SPIN ID 31619 Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Mechanism for Time-Sensitive Research Opportunities in Environmental Health Sciences (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences/NIH/DHHS Sponsor Number PAR-13-136 Deadline Date 01-May2015 Funding Amount 275,000 USD Ms. Martha I. Barnes, MS 919-541-3336 barnes@niehs.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-136.html 04-Feb-2014; 03-Mar-2014; 01-Apr-2014; 01-May-2014; 02-Jun-2014; 01-Jul-2014; 01-Aug-2014; 02-Sep-2014; 01-Oct-2014; 03-Nov-2014; 01-Dec-2014; 02Jan-2015; 02-Feb-2015; 02-Mar-2015; 01-Apr-2015; 01-May-2015; 01-Jun-2015; 01-Jul-2015; 03-Aug-2015; 01-Sep-2015; 01-Oct-2015; 02-Nov-2015; 01-Dec2015; 04-Jan-2016; 01-Feb-2016; 01-Mar-2016; 01-Apr-2016 Synopsis National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) invites applications for environmental health research in which an unpredictable opportunity has arisen to collect human biosample or exposure data (e.g., following natural or made-made disasters, health care policy changes, etc). The three distinguishing features of an eligible study are: 1) the unforeseeable nature of the opportunity; 2) the clear scientific value and feasibility of the study; and 3) the need for rapid review and funding (substantially shorter than the typical NIH grant review/award cycle) in order for the scientific question to be approached and for the research design to be implemented. The shortened time frame will be achieved by more frequent application due dates and expediting peer review, council concurrence and award issuance. The entire cycle from submission to award is expected to be within 3-4 months. This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 46067 RFA-HD-15-034--Developing Paradigm-Shifting Innovations for in vivo Human Placental Assessment in Response to Environmental Influences (U01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 46659 RFA-HD-15- 01-May034 2015 3,000,000 USD David H. Weinberg, PhD 301-526-0349 david.weinberg@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-HD-15-034.html 01-May-2015; 01-Jun-2015 SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) and National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) invite applications to support the initial stages of development of entirely new or next-generation placental imaging and assessment technologies and methods that will increase our capability to assess human placental structure and function safely in vivo throughout gestation and to explore the impact of environmental influences on placental structure and function across pregnancy. This program will use the NIH U01 Research Project Cooperative Agreements award mechanism. RFA-EB-15-002--Pediatric Research using Integrated Sensor Monitoring Systems (PRISMS): Sensor Development Projects for Asthma (U01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/NIH/DHHS National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering/NIH/DHHS RFA-EB-15- 01-May002 2015 1,400,000 USD Tiffani Bailey Lash, Ph.D. 301-451-4778 baileyti@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-EB-15-002.html 01-May-2015; 01-Jun-2015 SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) invites applications for the development of wearable and non-wearable sensors that can monitor pediatric environmental exposures, physiological signals, activity, and/or behavior in a natural environment to gain new insights into environmental determinants of asthma. These sensors (newly developed, existing, or redesigned) will need to be able to plug and play, physically or wirelessly, NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 1 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount with informatics platforms. The platforms will be designed for data acquisition (from the sensors), integration, processing, visualization, and secure uploading of individual platform results to a data and software coordination and integration center. This program will use the NIH U01 Research Project Cooperative Agreements award mechanism. 46660 RFA-EB-15-003--Pediatric Research using Integrated Sensor Monitoring Systems (PRISMS): Informatics Platform Technologies for Asthma (U54) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 46665 46680 Not Specified http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-EB-15-003.html 01-May-2015; 01-Jun-2015 SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) invites applications for the development of enabling informatics platforms that will be designed for data acquisition from environmental, physiological, and behavior sensors that will be developed in RFA-EB-15-002 and for data integration, processing, visualization, and secure uploading of individual platform results to a data and software coordination and integration Center that will be developed in RFA-EB-15-004. This program will use the NIH U54 Specialized Center- Cooperative Agreements award mechanism. National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering/NIH/DHHS RFA-EB-15- 01-May004 2015 Not Specified Vinay M. Pai 301-451-4781 paiv@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-EB-15-004.html 01-May-2015; 01-Jun-2015 SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) invites applications for the development of a data and software coordination and integration center (DSCIC) that will coordinate and integrate outputs from the Informatics Technology Platform Centers (supported under RFA-EB-15-003) of the Pediatric Research using Integrated Sensor Monitoring Systems (PRISMS) Program, which also includes an initiative to fund development of sensors for pediatric asthma populations (supported under RFA-EB-15-002). It is expected that this DSCIC will focus on coordinating and integrating data acquired on environmental and behavioral pediatric exposure factors and physiological parameters in natural environments, as well as developing tools to process the data. A successful DSCIC will ensure consistent annotation of data and tools generated within the PRISMS program, incorporate (without replicating databases) relevant non-PRISMS data into the PRISMS resource; support integration of relevant data and tools to allow for seamless exploration of the PRISMS program’s output by a broad range of biomedical researchers; support linkages to outside knowledge bases, data portals, and resources; support training in integrated sensor monitoring data science skills; build innovative access and query tools to disparate databases hosting multiple data types; and disseminate the resulting tools and resources to the broad range of biomedical researchers. This program will use the NIH U24 Resource-Related Research Projects – Cooperative Agreements award mechanism. RFA-DK-15-501--Limited Competition for the Continuation of Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes) Clinical Centers (Collaborative U01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL RFA-EB-15- 01-May003 2015 William Heetderks, MD, PhD 301-496-9388 heetderw@mail.nih.gov RFA-EB-15-004--Pediatric Research using Integrated Sensor Monitoring Systems (PRISMS): Data and Software Coordination and Integration Center (DSCIC) (U24) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering/NIH/DHHS National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and RFA-DK-15- 01-MayKidney Diseases/NIH/DHHS 501 2015 Not Specified Mary E. Evans, Ph.D., Director 301-594-4578 evansmary@niddk.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-DK-15-501.html NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 2 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Deadline Dates (ALL) 01-May-2015; 01-Jun-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) invites cooperative agreement (U01) applications from the Clinical Centers for the Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes) Consortium. The purpose of this limited competition will be to allow an additional 5 year follow-up period of all currently enrolled participants. RFA-DK-15-502 will support continuation of the Look AHEAD Biostatistics Research Center. This program will use the NIH U01 Research Project – Cooperative Agreements award mechanism. 46683 RFA-DK-15-502--Limited Competition for the Continuation of Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes) Biostatistics Research Center (Collaborative U01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-DK-15-502.html 01-May-2015; 01-Jun-2015 SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) invites cooperative agreement (U01) applications from the Biostatistics Research Center for the Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes) Consortium. The purpose of this limited competition will be to allow an additional 5 year follow-up period of all currently enrolled participants. This program will use the NIH U01 Research Project – Cooperative Agreements award mechanism. National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS RFA-AG-16- 02-May003 2015 100,000 USD Mahadev Murthy, Ph.D., M.B.A.,Program Director 301-496-6402 mmurthy@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-AG-16-003.html 02-May-2015; 02-Jun-2015 SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Aging (NIA) invites applications that involve comparative studies to understand biological pathways, which may explain differences in lifespan and health span phenotypes, in vertebrate species and that can be carried out in a short period of time with limited resources. This FOA will utilize the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. 41536 Long-Term Outcomes of Bariatric Surgery Using Large Datasets (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Not Specified Mary E. Evans, Ph.D., Director 301-594-4578 evansmary@niddk.nih.gov 46458 RFA-AG-16-003--Comparative Physiological Studies of Aging (R03) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and RFA-DK-15- 01-MayKidney Diseases/NIH/DHHS 502 2015 National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and 03-MayPAR-14-262 Kidney Diseases/NIH/DHHS 2015 2,495,000 USD Karen L. Teff, Ph.D. 301-594-8803 teffk@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-262.html 03-Sep-2014; 03-Oct-2014; 03-May-2015; 03-Jun-2015 SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) and National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) invite applications that address the long-term (five-year minimum) clinical outcomes of bariatric surgery using large datasets within healthcare delivery organizations. Clinical outcomes of interest to NIDDK include obesity, body composition and obesity-related complications within the NIDDK mission such as diabetes, metabolic liver disease, kidney and urological diseases. NIDA is interested in supporting those applications that examine the trajectories of substance use and associated high-risk behaviors among persons who have received bariatric surgery. The funds will also provide support for a prospective element to the grant to acquire additional NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 3 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount clinical measures or add elements to the current database to acquire outcomes described above. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 44737 RFA-AG-16-002--Alzheimer's Disease Sequencing Project (ADSP) Replication Phase Analysis Studies (U01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 44738 45980 1,900,000 USD http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-AG-16-002.html 03-May-2015; 03-Jun-2015 SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Aging (NIA) invites applications specific to targeted sequencing, genotyping, and data analysis in the Replication Phase of the Alzheimer's Disease Sequencing Project. This program will use the NIH U01 Research Project Cooperative Agreements award mechanism. National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS RFA-AG-16- 03-May001 2015 10,000,000 USD Marilyn Miller, Ph.D. 301-496-9350 millerm@nia.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-AG-16-001.html 03-May-2015; 03-Jun-2015 SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Aging (NIA) invites applications to establish an NIA Coordination Center to facilitate and support the Replication Phase of the Alzheimer's Disease (AD) Sequencing Project (ADSP) activities. The Coordinating Center for the Genetics and Genomics of Alzheimer's Disease (CGAD) will serve as the focal point for ADSP replication phase joint data analysis, harmonization, and sharing. The FOA is intended to support a major component of the full range of analysis for the Replication Phase of the ADSP. The spectrum of the Center's activities comprises a multidisciplinary attack on AD in keeping with NIA's programmatic needs. The Center will serve as a national resource for the specific purpose of identifying potential avenues for therapeutic approaches and prevention of the disease. This program will use the NIH U54 Specialized Center- Cooperative Agreements award mechanism. RFA-CA-15-006--Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) Advancing Biomedical Science Using Crowdsourcing and Interactive Digital Media (UH2) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis RFA-AG-16- 03-May002 2015 Marilyn Miller, Ph.D. 301-496-9350 millerm@nia.nih.gov RFA-AG-16-001--NIA Coordinating Center for Genetics and Genomics of Alzheimer's Disease (U54) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS RFA-CA-15- 03-May006 2015 400,000 USD David J. Miller, Ph.D. 240-276-6210 BD2K_targeted@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-CA-15-006.html 03-May-2015; 03-Jun-2015 SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications for development of new or significantly adapted interactive digital media that engages the public, experts or non-experts, in performing some aspect of biomedical research via crowdsourcing. To be responsive to this FOA, each application is expected to pose a challenging biomedical research problem and propose the development of engaging interactive digital media that incorporates crowdsourcing as a fundamental component of how the problem is solved. The biomedical research problem should be amenable to one or more human computation approaches, as the users must be active participants in the analysis and/or interpretation of data, rather than acting primarily as data collectors or sources of data. This FOA will use the NIH UH2 Exploratory/Developmental Cooperative Agreement Phase I award mechanism. NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 4 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name 27984 NCI Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Program (NCI Omnibus R21) National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS Sponsor Number PAR-13-146 Deadline Date 05-May2015 Funding Amount 275,000 USD Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-146.html Deadline Dates (ALL) 05-Jan-2015; 27-Feb-2015; 05-May-2015; 29-Jun-2015; 04-Sep-2015 Synopsis National Cancer Institute (NCI) invites applications for development of new research activities in all areas of cancer research. The R21 mechanism is intended to encourage exploratory and developmental research projects by providing support for the early and conceptual stages of these projects. These studies may involve considerable risk but may lead to a breakthrough in a particular area, or to the development of novel techniques, agents, methodologies, models, or applications that could have a major impact on a field of cancer research (biomedical, behavioral, or clinical). This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 36752 NCI Small Grants Program for Cancer Research (NCI Omnibus R03) National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-007 05-May2015 100,000 USD Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-007.html Deadline Dates (ALL) 04-Jan-2015; 27-Feb-2015; 05-May-2015; 29-Jun-2015; 04-Sep-2015; 28-Oct-2015; 05-Jan-2016; 26-Feb-2016; 05-May-2016; 29-Jun-2016; 04-Sep-2016; 28Oct-2016; 05-Jan-2017 Synopsis National Cancer Institute (NCI) invites applications for small research projects on cancer that can be carried out in a short period of time with limited resources. The R03 grant mechanism supports different types of projects including pilot and feasibility studies; secondary analysis of existing data; small, self-contained research projects; development of research methodology; and development of new research technology. This program will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. 45985 Administrative Supplements for Common Basic Sociobehavioral Mechanisms and National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS Processes that Facilitate or Impede Self-Management of Chronic Conditions (Admin Supp) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis PA-15-122 05-May2015 100,000 USD Dr. Marcel Salive 301-496-6761 marcel.salive@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-15-122.html 05-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: NIH's Basic Behavioral & Social Science Opportunity Network (OppNet) announces the opportunity of funds to support increases in costs on existing projects in order to elucidate basic mechanisms and processes that facilitate and/or impede an individual's attitudes, beliefs, knowledge, and behaviors involved with the self-management of chronic disease conditions within respective social and/or physical environment(s). This FOA will use the NIH Administrative Supplement award mechanism. 00836 Renal Function and Chronic Kidney Disease in Aging (R01) National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS PA-12-211 07-May2015 Not Specified Contact Name Susan Zieman, MD, PhD NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 5 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Name Funding Amount http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-211.html 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016 National Institute on Aging (NIA) invites applications that propose basic, clinical, and translational research on chronic kidney disease (CKD) and its consequences in aging and in older persons. Applications should focus on the 1) biology and pathophysiology of CKD in animal models; 2) etiology and pathophysiology of CKD in older adults; 3) epidemiology and risk factors for the development of CKD with advancing age; and/or 4) diagnosis, medical management and clinical outcomes of CKD in this population. Research supported by this initiative should enhance knowledge of CKD and its consequences in older adults and provide evidence-based guidance in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of CKD in older persons. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS PA-12-210 07-May2015 275,000 USD Susan Zieman, MD, PhD 301-496-6761 Susan.Zieman@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-210.html 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016 National Institute on Aging (NIA) invites applications that propose basic, clinical, and translational research on chronic kidney disease (CKD) and its consequences in aging and in older persons. Applications should focus on the 1) biology and pathophysiology of CKD in animal models; 2) etiology and pathophysiology of CKD in older adults; 3) epidemiology and risk factors for the development of CKD with advancing age; and/or 4) diagnosis, medical management and clinical outcomes of CKD in this population. Research supported by this initiative should enhance knowledge of CKD and its consequences in older adults and provide evidence-based guidance in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of CKD in older persons. This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and PA-13-183 Kidney Diseases/NIH/DHHS 01007 Addressing Health Disparities in NIDDK Diseases (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Deadline Date 301-496-6761 Susan.Zieman@nih.gov 00837 Renal Function and Chronic Kidney Disease in Aging (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number 07-May2015 Not Specified Kevin D. McBryde, M.D., Program Director 301- 594-9652 mcbrydekd@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-183.html 07-May-2014; 05-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 Synopsis National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) invites applications for research to improve understanding of the causes of high priority diseases in the United States and to develop and test more effective interventions for reducing/eliminating health disparities. Research is encouraged in the following high priority diseases within the scientific mission areas of the NIDDK: diabetes, obesity, nutrition-related disorders, hepatitis C, gallbladder disease, H. Pylori infection, sickle cell disease, kidney diseases, urologic diseases, hematologic diseases, metabolic, gastrointestinal, hepatic, and renal complications from infection with HIV. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 01179 Women's Mental Health During Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period (R21) National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 PA-12-215 07-May2015 275,000 USD Page 6 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Name Deadline Date Funding Amount Kathleen M. O'Leary, M.S.W. 301-443-3945 olearyk@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-215.html 07-May-2014; 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015 The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to outline priority areas for research related to women’s mental health during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Priority areas include basic and clinical neuroscience, studies of clinical course, epidemiological factors and risk factors, as well as interventions and services research. This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 01201 Women's Mental Health in Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Sponsor Number National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/NIH/DHHS PA-12-216 07-May2015 Not Specified Kathleen M. O'Leary, M.S.W. 301-443-3945 olearyk@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-216.html 05-Jun-2013; 07-Sep-2013; 05-Oct-2013; 07-Jan-2014; 05-Feb-2014; 07-May-2014; 05-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07May-2015; 05-Jun-2015 Synopsis The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to outline priority areas for research related to women’s mental health during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Priority areas include basic and clinical neuroscience, studies of clinical course, epidemiological factors and risk factors, as well as interventions and services research. 02097 Accelerating the Pace of Drug Abuse Research Using Existing Data (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS PAR-13-080 07-May2015 450,000 USD Marsha F. Lopez, Ph.D., M.H.S. 301-443-6504 lopezmar@nida.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-080.html 07-May-2014; 05-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016 NIDA, NIAAA and NCI invite applications proposing the innovative analysis of existing social science, behavioral, administrative, and neuroimaging data to study the etiology and epidemiology of drug using behaviors (defined as alcohol, tobacco, prescription and other drug) and related disorders, associated HIV risk behaviors, prevention of drug use and HIV, and health service utilization. The sponsors encourage the analyses of public use and other extant communitybased or clinical datasets to their full potential in order to increase our knowledge of etiology, trajectories of drug using behaviors and their consequences, risk and resilience in the development of psychopathology, strategies to guide the development, testing, implementation, and delivery of high quality, effective and efficient services for the prevention and treatment of drug abuse and HIV. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 02625 Alcohol Research Resource Awards (R24) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS PAR-13-319 07-May2015 Not Specified Contact Name Gary J Murray, Ph.D. Contact Telephone 301-443-9940 Contact Email murrayg@mail.nih.gov NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 7 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Sponsor Website Program URL http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-319.html Deadline Dates (ALL) 07-May-2015; 25-May-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 25-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 25-Jan-2016; 07-May-2016; 25-May-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 25-Sep-2016 Synopsis National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) invites applications for general support of already established research resources that serve the alcohol research community. Under special circumstances, the mechanism may be used to support development of a new resource. It is anticipated that the request for resource support through the research resource grant (R24) mechanism will occur on an infrequent basis and only in circumstances where other mechanisms of support from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) are not appropriate. Applicants must demonstrate an interest in the resource by investigators from at least three different institutions, one of which may be their home institution. This FOA will use the National Institutes of Health (NIH) R24 Research Resources Grant award mechanism. 04292 HIV/AIDS, Drug Use, and Vulnerable Populations in the US (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS 05092 07-May2015 Not Specified Albert Avila, Ph.D. 301-496-8804 aavila@nida.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-281.html 07-Sep-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 07-May-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016 National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) invites applications for research to identify the role(s) that drug abuse plays in fueling the epidemic in vulnerable groups (racial/ethnic minorities, men who have sex with men (MSM), youth) in the United States and to develop effective interventions to prevent new infections and to improve the health and well-being of those living with HIV/AIDS. This FOA will support studies in vulnerable populations to: 1) understand the contribution of drug abuse (both injection and non-injection) to the acquisition and/or transmission of HIV; 2) study disease progression and disease outcomes; 3) develop and/or improve prevention and treatment interventions, particularly comprehensive, integrated interventions; 4) improve the availability, delivery and quality of evidence-based prevention and treatment services across a variety of settings; and 5) address organizational, structural, and/or community level factors including social, drug-using, and sexual networks associated with health disparities. This program will use the (R01) grant mechanism. 04293 HIV/AIDS, Drug Use, and Vulnerable Populations in the US (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis PA-12-281 National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS PA-12-280 07-May2015 275,000 USD Albert Avila, Ph.D. 301-496-8804 aavila@nida.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-280.html 07-Sep-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 07-May-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016 National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) invites applications for research to identify the role(s) that drug abuse plays in fueling the epidemic in vulnerable groups (racial/ethnic minorities, men who have sex with men (MSM), youth) in the United States and to develop effective interventions to prevent new infections and to improve the health and well-being of those living with HIV/AIDS. This FOA will support studies in vulnerable populations to: 1) understand the contribution of drug abuse (both injection and non-injection) to the acquisition and/or transmission of HIV; 2) study disease progression and disease outcomes; 3) develop and/or improve prevention and treatment interventions, particularly comprehensive, integrated interventions; 4) improve the availability, delivery and quality of evidence-based prevention and treatment services across a variety of settings; and 5) address organizational, structural, and/or community level factors including social, drug-using, and sexual networks associated with health disparities. This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. Secondary Analyses of Existing Data Sets and Stored Biospecimens to Address Clinical Aging Research Questions (R01) National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 PA-13-168 07-May2015 Not Specified Page 8 SPIN ID Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Funding Amount http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-168.html 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 National Institute on Aging (NIA) invites applications employing secondary analysis of existing data sets or stored biospecimens, to address clinically-related issues on aging changes influencing health across the life span, and/or on diseases and disabilities in older persons. This FOA will support activities addressing specific hypotheses in clinical aging research and/or to inform the design and implementation of future epidemiologic or human intervention studies, or current geriatric practice in maintenance of health, management of disease, and prevention of disability. Existing data sets may also be used to develop and test new statistical analytical approaches. Costs for archiving of data to be made publicly available may be included in the budget, as long as the archival activities are pertinent to the proposed secondary analyses. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS PA-13-118 07-May2015 Not Specified Dr. Susan Marden, Ph.D., Program Director 301-496-9623 mardens@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-118.html 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 The sponsors invite applications to stimulate and foster a wide range of basic, clinical, and translational studies on pain as they relate to the missions of these ICs. New advances are needed in every area of pain research, from the micro perspective of molecular sciences to the macro perspective of behavioral and social sciences. Although great strides have been made in some areas, such as the identification of neural pathways of pain, the experience of pain and the challenge of treatment have remained uniquely individual and unsolved. Furthermore, our understanding of how and why individuals transition to a chronic pain state after an acute injury is limited. Research to address these issues conducted by interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research teams is strongly encouraged, as is research from underrepresented, minority, disabled, or women investigators. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 05219 Mechanisms, Models, Measurement and Management in Pain Research (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Deadline Date Chhanda Dutta, Ph.D. 301-435-3048 duttac@mail.nih.gov 05218 Mechanisms, Models, Measurement and Management in Pain Research (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS PA-13-119 07-May2015 275,000 USD Dr. Susan Marden, Ph.D., Program Director 301-496-9623 mardens@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-119.html 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 The sponsors invite applications to stimulate and foster a wide range of basic, clinical, and translational studies on pain as they relate to the missions of these ICs. New advances are needed in every area of pain research, from the micro perspective of molecular sciences to the macro perspective of behavioral and social sciences. Although great strides have been made in some areas, such as the identification of neural pathways of pain, the experience of pain and the challenge of treatment have remained uniquely individual and unsolved. Furthermore, our understanding of how and why individuals transition to a chronic pain state after an acute insult is limited. Research to address these issues conducted by interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research teams is strongly encouraged, as is research from underrepresented, minority, disabled, or women investigators. This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 9 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount grant mechanism. 05221 Mechanisms, Models, Measurement and Management in Pain Research (R03) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 07-May2015 100,000 USD http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-117.html 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 The sponsors invite applications to stimulate and foster a wide range of basic, clinical, and translational studies on pain as they relate to the missions of these ICs. New advances are needed in every area of pain research, from the micro perspective of molecular sciences to the macro perspective of behavioral and social sciences. Although great strides have been made in some areas, such as the identification of neural pathways of pain, the experience of pain and the challenge of treatment have remained uniquely individual and unsolved. Furthermore, our understanding of how and why individuals transition to a chronic pain state after an acute insult is limited. Research to address these issues conducted by interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research teams is strongly encouraged, as is research from underrepresented, minority, disabled, or women investigators. This program will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS PA-11-180 07-May2015 Not Specified Ann Hardy 301-435-2690 hardyan@od.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-11-180.html 07-May-2015 The sponsors invite applications that propose to study high priority bioethical challenges and issues associated with the types of biomedical, social, and behavioral research supported by the participating NIH Institutes/Centers. The Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR) joins this FOA as part of its efforts to promote research on the behavioral and social aspects of health and illness. However, only participating ICs will provide direct grant support under this FOA. This program will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 05472 Behavioral & Integrative Treatment Development Program (R34) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis PA-13-117 Dr. Susan Marden, Ph.D., Program Director 301-496-9623 mardens@mail.nih.gov 05273 Research on Ethical Issues in Biomedical, Social and Behavioral Research (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS PA-13-078 07-May2015 450,000 USD Lisa Onken, Ph.D. 301-443-2235 Lisa_Onken@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-078.html 07-May-2014; 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016 NIDA, NIAAA and OBSSR invite applications for behavioral intervention development research to test efficacy, conduct clinical trials, examine mechanisms of behavior change, determine dose-response, optimize combinations, and/or ascertain best sequencing of behavioral, combined, sequential, or integrated behavioral and pharmacological (1) drug abuse treatment interventions, including interventions for patients with comorbidities, in diverse settings; (2) drug abuse treatment and adherence interventions for use in primary care; (3) drug abuse treatment and adherence interventions that utilize technologies to boost effects and increase implementability; (4) interventions to prevent the acquisition or transmission of HIV infection among individuals in drug abuse treatment; (5) NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 10 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount interventions to promote adherence to drug abuse treatment, HIV and addiction medications; and (6) interventions to treat chronic pain. Research of interest includes but is not limited to Stage II and Stage III efficacy research. This FOA will use the R34 mechanism. 05622 Development and Characterization of Animal Models for Aging Research (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 07-May2015 Not Specified http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-155.html 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 National Institute on Aging (NIA) and National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) invite applications for research that develops, characterizes, refines, and enhances model systems for research on aging. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS PA-13-156 07-May2015 275,000 USD Mahadev Murthy, Ph.D., M.B.A. 301-402-7749 mmurthy@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-156.html 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 National Institute on Aging (NIA) and National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) invite applications for research that develops, characterizes, refines, and enhances model systems for research on aging. This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 05824 Obesity Policy Evaluation Research (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) PA-13-155 Mahadev Murthy, Ph.D., M.B.A. 301-402-7749 mmurthy@mail.nih.gov 05623 Development and Characterization of Animal Models for Aging Research (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and PA-13-110 Kidney Diseases/NIH/DHHS 07-May2015 Not Specified Christine M. Hunter, Ph.D. 301-594-4728 ch514c@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-110.html 07-May-2014; 05-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 Synopsis The sponsors invite applications that propose to evaluate large scale policy or programs that are expected to influence obesity related behaviors (e.g., dietary intake, physical activity, or sedentary behavior) and/or weight outcomes in an effort to prevent or reduce obesity. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 06863 NEI Research Grants for Secondary Data Analysis (R21) National Eye Institute/NIH/DHHS PAR-13-035 07-May2015 275,000 USD Contact Name Donald Everett, M.A. Contact Telephone 301-451-2020 Contact Email everettd@mail.nih.gov NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 11 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Sponsor Website Program URL http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-035.html Deadline Dates (ALL) 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 Synopsis National Eye Institute (NEI) invites applications from institutions/organizations that propose to conduct secondary data analyses utilizing existing database resources. Applications may be related to, but must be distinct from, the specific aims of the original data collection. The NEI supports an extensive portfolio of clinical trials and large-scale epidemiologic research projects, wherein numerous data collection activities are required to meet each project’s specific aims. The resultant wealth of data generated by these studies often provides unique, cost-effective opportunities to investigate additional research questions or develop new analytical approaches secondary to a project’s originally intended purpose. Data are not limited to those collected under NEI support but such data are of the highest programmatic interest. The R21 may be used to develop new statistical methodologies or to test hypotheses using existing data, but this FOA may not be used to support the collection of new data. This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 07216 Research On Ethical Issues In Human Subjects Research (R03) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS 07-May2015 100,000 USD Ann Hardy 301-435-2690 hardyan@od.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-11-181.html 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015 The sponsors invite applications that propose to study high priority bioethical challenges and issues associated with the types of biomedical, social, and behavioral research supported by the participating NIH Institutes/Centers. The Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR) joins this FOA as part of its efforts to promote research on the behavioral and social aspects of health and illness. However, only participating ICs will provide direct grant support under this FOA. This program will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. 10483 NIDCD Research Career Enhancement Award for Established Investigators (K18) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) PA-11-181 National Institute on Deafness & Other Communication Disorders/NIH/DHHS PAR-13-186 07-May2015 Not Specified Daniel A. Sklare, Ph.D. 301-496-1804 skalred@nidcd.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-186.html 07-May-2014; 12-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 12-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 12-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 12-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 12-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 12Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 Synopsis National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) invites applications for the NIDCD Research Career Enhancement Award for Established Investigators (K18) program to enable established, proven investigators to augment or redirect their research programs through the acquisition of new research skills to answer questions relevant to the hearing, balance, smell, taste, voice, speech and language sciences. This FOA will utilize the NIH Career Enhancement Award (K18) mechanism. 10518 Research On Ethical Issues In Human Subjects Research (R21) National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS PA-11-182 07-May2015 275,000 USD Contact Name Ann Hardy Contact Telephone 301-435-2690 Contact Email hardyan@od.nih.gov Sponsor Website NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 12 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Program URL http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-11-182.html Deadline Dates (ALL) 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015 Synopsis The sponsors invite applications that propose to study high priority bioethical challenges and issues associated with the types of biomedical, social, and behavioral research supported by the participating NIH Institutes/Centers. The Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR) joins this FOA as part of its efforts to promote research on the behavioral and social aspects of health and illness. However, only participating ICs will provide direct grant support under this FOA. This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 12226 Aging Studies in the Pulmonary System (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS PA-13-255 07-May2015 Not Specified Mahadev Murthy, Ph.D., M.B.A. 301-496-6402 mmurthy@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-255.html 07-Sep-2013; 05-Oct-2013; 07-Jan-2014; 05-Feb-2014; 07-May-2014; 05-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 Synopsis The sponsors invite esearch project grant applications that explore age-associated changes in pulmonary physiology, pathology and function, and their relationship to respiratory conditions and diseases that occur commonly in older populations. The goal of this FOA is to support basic, clinical and translational research to address physiological mechanisms underlying progressive functional declines in the pulmonary system. This research will likely enhance our basic understanding of molecular and cellular aspects of pulmonary aging, which may translate into improvements in the prevention and management of pulmonary diseases in older persons. Projects involving in vitro studies, animal models, and/or human subjects are of significant interest to NIA and NHLBI. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke/NIH/DHHS 12841 NINDS PHASE III Investigator-Initiated Multi-Site Clinical Trials (U01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) PAR-13-278 07-May2015 Not Specified Wendy Galpern, MD, PhD 301-496-9135 Phase3Trial@ninds.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-278.html 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 Synopsis National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) invites applications for investigator-initiated, multi-site, randomized, controlled Phase III clinical trials to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). The trials may address any research question related to the mission and goals of the NINDS. Information about the mission, strategic plan and research interests of the NINDS can be found at the NINDS website (http://www.ninds.nih.gov/). This FOA will utilize the Cooperative Agreement (U01) grant mechanism. 13684 NIDA Program Project Grant Applications (P01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS PAR-13-259 07-May2015 Not Specified Jag Khalsa, Ph.D. 301-443-2159 jkhalsa@nida.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-259.html NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 13 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Deadline Dates (ALL) 07-May-2014; 29-May-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 25-Sep-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 25-Jan-2015; 07-May-2015; 25-May-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 25-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 25-Jan-2016; 07-May-2016; 25-May-2016; 07-Sep-2016 Synopsis The sponsor invites applications for broadly based investigative efforts with a well defined central focus or object to address critical issues in drug abuse and addiction involving neuroscience, behavior, prevention, treatment, epidemiology, etiology, health services, HIV/AIDS or other drug abuse-related research areas. This FOA will utilize the NIH Program Project (P01) grant mechanism. 13790 NICHD Program Project Grant (P01) National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/NIH/DHHS PAR-13-257 07-May2015 Not Specified Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Sherry L. Dupere, PhD 301-496-1485 duperes@mail.nih.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=237115 http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-257.html 07-May-2014; 29-May-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 25-Sep-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 25-Jan-2015; 07-May-2015; 25-May-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 25-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 25-Jan-2016; 07-May-2016; 25-May-2016; 07-Sep-2016 Synopsis The sponsor invites applications for innovative, multidisciplinary, interactive, and synergistic program project grant applications from institutions/organizations that propose to conduct research on reproductive, developmental, behavioral, social, and rehabilitative processes that determine the health or functioning of newborns, infants, children, adults, families, and populations. The purpose of the P01 mechanism is to encourage investigation of complex problems relevant to NlCHD's mission and to facilitate economy of effort, space, and equipment. Under appropriate circumstances, the collaborative research effort of a program project can accelerate the acquisition of knowledge more effectively than a simple aggregate of research projects without thematic integration. This FOA will utilize the NIH Program Project (P01) grant mechanism. 19175 NIA Revision and Resubmission Program Project Applications (P01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis PAR-13-329 07-May2015 Not Specified Robin A. Barr, D.Phil. 301-496-9322 BarrR@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-329.html 07-May-2015; 25-May-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 25-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 25-Jan-2016; 07-May-2016; 25-May-2016; 07-Sep-2016 National Institute on Aging (NIA) invites revision applications to ongoing NIA-supported program project (P01) awards and resubmissions of unfunded program project applications (including unfunded revision requests). The applications should address scientific areas relevant to the NIA mission. Revision applications should include expansion of (an) existing, or proposal of (a) new project or projects within a program project. Revision applications may not request support beyond the end date of the parent P01 award. This FOA will use the Program Project P01 award mechanism. 19179 NHLBI Program Project Applications (P01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute/NIH/DHHS PAR-13-316 07-May2015 1,515,000 USD Director 301-435-042 http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-316.html 07-May-2015; 25-May-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 25-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 25-Jan-2016; 07-May-2016; 25-May-2016; 07-Sep-2016 NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 14 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Synopsis National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) invites submission of investigator-initiated Program Project (P01) applications. The proposed programs may address scientific areas relevant to the NHLBI mission including the biology and diseases of the heart, blood vessels, lung, and blood; blood resources; and sleep disorders. Each P01 application submitted in response to this FOA must include at least three related research projects that share a common central theme, focus, and/or overall objective. This FOA will utilize the NIH Program Project (P01) grant mechanism. 20862 NIA Program Project Applications (P01) National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS PAR-13-258 07-May2015 Not Specified Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Robin A. Barr, D.Phil 301-496-9322 BarrR@mail.nih.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=237133 http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-258.html 27-Jan-2014; 07-May-2014; 29-May-2014; 08-Sep-2014; 26-Jan-2015; 07-May-2015; 26-May-2015; 08-Sep-2015; 28-Jan-2016; 09-May-2016; 25-May-2016; 07-Sep-2016 Synopsis The sponsor invites the submission of investigator-initiated program project (P01) applications. The applications may address scientific areas relevant to the NIA mission. Each P01 submitted in response to this FOA must include at least three related research projects that share a common central theme, focus, and/overall objective. This FOA will utilize the NIH P01 Research Program Projects award mechanism. 22558 NIA Limited Competition: Renewals of, and Revisions to, Existing Cooperative Agreement National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS Awards (U01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 07-May2015 Not Specified Robin A. Barr 301-496-9322 BarrR@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-097.html 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 The sponsor invites applications for renewal from current NIA-supported cooperative agreements and revision applications from current NIA supported cooperative agreements (U01 awards). This FOA will utilize the NIH U01 Research Project – Cooperative Agreements award mechanism. 23722 Research Project Grant (Parent R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) PAR-13-097 National Institutes of Health/DHHS PA-13-302 07-May2015 Not Specified 301-496-4000 grantsinfo@od.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-302.html 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 Synopsis The Research Project Grant (R01) is an award to support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by named Project Directors/Principal Investigators (PDs/PIs) in areas representing the investigators ’ specific interests and competencies, based on the mission of the NIH, to support health-related research and development. 23723 NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Program (Parent R21) National Institutes of Health/DHHS NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 PA-13-303 07-May2015 275,000 USD Page 15 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount grantsinfo@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-303.html 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 The Exploratory/Developmental Grant (R21) mechanism is intended to encourage exploratory and developmental research projects by providing support for the early and conceptual stages of these projects. These studies may involve considerable risk but may lead to a breakthrough in a particular area, or to the development of novel techniques, agents, methodologies, models, or applications that could have a major impact on a field of biomedical, behavioral, or clinical research. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant (R21) award mechanism. 23724 NIH Small Research Grant Program (Parent R03) National Institutes of Health/DHHS PA-13-304 07-May2015 100,000 USD Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email grantsinfo@nih.gov Sponsor Website Program URL http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-304.html Deadline Dates (ALL) 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 Synopsis The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Investigator-Initiated Small Grant (R03) funding opportunity supports small research projects that can be carried out in a short period of time with limited resources. Investigator-initiated research, also known as unsolicited research, is research funded as a result of an investigator submitting a research grant application to NIH in an investigator’s area of interest and competency. The R03 grant mechanism supports different types of projects including pilot and feasibility studies; secondary analysis of existing data; small, self-contained research projects; development of research methodology; and development of new research technology. This program will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. 24410 Biomarkers: Bridging Pediatric and Adult Therapeutics (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/NIH/DHHS PAR-13-296 07-May2015 Not Specified George P. Giacoia, MD 301-496-5589 gg65m@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-296.html 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 Synopsis National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) invites applications that propose adapting adult biomarkers to children. This would include the application and validation of biomarkers developed in adults to pediatric diagnosis, prognosis, and estimation of disease progression, toxicity and response to therapy. Projects supported by this FOA will be confined to those biomarkers that correlate with a clinical observation, have been extensively studied in adults, and for which there is solid evidence that they have pediatric applications. Discovery of new biomarkers for use in new drug development or in preclinical studies is not part of this FOA. Also excluded are biomarkers for diseases that are unique to children and have no adult correlates. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 24411 Biomarkers: Bridging Pediatric and Adult Therapeutics (R03) National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/NIH/DHHS NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 PAR-11-323 07-May2015 100,000 USD Page 16 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount George P. Giacoia, MD 301-496-5589 gg65m@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-299.html 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 Synopsis National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) invites applications that propose adapting adult biomarkers to children. This would include the application and validation of biomarkers developed in adults to pediatric diagnosis, prognosis, and estimation of disease progression, toxicity and response to therapy. Projects supported by this FOA will be confined to those biomarkers that correlate with a clinical observation, have been extensively studied in adults, and for which there is solid evidence that they have pediatric applications. Discovery of new biomarkers for use in new drug development or in preclinical studies is not part of this FOA. Also excluded are biomarkers for diseases that are unique to children and have no adult correlates. This program will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. 24414 Biomarkers: Bridging Pediatric and Adult Therapeutics (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/NIH/DHHS PAR-13-295 07-May2015 275,000 USD George P. Giacoia, MD 301-496-5589 gg65m@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-295.html 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 Synopsis National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) invites applications that propose adapting adult biomarkers to children. This would include the application and validation of biomarkers developed in adults to pediatric diagnosis, prognosis, and estimation of disease progression, toxicity and response to therapy. Projects supported by this FOA will be confined to those biomarkers that correlate with a clinical observation, have been extensively studied in adults, and for which there is solid evidence that they have pediatric applications. Discovery of new biomarkers for use in new drug development or in preclinical studies is not part of this FOA. Also excluded are biomarkers for diseases that are unique to children and have no adult correlates. This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 25969 Research to Advance Vaccine Safety (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases/NIH/DHHS PA-12-037 07-May2015 Not Specified Barbara Mulach, Ph.D. 301-496-1884 bmulach@niaid.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-037.html 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016 The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) invites studies that address scientific areas potentially relevant to vaccine safety such as 1) physiological and immunological responses to vaccines and vaccine components, 2) how genetic variations affect immune/physiological responses that may impact vaccine safety, 3) identification of risk factors and biological markers that may be used to assess whether there is a relationship between certain diseases or disorders and licensed vaccines, 4) creation/evaluation of statistical methodologies for analyzing data on vaccine safety, including data available from existing data sources such as passive reporting systems, or 5) the application of genomic/molecular technologies NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 17 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount to improve knowledge of vaccine safety. This program will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases/NIH/DHHS 25971 Research to Advance Vaccine Safety (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 275,000 USD http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-038.html 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016 The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) invites studies that address scientific areas potentially relevant to vaccine safety such as 1) physiological and immunological responses to vaccines and vaccine components, 2) how genetic variations affect immune/physiological responses that may impact vaccine safety, 3) identification of risk factors and biological markers that may be used to assess whether there is a relationship between certain diseases or disorders and licensed vaccines, 4) creation/evaluation of statistical methodologies for analyzing data on vaccine safety, including data available from existing data sources such as passive reporting systems, or 5) the application of genomic/molecular technologies to improve knowledge of vaccine safety. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS PA-12-041 07-May2015 275,000 USD Steven Gust, Ph.D., Director 301-443-6480 ipdirector@nida.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-041.html 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015 The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) solicits collaborative research proposals on drug abuse and addiction that take advantage of special opportunities that exist outside the United States. Special opportunities include access to unusual talent, resources, populations, or environmental conditions in other countries that will speed scientific discovery. Projects should have relevance to the mission of NIDA and where feasible should address NIDAs scientific priority areas. While the priorities will change from year to year, in FY12 priority areas include: linkages between HIV/AIDS and drug abuse, and prevention, initiation, and treatment of nicotine and tobacco use (especially among vulnerable populations such as children, adolescents, pregnant women, and those with co-morbid disorders). This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 25977 International Research Collaboration on Drug Abuse and Addiction Research (R03) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 07-May2015 Barbara Mulach, Ph.D. 301-496-1884 bmulach@niaid.nih.gov 25975 International Research Collaboration on Drug Abuse and Addiction Research (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis PA-12-038 National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS PA-12-042 07-May2015 100,000 USD Steven Gust, Ph.D., Director 301-443-6480 ipdirector@nida.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-042.html 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015 The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) solicits collaborative research proposals on drug abuse and addiction that take advantage of special opportunities that exist outside the United States. Special opportunities include access to unusual talent, resources, populations, or environmental conditions in other countries that will speed scientific discovery. Projects should have relevance to the mission of NIDA and where feasible should address NIDAs scientific priority areas. While the priorities will change from year to year, in FY12 priority areas include: linkages between HIV/AIDS and drug abuse, and prevention, initiation, NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 18 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount and treatment of nicotine and tobacco use (especially among vulnerable populations such as children, adolescents, pregnant women, and those with co-morbid disorders). This program will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. 26300 Imaging - Science Track Award for Research Transition (I/START) [R03] Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 07-May2015 150,000 USD http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-12-066.html 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015 National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) invites applications to facilitate the entry of investigators to the area of neuroimaging, including both new investigators and established investigators seeking to adopt neuroimaging methodologies in their research programs. This program will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS PA-12-082 07-May2015 Not Specified Joanna M. Brell, M.D. 301-496-8541 brelljm@mail.nih.gov http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-082.html 07-May-2014; 05-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015 National Institutes of Health (NIH) invites basic biologic research on damage to the peripheral nervous system instigated by pharmacologic cancer treatments, known as chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN). The majority of acquired peripheral neuropathy research has focused on diabetic and inherited diseases; this FOA intends to stimulate neuroscience researchers to apply their expertise from studying these other neuropathies to the injuries incurred by cancer treatments. More data is necessary to understand the mechanisms of neuronal damage and to identify the targets instrumental to CIPN initiation and maintenance. Preclinical research that focuses not only on peripheral neuropathic pain but also on neurosensory symptoms such as paresthesias and peripheral anesthesias is invited. The ultimate goal of this FOA is to lead to a molecular understanding of CIPN that allows for the rational development of interventions that will treat or prevent CIPN. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 26622 Biomechanisms of Peripheral Nerve Damage by Anti-Cancer Therapy (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis PAR-12-066 Steven Grant, Ph.D. 301-443-4877 sgrant@nida.nih.gov 26618 Biomechanisms of Peripheral Nerve Damage by Anti-Cancer Therapy (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS PA-12-083 07-May2015 275,000 USD Joanna M. Brell, M.D. 301-496-8541 brelljm@mail.nih.gov http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-083.html 07-May-2014; 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015 National Institutes of Health (NIH) invites basic biologic research on damage to the peripheral nervous system instigated by pharmacologic cancer treatments, known as chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN). The majority of acquired peripheral neuropathy research has focused on diabetic and inherited diseases; this FOA intends to stimulate neuroscience researchers to apply their expertise from studying these other neuropathies to the injuries incurred by cancer treatments. More data is necessary to understand the mechanisms of neuronal damage and to identify the targets instrumental to CIPN initiation and maintenance. Preclinical research that focuses not only on peripheral neuropathic pain but also on neurosensory symptoms such as paresthesias and NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 19 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount peripheral anesthesias is invited. The ultimate goal of this FOA is to lead to a molecular understanding of CIPN that allows for the rational development of interventions that will treat or prevent CIPN. This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/NIH/DHHS 27339 Research on the Health of LGBTI Populations [R03] Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 100,000 USD http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-112.html 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015 National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications for research that will increase scientific understanding of the health status of various population groups and improve the effectiveness of health interventions and services for individuals within those groups. High priority is placed on research on populations that appear to have distinctive health risk profiles but have received insufficient attention from investigators. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) highlights a particular community: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and related populations (designated here as LGBTI populations). Basic, social, behavioral, clinical, and services research relevant to the missions of the sponsoring Institutes and Centers may be proposed. This program will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/NIH/DHHS PA-12-113 07-May2015 275,000 USD Susan Newcomer, PhD 301-435-6981 newcomes@mail.nih.gov http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-113.html 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015 National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications for research that will increase scientific understanding of the health status of various population groups and improve the effectiveness of health interventions and services for individuals within those groups. High priority is placed on research on populations that appear to have distinctive health risk profiles but have received insufficient attention from investigators. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) highlights a particular community: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and related populations (designated here as LGBTI populations). Basic, social, behavioral, clinical, and services research relevant to the missions of the sponsoring Institutes and Centers may be proposed. This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 27872 Environmental Exposures and Health: Exploration of Non-Traditional Settings (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 07-May2015 Susan Newcomer, PhD 301-435-6981 newcomes@mail.nih.gov 27340 Research on the Health of LGBTI Populations (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis PA-12-112 National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS PA-12-134 07-May2015 275,000 USD Karen Huss, PhD, RN, APRN-BC, FAAN, FAAAAI 301-594-5970 hussk@mail.nih.gov http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-134.html 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016 National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) and National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) invite applications for interdisciplinary research aimed at promoting health, limiting symptoms and disease, and reducing health disparities in children and older adults living or spending time in non-traditional settings. These settings result in exposure to environmental pollutants and toxins that result in health risks, symptoms, and other health conditions/diseases NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 20 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount including lower respiratory diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and cardiovascular diseases. Risk identification and symptom management include prevention and behavior changes and actions to maintain health and prevent disease with an emphasis on the individual, family, and community which will advance nursing science. For purposes of this FOA, non-traditional settings, for children and older adults, include, but are not limited to places such as community centers, pre-school and non-traditional school environments (e.g., churches, daycare, home-based schools, dormitories, and alternative schools), child and older adult foster care facilities, older adult day care facilities, half-way homes, assisted living and long-term care facilities. This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 27873 Pilot and Feasibility Clinical Research Studies in Digestive Diseases and Nutrition (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 28131 275,000 USD http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-139.html 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015 National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), National Cancer Institute (NCI) and Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) invite applications for pilot and feasibility clinical and epidemiological research studies of new therapies or means of health promotion and prevention of digestive and liver diseases and nutritional disorders associated with digestive and liver diseases. This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/NIH/DHHS PA-12-142 07-May2015 275,000 USD Lynne Haverkos, M.D., M.P.H. 301-435-6881 lh179r@nih.gov http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-142.html 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) and National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) invite applications dealing with the following areas of research included under the term EMSC: prevention research to reduce the need for emergency care; clinical research to ensure that children receive high-quality and appropriate medical, nursing and mental health care in an emergency; health systems research, from pre-hospital care, to the emergency department, to in-patient care and return to the community; models to improve service and cost efficiency in pediatric emergency care; and methodological studies to improve the quality of research conducted. This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. Pilot and Feasibility Clinical Research Grants in Diabetes, and Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 07-May2015 Mary Evans, Ph.D. 301-594-4578 evansmary@niddk.nih.gov 27982 Research on Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) [R21] Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and PA-12-139 Kidney Diseases/NIH/DHHS National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and PA-12-157 Kidney Diseases/NIH/DHHS 07-May2015 275,000 USD Louis Martey 301-594-7733 marteylk@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-157.html 07-May-2014; 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015 National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) invites pilot and feasibility clinical and behavioral studies related to the prevention or treatment of diabetes and endocrine and genetic metabolic diseases. The Pilot and Feasibility Clinical Research Grants Program is for exploratory, short-term NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 21 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount clinical studies, so that new ideas may be investigated without stringent requirements for preliminary data. The short-term studies should focus on research questions that are likely to have high clinical impact. Studies can include testing a new prevention strategy, a new intervention or a unique combination of therapies. A high priority is the use of such studies to help stimulate the translation of promising research developments from the laboratory into clinical practice in the treatment or prevention of diabetes, endocrine diseases and genetic metabolic diseases, including cystic fibrosis. This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 29620 Development and Testing of Novel Interventions to Improve HIV Prevention, Care, and Program Implementation (R34) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis PA-12-231 07-May2015 450,000 USD Richard A. Jenkins, PhD 301-443-1923 jenkinsri@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-231.html 07-Sep-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 07-May-2015 National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) invites applications to support (a) pilot or feasibility studies of new or adapted interventions to prevent HIV infection among populations where substance use may be a contributing factor; (b) pilot or feasibility studies of new or adapted interventions to improve the care of HIV infection among populations where substance use is prevalent, including interventions that integrate treatment for substance use disorders and HIV infection; or (c) pilot or feasibility studies to increase the scale, uptake, delivery, and/or quality of HIV prevention or care interventions with established evidence of efficacy. Both primary and secondary prevention will be supported. The full range of substance use will be considered including problematic episodic use and substance use disorders, as well as a full range of substances and modes of administration. The most important consideration is that substance use may affect transmission directly as in the case of injection drug use or may affect transmission risk behavior. Domestic and overseas populations will be considered, with particular attention to populations with disproportionate burden of HIV infection and those where HIV infection and/or drug use are emergent. This FOA will utilize the NIH R34 Clinical Trial Planning Grant Program award mechanism. 29661 Fatigability, Activity Limitations, and Bioenergetics in Aging (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS PA-09-191 07-May2015 275,000 USD Basil Eldadah, M.D., Ph.D. 301-496-6761 eldadahb@nia.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-225.html 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015 The sponsors invite applications proposing to study bioenergetic factors underlying increased fatigability and activity limitations in aging. Increased fatigability is a significant cause of restricted physical and cognitive activity in older adults. Alterations in bioenergetics—the production and utilization of energy, and the regulation of these processes—may contribute significantly to increased fatigability. This FOA encourages applications that propose to 1) elucidate specific alterations in bioenergetics related to increased fatigability and activity limitations; 2) develop and evaluate improved measures of fatigability related to bioenergetics; 3) evaluate interventions for increased fatigability and activity limitations that target alterations in bioenergetics and lead to improved quality of life. This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 29662 Fatigability, Activity Limitations, and Bioenergetics in Aging (R03) National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS PA-12-226 07-May2015 100,000 USD Contact Name Basil Eldadah, M.D., Ph.D. Contact Telephone 301-496-6761 Contact Email eldadahb@nia.nih.gov Sponsor Website NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 22 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Program URL http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-226.html Deadline Dates (ALL) 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015 Synopsis The sponsors invite applications proposing to study bioenergetic factors underlying increased fatigability and activity limitations in aging. Increased fatigability is a significant cause of restricted physical and cognitive activity in older adults. Alterations in bioenergetics—the production and utilization of energy, and the regulation of these processes—may contribute significantly to increased fatigability. This FOA encourages applications that propose to 1) elucidate specific alterations in bioenergetics related to increased fatigability and activity limitations; 2) develop and evaluate improved measures of fatigability related to bioenergetics; 3) evaluate interventions for increased fatigability and activity limitations that target alterations in bioenergetics and lead to improved quality of life. This program will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. 29663 Fatigability, Activity Limitations, and Bioenergetics in Aging (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis PA-12-227 07-May2015 Not Specified Basil Eldadah, M.D., Ph.D. 301-496-6761 eldadahb@nia.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-227.html 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015 The sponsors invite applications proposing to study bioenergetic factors underlying increased fatigability and activity limitations in aging. Increased fatigability is a significant cause of restricted physical and cognitive activity in older adults. Alterations in bioenergetics—the production and utilization of energy, and the regulation of these processes—may contribute significantly to increased fatigability. This FOA encourages applications that propose to 1) elucidate specific alterations in bioenergetics related to increased fatigability and activity limitations; 2) develop and evaluate improved measures of fatigability related to bioenergetics; 3) evaluate interventions for increased fatigability and activity limitations that target alterations in bioenergetics and lead to improved quality of life. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 30235 Examination of Survivorship Care Planning Efficacy and Impact [R01] Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS PA-12-275 07-May2015 Not Specified Carly Parry, Ph.D., MSW 301-435-4540 carla.parry@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-275.html 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016 National Cancer Institute (NCI) invites applications research to evaluate the effect of care planning on cancer survivors' health and psychosocial outcomes; selfmanagement of late effects and adherence to cancer screening and health behavior guidelines; utilization of follow-up care; organizational-level factors influencing the implementation of care planning; and associated costs. Specifically, the FOA aims to stimulate research that will: 1) develop and test metrics for evaluating the impact of survivorship care planning; 2) evaluate the impact of survivorship care planning on cancer survivors' morbidity, self-management and adherence to care recommendations, utilization of follow-up care, and on systems outcomes, such as associated costs and impact on organizations implementing care planning; and 3) identify models and processes of care that promote effective survivorship care planning. The ultimate goal of this FOA is to generate a body of science that will inform the development and delivery of interventions and best practices in follow-up care for cancer survivors. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 30236 Examination of Survivorship Care Planning Efficacy and Impact [R21] National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS PA-12-274 07-May2015 275,000 USD Contact Name Carly Parry, Ph.D., MSW Contact Telephone 301-435-4540 NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 23 SPIN ID Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Funding Amount http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-274.html 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016 National Cancer Institute (NCI) invites applications research to evaluate the effect of care planning on cancer survivors' health and psychosocial outcomes; selfmanagement of late effects and adherence to cancer screening and health behavior guidelines; utilization of follow-up care; organizational-level factors influencing the implementation of care planning; and associated costs. Specifically, the FOA aims to stimulate research that will: 1) develop and test metrics for evaluating the impact of survivorship care planning; 2) evaluate the impact of survivorship care planning on cancer survivors' morbidity, self-management and adherence to care recommendations, utilization of follow-up care, and on systems outcomes, such as associated costs and impact on organizations implementing care planning; and 3) identify models and processes of care that promote effective survivorship care planning. The ultimate goal of this FOA is to generate a body of science that will inform the development and delivery of interventions and best practices in follow-up care for cancer survivors. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering/NIH/DHHS PA-12-284 07-May2015 275,000 USD Dr. Christine Kelley, Director 301-451-4778 kelleyc@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-284.html 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016 NIH and it's participating Institutes and Centers invite applications which establish the feasibility of technologies, techniques or methods that: 1) explore a unique multidisciplinary approach to a biomedical challenge; 2) are high-risk but have a considerable pay-off; and 3) develop data which can lead to significant future research. An EBRG application may propose hypothesis-driven, discovery-driven, developmental, or design-directed research and is appropriate for evaluating unproven approaches for which there is minimal or no preliminary data. This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 30548 Drug Abuse Aspects of HIV/AIDS (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Deadline Date carla.parry@nih.gov 30360 Exploratory/Developmental Bioengineering Research Grants (EBRG) (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS PA-12-293 07-May2015 Not Specified Albert Avila, Ph.D. 301-496-8804 aavila@nida.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-293.html 07-Jan-2015; 07-May-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016 National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) invites applications to examine the drug abuse aspects of HIV/AIDS, including research on drug-related risk behaviors, addiction and HIV disease, and drug use/HIV-related comorbidities and consequences. Applications are needed to identify and predict changes in the epidemiology of HIV/AIDS among injection and non-injection drug users and among their sexual partners; to develop and test interventions for primary and secondary HIV prevention, including drug treatment interventions; to improve HIV testing, counseling, and treatment services for those living with HIV/AIDS; and to address basic mechanisms involved in HIV infection and AIDS pathogenesis in the context of drug abuse and addiction. This program will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 30549 Drug Abuse Aspects of HIV/AIDS (R03) National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 PA-12-294 07-May2015 100,000 USD Page 24 SPIN ID Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Funding Amount http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-294.html 07-Jan-2015; 07-May-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016 National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) invites applications to examine the drug abuse aspects of HIV/AIDS, including research on drug-related risk behaviors, addiction and HIV disease, and drug use/HIV-related comorbidities and consequences. Applications are needed to identify and predict changes in the epidemiology of HIV/AIDS among injection and non-injection drug users and among their sexual partners; to develop and test interventions for primary and secondary HIV prevention, including drug treatment interventions; to improve HIV testing, counseling, and treatment services for those living with HIV/AIDS; and to address basic mechanisms involved in HIV infection and AIDS pathogenesis in the context of drug abuse and addiction. This program will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS PA-12-295 07-May2015 275,000 USD Albert Avila, Ph.D. 301-496-8804 aavila@nida.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-295.html 07-Jan-2015; 07-May-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016 National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) invites applications to examine the drug abuse aspects of HIV/AIDS, including research on drug-related risk behaviors, addiction and HIV disease, and drug use/HIV-related comorbidities and consequences. Applications are needed to identify and predict changes in the epidemiology of HIV/AIDS among injection and non-injection drug users and among their sexual partners; to develop and test interventions for primary and secondary HIV prevention, including drug treatment interventions; to improve HIV testing, counseling, and treatment services for those living with HIV/AIDS; and to address basic mechanisms involved in HIV infection and AIDS pathogenesis in the context of drug abuse and addiction. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 30588 Effects of In Utero Alcohol Exposure on Adult Health and Disease (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Deadline Date Albert Avila, Ph.D. 301-496-8804 aavila@nida.nih.gov 30550 Drug Abuse Aspects of HIV/AIDS (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS PA-12-291 07-May2015 Not Specified William Dunty, Ph.D., Program Director 301-443-7351 duntyw@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-291.html 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) invites applications for novel research on how prenatal alcohol exposure may contribute to the etiology of chronic diseases and health conditions later in life. Central to this theme is the developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD) concept which suggests that fetal adaptations in response to adverse intrauterine conditions may increase the risk for childhood and adulthood disease. The goal of this FOA is to stimulate a broad range of research to: 1) leverage existing prospective birth cohorts to define the role of maternal alcohol consumption in the DOHaD process; 2) investigate the biological, cellular, and molecular mechanisms by which prenatal alcohol exposure may impact disease outcomes later in life; and 3) identify biomarkers associated with gestational alcohol exposure that may predict adult disease susceptibility in exposed offspring. Studies supported by this FOA will provide fundamental insights into a possible fetal-basis to adult disease that is influenced by maternal alcohol use. This FOA will use the NIH Research NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 25 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Project (R01) award mechanism. 30590 Effects of In Utero Alcohol Exposure on Adult Health and Disease (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 31331 07-May2015 275,000 USD http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-292.html 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) invites applications for novel research on how prenatal alcohol exposure may contribute to the etiology of chronic diseases and health conditions later in life. Central to this theme is the developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD) concept which suggests that fetal adaptations in response to adverse intrauterine conditions may increase the risk for childhood and adulthood disease. The goal of this FOA is to stimulate a broad range of research to: 1) leverage existing prospective birth cohorts to define the role of maternal alcohol consumption in the DOHaD process; 2) investigate the biological, cellular, and molecular mechanisms by which prenatal alcohol exposure may impact disease outcomes later in life; and 3) identify biomarkers associated with gestational alcohol exposure that may predict adult disease susceptibility in exposed offspring. Studies supported by this FOA will provide fundamental insights into a possible fetal-basis to adult disease that is influenced by maternal alcohol use. