MONDAY, MAY 4 TECHNICAL SESSIONS TRACK 1. Water-Cooled Reactor Programs and Issues 3:50pm 4:10pm 4:30pm 4:50pm 5:10pm 3:30pm >> 5:10pm TRACK 2. High Temperature Reactors TRACK 3. TRACK 4. Fast Neutron and Other Innovative Reactors Operation, Performance and Reliability Management TRACK 5. Plant Safety Assessment and Regulatory Issues 5.12 Gas Room 4 Room 10 3.08-I Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor - General 3.10 Lead-cooled Fast Reactor Room 16 4.01 Human Performance Session Chair: Tetsushi Hino, Hitachi Ltd., Japon Session Chairs: Dominique Hittner, AREVA, France; Fu Li, INET, China Session Chair: Daniele Verwaerde, EDF, France Session Chair: Stefano Passerini, Argonne National Laboratory, USA Session Chair: Bernard Carluec, AREVA NP, France Session Chair: Seung Jun Lee, KAERI, South Korea 15050 The Spectral Shift Control Reactor as an Option for Much Improved Uranium Utilisation in Single Batch SMRs, B.A. Lindley, G.T. Parks (University of Cambridge) 15090 Updated Status of Chinese 2*250MWt HTR-PM Demonstration Plant, Zuoyi Zhang, Yujie Dong, Fu Li (INET,Tsinghua University) 15031 Development of Risk Assessment Methodology against Natural External Hazards for Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactors: Project Overview and Strong Wind PRA Methodology, Hidemasa Yamano, Hiroyuki Nishino, Kenichi Kurisaka, Yasushi Okano, Takaaki Sakai (JAEA), Takahiro Yamamoto, Yoshihiro Ishizuka, Nobuo Geshi, Ryuta Furukawa, Futoshi Nanayama (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), Takashi Takata, Emiko Azuma (Osaka University) 15126 Experimental Platforms in Support of the ASTRID Program: Existing or Planned Facilities, O. Gastaldi, G. Rodriguez, L. Ayrault, J. Dumesnil, F. Dujet, C. Journeau, C. Latge, E. Sanseigne, F. Serre, I. Tkatschenko, G. Willerrmoz (CEA) 15173 Thermal Hydraulic Analysis of Alfred Bayonet Tube Steam Generator, M. Caramello (Politecnico di Torino), M. Gregorini (Ansaldo Nucleare S.p.A), M. De Salve, C. Bertani (Politecnico di Torino), A. Alemberti (Ansaldo Nucleare S.p.A), B. Panella (Politecnico di Torino) 15035 A Study on Human Performance Enhancement Plan in Maintenance Field by Survey on Actual Condition of Human Performance Tools, Jeongjin Park, Hyeonjong Jung, Younggab Kim (KHNP-CRI) 15023 3RIP Trip Test Simulation of Lungmen ABWR under Different Power and Flow Conditions, Shuming Yang (Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Science, National Tsing Hua University), Hao-Tzu Lin, Jong-Rong Wang (Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Atomic Energy Council), Chunkuan Shih, Shao-Wen Chen (Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Science, National Tsing Hua University) 15318 On The Functional Failure Concept and Probabilistic Safety Margins: Challenges in Application for Evaluation of Effectiveness of Shutdown Systems, Dumitru Serghiuta, John Tholammakkil (Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission) 15033 SIMMER-III Parametric Studies of FuelSteel Mixing and Radial Mesh Effects on Power Excursion in ESFR ULOF Transients, Xue-Nong Chen, Andrei Rineiski, Lena Andriolo, Rui Li, Werner Maschek (KIT) 15141 Studies of S-CO2 Power Plant Pipe Selection and General Layout for Small Modular Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor, Min-Seok Kim, Yoon-Han Ahn, Jeong Ik Lee (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) 15288 Spatial Neutronics Modelling to Evaluate the Temperature Reactivity Feedbacks in a Leadcooled Fast Reactor, Stefano Lorenzi, Antonio Cammi, Lelio Luzzi (Politecnico di Milano) 15207 Model-based System Engineering to Evaluate I&C Systems Human Performance in Nuclear Power Plants, Patricia Alves Franca de Mesquita, David Kessel, Jaecheon Jung (Kepco International Nuclear Graduate School) 15080 RELAP/SCDAPSIM/MOD3.5 Development of Severe Accident Models for Heavy Water Reactors Including CANDU and Atucha-2 Analia Bonelli, Oscar Mazzantini (Licensing, Nuclear Safety and Core Design, UG-CNAII-IVCN Nucleoeléctrica Argentina S.A), Daniel Dupleac (Politehnica Universityof Bucharest), Elena Dinca (CNCAN National Commission for Nuclear Activities), L.J. Siefken, C.M. Allison, J.K. Hohorst (Innovative Systems Software) 15348 Modelling of Stratification and Mixing of a Gas Mixture under the Conditions of a Severe Accident with Intervention of Mitigating Measures, M. Andreani, M. Sharabi (Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)), A. Bleyer, J. Malet (IRSN), F. Dabbene (CEA), D. Visser (NRG), S. Benz, Z. Xu (KIT), Z. Liang (AECL), S. Kelm (FZJ), A. Filippov (IBRAE), A. Zaytsev (IPPE), M. Kamnev, O. Tyurikov (JSC Afrikantov), C. Boyd (US NRC) 15388 The MYRRHA Project in Belgium: Status after the Two First Years of Basic Engineering Work, Didier De Bruyn, Hamid Aït Abderrahim, Peter Baeten, Paul Leysen (SCK•CEN) 15251 Development of Simulation Model and Acceptance Test for Barakah Unit 1 (APR1400 Simulator), Mun-soo Kim, Jin-Hyuk Hong, Myeong-Soo Lee (Korea Hydro Nuclear Power/ Central Research Institute) 15246 The Model Establishment and Assessment of Transients for Kuosheng (BWR/6)NPP after SPU with TRACE/FRAPCON/FRAPTRAN, Fei-Hao Huang, Chunkuan Shi, Jong-Rong Wang (Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Science, National Tsing Hua University), Hao-Tzu Lin (Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Atomic Energy Council, R.O.C.), Wei-Keng Lin, Shao-Wen Chen (Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Science, National Tsing Hua University) 1.01 Fuel Use Improvement Room 15 3:30pm > PERIOD 1 2.01 Special Session on HTR-PM Project 15553 Exploring the Feasibility of a Homogeneous Thorium-Plutonium Cycle for the I2S-LWR Design, D. Kotlyar, G.T. Parks, E. Shwageraus (University of Cambridge) 3.01-I Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor - Safety Room 8 Room 17 5.10-I Codes/Methodologies/Benchmarks Room 6 Session Chair: Martin Zimmermann, PSI, Switzerland 15502 Development of RBWR (Resource-renewable BWR) for Recycling and Transmutation of Transuranium Elements (1) – Overview and Core Concept, Tetsushi Hino, Takeshi Mitsuyasu, Takuji Nagayoshi, Masaya Ohtsuka (Hitachi, Ltd.), Kumiaki Moriya (Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd.) 15139 The Progress of HTR Fuel Research and Manufacture in China, Bing Liu, Changsheng Deng, Youlin Shao, Jie Zhang, Hongsheng Zhao, Xiaotong Chen, Yaping Tang, Chunhe Tang (INET, Tsinghua University) 15052 Sodium Void Map Preparation for the Safety Analysis of Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors by Using the Monte-Carlo Code Serpent, Sandro Pelloni (Paul Scherrer Institut), Manuele Aufiero (Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie), Sara Bortot, Jiri Krepel, Konstantin Mikityuk, Anne-Laurene Panadero (Paul Scherrer Institut), Andreas Pautz (Paul Scherrer Institut; Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), Pierre Sciora (CEA) 15204 Design Study for Reactor System of Fast Reactor JSFR - Concept of Reactor System -, Nobuchika Kawasaki, Yoshihiko Sakamoto (Japan Atomic Energy Agency), Masao Etoh, Yoshihiro Taniguchi, Yoshio Kamishima (Mitsubishi FBR Systems, Inc.) 15202 Development of RBWR (Resource-renewable BWR) for Recycling and Transmutation of Transuranium Elements: (2) Development of Reactor Internals Shiro Takahashi, Kiyoshi Fujimoto, Noriaki Hamada (Hitachi, Ltd.), Masaaki Tsubaki (Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd.), Tetsushi Hino, Masaya Ohtsuka (Hitachi, Ltd.) 15454 Study on Pre-Cooling Transient in Steam Generator for High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor, Yan Wang, Zhihong Liu, Lei Shi (Tsinghua University), Yanhua Zheng (Tsinghua University) 15072 On-going Activities in the European JASMIN Project for the Development and Validation of ASTEC-Na Safety Simulation Code, N. Girault, L. Cloarec (IRSN), L. Herranz (CIEMAT), G. Bandini (ENEA), S. Perez-Martin (INR), L. Ammirabile (JRC) 15325 Evaluation of Design Variants for Improved Inherent Regulation of Advanced Small Modular Reactors, R.B. Vilim, S. Passerini (Argonne National Laboratory) 15415 Human Factors Verification and Validation Process of the Human System Interface for Chinese Nuclear Power Plants: Lessons Learned from New Designs, Pedro Trueba Alonso, Luís Fernandez Illobre, Fernando Ortega Pascual (Tecnatom, S.A.) 15326 Development of Complex Simulation Suite “VEB” and Application Area Expansion, Evgeny Obraztsov, Denis Kapitsa, Ilya Kremnev, Timofey Korokhov, Vladimir Kukhtevich, Vladimir Bezlepkin (JSC ATOMPROEKT) 15229 Validation of the SERPENT and TRACE Codes Using the SHRT-17 and SHRT-45R Lossof-flow Tests Performed in the EBR-II Reactor, Youpeng Zhang, Konstantin Mikityuk (PSI) 15331 IAEA NAPRO Coordinated Research Project: Physical Properties of Sodium, S. Passerini, C. Gerardi, C. Grandy (ANL), O.E. Azpitarte (CNEA), E. Bubelis (KIT), M. Chocron (CNEA), A. Gerschenfeld (CEA), M.L. Japas (CNEA), S. Jayaraju (Nuclear Research and consultancy Group), C.H. Latge (CEA), B. Long (China Institute of Atomic Energy), E. Marinenko (Institute of Physics and Power Engineering), H. Ohira (JAEA), S. Perez-Martin (KIT), F. Roelofs (Nuclear Research and consultancy Group), P. Selvaraj (IGCAR), Y. Zagorulko (IPPE), S. Monti (International Atomic Energy Agency) 15003 Lessons Learned from Gen II NPP Staffing Approaches Applicable to New Reactors, Charles Thomas Goodnight (Goodnight Consulting, Inc.) 15363 HYMIX Benchmarking Tests: Code-to-code Comparison, T. Yudina, A. Filippov, A. Kiselev (Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences), A. Bleyer, A. Bentaib, J. Malet (IRSN), M. Andreani, D. Paladino, S. Guentay (PSI), R. Gehr (Institute for Reactor Safety and Technology, RWTH Aachen University), S. Kelm (Forschungszentrum Jülich), H.-J. Allelein (Institute for Reactor Safety and Technology, RWTH Aachen University; Forschungszentrum Jülich), S. Benz (KIT), T. Jordan (KIT), Z. Liang (AECL), T. Popova (FSUE State Research Center of Russian Federation – IPPE) 15067 Effect of Heat Transfer Correlations on the Fuel Temperature Prediction of SCWRs, E.-G. Espinosa-Martínez (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa), C. Martin-del-Campo, J.-L. François (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), G. Espinosa-Paredes (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa) 15468 Changes in Nuclear Plant Staffing Requirements Due to Cumulative Impacts of Plant Aging, Fukushima, and Developing Regulatory Requirements, Charles Thomas Goodnight (Goodnight Consulting, Inc.) Room 7 Session Chair: Michele Andreani, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland 15381 Analysis of Stratification and Mixing of a Gas Mixture under Severe Accident Conditions with Intervention of Mitigating Measures, Jeanne Malet, Ahmed Bentaib, Pascal Lemaitre, Emmanuel Porcheron (IRSN), Zhe Liang (AECL), Jerome Brinster, Frederic Dabenne (CEA), Aleksandr Filippov, Arkady Kisselev, Tatiana Yudina (IBRAE), Alexey Zaytsev (IPPE), Stephan Kelm (JRC), Zhanjie Xu (KIT), Christopher Boyd (US NRC), Dirk Visser (NRG), Mikhail Kamnev, O. Tyurikov (OKBM), Michele Andreani, Salih Guentay, Guillaume Mignot, Domenico Paladino (PSI) 15405 Simulation of Unsteady Inhomogeneous Mixing of Multicomponent Compressible Gas with the Condensation on the Walls at Considerable Intervals of Time, Alexey Zaitsev, Mikhail Zaitsev, Anton Kanaev, Alexander Danilin (Nuclear Safety Institute) MONDAY, MAY 4 TECHNICAL SESSIONS PERIOD 1 3:30pm >> 5:10pm TRACK 7. TRACK 6. 3:30pm 3:50pm 4:10pm 4:30pm 4:50pm 5:10pm TRACK 8. Thermal Hydraulics Analysis and Testing Reactor Physics and Analysis Fuel Cycle and Waste Management TRACK 9. Materials and Strucural Issues TRACK 10. Nuclear Energy and Climate Change Mitigation TRACK 12. Plant Licensing and International Regulatory Issues 6.01 Nuclear Data, Monte-Carlo, VV&UQ 6.08-I Multi-physics Reactor Simulation 7.01 Containment/Systems Analysis 7.06-I Reactor Thermal Hydraulics 7.10-I Multiphase General 8.01 Gen-II and Gen-III Fuel Developments 9.01-I Structural Material 10.02 Non-electrical and Co-generation Applications of Nuclear Energy 12.01 International / Regulatory Organizations Room 12 Room 13 Room 9 Room 11 Room 14 Room 3 Room 1 Room 2 Room 5 Session Chair: Yannick Peneliau, CEA, France Session Chair: Anne Nicolas, CEA, France Session Chair: Frédéric Dabbene, CEA, France Session Chair: Bernard Faydide, CEA, France Session Chairs: Françoise Touboul, CEA, France; Fanny Balbaud, CEA, France Session Chair: Augustin Alonso, Madrid Polytechnic University, Spain Session Chair: Jukka Laaksonen, Rusatom Overseas, Finland 15150 JEFF-3.2 Library Validation - Impact of the New Library for Fast Neutrons SFR Benchmarks, Y. Peneliau, G. Noguere, O. Litaize, O. Serot, O. Bouland, P. Archier, D. Bernard, P. Leconte, C. De Saint Jean (CEA, Cadarache), C. Jouanne, M. Coste-Delclaux, S. Mengelle (CEA, Saclay) 15300 Finite Volume Thermal-hydraulics and Neutronics Coupled Calculations, Vitor V. Araújo Silva (CNEN/CDTN;DEN, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais), A.A. Campagnole dos Santos, Amir Z. Mesquita (CNEN/CDTN), Álvaro Bernal, , Gumersindo Verdú (ISIRYM, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia), Cláubia Pereira (DEN, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais) 15237 Implementation of Wall Film Condensation Model for Two-Fluid Model in Component Thermal Hydraulic Analysis Code CUPID, Je-Hee Lee, Goon-Cherl Park, Hyoung-Kyu Cho (Seoul National University) 15460 Coupled MCNP – SAS-SFR Calculations for Sodium Fast Reactor Core at Steady-state, Alexander Ponomarev, Anton Travleev, Werner Pfrang, Victor Sanchez (KIT) 15466 Monte Carlo MSM Correction Factors for Control Rod Worth Estimates in Subcritical and Near-Critical Fast Neutron Reactors, J.