
SYNOPSIS:The goal of the Laboratory Analysis of Returned Samples (LARS) Program is to maximize the scientific return from the samples provided by missions such as
Genesis, Stardust, and Hayabusa through development of laboratory instrumentation and advanced analytical techniques required for the complete analyses of the samples
they return. In addition, thisprogram supports analytical work on samples returned by recent Planetary Science Division missions, including Genesis and Stardust, as well as
samples returned by Hayabusa.
6,000,000 USD
National Prisoner Statistics Program (NPS) and National Corrections Bureau of Justice Statistics/Department of
Reporting Program (NCRP), 2015-2019
Cathy Maston
The sponsor is seeking applications for the collection, analysis, and dissemination activities of two of its largest data collections on state and federal prison inmates, the
National Prisoner Statistics Program (NPS) and the National Corrections Reporting Program (NCRP).
46166 Breast Cancer Research Program--Innovator Awards
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Department of the Army
5,000,000 USD
The Innovator Award supports visionary individuals who have demonstrated exceptional creativity, innovative work, and paradigm-shifting leadership in any field including, but
not limited to, breast cancer. The Innovator Award will provide these individuals with the funding and freedom to pursue their most novel, visionary, high-risk ideas that could
accelerate progress to ending breast cancer.
46188 Breast Cancer Research Program--Distinguished Investigator Award Department of the Army
Not Specified
Contact Name
Contact Telephone 301-682-5507
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Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
The BCRP Distinguished Investigator Award enables established visionary leaders from any field to pursue innovative ideas that could accelerate progress toward ending
breast cancer. These individuals should be exceptionally talented researchers who have shown that they are leaders in their field(s) through extraordinary creativity, vision,
and productivity. The Principal Investigator (PI) is expected to have a renowned reputation as a researcher who has made groundbreaking contributions to advancing his/her
field. He/she should have demonstrated success at forming and leading effective partnerships and collaborations. Through his/her distinguished record of research and
leadership, the PI should demonstrate the potential to make unique and significant advances in breast cancer.
Bureau of Reclamation/Department of the
Not Specified
44943 Desalination and Water Purification Research and Development
Contact Name Michael Dieterich
Contact Telephone 303-445-2484
Contact Email mdieterich@usbr.gov
Sponsor Website
Program URL http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=270390
Deadline Dates (ALL) 16-Feb-2015; 27-Apr-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:Through this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation), is accepting
applications for projects to be funded by the Desalination and Water Purification Research and Development Program (DWPR).
Bureau of Reclamation/Department of the
Not Specified
44945 Desalination and Water Purification Research and Development
(DWPR) Pilot
Contact Name Michael Dieterich
Contact Telephone 303-445-2484
Contact Email mdieterich@usbr.gov
Sponsor Website
Program URL http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=270391
Deadline Dates (ALL) 16-Feb-2015; 27-Apr-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:Through this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation), is accepting
applications for projects to be funded by the Desalination and Water Purification Research and Development Program (DWPR).
46091 National Consumer and Consumer Supporter Technical Assistance
Contact Name Cynthia Kemp
Contact Telephone 240-276-1906
Contact Email cynthia.kemp@samhsa.hhs.gov
Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274813
Program URL http://www.samhsa.gov/grants/grant-announcements/sm-15-011
Deadline Dates (ALL) 27-Apr-2015
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services
Federal Other Funding Opportunities: April 2015
335,600 USD
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Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
Synopsis The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Mental Health Services is accepting applications for fiscal year (FY) 2015 National Consumer
and Consumer Supporter Technical Assistance Centers (Short Title: Consumer and Consumer Supporter TA Centers) grants. The purpose of this program is to provide
technical assistance to promote consumer-directed approaches for adults with serious mental illnesses. Such programs maximize consumer self-determination and
recovery, promote access to treatment, and assist people with serious mental illness by decreasing their dependence on expensive social services and avoiding psychiatric
hospitalization. The entities responsible for providing technical assistance for this program may be either consumer or consumer supporter organizations.
66071 Alaska Native Education Program
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
500,000 USD
Almita Reed
The purpose of the Alaska Native Education (ANE) program is to support innovative projects that enhance the educational services provided to Alaska Native children and
adults. These projects may include the activities authorized under section 7304(a)(2) and (a)(3) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended
45785 Using DNA Technology to Identify the Missing
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Office of Elementary and Secondary
Education/Department of Education
National Institute of Justice/Department of
3,000,000 USD
Charles Heurich
The sponsor is seeking applications for funding under the Using DNA Technology to Identify the Missing program. This program furthers the Department’s mission by
offering assistance in performing DNA analysis on unidentified human remains and family reference samples to support the efforts of States and units of local government to
identify missing persons.
