2700 McPherson Ave • Fort Worth, Texas 76109 • 817-927-8411 VOLUME 29 NUMBER 30 www.ststephen-pcusa.com ~Early Edition~ March 22, 2013 PREPARATIONS FOR WORSHIP HOLY WEEK EDITION Holy Week and Easter on the Hill. . . Schedule of Worship Services and Events ~Page 2~ Good Friday Fellowship Luncheon Maundy Thursday Good Friday ~Page 3~ Easter Day ~Page 3~ Preparation for Worship ~Page 4~ Following 12:15 p.m. service. Adult & General Educational News ~Page 5~ PCHAS Easter Baskets Children & Youth & Family News ~Page 6~ Sunday School and Breakfast for All SSPC Day School Auction Paschal Jazz Band Performing! Palm Sunday Donkey Processional Spring Festival Maundy Thursday: The Pelican and Her Piety Easter Day Youth Sunrise Celebration March 22, 2013 Page 2 Holy Week and Easter on the Hill. . . Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: Daytime Services and Luncheons Holy Week Lunch + Devotional: Monday (March 25); Tuesday (March 26); Wednesday (March 27); and Thursday (March 28) will take place 12:00 noon-1:00 p.m. in the Education Building. Freewill donations accepted. All are invited. Maundy Thursday Services: 7:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Maundy Thursday worship (March 28) will include four services: 7:00 a.m. Thursday Morning Prayer Service (Chapel of the Holy Trinity) followed by breakfast; lunch at 12:00-12:30 p.m. followed by Service with the Lord’s Supper 12:30-1:00 p.m. (Chapel); 5:15 p.m. Intergenerational Service (Sanctuary Crossing) followed by a 6:00 p.m. Pizza Supper; and 7:00 p.m. Traditional Service (Sanctuary Nave). The 7:00 p.m. service ends in silence with the removal of all adornments in the Chancel area in preparation for Good Friday. Good Friday Service, 12:15 p.m. The Good Friday Service begins at 12:15 p.m., Friday, March 29, 2013. The organ prelude beginning at 12:10 p.m. is a tone poem composed by the French organist, Marcel Dupré (1886-1971). Entitled, Crucifixion, it comes from Dupré’s Passion Symphony. The music evokes the drama of Jesus’ trial and Crucifixion , climaxing with huge, discordant chords played with the full organ signifying the tearing of the veil of the temple followed by the softest stops at Jesus’ death. The service lasts one hour, followed by a light lunch to which all are invited. Easter Vigil – 6:00 p.m. Friday – Midnight Saturday Worship through the night on Friday, March 29, all day Saturday ending with a Paschal Feast at midnight Saturday night. A schedule of services are available by email upon your request and will also be inserted in each worship bulletin. The Vigil services will be held at various locations on the church campus. Easter Day, 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. On Easter Day, March 31, 2013, we offer several events: 7:30-8:00 a.m. Sunrise Celebration on the Hill, informal event followed by an 8:00 a.m. Breakfast; 8:30-9:40 a.m. Worship Service (West Transept in the Sanctuary) with choir, brass quintet, organ and timpani followed by Breakfast 9:30-9:45 a.m. 9:45-10:30 Church School classes for all ages; 11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Worship Service (Sanctuary) with choir, brass quintet, organ and timpani. 21st Annual Services of Easter Lessons and Carols On Sunday, April 7, we celebrate the annual Services of Easter Lessons and Carols at both services. The 8:30 a.m. service will follow an abbreviated form of the Service of Easter Lessons and Carols and will include celebration of the Lord’s Supper. March 22, 2013 Page 3 Preparation for Worship Preparation for Worship Maundy Thursday GOOD FRIDAY March 28, 2013 March 29, 2012 12:15 p.m. (3 Worship Opportunities) (The 5:30 and 7:00 p.m. services include the Lord’s Supper.) 