1 project at Stade Hall at Stade Hall Coastal Currents 2011 27 August - 30 September www.coastalcurrents.org.uk A community arts space delivering contemporary arts exhibitions & engagement projects until October 2011. stadehall@gmail.com The Stade, Rock-a-Nore Road, Hastings, TN34 3FJ http://creativecoast.blogspot.com Creative Coast Creative Coast coordinates artists’ projects, exhibitions, community workshops and events in Hastings and the South East. Throughout Coastal Currents we’ll be based at CCHQ Stade Hall, Rock-a-Nore Road, Hastings TN34 3FJ (Tuesday - Sunday, 10am-4pm) creativecoastmail@gmail.com Coastal Currents returns for a twelfth year, showcasing a wide-range of art exhibitions, performances and events throughout Hastings & St Leonards and Rother to enchant local people and visitors to the area. These are exciting times for the arts in Hastings with the building of the Jerwood Gallery underway, the opening of Stade Hall and Space, and the plans being developed for Hastings Pier. The works by Banksy and Ben Eine reflect the new creative atmosphere in the town. Contents 4 Directions 8 Spotlight 14 Spotlight:Open In the build-up to this year’s festival look out for a series of posters along the seafront between Hastings and St Leonards, featuring the work of eight well-known artists including Maggi Hambling, Jake & Dinos Chapman, Billy Childish, Ben Eine, Iain Sinclair & Andrew Kotting, and local printmakers Aardvark. 16 Interface The Festival starts on the 27 August with Spotlight, an ambitious evening of specially-commissioned, bold and experimental performances, installations and interactive activities with parades along the seafront and in Hastings. Events run from 4-10pm, are free, and everyone is invited to join in. 33 Listings INTERFACE is an artist-led collaboration to mark the twentieth anniversary of the twinning between Hastings and Oudenaarde. Practitioners from France, Belgium and the UK are hosting temporary installations and events in Hastings and St Leonards. 61 Diary Many other exhibitions, performances, activities and events can be found within this brochure, including the popular Open Studios programme, stretching from Bexhill across to Rye. Accessibility Coastal Currents and the Spotlight programme are organised by Creative Coast with support from Hastings Borough Council. The INTERFACE programme is managed by Christine Gist. Hastings Borough Council and Creative Coast cannot be held responsible for accident or injury at events and activities organised by external individuals and groups during Coastal Currents 2011. Printed by Hastings Printing Company on paper from sustainable sources. All images copyright © the artists and organisers. Cover image: ‘Wunderkammer’ by zeroh. 20 Promenade 24 Featured Weekends 40 Open Studios 60 Sponsors Level access Accessible toilet Large print and audio versions are available on request. Call 07975 872075. To find out more, visit our website: www.thecreativecoast.co.uk 2 3 22 Stone Squid Experimental Art Space (High St) 23 Martel Colour Print (32a High St) 24 Electric Palace 25 The Roebuck Centre. Roebuck St 26 Isabel Blackman Centre (Winding Street) 27 Stade Hall & Stade Open Space 28 Fishermen’s Museum 29 Shipwreck Museum 6 Blue Reef Aquarium How to get here 13 HFS (Hastings Furniture Service) Dorset Place 14 Bullet Cafe 15 12 Claremont 16 Underground Project Space (35 Robertson St) 17 Harold Place Underpass 18 Wellington Square Baptist Church 19 Pomegranate, George St 20 Butler’s Emporium (70 George St) 21 Hastings Old Town Hall Museum 27 3 6 8 4 2 4 1 Ferry from Dieppe & Le Havre 7 Respond Academy (Silchester Mews) 8 Old Lifeguard Station 9 Hastings Museum & Art Gallery 10 Bottle Alley 11 Pier 12 Arthur Green 11 10 5 7 6 Ferry from Cherbourg, Caen & Le Havre LIDO/ former bathing pool St Leonards Gardens Hastings Arts Forum The Mews, Harold Mews Lucy Bell Fine Art Gallery (Norman Rd) St John the Evangelist Church (Pevensey Rd) Key Festival Locations 12 9 Ferry from Calais, Boulogne & Dunkerque 1 2 3 4 5 17 15 16 14 If you’re planning to stay for the weekend, accommodation sells out early for this event, so book in advance. See www.visit1066country.com or call 01424 451111. This map covers most of the main events listed in the brochure, but due to scale we have not been able to fit in all venues, bars and restaurants. Locations are approximate. 25 26 21 23 24 20 19 By Air: Nearest airports are Lydd Airport 01797 322411 and Gatwick International 0870 000 2468 (with direct train service via Lewes). 18 Visit www.nationalrail.co.uk, www.thetrainline.com or call National Rail Enquiries on 0845 7484 950. By Sea: Newhaven Harbour (links to Dieppe) with train links to Hastings via Lewes - call 0800 917575 Port of Dover (links to Calais) - call 01304 241 427 13 By Coach: For coach information, visit www.nationalexpress.com or call 0870 5808 080. By rail: Hastings is served by mainline routes from London (Victoria and Charing Cross), Tunbridge Wells, Brighton, Lewes, Eastbourne and Ashford International for connections from Europe. Fastest connection from London is one hour and thirty-two minutes (from Charing Cross). 22 By Car: From London follow signs for Sevenoaks on A21 (junction 5 from the M25) From Brighton or Lewes take the A27, then A259 From Dover and Folkestone take M20 then A2070 to Rye From Rye take A259 to Hastings For up-to-date travel information and route planner visit www.theaa. co.uk 28 29 30 Hastings is well situated in the South East of England with easy links by road, rail, sea and air to London and Europe. 5 At Martel Colour Print we offer a full printing service for the artist. From your original we can create stunning archival prints, greetings cards, postcards... even business cards and letterheads. e v i t a e r c r o f t n i pr e v i t a e cr . . . e l p o pe To find out how to get more from your artwork come and see us at 32a High Street, Hastings Old Town, visit www.martelcolourprint.co.uk or call 01424 420188 The art and photographic printing experts HPC Advert_HPC Advert 0711 19/07/2011 12:33 Page 1 Tel: 01424 720477 Carbon bespoke picture framing www.hastings-print.co.uk HASTINGS PRINTING COMPANY LTD Drury Lane, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex TN38 9BJ. Email: admin@hastings-print.co.uk We have 95 years of printing experience we would like to share with you. We create litho through to bespoke digital printing, large print runs to one-off business cards, from single to full colour with full design and studio services. We provide: Business and Personal Stationery, Leaflets, Posters, Banners, Brochures and Magazines, an In-House Mailing service, direct contact with friendly staff and a quality of service of which we are very proud. PRINT AT AN EXCEPTIONAL STANDARD AND AT COMPETITIVE PRICES 6 StablesTheatre & Arts Centre The jewel in Hastings Old Town • Conservation • Reclaimed • Sustainable sources • Hand-finished • Free consultations • Affordable Stable Workshop Fairlight Place Farm, Barley Lane, Hastings TN35 5DT (By appointment) 01424 814687 First Sight Gallery 34 High Street, Hastings TN34 3ER (Fri Sat Sun) 01424 714518 www.carbonframing.com info@carbonframing.com Kieran D’arcy & Denise Franklin 29 July to 5 August The 39 Steps A comedy thriller Adapted by Patrick Barlow Directed by Christopher Lacey Stables 11 to 13 August The Tempest By William Shakespeare Directed by Peter Mould 23 September to 1 October Someone Who’ll Watch Over Me By Frank McGuinness Directed by Janet Tachauer the Theatre and Arts Centre The Bourne, Hastings TN34 3BD Telephone 01424 423221 · www.stables-theatre.co.uk 7 COASTAL CURRENTS sponsored by LED badge-making and tracking throughout town, and Cabinet of Wonder - theatrical lifedrawing from a Romany wagon. Spotlight is a large-scale outdoor arts event, creating a challenging platform for artists and performers involved and an exciting event for all to enjoy. Join us this August Bank Holiday and celebrate the opening of this year’s Coastal Currents Visual Arts Festival. ROAD 4pm LONDON Liquid Glass ROAD St Leonards Gardens to Bottle Alley on Hastings Promenade SongCycle, Harold Place Underpass, Hastings WARRIOR SQR STATION MAZE HILL The Lost Plot 7 Wellington Square Gardens, Hastings 9 C A25 ACE L P LD FIE EVERS 2 Bottle Alley, Hastings Promenade E 59 A2 9-10pm ROCK-A-NORE RD 5 A Bohemia Ukulele Orchestra 8 ROAD FINISH B 5pm For detailed up to date information on SPOTLIGHT, check www.coastalcurrents.org.uk or call 07841 757866 6 CAMBRIDGE 1 D QUEENS HEMIA START HASTINGS STATION From Pier to Eternity See full Spotlight event details on pages 10, 11 & 12. BOURNE 8.45pm BO Coastal Currents would like say a special thank you to Cooden Cellars for their kind supply of the wine and the Eat@Stade café for the delicious light refreshments. TH E Twelve performances and interactive events have been commissioned for Spotlight featuring established and emerging local, regional and international artists developing a range of exciting interventions. These include installation, live performance, moving image, sculpture, and sonic & light artworks. Look out for pedal-powered soundscapes; an illuminated procession of bespoke bicycles; The Lost Plot - a large outdoor sculptural intervention; Liquid Glass – a participatory intervention of sound & projection; interactive ROAD Spotlight is an ambitious evening of bold, experimental and specially commissioned, performances, installations and interactive activities parading along the seafront from St Leonards to Hastings on Saturday 27 August. 6.30pm 4 3 5.30pm From Pier to Eternity Hastings Pier to Crazy Golf, Hastings Seafront 6pm Radiator Arts Swan Boat Lake, Hastings Seafront A spotlight:open venue - see pages 14 & 15 Official opening of the festival with wine & light refreshments Stade Hall & Stade Open Space. 7-8.30pm The Tiny Travelling Tightwire Show!, Jenny Edbrooke, BuildBrighton, Cabinet of Wonder, Eight Foot Square, PAPER COUTURE & Taster exhibition 9 START 4pm at ST LEONARDS GARDENS, AND 6PM AT STADE HALL, ROCK-A-NORE ROAD, HASTINGS Liquid Glass 4-5pm - St Leonards Gardens, Maze Hill, TN38 0BB, 4-5pm 5-10pm - Performances as part of the procession along the promenade and at the Stade Hall An intriguing visual & audio installation inspired by the disused Victorian Turkish Baths/ Glass Factory on West Hill Road, St Leonards Gardens. Soundartist James Brewster will create an interactive sound installation that fuses together the building’s dual history. After the end of its original working life, the spa building was used as a factory for making scientific glass equipment. Brewster will salvage glass tubes and valves from the factory and create a glass system through which water can gradually flow. The sounds of the water will be picked up using hydrophonic microphones. Visitors can control the flow of water into the system, as well as change the flow and course of the water at various points. A large glass sculpture created by artist Abigail Riddihough can be seen in the gardens, while wall projections reflect the bathers of the historic Turkish baths. Brewster will conduct a group of volunteer performers to ring different types of bells in different patterns. Performers will then lead the procession onto the promenade to Bottle Alley in a circle formation. 