A Copyright © 2013 by National Association for Music Education. Reprinted with permission. Not for further use without permission from NAfME. Winning Philosophy 46 Teaching Music november 2013 Winifred Crock’s focus on development over competition led her school to a Grammy Gold Signature Award. By Cathy Applefeld Olson WINIFRED CROCK rehearses with her students at Central High School in St. Louis, Missouri. t’s not every high school music teacher who can keep company with the likes of Sir Georg Solti and Yo-Yo Ma. But Winifred Crock— director of orchestras at Parkway Central High School in St. Louis, Missouri—motivated her school to apply for a Grammy Gold Signature Award in 2006 and when the envelope was opened, Parkway Central was a winner. “It was really exciting to send it off and see how we would perform at this level,” Crock says of the decision to seek the school’s designation as having one of the top music departments in the country. “I had no idea where we were in scope. We’re not a large school. We only have a population of about 1,200, and the Grammy is so comprehensive. But I thought, ‘let’s try this and see how we do.’” A Grammy win almost seems the natural outcome for violinist Crock, who trained at the Suzuki Talent Education Institute in Matsumoto, Japan, under the tutelage of famed string educator Shinichi Suzuki. “I grew up in a family of musicians so there was always music in my life,” she says. Her passion for teaching sparked while she was earning a bachelor of music degree at Southern Illinois University, where she graduated with a special emphasis on Suzuki pedagogy. “Because I grew up in Suzuki, I was allowed to teach in college as part of the prep program,” she says. “I became passionate about the challenge of teaching. It’s a musical challenge, an artistic challenge, an intellectual challenge. Figuring it out for yourself is one thing, but to help someone else figure it out is something altogether different and fascinating.” For the past 26 years, Crock has lived out that fascination at St. Louis’ Parkway schools, the majority of them in the high school, where she’s grateful for a system that strongly supports music education. “We have a wonderful program with feeder schools—students start with Suzuki in the third grade. That foundation is extraordiCopyright © 2013 by National Association for Music Education. Reprinted with permission. Not for further use without permission from NAfME. nafme.org 47 nary. It would be so much more difficult to [excel] without it. Then within Central High School itself we really have the perfect storm—a generous administration, brilliant students, and wonderful parents.” About 50% of the student population participate in the music program—10% of them in orchestra. Within the music department, synergies flow freely, rendering the whole greater than its parts. “We function individually as different ensembles, but we do a large choral masterwork as a combined work every year,” Crock says. “When we do a musical, everyone does it. We have a large, combined madrigal dinner. We FOR MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL GET YOUR STUDENTS IN TUNE WITH THE WIDE WORLD OF MUSIC! In Tune Monthly is “The Young Musician’s Textbook” and the perfect enrichment tool for band, orchestra, choral and general music students. In Tune keeps them reading about music and uses a broad mix of contemporary and traditional content to reinforce the virtues of practice, performance, creation, collaboration and appreciation. 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Unstopp Von t Scott ■ Guitaris es His Free: AuHeldt Launch ook for Audiob , Mind Over Metal diobook free for a limited available Scott Von through time website. official Heldt’s team pitch Nancy (near the It was a Tune’s intrepid Dakota music teacher presented er and when In Bottineau, North Makeov donated by School u High Minot to Music Room gear yet Bottinea Ultimate best array of award NoIn Tune FOR MORE Our this year’s Electronics. n, Pearl, Roland,d in displaye by Peavey Buffet Crampo artfully Peavey, Pro-Mark was tion and 3 S ■ Rascal HERE Messa Home ments Assign Videos JANUA CLICK ge In Tune drive from by Peave morning—snow 80-mile border), to n presenteddark and stormyset out on the Canadia Olson Powered RY 8, 2009 ood and Underw Win■ Carrie Top s Choice Chris Brown ood People’ ners at : Carrie Underw Awards Brown were and Chris two People’s last trophies awarded Award Choice HS Music TO HEAR THE ... ngList Listeni Music Bottin Trip modo er irilla feui. et modolor tecing essnis. ing Spring essnis tecing feu feumsec wnis feu feumsec lorer