-L. Lecouey (LPC Caen, ENSICAEN, CNRS-IN2P3), A. Kochetkov, A. Krasa, P. Baeten (SCK/CEN), G. Ban (LPC Caen, ENSICAEN, CNRS-IN2P3), V. Bécares (CIEMAT), A. Billebaud, S. Chabod (LPSC, CNRS-IN2P3, UJF, INPG), T. Chevret (LPC Caen, ENSICAEN, CNRS-IN2P3), X. Doligez (IPNO, CNRS-IN2P3, Université de Paris-Sud), F.-R. Lecolley, G. Lehaut, N. Marie (LPC Caen, ENSICAEN, CNRS-IN2P3), F. Mellier (CEA), W. Uyttenhove (SCK/CEN), D. Villamarin (CIEMAT), G. Vittiglio, J. Wagemans (SCK/CEN) 15476 Control Rod Worth Measurement in a Fast Neutron VENUS-F Critical Core, A. Kochetkov (SCK-CEN), V. Bécares (CIEMAT), G. Bianchini, M. Carta (ENEA), X. Doligez (CNRS\Orsay), V. Fabrizio (ENEA), A. Krasa (SCK-CEN), G. Lehaut (CNRS\Caen), W. Uyttenhove (SCK-CEN) 15512 Comparison of SCALE and SERPENT methodology for LWRs Transport Calculations and Uncertainty Analysis for Cross Section Perturbation in the Framework of OEDC/NEA UAM-Benchmark, A. Labarile, N. Olmo, R. Miró., G. Verdú. (Institute for Industrial, Radiophysical and Environmental Safety (ISIRYM) Universitat Politècnica de València) Session Chair: Kazuyuki Takase, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan Session Chairs: Roald Wigeland, Idaho National Laboratory, USA; Sou Watanabe, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan 15006 Thermal Hydraulic Feedback Experience on the Phenix FBR, Joel Guidez (CEA) 15071 SPACE Code Analysis for Reflood Experiment with Two-group Interfacial Area Transport Equation of Droplet Field, Byoung-Uhn Bae, Seung-Wook Lee, SungWon Bae, Kyoung-Doo Kim (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) 15114 New Burnable Absorber Design with 157Gd and 167Er for PWRs, Ho Cheol Shin (Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Central Research Institute), Jiwon Choe, Chidong Kong, Deokjung Lee (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology) 15438 Getting the Most from Feedback on the Past French SFRs Structural Materials for ASTRID Components, Martine Blat-Yrieix, Jean-Michel Augem (EDF), Céline Cabet, Yves Lejeail, Christian Billey, Caroline Bisor (CEA), Sophie Dubiez-Le Goff, Cyril Pudoyer (AREVA) 15152 Nuclear Desalination Techno-Economic Study for Skikda Site, A. Belkaid, Y. Bouaichaoui (Centre de Recherche Nucléaire de Birine / Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique Algérie), H. Chibane (Algerian Energy Company / Ministry of Energy) 15518 Cooperation of Regulators in Reactor Design Evaluation - Multinational Design Evaluation Programme (MDEP), Julien Husse (OECD Nuclear Energy Agency) 15242 Experimental and Numerical Results for the Erosion Dynamics of a Vertical Helium-Air Jet Interacting with a Helium Rich Layer, R. Kapulla (PSI), S. Kelm (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH), G. Mignot, S. Paranjape, D. Paladino (PSI) 15009 The Application of Flownex in the Propagation of Uncertainties as Applied to the IAEA MTR-10 MW Steady State Reactor Core Model, V. Naicker, M. I. Modukanele, P. G. Rousseau (North-West University) 15107 Two-Phase Flow Instability and Bifurcation Analysis of Inclined Multiple Uniformly Heated Horizontal Channels, Ashish Mani Mishra, Subhanker Paul, Suneet Singh, Vikas Pandey (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay) 15174 Multi-scale Calculation of Carbon Diffusion Behavior in Zirconium and Zirconia, Yu Xu (Institut Physique Nucleaire Orsay; EDF), Jerome Roques (Institut Physique Nucleaire Orsay), Christophe Domain (EDF), Eric Simoni (Institut Physique Nucleaire Orsay) 15015 Theoretical Evaluation for the Stability of Liquid Sodium Containing a Titanium Nanoparticle, Ai Suzuki, Kenji Inaba, Yukie Ishizawa, Ryuji Miura, Nozomu Hatakeyama, Akira Miyamoto (Tohoku University), Jun-ichi Saito, Kuniaki Ara (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) 15180 Development of Nuclear Renewable Oil Shale Systems for Flexible Electricity and Reduced Fossil Fuel Emissions, Daniel Curtis, Charles Forsberg (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Humberto Garcia (Idaho National Laboratory) 15034 Cooperation in Reactor Design Evaluation and Licensing (CORDEL), Barry Kaufer (WNA) 15493 AZTLAN: Mexican Platform for Analysis and Design of Nuclear Reactors, A.M. Gómez Torres, F. Puente Espel (ININ), E. del Valle Gallegos (IPN), J.L. François Lacouture, C. Martín del Campo Márquez (UNAM), G. Espinosa Paredes (UAM) 15309 Complete CFD Analysis of ERCOSAM-SAMARA Exercises: A Step toward Advanced Modeling of LWR Containment Under Severe Accident Conditions, A.S. Filippov, S.Y. Grigoryev, A.E. Kiselev, O.V Tarasov, T.A. Yudina, I.V. Ivanov (Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences) 15349 The Blowdown Load Test for Steam Generator Steam Line Break Event in Pressurized-Water Reactor, Jongin Kim, Duho Hong, Jinseon Kim, Kyoungho Kang (Doosan Heavy Industries & Constructions) 15112 Analysis of Density Wave Oscillations for Non-uniform Axial Heat Flux with a Nodalized Reduced Order Model, Subhanker Paul, Vikas Pandey, Ashish Mani Mishra, Suneet Singh (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay) 15529 Beyond Designed Functional Margins in CANDU Type NPP: Radioactive Nuclei Assessment in an LOCA Type Accident, Andrei Razvan Budu, Gabriel Lazaro Pavel (University Politehnica of Bucharest) 15168 Advancement of Hotlab/Research Reactor Techniques with Particular Reference to the Reactor Pressure Vessel Materials Examination, Evgenii Krasikov (National Research Centre «Kurchatov Institute») 15272 Optimum Design of Co-generation System for Nuclear Seawater Desalination, Yong Hun Jung, Yong Hoon Jeong (KAIST) 15365 Recent Achievements of the EUR Organization (European Utility Requirements For Advanced Light Water Reactors), Guillaume Jacquart (EDF), Luc Vanhoenacker (GDF Suez - Tractebel Engineering), Xavier Pouget-Abadie (EDF), Antoine Guelfi (EDF), Johan Engström (Vattenfall) 15537 Update on Capabilities Development at CASL, Paul J. Turinsky (NC State University), Douglas B. Kothe (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Douglas E. Burns (Idaho National Laboratory) 15382 Comparison of the Suppression Pool Models for the Lungmen ABWR Containment Analysis Using GOTHIC, YenShu Chen, Yng-Ruey Yuann, Lain-Su Kao (Institute of Nuclear Energy Research) 15076 Thermal Hydraulic of the Angra 2 PWR, Javier Gonzalez-Mantecon, Antonella Lombardi Costa, Maria Auxiliadora Fortini Veloso, Claubia Pereira, Patricia Amelia de Lima Reis, Adolfo R. Hamers, Maria Elizabeth Scari (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais) 15147 The Preliminary Thermal-hydraulic Design of One Superheated Steam Water Cooled Blanket Concept Based on RELAP5 and MELCOR Codes, Yun Guo, Guanghuai Wang, Yangli Cheng, Changhong Peng (University of Science and Technology of China) 15095 Effective Method of Reactor-grade Plutonium Burning out in Reactor VVER, Sergey Tsibulskiy, Vladimir Davidenko (National Research Centre «Kurchatov Institute») 15248 Study on a Suppression of Sodium-water Reaction in SFR by Applying Sodium with Suspended Nanoparticles, Hironori Kanda, Naoki Yoshioka (Mitsubishi FBR Systems, Inc.), Kuniaki Ara, Jun-Ichi Saito, Keiichi Nagai (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) 15400 A Futuristic View of Nuclear Supported Coal-to-Liquid, P.W. Stoker, F.H. Conradie (North West University) 15380 Updated IAEA Requirements for Design of Nuclear Power Plants, Bernard Poulat (International Atomic Energy Agency) 15020 Premiering SAFE for Safety Added Fuel Element, P.K. Bhowmik, J.A. Shamim (Seoul National University), K.S. Suh (Daeduk Precision), K.Y. Suh (Seoul National University; PHILOSOPHIA) 15278 Mechanical Behaviour of Structural Materials in Contact with Liquid Sodium, Ingrid Proriol Serre, Ouadie Hamdane, Jean-Bernard Vogt (Unité Matériaux et Transformations) 15532 Studies of S-CO2 Power Cycle Application for a Large PWR with a Desalination Capability, Won Woong Lee, Yong Hun Jung, Yong Hoon Jeong, Jeong Ik Lee (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) 15048 USNRC Regulatory Activities Related to Small Modular Reactors and non-Light Water Reactors, Anna Hajduk Bradford (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission) 15549 A Generalized Correlation for Steam Condensation Rates in the Presence of Air under Turbulent Free Convection, A. Dehbi (PSI) TUESDAY, MAY 5 TECHNICAL SESSIONS TRACK 1. Water-Cooled Reactor Programs and Issues 8:00am 8:20am 8:40am 9:00am 9:20am 9:40am 8:00am >> 10:00am TRACK 2. High Temperature Reactors 1.02-I SMR (Room 15) 2.02 HTR Development Programs and Large Test Facilities Session Chair: Andrew Ballard, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., Japon Room 15 15366 Light-Water Reactors on Offshore Floating Platforms: Scalable and Economic Nuclear Energy, J. Buongiorno, J. Jurewicz, M. Golay, N. Todreas (MIT) 15509 Advanced Offshore Seabed Reactors, K. Shirvan, G. Haratyk, R. Ballinger, J. Buongiorno, C. Forsberg, M. Kazimi, N. Todreas (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) > PERIOD 2 TRACK 3. Fast Neutron and Other Innovative Reactors TRACK 5. Operation, Performance and Reliability Management Plant Safety Assessment and Regulatory Issues Room 10 3.11 Molten Salt Reactor 4.02 I&C 5.03 PSA/PRA/Safety Philosophy Room 16 Room 4 Session Chairs: Dominique Hittner, AREVA, France; Frederik Reitsma, IAEA, Austria Session Chair: Andrei Rineiski, KIT, Germany Session Chair: Elsa Merle-Lucotte, LPSCIN2P3-CNRS / UJF / Grenoble INP, France Session Chair: Charles Goodnight, Goodnight Consulting, Inc., USA Session Chair: Jean-Michel Evrard, IRSN, France 15172 Overview on Design and Development Aspects of High Temperature Reactors to Support Future Energy Needs, Frederik Reitsma (IAEA), Nils Haneklaus (University of California Berkeley) 15292 An Innovative Methodology for Evaluating Core Thermal Expansion Feedbacks in Transient Analyses, Lena Andriolo, Andrei Rineiski, Xue-Nong Chen, Werner Maschek, Fabrizio Gabrielli (KIT), Fabienne Delage (CEA), Elsa Merle-Lucotte (CNRS) 15028 Comparison of Several Recycling Strategies and Relevant Fuel Cycles for Molten Salt Reactor, Jiri Krepel, Boris Hombourger, Carlo Fiorina, Konstantin Mikityuk (PSI) 15100 Technical Challenges and Solutions in the Largest I&C Modernization Program in the World, Robert Sommacal, Pascale Baranek, Arnaud Duthou (Rolls-Royce, Civil Nuclear) 15203 Importance Analysis within a Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence Framework of Uncertainty Representation, Chung-Kung Lo (Ecole Centrale Paris; Institute of Nuclear Energy Research), N. Pedroni (Ecole Centrale Paris), E. Zio (Ecole Centrale Paris; Department of Energy, Politecnico di Milano) 15208 A Study about Effect of Cell Area on Maximum Pressure in One-dimensional Steam Explosion Code, Texas-V, E.S. Yoon, Sungchu Song, YongJin Cho (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety) 15392 ASTEC Code Development, Validation and Applications for Severe Accident Management within the CESAM European Project, J.