7:00 a.m. – Thursday Morning Prayer Service (Chapel) followed by breakfast (Parish Hall) 12:30 p.m. – Abbreviated Service of Holy Communion (Chapel of the Holy Trinity) This service is preceded by a light lunch (12:00 noon) in the Eastminster Room. 5:15 p.m. – Intergenerational Maundy Thursday Service, (Sanctuary–Crossing) 7:00 p.m. – Traditional Maundy Thursday Service (Sanctuary–Nave) 7:00 p.m. Service–Preparation for Worship The Prelude: “Beneath the Cross of Jesus” (ST. CHRISTOPHER, pg. 92) – setting, Dale Wood The Lections: Hebrew Testament Lesson: Exodus 12:1-14 Epistle Lesson: First Corinthians 11:17-34 Gospel Lesson: St. John 13:1-17, 31b-35 The Sermon – The Reverend Dr. Fritz Ritsch, pastor The Hymns: “Go to Dark Gethsemane” (97–REDHEAD 76) “Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love” (367–CHEREPONI) “Were You There?” (printed in the bulletin) The Gradual Psalm: “Psalm 116:1-2, 12-19” – Plainsong Mode II, Ending 1 (Organ Prelude begins at 12:10 p.m.) (This service will be followed by a light lunch served by the Fellowship Committee in the Parish Hall. There is no charge for the lunch and all worshipers are invited. No lunch reservations are required.) The Prelude: “Crucifixion” (from Passion Symphony, Op. 23, No. 3) – Marcel Dupré (The prelude will begin at 12:10 p.m. It is a dramatic sound poem depicting the crucifixion of our Lord.) The Lections: Psalm 22:1-2, 7-8, 14-22 – refrain Hal H. Hopson Isaiah 52:13 — 53:12 Hebrews 10:16-25 St. John 18:1 — 19:42 The Passion Story The Congregational Hymns: “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” (HAMBURG, pg. 101) “What Wondrous Love Is This” (WONDROUS LOVE, pg. 85) “Ah, Holy Jesus” (HERTZLIEBSTER JESU, pg. 93) The Silent Recessional: The people depart in silence to the tolling of the bourdon bell. The Fellowship Committee Invites You!! The Choral Music: “All in the April Evening” – Hugh Roberton - The Sanctuary Choir - The Communion Music: “So Let Us Keep This Holy Feast” (movement VI, BWV 4) – J. S. Bach - Allison Stanford and Jim Hodges, duet - The Stripping of the Chancel The Silent Recessional St. Columba Team: Volunteers Immediately following the Good Friday Worship service, we invite you to join us in the Parish Hall for sandwiches and fellowship!. Liturgist: 7:00 p.m. – Cathy Corder Ushers: Team 4-a (Dick Haller; Craig and Peggy Bender; Margaret and Henry Hash; Robby Fultz)) Flowers: Chancel Guild Everyone is welcome!! March 22, 2013 Page 4 Preparation for Worship EASTER DAY: The Resurrection of the Lord March 31, 2013 (Both worship services will celebrate the Lord’s Supper. The music for the 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. service will Include organ, brass quintet, timpani, choir and congregation.) THE PRELUDE: “Chorale-Fantasy on Christ the Lord Is Risen Again” (CHRIST IST ERSTANDEN Tune, pg. 112) – – German folk melody, setting Flor Peeters DINNERS FOR The List is Growing...Make your Reservations now! Spring is in the air and so many are excited to hear that “Dinners for 8” is returning! Get to know other church members over dinner (or lunch or happy hour) in a relaxed setting in a home or a restaurant. - Organ, Brass Quintet and Timpani - THE LECTIONS: Acts 10:34-43 First Corinthians 15:19-26 St. John 20:1-18 THE GRADUAL: “Psalm 118:14-24” – (pg. 231 in ‘The Presbyterian Hymnal’) THE CONGREGATIONAL HYMNS: “Jesus Christ Is Risen Today” (EASTER HYMN, pg. 123) “Good Christians All, Rejoice and Sing” (GELOBT SEI GOTT, pg. 111) “Alleluia, Alleluia! Give Thanks” (106) (Communion hymn) “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today” (LLANFAIR, pg. 113) THE SERMON – The Reverend Dr. Fritz Ritsch, pastor THE CHORAL MUSIC: “Christ Is Risen, Alleluia!” – Ralph L. Grosvenor “Hallelujah!” (from Messiah) – George Frederick Handel (Offertory) “Resurrection Day” – Z. Randall Stroope “Hallelujah, Jesus Lives!” – Ludwig Lindeman (Communion) “Alleluias” – Robert Lau (Communion) “Christus Vincit” (Christ Has Conquered Death) – Joseph