Worlds Window Infrastructure and Logistics Pvt. Ltd. 201102 lnlard Container Depot, Loni, Ghaziabad (UP) Tariff for Terminal HandlinE S. No. Category / services Charges for Various Activities Applicable at ICD/LONI With effect from 15th April2015 of Handling A EXPORT CYCTE 1 ICD STUFFING Tariff per Tariff per TEU (in Rs.) tEU (in Rs.) *2650 42SO Shifting empty container from empty Stack of ICD Loni empty park to stuffing point unloading break-bulk export cargo (handled by labour/3 ton forklifts only)from shipper's transport, arranging Customs examination, weighing on weigh-scale (weight limit upto100 kg) of ICD if required, lifting of loaded Customs sealed container, transportation and stacking at export pre- stack or load on truck for onwards dispatch to gateway port by road/lifting of loaded container from pre-stack and transportation of loaded containers to rail siding and loading of loaded container on Rail wagon for dispatch to nominated Gateway port. (Carting and stuffing charges extra as per applicable tariff). 2 Factorv Stuffins * : 2350 3850 *2250 3750 800 1400 1000 1800 Unloading excise sealed factory stuffed Container from private road trailer, stackinB in prestack area, lifting, Transportation and loading it on rail Wagon after Customs examination and sealing or Loading factory stuffed container directly on rail wagon after customs sealing at ICD LONI. 3 CFS StuffinE : Unloading loaded and Customs sealed export Container from satellite CtS's road traileri Stacking in pre-stack, lifting, transportation and loading on rail wagon without any Customs examination in ICD or loading CFS stuffed container directly on rail wagon. 4 Empty Export; Lifting of empty container from empty stack, shifting of empty container to rail side and loadins on rail wagon, 5 Emptv Export from satellite CFS Offload the empty container from private truck to rail side and loading on rail wagon Empty conta;ner has to be booked before arrival at ICD Loni. 6 Weighment of Export containers on shipper's vehicle 7 TERMINAL SERVICE CHARGES FOR EXPORT I.OADED CONTAINER 17a llb 17c (7d \7e 8 (8a) (8b (8c Rs. Firsr 7 Davs free {including Dare of Arrival) Next 3 davs {08th to 10th) per dav or part thereof Next 4 davs(11th to 14th) per dav or part thereof Next 7 davs (15th to 21st) per dav or part thereof 22nd Dav onwards per dav or part thereof 250/- per container including empty vehicle. Nll Nil 200 400 300 600 400 800 500 1000 EXPORT WAREHOUSE STORAGE CHARGES for FCL(Carting Date + 2 working day) Thereafter TERMINAL SERVICE CHARGES Rs,800/-per TEU per week or part thereof. WAREHOUSE STORAGE CHARGES LCL - Rs. 50/- per ton per day {subject to minimum of Rs 200/- per day) WAREHOUSE STORAGE CHARGES (Reserved) - Rs. 170/- per Sqm per month subject to minimum 50 sqm. WAREHOUSE STORAGE CHARGES FCL - Free time B IMPORT CYCLE 1 ICD DESTUFFING *3500 Unloading loaded import container from Rail wagon, transportation and grounding it in import stack, lifting and transporting it to import de-stuffing area (within ICD) for Customs examination, seal cutting, arranging Customs examination,(Labour/3 ton forklifts only). (De- stuffing/labour charges extra as per applicable tariff) {_|ry.! Page I ol'4 5800 Worlds Window Infrastructure and Logistics Pvt. Ltd. Inland Container Depot, Loni, Ghaziabad (UP) 201102 w\ Tariff for Terminal Handling 2 / Services Charges for Various Activities Applicable at ICD/IONI With effect from 16th April 2015 FACTORY DESTUFFING *3500 5800 *2800 4,900 800 1400 400 500 U nloading import loaded container from Rail, transportation and grounding in import stack, lifting, transportation & unloading it in import inspection area for Customs examination up to 25%, arranging Customs examination, loading Customs cleared container on shipper's arranged road trailer for dispatch outside lCD, unloading of empty container from road trailer to stack at ICD Loni after factory de-stuffing. (De- stuffing/labour charges extra in case of more than 25% examination/ de-stuffing as per applicable tariff) CFS DE-STUFFING 3 Unloading of lmport loaded container from Rail wagon, stack it to import loaded yard and loading it on road trailers arranged by CFS without Customs examination or loading on CFS vehicle directly. EMPTY IMPORT (ISO} 4 LJnloading empty container from rail flat, transportation and stacking it in empty Stack Weiehment of lmport containers at the time of arrival on WWILPL account Weiehment of vehicle without handling 5 6 100/- per weishment TERMINAL SERVICE CHARGES FOR IMPORT LOADED CONTAINER. 