10 Find The-Bohemia-Club on Facebook Bohemia Ukulele Orchestra 5-5.30pm Bottle Alley, Hastings Promenade Throughout Bottle Alley in a linear formation 12 ukuleles will gradually play the C6 chord creating a powerful crescendo. Tune your ukulele GCEA and join in on our monster C6 chord. From Pier to Eternity Procession 5.30-6.30pm from the Pier to the Stade Hall, Rock-a-Nore Rd, Hastings 8.30-9pm approx Stade Hall to Wellington Place - Sound intervention Harold Place underpass, at approx 8.45pm The “From Pier to Eternity” bike rides with sound and illuminations have been a popular feature of Coastal Currents since 2009. This year From Pier to Eternity are creating a new multi-channel bike soundsystem for the Spotlight procession, along with some amazing decorated bikes. They will join the procession from the Pier onwards, and perform a sound intervention around and in the Harold Place underpass featuring a speciallycomposed piece “SongCycle” by physicist Dr Patrick Nicholson. The Tiny Travelling Tightwire Show! - Dizzy O’ Dare 7-7.40pm Stade Hall, The Stade, Rock-aNore Rd, Hastings, TN34 3FJ Join the procession as “The Tiny Travelling Tightwire Show!” rolls into town! Watch Kennington and his assistant Poppet the Puppet as they chance their feet on the tightwire. This is a fun and entertaining, roaming tightwire show for all ages. An innovative approach to puppetry performed on a mobile tricycle by one of the leading tightwire artists in the UK. www.dizzyodare.com Cabinet of Wonder: Brighton Life Drawing Sessions 7-8.30pm Stade Open Space, The Stade, Rock-a-Nore Rd, Hastings, TN34 3FJ Participate in a theatrical lifedrawing session from a Romany wagon. Free drawing materials provided. http://brightondrawing.tumblr. com/ 6.30 – 8.30PM OFFICIAL FESTIVAL OPENING WITH WINE & LIGHT REFRESHMENTS, PERFORMANCE, INTERACTIVE ACTIVITIES & ART INTERVENTIONS Smalls: Jenny Edbrooke 7-8.30pm Stade Hall, The Stade, Rock-aNore Rd, Hastings, TN34 3FJ Funny, sad, moving and at times challenging, Smalls is an intimate performance that provides an enchanting and amusing insight into the complex world of undergarments. Audiences of five are invited to peek up Jenny’s voluminous skirt made entirely of bras and knickers and explore its hidden gems and saucy secrets. Mixing sound installation with live performance, Jenny takes you on a creative journey that exposes the delights and indiscretions of our underwear. www.jennyedbrooke.com Coastal Currents Taster Exhibition 7-8.30pm Stade Hall, The Stade, Rock-aNore Rd, Hastings, TN34 3FJ A selected taster exhibition of this year’s artists, curated by festival organisers Creative Coast. Featuring a selection of work from a mixture of disciplines including; painting, sculpture, installation, photography and film. www.thecreativecoast.co.uk LED Badge Making: BuildBrighton 7-8.30pm Stade Hall, The Stade, Rock-aNore Rd, Hastings, TN34 3FJ Join BuildBrighton to create free customisable luminescent pin badges, that emit visible colours and non-visible infra-red light. The badges will interact with other badges changing colour and pattern based on the wearers’ interaction with each other physically. Participate in Spotlight and spread light and love throughout the night! www.buildbrighton.com/wiki/ Main_Page PLAY by Charlotte LambertGorwyn, David Francis & the Pier Society 7-8.30pm - Stade Open Space, The Stade, Rock-a-Nore Rd, Hastings, TN34 3FJ Also Saturdays 10 & 17 September, 1-4pm – Free PLAY - Meet outside the Stade Hall at 1pm at join in the games Participate in a range of traditional seaside games for all the family, from flying kites, chalk drawings, and having your 11 picture taken in a fun seaside character board. bettymagpie@hotmail.com Eight Foot Square 7pm- 8.30pm – Stade Open Space, The Stade, Rock-a-Nore Rd, Hastings, TN34 3FJ 28 - 31 August, 1 & 30 September Restricted to plots only 8ft sq, the fishermen built upwards, forming the iconic three-storey high seafront huts. Eight Foot Square looks to see what other people in Hastings can creatively do in a small area. Spotlight plays host to five versatile 8ft squares located on the Stade outdoor performance space. Find buried treasure with metal detectors and display it in a pop-up museum, book now to use the performance stage, visit the ‘Give us a Hand’ exhibition, or take a free ribbon and make an 8ft square (what could you do inside it?). www.eightfootsquare.com Models will be wearing exquisite paper dresses designed by Maika Crampton and serving light refreshments and wine to celebrate the opening of the festival. 8.30 - 10PM STADE HALL TO WELLINGTON SQUARE, HASTINGS Obscure Observer: Through the Lens 27 August – 30 September, Anytime On roadside railings from the Swan Boat Lake to Pelham Crescent, Hastings ‘Through the Lens’ is photography group from Parkwood Sixth Form. The exhibition ‘Obscure Observer’ presents a series of photographs on the promenade railings that take an unconventional view of Hastings. The aim of ‘Through the Lens’ is to inspire other young people in the local community to explore their talents. https:// throughthelensparkwood. wordpress.com The Lost Plot: Radiator Arts 5.30pm - Costumed characters to take part in trail from pier. 9pm - Large scale illuminated sculptural installation at Wellington Square. The Lost Plot is a luminous white ghost garden only accessible after dark. Visitors are taken on a walk through the garden where they will enter into the imaginary world of the ghost gardeners. Radiator Arts will transform the grounds of Wellington Square into a garden of imagination and memory with projections, soundscapes and illuminations. The audience will find themselves lost in this mystical plot beguiled and enchanted by the scenery, film, performance and sensor activated soundscapes. Since its conception in 2001 Radiator Arts has produced a number of exciting and impressive large-scale sitespecific works. Innovative interventions are created by a selection of professional artists from various disciplines www.radiatorarts.co.uk Find us on Facebook 5SJOJUZJTIBQQZUPCFTVQQPSUJOH $PBTUBM$VSSFOUT 'JWFEFMJWFSJFTXFFLMZPGGSFTI PSHBOJDGSVJUBOEWFHFUBCMFT -PDBMPSHBOJDCSFBEEFMJWFSFEEBJMZ %FMJDJPVT5SJOJUZNBEF UBLFBXBZGPPE 8JEFSBOHFPGPSHBOJDXJOF &YUFOTJWFDPMMFDUJPOPGESJFEGSVJUT XIPMFHSBJOTOVUTQVMTFTDFSFBMT BOE¿PVST $IJMMFEBOEGSP[FOWFHFUBSJBOBOE WFHBOGPPET /BUVSBMSFNFEJFTUPJMFUSJFTBOE FDPGSJFOEMZDMFBOJOHQSPEVDUT BOETPNVDINPSFMJLFUIF GBCVMPVTTUBGG 'JOEPVUNPSFBU XXXUSJOJUZXIPMFGPPETDPVL PSDPNFBOETFFGPSZPVSTFMGBU 5SJOJUZ4USFFU)BTUJOHT5/)( PQQPTJUF)BTUJOHT-JCSBSZ PAPER COUTURE - Maika Crampton 7-8.30pm – Stade Open Space, The Stade, Rock-a-Nore Road, Hastings, TN34 3FJ 12 5FM 0QFO.PO4BU BNQN 13 COASTAL CURRENTS sponsored by Coastal Currents 2011 developed an open submission competition SPOTLIGHT:OPEN INVITING ARTISTS to explore Hastings’ past and present through physical, political or sociological means. Five art interventions were selected by leading regional arts professionals from De La Warr Pavilion, Towner and Blue Monkey Studio. Selected interventions will compliment the large-scale outdoor art project Spotlight on the evening of Saturday 27 August. A range of exciting work from digital media, sonic, sculptural and conceptual installations will be developed at various sites along the route from St Leonards Gardens, via the promenade to selected sites in Hastings Town Centre. Due to the nature of the work, location & date details may change. Please check www.coastalcurrents.org.uk or call 07841 757866 for up to date details on all interventions. All artists’ interventions will run throughout the duration of the festival unless otherwise specified 14 when the Hastings boundary was extended to absorb St Leonards. www.onetwoone.org.uk www.noticeboard121.org.uk BORDERLINE by The Poor Law Union B 27 August – 30 September, Anytime CAVE by Louise Kenward A 27 August – 30 September, Thurs-Mon 10-5pm Pier Shop, Arthur Greens, White Rock, Hastings TN34 1JU Kenward’s current interests include the self, object and space, exploring themes of permanence and transience, revealing and concealing. Within the cave space beyond the shop floor, Kenward draws attention to the magic and beauty of this unlikely, slightly unpleasant place, which is full of treasures. Using light and sound, the rusting and decaying objects are highlighted within the space. www.louisekenward.com Private View - 2 Sept 6-9pm Open Saturday & Sunday 3 - 25 Sept 11am-4pm. Claremont Studios, 12 Claremont, Hastings The Poor Law Union is a creative partnership which seeks to understand and define the individual and its society: is society just another word for the group or has it become an entity unto itself, capable of an existence in spite of its members? For Coastal Currents, The Poor Law Union has walked the Old Hastings Parish line documenting their journey and gathering objects along the way. These artefacts form the basis of a topographical enquiry addressing the nature of boundaries, man made and natural, seen and unseen, and the implication of these boundaries on those living within and outside them. The culmination of this investigation is a multi-media installation which presents their ideas and observations and the inevitable questions that these raise. A spotlight:open venue locations - see map on pages 8 & 9 Crossed Boundaries by One Two One art and architecture C 27 August – 30 Sept, Anytime One day temporary installation on Sunday 28 August, 11-4pm The lower promenade opposite the statue of Queen Victoria, Warrior Square Gardens, St Leonards ONE TWO ONE art and architecture is a collaborative partnership founded in 2004 by architect and artist Elise Liversedge and artist Mary Hooper. Crossed Boundaries is a temporary promenade installation and inland trail marking the boundary between St Leonards & Hastings, which historically was the centre of a long running dispute during the earlier development of the town. A temporary boundary will be created on Sunday 28 August with red tape and large-scale cardboard letters placed on the sea front. Billboard posters will be displayed throughout the festival located on the lower promenade at Warrior Square, The installation is influenced by the works and journals of local historian TB Brett and the infamous escapades of the “Paint Pot Society” who took to the streets at night and painted out the new street signs erected Whispered musings by Sara Harris D Weekends from 27 Aug to 30 September, daytime. St Leonards Gardens, Maze Hill, St Leonards, TN38 0BB Musings explores the collision between art and literature. Through an audio installation in St Leonards Gardens the past blurs with present. Meander through the gardens and listen out for whispered glimpses of Miss Harriet Williams’ ‘Musings of a lady recently arrived at St Leonards-on-Sea’, an account, in the style of Jane Austen, of the colourful characters met and places encountered when she first started living in modern day St Leonards. Typographic artworks continue the ‘Musings’ trail around Open Studios and historic buildings in the area. See Event listing page 35. Rock Watch by Beccy McCray E 27 August – 30 September, anytime Promenade - full location details online at www.coastalcurrents.org.uk Beccy McCray makes playful explorations using mixed media to create more human moments in the world, elevating the everyday and the things that really matter. Subverting the ominous CCTV posts dotted along the seafront from St Leonards to Hastings, she transforms them into more friendly landmarks by turning them into giant sticks of rock. The work alludes to traditional seaside iconography, reclaiming and humanising the local landscape. http://cargocollective.com/ beccymccray Find Crafternoon Tea Club on Facebook 15 INTERFACE Info: Christine Gist com Hastings based artists have been invited to work in Oudenaarde while practitioners from France, Belgium and the UK are locating temporary interventions and events in Hastings and St Leonards. INTERFACE focuses on new and recontextualised works through installations, performance, sound, projections, moving image, painting, photography and text based interventions. The artists are working in unfamiliar territories and through their actions are proposing new interpretations of local environments and raising questions about the way spaces are negotiated. As an artists’ collaboration, INTERFACE aims to animate the public space, encourage participation and change the perception of the familiar. From left to right: Bertrand Gadenne, Le Hibou Chateau Gonthier 2006; Bob and Roberta Smith, Will you make it (as an artist); Chloe Brooks, Division of Order Photos © the artists 16 INTERFACE: Hastings & St Leonards 26 August – 2 October 2011 Chloe Brooks Golden gates and floodlit temples Harold Place underpass, accessible 24/7 Bertrand Gadenne Le Hibou The Reading Room at 12 Claremont, accessible from dusk to dawn Bob and Roberta Smith The Center for moving around a lot Old beach office site, Lower Promenade, St Leonards. Thursday-Sunday 12-6pm and Colonnade of Expectation Bottle Alley/accessible 24/7 c.gist@btinternet. http//interface-2011.blogspot.com www.oudenaarde.be HASTINGS, ST LEONARDS & OUDENAARDE INTERFACE is a two site artists-led collaboration initiated as part of the events to mark the 20th anniversary of the twinning links between Hastings and Oudenaarde. +44 (0)788 144 1120 Sebastien Seynaeve Magnetic Observers Old beach office site, Lower Promenade, St Leonards, Thursday-Sunday, 12-6pm Cécile Colle}{Ralf Nuhn Tuning Kings Road, St Leonards, accessible 24/7 Robbrecht Desmet and Stijn Van Dorpe Forever and Always Former lido bathing pool site, accessible 24/7 Karel Thienpont Historia Various locations in Hastings & St Leonards www.coastalcurrents.org.uk EVENTS – HASTINGS Émilien Leroy Symphonie pour Ferrailleurs/ Symphony for scrap metal merchants 26 August: 6.30pm at the former lido bathing pool site, West St Leonards A twenty minute sound/ body performance to launch INTERFACE and Seaside Film Trailer. Seaside Film Trailer 27/28 August and each weekend until 18 September: 12-4pm the former lido bathing pool site, West St Leonards Located within Dylan Shipton’s temporary structure is a shipping container, refurbished to house a cinema for the screening of artists’ films. Each weekend’s films will be programmed by an invited artist, curator or organisation, so expect eight hugely divergent afternoons of the best artists’ films from the last 40 years. uScreen programme. The films explore ‘heritage’ in its broadest sense and are included in ‘Opening Spaces, Going Places’, the Hastings and St Leonards Heritage Open Days 8-11 September. Here and There – Hidden Stories Thursday 15 September A seminar exploring film, learning and disability, Stade Hall, Rock-a-Nore Road Hastings TN34 3FJ. Registration – 2.30pm Presentations – 3-5.30pm Refreshments & Networking – 5.30-6pm Film screenings – 6pm For information & booking please contact Kristina. Sekyere@sussex.ac.uk The charge is £30 for organisations & £10 for individuals. ‘Pieces to Fit’ Saturday 17 September: 7.30-9.30pm the old lifeguard station, lower promenade, St Leonards Curated and performed by Marina Tsartsara with Soline