Using DNA Technology to Identify the Missing
National Institute of Justice/Department of JusNIJ-2015-4055
3,000,000 USD
Charles Heurich
The sponsor is seeking applications for funding under the Using DNA Technology to Identify the Missing program. This program furthers the Department’s mission by
offering assistance in performing DNA analysis on unidentified human remains and family reference samples to support the efforts of States and units of local government to
identify missing persons.
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Sponsor Name
Department of State
FY 2016 Notice of Funding Opportunity for proposals for the
Resettlement Support Center (RSC) Latin America
Sean Hantak
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
PRM-PRMOPERR- 28-Apr-2015
Not Specified
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL) 28-Apr-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
The admissions process for refugee applicants seeking resettlement in the United States is overseen by the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration of the
Department of State (the Bureau). The purpose of Resettlement Support Center (RSC) Latin America is to assist the Bureau in preparing the necessary casework for
persons in selected locations in Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and the Caribbean eligible for interview by United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
(USCIS) of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) under the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP). For those persons approved, RSC Latin America provides
assistance in completing the additional requirements for refugee admission under Section 207 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. These requirements include, but are
not limited to, completing a medical exam and attending cultural orientation. In addition, the RSC forwards the necessary data on all DHS-approved cases to the Refugee
Processing Center (RPC) in Virginia for distribution to U.S. Reception and Placement agencies according to procedures established by the Bureau.The Bureau will make
one award for RSC Latin America based in Quito, Ecuador for an initial period beginning October 1, 2015, through September 30, 2016, subject to the availability of funds.
Through the award, the Bureau will provide full financial support to the selected organization, based on the proposal submitted in response to this request.
Fit-for-Purpose Field Project: Developing and Validating Pressure
National Energy Technology Laboratory/DepaDE-FOA-0001260 29-Apr-2015
36,000,000 USD
Management and Plume Control Strategies through a Brine
Extraction Storage Test (BEST)
Contact Name Jodi L. Collins, Contract Specialist
Contact Telephone
Contact Email jodi.collins@netl.doe.gov
Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=271377
Program URL https://www.fedconnect.net/FedConnect/PublicPages/PublicSearch/Public_Opportunities.aspx
Deadline Dates (ALL) 29-Apr-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) seeks research and development focused projects for managing formation pressure plumes as well as
measuring/monitoring the movement of the differential pressure and carbon dioxide (CO2) plumes in the subsurface for future saline CO2 storage projects.
RFP -- AMENDMENT -- Broad Agency Announcement, Science and Office of the Secretary/DHHS
BAA-13-100-SOL-0 30-Apr-2015
Technology Platforms Applied to Medical Countermeasure
Development (Innovations) for BARDA
Contact Name Elizabeth Steiner , Contracting Officer
Contact Telephone 202-205-8926
Contact Email Elizabeth.Steiner@hhs.gov
Sponsor Website
Program URL https://www.fbo.gov/?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=59a8bee92eb32ebd33098ec29dacc4c2&tab=core&_cview=0
Deadline Dates (ALL) 31-Oct-2014; 30-Jan-2015; 30-Apr-2015; 30-Jul-2015
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
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Not Specified
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Sponsor Name
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
(INNOVATIONS) FOR BARDA SOL BAA-13-10-SOL-00014 POC Elizabeth Steiner, Phone: 202-205-8926, Nathaniel Cohen, Phone: 202-205-8968 WEB: FBO.gov
Permalink https://www.fbo.gov/spg/HHS/OOS/OASPHEP/BAA-13-100-SOL-00014/listing.html E-MAIL: Elizabeth.Steiner@hhs.gov, Nathaniel.Cohen@hhs.gov
Elizabeth.Steiner@hhs.gov, Nathaniel.Cohen@hhs.gov NAICS: 541711 BARDA encourages the advanced research, development and acquisition of medical
countermeasures such as vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics, as well as innovative approaches to support the preparedness mission and priorities of the HHS Public
Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise (PHEMCE) articulated in the 2012 PHEMCE Implementation Plan. The Implementation Plan is located on the
ASPR website: https://www.medicalcountermeasures.gov/media/13962/2012-phemce-implementation-plan.pdf The Pandemic and All Hazard Preparedness Act Pub. L.