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute/NIH/DHHS PAR-13-002 07-May2015 450,000 USD Gail G. Weinmann, M.D. 301-435-0233 weinmang@nhlbi.nih.gov http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-002.html 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) invites applications proposing pilot studies to obtain data that is critical for the design of robust clinical trials. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) should be used to fill gaps in scientific knowledge necessary to develop a competitive full-scale clinical trial. Appropriate pilot studies might demonstrate feasibility of an intervention or an experimental design, estimate intervention parameters, or gather other data important for the design of a trial. Applicants who propose solely to write a protocol or manual of operations or to develop infrastructure for a clinical trial will not be considered appropriate for to this announcement. Applications must demonstrate that the proposed pilot studies are both necessary and sufficient to permit the design of the clinical trial. During the evaluation of applications submitted to this FOA, the review group will also consider the significance and potential public health impact of the full-scale clinical trial that would be proposed following the R34 award period. The NHLBI anticipates that the R34 award period will yield robust investigator-initiated clinical trial grant applications for the evaluation of interventions for the treatment or prevention of heart, lung, blood, or sleep disorders. This FOA will utilize the R34 grant mechanism. NIDCR Small Research Grants for Data Analysis and Statistical Methodology Applied to Genome-wide Data (R03) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL PA-12-292 William Dunty, Ph.D., Program Director 301-443-7351 duntyw@mail.nih.gov 30618 NHLBI Clinical Trial Pilot Studies (R34) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research/NIH/DHHS PAR-13-044 07-May2015 300,000 USD Emily L. Harris, Ph.D., M.P.H. 301-594-4846 emily.harris@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-044.html NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 26 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Deadline Dates (ALL) 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016 Synopsis National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) invites applications for meritorious research projects that involve secondary data analyses of genome-wide data (e.g., existing data from genome-wide association studies), relevant to human dental or craniofacial conditions or traits. Development of statistical methodology appropriate for analyzing genome-wide data, relevant to human dental or craniofacial conditions or traits, may also be proposed. This program will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. 31351 Drug Discovery for Nervous System Disorders (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS 31781 Not Specified http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-048.html 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016 NIMH, NIA, NIAAA and NIDA invite research grant applications from applicant organizations directed toward the discovery and preclinical testing of novel compounds for the prevention and treatment of nervous system disorders. This program will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS PAR-13-049 07-May2015 275,000 USD Jamie Driscoll 301-443-5288 jdrisco1@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-049.html 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016 NIMH, NIA, NIAAA and NIDA invite research grant applications from applicant organizations directed toward the discovery and preclinical testing of novel compounds for the prevention and treatment of nervous system disorders. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. School Nutrition and Physical Activity Policies, Obesogenic Behaviors and Weight Outcomes (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) 07-May2015 Jamie Driscoll 301-443-5288 jdrisco1@mail.nih.gov 31354 Drug Discovery for Nervous System Disorders (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis PAR-13-048 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/NIH/DHHS PA-13-100 07-May2015 Not Specified Layla Esposito, PhD 301-435-6888 espositl@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-100.html 07-May-2014; 05-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 Synopsis NICHD, NCI, NHLBI and OBSSR invite applications that propose to: (1) foster multidisciplinary research that will evaluate how policies (federal, state and school district levels) can influence school physical activity and nutrition environments, youths’ obesogenic behaviors (e.g., nutrition and physical activity behaviors), and weight outcomes; (2) understand how schools are implementing these policies and examine multi-level influences on adoption and implementation at various levels (e.g., federal, state, school district, and school); and (3) understand the synergistic or counteractive effect of school nutrition and physical activity polices on the home and community environment and body weight. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 31783 School Nutrition and Physical Activity Policies, Obesogenic Behaviors, and Weight National Institute of Child Health and Human NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 PA-13-098 07-May- 275,000 USD Page 27 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Outcomes (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Sponsor Number Development/NIH/DHHS Deadline Date Funding Amount 2015 Layla Esposito, PhD 301-435-6888 espositl@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-098.html 07-May-2014; 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 Synopsis NICHD, NCI, NHLBI and OBSSR invite applications that propose to: (1) foster multidisciplinary research that will evaluate how policies (federal, state and school district levels) can influence school physical activity and nutrition environments, youths’ obesogenic behaviors (e.g., nutrition and physical activity behaviors), and weight outcomes; (2) understand how schools are implementing these policies and examine multi-level influences on adoption and implementation at various levels (e.g., federal, state, school district, and school); and (3) understand the synergistic or counteractive effect of school nutrition and physical activity polices on the home and community environment and body weight. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 31784 School Nutrition and Physical Activity Policies, Obesogenic Behaviors and Weight Outcomes (R03) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/NIH/DHHS PA-13-099 07-May2015 100,000 USD Layla Esposito, PhD 301-435-6888 espositl@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-099.html 07-May-2014; 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: NICHD, NCI, NHLBI and OBSSR invite applications that propose to: (1) foster multidisciplinary research that will evaluate how policies (federal, state and school district levels) can influence school physical activity and nutrition environments, youths’ obesogenic behaviors (e.g., nutrition and physical activity behaviors), and weight outcomes; (2) understand how schools are implementing these policies and examine multi-level influences on adoption and implementation at various levels (e.g., federal, state, school district, and school); and (3) understand the synergistic or counteractive effect of school nutrition and physical activity polices on the home and community environment and body weight. This program will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. 31785 Disorders of Human Communication: Effectiveness, Outcomes and Health Services Research (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Deafness & Other Communication Disorders/NIH/DHHS PA-13-102 07-May2015 Not Specified Amy M. Donahue, Ph.D. 301-402-3458 donahuea@nidcd.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-102.html 07-May-2014; 05-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 Synopsis National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) invites applications for effectiveness, outcomes and health services research in the NIDCD mission areas of hearing, balance, smell, taste, voice, speech and language. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 31787 Disorders of Human Communication: Effectiveness, Outcomes and Health Services Research (R21) National Institute on Deafness & Other Communication Disorders/NIH/DHHS NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 PA-13-103 07-May2015 275,000 USD Page 28 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Amy M. Donahue, Ph.D. 301-402-3458 donahuea@nidcd.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-103.html 07-May-2014; 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 Synopsis National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) invites applications for effectiveness, outcomes and health services research in the NIDCD mission areas of hearing, balance, smell, taste, voice, speech and language. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS 31968 Research on Alcohol and HIV/AIDS (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 07-May2015 275,000 USD Kendall Bryant, Ph.D., AIDS Coordinator 301-403-9289 kbryant@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-122.html 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) invites applictions for small research projects : 1) to characterize the relative importance of reducing alcohol misuse in the prevention of acquisition and transmission of HIV in order to identify and apply appropriate alcohol and HIV interventions as public health measures; 2) to more fully understand and prevent the progression of HIV disease in the presence of continued alcohol exposure; and 3) to develop operational research frameworks for addressing the occurrence and persistence of infections in high-risk populations (e.g. minority women, young gay men, etc.), and translate findings into effective, culturally appropriate preventive and treatment interventions for these targeted populations. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS 31969 Research on Alcohol and HIV/AIDS (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) PA-13-122 PA-13-121 07-May2015 Not Specified Kendall Bryant, Ph.D., AIDS Coordinator 301-403-9289 kbryant@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-121.html 07-May-2014; 05-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 Synopsis National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) invites applictions for small research projects : 1) to characterize the relative importance of reducing alcohol misuse in the prevention of acquisition and transmission of HIV in order to identify and apply appropriate alcohol and HIV interventions as public health measures; 2) to more fully understand and prevent the progression of HIV disease in the presence of continued alcohol exposure; and 3) to develop operational research frameworks for addressing the occurrence and persistence of infections in high-risk populations (e.g. minority women, young gay men, etc.), and translate findings into effective, culturally appropriate preventive and treatment interventions for these targeted populations. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 31985 Regional and International Differences in Health and Longevity at Older Ages (R01) National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 PA-13-125 07-May2015 Not Specified Page 29 SPIN ID Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Funding Amount http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-125.html 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 National Institute on Aging (NIA) invites applications proposing to advance knowledge on the reasons behind the divergent trends that have been observed in health and longevity at older ages, both across industrialized nations and across geographical areas in the United States. This FOA is intended to capitalize on provocative findings in the literature which have been insufficiently understood and addressed. This FOA is also intended to capitalize on NIA’s investment in the development of cross-nationally comparable datasets that can be harnessed to study these research questions; these include the Health and Retirement Study (HRS), the English Longitudinal Study on Ageing (ELSA), the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), and the Human Mortality Data Base. Applications proposing secondary analysis, new data collection, calibration of measures across studies, development of innovative survey measures, and linkages to administrative sources are encouraged. Applications are not restricted to projects using the NIA-supported datasets above and may propose research using any relevant data. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS PA-13-124 07-May2015 275,000 USD Georgeanne E. Patmios, M.A. 301-496-3138 PatmiosG@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-124.html 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 National Institute on Aging (NIA) invites applications proposing to advance knowledge on the reasons behind the divergent trends that have been observed in health and longevity at older ages, both across industrialized nations and across geographical areas in the United States. This FOA is intended to capitalize on provocative findings in the literature which have been insufficiently understood and addressed. This FOA is also intended to capitalize on NIA’s investment in the development of cross-nationally comparable datasets that can be harnessed to study these research questions; these include the Health and Retirement Study (HRS), the English Longitudinal Study on Ageing (ELSA), the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), and the Human Mortality Data Base. Applications proposing secondary analysis, new data collection, calibration of measures across studies, development of innovative survey measures, and linkages to administrative sources are encouraged. Applications are not restricted to projects using the NIA-supported datasets above and may propose research using any relevant data. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 31988 Regional and International Differences in Health and Longevity at Older Ages (R03) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Deadline Date Georgeanne E. Patmios, M.A. 301-496-3138 PatmiosG@mail.nih.gov 31987 Regional and International Differences in Health and Longevity at Older Ages (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS PA-13-123 07-May2015 100,000 USD Georgeanne E. Patmios, M.A. 301-496-3138 PatmiosG@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-123.html 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 National Institute on Aging (NIA) invites applications proposing to advance knowledge on the reasons behind the divergent trends that have been observed in health and longevity at older ages, both across industrialized nations and across geographical areas in the United States. This FOA is intended to capitalize on provocative findings in the literature which have been insufficiently understood and addressed. This FOA is also intended to capitalize on NIA’s investment in NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 30 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount the development of cross-nationally comparable datasets that can be harnessed to study these research questions; these include the Health and Retirement Study (HRS), the English Longitudinal Study on Ageing (ELSA), the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), and the Human Mortality Data Base. Applications proposing secondary analysis, new data collection, calibration of measures across studies, development of innovative survey measures, and linkages to administrative sources are encouraged. Applications are not restricted to projects using the NIA-supported datasets above and may propose research using any relevant data. This program will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute/NIH/DHHS 32126 Investigator Initiated Multi-Site Clinical Trials (Collaborative R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Not Specified http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-128.html 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) invites applications for investigator-initiated multi-site randomized controlled clinical trials. The trials may address any research question related to the mission and goals of the NHLBI and may test clinical or behavioral interventions. The FOA is appropriate for applications to conduct phase II and phase III randomized clinical trials where participants are recruited from multiple sites. Large-scale pragmatic trials (such as comparative effectiveness trials) as well as trials designed to test efficacy of an intervention are appropriate. The trials may randomize at the individual (patient) level or at a group level (e.g., randomization of clinics, schools, worksites, etc.). Clinical trials involving NHLBI mission-related rare diseases that require coordination across multiple clinical sites are also suitable for submission to this FOA. In any case, the trial should propose the most efficient study design to complete the specific aims. This program will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS PAR-13-130 07-May2015 Not Specified Wen-ying Sylvia Chou, PhD, MPH 301- 435-2842 chouws@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-130.html 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 The sponsors invite applications for methodological, intervention and dissemination research for understanding and promoting health literacy. Health literacy is defined as the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 32129 Understanding and Promoting Health Literacy (R03) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 07-May2015 David Gordon, M.D., Ph.D., Special Assistant for Clinical Studies 301-435-0564 gordond@nhlbi.nih.gov 32127 Understanding and Promoting Health Literacy (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis PAR-13-128 National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS PAR-13-131 07-May2015 100,000 USD Wen-ying Sylvia Chou, PhD, MPH 301- 435-2842 chouws@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-131.html 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 The sponsors invite applications for methodological, intervention and dissemination research for understanding and promoting health literacy. Health literacy is defined as the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 31 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount appropriate health decisions. This program will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. 32130 Understanding and Promoting Health Literacy (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 07-May2015 275,000 USD http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-132.html 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 The sponsors invite applications for methodological, intervention and dissemination research for understanding and promoting health literacy. Health literacy is defined as the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS PA-13-141 07-May2015 Not Specified Susan Zieman, MD, PhD 301-496-6761 Susan.Zieman@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-141.html 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 National Institute on Aging (NIA) and National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) invite applications that propose basic, clinical, translational and outcomes research on acute kidney injury (AKI) in older persons. Applications may focus on the 1) epidemiology, etiology and risk factors for AKI in older adults, 2) pathophysiology of AKI in the aging kidney and its impact on chronic kidney disease (CKD) and other organ disease 3) early detection, diagnosis and monitoring of AKI, and 4) prevention, treatment and management strategies of AKI in older patients with the goal of improving short- and longterm outcomes including morbidity, mortality, progression of CKD, functional independence and quality of life. Research supported by this initiative should enhance knowledge of the increasing incidence of AKI in older persons and its consequences and provide evidence-based guidance in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of AKI in this expanding segment of the population. Studies in both human subjects and animal models are appropriate under this FOA as warranted by the study questions. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 32253 Acute Kidney Injury in Older Adults (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis PAR-13-132 Wen-ying Sylvia Chou, PhD, MPH 301- 435-2842 chouws@mail.nih.gov 32250 Acute Kidney Injury in Older Adults (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS PA-13-143 07-May2015 275,000 USD Susan Zieman, MD, PhD 301-496-6761 Susan.Zieman@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-143.html 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 National Institute on Aging (NIA) and National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) invite applications that propose basic, clinical, translational and outcomes research on acute kidney injury (AKI) in older persons. Applications may focus on the 1) epidemiology, etiology and risk factors for AKI in older adults, 2) pathophysiology of AKI in the aging kidney and its impact on chronic kidney disease (CKD) and other organ disease 3) early detection, diagnosis and monitoring of AKI, and 4) prevention, treatment and management strategies of AKI in older patients with the goal of improving short- and longterm outcomes including morbidity, mortality, progression of CKD, functional independence and quality of life. Research supported by this initiative should NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 32 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount enhance knowledge of the increasing incidence of AKI in older persons and its consequences and provide evidence-based guidance in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of AKI in this expanding segment of the population. Studies in both human subjects and animal models are appropriate under this FOA as warranted by the study questions. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 32254 Acute Kidney Injury in Older Adults (R03) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS 100,000 USD http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-142.html 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 National Institute on Aging (NIA) and National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) invite applications that propose basic, clinical, translational and outcomes research on acute kidney injury (AKI) in older persons. Applications may focus on the 1) epidemiology, etiology and risk factors for AKI in older adults, 2) pathophysiology of AKI in the aging kidney and its impact on chronic kidney disease (CKD) and other organ disease 3) early detection, diagnosis and monitoring of AKI, and 4) prevention, treatment and management strategies of AKI in older patients with the goal of improving short- and longterm outcomes including morbidity, mortality, progression of CKD, functional independence and quality of life. Research supported by this initiative should enhance knowledge of the increasing incidence of AKI in older persons and its consequences and provide evidence-based guidance in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of AKI in this expanding segment of the population. Studies in both human subjects and animal models are appropriate under this FOA as warranted by the study questions. This program will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. Office of Research Infrastructure Programs/NIH/DHHS PA-13-145 07-May2015 27,500 USD Oleg Mirochnitchenko, Ph.D. 301-435-0744 oleg.mirochnitchenko@nih.go http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-145.html 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (ORIP) invites applications that propose to develop, characterize or improve animal models for human disease or to improve diagnosis and control of diseases that might interfere with animal use for biomedical research purposes. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 32536 Drug Abuse Dissertation Research (R36) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) 07-May2015 Susan Zieman, MD, PhD 301-496-6761 Susan.Zieman@nih.gov 32309 Development of Animal Models and Related Biological Materials for Research (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis PA-13-142 National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS PAR-10-020 07-May2015 100,000 USD Jessica Chambers, Ph.D. 301-443-2237 jessica_chambers@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-182.html 07-May-2014; 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 Synopsis National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) invites applications for support of drug abuse doctoral dissertation research. This FOA will utilize the NIH R36 Dissertation Award mechanism. NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 33 SPIN ID Opportunity Title 32630 Structural Interventions, Alcohol Use, and Risk of HIV/AIDS (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS Sponsor Number PA-13-191 Deadline Date 07-May2015 Funding Amount Not Specified Robert C. Freeman, Ph.D. 301-443-8820 rfreeman@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-191.html 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) invites applications that propose to investigate the effectiveness of structural interventions aimed at reducing the risk of HIV/AIDS transmission by changing the environment of alcohol use. Although a variety of structural and environmental interventions have been employed successfully to reduce other drinking-related problems, similar research extending into the realm of HIV/AIDS risk reduction is still in its developing stages. This FOA will utilize the NIH Research Project Grant (R01) award mechanism. 32631 Structural Interventions, Alcohol Use, and Risk of HIV/AIDS (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Sponsor Name National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS PA-13-192 07-May2015 275,000 USD Robert C. Freeman, Ph.D. 301-443-8820 rfreeman@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-192.html 07-May-2014; 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 Synopsis National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) invites applications that propose to investigate the effectiveness of structural interventions aimed at reducing the risk of HIV/AIDS transmission by changing the environment of alcohol use. Although a variety of structural and environmental interventions have been employed successfully to reduce other drinking-related problems, similar research extending into the realm of HIV/AIDS risk reduction is still in its developing stages. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 32632 Mechanisms of Alcohol and Nicotine Co-Addiction (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS PA-13-194 07-May2015 Not Specified Ivana Grakalic, Ph.D. 301-443-7600 igrakalic@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-194.html 07-May-2014; 05-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 Synopsis National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) invites applications from institutions/organizations that propose to study neurobiological and behavioral mechanisms contributing to concurrent alcohol and nicotine co-addiction. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 32633 Mechanisms of Alcohol and Nicotine Co-Addiction (R21) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS PA-13-193 07-May2015 275,000 USD Contact Name Ivana Grakalic, Ph.D. NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 34 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount 301-443-7600 igrakalic@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-193.html 07-May-2014; 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 Synopsis National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) invites applications from institutions/organizations that propose to study neurobiological and behavioral mechanisms contributing to concurrent alcohol and nicotine co-addiction. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 32656 The Role of Extracellular RNA in Mediating the Health Effects of Alcohol (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS PA-13-197 07-May2015 275,000 USD Philip J. Brooks, Ph.D. 301-402-0883 pjbrooks@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-197.html 07-May-2014; 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 Synopsis National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) invites applications for innovative research into the role of extracellular RNA (exRNA) in the development of alcohol-related diseases and end-organ injuries. As used here, the term exRNA refers to RNA molecules circulating outside of cells, either within vesicles or associated with carrier molecules. It is anticipated that this FOA will generate data that may lead to breakthroughs in our understanding of the role of exRNA communication in the initiation, progression and maintenance of the diverse medical disorders caused by excessive, long-term alcohol consumption. In the future this knowledge may be critical in the diagnosis, treatment and management of vulnerable patient populations debilitated by the vast array of alcohol-induced pathologies and enable clinicians to improve disease outcomes and, consequently, public health. In addition, research supported by this FOA may also provide information on the mechanistic basis of the health benefits of moderate alcohol consumption. The sponsor invites applications This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 32794 Innovative Measurement Tools for Community Engaged Research Efforts (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS PA-13-209 07-May2015 Not Specified Donna Jo McCloskey, RN, PhD, Program Director 301-594-5971 mccloskd@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-209.html 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) invites applications for innovative measurement tools for community engaged research efforts. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 32795 Innovative Measurement Tools for Community Engaged Research Efforts (R21) National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS PA-13-212 07-May2015 275,000 USD Contact Name Donna Jo McCloskey, RN, PhD, Program Director Contact Telephone 301-594-5971 Contact Email mccloskd@mail.nih.gov NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 35 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Sponsor Website Program URL http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-212.html Deadline Dates (ALL) 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 Synopsis National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) invites applications for innovative measurement tools for community engaged research efforts. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 32928 Research on Autism Spectrum Disorders (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS PA-13-217 07-May2015 275,000 USD Lisa Gilotty, Ph.D. 301-443-3825 gilottyl@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-217.html 07-May-2014; 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 Synopsis The sponsors invite applications to support research designed to elucidate the etiology, epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, and optimal means of service delivery in relation to autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Basic, clinical, and applied studies are encouraged. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 32929 Research on Autism Spectrum Disorders (R03) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS PA-13-218 07-May2015 100,000 USD Lisa Gilotty, Ph.D. 301-443-3825 gilottyl@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-218.html 07-May-2014; 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 Synopsis The sponsors invite applications to support research designed to elucidate the etiology, epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, and optimal means of service delivery in relation to autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Basic, clinical, and applied studies are encouraged. This program will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. 33309 Phenotyping Embryonic Lethal Knockout Mice (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/NIH/DHHS PAR-13-231 07-May2015 2,499,995 USD Lorette C. Javois, PhD 301-496-5541 javoisl@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-231.html 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 Synopsis NIH invites applications to phenotype embryonic lethal knockout (KO) mouse strains being generated through the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC) of which the NIH Knockout Mouse Phenotyping Program (KOMP2) is a member. It is estimated that KO mouse phenotyping efforts will generate 20,000 NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 36 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount mouse strains over the next decade of which about 30% will be embryonic or perinatal lethal. A large portion of homozygous lethal mutations are expected to have viable heterozygous phenotypes. The scientific community has the unique opportunity to leverage these mouse strains while they are being created and bred as part of the IMPC adult mouse phenotyping effort. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 33411 Research Grants Using the Resources from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI) (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 07-May2015 Not Specified http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-236.html 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016 NIAMS, NCCAM AND NIA invite applications for research awards that are focused on the use the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI) database, clinical data and images. This FOA seeks to expand the use of these resources by investigators in the broader research community. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. National Institute of Arthritis & Musculoskeletal & Skin Diseases/NIH/DHHS PA-13-237 07-May2015 275,000 USD Gayle E. Lester, Ph.D. 301-594-3511 lester1@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-237.html 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016 NIAMS, NCCAM AND NIA invite applications for research awards that are focused on the use the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI) database, clinical data and images. This FOA seeks to expand the use of these resources by investigators in the broader research community. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 33655 Research to Characterize and Reduce Stigma to Improve Health (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) PA-13-236 Gayle E. Lester, Ph.D. 301-594-3511 lester1@mail.nih.gov 33412 Research Grants Using the Resources from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI)(R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute of Arthritis & Musculoskeletal & Skin Diseases/NIH/DHHS National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS PA-13-248 07-May2015 Not Specified Lis Nielsen, Ph.D. 301-402-4156 nielsenli@nia.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-248.html 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 Synopsis NIH invites applications to characterize the role of stigma in health, life course development, and aging, both in the U.S. and globally, and to test interventions to prevent or reduce the impact of stigma at the individual, community, health care system, and policy levels. The goal of this FOA is to promote research addressing the health-related aspects of stigma, including the etiology and perpetuation of stigma; its impact on physical and mental health, well-being, life course development, and aging; its influence on health behaviors and on use, access to, and quality of received healthcare services; its contribution to health disparities affecting vulnerable demographic groups; and intervention strategies to reduce health-related stigma and/or the negative health and life course developmental impacts of stigma. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 37 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name 33659 Research to Characterize and Reduce Stigma to Improve Health (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS Sponsor Number PA-13-246 Deadline Date 07-May2015 Funding Amount 275,000 USD Lis Nielsen, Ph.D. 301-402-4156 nielsenli@nia.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-246.html 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 Synopsis NIH invites applications to characterize the role of stigma in health, life course development, and aging, both in the U.S. and globally, and to test interventions to prevent or reduce the impact of stigma at the individual, community, health care system, and policy levels. The goal of this FOA is to promote research addressing the health-related aspects of stigma, including the etiology and perpetuation of stigma; its impact on physical and mental health, well-being, life course development, and aging; its influence on health behaviors and on use, access to, and quality of received healthcare services; its contribution to health disparities affecting vulnerable demographic groups; and intervention strategies to reduce health-related stigma and/or the negative health and life course developmental impacts of stigma. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 33660 Research to Characterize and Reduce Stigma to Improve Health (R03) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS PA-13-247 07-May2015 100,000 USD Lis Nielsen, Ph.D. 301-402-4156 nielsenli@nia.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-247.html 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 Synopsis NIH invites applications to characterize the role of stigma in health, life course development, and aging, both in the U.S. and globally, and to test interventions to prevent or reduce the impact of stigma at the individual, community, health care system, and policy levels. The goal of this FOA is to promote research addressing the health-related aspects of stigma, including the etiology and perpetuation of stigma; its impact on physical and mental health, well-being, life course development, and aging; its influence on health behaviors and on use, access to, and quality of received healthcare services; its contribution to health disparities affecting vulnerable demographic groups; and intervention strategies to reduce health-related stigma and/or the negative health and life course developmental impacts of stigma. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 33736 Implications of New Digital Media Use for Underage Drinking, Drinking-Related Behaviors, and Prevention Research (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS PA-13-263 07-May2015 275,000 USD Robert C. Freeman, PhD 301-443-8820 rfreeman@mail.nih.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=237319 http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-263.html 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages R21 research grant applications from institutions/organizations that propose to investigate whether, and how, heavy involvement in new digital media usage, particularly social media and social networking sites, may influence adolescent alcohol use and drinking patterns, as well as drinking-related problems. This FOA also encourages applications proposing to explore the ways in which new digital media may NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 38 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount be utilized as platforms for preventive interventions aimed at underage drinking and related problems. This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 34042 Implications of New Digital Media Use for Underage Drinking, Drinking-Related Behaviors, and Prevention Research (R01) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS PA-13-262 07-May2015 Not Specified Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Robert C. Freeman, PhD 301-443-8820 rfreeman@mail.nih.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=237320 http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-262.html 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 Synopsis This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages R01 research grant applications from institutions/organizations that propose to investigate whether, and how, heavy involvement in new digital media usage, particularly social media and social networking sites, may influence adolescent alcohol use and drinking patterns, as well as drinking-related problems. This FOA also encourages applications proposing to explore the ways in which new digital media may be utilized as platforms for preventive interventions aimed at underage drinking and related problems. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 34082 Synergizing Omic and Symptom Science (R01) National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS PA-13-264 07-May2015 Not Specified Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Susan Marden, PhD 301-496-9623 mardens@mail.nih.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=237379 http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-264.html 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 Synopsis This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is intended to promote integration of diverse information from molecular and biological processes with patientreported outcomes (i.e. symptoms, functional status, health-related quality of life). This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 34097 Synergizing Omic and Symptom Science (R15) National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS PA-13-265 07-May2015 300,000 USD Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Dr. Susan Marden, PhD 301-496-9623 mardens@mail.nih.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=237378 http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-265.html 07-Sep-2014; 25-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 25-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 25-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 25-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 25-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 25Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 Synopsis This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is intended to promote integration of diverse information from molecular and biological processes with patientreported outcomes (i.e. symptoms, functional status, health-related quality of life). This FOA will use the NIH R15 award mechanism. 34312 NINDS Exploratory Clinical Trials (R01) National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke/NIH/DHHS NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 PAR-13-281 07-May2015 Not Specified Page 39 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Peter R. Gilbert, Sc.M. 301-496-0870 ExploratoryTrial@ninds.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-281.html 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 Synopsis National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) invites applications for exploratory clinical trials to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). The trials must address research questions related to the mission and goals of the NINDS and may evaluate drugs, biologics, devices, or surgical, behavioral or rehabilitation therapies. Information about the mission, strategic plans and research interests of the NINDS can be found at the NINDS website (http:\\www.ninds.nih.gov). This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 34751 Health Promotion Among Racial and Ethnic Minority Males (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS PA-13-328 07-May2015 Not Specified Paul A Cotton, PhD, RD 301-402-6423 cottonp@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-328.html 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 Synopsis National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) and National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) invite applications that propose to stimulate and expand research in the health of minority men. Specifically, this initiative is intended to: 1) enhance our understanding of the numerous factors (e.g., sociodemographic, community, societal, personal) influencing the health promoting behaviors of racial and ethnic minority males and their subpopulations across the life cycle, and 2) encourage applications focusing on the development and testing of culturally and linguistically appropriate health-promoting interventions designed to reduce health disparities among racially and ethnically diverse males and their subpopulations age 21 and older. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 34752 Health Promotion Among Racial and Ethnic Minority Males (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS PA-13-331 07-May2015 275,000 USD Paul A Cotton, PhD, RD 301-402-6423 cottonp@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-331.html 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 Synopsis National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) invites applications that propose to stimulate and expand research in the health of minority men. Specifically, this initiative is intended to: 1) enhance our understanding of the numerous factors (e.g., sociodemographic, community, societal, personal) influencing the health promoting behaviors of racial and ethnic minority males and their subpopulations across the life cycle, and 2) encourage applications focusing on the development and testing of culturally and linguistically appropriate health-promoting interventions designed to reduce health disparities among racially and ethnically diverse males and their subpopulations age 21 and older. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 35208 Development of Appropriate Pediatric Formulations and Pediatric Drug Delivery Systems National Institute of Child Health and Human NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 PAR-13-325 07-May- Not Specified Page 40 SPIN ID Opportunity Title (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 35210 Deadline Date Funding Amount 2015 George P. Giacoia, M.D. 301-496-5589 gg65m@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-325.html 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) and National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) invite applications to address different and complementary research needs for the development and acceptability of pediatric drug formulations in different age groups. Development and testing of novel pediatric drug delivery systems is also part of this initiative. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. PAR-13-326 07-May2015 275,000 USD George P. Giacoia, M.D. 301-496-5589 gg65m@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-326.html 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) and National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) invite applications to address different and complementary research needs for the development and acceptability of pediatric drug formulations in different age groups. Development and testing of novel pediatric drug delivery systems is also part of this initiative. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. Development of Appropriate Pediatric Formulations and Pediatric Drug Delivery Systems National Institute of Child Health and Human (R03) Development/NIH/DHHS Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number Development/NIH/DHHS Development of Appropriate Pediatric Formulations and Pediatric Drug Delivery Systems National Institute of Child Health and Human (R21) Development/NIH/DHHS Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 35211 Sponsor Name PAR-13-344 07-May2015 100,000 USD George P. Giacoia, M.D. 301-496-5589 gg65m@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-344.html 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) and National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) invite applications to address different and complementary research needs for the development and acceptability of pediatric drug formulations in different age groups. Development and testing of novel pediatric drug delivery systems is also part of this initiative. This FOA will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. 35278 NIDCR Small Grant Program for New Investigators (R03) National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research/NIH/DHHS PAR-13-348 07-May2015 150,000 USD Contact Name Amanda Melillo, PhD Contact Telephone 301-594-9718 Contact Email amanda.melillo@nih.gov NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 41 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Sponsor Website Program URL http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-348.html Deadline Dates (ALL) 07-May-2014; 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 Synopsis National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) invites applications for the NIDCR Small Grant Program for New Investigators. the program supports basic and clinical research conducted by scientists who are in the early stages of establishing an independent research career in oral, dental, and craniofacial research. This R03 grant mechanism supports pilot or feasibility studies and developmental research projects with the intention of obtaining sufficient preliminary data for a subsequent investigator-initiated Research Project Grant (R01) application. Clinical trials of any phase will not be supported by this FOA. This FOA will utilize the NIH R03 Small Grant Program. 35291 Academic Research Enhancement Award (Parent R15) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis PA-13-313 07-May2015 300,000 USD grantsinfo@od.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-313.html 07-Sep-2014; 25-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 25-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 25-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 25-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016 National Institutes of Health (NIH) participating Institutes and Centers invite applications for the Academic Research Enhancement Award (AREA) program. The purpose of the program is to stimulate research in educational institutions that provide baccalaureate or advanced degrees for a significant number of the Nation's research scientists, but that have not been major recipients of NIH support. AREA grants create opportunities for scientists and institutions, otherwise unlikely to participate extensively in NIH research programs, to contribute to the Nation's biomedical and behavioral research effort. AREA grants are intended to support small-scale research projects proposed by faculty members of eligible, domestic institutions, to expose students to meritorious research projects, and to strengthen the research environment of the applicant institution. This FOA will utilize the R15 grant mechanism. 35526 Advancing the Science of Geriatric Palliative Care (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institutes of Health/DHHS National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS PA-13-354 07-May2015 Not Specified Basil Eldadah, MD, PhD 301-496-6761 basil.eldadah@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-354.html 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017 Synopsis National Institute on Aging (NIA)and National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) invite applications focused on palliative care in geriatric populations. This FOA emphasizes studies in a variety of settings including ambulatory care, hospitals (and specific sites within hospitals including specialty wards, intensive care units and emergency departments), assisted living facilities, and short- and long-term care facilities; however, hospice and endof-life settings are not included within the scope of this FOA, as they are the subject of other NIH programs. Rather, this FOA highlights research on palliative care in settings and at time points earlier in geriatric patients' disease or disability trajectories. Types of studies may include observational, quasi-experimental, or interventional studies using primary data collection and/or secondary analyses. Leveraging on-going cohorts, intervention studies, networks, data and specimen repositories, and other existing resources and infrastructure are encouraged. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 35609 Nutrition and Alcohol-Related Health Outcomes (R01) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS PA-13-359 07-May2015 Not Specified Contact Name Rosalind Breslow, Ph.D., M.P.H., R.D. NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 42 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount 301-594-6231 rbreslow@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-359.html 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) and Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) invite applications that propose to examine associations between nutrition and alcohol-related health outcomes in humans and animal models. The goal of this FOA is to stimulate a broad range of research on the role of nutrition in the development, prevention, and treatment of a variety of alcohol-related health outcomes including alcohol use disorder and chronic disease. This program will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS 35611 Nutrition and Alcohol-Related Health Outcomes (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) PA-13-361 07-May2015 275,000 USD Rosalind Breslow, Ph.D., M.P.H., R.D. 301-594-6231 rbreslow@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-361.html 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) and Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) invite applications that propose to examine associations between nutrition and alcohol-related health outcomes in humans and animal models. The goal of this FOA is to stimulate a broad range of research on the role of nutrition in the development, prevention, and treatment of a variety of alcohol-related health outcomes including alcohol use disorder and chronic disease. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS 35612 Nutrition and Alcohol-Related Health Outcomes (R03) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) PA-13-360 07-May2015 100,000 USD Rosalind Breslow, Ph.D., M.P.H., R.D. 301-594-6231 rbreslow@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-360.html 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) and Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) invite applications that propose to examine associations between nutrition and alcohol-related health outcomes in humans and animal models. The goal of this FOA is to stimulate a broad range of research on the role of nutrition in the development, prevention, and treatment of a variety of alcohol-related health outcomes including alcohol use disorder and chronic disease. This FOA will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. 35752 Research on the Health Determinants and Consequences of Violence and its Prevention, Particularly Firearm Violence (R01) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS PA-13-363 07-May2015 Not Specified Contact Name Robert C. Freeman, Ph.D. Contact Telephone 301-443-8820 Contact Email huntleyk@mail.nih.gov NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 43 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Sponsor Website Program URL http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-363.html Deadline Dates (ALL) 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017 Synopsis NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs) and Office invite applications for basic neuroscience and basic behavioral research, clinical and translational studies, intervention development at the individual, family and community level, efficacy trials of interventions based on evidence from basic and translational studies, and research to identify the best ways to disseminate and implement efficacious and evidence-based interventions in real-world settings. While this FOA covers all of the areas mentioned above, particular consideration will be given to applications that propose studies of the intersection that focus on the various types of violence (homicide, suicide, youth and gang-related, intimate partner) and firearms. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 35754 Research on the Health Determinants and Consequences of Violence and its Prevention, Particularly Firearm Violence (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS PA-13-369 07-May2015 275,000 USD Robert C. Freeman, Ph.D. 301-443-8820 huntleyk@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-369.html 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017 Synopsis NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs) and Office invite applications for basic neuroscience and basic behavioral research, clinical and translational studies, intervention development at the individual, family and community level, efficacy trials of interventions based on evidence from basic and translational studies, and research to identify the best ways to disseminate and implement efficacious and evidence-based interventions in real-world settings. While this FOA covers all of the areas mentioned above, particular consideration will be given to applications that propose studies of the intersection that focus on the various types of violence (homicide, suicide, youth and gang-related, intimate partner) and firearms. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 35755 Research on the Health Determinants and Consequences of Violence and its Prevention, Particularly Firearm Violence (R03) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS PA-13-368 07-May2015 100,000 USD Robert C. Freeman, Ph.D. 301-443-8820 huntleyk@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-368.html 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017 Synopsis NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs) and Office invite applications for basic neuroscience and basic behavioral research, clinical and translational studies, intervention development at the individual, family and community level, efficacy trials of interventions based on evidence from basic and translational studies, and research to identify the best ways to disseminate and implement efficacious and evidence-based interventions in real-world settings. While this FOA covers all of the areas mentioned above, particular consideration will be given to applications that propose studies of the intersection that focus on the various types of violence (homicide, suicide, youth and gang-related, intimate partner) and firearms. This FOA will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. 36014 Modeling Social Behavior (R01) National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS PAR-13-374 07-May2015 Not Specified Contact Name William Riley, Ph.D. NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 44 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount 240-276-6973 wiriley@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-374.html 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017 Synopsis NIH participating Centers and Institutes invite applications for developing and testing innovative theories and computational, mathematical, or engineering approaches to deepen our understanding of complex social behavior. This research will examine phenomena at multiple scales to address the emergence of collective behaviors that arise from individual elements or parts of a system working together. Emergence can also describe the functioning of a system within the context of its environment. Often properties we associate with a system itself are in actuality properties of the relationships and interactions between a system and its environment. This FOA will support research that explores the often complex and dynamic relationships among the parts of a system and between the system and its environment in order to understand the system as a whole. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 36215 Establishing Outcome Measures for Clinical Studies of Oral and Craniofacial Diseases and Conditions (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 36218 36575 PAR-13-379 07-May2015 Not Specified Jane C. Atkinson, DDS 301-435-7908 jatkinso@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-379.html 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015 National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) invites applications for the development of well-founded outcome measures, including establishing their reliability and validity, for clinical studies of oral and craniofacial diseases and conditions. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. Establishing Outcome Measures for Clinical Studies of Oral and Craniofacial Diseases and Conditions (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research/NIH/DHHS National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research/NIH/DHHS PAR-13-380 07-May2015 275,000 USD Jane C. Atkinson, DDS 301-435-7908 jatkinso@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-380.html 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015 National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) invites applications for the development of well-founded outcome measures, including establishing their reliability and validity, for clinical studies of oral and craniofacial diseases and conditions. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. New Computational Methods for Understanding the Functional Role of DNA Variants that are Associated with Mental Disorders (Collaborative R01) National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS PAR-13-391 07-May2015 Not Specified Contact Name Anjene M. Addington, Ph.D. Contact Telephone 301-443-6653 Contact Email anjene.addington@nih.gov Sponsor Website NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 45 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Program URL http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-391.html Deadline Dates (ALL) 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017 Synopsis National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) invites applications for the development of advanced computational, bioinformatic and statistical tools to determine the functional relevance of genetic variants associated with mental disorders of complex etiologies identified through genome-wide association or sequencing studies. The overarching goal of this initiative is to support the development of innovative computational methods that facilitate the elucidation of the functionality of genetic variants associated with mental illness, taking into account the added complexities and nuances of brain diseases, and to ultimately inform the identification and validation of potential targets for novel treatment development. This FOA should be used when two or more sites are needed to complete the study. For a linked set of collaborative R01s, each site must have its own Program Director/Principal Investigator and the set of linked applications provide a mechanism for cross-site coordination, quality control, database management, statistical analysis, and reporting. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 36576 New Computational Methods for Understanding the Functional Role of DNA Variants that are Associated with Mental Disorders (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS PAR-13-392 07-May2015 Not Specified Anjene M. Addington, Ph.D. 301-443-6653 anjene.addington@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-392.html 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017 Synopsis National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) invites applications for the development of advanced computational, bioinformatic and statistical tools to determine the functional relevance of genetic variants associated with mental disorders of complex etiologies identified through genome-wide association or sequencing studies. The overarching goal of this initiative is to support the development of innovative computational methods that facilitate the elucidation of the functionality of genetic variants associated with mental illness, taking into account the added complexities and nuances of brain diseases, and to ultimately inform the identification and validation of potential targets for novel treatment development. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 36745 Seeding Collaborations for Translational Research to Discover and Develop New Therapies for Diseases and Conditions within NIDDK's Mission (Revisions) (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-006 07-May2015 Not Specified Michael J. Grey, Ph.D. 301-451-3759 greymj@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-006.html 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017 Synopsis National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) invites applications to seed collaborations that enable translational research for the discovery and development of therapies for diseases and conditions of interest to NIDDK. The FOA encourages collaborations through revisions to active NIDDK R01 research project grants. The revision allows the Program Director/Principal Investigator (PD/PI) to propose an expansion of the specific aims to develop collaborations and approaches that facilitate translational research on target identification, early-stage pharmacological validation of targets and pretherapeutic leads, lead optimization, and limited pre-clinical development. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 36968 Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Short-Term Institutional Research Training Grant (Parent T35) National Institutes of Health/DHHS NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 PA-14-016 07-May2015 Not Specified Page 46 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email GrantsInfo@nih.gov Sponsor Website Program URL http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-016.html Deadline Dates (ALL) 07-May-2015; 25-May-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 25-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 25-Jan-2016; 07-May-2016; 25-May-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 25-Sep-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 25-Jan-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis NIH and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications for Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Short-Term Institutional Research Training Grants. Grants will be made to enhance predoctoral and postdoctoral research training, including short-term research training, and help ensure that a diverse and highly trained workforce is available to meet the needs of the Nation’s biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research agenda. Research training programs will incorporate didactic, research, and career development components to prepare individuals for careers that will have a significant impact on the health-related research needs of the Nation. This program will use the the NIH T35 National Research Service Award (NRSA) Short-Term Research Training award mechanism. 36977 Public Health Impact of the Changing Policy/Legal Environment for Marijuana (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS PAS-14-020 07-May2015 Not Specified Marsha F. Lopez, Ph.D., M.H.S 301-443-6504 lopezmar@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAS-14-020.html 05-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) invites applications for research on the impact of changing marijuana policies and laws on public health outcomes, including marijuana exposure among children, adolescents, and adults; other licit and illicit drug use; education and professional achievement; social development; risky behaviors (e.g., drugged driving); mental health; HIV, etc. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. National Institute of General Medical Sciences/NIH/DHHS 37027 Biomedical Technology Research Resource (P41) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis PAR-14-021 07-May2015 Not Specified Douglas M. Sheeley, Sc.D. 301-451-6446 sheeleyd@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-021.html 25-Jan-2015; 07-May-2015; 25-May-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 25-Jan-2016; 07-May-2016; 25-May-2016; 07-Sep-2016 National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) invites applications applications for national Biomedical Technology Research Resources. These Resources conduct research and development on new technologies and new/improved instruments driven by the needs of basic, translational, and clinical researchers. The Resources are charged to make their technologies available, to train members of the research community in the use of the technologies, and to disseminate these technologies and the Resource’s experimental results broadly. New applicants are strongly encouraged to submit a pre-application to PAR-14-023. The pre-application process provides feedback regarding the appropriateness for this program and competitiveness of a potential application. This FOA will utilize the NIH P41 Biotechnology Resource Grants award mechanism. 37031 Basic Mechanisms of Brain Development for Substance Use and Dependence (R01) National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 PA-14-026 07-May2015 Not Specified Page 47 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Da-Yu Wu, PhD, Program Director 301-443-1887 wudy@nida.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-026.html 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017 Synopsis National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) invite applications that propose to study the developing brain or brain areas that play significant roles in mediating emotional and motivated behavior and in substance use and dependence. All stages of brain development are of interest, but a new emphasis of the current reissue of this initiative is to support basic neuroscience research on fundamental mechanisms of brain development during prepuberty and the adolescent period in relation to the problems of substance abuse and co-morbidity with psychiatric disorders. Topics of interest pertaining to brain development of this initiative include, but are not limited to, the euphoric properties of abused substances, actions of psychotherapeutic agents, and their consequences on memory, cognitive and emotional processes. An additional major goal of this initiative is to understand how exposure to substances of abuse affects the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying nervous system development and neural circuit functions implicated in substance use and addiction. This program will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 37044 Chronic Condition Self-Management in Children and Adolescents (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS PA-14-029 07-May2015 Not Specified Karen Huss, PhD, RN, APRN-BC, FAAN, FAAAAI 301-594-5970 hussk@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-029.html 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017 Synopsis National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) invites applications for research to improve self-management and quality of life in children and adolescents with chronic conditions. Managing a chronic condition is an unremitting responsibility for children and their families. Children with a chronic condition and their families have a long-term responsibility for self-management. This FOA encourages research that takes into consideration various factors that influence selfmanagement such as individual differences, biological and psychological factors, family and sociocultural context, family-community dynamics, healthcare system factors, technological advances, and the role of the environment. This FOA is restricted to studies of children and adolescents ages 8 to 21 with chronic conditions as children younger are less likely to manage their health conditions. Researchers can focus on any age group within this range but investigators must demonstrate that the approach is appropriate to developmental stage. Studies of chronic mental illness or serious cognitive disability are beyond the scope of this FOA. This program will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 37046 Chronic Condition Self-Management in Children and Adolescents (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS PA-14-030 07-May2015 275,000 USD Karen Huss, PhD, RN, APRN-BC, FAAN, FAAAAI 301-594-5970 hussk@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-030.html 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017 NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 48 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Synopsis National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) invites applications for research to improve self-management and quality of life in children and adolescents with chronic conditions. Managing a chronic condition is an unremitting responsibility for children and their families. Children with a chronic condition and their families have a long-term responsibility for self-management. This FOA encourages research that takes into consideration various factors that influence selfmanagement such as individual differences, biological and psychological factors, family and sociocultural context, family-community dynamics, healthcare system factors, technological advances, and the role of the environment. This FOA is restricted to studies of children and adolescents ages 8 to 21 with chronic conditions as children younger are less likely to manage their health conditions. Researchers can focus on any age group within this range but investigators must demonstrate that the approach is appropriate to developmental stage. Studies of chronic mental illness or serious cognitive disability are beyond the scope of this FOA. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 37063 Reducing Health Disparities Among Minority and Underserved Children (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS PA-11-104 07-May2015 Not Specified Dr. Linda S. Weglicki, PhD, RN, MSN 301-594-6908 weglickils@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-033.html 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017 Synopsis National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR), National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) and National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) invite applications to conduct research that targets the reduction of health disparities among children. Specific targeted areas of research include biobehavioral studies that incorporate multiple factors that influence child health disparities such as biological (e.g., genetics, cellular, organ systems), lifestyle factors, environmental (e.g., physical and family environments) social (e.g., peers), economic, institutional, and cultural and family influences; studies that target the specific health promotion needs of children with a known health condition and/or disability; and studies that test and evaluate the comparative effectiveness of health promotion interventions conducted in traditional and nontraditional settings. This program will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 37065 Reducing Health Disparities Among Minority and Underserved Children (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS PA-14-034 07-May2015 275,000 USD Mary Roary, PhD 301-594-2154 mary.roary@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-034.html 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017 Synopsis National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR), National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) and National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) invite applications to conduct research that targets the reduction of health disparities among children. Specific targeted areas of research include biobehavioral studies that incorporate multiple factors that influence child health disparities such as biological (e.g., genetics, cellular, organ systems), lifestyle factors, environmental (e.g., physical and family environments) social (e.g., peers), economic, institutional, and cultural and family influences; studies that target the specific health promotion needs of children with a known health condition and/or disability; and studies that test and evaluate the comparative effectiveness of health promotion interventions conducted in traditional and nontraditional settings. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 37066 Women & Sex/Gender Differences in Drug and Alcohol Abuse/Dependence (R01) National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS PA-14-038 07-May2015 Not Specified Contact Name Cora Lee Wetherington, Ph.D. NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 49 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount 301-435-1319 cwetheri@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-038.html 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017 Synopsis National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) invite applications to advance research on malefemales differences in drug and alcohol abuse and addiction and on factors specific to women. Both human and animal model studies are sought. This program will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 37067 Women & Sex/Gender Differences in Drug and Alcohol Abuse/Dependence (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS PA-14-036 07-May2015 275,000 USD Cora Lee Wetherington, Ph.D. 301-435-1319 cwetheri@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-036.html 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017 Synopsis National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) invite applications to advance research on malefemales differences in drug and alcohol abuse and addiction and on factors specific to women. Both human and animal model studies are sought. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 37068 Women & Sex/Gender Differences in Drug and Alcohol Abuse/Dependence (R03) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS PA-14-037 07-May2015 100,000 USD Cora Lee Wetherington, Ph.D. 301-435-1319 cwetheri@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-037.html 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017 Synopsis National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) invite applications to advance research on malefemales differences in drug and alcohol abuse and addiction and on factors specific to women. Both human and animal model studies are sought. This FOA will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. 37164 Mentored Research Scientist Development Award (Parent K01) National Institutes of Health/DHHS PA-14-044 07-May2015 Not Specified Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email grantsinfo@nih.gov Sponsor Website Program URL http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-044.html NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 50 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Deadline Dates (ALL) 07-Jan-2015; 12-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 12-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 12-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 12-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 12-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 12Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications for the NIH Mentored Research Scientist Development Award. The award provides support and “protected time” (three, four, or five years) for an intensive, supervised career development experience in the biomedical, behavioral, or clinical sciences leading to research independence. Although all of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs) use this support mechanism to support career development experiences that lead to research independence, some ICs use the K01 award for individuals who propose to train in a new field or for individuals who have had a hiatus in their research career because of illness or pressing family circumstances. Other ICs utilize the K01 award to increase research workforce diversity by providing enhanced research career development opportunities. This FOA will use the NIH K01 award mechanism. 37174 Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award (Parent K08) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institutes of Health/DHHS PA-14-046 07-May2015 Not Specified 301-496-8580 grantinfo@nih.gov http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-046.html 07-Jan-2015; 12-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 12-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 12-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 12-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 12-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 12Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017 Synopsis SYNOPOSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications for the Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award. The award is designed to prepare qualified individuals for careers that have a significant impact on the health-related research needs of the Nation. This program represents the continuation of a long-standing NIH program that provides support and “protected time” to individuals with a clinical doctoral degree for an intensive, supervised research career development experience in the fields of biomedical and behavioral research, including translational research. Prospective candidates are encouraged to contact the relevant NIH staff for IC-specific programmatic and budgetary information: Table of IC-Specific Information, Requirements and Staff Contacts (see: http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/contacts/parent_K08.html). This program will use the Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award (K08). 37179 Mentored Quantitative Research Development Award (Parent K25) National Institutes of Health/DHHS PA-14-048 07-May2015 Not Specified Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email grantinfo@nih.gov Sponsor Website Program URL http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-048.html Deadline Dates (ALL) 07-Jan-2015; 12-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 12-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 12-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 12-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 12-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 12Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications for the Mentored Quantitative Research Development Award. The award is designed to attract to NIH-relevant research those investigators whose quantitative science and engineering research has thus far not been focused primarily on questions of health and disease. The K25 award will provide support and “protected time” for a period of supervised study and research for productive professionals with quantitative (e.g., mathematics, statistics, economics, computer science, imaging science, informatics, physics, chemistry) and engineering backgrounds to integrate their expertise with NIH-relevant research. Prospective candidates are encouraged to contact the relevant NIH staff for IC-specific programmatic and budgetary information: Table of IC-Specific Information, Requirements and Staff Contacts (see: http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/contacts/parent_K25.html). This FOA will utilize the Mentored Quantitative Research Development Award (K25) mechanism. 38130 Neuroimmune Signaling and Function in Substance Use Disorders (R21) National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 PA-14-083 07-May2015 275,000 USD Page 51 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Roger G Sorensen, Ph.D., MPA 301-443-3205 rsorense@mail.nih.gov http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-083.html 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) invites applications that propose to examine the molecular, cellular, circuit, and behavioral responses to neuroimmune signaling within the central nervous system (CNS) as it pertains to the initiation, escalation, and maintenance of, and the neurological consequences resulting from, substance use disorders (SUDs), and to abstinence and withdrawal from, and subsequent relapse of, drug use. The goal of this understudied area of research is to determine the extent to which neuroimmune responses contribute to or protect against current and future risk and consequences of SUDs. This FOA will use the NIH R21 Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant award mechanism. 38280 HIV Infection Of The Central Nervous System (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis PA-14-094 07-May2015 Not Specified Jeymohan Joseph, Ph.D. 301-443-6100 jjeymoha@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-094.html 07-May-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 07-May-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 07-May-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 07-Jan-2017 SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) participating Institutes and Centers invite applications focused on defining the pathogenic mechanisms involved in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-1 Associated Neurocognitive Disorders (HAND) and, identifying therapeutic strategies to treat and prevent the neurobehavioral and neurological effects of HIV-1 on the central nervous system (CNS). Basic and translational research in domestic and international settings are of interest. Multidisciplinary research teams and collaborative alliances are encouraged but not required. This program will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 38285 Eradication of HIV-1 from Central Nervous System Reservoirs (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS PA-14-095 07-May2015 Not Specified Jeymohan Joseph, Ph.D. 301-443-6100 jjeymoha@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-095.html 07-May-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 07-May-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 07-May-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 07-Jan-2017 SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) participating Institutes and Centers invite applications to address the problem of HIV-1 persistence focused solely on the central nervous system (CNS) of HIV-infected persons treated with Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy (HAART). This FOA will support innovative research in five areas: (1) basic research to identify and characterize persistent HIV-1 in CNS derived cells such as macrophages, microglia, and/or astrocytes in the setting of suppressive anti-retroviral therapy, with or without substance use; (2) basic research to determine the mechanisms involved in the temporal establishment, maintenance, and resurgence of persistent HIV-1 in the CNS in relationship to the timing of antiretroviral therapy; (3) development of physiologically relevant animal models and CNS-based cellular assays that recapitulate HIV-1 persistence and latency in the presence of effective HAART including effects of chronic substance use; (4) assessment of current and emerging eradication approaches on whether and/or how well they have successfully reactivated persistent HIV from CNS-derived cells such as macrophages, microglia and astrocytes; and (5) assessment of CNS toxicity and adverse impacts of NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 52 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount current and emerging eradication strategies. Applications ranging from basic to translational research in domestic and international settings are of interest. Multidisciplinary research teams are encouraged but not required. This program will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 38340 NEI Collaborative Clinical Vision Research Project Grant (U10) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Eye Institute/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-096 07-May2015 Not Specified Donald F. Everett, M.A. 301-451-2020 everettd@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-096.html 07-May-2015; 25-May-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 25-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 25-Jan-2016; 07-May-2016; 25-May-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 25-Sep-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 25-Jan-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Eye Institute (NEI) invites applications for investigator-initiated clinical vision research projects, including multi-center clinical trials and other complex or high-risk clinical vision research studies. This funding opportunity announcement encourages applications for the Collaborative Clinical Research Project Grant, which provides the following Components: Overall, Coordinating Center, Chair Admin, Enrollment Center and optional Resource Centers. This FOA will utilize the NIH cooperative agreement (U10) grant mechanism. 