Pillet, Silvia Battista, Sophia Campeu-Ferman and Art in Motion. A site-specific live installation where performance is treated and presented as visual art, with the ephemeral of the live body as a necessary layer to the work. Artists’ talk: Chloe Brooks Cécile Colle}{Ralf Nuhn Bob and Roberta Smith Thursday 22 September, 7-9pm Followed by the launch of Claremont Studios CIC newly refurbished project space. The Reading Room, 12 Claremont, Hastings TN34 1HA All events are free unless otherwise stated. Seaside Film Trailer presents ‘Here and There – Hidden Stories’ Saturday 10 September: 124pm Three short films created by learning disabled young people from Glyne Gap School, Bexhill; St Mary’s College, Bexhill and Autism Sussex, Hastings. The project is led by Creative Partnerships Sussex and Surrey with funding from Screen South’s 17 Info: Christine Gist +44 (0)788 144 1120 c.gist@btinternet.com http//interface-2011.blogspot.com www.oudenaarde.be www.coastalcurrents.org.uk 28 August – 1 October 2011 BrandWoeker Woeker 7, Oudenaarde Thursday – Sunday 2–7pm Sarah Broome Mother of Grace – Moskow Diskow Greig Burgoyne HUM Jacqui Hallum Paintings Sharon Haward An Experiment in Town Planning – Twin Towns Andrew Kötting The Ebb and Flow - film programme Andrew & Eden Kötting THIS OUR STILL LIFE Scott Robertson Untitled slave-unit Welcome to Fear City Psycho Geography Koninklijke Academie voor Beeldende Kunst Oudenaarde, Maagdedendale 13, Oudenaarde Mon 1.30-8.30pm, Tues 1.304.30pm, Weds 1-8.30pm, Fri 4.30-8.30pm, Sat 9am-5pm Jeb Haward Paintings The garden of House de Lalaing, Bourgondiëstraat 9, Oudenaarde Caroline Le Breton Verdure EVENTS – OUDENAARDE BrandWoeker Woeker 7, Oudenaarde Opening reception: 11am on Sunday 28 August Yumino Seki dance/movement live outdoor performance in response to the artist’s perceptions of Oudenaarde, 12.30pm at BrandWoeker 3 & 4 and 17 & 18 September 2-7pm at BrandWoeker Here and There - Hidden Stories A screening of three short films created by learning disabled young people exploring heritage and landscape. A project led by Creative Partnerships Sussex and Surrey with funding from Screen South’s uScreen programme. EXHIBITION dlwp.com INTERFACE: Oudenaarde WARHOL IS HERE FROM 24 SEPTEMBER Free Saturday 1 October: 4pm at BrandWoeker Sarah Broome Live performance: Mother of Grace – Moskow Diskow Karel Thienpont Historia Andy Warhol, Self-Portrait with Fright Wig 1986 © The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / DACS, London 2009 18 19 COASTAL CURRENTS sponsored by P RO MENADE E WI RY SKY SANDSEA NC HE LS EA PE IR TT FA LIG P HT WN TO D S OL ING ST HA .LE ON AR DS SHINGLE 8 9 STONES SHORELINE PROMENADE Q - 8 r 5 6 r SAPOIUYTREWQ-0987654321 87654321MNBVCXZLKr778890 JHGFD rtyuiop;lkjjgfdsa0967 09887766554321qwe d eb i ang el Ben Flynn, a.k.a. Ben Eine is one of London’s most prolific and original street artists who specialises in the central element of all graffiti – the form of letters. Originally a ‘writer’ he started his career over twenty five years ago as a vandal leaving his first tag all over London before eventually developing a distinct Promenade was coordinated by Creative Coast and zeroh. From left to right: Rising Wave by Maggi Hambling, Private Collection; Shorescape by Debi Angel; Swandown, Andrew Kötting & Iain Sinclair. Pin-hole photograph by Anonymous Bosch. AP LL E G XHI BE Aardvark is a collaborative creative practice whose cross-genre work currently encompasses printmaking, typography, workshops and singing. Past projects have been a tearoom and gallery, and future plans involve a pop-up art emporium, performance and cake. Aardvark is the brainchild of Pea and Lesley, aficionados of all things English, both Ancient and Modern. Keep up with the Aardvarks here: aardvarkonsea.com 4 Editor Eye Magazine. Eye 69. Jake and Dinos Chapman make iconoclastic sculpture, prints and installations that examine, with searing wit and energy, contemporary politics, religion and morality. Working together since their graduation from the Royal College of Art in 1990, the Chapmans first received critical acclaim in 1991 for a diorama sculpture entitled ‘Disasters of War’ created out of remodelled plastic figurines enacting scenes YN 20 Martin O’Neill is a St Leonards based graphic artist and illustrator who creates collages for a diverse range of international clients encompassing advertising, design, editorial and book publishing. He regularly contributes to the UK and US press and is a visiting lecturer. “If Peter Blake is the Paul McCartney of collage, then O’Neill is its Tom Waits, a pre-digital artist for a postdigital age.” - John L Walters. Debi Angel fell in love with the luminous light and landscapes of this stretch of coast eight years ago. She moved down here after a thirty-year career in London as a magazine and graphic designer. She was Art Editor of the launch of British ELLE, launch Art Editor of ELLE Decoration and has worked on a wide variety of major glossy titles. Moving down here re-inspired her passion for painting, drawing and print making. She had her own major exhibition of work last year, has contributed work to many other exhibitions and is a passionate supporter of Coastal Currents. from Goya’s ‘Disasters of War’ etchings. Arguably their most ambitious work was ‘Hell’ (1999), an immense tabletop tableau, peopled with over 30,000 remodelled, 2-inch-high figures, many in Nazi uniform and performing egregious acts of cruelty. The work combined historical, religious and mythic narratives to present an apocalyptic snapshot of the twentieth-century. Jake and Dinos Chapman live and work in London. They have exhibited extensively, including solo shows at Museo Pino Pascali, Polignano a Mare, Italy (2010); Hastings Museum, UK (2009); Kestner Gesellschaft Hannover (2008); Tate Britain, London (2007); Tate Liverpool (2006). typographic style. Eine specialises in producing huge letters on shop fronts, his bright, colourful letters have transformed streets around the world in cities including LA, San Francisco, Paris, Dublin, Tokyo, Stockholm as well as his home city of London. GL Andrew KÖtting and Iain Sinclair’s Swandown is a travelogue and odyssey of Olympian ambition. A poetic film-diary about encounter and culture. It is also an endurance test and pedal-marathon. In the spirit of Dada it will be Billy Childish was born in Chatham, Kent in 1959. Initially denied an interview to the local art school, during six months of employment at a dockyard he produced hundreds of drawings that gained him entry to St Martin’s School of Art, from which he was expelled in 1981. Childish then embarked on an artistic, literary, and musical odyssey exploring a broad range of worldly themes including war, history, social protest, art hate, religious philosophy, as well his own experiences with addiction, and sexual abuse. Over 35 years of continual creative activity Childish has gained a cult status world-wide; writing and publishing over 40 volumes of confessional poetry, 5 novels, recorded over 100 LPs, and painted many hundreds of paintings. Billy Childish has had solo and group exhibitions internationally including New York, London, and Berlin. In 2010, he was the subject of major concurrent retrospectives at the ICA in London and White Columns in New York. ST Maggi Hambling is one of Britain’s most distinguished contemporary artists. Hambling’s obsession with the sea manifests itself in paint, print making and sculpture. Her iconic and most controversial work is Scallop (2003) the sculpture on Aldeburgh beach in Suffolk, dedicated to the composer Benjamin Britten. www.maggihambling.com www.fullcircle-editions.co.uk undertaken on board a plastic swan-shaped pedallo resulting in the production of a feature length film and installation, by artist and film maker Andrew Kötting and writer Iain Sinclair. The journey from Swan Lake in Hastings to Hackney in London will take just over a month. The team will meet all sorts en route, from the Hoi Polloi to the Hoity Toity, from the very old to the very young, along with special invited guests. The pedallo will act as catalyst and magnet for both people and narrative, en route to re-discovering this enchanted British landscape. www.swandown.info ©debi angel Eight recognised artists with a connection to the region have been invited to donate an image to be made into double crown-sized promenade posters displayed along the seafront in Hastings and St Leonards. The images will also be reproduced and distributed as 10,000 free collectible postcards in key locations locally and regionally, in the build-up to the festival in August and throughout September. 21 Beginners fine art canvas postcards flyers posters photo rag photographic scanning Hahnemühle design lightboxes satin vinyl signage poster s q u a l i t y 18 Robertson Street s e r v i c e Hastings, TN34 1HL fine art Tel: 01424 205370 g i c l é e canvas postcards flyers posters banners photo rag matt canvas prints sealing perspex mounting flyers canvas gloss prints knowledge foamex dibond design service scanning Hahnemühle fine art bannerstands photographic exhibition big student discounts quality canvas gloss duratrans acid free design fine art photography flyers leaflets bannerstands pop up displays exhibition work postcards booklets design Stand-up Comedy Course in Hastings Taught by Sally Holloway (author of The Serious Guide to Joke Writing) Italian washing : Andrew Moran 12 week course starts Sept 2011 www.comedycourses.biz info@comedycourses.biz 01424 444172 www.digitalmediaprint.co.uk Cowboy Head, Tony Bennett Rye Art Gallery 107 High Street, RYE TN31 7JE Tel: 01797 222433 Email: ryeartgallery@ googlemail.com Easton Rooms 10th September to 9th October 2011 “Boys Toys and Other Natural Disasters” Tony Bennett - figurative sculpture Ian Brown - prints Opening Times: 10:30 – 13:00 & 14:00 – 17:00 Monday, Wednesday to Saturday 12:00 – 16:00 Sunday and Bank Holiday Closed Tuesday 22 The Pier Shop at Arthur Green’s Delve into the treasure trove that is the Pier Shop at Arthur Green’s, 34 White Rock Hastings and find gifts for friends, family and yourself! Plus, help the Pier fund at the same time. We are currently displaying ‘The History of Hastings Pier’, an exhibition provided to the Trust courtesy of Hastings Library. The Pier shop is also an information hub for HPWRT. Staff and volunteers will be pleased to assist you with any questions or enquiries you may have. pomegranate food and drink house Stormont Studio 10th September to November 2011 Phoebe Merricks retrospective Opening Hours Thursday to Saturday 10.30 -13.00 & 14.00 - 17.00 Sunday and Bank Holiday 12.00 - 16.00 01424 429221 50 George Street, Old Town, Hastings www.pomegranatehastings.co.uk 23 FEATURED WEEKEND EVENTS COASTAL CURRENTS sponsored by 27/28 AUGUST ‘Curious Cases’ will be a travelling event appearing throughout Coastal Currents. Stade Open Space from 6pm 27 August Constructed on a unique travelling device made by Leigh Dyer and featuring mini-suitcase collections of artwork by local artists and makers including Ed Boxall, Kate Iles, Lucy Dixon, Lorna Crabbe, Sara Pemberton, Leigh Dyer, and Rebecca Child...with more artists to be confirmed. The work will include handmade books, prints, boxes, metalwork, crochet, and ceramics. There will also be a chance to join in with impromtu workshops including printing with a homemade printing press made from an old toy mangle. ‘Curious Cases’ will appear at 24 weekend events throughout the festival. To find out locations & more go to www.edboxall.co.uk/curiouscases. Two Figures in Dense Violet Night 27 August – 18 September, Saturday 2 – 8pm, Sunday 12 – 5pm Each weekend Becky Beasley will invite a different artist to travel to St Leonards with a piece of their own work. This, and a work by Beasley will with be installed, becoming the context for a public conversation between the artists. Emphasising the gallery as space for the exchange of ideas, this project also sheds light on the mechanics and processes at play when an artist is invited to travel and exhibit their work in an unfamiliar place. Works & conversations between Becky Beasley and Michael Dean, Anne Hardy, Claire Scanlon and John Stezaker. Please check www.lidoprojects.com for specific programme information. Each exhibition opens on Saturday at 2pm with the artists in conversation at 5pm, followed by drinks. Accompanying the exhibition will be a library of books selected by the artists for the use of gallery visitors. This library will grow as the project progresses. Refreshments will also be available. All events are free and open to all. LIDO at Electro Studios, Seaside Road, St Leonards TN38 0AL Jacqui Hallum, jacqui@lidoprojects.com 01424 427263 www.lidoprojects.com Coastal Currents Taster Exhibition at Stade Hall Saturday 27 August - 4 September alongside the Spotlight event This taster exhibition will give an introduction to some of the exhibitions and events happening throughout the festival, including open studios and Art in Romney Marsh. Open daily 10am-4pm, closed Mondays. Free Family Creative Workshop at Stade Hall. Saturday 27 August, 1-4pm, Join us at Stade Hall to participate in artist-led creative activities - fun for all the family. Project