No. 109-417, 42 U.S.C. § 241 et seq. (PAHPA; http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-109publ417/pdf/PLAW-109publ417.pdf) and The Pandemic and All Hazard
Preparedness Reauthorization Act Pub. L. No. 113-5, (PAHPRA: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-113publ5/pdf/PLAW-113publ5.pdf) authorizes BARDA to (i) conduct
ongoing searches for, and support calls for, potential qualified countermeasures and qualified pandemic or epidemic products; (ii) direct and coordinate the countermeasure
and product advanced research and development activities of the Department of Health andHuman Services; (iii) establish strategic initiatives to accelerate countermeasure
and product advanced research and development (which may include advanced research and development for purposes of fulfilling requirements under the FederalFood,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act or section 351 of this Act) and innovation in suchareas as the Secretary may identify as priority unmet need areas; and (iv) award contracts, grants,
cooperative agreements, and enter into other transactions, for countermeasure and product advanced research and development. A key to success in this broad,
challenging mission is identifying and advancing innovative technologies that will provide capabilities for novel countermeasures with improved performance, as well as for
their expedited development, manufacturing, and use. Through its Innovative Technologies program, BARDA has invested in basic and applied technology platforms that
have enabled the development of new medical countermeasures and provided tools with the potential to be applied to other existing or future pathogens and threats. The
purpose of this announcement is to identify an Area of Interest (AOI) in which BARDA is currently seeking products, technologies, or capabilities that will advance effective
medical countermeasure emergency response. BARDA is specifically interested in supporting the advancementof tools that can demonstrate an impact on the design,
RFP -- Biological Technologies
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agenc DARPA-BAA-14-38 30-Apr-2015
Not Specified
Contact Name BAA Administrator
Contact Telephone
Contact Email DARPA-BAA-14-38@darpa.mil
Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/custom/viewOppDetails.jsp?oppId=254566
Program URL https://www.fbo.gov/?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=6d0dc4d2cd0df49872dbc98c89ea6071&tab=core&_cview=0
Deadline Dates (ALL) 30-Apr-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
RFP -- AMENDMENT -- Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC),
Department of the Army
Not Specified
Fort Polk, LA
Contact Name Ashlee J Green
Contact Telephone 910-643-3836
Contact Email ashlee.j.green2.civ@mail.mil
Sponsor Website
Program URL https://www.fbo.gov/index?s=opportunity&mode=form&tab=core&id=f67cd1c00d3f124dd89e7b55a399db19
Deadline Dates (ALL) 30-Apr-2015
Synopsis SYNOPSIS:
R -- Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC), Fort Polk, LA SOL W9124713R0018 DUE 043015Brandon A. Hawkins, 910-394-6304The Mission and Installation
Contracting Command - Fort Bragg (MICC-FB) is planning to solicit offers for the Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) Mission Support Services (MSS) contract in
support of Fort Polk, Louisiana. This acquisition is a follow-on effort to the current JRTC MSS contract. The JRTC MSS contractprovides support services for JRTC's training
mission to include the following major functional areas: Scenario Development, Logistics and Property Management, General and Information Technology, Maintenance
Support, Leader Training Program (LTP), Joint Operations Center (JOC) and After Action Review (AAR), Battle Simulation Center (BSC), Exercise Support Group (ESG)
Support Services, RotationalVideo Support, Tactical Engagement Simulations (TES) Support, Battlefield Effects (BFE) Support, Role Play/Civilians on the Battlefield and
Security Force Assistance (SFA)/Joint Security Force Assistance (JSFA) Support. The NAICS code applicable to this procurement is 611699, All Other Miscellaneous
Schools and Instruction; the corresponding small business size standard is $11 Million. The requirement will be solicited under Full and Open competition and will be subject
to the policies and procedures outlined in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and other applicable regulations and FAR supplements. The Request for Proposal (RFP)
will be available to interested industry participants during the month of February 2015. The RFP will be accessible through the Army Single Face to Industry (ASFI) website,
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Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Federal Other Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount
ROSES 2015: Precipitation Measurement Missions Science Team
National Aeronautics & Space Administration NNH15ZDA001N-P 30-Apr-2015
Not Specified
Ramesh K. Kakar
30-Apr-2015; 30-Jun-2015
SYNOPSIS:The Precipitation Measurement Missions (PMM) science team seeks investigations related to satellite observations of precipitation using measurements from,
but not limited to, the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission TRMM) 1997-2015, the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Core Observatory launched February 2014, and
GPM mission constellation partner spacecraft.
