Board of Trustees Meeting May 21, 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS Agenda ............................................................................................. 3 Minutes ............................................................................................. 6 Personnel Recommendations ........................................................... 21 Purchase Report ............................................................................... 22 Finance Report ................................................................................. 30 Bill Summary..................................................................................... 53 3 Illinois Central College Regular Monthly Meeting of the Board of Trustees Thursday, May 21, 2015—3:00 p.m. Founders Room (211A)—East Peoria Campus MEETING NOTICE AND AGENDA Call Regular Meeting to Order—Sue Portscheller, Board Chair Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Recognition: James Polk, Retiring Chair Randigale Hearne Smith, GM-ASEP Graduate Women’s Softball Team Citizen’s Comments Visiting groups or individuals wishing to be heard concerning matters which lie within the scope of the Board’s duties and responsibilities shall submit a written request indicating the topic or topics to be discussed prior to the public Board meeting. Presentations are limited to 10 minutes. Statement of Conflict of Interest—Sue Portscheller, Board Chair 1. Consent Agenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roll Call Any one member may remove an item from the consent item simply by requesting the Chair to do so. Items removed will be discussed and voted upon individually immediately following passage of the Consent Agenda. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Minutes of the Open Session of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees on May 4, 2015, and Minutes of the Closed Session of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees on May 4, 2015 Personnel Recommendations Purchase Report Finance Report for April 2015 Approval of Monthly Bills for April 1-30, 2015 Chargeback Requests 2. President’s Report—Dr. William Tammone, Interim President 3. Educational Foundation—Don Brennan, Committee Chair Stephanie Holmes, Interim Executive Director of the ICC Educational Foundation 4 MEETING NOTICE AND AGENDA Page 2 May 21, 2015 4. Systems Reports 4.1 Teaching/Learning—Diane Lamb, Committee Chair Dr. William Tammone, Provost a. Reapproval of the 2016-2017 Academic Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roll Call b. Approval of the 2017-2018 Academic Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roll Call 4.2 Student Life—Rachael DeLost, Student Trustee 4.3 Student Services—Dr. Frank Mackaman, Committee Chair Dr. Tracy Morris, Vice President of Student Services 4.4 Finance—Gale Thetford, Committee Chair Bruce Budde, Treasurer and Executive Vice President of Administration and Finance 4.5 Facilities and Technology—Michael Everett, Committee Chair Bruce Budde, Treasurer and Executive Vice President of Administration and Finance 4.6 Human Resources—Don Brennan, Committee Chair Marti Bloodsaw, Vice President of Human Resources 4.7 Marketing and Communications—James Polk, Committee Chair Dr. Cheryl Fliege, Vice President of Marketing and Communications 4.8 Diversity, International—James Polk, Committee Chair and Adult Education Dr. Rita Ali, Vice President of Diversity, International, and Adult Education a. Review of Affirmative Action Plan for July 1, 2014, to June 30, 2015 4.9 Institutional Research and Planning—James Polk, Committee Chair David Cook, Executive Director of Institutional Research and Planning 5 MEETING NOTICE AND AGENDA Page 3 May 21, 2015 5. Committee of the Whole—Sue Portscheller, Board Chair 5.1 5.2 6. Semi-annual Review of Closed Meeting Minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roll Call Authorization for Destruction of Verbatim Recordings . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roll Call (May 2013 to November 2013) Other Reports 6.1 6.2 ICCTA Report—Don Brennan Legislative Committee—Michael Everett 7. Unfinished Business 8. New Business 9. Announcements 10. Closed Session: To discuss pending or probable litigation against the College (Section 2(c)(11) of the Open Meetings Act); to discuss self-evaluation, practices and procedures, or professional ethics (Section 2(c)(16) of the Open Meetings Act); to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees (Section 2(c)(1) of the Open Meetings Act); and to discuss student cases (Section 2(c)(9) of the Open Meetings Act) . . . . . . . . . Roll Call 11. Adjournment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roll Call 6 Illinois Central College Open Session of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees Minutes May 4, 2015, 3:00 p.m. ICC East Peoria Campus, Founders Room (211A) Trustees Present: Don Brennan Katherine Coyle Student Trustee Rachael DeLost Michael Everett Diane Lamb Frank Mackaman James Polk Sue Portscheller Gale Thetford Chair James Polk called the meeting to order and asked the audience to join him in saying the Pledge of Allegiance. The Secretary was asked to take the roll, and Don Brennan, Katherine Coyle, Michael Everett, Diane Lamb, Student Trustee Rachael DeLost, James Polk, Sue Portscheller, and Gale Thetford were present. Mr. Polk welcomed guests Audrey Wise with News 25; Mark Nycz; and Reid Harman, Justin Brown, and Alex Pabon with the Harbinger. Recognition Chair Polk welcomed new Student Trustee Rachael DeLost. Ms. DeLost stated that she is very pleased to have the opportunity to serve as Student Trustee. Ms. DeLost lives in Peoria Heights and is a Software Engineering major. She is active in five College clubs. Dr. William Tammone, Provost, presented a copy of the framed Resolution Number 2015-06: Tribute to Trevor