at Stade Hall, Rock-aNore Road, Hastings, TN34 3FJ. creativecoastmail@gmail.com SPOTLIGHT Saturday 27 August, 4–10pm Join the procession and enjoy a series of bold speciallycommissioned performances, artists’ interventions and interactive activities to open this year’s festival. Starting with Liquid Glass; a sonic and glass installation at St Leonards Gardens, parading along the seafront with the Bohemian Ukuele Orchestra and the From Pier To Eternity bikes to the new Stade Hall to officially open the festival. The night will culminate at The Lost Plot; a mystical sculptural intervention in Wellington Square, Hastings Town Centre. Enjoy a glass of wine and light refreshments at Stade Hall at 6.30pm and celebrate the beginning of this years Coastal Currents festival. Free event, all welcome. info@coastalcurrents.org.uk 07841 757866 Hastings Film Challenge registration event Registration: 11am. Saturday 27 August This year we go underground looking for avant-garde and obscure film making techniques. Our direction of genres and titles (which you will choose from a hat) in this year‘s challenge will take film-making to a new extreme. You may not be avant-garde or obscure but that doesn’t mean you couldn’t make a three minute movie that is. Bullet Café Bar, 38 Robertson Street, Hastings, TN34 1HT. Entry £25 per film. www.hastingsfilmchallenge.co.uk 1 Eight Foot Square What could you do in an 8ft square? We will be handing out free ribbons for you to measure out your own 8ft square. Show us what you can create inside your space, experiment with ideas; hold your own performance, make an installation or display your art. We want you to show us what you or your group can do. Choose to be filmed and have your piece broadcast on our website. As well as the ribbons, from 27 August – 1 September we will have five versatile 8ft squares on The Stade: including a stage, an exhibition, and a pop-up venue – see it transform from a museum, to a cinema, a dance studio, a theatre, a gallery... We’ll be showcasing lots of the work that we’ve been doing all year in Hollington and Ore Valley, and you can join in the fun too – bring your group or event to be part of our programme – just get in touch through our blog at www.eightfootsquare.com Stade Open Space, Rock-a-Nore Road TN34 3FJ 25 FEATURED WEEKEND EVENTS COASTAL CURRENTS sponsored by 2/3/4 SEPTEMBER From Pier to Eternity Goes Ibiza. Friday 2 Sept 7-9pm Trance, dance, and a roving lightshow as Hastings’ favourite illuminated seafront bicycle ride relocates temporarily to the Mediterranean. Meet at Hastings Pier at 7pm with your bicycle. Bike decorations and illuminations encouraged! frompiertoeternity@hotmail. co.uk 07538 308103 Organised in partnership with Hastings Urban Bikes and partfunded by National Lottery Awards for All Two Figures in Dense Violet Night Saturday 3 Sept, 2–8pm Sunday 4 sept, 12–5pm In Conversation talk, Saturday at 2pm. A guest artist joins LIDO as part of an evolving programme of events over four weekends. LIDO at Electro Studios, Seaside Road, St Leonards TN38 0AL Check www.lidoprojects. com for specific programme information. jacqui@lidoprojects.com Day@The Park 10am-5pm Following the success of last year’s event, Day@The Park is back! Celebrating Hastings and everyone in it, this is a modern family fun day with a vintage twist! With great food, music, kid’s games and entertainment, pony rides, a market, art and more. A free entry event, where everyone is welcome! Alexandra Park, Hastings. www.spanglefish.com/ dayatthepark.com pickledchillis@hotmail.com 07423 059706 Print Workshop at Stade Hall and the Old Town Hall Museum with Ed Boxall. Saturday 3 September 10am-3pm (with a one hour lunch break). Make your own lino cut or collagraph with local artist Ed Boxall in a workshop at Stade Hall, moving across to the Old Town Hall Museum to print the images on the Stanhope press. This is a free workshop, but places should be booked in advance by emailing: creativecoastmail@gmail.com or calling: 07975 872075. 15 places available. All ages and levels of ability welcome- no experience necessary. Children should be accompanied by an adult. Please wear suitable clothing. Project Space @ Stade Hall, The Stade, Rock-a-Nore Road, Old Town, Hastings, TN34 3FJ Coastal Currents Taster Exhibition at Stade Hall Saturday 27 August - 4 September. 10am- 4pm, closed Mondays. This taster exhibition will give an introduction to some of the exhibitions and events happening throughout the festival. 2 Open Studios Saturday & Sunday, 11am-6pm An opportunity to peek into the houses, studios, gardens and beach huts of over a hundred talented artists and makers, from Bexhill through St Leonards & Hastings to Rye. See page 40 From left to right: From Pier to Eternity; Ed Boxall; View of previous Open Studio, Tim Riddihough 26 27 FEATURED WEEKEND EVENTS COASTAL CURRENTS sponsored by 9/10/11 SEPTEMBER Opening Spaces Going Places Hastings & St Leonards Heritage Open Days 8 - 11 September 2011 Opening Spaces Going Places Hastings & St Leonards Heritage Open Days 8 - 11 September 2011 For the full programme of events see: www.heritageopendays.org.uk One Town - Two Identities 8 - 11 September, 11am-4pm An exhibition exploring the relationship of Hastings with St Leonards. Joint presentation with Burtons’ St Leonards Soc. Hastings History House 21 Courthouse Street Hastings TN34 3AU Sea Shanty Singing Performance 9 and 11 September, 1pm Ideal for family groups. Fishermen’s Museum, Rock-aNore Road, Hastings, TN34 3DW Creative Landscapes Exhibition: 8 - 14 September (closed Mondays) 10am-4pm Private View: 8 Sept, 5-6.30pm Photographic portraits of people who work on the Stade and paintings of the Stade huts, nets and fishing paraphernalia by artists Lynn Weddle and Sally Booth (see right) who took part in a residency on the Stade in 2010. Stade Hall, Rock-a-Nore Road, Hastings, TN34 3FJ 28 ‘Fishing Today’ Talk by local photographer George Greaves 10 September, 11am. Fishermen’s Museum, Rock-aNore Road, Hastings, TN34 3DW Crow on the Cradle 1066 9 September 7-9pm. Weald Stories present a dramatic telling of a fateful year, battles, betrayals, love and loss. For adult audiences or older children. Stade Hall, Rock-a-Nore Road, Hastings, TN34 3FJ Stade Stories photography competition. 10 September - 16 October, 11am-4pm daily Come and see the winning photographs from the photography competition ‘Stade Stories’ as chosen by Grace Lau, Photographer, Yasmin Ornsby of the Fishermen’s Protection Society and Cllr. Jeremy Birch, Leader of Hastings Borough Council on display in three unique maritime venues. Free entry. Vote for your favourite to win ‘People’s Choice’. Presented by the Stade Education Project, funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund with support from Marriotts Photo Store and Judges postcards. Fishermen’s Museum, Shipwreck Museum and the Blue Reef Aquarium. All three venues are on Rock-a-Nore Road, The Stade, Hastings Old Town. www.hastings.gov.uk/stade_ education Hastings Film Challenge Awards Ceremony Friday 9 September, 7pm The Hastings Underground Film Challenge is innovative and unique. In the past five years it has produced over a hundred short movies made in and around Hastings, documenting the change in its cultural heritage. The mystery locations of the awards ceremony can be found on www.hastingsfilmchallenge. co.uk so watch closely for new developments. Two Figures in Dense Violet Night LIDO at Electro Studios Saturday 10 Sept, 2–8pm Sunday 11 sept, 12–5pm See page 24 3 From Pier to Eternity Goes Retro Friday 9 September, 7-9pm As part of the Hastings & St Leonards Heritage Open Days, your favourite seafront bike ride wheels out its pedal-powered guerrilla cinema for a night of vintage local footage and antique musical mementos played out amongst historic locations along the promenade. Meet at Hastings Pier at 7pm with your bike Illuminations and vintage attire encouraged. Classic bicycles especially welcome. frompiertoeternity@hotmail. co.uk 07538 308103. Organised in partnership with Hastings Urban Bikes and partfunded by National Lottery Awards for All Open Studios Saturday & Sunday, 11am-6pm From Bexhill through St Leonards & Hastings to Rye. See page 40 Clandestine Rendezvous, Maria Dyas 29 FEATURED WEEKEND EVENTS 17/18 SEPTEMBER From Pier to Eternity: Dive, Dive, Dive! Friday 16 Sept 7-9pm In anticipation of the Hastings Seafood and Wine festival, the bike ride with an attitude takes on a sub-aqua theme, with whale song, fishy music and undersea soundscapes, culminating in a beach gathering and possibly an attempt to take the town’s first amphibious bicycle onto the water! Meet at Hastings Pier at 7pm. Illuminated bicycles encouraged. frompiertoeternity@hotmail. co.uk 07538 308103. Organised in partnership with Hastings Urban Bikes and partfunded by National Lottery Awards for All.) Battle Art Trail From 17 - 25 September Battle High Street and the adjoining twittens will be home to more than twenty installations and artworks that will form the inaugural Battle Art Trail. The site-specific works will encourage the public to take a fresh look at their surroundings, to discover new locations and see the ordinary in a new light. The theme of the trail is ‘The World Turned Upside Down’. Commissioned artists include Annabel Tilley, Patrick Burton, Reem Acason, Louise Kenward, Svetlana K-Lie & Joanna Kerr. These are interspersed with projects by emerging artists from Sussex Coast College and local groups including: the Autistic Spectrum Disorder Group, Battle Knitters & the Traveller Education Team, Children’s Services. More than 350 schoolchildren from local primary schools & Claverham Community College will create pieces for the trail during workshops run by Hastings-based Radiator Arts. Completing the line-up will be an exhibition at Battle Museum by local artists in response to museum exhibits and a drawing residency based at the Almonry, led by Annabel Tilley. www.battlearts.co.uk ! E E FR Two Figures in Dense Violet Night Saturday 17 Sept, 2–8pm, Sunday 18 Sept, 12–5pm In Conversation talk, Sat 2pm. A guest artist joins LIDO as part of an evolving programme of events over four weekends. See page 24. LIDO at Electro Studios, Seaside Road, St Leonards TN38 0AL Check www.lidoprojects. com for specific programme information. jacqui@lidoprojects.com Hastings Seafood & Wine Festival Sixth anniversary of this popular local produce event. See advert opposite. Art In Romney Marsh 2011 Spread over six historic churches in the Marsh. See details below. 4 COASTAL CURRENTS sponsored by Art in Romney Marsh 2011 A site specific, contemporary Visual arts project located in six of the medieval churches of Romney Marsh, Kent. The work exhibited includes a wide range of media including painting, sculpture, installation, video, film and sound. This year work will be shown in Fairfield, Brookland, Ivychurch, Newchurch, Old Romney and St Mary in the Marsh by kind permission of the priest-in-charge, Jim Field. Art in Romney Marsh 2011 will take place over 4 weekends: 17-18, 24-25 September, 1-2, 8-9 October. The exhibition opening times are 1pm to 5pm. www.artinromneymarsh.org.uk 17 & 18 September 2011, Hastings Old Town The Hastings Seafood and Wine Festival, now in its 6th year, is a celebration of Hastings’ sustainable fishery, its vineyards and excellent local food producers. Attracting more than 40,000 food lovers to taste succulent dishes from over 30 food stalls - where local chefs conjure up a colourful array of flavours – the festival runs from 11am on the Saturday to 7pm on the Sunday. www.visit1066country.com 30 31 FEATURED WEEKEND EVENTS 24/25 SEPTEMBER watching you ….watching me ….watching you 24 - 25 September, 7-10pm To mark the launch of underground experimental project space, watching you…watching me...watching you, will showcase a curated selection of installations and artworks relating to the themes of looking, being watched, privacy, ownership, personal space, hacking, security, public/private. The open evening events will provide an opportunity to experience the artworks, meet the artists and explore this new art space. Artists: Roz Cran, Sarah Broome, Sharon Haward, Nicole Zaaroura plus invited artists. underground project space, 35 Robertson Street, Hastings 01424 714864 / 07958615413 sharonhaward@hotmail.com www.sharonhaward.com Art In Romney Marsh 2011 Spread over six historic churches in the Marsh. See details on previous page. Twelfth Night 23 - 25 September See below. 5 Winalot -The Big Consultation by Greig Burgoyne Public Consultation 24 & 25 September, 11am-4pm Installation 30 September A multi-media public consultation that debates a low cost high impact life style and living environment. Stade Open Space, The Stade, Rock-a-Nore Rd, Hastings, TN34 3FJ creativecoastmail@gmail.com www.greigburgoyne.com BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND, THE MERCATORIA COMPANY PRESENT A PROMENADE PERFORMANCE OF or what you will BY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE ABRIDGED BY CHRISTINE HARMAR-BROWN '3*3%4&15t1. 4"55)4&15t1.1. 