500,000 USD
Agriculture and Food Research Initiative – Foundational Program -- National Institute of Food and Agriculture/Dep USDA-NIFA-AFRI-0 30-Apr-2015
Agriculture Economics and Rural Communities (AERC) -- Small and
Medium-Sized Farms
Dr. Denis Ebodaghe
In FY 2015, AFRI invites Integrated Project applications for Standard, Conference and FASE Grant types relevant to Agriculture Economics and Rural Communities (AERC)
-- Small and Medium-Sized Farms.
1,000,000 USD
Evaluation of the Office on Violence Against Women's Sexual Assault National Institute of Justice/Department of JusNIJ-2015-4086
Justice Initiative
Bethany Backes
The sponsor is seeking applications to evaluate the Office on Violence Against Women’s Sexual Assault Justice Initiative aimed at improving prosecutorial practices in cases
of sexual assault. The OVW Sexual Assault Justice Initiative will fund up to eight sites to implement performance measures intended to gauge prosecution efforts in cases
of sexual assault. The performance measures are intended to improve prosecutorial practices by targeting accountability-related outputs and outcomes rather than
determining success by conviction rates.
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Sponsor Name
Agriculture and Food Research Initiative:Agriculture and Natural Resources Science for Climate
National Institute of Food and
45966 Variability and Change Challenge Area -- Synthesis and Assessment of USDA NIFA’s Climate
Agriculture/Department of Agriculture
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Directorate for Biological Sciences/NSF
Not Specified
Simon Malcomber
SYNOPSIS: Despite centuries of discovery, most of our planet's biodiversity remains unknown. The scale of the unknown diversity on Earth is especially
troubling given the rapid and permanent loss of biodiversity across the globe. The goal of the Dimensions of Biodiversity campaign is to transform, by 2020, how
we describe and understand the scope and role of life on Earth. This campaign promotes novel integrative approaches to fill the most substantial gaps in our
understanding of the diversity of life on Earth. It takes a broad view of biodiversity, and focuses on the intersection of genetic, phylogenetic, and functional
dimensions of biodiversity. Successful proposals must integrate these three dimensions to understand interactions and feedbacks among them. While this focus
complements several core programs in BIO and GEO, it differs by requiring that multiple dimensions of biodiversity be addressed simultaneously, in novel ways,
to understand their synergistic roles in critical ecological and evolutionary processes. The Dimensions of Biodiversity program again includes partnerships with
the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) of Brazil in fiscal year 2015.
45323 STEM + Computing Partnerships (STEM+C)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Rachel Melnick
02-Apr-2015; 04-Jun-2015
SYNOPSIS: AFRI is a competitive grant program to provide funding for fundamental and applied research, education, and extension projects in food and
agricultural sciences. In this RFA, NIFA requests applications for AFRI Agriculture and Natural Resources Science for Climate Variability and Change (AFRI
ANRCVC) Challenge Area Program for FY 2015. The goal of this program is to support research to facilitate the adaptation of agroecosystems and natural
resource systems to climate variability and the implementation of mitigation strategies in those systems. In FY 2015, applications are sought in the following
priority areas: 1) Climate and Microbial Processes in Agroecosystems; 2) Climate Resilient Land Use for Agriculture and Forestry; or 3) Synthesis and
Assessment of USDA NIFA’s Climate Investments. The amount available for support of this program in FY 2015 is approximately $5.0 million.
45100 Dimensions of Biodiversity
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Directorate for Education and Human
Not Specified
Arlene M. de Strulle
14-Apr-2015; 08-Mar-2016
SYNOPSIS: The STEM+C Partnerships program seeks to significantly enhance the learning and teaching of science, technology, engineering, mathematics
(STEM), and computing by K-12 students and teachers, through research on, and development of, courses, curriculum, course materials, pedagogies,
NSF (Nat’l Science Foundation) Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
instructional strategies, or models that innovatively integrate computing into one or more STEM disciplines, or integrate STEM content into the teaching and
learning of computing. In addition, STEM+C seeks to build capacity in K-12 computing education with foundational research and focused teacher preparation.
Projects in the STEM+C Partnerships program should build on research in STEM education and prior research and development efforts that provide theoretical
and empirical justification for proposed projects. Pre-service and in-service teachers who participate in STEM+C projects are expected to enhance their
understanding and teaching of STEM and computing content, practices, and skills. STEM+C invites creative and innovative proposals that address emerging
challenges in the learning and teaching of STEM and computing. The program offers proposers two tracks: (1) Integration of Computing in STEM Education and
(2) Computing Education Knowledge and Capacity Building. The second track is discipline-specific and may be expanded to include additional disciplines in
future releases of the solicitation.