Mileur. Whereas, Trevor Mileur has professionally and responsibly represented the students of Illinois Central College during his terms on the Illinois Central College Board of Trustees from 2012 to 2015; and Whereas, Trevor Mileur has become the longest-serving Student Trustee of the Illinois Central College Board of Trustees in the College’s history to date; and 1 ICC Board of Trustees Meeting—Open Session May 4, 2015 7 Whereas, Trevor Mileur added his thoughtful insight to the Illinois Central College Board of Trustees to ensure our students receive the finest quality service and education; and Whereas, Trevor Mileur exhibited an exemplary level of dedication in his role as trustee for the students of Illinois Central College District 514 and was selected to a national leadership role in Phi Theta Kappa; and Whereas, Trevor Mileur earned statewide recognition as a Lincoln Academy of Illinois Student Laureate for his academic and extracurricular successes; Therefore, be it resolved that the Illinois Central College Board of Trustees expresses its sincere gratitude to Trevor and wishes him continued success as he pursues his educational and career goals. Adopted and approved at the meeting of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Central College, District No. 514, Peoria, Tazewell, Woodford, Marshall, McLean, Mason, Livingston, Bureau, Stark and Logan Counties, Illinois, this 4th day of May, 2015. Mr. Mileur thanked the Board of Trustees for the opportunity to serve as Student Trustee and stated that it has been a wonderful experience. Dr. Tammone presented a framed copy of Resolution Number 2015-07: Tribute to Katherine Coyle. Whereas, Katherine Coyle was elected to and served on the Illinois Central College Board of Trustees from 2009 through 2015 and provided leadership and service to Illinois Central College and served as Chair of the Board of Trustees in 2013; and Whereas, Katherine Coyle served with reflection and deliberation while carefully weighing options and consequences of matters presented to the Board; and Whereas, Katherine Coyle has enriched the Board, the College, and community with an attitude that reflected a favorable and productive relationship between the Board, administration, and staff; and Whereas, Katherine Coyle brought a professional and academic viewpoint to the matters presented before the Board, and Whereas, Katherine Coyle has diligently served as an advocate for the College, its students, and the citizens of Illinois Central College District 514 in her professional and personal life; 2 ICC Board of Trustees Meeting—Open Session May 4, 2015 8 Therefore, be it resolved that the Illinois Central College Board of Trustees acknowledges Katherine Coyle’s service to the ICC District and her lasting contribution to the growth and enrichment of ICC and its students and hereby expresses its sincere appreciation for her years of devoted service to ICC and the community. Adopted and approved at the meeting of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Central College, District No. 514, Peoria, Tazewell, Woodford, Marshall, McLean, Mason, Livingston, Bureau, Stark, and Logan Counties, Illinois, this 4th day of May, 2015. Ms. Coyle thanked the Board of Trustees and stated she hopes to continue serving the College in additional ways in the future. Dr. Tammone also presented Ms. Coyle with an honorary associate degree in governance and leadership and a framed photo of ICC. Dr. Tammone called upon Janice Kinsinger, Associate Dean of Organizational Learning, to introduce the faculty and staff awards. The individuals were presented with the awards at the Employee Recognition event held on April 29, 2015. Ms. Kinsinger introduced Joseph Chianakas, Assistant Professor in Arts and Communication. Mr. Chianakas received the Gallion Award, which is nominated by a student. Ms. Kinsinger shared a portion of the nomination letter. Ms. Kinsinger introduced Kamara Taylor, adjunct faculty in Social Sciences. Ms. Taylor received the Teaching Excellence Award, which is also student nominated. Ms. Kinsinger shared a portion of this nomination letter. Jennifer Costa was awarded the Dr. Thomas K. Thomas Endowed Teaching Chair Award, but she was not able to attend the Board meeting. Ms. Costa’s project is to develop a training course within Blackboard to educate students about academic integrity, what plagiarism is, and how to avoid plagiarism. Faculty and Staff Diversity Awards were presented to Dr. Anthony White, Jessica Bastian, and Arnitria Shaw. Ms. Bastian and Ms. Shaw were present at the meeting and advised that they worked on developing a new Diverse Hiring Workshop for teaching inclusiveness and supporting diversity in all of the College’s staffing relations including hiring. Staff Who Make A Difference Awards were presented to Stephanie Farquer, Peggy Karnes, Susan Kellerstrass, Angela McElyea, and Roy Saatkamp. These awards are nominated by staff or students. Susan, Angela, and Roy were present and introduced themselves. Dr. Maxine Cordell-Brunton, Professor in Social Sciences, will be the new Faculty Representative and will begin attending the Board meetings in July. She will be 3 ICC Board of Trustees Meeting—Open Session May 4, 2015 9 introduced at a future Board meeting. Professor Brent Goken was elected Faculty Senate President. Citizen’s Comments—No comments. Conflict of Interest—No comments. Canvass of Election Results Chair Polk asked the Secretary to provide the results of the Consolidated Election held on April 7, 2015. The Secretary reported that the Tazewell County Clerk provided the abstract of votes for Illinois Central College District No. 514. There were two candidates running for six-year terms. Frank Mackaman received a total of 20,401 votes, and Michael Everett received a total of 27,633 votes. Adjournment Sine Die Mr. Polk moved to adjourn the