Noyon (Communion) - Organ, Brass Quintet and Timpani - THE POSTLUDE: “Toccata” (from Organ Symphony No. V, Op. 42) – Charles-Marie Widor 8:30 Ushers: Dian McCall and John Sherwood 8:30 a.m. Liturgist: Bradford Davis 11:00 a.m. Liturgist: Helen Kellie St. Columba Team: St. Luke: Noah Fergus; Liam Berg; Tom Nyul; Mason Fergus 11:00 Ushers: Team 5-a Marilyn and Donald Jones (subs), Walter and Myrtle Adams; Charlotte Ice; Max Jackson; William Gould Call the church office at 817-927-8411 or Anne Bourland at 817-924-5959 and leave a message with your name, address, and phone number. A list will be compiled of names, and you will be gathered into groups of 8! Those who offer to serve as host or hostesses will provide the main course. The rest will bring sides to go with it. This is such a fun and friendly way of getting to know your church family better! We hope that you will join us. A sign-up sheet is also available on the PW bulletin board outside the church office. A Note of Thanks Dear Church Family, I cannot express my gratitude enough for all of those who supported me during my father’s hospitalization last week. The cards, calls, and especially your continuing prayers mean so much to my family. A special thanks to the volunteers who stepped in to cover the office during my absense...thanks to Kurt Anderson, Betty Arvin, Cathy Corder, Peggy Harwood, Mark Scott, Dolores Morgan and of course Eddie Shaw for “holding down the Fort!” My comfort zone is at my desk, and being away from it during troubled times is not easy for me. Thanks to Betty Arvin and the rest of Personnel for their reassurance and blessings. Dad, also known as Victor Anderson, is “holding his own,” now in rehab, getting stronger every day, at the tender age of 98. Glory be to God! Judi Greathouse SSPC Office Administrator March 22, 2013 817-927-8411 office Adult & General Educational News beth.fultz@ststephen-pcusa.com Return the 30 Easter Baskets for Underprivileged Fort Worth PCHAS Kids Monday, March 25! Page 5 817-875-9704 cell 7th Annual Wine & Dine Auction Saturday, April 13, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Benefiting the SSPC Day School Thank you to those who sponsored an Easter Basket for the special children under the Pres.byterian Children’s Homes & Services oversight. We especially thank the Youth and Bible Study Group for taking a large number of kids! The Mission Committee & Becky Evans, PCHAS Spec. Sunday School Breakfast, 9:30 - 9:45 a.m. Sunday School Classes Offered for All Ages Every Sunday, 9:45 - 10:30 a.m. Thank you to the Fisher Sunday School Class & Dan Fergus for Sharing the responsibilities For Breakfasts during the month of March. These Adult Sunday School Classes Want YOU! 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Sundays! Fisher Class - Bible Study, “Reasoning about God”. Eastminster Room, 1st floor, Ed. Building. Teacher - Marvin Champlain All Ages Welcomed. Northminster Class - “Historical Perspective on Paul of Tarsus”. Northminster Room, 2nd Floor, Ed. Building. Above Chapel. Teacher - Richard Parr. All Ages Welcomed Star Bucks Class - “Conversations on Hunger “ concluding. Room 215, 2nd Floor, Ed. Building. Teacher - Martin Miller-Hessel. All Ages Welcomed Faith & Family Class - Raising Healthy Families. Bethlehem B&B Class, 2nd Floor, Ed. Building. Group Discussion. All Parents Welcomed Decorate a Table with Book Theme Idea [Huseman, Fultz, Klein, Hinckley, Murphy (2), & the Friday Book Club...] 7of 15 Tables so Far Reserve a Table for 8 - ($200); Reserve a Ticket - ($30 for 1; $50 for 2) Raffle - 32 “ Flat Screen TV from Southwest Bank! ($5 per ticket. 