-P. Van Dorsselaere, P. Chatelard, K. Chevalier-Jabet (IRSN), H. Nowack (Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) mbH), L.E. Herranz (CIEMAT), G. Pascal (JRC/IET), V. Sanchez-Espinosa (KIT) 15294 Pumps Modelling of a Sodium Fast Reactor Design and Analysis of Hydrodynamic Behaviour, J. Ordóñez, A. Lázaro, S. Martorell (Polytechnic University of Valencia) 15096 Optimising the Refuelling Strategy for a Denatured Molten Salt Reactor, Kien N. Trinh, Geoffrey T. Parks, Dani Kotlyar (University of Cambridge), Manuele Aufiero (Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie) 15102 Spinline™, Benefits of a Nuclear Specific Safety-critical Digital I&C Platform, Arnaud Duthou, Philippe Mouly, Hélène Jegou (Rolls-Royce, Civil Nuclear) 15319 The Use of Rod-Based Guaranteed Shutdown State in CANDU Reactors, Dumitru Serghiuta, John Tholammakkil (Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission) 15216 A Study on Ex-vessel Steam Explosion for a Flooded Reactor Cavity of Reactor Scale, Sungchu Song, Eisung Yoon, Yunil Kim, Yongjin Cho (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety) 15401 Overview of Recent Methods for the Modeling of the Uncertainties on the Calculations of Consequences of a Nuclear Power Plant Severe Accident, K. Chevalier-Jabet (IRSN), X. Zheng (JAEA), A. Mabrouk (IRSN), Y. Maruyama (JAEA), J. Baccou (IRSN) 15120 Extension of the FAST Code System for the Modelling and Simulation of MSR Dynamics, Matteo Zanetti, Antonio Cammi, Lelio Luzzi (Politecnico di Milano), Jiří Křepel, Konstantin Mikityuk (PSI) 15146 A New MV Bus Transfer Scheme for Nuclear Power Plants, Choong-koo Chang (KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School) 15332 The RISMC Approach to Perform Advanced PRA Analyses, D. Mandelli, C. Smith, T. Riley, J. Nielsen, A. Alfonsi, C. Rabiti, J. Cogliati (Idaho National Laboratory) 15307 Protection of French Nuclear Power Plants against Flooding Risks, Jean Barbaud (EDF) 15426 Overview of Ongoing and Planned R&D Works on Delayed Releases and FCVS Efficiencies, Laurent Cantrel (IRSN), Luis Herranz (CIEMAT), Serge Guieu (EDF), Thierry Albiol (IRSN), Remi Collet (AREVA), Terttaliisa Lind (PSI), Teemu Kärkelä (VTT), Christian Mun, Didier. Jacquemain (IRSN), Mouheb Chebbi (Université de Lorraine) 15176 The Dual Fluid Reactor - A New Reactor and Safety Concept, Armin Huke, Götz Ruprecht (Institut für Festkörper-Kernphysik Berlin), Daniel Weißbach (Institut für Festkörper-Kernphysik Berlin; Instytut Fizyki, Wydział Matematyczno-Fizyczny, Uniwersytet Szczeciński), Stephan Gottlieb (Institut für Festkörper-Kernphysik Berlin), Ahmed Hussein (Institut für Festkörper-Kernphysik Berlin; University of Northern British Columbia), Konrad Czerski (Institut für Festkörper-Kernphysik Berlin; Instytut Fizyki, Wydział Matematyczno-Fizyczny, Uniwersytet Szczeciński) 15253 Application of Artificial Neural Networks to CPCS Axial Power Distribution Synthesis, Y.J. Choi, K.W. Shim, Y.H. Park (KNF), P.S. Seong (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) 15421 Peculiar Roles of the Defense in Depth and the Probabilistic Safety Assessment in NPP Safety Performances Optimization, G.L. Fiorini (Nuclear Safety Consultant), S. La Rovere (NIER Ingegneria), P. Vestrucci (University of Bologna) 15330 Pressure Estimation of SBO ATWS for Maanshan PWR, Che-Hao Chen (Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Science, National Tsing Hua University), Jong-Rong Wang (Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Science, National Tsing Hua University; Nuclear and New Energy Education and Research Foundation), Hao-Tzu Lin (Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Atomic Energy Council), Chunkuan Shih (Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Science, National Tsing Hua University; Nuclear and New Energy Education and Research Foundation) 15448 The Establishment and Analysis of TRACE Model for Ultimate Response Guideline of Chinshan Nuclear Power Plant, Jhin-Jhong Huang (Institute of Nuclear Energy Research; Department of Engineering and System Science, National Tsing Hua University), Jong-Rong Wang (Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Science, National Tsing Hua University), Chunkuan Shih, Shao-Wen Chen (Department of Engineering and System Science; Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Science, National Tsing Hua University), Lih-Yih Liao, Hao-Tzu Lin (Institute of Nuclear Energy Research) 15450 Physical Assessment of the Load-following and Starting Procedures for the Molten Salt Fast Reactor, Elsa Merle-Lucotte, Daniel Heuer, Axel Laureau, Mariya Brovchenko, Michel Allibert, Manuele Aufiero, Pablo Rubiolo (LPSC-IN2P3CNRS / Université Grenoble Alpes) 15371 Issues in Fault-Tolerant Technique Reliability of Digital I&C Systems, Seung Jun Lee, Wondea Jung (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) 15461 Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) Update in Light of the Accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, Keisuke Maeda, Hiroshi Abe, Naoki Hirokawa, Chikahiro Satou (TEPCO Systems Corporation) 15524 Fuel Cycle Analysis of a Molten Salt Reactor for Breed-and-Burn Mode, Boris Hombourger (PSI ; École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), Jiri Jiri Krepel, Konstantin Mikityuk (PSI), Andreas Pautz (PSI, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) 15546 Generic Test Platform for Representative Tests of Safety I&C Systems, Benoît Fourestie, Harry Kuck, Jens Richter, Stephan Rieche, Martin Waitz (AREVA GmbH) 15463 The GEMINI Initiative: A Step forward towards Nuclear Cogeneration with HTGR, Michael Fütterer (JRC), Camille Auriault (LGI), Alexandre Bredimas (Ultrasafe Nuclear), Gerd Brinkmann (BriVaTech), Vincent Chauvet (LGI), Don J. Halter (ConocoPhilllips), Mark Haynes (NGNP Industry Alliance), Dominique Hittner (AREVA), Tomasz Jackowski (NCBJ), Bernhard Wiechers, Layla Sandell (Westinghouse), Alexander Racek (SGL), Kajetan Rozycki (NCBJ), Rainer Schmitt (SGL), Farshid Shahrokhi, Finis Southworth (AREVA), Harri Tuomisto (Fortum) 3.01-II Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor- Safety 15177 The Core Instability Analysis under Ocean Condition with Neutron Coupling Based on Multi-Point Models, Yun Guo, Guanghuai Wang, Changhong Peng (University of Science and Technology of China), Tao Tang (ANHUI ANLI Artificial Leather Co., LTD.) 15451 Marketing the Next Nuclear S-Curve, Alexandre Bredimas (Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation) 15334 Chemical Interactions Experiments between Supercritical Carbon Dioxide and Liquid Sodium, Craig Gerardi, Nathan Bremer, Stephen Lomperski, James J. Sienicki, Chistopher Grandy (Argonne National Laboratory) 15456 Dynamic Protection of Reactor Plant Equipment in the Floating Power Unit, M.A. Bolshukhin, V.P. Kondukov, V.A. Panov, V.L. Patrushev, A.N. Pakhomov, S.A. Solovyov, Yu.P. Fadeev (JSC “Afrikantov OKBM”) 15066 Experimental Facility for Development of High-Temperature Reactor Technology: Instrumentation Needs and Challenges, Piyush Sabharwall, James O’Brien, SuJong Yoon (Idaho National Laboratory), Xiaodong Sun (The Ohio State University) 15355 A New IAEA Coordinated Research Project on Radioactive Release from Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR) Under Severe Accident Conditions, S. Monti (IAEA), P. Chellapandi (IGCAR), I. Piorio (University of Ontario, Institute of Technology), D. Zhang (CIAE), D. Blanc, N. Girault (IRSN), F. Serre (CEA), M. Schikorr, M. Flad (KIT-INR), S.W. Lee (KAERI), I. Ashurko (IPPE), V. Matuzas (Joint Research Centre, Institute for Energy and Transport) 15151 Thermal Hydraulic Comparison of Helical Coil and Bayonet Steam Generators for Small Modular Reactors, M. Caramello, M. De Salve, C. Bertani, B. Panella (Politecnico di Torino) 15284 New Technological Experimental Helium Loops, Jana Kalivodová, Karel Gregor, Jan Berka, Markéta Kryková, Jan Kysela, Jiří Richter (Centrum výzkumu Řež s.r.o.), Igor Pioro (University of Ontario Institute of Technology Oshawa) 15356 Unprotected Loss of Flow Simulation on ASTRID CFV V3 Reactor Core, A. Bachrata (CEA), F. Bertrand (CEA), D. Lemasson (EDF R&D) 15559 Pioneering SUPER- Small Unit Passively-safe Enclosed Reactor, Palash K. Bhowmik, Abhinav Gairola, Jubair A. Shamim (Seoul National University), Keum S. Suh (Daeduk Precision), Kune Y. Suh (Seoul National University) TRACK 4. Room 17 Room 8 5.06 Vapor / Steam Explosion & Flooding Room 7 Session Chair: Domenico Paladino, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland 5.10-II Codes/Methodologies/Benchmarks Room 6 Session Chair: Martin Zimmermann, PSI, Switzerland 15516 Simulation of MCCI with Top Flooding with the TOLBIAC-ICB Code, B. Tourniaire (EDF), A. Boulin, J.F. Haquet (CEA) TUESDAY, MAY 5 TECHNICAL SESSIONS PERIOD 2 8:00am >> 10:00am TRACK 6. TRACK 7. Reactor Physics and Analysis 8:20am 8:40am Fuel Cycle and Waste Management TRACK 9. Materials and Strucural Issues TRACK 10. Nuclear Energy and Climate Change Mitigation 10.01 Nuclear Energy and Environment: The Life Cycle of Nuclear Energy 7.02-I Single Phase CFD 7.04-I Thermal Hydraulics Testing 7.06-II Reactor Thermal Hydraulics 8.02 Gen-II and Gen-III Fuel Management 9.03 Corrosion Issues Room 12 Room 13 Room 9 Room 11 Room 14 Room 3 Room 1 Session Chair: Christine Poinot, CEA, France Session Chair: Kazuyuki Takase, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan Session Chair: Bernard Faydide, CEA, France Session Chair: Cesare Frepoli, FPoliSolutions LLC, USA Session Chairs: T. K. Kim, ANL, USA; Luc Van den Durpel, AREVA, France Session Chairs: Céline Cabet, CEA, Session Chairs: Shannon M. Bragg-SitFrance ; Ingrid Proriol Serre, Unité Maté- ton, INL, USA riaux et Transformations, France 15098 Analysis of Vibration-induced Neutron Noise using One-dimension Noise Diffusion Theory, Amélie Rouchon, Richard Sanchez (CEA Saclay) 15070 Thermal-hydraulics/Thermal-mechanics Temporal Coupling for Unprotected Loss of Flow Accidents Simulations on a SFR, Cyril Patricot, Grzegorz Kepisty, Karim Ammar, Guillaume Campioni, Edouard Hourcade (CEA) 15019 Numerical Investigations of Free-Surface Flows in Spallation Targets for Acceleration-Driven Systems Using TransAT., S. Thomas (ASCOMP USA Inc.), D. Lakehal (ASCOMP USA Inc.; ASCOMP Gmbh) 15002 Experimental Investigation on Heat Transfer Deteriorations of Supercritical Water in Tube, Hongbo Li (China Nuclear Power Technology Research Institute), Weiguo Yang (China General Nuclear Power Corporation), Meng Zhao, Hanyang Gu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Donghua Lu, Fei Wang (China Nuclear Power Technology Research Institute) 15061 Validation of MARS-KS Code for SBO (Station Blackout) Transient with Operation of the PAFS (Passive Auxiliary Feedwater System), Byoung-Uhn Bae, Seok Kim, Yu-Sun Park, Kyoung-Ho Kang (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) 15104 Scale Economies in Monitored Retrievable Storage, Geoffrey Scott Rothwell (Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) 15407 Study of the Oxidation Mechanism’s of 316LN Steel in Liquid Sodium, Matthieu Rivollier, Jean-Louis Courouau (CEA), Marie-Laurence Giorgi (CNRS), François Jomard (CNRS, UMR8635, Groupe d’Etude de la Matière Condensée), Michel Tabarant, Cécile Blanc (CEA), Sylvain Vaubaillon (CEA) 15038 Climate Change: Assessment of the Vulnerability of Nuclear Power and Cost of Adaptation, Henri Paillère (OECD/NEA), Jean-Yves Caneill (EDF Group), Sanna Syri (Aalto University) 15051 Modular Construction of Nuclear Power Plants in Korea and Technical Issues, Tae Il Kim, Keun-Kyeong Kim, Jae-Joon Yoon, Go Eun Han (Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co.,LTD.) 15198 Application Evaluation of Vanadium Fixed-incore Detector, Hyeongseog Kim, Haechan Lee, Younduk Nam, Taeyoung Yoon (KEPCO Nuclear Fuel, Korea), Kyoon-ho Cha, Kyung-ho Roh (KOREA Hydro & Nuclear Power) 15124 Multiscale and Multisolver Pin Power Reconstruction Approach in a Reactor Core Calculation, A. Targa (Ecole Polytechnique; CEA Saclay), J.-C. Le Pallec (CEA Saclay), P. Le Tallec (Ecole Polytechnique) 15022 Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Tests in NANO for Fusion-Fission Hybrid System, Jubair Ahmed Shamim, Palash Kumar Bhowmik (Seoul National University), Kune Y. Suh (Seoul National University; PHILOSOPHIA Inc.) 15007 Mixing Model for a Downcomer during a Small-Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident for Use in Fracture-Mechanics Analyses, Richard Trewin (AREVA GmbH) 15149 Preliminary Accident Analysis of Flexblue® Underwater Reactor, Geoffrey Haratyk (DCNS), Vincent Gourmel (DCNS) 15313 Solutions for Management of Defective Fuel Assemblies, V. Vo Van, I. Morlaes (Used Fuel and Recycling Solutions, AREVA) 15417 Joint Dissolution and Oxidation Behavior of 316LN Steel at 550°C in Liquid Sodium Containing Low Concentration of Oxygen, Jean-Louis Courouau, Matthieu Rivollier, Véronique Lorentz, Michel Tabarant (CEA) 15057 Life Cycle Assessment of the Mark 1 Pebble-Bed, Fluoride-Salt-Cooled, High-Temperature Reactor, Nicolas Zweibaum, Charalampos Andreades, Sea Hong, Per F. Peterson (University of California, Berkeley) 15106 Review of Nuclear New Build in Relation to Project Structure, Supply Chain and Financing, Jan-Horst Keppler, Marco Cometto (OECD/NEA) 15449 Validation of a Lattice Physics Code GALAXY with New Resonance and Fast Transport Calculation Method, Kazuya Yamaji, Hiroki Koike, Yohei Kamiyama, Kazuki Kirimura, Shinya Kosaka, Hideki Matsumoto (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.) 