meeting Sine Die and requested a roll call vote. The following Trustees responded “Aye”: Don Brennan, Katherine Coyle, Michael Everett, Diane Lamb, Sue Portscheller, Gale Thetford, Student Trustee Rachael DeLost (advisory vote), and James Polk. “Nay”: None. The motion passed, and the meeting was adjourned Sine Die. Convening of New Board Mr. Polk and the Trustees welcomed Frank Mackaman to the meeting, and he was seated at the table. Chair Polk requested a roll call vote for attendance, and the following Trustees were present: Don Brennan, Michael Everett, Diane Lamb, Frank Mackaman, Sue Portscheller, Gale Thetford, Student Trustee Rachael DeLost, and James Polk. There were no Trustees absent. Sue Portscheller moved to temporarily suspend Article II, Section I of the Board’s Bylaws, which sets forth the order of business for the annual organizational meeting in order to have items 19 to 24 of the agenda taken up at the end of the meeting, rather than at this point in the meeting. Diane Lamb seconded the motion. Chair Polk requested a roll call vote, and the following Trustees responded “Aye”: Don Brennan, Michael Everett, Diane Lamb, Frank Mackaman, Sue Portscheller, Gale Thetford, Student Trustee Rachael DeLost (advisory vote), and James Polk. 4 ICC Board of Trustees Meeting—Open Session May 4, 2015 10 Consent Agenda Chair Polk asked if any Trustee wished to remove an item from the Consent Agenda. Gale Thetford moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented including the Minutes of the Open Session of the Regular Monthly Meeting on March 19, 2015; Minutes of the Closed Session of the Regular Monthly Meeting on March 19, 2015; Minutes of the Open Session of the Special Board Retreat on March 20, 2015; Minutes of the Closed Session of the Special Board Retreat on March 20, 2015; Personnel Recommendations; Finance Report for March 2015; and Monthly Bills for March 1-31, 2015. Sue Portscheller seconded the motion. Minutes Minutes of the Open Session of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees on March 19, 2015; Minutes of the Closed Session of the Regular Monthly Meeting on March 19, 2015; Minutes of the Closed Session of the Special Board Retreat on March 20, 2015; and Minutes of the Closed Session of the Special Board Retreat on March 20, 2015 (copies on file). Personnel Recommendations New Hires: John Mosser, Vice President and Chief Development Officer, Educational Foundation Promotions: Kate Sutor, Technician – Document Services Jennifer Martina, Administrative Assistant II, Arts and Communication Janice Rathbun, Full-time Housekeeper Purchase Report 2015 Science Lab Upgrades—Bishop Brothers, Inc. ($263,130.00) New Library Carpet—Cushings’ Commercial Carpet ($92,925.00) Arbor Hall South Renovations – Phase I—Peoria Metro Construction ($87,885.00) ICC North Campus Corridor Abatement—M & O Environmental ($72,429.00) Finance Report The College’s financial position as of March 31, 2015, reflects unfavorable operating results for the first nine months of the fiscal year as compared to budget and actual for the same period. 5 ICC Board of Trustees Meeting—Open Session May 4, 2015 11 Operating revenue is currently $2.7 million lower than budgeted expectations. State revenue continues to lag as only five of the nine scheduled payments for fiscal year 2015 have been received. The State is currently over $1,800,000 past due. Tuition is below budgeted expectations as enrollments were 4 percent lower than original estimates. Local real estate taxes finished higher than budgeted expectations as county collections were higher than expected. All other revenue items are tracking as expected. Currently, there is a favorable expenditure variance of $2.5 million or 5.6 percent as compared to budget. Fixed charges are currently exceeding budgeted expectations due to the timing of insurance renewals, but are expected to align with the budget by year end. Institutional support reflects a positive variance because of the timing of large marketing payments, computer hardware and software purchases, and College capital outlay being processed this quarter. No other concerns or negative trends are noted through the end of the first nine months of the year. Health insurance claim activity is up 0.9 percent from last year’s activity, which could result in a positive variance in the final quarter of the year. Bills Education Fund—$3,525,273.47 Operations and Maintenance Fund—$639,422.56 Operations and Maintenance Fund Restricted—$256,727.42 Bond and Interest Fund—$750.00 Auxiliary Fund—$434,489.12 Restricted Fund—$339,723.96 Audit Fund—$2,513.05 Liability, Protection, and Settlement Fund—$231,033.87 Public Building Commission Operations and Maintenance Fund—$60,292.21 Chair Polk requested a roll call vote to approve the Consent Agenda including the Minutes, Personnel Recommendations, Purchase Report, Finance Report, and Bills. The following Trustees responded “Aye”: Don Brennan, Michael Everett, Diane Lamb, Frank Mackaman, Sue Portscheller, Gale Thetford, Student Trustee Rachael DeLost (advisory vote), and James Polk. “Nay”: None. The motion passed. President’s Report Dr. Tammone advised that Dr. Rita Ali, Vice President of Diversity, International and Adult Education, will provide an update on the University of Havana and educational partnerships in Cuba at a later date. 6 ICC Board of Trustees Meeting—Open Session May 4, 2015 12 Educational Foundation Committee Chair Sue Portscheller advised that the Foundation received 1780 applications for scholarships. Currently, 100 volunteers are serving on selection committees. Teaching and Learning Committee Chair Sue Portscheller moved to approve the Sabbatical Selection Panel’s recommendation for sabbatical leave for Professor Stephanie Guedet for the Spring 2016 semester. The panel advised that her research and project supports the goals of the