46/5)4&15t1.1. St Leonards Gardens .B[F)JMM5/## Tickets: £8.50 (full) / £6.50 (concs) / £3.00 (child) Box Office no: 01424 733995 Or in person from: McCarrons of Mercatoria 68 Norman Road, St Leonards On Sea www.mccarrons.co.uk www.mercatoriacompany.co.uk or see brochure listings for full details 32 Exhibitions Johns Place, Bohemia Road, Hastings TN34 1ET Coastal Landscapes: Paintings from the Museum’s Permanent Collection Until 1 January 2012 Tues - Sat, 10am-5pm, Sun 12-5pm Four: Bruce and Annie Rae: Harry and Charlotte Snook 13 August - 9 September Weds– Sat, 11am– 4pm Four artists connected by friendship, longevity as artists and respect for each other’s practice. Curated by Bruce Rae, the work on show contains both the artists’ current obsessions and a re-examination of work made over the past twenty years. Unusually for Lucy Bell’s gallery this exhibition shows not only photography but print, painting and drawing. Lucy Bell Fine Art Gallery, 46 Norman Road, St Leonards on Sea TN38 0EJ gallery@lucy-bell.com 01424 434828 www.lucy-bell.com This exhibition brings together an eclectic mix of sketches, drawings and paintings that focus on the varying coastal landscapes along the East Sussex shoreline. The show includes Fishmarket on the Sands, Early Morning by JMW Turner, and a special display of work to mark the 70th birthday of Laetitia Yhap. Len Shelley & Angie Biltcliffe: A Retrospective 23 July - 23 Oct, Tues - Sat, 10am-5pm, Sun 12-5pm *Booking essential as places are limited TWELFTH NIGHT LISTINGS Len Shelley and Angie Biltcliffe were hugely popular and influential figures with Hastings and the wider art world. This exhibition celebrates their work, reflecting the profound impact their lives, and untimely deaths, have had, with an exhibition that will be of interest both to visitors who knew them well and those new to their work. Hastings Museum & Art Gallery, COASTAL CURRENTS sponsored by Space, 78 High Street, Old Town Hastings TN34 3EL info@stonesquid.com 07594 701425 Surface Histories 27 August - 30 September Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 9.30am5pm, Sat 9.30am-12.30pm. In this series of photographs Paul Thomas examines the surface minutiae of domestic buildings. Appearing at first to be abstracts, or maybe aerial landscapes, these images reveal cracks, repairs and the encroachment of nature. Photographed with a sixty year old folding camera, yet printed using the latest digital technology, process reinforces subject to create a document of time passing. Martel Colour Print, 32a High Street, HastingsTN34 3ER 01424 420188 www.martelcolourprint.co.uk Short WAVES series of 3 19 August – 4 September 72 hour installations @ stone squid Kate Street - Preview Friday 26 August 6-8pm, open Friday, Saturday, Sunday 2-5pm and by appointment Stone Squid Experimental Art 33 Art Work by Rhian Thomas 27 August - 30 September Daily 11am-5pm. Rhian’s work explores memory and people’s relationships with objects, how they are often kept as relics in a domestic environment, simultaneously enforcing the presence and absence of people. Like photographs they are retained as a way of preserving a period of time or a feeling that is no longer in existence. Butler’s Emporium, 70 George Street, Old Town, Hastings TN34 3EE 01424 430678 rhianthomas5@yahoo.co.uk Rarities 2011 27 August – 30 September. From 4pm Exhibition of 200+ magnetic artworks on the gates of Hastings and St Leonard’s Pier. Come along, find a magnet, take one home for FREE! 100+ artists including Sinéid Codd, Alban Low, Adam Piggott, Alex Leadbeater, Dean Reddick, Bryan Benge, Zeroh, Ray McCrystal, Roz Cran, and Andrew Dennis. Come early to avoid disappointment. Sponsored by local people/ businesses. Hastings Pier, The Pier Gates, White Rock Road, Hastings TN34 1JY 07792 027716 34 openfridge@googlemail.com www.rarities2011.blogspot.com Lovely and Local by Fiona Pienkowska 27 August- 30 September, Weds - Sun, 11am-4pm This work was inspired by the places and people of Hastings and St Leonards. The urban environment fascinates me. I create my work from observations of people and places I see around me everyday. My medium is printmaking. The technique I use is called ‘dry point’. I hand colour my prints, making small editions. Post Office Tea Rooms, 40a Marina, St Leonards TN38 0BU & Bells Bicycles, 49 High Street, Old Town Hastings TN34 3EN stlens@onehandmade.co.uk, hello@bicycleinfo.co.uk www.wix.com/potearooms/info, www.bellscycles.co.uk Chrysalis by Respond Academy 28 - 31 August 11am-4pm. Private View: 27 August 4-7pm A body of work by Respond Academy students and members aged 14-21 years. Chrysalis represents the metamorphosis from year 2010/2011 into the new 2011/2012, with former students moving on and new young people beginning their journey with us. Respond Academy, Ground Floor, Silchester Mews, 17a Silchester Road, St Leonards TN38 0JB 01424 718235, respondacademy1@hotmail.com www.respondacademy.com The Drawing Room Saturdays and Sundays throughout September 11am–6pm The Drawing Room is a creative space dedicated to the fine art of drawing. Each artist has a unique relationship with the drawing room with the act of drawing playing a different role in each of the individual artists practice: drawing as process, practice, research, refinement, observation and mark making. Robin Holtom, Marie-Louise Miller, Pip Carpenter, Victoria Kiff, Eleanor Lynn, Nigel Plumb, Emily Johns. The Cellar, 41B Marina, St Leonards on Sea, TN38 0BU 01424 200 451/ 07853 765 218, rachel.holtom@yahoo.com www.holtom.org From Tat to Treasure 1 - 12 September Mon - Thurs, 9.30am-4.30pm, Fri 9.30am-4pm, Sat 10am3pm. Hastings Furniture Service is a charity well known for providing free collections of furniture for reuse, but do you know how crafty HFS is? As well as offering affordable furniture, HFS helps people develop skills and confidence with furniture craft training. See how learners transform tired pieces ‘From Tat into Treasure.’ Hastings Furniture Service, 6-10 Dorset Place, Hastings, TN34 1LG 01424 441112, sarah@hfs.org.uk www.hfs.org.uk http://onecafe.webs.com Coffee & Art 2 –3 September 10am- 4pm An exhibition by local Christian artists. The work has evolved from creative prayer sessions held at St Helens Church. Free coffee and cake for all visitors. Wellington Square Baptist Church, Wellington Square, Hastings TN34 1PN 07733044027, janvidler@ hotmail.com www.wellingtonsquare.co.uk London Road 2 September - 2 October Mon - Sat, 10am-6pm A photographic enquiry. London Road in St Leonards was where ‘The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists’ was written a century ago. It is as full of stories, symbols, clues and traces now as it was then. Alexander Brattell. Lucy Phillips & Cath Tajima-Powell One Cafe & Gallery, 1 London Rd, St Leonards, TN37 6AE 01424 44380 onelondonroad@yahoo.co.uk 144 by Rebecca Youssefi and Leroy Laban 2 - 29 September Mon - Fri, 9am-5pm. Private View: 2 Sept, 5-9pm Rebecca Youssefi and Leroy Laban exhibit together in 144. Mixed media artist Rebecca is interested in the metaphysical and explores who we are and what life is. Leroy is a photographer who aims to capture the essence of people using their local environments. Isabel Blackman Centre IBC, Winding Street, Old Town Hastings TN34 3AT 01424 446428, ibc@ ageukeastsussex.org.uk www.myibc.org.uk Musings 3, 4, 10, 11 September 11am–6pm On starting a new life in modern day St Leonards, Miss Harriet Williams penned, in the style of Jane Austen, a light-hearted account of the colourful characters she met and the places she experienced. Catch glimpses of Miss Williams’ musings in this typographic artwork and audio installation trail. Unmissable. Participating venues: South Lodge, St Leonards Gardens (11am – 4pm); Horse & Groom Pub; and Open 35 Studios 5, 13, 14, 20 listed in the Open Studios section starting on page 40. See also ‘Whispered Musings’ on page 15. 07525 347 740 sara.bythesea@yahoo.co.uk Heroes, Dreams and Visions 9 - 20 September, 11am- 5pm Private View: 9 September 6.30- 8.30pm Artists’ Talk: 16 September 6.30-8.30pm This exhibition highlights exceptional new work created by individuals at Project Art Works over the past year. Mentoring Studios offers a groundbreaking opportunity for learning disabled adults to experience intensive professional development alongside an artist mentor. A significant and surprising body of work, the showcase reveals seven very distinct approaches to making. Hastings Arts Forum, 36 Marina, St Leonards TN38 0BU 01424 201 636 info@hastingsartsforum.co.uk www.hastingsartsforum.co.uk Extended Conversation Amongst Gulls 10 - 11 September, 11am–5pm An exhibition of prints, digital 36 images, and mixed media work by students and teachers from Parkwood sixth form and William Parker Sports College. An array of diverse images created in response to the local environment. Beach Hut No.19, In front of Seaside Road, West St Leonards 01424 448207, sue.warren@ williamparker.e-sussex.sch.uk Inside Out 10 - 24 September Mon - Sat 10am–5pm Exhibition of paintings, sculpture, drawings & prints following the theme ‘Inside Out’, in conjunction with the Battle Art Trail: The World Turned Upside Down. Exhibiting artists will interpret the theme freely & include award winning Svetlana K-Lie, Louise Giblin & Cathryn Kemp. Saffron Gallery, Saffron House, 59-60 High Street, Battle, TN33 0EN 01424 772 130 info@saffrongallery.co.uk www.SaffronGallery.co.uk, www.facebook.com/ SaffronGallery The Lie of the Land 16 September - 20 November Open every day, 9.30am– 5.30pm. Private View: 16 Sept 6–8pm. Members of South Coast Artists group respond to locations and histories that hold special significance and personal connections. Selected work includes painting, printmaking and photography. Arts in Healthcare, Conquest Hospital Exhibition Area Level 3 (turn right at main entrance), Conquest Hospital, The Ridge, St Leonards TN27 7RD artsinhealthcare@esht.nhs.uk Cc. richardsmg@hotmail.com, 01424 755470/754488 ext 2270 / 07976 477641 by members of the public merge to create an informative, interactive experience. ‘Time to reflect… intimate, comforting’The Argus (for Brighton Fringe). Donations to St. Michael’s Hospice, charity no. 288462. The Function Room at Walkers Cocktails, 48 Robertson Street, Hastings, TN34 1HL tobeme@live.co.uk www.tobemeproject.com Pocket Companions at Arthur Green 17 September - 2 October Mon, Thurs, Fri, Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 10am-4pm A group of SOCO artists make books, in the broadest concept of the word, for the recesses and alcoves of this Victorian shop. The project follows a recent talk on the subject by artist and bookmaker, Lorna Crabbe. Courtesy of the Hastings Pier & White Rock Trust Hastings Pier & White Rock Trust, 34 White Rock, Hastings TN34 1JY 01424 713873, info@hpwrt.co.uk www.soco.org.uk To Be Me 17 - 18 September 12-6:30pm What does it mean to be you? Multimedia art, personality psychology and an exhibition of personal contributions made Exhibition of Artists Books and workshops 23 September, 7-9pm, 24 September 10am–8pm, 25 September, 10am-8pm. Artists Books – Showing hand-bound, folded, stitched books including altered books, scrumptious sketchbooks, prints and images. Work by Alex Leadbeater, Lynne Bingham, Lorna Crabbe, Helen Hunt, Cathryn Kemp, Sara Harris, Erica Smith, 14 artists from Quattordecim and others. Includes typographic artworks as part of a trail of musings by Harriet Williams. The Muse, Harold Mews, St Leonards TN38 0EA 01424 423457 alex@ alexleadbeater.com www.alexleadbeater.com Battle Art Fair 16 – 23 September, 10am–6pm The Battle Contemporary Fine Art Fair takes place annually to coincide with the Coastal Currents Arts Festival. The 2011 art fair will, for the second year running, be hosted by The PowderMills Hotel, Battle. Taster exhibitions can also be seen at the Blackshed Gallery, Robertsbridge and the Roche Gallery, Rye. PowderMills Hotel, Powdermill Lane, Battle, TN33 0SP Adrian Calder-Reade – Hotel General Manager- 01424 775511, Lesley Samms – Director; Pure Arts Group, lesley@ pureartsgroup.co.uk www.pureartsgroup.co.uk Events & performances Mozart’s Cosi Fan Tutte 11 September, 7.30pm Fully staged sung in Italian with English subtitles on a raised stage by talented young music college graduates. Conducted by Lesley Anne Sammons and Directed by Jenny Miller, in association with Longborough Festival Opera. Tickets: £12, £9 Students, £24 Family Ticket (2 adults & 2 children) St John the Evangelist, Pevensey Road, St Leonards TN38 0RD jennymiller@onetel.com, 01424 432985 www.thecompletesinger.co.uk An evening of dance and music for all ages 24 September, 7-9pm Sit back and enjoy an evening of contemporary and hip-hop dance with live music from Christian band Three Days Later. Interval with refreshments included. Free entry. Wellington Square Baptist Church, Wellington Square, Hastings TN34 1PN 37 07733044027, janvidler@ hotmail.com www.wellingtonsquare.co.uk Bob’s Garage by Anthony Forrest 27 September, 7.30pm “Bob’s Garage” Premiere of black comedy indie film feature from local artist Anthony Forrest. Five guys party in Bob’s garage, their clubhouse. After excess beer and drugs a gun goes off accidentally shooting one of them in the stomach. The men decide to remove the bullet themselves by using the tools in the garage… £2 entry Pomegranate, 50 George Street, Hastings, TN34 3EA 01424 429221 www.pomegranatehastings. co.uk Wednesdays at the Electric Palace Cinema Wednesdays in September are dedicated to a range of film work from both emerging and established artists and filmmakers from Hastings and beyond as part of the Coastal Currents Arts Festival: Coastal Currents’ Shoot the Poets Special 7 September, 8pm Presenting the Artists Selection from the last two years of films and performance. Original collaborative work by filmmakers, writers, sound artists and performers. 