38555 Synthetic Psychoactive Drugs and Strategic Approaches to Counteract Their Deleterious National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS Effects (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) PAR-14-106 07-May2015 Not Specified Rao Rapaka, PhD 301-435-1304 rrapaka@nida.nih.gov http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-106.html 05-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) invites applications for research to deepen our knowledge of the use of synthetic psychoactive drugs, their mechanisms of action, their health effects, and development of prevention strategies and strategies to treat patients in emergency departments and long range treatment. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 38558 Synthetic Psychoactive Drugs and Strategic Approaches to Counteract Their Deleterious National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS Effects (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) PAR-14-105 07-May2015 275,000 USD Rao Rapaka, PhD 301-435-1304 rrapaka@nida.nih.gov http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-105.html 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) invites applications for research to deepen our knowledge of the use of synthetic psychoactive drugs, their mechanisms of action, their health effects, and development of prevention strategies and strategies to treat patients in emergency departments and long range treatment. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 38559 Synthetic Psychoactive Drugs and Strategic Approaches to Counteract Their Deleterious National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 PAR-14-104 07-May- 100,000 USD Page 53 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Effects (R03) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Deadline Date Funding Amount 2015 Rao Rapaka, PhD 301-435-1304 rrapaka@nida.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAr-14-104.html 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) invites applications for research to deepen our knowledge of the use of synthetic psychoactive drugs, their mechanisms of action, their health effects, and development of prevention strategies and strategies to treat patients in emergency departments and long range treatment. This FOA will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. 38634 Family-Centered Self-Management of Chronic Conditions (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS PA-14-112 07-May2015 Not Specified Karen Huss, PhD, RN, APRN-BC, FAAN, FAAAAI 301-594-5970 hussk@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-112.html 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 05Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) invites applications for research to build the science of family-centered self-management (FCSM) in chronic conditions. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 38636 Family-Centered Self-Management of Chronic Conditions (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS PA-14-113 07-May2015 275,000 USD Karen Huss, PhD, RN, APRN-BC, FAAN, FAAAAI 301-594-5970 hussk@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-113.html 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 16Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) invites applications for research to build the science of family-centered self-management (FCSM) in chronic conditions. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 38827 Targeted Basic Behavioral and Social Science and Intervention Development for HIV Prevention and Care (R01) National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS PA-14-127 07-May2015 Not Specified Contact Name Pim Brouwers, Ph.D. Contact Telephone 301-433-6100 Contact Email ebrouwer@mail.nih.gov Sponsor Website NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 54 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Program URL http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-127.html Deadline Dates (ALL) 07-May-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 07-May-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 07-Jan-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) invite applications for innovative, targeted basic behavioral and social science research and intervention development research to reduce the number of new HIV infections and improve the overall health of those living with HIV and encourage research grant applications in these areas. This FOA encourages research designed to (a) conduct basic behavioral and social science research that is needed to advance the development of HIV prevention and care interventions, (b) translate and operationalize the findings from these basic studies to develop interventions and assess their feasibility and (c) conduct tests of the efficacy of HIV prevention and care interventions. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 38828 Targeted Basic Behavioral and Social Science and Intervention Development for HIV Prevention and Care (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 38830 38834 PA-14-128 07-May2015 275,000 USD Pim Brouwers, Ph.D. 301-433-6100 ebrouwer@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-128.html 07-May-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 07-May-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 07-Jan-2017 SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) invite applications for innovative, targeted basic behavioral and social science research and intervention development research to reduce the number of new HIV infections and improve the overall health of those living with HIV and encourage research grant applications in these areas. This FOA encourages research designed to (a) conduct basic behavioral and social science research that is needed to advance the development of HIV prevention and care interventions, (b) translate and operationalize the findings from these basic studies to develop interventions and assess their feasibility and (c) conduct tests of the efficacy of HIV prevention and care interventions. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. Improving Delivery of HIV Prevention and Treatment through Implementation Science and Translational Research (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS PA-14-131 07-May2015 Not Specified Christopher Gordon, Ph.D. 301-443-1613 cgordon1@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-131.html 07-May-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 07-May-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 07-Jan-2017 SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) invite applications for research designed to increase the public health impact of efficacious HIV/AIDS-related interventions for prevention and treatment. To maximize the public health impact of available interventions, significant progress is needed to advance science designed to get interventions to the men, women, and children who need them. The goals of this scientific agenda are to learn how best to deliver interventions more efficiently and effectively in real-world communities and clinics, to more readily transfer interventions from one setting or population to another, and to make better informed choices for combination intervention packages. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. Improving Delivery of HIV Prevention and Treatment through Implementation Science and Translational Research (R21) National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS PA-14-129 07-May2015 275,000 USD Contact Name Christopher Gordon, Ph.D. Contact Telephone 301-443-1613 Contact Email cgordon1@mail.nih.gov NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 55 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Sponsor Website Program URL http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-129.html Deadline Dates (ALL) 07-May-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 07-May-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 07-Jan-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) invite applications for research designed to increase the public health impact of efficacious HIV/AIDS-related interventions for prevention and treatment. To maximize the public health impact of available interventions, significant progress is needed to advance science designed to get interventions to the men, women, and children who need them. The goals of this scientific agenda are to learn how best to deliver interventions more efficiently and effectively in real-world communities and clinics, to more readily transfer interventions from one setting or population to another, and to make better informed choices for combination intervention packages. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 38835 Accelerating Improvements in the HIV Care Continuum (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS 38842 07-May2015 Not Specified Christopher Gordon, Ph.D. 301-443-1613 cgordon1@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-132.html 07-May-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 07-May-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 07-Jan-2017 SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) invite applications for innovative studies to address gaps in HIV care continuum research. The HIV care continuum has provided a useful framework for tracking progress towards the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) HIV-testing and HIV-treatment goals, and helped to guide a growing body of research to better understand and intervene at one or more steps in the continuum. Yet, there are some aspects of entering and remaining in HIV care that are relatively less studied than other areas, and merit urgent attention. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 38841 Accelerating Improvements in the HIV Care Continuum (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis PA-14-132 National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS PA-14-130 07-May2015 275,000 USD Christopher Gordon, Ph.D. 301-443-1613 cgordon1@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-130.html 07-May-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 07-May-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 07-Jan-2017 SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) invite applications for innovative studies to address gaps in HIV care continuum research. The HIV care continuum has provided a useful framework for tracking progress towards the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) HIV-testing and HIV-treatment goals, and helped to guide a growing body of research to better understand and intervene at one or more steps in the continuum. Yet, there are some aspects of entering and remaining in HIV care that are relatively less studied than other areas, and merit urgent attention. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. Advancing Structural Level Interventions Through Enhanced Understanding of Social Determinants in HIV Prevention and Care (R01) National Institutes of Health/DHHS PA-14-133 07-May2015 Not Specified Contact Name Cynthia I. Grossman Contact Telephone 301-443-8962 Contact Email grossmanc@mail.nih.gov Sponsor Website NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 56 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Program URL http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-133.html Deadline Dates (ALL) 07-May-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 07-May-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 07-Jan-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) invite applicationsthat propose to understand and address social determinants associated with the prevention and treatment of HIV. This FOA describes two research endeavors that are unique and overlapping. The first is to characterize those social determinants that are most relevant to HIV prevention and treatment outcomes, particularly in their association with inequities in HIV risk or disease outcomes. The second is to develop and test structural interventions aimed at reducing the negative impact or maximizing positive aspects of social determinants. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 38844 Advancing Structural Level Interventions Through Enhanced Understanding of Social Determinants in HIV Prevention and Care (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institutes of Health/DHHS 07-May2015 275,000 USD Cynthia I. Grossman 301-443-8962 grossmanc@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-134.html 07-May-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 07-May-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 07-Jan-2017 SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) invite applicationsthat propose to understand and address social determinants associated with the prevention and treatment of HIV. This FOA describes two research endeavors that are unique and overlapping. The first is to characterize those social determinants that are most relevant to HIV prevention and treatment outcomes, particularly in their association with inequities in HIV risk or disease outcomes. The second is to develop and test structural interventions aimed at reducing the negative impact or maximizing positive aspects of social determinants. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 38847 Prevention and Treatment of Substance Using Populations with or at Risk for HCV (R01) National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) PA-14-134 PA-14-137 07-May2015 Not Specified Will Aklin, Ph.D. 301-443-3207 aklinwm@nida.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-137.html 05-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) invites applications for research focused on prevention and treatment of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) to reduce new infections and identify and treat existing infections more effectively. This FOA is informed by priority areas in the 2011 HHS Action Plan, Combating the Silent Epidemic of Viral Hepatitis: Action Plan for the Prevention, Care and Treatment of Viral Hepatitis. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 38850 Prevention and Treatment of Substance Using Populations with or at Risk for HCV (R21) National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) PA-14-136 07-May2015 275,000 USD Will Aklin, Ph.D. 301-443-3207 aklinwm@nida.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-136.html 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 57 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) invites applications for research focused on prevention and treatment of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) to reduce new infections and identify and treat existing infections more effectively. This FOA is informed by priority areas in the 2011 HHS Action Plan, Combating the Silent Epidemic of Viral Hepatitis: Action Plan for the Prevention, Care and Treatment of Viral Hepatitis. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 38854 Neuroimmune Mechanisms of Alcohol Related Disorders (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS PA-14-139 07-May2015 Not Specified Changhai Cui, PhD 301-443-1678 changhai.cui@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-139.html 05-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) invites applications that propose to study the neuroimmune mechanisms of alcoholrelated disorders. Studies using animal models and post-mortem human alcoholic brains suggest that alcohol exposure alters the neuroimmune system in the brain. However, it remains unclear how the altered neuroimmune signaling contributes to brain functional and behavioral changes associated with alcohol dependence. Recent studies reveal that neuroimmune molecules are expressed in neurons and glia, and play an important role in modulating synaptic function, neurodevelopment, and neuroendocrine function. These neuromodulatory properties, together with their essential roles in neuroinflammation, provide a new frame work to understand the role of neuroimmune factors in mediating neuroadaptation and behavioral phenotypes associated with alcohol use disorders. Studies supported by this FOA will provide fundamental insights of neuroimmune mechanisms underlying brain functional and behavioral changes induced by alcohol. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 38858 Neuroimmune Mechanisms of Alcohol Related Disorders (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS PA-14-138 07-May2015 Not Specified Changhai Cui, PhD 301-443-1678 changhai.cui@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-138.html 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) invites applications that propose to study the neuroimmune mechanisms of alcoholrelated disorders. Studies using animal models and post-mortem human alcoholic brains suggest that alcohol exposure alters the neuroimmune system in the brain. However, it remains unclear how the altered neuroimmune signaling contributes to brain functional and behavioral changes associated with alcohol dependence. Recent studies reveal that neuroimmune molecules are expressed in neurons and glia, and play an important role in modulating synaptic function, neurodevelopment, and neuroendocrine function. These neuromodulatory properties, together with their essential roles in neuroinflammation, provide a new frame work to understand the role of neuroimmune factors in mediating neuroadaptation and behavioral phenotypes associated with alcohol use disorders. Studies supported by this FOA will provide fundamental insights of neuroimmune mechanisms underlying brain functional and behavioral changes induced by alcohol. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 38880 Community Partnerships to Advance Research (CPAR) (R01) National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS PA-14-142 07-May2015 Not Specified Contact Name Donna Jo McCloskey, RN, PhD NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 58 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount 301-594-5971 mccloskd@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-142.html 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 05Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) invites applications to partner with communities using Community Engaged Research (CEnR) methodologies that will enhance relationships leading to better interventions and positive health outcomes. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 38881 Community Partnerships to Advance Research (CPAR) (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS PA-14-141 07-May2015 275,000 USD Donna Jo McCloskey, RN, PhD 301-594-5971 mccloskd@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-141.html 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 16Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) invites applications to partner with communities using Community Engaged Research (CEnR) methodologies that will enhance relationships leading to better interventions and positive health outcomes. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 38882 Community Partnerships to Advance Research (CPAR) (R15) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS PA-14-141 07-May2015 300,000 USD Donna Jo McCloskey, RN, PhD 301-594-5971 mccloskd@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-140.html 07-May-2015; 25-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 25-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 25-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 25-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 25-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 25Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) invites applications to partner with communities using Community Engaged Research (CEnR) methodologies that will enhance relationships leading to better interventions and positive health outcomes. This FOA will use the NIH R15 Academic Research Enhancement Award (AREA) grant mechanism. 38899 Establishing Behavioral and Social Measures for Causal Pathway Research in Dental, Oral and Craniofacial Health (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-143 07-May2015 Not Specified Melissa Riddle, PhD 301-451-3888 riddleme@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-143.html NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 59 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Deadline Dates (ALL) 05-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) invites applications for the establishment of measures of specific behavioral or social phenomena that can be used to test causal hypotheses about behavioral and social contributors to dental, oral or craniofacial diseases. This announcement encourages the development and testing--or the adaptation and testing--of two types of measures: 1) measures of the health behaviors, social interactions, community characteristics, built environments, etc., targeted by behavioral or social interventions to improve oral health; and/or 2) measures of the hypothesized moderators and mediators of a behavioral or social intervention's effect. Regardless of the type of measure being developed, applications should establish reliability and validity of the measure, and demonstrate acceptability of using the measure with the target population. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 38900 Establishing Behavioral and Social Measures for Causal Pathway Research in Dental, Oral and Craniofacial Health (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-144 07-May2015 275,000 USD Melissa Riddle, PhD 301-451-3888 riddleme@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-144.html 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) invites applications for the establishment of measures of specific behavioral or social phenomena that can be used to test causal hypotheses about behavioral and social contributors to dental, oral or craniofacial diseases. This announcement encourages the development and testing--or the adaptation and testing--of two types of measures: 1) measures of the health behaviors, social interactions, community characteristics, built environments, etc., targeted by behavioral or social interventions to improve oral health; and/or 2) measures of the hypothesized moderators and mediators of a behavioral or social intervention's effect. Regardless of the type of measure being developed, applications should establish reliability and validity of the measure, and demonstrate acceptability of using the measure with the target population. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 39092 Early Stage Development of Technologies in Biomedical Computing, Informatics, and Big Data Science (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Human Genome Research Institute/NIH/DHHS PA-14-155 07-May2015 900,000 USD Vivien Bonazzi, Ph.D. 301-451-8276 bonazziv@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-155.html 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 05Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH)and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications for research and development of technologies in biomedical computing, informatics, and Big Data Science that will support rapid progress in areas of scientific opportunity in biomedical research. It is expected that this research and development is conducted in the context of important biomedical and behavioral research problems. As such, applications are intended to develop enabling technologies that could apply to the interests of most NIH Institutes and Centers and range from basic biomedicine and including research to all relevant organ systems and diseases. Major themes of research include collaborative environments; data integration; analysis and modeling methodologies; and novel computer science and statistical approaches. New opportunities are also emerging as large and complex data sets are becoming increasingly available to the research community. This initiative aims to address biomedical research areas in biomedical computing, informatics, and Big Data science through the early stage development of new software, tools and related resources, as well as the fundamental research (e.g., methodologies and approaches) leading up to that development. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 60 SPIN ID 39093 Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Extended Development, Hardening and Dissemination of Technologies in Biomedical Computing, Informatics and Big Data Science (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Human Genome Research Institute/NIH/DHHS Sponsor Number PA-14-156 Deadline Date 07-May2015 Funding Amount Not Specified Vivien Bonazzi, Ph.D. 301-451-8276 bonazziv@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-156.html 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 05Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH)and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications for the extended development, maintenance, testing, evaluation, hardening and dissemination of existing biomedical software. The NIH is interested in promoting a broad base of research and development of technologies in biomedical computing, informatics, and Big Data Science that will support rapid progress in areas of scientific opportunity in biomedical research. It is expected that this research and development is conducted in the context of important biomedical and behavioral research problems and that domain researchers are consulted to make sure that the software is relevant to users. As such, applications are intended to develop enabling technologies that could apply to the interests of most NIH Institutes and Centers and range from basic biomedicine and including research to all relevant organ systems and diseases. Major themes of research include collaborative environments; data integration; analysis and modeling methodologies; and novel computer science and statistical approaches. New opportunities are also emerging as large and complex data sets are becoming increasingly available to the research community. The proposed work should apply best practices and proven methods for software design, construction, and implementation to extend the applicability of existing technologies in biomedical computing, informatics and big data science to a broader biomedical research community. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 39094 Temporal Dynamics of Neurophysiological Patterns as Potential Targets for Treating Cognitive Deficits in Brain Disorders (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-153 07-May2015 Not Specified Bettina D. Osborn, Ph.D. 301-443-1576 osbornb@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-153.html 05-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) invite applications to test whether modifying electrophysiological patterns during behavior can improve cognitive abilities. Applications should use experimental designs that incorporate active manipulations to address at least one, and ideally more, of the following topics: (1) in behaving animals, determine which parameters of neural coordination, when manipulated in isolation, improve particular aspects of cognition; (2) in animals or humans, determine how particular abnormalities at the cellular or molecular level, such as specific receptor dysfunction, affect the coordination of electrophysiological patterns during behavior; (3) determine whether in vivo, systems-level electrophysiological changes in behaving animals predict analogous electrophysiological and cognitive improvements in normal humans or clinical populations; and (4) use systems-level computational modeling to develop a principled understanding of the function and mechanisms by which oscillatory and other electrophysiological temporal dynamic patterns unfold across the brain (cortically and subcortically) to impact cognition. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 39097 Temporal Dynamics of Neurophysiological Patterns as Potential Targets for Treating Cognitive Deficits in Brain Disorders (R21) National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-158 07-May2015 275,000 USD Contact Name Bettina D. Osborn, Ph.D. Contact Telephone 301-443-1576 NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 61 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Contact Email osbornb@mail.nih.gov Sponsor Website Program URL http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-158.html Deadline Dates (ALL) 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) invite applications to test whether modifying electrophysiological patterns during behavior can improve cognitive abilities. Applications should use experimental designs that incorporate active manipulations to address at least one, and ideally more, of the following topics: (1) in behaving animals, determine which parameters of neural coordination, when manipulated in isolation, improve particular aspects of cognition; (2) in animals or humans, determine how particular abnormalities at the cellular or molecular level, such as specific receptor dysfunction, affect the coordination of electrophysiological patterns during behavior; (3) determine whether in vivo, systems-level electrophysiological changes in behaving animals predict analogous electrophysiological and cognitive improvements in normal humans or clinical populations; and (4) use systems-level computational modeling to develop a principled understanding of the function and mechanisms by which oscillatory and other electrophysiological temporal dynamic patterns unfold across the brain (cortically and subcortically) to impact cognition. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 39290 Translational Research to Help Older Adults Maintain their Health and Independence in National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS the Community (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) PA-14-161 07-May2015 Not Specified Jonathan W. King, Ph.D. 301-402-4156 kingjo@nia.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-161.html 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 05Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Aging (NIA) and National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) invite applications for translational research that moves evidence-based research findings toward the development of new interventions, programs, policies, practices, and tools that can be used by organizations in the community to help older adults remain healthy and independent, productively engaged, and living in their own homes and communities. The goal of this FOA is to support translational research involving collaborations between academic research centers and community-based organizations with expertise serving or engaging older adults (such as city and state health departments, city/town leadership councils, educational institutions, workplaces, Area Agencies on Aging, and organizations funded or assisted by the Corporation for National and Community Service) that will enhance our understanding of practical tools, techniques, programs and policies that communities across the nation can use to more effectively respond to needs of the aging population. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 39292 Translational Research to Help Older Adults Maintain their Health and Independence in National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS the Community (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) PA-14-159 07-May2015 275,000 USD Jonathan W. King, Ph.D. 301-402-4156 kingjo@nia.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-159.html 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 16Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Aging (NIA) and National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) invite applications for translational research that moves evidence-based research findings toward the development of new interventions, programs, policies, practices, and tools that can be used NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 62 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount by organizations in the community to help older adults remain healthy and independent, productively engaged, and living in their own homes and communities. The goal of this FOA is to support translational research involving collaborations between academic research centers and community-based organizations with expertise serving or engaging older adults (such as city and state health departments, city/town leadership councils, educational institutions, workplaces, Area Agencies on Aging, and organizations funded or assisted by the Corporation for National and Community Service) that will enhance our understanding of practical tools, techniques, programs and policies that communities across the nation can use to more effectively respond to needs of the aging population. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 39460 Effects of Cannabis Use and Cannabinoids on the Developing Brain (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS PA-14-163 07-May2015 Not Specified Da-Yu Wu, PhD 301-435-4649 wudy@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-163.html 05-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) invites applications to study the effects and functional consequences of cannabis and cannabinoid exposures on the developing brain, from pre-, peri-, post-natal development through young adulthood in animal models and humans. Topics of interest pertaining to this FOA include, but are not limited to: molecular and cellular mechanisms of cannabis/cannabinoid effects on the developing brain; long term functional consequences of cannabis/cannabinoid exposure on learning and memory, cognitive and emotional development. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 39463 Effects of Cannabis Use and Cannabinoids on the Developing Brain (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS PA-14-162 07-May2015 275,000 USD Da-Yu Wu, PhD 301-435-4649 wudy@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-162.html 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) invites applications to study the effects and functional consequences of cannabis and cannabinoid exposures on the developing brain, from pre-, peri-, post-natal development through young adulthood in animal models and humans. Topics of interest pertaining to this FOA include, but are not limited to: molecular and cellular mechanisms of cannabis/cannabinoid effects on the developing brain; long term functional consequences of cannabis/cannabinoid exposure on learning and memory, cognitive and emotional development. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 39465 Effects of Cannabis Use and Cannabinoids on the Developing Brain (R03) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS PA-14-164 07-May2015 100,000 USD Da-Yu Wu, PhD 301-435-4649 wudy@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-164.html NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 63 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Deadline Dates (ALL) 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) invites applications to study the effects and functional consequences of cannabis and cannabinoid exposures on the developing brain, from pre-, peri-, post-natal development through young adulthood in animal models and humans. Topics of interest pertaining to this FOA include, but are not limited to: molecular and cellular mechanisms of cannabis/cannabinoid effects on the developing brain; long term functional consequences of cannabis/cannabinoid exposure on learning and memory, cognitive and emotional development. This FOA will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. 39833 Healthy Habits: Timing for Developing Sustainable Healthy Behaviors in Children and Adolescents (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS PA-14-177 07-May2015 Not Specified Mr. Ron Wertz 301-594-2870 wertzr@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-177.html 07-May-2014; 05-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: The sponsors invite applications that employ innovative research to identify mechanisms of influence and/or promote positive sustainable health behavior(s) in children and youth (birth to age 21). Positive health behaviors may include: developing healthy sleep patterns, developing effective self-regulation strategies, adaptive decision-making in risk situations, practicing proper dental hygiene, eating a balanced and nutritious diet, engaging in age-appropriate physical activity and/or participating in healthy relationships. Applications to promote positive health behavior(s) should target social and cultural factors, including, but not limited to: schools, families, communities, population, food industry, age-appropriate learning tools and games, social media, social networking, technology and mass media. Topics to be addressed in this announcement include: effective, sustainable processes for influencing young people to make healthy behavior choices; identification of the appropriate stage of influence for learning sustainable lifelong health behaviors; the role of technology and new media in promoting healthy behavior; identification of factors that support healthy behavior development in vulnerable populations, identification of barriers to healthy behaviors; and, identification of mechanisms and mediators that are common to the development of a range of habitual health behaviors. Given the many factors involved in developing sustainable health behaviors, applications from multidisciplinary teams are strongly encouraged. The ultimate goal of this FOA is to promote research that identifies and enhances processes that promote sustainable positive behavior or changes social and cultural norms that influence health and future health behaviors. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 39834 Healthy Habits: Timing for Developing Sustainable Healthy Behaviors in Children and Adolescents (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS PA-14-176 07-May2015 275,000 USD Mr. Ron Wertz 301-594-2870 wertzr@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-176.html 07-May-2014; 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: The sponsors invite applications that employ innovative research to identify mechanisms of influence and/or promote positive sustainable health behavior(s) in children and youth (birth to age 21). Positive health behaviors may include: developing healthy sleep patterns, developing effective self-regulation strategies, adaptive decision-making in risk situations, practicing proper dental hygiene, eating a balanced and nutritious diet, engaging in age-appropriate physical activity and/or participating in healthy relationships. Applications to promote positive health behavior(s) should target social and cultural factors, including, but not limited to: schools, families, communities, population, food industry, age-appropriate learning tools and games, social media, social networking, technology and mass media. Topics to be addressed in this announcement include: effective, sustainable processes for influencing young people to NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 64 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount make healthy behavior choices; identification of the appropriate stage of influence for learning sustainable lifelong health behaviors; the role of technology and new media in promoting healthy behavior; identification of factors that support healthy behavior development in vulnerable populations, identification of barriers to healthy behaviors; and, identification of mechanisms and mediators that are common to the development of a range of habitual health behaviors. Given the many factors involved in developing sustainable health behaviors, applications from multidisciplinary teams are strongly encouraged. The ultimate goal of this FOA is to promote research that identifies and enhances processes that promote sustainable positive behavior or changes social and cultural norms that influence health and future health behaviors. This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 39884 Clinical Trial Planning Grant for Interventions and Services to Improve Treatment and Prevention of HIV/AIDS (R34) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 39886 PA-14-179 07-May2015 450,000 USD Elizabeth Flanagan, MPH 301-451-7324 elizabeth.flanagan@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-179.html 07-May-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 07-May-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 07-May-2017 SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) invite applications that propose completion of planning, design, and collection of preliminary data in order to 1) support efforts to prevent acquisition and transmission of HIV infection, or to 2) improve treatment and care for persons who are HIV infected, or both 1) and 2). Awards are limited to 3 years and may include 1) the development and/or pilot testing of interventions, 2) the adaptation and/or pilot testing of interventions with demonstrated efficacy for use in broader scale effectiveness trials, or 3) innovative services research that require preliminary testing. This FOA will use the NIH 34 Planning Grant award mechanism. mHealth Tools for Individuals with Chronic Conditions to Promote Effective PatientProvider Communication, Adherence to Treatment and Self-Management (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases/NIH/DHHS National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS PA-14-180 07-May2015 Not Specified Donna McCloskey, RN, Ph.D. 301-594-5971 mccloskd@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-180.html 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 05Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) and National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) invite applications to stimulate research utilizing Mobile Health (mHealth) tools aimed at the improvement of effective patient–provider communication, adherence to treatment and self-management of chronic diseases in underserved populations. With the rapid expansion of cellular networks and substantial advancements in Smartphone technologies, it is now possible - and affordable - to transmit patient data digitally from remote areas to specialists in urban areas, receive real-time feedback, and capture that consultation in a database. These mHealth tools, therefore, may facilitate more timely and effective patient-provider communication through education communication around goal setting, treatment reminders, feedback on patient progress and may improve health outcomes. This announcement encourages the development, testing and comparative effective analysis of interventions utilizing mHealth technologies. There is also an interest in studying mHealth technologies in underserved populations. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 39889 mHealth Tools for Individuals with Chronic Conditions to Promote Effective PatientProvider Communication, Adherence to Treatment and Self-Management (R21) National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS PA-14-181 07-May2015 275,000 USD Contact Name Donna McCloskey, RN, Ph.D. Contact Telephone 301-594-5971 Contact Email mccloskd@mail.nih.gov Sponsor Website NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 65 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Program URL http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-181.html Deadline Dates (ALL) 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 16Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) and National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) invite applications to stimulate research utilizing Mobile Health (mHealth) tools aimed at the improvement of effective patient–provider communication, adherence to treatment and self-management of chronic diseases in underserved populations. With the rapid expansion of cellular networks and substantial advancements in Smartphone technologies, it is now possible - and affordable - to transmit patient data digitally from remote areas to specialists in urban areas, receive real-time feedback, and capture that consultation in a database. These mHealth tools, therefore, may facilitate more timely and effective patient-provider communication through education communication around goal setting, treatment reminders, feedback on patient progress and may improve health outcomes. This announcement encourages the development, testing and comparative effective analysis of interventions utilizing mHealth technologies. There is also an interest in studying mHealth technologies in underserved populations. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 39891 Exploratory Clinical Trials of Mind and Body Interventions for NCCAM High Priority Research Topics (R34) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-182 07-May2015 450,000 USD Wendy Weber, N.D., Ph.D., M.P.H. 301-402-1272 weberwj@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-182.html 07-Jan-2015; 10-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 10-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 09-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 10-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 10-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 11Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 10-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 10-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) invites applications for early phase clinical trials of mind and body approaches for conditions that have been identified by NCCAM as high priority research topics. This funding opportunity is intended to support exploratory clinical trials, which will provide data that are critical for the planning and design of a subsequent controlled cohort study, clinical efficacy or effectiveness study, or a pragmatic trial. The data collected should be used to fill gaps in scientific knowledge necessary to develop a competitive full-scale clinical trial. This FOA is not appropriate for support of randomized clinical trials to test or determine efficacy or effectiveness. Applications that propose solely to write a protocol or manual of operations or to develop infrastructure for a clinical trial are not appropriate for this announcement. The subsequent larger trial should have the potential to make a significant impact on public health. This FOA will use the NIH R34 Planning Grant award mechanism. 39974 Revision Applications for NIDCR-funded Cooperative Agreements (U01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-187 07-May2015 Not Specified James Drummond, DDS, PHD 301-402-4243 drummondj@nidcr.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-187.html 07-Jul-2014; 28-Jul-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) invites submission of revision applications for active, NIDCR-funded U01 awards. The NIDCR uses the U01 Cooperative Agreement funding mechanism for a variety of projects requiring significant input from and oversight by NIDCR program staff. Although some requests for expansion/redirection of a project that are considered within the scope of the original specific aims can be handled administratively, more substantial changes in direction and increases in funding require peer review. This FOA will utilize the NIH U01 Research Project – Cooperative Agreements award mechanism. 40010 Epidemiology and Prevention in Alcohol Research (R01) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 PA-14-190 07-May- Not Specified Page 66 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Deadline Date Funding Amount 2015 Marcia Scott, Ph.D. 301-402-6328 mscott@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-190.html 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 05-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) invites applications for research investigating the epidemiology of alcohol use, alcoholrelated harms, and alcohol use disorders and the prevention of underage drinking, alcohol-related harms, and alcohol use disorders. This program will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS 40012 Epidemiology and Prevention in Alcohol Research (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) PA-14-188 07-May2015 275,000 USD Marcia Scott, Ph.D. 301-402-6328 mscott@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-188.html 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 16-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) invites applications for research investigating the epidemiology of alcohol use, alcoholrelated harms, and alcohol use disorders and the prevention of underage drinking, alcohol-related harms, and alcohol use disorders. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS 40013 Epidemiology and Prevention in Alcohol Research (R03) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) PA-14-189 07-May2015 100,000 USD Marcia Scott, Ph.D. 301-402-6328 mscott@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-189.html 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 16Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 16-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) invites applications for research investigating the epidemiology of alcohol use, alcoholrelated harms, and alcohol use disorders and the prevention of underage drinking, alcohol-related harms, and alcohol use disorders. This FOA will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. 40543 Long-Term Retention in Care for U.S. Substance Using Populations (R01) National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS PA-14-224 07-May2015 Not Specified Contact Name Will Aklin, Ph.D. Contact Telephone 301-443-3207 Contact Email aklinwm@nida.nih.gov NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 67 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Sponsor Website Program URL http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-224.html Deadline Dates (ALL) 07-Sep-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 07-May-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 07-May-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) invites applications for research on long-term retention in care leading to sustained viral suppression among substance abusers. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 40544 Long-Term Retention in Care for U.S. Substance Using Populations (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis PA-14-223 07-May2015 275,000 USD Will Aklin, Ph.D. 301-443-3207 aklinwm@nida.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-223.html 07-Sep-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 07-May-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 07-May-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 07-May-2017 SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) invites applications for research on long-term retention in care leading to sustained viral suppression among substance abusers. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 40731 Advancing Research in Voice Disorders (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS National Institute on Deafness & Other Communication Disorders/NIH/DHHS PA-14-236 07-May2015 Not Specified Lana Shekim, Ph.D. 301-496-5061 shekiml@nidcd.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-236.html 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 05-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) invites applications that are focused on advancing our scientific knowledge of the Human Larynx and Human Voice Production in Health and Disease and optimal ways to prevent, evaluate, diagnose and clinically manage voice disorders. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 40738 Advancing Research in Voice Disorders (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Deafness & Other Communication Disorders/NIH/DHHS PA-14-235 07-May2015 275,000 USD Lana Shekim, Ph.D. 301-496-5061 shekiml@nidcd.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-235.html 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 16-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) invites applications that are focused on advancing our scientific knowledge of the Human Larynx and Human Voice Production in Health and Disease and optimal ways to prevent, evaluate, diagnose and clinically manage voice disorders. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 68 SPIN ID Opportunity Title 41131 Basic Research on HIV Persistence (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis PAR-14-247 Deadline Date 07-May2015 Funding Amount Not Specified http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-247.html 07-Sep-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 07-May-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 07-May-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 07-Jan-2017 SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invites applications for hypothesis-driven basic research to increase our understanding of persistent HIV-1 infection in patients under highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART). The emphasis of this initiative is on the development of new ideas and approaches in HIV-1 persistence including model and assay development that may directly inform future studies on the design of therapeutic strategies to achieve long term remission without treatment or a complete eradication of residual virus and complete cure for HIV infection and AIDS. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-248 07-May2015 275,000 USD Karl Salzwedel, Ph.D. 301-496-5332 salzwedelk@niaid.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-248.html 07-Sep-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 07-May-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 07-May-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 07-Jan-2017 SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invites applications for hypothesis-driven basic research to increase our understanding of persistent HIV-1 infection in patients under highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART). The emphasis of this initiative is on the development of new ideas and approaches in HIV-1 persistence including model and assay development that may directly inform future studies on the design of therapeutic strategies to achieve long term remission without treatment or a complete eradication of residual virus and complete cure for HIV infection and AIDS. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 41226 Multidisciplinary Studies of HIV and Viral Hepatitis Co-Infection (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases/NIH/DHHS Sponsor Number Karl Salzwedel, Ph.D. 301-496-5332 salzwedelk@niaid.nih.gov 41132 Basic Research on HIV Persistence (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Name National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-255 07-May2015 Not Specified Susan Brobst, Ph.D. 240-627-3094 sbrobst@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-255.html 07-Sep-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 07-May-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 07-May-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 07-May-2017 SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications for research to fill gaps in our understanding of a) the pathogenic interactions between HIV and hepatitis viruses, b) co-morbidities associated with HIV/hepatitis virus co-infection, and c) the effectiveness of interferon-free direct-acting antiviral drug regimens to treat HIV/HCV co-infection. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 41229 Multidisciplinary Studies of HIV and Viral Hepatitis Co-Infection (R21) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-254 07-May2015 275,000 USD Contact Name Susan Brobst, Ph.D. NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 69 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Name Deadline Date Funding Amount 240-627-3094 sbrobst@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-254.html 07-Sep-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 07-May-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 07-May-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 07-May-2017 SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications for research to fill gaps in our understanding of a) the pathogenic interactions between HIV and hepatitis viruses, b) co-morbidities associated with HIV/hepatitis virus co-infection, and c) the effectiveness of interferon-free direct-acting antiviral drug regimens to treat HIV/HCV co-infection. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases/NIH/DHHS 41804 NIDDK Mentored Research Scientist Development Award (K01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Sponsor Number PAR-14-266 07-May2015 115,000 USD James Hyde, Ph.D. 301-594-7692 hydej@mail.nih.gov http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-266.html 18-Aug-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 12-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 12-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 12-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 12-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 12-Feb-2016; 07May-2016; 12-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 12-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 12-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 12-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) invites applications for Mentored Research Scientist Development Awards (K01). The awards provide support and “protected time” (three, four, or five years) for an intensive, supervised career development experience in the biomedical, behavioral, or clinical sciences leading to research independence. The NIDDK invites K01 applications from advanced postdoctoral and/or newly independent research scientists (usually with a Ph.D. degree) in biomedical or behavioral sciences who are pursuing careers in research areas supported by the NIDDK. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) will utilize the NIH Mentored Research Scientist Development Award (K01) mechanism. 41872 International Research Collaboration on Alcohol and Alcoholism (U01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-268 07-May2015 1,250,000 USD Peggy Murray, PhD 301-443-2594 pmurray@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-268.html 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 06-Jun-2016; 07Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 05-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) invites applications for the purpose of fostering international collaborations between alcohol research investigators within the United States and investigators located at non-United States laboratories and performance sites for the mutual advancement of our understanding of alcohol problems and of clinical and public health approaches to their solutions. The program is intended to provide funds for research activities to be undertaken jointly between the U.S. and non-U.S. laboratory that expands the research direction of both the U.S. and non-U.S. laboratories in a collaborative manner. This FOA will utilize the NIH U01 Research Project – Cooperative Agreement award mechanism. 41885 Innovative Therapies and Clinical Studies for Screenable Disorders (R21) National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-269 07-May2015 275,000 USD Contact Name Tiina Urv, PhD Contact Telephone 301-402-7015 Contact Email urvtiin@mail.nih.gov NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 70 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Sponsor Website Program URL http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-269.html Deadline Dates (ALL) 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 16-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: The sponsor invites applications from institutions/ organizations that propose research relevant to the basic understanding and development of therapeutic interventions for currently screened conditions and “high priority” genetic conditions for which screening could be possible in the near future. In this FOA, a “high priority” condition is one for which the development of an efficacious therapy would make the condition amenable to newborn screening. This PAR will use the NIH exploratory/developmental research grant (R21) award mechanism. 41888 Innovative Therapies and Tools for Screenable Disorders in Newborns (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-270 07-May2015 Not Specified Tiina Urv, PhD 301-402-7015 urvtiin@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-270.html 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 05-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: The sponsor invite applications from institutions/ organizations that propose research relevant to the basic understanding and development of therapeutic interventions for currently screened conditions and “high priority” genetic conditions for which screening could be possible in the near future. In this FOA, a “high priority” condition is one for which the development of an efficacious therapy would make the condition amenable to newborn screening. This program will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 41890 Innovative Therapies and Tools for Screenable Disorders in Newborns (R03) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-271 07-May2015 100,000 USD Tiina Urv, PhD 301-402-7015 urvtiin@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-271.html 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 16-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: The sponsor invites applications from institutions/ organizations that propose research relevant to the basic understanding and development of therapeutic interventions for currently screened conditions and “high priority” genetic conditions for which screening could be possible in the near future. In this FOA, a “high priority” condition is one for which the development of an efficacious therapy would make the condition amenable to newborn screening.The R03 grant mechanism supports different types of projects including pilot and feasibility studies; secondary analysis of existing data; small, self-contained research projects; development of research methodology; and development of new research technology. The R03 is intended to support small research projects that can be carried out in a short period of time with limited resources. This program will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. 42027 Discovery of in vivo Chemical Probes (R01) National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-279 07-May2015 Not Specified Contact Name Enrique L. Michelotti, Ph.D. Contact Telephone 301-443 5415 Contact Email michelottiel@mail.nih.gov NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 71 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Sponsor Website Program URL http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-279.html Deadline Dates (ALL) 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 05-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications to stimulate research in 1) discovery and development of novel, small molecules for their potential use in studying disease treatment relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes, and 2) discovery and/or validation of novel, biological targets that will inform studies of disease mechanisms. Emphasis will be placed on assays that provide new insight into important disease targets and processes. This FOA intends to support investigators who have interest and capability to join efforts for the discovery of in vivo chemical probes. It is expected that applicants will have in hand the starting compounds (“validated hits”) for chemical optimization and bioassays for testing new analog compounds. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 42157 High Throughput Screening (HTS) to Discover Chemical Probes (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-284 07-May2015 Not Specified Yong Yao, Ph.D. 301-443-6102 yyao@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-284.html 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 05-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications to form collaborations with an established academic, nonprofit, or commercial high throughput screening (HTS) facility that has the requisite expertise and experience to implement HTS-ready assays for the discovery and development of small molecule chemical probes. Through this FOA, NIH wishes to stimulate research in 1) discovery and development of novel, small molecules for their potential use in studying disease treatment relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes, and 2) discovery and/or validation of novel, biological targets that will inform studies of disease mechanisms. Emphasis will be placed on assays that provide new insight into important disease targets and processes. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 42159 High Throughput Screening (HTS) to Discover Chemical Probes (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-283 07-May2015 275,000 USD Yong Yao, Ph.D. 301-443-6102 yyao@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-283.html 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 05-Feb-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 16-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications to form collaborations with an established academic, nonprofit, or commercial high throughput screening (HTS) facility that has the requisite expertise and experience to implement HTS-ready assays for the discovery and development of small molecule chemical probes. Through this FOA, NIH wishes to stimulate research in 1) discovery and development of novel, small molecules for their potential use in studying disease treatment relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes, and 2) discovery and/or validation of novel, biological targets that will inform studies of disease mechanisms. Emphasis will be placed on assays that provide new insight into important disease targets and processes. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 42236 Blueprint Neurotherapeutics Network (BPN): Small Molecule Drug Discovery and Development for Disorders of the Nervous System (UH2/UH3) National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke/NIH/DHHS NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 PAR-14-293 07-May2015 Not Specified Page 72 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Rebecca Farkas, PhD 301-496-1779 farkasr@ninds.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-293.html 21-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 11-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 11-Aug-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 11-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 11-Aug-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 08-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers ifrom neuroscience investigators seeking support to advance their small molecule drug discovery and development projects into the clinic. Participants in the BPN receive funding for activities to be conducted in their own laboratories and the opportunity to collaborate with NIH-funded consultants and contract research organizations (CROs) that specialize in medicinal chemistry, pharmacokinetics, toxicology, formulations development, chemical synthesis under Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), and Phase I clinical testing. Projects can enter either at the Discovery stage, to optimize well-validated hit compounds through medicinal chemistry, or at the Development stage, to advance development candidates through Investigational New Drug (IND)-enabling toxicology studies and phase I clinical testing. Projects that enter at the Discovery stage and meet their milestones may continue on through Development. BPN participants receive intellectual property rights to drug candidates developed through the program. This FOA will use the NIH UH2/UH3 Phase Innovation Awards Cooperative Agreement award mechanism. 42315 Arts-Based Approaches in Palliative Care for Symptom Management (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-294 07-May2015 900,000 USD D. Lee Alekel, PhD 301-443-8374 Lee.Alekel@nih.gov http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-294.html 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 05-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications for mechanistic clinical studies aimed at understanding the impact of arts-based approaches in palliative care for symptom management. This FOA is intended to support mechanistic clinical studies to provide an evidence base for the use of the arts in palliative care for symptom management. The objective is to understand the biological, physiological, neurological, psychological, and/or sociological mechanisms by which the arts exert their effects on symptom management during and throughout the palliative care continuum. The goal is for the research supported under this FOA to develop an evidence-base that could be used as a basis for the uptake of arts-based therapies in palliative care settings, among individuals across the lifespan, with a wide variety of serious chronic conditions and their accompanying symptoms. This FOA is not intended to determine efficacy or the comparative effectiveness of interventions, or to assess interventions designed to treat the underlying cause of a particular disease state. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 42355 NINDS CREATE Devices: Translational and Clinical Studies on the Path to 510(k) (UH2/UH3) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-295 07-May2015 Not Specified Stephanie Fertig 301-496-1779 fertigs@ninds.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-295.html 21-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 11-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 11-Aug-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 11-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 11-Aug-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 08-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 73 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) invites applications for translational and clinical studies for therapeutic devices to treat neurological disorders. The program will utilize a cooperative agreement mechanism to support the submission of an Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) or IRB approval for a Non-Significant Risk (NSR) study and the following clinical study. It is expected the immediate next steps upon completion of the clinical study will be a 510(k)/510(k) De Novo submission or a larger clinical trial that will lead directly to a 510(k)/510(k) De Novo submission. Activities supported in this program include implementation of clinical prototype devices, preclinical safety and efficacy testing, design verification and validation activities, pursuit of regulatory approval for the clinical study, and a small clinical study. This FOA will use the NIH UH2/UH3 Phase Innovation Awards Cooperative Agreement award mechanism. 42357 NINDS CREATE Devices: Translational and Clinical Studies on the Path to 510(k) (U44) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-296 07-May2015 Not Specified Stephanie Fertig 301-496-1779 fertigs@ninds.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-296.html 21-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 11-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 11-Aug-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 11-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 11-Aug-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 08-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) invites applications for translational and clinical studies for therapeutic devices to treat neurological disorders. The program will utilize a cooperative agreement mechanism to support the submission of an Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) or IRB approval for a Non-Significant Risk (NSR) study and the following clinical study. It is expected the immediate next steps upon completion of the clinical study will be a 510(k)/510(k) De Novo submission or a larger clinical trial that will lead directly to a 510(k)/510(k) De Novo submission. Activities supported in this program include implementation of clinical prototype devices, preclinical safety and efficacy testing, design verification and validation activities, pursuit of regulatory approval for the clinical study, and a small clinical study. This FOA will use the NIH U44 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) CooperativeAgreement – Fast-Track mechanism. 42358 NINDS CREATE Devices: Translational and Clinical Studies to Inform Final Device Design (UH2/UH3) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-297 07-May2015 Not Specified Stephanie Fertig 301-496-1779 fertigs@ninds.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-297.html 21-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 11-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 11-Aug-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 11-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 11-Aug-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 08-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) invites applications for translational and clinical studies for therapeutic devices to treat neurological disorders. The program will utilize a cooperative agreement mechanism to support the submission of an Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) or IRB approval for a Non-Significant Risk (NSR) study and the following clinical study. It is expected that the clinical study will inform a final device design that would have to go through most, if not all, of the preclinical testing on the path to more advanced clinical trials and market approval. This program also supports development of a device to test scientific hypotheses that are not feasible or practical to conduct in animal models, but are critical to enable nextgeneration devices. Activities supported in this program include implementation of clinical prototype devices, preclinical safety and efficacy testing, design verification and validation activities, pursuit of regulatory approval for the clinical study, and a small clinical study. This FOA will use the NIH UH2/UH3 Phase Innovation Awards Cooperative Agreement award mechanism. 42359 NINDS CREATE Devices: Translational and Early Feasibility Studies on the Path to PreMarket Approval (PMA) or Humanitarian Device Exemption (HDE) (UH2/UH3) National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-298 07-May2015 Not Specified Contact Name Stephanie Fertig NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 74 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount 301-496-1779 fertigs@ninds.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-298.html 21-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 11-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 11-Aug-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 11-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 11-Aug-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 08-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) invites applications for translational and Early Feasibility Studies for therapeutic devices to treat neurological disorders. The program will utilize a cooperative agreement mechanism to support the submission of an Investigational Device Exemption (IDE), with the option of also supporting the following Early Feasibility Study. It is expected the immediate next steps upon completion of the Early Feasibility Study will be a full Feasibility Study and a Pivotal Trial in support of a PMA (Pre-Market Approval) or HDE (Humanitarian Device Exemption). Activities supported in this program include implementation of clinical prototype devices, preclinical safety and efficacy testing, design verification and validation activities, pursuit of regulatory approval for the clinical study, and an Early Feasibility Study. This FOA will use the NIH UH2/UH3 Phase Innovation Awards Cooperative Agreement award mechanism. 42483 Molecular and Cellular Substrates of Complex Brain Disorders (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-309 07-May2015 Not Specified Chiiko Asanuma, Ph.D. 301-443-5288 casanuma@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-309.html 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 05-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) invites research grant applications directed toward the discovery of the impact of alterations associated with complex brain disorders on the fundamental cellular and molecular substrates of neuronal function. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 42484 Molecular and Cellular Substrates of Complex Brain Disorders (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-310 07-May2015 275,000 USD Chiiko Asanuma, Ph.D. 301-443-5288 casanuma@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-310.html 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 16-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) invites research grant applications directed toward the discovery of the impact of alterations associated with complex brain disorders on the fundamental cellular and molecular substrates of neuronal function. This FOA is intended to encourage exploratory and developmental research projects by providing support for the early and conceptual stages of these projects. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 42506 Patient Safety in the Context of Perinatal, Neonatal, and Pediatric Care (R01) National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/NIH/DHHS PA-14-312 07-May2015 Not Specified Contact Name Marion Koso-Thomas, M.D, MPH NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 75 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount 301-435-6873 kosomari@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-312.html 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 05-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) invites applications for a wide range of collaborative research projects related to patient safety in the context of perinatal, neonatal and pediatric care both in routine hospital settings and in the intensive care units. The FOA welcomes applications related to (but not limited to): the epidemiology of various domains of medical errors and consequent patient harm; assessing the factors at various levels that contribute to such errors; and intervention strategies at individual, systems, and institutional levels to help reduce and eliminate medical errors. It is anticipated that knowledge gained from these projects will help develop strategies to deliver highest quality of healthcare to all newborn infants and children with utmost safety and effectiveness. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 42510 Patient Safety in the Context of Perinatal, Neonatal, and Pediatric Care (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/NIH/DHHS PA-14-311 07-May2015 275,000 USD Marion Koso-Thomas, M.D, MPH 301-435-6873 kosomari@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-311.html 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 16-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) invites applications for a wide range of collaborative research projects related to patient safety in the context of perinatal, neonatal and pediatric care both in routine hospital settings and in the intensive care units. The FOA welcomes applications related to (but not limited to): the epidemiology of various domains of medical errors and consequent patient harm; assessing the factors at various levels that contribute to such errors; and intervention strategies at individual, systems, and institutional levels to help reduce and eliminate medical errors. It is anticipated that knowledge gained from these projects will help develop strategies to deliver highest quality of healthcare to all newborn infants and children with utmost safety and effectiveness. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 42511 Patient Safety in the Context of Perinatal, Neonatal, and Pediatric Care (R03) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/NIH/DHHS PA-14-313 07-May2015 100,000 USD Marion Koso-Thomas, M.D, MPH 301-435-6873 kosomari@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-313.html 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 16-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) invites applications for a wide range of collaborative research projects related to patient safety in the context of perinatal, neonatal and pediatric care both in routine hospital settings and in the intensive care units. The FOA welcomes applications related to (but not limited to): the epidemiology of various domains of medical errors and consequent patient harm; assessing the factors at various levels that contribute to such errors; and intervention strategies at individual, systems, and institutional levels to help reduce and eliminate medical errors. It is anticipated that knowledge gained from these projects will help develop strategies to deliver highest quality of healthcare to all newborn infants and children with utmost safety and effectiveness. This FOA will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 76 SPIN ID Opportunity Title 43050 Advancing Interventions to Improve Medication Adherence (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Sponsor Name Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research/NIH/DHHS Sponsor Number PA-14-334 Deadline Date 07-May2015 Funding Amount Not Specified Wendy Nilsen, PhD 301-496-0979 nilsenwj@od.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-334.html 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 05-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 05-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications that propose interventions to significantly improve medication adherence in individuals. Applications may target medication adherence in the context of treatment for a single illness or chronic condition (e.g., hypertension), to stave off a disease recurrence (e.g., cancer) or for multiple comorbid conditions (e.g., hypertension, diabetes, alcohol use disorders and HIV/AIDS). A well-articulated theoretical or conceptual framework is key for applications encouraged under this announcement. Primary outcomes of the research can include a patient self-report of medication adherence, but must also at least one non-self-report measure of medication adherence (e.g., pharmacy refill records, electronic monitoring, etc.). In addition, applications are encouraged to include a relevant health outcome or biomarker (e.g., blood pressure, viral load in HIV-infected individuals, cholesterol levels, HbA1c) that is expected to be affected by changes in the targeted adherence behavior. For diseases without identified biomarkers, inclusion of a clinical assessment (e.g., a medicine blood level, diagnostic interview or an independent clinician rating of the symptoms and behaviors) may be considered. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 43052 Advancing Interventions to Improve Medication Adherence (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research/NIH/DHHS PA-14-335 07-May2015 275,000 USD Wendy Nilsen, PhD 301-496-0979 nilsenwj@od.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-335.html 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 16-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 16-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications that propose interventions to significantly improve medication adherence in individuals. Applications may target medication adherence in the context of treatment for a single illness or chronic condition (e.g., hypertension), to stave off a disease recurrence (e.g., cancer) or for multiple comorbid conditions (e.g., hypertension, diabetes, alcohol use disorders and HIV/AIDS). A well-articulated theoretical or conceptual framework is key for applications encouraged under this announcement. Primary outcomes of the research can include a patient self-report of medication adherence, but must also at least one non-self-report measure of medication adherence (e.g., pharmacy refill records, electronic monitoring, etc.). In addition, applications are encouraged to include a relevant health outcome or biomarker (e.g., blood pressure, viral load in HIV-infected individuals, cholesterol levels, HbA1c) that is expected to be affected by changes in the targeted adherence behavior. For diseases without identified biomarkers, inclusion of a clinical assessment (e.g., a medicine blood level, diagnostic interview or an independent clinician rating of the symptoms and behaviors) may be considered. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 43137 Secondary Analyses of Existing Alcohol Epidemiology Data (R01) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-338 07-May2015 Not Specified Contact Name Wenxing Zha, Ph.D. Contact Telephone 301-443-0633 Contact Email zhaw@mail.nih.gov Sponsor Website NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 77 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Program URL http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-338.html Deadline Dates (ALL) 24-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 05-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) invites applications that propose to conduct the secondary analysis of existing data sets with the goal of enhancing our understanding of patterns of alcohol consumption and the epidemiology of alcohol-related problems. Research grants for the Secondary Analysis of Existing Alcohol Epidemiology Data Sets are intended to provide support for studies that utilize currently available data sets to increase our understanding of the incidence, prevalence and etiology of alcohol related problems and disorders in the population, as well as the risk and protective factors associated with them. Research that employs analytic techniques which demonstrate or promote methodological advances in alcohol-related epidemiologic research is also of interest. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 43139 Secondary Analyses of Existing Alcohol Epidemiology Data (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS PA-14-336 07-May2015 275,000 USD Wenxing Zha, Ph.D. 301-443-0633 zhaw@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-336.html 25-Nov-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 16-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) invites applications that propose to conduct the secondary analysis of existing data sets with the goal of enhancing our understanding of patterns of alcohol consumption and the epidemiology of alcohol-related problems. Research grants for the Secondary Analysis of Existing Alcohol Epidemiology Data Sets are intended to provide support for studies that utilize currently available data sets to increase our understanding of the incidence, prevalence and etiology of alcohol related problems and disorders in the population, as well as the risk and protective factors associated with them. Research that employs analytic techniques which demonstrate or promote methodological advances in alcohol-related epidemiologic research is also of interest. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 43142 Secondary Analyses of Existing Alcohol Epidemiology Data (R03) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS PA-14-337 07-May2015 100,000 USD Wenxing Zha, Ph.D. 301-443-0633 zhaw@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-337.html 24-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 16-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) invites applications that propose to conduct the secondary analysis of existing data sets with the goal of enhancing our understanding of patterns of alcohol consumption and the epidemiology of alcohol-related problems. Research grants for the Secondary Analysis of Existing Alcohol Epidemiology Data Sets are intended to provide support for studies that utilize currently available data sets to increase our understanding of the incidence, prevalence and etiology of alcohol related problems and disorders in the population, as well as the risk and protective factors associated with them. Research that employs analytic techniques which demonstrate or promote methodological advances in alcohol-related epidemiologic research is also of interest. This FOA will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. 