44787 Management of UNOLS Marine Technician Pool
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
45019 Antarctic Research
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Directorate for Geosciences/NSF
Not Specified
James Holik
Oceanographic facilities and equipment are supported by the National Science Foundation through the Integrative Programs Section (IPS) within the Division of
Ocean Sciences (OCE), Directorate for Geosciences (GEO). Awards are generally directed to support facilities that lend themselves to shared use within the
broad range of federally-supported research and education programs. NSF support includes awards for the procurement, conversion and/or up-grade,
enhancement or annual operation of research vessel platforms in the ocean, coastal, near-shore and Great Lakes. The vessels are either state or federally
owned, and operated by academic institutions within the University National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS). Most of these platforms and their
associated facilities also receive partial support from other federal agencies, state and local governments, and private sources on a proportional basis. The
scientific productivity of research programs conducted by the U.S. Academic Research Vessel Fleet is enhanced by providing technical support services to all
users of the facility. Maintaining availability of qualified Technicians for ship-based research is a long-standing and proven method of optimizing technical
support. Individual Operating Institutions employ and assign permanent Technicians to research vessels under their purview. However, there are frequent
occasions in which it is necessary and desirable to hire temporary or part-time Technicians to meet unexpected or surge demands across the fleet. Procedures
for meeting this requirement vary between Operating Institutions and are frequently inconsistent, complex and time consuming. This solicitation seeks to
streamline the inherent inefficiencies in meeting varying demands for technical support by establishing a centrally managed Pool of Temporary and Part-time
Technicians that can be made readily available to vessel Operating Institutions across the US Academic Research fleet. A single award is anticipated for
Management of a centralized, UNOLS Technician Services Pool by a Technician Pool Host Institution (TPHI).
Directorate for Geosciences/NSF
Not Specified
Vladimir Papitashvili
Scientific research, along with operational support of that research, is the principal activity of the U.S. Antarctic Program in Antarctica. The National Science
Foundation's Antarctic Sciences Section (ANT), Division of Polar Programs, fosters research on globally and regionally important scientific problems. In
particular, the Antarctic Sciences Section supports research that expands fundamental knowledge of the region as well as research that relies on the unique
characteristics of the Antarctic continent as a platform from which to support research. Antarctic fieldwork will only be supported for research that can only be
performed or is best performed in Antarctica. The Antarctic Sciences Section strongly encourages research using existing samples, models, and data as well as
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Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
research at the intersection between disciplines.
29746 Innovation Corps - Regional Node Program (I-Corps Node)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Directorate for Geosciences/NSF
Marco Tedesco
The National Science Foundation (NSF) invites investigators at U.S. organizations to submit proposals for a cooperative agreement for archival of data and
access to data and metadata generated through projects funded by the NSF Arctic Sciences Section. Proposals should focus on providing data and metadata
ingest services for NSF-funded data providers, data and metadata access services to scientists across disciplines and other Arctic stakeholders (including
decision-makers), and data and metadata archival services to ensure that the data is accessible and discoverable in the future.
45518 Basic Research to Enable Agricultural Development (BREAD)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Don L. Millard
The National Science Foundation plans to build upon the I-Corps program and establish a National Innovation Network comprised of I-Corps Regional Nodes
that will support the needs for innovation research and education. NSF is seeking to build a network of regional nodes that will work cooperatively to establish,
utilize and sustain a national innovation ecosystem that further enhances the development of technologies, products and processes that benefit society. The
interconnected nodes of this network may be diverse in research areas, resources, tools, programs, capabilities, and in geographic locations - while the network
will have the flexibility to grow or reconfigure as needs arise. I-Corps Regional Nodes will foster understanding on how to: 1) identify, develop and support
promising ideas that can generate value, 2) create and implement tools and resources that enhance our nation's innovation capacity, 3) gather, analyze,
evaluate and utilize the data and insight resulting from the experiences of those participating in the I-Corps program and 4) share and leverage effective
innovation practices on a national scale - to improve the quality of life for the U.S. citizenry.
Archiving and Discovering of Data and Metadata Generated through Projects Funded by the
NSF Arctic Sciences Section
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Directorate for Biological Sciences/NSF
Directorate for Biological Sciences/NSF
Not Specified
Wayne Parrott
SYNOPSIS: The Basic Research to Enable Agricultural Development (BREAD) Program was established in 2009 as a National Science Foundation (NSF)
program supported in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). The goal of BREAD is to support innovative basic scientific research
designed to address key constraints to smallholder agriculture in the developing world. Proposals submitted to BREAD must make a clear and well-defined
connection between the outcomes of the proposed basic research and its direct relevance and potential application to agriculture in the developing world.