15226 Application of the New GeN-Foam Multi-physics Solver to the European Sodium Fast Reactor and Verification against Available Codes, Carlo Fiorina, Konstantin Mikityuk (PSI) 15258 Numerical Evaluation of SmCo Permanent Magnet Flowmeter Measuring Sodium Flow Using FLUENT/MHD Module, Uiju Jeong (Hanyang University), Tae-Joon Kim (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute), Hong Hyun Son, Gwang Hyeok Seo (Hanyang University), Ji-Young Jeong (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute), Sung Joong Kim (Hanyang University) 15116 Scaling Distortions Analysis of the CREST Test Facility, Chuanxin Peng, Yuanfeng Zan, Yan Zhang, Zhigang Huang, Wenbin Zhuo, Xiao Yan (Nuclear Power Institute of China) 15196 Evaluation for LBLOCA of OPR1000 Using KINS Realistic Evaluation Methodology, Byung Gil Huh, Dong-Gu Kang, Jun Soo Lee, Kwang-Won Seul, Taesuk Hwang (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety) 15230 The Choice of the Fuel Assembly for VVER-1000 in a Closed Fuel Cycle Based on REMIX-technology, Evgenii Bobrov, Pavel Alekseev, Alexander Chibinyaev, Pavel Teplov, Anatoliy Dudnikov (National Research Centre «Kurchatov Institute») 15480 Evaluation of the Chemical Compatibility of SiC/SiC Composite Materials in Nuclear Environments, J. Braun, C. Sauder (CEA), F. Balbaud (CEA), C. Gueneau, F. Rouillard (CEA) 15110 Thermodynamic Exergy Analysis for Small Modular Reactor in Nuclear Hybrid Energy Systems, Lauren Boldon (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Piyush Sabharwall, Cristian Rabiti, Shannon M. Bragg-Sitton (Idaho National Laboratory), Li Liu (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) 15137 Strategies for Establishing Domestic Regulatory Infrastructure in an Entrant Country - Kenya, Hilda K. Mpakany, MyungSub Roh (KINGS) 15351 Recent Advances In Modeling of Nuclear Fuels: Analysis of Recently Proposed Accident Tolerant Fuel Concepts, Cetin Unal, Jack Galloway (Los Alamos National Laboratory) 15266 Computatinal Fluid Dynamics Analysis for Predicting External Wind Pressure Distribution around Stand Alone and cluster of Natural Draft Cooling Towers, J.S. Bharj, R.R. Sahaya, M. Singhal, P.K. Malhotra, S.G. Ghadge (Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited) 15159 Nucleate Boiling Heat Transfer Analysis on Horizontal U-shaped Heat Exchanger Submerged in Pool Using MARS Code, Seong-Su Jeon, Soon-Joon Hong, Da-Hee Park, E-Den Kim (FNC Technology Co., Ltd.), Hyoung-Kyu Cho, Goon-Cherl Park (Seoul National University) 15406 Cooling the Intact Loop of Primary Heat Transport System Using Shut Down Cooling System after Events Such as LOCA, Diana Laura Icleanu, Iulia Nicoleta Jianu (Polytechnic University of Bucharest) 15239 Modelling of Heat and Mass Transfer in Spent Fuel Cooling Ponds, Reaz Hasan, Jenna Tudor, Ahmed Ramadan (Northumbria University) 15484 Carbon Activity Measurement by Using Ferrite Iron Foil and Carburization/ Decarburization Modeling of FMS in Liquid Sodium Environment at 550°C, Sang Hun Shin, Jeong Hyeon Lee, Jeong Ki Lee, Ji Hyun Kim (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology) 15201 Climate Change: How NPP Can Help Kenya’s Power Generation Sector to Participate in Climate Change Mitigation, Aminata Dia, ChoongKoo Chang (KINGS) 15453 Professional Education in the Framework of the EURATOM FP7 GENTLE Project, J.L. Kloosterman (Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)), R.J.M. Konings (Delft University of Technology (TU Delft); EC, ITU), D. Manara (EC, ITU), V.H. Sanchez (KIT), M. Ricotti (POLIMI), R. Tamboer (TU Delft), A.H. Tkaczyk, J. Hyvärinen (TU) 15496 AREVA Main Steam Line Break Fully Coupled Methodology Based on CATHARE-ARTEMIS, L. Denis, L. Jasserand, D. Tomatis, M. Segond, C. Royère, J.-Y. Sauvage (AREVA) 15267 A Numerical Study of Unsteady Fluid Flow and Force Distribution in a Normal Square Tube Array Subject to Cross-flow Induced Vibrations, J. Berland (LaMSID; EDF), E. Deri, A. Adobes (EDF) 15187 Experimental Study of Downward-Facing Boiling Heat Transfer with Impinging Coolant Flow, J.W. Chen, H.E. Hsieh, Y.M. Ferng, C.Y. Hsu, J.R. Wang (National Tsing Hua University) 15412 Station Blackout Coping Analysis of 24 Hours Duration for Lungmen ABWR Plant, Keng-Hsien Hsu, Yng-Ruey Yuann, Chin-Tsu Lin, Lain-Su Kao (INER) 15259 Performances and Costs Assessment of an Air Cooled Two-stage Rankine Cycle for Large Power Plants Operating with Different Working Fluids, Bo Liu, Franck David (EDF), Christophe Coquelet (MINES ParisTech, PSL Research University, CTP - Centre for Thermodynamic of Processes), Renaud Gicquel, Philippe Riviere (MINES ParisTech, PSL Research University, CES - Centre for Energy Efficiency of Systems) 15528 Status of New Generation IV Projects for Europe - Economical Integration, Gabriel Lazaro Pavel, Petre Ghitescu (University Politehnica of Bucharest) 15467 Release of WIMS10: A Versatile Reactor Physics Code for Thermal and Fast Systems, B.A. Lindley, T.D. Newton, J.G. Hosking, P.N Smith, D.J. Powney, B. Tollit, P.J Smith (Amec Foster Wheeler) 9:40am Infrastructure Issues for Nuclear Power Plant Programs 6.08-II Multi-physics Reactor Simulation Room 2 9:00am 9:20am TRACK 11. 6.02-I Deterministic Methods Session Chair: Paul J. Turinsky, NC State University, USA 8:00am TRACK 8. Thermal Hydraulics Analysis and Testing 15194 Effect of Wettability and Capillary Wicking Changes Induced by Oxidation on the Pool Boiling Critical Heat Flux, Hong Hyun Son, Uiju Jeong, Gwang Hyeok Seo, Gyoodong Jeun Jeun, Sung Joong Kim (Hanyang University) 15548 Corrosion Behavior of Surface Treated Ferritic/Martensitic Steel in Liquid Sodium Environment, Jeong Hyeon Lee, Sang Hun Shin, Jeong Ki Lee, Ji Hyun Kim (UNIST) 11.01 Infrastructure Issues Room 5 Session Chair: Franck Lignini, AREVA, France TUESDAY, MAY 5 TECHNICAL SESSIONS TRACK 1. Water-Cooled Reactor Programs and Issues 3:00pm 3:20pm 3:40pm 4:00pm 4:20pm 4:40pm > PERIOD 3 3:00pm >> 4:40pm TRACK 2. TRACK 3. High Temperature Reactors TRACK 4. Fast Neutron and Other Innovative Reactors Operation, Performance and Reliability Management TRACK 5. Plant Safety Assessment and Regulatory Issues 1.04 Stakeholders’ Assessment 2.03 HTR Physics 2.05 Materials 3.01-III Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor - Safety 3.08-II Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor - General 4.03 Aging and Asset Management 5.01-I Systems (Reliability, Assessment, Use) 5.04-I Hydrogen 5.09 Corium/Debris Room 15 Room 16 Room 2 Room 4 Room 10 Room 17 Room 6 Room 7 Room 8 Session Chair: Jean-Philippe Frontigny, AREVA, France Session Chairs: Frederik Reitsma, IAEA, Austria; James W. Sterbentz, INL, USA Session Chairs: Céline Cabet, CEA, France; Olivier Gastaldi, CEA, France Session Chair: Daniel Blanc, IRSN, France Session Chair: Waldemar Geissler, AREVA, Germany Session Chair: Giovanni Bruna, IRSN, France Session Chair: Mike Kuznetsov, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany Session Chair: Paride Meloni, ENEA, Italy; Felice de Rosa, ENEA, Italy 15235 The EUR Assessment Process, Methodology and Highlights of the Compliance Analysis for the EU-APWR Standard Design, Luca Facciolo (Vattenfall AB), Pekka Nuutinen (Fortum), Daniel Welander (Vattenfall AB) 15497 Validation of the Physics Analysis used to Characterize the AGR-1 TRISO Fuel Irradiation Test, James W. Sterbentz, Jason M. Harp, Paul A. Demkowicz, Grant L. Hawkes, Gray S. Chang (Idaho National Laboratory) 15274 Testing of High Temperature Materials within HTR Program in Czech Republic, Jan Berka, Jana Kalivodová (Research Centre Rez) 15352 Purge Simulations on the KASOLA Sodium Loop: Sensitivity Study and Code-to Code Comparison, M. Haselbauer, W. Jaeger (KIT), H.V. Hristov, T. Hollands (GRS), W. Hering (KIT) 15041 In Service Inspection and Repair of Sodium Cooled ASTRID Reactor Prototype, F. Baque (CEA Cadarache), F. Jadot (CEA Cadarache), R. Marlier (AREVA NP), J.-F. Saillant (AREVA NDE Solutions), V. Delalande (EDF R&D) 15043 Study of Aging Effects in PWR Power Plants Components, Diogo da Silva Borges, Deise Diana Lava, Maria de Lourdes Moreira, Antonio Cesar Ferreira Guimarães (Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear) 15148 Experimental Activities on Stratification and Mixing of a Gas Mixture under the Conditions of a Severe Accident with Intervention of Mitigating Measures Performed in the ERCOSAM-SAMARA Project, F. Dabbene, J. Brinster, D. Abdo (CEA), E. Porcheron, P. Lemaitre (IRSN), G. Mignot, R. Kapulla, S. Paranjape (PSI), M. Kamnev, A. Khizbullin (JSC “Afrikantov OKB Mechanical Engineering”) 15157 Development and Application of Surrogate Models for Assessment of Ex-Vessel Debris Bed Dryout Probability, Sergey E. Yakush (Institute for Problems in Mechanics), Nazar T. Lubchenko (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Pavel Kudinov (Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)) 15215 Design of the EUR-compliant EU-APWR, Andrew Ballard, Shigemitsu Otsuka, Michitaka Kikuta (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.) 15315 Approach to the Development of Effective 3D Models for Neutron-Physical Calculations of ASTRA Critical Facility with the Use of Experimental Information, A.L. Balainin, V.F. Fomichenko, E.S. Boyarinov, P.A. Glushkov, G.V. Fomichenko, N.P. Moroz Kompaniets, V.A. Nevinitsa, A.A. Zimin (National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”) 15444 Anisotropic Behaviour of Grahite Matrix for HTGR Fuel Compact, Sunghwan Yeo, Sungok Kim, Moon Sung Cho, YoungWoo Lee KAERI) 15373 Status of the French R&D Program on the Severe Accident Issue to Develop GENIV SFRs, F. Serre, F. Bertrand, C. Journeau, C. Suteau (CEA), D. Verwaerde, D. Schmitt (EDF –R&D), B. Farges (AREVA NP) 15383 Performance Test of Under Sodium Viewer in MONJU, Kosuke Aizawa, Yoshinori Togashi, Koei Sasaki, Yoshitaka Chikazawa (JAEA), Masaru Fukuie, Noboru Jinbo (Toshiba Corporation) 15291 Extending PSA Models Including Ageing and Asset Management, S. Martorell, I. Martón (Universitat Politècnica de València, Department of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering), A.I. Sánchez (Universitat Politècnica de València, Department of Statistics and Operational Research), S. Carlos (Universitat Politècnica de València, Department of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering) 15026 Verification of SAMG Entry Condition for APR1400, Junghyun Yun (Korea Hydro&Nuclear Power Co. Ltd.), Taewan Kim, Jonghyun Kim (KEPCO International Nuclear Graduate School) 15357 Main Outcomes from the EUROATOM-ROSATOM ERCOSAM SAMARA Parallel Projects for Hydrogen Safety of LWR, Domenico Paladino (PSI), Arkadi Kiselev (Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences) 15160 Effect of Corium Non-Homogeneity on Nordic BWR Vessel Failure Mode and Timing, Andrei Goronovski, Walter Villanueva, Pavel Kudinov (KTH), Chi-Thanh Tran (VINATOM) 15402 Overview of Advanced Heavy Water Reactors from Canada and India and IAEA-coordinated HWR Technology Collaborations, Matthias Krause (IAEA) 15470 Assessment of Burnup Calculation Instabilities in Various HTR Models, Grzegorz Kępisty, Jerzy Cetnar (AGH University of Science and Technology) 15376 Flammability Diagrams of H2/CO/ CH4 Mixtures Diluted with Helium or Carbon Dioxide, A. Commandini, J. Biet, M. Idir, N. Chaumeix (CNRS-ICARE), A. Bentaib (IRSN) 15552 PWR Circuit Contamination Assessment Tool: Use of OSCAR Code for Engineering Studies at EDF, M. Benfarah, M. Zouiter, T. Jobert (EDF), F. Dacquait, M. Bultot, J.