38 Adventures in Lo- Fi’ featuring Saffron Summerfield 14 September, 8pm. £5. Following the success of at last year’s event ‘Adventures in Lo Fi’ returns...this time at The Electric Palace. A marvellous blend of homemade projections, song, and grown-up storytelling with Ed Boxall, culminating in a unique performance from Singer/Songwriter/Digital Storyteller Saffron Summerfield. Benda Bilili 21 September, 8pm. Cert. 12. Subtitles Renaud Barret, 2010. 86 minutes. Dubbed the new Buena Vista, this incredible true story of a group of paraplegic Congolese street musicians is infectious and life-affirming. Gregarious, up-tempo rumba with bluesy hard-times lyrics and declarations of ambition. This is a must for fans of African music – and music generally. Underground Worlds 28 September, 8pm Hastings abounds with tunnels and caves which lie beneath the town’s imposing sandstone cliffs. This subterranean network sprawls under the chip shops and souvenir stands, accessible by some residents’ basements, bunkers and cellars. Artist and filmmaker Toby Tatum draws inspiration from this topography, curating and contributing to this programme of short films that illuminate other secret hidden places, be they real or imaginary. The programme features artist’s film and video, experimental film, documentary and short fiction film. To book tickets for any of the events go to www. electricpalacecinema.com 39a High Street, Hastings TN34 3ER 01424 720393 info@electricpalacecinema.com Last Night on the Prom 30 September, 6- 10pm To celebrate the Project at Stade Hall arts programme and the month-long Coastal Currents festival; Creative Coast has devised an evening of experimental performance and arts interventions within the hall and on the Stade Open Space. Featuring the culmination of a five-day collaborative artists’ residency at Stade Hall, combined with a curated programme of performance, projection and sonic interventions. Stade Hall, Rock-a-Nore Road, Hastings TN34 3FJ creativecoastmail@gmail.com, 07841 757866 Talks/ Workshops/ Seminars AutismSussex- Les Misérables and The Rich 23, 24 & 25 September Two days of discussion, music and drama in English and French, based around the characters and themes of the popular musical. Join in one or two sessions, in either language, at £2 per session or sign up for the whole weekend plus (if your French or English skills need freshening up) the optional Friday night vocabulary-prep session, for £12. Friday Prep session 7-8.30pm. Saturday session one 10.30am12noon, session two 1.30-3pm, session three 4.30-6pm, session four 7-8.30pm. Sunday session one 10.30am-12pm, session two 1.30-3pm, session three 4.306pm, session four 7-8.30pm. The Roebuck Centre, Roebuck Street, Old Town, Hastings. 07801 358090, 01424 203735, kay@earlyworkspress.co.uk Field of Asphodel Sunday 4 September, 6.30pm A new performance with dance, sound, shadow and hand puppetry. The show follows the story of the abduction of Persephone by Hades into the underworld, which originally illustrated the creation of Summer and Winter in Greek mythology. Now retold to resonate with the 25 year anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster (and more recently Fukishima) with quotes from survivors and witnesses. Stade Hall, The Stade, Rock-aNore Road, Hastings, TN34 3FJ 01424 203 944 info@theatrerotto.co.uk www.idolrich.co.uk Europe; the use of social networking to professionalise your practice; how to write a successful proposal, and how to earn money as a craftsperson/ maker. Free but booking recommended. For more details on guest speakers see: www.coastalcurrents.org.uk 31 August, 7, 14 Sept at Stade Hall, Rock-a-Nore Rd, Hastings. 21 & 28 Sept at Underground Experimental Project Space, 35 Robertson Street, Hastings (Next to Hastings Trust). creativecoastmail@gmail.com www.coastalcurrents.org.uk Short Fuse 1066 25 September, 7.30pm Hastings popular short story event fulfills an important function in giving writers the chance to perform and showcase their work. The theme for the next meeting is ‘The Holiday’. Visit the website for details – then – get writing! Jenny Lind, High St, Old Town, Hastings www.shortfuseat1066.org.uk Below: Field of Asphodel, Idol Rich Wednesday Talks 31 August, 7, 14, 21, & 28 September, 7pm Every Wednesday evening throughout the festival come and share ideas, discuss relevant issues and meet local artists, makers & key arts professionals across the region. The talks will deliver a range of relevant topics from how to work in 39 open studios The Open Studios programme is always a popular feature of Coastal Currents, and this year we have even more artists taking part, presenting their work in their homes, studios, beach huts and gardens. Open Studios take place over two weekends, and offer a wealth of arts and crafts from bold outdoor sculptures, to paintings, prints, jewellery, textiles, ceramics, books and prints. Take this opportunity to meet local artists and makers; and browse, buy or commission artwork. This year the trail extends to Bexhill and Battle, stretching all the way along the coast to Rye, giving the chance to discover studios in town centres, countryside hideaways and coastal locations as part of the route. COASTAL CURRENTS Maps are for guidance only and do not necessarily show the exact location of studios. sponsored by All events are on 3 - 4 & 10 - 11 September unless otherwise stated. Many thanks to Roost for their continued support in sponsoring the open studios programme. Look out for the blue and yellow Roost signs placed outside participating studios. 27 Grand Parade, St Leonards TN37 6DN Telephone: 01424 442 600 enquiries@theroostgroup.com Lorna Hamilton-Brown < BATTLE PLAYDEN Ra i Th A25 y Li ne RYE 9 WINCHELSEA ICKLESHAM Rye e Ro a idg d eR A25 9 lwa ST LEONARDS RYE HARBOUR ORE WINCHELSEA BEACH PETT < BEXHILL CLIFF END OLD TOWN HASTINGS 40 FAIRLIGHT PETT LEVEL 41 ME RD SO UT H SQR CO SE DL ES LO R D SO U T HWATE R RD MARINA A259 EM IA CHAPEL PARK RD D RD ON ND LO 15 OH B ER E RD AL DV RAD 19 D PA GRAN 17 AN NO NR RMA OA D SLEY EL UD AD RO AM SH FIL AD IO R RD DL 18 SPRINGF IELD O WO RO E C AM RAD D PA WA RR GRAN LONDON RD SH D RD 7 8 6 ROA MAN IA M HE FIL NOR BO NT EAST ASCE OA AN R ROA D AD NORM 12 AD T S RO ROA D 5 IN G 10 14 SQR LL GENS HI Quinnell. Badges, cards and other small items also for sale. 29 20 11 16 D GARE E R OPaintings and drawings by Claire Fletcher, assemblages and collages by Peter A D A259 ROA D STER RIOR AZ Beach Chalet No. 10 [next to the barrier], West-of-Haven Chalets, Bulverhythe, TN38 0FD Access via Cinque Ports Way, off Bexhill Road. NE Y LI peterquinnell@gmail.com www.peterquinnell.com www.clairefletcherart.com LWA RAI 01424 423134 / 0771 9722435 HE S I LC MARINA A259 WA R 13 RETS RO 25 CINQUE PORTS WAY 1 SQR IA 2 AN ARGA R IO R M ROA D A D A259 M Claire Fletcher & Peter Quinnell A210 IN G 1 NORM ROA D NT EAST ASCE AR ST M 2 HE LL 3 Studios open weekends of 3 - 4 and 10 - 11 September, 11am - 6pm unless otherwise stated. 2 A210 OA D ON R 4 E LO N D RO 29 GENS HI R LIN WAY AIL BO E BEXHILL OA D ER R ROA D AZ Studios open weekends of 3 - 4 and 10 - 11 September, 11am - 6pm unless otherwise stated. BEXHILL HEST WA R DON Central St Leonards M West St Leonards S I LC 9 Opening Times: 3 - 4 & 10 - 11 September, 11am - 6pm CINQUE PORTS WAY Beach Hut No. 5 2 Beach Hut No. 5 (West of Haven), Glyne Gap, TN38 0FD Gary Mills produces clay pieces exploring unique qualities of raku firing. Philippa Haines explores clay and recently began using copper etched metal. Valerie Knapp makes figurative and abstract ceramic wall reliefs, tiles and decorative chairs. Veronique Pullen makes silver and ceramic jewellery inspired by nature. Alex Leadbeater 5 The Muse, Harold Mews, TN38 0EA alex@alexleadbeater.com www.alexleadbeater.com 01424 423457 Open Studios… what will you find? An exhibition of Artists’ Books, new work to discuss, old work to recognise. Bargain paintings, prints and cards to buy. Art classes to join, people to meet…and a free cup of tea. Get inspired… Co-hosting ‘Musings’ project - see page 35. Opening Times: 3 - 4 & 10 - 11 September, 11am - 6pm Opening Times: 3 – 4 & 10 - 11 September, 11 – 5pm Andy Young Danny Mooney 3 6 McCarrons of Mercatoria, 68 Norman Road. danny@dannymooney.co.uk www.dannymooney.co.uk 07905209618 Andy Young paints in Oil and Acrylic at the edge of the sea, the sky, the beach, the individual. Katharine Weston Smith’s paintings are semi-abstract in acrylic and oil, based on the Sussex landscape and still life images. Mooney studied at Goldsmith’s and Guildhall in London and has been making art for more than 20 years. He currently makes abstract paintings and figurative wire sculptures. Mooney’s work is in collections in the UK., America, NE Switzerland, Japan and China. Y LI LWA RO AM SH FIL Opening Times: 3 - 4 & 10 - 11 September, 11am - 6pm AD Beach Hut 10, East of Haven, Cinque Ports way. Yhighfirs@aol.com 01424 752640 RAI LL September, 11 – 6pm BEX–HI11 Opening Times: 3 - 4 & 10 R OA D A259 CINQUE PORTS WAY Beach Hut No. 13 4 Front Row, West Marina Beach Huts. denise@griffiths12.plus.com www.zoomimagegroup.co.uk 07957388807 barbara williams has an exploratory and expressive approach to painting and drawing, working from life and nature towards abstract images. Denise Griffiths works distinctively with pastels, oils and charcoal, particularly inspired by urban dynamism, people and the 1920’s to 1950’s. Free parking. Opening Times: 3 - 4 & 10 - 11 September, 11am - 5pm 42 Eleanor Carter & Georgina Brett Chinnery 7 UNIT 4 Mercatoria Business Centre, 100 – 102 Norman Road, TN38 0EJ eleanor@eleanorcarter.com george@bombarock.co.uk www.eleanorcarter.com www.bombarock.co.uk 01424 439313 Come and see new and exciting work by Georgina Brett Chinnery and Eleanor Carter. Hand decorated leather furniture and accessories. Limited edition prints and hand made greeting cards. Cake and refreshments provided! Opening Times: 3 – 4 & 10 – 11 September, 11 – 6pm Saturdays, 11 – 5pm Sundays 43 Geoff Parham Old Bakery Studios 8 Unit 7, Second Floor, Mercatoria Business Centre, 100 Norman Road, TN38 0EJ geoffparham@hotmail.com 07948 441376 Paintings, prints and drawings exploring ambiguities between representation and abstraction using starting points in life drawing, landscape and still life. Wide variety of work on canvas and paper (oils, acrylics, mixed media, monoprints and drawings) at accessible prices. Opening Times: 3 – 4 & 10 – 11 September, 11 – 6pm 13 The Old Bakery Studios 17a Silchester Mews, off Silchester Road, TN38 0JB info@oldbakerystudios.com www.oldbakerystudios.com 01424 201113 Come and see what’s cooking – a creative mix of things to see and buy from: Claire Buckley – Textiles, Sarah Macbeth and Erica Smith - Graphic Art, Luke Mitchell - Digital Marketing, Stephen Fulljames - Model-maker and other invited artists. Opening Times: 3 – 4, 10 – 11 & 17 – 18 September, 11 – 6pm Bramwell - Cole Ceramics 9 Number 3 14 Copper Beeches, 41 Chapel Park Road, TN37 6JB bramcoleceramics@hotmail.com 01424 729545 3 Stanhope Place, TN38 0ED sara.bythesea@yahoo.co.uk Cloth, Clay and Dead Wood clothing and ceramics by Kate Bramwell-Cole. Theories, thoughts, questions and images of dead trees by Simon BramwellCole. Miss Harriet Williams presents typographic artworks pertaining to her lighthearted musings on the colourful characters and places of contemporary St Leonards. Art collides with literature, past blurs into present. Part of the ‘Musings’ trail. See Event listings. Co-hosting ‘Musings’ project - see page 35. Opening Times: 3 – 4 & 10 – 11 September, 11 – 6pm Opening Times: 17 – 18 September, 11 – 6pm Leslie McKinley Howell 10 15 6 Marine Court, TN38 0DX vanessanfowler@yahoo.co.uk vanessafowler.com 07732 987643 Open the gate and walk through the garden to view a collection of ceramics ranging from abstract vessels, to tile panel compositions. Materials and techniques produce different results- stoneware, earthenware, thrown or hand built. Alastair Knights and Vanessa Fowler are established ceramicists. Michelle Jarvis, printed and embroidered bags/purses. Ness Mann, painted studies of birds, acrylic on canvas. Please find our Facebook page Coastal Currents Alastair Vanessa Michelle Ness for further information and photographs. Opening Times: 3 – 4 & 10 – 11 September, 11 – 6pm Liz Blackborow Opening Times: 3 – 4 & 10 – 11 September, 11 – 6pm Valerie May 11 16 60 Norman Road, 60b Norman Road, TN38 0EJ Lizblackborow@aol.com 07980 772498 Nunovalenki, 65 Norman Road, TN38 0EG studio@nunovalenki.co.uk www.nunovalenki.co.uk 01424 714848 REFLECTIONS: Look at colour filled paintings, collages, photographs and textiles reflecting the experience