College and the English, Humanities, and Language Studies department. Mike Everett seconded the motion. Chair Polk requested a roll call vote, and the following Trustees responded “Aye”: Don Brennan, Michael Everett, Diane Lamb, Frank Mackaman, Sue Portscheller, Gale Thetford, Student Trustee Rachael DeLost (advisory vote), and James Polk. “Nay”: None. The motion passed. Ms. Portscheller reported that the Curriculum Committee has recommended the approval of a new Secure Software program, which is an extension of the current Computer Programming and Database Development program. The Secure Software program was developed in collaboration with multiple community business partners, educational institutions, and governmental agencies. To date, 24 faculty members have completed the Master Online Teacher certification. The program includes four required courses, an elective, and a practicum. Diane Lamb asked if this was required, and Dr. Tammone responded that this is not required, but encouraged. This is an online program, and faculty can actually relate to the online student experience. Dr. Jill Wright, Dean of Academic Services, will transition to Six Sigma Black Belt. The College Speech Team participated in a tournament in Cleveland, Ohio on April 6-11, 2015, and four students were medal winners. Phi Beta Lambda (Future Business Leaders of America) students participated in the 2015 State Leadership Conference, and four students were medal winners. PDI (Professional Development Institute) will begin a twelve-week Pharmacy Technician preparation course beginning August 20, 2015. This program is designed for individuals interested in pharmacy tech as a career and will provide skills necessary for employment as well as prepare them for the PTCB certification exam. College for Kids will be offered in June and July and will now include a Culinary Camp for teens. 7 ICC Board of Trustees Meeting—Open Session May 4, 2015 13 Diane Lamb asked how the position will be filled for the professor on sabbatical leave. Dr. Tammone responded that the sabbatical is Spring 2016, and administration will evaluate the situation. A temporary, full-time instructor may be needed. Dr. Tammone advised that a search will be conducted to fill the Associate Dean of Academic Services position. This position will also include some of the responsibilities currently handled by Dr. Margaret Swanson, as she plans to reduce her part-time hours. The two associate deans who currently report to Dr. Wright will now report directly to Dr. Tammone. Student Life Student Trustee Rachael DeLost provided an update on student activities: March 24—64 Nurse Club members participated in Nurse Political Action Day in Springfield March 26—CAB held Casino Night (no actual gambling, but prizes were won) April 1—SGA Waffle Meet and Greet April 4—Softball double header (won 1, lost 1) April 8—Art of Networking April 11—Bass Fishing Club participated in tournament at Kimberling City April 15-19—3 Phi Theta Kappa students attended the national conference in San Antonio, Texas April 23—College Level Gaming hosted a Mortal Combat gaming event April 24—Connect held shuffle event and raised $170 for St. Jude April 27-30—De-Stress Activities (bubble wrap pop, chair massages, street art, popcorn) April 29—CAB Fun in the Sun (various games in the courtyard) April 29—Student Recognition Reception April 29—Phi Beta Lambda etiquette dinner at Culinary Arts April 30—ICC’s Got Talent event (17 entrees) May 1—Baseball (won game 3-0 against Vincennes College) Student Services Committee Chair Diane Lamb advised that Student Services continues to reorganize under the direction of Dr. Tracy Morris, Vice President of Student Services. The Transfer Center hosted a reception with Western Illinois University and Illinois State University on April 21, 2015. Student Leadership and Engagement is preparing for new student orientation sessions which will begin in May and continue through August. 8 ICC Board of Trustees Meeting—Open Session May 4, 2015 14 Express Enrollment will be held May 11-13. Dr. Tracy Morris announced that the women’s softball team won the regional conference and qualified for the national tournament in Mississippi. They currently have a 34-17 record. Finance Finance Committee Chair Michael Everett moved to approve Resolution No. 2015-08: Protection, Health & Safety Projects and Energy Conservation Projects Amendment. The resolution transfers excess funds from a completed, approved Life Safety Levy project to cover an increase to the budget of other Life Safety projects. Whereas, the College originally approved on the 20th of February, 2014, 20th of November, 2014, and 21st of November projects under the Health and Life Safety Act; and Whereas, taxes have been levied against the equalized assessed valuation of the district for the year of 2015 and 2014 to pay for such projects; and Whereas, the College finds it necessary to move excess funds from the Academic Building Roof Replacement project to fund the North Campus Corridor Abatement, Fire Alarm Panel Replacements, and Security System Upgrade Electronic Door Controls projects; and Whereas, the College must cover costs due to higher bids and increased costs of materials; Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 514 finds it necessary to reallocate project dollars as follows: Acad Bldg Roof Replacement (514-T-2293-0314) North Campus Corridor Abatement (514-TE-2296-0314) Fire Alarm Panel Replacements (514-T-2373-1214) Security System Upgrade Electronic Door Controls (514-T-2287-1213) 9 Current Budget Transferred From $500,000.00 $71,482.89 Transfer To -- Amended Project $428,517.11 $ 77,457.00 -- $11,342.00 $ 88,799.00 $139,210.00 -- $52,790.00 $192,000.00 $325,000.00 -- $ 7,350.89 $332,350.89 ICC Board of Trustees Meeting—Open Session May 4, 2015 15 Adopted and approved this 4th day of May, 