43203 NIAID Career Transition Award (K22) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-341 07-May2015 Not Specified Contact Name Katrin Eichelberg, PhD NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 78 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount 301-496-0818 keichelberg@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-341.html 12-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 12-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 12-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 12-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 12-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 12-Jun-2016; 07Sep-2016; 12-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 12-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 12-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) provides support for the NIAID Research Scholar Development Award (RSDA) , which is intendedto increase and maintain a strong cohort of new and talented NIH-supported independent investigators that will address the health needs of the Nation. The NIAID RSDA is specifically designed to facilitate the transition from a postdoctoral research position to an independent research position. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) will utilize the NIH Career Transition Award (K22) mechanism. 43347 Self-Management for Health in Chronic Conditions (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS PA-14-344 07-May2015 Not Specified Karen Huss, PhD, RN, APRN-BC, FAAN, FAAAAI 301-594-5970 hussk@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-344.html 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 05-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 05-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR), National Institute on Aging (NIA), and National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) invite applications for research in self-management focused across conditions. A recent report from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) identifies the epidemic of chronic condition as the nation’s leading health challenge and calls for cross-cutting, coordinated public health actions for “living well with chronic illness”. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) addresses that recommendation by describing an initiative that focuses on self-management as a mainstream science in order to reduce the burden of chronic illnesses/conditions. Self-management is the ability of the individual, in conjunction with family, community, and healthcare professionals, to manage symptoms, treatments, lifestyle changes, and psychosocial, cultural, and spiritual consequences associated with a chronic illness or condition. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 43351 Self-Management for Health in Chronic Conditions (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS PA-14-343 07-May2015 275,000 USD Karen Huss, PhD, RN, APRN-BC, FAAN, FAAAAI 301-594-5970 hussk@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-343.html 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 16-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 16-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR), National Institute on Aging (NIA), and National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) invite applications for research in self-management focused across conditions. A recent report from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) identifies the epidemic of chronic condition as the nation’s leading health challenge and calls for cross-cutting, coordinated public health actions for “living well with chronic illness”. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) addresses that recommendation by describing an initiative that focuses on self-management as a mainstream science in order to reduce the burden of chronic illnesses/conditions. Self-management is the ability of the individual, in conjunction with family, community, and healthcare professionals, to manage symptoms, treatments, lifestyle changes, and psychosocial, cultural, and spiritual consequences associated with a chronic illness or condition. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 79 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name 43352 Self-Management for Health in Chronic Conditions (R15) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Sponsor Number National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS PA-14-345 Deadline Date 07-May2015 Funding Amount 300,000 USD Karen Huss, PhD, RN, APRN-BC, FAAN, FAAAAI 301-594-5970 hussk@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-345.html 25-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 25-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 25-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 25-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 25-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 25-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 25-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 25-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 25-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR), National Institute on Aging (NIA), and National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) invite applications for research in self-management focused across conditions. A recent report from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) identifies the epidemic of chronic condition as the nation’s leading health challenge and calls for cross-cutting, coordinated public health actions for “living well with chronic illness”. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) addresses that recommendation by describing an initiative that focuses on self-management as a mainstream science in order to reduce the burden of chronic illnesses/conditions. Self-management is the ability of the individual, in conjunction with family, community, and healthcare professionals, to manage symptoms, treatments, lifestyle changes, and psychosocial, cultural, and spiritual consequences associated with a chronic illness or condition. This FOA will use the NIH R15 Academic Research Enhancement Award mechanism. 43364 Building Genetics and Genomic Knowledge about Dental, Oral, and Craniofacial Diseases National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial and Disorders (R01) Research/NIH/DHHS Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) PA-14-347 07-May2015 Not Specified Emily L. Harris, PhD, MPH 301-594-4846 emily.harris@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-347.html 28-Nov-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 05-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 05-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) invites applications research into dental, oral, and craniofacial diseases and disorders for which there is evidence for genetic heritability but for which we do not have a strong understanding of the genetics/genomics of the disease or disorder. Applicable areas of investigation include identification of promising areas of the genome, and characterization and elucidation of the function(s) of genetic variants that affect disease risk in humans. The ultimate goal of these studies will be to drive development of effective diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventive approaches. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 43600 Studies in Neonatal and Pediatric Resuscitation (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/NIH/DHHS PA-14-350 07-May2015 Not Specified Marion Koso-Thomas, M.D, MPH 301-435-6873 kosomari@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-350.html 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 05-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 05-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) invites applications for research on a wide range of topics related to neonatal and pediatric resuscitation. Possible topics may include, but are not limited to: fetal-neonatal transitional cardiovascular and pulmonary physiology, optimizing NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 80 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount steps of resuscitation, management of third stage of labor and its effect on the fetus, resuscitation of children with malformations, effect of resuscitation on longterm outcomes and post-resuscitation practices. Applications can include epidemiological studies, studies utilizing fetal-neonatal animal models, computer or other information-technology-based simulations or study designs, clinical observational studies, analyses of pre-existing national or regional datasets, opportunistic studies, prospective randomized controlled trials, or any combinations thereof. It is anticipated that the results from well-conducted studies will enable translation of knowledge into evidence-based resuscitation practices ensuring optimal short- and long-term outcomes for all newborn infants and children. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 43616 Studies in Neonatal and Pediatric Resuscitation (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/NIH/DHHS PA-14-349 07-May2015 275,000 USD Marion Koso-Thomas, M.D, MPH 301-435-6873 kosomari@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-349.html 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 16-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 16-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) invites applications for research on a wide range of topics related to neonatal and pediatric resuscitation. Possible topics may include, but are not limited to: fetal-neonatal transitional cardiovascular and pulmonary physiology, optimizing steps of resuscitation, management of third stage of labor and its effect on the fetus, resuscitation of children with malformations, effect of resuscitation on longterm outcomes and post-resuscitation practices. Applications can include epidemiological studies, studies utilizing fetal-neonatal animal models, computer or other information-technology-based simulations or study designs, clinical observational studies, analyses of pre-existing national or regional datasets, opportunistic studies, prospective randomized controlled trials, or any combinations thereof. It is anticipated that the results from well-conducted studies will enable translation of knowledge into evidence-based resuscitation practices ensuring optimal short- and long-term outcomes for all newborn infants and children. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 43619 Studies in Neonatal and Pediatric Resuscitation (R03) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/NIH/DHHS PA-14-351 07-May2015 100,000 USD Marion Koso-Thomas, M.D, MPH 301-435-6873 kosomari@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-351.html 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 16-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 16-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) invites applications for collaborative research projects related to patient safety in the context of perinatal, neonatal and pediatric care both in routine hospital settings and in the intensive care units. The FOA welcomes applications related to (but not limited to): the epidemiology of various domains of medical errors and consequent patient harm; assessing the factors at various levels that contribute to such errors; and intervention strategies at individual, systems, and institutional-levels to help reduce and eliminate medical errors. It is anticipated that knowledge gained from these projects will help develop strategies to deliver highest quality of healthcare to all newborn infants and children with utmost safety and effectiveness. This FOA will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. 43790 Biology of the Temporomandibular Joint in Health and Disease (R01) National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research/NIH/DHHS PA-14-358 07-May2015 Not Specified Contact Name Jason Wan, PhD Contact Telephone 301-594-9898 NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 81 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Contact Email jasonwan@mail.nih.gov Sponsor Website Program URL http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-358.html Deadline Dates (ALL) 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 05-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) and National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) invite applications for research that will advance our understanding of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) in health and disease and to stimulate research that complements previous efforts and focuses on the biology of joint function and the tissues that make up the TMJ. A better understanding of total joint structure and mechanics including the interactions of the skeletal, muscular, nervous, immune, and circulatory systems using new in vivo and in vitro models is needed. An expected outcome of this FOA is new knowledge that will provide a basis for developing novel approaches to prevent, diagnose, assess risk, and treat temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 43795 Biology of the Temporomandibular Joint in Health and Disease (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research/NIH/DHHS PA-14-359 07-May2015 275,000 USD Jason Wan, PhD 301-594-9898 jasonwan@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-14-359.html 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 16-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) and National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) invite applications for research that will advance our understanding of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) in health and disease and to stimulate research that complements previous efforts and focuses on the biology of joint function and the tissues that make up the TMJ. A better understanding of total joint structure and mechanics including the interactions of the skeletal, muscular, nervous, immune, and circulatory systems using new in vivo and in vitro models is needed. An expected outcome of this FOA is new knowledge that will provide a basis for developing novel approaches to prevent, diagnose, assess risk, and treat temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 43796 Epidemiology of Drug Abuse (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS PA-15-003 07-May2015 Not Specified Marsha F. Lopez, Ph.D., M.H.S. 301-443-6504 lopezmar@nida.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-15-003.html 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 05-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) invites applications for research projects to enhance our understanding of the nature, extent, distribution, etiology, comorbidities, and consequences of drug use, abuse, and addiction across individuals, families, communities, and diverse population groups. This FOA strongly encourages applications that reflect the breadth of epidemiology research by addressing multiple levels of risk, resilience, and causation across scientific disciplines; by applying novel methods to advance knowledge of the interplay among genetic, environmental, and developmental factors and between social environments and associated health and disease outcomes; and by building on the research investments of NIH and sister HHS agencies to harness existing data on the epidemiology and etiology of drug abuse to improve public health prevention and treatment programs. This program will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 82 SPIN ID Opportunity Title 43797 Epidemiology of Drug Abuse (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Sponsor Name Sponsor Number National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS PA-15-001 Deadline Date 07-May2015 Funding Amount 275,000 USD Marsha F. Lopez, Ph.D., M.H.S. 301-443-6504 lopezmar@nida.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-15-001.html 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 16-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) invites applications for research projects to enhance our understanding of the nature, extent, distribution, etiology, comorbidities, and consequences of drug use, abuse, and addiction across individuals, families, communities, and diverse population groups. This FOA strongly encourages applications that reflect the breadth of epidemiology research by addressing multiple levels of risk, resilience, and causation across scientific disciplines; by applying novel methods to advance knowledge of the interplay among genetic, environmental, and developmental factors and between social environments and associated health and disease outcomes; and by building on the research investments of NIH and sister HHS agencies to harness existing data on the epidemiology and etiology of drug abuse to improve public health prevention and treatment programs. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 43799 Epidemiology of Drug Abuse (R03) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS PA-15-002 07-May2015 100,000 USD Marsha F. Lopez, Ph.D., M.H.S. 301-443-6504 lopezmar@nida.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-15-002.html 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 16-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) invites applications for research projects to enhance our understanding of the nature, extent, distribution, etiology, comorbidities, and consequences of drug use, abuse, and addiction across individuals, families, communities, and diverse population groups. This FOA strongly encourages applications that reflect the breadth of epidemiology research by addressing multiple levels of risk, resilience, and causation across scientific disciplines; by applying novel methods to advance knowledge of the interplay among genetic, environmental, and developmental factors and between social environments and associated health and disease outcomes; and by building on the research investments of NIH and sister HHS agencies to harness existing data on the epidemiology and etiology of drug abuse to improve public health prevention and treatment programs. This FOA will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. 43943 Spatial Uncertainty: Data, Modeling, and Communication (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS PA-15-010 07-May2015 Not Specified Li Zhu, Ph.D. 240-276-6851 li.zhu@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-15-010.html 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 05-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 05-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 83 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Cancer Institute (NCI) and National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) invite applications for innovative research that identifies sources of spatial uncertainty (i.e., inaccuracy or instability of spatial or geographic information) in public health data, incorporates the inaccuracy or instability into statistical methods, and develops novel tools to visualize the nature and consequences of spatial uncertainty. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 43945 Spatial Uncertainty: Data, Modeling, and Communication (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS PA-15-009 07-May2015 275,000 USD Li Zhu, Ph.D. 240-276-6851 li.zhu@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-15-009.html 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 16-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 16-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Cancer Institute (NCI) and National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) invite applications for innovative research that identifies sources of spatial uncertainty (i.e., inaccuracy or instability of spatial or geographic information) in public health data, incorporates the inaccuracy or instability into statistical methods, and develops novel tools to visualize the nature and consequences of spatial uncertainty. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 43946 Spatial Uncertainty: Data, Modeling, and Communication (R03) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS PA-15-011 07-May2015 100,000 USD Li Zhu, Ph.D. 240-276-6851 li.zhu@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-15-011.html 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 16-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 16-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Cancer Institute (NCI) and National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) invite applications for innovative research that identifies sources of spatial uncertainty (i.e., inaccuracy or instability of spatial or geographic information) in public health data, incorporates the inaccuracy or instability into statistical methods, and develops novel tools to visualize the nature and consequences of spatial uncertainty. This FOA will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. 43950 Biobehavioral and Technological Interventions to Attenuate Cognitive Decline in Individuals with Cognitive Impairment or Dementia (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS PA-15-017 07-May2015 Not Specified Lois A. Tully, Ph.D. 301-594-5968 tullyla@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-15-017.html 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 05-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 05-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) and National Institute on Aging (NIA) invites applications for clinical research focused on biobehavioral or technological interventions to attenuate cognitive decline in individuals with dementia (such as Alzheimer’s disease, Lewy body dementia, NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 84 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount vascular dementia), mild cognitive impairment (MCI), or disease- or age-related cognitive decline. There is particular interest in interventions that can be implemented in community settings by the affected individual, informal caregivers, or others in the community. Research to inform the development of such interventions is also of interest, as well as research examining underlying mechanisms and biomarkers associated with response to interventions. It is anticipated that the results of this research will help affected individuals maintain independence and quality of life, improve their ability to perform activities of daily living (ADLs) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), and additionally help to reduce stress, burden, and other poor outcomes in their caregivers. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 43951 Biobehavioral and Technological Interventions to Attenuate Cognitive Decline in Individuals with Cognitive Impairment or Dementia (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS PA-15-015 07-May2015 275,000 USD Lois A. Tully, Ph.D. 301-594-5968 tullyla@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-15-015.html 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 16-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 16-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) and National Institute on Aging (NIA) invites applications for clinical research focused on biobehavioral or technological interventions to attenuate cognitive decline in individuals with dementia (such as Alzheimer’s disease, Lewy body dementia, vascular dementia), mild cognitive impairment (MCI), or disease- or age-related cognitive decline. There is particular interest in interventions that can be implemented in community settings by the affected individual, informal caregivers, or others in the community. Research to inform the development of such interventions is also of interest, as well as research examining underlying mechanisms and biomarkers associated with response to interventions. It is anticipated that the results of this research will help affected individuals maintain independence and quality of life, improve their ability to perform activities of daily living (ADLs) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), and additionally help to reduce stress, burden, and other poor outcomes in their caregivers. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 43986 Biobehavioral and Technological Interventions to Attenuate Cognitive Decline in Individuals with Cognitive Impairment or Dementia (R15) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS PA-15-016 07-May2015 300,000 USD Lois A. Tully, Ph.D. 301-594-5968 tullyla@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-15-017.html 25-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 25-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 25-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 25-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 25-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 25-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 25-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 25-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 25-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) and National Institute on Aging (NIA) invites applications for clinical research focused on biobehavioral or technological interventions to attenuate cognitive decline in individuals with dementia (such as Alzheimer’s disease, Lewy body dementia, vascular dementia), mild cognitive impairment (MCI), or disease- or age-related cognitive decline. There is particular interest in interventions that can be implemented in community settings by the affected individual, informal caregivers, or others in the community. Research to inform the development of such interventions is also of interest, as well as research examining underlying mechanisms and biomarkers associated with response to interventions. It is anticipated that the results of this research will help affected individuals maintain independence and quality of life, improve their ability to perform activities of daily living (ADLs) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), and additionally help to reduce stress, burden, and other poor outcomes in their caregivers. This FOA will use the NIH R15 Academic Research Enhancement Award mechanism. 44397 Mechanistic Studies of Pain and Alcohol Dependence (R01) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS PA-15-026 07-May2015 Not Specified Contact Name Soundar Regunathan, Ph.D. NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 85 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount 301-443-1192 regunathans@mail.nih.gov http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-15-026.html 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 15-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 05-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 05-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) and National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) invite applications that propose to conduct mechanistic studies on the relationship between excessive alcohol drinking, alcohol dependence and pain. An association between chronic pain conditions and alcohol dependence has been revealed in numerous studies with episodes of alcohol abuse antedating chronic pain in some people and alcohol dependence emerging after the onset of chronic pain in others. Pain transmission and alcohol’s reinforcing effects share overlapping neural substrates giving rise to the possibility that chronic pain states significantly affect alcohol use patterns and promote the development of dependence and addiction. In addition, long term alcohol intoxication and alcohol dependence induce pain symptoms and may exacerbate chronic pain arising from other sources. The objective of this FOA is to understand genetic, pharmacological and learning mechanisms underlying the association between the propensity to drink excessively alcohol and pain responses. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke/NIH/DHHS 44424 Promoting Research in Basic Neuroscience (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) PAS-15-029 07-May2015 Not Specified Robert Riddle, PhD 301-496-5745 rr260c@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAS-15-029.html 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 05-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 05-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications for research addressing fundamental questions in basic neuroscience. Proposed projects can address any area of neuroscience within the missions of the participating institutes and should focus on understanding the structure and/or function of the normal nervous system. While fundamental basic research often generates insights relevant to disorders of the nervous system, this FOA is not intended to stimulate research that is explicitly disease-related. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 44471 NIBIB Quantum Program: Technological Innovation to Solve a Major Medical or Public Health Challenge (U01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering/NIH/DHHS PAR-15-031 07-May2015 4,000,000 USD Steven H. Krosnick, M.D. 301-594-3009 krosnics@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-15-031.html 12-Dec-2014; 26-Jan-2015; 07-May-2015; 11-Dec-2015; 26-Jan-2016; 07-May-2016; 12-Dec-2016; 26-Jan-2017; 07-May-2017 SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) invites applications for the NIBIB Quantum Program. The goal of the Quantum Program is to achieve a profound (quantum) advance over present-day approaches to the prevention, detection, diagnosis, and/or treatment of a major disease or national public health problem primarily through the development of biomedical engineering/biomedical imaging technologies. In order to realize a profound advance against a major disease or national public health problem, this announcement supports research to develop and prepare a target technology for clinical efficacy at the completion of Quantum funding (which may include up to two competitive renewals). This program will use the NIH U01 Research Project Cooperative Agreements award mechanism. NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 86 SPIN ID 44605 Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Cancer Prevention, Control, Behavioral Sciences, and Population Sciences Career Development Award (K07) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS Sponsor Number PAR-15-033 Deadline Date 07-May2015 Funding Amount Not Specified Susan N. Perkins, Ph.D., Program Director 240-276-5630 perkinsu@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-15-033.html 12-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 12-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 12-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 12-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 12-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 12-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 12-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 12-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 12-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Cancer Institute (NCI) invites applications for the Cancer Prevention, Control, Behavioral Sciences, and Population Sciences Career Development Award. The award is intended to support the career development of junior investigators with research or health professional doctoral degrees who want to become cancer-focused academic researchers in cancer prevention, cancer control, or the behavioral or population sciences. This FOA will utilize the NIH Academic Career Award (K07) mechanism. 44652 Research Aimed at Novel Behavioral Targets to Improve Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment and Prevention Interventions (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS PA-15-036 07-May2015 Not Specified Will M. Aklin, Ph.D. 301-443-3207 aklinwm@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-15-036.html 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 05Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 05-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 05-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) and National Cancer Institute (NCI) invite applications for research to inform the generation and refinement of novel targets for substance abuse treatment and prevention interventions, modules or adjuncts to existing treatments and prevention interventions that seek to target and modulate behavioral or neurobehavioral processes (e.g., impulsivity, risktaking propensity, sensation and novelty seeking, distress tolerance, delay discounting, self-regulation, stress reactivity) in adolescents. Additionally, this FOA will encourage studies to include theoretical links that explore the relationship(s) between neural circuitry and treatment and prevention effects, and in particular, how behavioral targets might be affected by treatment and prevention interventions, and how that might be used to improve targeted treatment and prevention intervention development, that translate to reduced morbidity and mortality. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 44654 Research Aimed at Novel Behavioral Targets to Improve Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment and Prevention Interventions (R34) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS PA-15-035 07-May2015 450,000 USD Will M. Aklin, Ph.D. 301-443-3207 aklinwm@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-15-035.html 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 16Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 16-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 16-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) and National Cancer Institute (NCI) invite applications for research to inform the generation and refinement of novel targets for substance abuse treatment and prevention interventions, modules or adjuncts to existing treatments and prevention interventions that seek to target and modulate behavioral or neurobehavioral processes (e.g., impulsivity, riskNIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 87 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount taking propensity, sensation and novelty seeking, distress tolerance, delay discounting, self-regulation, stress reactivity) in adolescents. Additionally, this FOA will encourage studies to include theoretical links that explore the relationship(s) between neural circuitry and treatment and prevention effects, and in particular, how behavioral targets might be affected by treatment and prevention interventions, and how that might be used to improve targeted treatment and prevention intervention development, that translate to reduced morbidity and mortality. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 44656 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease in Older Adults (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS PA-15-037 07-May2015 Not Specified Susan Zieman, MD, PhD 301-496-6761 Susan.Zieman@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-15-037.html 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 05-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 05-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Aging (NIA) invites applications that propose basic, clinical, and epidemiological outcomes research on the impact of age on the development of, diagnosis, and management of diabetes and cardiovascular disease (CVD) complications in older persons or animal models. Research may focus on, but is not limited to 1) the epidemiology of increasing incidence and prevalence of DM with advancing age, particularly regarding potential racialethnic disparities, 2) the elucidation of age-related mechanisms predisposing older adults to diabetes and resultant CVD , 3) understanding the role of aging in increased incidence and severity of CVD outcomes in older diabetics, and 4) determining age-specific prevention, screening, diagnostic, and management strategies of DM in older persons and its CVD complications. Research supported by this initiative is expected to elucidate the role of aging mechanisms that underlie the increased vulnerability of older adults to DM and its CVD complications and to provide evidence-based guidance to improve more appropriate diagnostic criteria, risk stratification, and intervention recommendations to prevent the onset, or improve short- and long-term outcomes, of DM and CVD in older persons. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 44658 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease in Older Adults (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS PA-15-038 07-May2015 275,000 USD Susan Zieman, MD, PhD 301-496-6761 Susan.Zieman@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-15-038.html 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 16-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 16-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Aging (NIA) invites applications that propose basic, clinical, and epidemiological outcomes research on the impact of age on the development of, diagnosis, and management of diabetes and cardiovascular disease (CVD) complications in older persons or animal models. Research may focus on, but is not limited to 1) the epidemiology of increasing incidence and prevalence of DM with advancing age, particularly regarding potential racialethnic disparities, 2) the elucidation of age-related mechanisms predisposing older adults to diabetes and resultant CVD , 3) understanding the role of aging in increased incidence and severity of CVD outcomes in older diabetics, and 4) determining age-specific prevention, screening, diagnostic, and management strategies of DM in older persons and its CVD complications. Research supported by this initiative is expected to elucidate the role of aging mechanisms that underlie the increased vulnerability of older adults to DM and its CVD complications and to provide evidence-based guidance to improve more appropriate diagnostic criteria, risk stratification, and intervention recommendations to prevent the onset, or improve short- and long-term outcomes, of DM and CVD in older persons. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 44659 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease in Older Adults (R03) National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS PA-15-039 07-May2015 100,000 USD Contact Name Susan Zieman, MD, PhD NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 88 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount 301-496-6761 Susan.Zieman@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-15-039.html 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 16-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 16-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Aging (NIA) invites applications that propose basic, clinical, and epidemiological outcomes research on the impact of age on the development of, diagnosis, and management of diabetes and cardiovascular disease (CVD) complications in older persons or animal models. Research may focus on, but is not limited to 1) the epidemiology of increasing incidence and prevalence of DM with advancing age, particularly regarding potential racialethnic disparities, 2) the elucidation of age-related mechanisms predisposing older adults to diabetes and resultant CVD , 3) understanding the role of aging in increased incidence and severity of CVD outcomes in older diabetics, and 4) determining age-specific prevention, screening, diagnostic, and management strategies of DM in older persons and its CVD complications. Research supported by this initiative is expected to elucidate the role of aging mechanisms that underlie the increased vulnerability of older adults to DM and its CVD complications and to provide evidence-based guidance to improve more appropriate diagnostic criteria, risk stratification, and intervention recommendations to prevent the onset, or improve short- and long-term outcomes, of DM and CVD in older persons. This FOA will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. 44667 Family and Interpersonal Relationships in an Aging Context (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS PA-15-042 07-May2015 Not Specified Melissa S. Gerald, PhD. 301-402-4156 melissa.gerald@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-15-042.html 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 05-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 05-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Aging (NIA) invites applications for innovative, hypothesis-driven R01 research grant applications that can expand understanding of the role and impact of families and interpersonal relationships on health and well-being in midlife and older age. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 44710 Underactive Bladder in Aging (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS PA-15-049 07-May2015 Not Specified Marcel E. Salive, MD 301-496-6761 saliveme@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-15-049.html 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 05-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 05-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Aging (NIA) and National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) invite applications that propose basic, clinical, or translational research on underactive bladder (UAB) and its consequences in aging and in older persons. Applications should focus on the 1) biology, etiology and pathophysiology of UAB in animal models and/or older adults; 2) translation of basic/clinical research into clinical practice and health decision-making; 3) diagnosis, prevention, management and clinical outcomes of UAB in older adults; and/or 4) epidemiology and risk factors for the development of UAB with advancing age. Research supported by this initiative should enhance knowledge of UAB and its consequences in older adults and provide evidence-based guidance in the diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of UAB in older persons. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 89 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount mechanism. 44713 Underactive Bladder in Aging (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS PA-15-051 07-May2015 275,000 USD Marcel E. Salive, MD 301-496-6761 saliveme@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-15-051.html 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 16-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 16-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Aging (NIA) and National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) invite applications that propose basic, clinical, or translational research on underactive bladder (UAB) and its consequences in aging and in older persons. Applications should focus on the 1) biology, etiology and pathophysiology of UAB in animal models and/or older adults; 2) translation of basic/clinical research into clinical practice and health decision-making; 3) diagnosis, prevention, management and clinical outcomes of UAB in older adults; and/or 4) epidemiology and risk factors for the development of UAB with advancing age. Research supported by this initiative should enhance knowledge of UAB and its consequences in older adults and provide evidence-based guidance in the diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of UAB in older persons. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 44714 Underactive Bladder in Aging (R03) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS PA-15-050 07-May2015 100,000 USD Marcel E. Salive, MD 301-496-6761 saliveme@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-15-050.html 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 16-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 16-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Aging (NIA) and National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) invite applications that propose basic, clinical, or translational research on underactive bladder (UAB) and its consequences in aging and in older persons. Applications should focus on the 1) biology, etiology and pathophysiology of UAB in animal models and/or older adults; 2) translation of basic/clinical research into clinical practice and health decision-making; 3) diagnosis, prevention, management and clinical outcomes of UAB in older adults; and/or 4) epidemiology and risk factors for the development of UAB with advancing age. Research supported by this initiative should enhance knowledge of UAB and its consequences in older adults and provide evidence-based guidance in the diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of UAB in older persons. This FOA will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. 44843 Unconventional Roles of Ethanol Metabolizing Enzymes, Metabolites, and Cofactors in Health and Disease (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS PA-15-057 07-May2015 275,000 USD Andras Orosz Ph.D 301-443-2193 orosza@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-15-057.html 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 90 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 16-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 16-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) invites applications for integrated, innovative research on the novel and unconventional contributions of ethanol metabolizing pathways, their metabolites, cofactors, and interactions with synergizing biological pathways in the development of alcohol- induced diseases and end organ injuries. It is anticipated that research supported under this FOA will generate data that lead to breakthroughs in identification and understanding of key cellular and molecular components in the initiation, progression and maintenance of the diverse medical disorders caused by excessive or long term alcohol consumption. This knowledge is critical for the diagnosis, treatment and management of vulnerable patient populations debilitated by the vast array of alcohol-induced pathologies and will enable clinicians to improve disease outcomes and, consequently, public health. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 44860 Unconventional Roles of Ethanol Metabolizing Enzymes, Metabolites, and Cofactors in Health and Disease (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS PA-15-058 07-May2015 Not Specified Andras Orosz Ph.D 301-443-2193 orosza@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-15-058.html 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 05-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 05-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) invites applications integrated, innovative research on the novel and unconventional contributions of ethanol metabolizing pathways, their metabolites, cofactors, and interactions with synergizing biological pathways in the development of alcohol- induced diseases and end organ injuries. It is anticipated that research supported under this FOA will generate data that leads to breakthroughs in identification and understanding of key cellular and molecular components in the initiation, progression and maintenance of the diverse medical disorders caused by excessive or long term alcohol consumption. This knowledge is critical for the diagnosis, treatment and management of vulnerable patient populations debilitated by the vast array of alcohol-induced pathologies and will enable clinicians to improve disease outcomes and, consequently, public health This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 44923 NIDCR Clinical Trial or Biomarker Clinical Validation Study Cooperative Agreement (U01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research/NIH/DHHS PAR-15-059 07-May2015 Not Specified Jane C. Atkinson, DDS, Program Director 301-435-7908 jatkinson@mail.nih.gov http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-15-059.html 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 05-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 05-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: TNational Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) invites applications for investigator-initiated Phase I, II, III or IV clinical trials, stage 1-4 behavioral or social intervention trials, or biomarker validation studies that require prospective collection of clinical outcomes and clinical specimens through the cooperative agreement funding mechanism. This program will use the NIH single project (U01) cooperative agreement award grant mechanism. 44947 Building on High Impact Basic Neurobiology Through Assay Development: Advancing Tools for Therapeutic Discovery (R01) National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS PAR-15-066 07-May2015 Not Specified Contact Name Jamie Driscoll Contact Telephone 301-443-5288 Contact Email jdrisco1@mail.nih.gov NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 91 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Sponsor Website Program URL http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-15-066.html Deadline Dates (ALL) 23-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 05-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 05-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) and National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)invite applications to develop novel, robust assays to reveal changes in neuronal and/or glial function. The goal is to adapt state-of-the-art measures of basic cellular processes or molecular events that are key mediators of nervous system function with the intent to probe mechanisms or perturbations in an unbiased and efficient manner. These novel assays would provide opportunities to measure neurobiological endpoints and build a pipeline to be used in the context of target identification and drug discovery. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 45010 Academic-Industrial Partnerships for Translation of Technologies for Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS PAR-15-075 07-May2015 Not Specified Miguel Ossandon MS 240-276-5714 ossandom@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-15-075.html 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 05-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 05-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017; 05-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 05-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 05-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Cancer Institute (NCI) invites applications from research partnerships formed by academic and industrial investigators, to accelerate the translation of technologies, methods, assays or devices, and/or systems for preclinical or clinical molecular diagnosis or in vitro imaging that are designed to solve a targeted cancer problem. The proposed systems may include molecular diagnosis, molecular imaging or related research resources. Funding may be requested to enhance, adapt, optimize, validate, and otherwise translate the following examples, among others: (a) current commercially supported systems, (b) next-generation systems, (c) quality assurance and quality control, (d) validation and correlation studies, (e) quantitative imaging, and (f) related research resources. Because applications should be translational in scope, this FOA defines innovation as a coherent translational plan to deliver emerging or new capabilities for preclinical or clinical use that are not yet broadly employed in preclinical or clinical settings. In addition, innovation may be considered as delivery of a new capability to end users. The partnership on each application should establish an inter-disciplinary, multi-institutional research team to work in strategic alliance to implement a coherent strategy to develop and translate their system to solve their chosen cancer problem. This FOA will support clinical trials that test functionality, optimize, and validate the performance of the proposed translational work. This FOA does not intend to support either actual commercial production or basic research projects that do not emphasize translation. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 45265 NIH Pathway to Independence Award (Parent K99/R00) National Institutes of Health/DHHS PA-15-083 07-May2015 Not Specified Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email grantinfo@nih.gov Sponsor Website Program URL http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-15-083.html Deadline Dates (ALL) 12-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 12-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 12-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 12-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 12-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 12-Oct-2016; 07Jan-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications for the NIH Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00) program. The award is designed to increase and maintain a strong cohort of new and talented, NIH-supported, independent investigators. This program is designed to facilitate a timely transition of outstanding postdoctoral researchers from mentored, postdoctoral research positions to independent, tenure-track or equivalent faculty positions, and to provide independent NIH research support during the transition that will help these individuals launch NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 92 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount competitive, independent research careers. This program will use the NIH combination K99/R00 funding mechanism. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases/NIH/DHHS 45574 Role of Exosomes in HIV Pathogenesis (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) PA-15-107 07-May2015 275,000 USD Elizabeth Stansell, Ph.D. 240-627-3869 elizabeth.stansell@nih.gov http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-15-107.html 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 15-Oct-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 16-Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 16Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 16-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)and National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) invite applications new research on the potential role of exosomes in cell-to-cell communication relevant to HIV transmission, innate or adaptive immune responses to HIV, or HIV pathogenesis. This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 46874 Secondary Analyses in Obesity, Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases/NIH/DHHS PA-15-169 07-May2015 275,000 USD Aynur Unalp-Arida, MD, MSc, PhD 301-594-8879 aynur.unalp-arida@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-15-169.html 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 16-Oct-2016; 07-Jan-2017; 16Feb-2017; 07-May-2017; 16-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017; 16-Oct-2017; 07-Jan-2018; 16-Feb-2018; 07-May-2018 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: The sponsors invite applications that propose to conduct secondary analysis of existing data sets relevant to diabetes and endocrine and selected endocrine and metabolic diseases including thyroid, parathyroid and Cushing’s diseases and acromegaly; and genetic metabolic disease including cystic fibrosis, lysosomal storage diseases, and disorders of the urea cycle, amino acid metabolism and metal transport where the focus is on peripheral metabolism or organ function; obesity, liver diseases, alimentary GI tract diseases and nutrition; kidney, urologic, and hematologic diseases. The goal of this program is to facilitate research that explores innovative hypotheses through the use of existing data sets. This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 48066 Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS PAR-13-055 07-May2015 Not Specified David A. Chambers, Ph.D. 301-443-3747 dchamber@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-055.html 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016 NIH and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications that will identify, develop, evaluate and refine effective and efficient methods, systems, infrastructures, and strategies to disseminate and implement research-tested health behavior change interventions, evidence-based prevention, early detection, diagnostic, treatment and management, and quality of life improvement services, and data monitoring and surveillance reporting tools into public health and clinical practice settings that focus on patient outcomes. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 93 SPIN ID Opportunity Title 61230 Research on the Health of LGBTI Populations [R01] Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 61237 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/NIH/DHHS PA-12-111 Deadline Date 07-May2015 Funding Amount Not Specified http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-111.html 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015 National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications for research that will increase scientific understanding of the health status of various population groups and improve the effectiveness of health interventions and services for individuals within those groups. High priority is placed on research on populations that appear to have distinctive health risk profiles but have received insufficient attention from investigators. This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) highlights a particular community: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and related populations (designated here as LGBTI populations). Basic, social, behavioral, clinical, and services research relevant to the missions of the sponsoring Institutes and Centers may be proposed. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS PA-12-127 07-May2015 Not Specified Redonna Chandler, Ph.D. 301-443-8768 rchandle@nida.nih.gov http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-127.html 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015 The sponsors invite applications for health services and economic research to improve the quality of prevention, treatment, and recovery support services for drug, alcohol and tobacco abuse. Such research projects might emphasize any of the following subjects: (1) clinical quality improvement; (2) organization and delivery of services; (3) implementation research; (4) economic and cost studies; or (5) development or improvement of research methodology, analytic approaches, and measurement instrumentation used in the study of drug, alcohol, and tobacco prevention, treatment, and recovery services. This program will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 72593 Behavioral & Integrative Treatment Development Program (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number Susan Newcomer, PhD 301-435-6981 newcomes@mail.nih.gov Health Services and Economic Research on the Prevention and Treatment of Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Abuse (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Name National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS PA-13-077 07-May2015 Not Specified Lisa Onken, Ph.D. 301-443-2235 Lisa_Onken@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-077.html 07-May-2014; 05-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016 NIDA, NIAAA and OBSSR invite applications for behavioral intervention development research to test efficacy, conduct clinical trials, examine mechanisms of behavior change, determine dose-response, optimize combinations, and/or ascertain best sequencing of behavioral, combined, sequential, or integrated behavioral and pharmacological (1) drug abuse treatment interventions, including interventions for patients with comorbidities, in diverse settings; (2) drug abuse treatment and adherence interventions for use in primary care; (3) drug abuse treatment and adherence interventions that utilize technologies to boost effects and increase implementability; (4) interventions to prevent the acquisition or transmission of HIV infection among individuals in drug abuse treatment; (5) interventions to promote adherence to drug abuse treatment, HIV and addiction medications; and (6) interventions to treat chronic pain. Research of interest NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 94 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount includes but is not limited to Stage II and Stage III efficacy research. This program will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 78876 Ancillary Studies to Major Ongoing Clinical Research Studies to Advance Areas of Scientific Interest within the Mission of the NIDDK (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 79254 National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases/NIH/DHHS Not Specified http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-12-265.html 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015 National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) invites applications from qualified investigators to conduct ancillary studies to major ongoing research studies, including clinical trials, epidemiological studies and disease databases (described as parent studies) supported by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, other Institutes and Centers of the National Institutes of Health, other government agencies and the private sector. The proposed ancillary study must be designed to advance the scientific research mission of the NIDDK by focusing on diseases and areas of direct interest of the Institute. The scientific areas funded by the NIDDK may be found at the following website: htttp:www2.niddk.nih.gov/research. Important elements of this FOA are that the parent study must be ongoing, the subject of inquiry must be within the mission and interest of the NIDDK, the ancillary study must be approved by the appropriate governing body of the parent study, and the proposed study collects new information from enrolled study participant and/or assays of existing or new biologic samples. This program will use the NIH Research Project Grant (R01) award mechanism. PAR-12-120 07-May2015 200,000 USD Dena Fischer, DDS, MSD, MS 301-594-4876 dena.fischer@nih.gov http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-12-120.html 07-May-2014; 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015 National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) provides support for meritorious research projects that involve secondary data analyses using existing dental or craniofacial database resources. This program will use the Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. 79903 Prescription Drug Abuse (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 07-May2015 James Everhart, M.D., M.P.H. 301-594-8878 JE17G@nih.gov NIDCR Small Research Grants for Oral Health Data Analysis and Statistical Methodology National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Development (R03) Research/NIH/DHHS Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis PAR-12-265 National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS PA-13-015 07-May2015 Not Specified Richard A. Denisco, M.D., M.P.H. 301-594-4371 deniscor@nida.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-015.html 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016 National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) invites innovative research applications on prescription drug abuse, including research to examine the factors contributing to prescription drug abuse; to characterize the adverse medical, mental health and social consequences associated with prescription drug abuse; and to develop effective prevention and service delivery approaches and behavioral and pharmacological treatments. Applications to address these issues are encouraged across a broad range of methodological approaches including basic science, clinical, epidemiological, and health services research to define the extent of the problem of prescription drug abuse, to characterize this problem in terms of classes of drugs abused and combinations of drug types, etiology of abuse, and populations most affected (including analyses by age group, race/ethnicity, gender, and psychiatric symptomatology). Studies on individual- and NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 95 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount patient-level factors, prescriber factors, and/or health system factors are encouraged, as are studies on all classes of prescription drugs with high abuse liability, including analgesics, stimulants, sedative/hypnotics and anxiolytics. Researchers are further encouraged to study the relationship between the prescription medication, the indication for which the medication was prescribed (e.g., pain, sleep disorder, anxiety disorder, obesity), and the environmental and individual factors contributing to abuse. This program will use the NIH R01 award mechanism. 82577 Aging Research Dissertation Awards to Increase Diversity (R36) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS Not Specified http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-152.html 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 National Institute on Aging (NIA) invites applications for dissertation awards to increase diversity in the scientific research workforce engaged in research on aging and aging-related health conditions within NIA's strategic priorities. This FOA will use the NIH R36 dissertation award mechanism. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/NIH/DHHS PA-12-141 07-May2015 Not Specified Lynne Haverkos, M.D., M.P.H. 301-435-6881 lh179r@nih.gov http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-141.html 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) and National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) invite applications dealing with the following areas of research included under the term EMSC: prevention research to reduce the need for emergency care; clinical research to ensure that children receive high-quality and appropriate medical, nursing and mental health care in an emergency; health systems research, from pre-hospital care, to the emergency department, to in-patient care and return to the community; models to improve service and cost efficiency in pediatric emergency care; and methodological studies to improve the quality of research conducted. This program will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 85999 Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (R03) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 07-May2015 Chyren Hunter, Ph.D. 301-496-9666 hunterc@nia.nih.gov 82960 Research on Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) [R01] Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis PAR-13-152 National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS PAR-13-056 07-May2015 100,000 USD David A. Chambers, Ph.D. 301-443-3747 dchamber@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-056.html 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016 NIH and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications that will identify, develop, evaluate and refine effective and efficient methods, systems, infrastructures, and strategies to disseminate and implement research-tested health behavior change interventions, evidence-based prevention, early detection, diagnostic, treatment and management, and quality of life improvement services, and data monitoring and surveillance reporting tools into public health and clinical practice settings that focus on patient outcomes. This program will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. 86002 Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (R21) National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 PAR-13-054 07-May- 275,000 USD Page 96 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount 2015 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis David A. Chambers, Ph.D. 301-443-3747 dchamber@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-054.html 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016 NIH and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications that will identify, develop, evaluate and refine effective and efficient methods, systems, infrastructures, and strategies to disseminate and implement research-tested health behavior change interventions, evidence-based prevention, early detection, diagnostic, treatment and management, and quality of life improvement services, and data monitoring and surveillance reporting tools into public health and clinical practice settings that focus on patient outcomes. This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 87302 Alcohol Use Disorders: Treatment, Services, and Recovery Research (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS PA-13-160 07-May2015 Not Specified Page Chiapella, Ph.D. 301-443-4715 pchiapel@wilco.niaaa.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-160.html 07-May-2014; 05-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 Synopsis The sponsor invites applications from institutions/organizations that propose to support research on behavioral and pharmacological treatment for alcohol use disorders; organizational, financial, and management factors that facilitate or inhibit the delivery of services for alcohol use disorders; and phenomenon of recovery from alcohol use disorders. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 87529 Health Services and Economic Research on the Prevention and Treatment of Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Abuse (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 87531 National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS PA-12-128 07-May2015 275,000 USD Redonna Chandler, Ph.D. 301-443-8768 rchandle@nida.nih.gov http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-128.html 07-May-2014; 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015 The sponsors invite applications for health services and economic research to improve the quality of prevention, treatment, and recovery support services for drug, alcohol and tobacco abuse. Such research projects might emphasize any of the following subjects: (1) clinical quality improvement; (2) organization and delivery of services; (3) implementation research; (4) economic and cost studies; or (5) development or improvement of research methodology, analytic approaches, and measurement instrumentation used in the study of drug, alcohol, and tobacco prevention, treatment, and recovery services. This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. Health Services and Economic Research on the Prevention and Treatment of Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Abuse (R03) National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS PA-12-129 07-May2015 100,000 USD Contact Name Redonna Chandler, Ph.D. Contact Telephone 301-443-8768 NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 97 SPIN ID Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Opportunity Title Deadline Date Funding Amount http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-129.html 07-May-2014; 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015 The sponsors invite applications for health services and economic research to improve the quality of prevention, treatment, and recovery support services for drug, alcohol and tobacco abuse. Such research projects might emphasize any of the following subjects: (1) clinical quality improvement; (2) organization and delivery of services; (3) implementation research; (4) economic and cost studies; or (5) development or improvement of research methodology, analytic approaches, and measurement instrumentation used in the study of drug, alcohol, and tobacco prevention, treatment, and recovery services. This program will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS PA-13-016 07-May2015 275,000 USD Richard A. Denisco, M.D., M.P.H. 301-594-4371 deniscor@nida.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-016.html 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016 National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) invites innovative research applications on prescription drug abuse, including research to examine the factors contributing to prescription drug abuse; to characterize the adverse medical, mental health and social consequences associated with prescription drug abuse; and to develop effective prevention and service delivery approaches and behavioral and pharmacological treatments. Applications to address these issues are encouraged across a broad range of methodological approaches including basic science, clinical, epidemiological, and health services research to define the extent of the problem of prescription drug abuse, to characterize this problem in terms of classes of drugs abused and combinations of drug types, etiology of abuse, and populations most affected (including analyses by age group, race/ethnicity, gender, and psychiatric symptomatology). Studies on individual- and patient-level factors, prescriber factors, and/or health system factors are encouraged, as are studies on all classes of prescription drugs with high abuse liability, including analgesics, stimulants, sedative/hypnotics and anxiolytics. Researchers are further encouraged to study the relationship between the prescription medication, the indication for which the medication was prescribed (e.g., pain, sleep disorder, anxiety disorder, obesity), and the environmental and individual factors contributing to abuse. This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 89265 Behavioral & Integrative Treatment Development Program (R03) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number rchandle@nida.nih.gov 87683 Prescription Drug Misuse (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Name National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS PA-13-079 07-May2015 100,000 USD Lisa Onken, Ph.D. 301-443-2235 Lisa_Onken@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-079.html 07-May-2014; 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016 NIDA, NIAAA and OBSSR invite applications for behavioral intervention development research to test efficacy, conduct clinical trials, examine mechanisms of behavior change, determine dose-response, optimize combinations, and/or ascertain best sequencing of behavioral, combined, sequential, or integrated behavioral and pharmacological (1) drug abuse treatment interventions, including interventions for patients with comorbidities, in diverse settings; (2) drug abuse treatment and adherence interventions for use in primary care; (3) drug abuse treatment and adherence interventions that utilize technologies to boost effects and increase implementability; (4) interventions to prevent the acquisition or transmission of HIV infection among individuals in drug abuse treatment; (5) interventions to promote adherence to drug abuse treatment, HIV and addiction medications; and (6) interventions to treat chronic pain. Research of interest includes but is not limited to Stage II and Stage III efficacy research. This program will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 98 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS 90960 Research on Alcohol and HIV/AIDS (R03) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Sponsor Number PA-13-120 Deadline Date 07-May2015 Funding Amount 100,000 USD Kendall Bryant, Ph.D., AIDS Coordinator 301-403-9289 kbryant@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-120.html 07-May-2014; 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 Synopsis National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) invites applictions for small research projects : 1) to characterize the relative importance of reducing alcohol misuse in the prevention of acquisition and transmission of HIV in order to identify and apply appropriate alcohol and HIV interventions as public health measures; 2) to more fully understand and prevent the progression of HIV disease in the presence of continued alcohol exposure; and 3) to develop operational research frameworks for addressing the occurrence and persistence of infections in high-risk populations (e.g. minority women, young gay men, etc.), and translate findings into effective, culturally appropriate preventive and treatment interventions for these targeted populations. This program will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. 90985 Indo-U.S. Vaccine Action Program (VAP) Small Research Grant Program (R03) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases/NIH/DHHS PA-13-179 07-May2015 100,000 USD Edward McSweegan, Ph.D. 301-402-8370 emcsweegan@niaid.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-179.html 07-May-2014; 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 Synopsis National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) invites applications collaborative vaccine-related research projects that ultimately reduce the burden of infectious diseases of importance in India, the U.S., the South Asian region and globally. Applications are encouraged from organizations/institutions that propose to conduct vaccine-related research through U.S.-Indo collaborations on the following: dengue, influenza (including avian influenza), malaria, enteric diseases, HIV/AIDS, and tuberculosis. Basic, translational, clinical, or epidemiological vaccine research may be proposed. This program will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. 91852 Alcohol Use Disorders: Treatment, Services, and Recovery Research (R03) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS PA-13-162 07-May2015 100,000 USD Angela Martinelli, Ph.D. 301-451-8507 martinellia@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-162.html 07-May-2014; 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 Synopsis The sponsor invites applications from institutions/organizations that propose to support research on behavioral and pharmacological treatment for alcohol use disorders; organizational, financial, and management factors that facilitate or inhibit the delivery of services for alcohol use disorders; and phenomenon of recovery from alcohol use disorders. This program will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 99 SPIN ID Opportunity Title 93944 Developmental Mechanisms of Human Structural Birth Defects (P01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/NIH/DHHS PAR-13-285 Deadline Date 07-May2015 Funding Amount Not Specified Lorette C. Javois, PhD 301-496-5541 javoisl@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-285.html 07-May-2015; 25-May-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 25-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 25-Jan-2016; 07-May-2016; 25-May-2016; 07-Sep-2016 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) and Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) encourage innovative, multidisciplinary, interactive, and synergistic program project (P01) grant applications from institutes/organizations that propose to integrate basic, translational, and clinical approaches to understanding the developmental biology and genetic basis of congenital structural human malformations. To contain costs, each P01 will consist of only three projects, associated cores, and a smaller optional developmental/pilot project. At least one project must propose basic research in an animal model system and at least one project must be clinical or translational in nature. The projects must share a common central theme, focus, or objective on a specific developmental structural malformation or class of anomalies that is genotypically, mechanistically, biologically, or phenotypically analogous or homologous in both animal models and humans. This FOA will utilize the NIH P01 Research Program Projects award mechanism. 94374 Exploratory/Developmental Investigations on Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Sponsor Name National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases/NIH/DHHS PA-13-315 07-May2015 275,000 USD David R. Johnson, Ph.D. 301- 496-7104 drjohnson@niaid.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-315.html 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 Synopsis National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) invites applications for innovative exploratory/developmental investigations in primary immunodeficiency diseases focusing on ex vivo studies with human specimens and on studies with current or new animal models, including novel clinical strategies for detecting, identifying the molecular basis of, or developing innovative therapies for primary immunodeficiency diseases. Investigators who have not received independent NIH funding or independent NIH funding in this field are encouraged to apply to this FOA. This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 94375 Small Grants on Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases (R03) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases/NIH/DHHS PA-13-314 07-May2015 100,000 USD David R. Johnson, Ph.D. 301- 496-7104 drjohnson@niaid.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-314.html 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16-Feb-2016; 07-May-2016; 16Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016 Synopsis National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) invites applications for small grants in primary immunodeficiency diseases focusing on ex vivo studies with human specimens and on studies with current or new animal models, including novel clinical strategies for detecting, identifying the molecular basis of, or developing innovative therapies for, primary immunodeficiency diseases. The R03 grant supports different types of projects including pilot and feasibility NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 100 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount studies; secondary analysis of existing data; small, self-contained research projects; development of research methodology; and development of new research technology. The R03 is intended to support small research projects that can be carried out in a short period of time with limited resources. Investigators who have not received independent NIH funding or independent NIH funding in this field are encouraged to apply to this FOA. This program will use the NIH Small Research Grant (R03) award mechanism. 94749 Program for Extramural/Intramural Alcohol Research Collaborations (U01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS PAR-13-133 07-May2015 1,250,000 USD Peter Silverman, Ph.D., J.D., Deputy Director 301-402-6966 psilverm@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-133.html 07-May-2014; 05-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 05-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 05-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 05Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 Synopsis National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) provides support to encourage collaboration between alcohol researchers in the extramural community and those within the NIAAA intramural research program. The objective of this Funding Opportunity Announcement is to bring together the research expertise that, as a functioning collaborative unit, will address key alcohol-based research questions that would not otherwise be possible by the same individuals working towards similar goals in isolation. The goal of the research proposed by the collaborating investigators should address questions that advance the alcohol research field with respect to issues surrounding alcohol use disorders including dependence, and the effects of alcohol on health. This program will use the NIH U01 cooperative agreement award mechanism. 94841 Alcohol Use Disorders: Treatment, Services, and Recovery Research (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/NIH/DHHS PA-13-161 07-May2015 275,000 USD Daniel Falk, Ph.D. 301-443-0788 falkde@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-13-161.html 07-May-2014; 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015; 16-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 16-Oct-2015; 07-Jan-2016; 16Feb-2016; 07-May-2016 Synopsis The sponsor invites applications from institutions/organizations that propose to support research on behavioral and pharmacological treatment for alcohol use disorders; organizational, financial, and management factors that facilitate or inhibit the delivery of services for alcohol use disorders; and phenomenon of recovery from alcohol use disorders. This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 98216 Translational Research at the Aging/Cancer Interface (TRACI) (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS PA-12-136 07-May2015 Not Specified Susan G. Nayfield, M.D., M.Sc., Chief 301-496-6761 nayfiels@mail.nih.gov http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-136.html 07-May-2014; 05-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 05-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 05-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015 National Institute on Aging (NIA)and National Cancer Institute (NCI) invite applications for translational research proposals in the overlapping areas of human aging and cancer, linking basic and clinical research relevant to the care of older cancer patients through both bench-to-bedside and bedside-to-bench NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 101 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount approaches. Ultimately, information from the research supported by this initiative should improve the health and well-being of elderly patients at risk for, or diagnosed with, cancer and decrease the functional impairment and morbidity associated with cancer in this population. This program will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 98218 Translational Research at the Aging/Cancer Interface (TRACI) (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS 275,000 USD http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-12-135.html 07-May-2014; 16-Jun-2014; 07-Sep-2014; 16-Oct-2014; 07-Jan-2015; 19-Feb-2015; 07-May-2015 National Institute on Aging (NIA)and National Cancer Institute (NCI) invite applications for translational research proposals in the overlapping areas of human aging and cancer, linking basic and clinical research relevant to the care of older cancer patients through both bench-to-bedside and bedside-to-bench approaches. Ultimately, information from the research supported by this initiative should improve the health and well-being of elderly patients at risk for, or diagnosed with, cancer and decrease the functional impairment and morbidity associated with cancer in this population. This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. National Institute of Nursing Research/NIH/DHHS PAR-13-289 09-May2015 Not Specified Noreen Aziz, M.D., Ph.D., MPH 301-594-2542 azizn@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-289.html 08-Sep-2014; 08-Oct-2014; 09-May-2015; 09-Jun-2015; 08-Sep-2015; 08-Oct-2015; 09-May-2016; 09-Jun-2016 National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) invites applications for research that develops and tests optimal palliative and end-of-life care interventions (models of care) based on measurable outcomes. Palliative Care and End-of-Life (PCEOL) interventions are increasingly needed for all individuals with Life Limiting Illnesses (LLI's) in some form or other, including those who are culturally diverse or aging. Adverse impacts have been shown to extend to the caregivers and families of patients with LLI’s. Many individuals with LLI's also may concurrently be suffering from multiple complex comorbidities (MCC's), placing an increasing burden on health, health systems and costs. Few prospective interventions/models of care, especially those utilizing a randomized trial design, are testing the effectiveness of palliative and end-of-life care interventions. A wide variability exists among interventions delivered under the umbrella of “palliative or end-of-life care”. In addition, a variety of outcomes are being (or have been) assessed by different studies, when increasingly, the scientific need in this area is to examine and test a finite number of key outcomes (i.e., health, morbidity, quality of life, satisfaction with care) that are comparable across trials, studies, and programs. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 45730 NIDCD Phase I/II/III Clinical Trials in Communication Disorders (U01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) 07-May2015 Basil Eldadah, MD, PhD 301-496-6761 eldadahb@nia.nih.gov 34479 Building Evidence: Effective Palliative/End of Life Care Interventions (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis PA-12-135 National Institute on Deafness & Other Communication Disorders/NIH/DHHS /PAR-15-116 09-May2015 Not Specified Gordon B. Hughes, M.D. 301-435-4085 hughesg@nidcd.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-15-116.html 09-May-2015; 09-Jun-2015; 09-Sep-2015; 09-Oct-2015; 09-Jan-2016; 09-Feb-2016; 09-May-2016; 09-Jun-2016; 11-Sep-2016; 11-Oct-2016; 09-Jan-2017; 09NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 102 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Feb-2017; 09-May-2017; 09-Jun-2017; 10-Sep-2017; 10-Oct-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) invites applications for a cooperative agreement between NIDCD Project Scientist and investigator to support phase I and II clinical trials of preliminary efficacy and phase III clinical trials of definitive efficacy. Phase III clinical trial applications must include a complete detailed Manual of Procedures (MOP) in the appendix (see http://www.nidcd.nih.gov/research/clinicaltrials for an example of a complete, detailed MOP). The NIDCD Planning Grant for Phase III Clinical Trials in Communication Disorders (U34) (PAR-15-117, SPIN # 45732) may be used to gather information and prepare the MOP. This program will use the NIH U01 Research Project – Cooperative Agreements award mechanism. 