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Opportunity Title
Grants Program
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Not Specified
01-Dec-2014; 01-Jan-2015; 20-Feb-2015; 01-Apr-2015; 14-Aug-2015; 25-Sep-2015
The sponsor supports nonprofit organizations in Western New York and South Florida in the areas of; education, behavioral health, medical care/research, and
human/community services. The foundation welcomes collaboration with other grant makers and favors grant seekers with multiple sources of support.
800,000 USD
15-Oct-2014; 01-Apr-2015
This RFA is a call for research that evaluates the impact of the many changes now occurring in the health care system with a particular focus on cancer
prevention, control, and treatment. Efforts focusing on improving access to care may also impact inequities that contribute to health disparities. New health
public policy initiatives, for example the new federal and state marketplaces that have expanded insurance coverage, as well as Medicaid expansion in some
states, create natural experiments ripe for evaluation. Research to be fundedby this RFA should focus on the changes in national, state, and/or local policy and
the response to these changes by health care systems, insurers, payers, communities, practices, and patients.
Pilot and Exploratory Projects in Palliative Care of Cancer Patients and Their Families
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Lee (Patrick P.) Foundation
Research Scholar Grant in the Role of Healthcare and Insurance in Improving Outcomes
American Cancer Society, Inc.
in Cancer Prevention, Early Detection and Treatment
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Sponsor Name
American Cancer Society, Inc.
Not Specified
01-Apr-2015; 15-Oct-2015
In an effort to support clinician investigators conducting patient-oriented research in palliative care, the American Cancer Society, in parallel with the National
Palliative Care Research Center (NPCRC), is soliciting applications for pilot/exploratory research grants in palliative care of cancer patients and their families.
These grants will generate the pilot data necessary to maximize an investigator's chances of competing successfully for larger grants. This RFA will use the
American Cancer Society Pilot and Exploratory Projects (PEP) award mechanism. A total of $500,000 per year is available for this mechanism.
Duluth-Superior Area Community
Lone Wolf Fund
Not Specified
Contact Name
Contact Telephone 218-726-0232
Contact Email grantsinfo@dsacommunityfoundation.com
Sponsor Website http://www.dsacommunityfoundation.com/grants
Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Program URL http://www.dsacommunityfoundation.com/our-grantmaking-priorities
Deadline Dates (ALL) 01-Apr-2015
Synopsis The Lone Wolf Fund was created to promote environmental education, particularly through programs which increase access for children who have a physical
and/or mental disability; to advance medical science through research, particularly for cancer and diabetes; and to increase educational opportunities for
international students attending post-secondary institutions, particularly in the area of academic support.
Physician Training Award in Cancer Prevention
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Virginia Academy of Science
Community Foundation of West
3,000 USD
1,500 USD
Glenn Taylor, Executive Director
01-Oct-2014; 01-Apr-2015
The purpose of the Foundation is to receive and expend funds for charitable uses for the benefit of the communities around the West Alabama area.
Alzheimer's and Related Diseases Research Award Fund (ARDRAF)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
300,000 USD
Dr. Eugene Maurakis
The purpose of the sponsoring organization's award is to support basic research in any area of cancer research.
Grant Program
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
The Physician Training Award in Cancer Prevention (PTACP) is awarded Awarded to institutions to support physician training in accredited preventive medicine
residency programs that provide cancer prevention and control research and practice opportunities. Awards are made for two years initially and are renewable.
Mary Louise Andrews Award for Cancer Research
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
American Cancer Society, Inc.
Virginia Commonwealth University
45,000 USD
Constance L. Coogle, Ph.D.
Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Synopsis The Commonwealth of Virginia established the Alzheimer’s and Related Diseases Research Award Fund to promote research into Alzheimer’s and related
diseases. Applicants must be affiliated with colleges or universities, research institutes, or other not-for-profit organizations located in Virginia. The Fund
encourages partnerships between community-based agencies/facilities and academic institutions in Virginia. Because of a commitment to program balance, the
Fund encourages scientifically rigorous applications from a broad spectrum of disciplines. The Alzheimer’s and Related Diseases Research Award Fund will
support studies involving: the underlying causes, epidemiology, diagnosis, or treatment of Alzheimer’s and related diseases; policies, programs, and financing
for care and support of those affected by Alzheimer’s and related diseases; or, the social and psychological impacts of Alzheimer’s and related diseases upon
the individual, family, and community.