2015. Chair Polk requested a roll call vote, and the following Trustees responded “Aye”: Don Brennan, Michael Everett, Diane Lamb, Frank Mackaman, Sue Portscheller, Gale Thetford, Student Trustee Rachael DeLost (advisory vote), and James Polk. “Nay”: None. The motion passed. Diane Lamb questioned why the cost of the fire alarm project increased. Bruce Budde responded that the scope of the project was expanded to coincide with construction. The corridor abatement project was rebid due to the PLA (Project Labor Agreement), and as a result this came in higher than previously quoted. Facilities and Technology Committee Chair Don Brennan advised that four contracts were previously approved under the Purchase Report. The Newsletter provided updates on several ongoing facility projects. Mr. Brennon moved to approve the Final Construction Compliance Forms for Science Lab Upgrades – Phase 8, Data Center Code Upgrades, and Parking Lot 1 Expansion – Phase 3 and forward to the ICCB. Gale Thetford seconded the motion. Chair Polk requested a roll call vote, and the following Trustees responded “Aye”: Don Brennan, Michael Everett, Diane Lamb, Frank Mackaman, Sue Portscheller, Gale Thetford, Student Trustee Rachael DeLost (advisory vote), and James Polk. “Nay”: None. The motion passed. Human Resources Marti Bloodsaw, Vice President of Human Resources, advised that updates were included in the newsletter. Ms. Bloodsaw advised that negotiations have been ongoing with Express Scripts, the pharmacy benefit manager, and administration anticipates significant savings for the College over the next three years. April was Community College Month, and the College hosted numerous activities. Ms. Bloodsaw recognized Janice Kinsinger for her leadership in planning the events. Ms. Kinsinger will be presenting a session at the upcoming NISOD conference on how the College celebrated the month. Diane Lamb asked about the position management approach. Ms. Bloodsaw responded that the College is now better able to manage and track positions and tie the positions to the budget. 10 ICC Board of Trustees Meeting—Open Session May 4, 2015 16 Diane Lamb asked about the employee review process. Ms. Bloodsaw responded that all employees have an annual employee evaluation, but the focus is on career development. A leadership competency evaluation is being piloted this year for those employees who are at the level of director and above, and will be evaluated on 10-12 leadership competencies. The College does not have a pay-for-performance plan; however, employees who do not meet evaluation goals would not be eligible for a pay increase. Only those employees who are achieving evaluation goals are eligible for a compensation increase. Sue Portscheller asked if this was a standard trend. Ms. Bloodsaw responded that it is not, but it does provide opportunities for employee training and coaching, and Ms. Bloodsaw does like this approach after working with it for a while. Marketing and Communication Committee Chair Gale Thetford advised that the Maloof Legacy of Love for the Arts in Central Illinois event on April 16 was a terrific event. She added that this was great exposure for the College, and thanked everyone who was involved. Dr. Cheryl Fliege, Vice President of Marketing and Communication, stated that her department worked very closely with Brent Goken, and it just happened that there were slots available for the electronic billboards. Diane Lamb asked about the attendance. Brent Goken, Faculty Representative, responded that they estimated that there were between 1500 and 2000 attendees, which is about 200 more than last year. The ICC Vocal Jazz group was featured on the WEEK 25 Good Morning show. Dr. Fliege announced that Trustees should arrive at 8:30 a.m. for commencement which will be held in the CougarPlex on Saturday, May 16, 2015. Diversity, International and Adult Education Committee Chair Gale Thetford announced that Success Luncheons were recently held for students from Manual, Peoria High, and Richwoods. The students were given the opportunity for a one-day, one-stop enrollment and pre-orientation. The College will host two Fulbright Scholars in the 2015-2016 academic year. Diane Lamb asked how travel for the students studying abroad in China is funded. Dr. Rita Ali responded that financial aid will apply, but there is some funding through a scholarship fund, tuition waivers, and self-pay. Seven students will be studying at Xiamen Huaxia College in China for five weeks and will receive seven credits. 11 ICC Board of Trustees Meeting—Open Session May 4, 2015 17 Institutional Research and Planning Committee Chair Gale Thetford advised that the College received 489 responses to The Great Colleges to Work For survey, which was up from 203 responses in 2014. The College’s strategic and annual operational planning cycle began in March and will continue through May and June. The IR department has developed and is using a new database structure that is being used this year that allows for broader analysis of operational-level measures. Committee of the Whole—No Report. ICCTA/ACCT—No Report. Legislative Committee Michael Everett advised that he along with Diane Lamb, Dr. Erwin, and Valerie Welsh attended the ICCTA Lobby Day in Springfield on April 29. The three primary focus issues were: 1) flat funding for community colleges (not reduced); 2) MAP grants; and 3) local control. The group had meetings with Representative Leitch, Representative Unes, Representative Sommer, and Senator Koehler, and also left materials for Representative Gordon-Booth. Representative Leitch will introduce legislation to change the funding for the veteran’s grant so that the GI bill will be applied first. Mr. Everett thanked Valerie Welsh for coordinating the meetings. Diane Lamb stated that she thought it was a productive day, and she attended the ICCTA