of living by the sea in St Leonards. Then relax on the balcony with tea, coffee and cakes and experience the magnificent seaviews for yourself! I specialise in felting, (nuno, wet and needle felting). My creations include beautiful scarves and necklaces, fabulous corsages and uniquely quirky brooches, pin cushions and colourful DIY felting kits. Prices range from the very affordable £5 to the also affordable £75. Opening Times: 3 – 4 & 10 – 11 September, 11 – 6 pm Opening Times: 3 – 12 September, Monday - Saturday 10am – 5.30pm, Sunday 4 & 11 September 11am - 5.30pm Lorna Hamilton-Brown Shahriar Mazandi 12 Passion 4, 47 Sedlescombe Road South, TN38 0TB 01424 849985 hi@lornahamiltonbrown.com I www.passion4.co.uk/openstudios Lorna and Chris Hamilton-Brown create contemporary art that captures the energy of everyday events and things in a simple, evocative snapshot. Photography, prints, textiles, cards and gifts for sale at affordable prices. Opening Times: 3 – 4 & 10 – 11 September, 11 – 6pm 44 Vanessa Fowler Works 14 Stanhope Place, TN38 0ED 07914440528 17 The Cloudesley, 7 Cloudesley Road, TN37 6JN s.mazandi@gmail.com www.mazandi.com 01424 442524 ‘GANGSTER’, ‘PLAYING WITH FIRE’ and other photographic essays by globally syndicated photographer Shahriar Mazandi, owner of The Cloudesley, where they are on display. Drop by for complementary drinks and to see the work. Opening Times: 3 – 4 & 10 – 11 September, 11 – 6pm 45 SAMPLE SALE Wallpaper by Deborah Bowness Hand printed and painted in England. www.deborahbowness.com Shop OPEN 3 & 4, 10 & 11 Sept, 11am to 6pm. Trade appointments - 01424 717132 46 18 14 Grand Parade. St Leonards TN37 6DN 19 47 E RD NSTON ELPH I W SLO LD BA E RD 9 D ROA ON I MM P LY N L AD DR O L LW MI RY R OA D 59 T EE TR E LA TO N SS W T ES ST RE ET S OR NA RO C K A E ET RE A R I N E M ST ES RY RD GE ET NT AI O AL ET RE A R RY The Beacon, a large Victorian house and garden with two large exhibition/ performance rooms plus six artist’s studios, offers a full creative experience. Please see www.beaconhastings.com for our programme of performance, music and food over the two weekends, and for more information on the Sartists T HEL showing. R Judy Dewsbery, painter Anna Pontonutti, painter Thierry Alexander, painter/performer Tuesday Life Drawing Group Studios: Judith Rowe, potter Ruth Wurzburger, abstract paintings Ben White, painter, printmaker 48 S PRIO A2 RE HE B OU RN ET RE ST H HIG ST ST OAD Main house: 7 Cloudesley Road, St Leonards-on-Sea East Sussex TN37 6JN info@thecloudesley.co.uk www.thecloudesley.co.uk 01424 442524 E D AD RO LL HI OR GE GE E RG QU Judy Dewsbery, 67-68 (Below) St Mary’s Terrace, TN34 3LS, (by foot, down steps opp. No 12). j.dewsbery@btinternet.com www.beaconhastings.com 01424 431305 EN’S RE RY R OA EE ST HI LE ST RY AR ST PRIO NS RO ’S PA LEN AD RO LL S TERRACE S T M A RY ’ EEN PSLTY N L L E I MM ON HI ROA LL D RO QAUD S TERRACE S T M A RY ’ D RK RD RE LE QU AR S RO AD RO NS EE E PA RLOAS D QU RO EE NS S P ECT P LC 9 26 CR R A25 WOO ET EA D R SHE W RE T ES PA R A D E T AD E P L A C E W E S23 R K CA RD R A A P DENM ST EA ADE R A P E CA R L I S L M A R I N E PA R A D E R CE A UA L Q P K AR D 21 DENM The ROABeacon U Q RO BE O CA R L I S L E A25 CA RO ST HELEN BE ’S PA R RK RD S P ECT P LC TS O ST E RG ST JA M ES ’S R D O ST DC THE CLOUDESLEY 22 N MI RD AD HI NS RO PR MO GE 24 RO CK AD E RO HE ST HUGHENDEN RD T SANT RNDS PLEA O ONT TS P RU ER N TO IDG FEARON RD AD LO INS PH EL S M A R I N E PA R A D E ACE AC E NMARK PL D E CK VE R MB 27 AD E RO ESCENT I D G EN’S CR BARD L E M CA TH Miss Harriet Williams presents artistic endeavours pertaining to her literary ‘musings of a lady recently arrived at St Leonards-on-Sea’. See page 35. Opening Times: 3 - 4 & 10 - 11 September, 11am - 6pm VO 21 CA LO HUGHENDEN RD HA also…. VO RR HI NS DE E VE DE TE E PA R A D HA Suzie Watts, Mixed media artist mainly working in bronze relating to language and symbolic references susanwatts1@tiscali.co.uk L LW EEN QU R AC H 29 RE RD N RO BE O BRAY B RO O RO BRAY B A 29 O CA R L I S L E T H TE RR 259 TS ST T O U 29 U R D OA PR A SO Nigel Watts, Paintings of vibrancy retaining the spontaneity of the form in line and colour nigelwatts1@tiscali.co.uk KE 28 RO SO Nick Pilcher, Abstract & figurative paintings nick.pilcher@btinternet.com Natalia Watts, A mixed media artist and art psychotherapist exploring playfulness within the creative process tals@hotmail.com 07980 919516 KE S P ECT P LC ROA D GE D AD RO Robin Muckle, Figurative ceramics & sculpture robin@insitebsl.fsnet.co.uk RID DR OA CK B CAM AR LO S RO AD VE AD Lynne Bingham, Mixed media artist www.lynnevisualarts.com & lynne.bingham@btopenworld.com Special Offer: 50% Discount off a Reiki or Reflexology treatment with this ad for new clients. Valid until 29 Feb 2012 QU HA Tony Allen, A ceramic sculptor, specialising in the human figure AWARD-WINNING ECO-FRIENDLY GUEST HOUSE AND HOLISTIC THERAPY CENTRE AD RE O Studios open weekends ofDE3V - 4 and 10 - 11 September, 11am - 6pm unless otherwise stated. Welcome back to Studio VII – see new and current work in a variety of different media from our studio artists and invited guests. CA E NS 4 – 5 Shepherd Street, TN38 0ET 7studiovii@gmail.com www.7studiovii-wordpress.co.uk AC HI RD 20 RR LS RD Hastings PK Studio VII ER W LO BRAY TE Marian Anderson, glass and ceramics Mike Williams, stone sculptor Kate Orr, painter Opening Times: 3 - 4 & 10 - 11 September, 11am - 6pm 49 “6 - 12 Group” 22 6, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Mount Pleasant Crescent, Hastings TN34 3SG Following the success of last years “collective open studios”, the group returns with more members and greater diversity of arts and crafts on show. This year we have five studios and the work of 8 artists offering diverse work at a range of affordable prices. Visit our secluded Victorian crescent in a twitten and conservation area and make us your first stop. Refreshments available in each studio. Suzie McFie and Friends 6 Mount Pleasant Crescent Monoprints, drawings and works in progress including book project. Homemade snacks will be available. suzemac@tiscali.co.uk Incurva Studios and the Work Ship 23 8-10 West Street (between George St. & the seafront), Old Town, TN34 3AN www.theworkship.blogspot.com 01424 424422 Incurva Studios and the Work Ship are housed in a converted metal work factory in the heart of the old town, where a diverse jumble of eight Hastings artists and makers reside. Leigh Dyer Sculptor, creating work ranging from site specific and community based projects to gallery works and private commissions. Through his practice he aims to engage the viewer with their surroundings, encouraging them to look again or alter their association with a particular place/ site. His practice also seeks to promote a ‘please touch’ policy, enabling the viewer to engage further with the work. incurvastudios@yahoo.co.uk Lucy Dixon Hazel and Jeremy Brook The relationships between geological landscapes and mythology have become a central theme throughout her work. Looking at a multiplicity of ways through which historical customs, folk law, tradition, narratives and nostalgia play a part within our widely secular society. 9 Mount Pleasant Crescent lucy_dxn@hotmail.com Abstract oil paintings on canvas, abstract monotypes and watercolours on Fabriano and Somerset papers by Hazel Brook, plus digital inkjet prints on archival matt paper by Jeremy Brook. hazel@graphicideas.co.uk, Jeremy@graphicideas.co.uk www.graphicideas.co.uk Mike Leale 10 Mount Pleasant Crescent Alice Underhill Alice makes brightly glazed porcelain jewellery and vases, as well as a selection of illustrative work on ceramic and watercolour paper backgrounds. Come and see her new collection of work that will be launched at this year’s Coastal Currents Open Studios Festival. mail@aliceunderhill.co.uk www.aliceunderhill.co.uk Kate Iles This year I am showing mostly photography. This is what I see when out and about In Hastings, London and around the world. mike.leale@virgin.net, www.mikelealephotography.co.uk Kate makes boxes. They are made from a need to preserve a moment - a mourned dog, a dreamlike state, a snippet of converstaion. Discarded artifacts, lost treasures and if you’re really lucky, tiny lights are assembled and given a new home. kateiles@talktalk.net John Shanks and Friends Lorna Crabbe 11 Mount Pleasant Crescent Recent photographic images from John and ceramics by Tony Stayne and Corinna Powis. john@fragmentsandrealisations.co.uk, www.fragmentsandrealisations.co.uk Caroline Richards 12 Mount pleasant Crescent Hand woven textiles for upholstery and interiors, together with silk scarves. caroline_ej@live.co.uk Showing a selection of hand-bound artists’ books, drawings, paintings, lino prints and objects. She also writes, curates arts projects and exhibitions, and leads workshops. Her work addresses informal collections; the homemade, domestic archives; womens’ craft history; ornithology; found objects and imagined pasts. lornacrabbe@gmail.com www.lornacrabbe.co.uk Ed Boxall Illustrator, book artist and Printmaker. Ed will be showing recent large-scale prints and new books: the nightmarish ‘Climb On’ and a cheerful suburban adventure: ‘Dixie Steps Out’. www.edboxall.co.uk Mel Brewer A unique blend of handcrafted metal based pieces and constructed images influenced by urban and environmental themes, using photography and found objects as inspiration. melbrewer@rocketmail.com Opening Times: 3 – 4 & 10 – 11 September, 11 – 6pm Objects by artists of Incurva Studios and the Work Ship will be available to view and buy as part of ‘Curious Cases’, which will be touring Hastings & St Leonards throughout the festival. See: www.edboxall.co.uk/curiouscases for further information. Wine kindly provided by Dragon Bar, George Street. Opening Times: 3 – 4 & 10 – 11 September, 11 – 6pm 50 51 Aardvark Studios Zoom Image Group 24 29 Lesley Crabtree, The Old Brewery, Rear of 33 High St, TN34 3ER aardvarkonsea@aol.com www.aardvarkonsea.com JD Bar & Eat@claremont, both in Claremont, Hastings Town Centre. A cornucopia of exceptional work from local artists, designers and makers: Centre. AARDVARK, ZEROH & BADBLOODANDSYBIL plus SPECIAL GUESTS Letterpress and screenprints, quilts, broadsides, moths, vintage textiles, paintings, jam, typography, manifestos and cake. Absolutely nothing inspired by the sea. Opening Times: 3 – 4 & 10 – 11 September, 11 – 6pm Active Arts We Love Property, London Road, St Leonards. Beach Hut No. 13, Front Row, West Marina, West St Leonards. White Rock Hotel, White Rock, Hastings Seafront. itsonlyrob@hotmail.co.uk www.zoomimagegroup.co.uk 01424 717542 25 Hastings & Bexhill Mencap Society, 64 London Road, St Leonards, TN37 6AS www.hastings-bexhill-mencap.org 01424 424813 Active Arts presents an exciting new collaboration of students’ art, sculpture, and film exhibited alongside work from Active Arts tutors Ed Boxall and Zeline Dupraz. Active Arts is a visual and performing arts project for adults with learning disabilities. Opening Times: 3 - 4 September, 11 – 5pm Eight A Debenhams Café, Spaghetti Tree, both in Robertson Street, Hastings Town Zoom is a collective of local visual artists from diverse backgrounds, with ages spanning six decades from their 20’s to 70’s, who are united by a passion for experimental, exploratory and expressive approaches to our work. Influences are the world around us, rural, urban, seaside and internal worlds and memories. Zoom started in May 2005 with only seven photographers, and now has 24 members from all parts of the arts disciplines. The group receives no grants and thanks all advertisers and supporters. Louise Etgart, Sandra Everley, Marie Ford, Hilary Gammie, Denise Griffiths, Penny Hobson, Robin Hutt, Jane Irish, Tim Jones, Mike Leale, Rob Maxted, Rick Moye, Katie Nattress, Claire O’Shaughnessy, John Scowen, John Shanks, Hayley Small, Katrina Taylor, Debbie Ward, Laura Wilde, Barbara Williams. Opening Times: 3 – 4 & 10 – 11 September, Shop opening hours. 