5 for $20) Babysitting for Children - Free; Paschal’s Jazz Band Performing! Wine & Dine Sponsor List 2013 Champion Donor Meta Alice Keith Bratten Foundation Hero Donors Betty Arvin & Mark Thielman Partner Donors Gretchen Denny & George Bristol Tammy & Jim Hille Tracy Holmes Faith & Jim Mallory Elizabeth & Mitch Murphy Friend Donors Nell & Bill Gould Carole & Fred Kelly Dirk Maney Karen & Shawn Sanderson Lynn & Bill Warren Randi Thistlewaite Raffle Sponsor Southwest Bank (Samsung 32” LED TV) Raffle Tickets for the TV can be purchased from Beth Fultz, $5 per ticket or $20 for 5 tickets. Next week, a list of our many, many wonderful donations to date! Contact Sharon LeMond, Chair; Sharla Trice, Day School Director; or Beth Fultz, Staff Liason, for MORE Information! March 22, 2013 Children & Youth & Family News 817-927-8411 office beth.fultz@ststephen-pcusa.com Page 6 817-875-9704 cell Palm Sunday, March 24, 2013 Palm Sunday Processional With Donkey, 10:45 a.m. on Promenade! Spring Festival, SAME DAY 12 noon - 1:30 p.m., For the Families, For Individuals, For Friends! Lunch - Taco Salad, with dessert and tea and water! Need Volunteers for: Pre-K Bounce House - Need 1 or 2 Volunteers Bounce House - Noah Fergus Obstacle Course House - Jacob Fergus Dying Easter Eggs - Need 1 Piñatas - Carolyn Kirkland - Pinata Duty Ring Fling - Robin Owhonda Katie Hinckley has graciously filled the Pinatas! Lasso Cow Bunny - Need 2 Fishing Pond for Pre-K - Charlotte & Marshall Ray Butterfly Bingo - Catherine Team Adult Craft Butterfly Wreath - Tammy Hille Kitchen - Todd Overton.and two more! 2nd Easter Egg Hunt Egg Hiders - Elizabeth Murphy, Julia Huseman, Teke Walters, Easter Day, & Laura Meyn March 31, Need These Items For Successful Event Hard Boiled Eggs - 5 dozen - Charlotte Ray & Laura Meyn Stuffed Plastic Eggs - 3 age level hunts on Palm Sunday Intergenerational & Child-Friendly Maundy Thursday Service Holy Week, March 28, 5:15 p.m. Children will be invited to Explore the meanings of Holy Week and the Resurrection. Each child receives a remembrance toy. Our Story: The Pelican and Her Piety Maundy Thursday Family Supper 6 p.m. Pizza for kids, parents and Anyone else wishing to eat with us! 10:30 a.m. After Sunday School. Youth Easter Sunrise Celebration & Breakfast Easter Day, March 31, 7:30 a.m. Craig Burton Cello Mason Fergus - Singing Ihoma Owhonda & Jacob Fergus - Singing Lily Kate Clayton - Singing Congregational Hymn John Bollman - Liturgist Tom Nyul - Sax Bobby Nyul - Trumpet Jack Thielman - Bagpipes 10 other youth are contemplating their gifts... Cast of 1000’s - “Feed My Sheep” Post-Resurrection Skit (with humor) Breakfast - Omelettes (3 kinds) Fruit Salad Muffins! Chef - Jacob Fergus and helpers! March 22, 2013 PAGE 7 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS | March 25-April 1, 2013 Monday, March 25 SSPC Day School 9:30 am Visitation Committee 9:30 am *Holy Week Devotional and Luncheon Noon-1:00 pm Ed. Building Sacristy Eastminster Tuesday, March 26 *Holy Week Devotional and Luncheon Noon-1:00 pm Knitting Guild 1:30 pm St. Swithun Handbell Rehearsal 6:00 pm Eastminster Eastminster Sanctuary Wednesday, March 27 SSPC Day School 9:30 am *Holy Week Devotional and Luncheon Noon-1:00 pm Sanctuary Choir Dress Rehearsal 6:30 pm -8:30 pm Thursday, March 28 Ed. Building Eastminster Sanctuary Maundy Thursday Morning Prayer Service and Breakfast 7:00 am Chapel/PH *Maundy Thursday Worship Service Noon - 1:00 pm Chapel *Luncheon provided by The Vogels after the service Eastminster *Intergenerational Worship Service 5:15 pm-6:00 pm Sanctuary *Pizza Dinner following the Service 6:00 pm-6:45 pm Parish Hall Cherub/Bethlehem/Junior Choir Rehearsals 4:15 pm Room 223 *Traditional Maundy Thursday Service 7:00 pm-8:10 pm Sanctuary Friday, March 29 Good Friday *Worship Service 12:15 pm-1:15 pm Sanctuary *Sandwich Luncheon 1:15 pm Parish Hall Easter Prayer Vigil begins at 6:00 pm, ending at Midnight on Saturday (Refer to Vigil Schedule on insert) Saturday, March 30 Sunday, March 31 Prayer Vigil continues through Midnight Easter Day *Youth