meeting the day before. Valerie Welsh expressed her appreciation to Bruce Budde and Ed Babcock on the financial information they provided in advance of the Lobby Day meetings. Unfinished Business—No unfinished business. New Business—No new business. Announcements—No announcements. At 4:25 p.m. Gale Thetford moved to conduct a closed session to discuss pending or probable litigation against or on behalf of the College (Section 2(c)(11) of the Open Meetings Act); a student disciplinary case (Section 2(c)(9) of the Open Meetings Act); the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of 12 ICC Board of Trustees Meeting—Open Session May 4, 2015 18 specific employees (Section 2(c)(1) of the Open Meetings Act); Board self-education, practices, and procedures (Section 2(c)(16) of the Open Meetings Act); and matters relating to individual students (Section 2(c)(10) of the Open Meetings Act). Frank Mackaman seconded the motion. Chair Polk requested a roll call vote, and the following Trustees responded “Aye”: Don Brennan, Michael Everett, Diane Lamb, Frank Mackaman, Sue Portscheller, Student Trustee Rachael DeLost (advisory vote), Gale Thetford, and James Polk. “Nay”: None. The motion passed. Marti Bloodsaw, Dr. William Tammone, Bruce Budde, and Dr. Tracy Morris were asked to remain for closed session. All other staff members and guests were excused. A break was taken from 4:25 to 4:35 p.m. (Closed Session) At 8:23 p.m. Gale Thetford moved to adjourn closed session and resume open session. Sue Portscheller seconded. Chair Polk requested a roll call vote, and the following Trustees responded “Aye”: Don Brennan, Michael Everett, Diane Lamb, Frank Mackaman, Sue Portscheller, Student Trustee Rachael DeLost (advisory vote), Gale Thetford, and James Polk. “Nay”: None. The motion passed. Guests were invited to rejoin the meeting. Gale Thetford moved that the Board of Trustees appoint Dr. William Tammone as Interim President. Michael Everett seconded the motion. Chair Polk requested a roll call vote, and the following Trustees responded “Aye”: Don Brennan, Michael Everett, Diane Lamb, Frank Mackaman, Sue Portscheller, Student Trustee Rachael DeLost (advisory vote), Gale Thetford, and James Polk. “Nay”: None. The motion passed. Michael Everett moved that the Board of Trustees approve Resolution Number 2015-09: Term of Office for Chair and Vice Chair. Be it resolved, that the term of Chair and Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Central College, Community College District No. 514 be established as a one-year term from May 21, 2015, through April 21, 2016. Adopted and approved this 4th day of May, 2015. Chair Polk requested a roll call vote, and the following Trustees responded “Aye”: Don Brennan, Michael Everett, Diane Lamb, Frank Mackaman, Sue Portscheller, Student Trustee Rachael DeLost (advisory vote), Gale Thetford, and James Polk. “Nay”: None. The motion passed. Michael Everett, the appointed Chair for the Nominating Committee, stated that the committee recommends Sue Portscheller for a one-year term as Chair. He asked if 13 ICC Board of Trustees Meeting—Open Session May 4, 2015 19 there were any nominations from the floor. There were no additional nominations, and Mr. Everett moved that the Board of Trustees elect Sue Portscheller as Chair for a one-year term. Chair Polk requested a roll call vote, and the following Trustees responded “Aye”: Don Brennan, Michael Everett, Diane Lamb, Frank Mackaman, Sue Portscheller, Student Trustee Rachael DeLost (advisory vote), Gale Thetford, and James Polk. “Nay”: None. The motion passed. Michael Everett stated that the Nominating Committee recommends Don Brennan as Vice Chair for a one-year term. He asked if there were any nominations from the floor. There were no additional nominations, and Mr. Everett moved that the Board of Trustees elect Don Brennan as Vice Chair for a one-year term. Chair Polk requested a roll call vote, and the following Trustees responded “Aye”: Don Brennan, Michael Everett, Diane Lamb, Frank Mackaman, Sue Portscheller, Student Trustee Rachael DeLost (advisory vote), Gale Thetford, and James Polk. “Nay”: None. The motion passed. Michael Everett moved to reappoint Paula Fraley as Board Secretary, Bruce Budde as Treasurer, and the legal firm of Vonachen, Lawless, Trager & Sleven as legal counsel for a one-year term. Sue Portscheller seconded the motion. Chair Polk requested a roll call vote, and the following Trustees responded “Aye”: Don Brennan, Michael Everett, Diane Lamb, Frank Mackaman, Sue Portscheller, Student Trustee Rachael DeLost (advisory vote), Gale Thetford, and James Polk. “Nay”: None. The motion passed. Michael Everett moved that the regularly scheduled monthly meetings of the Illinois Central College Board of Trustees be held on the third Thursday of each month, at 3:00 p.m. in the Founders Room (211A) on the East Peoria campus. Frank Mackaman seconded the motion. Chair Polk requested a roll call vote, and the following Trustees responded “Aye”: Don Brennan, Michael Everett, Diane Lamb, Frank Mackaman, Sue Portscheller, Student Trustee Rachael DeLost (advisory vote), Gale Thetford, and James Polk. “Nay”: None. The motion passed. Michael Everett moved to re-adopt existing Bylaws of the Board of Trustees and the Administrative Policies of the Board of Trustees. The documents are available on the College’s website and also on the iPads used at the Board meetings. Gale Thetford seconded the motion. Chair Polk requested a roll call vote, and the following Trustees responded “Aye”: Don Brennan, Michael Everett, Diane Lamb, Frank Mackaman, Sue Portscheller, Student Trustee Rachael DeLost (advisory vote), Gale Thetford, and James Polk. “Nay”: None. The motion passed. 