GA ICRI 2015 SPRING SCHOLARSHIP FUND GOLF TOURNAMENT All tournament proceeds go to the GA ICRI scholarship fund. When: Monday, May 4, 2015 Registration: 8:30 am Shotgun Start: 10:00 am Where: Northwood Country Club 3157 Club Drive Lawrenceville, GA 30044 Phone: (678) 250-5026 Scramble Format: Red, White, Blue & Gold tees Open to men and women Additional Surprise Holes that will be revealed at registration. Make sure to bring extra cash! Price: Entry Fee is $125 per person Includes: green fees, cart, box lunch & range balls Sponsors: Drink (2 available) -$300* Per Hole (18 available) - $150.00* Prizes: Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin and Putting Contest 1st Place & 2nd Place - Overall Gross 1st Place - Challenge Team Category - Contractor, Engineer, & Manufacturer/Distributor Goodie Bag Sponsor (2 available) - $300.00 * All sponsors will be recognized in the GA ICRI newsletter and website. Mulligans: $5.00 each (Limit 5 per player) Use anywhere on the course RSVP: We expect a great capacity crowd so get your reservations in now. REGISTRATION DEADLINE is April 27, 2014. Sign-up at or or complete this form and mail with your check. COMPANY: _________________________ Name Email Address Golfer #1:_________________________________ ________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________ Golfer #2:_________________________________ ________________________________ ____________________________________ Golfer #3:_________________________________ ________________________________ CITY: _____________________ ST: ____ Golfer #4:_________________________________ ________________________________ PHONE: ____________________________ Make Payable to: GA Chapter ICRI (fax: 678-553-0174) c/o Bryan Heery Western Waterproofing 3790 Browns Mill Road Atlanta, GA 30354 My check includes payment for: Golf - $125 Hole Sponsor - $150 Mulligans - $5.00 (Max is 20) Category choice: ___Contractor Questions/Contact: Bryan Heery, Western 404-867-8962 Myron Bullock, Metro Waterproofing (404) 292-8013 TOTAL ENCLOSED: $________ _____Golfers $________ _____Holes $________ _____Mulligans $________ ___Engineer ___Manufact./Distributor
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