ICCITR`2015 Call for paper

International Conference on Communication, Information Technology and
(ICCITR’2015), 13-15 August 2015
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Venue: Hotel Crowne Plaza Dubai Deira 5*
Researchers are invited to submit Full papers through EDAS or by e-mail: tarek.barira@gmail.com; reporting
original, unpublished research results in Computer Related Studies by July 15, 2015.All submitted papers will
be peer-reviewed to be accepted and must be presented to be published.
Each submitted paper will be blindly reviewed, through Edas Conferences Submission Systems, by at least two members of
an international technical program committee with appropriate expertise.
All accepted papers must be presented to be published.
All accepted and registered papers (extended versions) will be published in NNGT International Journals:
International Journal of Information Security
International Journal of Networking and Communication
International Journal of Internet and Web Applications
International Journal on E-Learning and Education
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence
International journal of Information Systems
International Journal of Signal Processing and Imaging Engineering
International Journal of Software Engineering
International Journal of Embedded Systems
ICCITR’ 2015 invites original contributions on all Computer Applications Technology, including, but not limited to:
Machine Learning and Soft-Computing
Computer Vision and Biometrics
Optical Networks
Mobile Computing
Sensor Networks
Adhoc and Peer-2-Peer Networks
Evolutionary Computing and Bio Inspired
Signal, Image and Video Processing
Network Security
Signal Processing
Instruments and Measurements
Power Electronics and Devices
Biomedical Instruments
Control Systems
Electrical Machinery
High Voltage and Insulation Technology
Transducers and Sensors
Satellite Communication, Antenna & Radar
Controller Design
Power Systems
Sensor array and multi-channel signal
Wireless communications and
networks Software Engineering & Testing
Web Technologie
Data Management and Mining
Optical communications and networks
Ultra wideband technology
Computer vision
Information and data security
VLSI & Embedded system design
High performance computing
Mobile Computing
Networked and Distributed Intelligent Control
Real Time Supervisory Control
Adaptive Control Systems
Embedded Systems
Mobile and Autonomous Systems
Virtual Systems
Multi-Agent Collaborative Systems (MACS)
Biorobotics, Biomechatronics
Space and Underwater Robotics
Cooperative and Network Robotics
Entertainment Robotics
Rescue Robotics
Agriculture and Field Robotics
Service and Security Robotics
Microwave, antennas and propagation
Radar and sonar signal processing
Audio and speech processing
Image and multidimensional signal processing
Signal processing for communications
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline
July 15, 2015
Note of Acceptance
July 20, 2015
Early registration Ends
July 20, 2015
Final Camera-ready
July 30, 2015
Conference General Chair:
Nejmeddine Tagoug, King Saud University, SA
Conference Technical Program Chairs:
SK MD Mizanur Rahman, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
Abdelmonim Mohamed Ali Artoli, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
Organization Chairs:
Yacine Atef, UAE University, United Arab Emirates
Zouheir Trabelsi, UAE University, UAE
M Anwar Hossain, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
Habibollah Haron, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
International Organizing Committee Chairs:
Chebbi wrida, N&N Global Technology, Tunisia
Barira Tarek, N&N Global Technology, Tunisia
khalifa layla, N&N Global Technology, Tunisia
Barrani Ikhlas, N&N Global Technology, Tunisia
Wahid Hamd, ISET Tozeur, Tunisia
Mahmoud Sfaya, University of Montreal, Canada
Publication Chair:
Abbes Wafa, N&N Global Technology, Tunisia
Publicity Chair:
Raddadi Sghaira, N&N Global Technology, Tunisia
Conference Venue:
Crowne Plaza Dubai-Deira 5 * Hotel
Biped and Humanoid Robots
Human-Machine Interfaces and Interaction
Factory and Home Automation
Robotics and Industrial Monitoring
Wireless communications and networks