Church of the Immaculate Concept ion Pastor: Rev. James J. Ward Rectory office: 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Closed Wed. 570-325-2791 / / WCC: / Finance: St. Joseph Regional Academy, Jim Thorpe: 570-325-3186 Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator: Ms. Wendy S. Krisak, M.A., NCC, LPC Confidential: 800-791-9209 Diocesan Safe Environment Coordinator: Sr. Meg Cole, S.S.J., 610-332-0442 ext. 19 Fifth Sunday of Easter May 3, 2015 Let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth. -- 1 John 3:18 Special Prayer Intentions-these are the people for whom we will be praying at Mass: Sat. Sun. May 2 May 3 Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. May May May May May 4 5 6 7 8 4:30 pm 9:00 am 10:30 am 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 am am am am am Jessica Heaney Brown/5th Anniv. (Peggy & Dave Brown) Jack Dever (Roush Family) For the 2015 First Communicants and their Families Edward J. Shirar (Lucas Family) Edward & Sis McElmoyle (Ned) William Quinn (wife, Patricia) Missa Pro Popula-Living & Deceased Parishioners Mary Krajcirik (Krista Miller & Dani) Sixth Sunday of Easter Sat. May 9 4:30 pm Bertha Ballas (Nick & Neen Kuzo) Sun. May 10 9:00 am All Mothers 10:30 am Mary Behan (John & Janet Kane) Lay Ministers for the Weekend of May 9/10 Ministries: Saturday 4:30 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. Sunday 10:30 a.m. Lector Laura McArdle Riley Carroll Brian Meckes E.M. Ken McArdle, Jr. Hugh & Maggie Dugan Altar Servers McArdle Children Lisa Whitehead James Novak, R. Reese Kayla Reese Regan & Kelsey Carroll Rui Na & Jian Qui Gentile Joanne Donnelly Abigail Meckes, J. Dehaven Megan & Katie Aaron RESPONSORIAL PSALM ~ I WILL PRAISE YOU, LORD, IN THE ASSEMBLY OF YOUR PEOPLE. ALL CANDLES BURN in Honor of our 2015 First Communicants. THE FLOWERS ON THE MAIN ALTAR are in Honor of our 2015 First Communicants. THE FLOWERS ON THE BLESSED MOTHER ALTAR are in Loving Memory of Jack Dever (By, Roush Family) CONGRATULATIONS to our young people who received First Communion this weekend. Please keep them and their families in your prayers MAY CROWNING will take place next Sunday at the 10:30 am Mass. All First Communicants are invited to be in procession in their First Communion attire. THE SECOND COLLECTION this weekend is for Capital Campaign/New Building Fund. WCC QUESTION OF THE WEEK Gospel: John 15: 1-8 When as a family have you had to make a tough decision, and who helped you to make it? WHOLE COMMUNITY CATECHESIS NEWS The dates for the two week summer WCC program (Religious Education, formerly PREP or CCD) will be semester A – July 27-July 31 and Semester B – August 3 –August 7, from 9 am to 1 pm both weeks. Students must attend Semesters A & B to complete a full year. Registration for the program will begin in May. Please contact Mrs. Merkel at 570-325-2791 if you have any questions. The program is for students grades 1-8 in the fall of 2015 who do not attend a Catholic Elementary School. SJRA DUCK DERBY ~ Saturday, May 9th, at the Jim Thorpe Sportsman Club on Flagstaff Road just off W. Broadway. There will be Children’s Games & Food from 1-3:30 pm and at 3:30 pm all ducks will waddle their way up to the starting line at Mauch Chunk Creek & they're off! Race benefits St. Joseph Regional Academy. You need not be present to win! Purchase your duck chance from any SJRA Student, at the Derby May 9, from The Treasure Shop or Mauch Chunk Pharmacy. Tickets will be sold after Masses this weekend. WOMEN’S CLUB BAKE SALE will be held on the weekend of May 16 & 17 in McGinley Hall after all Masses. Donations of baked goods & monetary contributions are greatly appreciated. Please drop off your baked goods before each mass & mark all baked goods with a suggested price. As always, thank you for your support of the Women's Club! BISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL~Many thanks to those who have made a pledge to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. Making a six-month pledge to the Appeal allows you to maximize the amount that you may give by making monthly payments. For example, a $120 gift to the Appeal may be setup with six $20 installments. Remember, every gift counts, no matter how small. Your generosity funds the annual budget for important Diocesan ministries in our area. You can make your gift online at WOMEN’S CLUB MAY SOCIAL GATHERING will be held on Thursday, May 21 at 6pm at Mollie Maguire’s. All women of the parish are invited. Please call Judy at 570-325-3310 if you are interested. COME JOIN US FOR OUR SPRING GATHERING, SUNDAY MAY 17th! We will be really thinking spring & talking about St. Isidore patron saint of farmers. If the weather holds we will have this gathering outside at Immaculate Conception, beginning at 3pm. If the weather is bad we will begin in McGinley Hall. This would be a great gathering for the youngest members of our parishes. Please either call the WCC office at 570325-2791, ext 18, to register or email Mrs. Merkel at We will need to have numbers for registration in order to have enough materials for all. The registration fee for families is $5. Those over 55 are free, however must be registered, registrations must be in by May 10th. A MOTHER’S DAY ENVELOPE is included in your packet. There is a space on the back of the envelope to write in the name of a loved one (living or deceased). These envelopes will be placed on the altar for the month of May and will be remembered at all the Masses. MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND – Remembering our Loved Ones Who Served: If any parishioners have pictures of loved ones who served in the service you may place them on the back table in church, or drop them at the Rectory, to be part of the Memorial Weekend Masses. C.Y.O. NEWS~ Our year end banquet is scheduled for Thursday, May 21st from 6-8pm @ the Jim Thorpe HS commons.. Our next mtg. is scheduled for Tues., May 12th, 6:30pm @ SJRA. All are welcome to attend. St. Joseph’s CYO would like to express our sincerest condolences to the Sofranko family for the loss of Jim Sofranko and our grateful appreciation for thinking of us in their time of grief. We would like to thank everyone who gave donations to our organization in memory of Jim, who was a huge part of St. Joe’s CYO for many years. Thank You! GOD'S WORD TODAY~The familiar passage proclaimed in today's Gospel reminds us that we are branches on the vine and the vine is Jesus Christ. At the moment of our baptism we were grafted onto that vine, and from that moment on much has been expected of us. The closer we are to Christ the vine the more others will learn to recognize Christ through our own actions. To find out what those actions need to be, look no further than today's second reading. There Saint John tells us to love one another just as Christ commanded us. As you sit in church today, look around and see the other grafts on the vine-those sitting around you. Pray that the vine and its branches will be strengthened so that Christ's love will be shown to others all the more. From Saint Margaret Sunday Missal, ©J. S. Paluch Company
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