37450 Fundamental Mechanisms of Affective and Decisional Processes in Cancer Control (U01) National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 45763 10-May2015 3,500,000 USD Rebecca A. Ferrer, PhD 240-276-6914 ferrerra@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-067.html 10-May-2015; 10-Jun-2015; 14-Sep-2015; 14-Oct-2015; 10-May-2016; 10-Jun-2016; 14-Sep-2016; 14-Oct-2016 National Cancer Institute (NCI) invites applications for projects to generate fundamental knowledge of affective processes. Basic affective science projects should have key downstream consequences for single (e.g., genetic testing consent) and multiple (e.g., adherence to oral chemotherapy regimen) event decisions and behaviors across the cancer prevention and control continuum. The FOA is expected to encourage scientific disciplines that have not traditionally conducted cancer research – such as affective and cognitive neuroscience, decision science, and consumer science – to elucidate perplexing and understudied problems in basic affective and decision sciences with promise of having downstream implications for cancer prevention and control science. This program will use the NIH U01 Research Project Cooperative Agreements award mechanism. NIDA Mentored Clinical Scientists Development Program Award in Drug Abuse and Addiction (K12) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis PAR-14-067 National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH/DHHS PAR-15-119 12-May2015 2,500,000 USD Cheryl A. Boyce, Ph.D. 301-443-4877 cboyce@nida.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-15-119.html 12-May-2015; 12-Jun-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 12-May-2016; 12-Jun-2016; 07-Sep-2016; 12-May-2017; 12-Jun-2017; 07-Sep-2017 SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) invites applications for institutional research career development (K12) programs that propose to support intensive supervised research training and career development experiences for clinician scientists (scholars) leading to research independence in the area of drug abuse and addiction. For this FOA, clinician scientists may include (but are not limited to) physicians, clinical psychologists, epidemiologists, doctoral-level social workers, pharmacists, and behavioral scientists. Scholars are expected to be supported for 3-5 years on consecutive 12-month appointments. Candidates selected for support as scholars must hold a doctorate and commit a minimum of 9 person-months (equivalent to 75% of full-time professional effort) to conducting clinical research and career development activities associated with the proposed program. This FOA will use the NIH K12 Clinician Scientist Award (Program) (PSA) mechanism. 43650 NEI Institutional Mentored Physician Scientist Award (K12) National Eye Institute/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-352 14-May2015 5,625,000 USD Contact Name Neeraj Agarwal, Ph.D., Training Director Contact Telephone 301-451-2020 Contact Email Neeraj.agarwal@mail.nih.gov NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 103 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Sponsor Website Program URL http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-352.html Deadline Dates (ALL) 14-May-2015; 16-May-2016; 15-May-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Eye Institute (NEI) invites applications from institutions to propose creative and innovative institutional research career development programs which prepare clinically-trained vision scientists for independent research careers. This initiative is intended to expand and strengthen the community of investigators engaged in clinical research. Such an increase in the number of well-trained clinical researchers is necessary to achieve a pool of scientists with contemporary, multidisciplinary expertise able to leverage recent advances in ocular genetics, therapeutics, bioengineering, and bio-behavioral research in order to enhance patient treatment and to increase scientific momentum in these fields. This FOA will utilize the Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Program Award (K12) grant mechanism. 45691 RFA-AG-16-004--Lifespan Human Connectome Project: Aging (U01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS 14,000,000 USD http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-AG-16-004.html 15-May-2015; 15-Jun-2015 SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications that propose to extend the experimental protocols developed through the Human Connectome Project (HCP) to middle-age and elderly adults to investigate the structural and functional changes that occur in the brain during typical aging. A companion FOA is soliciting applications that apply the HCP protocols to children and adolescents to explore changes that occur during typical development. This program will use the NIH U01 Research Project Cooperative Agreements award mechanism. National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS RFA-MH-16- 15-May150 2015 2,000,000 USD Bradley C. Wise, Ph.D. 301-496-9350 wiseb@nia.nih.gov http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-MH-16-150.html 15-May-2015; 15-Jun-2015 SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applicationshat propose to extend the experimental protocols developed through the HCP to children and adolescents to investigate the structural and functional changes that occur in the brain during typical development. A companion FOA is soliciting applications that apply the HCP protocols to middle age and elderly adults to explore changes that occur during normal aging. This program will use the NIH U01 Research Project Cooperative Agreements award mechanism. 46386 Administrative Supplements for Research on HIV/AIDS and Aging (Admin Supp) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL 15-May2015 Bradley C. Wise, Ph.D. 301-496-9350 wiseb@nia.nih.gov 45692 RFA-MH-16-150--Lifespan Human Connectome Project: Development (U01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis RFA-AG-16004 National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS PA-15-137 15-May2015 Not Specified Geraldina Dominguez, PhD 301-496-3204 domingug@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-15-137.html NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 104 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Deadline Dates (ALL) 15-May-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications for administrative supplements to fund innovative research on HIV and aging through clinical, translational, observational, or interventional studies in domestic or international settings. The specific types of NIH awards that can be supplemented are listed above. Supplemental projects must be within the scope of the parent grant. Topics of interest include HIV infection, HIV-associated conditions, HIV treatment, and/or biobehavioral or social factors associated with HIV/AIDS in the context of aging and/or in older adults. This FOA will use the NIH Administrative Supplement award mechanism. 46780 RFA-MH-16-400--Exploratory Clinical Trials of Novel Interventions for Mental Disorders (R33) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 46786 46789 RFA-MH-16- 15-May400 2015 Not Specified Ann Wagner, Ph.D. 301-443-3633 awagner@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-MH-16-400.html 15-May-2015; 15-Jun-2015; 14-Sep-2015; 14-Oct-2015; 17-Jan-2016; 17-Feb-2016; 15-May-2016; 15-Jun-2016; 14-Sep-2016; 14-Oct-2016 SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) invites applications for the efficient pilot testing of novel interventions for mental disorders in adults and children through an experimental therapeutics approach. Under this FOA, trials must be designed so that results, whether positive or negative, will provide information of high scientific utility and will support “go/no-go” decisions about further development or testing of the intervention. Studies of novel interventions include, but are not limited to behavioral, pharmacological, biologics-based, cognitive, device-based, interpersonal, physiological, or combined approaches. Support will be provided for testing and validating the intervention’s mechanism of action and for studies relating the mechanism to functional or clinical effects. Ultimately, this funding mechanism is intended to speed the translation of emerging basic science findings of mechanisms and processes underlying mental disorders into novel interventions that can be efficiently tested for their promise in restoring function and reducing symptoms for those living with mental disorders. This FOA will use the NIH R33 Exploratory/Developmental Grants Phase II award mechanism. RFA-MH-16-405--Exploratory Clinical Trials of Novel Interventions for Mental Disorders (R21/R33) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS RFA-MH-16- 15-May405 2015 Not Specified Ann Wagner, Ph.D. 301-443-3633 awagner@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-MH-16-405.html 15-May-2015; 15-Jun-2015; 14-Sep-2015; 14-Oct-2015; 17-Jan-2016; 17-Feb-2016; 15-May-2016; 15-Jun-2016; 14-Sep-2016; 14-Oct-2016 SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) invites applications for the efficient pilot testing of novel interventions for mental disorders in adults and children through an experimental therapeutics approach. Under this FOA, trials must be designed so that results, whether positive or negative, will provide information of high scientific utility and will support “go/no-go” decisions about further development or testing of the intervention. Studies of novel interventions include, but are not limited to behavioral, pharmacological, biologics-based, cognitive, device-based, interpersonal, physiological, or combined approaches. Support will be provided for up to two years (R21 phase) for preliminary milestone-driven testing and validating of the intervention’s therapeutic target, possibly followed by up to 3 years of support (R33 phase) for studies relating change in the intervention target to functional or clinical effects. Ultimately, this R21/R33 FOA is intended to speed the translation of emerging basic science findings of mechanisms and processes underlying mental disorders into novel interventions that can be efficiently tested for their promise in restoring function and reducing symptoms for those living with mental disorders. This FOA will use the NIH R21/R33 Phased Innovation Award mechanism. RFA-MH-16-410--Pilot Effectiveness Trials for Treatment, Preventive and Services Interventions (R34) National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS RFA-MH-16- 15-May410 2015 450,000 USD Contact Name Joel Sherrill, Ph.D. NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 105 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 46793 Deadline Date Funding Amount http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-MH-16-410.html 15-May-2015; 15-Jun-2015; 14-Sep-2015; 14-Oct-2015; 17-Jan-2016; 17-Feb-2016; 15-May-2016; 15-Jun-2016; 14-Sep-2016; 14-Oct-2016 SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) invites applications pilot research consistent with NIMH's priorities for: 1) effectiveness research on preventive and therapeutic interventions with previously demonstrated efficacy, for use with broader target populations or for use in community practice settings, and 2) research on the development and preliminary testing of innovative services interventions. Applications should provide resources for evaluating the feasibility, tolerability, acceptability and safety of approaches to improve mental health or functional outcomes, or modify risk factors, and for obtaining the preliminary data needed as a pre-requisite to a larger-scale intervention trial (e.g., comparative effectiveness study, practical trial) or large-scale services study. In this pilot phase of effectiveness research, NIMH places highest priority on approaches that can be justified in terms of their potential to substantially impact practice and public health and approaches that are empirically grounded. Adaptations or augmentations of efficacious interventions should only be undertaken if there is an empirical rationale for the adaptation target and for the corresponding mechanism by which the adapted intervention or augmentation is expected to substantially enhance outcomes.This FOA is intended to support pilot effectiveness trials that are designed to explicitly address whether the intervention engages the target/mechanism that is presumed to underlie the intervention effects. This FOA will use the NIH R34 Planning Grant award mechanism. National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS RFA-MH-16- 15-May415 2015 Not Specified Joel Sherrill, Ph.D. 301-443-2477 jsherril@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-MH-16-415.html 15-May-2015; 15-Jun-2015; 14-Sep-2015; 14-Oct-2015; 17-Jan-2016; 17-Feb-2016; 15-May-2016; 15-Jun-2016; 14-Sep-2016; 14-Oct-2016 SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) invites applications for investigator-initiated clinical trials to establish the effectiveness of interventions and to test hypotheses regarding moderators, mediators, and mechanisms of action of these interventions. This FOA supports clinical trials designed to test the therapeutic value of treatment and preventive interventions for which there is already evidence of efficacy, for use in community and practice settings. Applications might include research to evaluate the effectiveness or increase the clinical impact of pharmacologic, somatic, psychosocial (psychotherapeutic, behavioral), device -based, rehabilitative and combination interventions to prevent or treat mental illness. This FOA also supports clinical trials to test patient-, provider-, organizational-, or systems -level services interventions to improve service access, engagement, quality, coordination, or delivery, with the goal of improved outcomes at the individual and population level. The intervention research covered under this announcement is explicitly focused on practice-relevant questions. This FOA should be used when two or more sites are needed to complete the study. Accordingly, the collaborating studies share a specific protocol across the sites and are organized as such in order to increase sample size, accelerate recruitment, or increase sample diversity and representation. Each site has its own Program Director/Principal Investigator and the program provides a mechanism for cross-site coordination, quality control, database management, statistical analysis, and reporting. This FOA will use the NIH R01 Research Project Grant award mechanism. RFA-MH-16-420--Clinical Trials to Test the Effectiveness of Treatment, Preventive, and Services Interventions (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Sponsor Number 301-443-2477 jsherril@mail.nih.gov RFA-MH-16-415--Clinical Trials to Test the Effectiveness of Treatment, Preventive, and Services Interventions (Collaborative R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 46795 Sponsor Name National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS RFA-MH-16- 15-May420 2015 Not Specified Joel Sherrill, Ph.D. 301-443-2477 jsherril@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-MH-16-420.html 15-May-2015; 15-Jun-2015; 14-Sep-2015; 14-Oct-2015; 17-Jan-2016; 17-Feb-2016; 15-May-2016; 15-Jun-2016; 14-Sep-2016; 14-Oct-2016 NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 106 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) invites applications for investigator-initiated clinical trials to establish the effectiveness of interventions and to test hypotheses regarding moderators, mediators, and mechanisms of action of these interventions. This FOA supports clinical trials designed to test the therapeutic value of treatment and preventive interventions for which there is already evidence of efficacy, for use in community and practice settings. Applications might include research to evaluate the effectiveness or increase the clinical impact of pharmacologic, somatic, psychosocial (psychotherapeutic, behavioral), device-based, rehabilitative and combination interventions to prevent or treat mental illness. This FOA also supports clinical trials to test patient-, provider-, organizational-, or systems -level services interventions to improve service access, engagement, quality, coordination, or delivery, with the goal of improved outcomes at the individual and population level. The intervention research covered under this announcement is explicitly focused on practice-relevant questions. This FOA will use the NIH R01 Research Project Grant award mechanism. 46796 RFA-MH-16-425--Confirmatory Efficacy Clinical Trials of Non-Pharmacological Interventions for Mental Disorders (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 45267 RFA-MH-16- 15-May425 2015 Not Specified Sarah Morris, Ph.D 301-443-9233 sarah.morris@nihl.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-MH-16-425.html 15-May-2015; 15-Jun-2015; 14-Sep-2015; 14-Oct-2015; 17-Jan-2016; 17-Feb-2016; 15-May-2016; 15-Jun-2016; 14-Sep-2016; 14-Oct-2016 SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) invites applications for confirmatory efficacy testing of non-pharmacological therapeutic and preventive interventions for mental disorders in adults and children through an experimental therapeutics approach. Under this FOA, trials must be designed so that results, whether positive or negative, will provide information of high scientific utility and will support "go/no-go" decisions about further development, effectiveness testing, or dissemination of the intervention. Intervention studies include, but are not limited to behavioral, cognitive, interpersonal, and devicebased approaches, or a combination thereof. Interventions appropriate for efficacy testing must be based on a compelling scientific rationale, previous demonstration that the intervention engages and alters the hypothesized mechanism of action, a preliminary efficacy signal, and must address an unmet therapeutic need. Support will be provided for a trial of the intervention's efficacy that includes measurement of the hypothesized mechanism of action and the relationship between change in the mechanism and change in functional or clinical effects. Ultimately, this FOA is intended to support a sufficiently- powered efficacy trial to determine the intervention's potential for significant clinical benefit. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 31536 Bridging the Gap Between Cancer Mechanism and Population Science (U01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS PAR-13-081 17-May2015 3,500,000 USD Jennifer Couch, Ph.D. 301-435-5226 couchj@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-081.html 17-May-2015; 17-Jun-2015; 04-Oct-2015; 04-Nov-2015 National Cancer Institute (NCI) and National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) invite applications for projects that bridge biological mechanism to population level scales. By incorporating insights and data from one end of the cancer research spectrum into the framework of the other, projects should be able to cross-validate data gathered at different scales, and explore links between basic biology, population science, and potential health applications in treatment, prevention, diagnosis, and/or screening. Proposed projects should pose a challenging cancer research question that can be addressed by connecting these two ends of the research spectrum that would be difficult to address or explain through biological or epidemiological investigation alone. Only a single cohesive project integrating aspects from these two areas is allowed in each application. This program will use the NIH U01 Research Project Cooperative Agreements award mechanism. RFA-CA-15-002--Innovative Molecular Analysis Technologies for Cancer Research (R21) National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS RFA-CA-15002 17-May2015 400,000 USD Contact Name Tony Dickherber, Ph.D., Program Director NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 107 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 45269 Deadline Date Funding Amount http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-CA-15-002.html 17-Feb-2015; 17-Mar-2015; 17-May-2015; 17-Jun-2015; 22-Aug-2015; 22-Sep-2015 SYNOPSIS: National Cancer Institute (NCI) invites applications proposing exploratory research focused on the inception and early-stage development of highly innovative molecular or cellular analysis technologies for basic and clinical cancer research. The emphasis of this FOA is on supporting the development of novel molecular and cellular analysis capabilities with a high degree of technical innovation with the potential to significantly affect and transform investigations exploring the molecular and cellular basis of cancer. If successful, these technologies should accelerate and/or enhance research in the areas of cancer biology, early detection and screening, clinical diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology, and/or cancer health disparities. Technologies proposed for development may be intended to have widespread applicability but must be based on molecular and/or cellular characterizations of cancer. This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS RFA-CA-15003 17-May2015 900,000 USD Tony Dickherber, Ph.D., Program Director 301-547-9980 dickherberaj@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-CA-15-003.html 17-Feb-2015; 17-Mar-2015; 17-May-2015; 17-Jun-2015; 22-Aug-2015; 22-Sep-2015 SYNOPSIS: National Cancer Institute (NCI) invites applications proposing research projects on the advanced development of emerging molecular and cellular analysis technologies and technical/analytical validation in an appropriate cancer-relevant biological system. An emerging technology is defined as one that has passed the pilot developmental stage and shows promise, but has not yet been significantly evaluated within the context of its intended use. If successful, these technologies would accelerate research in cancer biology, cancer treatment and diagnosis, early detection and screening, cancer control and epidemiology, and/or cancer health disparities. This FOA solicits projects where proof-of-principle of the proposed technology or methodology has been established and supportive preliminary data are available. Projects proposed to this FOA should reflect the potential to produce a molecular analysis technology with a major impact in a broad area of cancer-relevant research. Projects proposing to use established technologies where the novelty resides in the biological or clinical question being pursued are not appropriate for this solicitation and will not be reviewed. This program will use the NIH R33 Exploratory/Developmental Grants Phase II award mechanism. RFA-CA-15-004--Innovative Technologies for Cancer-Relevant Biospecimen Science (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number 301-547-9801 dickherberaj@mail.nih.gov RFA-CA-15-003--Advanced Development and Validation of Emerging Molecular Analysis Technologies for Cancer Research (R33) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 45270 Sponsor Name National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS RFA-CA-15004 17-May2015 400,000 USD Tony Dickherber, Ph.D., Program Director 301-547-9801 dickherberaj@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-CA-15-004.html 17-Feb-2015; 17-Mar-2015; 17-May-2015; 17-Jun-2015; 22-Aug-2015; 22-Sep-2015 SYNOPSIS: National Cancer Institute (NCI) invites applications proposing exploratory research projects on the inception and early-stage development of technologies that address issues related to pre-analytical degradation of targeted analytes during the collection, processing, handling, and storage of cancerrelevant biospecimens. The overall goal is to support the development of highly innovative technologies capable of interrogating and/or maximizing the quality and utility of biospecimens or samples derived from those biospecimens for downstream analyses. This FOA will support the development of tools, devices, instrumentation, and associated methods to assess sample quality, preserve/protect sample integrity, and establish verification criteria for quality NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 108 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount assessment/quality control and handling under diverse conditions. These technologies are expected to potentially accelerate and/or enhance research in cancer biology, early detection, screening, clinical diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology, and cancer health disparities, by reducing pre-analytical variations that affect biospecimen sample quality. This program will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. 45271 RFA-CA-15-005--Advanced Development and Validation of Emerging Technologies National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS for Cancer-Relevant Biospecimen Science (R33) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 17-May2015 900,000 USD Tony Dickherber, Ph.D., Program Director 301-547-9801 dickherberaj@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-CA-15-005.html 17-Feb-2015; 17-Mar-2015; 17-May-2015; 17-Jun-2015; 22-Aug-2015; 22-Sep-2015 SYNOPSIS: National Cancer Institute (NCI) invites applications proposing research projects on the advanced development and validation of technologies that address issues related to pre-analytical degradation of targeted analytes during the collection, processing, handling, and storage of cancer-relevant biospecimens. Applications must include preliminary data sufficient to justify the feasibility of the proposed technology, but may still require additional development to reach a generally useful level of functionality for cancer-related research applications. The overall goal is to support the development of highly innovative technologies capable of interrogating and/or maximizing the quality and utility of biospecimens or samples derived from those biospecimens for downstream analyses. This FOA will support the development of tools, devices, instrumentation, and associated methods to assess sample quality, preserve/protect sample integrity, and establish verification criteria for quality assessment/quality control and handling under diverse conditions. These technologies are expected to potentially accelerate and/or enhance research in cancer biology, early detection, screening, clinical diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology, and cancer health disparities, by reducing pre-analytical variations that affect biospecimen sample quality. This program will use the NIH R33 Exploratory/Developmental Grants Phase II award mechanism. 30494 Revisions for Early-Stage Development of Informatics Technology (U01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis RFA-CA-15005 National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS PAR-12-289 18-May2015 300,000 USD Jiayin (Jerry) Li, M.D., Ph.D. 301-435-5226 jerry.li@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-12-289.html 18-Oct-2014; 18-Nov-2014; 18-May-2015; 18-Jun-2015 National Cancer Institute (NCI) invites revision applications (formerly called "competing revisions") from currently funded NCI U01 cooperative agreement projects for early-stage development of enabling informatics technologies to improve the acquisition, management, analysis, and dissemination of data and knowledge. As a component of the NCI's Informatics Technology for Cancer Research (ITCR) Initiative, this FOA aims to promote interdisciplinary collaboration in the development of innovative computational methods and informatics approaches that are essential for cancer research on all fronts to accelerate scientific discovery and ultimately translate data into knowledge and clinical practice. Applications that focus on data processing and analysis or mathematical/statistical modeling alone without new technology development are not appropriate for this FOA. This FOA will use the NIH U01 Research Project - Cooperative Agreements award mechanism. 30495 Revisions for Early-Stage Development of Informatics Technology (P01) National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS PAR-13-330 18-May2015 300,000 USD Contact Name J. Jerry Li, M.D., Ph.D. Contact Telephone 240-276-6210 Contact Email jerry.li@nih.gov Sponsor Website NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 109 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Program URL http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-330.html Deadline Dates (ALL) 18-Oct-2014; 18-Nov-2014; 18-May-2015; 18-Jun-2015 Synopsis National Cancer Institute (NCI) invites revision applications (formerly called "competing revisions") from currently funded NCI P01 program projects for earlystage development of enabling informatics technologies to improve the acquisition, management, analysis, and dissemination of data and knowledge. As a component of the NCI's Informatics Technology for Cancer Research (ITCR) Initiative, this FOA aims to promote interdisciplinary collaboration in the development of innovative computational methods and informatics approaches that are essential for cancer research on all fronts to accelerate scientific discovery and ultimately translate data into knowledge and clinical practice. Applications that focus on data processing and analysis or mathematical/statistical modeling alone without new technology development are not appropriate for this FOA. This FOA will use the NIH P01 Research Program Projects award mechanism. 30496 Early-Stage Development of Informatics Technology (U01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis PAR-12-288 18-May2015 Not Specified Jiayin (Jerry) Li, M.D., Ph.D. 301-435-5226 jerry.li@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-12-288.html 18-Oct-2014; 18-Nov-2014; 18-May-2015; 18-Jun-2015 SYNOPSIS National Cancer Institute (NCI) invites applications for the development of enabling informatics technologies to improve the acquisition, management, analysis, and dissemination of data and knowledge in cancer research. As a component of the NCI's Informatics Technology for Cancer Research (ITCR) Initiative, this FOA focuses on early-stage development from prototyping to hardening and adaptation. The central mission of the ITCR is to promote research-driven informatics technology development. In order to be successful, proposed development plans must have a clear rationale on why the proposed technology is needed and how it will benefit the cancer research community. In addition, mechanisms to solicit feedback from users and collaborators throughout the development process should be included. Applications that focus on data processing and analysis or mathematical/statistical modeling alone without new technology development are not appropriate for this FOA. This FOA will use the NIH U01 Research Project - Cooperative Agreements award mechanism. 30497 Advanced Development of Informatics Technology (U24) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS PAR-13-294 18-May2015 2,500,000 USD J. Jerry Li, M.D., Ph.D. 240-276-6210 jerry.li@nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-294.html 18-Oct-2014; 18-Nov-2014; 18-May-2015; 18-Jun-2015 SYNOPSIS: National Cancer Institute (NCI) invites applications for advanced development and enhancement of emerging informatics technologies to improve the acquisition, management, analysis, and dissemination of data and knowledge in cancer research. An emerging informatics technology is defined as one that has passed the initial prototyping and pilot development stage, has demonstrated potential to have a significant and broader impact, has compelling reasons for further improvement and enhancement, and has not been widely adopted in the cancer research field. If successful, these technologies would accelerate research in cancer biology, cancer treatment and diagnosis, cancer prevention, cancer control and epidemiology, and/or cancer health disparities. This FOA is one component of the NCI's Informatics Technology for Cancer Research (ITCR) Initiative whose central mission is to promote research-driven informatics technology development. Potential applicants who are interested in early-stage development should consult companion FOAs listed above. Applications that focus on informatics data processing and analysis or mathematical/statistical modeling alone without informatics technology development are not appropriate for this FOA. This FOA will use the NIH U24 Resource-Related Research Projects – Cooperative Agreements award mechanism. NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 110 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering/NIH/DHHS 38202 Bioengineering Research Partnerships (BRP) R01 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 40675 PAR-14-092 Deadline Date 20-May2015 Funding Amount Not Specified Christine Kelley, Ph.D. 301-451-4778 kelleyc@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-092.html 20-May-2015; 07-Sep-2015; 18-Sep-2015; 07-Jan-2016 SYNOPSIS: National Institutes of Health (NIH) participating Institutes and Centers invite bioengineering applications that will accelerate the development and adoption of promising tools and technologies that can address important biomedical research problems. The objectives are to establish these tools and technologies as robust, well-characterized solutions that fulfill an unmet need and are capable of enhancing our understanding of life science processes or the practice of medicine. Awards will focus on supporting multidisciplinary teams that apply an integrative, quantitative bioengineering approach to developing these technologies and engage biomedical researchers or clinicians throughout the project. The goal of the program is to support projects that can realize meaningful solutions within 5-10 years. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. National Cooperative Drug Discovery/Development Groups (NCDDG) for the Treatment of Mental Disorders, Drug or Alcohol Addiction (U19) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Sponsor Number National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-234 23-May2015 Not Specified Linda Brady, Ph.D., Director 301-443-3563 lbrady@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-234.html 23-May-2014; 23-Jun-2014; 23-Sep-2014; 23-Oct-2014; 23-Jan-2015; 23-Feb-2015; 23-May-2015; 23-Jun-2015; 23-Sep-2015; 23-Oct-2015; 23-Jan-2016; 23Feb-2016; 23-May-2016; 23-Jun-2016; 24-Sep-2016; 24-Oct-2016; 23-Jan-2017 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: NIMH, NIAAA and NIDA invite applications create multidisciplinary research groups or partnerships for the discovery of pharmacological agents to treat and to study mental illness or drug or alcohol addiction. The objectives of this program are to: accelerate innovative drug discovery; develop pharmacologic tools for basic and clinical research on mental disorders, or drug or alcohol addiction; develop and validate tools in support of experimental therapeutic studies of innovative new candidates for mental disorders; and support early phase human clinical testing to rapidly assess the safety and efficacy of promising drug candidates and new indications for IND-ready agents for the treatment of mental disorders or alcohol addiction. This FOA encourages applications to advance the discovery, preclinical development, and proof of concept testing of new, rationally based candidate agents to treat mental disorders or drug or alcohol addiction, and to develop novel ligands as tools to further characterize existing or to validate new drug targets. Partnerships between academia and industry are strongly encouraged. This FOA will utilize the NIH U19 Research Program – Cooperative Agreements award mechanisms. 45272 RFA-DE-16-001--Pharmacogenomics of Orofacial Pain Management (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research/NIH/DHHS RFA-DE-16001 24-May2015 Not Specified Jason Wan, PhD 301-594-9898 jasonwan@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-DE-16-001.html 24-May-2015; 24-Jun-2015 SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) invites applications for research on the genetic basis of variability in therapeutic drug responses and adverse events in individuals with painful conditions of the dental, and orofacial region. The objectives are to determine the role of genetic NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 111 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount variability in pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and drug toxicities that contribute to and predict the clinical outcomes of analgesic treatment of individuals with acute and chronic pain conditions. Delineation of genetic variation in drug and neurotransmitter metabolizing enzymes and transporters, drug target molecules such as enzymes and receptors, and associated post-receptor intracellular signaling pathway molecules is an important outcome of this FOA. Identification of key molecular signatures that are predictive of a therapeutic response is a second objective. Clinical and basic science researchers are encouraged to form multidisciplinary teams to effectively address the goals of this FOA. The ability to categorize individuals who differ in their responses to analgesic therapy will aid health care providers in their ability to prescribe the best treatments for acute and chronic pain patients with a personalized/ precision approach. Although this FOA is focused on orofacial pain, it also may serve as a catalyst for the pain research community to explore new pharmacogenomics studies in chronic pain conditions that overlap with temporomandibular joint disorder. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 33061 National Cooperative Reprogrammed Cell Research Groups (NCRCRG) to Study Mental Illness (U19) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis PAR-13-225 25-May2015 Not Specified David M. Panchision, Ph.D. 301-443-5288 panchisiond@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-13-225.html 25-May-2015; 25-Sep-2015 National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) invites applications to participate in the National Cooperative Reprogrammed Cell Research Groups (NCRCRG) program. The purpose of the NCRCRG program is to create multidisciplinary research groups, in partnership with academia and industry, to use patient-derived reprogrammed cells to develop validated platforms for identifying novel targets and developing new therapeutics or diagnostic tools to reduce the burden of mental illness. The collaborations will be pre-competitive, meaning that they lie at the interface between basic academic research and proprietary industrial research and involve cooperation between groups that might otherwise be competitors, with a focus on optimizing tools and measures needed for successful translational research. The Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) encourages applications to further develop promising cellular differentiation/characterization protocols and/or disease-relevant assays using patient-derived reprogrammed cells (e.g., induced pluripotent stem cells or iPSCs, induced neuronal cells or iNCs). Critical features of these applications should be (1) a strong emphasis on developing methodology that is robust and replicable across several performance sites, and (2) cross-paradigm validation to yield predictive value for pathophysiology. This FOA will utilize the NIH U19 Research Program – Cooperative Agreements award mechanism. National Human Genome Research Institute/NIH/DHHS 40017 Genomic Resource Grants for Community Resource Projects (U41) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-191 25-May2015 Not Specified Dr. Vivien Bonazzi, Program Director 301-451-8276 bonazziv@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-191.html 25-May-2015; 25-Sep-2015; 25-Jan-2016; 25-May-2016; 25-Sep-2016; 25-Jan-2017 SYNOPSIS: National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) invites applications for the development and distribution of genomic resources that will be available to and valuable for the broad research community, using cost-effective approaches. Such resources include (but are not limited to) informatics resources (such as human and model organism databases, ontologies, and coordinated sets of analysis tools), comprehensive identification and collections of genomic features (such as structural variants or functional genomic elements), and standard data types produced for central sets of samples (such as 1000 Genomes or GTEx samples). This FOA will utilize the NIH U41 Biotechnology Resource Cooperative Agreements. 42480 NIMH Mentoring Networks for Mental Health Research Education (R25) National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-304 25-May2015 1,000,000 USD Contact Name NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 112 SPIN ID Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Funding Amount http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-304.html 25-May-2015; 25-May-2016 SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) invites applications that propose the development of creative educational activities with a primary focus on Mentoring Activities, and in particular, mentoring networks. Networks may be national, regional or local. All proposed networks should provide significant new opportunities, and should comprise efforts substantially beyond any ongoing mentoring, networking or research education within academic programs, institutions, or pre-existing networks or educational collaborations among institutions. Participants in proposed mentoring networks are limited to graduate/medical students, medical residents, postdoctoral scholars, and/or early-career faculty. Proposed networks are expected to enhance the participants' professional development and to foster their career trajectory towards independent mental health research. Proposed programs are thus expected to contribute to the development of a skilled cadre of investigators in requisite scientific research areas to advance the objectives of the NIMH Strategic Plan (http://www.nimh.nih.gov/about/strategic-planning-reports/index.shtml). This program will use the NIH Research Education (R25) grant mechanism. National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-305 25-May2015 1,000,000 USD 443-3367 NIMHReferral@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-305.html 25-May-2015; 25-May-2016 SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) invites applications that propose educational activities that complement and/or enhance the training of a workforce to meet the nation’s biomedical, behavioral and clinical research needs. To this end, this funding opportunity announcement encourages the development of creative educational activities with a primary focus on Courses for Skills Development. Proposed short courses are expected to facilitate the development of a sophisticated cadre of investigators with the requisite scientific research skills to advance the mission of the NIMH, namely to transform the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses through research. Each short course is expected to include both didactics and hands-on research experiences. Participants are limited to graduate/medical students, medical residents, postdoctoral scholars, and/or early-career faculty. This program will use the NIH Research Education (R25) grant mechanism. 42482 NIMH Research Education Programs for Psychiatry Residents (R25) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Deadline Date 443-3367 NIMHReferral@mail.nih.gov 42481 NIMH Short Courses for Mental Health-Related Research Education (R25) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-306 25-May2015 1,000,000 USD 443-3367 NIMHReferral@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-306.html 25-May-2015; 25-May-2016 SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) invites applications that propose educational activities that help recruit individuals with specific specialty or disciplinary backgrounds to research careers in biomedical, behavioral and clinical sciences. To this end, this funding opportunity announcement encourages the development of creative educational activities with a primary focus on research education experiences that will stimulate and develop the interest and ability of psychiatry residents to conduct research in areas relevant to the mission of NIMH. These programs will facilitate the development of research-oriented physician-scientists who are prepared to conduct research in scientific areas that fulfill the objectives of the NIMH Strategic Plan. This program will use the NIH Research Education (R25) grant mechanism. NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 113 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name 42646 NICHD Consortium for Research on Pediatric Trauma and Injury Prevention (R24) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 25-May2015 Funding Amount 3,750,000 USD http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-324.html 25-Jan-2015; 25-May-2015; 25-Sep-2015; 25-Jan-2016; 25-May-2016; 25-Sep-2016 SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) invites applications for multidisciplinary collaborations to target gaps in research on pediatric trauma and injury prevention. The team science approach encouraged by this FOA could be used to generate a research resource, which may include discovery-based or hypothesis-generative approaches, to advance the relevant area of biomedical research or to devise breakthrough ideas, concepts and approaches to therapies in pediatric trauma and injury prevention research. A priority of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Pediatric Trauma and Critical Illness Branch is to advance the science related to pediatric trauma and injury research and to support research that generates new knowledge, research resources, and discoveries that promote the prevention of childhood injuries as well as effective treatment, management and rehabilitation. The R24 mechanism is being used to create a consortium of collaborative research teams to address the aforementioned priorities. Teams funded through this initiative will comprise the NICHD Consortium. This FOA will use the NIH R24 Resource-Related Research Projects award mechanism. National Institute on Aging/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-356 25-May2015 Not Specified Lis Nielsen, Ph.D. 301-402-4156 nielsenli@nia.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-356.html 25-Jan-2015; 25-May-2015; 25-Sep-2015; 25-Jan-2016; 25-May-2016; 25-Sep-2016; 25-Jan-2017; 25-May-2017; 25-Sep-2017 SYNOPSIS: National Institute on Aging (NIA) invites applications for the next 5-year cycle of the Midlife in the United States (MIDUS) Study, a National Longitudinal Study of Health and Well-being. The goals of this next phase are to complete the third wave of longitudinal data collection and enhance content in the area of daily stress; complete the second wave of data collection of clinical biomarkers and affective neuroscience assessments; continue innovative substudies such as how psychosocial influences affect gene expression and novel methods to track and reinstate non-responders; connect these content areas through innovative analyses to data on health, functioning, personality, cognitive status, affective functioning, economic well-being, social relationships, and well-being; and maintain and enhance data distribution and user support. A central goal of the MIDUS study is to support data dissemination, user support of public use files, and encourage data use broadly by the scientific community. This FOA will use the NIH U19 Research Program – Cooperative Agreements award mechanism. 43780 Resource Program Grants in Bioformatics (P41) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) PAR-14-324 Deadline Date Valerie Maholmes, PhD CAS 301-496-1514 maholmev@mail.nih.gov 43777 The Midlife in the United States Study (U19) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/NIH/DHHS Sponsor Number National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/NIH/DHHS PAR-14-357 25-May2015 8,750,000 USD James N. Coulombe, Ph.D. 301-451-1390 coulombeJ@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-14-357.html 25-Jan-2015; 25-May-2015; 25-Sep-2015; 25-Jan-2016; 25-May-2016; 25-Sep-2016; 25-Jan-2017; 25-May-2017; 25-Sep-2017 NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 114 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) invites applications for Resource Program Grants in Bioinformatics for supporting the continued operation, improvement, and dissemination of databases, digital information, or software tools that are unique, and of special importance to research using animal models of embryonic developmental processes. Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult with the Scientific/Research Contact listed below in Section VII to ensure that the proposed project reflects the objectives of this FOA and the programmatic interests of the NICHD. This FOA will utilize the P41 grant mechanism. 46711 RFA-MH-16-300--Psychiatric Gene Networks: Solving the Molecular Puzzle of Psychiatric Disorders (R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 46713 RFA-MH-16- 29-May300 2015 Not Specified Geetha Senthil, Ph.D. 301-402-0754 senthilgs@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-MH-16-300.html 29-May-2015; 29-Jun-2015 SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) invites applications for computational and functional analysis of gene networks and complex pathways that confer susceptibility to severe mental illnesses. These studies should leverage existing diverse multi-scale datasets and apply a combination of cuttingedge bioinformatics, computational predictive modeling, and systems biology approaches to identify and begin to evaluate novel genetic factors and molecular networks underlying functional pathways relevant to psychiatric disorders to verify their relationship or causality with disease/disease risk. The computational model predictions should be further replicated through independent datasets and confirmed using biological measures from existing and/or new experimental data. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. RFA-MH-16-310--Psychiatric Gene Networks: Solving the Molecular Puzzle of Psychiatric Disorders (Collaborative R01) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS RFA-MH-16- 29-May310 2015 Not Specified Geetha Senthil, Ph.D. 301-402-0754 senthilgs@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-MH-16-310.html 29-May-2015; 29-Jun-2015 SYNOPSIS: National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) invites applications for computational and functional analysis of gene networks and complex pathways that confer susceptibility to severe mental illnesses. These studies should leverage existing diverse multi-scale datasets and apply a combination of cuttingedge bioinformatics, computational predictive modeling, and systems biology approaches to identify and begin to evaluate novel genetic factors and molecular networks underlying functional pathways relevant to psychiatric disorders to verify their relationship or causality with disease/disease risk. The computational model predictions should be further replicated through independent datasets and confirmed using biological measures from existing and/or new experimental data. This FOA should be used when two or more collaborating sites are essential to complete the proposed research. It is required that the Research Strategy must be identical across linked collaborative R01 applications, with the exception of a short section describing specific function of each application under "elements unique to that site." For a linked set of collaborative R01 applications, each application must have its own Program Directory/Principal Investigator (PD/PI) and the program must provide a mechanism for cross-site coordination and data sharing among the collaborating groups, quality control, database management, statistical analysis, and reporting. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 46765 RFA-CA-15-008--Research Answers to NCI's Provocative Questions (R01) National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS RFA-CA-15008 29-May2015 Not Specified Contact Name Emily J. Greenspan, Ph.D., Program Manager Contact Telephone 301-496-1045 Contact Email greenspanej@mail.nih.gov NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 115 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Sponsor Website Program URL http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-CA-15-008.html Deadline Dates (ALL) 29-May-2015; 29-Jun-2015; 29-Sep-2015; 29-Oct-2015; 29-May-2016; 29-Jun-2016; 28-Sep-2016; 28-Oct-2016 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Cancer Institute (NCI) invites applications for research projects designed to solve specific problems and paradoxes in cancer research identified by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Provocative Questions initiative. These problems and paradoxes phrased as questions are not intended to represent the full range of NCI's priorities in cancer research. Rather, they are meant to challenge cancer researchers to think about and elucidate specific problems in key areas of cancer research that are deemed important but have not received sufficient attention. Some of these "Provocative Questions" (PQs) stem from intriguing but older, neglected observations that have never been adequately explored. Other PQs are built on more recent findings that are perplexing or paradoxical, revealing important gaps in current knowledge. Finally, some PQs reflect problems that traditionally have been thought to be intractable but that now may be open to investigations using new strategies and recent technical advances. The current issuance of the PQ Initiative involves an updated set of 12 PQs. Each research project proposed in response to this FOA must be focused on addressing one particular research problem defined by one specific PQ selected from the list. Projects proposed to address specific PQs may use strategies that incorporate ideas and approaches from multiple disciplines, as appropriate. Transdisciplinary projects are encouraged as long as they serve the scientific focus of the specific PQ chosen. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism. 46769 RFA-CA-15-009--Research Answers to NCI's Provocative Questions (R21) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Cancer Institute/NIH/DHHS RFA-CA-15009 29-May2015 275,000 USD Emily J. Greenspan, Ph.D., Program Manager 301-496-1045 greenspanej@mail.nih.gov http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-CA-15-009.html 29-May-2015; 29-Jun-2015; 29-Sep-2015; 29-Oct-2015; 29-May-2016; 29-Jun-2016; 28-Sep-2016; 28-Oct-2016 SYNOPSIS: National Cancer Institute (NCI) invites applications for research projects designed to solve specific problems and paradoxes in cancer research identified by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Provocative Questions initiative. These problems and paradoxes phrased as questions are not intended to represent the full range of NCI's priorities in cancer research. Rather, they are meant to challenge cancer researchers to think about and elucidate specific problems in key areas of cancer research that are deemed important but have not received sufficient attention. Some of these "Provocative Questions" (PQs) stem from intriguing but older, neglected observations that have never been adequately explored. Other PQs are built on more recent findings that are perplexing or paradoxical, revealing important gaps in current knowledge. Finally, some PQs reflect problems that traditionally have been thought to be intractable but that now may be open to investigations using new strategies and recent technical advances. The current issuance of the PQ Initiative involves an updated set of 12 PQs. Each research project proposed in response to this FOA must be focused on addressing one particular research problem defined by one specific PQ selected from the list. Projects proposed to address specific PQs may use strategies that incorporate ideas and approaches from multiple disciplines, as appropriate. Transdisciplinary projects are encouraged as long as they serve the scientific focus of the specific PQ chosen. This FOA will use the NIH Exploratory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism. NIH Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 116 SPIN ID 07804 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 36907 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 45810 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Grants Program Jonathan Mattiello, Executive Director 571-313-8843 jonathan.mattiello@sji.gov Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount State Justice Institute 01-May-2015 Not Specified http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2014-10-23/html/2014-25215.htm 01-Nov-2014; 01-Feb-2015; 01-May-2015; 01-Aug-2015 The State Justice Institute is offering six types of grants in FY 2015: Project Grants, Technical Assistance (TA) Grants, Curriculum Adaptation and Training (CAT) Grants, Partner Grants, Strategic Initiatives Grants (SIG) Program, and the Education Support Program (ESP). RFP - Amendment - Full Spectrum Targeting (FST) Gail E. Marsh, Contracting Officer 315-330-7518 gail.marsh@us.af.mil Department of the Air Force BAA-RIK-14-01 01-May-2015 Not Specified https://www.fbo.gov/?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=d26c1974f995805f437a2197998e9bfe&tab=core&_cview=0 15-Jan-2014; 01-May-2014; 01-May-2015; 01-May-2016 SYNOPSIS: A -- FULL SPECTRUM TARGETING (FST) SOL BAA-RIK-14-01 POC Gail E. Marh, Phone: 315-330-7518 WEB: FBO.gov Permalink https://www.fbo.gov/spg/USAF/AFMC/AFRLRRS/BAA-RIK-14-01/listing.html E-MAIL: Gail.Marsh@us.af.mil Gail.Marsh@us.af.mil NAICS: 541712 NAICS CODE: 541712 FEDERAL AGENCY NAME: Department of the Air Force, Air Force Materiel Command, AFRL - Rome Research Site, AFRL/Information Directorate, 26 Electronic Parkway, Rome, NY, 13441-4514 TITLE: Full Spectrum Targeting (FST) ANNOUNCEMENT TYPE: Initial announcement FUNDING OPPORTUNITY NUMBER: BAA-RIK-14-01 CFDA Number: 12.800 I. FUNDING OPPORTUNITY DESCRIPTION: Air Force Research Laboratory Information Directorate (AFRL/RI) is soliciting white papers pertaining to the research, development, prototyping, integration, test ROSES 2015: Heliophysics Living With a Star Science National Aeronautics & Space AdministraNNH15ZDA001N-01-May-2015 Not Specified Madhulika Guhathakurta 202-358-1992 lws.trt@nasa.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274739 http://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?method=init&solId={378D96AA-66CF-6D13-B296-429D1E35AFFB}&path=open 13-Mar-2015; 01-May-2015 SYNOPSIS:</br>The goal of NASA’s Living With a Star (LWS) Program is to develop the scientific understanding needed for the U.S. to effectively address those aspects of Heliophysics science that may affect life and society. LWS Science solicits proposals for fundamental science that will lead to a physics-based understanding of the integral system linking the Sun to the Solar System,including the impact on the heliosphere, planetary magnetospheres, and ionospheres. Achieving an understanding of those aspects of the Sun-Solar System that have direct impact on life and society behooves the LWS program to tackle strategic large-scale problems that cross (traditionally separate) discipline and technique boundaries (e.g., data analysis, theory, modeling,etc.). Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 1 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount 46443 Public Health Surveillance for the Prevention of National Center on Birth Defects and DevCDC-RFA-DD15- 01-May-2015 2,500,000 USD Complications of Bleeding Disorders Contact Name Meredith Oakley, Project Officer Contact Telephone 404-498-6729 Contact Email moakley@cdc.gov Sponsor Website Program URL http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275104 Deadline Dates (ALL) 01-May-2015; 20-May-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD) invites applications to buildupon the work currently ongoing in the United States Hemophilia Treatment Center Network (USHTCN)under DD11-1103/DD14-1409 to prevent and reduce the complications of bleeding disorders by supportingthe collection, aggregation and use of nationally representative data and specimens for surveillance forinhibitors and other complications of bleeding disorders. The awardee or awardees are required tocollaborate with hemophilia treatment centers that are part of the USHTCN and are expected to build ormodel upon the structures, processes and instruments implemented under DD11-1103/DD14-1409. A total of approximately $21.5 million is available. Employment and Training AdministrationFOA-ETA-15-07 01-May-2015 Not Specified 46609 Training to Work 3 - Adult Reentry Contact Name Brinda Ruggles Contact Telephone 202-693-3437 Contact Email T2W3@dol.gov Sponsor Website http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2015-03-31/pdf/2015-07236.pdf Program URL http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275374 Deadline Dates (ALL) 01-May-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: The Employment and Training Administration (ETA), U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), announces the availability of approximately $27 million in grant funds authorized by the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) and the Second Chance Act of 2007 for Training to Work 3 – Adult Reentry (T2W3). 46747 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) ROSES 2015: NASA ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar National Aeronautics & Space AdministraNNH15ZDA001N-01-May-2015 Not Specified (NISAR) mission Science Definition Team Craig Dobson 202-358-0254 Craig.Dobson@nasa.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275470 http://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?method=init&solId={BC757A68-74FA-4988-DCC3-3B48A71A1149}&path=open 01-May-2015; 08-Jun-2015 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 2 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Synopsis SYNOPSIS: The NISAR mission will be the first NASA radar mission to systematically and globally study the dynamics of solid Earth, the ice masses, and ecosystems, all of which are sparsely sampled at present. The NISAR mission has three science foci (surface deformation,ecosystem dynamics, and cryosphere dynamics) and one application focus (hazard/disaster management). 46866 Epicenters for the Prevention of Healthcare Associated Infecti National Center for Emerging and Zoono RFA-CK-15-004 01-May-2015 ons (HAIs) - Cycle II (U54) Deborah Loveys, PhD 404-718-8834 dlove​ys​@cdc​.gov​ http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275607 11,000,000 USD Establishment of Centers of Excellence in Refugee Health Stephen Benoit, Project Officer 404-639-5013 bvy8@cdc.gov 5,000,000 USD Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) 01-May-2015; 01-Jun-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: The purpose of this program is to expand the number of CDC Prevention Epicenters to translate basic, epidemiologic and technologic discoveries into new strategies for preventing healthcare-associated transmission of Ebola and/or infectious pathogens (viral or bacterial) that can be spread by mechanisms similar to Ebola. This might include, but is not limited to, project proposals that focus on the effectiveness of personal protective equipment against such pathogens, healthcare worker self-contamination with pathogens, or the role of the healthcare environment in pathogen transmission. 46575 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 22282 National Center for Emerging and Zoono CDC-RFA-CK15- 02-May-2015 http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275345 02-May-2015; 02-Jun-2015 National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID) invites applications to create Centers of Excellence in refugee and/orimmigrant health. The centers will focus on one or more areas including the development of multi-state/regional surveillance networks and long-term follow up of immigrants and refugees after they arrive in the United States; clinical and public health guideline development and maintenance; refugee orientation and health education activities; portable electronic health record strategies for this population; and clinical consultation services for overseas panel physicians managing complex medical conditions in U.S.-bound refugees. These centers will provide expertise in these diverse program areas and build upon existing infrastructure and collaborate with partners focusing on these vulnerable populations. A total of approximately $25.0 million is available. National Museum of the American Indian - Artist Leadership Program for Museums and Cultural Arts Organizations Smithsonian Institution 04-May-2015 25,000 USD Contact Name Contact Telephone 301-238-1544 Contact Email ALP@si.edu Sponsor Website http://nmai.si.edu/connect/artist-leadership-program/ Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 3 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Program URL http://nmai.si.edu/connect/artist-leadership-program/#organization Deadline Dates (ALL) 04-May-2015 Synopsis The Artist Leadership Program (ALP) for Museums and Cultural Arts Organizations invites local museums, arts organizations, and cultural institutions in the United States and Canada to collaborate with the National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI), Smithsonian Institution (SI): To identify local and regional Native artists well qualified to research Native cultural objects in museums and other collections; document their research; receive training in arts management, marketing and career strategies, and business and leadership skills; and network at the local institutional level; and Then to support the artists on their return home empowered with new artistic skills and techniques to share with their communities and the general public the value of Native knowledge through art. Organizations do so by hosting a Youth Public Art Project or Artist’s Community Workshop. 40126 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 45535 Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Office of Elementary and Secondary EduED-GRANTS-032 04-May-2015 Not Specified Program Jennifer Brianas 202-401-0299 Jennifer.Brianas@ed.gov http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2015-03-20/pdf/2015-06492.pdf http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275309 04-May-2015 The purpose of this competition under the Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Program (Javits) is to provide grants to State educational agencies (SEAs) to enable them to carry out a coordinated program of scientifically based research, demonstration projects, innovative strategies, and similar activities designed to build and enhance the ability of elementary and secondary schools nationwide to meet the special educational needs of gifted and talented students, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds or underrepresented groups. CDC National Centers of Excellence in Youth Violence National Center for Injury Prevention andRFA-CE-15-002 04-May-2015 Prevention: Building the Evidence for Community- and PolicyLevel Prevention Jane Suen, DrPH 770-488-4281 JSuen@cdc.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=272228 6,000,000 USD Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) 20-Mar-2015; 04-May-2015; 29-Jan-2016; 29-Feb-2016 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) invites applications to establish Youth Violence Prevention Centers (YVPCs) to advance the science and practice of youth violence prevention and to reduce youth violence in one or more geographically defined, high-burden communities by implementing and evaluating a community- or policy-level prevention strategy or combination of such strategies. A YVPC supported under this announcement must include 2 core features: 1) an administrative infrastructure to support implementation, evaluation, and dissemination activities; to foster necessary local collaborations to achieve research and program goals; and to work with other funded YVPCs as part of the Youth Violence Prevention Center Network; and 2) integrated implementation and evaluation activities of a community- or policy-level approach to preventing youth 46203 Survey of Inmates in Local Jails (SILJ): Design and Testing Bureau of Justice Statistics/Department oBJS-2015-4131 04-May-2015 1,000,000 USD Contact Name Cathy Maston Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 4 SPIN ID Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount 202-307-5992 cathy.maston@usdoj.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274946 http://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/siljdatsol.pdf 04-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: The Bureau of Justice Statistics is seeking applications for the tasks of designing the survey instrument and study sample design for the Survey of Inmates in Local Jails (SILJ) and to conduct a field test of the newly developed SILJ instrument through a Cooperative Agreement. 46209 U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Center: Energy and Department of Energy DE-FOA-000128504-May-2015 25,000,000 USD Water Contact Name Robert P. Brown, Contract Specialist Contact Telephone Contact Email robert.brown@hq.doe.gov Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274943 Program URL https://www.fedconnect.net/fedconnect?doc=DE-FOA-0001285&agency=DOE Deadline Dates (ALL) 04-May-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: The Department of Energy is soliciting applications for the formation of a Consortium to pursue five identified R&D topics at the nexus of energy and water. These topics are: 1) water use reduction at thermoelectric plants; 2) treatment and management of non-traditional waters; 3) improving sustainable hydropower design and operation; 4) climate impact modeling, methods, and scenarios to support improved energy and water systems understanding; and 5) data and analysis to inform planning, policy, and other decisions. Each responsive application will address all five topics; DOE is offering a mechanism to facilitate partnering during the Application process. 46278 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Leaders for Democracy Fellowship (LDF) Aimee Ntumba, Competition Specialist 202-776-8575 nea-grants@state.gov Department of State 04-May-2015 3,000,000 USD http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274947 04-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: The Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs Office of Assistance Coordination's Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) announces a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) to advance inclusive governance and empower civil society in the Middle East and North Africa by providing emerging democracy and civil society leaders with academic and skill-based training, as well as linkages with other counterparts across the region. With this announcement, MEPI seeks to continue the Leaders for Democracy Fellowship (LDF) project and continue support for cadres of professionals who have both a familiarity with the theoretical elements of democratic governance and systems as well as practical experience. In the past, LDF has facilitated networking of likeminded democracy, civil society, and human rights activists region-wide. Applicants must present a joint application which addresses the U.S.-based Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 5 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount 46462 Technical Assistance & Dissemination to Improve Services & Office of Special Education & Rehabilitat ED-GRANTS-031 04-May-2015 Not Specified Results for Children w/ Disabilities—Model Demo Projects to Improve Adolescent Literacy for Students w/ Disabilities in Middle/High Schs 6-12 Contact Name Greg Knollman Contact Telephone 202-245-6425 Contact Email Sponsor Website http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2015-03-18/pdf/2015-06273.pdf Program URL http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275257 Deadline Dates (ALL) 04-May-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS:The sponsor announces the availability of funds for the Technical Assistance and Dissemination to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities — Model DemonstrationProjects to Improve Adolescent Literacy for Students with Disabilities in Middle and High Schools, Grades 6–12. The purpose of the Technical Assistance and Dissemination to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities program is to promote academic achievement and to improve results for children with disabilities by providing technical assistance (TA), supporting model demonstration projects, disseminating useful information, and implementing activities that are supported by scientifically based research. 46471 Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Training and Technical Assistance Program Bureau of Justice Assistance/DepartmenBJA-2015-4159 04-May-2015 2,000,000 USD Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 1-800-851-3420 responsecenter@ncjrs.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275248 https://www.bja.gov/Funding/15BCJITTAsol.pdf 04-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: The sponsor is seeking applications to provide national training and technical assistance to local and tribal partners to plan, implement, and enhance place-based, community-oriented strategies to address neighborhood-level crime issues as a component of, or a foundation to, a broader neighborhood revitalization or redevelopment initiative. Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation (BCJI) resources will target neighborhoods that generate a significant proportion of crime or type of crime within the larger community or jurisdiction. BCJI furthers the Department’s mission by leading efforts to enhance the capacity of local and tribal communities to effectively target and address significant crime issues through collaborative cross-sector approaches that help advance broader neighborhood development goals. 46526 RFP -- Analytical Support for Research, Surveys and Federal One-Time Opportunity H98210-15-R-00104-May-2015 Not Specified Statistics Center (RSSC) Contact Name Michael L. White Contact Telephone 571-372-2595 Contact Email michael.l.white36.civ@mail.mil Sponsor Website Program URL https://www.fbo.gov/index?s=opportunity&mode=form&tab=core&id=a9d0502a4467adb1525910d6b9cd3196 Deadline Dates (ALL) 04-May-2015 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 6 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Synopsis B -- Analytical Support for Research, Surveys and Statistics Center (RSSC) SOL H98210-15-R-0019 DUE 050415 POC Michael L. White, Phone 5713722595, Email michael.l.white36.civ@mail.milThis is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items prepared in accordance with the format in Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) Subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additional information included in this notice.The Defense Human Resources Activity (DHRA) Headquarters (HQ), requires analytical support to plan and analyzed Department of Defense (DoD) wide surveys and focus groups.A detailed description of the requirement, the CLINs, proposal submission instructions, an all provisions, clauses, and addenda that apply to this acquisition can be found in the attached solicitation number H98210-15-R-0019.Solicitation number H98210-15-R-0019 is issued as a request for proposal (RFP). Please provide a complete proposal strictly adhering to ADDENDUM 52.212-1, including: CAGE code, DUNS number, tax identification 46553 Integrated Research, Education, and Extension Competitive National Institute of Food and AgricultureUSDA-NIFA-ICGP04-May-2015 500,000 USD Grants Program - Methyl Bromide Transitions Contact Name Kitty Cardwell Contact Telephone 202-401-1790 Contact Email kcardwell@nifa.usda.gov Sponsor Website http://nifa.usda.gov/sites/default/files/rfa/FY%202015%20MBT%20final%20to%20post.pdf Program URL http://www07.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275311 Deadline Dates (ALL) 04-May-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: <pNIFA requests applications for the Integrated Research, Education, and Extension Competitive Grants Program - Methyl Bromide Transition (MBT) for fiscal year (FY) 2015 to support the discovery and implementation of practical pest management alternatives for commodities and uses affected by the methyl bromide phase-out. This program focuses on integrated projects that use a systems approach to deliver short- to medium-term solutions and economic analyses for all commodities impacted by the loss of methyl bromide. The amount available for support of this program in FY 2015 is approximately $2.0 million. 46627 RFP -- This serves as notification to Industry of the Department of the Army W52P1J15R3040 04-May-2015 procurement of F-16 Weapons Systems Simulator Training and Support Services in support of the Air National Guard Kaitlin H. Rasdon 309-782-8220 kaitlin.h.rasdon@us.army.mil https://www.fbo.gov/index?s=opportunity&mode=form&tab=core&id=6e53586a488c18f5adcf63bf4e902bbc Not Specified Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) 04-May-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: U -- This serves as notification to Industry of the procurement of F-16 Weapons Systems Simulator Training and Support Services in support of the Air National Guard. SOL W52P1J15R3040 DUE 050415Kaitlin H. Rasdon, 309-782-8220This is a Pre-Solicitation Notice for the U.S. Army Contracting Command - Rock Island (ACC-RI). This serves as notification to Industry of the procurement of F-16 Weapons Systems Simulator Training and Support Services in support of the Air National Guard. Under solicitation W52P1J-15-R-3040 the Contractor shall provide all equipment, personnel, supplies and services necessary to perform AircrewTraining Device (ATD) instruction, to include briefing and debriefing of Program Flying (PFT) device missions, and provide ATD operations for all crews. The anticipated date for release of the Request for Proposal (RFP) is on/or about 03 April 2015. This acquisition National Endowment for the Humanities/ 20150505-CH 05-May-2015 Not Specified 38587 Challenge Grants Contact Name Contact Telephone 202-606-8309 Contact Email challenge@neh.gov Sponsor Website http://www.neh.gov/grants/challenge/challenge-grants Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 7 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Program URL http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=273828 Deadline Dates (ALL) 05-May-2015 Synopsis The NEH provides Challenge Grants to help institutions and organizations secure long-term improvements in and support for their humanities programs and resources. Successful applicants will be offered a matching grant. Recipients must raise three times the amount of federal funds offered, except for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Tribal Colleges and Universities, and two-year colleges. These three types of institutions are required to raise only two times the amount of federal funds offered. Applications are welcome from colleges and universities, museums, public libraries, research institutions, historical societies and historic sites, scholarly associations, state humanities councils, and other nonprofit entities. Programs that involve collaboration among multiple institutions are eligible as well, but one institution must serve as the lead agent and formal applicant of record. 46071 Preservation Assistance Grants for Smaller Institutions National Endowment for the Humanities/ 20150505-PG 05-May-2015 6,000 USD Contact Name Contact Telephone 202-606-8570 Contact Email preservation@neh.gov Sponsor Website http://www.neh.gov/grants/preservation/preservation-assistance-grants-smaller-institutions Program URL http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274794 Deadline Dates (ALL) 05-May-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: Preservation Assistance Grants help small and mid-sized institutions—such as libraries, museums, historical societies, archival repositories, cultural organizations, town and county records offices, and colleges and universities—improve their ability to preserve and care for their significant humanities collections. These may include special collections of books and journals, archives and manuscripts, prints and photographs, moving images, sound recordings, architectural and cartographic records, decorative and fine art objects, textiles, archaeological and ethnographic artifacts, furniture, historical objects, and digital materials. 46074 Preservation and Access Education and Training Grants Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Endowment for the Humanities/ 20150505-PE 05-May-2015 175,000 USD 202-606-8570 preservation@neh.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274795 http://www.neh.gov/grants/preservation/preservation-and-access-education-and-training 05-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: Preservation and Access Education and Training grants support national or regional (multistate) education and training programs. Grants aim to help the staff of cultural institutions, large and small, obtain the knowledge and skills needed to serve as effective stewards of humanities collections. Grants also support educational programs that prepare the next generation of conservators and preservation professionals, as well as projects that introduce the staff of cultural institutions to new information and advances in preservation and access practices. RFP -- SBSA -- AMENDMENT -- Veterans Affairs Acquisition Department of Veterans Affairs Academy (VAAA) Acquisition Curriculum Design/Development Contract (ACDC) Contact Name Shirelle Taliaferro Contact Telephone Contact Email Shirelle.Taliaferro@va.gov 46147 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 VA11915R0061 05-May-2015 Not Specified Page 8 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Sponsor Website Program URL https://www.fbo.gov/index?s=opportunity&mode=form&tab=core&id=6e523d37650ddb8242872c67446f4da6 Deadline Dates (ALL) 05-May-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: U -- Veterans Affairs Acquisition Academy (VAAA) Acquisition Curriculum Design/Development Contract (ACDC) SOL VA11915R0061 DUE 050515Shirelle TaliaferroSee the below descriptionCITE: https://www.fbo.gov/notices/6e523d37650ddb8242872c67446f4da6SET-ASIDE: ServiceDisabled Veteran-Owned Small Business 46270 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 46741 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) Administration on Children, Youth and FaHHS-2015-ACF-A05-May-2015 900,000 USD Competitive Grants under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Itege Bailey 202-205-1723 Itege.Bailey@acf.hhs.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275000 http://www.acf.hhs.gov/grants/open/foa/view/HHS-2015-ACF-ACYF-AK-0984 05-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Administration on Children, Youth and Families'(ACYF), Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB) announces the availability of funds to localorganizations and entities, including faithbased organizations or consortia, for the development andimplementation of the Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) in Florida, Indiana, NorthDakota, Texas, Virginia, Guam, American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands, the MarshallIslands, and Palau. The purpose of this program is to support projects that educate youth between theages of 10 and 19 years, and pregnant and parenting youth und er age 21, on abstinence and contraceptionfor the prevention of pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and HIV/AIDS. Funds willsupport the d Ovarian Cancer Research Program--Pilot Award Department of the Army W81XWH-15-OC 06-May-2015 225,000 USD 301--682-5507 help@eBRAP.org http://www.grants.gov/custom/viewOppDetails.jsp?oppId=275333 06-May-2015 The OCRP Pilot Award supports conceptually innovative, high-risk/high-reward research that could ultimately lead to critical discoveries or major advancements that will drive the field of ovarian cancer research forward. The proposed research must demonstrate a clear focus on ovarian cancer (e.g., using tissues, cell lines, datasets, or appropriate animal models, etc.). 46889 RFP -- SBSA -- Dakota Prairie Grasslands - Dakota Skipper/Poweshiek Skipperling Survey Contact Name Alane M Fitzpatrick, Contracting Officer Contact Telephone 406-587-6920 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Department of Agriculture Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 AG-87BJ-S-15-0006-May-2015 Not Specified Page 9 SPIN ID Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 37397 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount afitzpatrick@fs.fed.us https://www.fbo.gov/index?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=555dcb9dcdbc067800a1b77955d2b14c&tab=core&_cview=0 06-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: B -- DAKOTA PRAIRIE GRASSLANDS: Dakota Skipper/Poweshiek Skipperling Survey SOL AG-87BJ-S-15-0007 DUE 050615Alane M Fitzpatrick, Contracting Officer, Phone 406-587-6920, Fax 406-587-6848,Email afitzpatrick@fs.fed.usAG-87BJ-S-15-0007Project Title: Dakota Prairie Grasslands Dakota Skipper/Poweshiek Skipperling SurveyDescription of Work:The objectives of this project are two-fold: 1) Survey for Dakota skipper (Hesperia dacotae) and Poweshiek skipperling on the Dakota Prairie Grasslands (DPG), specifically Sheyenne National Grassland (SNG); and, 2) Qualitatively characterize and map the extent of viable Dakota skipper and Poweshiek skipperling habitat at specified sites.The successful Contractor will survey the project area during optimal flightperiods for Dakota skipper and Poweshiek skipperling on the Sheyenne National Grassland. Other Lepidopteran species Programming Grants to Accompany NEH On the Road National Endowment for the Humanities/ 20151231-MR 07-May-2015 1,000 USD Exhibitions 202-606-8269 publicpgms@neh.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=271010 http://www.neh.gov/grants/public/programming-grants-accompany-neh-the-road-exhibitions 07-May-2015; 10-Sep-2015; 31-Dec-2015 These grants support ancillary public humanities programs to accompany NEH on the Road traveling exhibitions. 44870 Micro-Scale Optimized Solar-Cell Arrays With Integrated Department of Energy DE-FOA-000125507-May-2015 15,000,000 USD Concentration (MOSAIC) Contact Name Nicole D. Clopton, Contract Specialist Contact Telephone Contact Email nicole.clopton@hq.doe.gov Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=270274 Program URL https://arpa-e-foa.energy.gov/#FoaId493debb8-c8a7-42bc-a9a0-2c18492c082b Deadline Dates (ALL) 07-May-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: This program will fund potentially disruptive technologies and related system concepts to achieve new performance and cost benchmarks for solarelectric generation from photovoltaics (PV). Specifically, MOSAIC will develop novel concepts that integrate arrays of high-performance micro-scale concentrated PV (micro-CPV) elements into modules that are similar in profile and cost to traditional non-concentrated “flat-plate” (FP) PV, but achieve the performance level associated with conventional Concentrated Photovoltaics (CPV). 45776 Technology Advancing Partnerships (TAP) Call at NASA John F. Kennedy Space Center Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai National Aeronautics & Space AdministraNNK15AD01A Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 08-May-2015 Not Specified Page 10 SPIN ID Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 45849 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 46128 Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Meredith Chandler KSC-- TAPchallenge@mail.nasa.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=273870 http://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?method=init&solId={725E86B5-FDB7-AA87-6532-9C21CCB1C240}&path=open 08-May-2015 The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Kennedy Space Center (KSC) is releasing this CAN for proposals to enhance identified technology needs. National Aeronautics & Space AdministraNNH15ZDA001N-08-May-2015 Not Specified ROSES 2015: GRACE and GRACE-FO Science Team Lucia Tsaoussi 202-358-4471 Lucia.S.Tsaoussi@nasa.