14 ICC Board of Trustees Meeting—Open Session May 4, 2015 20 Adjournment At 8:35 p.m., Gale Thetford moved to adjourn the meeting, and Michael Everett seconded the motion. Chair Polk asked for a voice vote, and the meeting was adjourned. The next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees is scheduled for Monday, May 21, 2015, at 3:00 p.m. in the Founders Room, 211A, on the East Peoria Campus. Paula Fraley Secretary to the Board of Trustees 15 ICC Board of Trustees Meeting—Open Session May 4, 2015 21 Board of Trustees Personnel Recommendations Report May 21, 2015 New Hires (With Credentials): Name Jennifer Morris Position Effective Date Management – Arts and Communication May 1, 2015 Education: Illinois Central College, East Peoria, Illinois, Associate in Arts and Science Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois, Bachelor of Science, Business Administration Southern Illinois University School of Law, Carbondale, Illinois, Juris Doctor Work Experience: Attorney, Vanachen, Lawless, Trager & Slevin, Position, Peoria, Illinois, 61602 Attorney, Quinn, Johnston, Henderson, Pretorius & Cerulo, Peoria, Illinois, 61602 Jennifer Swartout Dean – English, Humanities and Language July 1, 2015 Education: Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, Bachelor of Arts in English Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois, Master of Arts in English Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois, Doctorate of Philosophy, Educational Administration and Foundations Work Experience: Professor of English, Heartland Community College, Normal, Illinois, 61761 Dave Smith General Maintenance – Building Maintenance May 26, 2015 Work Experience: Carpenters Local #237, East Peoria, Illinois, 61611 G&D Integrated, Morton, Illinois, 61550 Promotions: Name Dana Williamsen Hire Date November 14, 2011 Position Manager – Financial Assistance Effective Date June 1, 2015 Separations: Name Hire Date Position Effective Date Dr. John Erwin January 1, 2001 President May 1, 2015 Susan Franzen January 5, 2010 Librarian July 1, 2015 22 ILLINOIS CENTRAL COLLEGE Purchase Report May 21, 2015 Public Act 095-0990 - An ACT concerning education, requires schools to award all contracts for purchase of supplies, materials or work involving an expenditure in excess of $25,000 to the lowest responsible bidder, considering conformity with specifications, terms of delivery, quality and serviceability, after due advertisement. The ACT does allow for exceptions which can be found in Code Section 10-20.21. Only items that require formal bidding will be included in the formal purchase report. All items that fall under an exception will be listed in the "Supplemental Purchasing Information Section". BID ITEMS TO BE APPROVED FOR AWARD Division Bid Vendor Award Facilities Services NORTH CAMPUS ARBOR HALL C & G Concrete Construction Co. DRIVE AND PARKING LIFE SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS $ 216,510.00 1 Facilities Services HORTICULTURE LAND LAB BUILDING SIDEWALK RECONSTRUCTION C & G Concrete Construction Co. $ 54,327.00 3 Technology Services SMART CLASSROOM EQUIPMENT Conference Technologies Advanced Audio Midwest Computer Products ECS, Inc. $ 20,678.28 19,856.23 7,533.58 3,628.92 51,697.01 5 $ Page DIRECT AND EMERGENCY PURCHASES Division Bid Vendor Award None TOTAL PURCHASE REPORT $ 322,534.01 Page 23 ILLINOIS CENTRAL COLLEGE Supplemental Purchasing Information May 21, 2015 Division None Description Vendor Award Page 24 NORTH CAMPUS ARBOR HALL DRIVE AND PARKING LIFE SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS Explanation of expenditure: This bid was prepared for life safety improvements of the drive and parking lots around Arbor Hall at North Campus. The project consists of reconstructing the drive and sidewalks located in front of the building to make necessary ADA improvements to the sidewalks and to also create some short term parking spots for the building. Recommendation: It is recommended that low bid be approved for base bid. A five percent contingency is reflected in this recommendation. The contingency would be available if modifications are necessary for project completion. Award: C & G Concrete Construction Co. $ 216,510.00 Budget: Operations & Maintenance Fund(Restricted) - Life Safety Project $ 216,510.00 Recapitulation: Please refer to the following page. Bid requests were picked up by: C & G Concrete Construction Co. - East Peoria Hein Construction - Peoria Illinois Civil Contractors - East Peoria P A Atherton Construction - Spring Bay Peoria Metro Construction - Peoria Wm. Aupperle & Sons - Morton 05/15 1 25 NORTH CAMPUS ARBOR HALL DRIVE AND PARKING LIFE SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS Description Wm. Aupperle & Sons C & G Concrete Construction Co. Base Bid: All work for North Campus Arbor Hall Drive and Parking Improvements as specified: $ $ 12,831.79 5% Contingency Total Award 256,635.85 $ 269,467.64 206,200.00 $ 10,310.00 $ 216,510.00 Note: Items outlined are bid items awarded. 05/15 P A Atherton Construction 2 266,168.85 Hein Construction $ 13,308.44 $ 279,477.29 226,915.65 Illinois Civil Contractors $ 11,345.78 $ 238,261.43 218,907.30 Peoria Metro Construction $ 10,945.37 $ 229,852.67 257,174.00 12,858.70 $ 270,032.70 26 HORTICULTURE LAND LAB BUILDING SIDEWALK RECONSTRUCTION Explanation of expenditure: This bid was prepared for life safety improvements of the Horticulture Land Lab sidewalk and roadway that connects the Horticulture building with the parking lot. The walk has deteriorated over the years because its original intent was to not have a great amount of vehicular traffic on it. This project will replace and widen the walk to incorporate both a vehicular and pedestrian path. Recommendation: It is recommended that low bid in total be approved for the award of base bid, alternate bid #1, alternate bid #2, and alternate bid #4. A five percent contingency is reflected in this recommendation. The contingency would be available if modifications are necessary for