Division 17 Counseling Psychology Grants
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Grants Program
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Left Tilt Fund
7,000 USD
10,000 USD
The Left Tilt Fund supports organizations that have a 501(c)(3) tax status with grants up to $10,000. The sponsor supports organizations that address the root
causes of economic, political, and social injustice through community-based organizing, education, legal advocacy, and other innovative means.
Grand Haven Area Community
Grants Program
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
American Psychological Foundation
Samantha Edington, Senior Program Coordinator
The American Psychological Foundation (APF) provides support of up to $7,000 for not-for-profit activities to enhance the science and practice of counseling
psychology. In particular, it aims to support research on the implementation of innovative counseling programs and models.
Not Specified
Barb Larsen
09-Jan-2015; 03-Apr-2015; 26-Jun-2015; 02-Oct-2015
The Grand Haven Area Community Foundation serves donors and charitable agencies for the enhancement of the Tri-Cities area of Grand Haven, Spring Lake
and Ferrysburg in West Michigan. The Grants Program assists non-profit organizations in the local area to increase and enhance the quality of life for residents.
Grants Program
Alden (John W.) Trust
15,000 USD
Contact Name Susan T. Monahan, Grants Coordinator
Contact Telephone 617-951-1108
Contact Email smonahan@rackemann.com
Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Sponsor Website
Program URL http://www.cybergrants.com/alden/grant.html
Deadline Dates (ALL) 05-Jan-2015; 05-Apr-2015; 05-Jul-2015; 05-Oct-2015
Synopsis The John W. Alden Trust provides support to organizations located within Eastern Massachusetts providing care and administering to the needs of children who
are blind, retarded, disabled or who are either mentally or physically ill, or organizations engaged in medical and scientific research directed toward the
prevention or cure of diseases and disabilities particularly affecting children.
Research Grant
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Cystinosis Research Foundation
Not Specified
Nancy Stack, President
The Cystinosis Research Foundation is prepared to fund proposals to improve the immediate care of children and adults with cystinosis and to develop a new
understanding and treatment of cystinosis in an effort to help these patients in the future.
Grants Program
BJ’s Charitable Foundation
Not Specified
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL http://www.bjs.com/bjs-charitable-foundation.content.about_charitable.A.about_community2
Deadline Dates (ALL) 11-Apr-2014; 11-Jul-2014; 10-Oct-2014; 09-Jan-2015; 10-Apr-2015
Synopsis The sponsor allocates funds on a quarterly basis, in the 15 states where BJ’s Clubs are located. BJ’s Charitable Foundation contributes the bulk of its funding to
organizations that provide services (in the form of hunger prevention, self-sufficiency, healthcare and education) to people in need.
Prevention Therapies - JDRF Microbiome Consortium Data Coordinating Center RFA
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Juvenile Diabetes Research
Foundation International
Not Specified
Jessica Dunne, Ph.D.
The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) has issued a request for applications (RFA) to establish an innovative, efficient, cost-effective solution to
creating a Data Coordinating Center (DCC) for the JDRF Microbiome Consortium. JDRF Microbiome Consortium members generate multiple types of data,
including, but not limited to, 16S rRNA Sequencing data, genetics, clinical meta-data, immunological and metabolic data and various ‘omics data, thus requiring
responses to this call for proposals to offer a solution that allows the management and integration of disparate, heterogeneous data source.s
General Community Grants
Richland County Foundation
Not Specified
Contact Name Allie Watson
Contact Telephone 419-525-3020
Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Opportunity Title
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Not Specified
Cathy Friese, Grants Administrator
210-271-3691 x39
15-Apr-2015; 15-Oct-2015
The Foundation awards grants to institutions and agencies in the following areas: basic science and clinical research; community and health services based
primarily in South Texas; education; arts and humanities; and wildlife, and veterinary and animal sciences.
Drown (Joseph) Foundation
Not Specified
Wendy Wachtell, President
15-Jan-2015; 15-Apr-2015; 15-Jul-2015; 15-Oct-2015
The Joseph Drown Foundation provides support in the areas of education, medical and scientific research, community, health and social services and, to a
lesser degree, the arts and humanities. Tax-exempt organizations, primarily in the state of California, are eligible. Grants are for one year.