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275469 http://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?method=init&solId={32341583-0080-3E21-AB78-CC2051C58E22}&path=open 08-May-2015; 19-Jun-2015 SYNOPSIS:The GRACE mission is an innovative and advanced technology mission to measure the static and time varying components of the Earth’s gravitational field. The time-dependent component of gravity is also affected by processes on a wide range of scales, most of them involving water transfer. Determining and understanding these transfers is a high priority in studying climate and related phenomena. Processes causing large enough transfers to be measurable include ocean circulation, annual cycles of snow pack and groundwater, postglacial rebound, sea-level rise, and melting of the ice sheets. The GRACE mission data and products have multidisciplinary reach with expected contributions to solid Earth science, polar science, physical oceanography, hydrology, and atmospheric science. The high-resolution static and temporal gravity fields measured by GRACE provide first ever Healthy Brain Initiative: Implementing Public Health Actions r National Center for Chronic Disease Pre CDC-RFA-DP15- 08-May-2015 10,000,000 USD elated to Cognitive Health, Cognitive Impairment, and Caregiving at the State and Local Levels Angela Deokar, Project Officer 770-488-5327 ftm4@cdc.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274791 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) 24-Mar-2015; 08-May-2015 Synopsis National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP) invites applications for implementation of public health actions related to the Healthy Brain Initiative in the following areas: 1) Use data and information to develop, examine, and deploy effective strategies, identify and address gaps in implementation, create and assess technical assistance tools, and monitor progress in achieving program goals; 2) Engage in environmental approaches that promote inclusion of cognitive health, cognitive impairment and caregiving into community and workplace policies and plans; 3) Support health system strategies to improve early detection of cognitive impairment, including Alzheimer’s disease, and increasing awareness among healthcare providers about care partner health and role in care management; and 4) Facilitate the translation and dissemination of information and resources through public health networks. A total of approximately $10.0 million is available. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 11 SPIN ID 46673 Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Competitive Grant Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 46245 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Legal Services Corporation Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount 08-May-2015 Not Specified competition@lsc.gov http://grants.lsc.gov/ http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2015-03-27/html/2015-06980.htm 08-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) is the national organization charged with administering federal funds provided for civil legal services to low-income people. LSC hereby announces the availability of competitive grant funds for calendar year 2016 and solicits grant proposals from interested parties who are qualified to provide effective, efficient and high quality civil legal services to eligible clients in the service area(s) of the states and territories identified below. The exact amount of congressionally appropriated funds and the date, terms, and conditions of their availability for calendar year 2016 have not been determined. National Oceanic & Atmospheric AdminisNOAA-NOS-OCS 11-May-2015 Joint Hydrographic Center Lamar Revis, Grants Officer Not Specified lamar.revis@noaa.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274966 25-Mar-2015; 11-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: The purpose of this notice is to solicit proposals for a single cooperative agreement between NOAA and an institution of higher learning to operate and maintain a Joint Hydrographic Center as authorized in the Ocean and Coastal Mapping Integration Act and the Hydrographic Services Improvement Act. 46271 National Public Health Practice and Resource Centers for Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder or Tourette Syndrome Contact Name Sara Critchley, Project Officer Contact Telephone 404-498-6699 Contact Email sxc2@cdc.gov Sponsor Website Program URL http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274992 Deadline Dates (ALL) 11-May-2015 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai National Center on Birth Defects and DevCDC-RFA-DD15- 11-May-2015 Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 3,600,000 USD Page 12 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Synopsis National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD) invites applications for the the National Public Health Practice and Resource Centers (NPHPRC) on Health for Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Tourette syndrome (TS). The purpose is to fund centers that have the capacity to develop and provide health promotion programs and health communication and education resources for both professionals and the public regarding ADHD or TS. Program strategies should include 1) Information, Consultation and Referral, 2) Health Communication Programs and Materials Development, and 3) Education and Training. A total of approximately $6.8 million is available. 46351 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 46359 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 46426 Deaths in Custody Reporting Program and Annual Survey of Bureau of Justice Statistics/Department oBJS-2015-4151 11-May-2015 Not Specified Jails, 2016-2020 Cathy Maston 202-307-5992 cathy.maston@usdoj.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275071 http://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/dcrpasj1620sol.pdf 11-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: The sponsor is seeking applications for the combined collection, analysis, and dissemination activities of two of its data collections, the Deaths in Custody Reporting Program (DCRP) and the Annual Survey of Jails (ASJ). This solicitation covers research and data-collection activities for the Deaths in Custody Reporting Program (DCRP) and the Annual Survey of Jails (ASJ), two of the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ (BJS) annual data collections on the U.S. correctional system. This award will coverproject activities spanning 5 data collection years, 2016–2020, and 5 fiscal years. Work will begin October 1, 2015, and end September 30, 2020. Enhanced Collaborative Model to Combat Human Trafficking Office for Victims of Crime/Department oOVC-2015-4069 11-May-2015 1,500,000 USD Competitive Solicitation Mary Atlas-Terry, Victim Justice Program Specialist 202–353–8473 Mary.Atlas-Terry@usdoj.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275073 http://ojp.gov/ovc/grants/pdftxt/FY15_ECM_Competitive_Solicitation-508.pdf 11-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: This program seeks applications for funding under a joint solicitation to support the development and enhancement of multidisciplinary human trafficking task forces within the United States. The purpose of this program is to support the development and enhancement of multidisciplinary human trafficking task forces that implement collaborative approaches to combat all forms of human trafficking—sex trafficking and labor trafficking—of foreign nationals and U.S. citizens (of all sexes and ages)within the United States. OVC and BJA intend for funding through this program to be used to assist communities in developing effective and sustainable multidisciplinary task forces that will implement victim-centered and coordinated approaches to identifying victims of all types of human trafficking, addressing the individualized needs of victims through quality services, and investigating and prosecuting human National Center for Chronic Disease Pre CDC-RFA-DP15- 11-May-2015 2,500,000 USD Partner Support for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Stephanie Bernard, Project Officer 770-488-5108 SIJ9@cdc.gov Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275107 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 13 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Deadline Dates (ALL) 11-May-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention & Health Promotion (NCCDPHP) invites applications for a national organization to: --Disseminate evidence-based practices, tools, strategies, and CVD prevention messages; --Create and facilitate opportunities for peer learning and sharing of best practices and innovative approaches in cardiovascular disease prevention among stakeholders at the stateand local level (i.e., convene partners, network sharing site for local efforts); --Sustain the momentum of Million Hearts® beyond 2017 by helping maintain key partnerships and effectively communicate the impact of Million Hearts®, highlighting successesand lessons learned from the initiative; 45700 PV Provider Network: Engaging the Health Care Provider Assistant Secretary for Health/DHHS WH-AST-15-001 12-May-2015 Not Specified Response to Interpersonal Violence Against Women Provider Response to Interpersonal Violence Against Women Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 46288 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 46388 Brenda Donaldson 240-453-8822 http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=273369 https://www.grantsolutions.gov/gs/preaward/previewPublicAnnouncement.do?id=50841 12-May-2015 The mission of the Office on Women's Health (OWH) is to provide national leadership and coordination to improve the health of women and girls through policy, education and innovative model programs. The Department of Health and Human Services has identified violence prevention as a major goal for improving health across several initiatives, including Healthy People. Further efforts are needed to ensure that all aspects of the health care system respond appropriately to women and girls who are victims of interpersonal violence. According to data from the CDC, women are disproportionately affected by intimate partner violence, sexual violence, and stalking; and victims experience many negative impacts and health consequences. (http://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/nisvs-fact-sheet-2014.pdf; accessed January 10, 2015). Preliminary work supported by OWH highlighted the need for more collaborative violence prevention and health-related programs and projects. Previous work sponsored by OWH has illustrated the need to Academic Collaboration for Cybersecurity of Energy Delivery National Energy Technology Laboratory/ DE-FOA-000125212-May-2015 27,500,000 USD Systems (CEDS) Research and Development for the Energy Sector Anne M. Cary 412-386-5885 anne.cary@netl.doe.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275019 https://www.fedconnect.net/fedconnect/?doc=DE-FOA-0001252&agency=DOE 12-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: The Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) on behalf of the DOE, Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (OE), is seeking applications for an academic collaboration with expertise in power system engineering and cybersecurity computer science to innovate and transition cybersecurity capabilities to the energy sector to reduce the risk of power disruption resulting from a cyber-incident. National Resource Centers on Older Indians, Alaska Natives Administration on Aging/DHHS and Native Hawaiians Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 HHS-2015-ACL-A12-May-2015 340,000 USD Page 14 SPIN ID Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 46451 Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Cecelia Aldridge 202-357-3422 Cecelia.Aldridge@acl.hhs.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275124 http://www.acl.gov/Funding_Opportunities/Announcements/Index.aspx 12-May-2015 Congress has mandated the support of at least two, and not more than four, Resource Centersthat will focus on issues and concerns affecting individuals who are older Native Americans.The primary goal of these Centers is to enhance knowledge about older Native Americans and thereby toincrease and im prove the delivery of services to them. The National Resource Centers on NativeAmerican Elders (Centers) will concentrate on the development and pro vision of technical informationand expertise and best practices to Indian tribal organizations, Native American communities, educationalinstitutions includi ng Tribal Colleges and Universities, and professionals and paraprofessionals in thefield. Technology Development and Assessment for Supercritical National Energy Technology Laboratory/ DE-FOA-000123912-May-2015 Carbon Dioxide (SCO2) Based Power Cycles Diane Franklin 304-285-4609 diane.franklin@netl.doe.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275209 Not Specified Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) 12-May-2015 Synopsis NETL invites applications for the development of high temperature recuperator technologies that are capable of handling the SCO2 RCBC system requirements while also maintaining a cost effectiveness required for commercial adaptation. Modular concepts and or strategies that are capable of scalability to address the wide variation in size, capacity and temperature anticipated for the varied applications are of particular interest. Responsive applications will provide a plan for focused research and development of innovative designs, materials and manufacturing methods to produce scalable, cost- effective recuperators suitable for deployment in large-scale SCO2 power cycle applications. 46773 RFP--Reconfigurable Electronics for Multifunction Agile RF Department of the Air Force BAA-RQKSE-201 12-May-2015 Not Specified (REMAR) Contact Name Trisha Buddelmeyer Contact Telephone 937-713-9969 Contact Email trisha.buddelmeyer@us.af.mil Sponsor Website Program URL https://www.fbo.gov/index?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=ea9a28f47eaea961deabda8ea1e3b51e&tab=core&_cview=0 Deadline Dates (ALL) 12-May-2015 Synopsis A -- Reconfigurable Electronics for Multifunction Agile RF (REMAR) SOL BAA-RQKSE-2015-0006 DUE 051215 POC Trisha Buddelmeyer, Contract Specialist, Phone 937-713-9969, Email trisha.buddelmeyer@us.af.mil - Christopher Lesniak, Program Engineer, Phone 937-528-8719, Email christopher.lesniak@us.af.milThe objective is to conduct applied R&D to develop and demonstrate leap-ahead agile RF front-end systems with multifunction transmit / receive technology by employing reconfigurable RF & mixed-signal components which enable integrated Radar, Communications, & EW suites within a single platform. Salient features of the REMAR module are (1) configurable system architecture, (2) adaptable frequency plan, (3) tunable instantaneous bandwidth, (4) scalable DC & RFpower, and (5) agile waveform. Critical performance goals for the system include ultra wide bandwidth, high dynamic range, low phase noise, environmental compensation, on-chip calibration to enable autonomous adaptation, & precise Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 15 SPIN ID 46423 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 46740 Opportunity Title Sponsor Name National Legal Resource Center Administration on Aging/DHHS HHS-2015-ACL-A13-May-2015 176,838 USD Omar Valverde 202-357-3514 omar.valverde@acl.hhs.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275162 http://www.acl.gov/Funding_Opportunities/Announcements/Index.aspx 13-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: Through this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), the Administration for Community Living(ACL) plans to award four cooperative agreements to or ganizations that will collaborate andcollectively function as a National Legal Resource Center (NLRC), with funding for each projectranging from a federal share of $151,839 to $176,838 for a 1 year project period. Ovarian Cancer Research Program--Investigator-Initiated Research Award Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 45828 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Department of the Army W81XWH-15-OC 13-May-2015 Not Specified 301-682-5507 help@eBRAP.org http://www.grants.gov/custom/viewOppDetails.jsp?oppId=275331 13-May-2015 The OCRP Investigator-Initiated Research Award is intended to support studies that will significantly impact ovarian cancer research and/or patient care. Research projects may focus on any phase of research from basic laboratory research through translational research. ROSES 2015: Modeling, Analysis, and Prediction National Aeronautics & Space AdministraNNH15ZDA001N-14-May-2015 Not Specified David B. Considine 202-358-2277 david.b.considine@nasa.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274872 http://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?method=init&solId={6EF2CEB4-4AA8-D196-527A-D56414CB1900}&path=open 17-Mar-2015; 14-May-2015 SYNOPSIS:Within Earth Science Research, the Modeling, Analysis, and Prediction (MAP) program seeks an understanding of the Earth as a complete, dynamic system. It also seeks to understand how to generate through the integration of observations and models best estimates of the current and past states of the Earth system. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 16 SPIN ID 46419 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 46421 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 46445 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 46493 Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Farmers Market Promotion Program Grants Ms. Carmen Humphrey, Branch Chief 202-720- 0933 USDAFMPPQuestions@ams.usda.gov Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Agricultural Marketing Service/Departme USDA-AMS-FMP 14-May-2015 100,000 USD http://www07.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275198 14-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), requests applications for the fiscal year (FY) 2015 Farmers Market Promotion Program (FMPP) to competitively award grants to eligible applicants for projects that establish, expand, and promote direct producer-to-consumer marketing. Approximately $13.0 million is available to fund applications under this solicitation. Agricultural Marketing Service/Departme USDA-AMS-FSM 14-May-2015 60,000 USD Federal-State Marketing Improvement Program Janise Zygmont 202-720-5024 janise.zygmont@ams.usda.gov http://www.ams.usda.gov/AMSv1.0/getfile?dDocName=STELPRDC5110849 http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275217 14-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), requests applications for the fiscal year (FY) 2015 Federal-State Marketing Improvement Program (FSMIP) to competitively award matching grants to eligible applicants for projects that explore new market opportunities for U.S. food and agricultural products, and encourage research and innovation aimed at improving the efficiency and performance of the U.S. marketing system. Approximately $1.0 million is available to fund applications under this solicitation. Local Food Promotion Program Grants Nicole Nelson Miller 202-720-2731 USDALFPPQuestions@ams.usda.gov o http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275218 Agricultural Marketing Service/Departme USDA-AMS-LFPP14-May-2015 100,000 USD 14-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), requests applications for the fiscal year (FY) 2015 Local Food Promotion Program (LFPP) to competitively award grants to eligible applicants to plan or implement projects that assist in the development, improvement, and/or expansion of local and regional food business enterprise supply chain activities (activities that are not direct-to-consumer). Approximately $13.0 million is available to fund applications under this solicitation. Fiscal Year 2015 Pollution Prevention Grant Program Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Environmental Protection Agency Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 EPA-HQ-OPPT-2 14-May-2015 3,970,000 USD Page 17 SPIN ID Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 11194 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Michele Amhaz 202-564-8857 amhaz.michele@epa.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275282 14-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: EPA’s Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Chemistry, Economic and Sustainable Strategies Division oversees the Pollution Prevention (P2) Grant Program to support State and Tribal P2 Programs administer P2 projects that will help businesses identify better environmental strategies and solutions for reducing or eliminating waste at the source. EPA anticipates it will award approximately $3.97 million in P2 grant funding in Fiscal Year 2015. Grants will be awarded and managed by EPA's ten Regional P2 Program Offices. P2 grants are dependent on Congressional appropriation and the quality of proposals received. Office of Elementary and Secondary EduED-GRANTS-012 15-May-2015 Not Specified Indian Education Formula Grants to Local Educational Agencies Bernard Garcia 202-260-1454 Bernard.Garcia@ed.gov http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2015-01-23/pdf/2015-01202.pdf http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=272008 27-Feb-2015; 15-May-2015 SYNOPSIS:The Indian Education Formula Grants to Local Educational Agencies program provides grants to support local educational agencies (LEAs) and other eligible entities described in this notice in reforming and improving elementary and secondary school programs that serve Indian students. 45521 RFP -- AMENDMENT -- Advanced Development of More Department of Health & Human Services 15-May-2015 Not Specified Effective/Universal Influenza Vaccines Contact Name Matthew A. McCord, Contracting Officer Contact Telephone Contact Email matthew.mccord@hhs.gov Sponsor Website Program URL https://www.fbo.gov/index?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=edcadb56ac97a43603698f74c54f588a&tab=core&_cview=0 Deadline Dates (ALL) 15-May-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: A -- Advanced Development of More Effective/Universal Influenza Vaccines SOL BARDA_Universal_Influenza_Synopsis POC Matthew A. McCord, Contracting Officer, Email matthew.mccord@hhs.gov - Kevin Nilles, Contracting Officer, Email kevin.nilles@hhs.gov Prevention of disease caused by seasonal and novel influenza strains of pandemic potential continues to be a public health challenge. Vaccination is the primary medical intervention for prevention of infection with these viruses. Seasonal influenza vaccines, which are produced and administered annually, are only 30% to 70% effective. Excess morbidity and mortality caused by seasonal influenza virus disease can be devastating in terms of years of life lost and economic productivity. The emergence of novel strains of influenza viruses presents a public health threat, with potential rapid global spread among people with no pre-existing Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 18 SPIN ID 45830 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 45838 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 45844 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount ROSES 2015: Astrophysics Data Analysis National Aeronautics & Space AdministraNNH15ZDA001N-15-May-2015 Not Specified Douglas M. Hudgins 202-358-0988 Douglas.M.Hudgins@nasa.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274931 http://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?method=init&solId={7EC3A68D-0FF5-627D-C6EF-03D6FDE528FB}&path=open 27-Mar-2015; 15-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: The Astrophysics Data Analysis Program (ADAP) solicits research whose primary emphasis is the analysis of NASA space astrophysics data that are archived in the public domain at the timeof proposal submission. Most of these data have undergone considerable reduction and refinement by way of calibrations and ordering and extensive data analysis software tools often exist for these data. National Aeronautics & Space AdministraNNH15ZDA001N-15-May-2015 Not Specified ROSES 2015: Hayabusa2 Participating Scientist Tony Carro 202-358-0349 anthony.carro-1@nasa.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274832 http://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?method=init&solId={91F0A7B7-D1A5-0DC3-C965-74B912CDDA0F}&path=open 01-Apr-2015; 15-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: The objectives of the Hayabusa2 Participating Scientist (PS) Program are to aid in mission planning and data archiving, sample analysis, and to enhance and supplement the science performed by the Hayabusa2 mission. The goal of the Hayabusa2 mission is to retrieve samples of the surface of an asteroid and return them to the Earth. ROSES 2015: KORUS-AQ: An International Cooperative Air National Aeronautics & Space AdministraNNH15ZDA001N-15-May-2015 Not Specified Quality Field Study in Korea Alex Pszenny 202-358-4811 alex.pszenny@nasa.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274954 http://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?method=init&solId={B13B8D7D-5766-8532-5253-2874630F03D2}&path=open 01-Apr-2015; 15-May-2015 SYNOPSIS:Variations in constituents such as ozone and aerosols affect air quality, weather, and climate. Atmospheric composition is central to Earth system dynamics because the atmosphere integrates spatially varying surface emissions globally on time scales from weeks to years. NASA works to provide monitoring and evaluation tools to assess the effects of climate change on ozone recovery and future atmospheric composition, improved climate forecasts based on the understanding of the forcings of global environmental change, and air quality modeling that takeinto account the relationship between regional air quality and global climate change. Achievements in these areas via advances in observations, data assimilation, and modelingenable improved predictive capabilities for describing how future changes in atmospheric composition affect air quality, weather, and climate. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 19 SPIN ID 45999 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 46001 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 46248 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount ROSES 2015: Planetary Data Archiving, Restoration, and National Aeronautics & Space AdministraNNH15ZDA001N-15-May-2015 Not Specified Tools Sarah Noble 202-358-2492 sarah.noble-1@nasa.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275471 http://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?method=init&solId={19148EC8-0C4D-A31F-7F05-AF399BEF99A8}&path=open 15-May-2015; 17-Jul-2015 SYNOPSIS: The Planetary Data Archiving, Restoration, and Tools (PDART) solicits proposals to generate higher-order data products, archive and restore data sets or products, create or consolidate reference databases, generate new reference information, digitize data, and develop or validate software tools. ROSES 2015: Heliophysics Supporting Research Arik Posner 202-358 0727 arik.posner@nasa.gov National Aeronautics & Space AdministraNNH15ZDA001N-15-May-2015 Not Specified http://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?method=init&solId={A5D4C924-CE11-A071-CD9E-690819865ACC}&path=open 15-May-2015; 11-Sep-2015 SYNOPSIS:Heliophysics SR awards are focused individual research investigations that employ a variety of techniques, including theory, numerical simulation, modeling, analysis, and interpretation ofspace data. Conservation Innovation Grants--Iowa Paul Goldsmith 515-284-4353 paul.goldsmith@ia.usda.gov Natural Resources Conservation ServiceUSDA-NRCS-CIG15-May-2015 75,000 USD http://www07.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274950 15-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: NRCS Iowa announces availability of Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) to stimulate the development and adoption of innovative conservation approaches and technologies. Applications will be accepted from businesses, entities, and individuals within the state of Iowa only.NRCS anticipates that the amount available for support of this program in FY 2015 will be up to $800,000. Applications are requested from eligible governmental or nongovernmental organizations or individuals for competitive consideration of grant awards for projects between 1 and 3 years in duration. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 20 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount 46274 Working with Publicly Funded Health Centers to Reduce Tee National Center for Chronic Disease Pre CDC-RFA-DP15- 15-May-2015 3,250,000 USD n Pregnancy among Youth from Vulnerable Populations Contact Name Trisha Mueller, Project Officer Contact Telephone 770-488-6395 Contact Email czj5@cdc.gov Sponsor Website Program URL http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274991 Deadline Dates (ALL) 15-May-2015 Synopsis National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP) invites applications for a new five-year initiative to 1) enhance publicly funded health centers’ capacity to provide youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health services and 2) increase the number of youth accessing sexual and reproductive health services by (a) working with youth-serving systems to develop strategies to refer and link vulnerable youth to care and (b) increasing awareness of the health centers’ services in the local community through communication efforts. All proposed strategies and approaches should contribute to the long-term outcomes of reduction in teen pregnancy and births. Sexual and reproductive health services includes services such as sexual health assessment, contraceptive and/or sexual health counseling, health exams (e.g. pelvic exam, pap test), insertion of or prescription of contraception or IUD, STD screening and/or treatment and HIV testing. A total of approximately $ 9.75 million is available. Health Resources and Services Adminis HRSA-15-042 15-May-2015 1,950,000 USD 46454 Health Careers Opportunity Program Contact Name Tia-Nicole Leak, PhD Contact Telephone 301-443-1134 Contact Email tleak@hrsa.gov Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275220 Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) 15-May-2015 Synopsis The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Bureau of Health Workforce,Division of Health Careers and Financial Support is accepting applications for fiscal year (FY)2015 Health Careers Opportunity Program (HCOP). HCOP supports national efforts to diversifythe health care workforce by funding projects to expand and support opportunities for individualsfrom disadvantaged backgrounds. The purpose of this grant program is to: 1) promote therecruitment of qualified students and adult learners, including veterans from disadvantagedbackgrounds into health or allied health professions programs; 2) improve retention rates byimplementing tailored enrichment programs designed to address the academic and social needsof trainees from disadvantaged backgrounds ; 3) improve matriculation and graduation rates; and4) provide opportunities for community-based health professions training, emphasizingexperiences in underserved communities. 46678 Fisheries International Cooperation and Assistance Program National Oceanic & Atmospheric Adminis 15-May-2015 Not Specified Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Christopher Rogers | NOAA-NMFS-FHQ-2015-2004376 301-427-8375 Christopher.Rogers@noaa.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275421 15-May-2015 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 21 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Synopsis SYNOPSIS: The purpose of this notice is to request applications for special projects and programs associated with the NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) International Affairs and Seafood Inspection (IASI) strategic plan and mission goals (http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/ia/) aimed to promote international cooperation to achieve effective and responsible marine stewardship and ensure sustainable global fisheries and protected marine species management. This funding opportunity is a mechanism to build international cooperation that supports science-based management by encouraging research, education, policy, and outreach, innovative projects, or sponsorships, and strengthen our existing international development work building strategic partnerships with other nations, particularly with developing countries. NMFS has the authority to engage in international cooperation and 46775 Conservation Innovation Grants--Idaho Natural Resources Conservation ServiceUSDA-NRCS-ID-115-May-2015 75,000 USD Contact Name Denise Adkins Contact Telephone 208-685-6991 Contact Email Denise.Adkins@id.usda.gov Sponsor Website http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/detail/id/programs/financial/cig/?cid=nrcs144p2_046509 Program URL http://www07.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275465 Deadline Dates (ALL) 15-May-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: Idaho Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) announces the availability of Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) to stimulate the development and adoption of innovative conservation approaches and technologies. NRCS anticipates that the amount available for support of this program in FY 2015 will be up to $150,000. Applications are requested from eligible governmental or non-governmental organizations or individuals for competitive consideration of grant awards for projects between 1 and 3 years in duration. Grants to eligible entities and individuals may not exceed a maximum of $75,000 each. 46895 Citizenship and Integration Direct Services Grant Program - Department of Homeland Security DHS-15-CIS-010- 15-May-2015 10,000,000 USD Citizenship Instruction and Naturalization Application Services Contact Name Patty Mayo, Grants Officer Contact Telephone Contact Email CISMailbox@hq.dhs.gov Sponsor Website Program URL http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275575 Deadline Dates (ALL) 15-May-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: The Citizenship and Integration Direct Services Grant Program offered through the Office of Citizenship (OoC), within U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), will provide federal funding to eligible organizations to prepare Lawful Permanent Residents (LPRs) for citizenship. Competitive grant funds will support the expansion of citizenship preparation services in communities nationwide. 45845 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL National Aeronautics & Space AdministraNNH15ZDA001N-18-May-2015 Not Specified ROSES 2015: IceBridge Observations Thomas Wagner 202-358-4682 thomas.wagner@nasa.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275033 http://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?method=init&solId={D88DE691-2735-F962-4DE6-8B7A68C34EE0}&path=open Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 22 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Deadline Dates (ALL) 18-May-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS:</br>IceBridge (http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/icebridge/index.html) is a NASA airborne mission making altimetry, radar, and other geophysical measurements to monitor and characterize major portions of the Earth’s cryosphere. The Earth’s cryosphere is in a period of rapid change. Understanding these changes, their causes, and impacts are critically important to understanding the Earth as a global system. Data collected under the IceBridge program has improved our knowledge of the contribution of the world’s major ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica to sea level rise and is making fundamental contributions to understanding changes occurring in the extent and thickness of the polar sea ice. 45921 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative--Food Safety National Institute of Food and AgricultureUSDA-NIFA-AFR 18-May-2015 4,000,000 USD Challenge Area--Enhancing Food Safety through Improved Processing Technologies Contact Name Dr. Hongda Chen Contact Telephone Contact Email hchen@nifa.usda.gov Sponsor Website http://www07.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274625 Program URL http://www.nifa.usda.gov/funding/rfas/pdfs/FY15%20Food%20Safety%20RFA%20final_to%20post.pdf Deadline Dates (ALL) 18-May-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: NIFA requests applications for the Food Safety Challenge Area Program for fiscal year (FY) 2015.The Food Safety Challenge Area focuses on the societal challenge of ensuring a safe and nutritious food supply while maintaining American agriculture competitiveness. The amount available for support of the AFRI Food Safety Challenge Area program in FY 2015 is approximately $6.0 million. Project types supported by AFRI within this Challenge Area are multi-function Integrated Research,Education, and/or Extension Projects, Food and Agricultural Science Enhancement (FASE) Grants, and conferences. 46264 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 46440 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website College Sexual Assault Policy and Prevention Initiative Assistant Secretary for Health/DHHS WH-AST-15-002 18-May-2015 300,000 USD Brenda Donaldson 240-453-8822 Brenda.Donaldson@hhs.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274932 https://www.grantsolutions.gov/gs/preaward/previewPublicAnnouncement.do?id=51128 18-May-2015 The Office on Women’s Health (OWH) announces the anticipated availabilityof funds for Fiscal Year(FY)2015foruptofive availability of funds for Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 for up to five cooperative agreement awards totaling $1.5 million under the Family Violence and Community Prevention Program. This notice solicits applications for projects focused on policies to address sexual assault on college campuses. These awards will be used to enhance and implement sexual assault prevention policies through provision of national outreach and technical assistance, development of institutional partnerships, and creation of campus coalitions. OWH encourages national or regional membership-driven organizations who represent interest groups or populations that serve and support post-secondary schools, colleges and universities to apply. Bureau of Justice Statistics/Department oBJS-2015-4155 Annual Survey of Probation and Parole, 2015-2018 Laura Maruschak 202-307-0765 askbjs@usdoj.gov http://www07.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275207 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 18-May-2015 2,000,000 USD Page 23 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Program URL http://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/aspp1518.pdf Deadline Dates (ALL) 18-May-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) is seeking applications for the collection, analysis, and dissemination activities of its Annual Surveys of Probation and Parole, 2015–2018. This program furthers the Department’s mission by working in partnership with the justice community to identify the most pressing challenges confronting the justice system and to provide state-of-the-art knowledge and information to support innovative strategies and approaches for dealing with these challenges. 46456 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Health Education Program on Lupus Amanda Osborne 240-453-8822 amanda.osborne@hhs.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275203 Assistant Secretary for Health/DHHS MP-CPI-15-001 18-May-2015 500,000 USD 18-May-2015 The purpose of the NHEPL is to reduce lupus related health disparities among racial and ethnic minority populations disproportionately affected by this disease by conducting a national lupus education initiative that includes the general public, health professionals and student trainees in targeted communities, schools and health care systems and practices. Three to five grantees will be funded to conduct this national initiative. These grantees will be responsible for conducting at least two of the following three priority activities: Conduct provider training to include physicians, nurses, pharmacists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and allied health professionals to engage them to improve lupus diagnosis and treatment through education, appropriate linkages to care, disease management, and enrollment in health coverage. Implement a lupus program through a comprehensive community level education effort that will serve persons living with lupus and their family members. The program will include: community outreach to improve 46482 Population Monitoring, Data Collection, and Conservation Bureau of Land Management/DepartmenL15AS00049 18-May-2015 22,000 USD Strategy for Pyrrocoma radiata, Snake River goldenweed, Vale District Contact Name Sheryl Dowley, Grants Management Specialist Contact Telephone 503-808-6243 Contact Email sdowley@blm.gov Sponsor Website Program URL http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275263 Deadline Dates (ALL) 18-May-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: BLM OR/WA invites applications for Population Monitoring, Data Collection, and Conservation Strategy for Pyrrocoma radiata, Snake River goldenweed, Vale District. A total of approximately $22,000 is available. 46872 RFP -- A--REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP - RAPID III CONTRACTS ON-RAMP 3 Contact Name Cynthia L White Contact Telephone 301-286-8772 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai National Aeronautics & Space AdministraNNG10207304R-O18-May-2015 Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Not Specified Page 24 SPIN ID Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Cynthia.l.white@nasa.gov https://www.fbo.gov/index?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=c42c57ba2479d9b417007929595b6800&tab=core&_cview=0 18-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: A -- REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP - RAPID III CONTRACTS ON-RAMP 3 SOL NNG10207304R-ON-RAMP-3 DUE 051815Cynthia L White, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-286-8772, Fax 301-286-0530, Email Cynthia.l.white@nasa.gov - diane scheuerman, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-2864661, Fax 301-286-0530, Email diane.scheuerman-1@nasa.gov(RAPID III) is a multiple award, IDIQ, Fixed Price type contract, for satellitebus core systems with any necessary modifications to meet specific Mission needs. The scope of the work includes design and development of the spacecraft, integration of Government provided scientific instruments, spacecraft/observatory integration and test, shipment of observatory to launch site, observatory launch support, on-orbit checkout of observatory, and on-orbit operations as required. Periodically, within the contracts effective ordering period, the 46885 RFP -- DPA Title III Activated Carbon Capacity Expansion Department of the Air Force FOA-AFRL-RQKM18-May-2015 Not Specified Project (ACCE) Contact Name Cathie Stropki, Agreements Negotiator Contact Telephone 937-713-9901 Contact Email catherine.stropki@us.af.mil Sponsor Website Program URL https://www.fbo.gov/index?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=883ebdf8473c4f74ee56ea691eb38ca0&tab=core&_cview=0 Deadline Dates (ALL) 18-May-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: A -- DPA Title III Activated Carbon Capacity Expansion Project (ACCE) SOL FOA-AFRL-RQKM-2015-0018 DUE 051815 POC Cathie Stropki, Agreements Negotiator, Phone (937) 713-9901, Fax (937) 255-5302, Email catherine.stropki@us.af.mil - Dianna C. Aniton, Contracting/Agreements Officer, Phone (937) 713-9897, Fax (937) 255-5302, Email dianna.aniton@us.af.milThis project is to advance domestic, economically viable, merchant supplier production capabilities to produce activated carbon which meets the Detail Specifications of MIL-DTL-32101A, entitled "Carbon, Activated, Impregnated, Copper---Silver---Zinc---Molybdenum---Triethylenediamine (ASZM---TEDA)".CITE: https://www.fbo.gov/spg/USAF/AFMC/AFRLWRS/FOAAFRL-RQKM-2015-0018/listing.html 04782 Asian American and Native American Pacific IslanderOffice of Postsecondary Education/Depa ED-GRANTS-032 19-May-2015 Not Specified Serving Institutions (AANAPISI) Program Contact Name Pearson Owens Contact Telephone 202-502-7804 Contact Email Pearson.Owens@ed.gov Sponsor Website http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-04-01/pdf/2011-7803.pdf Program URL http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275324 Deadline Dates (ALL) 19-May-2015 Synopsis The AANAPISI Program provides grants to eligible institutions of higher education (IHEs) that have an undergraduate enrollment of at least 10 percent Asian American or Native American Pacific Islander students to assist such institutions to plan, develop, undertake, and carry out activities to improve and expand such institutions’ capacity to serve Asian Americans and Native American Pacific Islanders and low-income individuals. 27178 Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program Contact Name Carnisia M. Proctor Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Office of Postsecondary Education/Depa ED-GRANTS-032 19-May-2015 Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Not Specified Page 25 SPIN ID Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 45832 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount 202-502-7606 Carnisia.Proctor@ed.gov http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2015-03-20/pdf/2015-06501.pdf http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275305 19-May-2015 The HSI Program provides grants to assist HSIs to expand educational opportunities for, and improve the academic attainment of, Hispanic students. HSI Program grants also enable HSIs to expand and enhance the academic offerings, program quality, and institutional stability of colleges and universities that are educating the majority of Hispanic college students and help large numbers of Hispanic students and other low-income individuals complete postsecondary degrees. ROSES 2015: Science Utilization of the Soil Moisture Active- National Aeronautics & Space AdministraNNH15ZDA001N-19-May-2015 Not Specified Passive Mission Jared Entin 202-358-0275 jared.k.entin@nasa.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274864 http://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?method=init&solId={6947C5F0-D481-9E99-0E27-1F87383774BC}&path=open 19-Mar-2015; 19-May-2015 SYNOPSIS:Proposals are solicited for science investigations that exploit data from the Soil Moisture Active-Passive (SMAP) mission. The Soil Moisture Active-Passive mission will use both active (radar) and passive (radiometer) L-band microwave remote sensing to determine the land surface soil moisture and freeze/thaw state. These measurements will advance the study of the water, carbon, and energy cycles, both individually and at their points of interconnection. 46560 2016 Earthquake Hazards Program External Research U.S. Geological Survey/Department of thG15AS00037 19-May-2015 Not Specified Support Contact Name Maggie Eastman Contact Telephone 703-648-7366 Contact Email mrussell@usgs.gov Sponsor Website Program URL http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275330 Deadline Dates (ALL) 19-May-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: USGS Earthquake Hazards Program (EHP) issues this annual Announcement for assistance to support research in earthquake hazards, the physics of earthquakes, earthquake occurrence, and earthquake safety policy. A maximum of $7.0 million will be available for support of research grants and cooperative agreements in FY2016. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 26 SPIN ID 46810 Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Justice Reinvestment Initiative: Assessment Technical Assistance and Maximizing Local Reforms Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Bureau of Justice Assistance/DepartmenBJA-2015-4152 19-May-2015 Not Specified 1-800-851-3420 responsecenter@ncjrs.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275552 https://www.bja.gov/Funding/15JRILocalTAsol.pdf 19-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: The sponsor is seeking applications for 1) a technical assistance provider to work with BJA to oversee, coordinate, and assess the initiative, and 2) grants to local Justice Reinvestment Initiative (JRI) sites. Newborn Screening for Severe Combined Immunodeficiency National Center for Environmental HealthCDC-RFA-EH15- 20-May-2015 600,000 USD (SCID) Contact Name Daniel Mandel, Project Officer Contact Telephone 404-488-7967 Contact Email IBT7@cdc.gov Sponsor Website Program URL http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275098 Deadline Dates (ALL) 20-May-2015 Synopsis CDC will initiate a funding opportunity awarding up to $600,000 through cooperative agreements to state or territorial public health newborn screening programs that do not currently conduct statewide SCID newborn screening. Awarded funds will support awardees to purchase needed laboratory equipment and supplies to begin newborn screening for SCID and will support awardees to train and educate appropriate laboratory staff, public health professionals, and health care providers. The intent of this funding opportunity announcement is to increase the number of states and territories in the United States that include SCID screening as part of their newborn screening program, resulting in a greater number of newborns that are screened, identified, and referred for treatment for SCID. A total of approximately $1.2 million is available in FY2015. 46425 46557 Monitoring Avian Production and Survivorship at Douglas Creek, Douglas County, Washington Contact Name Sheri Dowley, Grants Management Specialist Contact Telephone 503-808-6243 Contact Email sdowley@blm.gov Sponsor Website Program URL http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275316 Deadline Dates (ALL) 20-May-2015 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Bureau of Land Management/DepartmenL15AS00051 Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 20-May-2015 4,000 USD Page 27 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Synopsis SYNOPSIS: Bureau of Land Management (BLM) invites applications to continue to study and monitor Neotropical birds in the Douglas Creek riparian corridor during the annual summer period of use. Data collected on species captured and unique identification will be entered into a global database monitored by the Institute for Bird Populations following the MAPS Protocol.A total of approximately $4,000 is available. 46433 RFP -- State of Knowledge and Practice for Using Automated Department of Transportation License Plate Readers for Traffic Safety Purposes Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 45833 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis DTRT5715R2000 21-May-2015 Not Specified Elizabeth A. Segal, Contracting Officer 617-494-2401 elizabeth.segal@dot.gov https://www.fbo.gov/notices/6b0d0cef8422f8f8adb0de31f91e87f9 21-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: A -- State of Knowledge and Practice for Using Automated License Plate Readers for Traffic Safety Purposes SOL DTRT5715R20006 DUE 052115Elizabeth A. Segal, Contracting Officer, Phone 617-494-2401, Email elizabeth.segal@dot.govThe U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology, John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (Volpe Center), Cambridge, MA, intends to issue a solicitation for services related to the State of Knowledge and Practice for Using Automated License Plate Readersfor Traffic Safety Purposes.The solicitation will be competed as a Full and Open competition and is intended for a single award. The Government intends to award a costplus-fixed-fee completion type contract. This procurement will be conducted in accordance with FAR Part 15, Contracting by Negotiation. The term of the ROSES 2015: Exoplanet Research Program National Aeronautics & Space AdministraNNH15ZDA001N-22-May-2015 Not Specified Christina Richey 202-358-2206 christina.r.richey@nasa.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274894 http://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?method=init&solId={F6BCBA8F-97BA-6797-B46D-75D16ACD83B3}&path=open 27-Mar-2015; 22-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: The Exoplanets program element solicits basic research proposals to conduct scientific investigations related to the research and analysis of extrasolar planets (exoplanets). Its broad objectives include the determination of compositions, dynamics, energetics, chemical behaviors of extrasolar planets, and the detection and characterization of other planetary systems. 46003 ROSES 2015: Heliophysics Infrastructure and Data Environment Enhancements Contact Name Jeffrey Hayes Contact Telephone 202-358-0353 Contact Email jhayes@nasa.gov Sponsor Website Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai National Aeronautics & Space AdministraNNH15ZDA001N-22-May-2015 Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Not Specified Page 28 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Program URL http://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?method=init&solId={A8BBBB13-3DDC-0712-3430-BE602F54157F}&path=open Deadline Dates (ALL) 22-May-2015; 24-Jul-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: The goal of the H-IDEE program is to enable breakthrough research in Heliophysics by providing both a state of the art data environment and necessary supporting infrastructure to maximize the scientific return of the NASA missions. 46342 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 46549 Conservation Innovation Grants - Kentucky Natural Resources Conservation ServiceUSDA-NRCS-KYS22-May-2015 75,000 USD Robert Bradley, Program Manager 859-224-7457 bobby.bradley@ky.usda.gov http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/stelprdb1082150.pdf http://www07.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275057 22-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: Temporarily suspended. Kentucky Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), announces the availability of Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) to stimulate the development and adoption of innovative conservation approaches and technologies. Proposals will be accepted from Kentucky. NRCS anticipates that the amount available for support of this program in FY 2015 will be up to $225,000. Proposals are requested from eligible governmental or non-governmental organizations or individuals for competitive consideration of grant awards for projects between 1 and 3 years in duration. Partnerships to Increase Coverage in Communities Initiative Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Office of Minority Health/Assistant Secre MP-CPI-15-003 22-May-2015 250,000 USD De Wayne Wynn 240-453-8822 dewayne.wynn@hhs.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275314 22-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: The United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS or Department), Office of Minority Health (OMH), located within the Office of the Secretary, announces the anticipated availability of funds for Fiscal Year (FY) 2015. Partnerships to Increase Coverage in Communities II Initiative (PICC II) is under the authority of Section 1707 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. §300 u-6). This notice solicits applications for competing grant awards to serve various populations, including uninsured racial and ethnic minority populations and those that are economically or environmentally disadvantaged. 46586 Fiscal Year 2015 Pollution Prevention Information Network (PPIN) Grant Program Contact Name Beth Anderson Contact Telephone 202-564-8833 Contact Email Anderson.Beth@epa.gov Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Environmental Protection Agency Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 EPA-HQ-OPPT-2 22-May-2015 800,000 USD Page 29 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Sponsor Website http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275343 Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) 22-May-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: This RFP seeks cost effective proposals from eligible applicants to support national pollution prevention (P2) information needs. The Pollution Prevention Information Network (PPIN) grant program funds a coordinated network of national P2 information centers that share expertise, provide training and other services that promote P2 approaches as part of sustainable business practices. Grantees coordinate their work and the development of reliable, current, easily accessible digital P2 resources. 46613 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 46621 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Lost Creek Watershed Restoration, Eugene District Jessica Clark 503-808-6226 j1clark@blm.gov Bureau of Land Management/DepartmenL15AS00052 22-May-2015 35,000 USD http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275338 22-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: Bureau of Land Management (BLM) OR/WA invites applications to restore temporal and spatial connectivity within the Lost Creek Watershed. A total of approximately $35,000 is available. Effects of Spring Grazing on Sage-Grouse Chris Shaver, Grants Management Specialist 208-373-3817 cshaver@blm.gov Bureau of Land Management/DepartmenL15AS00053 22-May-2015 120,000 USD http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275359 22-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Idaho invites applications to quantify and evaluate the effects of spring cattle grazing on demographic traits of sagegrouse, fuel loads, and wildfire behavior, over a ten year period. A total of approximately $120,000 is available. 46623 Pink Sand Verbena Habitat Monitoring and Improvement, Coos Bay District Contact Name Sheri Dowley, Grants Management Specialist Contact Telephone 503-808-6243 Contact Email sdowley@blm.gov Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Bureau of Land Management/DepartmenL15AS00052 Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 24-May-2015 10,000 USD Page 30 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Sponsor Website Program URL http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275385 Deadline Dates (ALL) 24-May-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: Bureau of Land Management (BLM) OR/WA invites applications to continue to establish and monitor functioning populations of pink sand verbena at Coos Bay North Spit and New River ACEC; to collect seed at the North Spit population to enhance the North Spit and New River sites; and to expand the repopulation and conservation efforts to other sites. A total of approximately $10,000 is available. 46625 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 46629 Western Lily Studies, Coos Bay Sheri Dowley, Grants Management Specialist 503-808-6243 sdowley@blm.gov Bureau of Land Management/DepartmenL15AS00057 25-May-2015 16,000 USD http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275415 25-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: Bureau of Land Management (BLM) OR/WA invites applications to: learn more about the habitat requirements and reintroduction techniques for Western lily (W. Lily, Lilium occidentale), a federal Endangered plant species; provide the BLM, Portland State University, and plant conservationists more information on using reintroduction as a conservation tool' and provide information about the conservation and the management of W. Lily. A total of approximately $16,000 is available. Intelligent Monitoring Systems and Advanced Well Integrity National Energy Technology Laboratory/ DE-FOA-000124025-May-2015 and Mitigation Bethan Young 412-386-4402 bethan.young@netl.doe.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275209 Not Specified Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) 25-May-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: DOE is seeking R&D projects that will achieve significant technological advancements in the following areas: 1) Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)specific intelligent systems for monitoring, controlling, and optimizing CO2 injection operations, and 2) diagnostic tools and methods capable of characterizing borehole leakage pathways or fluid flow in existing wells; and (3) next-generation materials and methods for mitigating wellbore leakage. 46704 Care and Share Campaign Contact Name Chris Shaver, Grants Management Specialist Contact Telephone 208-373-3817 Contact Email cshaver@blm.gov Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Bureau of Land Management/DepartmenL15AS00058 Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 25-May-2015 15,000 USD Page 31 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Sponsor Website Program URL http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275422 Deadline Dates (ALL) 25-May-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Idaho invites applications for the Care and Share Campaign, which provides public education to reduce user impacts to natural resources and provide for effective multiple use of public lands A total of approximately $15,000 is available. 46706 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Bear Creek Restoration, Eugene District Jessica Clark, Grants Management Specialist 503-808-6226 j1clark@blm.gov Bureau of Land Management/DepartmenL15AS00049 25-May-2015 90,000 USD http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275475 25-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: BLM OR/WA invites applications to restore spatial and temporal connectivity within the Bear Creek watershed and other locations in the Long Tom 5th field Watershed. A total of approximately $22,000 is available. 46005 ROSES 2015: CloudSat And CALIPSO Science Team National Aeronautics & Space AdministraNNH15ZDA001N-26-May-2015 5,000,000 USD Recompete Contact Name David B. Considine Contact Telephone 202-358-2277 Contact Email david.b.considine@nasa.gov Sponsor Website Program URL http://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?method=init&solId={B2E9ECED-A444-B461-E425-C0EB91E04054}&path=open Deadline Dates (ALL) 26-May-2015; 25-Jul-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS:Nearing nine years of active service, the radar carrying CloudSat and backscatter lidar carrying Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO) satellites have provided unprecedented information on the vertical profile of clouds, cloud liquid water, and aerosol particles over the globe. Taken individually, the CloudSat mission's primary science goal is to furnish data needed to evaluate and improve the way clouds are parameterized in global models, thereby contributing to better predictions of clouds and thus to the poorly understood cloud-climate feedback problem (http://cloudsat.atmos.colostate.edu/). For CALIPSO, the satellite was designed to help scientists answer significant questions and provide new information regarding atmospheric transport of airborne particles and air pollutants, as well as the effects of clouds and aerosol particles on Earth's changing climate (http://www-calipso.larc.nasa.gov/). The greatest strength in CloudSat and CALIPSO, however, comes from their inclusion in the NASA Bureau of Justice Statistics/Department oBJS-2015-4166 26-May-2015 400,000 USD 46596 Annual Surveys of Jails in Indian Country, 2016-2019 Contact Name Cathy Maston Contact Telephone 202-307-5992 Contact Email cathy.maston@usdoj.gov Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 32 SPIN ID Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275380 http://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/asjic1619sol.pdf 26-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: This award will provide funding through a cooperative agreement to administer annually the Survey of Jails in Indian Country (SJIC) data collection and analysis activities for four iterations of the survey: 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019. 46608 Enhanced Surveillance for New Vaccine Preventable Disease National Center for Immunization and ReRFA-IP-11-01005 26-May-2015 500,000 USD - A Program Expansion for Acute Respiratory Illness Surveillance Financed Solely by 2015 Prevention and Public Health Funds (U01) Contact Name Deborah Loveys, PhD Contact Telephone 404-718-8834 Contact Email DLoveys@cdc.gov Sponsor Website Program URL http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275391 Deadline Dates (ALL) 26-May-2015 Synopsis National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD) invites applications for a supplemental funding opportunity to support extended surveillance and data collection for acute respiratory illnesses (ARI) in a network of sites designed to study new vaccine use, the impact of new and upcoming vaccines and other immunoprophylaxis, and new vaccine policies/policies under consideration, through enhanced inpatient surveillance, applied epidemiologic research, and investigator-initiated investigations. Specifically, this announcement seeks to expand surveillance activities for the purpose of investigating influenza vaccine effectiveness (VE) among hospitalized children and to define the inpatient burden of other respiratory viruses as causes of ARI, particularly respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and enterovirus-D68 (EV-D68), at institutions currently collaborating in the New Vaccine Surveillance Network (NVSN). These activities are in keeping with the existing main outcomes for NVSN, namely, 1) to evaluate the impact of new or 46628 Grants for Adaptive Sports Programs for Disabled Veterans Department of Veterans Affairs VA-ASG-2016-01 26-May-2015 500,000 USD and Disabled Members of the Armed Forces Contact Name Michael F. Welch Contact Telephone 202-632-7136 Contact Email Michael.Welch5@va.gov Sponsor Website Program URL http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275304 Deadline Dates (ALL) 26-May-2015 Synopsis VA is announcing the availability of funds for adaptive sports grants under the Adaptive Sports Grant (ASG) Program. A total of approximately $8.0 million is available. Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 33 SPIN ID 46685 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 46707 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 46721 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) Partnerships with Substance Abuse & Mental Health ServicSP-15-004 26-May-2015 1,500,000 USD Community-Based Organizations (CBO) (MSI/CBO) Wilma A. Pinnock 240-276-2421 Wilma.pinnock@samhsa.hhs.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275467 http://www.samhsa.gov/grants/grant-announcements/sp-15-004 26-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: The purpose of this program is to prevent and reduce substance abuse (SA) and transmission of HIV/AIDS among at-risk populations, including African American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian American/Pacific Islander (AA/PI), and American Indian/Alaska Natives (AI/AN) young adult (ages 18-24) populations. To meet the needs of these populations, CSAP expects MSIs to partner with one or more community-based organization(s) (CBO) to provide integrated substance abuse (SA), Hepatitis-C (HCV), and HIV prevention programs. Forest Carnivore and Livestock Program in Montana Jim Sparks 406-329-3827 zfulbrig@blm.gov Bureau of Land Management/DepartmenL15AS00059 26-May-2015 50,000 USD http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275466 26-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: BLM MT invites applications for the Carnivore and Livestock Program. The Carnivore and Livestock Program emphasizes reducingconflicts between livestock, gray wolves (sensitive), and grizzly bears (threatened) during summer, and forest carnivore monitoring of Canada lynx (threatened), wolverine (sensitive), and fisher (sensitive) during winter. A total of approximately $50,000 is available. Research and Evaluation on Trafficking in Persons National Institute of Justice/Department oNIJ-2015-3989 27-May-2015 2,000,000 USD John T. Picarelli, Social Science Analyst 202-307-3213 john.picarelli@usdoj.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275483 https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/sl001160.pdf 27-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: This solicitation seeks applications for research and evaluation projects to address the knowledge gaps related to trafficking in persons in the United States. Applications that focus on all forms of trafficking in persons (e.g., sex trafficking or labor trafficking) are welcomed. This year, NIJ is particularly interested in researchresponding to the following priority areas: 1. Fostering partnerships between researchers and trafficking survivors; 2. Evaluation of the Enhanced Collaborative Model Human Trafficking Task Forces; 3. Perception of human trafficking victimization in courts; 4. Extent to which existing crime reporting and data systems capture the human trafficking victimization that occurs in a particular jurisdiction; and 5. Trafficking and sex offender registries. Strong applications that address human trafficking in the United States in a criminal justice context that fall outside these priority areas will also Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 34 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount 46776 Nevada Greater Sage Grouse Habitat Restoration and Bureau of Land Management/DepartmenL15AS00063 27-May-2015 2,500,000 USD Monitoring Project Contact Name Susan Kaller, Grants Management Specialist Contact Telephone 775-861-6559 Contact Email skaller@blm.gov Sponsor Website Program URL http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275504 Deadline Dates (ALL) 27-May-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: Bureau of Land Management (BLM) invites applications for the design, implementation, monitoring and completion of on-the-ground projects designed to enhance, rehabilitate, restore, and when appropriate mitigate habitat on BLM-administered public lands in Nevada that occur within the range of Greater Sage Grouse. Specific studies to elucidate the effects of project treatments on target or non-target wildlife species is also an aspect. Monitoring of results will be done to determine the most cost effective future projects. A total of approximately $2.5 million is available. 46724 VOCA Children's Advocacy Centers Subgrant Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 46730 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Office of Juvenile Justice and DelinquencOJJDP-2015-413028-May-2015 11,250,000 USD 606-545-5035 responsecenter@ncjrs.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275529 http://www.ojjdp.gov/grants/solicitations/FY2015/VOCASubgrant.pdf 28-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: This program will provide funding to manage a national grant awards program for local children’s advocacy center programs. Children’s advocacy centers provide a coordinated response to victims of child abuse through multidisciplinary teams composed of representatives from the statutorily mandated and other involved agencies. National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace National Institute of Standards & Techno 2015-NIST-NSTIC28-May-2015 (NSTIC) Privacy Pilots Cooperative Agreement Program Barbara Cuthill 301-975-3273 barbara.cuthill@nist.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275464 http://www.nist.gov/nstic/NSTIC-Privacy-Pilot-FFO-03-2015.pdf 28-May-2015 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 3,000,000 USD Page 35 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Synopsis SYNOPSIS: NIST is soliciting applications from eligible applicants to pilot privacy-enhancing technologies that embrace and advance the NSTIC vision and contribute to the maturity of the identity ecosystem the NSTIC envisions: Promote secure, user-friendly ways to give individuals and organizations confidence in their online interactions. 46820 Bridging Research and Practice Project To Advance Juvenile Office of Juvenile Justice and DelinquencOJJDP-2015-410828-May-2015 Justice and Safety Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 46821 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 46136 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website 500,000 USD 606-545-5035 responsecenter@ncjrs.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275567 http://www.ojjdp.gov/grants/solicitations/FY2015/TTABridging.pdf 28-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: This project will develop research-to-practice resources to advance the understanding, translation, and application of research and research-based strategies across four primary components of the juvenile justice system: (1) prevention and diversion, (2) community-based alternatives to placement, (3) detention and secure confinement, and (4) reentry. The intent of this project is to assist OJJDP, practitioners, and researchers with the translation and dissemination of research findings to be more understandable, useful, and strategically targeted. This project will collect and analyze current research findings on effective juvenile justice practices and develop innovative and easily accessible, consumable resources and tools for juvenile justice practitioners, administrators, and policymakers. Office of Juvenile Justice and DelinquencOJJDP-2015-412528-May-2015 1,950,000 USD National Juvenile Court Data Archive 606-545-5035 responsecenter@ncjrs.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275569 http://www.ojjdp.gov/grants/solicitations/FY2015/Archive.pdf 28-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: The sponsor is seeking applications for its Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 National Juvenile Court Data Archive. This solicitation will fund the annual collection, verification, and analysis of data that documents the activities of the juvenile justice court system and its response to law-violating and at-risk youth. The Archive will disseminate information on juvenile court case processing through Juvenile Court Statistics reports and fact sheets and make national and state-level data publicly accessible online. The Archive will also provide technical assistance to state and local data collection agencies to help them expand and improve their information systems and information sharing capabilities. Finally, the Archive will plan and implement further efforts to expand the case estimates to include Hispanic/Latino youth. National Aeronautics & Space AdministraNNH15ZDA001N-29-May-2015 Not Specified ROSES 2015: In-Space Validation of Earth Science Technologies Pamela Millar 301-286-0016 pamela.s.millar@nasa.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274879 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 36 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Program URL http://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary.do?method=init&solId={4FCC09A9-DFF6-4DF5-EC7A-3881AF72A6A3}&path=open Deadline Dates (ALL) 27-Mar-2015; 29-May-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS:NASA’s Earth Science Technology Office (ESTO) manages the development of a range of advanced technologies to meet future Earth science measurement requirements. ESTO technology investments attempt to address the full science measurement process: from instruments needed to make observations to data systems and information products and tools thatmake those observations useful. There has been and continues to be a need for new technologies and measurement concepts to be validated in space prior to use in a science mission. This is necessary because the space environment imposes stringent conditions on components and systems, some of which cannot be fully tested on the ground or in airborne systems. The In-Space Validation of Earth Science Technologies (InVEST) program element is intended to fill that gap. Validation of Earth science technologies in space will help reduce the risk of new technologies in future Earth science missions. No funding is available for research 46777 Nevada Wildlife Habitat Revitalization and Monitoring Bureau of Land Management/DepartmenL15AS00064 29-May-2015 2,500,000 USD Contact Name Susan Kaller, Grants Management Specialist Contact Telephone 775-861-6559 Contact Email skaller@blm.gov Sponsor Website Program URL http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275505 Deadline Dates (ALL) 29-May-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: Bureau of Land Management (BLM) invites applications to assist the State of Nevada with the design, implementation, monitoring and completion of onthe-ground projects designed to enhance, rehabilitate, restore, and when appropriate mitigate habitat on BLM-administered public lands across Nevada for wildlife conservation. Specific studies to elucidate the effects of project treatments on target or non-target wildlife species is also an aspect. Monitoring of results will be done to determine the most cost effective future projects. A total of approximately $2.5 million is available. 46778 Bi-State Sage Grouse Habitat Restoration and Monitoring in Bureau of Land Management/DepartmenL15AS00047 29-May-2015 Not Specified Nevada and California Contact Name Susan Kaller, Grants Management Specialist Contact Telephone 775-861-6559 Contact Email skaller@blm.gov Sponsor Website Program URL http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275503 Deadline Dates (ALL) 29-May-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: Bureau of Land Management (BLM) invites applications to partner with the state wildlife agencies of Nevada and California to fund the design, implementation and completion of on-the-ground projects designed to enhance, rehabilitate, restore, and when appropriate mitigate habitat on BLMadministered public lands in the states of Nevada and California within the range of Bi-State Sage Grouse. A total of approximately $3.0 million is available. 46785 FY15 Data Resources Program: Funding for Analysis of Existing Data Contact Name Jennifer Scherer Contact Telephone 202-305-7256 Contact Email jennifer.scherer@ojp.usdoj.gov Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai National Institute of Justice/Department oNIJ-2015-3974 Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 29-May-2015 40,000 USD Page 37 SPIN ID Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 46797 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 46812 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275516 https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/sl001159.pdf 29-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: The sponsor provides support to replicate or extend previous findings and conduct original research using data from the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD) and other public sources. Eligible applicants are researchers from all disciplines who are interested in addressing topical criminal justice practice or policy concerns through the exploration and analysis of archived data. Climate Change Socioeconomic Vulnerability Assessment Ruth Ann Raisanen, Grants Management Specialist 303-239-3605 rraisane@blm.gov Bureau of Land Management/DepartmenL15AS00061 29-May-2015 175,000 USD http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275545 29-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: Bureau of Land Management (BLM) invites applications to develop a better understanding of the vulnerabilities that Colorado communities may face due to the impact of increased intensity and frequency of droughts and flooding associated with climate change. The information learned by utilizing various techniques (town meetings, on the ground interviews, surveys, etc.), from this project will provide a better understanding of developing adaptation strategies (i.e. identifying actions) to ensure that current land uses and sustaining habitats can continue in the future. A total of approximately $175,000 is available. Sage Grouse Lek Flights in Montana Lori Anderson, Grants Management Officer 406-896-5196 landerso@blm.gov Bureau of Land Management/DepartmenL15AS00067 29-May-2015 25,000 USD http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275544 29-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: Bureau of Land Management (BLM) invites applications to locate sage grouse leks in southwest Montana. A total of approximately $25,000 is available. 46816 Noxious Weed Seed Free Forage Program in Montana Contact Name Lori Anderson, Grants Management Officer Contact Telephone 406-896-5196 Contact Email landerso@blm.gov Sponsor Website Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Bureau of Land Management/DepartmenL15AS00066 Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 29-May-2015 25,000 USD Page 38 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Program URL http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275517 Deadline Dates (ALL) 29-May-2015 Synopsis SYNOPSIS: Bureau of Land Management (BLM) invites applications to cooperate with and assist in the program that to provide an effective noxious weed prevention service that benefits our management of public lands. A total of approximately $50,000 is available. 46854 Abandoned Mine Lands (AML) Program - Biological Assistance for Abandoned Mine Adit/Shaft Closures in the Western United States Erinn Shirley 202-912-7132 eshirley@blm.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275609 Bureau of Land Management/DepartmenL15AS00070 31-May-2015 100,000 USD Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) 31-May-2015 Synopsis The Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units (CESU) Network is a national consortium of federal agencies, academic institutions, tribal, state, and local governments, nongovernmental conservation organizations (300 partners). The Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU) is a cooperative network, transcending political and institutional boundaries, which creates innovative opportunities for research, education, and technical assistance in support of the management and stewardship by partner agencies of the natural, cultural, and social resources. The CESU has a unique collaborative relationship with research scientists, end users of research products, the public, and educators who are trained to bridge the gap between researchers, science users and educators. The AML program is responsible for the closures of thousands physical safety hazards at abandoned mine shafts and adits across the western United States. These hazards need to be controlled to ensure public safety, but abandoned mines provide critically important habitat for more Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Federal Other Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 39 SPIN ID 46124 Opportunity Title Cracking the Olfactory Code (Olfactory) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 45962 Directorate for Biological Sciences/NSF Funding Amount 01-May-2015 Not Specified 15-544 20-May-2015 2,000,000 USD Chaitanya Baru 703-292-4541 cbaru@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274789 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2015/nsf15544/nsf15544.htm 20-May-2015 SYNOPSIS: The BIGDATA program seeks novel approaches in computer science, statistics, computational science, and mathematics, along with innovative applications in domain science, including social and behavioral sciences, geosciences, education, biology, the physical sciences, and engineering that lead towards the further development of the interdisciplinary field of data science. The solicitation invites two types of proposals: "Foundations" (F): those developing or studying fundamental theories, techniques, methodologies, technologies of broad applicability to Big Data problems; and "Innovative Applications" (IA): those developing techniques, methodologies and technologies of key importance to a Big Data problem directly impacting at least one specific application. Therefore, projects in this category must be collaborative, involving researchers from domain disciplines and one or more methodological disciplines, e.g., computer science, statistics, mathematics, simulation and modeling, etc. While Innovative Applications (IA) proposals may address critical big data challenges within a specific domain, a high level of innovation is expected in all proposals and proposals should, in general, strive to provide solutions with potential for a broader impact on data science and its applications. IA proposals may focus on novel theoretical analysis and/or on experimental evaluation of techniques and methodologies within a specific domain. Proposals in all areas of sciences and engineering covered by participating directorates at NSF are welcome. 02964 Grants for Rapid Response Research (RAPID) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 15-547 Deadline Date Edda Thiels 703-292-8421 ETHIELS@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274843 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2015/nsf15547/nsf15547.htm 01-May-2015 This solicitation describes an Ideas Lab on “Cracking the Olfactory Code.” Ideas Labs are intensive workshops focused on finding innovative solutions to grand challenge problems. The ultimate aim of this Ideas Lab organized by the Biological Sciences (BIO) and the Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS) Directorates at the National Science Foundation (NSF) is to facilitate the generation and execution of innovative research projects aimed at understanding the nature of olfactory processing and sensory representations in the brain in general. The aspiration is that mixing researchers from diverse scientific backgrounds will engender fresh thinking and innovative approaches that will transform our understanding of olfactory processing in behavioral contexts while spawning new opportunities to elucidate the general nature of sensory representations in the brain. Critical Techniques and Technologies for Advancing Big Data Science Directorate for Computer and Information Sciences and & Engineering (BIGDATA) Engineering/NSF Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number Sponsor Name National Science Foundation Continuous Submission 200,000 USD 703-292-5111 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/policydocs/pappguide/nsf14001/gpg_2.jsp#IID1 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2015/nsf15006/nsf15006.jsp?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click The RAPID funding mechanism is used for proposals having a severe urgency with regard to availability of, or access to data, facilities or specialized NSF (Nat’l Science Foundation) Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 1 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Number Sponsor Name Deadline Date Funding Amount equipment, including quick-response research on natural or anthropogenic disasters and similar unanticipated events. PI(s) must contact the NSF program officer(s) whose expertise is most germane to the proposal topic before submitting a RAPID proposal. This will facilitate determining whether the proposed work is appropriate for RAPID funding. 02965 EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) Continuous Submission National Science Foundation 300,000 USD Contact Name Contact Telephone 703-292-5111 Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/policydocs/pappguide/nsf14001/gpg_2.jsp#IID2 Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis The EAGER funding mechanism may be used to support exploratory work in its early stages on untested, but potentially transformative, research ideas or approaches. 08186 Chemistry and Materials Research in Cultural Heritage Science (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 12-530 None Posted 420,000 USD Dr. Zeev Rosenzweig 703-292-7719 zrosenzw@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=138753 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2012/nsf12530/nsf12530.htm Temporarily Suspended: The program seeks highly innovative 3-year collaborative projects that break new ground and demonstrate a high level of synergy between the collaborating investigators in the following areas: Development of new and improved analytical techniques for materials properties and structural characterization of cultural heritage objects; Understanding material degradation and aging through experimental studies of the interactions and response of cultural heritage objects to environmental perimeters (bulk and surface interactions) and the development of new theoretical models to predict the dynamic properties of cultural heritage objects that would lead to their degradation while taking into consideration their moleular and micro-structural properties; and Development of new methods for materials stabilization, strengthening and repair. While the current solicitation is limited to chemistry and materials research topics, it is envisioned that the program will be expanded to include additional areas of interest to the field of cultural heritage science in the coming years. 