Publication Opportunities All extended abstracts will be published in book of abstract and be distributed during the conference. Authors who wish for their papers to be published in the conference proceeding (to be indexed by Thomson Reuters) may submit their full papers after the conference (by 20 September 2015). Selected papers from the proceedings will be reviewed for publication in International Journal of Environment, Society and Space, 2016 published by National Geographical Association of Malaysia (http:// with similar topics. Each presenter is allocated 15 to 20 minutes inclusive of questions and discussions. Preconference Workshop 1. GIS in Financial Development Get in-depth, expert-led training on the usage of GIS techniques in financial development. GIS has now become a mission-critical enterprise system along with financial, human resources, enterprise resource planning and asset management. It has become an enabling technology which supports financial needs by providing locational context to support better decision making. 2. GIS in Social Issues Analysis Get exposure to expert-led training in terms of putting spatial context into so Selected papers will be considered cial issues such as poverty and health. and reviewed for publication in an GIS has now become a useful tool in planedited book entitled “Poverty and Ine- ning for service delivery, understanding qualities”. pattern and planning for sustainable solution to poverty issues. It provides new Guidelines for preparing the extended outlook on old social issues which allow abstract and presentation scientific approach to support decision Researchers are requested to write their making. extended abstract (maximum of 2 pages on A4 size paper, single spacing, and Please visit our website for more inforusing 11 points, Times New Roman mation and registration: inclusive of table, diagram or figure) on various topics related to Development and Socio-spatial-inequalities. The ab- Contact Person: stract may be products of completed re- The Secreteriat search, research in-progress, or those International Conference on Developassociated with case studies. The extend- ment and Socio-Spatial Inequalities 2015 ed abstracts need to be submitted by 31 (ICDSSI 2015) School of Humanities March 2015. During the conference sessions, the extended abstract will be presented in power-point presentations. Each session consists of a panel of three or four presenters Universiti Sains Malaysia 11800 Penang, MALAYSIA Phone: 604-6533858 or 604-6533373; Fax: 604-6563707 E-mail:; INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DEVELOPMENT AND SOSIO-SPATIAL INEQUALITIES 2015 “Bridging Socio-Spatial Inequalities through Inclusive Development ” Date: 18, 19 & 20 August 2015 Venue: BAYVIEW BEACH RESORT, PENANG, MALAYSIA PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS (18 AUGUST 2015) 1. GIS IN FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENT 2. GIS IN ANALYSING SOCIAL ISSUES Organised by: Geography Section, School of Humanities Universiti Sains Malaysia 11800 Penang, MALAYSIA 4 Conference Fess Introduction Despite significant advances in development across the globe, progress has been uneven. It has been very rapid in East Asia, Latin America and some parts of Middle East, but slow in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Income per capita is often used to measure development and categorize countries into low, lower middle, upper middle and upper income countries. Thus, variations in development and subsequent wealth generation have led to widening of gaps between rich and poor countries. This phenomenon has exacerbated inequality among regions and nations. Socio-spatial inequality can be described as unequal distribution of resources and services such as medical, welfare and education depending on the area or location. It can be caused by culture, religion, race, or remoteness of these areas. This situation can be identified by spatial analysis, where spatial dimension is used to describe patterns of inequality. Furthermore, spatial variation can be compared between different geographical areas in relation to social, culture and environment dimensions. This phenomenon may become persistent and self-perpetuating, causing serious economic and social problems. It is pertinent, therefore, to detect issues of inequalities between different areas, or between ethnic groups and find strategies and policies to reduce these inequalities, thereby making distribution of resources and services more even. Aims To create a platform for academic discourse, information dissemination and networking amongst academics, practitioners, academicians, and those who have similar interests. To present research findings on the subject matter related to issues, strategies and policies in development and socio-spatial inequalities. Call for Papers Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract to be written in English. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Economic Growth and Development Socio-economic studies Culture and economic growth Sustainable economic development Development and food security Gender and development GIS and Financial Development Physical Environment and Development Environmental management Environmental degradation Environmental services and poverty Environment and planning Environment, water and food security Land use and planning GIS and Remote Sensing 2 Local: CATEGORIES FEE (per person) Notification of abstract acceptance: 30 April 2015 Participant/paper presenter RM 800.00 Conference Date: 19 – 20 August 2015 Additional author attending the conference RM 450.00 Student (with proof of student registration) RM 500.00 Additional student author attending the conference RM 250.00 Post Conference Paper Submission Date: 20 September 2015 Participants Participation for this conference is open to all academic staff, students, independent researchers, practitioners, policy makers and anyone interested in development and socio-spatial inequalities issues. Institution session We invite any institutions, universities or bodies that are interested to hold a special session to discuss their work-inprogress, initial findings or main findings of their research. The proposal for this special session should be submitted together with brief information about the session and extended abstract of all the papers to be presented. The number of papers presented for each session is between 3 to 5. Culture and Society Cultural change Health and services Development and crime Education and development Psychology and poverty Media and society Social exclusion Civil society INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DEVELOPMENT AND SOSIO-SPATIAL INEQUALITIES 2015 Important Dates: Submission of extended abstract: 31 March 2015 Venue BAYVIEW BEACH RESORT PENANG, MALAYSIA International: CATEGORIES Participant/paper presenter FEE (per person) RM1,100.00 Additional author attending the RM 650.00 conference Student (with proof of student registration) RM650.00 Additional student author attending the conference RM 350.00 Institutional Panel: CATEGORIES FEE (per person) Local Institution (between 3 to 5 panelists) RM800.00 International Institution (between 3 to 5 panelists) RM 1100.00 Group Participants from ASEAN RM750.00 agencies or institutions Please refer to the hotel directly for all (Without conference materials) minimum 3 persons. matters pertaining to accommodation. * Each Participant is eligible to present one paper only. Each addition paper will be charged RM800.00. ** Participants from developing countries may qualify for local fees rates. Please contact the secretariat for more information. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DEVELOPMENT AND SOSIO-SPATIAL INEQUALITIES 2015 3
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