irilla dolut alit feummodo feu ullaorem connis rt exer in modo lorer irilla Conce Winter orer irilla feu feumeer irilla feui. umisi. t aut auguera modolol g essnis modolor eumrper dit prat. sectecin feumnis feumsan ns irilla feu er irilla feu Auditionsenis modoloracidui i. odiam iustrud vullaore feuis quism feuis cillam, Duisiam vullaore Members diat odiam erosto New Band feuis aciduiwissi. vullaore diat acidui erosto IT10_3_C OUR PHOTO 1 STORIESTakes Off irilla OUR eau Music modo lorer ilit, 1 S FOR OUR FOCU UARYRE how controlFEBRPRESSU Willis shows THE HEART FOLK’S UTH LAND: MOVEMYO ENT LOGIN over_cho 5 SPECIAL REP ORT PICK IT UP ELECTR >> A clar AMPS & ACIC GUITARS, inetist’s nig CESSORIES >> Free jazz pionee hts at the opera >> A wri r Ornette ting Col >> Psy, the team gets an A-P eman lus in R&B December Listening List, and Decem ber More! 2012 ice.indd 1 $3.99 Vol. 10 • No. 3 47554 UPC 8 8 4 0885 Upcom 5 Gary tone. FINGER improve and teacher Bassist pressure can ling finger FINDER CHORD and inven- ce GUITAR and the strange es or new excellen internet and shows The goodfor sweet harmoni piece of key Looking This nifty imaginable on guitar. From tive discord?to put in any those chords you allows for playing the fingering com. to proGibson. e GuitarsMonthly G BASICS with Epiphon In Tune BENDIN teaming up from the is stories In Tune lessons, vide video 10/24/12 S OUR VIDEO 11:44 AM for Musicians Event s s l Photo l Video s l Assig nmen er’s Us l Teach l About t l Home Messa ge l Site Map FOR MORE INFORMATION about In Tune student magazine sets (print or electronic for iPad), books, teacher guides, listening CD, and “ourmusicclass.com” website (free with an order of 30 or more subscriptions), call 914.358.1200 x310, fax 914.741.1136, or e-mail info@intunepartners.com. To view a sample issue of In Tune, please go to the website www.intunemonthly.com. are all involved in some way in the very large things we undertake … We wouldn’t have gotten a Grammy without having a tremendous overall program. There is a respect within the school for different areas of academics but for the arts as well.” While it’s wonderful to have a trophy, for Crock it’s all about the opportunities that lie ahead. “We are not ones to sit around and say, ‘We won this award.’ We say, ‘That was great; what’s our next project?’ We always have new kids and new programs and new concerts and projects. The Grammy was a great way to say we are doing a good job—that’s really what it meant to us.” And the golden gramophone isn’t the only public award to come Crock’s way. She was named 2013 Educator of the Year by St. Louis Symphony—an honor that took her by surprise and resulted in the local PBS station doing a segment on her class for their show Living St. Louis, which was set to film just before this article went to press. “My fine arts coordinator nominated me and got a bunch of kids to support the nomination and write notes. I had no idea I had been nominated until I won,” she recounts. The honor included being called on stage after a symphony concert, where she spoke about what music education means to her. Central to Crock’s teaching method is a focus on development over competition. Parkway Central places its share of students in All-State and NAfME National Honor orchestras, but she is wary of the high-pressure environment of so many music competitions. “The whole idea of assessment in the arts is such a big deal, but I’m really very careful about competitions. I want my kids to go do amazing things, but the 48 Teaching Music november 2013 All classroom photos: jon huang Copyright © 2013 by National Association for Music Education. Reprinted with permission. Not for further use without permission from NAfME. Copyright © 2013 by National Association for Music Education. Reprinted with permission. Not for further use without permission from NAfME. atmosphere is not always supportive. I am more into the idea of personal best,” she says. “We don’t have competitive seating auditions or things like that.” This philosophy harkens back to her own training. “I studied with Shinichi Suzuki. That method is all about how can you improve and grow as a human being and a person. The atmosphere is extraordinary. I want to challenge my students to do their best, and that atmosphere is really very telling in terms of how get kids to be motivated.” The very nature of playing in an orchestra, Crock says, fosters a natural setting for self-improvement. “Ensemble means ‘together.’ You can’t have an orchestra where half of the kids play out of tune, so they know I am not going to accept a lesser product, and they want to do their best. Fear is a powerful motivator. The fear of not playing up to their top level is a very powerful thing.” FOR ELEMENTARY AND MIDDLE SCHOOL with Winifred Crock WANT TO BRING MUSIC ALIVE FOR YOUR STUDENTS? Q If I were not a music teacher and could not be a performing musician, I would … Teach another subject—languages, history, or literature. This is an amazing time to be a teacher. We are in the process of a revolution in what we teach and how we teach it. The world is changing and, with it, education. It is a very exciting time to be in education. A L IC I A K Turns Up th E Y S e Creativ What’s something you know now to be true that you didn’t know Q when you started teaching music? T HE E E RerS L U MugIN s gling Perform When I began my teaching career, I didn’t realize the importance of a strong pedagogical background. The processes to teach music and music skills are complex and specific. Without a serious pedagogical background, truly skilled teaching is very difficult. Exposure to a subject does not often result in knowledge, and experience alone will not develop independent skill. When my students leave my Q class I want them to … I want my students to understand the importance photo: Courtesy of Winifred crock of music education so that they will continue to play and experience music and ensure that their children will have a high-quality music education in the future. I want them to know that anyone can learn, but no matter what their level of ability, daily, careful work is necessary to bring their potential to fruition. The music education profession Q would be better if … The community at large truly understood the importance of music education. Music education is not an extra. It should be a basic fundamental part of every child’s development and education. Music and music education have a profound effect on the human condition and the development of higher-level brain function. They cannot be trivialized or diminished. nafme.org 49 GOSPEL From Str rs to Folk-Rock Sta Makes a Soul Connection Left to Right: Neyla Pekarek Wesley Schultz Jeremiah Fraites UP POWERtric With Elec Keyboards MUSIC &gTV An Endurin Combination VIETNAM Earth’s 2012 r MA32_5_Cover_ Decembe Vol. 32 No. 3 choice2.indd $2.99 1 Home of nt Oldest Instrume 8547 UPC 8 8 4 0 8 653 AM 10/22/12 9:55 dd 1 MA32_3_CoverChoice.in On Her Late e Heat st Album THE APOLLO Inside a Legend Theaterary RUSSIA Battles and Balalaikas Februa ry 2013 $2.99 Vol. 32 No. 5 UPC 8 8 4 0885 47592 12/19/12 12:58 PM Band directors, choral directors, and general music teachers have used Music Alive! for over 32 years, to engage students and focus their attention on an ever-expanding range of musical subjects. >> The online destina tion for Events Daily Music Z AC B ROW N B A ND Powered thly.com Adding New Dim ension to Cou ntry Music and Winning sNe sic— — w Fans CLICK HERE TO HEAR THE ... Listeni ngList Music for Musicians Bottineau HS Music Photos News by intunemon JANUA RY 8, 2009 ■ Carrie Underw Chris Brown ood Top Win-and ners at Awards People’s Choice and Chris: Carrie Underw awarded Brown were ood Choice two People’s Award night. trophies last ■ Rascal Fans To Flatts Calls On Album Design Its New Cover: choice winners, People’s Flatts, needs Rascal you to the cover design Unstopp for its new album able. ■ Guitaris t Scott Heldt Launch Von Audiob es ook for His diobook Free: Auavailable, Mind Over Metal free for time through a limited Scott Von Heldt’s official website. 1 5 LOGIN Videos USERNA Assign BOTTI WINS NEAU HS ments ME Home MA In Tune Ultimate KEOVER presented Music Room ! by Peave It was a y Electr Makeover when In pitch dark and onics Minot Tune’s intrepid stormy About Us Teacher’s morning to team set —snow award Bottineau, North out on stormy Bottinea the 80-mile that is— Dakota this year’s u High (near School drive from by Peavey In Tune Ultimate and musicthe Canadia Electron Music Room teacher n border), to Peavey, ics. 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Conducting In the Age of BERNSTEIN Event s l Photo s l Video s l Assig nmen t l Home l About Us l Teach er’s January 2013 $2.99 Vol. 32 No. 4 UPC 8 8 4 0 8 8547 578 11/15/12 10:54 AM FOR MORE INFORMATION about Music Alive! student magazine sets, books, teacher guides, listening CD, and “ourmusicclass.com” website (free with an order of 30 or more subscriptions), call 914.358.1200 x310, fax 914.948.4045, or e-mail musicalive@intunepartners.com. To view a sample issue of Music Alive!, please go to the website musicalive.com. Messa ge l Site Map Messa ge
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