Celebration with Breakfast 7:30 am Eastminster *Festal Worship Service 8:30 am- 9:30 am West Transept After Worship Fellowship 9:30 am West Transept Sunday School Breakfast 9:30 a.m. Parish Hall Sunday School Classes 9:45 am Ed. Building *Festal Worship Service 11:00 am - 12:15 pm Nave After Worship Fellowship Noon Narthex Youth Activities 5:00 pm Meet at Church *Additional information on page 2 of this publication. Monday, April 1 Church Office Closed Pray for our Military Friends and Family Wade Farrar Chris Hall Rob Jakcsy Scott Menking Lewis Russell Wayt PRAYER REQUESTS Recent Requests Carolyn Andrews (sister of David Andrews), Mimi Andrews (member), Cameron Best (friend of David Andrews), Sarah Bourland (mother of Bob Bourland), Jim and Betty Corbett (members), Gay Haller (member), Fleta Harris (mother of Ann Mills), Charlotte Ice (member), Rebecca James (friend of David and Mimi Andrews), Martha Fultz Jeffrey (sister of Robert Fultz), Troy Kennedy (member, father, grandfather and husband of Peggy Kennedy), Warren Marrow (member), Jim Potter (member), Rebecca Van Hooser (member and daughter of Bob and Marietta Watson) Members with Long-Term Needs: Dan Bechtel, Art Clayton Jr. (son of Elizabeth and Art Clayton), Catherine Durway, Kathy Flores, Woody Graham, Dale Henderson, Walker Madison, Marietta Watson Family and Friends with Long-Term Needs: Reice Altomare (friend of the Meyn family) Adelaide Andrews (cousin of Bobbie Marrow) Margretta Aviles (sister-in-law of Gay Haller) Ann Louise Armstrong (cousin of Bobbie Marrow) Peggy and Bryan Barnard (friends of Gay Haller) Mark Beal (uncle of Gina Galloway Wood) Richard Beckwith (father of Vicki Johnson) Linden Blackmon (Friend of Bobbie Marrow) Sharon Curry (PCUSA Missionary in So. Sudan) Greg Garrett (son of Dorothy Garrett) Earl Hamlin (husband of member Rosemary Hamlin) Sherry Hill (Friend of Bobbie and Warren Marrow) Bea House (wife of Jim House) The Kazda Family (friends of Laura Meyn) Madison and Tucker King (grandsons of Booty Jones) Jim Kniese (friend of John & Teke Walters) Anita and Royston Lanning (parents of Julia Mallin) Jackie Mayes (brother-in-law of Peggy Bender) Jeri Mayes (sister of Peggy Bender) Kurt McClendon (nephew of friend of Ted Lovato) Gerald McComb (friend of Donald Wade Jones) Cindy McQueen (sister-in-law of Peggy Bender) Denise Oliver (friend of William Marrow) Pat Patterson (non-member friend of Bill Larmour) Keith Raines (friend of John E. Davis) Dewayne Reed (friend of Ted Lovato) Allan Richard (friend of David and Mimi Andrews) David Simmons (firefighter and friend of Larry Swartz) Philip Thompson (brother of Bobbie Marrow) Soren Townander (nephew of Brenda Townsend) Ellen Kerr-Unger (friend of Marilyn Jones) William Wood (son of Barbara Pierce’s Godson) Andrew Wylepski (grandson of Stuart and Cindy Darby) St. Stephen Presbyterian Church “A welcoming community of believers" 2700 McPherson Avenue Fort Worth, Texas 76109-1405 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED St. Stephen Presbyterian Church Staff Tele: 817-927-8411 Fax: 817-927-8221 Worship Services 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. adm@ststephen-pcusa.com (email) www.ststephen-pcusa.com (website) The Rev. Dr. Frederick Field Ritsch, III, Pastor revfritz@ststephen-pcusa.com Mark Scott, Minister of Music/Organist muspms@ststephen-pcusa.com Beth Fultz, Director of Christian Education Beth.fultz@ststephen-pcusa.com The Rev. Dr. Warner M. Bailey, Parish Associate bailey@ststephen-pcusa.com Sharon Curry, PCUSA Missionary (Republic of So. Sudan) sharon.curry@pcusa.org Dolores Morgan, Business Manager busmgr@ststephen-pcusa.com Sharla Trice, Day School Director sharla.trice@me.com Judi Greathouse, Office Administrator adm@ststephen-pcusa.com Eddie Shaw, Sexton/Building Supervisor
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