-B. Genin (CEA, Cadarache) 15324 A Passive System Reliability Analysis for a Station Blackout, Acacia Brunett, Matthew Bucknor, David Grabaskas, Tanju Sofu, Austin Grelle (Argonne National Laboratory) 15360 Experimental Investigation of H2-Air Deflagration in the Presence of Longitudinal Concentration Gradients, Mike Kuznetsov (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Joachim Grune (Pro-Science, Ettlingen), Sergey Kudriakov, Etienne Studer (CEA, Saclay) 15271 A Simplified Geometrical Model for Transient Corium Propagation in Core for an LWR with Heavy Reflector, L. Saas, R. Le Tellier, S. Bajard (CEA) 15099 Licensing Experience with SPINLINE Digital I&C Platform, Helene Jegou, Arnaud Duthou, Julien Bach (Rolls-Royce, Civil Nuclear), Mark Burzynski (Rolls-Royce Instrumentation & Controls) 15111 Verification of a Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Code Based on GPT Using MHTGR-350 Benchmark, Tae Young Han, Hyun Chul Lee, Jae Man Noh (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) 15105 Findings of the Second Round of Fluoride Salt High Temperature Reactor Materials Irradiation Tests at the MIT Research Reactor, David Carpenter, Michael Ames, Gordon Kohse, Yakov Ostrovsky, Lin-wen Hu (MIT) Session Chair: Hiroaki Ohira, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan 15386 Safety Analyses for Sodium-Cooled 15424 Distributed Load Resting Vessel for Fast Reactors with Pelletized and SphereFast Reactor, Didier Costes (Consultant) packed Oxide Fuels within the FP-7 European Project PELGRIMM, Werner Maschek, Lena Andriolo, Claudia Matzerath Boccaccini (KTI), Fabienne Delage (CEA), Sara Bortot (PSI), Janne Wallenius (KTH), Alessandro Del Nevo, Carlo Parisi, Giulia Abbate (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development), Damien Schmitt (EDF , R&D) 15393 Fuel-sodium Interaction Modelling with the MC3D Code, Mitja Uršič, Matjaž Leskovar (Jožef Stefan Institute), Renaud Meignen (Institut de Radioprotection et de Sureté Nucléaire) 15439 ASTRID, The SFR GENIV Technology Demonstrator Project: Where Are We, Where Do We Stand For?, Jacques Rouault, Eric Abonneau (CEA), David Settimo (EDF), Jean-Marie Hamy (AREVA), Hiroki Hayafune (JAEA), René Gefflot (AIRBUS Defence & Space), René-Paul Benard (ALCEN/SEIV), Olivier Mandement (ALSTOM), Thomas Chauveau (BOUYGUES), Grégoire Lambert (COMEX NUCLEAIRE), Philippe Audouin (JACOBS), Haruo Mochida (MFBR), Toru Iitsuka (MHI), Masaru Fukuie (TOSHIBA), John Molyneux (ROLLS-ROYCE), Jean-Luc Mazel (VELAN) 15440 Japan-France Collaboration on the Astrid Program and Sodium Fast Reactor, Jacques Rouault, Pierre Le Coz, JeanClaude Garnier (CEA), Jean-Marie Hamy (AREVA), Hiroki Hayafune (JAEA), Toru Iitsuka (MHI), Haruo Mochida (MFBR) 15008 CSNI Post-Fukushima Activity on Filtered Containment Venting Systems: Status in OECD Countries and Guidance for Improvements and Future Designs, D. Jacquemain (IRSN), S. Guentay (PSI), S. Basu (USNRC), M. Sonnenkalb (Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit), L. Lebel (AECL), H.-J. Allelein (Lehrstuhl für Reaktorsicherheit und –technik, RWTH-Aachen), B. Liebana (IBERDROLA Genaracion Nuclear), B. Eckardt (AREVA NP GmBH), L. Ammirabile (EC, Joint Research Centre) 15455 Overview of Spot Experimental and Analytical Activities with KUPOL, M. Kamnev, O. Tyurikov, A. Khizbullin (JSC “Afrikantov OKBM”), D. Paladino, M. Andreani (Paul Scherrer Institut) 15378 EU-ERCOSAM-SAMARA PROJECT- Scaling from Nuclear Power Plant to Experiments, S. Benteboula (CEA), J. Malet, A. Bleyer, A. Bentaib (IRSN), D. Paladino, S. Guentay, M. Andreani (PSI), I. Tkatschenko, J. Brinster F. Dabbene (CEA), S. Kelm, H.-J. Allelein (Forschungszentrum Jülich), D. Visser (Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group), S. Benz, T. Jordan (KIT), R. Liang (AECL), A. Kiselev, T. Yudina, A. Filippov (Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences), A. Khizbullin, M. Kamnev (JSC “Afrikantov OKB Mechanical Engineering”), A. Zaytsev, A. Loukianov (SSC RF-IPPE) 15367 Prediction of Corium Debris Characteristics in Lower Plenum of a Nordic BWR in Different Accident Scenarios Using MELCOR Code, Viet-Anh Phung, Sergey Galushin, Sebastian Raub, Andrei Goronovski, Walter Villanueva, Kaspar Kööp, Dmitry Grishchenko, Pavel Kudinov (KTH) TUESDAY, MAY 5 TECHNICAL SESSIONS PERIOD 3 3:00pm >> 4:40pm TRACK 6. TRACK 7. Reactor Physics and Analysis 3:20pm 3:40pm 4:00pm 4:20pm 4:40pm 7.02-II Single Phase CFD Fuel Cycle and Waste Management 7.06-III Reactor Thermal Hydraulics 7.12 LOCA 8.03 UNF and Waste Management TRACK 9. Materials and Strucural Issues 9.01-II Structural Material TRACK 12. Plant Licensing and International Regulatory Issues 12.02 Instrumentation & Control / Equipment / System Applications 6.02-II Deterministic Methods 6.05-I Reactor Analysis Room 13 Room 9 Room 11 Session Chair: Deokjung Lee, UNIST, South Korea Session Chair: Frédéric Damian, CEA, France Session Chairs: Christophe Calvin, CEA, France; Kazuyuki Takase, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan Session Chair: David Pialla, CEA, France Session Chair: Koroush Shirvan, MIT, USA Session Chairs: Charles Forsberg, MIT, USA; Luc Van den Durpel, AREVA, France 15213 Enhancement of Direct Whole Core Calculation Code nTRACER with WIMS-based Library and Comparative Analyses, Meer Bacha, Chang Hyun Lim, Han Gyu Joo (Seoul National University) 15060 Neutronic Feasibility Study of a Soluble Boron-Free PWR with the BigT Burnable Absorbers, Mohd-Syukri Yahya, Yonghee Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), Chang Kyu Chung (KEPCO E&C) 15056 Analysis of the Interaction of Round Jets with Stratified Light Gas Layers with a Simple Turbulence Model, A. Krakovich (Soreq NRC), U. Bieder (CEA) 15036 Simulation of Reactivity Initialized Transients at Different Power Levels for Molten Salt Reactor Using Modified TRACE, Xun He, Rafael Macián-Juan (Technische Universität München), Marcus Seidl (E.ON Kernkraft GmbH) 15017 Analysis on Postulated Double Ended Guillotine Pipe Break in Reactor Inlet Header For KAPP-3&4 Using Computer Code RELAP-5/ Mod3.2, P. Krishna Kumar, H.P. Rammohan (Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd.) 15010 Selection a Tool To Support Decision Making For Site Selection For High Level Waste, J.G. Madeira (Celso Suckow Fonseca Federal Center for Technological Education), Antônio Carlos M. Alvim Alvim), Vivian B. Martins, Nilton A. Monteiro (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) 15162 Comparison between Measured and Predicted Properties of the Samples from Decommissioned RPVs, E.A. Krasikov (National Research Centre «Kurchatov Institute») 15016 Regulatory Experience on the Smart Transmitters of SKN 3&4, Youngmi Kim, Choongheui Jeong (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety) 15127 An Equivalent Correction of U-238 Resonance Up-scattering in 3-D Reactor Simulator ASTRA, C.O. Park, C.K. Lee, H.C. Lee, J.Y. Yoon, S.W. Park, B.J. Cho (KEPCO Nuclear Fuel) 15384 An Automatic System to Search for the Optimal Loading Pattern of Boiling Water Reactors, Po-Feng Lin, Chien-Hsiang Chen, Lain-Su Kao (Institute of Nuclear Energy Research) 15277 Numerical Simulation of Rib-Roughened Flow in Advanced Gas Cooled Reactor, Vineet Vishwakarma, Sanjeev Kumar, Arun Kumar Saha, Prabhat Munshi (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur) 15128 OECD/NEA Main Steam Line Break Benchmark Problem Simulation Using the SPACE Code, Yo-Han Kim, Seyun Kim, Dong-Hyuk Lee, Sang Jun Ha (KHNP Central Research Institute) 15024 A Study of Different Cases of VVER Reactor Core Flooding in a Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident, Yu.A. Bezrukov, V.I. Schekoldin, S.I. Zaitsev, A.N. Churkin, E.A. Lisenkov (OKB «GIDROPRESS») 15232 The Study of the National Context in Support of Planning Geological Disposal in Romania, Veronica Andrei (Romanian Association for Nuclear Energy (AREN)), Ilie Prisecaru (University Politehnica of Bucharest) 15308 Mechanisms for Neutron Damage in Graphite from Low to High Temperatures from First Principles, Malcolm I. Heggie, Christopher D. Latham, Alice J. McKenna, Thomas P. Trevethan, Phillipa J.L. Young (University of Surrey) 15227 Development of Quadruped Robot for Disaster Site: Improvement of Stable Walking Control on Uneven Terrain, Naotaka Suganuma, Yusuke Mitsuya, Takafumi Sonoura, Kenji Matsuzaki, Takuya Uehara, Norihito Nakamura (Toshiba Corporation) 15339 Mutual Self-shielding in the Subgroup Method, Nathan Andrew Gibson, Benoit Forget (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) 15385 Azimuthal Power Disequilibrium Estimate through Control Rod Worth Measurement for GEN III+ PWRs, Federico Rocchi, Roberto Pergreffi (ENEA), Franck Boreicha, Antonio Sargeni, Giovanni Bruna (IRSN) 15327 Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis of the TALL-3D Experiment Using Thermal-Hydraulic Coupled Codes, Clotaire Geffray, Rafael Macián-Juan (Technische Universität München), Angel Papukchiev (Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit mbH), Dmitry Grishchenko, Pavel Kudinov (KTH) 15290 Fuel Rod Uncertainty Analysis of Kuosheng NPP with TRACE/FRAPTRAN/DAKOTA codes in SNAP interface, S.W. Chen, H.C. Chang, W.K. Lin, W.Y. Li, C. Shih, J.R. Wang (National Tsing Hua University), H.T. Lin (Institute of Nuclear Energy Research) 15169 Notes on the Implementation of an Improved Bottom-Up Reflood Entrainment Model for a Large Break LOCA Evaluation Model, Cesare Frepoli, Joseph W. Fricano (FPoliSolutions LLC), Reiko Narutomi, Tetsuya Teramae (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, LTD.) 15430 Preliminary Assessment of Radiation Impact from Conceptional Interim Storage Facilites for PWR Spent Nuclear Fuel in South Korea, Hoseog Dho, Taeman Kim, Changteal Baeg (Korea Radioactive Waste Ageny), Gilyong Cha, Soonyoung Kim (Radiation Core Technologies, Co. Ltd.) 15418 Helium Behavior in Implanted B4C Boron Carbide, V. Motte, D. Gosset (CEA), S. Miro (CEA), S. Doriot (CEA), S. Surble (CEA), N. Moncoffre (CNRS-IN2P3, IPNL, Université Lyon I) 15545 AREVA Advanced Safety I&C Solutions and Licensing Experience for New Nuclear Builds and Modernization Projects, Benoît Fourestie (AREVA GmbH), Philippe Hilsenkopf, Philippe Paris (AREVA NP), Johannes Pickelmann, Steffen Richter (AREVA GmbH) 15328 Development of a Multi-Scale Thermal-Hydraulic Model of the TALL-3D Facility and Validation with Experimental Data, Clotaire Geffray, Rafael Macián-Juan (Technische Universität München), Angel Papukchiev (Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit mbH), Dmitry Grishchenko, Pavel Kudinov (KTH) 15370 Evaluation of Accident Mitigation Procedures with Isolation Condensers for LWR by Reactor Simulation Analyses, Hiroki Kokami, Yuhei Hamada, Shuichiro Miwa, Hiroto Sakasita, Michitsugu Mori (Hokkaido University) 15481 Influence of the Austenitic Stainless Steel Microstructure on the Void Swelling under Ion Irradiation, Baptiste Rouxel, Caroline Bisor, Yann Decarlan, Arnaud Courcelle, Alexandre Legris (CEA Saclay) 15556 An Approach to Merge PSA-based Assumptions and BEPU Method, Sebastián Martorell, Aurelio Lázaro, Isabel Martón, Francisco Sanchez, José. F. Villanueva, Ana I. Sánchez, Sofía Carlos (Universtitat Politècnica de València) Room 12 3:00pm TRACK 8. Thermal Hydraulics Analysis and Testing 15543 Solving the Neutron Slowing down Equation and Computing Self-Shielded Cross Sections, Bertrand Mercier (Conservatoire National des Arts & Métiers), Peng Jinghan Arthur (Institut Franco-Chinois de l’Energie Nucléaire, Sun Yat-sen University) 15464 CFD Simulation of Natural Convection in a Passive Moderator Cooling System of an Advanced Nuclear Reactor, Eshita Pal, Jyeshtharaj B. Joshi (Homi Bhabha National Institute), A.K. Nayak, P.K. Vijayan (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre) Room 14 15183 Simulation Study of Pressure Evolution in the Helium Gap of In Pile Section of CALLISTO Test Facility in the Case of LBLOCA and Closed Blocked Safety Valve Using the Computer Code RELAP5/SCDAP3.2, Hadjam Ahmed (Nuclear Research Center of BIRINE), Souidi Ferhat (University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene USTHB), Loubar Ahcene (Nuclear Research Center of BIRINE), Weber Marcel (Nuclear Research Center SCKCEN) 15442 Comparison of CATHARE Results with the Experimental Results of Cold Leg Intermediate Break LOCA Obtained during ROSA-2/LSTF Test 7, Piotr Mazgaj (EDF; Institute of Heat Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology), Jean-Luc Vacher (EDF), Sofia Carnevali (CEA) Room 3 Room 1 Session Chairs: Didier De Bruyn, SCK•CEN, Belgium; Y. De Carlan, CEA, France 15486 Investigation of the Relationships between Mechanical Properties and Microstructure in Fe-9% Cr ODS Steel, B. Hary, T. Guilbert (Service de Recherches en Métallurgie Appliquée, CEA Saclay), T. Baudin (Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d’Orsay), Y. de Carlan, P. Wident (CEA Saclay) Room 5 Session Chairs: Françoise De Bois, AREVA, France > WEDNESDAY, MAY 6 PERIOD 4 TECHNICAL SESSIONS TRACK 1. Water-Cooled Reactor Programs and Issues 8:00am 8:20am 8:00am >>10:00am 9:20am 9:40pm TRACK 4. Fast Neutron and Other Innovative Reactors High Temperature Reactors Operation, Performance and Reliability Management TRACK 5. Plant Safety Assessment and Regulatory Issues 1.02-II SMR 2.04 Thermal-hydraulics 2.07 ATHR 3.01-IV Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor - Safety 3.05-I Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor Neutronics and Fuel 3.07 Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor Technology 4.04-I Equipment Testing and Maintenance 5.01-II Systems (Reliability, Assessment, Use) 5.04-II Hydrogen Room 15 Room 16 Room 9 Room 4 Room 10 Room 5 Room 17 Room 6 Room 7 Session Chair: John Sulley, Rolls-Royce, United Kingdom Session Chair: C.G. Du Toit, North-West University, South Africa Session Chairs: Michael Fütterer, JRC Petten, The Netherlands; James W. Sterbentz, INL, USA Session Chair: Jean Claude Garnier, CEA, France Session Chair: Carlo Fiorina, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland Session Chair: Janos Gadó, MTA EK, Hungary Session Chair: Hiroaki Ohira, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan Session Chair: Boris Dimitrov, IRSN, France Session Chair: Ahmed Bentaib, IRSN, France 