7 (7c) First 10 Days free (including date of Arrival) Next 4 davs (11th to 14 th) per dav or part thereof Next 5 davs (15th to 19 th) per dav or part thereof {7d) (7e) Next 71 davs (20th to 90th) per day or part thereof Next 30 davs i91st to 120th) per day or part thereof (7a Rs. ) (7b) (7f) Next 30 days {121st to 150th) per day or part thereof Us) trom 151st dav onwards per day or part thereof 8 (8a) Nil Nit 300 600 400 800 500 1000 3000 4000 5000 5500 11000 8000 IMPORT WAREHOUSING STORAGE CHARGES FCL IIVIPORT WAREHOUSING/BONDING STORAGE - Rs. 60/- per ton per day or part thereof, (with Minimum booking for a period of 30 days and minimum deposit of Rs.15000/- per TEU) (8b) LCL TMPORT WAREHOUSING/BONDING STORAGE - Rs. 60/- per ton per day or part thereof, (wlth Minimum booking for 5 ton and in multiples of 5 ton or part thereof and with minimum booking for a period of 30 days). (8c) De stuffing of cargo arriving for bonding in trucks from out side ( Minimum Rs.200/ ) per Rs. 60/- per ton or part thereof transaction) (8d) (8e) Rs. 50- pe. ton or part thereof Delivery from Bonded warehouse (Minimum Rs.200/- per transaction) Note: ln case of part delivery of FCL cargo after initial two week time, the ba ance bonded cargo will be treated as LCL cargo and will be charged as per LcL cargo rates. c DE-STUFFING/STUFFING CHARGES 1 De-stuffins / stuffine / More than / 25% examination of of General cargo More than 25% examination of HMS, all types of metal scrap 2 De-stuffing /Stuffing 3 Carting Charges for Export cargo 4 6 unloading of cargo Yard Area Used for de-stuffing the import cargo for more than 2 days including date of destuffins and liftins date Yard Area Used for left over scrap cargo, From EJO date to and lifting date 7 lnternal Transportation Charges (Trailor charge only) D OUT OF CYCLE /TERMINAL SERVICE CHARGES Rs. 1,100 7,200 2,000 2,500 40/- per ton or Rs. 200/- per s/Bill whichever is higher. 5 1 2 Part/Loose Loadine / Rs.60/- ton or part thereof 1000 per day 500 per day Rs. 100/- per ton per dav 600 customs examination of import cargo arrived by road directly from gateway port in addition to cvcle. Hydra is used for de-stuffing of heavy material Rs. 1100 2000/- per vehicle 75 per ton Min.1500 /_ rEU dN?)t Page 2 ol-l 75 per ton Mi6;2sOo/- FEU \t\T\6 Worlds Window Infrastructure and Logistics Pvt. Ltd. lnland Container Depot, Loni, Ghaziabad (UP) 201102 Tariff for Terminal Handling / Services Charges for Various Activities Applicable at ICD/LONI With effect from 16th April 2015 service charges for lcD Loni train containers (To/For train) Loaded for entering and leaving. 950 1'170 4 service charges for lcD Loni road containers (directly To/For gateway port) Loaded for 2200 4400 5 entering and leaving. Service charges for lcD Loni road containers EXIM from other cFs (LoADED) for entering 950 7770 950 77rO 600 and leavins. for lcD Loni road containers (back to town) for entering and leaving. 6 Service Charges E OUT OF CYCLETHC excluding VIA 7 shiftine of Export loaded container from buffer yard to bonded yard Re-examination of lmport Containers (upto 25% destuffing of cargo) Loading / offloading of Empty container on private road trallor to ground or vice-versa or transshipment from one truck to another truck Loading/ offloading of Loaded container on Private road trailor to ground or vice-versa or transshipment from one truck to another truck Placement of empty container from one place to another place with in ICD complex or shifting from one wagon to another wagon or wagon to ground or vice versa 600 400 6 Placement of loaded container from one place to another place within lcD complex or shiftlng from one wa8on to another wagon or wagon to ground or vice versa 7 8 Mis-declaration of weipht / hazardous cargo etc. change of Gate way port before or after booking (only for export loaded container) 9 Amendment in cRN / container details after arrival 10 Job Order cancellation (all activities) 17 Orisinal / orevious lob order is reouired to be submitted back surcharqe of Danserous/ Hazardous