Translation Fund
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Kleberg (Robert J. & Helen)
Grants Program
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
03-Jan-2015; 11-Apr-2015; 22-Aug-2015; 17-Oct-2015
The Richland County Foundation looks to partner with nonprofit organizations to respond to current community needs.
Grants Program
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Sponsor Name
Wellcome Trust
Not Specified
+44 (0)20 7611 5757
SYNOPSIS: The aim of Translation Awards is to develop innovative and ground breaking new technologies in the biomedical area.
Grants Program
Midland Area Community Foundation
40,000 USD
Contact Name
Contact Telephone 989-839-9661
Contact Email info@midlandfoundation.org
Sponsor Website http://www.midlandfoundation.org/grants_offered/
Program URL
Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Deadline Dates (ALL) 15-Apr-2015; 15-Jul-2015; 15-Oct-2015; 15-Jan-2016
Synopsis The Midland Area Community Foundation (MACF) promotes and enables community-wide philanthropic giving to enrich and improve the lives of people in the
greater Midland and Gladwin County areas of Michigan.
Grants Program
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Macdonald (Dr. John T.) Foundation
65,000 USD
The Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation provides funding for programs and projects designed to improve, preserve, or restore the health and health care of the
people in Miami-Dade County, Florida.
March of Dimes
Not Specified
The Prematurity Research Initiative (PRI) is a special program dedicated to grant support for projects related to causes of prematurity. Initiated as part of the
March of Dimes Prematurity Campaign, these projects aim to provide new insight into the large, and increasing, proportion of premature births in which the
causes, and the means of prevention, remain unknown.
Supporting Dissemination and Implementation Activities of the PCORI Pilot Projects
Learning Network (PPPLN)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Not Specified
15-Apr-2015; 17-Aug-2015; 15-Dec-2015
The Hoblitzelle Foundation makes grants to educational, scientific, cultural, and other charitable organizations.
Prematurity Research Initiative (PRI)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Kathy Shannon Stone
Grants Program
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Hoblitzelle Foundation
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research
Institute (PCORI)
50,000 USD
Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Synopsis SYNOPSIS: This Engagement Award Initiative Notice provides guidelines for funding available to support the dissemination and implementation activities for the
PCORI Pilot Projects and the PCORI Pilot Projects Learning Network. This EAIN aligns with the PCORI strategic goal of disseminating information and
encouraging adoption of PCORI-funded research results—as well as supporting best practices for engaging patients and other key community stakeholders in
research dissemination and implementation.
Impact Awards for KEC professionals
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Alabama Power Foundation
Not Specified
Toyota USA Foundation
Not Specified
Foundation Administrator
31-Jan-2015; 30-Apr-2015; 31-Jul-2015; 31-Oct-2015
Toyota Motor Manufacturing Texas, Inc. (TMMTX) awards grants to support programs and events benefiting Bexar County and/or counties adjacent to Bexar in
the categories of: youth & eduction; health & human services; arts & culture; civic & community; and environment.
Irene Winifred Eno Grant
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
75,306 USD
Alisa Summerville, Director of Charitable Giving
02-Jan-2015; 13-Feb-2015; 20-Feb-2015; 24-Apr-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 26-Jun-2015; 21-Aug-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 13-Nov-2015
The Alabama Power Foundation considers grant requests focused in the areas of education, community life, health and human services, arts and culture, and
the environment.
Grants Program - Texas (TMMTX)
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
RCUK and PraxisUnico are working together to deliver a joint competition to reward and recognise knowledge exchange, technology transfer and
commercialisation professionals who have excelled in enabling and facilitating the achievement of impact from the outcomes of research.
Foundation Grant
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Research Councils UK
American Society of Interior Designers
5,000 USD
Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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Opportunity Title
Sponsor Name
Synopsis The Irene Winifred Eno Grant provides financial assistance to individuals or groups developing an educational program(s) or project that is dedicated to health,
safety, and welfare.
Innovative Small Grants Program
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
5,000 USD
Child Health Foundation wishes to receive proposals from interested health workers, investigators, or community organizations for innovative research or
innovative service projects directed at improving the health of infants, children, and pregnant women. Projects may address child health issues in a developing
country or in the United States and must be able to document measurable results.
Foundation Grants
Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
Sponsor Website
Program URL
Deadline Dates (ALL)
Child Health Foundation
Madison County Community
10,000 USD
The Madison County Community Foundation makes Foundation Grants to support projects and programs of non-profit agencies located in or serving residents
of Madison County. Award amounts typically range from $500 to $10,000, with rare exceptions.
Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: April 2015
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