08372 Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Directorate for Mathematics and Physical Sciences/NSF Directorate for Geosciences/NSF PD-14-5720 Continuous Submission Not Specified James Allan, Program Director 703-292-8144 jallan@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=254073 http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=13524 The International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) serves to advance basic research in the marine geosciences and is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and its international partners. The science plan, Illuminating Earth's Past, Present, and Future: The International Ocean Discovery Program Science Plan for 2013-2023, provides justification for the United States' participation in the IODP and reflects the top priorities of the international science community. A multi-platform approach is required to address the goals outlined in the IODP science plan, including a non-riser vessel to collect widelydistributed high-resolution cores to address climate, environmental, crustal and observatory science objectives; a heavy riser-equipped vessel to reach the deep NSF (Nat’l Science Foundation) Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 2 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Number Sponsor Name Deadline Date Funding Amount sedimentary and crustal layers; and mission-specific platforms to support high-latitude and shallow-water projects. Grant support for drilling-related research performed by United States scientists is available from the NSF. Proposals for most pre-expedition (e.g., site characterization) and post-expedition studies should be submitted through the appropriate NSF programs, such as Ocean Sciences Marine Geology and Geophysics, Earth Sciences, Polar Programs, etc. Directorate for Biological Sciences/NSF 10927 Macrosystems Biology (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 20815 Not Specified Temporarily Suspended: The MacroSystems Biology: Research on Biological Systems at Regional to Continental Scales will support quantitative, interdisciplinary, systems-oriented research on biosphere processes and their complex interactions with climate, land use, and invasive species at regional to continental scales as well as planning, training, and development activities to enable groups to conduct MacroSystems Biology Research. Directorate for Engineering/NSF 13-545 None Posted 375,000 USD Sumanta Acharya 703-292-7494 sacharya@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=226073 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2013/nsf13545/nsf13545.htm SYNOPSIS: Temporarily Suspended: The National Science Foundation (NSF) announces a third year of a program on collaborative research and education in the area of scalable nanomanufacturing, including the long-term societal implications of the large-scale implementation of nanomanufacturing innovations. This program is in response to and is a component of the National Nanotechnology Initiative Signature Initiative: Sustainable Nanomanufacturing - Creating the Industries of the Future (http://www.nano.gov/node/611). Although many nanofabrication techniques have demonstrated the ability to fabricate small quantities of nanomaterials and devices for characterization and evaluation purposes, the emphasis of this program is on research to overcome the key impediments that prevent the low cost production of useful nanomaterials, devices and systems at industrially relevant scale. High Performance Computing System Acquisition: Building a More Inclusive Computing Environment for Science and Engineering (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis None Posted Elizabeth R. Blood 703-292-8400 eblood@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=139333 http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=503425 19347 Scalable Nanomanufacturing (SNM) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 12-532 National Science Foundation 13-528 None Posted Not Specified Barry I. Schneider, Program Director 703-292-7383 bschneid@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=212873 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2013/nsf13528/nsf13528.pdf Temporarily Suspended: The NSF's vision for Advanced Computing Infrastructure (ACI), which is part of its Cyberinfrastructure for 21st Century Science and Engineering (CIF21), focuses specifically on ensuring that the science and engineeringcommunity has ready access to the advanced computational and datadriven capabilities required to tackle themost complex problems and issues facing today's scientific and educational communities. To accomplish thesegoals requires advanced computational capabilities within the context of a multilevel comprehensive and innovativeinfrastructure that benefits all fields of science and engineering. Previous solicitations have concentrated onenabling petascale capability through the deployment and support of a world-class High Performance Computing(HPC) environment. In the past decade the NSF has provided the open science and engineering community with anumber of state-of-the art HPC NSF (Nat’l Science Foundation) Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 3 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Number Sponsor Name Deadline Date Funding Amount assets ranging from loosely coupled clusters, to large scale instruments with manythousands of computing cores communicating via fast interconnects, and more recently with diverseheterogeneous architectures. Recent developments in computational science have begun to focus on complex,dynamic and diverse workflows. Some of these involve applications that are extremely data intensive and may not be dominated by floating point operation speed. While a number of the earlier acquisitions have addressed asubset of these issues, the current solicitation emphasizes this even further. 26250 National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Facility (NOSAMS) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 26384 None Posted Not Specified Temporarily Suspended: The Division of Ocean Sciences (OCE) at the National Science Foundation (NSF) funds numerous research programs that collect environmental samples. Each year, thousands of these samples require analyses of environmental-level C-14 abundances to determine the age of the samples. Sample types include sea water and a wide variety of other carbon-bearing materials. In order to process these samples and to provide research on new methods for C-14 dating of oceanography-related samples, OCE supports the National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometer (NOSAMS) facility. This solicitation seeks proposals to operate NOSAMS and provide necessary services to the ocean sciences research community. Directorate for Mathematics and Physical Sciences/NSF 12-526 None Posted 1,500,000 USD Donald M. Terndrup 703-292-4901 dterndru@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=136415 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2012/nsf12526/nsf12526.htm Temporarily Suspended: Two major survey reports carried out by the National Academy of Sciences have identified the need for a Giant Segmented Mirror Telescope (GSMT) to address frontier astrophysical research questions in a wide array of subfields. This solicitation invites proposals to establish an initial framework for a U.S. community partnership in a proposed GSMT deriving from past, current, or potential future NSF support for design work, construction, instrumentation, and/or operations. Based on a detailed competitive review of the resulting proposals, an award will be made for further development of a public/private/international partnership model under a cooperative agreement between a GSMT project and NSF. During the award period, GSMT project management and representatives from NSF and the U.S. astronomical community are expected to refine the roles of NSF and the community in project development, engage in planning science and engineering operations, prepare for potential future Federal funding opportunities after the start of the next decade. Selection as an awardee in this process does not imply that a GSMT will be approved for further funding. 27421 Assembling the Tree of Life (ATOL) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) 12-521 Elizabeth L. Rom 703-292-7709 elrom@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=135133 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2012/nsf12521/nsf12521.htm Planning a Partnership Model for a Giant Segmented Mirror Telescope (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Directorate for Geosciences/NSF Directorate for Biological Sciences/NSF 10-513 None Posted Not Specified Marc Branham 703-292-8227 mbranham@nsf.gov http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2010/nsf10513/nsf10513.htm http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=50630 NSF (Nat’l Science Foundation) Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 4 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Number Sponsor Name Deadline Date Funding Amount Synopsis Temporarily Suspended: The National Science Foundation announces its intention to continue support of creative and innovative research that will resolve evolutionary relationships for large groups of organisms throughout the history of life. Investigators also will be supported for projects in data acquisition, analysis, algorithm development and dissemination in computational phylogenetics and phyloinformatics. 27961 Enhancing Access to the Radio Spectrum (EARS) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis None Posted Not Specified Temporarily Suspended: The National Science Foundation's Directorates for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS), Engineering (ENG), Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE), and Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences (SBE) are coordinating efforts to identify bold new concepts with the potential to contribute to significant improvements in the efficiency of radio spectrum utilization, and in the ability for traditionally underserved Americans to benefit from current and future wireless-enabled goods and services. EARS seeks to fund innovative collaborative research that transcends the traditional boundaries of existing programs, such as research that spans disciplines covered by two or more of the participating NSF directorates. Directorate for Computer and Information Sciences and Engineering/NSF 12-556 None Posted 400,000 USD Sankar Basu 703-292-7843 sabasu@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=166694 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2012/nsf12556/nsf12556.htm Temporarily Suspended: The National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) have agreed to embark on a new collaborative research program to address compelling research challenges in failure resistant systems that are of paramount importance to industry, academia, and society at large. 28400 Construction of Regional Class Research Vessels (RCRV) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 13-539 Andrew W. Clegg 703-292-4892 aclegg@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=220593 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2013/nsf13539/nsf13539.htm 28313 Failure-Resistant Systems (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Directorate for Mathematics and Physical Sciences/NSF Directorate for Geosciences/NSF 12-558 None Posted Not Specified Matthew Hawkins 703-292-7407 mjhawkin@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=169376 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2012/nsf12558/nsf12558.htm Temporarily Suspended: The Division of Ocean Sciences (OCE) Integrative Programs Section (IPS) is soliciting proposals to manage the design and construction of up to three (3) Regional Class Research Vessels, to be based on an existing, NSF-owned concept design. Advancement through successive project phases, including the award of a shipyard contract for the construction phase, will be contingent upon successful project execution by the Awardee as determined through NSF review and the availability of funds. The actual number of vessels built will be contingent upon projected future science utilization and the availability of funds. NSF (Nat’l Science Foundation) Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 5 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Dear Colleague Letter: Supplemental Opportunity for Small Business Innovation Research and 29084 Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR) for National Science Foundation CREST/HBCU-RISE Collabo Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 29556 Continuous Submission Funding Amount Not Specified The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs, in collaboration with the Centers for Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST) and Historically Black Colleges and Universities Research Infrastructure for Science and Engineering (HBCURISE), seek to fund supplements to current SBIR/STTR Phase II awards. National Science Foundation PD 11-7684 Continuous Submission Not Specified Kevin Thompson 703-292-8970 stci@nsf.gov http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=503475 Temporarily Suspended: The goal of the NSF Cyberinfrastructure Framework for the 21st Century (CIF21) initiative is to foster the development of a scalable, comprehensive, secure and sustainable cyberinfrastructure that supports potentially transformative research in science and engineering. The development of a mature cyberinfrastructure relies on the evaluation of the potential for new technologies to catalyze transformative research and on an understanding of the strategic role of new technologies in cyberinfrastructure. International Collaborations in Organismal Biology Between US and Israeli Investigators (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis NSF 12-069 Deadline Date Richard Smith 703-292-8071 rnsmith@nsf.gov http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2012/nsf12069/nsf12069.jsp?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click 29484 Strategic Technologies for CyberInfrastructure (STCI) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number Sponsor Name Directorate for Biological Sciences/NSF 12-577 None Posted Not Specified Michelle Elekonich, Science Advisor 703-292-7202 melekoni@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=180955 http://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?ods_key=nsf12577 Temporarily Suspended: The National Science Foundation (NSF) is partnering with the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF) to support collaborative research between US and Israeli investigators in areas of biology supported by the NSF Division of Integrative Organismal Systems. The Division of Integrative Organismal Systems (IOS) supports research aimed at an integrative understanding of organisms. The goal is to predict why organisms are structured the way they are, and function as they do. Projects that innovatively apply systems biology approaches, i.e. approaches that combine experimentation, computation, and modeling, and which lead to new conceptual and theoretical insights and predictions about integrated organismal properties that may be experimentally verified, are particularly encouraged. Applications must include a US and Israeli PI and should focus on a scientific area that is supported by the Division of Integrative Organismal Systems (IOS) core programs or Plant Genome Research Program at NSF. Applications must include a US and Israeli Principal Investigator. 29797 Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research: Workshop Opportunities (EPS-WO) National Science Foundation NSF (Nat’l Science Foundation) Funding Opportunities: May 2015 12-588 Continuous 100,000 USD Page 6 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Number Sponsor Name Deadline Date Funding Amount Submission Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Denise M. Barnes 703-292-5179 dbarnes@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=186193 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2012/nsf12588/nsf12588.htm The Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) is designed to fulfill the mandate of the National Science Foundation (NSF) to promote scientific progress nationwide. The EPSCoR program is directed at those jurisdictions that have historically received lesser amounts of NSF Research and Development (R&D) funding. Thirty jurisdictions, including twenty-eight states, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the U. S. Virgin Islands, currently participate in EPSCoR. Through this program, NSF establishes partnerships with government, higher education and industry that are designed to effect sustainable improvements in a jurisdiction's research infrastructure, R&D capacity, and hence, its national R&D competitiveness. The EPSCoR Office welcomes unsolicited proposals from EPSCoR jurisdictions for workshops involving the EPSCoR community. These workshops will focus on innovative ways to address multi-jurisdictional efforts on themes of regional to national importance with relevance to EPSCoR's goals/objectives and NSF's mission. 30256 Innovation Corps Sites Program (I-Corps Sites) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 30486 12-604 None Posted Not Specified Errol B. Arkilic 703-292-8095 earkilic@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=197076 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2012/nsf12604/nsf12604.htm Temporarily Suspended: The National Science Foundation (NSF) seeks to develop and nurture a national innovation ecosystem that builds upon research to guide the output of scientific discoveries closer to the development of technologies, products and processes that benefit society. In order to contribute to a national innovation ecosystem, NSF is establishing the NSF Innovation Corps Sites Program (NSF I-Corps Sites). Sites are funded at academic institutions, having already existing innovation or entrepreneurial units, to enable them to: Nurture students and/or faculty who are engaged in projects having the potential to be transitioned into the marketplace. I-Corps Sites will provide infrastructure, advice, resources, networking opportunities, training and modest funding to enable groups to transition their work into the marketplace or into becoming I-Corps Team applicants; and Develop formal, active, local innovation ecosystems that contribute to a larger, national network of mentors, researchers, entrepreneurs and investors. The purpose of an I-Corps Site is to nurture and support multiple, local teams to transition their ideas, devices, processes or other intellectual activities into the marketplace. Science Support Office for the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Directorate for Biological Sciences/NSF Directorate for Geosciences/NSF 12-611 None Posted 750,000 USD James F. Allan 703-292-8144 jallan@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=202254 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2012/nsf12611/nsf12611.htm Temporarily Suspended: This solicitation seeks the services of a qualified organization to provide the IODP Science Support Office. The award, to be administered as a Cooperative Agreement, is intended to cover an initial five year period beginning on October 1, 2013. A Program Review will be held prior to completion of the initial period and the results will guide a decision to re-compete or renew the Cooperative Agreement for a second five year period. NSF (Nat’l Science Foundation) Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 7 SPIN ID 30487 Opportunity Title Operations and Management of the Drilling Vessel JOIDES Resolution for the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number Sponsor Name Directorate for Geosciences/NSF 12-612 Deadline Date None Posted Funding Amount Not Specified James F. Allan 703-292-8144 jallan@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=202255 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2012/nsf12612/nsf12612.htm Temporarily Suspended: This solicitation seeks the services of a qualified organization, through a Cooperative Agreement, to provide technical and scientific management and operation of the JOIDES Resolution drilling vessel in support of the IODP Science Plan. The JOIDES Resolution is currently operated under the IODP System Integration Contract to the Consortium for Oceanographic Research. As the prime subcontractor, Texas A&M University is the current JOIDES Resolution science operator, with the vessel procured through long-term lease from owner Overseas Drilling, Limited under a contract with the Texas A&M University Research Foundation. This long-term lease contains provisions for one-year extensions through September 30, 2023 and is re-assignable to a new operator pending approval by the vessel owner. The initial period of the award is intended to cover a five year period beginning on October 1, 2014. A comprehensive Management Review will be conducted after the three initial years of operation, and the results will guide a decision to re-compete or renew the Cooperative Agreement, with renewal contingent on submission of a meritorious proposal. Rapid Response Research Grants on Research about the Potential Threat of Debris Fields 30890 from the March 2011 Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami on the West Coast of North America National Science Foundation (Temporarily Suspended) NSF 12-116 Continuous Submission Not Specified Contact Name Alan Blatecky Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2012/nsf12116/nsf12116.jsp?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Temporarily Suspended: The NSF Directorates for Biological Sciences (BIO), Geosciences (GEO), Engineering (ENG), Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS), and Computer & Information Science & Engineering (CISE) and the Office of Cyberinfrastructure (OCI) are accepting proposals to conduct research on the potential threat to the North American west coast from debris fields associated with the March 2011 Japanese earthquake and tsunami. Proposals must conform to the guidelines for preparation of Rapid Response Research (RAPID) proposals as specified in the NSF Grant Proposal Guide (GPG) available at: http://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?ods_key=gpg. 31293 Next-Generation National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NG NNIN) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Directorate for Engineering/NSF 13-521 None Posted Not Specified Lawrence S. Goldberg 703-292-8339 lgoldber@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=210893 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2013/nsf13521/nsf13521.htm Temporarily Suspended: The National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN) will reach its ten year authorized award life at the end of Fiscal Year 2013. The National Science Foundation is announcing in this solicitation an open competition to establish a Next-Generation National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NG NNIN) for Fiscal Years 2014-2018. NNIN has enabled major discoveries, innovations, and contributions to education and commerce NSF (Nat’l Science Foundation) Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 8 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Number Sponsor Name Deadline Date Funding Amount within all disciplines of nanoscale science, engineering, and technology through NSF support of a national network of university-based user facilities. These facilities have provided open access to leading-edge nanotechnology fabrication and characterization tools, instrumentation, and expertise for users across the nation from academia, small and large industry, and government. The core mission of NNIN has included national-level education and outreach programs to enable a diverse science and engineering workforce, the study of societal and ethical implications of nanotechnology including issues of environment, health, and safety, as well as important modeling and simulation capabilities. The new competition for the NG NNIN will build on the concept of NNIN with a much broadened scope and user base. Support is being provided by all NSF Directorates and the Office of International Science and Engineering as an integral part of the NSF investment in Nanoscale Science and Engineering. 31367 Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 31383 31387 None Posted Not Specified tpatten@nsf.gov http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2013/nsf13025/nsf13025.jsp Temporarily Suspended: The National Science Foundation (NSF) announces the second year of a national materials initiative, Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF), which is NSF's way of participating in the Materials Genome Initiative (MGI) for Global Competitiveness. MGI recognizes the importance of materials science to the well-being and advancement of society and aims to "deploy advanced materials at least twice as fast as possible today, at a fraction of the cost." As a national initiative, MGI integrates all aspects of the materials continuum, including materials discovery, development, property optimization, systems design and optimization, certification, manufacturing, and deployment, with each employing the toolset developed within the materials innovation infrastructure. The toolset will synergistically integrate advanced computational methods and visual analytics with data-enabled scientific discovery and innovative experimental techniques so as to revolutionize our approach to materials science and engineering. Directorate for Mathematics and Physical Sciences/NSF 13-523 None Posted 1,250,000 USD Tingyu Li 703-292-4949 tli@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=212117 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2013/nsf13523/nsf13523.htm Temporarily Suspended: This solicitation is jointly sponsored between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) Divisions of Chemistry and Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems (CBET) to encourage synergistic research activities and to enhance cooperation among the chemical sciences, materials research, geosciences, engineering, and biomedical and public health communities. The agencies jointly issue the solicitation, but will separately fund awards for Networks for Sustainable Molecular Design and Synthesis (NSMDS). EPA/NSF Networks for Characterizing Chemical Life Cycle (NCCLCs) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL NSF 13-025 Timothy Patten EPA/NSF Networks for Sustainable Molecular Design and Synthesis (NSMDS) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Science Foundation Directorate for Mathematics and Physical Sciences/NSF 13-524 None Posted 1,250,000 USD Tingyu Li 703-292-4949 tli@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=212116 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2013/nsf13524/nsf13524.htm NSF (Nat’l Science Foundation) Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 9 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Number Sponsor Name Deadline Date Funding Amount Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Temporarily Suspended: This solicitation is jointly sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Chemistry (CHE) to encourage synergy and enhance cooperation in examining the life cycles of synthetic chemicals and materials as they relate to their manufacture, use, transport, and disposal or recycle. The Networks for Characterizing Chemical Life Cycle (NCCLCs) will promote development of trans-disciplinary, systems- and molecular-level understanding of the life cycle of important (relevant) synthetic chemicals and materials (including nanomaterials) as these distribute and are potentially altered through use in society and interaction with the built and natural environments. For this solicitation, "chemicals" refers broadly to any and all materials, compounds, and individual chemicals or mixtures of chemicals, including nanomaterials. Advances resulting from these Networks are expected to provide methods and tools for characterizing and predicting environmental and health implications of chemical manufacture and use across the life cycle. 31450 Dear Colleague Letter: Opportunity for Support of Innovative Managing Director Models in I/UCRC (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 32438 National Science Foundation NSF 13-016 None Posted Not Specified Rathindra DasGupta 703-292-8353 rdasgupt@nsf.gov http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2013/nsf13016/nsf13016.jsp?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click Temporarily Suspended: The National Science Foundation (NSF) invites supplemental funding requests from NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers (I/UCRC). Cultivation and maintenance of trusted industry relationships as well as professional project management of the center's portfolio of activities are essential to I/UCRC member recruitment and retention and a vibrant I/UCRC ecosystem. In recognition of the importance of these functions to Center success, this opportunity provides support to assist Centers in either creating and filling a new position of Center Managing Director or supporting an existing position in their leadership team with this function. Dear Colleague Letter - Accelerating Integrative Research in Neuroscience and Cognitive Science (AIR-NCS) (Temporarily Suspended) National Science Foundation NSF 13-067 None Posted Not Specified Contact Name Contact Telephone 703-292-5111 Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2013/nsf13067/nsf13067.jsp?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Temporarily Suspended: The National Science Foundation seeks proposals with the potential to transform neuroscience and cognitive science. The sponsor invites proposals that accelerate new integrative research across disciplines and across spatial and temporal scales of analysis in cognitive science and neuroscience. Such approaches will enhance our understanding of how the brain regulates the individual's biology, processes complex social and physical cues, and allows organisms to behave in and adapt to changing environments. 32622 EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program Track-3: Building Diverse Communities (RII Track-3) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL National Science Foundation 13-553 None Posted 750,000 USD Kelvin Chu 703-292-7860 kchu@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=230599 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2013/nsf13553/nsf13553.htm NSF (Nat’l Science Foundation) Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 10 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Number Sponsor Name Deadline Date Funding Amount Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Temporarily Suspended: The National Science Foundation (NSF) Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) provides significant investment in 28 states (Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, Wyoming), the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the Territories of US Virgin Islands and Guam. Building on that investment, EPSCoR seeks to catalyze novel and innovative mechanisms to promote scientific progress nationwide. Key to the improved academic research competitiveness in each EPSCoR jurisdiction has been the increased attention to both innovation and broadening participation. Continued progress can be catalyzed by connecting the multiple sectors of society that influence and/or benefit from the engagement of diverse communities in scientific discovery and economic development. 32624 Domestic Nuclear Detection Office-National Science Foundation Academic Research Initiative Directorate for Engineering/NSF (ARI) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 33249 None Posted Not Specified Paul Werbos 703-292-8339 pwerbos@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=230600 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2013/nsf13554/nsf13554.htm Temporarily Suspended: The ARI is a joint Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) and National Science Foundation (NSF) program seeking novel crosscutting research that will enhance the nation's ability to detect and interdict nuclear or radiological material outside of regulatory control, and otherwise help prevent nuclear or radiological attacks. This year's solicitation topics will encompass a range of subjects, with an emphasis on unconventional, multidisciplinary approaches to threat detection. A number of small to medium awards are intended in the areas of novel approaches to extremely low-cost threat detection, orthogonal and informatics approaches to threat detection, deterrence analytics, and advanced forensics techniques. A single large award is intended for an integrated, multidisciplinary approach to shielded special nuclear material detection. Primary objectives of the ARI include advancing fundamental knowledge in the above areas and developing intellectual capacity in scientific fields relevant to long-term advances in these areas. 32647 Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 13-554 Directorate for Mathematics and Physical Sciences/NSF 13-556 None Posted Not Specified Sean L. Jones 703-292-2986 sljones@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=231022 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2013/nsf13556/nsf13556.htm Temporarily Suspended: Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (MRSECs) provide sustained support of interdisciplinary materials research and education of the highest quality while addressing fundamental problems in science and engineering. MRSECs address research of a scope and complexity requiring the scale, synergy, and interdisciplinarity provided by a campus-based research center. They support materials research infrastructure in the United States, promote active collaboration between universities and other sectors, including industry and international institutions, and contribute to the development of a national network of university-based centers in materials research, education, and facilities. A MRSEC may be located at a single institution, or may involve multiple institutions in partnership. NSF/EPRI Collaboration on Water for Energy- Advanced Dry Cooling for Power Plants (Temporarily Suspended) Directorate for Engineering/NSF NSF 13-564 None Posted 2,100,000 USD Contact Name Sumanta Acharya Contact Telephone 703-292-7494 Contact Email sacharya@nsf.gov NSF (Nat’l Science Foundation) Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 11 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Number Sponsor Name Deadline Date Funding Amount Sponsor Website Program URL http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2013/nsf13564/nsf13564.htm Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Temporarily Suspended: The Directorate of Engineering at the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) have established a collaboration to jointly address the critical problem of water usage and consumption in power plant cooling. The "water-for-energy" issue is an important piece of the Energy-Water nexus. The goal of this collaboration is to leverage the complementary missions of applied research and commercialization (EPRI) and fundamental research and education (NSF) to foster enabling research and technology development that will lead to significant reductions or elimination of the use of water for cooling power plants. 33901 National Mobile Doppler Radar Facility (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 34295 35049 None Posted 4,000,000 USD Temporarily Suspended: The Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS) at the National Science Foundation (NSF) funds numerous research programs that require the use of various lower atmosphere observing facilities. Among these are field projects that use a variety of radars to study severe weather, storm development and associated in-cloud processes. Through its Lower Atmosphere Observing Facilities (LAOF) program, AGS supports a mobile Doppler radar facility. This solicitation seeks proposals to provide and operate such a facility for both research and educational purposes. Directorate for Mathematics and Physical Sciences/NSF 13-582 None Posted Not Specified Vernon Pankonin 703-292-4902 vpankoni@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=238898 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2013/nsf13582/nsf13582.htm Temporarily Suspended: Proposals are solicited to manage and operate the National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO). NOAO is a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC), sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and operated by a managing organization under cooperative agreement with NSF. NOAO is a national center for research in ground-based, nighttime, optical and infrared (O/IR) astronomy for the U.S. astronomical community. Partnerships for Innovation: Accelerating Innovation Research - Research Alliance (PFI: AIRRA) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) 13-571 Linnea M. Avallone 703-292-8521 lavallon@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=237385 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2013/nsf13571/nsf13571.htm Management and Operation of the National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Directorate for Geosciences/NSF Directorate for Engineering/NSF 13-591 None Posted 800,000 USD Barbara H. Kenny 703-292-4667 bkenny@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=240895 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2013/nsf13591/nsf13591.htm NSF (Nat’l Science Foundation) Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 12 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Number Sponsor Name Deadline Date Funding Amount Synopsis SYNOPSIS: Temporarily Suspended: The NSF Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) program within the Division of Industrial Innovation and Partnerships (IIP) is an umbrella for two complementary subprograms, Accelerating Innovation Research (AIR) and Building Innovation Capacity (BIC). Both programs are concerned with the movement of academic research discoveries into the marketplace, although each focuses on different stages along the innovation spectrum. The PFI:AIR program has two additional subprograms: the PFI:AIR-Technology Translation (See NSF 13-575) and PFI:AIR- Research Alliance (this solicitation). This PFI: AIR-Research Alliance (RA) solicitation is intended to accelerate the translation and transfer of existing research discoveries into competitive technologies and commercial realities by leveraging the investments NSF has made in research alliances (e.g., consortia such as Engineering Research Centers, Industry University Cooperative Research Centers, Science and Technology Centers, Nanoscale Science and Engineering Centers, Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers, Centers for Chemical Innovation, Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation grantees and others) and catalyzing academic-based innovation ecosystems. The goal is that these synergistic partnerships and collaborations between government, academia, and other public and private entities will result in new wealth and the building of strong local and regional economies. 35164 Arctic Research Opportunities (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 13-592 None Posted Not Specified Renee D. Crain 703-292-4482 rcrain@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=241318 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2013/nsf13592/nsf13592.htm SYNOPSIS: Temporarily Suspended: The National Science Foundation (NSF) invites investigators at U.S. organizations to submit proposals to conduct research about the Arctic. Arctic research includes field and modeling studies, data analysis, and synthesis about the arctic region. The goal of the NSF Section for Arctic Sciences, Division of Polar Programs (PLR), is to gain a better understanding of the Arctic's physical, biological, geological, chemical, social and cultural processes; the interactions of oceanic, terrestrial, atmospheric, biological, social, cultural, and economic systems; and the connections that define the Arctic. The Arctic Sciences and other NSF programs support projects that contribute to the development of the next generation of researchers and scientific literacy for all ages through education, outreach, and broadening participation in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Program representatives from polar and other non-polar NSF programs that support arctic research coordinate across NSF, including joint review and funding of arctic proposals and mutual support of special projects with high logistical costs. 35265 Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Directorate for Geosciences/NSF Directorate for Engineering/NSF 12-516 None Posted Not Specified Larry Hornak 703-292-2678 lhornak@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/search-grants.html?keywords=12-516 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2012/nsf12516/nsf12516.htm Temporarily Suspended: The Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers (I/UCRC) program develops long-term partnerships among industry, academe, and government. The centers are catalyzed by a small investment from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and are primarily supported by industry center members, with NSF taking a supporting role in the development and evolution of the center. Each center is established to conduct research that is of interest to both the industry members and the center faculty. An I/UCRC contributes to the nation's research infrastructure base and enhances the intellectual capacity of the engineering and science workforce through the integration of research and education. As appropriate, an I/UCRC uses international collaborations to advance these goals within the global context. 37222 Office of Special Programs in Materials Research National Science Foundation PD-14-7222 Continuous Submission Not Specified Contact Name Lynnette D. Madsen Contact Telephone 703-292-4936 NSF (Nat’l Science Foundation) Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 13 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 37395 Funding Amount DMR's Office of Special Programs im Materials Research (OSP) coordinates and supports crosscutting activities in DMR and in conjunction with NSF-wide programs, including activities that focus on education, broaden participation of underrepresented groups, or engage participants from several disciplines across the division. Many OSP activities are co-funded with other NSF units. OSP activities include Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Sites and Research Experiences for Teachers (RET). Directorate for Mathematics and Physical Sciences/NSF 14-529 None Posted Not Specified James S. Ulvestad 703-292-8820 julvesta@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=249713 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2014/nsf14529/nsf14529.htm SYNOPSIS: Temporarily Suspended: The National Science Foundation's Directorates for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS), Engineering (ENG), and Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) are coordinating efforts to identify bold new concepts with the potential to contribute to significant improvements in the efficiency of radio spectrum utilization, and in the ability for traditionally underserved Americans to benefit from current and future wirelessenabled goods and services. EARS seeks to fund innovative collaborative research that transcends the traditional boundaries of existing programs, such as research that spans disciplines covered by two or more of the participating NSF directorates. Dear Colleague Letter: Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Deadline Date lmadsen@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=249452 http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=12803 37379 Enhancing Access to the Radio Spectrum (EARS) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number Sponsor Name Directorate for Mathematics and Physical Sciences/NSF NSF 14-020 None Posted Not Specified Timothy Patten tpatten@nsf.gov http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2014/nsf14020/nsf14020.jsp?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click SYNOPSIS: Temporarily Suspended: The National Science Foundation (NSF) announces the third year of a national materials initiative, Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF). DMREF is the primary program by which NSF participates in the Materials Genome Initiative (MGI) for Global Competitiveness. MGI recognizes the importance of materials science to the well-being and advancement of society and aims to "deploy advanced materials at least twice as fast as possible today, at a fraction of the cost." As a national initiative, MGI integrates all aspects of the materials continuum, including materials discovery, development, property optimization, systems design and optimization, certification, manufacturing, and deployment, with each employing a toolset to be developed within a materials innovation infrastructure. The toolset will synergistically integrate advanced computational methods and visual analytics with data-enabled scientific discovery and innovative experimental techniques so as to revolutionize our approach to materials science and engineering. 37396 Dear Colleague Letter: Stimulating Integrative Research in Computational Cognition Directorate for Social, Behavioral and NSF 14-019 Economic Sciences/NSF None Posted Not Specified Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email CompCog@nsf.gov NSF (Nat’l Science Foundation) Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 14 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Number Sponsor Name Deadline Date Funding Amount Sponsor Website http://www.nsf.gov Program URL http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2014/nsf14019/nsf14019.jsp?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis This Dear Colleague Letter is intended to enhance the scientific and societal impact of the field by encouraging active dialogue across the cognitive and computational communities, facilitating bidirectional cross-fertilization of ideas, and nurturing emerging areas of transdisciplinary research. 37433 Cyber-Innovation for Sustainability Science and Engineering (CyberSEES) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis None Posted Not Specified Temporarily Suspended: The Cyber-Innovation for Sustainability Science and Engineering (CyberSEES) program aims to advance interdisciplinary research in which the science and engineering of sustainability are enabled by new advances in computing, and where computational innovation is grounded in the context of sustainability problems. Directorate for Biological Sciences/NSF 14-532 None Posted 500,000 USD Michael Mishkind 703-292-8413 mmishkin@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=249981 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2014/nsf14532/nsf14532.htm#cont SYNOPSIS: Temporarily Suspended: CAREER: The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of education and research within the context of the mission of their organizations. Such activities should build a firm foundation for a lifetime of leadership in integrating education and research. NSF encourages submission of CAREER proposals from junior faculty members at all CAREER-eligible organizations and especially encourages women, members of underrepresented minority groups, and persons with disabilities to apply. 37478 Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program (CISE) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 14-531 Phillip Regalia 703-292-8910 pregalia@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=249817 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2014/nsf14531/nsf14531.htm 37476 Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program (BIO) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Directorate for Computer and Information Sciences and Engineering/NSF Directorate for Computer and Information Sciences and Engineering/NSF 14-532 None Posted 400,000 USD Anita LaSalle 703-292-5006 alasalle@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=249981 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2014/nsf14532/nsf14532.htm#pgm_desc_txt Temporarily Suspended: CAREER: The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science NSF (Nat’l Science Foundation) Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 15 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Number Sponsor Name Deadline Date Funding Amount Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of education and research within the context of the mission of their organizations. Such activities should build a firm foundation for a lifetime of leadership in integrating education and research. NSF encourages submission of CAREER proposals from junior faculty members at all CAREER-eligible organizations and especially encourages women, members of underrepresented minority groups, and persons with disabilities to apply. 37481 Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program (ENG) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis None Posted 500,000 USD Directorate for Education and Human 14-532 Resources/NSF None Posted 400,000 USD Elizabeth VanderPutten 703-292-5147 evanderp@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=249981 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2014/nsf14532/nsf14532.htm#pgm_desc_txt Temporarily Suspended: CAREER: The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of education and research within the context of the mission of their organizations. Such activities should build a firm foundation for a lifetime of leadership in integrating education and research. NSF encourages submission of CAREER proposals from junior faculty members at all CAREER-eligible organizations and especially encourages women, members of underrepresented minority groups, and persons with disabilities to apply. 37483 Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program (GEO) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 14-532 Temporarily Suspended: CAREER: The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of education and research within the context of the mission of their organizations. Such activities should build a firm foundation for a lifetime of leadership in integrating education and research. NSF encourages submission of CAREER proposals from junior faculty members at all CAREER-eligible organizations and especially encourages women, members of underrepresented minority groups, and persons with disabilities to apply. 37482 Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program (EHR) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Directorate for Engineering/NSF Rosemarie Wesson 703-292-7070 rwesson@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=249981 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2014/nsf14532/nsf14532.htm#elig Directorate for Geosciences/NSF 14-532 None Posted 400,000 USD Sonia Esperanca 703-292-8554 sesperan@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=249981 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2014/nsf14532/nsf14532.htm#pgm_desc_txt Temporarily Suspended: CAREER: The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of education and research within the context of the mission of their organizations. Such activities should build a firm foundation for a lifetime of leadership in integrating education and research. NSF encourages submission of CAREER proposals from junior faculty members at all CAREER-eligible organizations and especially encourages women, members of underrepresented minority groups, and persons with disabilities to apply. NSF (Nat’l Science Foundation) Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 16 SPIN ID Opportunity Title 37485 Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program (MPS) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 37972 14-532 None Posted Funding Amount 400,000 USD Temporarily Suspended: CAREER: The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of education and research within the context of the mission of their organizations. Such activities should build a firm foundation for a lifetime of leadership in integrating education and research. NSF encourages submission of CAREER proposals from junior faculty members at all CAREER-eligible organizations and especially encourages women, members of underrepresented minority groups, and persons with disabilities to apply. Directorate for Social, Behavioral and 14-532 Economic Sciences/NSF None Posted 400,000 USD Niloy Bose 703-292-8202 nbose@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=249981 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2014/nsf14532/nsf14532.htm#pgm_desc_txt Temporarily Suspended: CAREER: The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of education and research within the context of the mission of their organizations. Such activities should build a firm foundation for a lifetime of leadership in integrating education and research. NSF encourages submission of CAREER proposals from junior faculty members at all CAREER-eligible organizations and especially encourages women, members of underrepresented minority groups, and persons with disabilities to apply. Dear Colleague Letter: Opportunity for Support of Innovative Managing Director Models in I/UCRC Organizations Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Directorate for Mathematics and Physical Sciences/NSF Deadline Date Tomek Bartoszynski 703-292-4885 tbartosz@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=249981 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2014/nsf14532/nsf14532.htm#elig 37486 Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program (SBE) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number Sponsor Name National Science Foundation 14-029 None Posted 900,000 USD Dr. Grace Jinliu Wang http://www.nsf.gov http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2014/nsf14029/nsf14029.jsp?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click The National Science Foundation (NSF) invites supplemental funding requests from NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers (I/UCRC). Cultivation and maintenance of trusted industry relationships as well as professional project management of the center's portfolio of activities are essential to I/UCRC member recruitment and retention and the growth of a strong and vibrant I/UCRC ecosystem. In recognition of the importance of these functions to center success, this opportunity provides support to assist centers in either creating and filling a new position of Innovative Managing Director or supporting an existing position in their leadership team with this function. However, centers that have received prior NSF supplemental funding to support the Innovative Managing Director position are not eligible to apply. 39184 Scalable Nanomanufacturing (SNM) (Temporarily Suspended) Directorate for Engineering/NSF NSF (Nat’l Science Foundation) Funding Opportunities: May 2015 14-544 None Posted 375,000 USD Page 17 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 39524 Funding Amount SYNOPSIS: Temporarily Suspended: The National Science Foundation (NSF) announces a fourth year of a program on collaborative research and education in the area of scalable nanomanufacturing, including the long-term societal implications of the large-scale implementation of nanomanufacturing innovations. This program is in response to and is a component of the National Nanotechnology Initiative Signature Initiative: Sustainable Nanomanufacturing - Creating the Industries of the Future (http://www.nano.gov/node/611.) Although many nanofabrication techniques have demonstrated the ability to fabricate small quantities of nanomaterials, nanostructures and nanodevices for characterization and evaluation purposes, the emphasis of the scalable nanomanufacturing program is on research to overcome the key scientific and technological barriers that prevent the production of useful nanomaterials, nanostructures, devices and systems at an industrially relevant scale, reliably, and at low cost and within environmental, health and safety guidelines. Competitive proposals will incorporate three elements in their research plans: a persuasive case that the nanomaterials, nanostructures, devices or systems to be produced have or are likely to have sufficient demand to justify eventual scale-up; a clearly identified set of research issues for science and engineering solutions that must be addressed to enable the production of high quality nano-enabled products at low cost; and a compelling research plan with clear research objectives and approaches to overcome the identified research issues. None Posted Not Specified Dr. Joanne Tornow sbe-youth-violence@nsf.gov http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2014/nsf14049/nsf14049.jsp?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click This letter is to alert all basic social and behavioral science research communities of the National Science Foundation's interest in receipt of proposals that will enable a better understanding of the contributing factors, causes, and consequences of violence perpetrated by and against youth. This will advance the Foundation's goal to provide scientific evidence in support of important social issues. The interest spans both disciplinary and interdisciplinary research. 39622 Geomorphology and Land Use Dynamics (GLD-SEP) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Deadline Date Khershed Cooper 703-292-7017 khcooper@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=252743 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2014/nsf14544/nsf14544.htm Dear Colleague Letter - Youth Violence: Opportunity for Breakthroughs in Fundamental Basic Directorate for Social, Behavioral and 14-049 Research Economic Sciences/NSF Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 40078 Sponsor Number Sponsor Name Directorate for Geosciences/NSF 14-550 None Posted Not Specified Jessica H. Robin 703-292-8548 jrobin@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/search-grants.html?keywords=14-550 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2014/nsf14550/nsf14550.htm SYNOPSIS: Temporarily Suspended: Geomorphology and Land-use Dynamics supports innovative research into processes that shape and modify landscapes over a variety of length and time scales. The program encourages research that investigates quantitatively the coupling and feedback among such processes, their rates, and their relative roles, especially in the contexts of variation in climatic, biologic, and tectonic influences and in light of changes due to human impact. Cultural Anthropology Program - Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants (CADDRIG) (Temporarily Suspended) Directorate for Social, Behavioral and 14-560 Economic Sciences/NSF NSF (Nat’l Science Foundation) Funding Opportunities: May 2015 None Posted Not Specified Page 18 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 40561 Deadline Date Funding Amount Deborah Winslow 703-292-7315 dwinslow@nsf.gov http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2014/nsf14560/nsf14560.htm http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=254399 SYNOPSIS: Temporarily Suspended: The primary objective of the Cultural Anthropology Program is to support basic scientific research on the causes, consequences, and complexities of human social and cultural variability. Anthropological research spans a wide gamut, and contemporary cultural anthropology is an arena in which diverse research traditions and methodologies are valid. Recognizing the breadth of the field’s contributions to science, the Cultural Anthropology Program welcomes proposals for empirically grounded, theoretically engaged, and methodologically sophisticated research in all sub-fields of cultural anthropology. Because the National Science Foundation’s mandate is to support basic research, the NSF Cultural Anthropology Program does not fund research that takes as its primary goal improved clinical practice or applied policy. Archaeology Program - Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Awards (Arch-DDRI) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number Sponsor Name Directorate for Social, Behavioral and 14-566 Economic Sciences/NSF Continuous Submission 20,000 USD John E. Yellen 703-292-8759 jyellen@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=255494 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2014/nsf14566/nsf14566.htm SYNOPSIS: Temporarily Suspended: The Archaeology Program supports anthropologically relevant archaeological research. This means that the value of the proposed research can be justified within an anthropological context. The Program sets no priorities by either geographic region or time period. It also has no priorities in regard to theoretical orientation or question and it is the responsibility of the applicant to explain convincingly why these are significant and have the potential to contribute to anthropological knowledge. While the Program, in order to encourage innovative research, neither limits nor defines specific categories of research type, most applications either request funds for field research and/or the analysis of archaeological material through multiple approaches. The Program also supports methodological projects which develop analytic techniques of potential archaeological value. 40958 Dear Colleague Letter - I/UCRCs in Areas Relevant to the Forensic Sciences National Science Foundation 14-066 Continuous Submission Not Specified Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email forensic-science-inquiries@nsf.gov Sponsor Website Program URL http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2014/nsf14066/nsf14066.jsp?WT.mc_id=USNSF_38&WT.mc_ev=click Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis The National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) have partnered as co-sponsors to welcome proposals for establishment of Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers in areas relevant to the forensic sciences. With permission from the Principal Investigator (PI), NIJ will share in evaluation of forensics-related I/UCRC proposals, and may co-sponsor successful proposals. 41756 Dear Colleague Letter: FY 2015 Sustainable Chemistry, Engineering, and Materials (SusChEM) Funding Opportunity National Science Foundation 14-077 Continuous Submission Not Specified Contact Name Fleming Crim NSF (Nat’l Science Foundation) Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 19 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Number Sponsor Name Deadline Date Funding Amount Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2014/nsf14077/nsf14077.jsp?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis In fiscal year (FY) 2013, NSF started an initiative to encourage and foster research in Sustainable Chemistry, Engineering, and Materials (SusChEM), partially in response to the mandate of the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010. The SusChEM initiative addresses the interrelated challenges of sustainable supply, engineering, production, and use of chemicals and materials. 42939 Dear Colleague Letter: Integrated NSF Support Promoting Interdisciplinary Research and Education (INSPIRE) National Science Foundation NSF 14-106 Continuous Submission 1,000,000 USD Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email inspire@nsf.gov Sponsor Website Program URL http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2014/nsf14106/nsf14106.jsp?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis The Integrated NSF Support Promoting Interdisciplinary Research and Education (INSPIRE) pilot seeks to support bold interdisciplinary projects in all NSFsupported areas of science, engineering, and education research. INSPIRE has no targeted themes and serves as a funding mechanism for proposals that are required both to be interdisciplinary and to exhibit potentially transformative research (IDR and PTR, respectively). Complementing existing NSF efforts, INSPIRE was created to handle proposals whose: scientific advances lie outside the scope of a single program or discipline, such that substantial funding support from more than one program or discipline is necessary; lines of research promise transformational advances; and prospective discoveries reside at the interfaces of disciplinary boundaries that may not be recognized through traditional review or co-review. 43720 Dear Colleague Letter (DCL): Submission of I/UCRC Proposals in Response to NSF 13-594 in National Science Foundation Areas Related to Understanding the Brain's Structure and Function Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis None Posted Not Specified Shashank Priya 703-292-4709 spriya@nsf.gov http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2014/nsf14125/nsf14125.jsp?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click This Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) is intended to foster collaborations between industry and academe in the field of brain imaging and in identifying structure behavior relationships. NSF welcomes and encourages proposals in response to NSF 13-594 (SPIN Program # 08295) in the areas outlined in this DCL. Brain imaging and the science behind the complex architecture is revealing numerous opportunities and challenges in engineering and sciences. 46268 Archaeology Program - Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Awards (Arch-DDRI) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL NSF 14-125 Directorate for Social, Behavioral and 15-554 Economic Sciences/NSF Continuous Submission 20,000 USD John E. Yellen 703-292-8759 jyellen@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=274988 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2015/nsf15554/nsf15554.htm NSF (Nat’l Science Foundation) Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 20 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Number Sponsor Name Deadline Date Funding Amount Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis SYNOPSIS: The Archaeology Program supports anthropologically relevant archaeological research. This means that the value of the proposed research can be justified within an anthropological context. The Program sets no priorities by either geographic region or time period. It also has no priorities in regard to theoretical orientation or question and it is the responsibility of the applicant to explain convincingly why these are significant and have the potential to contribute to anthropological knowledge. While the Program, in order to encourage innovative research, neither limits nor defines specific categories of research type, most applications either request funds for field research and/or the analysis of archaeological material through multiple approaches. The Program also supports methodological projects which develop analytic techniques of potential archaeological value. 46617 Geomorphology and Land Use Dynamics (GLD-SEP) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 54343 Continuous Submission Not Specified SYNOPSIS: The Geomorphology and Land-use Dynamics Program supports innovative research into processes that shape and modify landscapes over a variety of length and time scales. The program encourages research that quantitatively investigates the coupling and feedback among such processes, their rates, and their relative roles, especially in the contexts of variation in climatic, biologic, and tectonic influences and in light of changes due to human impacts. Such research may involve fieldwork, modeling, experimentation, theoretical development, or combinations thereof. National Science Foundation 15-053 Continuous Submission Not Specified Rudolf Eigenmann reigenma@nsf.gov http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2015/nsf15053/nsf15053.jsp?WT.mc_id=USNSF_25&WT.mc_ev=click This Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) invites proposals to fund conferences that identify needs for advanced computing infrastructure in support of future computational research as well as the role the National Science Foundation (NSF) should play in providing such support in the time frame 2017-2020 as well as longer term. Materials World Network: Cooperative Activity in Materials Research Between US Investigators and their Counterparts Abroad (MWN) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 15-560 Richard Yuretich 703-292-8548 ryuretic@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275362 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2015/nsf15560/nsf15560.htm 46787 Dear Colleague Letter: Future Directions for NSF Advanced Computing Infrastructure (ACI) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Directorate for Geosciences/NSF Directorate for Mathematics and Physical Sciences/NSF 12-593 None Posted Not Specified Michael J. Scott 703-292-4771 mjscott@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=190433 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2012/nsf12593/nsf12593.htm Temporarily Suspended: The National Science Foundation (NSF) is working jointly with counterpart national, regional and multinational funding organizations worldwide to enhance opportunities for collaborative activities in materials research and education between US investigators and their colleagues abroad. This NSF (Nat’l Science Foundation) Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 21 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Number Sponsor Name Deadline Date Funding Amount solicitation promotes joint activities between the NSF Division of Materials Research (DMR)and funding organizations in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe. 55137 Partnerships for Innovation: Accelerating Innovation Research (PFI: AIR) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 62312 Directorate for Engineering/NSF 13-575 Temporarily Suspended: The NSF Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) program within the Division of Industrial Innovation and Partnerships (IIP) is an umbrella for two complementary subprograms, Accelerating Innovation Research (AIR) and Building Innovation Capacity (BIC). In the final analysis, both programs are concerned with the movement of academic research discoveries into the marketplace although each focuses on different stages along the innovation spectrum. The subject of this solicitation is PFI: AIR Technology Translation (TT) only. The PFI: AIR-TT solicitation is intended to help bridge the funding gap between existing research discoveries that validate relevant science and engineering fundamentals and their translation through proof-of-concept, prototype, or scale-up along a path toward commercialization and engage faculty and students in entrepreneurial/innovative thinking. None Posted Not Specified Claudia Rankins 703-292-8109 crankins@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=247736 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2014/nsf14513/nsf14513.htm SYNOPSIS: Temporarily Suspended: Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have awarded a large share of bachelor's degrees to African American students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), and nine of the top ten baccalaureate institutions of African American STEM doctorate recipients from 2006-2010 are HBCUs. To meet the nation's accelerating demands for STEM talent, more rapid gains in achievement, success and degree production in STEM for underrepresented minority populations are needed. The Historically Black Colleges and Universities Undergraduate Program (HBCU-UP) is committed to enhancing the quality of undergraduate STEM education and research at HBCUs as a means to broaden participation in the nation's STEM workforce. To this end, HBCU-UP provides awards to develop, implement, and study evidence-based innovative models and approaches for improving the preparation and success of HBCU undergraduate students so that they may pursue STEM graduate programs and/or careers. Support is available for Targeted Infusion Projects, Broadening Participation Research Projects, Research Initiation Awards, Implementation Projects or Achieving Competitive Excellence Implementation Projects, and other funding opportunities. 64493 Tribal Colleges and Universities Program (TCUP) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Not Specified Karlene A. Hoo 703-292-4609 khoo@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=237389 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2013/nsf13575/nsf13575.htm Historically Black Colleges and Universities Undergraduate Program (HBCU-UP) (EHR--HRD) Directorate for Education and Human 14-513 (Temporarily Suspended) Resources/NSF Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis None Posted Directorate for Education and Human 13-572 Resources/NSF None Posted 2,500,000 USD Jody Chase 703-292-8682 lchase@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=237386 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2013/nsf13572/nsf13572.htm SYNOPSIS: Temporarily Suspended: The Tribal Colleges and Universities Program (TCUP) provides awards to Tribal Colleges and Universities, Alaska NativeNSF (Nat’l Science Foundation) Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 22 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Number Sponsor Name Deadline Date Funding Amount serving institutions, and Native Hawaiian-serving institutions to promote high quality science (including sociology, psychology, anthropology, economics, statistics, and other social and behavioral science as well as natural science and education disciplines), technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education, research, and outreach. TCUP-eligible institutions are predominantly two-year and community colleges. Support is available to TCUP-eligible institutions for Instructional Capacity Excellence in TCUP Institutions (ICE-TI), Broadening Participation Research in STEM Education (BPR) Projects, Targeted STEM Infusion Projects (TSIP), and Catalyzing Opportunities for Research and Education (CORE). Through these mechanisms, along with collaborations with other National Science Foundation (NSF) units and its work with other organizations, TCUP aims to increase Native individuals' participation in STEM careers and the quality of STEM programs at TCUP-eligible institutions. TCUP strongly encourages the inclusion of activities that will benefit veterans. 64661 EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Grant Program: Track One (RII Track-1) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 13-549 None Posted 20,000,000 USD Kelvin Chu 703-292-7860 kchu@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=228613 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2013/nsf13549/nsf13549.htm Temporarily Suspended: The Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) is designed to fulfill the mandate of the National Science Foundation (NSF) to promote scientific progress nationwide. This program is directed at those jurisdictions that have historically received lesser amounts of NSF Research and Development (R&D) funding. Twenty-eight jurisdictions, including twenty-five states (Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming), the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Territories of Guam and the U. S. Virgin Islands are currently eligible to participate in the RII program. Through this program, NSF establishes partnerships with government, higher education, and industry that are designed to effect sustainable improvements in a jurisdiction's research infrastructure, R&D capacity, and hence, its national R&D competitiveness. 74032 EarthScope (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis National Science Foundation Directorate for Geosciences/NSF 13-562 None Posted Not Specified Gregory J. Anderson 703-292-4693 greander@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=234034 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2013/nsf13562/nsf13562.htm SYNOPSIS: Temporarily Suspended: EarthScope is an Earth science program to explore the 4-dimensional structure of the North American continent. The EarthScope Program provides a framework for broad, integrated studies across the Earth sciences, including research on fault properties and the earthquake process, strain transfer, magmatic and hydrous fluids in the crust and mantle, plate boundary processes, large-scale continental deformation, continental structure and evolution, and composition and structure of the deep Earth. In addition, EarthScope offers a centralized forum for Earth science education at all levels and an excellent opportunity to develop cyberinfrastructure to integrate, distribute, and analyze diverse data sets. The EarthScope Facility, consisting of the Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO), the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD), and the USArray, is a multi-purpose array of instruments and observatories that greatly expands the observational capabilities of the Earth sciences and permits us to advance our understanding of the structure, evolution and dynamics of the North American continent. This Solicitation calls for single or collaborative proposals to conduct scientific research and/or education and outreach activities within North America that make use of capabilities and/or data provided through the EarthScope Facility to further the scientific and educational goals of EarthScope. 79486 Geospace Facilities (GF) Directorate for Geosciences/NSF PD-04-4202 Continuous Submission Not Specified Contact Name Kile B. Baker NSF (Nat’l Science Foundation) Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 23 SPIN ID Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Opportunity Title Directorate for Engineering/NSF 13-583 None Posted Not Specified Sohi Rastegar, Director 703-292-8305 srastega@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=240539 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2013/nsf13583/nsf13583.htm SYNOPSIS: Temporarily Suspended: The Directorate for Engineering at the National Science Foundation has established the Office of Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation (EFRI) to serve a critical role in focusing on important emerging areas in a timely manner. This solicitation is a funding opportunity for interdisciplinary teams of researchers to embark on rapidly advancing frontiers of fundamental engineering research. For this solicitation, the sponsor will consider proposals that aim to investigate emerging frontiers in the following research area: Two-Dimensional Atomic-layer Research and Engineering (2DARE) National Science Foundation 11-501 None Posted 400,000 USD Susan Winter 703-292-8276 swinter@nsf.gov http://www07.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=58545 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2011/nsf11501/nsf11501.htm Temporarily Suspended: The Virtual Organizations as Sociotechnical Systems (VOSS) program supports scientific research directed at advancing the understanding of what constitutes effective virtual organizations and under what conditions virtual organizations can enable and enhance scientific, engineering, and education production and innovation. 98213 EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program: Track Two (Temporarily Suspended) National Science Foundation Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Funding Amount The National Science Foundation supports four large incoherent-scatter radar facilities and the SuperDARN coherent scatter radar system. The incoherentscatter radars are located along a longitudinal chain from Greenland to Peru. Each of the incoherent-scatter facilities is also equipped with powerful optical diagnostic instruments. The SuperDARN consists of a number of coherent-scatter HF radars in both the northern and southern hemispheres. The major goal of Geospace Facilities (GF) is to promote basic research on the structure and dynamics of the Earth's upper atmosphere. Research efforts utilizing these facilities have strong links to the Aeronomy Program and the Magnetospheric Physics Program. 96142 Virtual Organizations as Sociotechnical Systems (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Deadline Date 703-292-8529 kbaker@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/view-opportunity.html?oppId=275139 http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=12808 89690 Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation (EFRI) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number Sponsor Name 13-509 None Posted 2,000,000 USD Kelvin Chu 703-292-7860 kchu@nsf.gov http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/search-grants.html?keywords=13-509 http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2013/nsf13509/nsf13509.htm NSF (Nat’l Science Foundation) Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 24 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Synopsis Temporarily Suspended: The Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) is a program designed to fulfill the National Science Foundation's (NSF) mandate to promote scientific progress nationwide. The EPSCoR program is directed at jurisdictions that have historically received lesser amounts of NSF Research and Development (R&D) funding. Thirty-one jurisdictions including twenty-eight states, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the U. S. Virgin Islands, and Guam currently are eligible toparticipate. Through this program, NSF establishes partnerships with government, higher education, and industry that are designed to effect lasting improvements in a state's or region's research infrastructure, R&D capacity and hence, its national R&D competitiveness. NSF (Nat’l Science Foundation) Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 25 SPIN ID 01692 Opportunity Title Grant Programs - Science and Engineering Research Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 02951 03378 Toyota USA Foundation Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Deadline Date Funding Amount 01-May-2015 2,000,000 USD 01-May-2015 Not Specified ToyotaPhilanthropy@Toyota.com http://www.toyota.com http://www.toyota.com/usa/community/articles/community_grants_tmmk.html 01-Feb-2015; 01-May-2015; 01-Aug-2015; 01-Nov-2015 Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Kentucky, Inc. (TMMK) will provide support for Kentucky organizations that focus on education, health and human services, arts and culture, environment, civic and community progress, minorities and diversity Grant Program -Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing North America, Inc. (TEMA) Toyota USA Foundation (Erlanger, Kentucky) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 03772 Keck (W. M.) Foundation Sponsor Number 213-680-3833 Research@wmkeck.org http://www.wmkeck.org http://www.wmkeck.org/grant-programs/research 01-May-2015; 01-Nov-2015 The Science and Engineering Research Program seeks to benefit humanity by supporting projects that are distinctive and novel in their approach, question the prevailing paradigm, or have potential to break open new territory in their field. Past grants have been awarded to major universities and independent research institutions to support pioneering science and engineering research and the development of promising new technologies, and to facilitate the purchase of advanced instruments where such instruments would further specific research ventures. Grants Program - Kentucky (TMMK) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Name 01-May-2015 Not Specified ToyotaPhilanthropy@toyota.com http://www.toyota.com/about/philanthropy/guidelines/ http://www.toyota.com/usa/community/grant-guidelines-applications/how-to-apply 01-Feb-2015; 01-May-2015; 01-Aug-2015; 01-Nov-2015 Sponsor is offering financial support for organizations that primarily support education, environment and safety. Webster (Edwin S.) Foundation 01-May-2015 15,000 USD Michelle Jenney 617-391-3087 mjenney@gmafoundations.com http://websterfoundation.grantsmanagement08.com/ http://websterfoundation.grantsmanagement08.com/?page_id=7 01-May-2015; 01-Nov-2015 The foundation normally meets twice a year and will consider requests for capital programs, special projects, or operating income. The foundation supports charitable organizations that are well known to the trustees, with emphasis on hospitals, medical research, education, youth agencies, cultural activities, and programs addressing the needs of minorities. Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 1 SPIN ID 07394 Opportunity Title Grants Program - Mental Health Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 08467 Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 11129 Large Grants Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 17113 Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Name Morgan (Margaret Clark) Foundation Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount 01-May-2015 Not Specified Rick Kellar, President 330-655-1366 inquiry@mcmfdn.org http://www.mcmfdn.org/mental-health http://www.mcmfdn.org/how-to-apply 01-Nov-2014; 01-May-2015 The Foundation provides funding for programs in Northeast Ohio designed to integrate best practices in mental health. Woodruff Foundation 01-May-2015 Not Specified Cristin Slesh, Consultant 216-566-1853 info@fmscleveland.com http://www.fmscleveland.com/woodruff/history.cfm http://www.fmscleveland.com/woodruff/applic.cfm 01-Jan-2015; 01-May-2015; 01-Sep-2015 The Woodruff Foundation welcomes grant requests for capital, program and research expenses from tax-exempt, nonprofit organizations located in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, whose goals and objectives are consistent with those of the Foundation. The Foundation encourages requests from organizations seeking to incorporate proven "best practice" models, including staff training, agency implementation and dissemination of outcomes. The Foundation also has an interest in improving collaboration and achieving integration between behavioral health and primary health care. National Center for Responsible Gaming 01-May-2015 150,000 USD Christine Reilly 978-338-6610 creilly@ncrg.org http://www.ncrg.org/research-center http://www.ncrg.org/research-center/apply-ncrg-funding/large-grants 01-May-2015 Large Grant Applicants may request up to $75,000 per year in direct costs and up to 15 percent in Facilities & Administration costs for a period not to exceed 24 months in support of research investigations of gambling disorders. The NCRG seeks proposals of high scientific merit from investigators who show promise of disseminating their work at high-impact conferences and in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Atkinson Foundation 01-May-2015 Not Specified Elizabeth H. Curtis, Administrator 650-357-1101 atkinfdn@aol.com http://www.atkinsonfdn.org/ http://www.atkinsonfdn.org/guidelines.html 01-Nov-2014; 01-Feb-2015; 01-May-2015; 01-Aug-2015 The sponsor provides support for nonprofit, education, or church organizations providing direct services to the residents of San Mateo County, California, and for international programs of U.S. nonprofits providing services in Mexico or Central America. Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 2 SPIN ID 21422 Opportunity Title Grant Programs - Medical Research Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 60741 83819 91597 Clipper Ship Foundation Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Deadline Date Funding Amount 01-May-2015 2,000,000 USD 01-May-2015 20,000 USD Hannah Blaisdell, Foundation Assistant 617-391-3088 hblaisdell@gmafoundations.com http://clippershipfoundation.org/ http://clippershipfoundation.org/guidelines/ 06-Feb-2015; 01-May-2015; 07-Aug-2015; 06-Nov-2015 The Foundation makes grants to federally tax-qualified, public charities serving sick and poor residents of the Greater Boston community and the cities of Brockton and Lawrence. Consideration is also given to emergency disaster situations, worldwide. Community Funds Grants Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Keck (W. M.) Foundation Sponsor Number 213-680-3833 Research@wmkeck.org http://www.wmkeck.org http://www.wmkeck.org/grant-programs/research 01-May-2015; 01-Nov-2015 The Medical Research Program seeks to advance the frontiers of the life sciences by supporting basic research that is high-risk and had the potential to transform its field. Successful projects are distinctive and novel in their approach to problems, push the edge of their field or question the prevailing paradigm. Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Name Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation 01-May-2015 Not Specified Patrick Gale 605-336-7055 x20 pgale@sfacf.org http://www.sfacf.org/AboutGrants.aspx http://www.sfacf.org/News.aspx 01-Jan-2015; 01-Mar-2015; 01-May-2015; 01-Jul-2015; 01-Sep-2015; 01-Nov-2015 Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation supports nonprofit organizations and programs by making grants across a wide spectrum of charitable needs and interests. There are two funding categories for SFACF grants: Grants up to $2,500; and Grants over $2,500. National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment 04-May-2015 Not Specified Frederick O. Mueller, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor, UNC-CH 919-537-8948 mueller537@nc.rr.com http://nocsae.org/research/applying-for-funding/ http://nocsae.org/research/applying-for-funding/preliminary-grant-application-instructions/ 04-May-2015 The National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment provides grants for projects based upon basic and/or applied research bearing a rational relationship toward increasing our understanding of sports injury mechanisms and injury prevention through the use of protective sports equipment. The primary focus of NOCSAE research has been and will continue to be head and neck injury. Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 3 SPIN ID 10392 Opportunity Title 46382 Funding Amount 05-May-2015 50,000 USD Community Foundation Serving Richmond and Central Virginia 05-May-2015 100,000 USD Elaine T. Summerfield 804-330-7400 esummerfield@tcfrichmond.org http://www.tcfrichmond.org/receive/apply-for-a-grant/grant-programs/ http://www.tcfrichmond.org/receive/apply-for-a-grant/grant-programs/sheltering-arms-fund/ 05-May-2015 The Sheltering Arms Foundation Fund supports organizations that provide services to uninsured and underinsured adults with physical or cognitive disabilities or those who are at risk for developing functional limitations. NCHRP Request for Proposal - Guidance for the Implementation of the Toward Zero Deaths National Strategy on Highway Safety Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Deadline Date Elaine T. Summerfield 804-330-7400 esummerfield@tcfrichmond.org http://www.tcfrichmond.org/receive/apply-for-a-grant/grant-programs/ http://www.tcfrichmond.org/receive/apply-for-a-grant/grant-programs/richmond-eye-and-ear-foundation-fund/ 05-May-2015; 05-Nov-2015 The Medarva Foundation Fund supports local nonprofits that provide health care education, preventative services or access to medical care related to conditions of the ear, eye, nose, throat or mouth. Sheltering Arms Fund Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number Community Foundation Serving Richmond and Central Virginia Medarva Foundation Fund Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 10393 Sponsor Name Transportation Research Board NCHRP 17-64 [RFP] 05-May-2015 250,000 USD Mark S. Bush 202-334-1646 mbush@nas.edu http://www.trb.org/Projects/RequestsforProposals.aspx http://apps.trb.org/cmsfeed/TRBNetProjectDisplay.asp?ProjectID=3422 05-May-2015 The Transportation Research Board's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) has issued a request for proposals (RFP) to develop a guidance document with related resources to advance the implementation of the Toward Zero Deaths (TZD) national strategy for use by the safety community. The successful research team will develop an execution plan and budget, and host a national forum exchange workshop. These products will support a systematic integrated implementation of the TZD approach to highway safety. The proposer should specifically develop a detailed budget for the Toward Zero Deaths National Strategy forum and is responsible for all logistical planning of the workshop and identification and invitation of the various safety organizational stakeholders. The research team will be expected to deliver presentations at a total of four AASHTO and/or TRB committee meetings during the course of the research project or upon completion as recommended by the research team or panel in collaboration with NCHRP. During the development of the TZD national strategy, the TZD Steering Committee and NCHRP have had a unique relationship that has resulted in collaboration during the development of materials related to TZD. Proposers should consider the need to involve the Steering Committee during the development of materials for the project, and include in their proposal reviews if necessary or appropriate, presentations to or discussions with this group, in addition to the planned interaction with the NCHRP panel. While the NCHRP panel is overseeing the project, it is recognized that the Steering Committee is an important stakeholder in the effort. Proposers should plan to submit an amplified work plan for approval by the panel, followed by a draft annotated outline for the implementation guidance for panel approval prior to proceeding with the work plan and developing the guidance. Proposers should consider the resources available under the following: -- NCHRP 17-51(03), "Communication Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 4 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Plan for the National Highway Safety Strategy." -- Article “Toward Zero Deaths: a National Strategy on Highway Safety” written by Thomas K. Sorel and Troy E. Costales, published in the TRNews September/October 2012 issue. -- Existing assessment tools, such as those developed by FHWA or NHTSA, that are used to establish a baseline for a specific program within an organization. -- AASHTO TZD Document and related information available at http://www.towardzerodeaths.org/home.php and FHWA related site at http://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/tzd/. 46498 Division of HIV and Hepatitis Health Care RFA - Legal Services for Individuals and Families Living with HIV/AIDS & Family Stabilization Support Services Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 83627 83801 35506 Community Foundation of Howard County 08-May-2015 Not Specified Kim Abney 765-454-7298 kim@cfhoward.org http://www.cfhoward.org/grants.html http://www.cfhoward.org/schedule.html 23-Jan-2015; 08-May-2015; 31-Jul-2015; 30-Oct-2015 The Community Foundation of Howard County makes grants to those 501(c) 3 non-profit organizations that are working hard to improve the quality of life in Howard County for this generation and generations to come. To that end, grants are awarded to fund projects for which there is a demonstrable community benefit in one of the following areas of interest: Health & Medical, Social Services, Education, Cultural Affairs, Civic Affairs, and Community Beautification. Davis Family Foundation Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis RFA 1502270940 05-May-2015 Not Specified Deborah Hanna, MPH 212-417-4764 HIVLegalServices@health.ny.gov http://www.health.ny.gov/funding/rfa/1502270940/index.htm https://grantsgateway.ny.gov/IntelliGrants_NYSGG/module/nysgg/goportal.aspx?NavItem1=3 05-May-2015 The New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute (NYSDOH AI) Division of HIV and Hepatitis Health Care, Bureau of Community Support Services (BCSS) announces the availability of $2,514,252 in state funds for the provision of legal services for individuals and families living with HIV/AIDS and family stabilization support services. Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis New York State Department of Health Davis Foundations 11-May-2015 Not Specified 207-846-9132 http://www.davisfoundations.org/site/default.asp http://www.davisfoundations.org/site/application_family.asp 10-Feb-2015; 11-May-2015; 10-Aug-2015; 10-Nov-2015 The Davis Family Foundation provides grants primarily to Maine-based educational, medical and cultural/arts charitable organizations in support of a wide variety of worthwhile projects. Grant Program Venoco, Inc. 15-May-2015 Not Specified Contact Name Marybeth Carty Contact Telephone 805-745-2100 Contact Email mcarty@venocoinc.com Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 5 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 82402 14804 Deadline Date Funding Amount 15-May-2015 Not Specified Philip Hall, Administrator 617-391-3097 phall@gmafoundations.com http://parkerfoundation.gmafoundations.com/ http://parkerfoundation.gmafoundations.com/?page_id=12 15-Jan-2015; 15-May-2015; 15-Sep-2015 The Parker Foundation’s primary goal is to make effective grants that benefit the city of Lowell and its residents. Grants are made for a variety of purposes including social services, cultural programs, community development activities, education, community health needs, and urban environmental projects. Global Cardiovascular Innovation Center 27-May-2015 Not Specified 216-444-5322 gcic@ccf.org http://gcic.org/programs/commercialization-funding-program/ http://gcic.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Commercialization-Funding-Program.pdf 27-May-2015 The Global Cardiovascular Innovation Center (GCIC) is soliciting project proposals from early-stage companies and institutions developing innovative technologies directed towards the diagnosis or treatment of cardiovascular disease, and who have a base of operations in the State of Ohio. Financial and development support is available. Projects will be evaluated on technical, commercialization and economic development merits. Fox (Michael J.) Foundation for Parkinson's Research Target Validation Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 43727 Parker (Theodore Edson) Foundation Commercialization Funding Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number http://www.venocoinc.com http://www.venocoinc.com/community/venoco-community-partnership/ 15-Jan-2015; 15-May-2015; 15-Sep-2015 Venoco’s corporate giving program, known as the Venoco Community Partnership, seeks to reinvest in the company’s areas of operations. Grant funding may be requested primarily for program and general operating expenses, in three primary focus areas: health; critical human services; and education and youth serving programs. Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 00014 Sponsor Name 27-May-2015 Not Specified 1-800-708-7644 research@michaeljfox.org https://www.michaeljfox.org/research/apply-for-grant.html https://www.michaeljfox.org/research/target-advancement.html 27-May-2015; 28-Oct-2015 The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research (MJFF) Target Validation program seeks to build robust evidence to rationalize biological pathways and targets for further translation into new Parkinson's treatments. In 2015, the program is being expanded with the goal of promoting work through three modified funding opportunities: Target Validation Pilot Awards: which are one-year grants to support research on characterizing promising novel PD-relevant targets; Target Optimization Awards which are two-year grants supporting collaborative teams to validate targets within MJFF-defined priority biological pathways; and, Priority Target Awards which are one-year grants supporting target biology work on a high-priority MJFF target. Improved Biomarkers and Clinical Outcome Measures Program Fox (Michael J.) Foundation for Parkinson's Research Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 27-May-2015 4,000,000 USD Page 6 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 01975 33209 70721 Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Deadline Date Funding Amount Brooks (Gladys) Foundation 29-May-2015 Not Specified Mrs. Kathy Petry 516-746-6103 kathy@gladysbrooksfoundation.org http://www.gladysbrooksfoundation.org/ http://www.gladysbrooksfoundation.org/guidelines.html 29-May-2015 The Gladys Brooks Foundation supports non-profit libraries, educational institutions, hospitals, and clinics. Grants will be considered where outside funding (including governmental) is not available, the project will be largely funded by the grant unless the grant request covers a discrete component of a larger project, and funds will be used for capital projects including equipment or endowments. HD Human Biology Project - HDSA Research Fellowship Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number 1-800-708-7644 research@michaeljfox.org https://www.michaeljfox.org https://www.michaeljfox.org/research/apply-for-grant.html 27-May-2015; 28-Oct-2015 SYNOPSIS: The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research (MJFF) seeks to support research that will develop improved biomarker tools and clinical outcome measures to assist in clinical trial design, execution and interpretation of results. Funding will focus on projects that improve the ability to enrich subject populations in clinical trials and/or determine whether experimental treatments are modifying the course of the disease, its symptoms, or its progression. Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Name Huntington's Disease Society of America, Inc. 29-May-2015 150,000 USD George Yohrling, PhD 212-242-1968 gyohrling@hdsa.org http://www.hdsa.org/research/grant-applications/index.html http://www.hdsa.org/research/grant-applications/hd-human-biology-project-hdsa-research-fellowship/index.html 29-May-2015 The grant program fosters innovative research at the HDSA Centers of Excellence with the goal of better understanding the biology of Huntington’s disease (HD) as it occurs in humans. Iowa Women's Foundation 29-May-2015 10,000 USD Dawn Oliver Wiand, IWF Executive Director 319-774-3813 dawn@iawf.org http://iawf.org http://iawf.org/grantmaking/application/ 29-May-2015 The Iowa Women's Foundation (IWF) accepts grant proposals for programs specifically for women and/or girls in Iowa. Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 7 SPIN ID 00582 Opportunity Title Unsolicited Proposals Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 00667 Sponsor Number Deadline Date Continuous Submission Funding Amount Not Specified 877-843-7953 http://www.rwjf.org http://www.rwjf.org/en/about-rwjf/program-areas/pioneer/submit-a-proposal.html RWJF's Pioneer Portfolio makes awards in response to unsolicited proposals for projects that suggest new and creative approaches to solving health and health care problems. Commonwealth Fund Continuous Submission Not Specified 212-606-3800 http://www.commonwealthfund.org http://www.commonwealthfund.org/Grants-and-Programs.aspx The Fund supports independent research on health and social issues and makes grants to improve health care practice and policy. The sponsor is dedicated to helping people become more informed about their health care and improving care for vulnerable populations such as children, the elderly, low-income families, minorities, and the uninsured. Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 01605 Johnson (Robert Wood) Foundation Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 01012 Sponsor Name Edison (Charles) Fund Continuous Submission Not Specified 973-648-0500 lorena@charlesedisonfund.org http://www.charlesedisonfund.org/home2.html http://www.charlesedisonfund.org/thefund.html The Charles Edison Fund (the "Fund") is an endowed philanthropic institution dedicated to the support of worthwhile endeavors generally within the areas of medical research, science education and historic preservation. Grants Program (Temporarily Suspended) Perkins (Kitty M.) Foundation Continuous Submission Not Specified Contact Name J. Richard Shoemaker Contact Telephone Contact Email dick.shoemaker@pnpt.com Sponsor Website http://www.kmpfoundation.com/Index.html Program URL Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 8 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Temporarily Suspended. The sponsor provides charitable gifts to worthy tax-exempt organizations involving religious, charitable, scientific, literary, artistic, or educational purposes exclusively. Grants may also be made to an eligible state or political subdivision thereof if the grant is made exclusively for public purposes. 01818 Foundation Grants Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 02072 02693 Not Specified corporate.communications@bms.com http://www.bms.com/RESPONSIBILITY/GRANTSANDGIVING/Pages/default.aspx http://www.bms.com/foundation/Pages/bristol_myers_squibb_foundation_grants.aspx The Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation supports strategic initiatives that help address health disparities in four key areas: HIV/AIDS in Africa, hepatitis in Asia, serious mental illness in the United States and cancer in central and eastern Europe. Cummings (Nathan) Foundation Continuous Submission Not Specified 212-787-7300 contact@nathancummings.org http://www.nathancummings.org/grant-programs http://www.nathancummings.org/grant-programs/applying-for-a-grant Temporarily Suspended: The Foundation's core programs include arts and culture; the environment; health; interprogram initiatives for social and economic justice; and the Jewish life and values/contemplative practice programs. Packard (Lucile) Foundation for Children's Health Program for Children with Special Health Care Needs Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Continuous Submission Foundation Coordinator Grants Program (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 02235 Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc. Continuous Submission Not Specified 650-497-8365 grants@lpfch.org http://lpfch-cshcn.org/grants/what-we-fund/ http://lpfch-cshcn.org/grants/how-to-apply/ The Foundation funds programs and projects that will contribute to improving California’s system of care for children with special health care needs and their families. Research and Medical Education Grants Genzyme Corporation Continuous Submission Not Specified Contact Name Contact Telephone 1-877-GENZYME x14040 Contact Email Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 9 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Sponsor Website http://www.genzyme.com/Responsibility/Grants-and-Giving.aspx Program URL http://www.genzyme.com/Responsibility/Grants-and-Giving/Applying-for-a-Grant.aspx Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Genzyme distributes grants to non-profit organizations, hospitals, research institutions, disease organizations, and medical education programs that target efforts in their areas of disease and therapeutic focus. 03336 Grants Program (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 03575 04375 Not Specified (Temporarily Suspended) Grants are awarded to U.S. hospitals, colleges, and universities to acquire land, erect buildings/facilities, obtain equipment, instruments, books, and furnishings; and for colleges and universities to provide scholarships, fellowships, and professorships. Favor is given to tax-exempt organizations in Southern California. Allergan Foundation Continuous Submission Not Specified 866-257-0272 IR-AGNMedEd@allergan.com http://www.allergan.com/responsibility/unrestricted_educational_grants.htm https://allerganmededgrants.com/home/(S(pzptmb55zdnnx2e2rqoiw33d))/default.aspx Allergan recognizes the importance of independent medical education programs that enhance the level of patient care in the United States. As such, Allergan funds educational activities through its extensive unrestricted educational grant program to foster increased understanding of scientific, clinical, or health care issues. They seek to provide an efficient and effective grant review process to help facilitate grant requests for quality independent education. Developmental Disabilities Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Continuous Submission Lisa Jaynes 626-793-9400 lsjaynes@lagerlof.com Unrestricted Education Grants Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 04287 Stauffer (John) Charitable Trust Coleman Foundation Continuous Submission Not Specified Michael W. Hennessy 312-902-7120 info@colemanfoundation.org http://www.colemanfoundation.org/what_we_fund/ http://www.colemanfoundation.org/apply/ The Foundation provides support for residential and vocational programs that encourage independence for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities as well as other initiatives that enable residential and vocational goal achievement. Amgen Healthcare Donations Amgen Foundation, Inc. Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Continuous Submission Not Specified Page 10 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 04504 04998 Teva Pharmaceuticals Funding Amount Continuous Submission Not Specified 1-800-961-3604 tevarequestmanagement@tevapharm.com https://www.tevagrants.com https://www.tevagrants.com/Submission-Process.aspx#a1 The sponsor is committed to supporting innovative, high-quality initiatives that provide the healthcare professional with evidence-based, clinically-relevant, performance-based education, in order to advance healthcare practice and improve patient outcomes. Independent educational initiatives eligible for consideration must be designed to improve patient outcomes by: communicating healthcare information, consistent with Teva's educational objectives, to healthcare professionals; and, advancing the practice of medicine. Educational activities may or may not be accredited. Examples may include: live symposium at medical conferences, enduring material, grand rounds, fellowships. Anadarko Continuous Submission Not Specified 800-800-1101 publicaffairs@anadarko.com http://www.anadarko.com http://www.anadarko.com/Responsibility/Pages/PhilanthropicGuidelines.aspx The sponsor accepts grant proposals from nonprofit organizations within the communities they operate for work in: Education; Social service; Health; and Arts and culture. Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Date Amgen makes donations to qualified members of the U.S. healthcare community for the following purposes: the support of science, technology, medicine, healthcare or education; or, education of the public on disease states, medical conditions, science or technology; or, in furtherance of other genuine philanthropic and charitable purposes that are consistent with Amgen’s scientific and disease interests. Grants Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number 866-442-6436 HCCDonations@amgen.com http://www.amgen.com/ http://www.amgen.com/citizenship/amgen_med_overview.html Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 04982 Sponsor Name Dunn (John S.) Research Foundation Continuous Submission Not Specified 713-626-0368 jsdrf@swbell.net http://johnsdunnfoundation.org/ http://johnsdunnfoundation.org/grant-guidelines/ Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 11 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis The sponsor will consider granting support to institutions in the State of Texas. Grants are generally approved for nursing programs, healthcare clinics for the underserved, mental health programs, and medical research and education in the greater Houston area. 05277 Leonard & Helen R. Stulman Charitable Foundation Grants Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 05433 06821 07076 150,000 USD The sponsor provides funding in four areas of interest, Ninety five percent (95%) of funding from the sponsor is reserved for programs in greater Baltimore and the State of Maryland. Santa Barbara Foundation Continuous Submission 5,000 USD Jack Azar, Grants Associate 805-963-1873 jazar@sbfoundation.org http://www.sbfoundation.org/page.aspx?pid=583 http://www.sbfoundation.org/page.aspx?pid=574 The Santa Barbara Foundation awards Express Grants of up to $5,000 to support nonprofit organizations serving Santa Barbara County. Responsive Grants Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Continuous Submission Cathy Brill, Program Officer 410-332-4171 cbrill@bcf.org http://www.bcf.org http://www.bcf.org/BaltimoreCFGrants/GrantProgramDetails/tabid/166/Default.aspx?grid=4 Express Grants Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Baltimore Community Foundation Dakota Medical Foundation Continuous Submission 5,000 USD Deb Watne 701-356-2654 debwatne@dakmed.org http://www.dakmed.org/grants/ http://www.dakmed.org/grants/responsive-grants/ Responsive grants are community-initiated grant requests to the Foundation. The Foundation considers proposals that provide innovative, measurable solutions to proven health needs and gives preference to proposals that seek to improve access to healthcare or prevent chronic disease, especially for children. Good Companies @ Work Program Hitachi Foundation Continuous Submission Not Specified Contact Name Contact Telephone 202-457-0588 Contact Email info@hitachifoundation.org Sponsor Website Program URL http://www.hitachifoundation.org/our-work/good-companies-at-work Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 12 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis The Good Companies @ Work Program focuses on building an authentic integration of business actions and societal wellbeing in North America. 07162 Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 07164 07739 Grants Program Not Specified Foundation gifts in this area are directed to qualified charitable organizations and their projects that provide social services and humanitarian aid to help people in need, including low-income populations, the homeless and hungry, the physically or mentally challenged, and the young and the elderly who may require special assistance, as well as those offering community enrichment for all citizens. Eccles (George S. and Dolores Dore) Foundation Continuous Submission Not Specified 801-246-5340 gseg@gseccles.org http://www.gsecclesfoundation.org/health/index.html http://www.gsecclesfoundation.org/grantseekers/index.html Foundation gifts in this area are directed to qualified charitable organizations offering health-care services and information in Utah’s urban and rural areas, including grants for equipment, facilities, and program support for those involved in medical diagnosis, treatment and education, disease prevention, the promotion of healthy lifestyles, and the development of creative new ways to address health-care challenges. CIRM Research Leadership Awards (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Continuous Submission 801-246-5340 gseg@gseccles.org http://www.gsecclesfoundation.org http://www.gsecclesfoundation.org/community/index.html Health Care Grants Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 07200 Eccles (George S. and Dolores Dore) Foundation Community Grants California Institute for Regenerative Medicine RFA 09-04 None Posted Not Specified Gilberto R. Sambrano, Ph.D., Senior Review Officer 415-396-9103 gsambrano@cirm.ca.gov http://www.cirm.ca.gov/our-funding/requests-applications http://www.cirm.ca.gov/our-funding/research-rfas/research-leadership-1 Temporarily Suspended: The CIRM Research Leadership Awards support robust and innovative stem cell research programs of the most promising researchers newly recruited to California. These awards will enable universities and research institutions to attract the very best stem cell scientists, with a focus on those who are early-to-mid career but have already established themselves as independent investigators and emerging national or international leaders in the stem cell field. They also will permit the recipients to pursue high-risk, high payoff, innovative studies that could not be adequately supported by other sources. The awardees will bolster California’s efforts in stem cell research and further CIRM’s mission to advance novel treatments and cures into medical practice. Cummings (James H.) Foundation Continuous Submission Not Specified Contact Name Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 13 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 07909 08813 Funding Amount The James H. Cummings Foundation provides support to nonprofit organizations in Buffalo, NY, Hendersonville, NC, and Toronto, Ontario, Canada, for projects related to: medical science, research and education; services for underprivileged children, and assistance for aged and infirm persons. Applications from taxexempt organizations are encouraged. Liberty Mutual Foundation Continuous Submission Not Specified 617-357-9500 http://www.libertymutualgroup.com/omapps/ContentServer?pagename=LMGroup/Views/LMG&ft=3&fid=1239994423260&ln=en http://www.libertymutualgroup.com/omapps/ContentServer?pagename=LMGroup/Views/LMG&ft=4&fid=1239994424385&ln=en The Liberty Mutual Foundation supports the communities in which we live and work. Cancer Prevention and Research Institute RFA R-15of Texas RRS-2 Continuous Submission 4,000,000 USD 512-305-8491 Help@CPRITGrants.org http://www.cprit.state.tx.us/funding-opportunities/ http://www.cprit.state.tx.us/images/uploads/RFA-R-15-RRS-2.pdf The aim of this award mechanism is to bolster cancer research in Texas by providing financial support to attract individuals whose work has outstanding merit, who show a marked capacity for self-direction, and who demonstrate the promise for continued and enhanced contributions to the field of cancer research (“Rising Stars”). Awards are intended to provide institutions with a competitive edge in recruiting the world’s best talent in cancer research, thereby advancing cancer research efforts and promoting economic development in the State of Texas. The recruitment of outstanding scientists will greatly enhance programs of scientific excellence in cancer research and will position Texas as a leader in the fight against cancer. Applications may address any research topic related to cancer biology, causation, prevention, detection or screening, or treatment. Exploration Grants (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Deadline Date http://www.jameshcummings.com/# Recruitment of Rising Stars Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number 716-874-0040 bdoherty@jameshcummings.com Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 08241 Sponsor Name National Center for Responsible Gaming Continuous Submission 10,000 USD Christine Reilly, Executive Director 978-299-6610 creilly@gamblingdisorders.org http://www.ncrg.org/research-center Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 14 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Synopsis Temporarily Suspended. The Exploration Grants program provides quick access to funding for researchers. The proposed research investigation may focus on a broad range of research that develops and tests psychosocial or pharmacological approaches for prevention, intervention, treatment or relapse prevention of gambling disorders. Applications that propose a research topic outside these parameters will not be competitive for support. The NCRG is especially interested in brief interventions targeted at underrepresented populations, such as minorities, young adults and persons with subclinical gambling disorders (e.g., at-risk for problem gambling). 09090 Grant Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 09834 12760 Foundation Grants Not Specified The FHL Foundation is a theory-based, high engagement philanthropic organization dedicated to providing collaborative support in the areas of Executive Function Theory Education, Services, and Research, all with a focus on eliminating those barriers that impede adults, children, and animals in their attempts to develop robust EF skills and functioning. Weingart Foundation Continuous Submission 25,000 USD Eric Medina 213-688-6316 emedina@weingartfnd.org http://www.weingartfnd.org/ http://www.weingartfnd.org/Small-Grant-Program The primary purpose of the Small Grant Program is to increase access to funding and strengthen the capacity of small, community based, and developing organizations. Therefore, priority is given to organizations with operating budgets under $1 million. The program also supports small capital projects for organizations of any size. Community Support Fund Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Continuous Submission 505-247-2400 fhlfound@thuntek.net http://fhlfound.securesites.net/wordpress/foundation-web-site/ http://fhlfound.securesites.net/wordpress/foundation-web-site/mission-vision-aim/ Small Grant Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 10603 FHL Foundation Junior League of Boca Raton Continuous Submission 2,500 USD 561-620-2553 info@jlbr.org http://www.jlbr.org/nonprofit-assistance/nonprofit-assistance.asp#csf http://www.jlbr.org/_files/_pdf/JLBR_letter.pdf#zoom=100 The Community Support Fund is the granting arm of the Junior League that allows community organizations within the Junior League's service area to apply for grants up to $2,500 to assist in funding their programs and initiatives in the focus areas of; Education, Child/Family/Crime Prevention, and Health/Environmental impact. St. Jude Medical Foundation Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Continuous Submission Not Specified Page 15 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 12913 13186 13191 Funding Amount American Board of Internal Medicine Founation None Posted 20,000 USD Amy Cunningham 215-606-4123 acunningham@abim.org http://www.abimfoundation.org/Initiatives/Putting-the-Charter-Into-Practice-Grants.aspx Temporarily Suspended. The Putting the Charter into Practice grant program to provide financial support to professional medical organizations, health systems/hospitals, academic medical centers and medical practices, and other organizations as they work to advance medical professionalism. NorthWestern Energy Continuous Submission Not Specified 605-978-2900 http://www.northwesternenergy.com http://www.northwesternenergy.com/community-works/charitable-giving NorthWestern Energy provides support for organizations serving human needs such as the United Way, youth homes and special community health and safety needs. Flagship Research Projects (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Deadline Date The St. Jude Medical Foundation supports grants programs in health awareness, advancing the state of medical knowledge, and community. Health and Human Services Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number 877-291-7569 info@sjmfoundation.com http://www.sjmfoundation.com/foundation-grants.aspx http://www.sjmfoundation.com/foundation-grants/grant-request-instructions Putting the Charter into Practice Grant (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 12995 Sponsor Name CSIRO Australia Continuous Submission 37,985 USD Ms. Kathy Dunn, Manager +61 2 6276 6183 Kathy.Dunn@csiro.au http://www.csiro.au/ http://www.csiro.au/en/Research The Flagship Collaboration Fund supports specific short term research projects which have outputs and deliverables relevant to a particular Flagship objective. Preventative Health Flagship Project (Temporarily Suspended) CSIRO Australia None Posted 151,941 USD Contact Name Prof Lynne Cobiac Director Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 16 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 13383 14345 Ross (Dorothea Haus) Foundation Funding Amount Continuous Submission 15,000 USD 585-473-6006 Rossfoundation@frontiernet.net http://www.dhrossfoundation.org http://www.dhrossfoundation.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3&catid=1 The Ross Foundation provides direct aid and assistance to vulnerable children, including those who are ill, orphaned, disabled, injured, disfigured, abused and malnourished or have limited access to education. The sponsor is looking for small grassroots projects that we can fully fund or nearly fully fund with the small grants that we make. The Ross Foundation is less interested in larger projects or capital campaigns that are better left to larger foundations and organizations. Spectrum Pharmaceuticals Continuous Submission Not Specified 949-413-2683 grants@sppirx.com http://www.sppirx.com/530-spectrum-medpro-grants.html http://www.sppirx.com/downloads/0903-036500_MedEdGrantBrochure_r3.pdf Temporarily Suspended. The sponsor provides support for medical education grants to third-party organizations or institutions for sponsoring an educational program or other activity that may provide a legitimate public health or patient care benefit. A program supported by an educational grant is for scientific and educational purposes only. Grants Program - People With Disabilities (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Deadline Date Temporarily Suspended. The Preventative Health Flagship is working to improve the health and well being of Australians through research into prevention and early detection of common chronic diseases. Preventative Health is one of several Flagship Projects which the sponsor will fund for a specific research project which has outcomes and deliverables relevant to its objective. Medical Education Grants (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number +61 8 8303 8819 Lynne.Cobiac@csiro.au http://www.csiro.au/ http://www.csiro.au/en/Research Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 13526 Sponsor Name Wells (Toby) Foundation None Posted Not Specified Adrienne Wells Holmes 858-391-2973 adrienne@tobywells.org http://www.tobywells.org http://www.tobywells.org/funding-guidelines The sponsor provides support to recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations operating programs within San Diego County for initiatives that support its work in enhancing the lives of people with disabilities. Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 17 SPIN ID 14940 Opportunity Title Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 15026 Accessibility Grant Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number Deadline Date Continuous Submission Funding Amount Not Specified Bradbury F. Cheney, Executive Director 253-572-2442 info@benbcheneyfoundation.org http://www.benbcheneyfoundation.org/type-grant/ http://www.benbcheneyfoundation.org/how-to-apply/ The sponsor provides support for private, nonprofit, tax-exempt organizations located in selected areas of Washington, Oregon and California. Support is provided for the following eight categories: charity; civic; culture; education; elderly; health; social services; and youth. Fanconi Anemia Research Fund, Inc. Continuous Submission Not Specified 541-687-4658 info@fanconi.org http://www.fanconi.org/ http://www.fanconi.org/index.php/research/grant_applications This funding opportunity will support work focused on the molecular pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma in patients with Fanconi anemia. Request for Applications - Endocrine Organ Dysfunction Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 15308 Cheney (Ben B.) Foundation Request for Applications - Head and Neck Carcinogenesis Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 15027 Sponsor Name Fanconi Anemia Research Fund, Inc. Continuous Submission Not Specified Beverly Mayhew, Executive Director 541-687-4658 bev@fanconi.org http://www.fanconi.org/index.php/research/grant_applications http://www.fanconi.org/images/uploads/other/RFA_Endocrine_Organ_Dysfunction_9-10-2008_revised.pdf This funding opportunity will support work focused on the molecular pathogenesis of, diagnosis, and treatment of endocrine dysfunction in patients with Fanconi anemia. South Carolina Arts Commission Continuous Submission 2,500 USD 803-734-8696 kmay@arts.sc.gov http://www.southcarolinaarts.com/grants/organizations/accessibility.shtml http://www.southcarolinaarts.com/grants/completing.shtml The sponsor offers funding to help South Carolina arts organizations make programs and existing facilities accessible to persons with disabilities. Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 18 SPIN ID 15903 Opportunity Title Public Policy Research (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 16200 Sponsor Number Deadline Date Continuous Submission Funding Amount 15,000 USD ppr@marchofdimes.com http://www.marchofdimes.com/advocacy/publicresearch.html http://www.marchofdimes.com/downloads/Request_for_Public_Policy_Research_Proposals.pdf The sponsor seeks to fund the research of individuals or organizations/entities (“Researchers”) for projects related to public policy issues affecting health care for pregnant women, infants and children (“Projects”). Johnson Controls Foundation Continuous Submission Not Specified Mary Dowell 414-524-2296 mary.j.dowell@jci.com http://www.johnsoncontrols.com/publish/us/en/about/our_community_focus/johnson_controls_foundation.html www.johnsoncontrols.com/content/dam/WWW/jci/corporate/our_community/policies_foundation.pdf Temporarily Suspended: The sponsor makes charitable contributions to nonprofit organizations, primarily in communities where Johnson Controls has a presence. Extra consideration will be given to organizations or institutions in which Johnson Controls employees are involved and are contributing their time and/or funds. Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 17015 March of Dimes Civic Activity Grants (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 16621 Sponsor Name Dekker Foundation Continuous Submission Not Specified 203-227-3596 dekkerfoundation@dekker.com http://www.dekkerfoundation.org/grants.html http://www.dekkerfoundation.org/apply.html The sponsor awards the majority of its grants to organizations that promote education and the advancement of knowledge. Because learning occurs in many different contexts, recipients can range from organizations implementing technology in education to academic programs dedicated to scientific and medical research. Security Grants Programme Front Line - The International Foundation for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders None Posted 8,154 USD Contact Name Contact Telephone +353 (0)1 212 3750 Contact Email info@frontlinedefenders.org Sponsor Website http://www.frontlinedefenders.org Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 19 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Program URL http://www.frontlinedefenders.org/security-grants Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Front Line Defenders Security Grants can pay for organisational and personal provisions to improve the security and protection of a Human Rights Defenders and their organisation. Grants can pay to improve physical security of an organisation, digital security, communication security, legal fees for HRDs who are being judicially harassed. They can pay for medical fees for HRDs who have been attacked or who have suffered a medical condition as a result of their peaceful human rights activities. They can also provide family assistance for imprisoned HRDs. Grants are for amounts up to a maximum of €7,500 18421 Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 20249 20333 Educational Grants Not Specified The Chatlos Foundation provides support to organizations in the following areas: bible colleges/seminaries, religious causes, liberal arts colleges, medical concerns, and social concerns. Bausch and Lomb Continuous Submission Not Specified caring@bausch.com http://www.bausch.com/en/our-company/grants-and-charitable-contributions/ http://www.bausch.com/Our-Company/Grants-and-Charitable-Contributions/Information-and-Requirements#educational Bausch + Lomb provides funding for educational events that must be primarily dedicated to promoting objective scientific and educational activities and discourse. Charitable Contributions Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Continuous Submission info@chatlos.org http://chatlos.org/AppInfo.htm http://chatlos.org/AppProcess.htm Educational Grants Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 20251 Chatlos Foundation Bausch and Lomb Continuous Submission Not Specified caring@bausch.com http://www.bausch.com/en/our-company/grants-and-charitable-contributions/ http://www.bausch.com/our-company/grants-and-charitable-contributions/information-and-requirements#charitable Bausch + Lomb provides funding in support of public or patient education particularly in support of eye health, community betterment, or other similar charitable purposes. Ethicon Endo-Surgery Continuous Submission Not Specified Contact Name Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 20 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 20357 20393 Funding Amount The sponsor provides grants for meaningful research, education and innovation to our healthcare community. Johnson (Robert Wood) Foundation Continuous Submission Not Specified 202-292-6700 hcfo@academyhealth.org http://www.hcfo.org/funding/online-application-instructions http://www.hcfo.org/files/hcfo/cfp_HCFO_2014.pdf Changes in Health Care Financing and Organization (HCFO) supports investigator-initiated research, policy analysis and evaluation projects that provide policy leaderstimely information on health care policy, financing and organization issues. Supported projects include: examining significant issues and interventions related to health care financing and organization and their effects on health care costs, quality and access; and exploring or testing major new ways to finance and organize health care that have the potential to improve access to more affordable and higher quality health services. DePuy, Inc. Continuous Submission Not Specified DePuy Spine spinemedicalaffairs@its.jnj.com http://www.depuy.com/about-depuy/corporate-info/edgrants http://www.depuy.com/about-depuy/corporate-info/edgrants/depuyspine DePuy Spine supports a variety of educational programs that are of interest to the Company, including continuing medical education (CME) events hosted by providers accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME); non-CME events that avoid “off-label” discussion of DePuy Spine products; fellowship grants; travel grants for spine fellows and qualifying residents; grand rounds; and other programs. Each request is evaluated on the individual program’s merits, and all requests must be reviewed by the DePuy Spine Education Grant Committee for approval. DePuy Mitek Education Grants Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Deadline Date http://www.ethicon.com/corporate/our-connections/grants-fellowships http://www.ethicon.com/educational-grants DePuy Spine Education Grants Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number 908-541-3892 Changes in Health Care Financing and Organization (HCFO) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 20392 Sponsor Name DePuy, Inc. Continuous Submission Not Specified mitekedgrants@its.jnj.com http://www.depuy.com http://www.depuysynthes.com/about/corporate-information/education# DePuy Mitek supports a variety of educational programs that are of interest to the Company, including continuing medical education (CME) events hosted by Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 21 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount providers accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (“ACCME”); non-CME events that avoid “off-label” discussion of DePuy Mitek products; fellowship grants; travel grants for fellows and qualifying residents; grand rounds; and other education programs. Each request is evaluated on the individual program’s merits, and all requests must be reviewed by the DePuy Mitek Education Grant Committee for approval. 20396 Codman and Shurtleff Education Grants Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 20935 21210 Not Specified Codman supports a variety of educational programs that are of interest to the Company, including continuing medical education (CME) events hosted by providers accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (“ACCME”); non-CME events that avoid “off-label” discussion of Codman products; NeuroEndovascular fellowship grants; travel grants for fellows and qualifying residents; grand rounds; and other education programs. Each request is evaluated on the individual program’s merits, and all requests must be reviewed by the Codman Education Grant Committee for approval. Meyer Memorial Trust Continuous Submission 300,000 USD 503-228-5512 http://www.mmt.org http://www.mmt.org/program/responsive-grants The sponsor provides support in the areas of social services, health, affordable housing, community development, conservation and environment, public affairs and social benefit, arts and culture, and education. Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Continuous Submission codemanedgrants@its.jnj.com http://www.depuy.com http://www.depuysynthes.com/about/corporate-information/education# Responsive Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 21002 DePuy, Inc. Dell (Susan & Michael) Foundation Continuous Submission Not Specified info@msdf.org http://www.msdf.org/grants http://www.msdf.org/programs/ The Foundation provides grants focus on education, health and family economic stability — the factors essential to ensuring that underprivileged children escape poverty to become healthy, productive adults. Healthcare Grant - Charitable Support Gilead Sciences Continuous Submission Not Specified Contact Name Contact Telephone 650-522-1696 Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 22 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 21211 22521 22812 Funding Amount Gilead Sciences Continuous Submission Not Specified 650-522-1696 grants@gilead.com http://www.gilead.com/ http://www.gilead.com/Responsibility/US-Corporate-Grants/Types%20of%20Corporate%20Grants#community Gilead provides support for community and patient education to increase disease awareness, particularly for populations most at risk. Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure Continuous Submission Not Specified 202-419-3140 info@abc2.org http://www.abc2.org/ http://www.abc2.org/smarter-research/how-we-fund Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure funds projects at each stage of the drug development pipeline to ensure promising leads are advanced as quickly as possible. A common characteristic of the projects funded is that most would not have moved forward without Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure funding. Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Deadline Date Gilead provides support for a limited number of social service and healthcare-related charitable events in areas of unmet need. Research Grants Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number grants@gilead.com http://grants.gilead.com/ http://www.gilead.com/Responsibility/US-Corporate-Grants/Types%20of%20Corporate%20Grants Healthcare Grant - Community Activities and Patient Education Forums Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 21329 Sponsor Name International Foundation Continuous Submission 15,000 USD info@intlfoundation.org http://intlfoundation.org http://intlfoundation.org/guidelines.html The sponsor recognizes the importance of emerging economies and the developmental challenges they face. Therefore, the sponsor provides support for projects that promote sustainable development in agriculture, education, health, social development and the environment. Grants SG Foundation Continuous Submission Not Specified Contact Name Pamela Grattan, Executive Director Contact Telephone 805-688-0088 Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 23 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 23814 24634 25088 Funding Amount Illinois Department of Public Health None Posted Not Specified 217-785-4311 http://www.idph.state.il.us/fundop.htm http://www.idph.state.il.us/grant_rfps/FY14/Increasing_Access_RFA_FY2014.pdf Temporarily Suspended. The Illinois Department of Public Health Center for Minority Health Services is requesting proposals from health care providers that can provide preventative health screenings in an innovative and culturally and linguistically appropriate manner throughout the medically underserved areas of Illinois. The services will be provided in an environment that is non-threatening, targeted, culturally and linguistically appropriate, reality based, and tailored to ensure relevance to the circumstances and conditions of the target population through a partnership with the Wellness on Wheels Initiative. Successful applicants will have demonstrated their capacity and experience in the delivery of health care services within this specific mobile healthcare environment. Janssen Biotech, Inc. Continuous Submission Not Specified 800-746-6998 JBIgrantsoffice@its.jnj.com http://www.janssenbiotech-grants.com/ http://www.janssenbiotech-grants.com/guidelines The sponsor may make educational grants in the form of: Accredited Continuing Education Activities; Non-Accredited Educational Activities for healthcare providers (HCP) and Allied Health Professionals; Patient Education materials and/or programs; Fellowships. Thomas C. McGowan Fund for Animals Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Deadline Date The SG Foundation Board of Trustees meets monthly to review programs that help the poorest of the poor to help themselves. Educational Grants Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number sgfound@utech.net http://sgfoundation.org/ http://sgfoundation.org/proposal.php Increasing Access to Health Care Services for Medically Underserved Minority Populations through Mobile Health Care (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 24572 Sponsor Name Cape Cod Foundation Continuous Submission Not Specified None Posted 50,000 USD Kristin O’Malley 508-790-3040 komalley@capecodfoundation.org http://www.capecodfoundation.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=Sections&file=index&req=viewarticle&artid=50 http://www.capecodfoundation.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=Sections&file=index&req=viewarticle&artid=54 The Thomas C. McGowan Fund for Animals supports animal protection and welfare on Cape Cod and the Islands. Request for Applications - Improving Transitions of Care - Examining the Continuity of Ohio Department of Mental Health and Behavioral Healthcare for Persons Involved in Ohio's Criminal Justice System Addiction Services Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 24 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 25089 Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services None Posted 50,000 USD 614-466-2596 kraig.knudsen@mh.ohio.gov http://www.mh.state.oh.us/what-we-do/promote/research-and-evaluation/applying-for-a-grant.shtml http://www.mh.state.oh.us/assets/research-evaluation/grants/rfa-integrated-care.pdf Temporarily Suspended: The sponsor will provide funding under the request for applications (RFA) title: Implementation of Integration Care in Ohio - A Best Practices Study. This RFA focuses on the fact that a key element in behavioral health is healthcare, and that by addressing the needs of Ohio’s citizens in a holistic fashion, persons suffering the effects of mental illness can better manage their own illnesses, increase their overall wellbeing, and fully participate in recovery. Only one project will be selected for funding. Funds for this awarded project may not exceed $50,000 for a 12-month period. Project Grants Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 28273 Temporarily Suspended: The sponsor will provide funding under the request for applications (RFA) title: Improving Transitions of Care - Examining the Continuity of Behavioral Healthcare for Persons Involved in Ohio's Criminal Justice System. This RFA aims to address the long-standing issues associated with persons with severe mental illness SMI leaving institutions and returning to the community continuing to “fall through the cracks” and often never receive the mental health treatment needed to thrive in the community. Only one project will be selected for funding. Funds for this awarded project may not exceed $50,000 for a 12-month period. Request for Applications - Implementation of Integration Care in Ohio - A Best Practices Study (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 26881 614-466-2596 kraig.knudsen@mh.ohio.gov http://www.mh.state.oh.us/what-we-do/promote/research-and-evaluation/applying-for-a-grant.shtml http://www.mh.state.oh.us/assets/research-evaluation/grants/rfa-forensic-continuity-of-care.pdf Trafigura Foundation Continuous Submission Not Specified contact@trafigurafoundation.com http://www.trafigurafoundation.com http://www.trafigurafoundation.com/selection-criteria/ The Trafigura Foundation will consider project proposals submitted by charities and NGOs in which Trafigura has a presence, for projects relating to sustainable development, education & integration, and health. Charitable Contributions Program Chesapeake Energy Corporation Continuous Submission Not Specified Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email contributions@chk.com Sponsor Website http://www.chk.com Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 25 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Program URL http://www.chk.com/Corporate-Responsibility/Community/Corporate-Giving/Pages/How-To-Apply.aspx Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Chesapeake welcomes applications for corporate support from their operating areas: Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, West Virginia, and Wyoming. 28348 Grant Program (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 31635 33372 Not Specified Temporarily Suspended: Amie's Place Foundation welcomes proposals for the funding of pet-care assistance programs for members of the community who are at risk of losing their pets only because no one is there to help them. None Posted Not Specified Dina Lindenberg 312-464-4649 dina.lindenberg@ama-assn.org http://www.ama-assn.org/sub/accelerating-change/grant-info.shtml http://www.ama-assn.org/sub/accelerating-change/pdf/rfp-final-for-web-1-3-13.pdf Temporarily Suspended: American Medical Association announces a Request for Proposals (RFP) from MD-granting medical schools in the United States for bold and innovative projects that bridge the widening gap between how physicians are being trained and the future needs of our health care system. AMA will provide $10.0 million over the next five years ($2.0 million per year) to fund eight to 12 selected innovations. Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Continuous Submission info@amiesplacefoundation.org http://www.amiesplacefoundation.org/html/apply.html http://www.amiesplacefoundation.org/uploads/2011/application2011.pdf Accelerating Change in Medical Education: Optimizing Student Readiness for Medical American Medical Association Practice and Life-long Learning (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 32669 Amie's Place Foundation Mapplethorpe (Robert) Foundation Continuous Submission Not Specified 212-755-3025 info@mapplethorpe.org http://www.mapplethorpe.org http://www.mapplethorpe.org/faq/ The sponsor provides support in two major, unrelated areas: medical research to advance the cure and treatment of AIDS and HIV infection; and the advancement of photography at the institutional level . Grants (Temporarily Suspended) Overlook Foundation None Posted 10,000 USD Contact Name Angie Cennamo Contact Telephone 908-522-2840 Contact Email angie.cennamo@atlantichealth.org Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 26 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Sponsor Website http://overlookfoundation.org Program URL http://overlookfoundation.org/about-us/grants/grant-guidelines/ Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Temporarily Suspended: Overlook Foundation offers grant funding to community organizations for health-related programs. 33403 Social Justice Grants Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 35019 43095 Not Specified The Arcus Foundation’s social justice strategy aims to ensure that individuals and families around the world of every sexual orientation and gender identity are able to live their lives with dignity and respect, and express their love and sense of self. American Sleep Medicine Foundation None Posted 20,000 USD Laura Bentley 630-737-9700 lbentley@aasmnet.org http://www.discoversleep.org/GrantOpp.aspx http://www.discoversleep.org/humanitarianaward.aspx Temporarily Suspended: The sponsor offers this one-year award for projects that address sleep problems and sleep education needs in disadvantaged and underserved populations. The Charitable Foundation - Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Grants Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Continuous Submission Desiree Flores, U.S. Social Justice Program Director 212-488-3000 dflores@arcusfoundation.org http://www.arcusfoundation.org http://www.arcusfoundation.org/what-we-support/social-justice-lgbt/ Humanitarian Projects Awards (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 42271 Arcus Foundation Continuous Submission Not Specified Natalie Hill 818-933-2237 foundation@bhhscal.com https://foundation.bhhscalifornia.com/ https://foundation.bhhscalifornia.com/community/ There are four major areas in which The Charitable Foundation wishes to have an impact: community, education, health and the environment. To receive consideration, non-profit organizations must fall within these four categories and be localized within the immediate areas where Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties does business. Grants Lloyd's Register Foundation Continuous Submission Not Specified Contact Name Contact Telephone +44 (0)20 7709 9166 Contact Email info@lrfoundation.org.uk Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 27 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Sponsor Website http://www.lrfoundation.org.uk/ Program URL http://www.lrfoundation.org.uk/funding/about/ Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Lloyd’s Register Foundation awards grants to research and education organisations to achieve its mission: to secure, for the benefit of the community, high technical standards of design, manufacture, construction, maintenance, operation and performance for the purpose of enhancing the safety of life and property, at sea, and on land and in the air; and the advancement of public education including within the transportation industries and any other engineering and technological disciplines. 43157 Medical Educational Grants Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 45348 59229 Not Specified Teleflex Medical is committed to supporting educational endeavors that are consistent with Teleflex Medical’s mission to improve health outcomes. Teleflex Medical is also committed to compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as our Code of Ethics and Sales and Marketing Compliance Policy. Cures Within Reach None Posted 250,000 USD 847-745-1246 info@cureswithinreach.org http://www.cureswithinreach.org http://www.cureswithinreach.org/research/current-research-requests Temporarily Suspended: Cures Within Reach is interested in Repurposing Research that tests existing science for new purposes. They are interested in projects that focus on a disease without a current, effective standard of care. Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Continuous Submission 610-378-0131 Rdg.Clinical.Research@teleflexmedical.com http://www.teleflex.com/en/usa/aboutUs/grants/index.html http://www.teleflex.com/en/usa/aboutUs/grants/medicalEducational/index.html Research (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 45363 Teleflex Foundation American Psychoanalytic Foundation Continuous Submission Not Specified Dean K. Stein 212-752-0450 deankstein@apsa.org http://www.apsa.org/awards http://www.apsa.org/content/american-psychoanalytic-foundation-grants SYNOPSIS: The Foundation's mission is to sponsor programs that promote a better understanding of psychoanalysis and encourage effective and innovative dissemination of psychoanalytic ideas and services to the mental health community and the public. Innovative / Translational Cancer Research (Temporarily Suspended) Ash (Mary Kay) Charitable Foundation None Posted 100,000 USD Contact Name Michael Lunceford Contact Telephone 877-652-2737 Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 28 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Contact Email MKCares@marykayfoundation.org Sponsor Website Program URL http://www.mkacf.org/Pages/CancerGrantProgram.aspx Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis temporarily suspended: The Mary Kay Foundation provides support for innovative grants for translational research in ovarian, uterine, breast, or cervical cancer. 60618 Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 61271 Blowitz - Ridgeway Foundation Continuous Submission Not Specified Laura Romero, Program Associate 847-330-1020 laura@blowitzridgeway.org http://www.blowitzridgeway.org/information/information.html http://www.blowitzridgeway.org/information/information1.html Program and capital grants will be made to organizations in support of but not limited to the following purposes: medical, psychiatric, psychological and/or residential care, and research programs in medicine, psychology, social science and education. Valley Foundation Grants Program (Temporarily Suspended) Valley Foundation None Posted 10,000 USD Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email admin@valley.org Sponsor Website http://www.valley.org/grants.html Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Temporarily suspended. The Valley Foundation focuses its granting activity in Santa Clara County. Grants for social services, arts and community-benefit are accepted; and requests for grants that fund services addressing health of the Santa Clara County residents are prioritized. 63306 Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 63673 Dircks (Robert and Joan) Foundation Continuous Submission 15,000 USD Grants@dircksfoundation.org http://www.dircksfoundation.org/ http://www.dircksfoundation.org/application2.asp The Robert and Joan Dircks Foundation provides support to small non-profit organizations that enrich and improve the quality of life for individuals primarily located in the New Jersey area. The focus is to encourage innovative programs and projects that benefit and improve the lives of children and individuals who are physically, mentally or economically disadvantaged. Regular Grant Program Weingart Foundation Continuous Submission Not Specified Contact Name Contact Telephone 213-688-7799 Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 29 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 63683 65844 Regular Grants Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Deadline Date Funding Amount Weingart Foundation provides grants and other support designed to improve the capacity and sustainability of nonprofit organizations delivering effective services in the areas of health, human services, and education for people and communities in need. The Foundation gives highest priority to activities that provide greater access to people who are economically disadvantaged and underserved. The Foundation also funds activities that benefit the general community and improve the quality of life for all individuals in Southern California. Medina Foundation Continuous Submission Not Specified Alexia Cameron 206-652-8783 alexia@medinafoundation.org http://www.medinafoundation.org/index.php?p=Grants&s=3 http://www.medinafoundation.org/index.php?p=Guidelines&s=10 Funding supports general operating expenses, program costs, capital projects and start-up efforts. Preference is given to organizations that meet critical needs in the community and employ innovative and effective approaches. The Medina Foundation funds in the following Greater Puget Sound counties of Washington State: Clallam, Grays Harbor, Island, Jefferson, King, Kitsap, Mason, Pacific, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston and Whatcom. Community Foundation of Greater Rochester Grants Program (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number info@weingartfnd.org http://www.weingartfnd.org http://www.weingartfnd.org/grant-guidelines Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 65242 Sponsor Name Continuous Submission Not Specified 248-608-2804 cfound@cfound.org http://www.cfound.net/pdf/all_about_grants_brochure.pdf http://www.cfound.net/grants_scholarships.php Temporarily Suspended. The Foundation welcomes grant requests, especially those that support innovative projects focusing on culture, community, development, education, environment, human concerns and youth. Grants are made to tax-exempt non-profit organizations located in or serving the citizens of the Greater Rochester area and to individuals for educational scholarships. Hartford Foundation for Public Giving Continuous Submission 500,000 USD 860-548-1888 hartfordfoundation@hfpg.org http://www.hfpg.org http://www.hfpg.org/Nonprofits/ApplyingforaGrant/TypesofGrants.aspx The majority of the Foundation's grantmaking occurs in this core area. Grants are made for a broad range of purposes to a wide variety of nonprofit organizations in social services, health, education, early childhood and youth services, arts and culture, housing and neighborhood development, and other Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 30 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount charitable fields. 65967 Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 67452 68406 Not Specified http://www.kauffman.org/grants http://www.kauffman.org/about-foundation/funding-guidelines.aspx In general, Kauffman Foundation grants are limited to programs and/or initiatives that have significant potential to demonstrate innovative service delivery, in support of education and entrepreneurship. The Kauffman Foundation only funds programs within the United States. The majority of the education grants and all of the civic grants go to organizations within the Kansas City metropolitan area. The Kauffman Foundation's entrepreneurship efforts fund programs and activities nationally and within the Kansas City area. Arcus Foundation Continuous Submission Not Specified Marie Stevenson +44-1223-451050 marie@arcusfoundation.org http://www.arcusfoundation.org/what-we-support/ http://www.arcusfoundation.org/what-we-support/great-apes/ The ultimate goal of the Great Apes program is to achieve conservation and respect for the great apes. This is accomplished by ensuring that viable populations of great apes are protected from extinction and living in habitats that are managed sustainably and integrated with economic development objectives; and that there there is international commitment to effectively support the captive care of great apes in sanctuaries and not tolerate their use in entertainment or invasive medical research. Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Continuous Submission Grants Administrator 816-932-1000 Great Apes Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 68104 Kauffman (Ewing Marion) Foundation Kirby (F.M.) Foundation, Inc. Continuous Submission Not Specified William H. Byrnes, Vice President - Grants 973-538-4800 http://fdnweb.org/kirby/ http://fdnweb.org/kirby/apply/ The F. M. Kirby Foundation makes grants to a wide range of nonprofit organizations in education, health and medicine, the arts and humanities, civic and public affairs, as well as to religious, welfare, and youth organizations. Grants Program Niles (Laura J.) Foundation Continuous Submission 50,000 USD Contact Name Ashley C. Lantz Contact Telephone 203-629-7314 Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 31 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 68485 70015 71389 Reuter Foundation Funding Amount Continuous Submission Not Specified 440-239-1230 Info@ReuterFdn.org http://www.reuterfdn.org http://www.reuterfdn.org/apply.htm The Reuter Foundation makes grants primarily for social services to help the poor, needy, homeless, and disadvantaged in the Cleveland, Ohio or Collin County, Texas areas. Cruise Industry Charitable Foundation Continuous Submission 15,000 USD 754-201-2567 CICFrequest@cruising.org http://www.cruisefoundation.org http://www.cruisefoundation.org/requirements-and-guidelines.php The sponsor focuses its efforts on programs that are designed to improve the quality of life in the communities served by the cruise industry. The sponsor supports programs that enhance educational opportunities for youth, including those designed to improve literacy, teach basic life skills, and promote good citizenship. The Foundation also supports academic enrichment opportunities aimed at enhancing student proficiencies in reading, math and science. Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Deadline Date The Laura J. Niles Foundation encourages and supports efforts to improve the lives of both people and animals. The Foundation seeks to benefit animals, primarily dogs, through research, training, and adoption, especially where people and animals benefit simultaneously. Additionally, the Foundation strives to nurture and assist individuals and facilities in leading responsible and productive lived by enabling them to help themselves. Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number alantz@fcsn.com http://www.ljniles.org http://www.ljniles.org/grantrequests.htm Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 69630 Sponsor Name San Angelo Health Foundation Continuous Submission Not Specified Vicki Ford, Administrative Officer 325-486-0185 vford@sahfoundation.org http://www.sahfoundation.org/articles/view/general-information-4dd3e274-41e0-4b79-aebc-623cac10106f http://www.sahfoundation.org/articles/view/how-to-apply-for-a-grant-4dd3e2bf-a670-499f-af5c-65b1ac10106f The sponsor's mission is to enhance the quality of life for the people of the San Angelo area. Grantmaking is focused on community health in its broadest form. Wells Fargo Charitable Contributions -- Oregon Wells Fargo Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Continuous Submission Not Specified Page 32 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 71685 72506 Funding Amount Oishei (John R.) Foundation Continuous Submission Not Specified 716-856-9490 info@oishei.org http://www.oishei.org http://www.oishei.org/index.php/apply/medical-research-biomedical-investments Temporarily Suspended: Support is provided to nonprofit organizations operating in the greater Buffalo, New York area for scientific research, primarily biomedical. The magnitude of individual awards will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Kronkosky Charitable Foundation Continuous Submission Not Specified 210-475-9000 kronfndn@kronkosky.org http://www.kronkosky.org/pages/areas.html http://www.kronkosky.org/pages/applying_grant.html The focus of the Kronkosky Charitable Foundation is to support programs, projects and collaborative efforts that reach as many people as possible; involve the persons served in developing solutions; raise expectations; build self-esteem; develop personal and organizational capacity; encourage innovation; and make use of technology. Medicine in the Community Grant Program (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Deadline Date The sponsor provides funding to tax-exempt Oregon organizations for community development, educational, arts and culture, and human services projects. Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number Bernie Kronberger, Vice President 503-886-4614 kronbeb@wellsfargo.com https://www.wellsfargo.com https://www.wellsfargo.com/about/charitable/or_guidelines Medical Research Grants Program (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 72279 Sponsor Name Association of American Medical Colleges None Posted Not Specified Ally Anderson, Senior Staff Associate 202-828-0682 aanderson@aamc.org https://www.aamc.org/initiatives/awards/ https://www.aamc.org/initiatives/awards/medicine_community_grant/ Temporarily Suspended: The sponsor provides grants for student-initiated community service projects. Medical schools are eligible to receive support for community service-oriented projects in which they explore new ways to serve their local communities. Eligible programs may range from those that promote awareness about sexually transmitted diseases, to vaccination and literacy programs, to any program that fulfills an unmet need within the community. Grant awards will also be offered to eligible service programs that are currently underway. Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 33 SPIN ID 72556 Opportunity Title Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 73692 Doheny (Carrie Estelle) Foundation Sponsor Number Deadline Date Continuous Submission Funding Amount Not Specified 213-488-1122 http://www.dohenyfoundation.org http://www.dohenyfoundation.org/grants/application/ The Carrie Estelle Dohoney Foundation primarily funds local, not-for-profit organizations endeavoring to advance education, medicine and religion, to improve the health and welfare of the sick, aged, incapacitated, and to aid those in need. Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 74093 Sponsor Name Valley (Wayne and Gladys) Foundation Continuous Submission Not Specified Michael D. Desler, Executive Director 510-466-6060 info@wgvalley.org http://foundationcenter.org/grantmaker/wgvalley/ http://foundationcenter.org/grantmaker/wgvalley/rules.html The sponsor makes grants in the areas of education, Catholic organizations and other charities, all within the East Bay Area of California, specifically Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. The Foundation’s focus generally will be on supporting existing organizations and projects which have demonstrated performance and effectiveness. Connected Communities Grants (Temporarily Suspended) Dell Foundation None Posted 50,000 USD Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email dell_foundation@dell.com Sponsor Website http://www.dell.com/learn/us/en/uscorp1/cr?s=corp Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Temporarily Suspended: The sponsor provides support to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations for a number of connected communities partnerships every two years for educational services programs that address the critical and most basic technology access needs of its neighbors in Dell Communities. 75286 Advocacy Grants Program - Special Opportunities Fund Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Drug Policy Alliance Continuous Submission 25,000 USD Asha Bandele 212-613-8020 abandele@drugpolicy.org http://www.drugpolicy.org/about-us/advocacy-grants-program http://www.drugpolicy.org/grants/advocacy-grants-program-special-opportunities-fund-proposal-guidelines Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 34 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Synopsis The Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) offers the Special Opportunities Fund to support time-sensitive policy reform opportunities that crop up in the United States. 79538 COSAT (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 83311 83986 Fund for Southern Communities None Posted 5,000 USD 404-371-8404 fsc@fundforsouth.org http://www.fundforsouth.org/fsc/ http://www.fundforsouth.org/fsc/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=78&Itemid=64 Temporarily Suspended: The Fund for Southern Communities (FSC or The Fund) is a public foundation that supports and unites organizations and donors working to create just and sustainable communities that are free of oppression and that embrace and celebrate all people. Through grant-making and related activities the Fund for Southern Communities fosters social change initiated by community-based groups in Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina. Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District Continuous Submission Not Specified 602-236-8888 investor@srpnet.com http://www.srpnet.com/community/contributions/guidelines.aspx The sponsor provides funding to nonprofit, tax-exempt public charities in the following areas: Education; Arts and Culture; Health and Human Services; Civic Leadership; and Environmental Quality. Katie Harper Youth Hope Grants Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Not Specified Temporarily Suspended: Nurturing the future of Health Care COSAT constantly seeks out scientific breakthroughs. The sponsor explores technologies as diverse as molecular diagnostics, cell therapies, nutritionals, medical devices, health care informatics platforms and bioartificial organs. Corporate Contributions Program Grants Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Continuous Submission cosat@its.jnj.com https://www.jnjcosat.com/ https://www.jnjcosat.com/COSAT.aspx?GroupID=COSATEO General Grants Program (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 83390 Johnson & Johnson Rochester Area Community Foundation Continuous Submission Not Specified Lauren Frank 585-341-4360 lfrank@racf.org http://www.racf.org/Grants/SearchforFunding/tabid/278/Default.aspx?sm=446 Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 35 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Synopsis The Katie Harper Youth Hope Grants support the emergency needs of individual children who have been injured or experienced catastrophic illness and whose families cannot afford to pay all expenses. 84087 Educational Grants (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 84244 90265 Smith (A.O.) Foundation Continuous Submission Not Specified 414-359-4107 info@aosmith.com http://www.aosmith.com http://www.aosmith.com/About/Detail.aspx?id=132 The sponsor provides funding to tax-exempt organizations in the fields of education, science, literature and civic affairs. Organizations should be located in communities where the sponsor has facilities. American Humane Association Continuous Submission 2,000 USD 800-227-4645 grants@americanhumane.org http://www.americanhumane.org/animals/professional-resources/grants/ http://www.americanhumane.org/animals/programs/shelter-services/second-chance-fund/ American Humane Association's Second Chance Fund helps offset the cost of treating homeless animal victims of abuse or neglect. Through the Second Chance Fund, the Association is able to financially assist agencies that rescue, care for, and re-home abused or neglected animals. General Grant Award (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Not Specified Temporarily Suspended. -- As a leader in the development of cutting edge medical devices in the field of diabetes, LifeScan is aware that keeping up with advances in technology is critical to the professional development of diabetes management. To help provide this service, LifeScan supports Educational Grant Programs. Second Chance Fund Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Continuous Submission 408-263-9789 CRenfroe@its.jnj.com http://www.lifescan.com/responsibility/giving/educational-sponsorships-grants http://www.lifescan.com/responsibility/giving/educational-sponsorships-grants/guidelines Grants Program Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 89788 LifeScan, Inc. International Dyslexia Association None Posted 20,000 USD Diane Nies 410-296-0232 x-135 dnies@interdys.org http://www.interdys.org http://www.interdys.org/IDAResearchGrantGuidelines.htm Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 36 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Sponsor Name Sponsor Number Deadline Date Funding Amount Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Temporarily Suspended. The sponsor to support research projects involving the study of issues related to developmental dyslexia. The Grant Program is designed to provide up to $20,000 for one year for new or ongoing educational, medical and cognitive science research projects. Studies on humans or experimental models (computer, etc.) are eligible. The main criteria for the awards are the excellence of the proposals and their potential enhancement of theories, research, and applications related to dyslexia. 90267 IDA MSI Grant Program - Contribution of Multisensory Components to StructuredLanguage Reading Instruction (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 90512 93065 None Posted 20,000 USD Linda Marston 410-296-0232 x 409 lmarston@interdys.org http://www.interdys.org/ http://www.interdys.org/IDAResearchGrantGuidelines.htm Temporarily Suspended. -- The sponsor provides a grant to stimulate scientific study investigating the value of multisensory instruction (MSI) in teaching reading, particularly to students at risk for academic failure or underachievement such as those with dyslexia. The MSI Grant Program will provide up to $20,000 for one year for new educational, neuroscience, cognitive science, or other research projects focused on this topic. REAL Fund Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis International Dyslexia Association Linde Gas Therapeutics Continuous Submission 81,537 USD Linde Healthcare info-realfund@linde-healthcare.com http://www.linde-healthcare-realfund.com/en/index.html http://www.linde-healthcare-realfund.com/en/the_fund/the_fund.html The Linde Healthcare REALfund supports projects for the further development of medical devices, services and new applications for pharmaceutical gases and therapeutic solutions. Autism Research Initiative - Explorer Award Simons Foundation Continuous Submission 60,000 USD Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website http://sfari.org/ Program URL http://sfari.org/funding/grants/explorer-awards-rfa Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis This award program is designed to enhance our existing support of autism research by providing timely resources to enable focused experiments highly relevant to our mission. A deeper understanding of the mechanisms underlying autism spectrum disorders or potential therapeutic approaches will require investigation at multiple levels, including but not limited to studies focused on gene discovery, molecular mechanisms, circuits, anatomy, and cognition and behavior. The sponsor will consider proposals at all of these levels. The maximum budget is $60,000, including indirect costs for one year, non-renewable. 93320 Grants Program Buscaglia (Leo) Foundation Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Continuous Submission Not Specified Page 37 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 94339 95979 98017 Funding Amount The Leo Buscaglia Foundation provides funding to support activities dedicated to fostering the spirit of giving. Komen (Susan G.) Breast Cancer Foundation None Posted Not Specified 1-866-921-9678 helpdesk@komengrantsaccess.org http://ww5.komen.org/ResearchGrants/FundingOpportunities.html Temporarily Suspended: Investigator-Initiated Research (IIR) Grants seek to stimulate exploration of new ideas and novel approaches in breast cancer research and clinical practice that have the potential to lead to reductions in breast cancer incidence and mortality within the next decade. Florida Department of Health None Posted 100,000 USD Sarah Mesa, Grant Specialist 816-347-9449 programsupport@floridabiomed.com http://floridabiomed.com/funding_je.html#callgrant http://www.forms.floridabiomed.com/jek_call/King%20TT%20Call%2011-12.pdf Temporarily Suspended. The intent of the TTCP grant mechanism is to: encourage the collaboration of investigators at eligible institutions and small businesses; stimulate technology transfer activities for promising research discoveries that could lead to innovations in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and/or cure of diseases related to tobacco use; and strengthen a project’s economic feasibility and commercialization prospects. Tobacco Advisory Group (TAG) Grants (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Deadline Date http://www.leobuscaglia.org/grantapp.html James and Esther King Biomedical Research Program--Technology Transfer/Commercialization Partnership (TTCP) Grants (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Sponsor Number Jeff Jordan 310-791-3144 info@leobuscaglia.org Investigator-Initiated Research Grants (IIR) (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 95421 Sponsor Name Cancer Research UK None Posted 50,000 USD Chit Selvarajah +44 (0) 20 3469 8095 Chit.Selvarajah@cancer.org.uk http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/science/ http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/science/funding/find-grant/all-funding-schemes/tobacco-advisory-group-project-grants/ Temporarily Suspended: The Tobacco Advisory Group (TAG) considers Project Grant applications for policy research and policy advocacy or campaigning activities in tobacco control. General Scientific Research Grants Murdock (M.J.) Charitable Trust Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Continuous Submission Not Specified Page 38 SPIN ID Opportunity Title Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis 99557 Sponsor Name Deadline Date Funding Amount Dana L. Miller 360-694-8415 http://www.murdock-trust.org/ http://www.murdock-trust.org/grants/general-scientific-research-grants.php The sponsor provides support for projects and programs in the natural sciences whose main objective is the acquisition of new knowledge. Training students in conducting research is an important consideration. Essential to Wellness Grant Program (Temporarily Suspended) Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Email Sponsor Website Program URL Sponsor Number Cardinal Health Foundation None Posted Not Specified 614-757-3744 communityrelations@cardinalhealth.com http://cardinalhealth.com/us/en/CommunityRelations/health-and-wellness/essential-to-wellness http://cardinalhealth.com/mps/wcm/connect/54fcde8046968dceb3f3f31fcb8725ee/PDF-CORP-CommunityRelations-ETW-Proposal-guidelines_5CR1426303.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&lmod=1419584118&CACHEID=54fcde8046968dceb3f3f31fcb8725ee&lmod=1419584118&CACHEID=54fcde8046968dceb3 Deadline Dates (ALL) Synopsis Temporarily Suspended. The sponsor invites applications for the Essential to Wellness Grant Program. Funding will be focused in Little Rock, Arkansas; Lake and McHenry County, Illinois; Kenosha County, Wisconsin; Radcliff, Kentucky; and El Paso, Texas. Non-Federal Funding Opportunities: May 2015 Page 39
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