project completion. Award: C & G Concrete Construction Co. $ 54,327.00 Budget: Operations & Maintenance Fund (Restricted) - Life Safety Project $ 54,327.00 Recapitulation: Please refer to the following page. Bid requests were picked up by: C & G Concrete Construction Co. - East Peoria Illinois Civil Contractors - East Peoria P A Atherton Construction - Spring Bay Peoria Metro Construction - Peoria Wm. Aupperle & Sons - Morton 05/15 3 27 HORTICULTURE LAND LAB BUILDING SIDEWALK RECONSTRUCTION Description Base Bid: All work for Horticulture Land Lab Building Sidewalk Reconstruction as specified: Wm. Aupperle & Sons $ Alternate Bid #1: Widen Concrete C & G Concrete Construction Co. 55,969.45 $ 38,000.00 Peoria Metro Construction $ 48,481.00 P A Atherton Construction $ 59,595.50 Illinois Civil Contractors $ 44,848.00 16,097.15 11,500.00 20,939.00 22,672.00 17,526.00 Alternate Bid #2: Add Rumble Strips 4,250.00 1,700.00 1,560.00 8,500.00 5,100.00 Alternate Bid #3: Add Lane Divider Poles 3,600.00 1,080.00 1,812.00 3,150.00 2,250.00 Alternate Bid #4: Stripe Lanes 1,080.00 540.00 1,165.00 900.00 1,260.00 5% Contingency 3,869.83 2,587.00 3,607.25 4,583.38 3,436.70 Total Award $ 81,266.43 $ Note: Items outlined are bid items awarded. 05/15 4 54,327.00 $ 75,752.25 $ 96,250.88 $ 72,170.70 28 SMART CLASSROOM EQUIPMENT Explanation of expenditure: This bid was prepared for the purchase of smart classroom equipment to be installed in classrooms and lab locations on the East Peoria Campus. Recommendation: It is recommended that low bid to meet specifications be approved for award. Award: Conference Technologies Advanced Audio Midwest Computer Products ECS, Inc. $ $ 20,678.28 19,856.23 7,533.58 3,628.92 51,697.01 Budget: Educational Fund Technology Services $ 33,769.43 Restricted Purposes Excellence Funds $ 17,927.58 Recapitulation: Please refer to the following page. Bid requests were sent to: Advanced Audio & Lighting Systems - Peoria AVI Systems - Bensenville B & H Photo / Video - New York, NY Bradfield's, Inc. - Peoria Conference Technologies - East Peoria ECS, Inc. - Davenport, IA Intech Innovations - Washington Midwest Computer Products - West Chicago OSA Integrated Solutions - Wood Dale Projector & Lamp Source - Orlando, FL 05/15 5 29 SMART CLASSROOM EQUIPMENT Conference Technologies * * * ** Item Qty Unit Description 1. 8 Each Panasonic LED projector model PT-FW430U 2. 8 Each Peerless PAP-298 mounting plate for PT-FW430U 3. 3 Each AMX MXT-700 NC 7” table top touch panel –no camera / mic 4. 1 Each AMX MXD-700 NC 7” wall mount touch panel – no mic 5. 1 Each AMX MXA-RMK-07 rack mount kit for MXD-700 6. 3 Each AMX DVX-2150HD-T All in one presentation switcher 7. 1 Each AMX DVX-2155HD All in one 6X3 presentation switcher 8. 1 Each AMX DX-TX-DWP DXLink wall plate – black 9. 1 Each AMX Mio-Elite S-SL 8 button panel – Metallic Silver 10. 6 Each Samsung BD-H5100 Blu-Ray player 11. 5 Each Samsung SDP-860 digital presenter 12. 3 Each Extron Cable Cubby 202 13. 4 Each Extron MVGA M-M/12 - 12' flexible VGA M/M cable 14. 4 Each Furman M-8X2 400V Power Conditioner 15. 1 Each Biamp TresiraFORTE AI – 12/8 – I/O Audio Server 16. 4 Each RCF C3110-96 C Series Speaker 17. 4 Each RCF C3108-126 Speaker 18. 2 Pair RCF AC-NC10-HBR mounting brackets for C3110 speakers 19. 2 Pair RCF AC-NC08-HBR – mounting brackets for C3108 speakers 20. 1 Each Powersoft Ottocanali 4K4 – 8 Channel Power Amp 21. 2 Each Shure QLXD124/85 wireless microphone combo set 22. 1 Each Middle Atlantic ERK-4020 - 40RU, 19" Rack, 20" depth 23. 1 Each Middle Atlantic PD-1415C 14 outlet 15A Power Strip 24. 1 Each West Penn 226 14/2 Stranded Speaker wire - 500' 25. 1 Each West Penn 254246F 23AWG - 4 pair shielded - 500' 26. 2 Each Dalite electric screen 70105LS 57.5" X 92" 27. 2 Pair Extron 70V Flatfield Speakers Advanced Audio Midwest Computer & Lighting Systems Products 1,459.57 49.74 2,147.22 2,147.22 135.35 4,106.32 5,370.74 742.19 263.82 78.26 651.09 211.96 35.87 53.80 1,381.91 608.64 546.25 140.43 138.37 3,535.87 1,251.09 465.55 103.50 165.52 727.32 2,112.27 239.13 1,414.92 68.00 2,395.00 2,395.00 195.00 4,425.00 4,925.00 720.50 NB 77.00 550.00 249.00 38.00 62.95 1,595.00 663.27 596.54 163.49 141.18 3,466.43 1,394.36 669.32 129.36 144.27 399.87 2,163.42 294.50 Note: Items outlined are bid items awarded. * No Award - Item not awarded because incorrect model number was specified for bid. ** Apparent low bidder will not honor pricing as it does not exceed their minimum purchase requirement. 05/15 6 1,449.70 53.60 2,290.00 2,437.50 155.26 4,613.40 5,128.87 716.15 203.13 79.70 573.00 227.70 34.03 51.57 1,390.50 674.72 606.00 160.80 158.45 4,002.19 1,145.00 583.05 115.00 146.30 770.12 1,990.95 275.00 Bradfield's OSA Integrated Solutions ECS, Inc. NB NB 2,463.15 2,463.15 155.26 4,710.52 5,336.84 723.68 302.63 NB NB NB NB NB NB NB NB NB NB NB 1,334.73 572.52 124.73 190.88 676.49 2,117.44 NB 1,594.00 70.00 4,380.00 2,690.00 170.00 5,144.00 5,661.00 791.00 225.00 86.00 NB 269.00 34.00 64.00 NB 718.00 645.00 166.00 164.00 NB 1,339.00 565.00 133.00 NB NB 2,414.00 334.00 1,558.56 52.73 2,657.00 2,657.00 179.00 5,367.75 5,974.00 833.00 NB 81.28 NB 238.00 36.25 63.25 1,483.33 718.09 646.22 86.96 166.00 3,325.00 1,303.00 575.00 NB 130.00 445.00 2,118.00 NB 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Report ID: ICAPR003.SQR Page No. 1 Run Date MAY/21/2015 BOARD BILLS PRESENTED FOR PAYMENT FUND SUMMARY Business Unit: ICCOL Payment Dates - From 01.APR.2015 to 30.APR.2015 Description of Fund Amount Education Fund Operations and Maintenance Fd Oper and Maint Fund (Restrict) Auxiliary Fund Restricted Fund Audit Fund Liab,Protect and Settlement Fd Public Bldg Comm Op & Maint Fd TOTAL FOR ALL FUNDS: 3,473,122.56 527,391.18 395,689.53 422,369.25 263,392.96 2,513.05 204,711.68 65,025.72 $5,354,215.93 End of Report 53
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