Goods o.D.c. shipment 2 3 4 5 72 container 400 s00 700 700 7200 600 1000 750 7200 2000/- per container 200/- 2OO/- Rs.2000/- per cRN and Rs.600/- per container Rs. 100/- per container 20% extra of normalTHC THC and TERMINAL SERVICE other handling charges will be charged double of normal CHARGES and charges 13 800/- per shipper per day charges for using ICD Complex for Palletisation, Mutilation with private cylinder, Repackins/Labelins 1,000 2,000 Nit Nil 40 (tc First 30 davs includins date of arrival or destuffing Next 45 days (31st to 75th) per day or part thereof Next 290 davs (76th to 365th dav) per day or part thereof 25 50 (1d 366th dav onwards 725 250 G REEFER HANDLING 7 Empty container lmport/ Export Unloading empty container from rail flat, Transportation and stackins it in empty stack & vice-versa 7,200 2,000 2 TERMINAL SERVICE CHARGES Nil Nil 100 150 74 F {ta (1b Merger of manv B.O.E. in a container TERMINAL SERVICE CHARGES FOR EMPTY CONTAINERS for empty container First 5 Days 20 free (including date of arrival and De-stuffins date) 4 6th Dav to 20th day (per day or part thereof) 2lst Dav onwards (per dav or part thereof) 5 stuffins charees (Direct) 6 Plug in charges- 48 hrs free from time of arrival (there after charges 1800/- per 24 hrs or part thereof till rake loading completion) 7 PTI charges on 8 PTI charges 3 10 ground on private trailor Lift on/ off charges for empty / loaded container Export loaded reefer container THC{ subject to minimum 12 reefer container in a train) L7 Export THC for less than 12 containers in a train (dead THq 9 Page 3 150 200 1,100 1,800 1,400 1,800 12OO/, 600/900 600 -l Rs lTsoolRS. of4 \ l/5::-:lntainer 1300P/i pF[ eotttainer 4y i,.\-. : }ls Worlds Window Infrastructure and Logistics pyt. Ltd, Inland Container Depot, Loni, Chaziabad (Up) 20t t 02 Tariff for Terminal Handling / Servlces Chart ies for Various Activities Applicabte at rcO/rOttt With effect frc m 16th April2015 WEIGHMENT CHARGES H 7 I-,.,,," :,",,, ..".^ .,,u udLK (o ydro wtrn wergnment ot both empty & loaded trailor on party 1,000 lrequest 1,500 I Shut out 1 of case / Excess cargo FCL *ill bu tn cargo as under: Rs 60/- oer tonne oer dav ln case of shut out caO", other cargo ii, / removed from tCD Loni (inclusive of all Sundays and holidays) lqx v' c^rrJ: Ldr tsu, rr rE duove wnarrage cnarges wt be teviable from the date of unloading of cargo till excess cargo is merged undays and holiduVs) CARGO HANNI ING 1 ( 'UI IT ^' '? or pa.t th"reo OUTWARD CYCTE DSO 7 ,uduEU 2 Lo ri ner orfloaoing Trom trattor/ lnternal shifting and loading on rail Eu ruducu LoIlrarfier nanotrng an0 toadtng on Raal excluding cargo handling activity. L,,,p!y L^pur r UJU Lll rrnB or empry conratner irom empty stack, shifting of empty container for rail side and Joadins on rail waeon_ qrrr.h,rdA n.---.^,," i u 4 ^f other charges as per 5 t rfter 2 de-stuffing. 3,600 1,800 3,600 800 L,400 1,800 3,600 1,800 3,600 800 7,400 I ,,,,vur r dr lvdr I r urr tlirr/ ttoaq ror tLu oe_stuttlng and yard de- stuffing (excluding cargo handling Activities) 3 1,800 4% extra of normal THC EXrM- INWARD CYCLE DSO lmport arrival from Ruit/n 1 i._ JU ulrudurnB empry conratner Trom ratt ltat transportation and sta(kirg it in empty Stack 5 E^D :ding l"ltonne UnloadingchargeS:Rs.60/-pertonneoroartthereofsrrbie.tffi P, 2 4 'IIAD,:EC chlfses , Rs.,60/- Ju,L,,o,6E u' ud 6eruu5/ Eirzirroous gooos I or D5U 5htomentl Othpr rh:roc< a< nar FVlr\, riri+{ 4% extra of normal THC M 7 ,ing by rail @ Rs. 2 3 rs like sprvi.p 4 735/- per 20, and Rs. 7325/- per 40' . trY chrll h- --+,. 5 6 1 8 ,r uoy. Cf,.rg"t be charged as per a( :tuals of Management. 9 10 11 All ampndmp"t. ".- / discretion .,,t"i-.+ *',,,0" on u..o 1',1lt'::! WWlLPLwillnotbeunderobIigationtop,ouid".ny, tn clearance or cargo test results are delayed. .. v' 1-2 rcdtrd6t u' LdrBo turr/ etc.J, tts. zuul- per I tU per day will be additionally charged from the date of arrival (without giving any free days) plus yard / warehouse cleaning charges and or other charges / at actuals as accrued on this account. 13 !,,cauc vuu,,rI rr I LoJc 10000/- 16 LIdrtscs : ruTo or cneque amounl + bank charges subject to minimum Rs 500 + Bank Charges and maxjmum Rs 74 l:c' Page 4 ol4 h#-.w''?! \u'4p
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