15108 Sensitivity Study of the Factors Affecting First-of-a-Kind and Nth-of-a-Kind Small Modular Reactor Investment Costs, Lauren Boldon (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Piyush Sabharwall (Idaho National Laboratory), Erich Schneider (University of Texas at Austin), Li Liu (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) 15338 Assessment of the Crossflow Loss Coefficient in the Very High Temperature Reactor Core, Sung Nam Lee, Nam-il Tak, Min Hwan Kim, Jae Man Noh (KAERI) 15118 Achieving Salt-Cooled Reactor Goals: Economics, Variable Electricity, No Major Fuel Failures, Charles Forsberg (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) 15280 TRACE Code Application to the DBA Assessment for Sodium Cooled Fast Reactors, Andong Shin, Yong-won Choi, Young Seok Bang (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety) 15059 Neutronic Analysis of a Small B&BR in View of Burnup-Dependent Fuel Swelling, Donny Hartanto, Yonghee Kim (Department of Nuclear & Quantum Engineering, KAIST) 15068 Preliminary Studies of Na-CO2 Interaction Byproduct Cleaning Agent for SFR Coupled to S-CO2 Power Cycle, Hwa-Young Jung (KAIST); Div. Fast Reactor Technology Demonstration, (KAERI), Jeong Ik Lee (KAIST), Myung-Hwan Wi (Div. Fast Reactor Technology Demonstration, (KAERI), Hong Joo Ahn (Div. Nuclear Chemistry Research, (KAERI) 15083 Replacement of Fine Particle Purification Filter of the PHT Purification System, Dong Suk Lee (Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power) 15445 Assessment of the Penetration Weld Failure for APR 1400, Jaehoon Jung, Sang Mo An, Kwang Soon Ha, Hwan Yeol Kim (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) 15312 Containment Hydrogen Concentration Monitoring: Considerations From AP1000® Plant Projects, Ryan D. Griffin (Westinghouse Electric Company LLC), Zoran Vujic (Westinghouse Electric Germany GmbH), William Turkowski (Westinghouse Electric Company LLC) 15064 Exploratory Studies of Small Modular Reactors Using the ASTEC Code, Mirco Di Giuli (University of Bologna), Marco Sumini, Giacomino Bandini (ENEA, UTFISSM-SICSIS), Lionel Chailan (Institut de Radioprotection et Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN)) 15167 A Methodology for the Characterization of the Effective Thermal Conductivity in the Near-wall Region of a Packed Pebble Bed, P.G. Rousseau, C.G. Du Toit, M. De Beer (North-West University) 15073 The Effects of Variations of UO2 Fuel, FLiBe and Graphite Moderator Composition and Proportions on a Small Fluoride Saltcooled, High-temperature Reactor, Hassan Mohamed, Geoffrey T. Parks, Eugene Shwageraus (University of Cambridge) 15358 Evaluation of the Behaviors of the SFR-v2 and CFV-v1 Cores during an ULOF with SIMMER-III, S. Poumerouly (EDF), D. Ribot (Ecole des Mines de Paris), A. Bachrata (CEA) 15091 Low Void Effect (CFV) Core Concept Flexibility : from Self-breeder to Burner Core, L. Buiron (CEA), L. Dujcikova (University of Technologyin Bratislava) 15132 Large Electro-magnetic Pump Design for Application in the Astrid Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor, Tetsu Suzuki, Hidetsugu Matsuzawa (Advanced System Design & Engineering Dept., Toshiba Corporation Power Systems Company), Rie Aizawa (Plant project engineering Dept., Toshiba Corporation Power Systems Company), Guy Laffont, Olivier Gastaldi (CEA Cadarache) 15101 Key Developments of a Rod Control System, Marc Pouillot, Hélène Jegou, Arnaud Duthou (Rolls-Royce, Civil Nuclear) 15446 Experimental Investigation on APR1400 In-Core Instrumentation Penetration Failure during a Severe Accident, Sang Mo An, Jaehoon Jung, Kwang Soon Ha, Hwan Yeol Kim (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) 15490 CSNI Post-Fukushima Activity on Hydrogen - Part I: Hydrogen Management, Z. Liang (Canadian Nuclear Laboratories), M. Sonnenkalb (Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit), A. Bentaib (Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté), M. Sangiorgi (European Commission - Joint Research Centre) 15433 Safety Improvement in Building Layout Design to Meet the Safety Design Criteria for the Generation IV SFR, Atsushi Katoh, Yoshitaka Chikazawa, Kunihiko Nabeshima (JAEA), Mikinori Iwasaki, You Akiyama, Takeaki Ohya (MFBR) 15144 3-D Fuel Shuffling for Reduced Peak Burnup and Increased Uranium Utilization of Breed-and-Burn Reactors, Jason Hou (University of California, Berkeley), Staffan Qvist (Uppsala University), Ehud Greenspan (University of California, Berkeley) 15236 ASTRID SFR Prototype Steam Generator Design Evolution Related to Safety and Cost Issues, Antony Woaye Hune, Alain Gerber, Jean-Philippe Pirus, Laurent Soucille (AREVA NP), Gilles Rodriguez, François Beauchamp (French Commission for Atomic Energy and Alternative Energy) 15387 Next Generation of Optical Front Ends for Numerical Services, Marc Fullenbaum, Alain Durieux, Guilhem Dubroca, Philippe Fuss (Sodern) 15534 Experimental Validation of the Concept of Long-term Passive Cooling System of Emergency Cooldown Tank, Myoung Jun Kim (Kookmin University, Korea), Joo Hyung Moon, Youngmin Bae, Young In Kim (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute), Hee Joon Lee (Kookmin University, Korea) 15491 CSNI Post-Fukushima Activity on Hydrogen - Part II: Computer Codes and Validations, Z. Liang (Canadian Nuclear Laboratories), M. Sonnenkalb (Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit), A. Bentaib (Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté), M. Sangiorgi (European Commission - Joint Research Centre) 15488 Improved Modelling of Sodium-Spray Fires and Sodium-Combustion Aerosol Chemical Evolution, Emmanuel Mathe (IRSN), Martin Kissane (IRSN, current affiliation OECD Nuclear Energy Agency), Denis Petitprez (PC2A, University of Lille 1) 15165 Development and Validation of the TOPAZ Design Option for Minimizing the Void Effect in Large SFR Cores, Anne-Claire Scholer, Denis Verrier (AREVA) 15293 Three-dimensional Multi-Physics Model of the European Sodium Fast Reactor Design Applied to DBA Analysis, Aurelio Lázaro, Jose Ordoñez (Universtitat Politècnica de Valencia), Przemyslaw Stanisz (Faculty of Energy and Fuels, AGH University of Science and Technology), Luca Ammirabile, Haileyesus Tsige-Tamirat (Joint Research Centre - Institute for Energy and Transport), Sebastián Martorell (Universtitat Politècnica de Valencia) 15012 Replacement of Upper Core Structure in Experimental Fast Reactor Joyo: (1) Existing Damaged Upper Core Structure Jack-up Test, Hiromichi Ito, Nobuhiro Suzuki, Tetsuhiko Kobayashi, Hirotaka Kawahara, Akinori Nagai (JAEA), Ryuta Sakao, Chotaro Murata, Jyunya Tanaka, Yasunori Matsusaka, Takahiro Tatsuno (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, LTD.) 15550 Comparison of Containment Dousing System Response for a CANDU 6 Station Blackout Sequence Using MAAP4-CANDU (v4.0.7) and GOTHIC (v7.2B), Sergei M Petoukhov (Canadian Nuclear Laboratories), Tuan Hoang Nguyen (Candu Energy Incorporated) 15113 Introduction to Integrated Test Facility for Assessment of Containment Integrity in Severe Accident Conditions, Young Su Na, Seong-Ho Hong, Seong-Wan Hong (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) 15245 Assessment of Similarity for The Radial Expansion Experiment Model at the BFS Facility, Sunghwan Yun, Sang-Ji Kim (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) 15362 Status of the Sodium Gas Heat Exchanger (SGHE) Development for the Nitrogen Power Conversion System Planned for the ASTRID SFR Prototype, L. Cachon, F. Vitillo, C. Garnier, X. Jeanningros, E. Rigal, F. Le Bourdais, S. Madeleine, O. Gastaldi, G. Laffont (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission) 15013 Replacement of Upper Core Structure in Experimental Fast Reactor Joyo: (3) Development of In-Vessel Observation Techniques for UCS Replacement, Eiji Okuda, Jun Sasaki, Nobuhiro Suzuki, Misao Takamatsu, Akinori Nagai (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) 8:40am 9:00am TRACK 3. TRACK 2. 15171 Sustainability of Thorium-Uranium in Pebble-bed Fluoride Salt-cooled High Temperature Reactor, Guifeng Zhu (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences), Yang Zou, Hongjie Xu (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Key Laboratory of Nuclear Radiation and Nuclear Energy Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences) 15261 Feasibility Study on Core Cooling Systems for Research Reactor, In Sub Jun, Soo Hyung Yang (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) 15027 A System CFD Model of the Heat Transfer in a Prismatic Block of a VHTR, C.G. Du Toit, P.G. Rousseau, P. Sambureni, L.A. Le Grange (North-West University) 15414 Assessment of the Density Lock as a Passive Safety Feature for a Small Modular Reactor, Tian Zhang (RWTH Aachen University; Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH), Francesco Tantillo (RWTH Aachen University; Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH), Stephan Kelm (Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH), Hans-Josef Allelein (RWTH Aachen University; Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH) 15283 Optimization of Lower Plenum Structure for Mixing Promotion during Normal Operation Conditions - High Temperature Test Facility at Oregon State University, M.J. Gradecka, B.G. Woods (Oregon State University), P. Furmański (Warsaw University of Technology) 15185 Role and Status of Scaled Experiments in the Development of FluorideSalt-Cooled, High-Temperature Reactors, Nicolas Zweibaum, Lakshana Huddar (University of California, Berkeley), Joel T. Hughes (University of New Mexico), Michael R. Laufer (University of California, Berkeley), Edward D. Blandford (University of New Mexico), Raluca O. Scarlat (University of Wisconsin), Per F. Peterson (University of California, Berkeley) 15427 Depressurized Loss of Coolant Accident Mitigation Method Framework at Oregon State University High Temperature Test Facility, Izabela Gutowska (Warsaw University of Technology), Brian Woods (Oregon State University), Piotr Furmański (Warsaw University of Technology) 15190 Thermophysical Property Sensitivity Study of LiF-BeF2 and NaFZrF4 Coolants on Thermal Hydraulic Licensing Limits for a Fluoride Salt Cooled High Temperature Test Reactor, R.R. Romatoski, L.W. Hu, C.W. Forsberg (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) 15390 Development of «Balance of Plant» Simulator of the DMS for Co-Generation, Tomohiko Ikegawa, Kazuaki Kito (Hitachi, Ltd., Hitachi Research Laboratory), Koji Nishida (Hitachi-GE Nucelar Energy, Ltd.) 15021 Replacement of Upper Core Structure in Experimental Fast Reactor Joyo: (2) Development of Cover Gas Recycling System with Precise Pressure Control, Hiroshi Ushiki, Eiji Okuda, Nobuhiro Suzuki, Katsu Ohta, Hirotaka Kawahara, Misao Takamatsu (JAEA) WEDNESDAY, MAY 6 PERIOD 4 TECHNICAL SESSIONS TRACK 5. Plant Safety Assessment and Regulatory Issues 8:20am 8:40am 9:00am 9:20am 9:40pm TRACK 6. 6.02-III Deterministic Methods Room 12 Session Chair: Christophe Herer, IRSN, France TRACK 8. TRACK 7. Reactor Physics and Analysis 5.13 Ongoing Programs and Regulatory Issues Fuel Cycle and Waste Management Thermal Hydraulics Analysis and Testing 8.04 Gen-IV and Advanced Fuel and Waste Management TRACK 9. Materials and Strucural Issues 9.04 Fuel/clad Material Room 13 7.04-II Thermal Hydraulics Testing Room 11 7.13-I Advanced Concepts Session Chair: Jean-François Vidal, CEA, France Session Chair: Cecilia Martin-del-Campo, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico Session Chair: Cesare Frepoli, FPoliSolutions LLC, USA Session Chair: Stefano Passerini, Argonne National Laboratory, USA Session Chairs: Vladimir Kuznetsov, IAEA, Austria; Temitope Taiwo, Argonne National Laboratory, USA 15408 Post-Fukushima Severe Accident Research Activities at NRC Addressing Near Term Task Force Recommendations, Sudhamay Basu, Hossein Esmaili, Allen Notafrancesco, Donald Algama, Richard Lee (United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission) 15075 Explicit Modeling of a VVER-1000 Radial Reflector by a Ring of Assembly-Size Nodes, Emiliya Georgieva (Risk Engineering Ltd.; KIT), Kostadin Ivanov (The Pennsylvania State University), Robert Stieglitz (KIT) 15254 IAEA ADS Benchmark Analysis of KUCA Experiments: Phase I, Wonkyeong Kim, Deokjung Lee (UNIST), Cheol Ho Pyeon (Nuclear Engineering Science Division, (KURRI) 15209 Supplementation and Validation of Heat Transfer Model in MARS-LMR for Sodium-Air Heat Exchanger in Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor, Chiwoong Choi, Kwiseok Ha (KAERI) 15040 MHD Instability Analysis of a Large Scale Electromagnetic Pump for the PEMDYN Facility, L. Goldsteins (CEA Cadarache; Grenoble Institute of Technology (INPG); University of Latvia (UL)), L. Buligins (University of Latvia (UL)), Y. Fautrelle (Grenoble Institute of Technology (INPG)), C. Biscarrat (CEA Cadarache), E. Platacis (Institute of Physics University of Latvia (IPUL)) 15483 Heterogeneous World Model and Collaborative Scenarios of Transition to Globally Sustainable Nuclear Energy Systems, Vladimir Kuznetsov, Galina Fesenko (International Atomic Energy Agency) 15045 Hydrogen Uptake of Zircaloy-4 during Reaction in Nitrogen/Steam Atmosphere in the Temperature Range of 600 - 1100°C, M. Grosse, M. Steinbrueck (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), L. Ott (INP ENSIACET), A. Kaestner (Paul Scherrer Institut) 15423 The Solution on the Revision of Current RIISI Program with New Evidence of Seismic Hazard, Wei-Chang Chen, Chun-Chang Chao (Institute of Nuclear Energy Research) 15154 Research on an Iterative Pin Power Reconstruction Method in Core Simulator of COSINE Code Package, Xiaoyu Hu, Changhui Wang, Guoping Quan, Su Wang, Yixue Chen (State Nuclear Power Software Development Center), Yongping Wang (Xi’an Jiaotong University) 15270 Preliminary Analysis of Basic Reactor Physics of the Dual Fluid Reactor Concept, Xiang Wang (Technical University Munich), Marcus Seidl (E.ON Kernkraft GmbH), Rafael Macian-Juan (Technical University Munich) 15224 Improvement of APR+ Core Inlet Flow Distribution with a Partially Blocked LSSBP, Kihwan Kim, Dong-Jin Euh, In-Cheol Chu, Hae-Seob Choi, Tae-Soon Kwon (KAERI) 15178 Validation of APROS Code against Experimental Data from a Lead-bismuth Eutectic Thermal-hydraulic Loop, Ignas Mickus (KTH), Jari Lappalainen (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland), Pavel Kudinov (KTH) 15337 Promising Fuel Cycle Options for R&D Results, Insights, and Future Directions, Roald A. Wigeland (Idaho National Laboratory) 15117 Some Anomalies in the Fission Products Release from Microfuel at Deep Burnup, A.S. Ivanov, A.A. Rusinkevich (NIC «Kurchatov Institute») 15264 Performance Validation of Advanced Safety Features of APR+, Tae-Soon Kwon, Kyoung-Ho Kang, Dong-Jin Euh, Hung-Gil Chun (KAERI) 15222 Pre-test Analyses for the Experimental Sodium Loop KASOLA with ASTEC-Na and Benchmarking with Other Codes, G. Bandini, S. Ederli, C. Parisi (ENEA), P. Balestra (ENEA), M. Haselbauer, S. Perez-Martin, W. Hering (KIT), L.E. Herranz (CIEMAT), C. Berna, A. Escriva, J.L. Munoz-Cobo (UPV) 15346 Tradeoffs in Fuel Cycle Performance for Most Promising Options, T. Taiwo, T.K. Kim, B. Feng, N. Stauff, E. Hoffman, F. Ganda (ANL), M. Todosow, N. Brown, G. Raitses (BNL), J. Gehin, J. Powers (ORNL), G. Youinou, H. Hiruta, R. Wigeland (INL) 15311 Out-of-pile Study of Lanthanide Migration in U-Zr Alloy Fuel, Yeon Soo Kim, T. Wiencek, E. O’Hare, J. Fortner (Argonne National Laboratory), T. Ogata (CRIEPI), B.O. Lee (KAERI) 15379 Experimental Measurements and CFD Evaluation of Wall Heat Flux Partitioning during Subcooled Flow Boiling of R-11 within Vertical Annulus, Y. Bouaichaoui (Birine Nuclear Research Center; LTPMP/FGMGP/USTHB), R. Kibboua (LTPMP/FGMGP/USTHB), A. Belkaid (Birine Nuclear Research Center) 15429 Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis of AP1000 LBLOCA Using SNAP/RELAP5-DAKOTA, Mian Xing (State Nuclear Power Reseach Institute), Xiao Hu (State Nuclear Power Technology Research & Development Center), Fei Li, Likai Fei, Linsen Li, Yaodong Chen (State Nuclear Power Reseach Institute), Jianping Jing (Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center) 15343 Systems Using Water-cooled Reactor Technology to Achieve Fast Reactor Performance, F. Ganda (ANL), N.R. Brown (BNL), B. Feng (ANL), H. Hiruta (INL), T.K. Kim (ANL), G. Raitses (BNL), T.A. Taiwo (ANL), M. Todosow (BNL), R. Wigeland, G.J. Youinou (INL), G. Zhang (University of California, Berkeley) 15558 An Investigation into Interaction between the Fission Product Silver and Silicon Carbide, Han Liu, Xin Geng, Nadia Rohbeck, Mingwen Bai, Ping Xiao (University of Manchester) Room 8 8:00am 8:00am >> 10:00am 6.05-II Reactor Analysis Room 14 Room 3 Room 1 Session Chairs: Martine BLAT, EDF R&D, France; P.R. Vasudeva Rao, IGCAR, India 15478 Study of Space-energy Effects in Subcritical Reactor within a Time-dependent Multi-group 1-Dimensional Diffusion Approach, G. Lehaut, J.-L. 15510 Control Room Habitability Assessment and In-leakage Test for Korean NPP, Dong Soo Song, Jong Beom Lee, Sang Jun Ha, Je Jeoong Seong (KHNP (Korea Hydro Nuclear Power Ltd) Central Research Institute) 15287 Development Status of the Reactor Core Physics Analyses Code in COSINE Project, Changhui Wang, Xiaoyu Hu, Guoping Quan, Su Wang, Hui Yu, Zhanquan Liu, Yixue Chen (SNPTC) 15523 Study of Wood’s Metal Freezing Characteristics in Order to be Used as Water Stopper Material, Radu Secareanu, Ilie Prisecaru (University «Politehnica» Bucharest) 15416 Evaluation of Relevant Information for Optimal Reflector Modeling through Data Assimilation Procedures, Jean-Philippe Argaud, Bertrand Bouriquet, Thomas Clerc, Flora Lucet-Sanchez, Angelique Poncot (EDF R&D) Lecouey, N. Marie (LPC Caen, IN2P3/CNRS), P. Baeten (StudieCentrum voor Kernenergie-Centre d’Etude de l’Energie Nucléaire), G. Ban (LPC Caen, IN2P3/CNRS), V. Bécares (Centro de Investigationes Energeticas MedioAmbientales y Tecnologicas), A. Billebaud, S. Chabod (Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie, CNRS-IN2P3/ UJF/INPG), T. Chevret (LPC Caen, IN2P3/CNRS), X. Doligez (Institut de Physique Nucléaire d’Orsay, CNRS-IN2P3/University), A. Kochetkov, A. Krasa (StudieCentrum voor Kernenergie-Centre d’Etude de l’Energie Nucléaire), F.-R. Lecolley (LPC Caen, IN2P3/CNRS), F. Mellier (CEA), W. Uyttenhove (StudieCentrum voor Kernenergie-Centre d’Etude de l’Energie Nucléaire), D. Villamarin (Centro de Investigationes Energeticas MedioAmbientales y Tecnologicas), G. Vittiglio, J. Wagemans (StudieCentrum voor Kernenergie-Centre d’Etude de l’Energie Nucléaire) 15492 Dynamics of Subcritical Reactor Driven by Proton Linac, Anna Golovkina, Igor Kudinovich, Dmitri Ovsyannikov, Yuri Svistunov (Saint-Petersburg State University) 15447 Measurement of Heat Transfer Effectiveness during Collision of a Leidenfrost Droplet with a Heated Wall, Jun-Seok Park, Hyungdae Kim (Kyung Hee University), Sung Won Bae, Kyung Doo Kim (KAERI) 15303 Dynamic Characteristics of Liquid Film Flow from Direct Vessel Injection of APR1400, Han-Sol Kim (Handong Global University), JongRok Kim, Dong-Jin Euh (KAERI), Jae-Young Lee (Handong Global University) 15316 Progress in Thorium Fuel Cycle Technology Devoted to Molten Salt Reactor System, Jan Uhlir, Martin Marecek (Research Centre Rez), Martin Straka, Lorant Szatmary (UJV Rez) 15320 Performance of Promising Thorium Fuel Cycles, M. Todosow, N. Brown (Brookhaven National Laboratory), F. Heidet, E. Hoffman, T. Taiwo (Argonne National Laboratory), J. Powers, J. Gehin (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), R. Wigeland (Idaho National Laboratory) 15018 Analysis of the Transient Behavior of PWR Cladding during the Cooling Phase in Simulated LOCA Experiments, Hsingtzu Wu, Yutaka Udagawa, Takafumi Narukawa, Tomoyuki Sugiyama, Masaki Amaya (JAEA) 15262 Analysis of Onset of Oxidation During Hypothesized Severe Accidents of Korean Optimized Power Reactor 1000, Yongjae Lee, Seongwon Seo (Hanyang University), Hwan-Yeol Kim (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute), Sung Joong Kim (Hanyang University) TRACK 10. Nuclear Energy and Climate Change Mitigation 10.03 The Role of Nuclear Power in the Future Mix: Technico-economical Aspects Room 2 Session Chairs: Sama Bilbao y Leon, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA 15342 Analysis of Reactor Capital Costs and Correlated Sampling of Economic Inputs, F. Ganda, T. K. Kim, T. Taiwo (ANL), R. Wigeland (INL) 15037 Update of the IEA/NEA Nuclear Technology Roadmap: What is the Role for Nuclear Energy in a 2 Degree Scenario, Henri Paillère (OECD/NEA), Cecilia Tam, Uwe Remme (IEA) 15323 Nuclear in a Broader Energy Context Transition Issues and Results, Arantzazu Cuadra, Vatsal Bhatt, Nicholas Brown, Michael Todosow (Brookhaven National Laboratory) 15513 The Role of Nuclear Power in the European Energy Mix, Bernard Bonin, Henri Safa (CEA, Direction de l’Energie Nucléaire, Direction Scientifique), Axel Laureau, Elsa Merle-Lucotte (PHELMA/ Grenoble INP and LPSC/IN2P3/CNRS), Joachim Miss, Danylo Matselyuk, Yann Richet (IRSN), François-Marie Bréon (Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement) 15521 Why Nuclear Energy is Essential to Reducing Anthropogenic Greenhouse-Gas Emission Rates, Agustin Alonso (Politecnica de Madrid), Barry W. Brook (University of Tasmania), Daniel A. Meneley (University of Ontario Institute of Technology), Jozef Misak (UJV-Rež), Tom Blees (Science Council for Global Initiatives), Jan B. van Erp (Illinois Commission on Atomic Energy, former) > WEDNESDAY, MAY 6 PERIOD 5 TECHNICAL SESSIONS TRACK 1. TRACK 2. 1.05 Continuous Improvement 2.06 Applications Water-Cooled Reactor Programs and Issues 3:10pm 3:30pm 3:50pm 4:10pm TRACK 3. TRACK 4. Fast Neutron and Other Innovative Reactors 3.05-II Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor - Neutronics and Fuel Operation, Performance and Reliability Management TRACK 5. Plant Safety Assessment and Regulatory Issues 3.12 Fast Reactor - General Room 4 4.04-II Equipment Testing and Maintenance 5.07 Reflood and Fuel Coolant Interaction Room 10 Session Chairs: Carl Sink, Office of Nuclear Energy, USA; Henri Paillère, NEA, France Session Chair: Laurent Buiron, CEA, France Session Chair: Didier De Bruyn, SCK•CEN, Belgium Session Chair: Moez Benfarah, EDF, France Session Chair: Seong-Wan Hong, KAERI, South Korea 15140 Coupled Analysis of Passive Safety Injection and Containment Filtered Venting for Passive Decay Heat Removal, Sang Ho Kim, Jae Hyun Ham, Soon Heung Chang, Yong Hoon Jeong (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) 15163 Coupling of a HyS Decomposition Reactor to a High Temperature Nuclear Reactor, Werner Heinrich Kaiser, Martin van Eldik, Pieter Gerhardus Rousseau (North-West University) 15275 The ASTRID Core at the Midtime of the Conceptual Design Phase (AVP2), Christophe Venard, Thierry Beck, Alain Conti, David Gentet, Pierre Lamagnere, Denis Lorenzo, Romain Lavastre, Pierre Sciora, Annick Tosello (CEA), Anne-Claire Scholer, Denis Verrier (AREVA-NP), Damien Schmitt (EDF R&D) 15039 Preliminary Safety Review of the Generation -IV Nuclear Systems, D. Blanc, O. Baudrand, V. Tiberi, M. Philippe, S. Pignet, H. Bonneville, K. Tack, K. Herviou (IRSN) 15044 An Analysis of INCORE 3D Code Output’s Sensitivity in Accordance with the Number of Measured Thimbles in Kori Unit 1, Sang-il Ahn (Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co.,Ltd.) 15042 Experimental Studies on Fuel Coolant Interactions - The Effect of Melt Temperature, Wang ZeFeng, Lin Meng, Li YanKai (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Wu Zhaoguo (State Nuclear Power Software Development Center) 15279 Numerical Study of Severe Accidents on Containment Venting Conditions, Na Rae Lee, Young Suk Bang, Tong Kyu Park, Doo Yong Lee (FNC Technology Co., Ltd.), Yu Jung Choi, Sang Won Lee, Hyeong Taek Kim (Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power, Central Research Institute) 15078 Fuel-Handling and Re-Fuelling Concept of the Canadian SCWR, A. Sartipi, M. Gaudet, M. Yetisir, B. Benson (Canadian Nuclear Laboratories) 15265 Possible Prospects of High-Temperature Reactor Application for High-Viscosity Oil Production and Refinery, A.V. Bespalov, N.G. Kodochigov, L.E. Kuznetcov (JSC «Afrikantov OKBM») 15305 ASTRID Core Shielding – Design Studies and Benchmark Analysis, Nicolas Chapoutier, Alix Janet, Marie Charlotte Ricol, Anne Claire Scholer, Denis Verrier (AREVA NP), Christophe Venard (CEA DEN Cadarache) 15065 The European Project ESNII Plus, A. Vasile, C. Wahide, C. Latge, N. Chauvin (CEA), P. Baeten, M. Schyns (SCK CEN), M. Frogheri, L. Mansani (ANSALDO), R. Stainsby (NNL), K. Mikityuk (PSI), M. Forni (ENEA), Z. Hozer (MTA EK) 15161 Continuous, On-Line Confirmation of Feedwater Flow Accuracy for Improved Plant Safety, Joanna M. Phillips, Ernest Hauser (Cameron - Caldon Ultrasonics Technology Center) 15193 Improvement of Molten Core-Concrete Interaction Model of the Debris Spreading Analysis Module in the SAMPSON Code, Masataka Hidaka, Tadashi Fujii, Takeshi Sakai (Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd.) 15399 Possible In-vessel Corium Progression Way in the Unit 1 of Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant Using a Phenomenological Analysis, Frederic Payot (CEA), Jean-Marie Seiler (CEA) 15175 Passive IN-Core Cooling System Based on Hybrid Heat Pipe and Control Rod for Advanced Nuclear Power Plants, In Cheol Bang, Kyung Mo Kim, In Guk Kim, Yeong Shin Jeong, Ji Hyun Kim (Ulsan National Insitute of Science and Technology) 15369 Experience Feedback from Nuclear Cogeneration, Camille Auriault (LGI Consulting), Michael Fütterer (JRC Petten), Olivier Baudrand (IRSN) 15074 Conceptual System Design of a Supercritical CO2 Cooled Micro Modular Reactor, Seong Gu Kim, Seung Joon Baik, Jangsik Moon, Hwanyeal Yu, Yong Hoon Jeong, Yonghee Kim, Jeong Ik Lee (KAIST) 15206 Eddy Current Testing System for Bottom Mounted Instrumentation Welds, Noriyasu Kobayashi, Souichi Ueno, Naotaka Suganuma, Tatsuya Oodake, Takeshi Maehara, Takashi Kasuya, Hiroya Ichikawa (Toshiba Corporation) 15281 Fuel Coolant Interaction Studies in the Frame of CEA Programs: Impact of Material Effect and Hydrogen Production on Steam Explosion, Pascal Piluso, N. Cassiaut-Louis, P. Fouquart, V. Tyrpekl, T. Alpettaz (CEA), C. Gueneau, S. Gossé, C. Brayer (CEA), A. Quaini (CEA) 15422 Some Consequences of Material Interactions for In-Vessel Melt Retention, Florian Fichot, Laure Carénini (IRSN) 15220 Review of Issues Relating to the Enhancement of Critical Heat Flux in Nuclear Reactors, S.M.K. Hasan, M.A.Z. Chowdhury, M.A.R. Sarkar (Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology) 15473 Application of the High-temperature Gas-cooled Reactor to Produce Tritium for Fusion Reactors, Hiroyuki Nakaya, Hideaki Matsuura, Kazunari Katayama (Kyushu University), Minoru Goto, Shigeaki Nakagawa (JAEA) 15462 Justification of Wear Resistance of Equipment at NPPs with Liquid-Metal Coolants, V.V. Makarov, A.V. Afanasiev, V.V. Denisov, V.S Neevin (OKB GIDROPRESS) 15514 AOA/CRUD Mitigation Techniques Through Core Redesign, Koroush Shirvan (MIT) 15465 Integration of New Experiments into the Reflood Map, W. Hering, Ch. Homann, J. Stuckert (KIT) 15477 Integrated Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis Method for In-Vessel Retention with External Reactor Vessel Cooling, Jong Woon Park, Jae-Ho Bae, Wook-Cheol Seol (Dongguk University) 15525 Parametric Study with the AREVA Fuel Risk Assessment Tools Applied at a Generic US PWR, Mike G. Pop, Larry Lamanna, John Riddle, Brian Lockamon, Laura Owen, Al Hoornik (AREVA Inc.) 15515 Results of FCI Tests under Reactor Flooded Conditions in TROI, Seong-Wan Hong, Young-Su Na, Seong-Ho Hong, Jinho Song (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) Session Chair: Jean-Philippe Frontigny, AREVA, France 2:50pm High Temperature Reactors Room 16 Room 15 2:30pm 2:30pm >> 4:10pm 15181 Verification for the Representative Sampling of ACP1000 NPP Gaseous Effluent: Test and Analysis, Xin-Fang Dong, Hang Li (CIAE), Shihai Ding, Yong Wang (CNPE) 15361 European Benchmark on the ASTRID-like Low-void-effect Core Characterization: Neutronic Parameters and Safety Coefficients, Sara Bortot (PSI), Francisco Alvarez-Velarde (CIEMAT), Emil Fridman (HZDR), Ignacio Garcia Cruzado, Nuria Garcia Herranz (UPM), Francisco Martin-Fuertes (CIEMAT), Konstantin Mikityuk, Anne-Laurene Panadero, Sandro Pelloni (PSI), Alexander Ponomarev (KIT), Pierre Sciora (CEA), Armin Seubert (GRS), Haileyesus Tsige-Tamirat (JRC), Alfredo Vasile (CEA) 15458 Mapping of Sodium Void Worth and Doppler Effect for Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor, Jiri Krepel, Sandro Pelloni, Sara Bortot, Anne-Laurène Panadero, Konstantin Mikityuk (PSI) 15531 Power Profile Optimization of Sodiumcooled CANDLE Core by Using Thorium Fuel, Ryosuke Miura, Naoyuki Takaki (Tokyo City University) Room 17 15547 Strategy for Mitigation Open Phase Conditions (OPC) in the Electrical System, Waldemar Geissler, Wolfgang Schoenberger, Jimmy Lorange (AREVA GmbH) Room 6 5.08 In Vessel Retention Room 7 Session Chairs: Jiří Žďárek, ÚJV Řež, a. s., Czech Republic; Jean-Pierre Van Dorsselaere, IRSN, France WEDNESDAY, MAY 6 PERIOD 5 TECHNICAL SESSIONS TRACK 6. Reactor Physics and Analysis 6.05-III Reactor Analysis 2:50pm 3:10pm 3:30pm 3:50pm 4:10pm TRACK 7. TRACK 8. Thermal Hydraulics Analysis and Testing 7.09 Two-Phase CFD Fuel Cycle and Waste Management 7.10-II Multiphase General 7.13-II Advanced Concepts 8.05 Waste Management Technologies Room 3 TRACK 9. Materials and Strucural Issues 9.05 Mechanical Behavior Room 1 TRACK 10. Nuclear Energy and Climate Change Mitigation 10.04 The Role of Nuclear Power in the Future Mix: Synergy between Nuclear Power and Renewables TRACK 12. Plant Licensing and International Regulatory Issues 12.03 Reactor Applications Room 9 Room 12 Room 14 Session Chair: Juan Luis François, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico Session Chair: Christophe Calvin, CEA, France Session Chair: Kazuyuki Takase, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan Session Chair: David Pialla, CEA, France Session Chairs: Jan Uhlir, Research Centre Rez, Czech Republic; Sou Watanabe, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan Session Chair: Philippe Chapelot, CEA, France 15097 Neutron and Gamma-ray Deep Penetration Calculation through Concrete Shield for Wolsong Unit 1 of CANDU Reactor, Sung Hyun Shin, Chang Joo Hah, Chang Lak Kim (KINGS) 15004 Nitrogen Hold up Estimation in Mercury-nitrogen Loop by Enhanced Version of FLUENT and Limited View Tomography Algorithm, Sanjeev Kumar, Mayank Goswami, Prabhat Munshi (IIT Kanpur) 15250 TRACE Assessments of Christensen Subcooled Boiling Experiments for Review of SPACE Code Capabilities, Aeju Cheong, Andong Shin, Young Seok Bang, Nam Duk Suh (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety) 15398 Evaluation of Self-controllability for a Loss of Reactor Coolant Flow of SMART Plant, KyooHwan Bae, Young-Jong Chung, Hyung-Rae Kim, Keong-Koo Kim (KAERI) 15241 Safety Operation of Chromatography Column System with Discharging Hydrogen Radiolytically Generated, Sou Watanabe, Yuichi Sano, Kazunori Nomura, Yoshikazu Koma, Yoshihiro Okamoto (JAEA) 15014 Measuring Sensors for Comprehensive Vibration Assessment Program of The APR1400 Reactor Vessel Internals, Do-Young Ko, Eung-Se Oh (Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co., Ltd. Central Research Institute) 15077 Refueling and Fuel Transportation using a Barge for the Offshore Floating Nuclear Power Plant, G. Srinivasan (CB&I), M. Golay, J. Buongiorno, N. Todreas (MIT) 15093 Qualification Program of the ASTRID SFR Project: Definition, Methodology and Associated Risk Evaluation & Management, Gilles Rodriguez (CEA), Jean-Francois Dirat (AREVA-NP), Amael Traina, Mickael Christofari (SONOVISION) 15234 Evaluation of SFR Deformed Core Reactivity, M. Gentili, B. Fontaine, G. Rimpault (CEA) 15156 CFD Model for Simulation of Subcooled Nucleate Flow Boiling and Coupling with STHCode for Analysis of IVR Coolability, M. Sonntag, X. Cheng (KIT) 15498 Analysis of Capability of the Cobra-En Code to Reproduce a Nine-Rod Bundle Mixing Tests, Adolfo R. Hamers, Claubia Pereira, Maria Auxiliadora Fortini Veloso (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais), Marcelo Veloso (Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear), Patricia A. L. Reis (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais) 15410 Validation of Plant Dynamics Analysis Code Using Shutdown Heat Removal Test-17 Performed at the EBR-II, Hiroaki Ohira, Norihiro Doda, Hideki Kamide (JAEA), Takashi Iwasaki, Masaki Minami (NESI Inc.) 15133 Improvement of Adsorption Properties of Zeolites and Their Characterization, Hitoshi Mimura, Md. Shakilur Rahman (Tohoku University), Isao Yamagishi (JAEA), Minoru Matsukura (Union Showa), Ayako Kuroda Kuroda (Seibu Giken) 15088 Operability Assessment for the Components Having Unidentified S-PWHT Records in an Operating Nuclear Power Plant, Kyoungsoo Lee, Hongdeok Kim, Sangkyu Park, Jaegon Lee (Central Research Institute/Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. Ltd.) 15115 Variable Electricity and Steam from Salt, Helium, and Sodium Cooled Base-Load Reactors with Gas Turbines and Heat Storage, Charles Forsberg (MIT), Pat McDaniel (University of New Mexico), B. Zohuri (Galaxy Advanced Engineering) 15218 Application of Objective Provision Tree to Development of Standard Review Plan for Sodiumcooled Fast Reactor Nuclear Design, Moo-Hoon Bae, Namduk Suh (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS)), Bongsuk Kang, Huichang Yang (TÜV Rheinland Korea Ltd.) 15472 Characteristic Analyses on the Coolant Channel Blockage of a Pool-type Lead-bismuth Cooled Small Modular Reactor Utilizing Natural Circulation, Sangrok Park, Yong-Hoon Shin, Il Soon Hwang (Seoul National University) 15244 The Assessment of Radionuclides Migration and Diffusion Characteristics through Groundwater for Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Plant, Shih-Feng Wen (National Tsing Hua University), Chih-Hung Lin (NTHU Center for Energy and Evironmental Research), Yuh-Ming Ferng (National Tsing Hua University) 15145 An Investigation of Major Influences on the Seismic Response of APR1400 Reactor Vessel Internals, Young Jin Byun, Jung Gyu Kim, Ki Kwang Sung, Dae Hee Lee (KEPCO Engineering & Construction) 15125 Variable Electricity from Base-load Nuclear Power Plants Using Stored Heat, Charles Forsberg (MIT), Erich Schneider (University of Texas at Austin) 15508 European Passive Plant (EPP) Program Support of AP1000® Plant Licensing in the UK, Kathryn J. Demetri, Julie Gorgemans (Westinghouse Electric Company) 15551 Passive Decay-Heat Removal in the Fixed Bed Nuclear Reactor (FBNR), Erika C. Solano D., Gloria Maribel Luna A., Roque A. Santos, David E. Vaca C. (Escuela Politecnica Nacional) 15143 Integrated Methodologies for Tracers Use in Radioactive Waste Management, Raffealla Testoni (Politecnico di Torino), Riccardo Levizzari (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, Saluggia Research Centre), Mario De Salve (Politecnico di Torino) 15184 High-Temperature CANDU Fuel Bundle Behaviour Experiment: Preliminary Results, C.. Thiriet, R.S. Dickson, K.D. Colins (Atomic Energy of Canada Limited) 15136 Integrated Nuclear-Renewable Energy Systems: Regional Opportunities, Shannon M. Bragg-Sitton, Richard Boardman (Idaho National Laboratory), Mark Ruth, Owen Zinaman (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), Charles Forsberg (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) 15479 IAEA/INPRO Preliminary Study on Legal and Institutional Issues for Transportable Nuclear Power Plants, Vladimir Kuznetsov (International Atomic Energy Agency), Zoran Drace (Consultant) 15130 Treatment of TMSR-SF1 Radioactive Liquid Waste, Shuai Wang, Qiang Qin, Hongjun Ma, Liubin He, Yanbo Qiao, Zhenghua Qian, Xueyang LIu, Hongyu Wang (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics) 15192 Development of RBWR (Resource-renewable BWR) for Recycling and Transmutation of Transuranium Elements: (3) Vibration Analysis of Fuel Assembly, Yuichi Koide, Shigeyuki Koyama (Hitachi, Ltd.) 15555 Can Nuclear Power and Renewables Be Friends?, D.T. Ingersoll, C. Colbert, Z. Houghton, R. Snuggerud (NuScale Power), J.W. Gaston (Energy Northwest), M. Empey (UAMPS) Room 13 2:30pm 2:30pm >> 4:10pm 15257 Flexblue Core Design: Optimisation of Fuel Poisoning for a Soluble Boron Free Core with Full or Half Core Refuelling, Jean-Jacques Ingremeau (DCNS), Maxence Cordiez (Chimie PARISTECH) 15195 Multi-dimensional Verification for the Modification of Two-Fluid Momentum Equation on Dispersed Flows, Seung-Jun Lee, Byoung Jae Kim, Ik Kyu Park, Kyung Doo Kim, Han Young Yoon (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) 15082 Feasibility Study of the Design of Homogeneously Mixed Thorium-Uranium Oxide and All-Uranium Fueled Reactor Cores for Civil Nuclear Marine Propulsion, Syed Bahauddin Alam, Benjamin A. Lindley, Geoffrey T. Parks (University of Cambridge) 15425 CFD Results for Temperature Dependence Water Cooling Pump NPSH Calculations, Mikhail P. Strongin (Xylem Inc.) 15471 Recent Advances in Modeling and Validation of Nuclear Thermal-hydraulics Applications with NEPTUNE_CFD, M. Guingo, C. Baudry, M. Hassanaly, J. Lavieville, N. Mechitoua, N. Merigoux, . Mimouni (EDF), D. Bestion, P. Coste, C. Morel (CEA) 15504 Thermophysical Characterization of Al2O3 and ZrO2 Nanofluids as Emergency Cooling Fluids of Future Generations of Nuclear Reactors, Marcelo S. Rocha, Eduardo L.L. Cabral, Gaianê Sabundjian, Helio Yoriyaz, Larissa Otubo, Delvonei A. Andrade, Ana Cecília S. Lima, Antônio Belchior-Jr, Adelk C. Prado, Julian M.B. Shorto, Tufic Madi-Filho, Benedito D. Baptista-Filho, Roberto N. Mesquita (Nuclear and Energy Research Institute - IPEN/CNEN-SP), Gherhardt Ribatsky (University of São Paulo - USP-SC) 15530 Application of Nuclear Reactor Safety Analysis Code MARS for Fusion Blanket Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis, Jeong-Hun Lee, Geon-Woo Kim, Goon-Cherl Park, Hyoung-Kyu Cho (Seoul National University), Kihak Im (National Fusion Research Institute), Hyoung-Kyu Cho (Seoul National University) Room 5 Room 2 Session Chair: Jose Reyes, NuScale Power, USA Session Chair: Françoise De Bois, AREVA, France
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