26 ompompom creates commemorative knitted textiles. Freestylefibre - textiles and hand spun yarn by Joanna Ratcliffe. abigail luthmann photography exploring landscapes of memory and fiction. Charlotte Strong hand built porcelain clay pieces. The decoration has been influenced by our rambling garden. Discount Voucher Complete and present this voucher at Cuckoo Cuckoo during Coastal Currents to claim 10% off ALL purchases. Opening Times: 3 – 4 & 10 – 11 September, 11 – 5pm Ian David Baker 27 Ground Floor Flat 28, St Helens Park Road, TN34 2DP mail@iandavidbaker.com www.iandavidbaker.com 07713 253209 Abstract Paintings on canvas adapted from small observed objects, current work based on the Hastings burnt pier iron. Photographic Prints and cards. Opening Times: 27 - 28 August, 10 - 11, 17 - 18 & 24 - 25 September, 11 - 6pm. Open by appointment. Textile Hut Studios 28 Top Floor, Prospect Studios, Prospect Place (Next to old Observer building) hilaryturner06@aol.com Local artists producing a diverse range of printed, painted and dyed textiles. The woven pieces incorporate hand spun wool which has been naturally dyed. Hand printed wallpapers and reclaimed chairs are also exhibited. Opening Times: 3 – 4 & 10 – 11 September, 11 – 5pm 52 ✁ 8A Courthouse Street, TN34 3AU mail@ompompom.com www.ompompom.com 07771 992972 Valid 27.08.11 to 30.09.11 - is this the year you’ll get organised with Christmas gifts early? Contemporary Crafts Gallery Quirky handmade cards, tableware, jewellery, prints, ceramics, sculpture & more from over 30 local and UK artists & makers! Find us 10am-5pm Fri-Mon at the foot of the Westhill Ascension Lift at 2 Westhill Arcade, 43A George St, Old Town, Hastings TN34 3EA 01424 428999 www.cuckoocuckoo.co.uk PRINT your name: .......................... PRINT your email address: .......................... Please send me occasional details of private views, gallery special offers & new work (we never share your details with 3rd parties): [tick box] Gallery use only Date of visit: Discount value claimed: £ 53 East of Hastings Annie Soudain Studios open weekends of 3 - 4 and 10 - 11 September, 11am - 6pm unless otherwise stated. IR FA MA R P ET TINE RO AD Opening Times: 3 – 4 & 10 – 11 September, 11 – 6pm D Helen Silverlock LL FARM LANE OA D CO DRA FFI NL AN E AS TG LE TT PE 37 NE W D OA LR VE CL IF F EN LYDD RD L RO AD Helen Silverlock works in site specific installation, 16mm film, video and photography. She studied Fine Art at Goldsmiths and has an MA in Gender, Society and Culture from Birkbeck College. E RD T LE VE LAN PET 31 RD UA NEW L YD D 31 The Recycled House Studio, The Recycled House, New Lydd Road, Camber TN31 7RB studio@helensilverlock.co.uk www.helensilverlock.co.uk 07831 736399 HI 33 K HT R HT IC LIG TR OA LIG My work is primarily inspired by nature. I use images in my head or in my immediate surroundings as my starting-point for pictures in various media: watercolour and gouache paintings, linoprints, wax-resist paintings on silk, and fabric collages. CH ANE AU L FA IR 30 Annie Soudain, 5 Firehills Cottages, Lower Coastguard Lane. annie@anniesoudain.co.uk www.anniesoudain.co.uk 01424 812447 “83 rooms 1987-2007” For 20 years I photographed every room I slept in. D RD Opening Times: 3 – 4 & 10 – 11 September, 11 – 4pm Josephine Ho & Heather Collins 32 NE LEA D 35 32 SA M LA RY LA N E Two textile artists with contrasting approaches inspired by landscape, form & colour. Heather creates 3D pieces with fabric, thread, wool, free machine & hand embroidery. Josephine’s work incorporates mixed media, fabric, indigo, Japanese shibori, stitch, wax & dyes. RYE R OA D A SL ROA PET R E C TO 38 N ATO L S H IL T LE V SME DOG EL R OA D Seaside Studio, Sea Mist, The Ridge, Winchelsea Beach, TN36 4LT jtyho@beamingmail.com www.heathercollins.co.uk 07872 105431 NE A2 68 Opening Times: 3 – 4 & 10 – 11 September, 11 – 6pm S A LTC AD TREE OT E S T Tim Riddihough F IL SH AM RO R BE BU X H I L L ROAD THE R OA D LVE R H Y LIN WAY AIL A 259 FA IG IRL HT E RO 33 ‘Fardhem’DChick Hill, Pett Level. E RA D PA timriddihough.blogspot.com timriddi@btinternet.com 01424 813294 GRAN MARINA A259 AD Quirky paintings, sculptures, and ceramics. Sculpture garden and house installation. Opening Times: 3 – 4 & 10 – 11 September, 11am – 6pm B RO B2089 E UDIMO R AD ST 34 RD Chris Davids 36 Icklesham Studio, Broad Street, Icklesham, TN36 4AS www.ickleshamstudio.com 07930 551649 30 BR DS OA Garden sculpture, furniture, hand cast stoneware and architectural reproductions. Showing in studio and garden. Commissions welcome. T N DUMB WOMA CO E TG AN RD UA LAN A259 Opening Times: 3 – 4 & 10 – 11 September, 11 – 6pm. AS SL RD MAIN 34 E 54 55 Timothy Smith Studio Potter 35 Ciel D’Ete Smeatons Lane, Winchelsea Beach, Winchelsea, TN36 4LW I am now in my sixth year here in Winchelsea Beach. I make Pigs, Sheep, Goats and Cows as well as Arks and individual pieces. All my work is fired to 1280°c-1300°c in a gas kiln. I also have a small show room. TRACKS Stable Workshop 37 Denise Franklin, Stable Flat, Fairlight Place Farm, Barley Lane, Hastings, TN35 5DT deniselancaster@btinternet.com www.carbonframing.com Please use Fairlight Road Picnic Site Car Park. Tracks and Traces Opening Times: 3 – 4 & 10 – 11 September, 11 – 6pm Paintings, drawings, prints, photography, furniture, ceramics & jewellery. Recent work by; Steve Duffy and Angela Delf 36 Watlands Farm House, Udimore Road, Rye, TN31 6AB sjdwatlands@yahoo.com www.delfanddufy.com Steve Duffy and Angela Delf will be showing recent work including paintings, prints, ceramics and stained glass. Opening Times: 3 – 4 & 10 – 11 September, 11 – 6pm Open Studios is sponsored by and traces Denise Franklin Sarah Palmer Sally Cole Amanda Nicol Debi Angel Kieran D’arcy Adrienne Hunter Judith Rowe Jo McCallister Combine a visit to our open studio with a walk in Hastings Country Park, an area of outstanding natural beauty. Refreshments provided. Opening Times: 3 - 4 & 10 – 11 September, 11 – 6pm We have space for disabled parking at the studios. Richard Adams & Jane Beecham ! 0 Jane Beecham and Richard Adams welcome you to their home to enjoy this year’s collection of prints and pictures. ! ! ! ! ! ' ' ( ) ( ' & ' $ + & ' ' (* ) * ' 1 $& & & - & + ,2 &( (( ( &' -+ &' (( -) ' ( ( + + 3 & ' ) 2 ) - ) + ' &&-# - 4 & - - - * - - 8 * 7* '5 & 4 4 (& 6& % (&+ & , %& $' $ !"! # $ ) $* ' ' # # ( + , * # ' 0* & # ' ! /)% '# 38 !-. 647 2 ***6 345 ! : :59554 ; 1 2 WIDE FORMAT PRINTING POSTER & BANNER PRINTING )' ) ,& &# --- & ./ ,(( 00 0 ' 109: $ 1 9( Jane’s monotypes increase in popularity every year. Inspired by seascapes, landscapes and architecture, expressed in a wealth of translucent colour. Richard’s sought after work takes the viewer on imaginative flights of fancy to unreal worlds. =4:5 ; < 2 Opening Times: 3 - 4 & 10 – 11 September, 10 – 5pm "# $ %& 89=# # 59 ( 1 59 59= 1 54 ' 1#4> #5= 38 White Cottage, Rectory Lane, Peasmarsh Road, Playden, Rye. TN31 7UH janebeecham@beamingmail.com 01797 225589 LEAFLETS, BROCHURES AND GENERAL PRINTING studio.fastprint@btconnect.com T: 01424 440204 4-6 GENSING ROAD, ST LEONARDS-ON-SEA TN38 0ER 56 57 Battle L LA N E HASTINGS R OAD W DE R M IL Studios open weekends of 3 - 4 and 10 - 11 September, 11am - 6pm unless otherwise stated. PO A 00 21 I ST HA The Telham Group LANE 39 E N GS TELHAM AM LAN LH E TE T E L HA 39 Telham Lodge, Telham Lane, Battle, TN33 0SN susanking@hotmail.com 07879 695261 The Telham Group is made up of contemporary artists, craftspeople and designers. Exhibitors include Sue King ceramics, Pat Bennett printmaking, Carole Sheldrake figurative ceramics, Jennie Bayntun glass artist, Jane Walsh raku pottery and Tricia Neve textile artist. Homemade cakes too! Opening Times: 3 - 4 & 9 – 11 September, 10.30am – 4.30pm Bexhill M LA N Battle Art Fair 1]\bS[^]`O`g4W\S/`b ^OW\bW\U^`W\baQcZ^bc`SQS`O[WQa ST LEON ARDS RD Studios open weekends of 3 - 4 and 10 - 11 September, 11am - 6pm unless otherwise stated. RST RD SEA ROAD RD WILTON IRE RD DEVONSH RD ALBERT RD ALBANY 40 A M A RIN MARINA Kerry’s Wine Bar RD 41 EVERSLEY PARKHU aSdS\bgO`bWababe]Vc\R`SRSfVWPWbaTWdSOeO`Ra 40 55 Marina, TN40 1WB www.felicitytruscottart.blogspot.com www.felicitytruscottart.etsy.com www.victoria-albuquerque.com 07988 860675 Felicity and Victoria are graduates in art, Edinburgh and architecture, Canterbury, returning to art after raising young families. They are independently exploring various themes through painting, drawing and collage. Come and enjoy their work with coffee and cake at Kerry’s. Opening Times: 3 - 11 Sept, 8am – 11pm The PowderMills Hotel Powdermill Lane, Battle TN33 0SP 4`W$4`W !AS^b =^S\O[$^[4`SS3\b`g Bexhill Artists’ Workspace 41 Margaret Carpenter, St Barnabas Church, Sea Road. maggiecarp10@btinternet.com Artists, designers and crafts people from Bexhill Artists Workspace will display and demonstrate their work. A variety of paintings and craft work available at affordable prices. Car park in Sea Road near Bexhill seafront. Refreshments. Opening Times: 3 – 4 & 10 – 11 September, 10 – 4pm Saturdays, 12.30 – 4pm Sundays 58 www.pureartsgroup.co.uk 59 Follow the festival on Twitter: http://twitter.com/CoastalCurrents Join us on Facebook: http://facebook.com - search for Coastal Currents 2011 60 Your comments How was the festival for you? Please fill in the quick feedback form online at www.coastalcurrents.org.uk to help us make next year’s festival even better. Sussex Coast College Hastings Sponsor of Coastal Curents 2011 Photo Diary We want collect your experiences of Coastal Currents 2011. Email your festival snaps to info@coastalcurrents.org.uk. We will select and exhibit your photographs every week creating a photomontage of festival events. Keep a look out for your photos on the walls of Martel Colour Print, High Street, Old Town, Hastings. 14 Spotlight:Open 15 Crossed boundaries installation 16 Interface 20Promenade 24Two Figures (LIDO) Sun 28 August 08Spotlight 14 Spotlight:Open 16 Interface 20Promenade 24Two Figures (LIDO) 24Curious Cases 24CC Taster Exhibition 25Hastings Film Challenge 25Eight Foot Square 25Family creative workshop 33Coastal Landscapes 33Len Shelley & Angie Biltcliffe 33Surface Histories 33Four 33Short Waves 34Rhian Thomas 34Rarities 2011 34Lovely and Local Sat 27 August 14 Spotlight:Open 16 Interface 20Promenade 25CC Taster Exhibition 25Eight Foot Square 33Coastal Landscapes 33Len Shelley & Angie Biltcliffe Weds 31 August 14 Spotlight:Open 16 Interface 20Promenade 25CC Taster Exhibition 25Eight Foot Square 33Coastal Landscapes 33Len Shelley & Angie Biltcliffe 33Surface Histories 34Rhian Thomas 34Chrysalis Tues 30 August CONTEMPORARY FINE ART 14 Spotlight:Open Sat 03 September 14 Spotlight:Open 16 Interface 20Promenade 25CC Taster Exhibition 26From Pier to Eternity 33Coastal Landscapes 33Len Shelley & Angie Biltcliffe 33Surface Histories 33Four 34Rhian Thomas 34Lovely and Local 35From Tat to Treasure 35London Road 35144 35Coffee and Art Fri 02 September 14 Spotlight:Open 16 Interface 20Promenade 25CC Taster Exhibition 25Eight Foot Square 33Coastal Landscapes 33Len Shelley & Angie Biltcliffe 33Surface Histories 33Four 34Rhian Thomas 34Lovely and Local 35From Tat to Treasure Thursday 01 September at Stade Hall 14 Spotlight:Open 16 Interface 20Promenade 25Eight Foot Square 33Surface Histories 34Rhian Thomas 34Chrysalis BATTLE ART FAIR 2011 Mon 29 August at Stade Hall 14 Spotlight:Open 16 Interface 20Promenade 33Surface Histories Mon 05 September 14 Spotlight:Open 16 Interface 20Promenade 25CC Taster Exhibition 26Two Figures (LIDO) 33Coastal Landscapes 33Len Shelley & Angie Biltcliffe 34Rhian Thomas 34The Drawing Room 34Lovely and Local 35Musings 39Field of Asphodel 40Open Studios Sun 04 September 16 Interface 20Promenade 25CC Taster Exhibition 26Two Figures (LIDO) 26Day@the Park 27 Printing Workshop 33Coastal Landscapes 33Len Shelley & Angie Biltcliffe 33Surface Histories 33Four 34Rhian Thomas 34The Drawing Room 34Lovely and Local 35From Tat to Treasure 35London Road 35Musings 35Coffee and Art 40Open Studios at Stade Hall 33Four 34Rhian Thomas 34Lovely and Local 34Chrysalis 39Wednesday Talks 14 Spotlight:Open 16 Interface 20Promenade 28Heritage Open Days 33Coastal Landscapes 33Len Shelley & Angie Thurs 08 September 14 Spotlight:Open 16 Interface 20Promenade 33Coastal Landscapes 33Len Shelley & Angie Biltcliffe 33Four 34Rhian Thomas 34Lovely and Local 35From Tat to Treasure 35London Road 35144 38Shoot the Poets Special 39Wednesday Talks Weds 07 September 14 Spotlight:Open 16 Interface 20Promenade 33Coastal Landscapes 33Len Shelley & Angie Biltcliffe 33Surface Histories 34Rhian Thomas 35From Tat to Treasure 35London Road 35144 Tues 06 September 34Rhian Thomas 35From Tat to Treasure 35London Road 35144 Many thanks to the team at Hastings Borough Council who have trusted our vision and supported us to create a diverse, innovative programme of exciting and experimental work. 25CC Taster Exhibition 25Eight Foot Square 33Coastal Landscapes 33Len Shelley & Angie Biltcliffe 33Short Waves 34Rhian Thomas 34Lovely and Local 34Chrysalis massive thank you to everyone who contributed to Coastal Currents 2011. 17 Symphonie Pour Ferrailleurs 20Promenade 33Coastal Landscapes 33Len Shelley & Angie Biltcliffe 33Surface Histories 33Four 33Short Waves 34Rhian Thomas 34Lovely and Local We would like to say a special thank you to all artists, organisers, partners and volunteers who have been extremely generous in their support, energy and enthusiasm this year, without which the festival couldn’t happen. Friday 26 August project Coastal Currents 2011 Diary A art uncovered 61 62 63 14 Spotlight:Open 16 Interface 20Promenade 29Stade Stories 30Battle Art Trail 33Coastal Landscapes 33Len Shelley & Angie Biltcliffe Weds 21 September 14 Spotlight:Open 16 Interface 20Promenade 29Stade Stories 30Battle Art Trail 33Coastal Landscapes 33Len Shelley & Angie Biltcliffe 33Surface Histories 34Rhian Thomas 35London Road 35144 36The Lie of the Land 36Inside Out 36Heroes, Dreams and Visions 37 Battle Art Fair Tuesday 20 September 14 Spotlight:Open 16 Interface 20Promenade 29Stade Stories 30Battle Art Trail 33Surface Histories 34Rhian Thomas 35London Road 35144 36The Lie of the Land 36Inside Out 36Heroes, Dreams and Visions 37 Pocket Companions 37 Battle Art Fair Mon 19 September 14 Spotlight:Open 16 Interface 17 Here & There screening 20Promenade 28Heritage Open Days 29Two Figures (LIDO) 29Stade Stories 33Coastal Landscapes 33Len Shelley & Angie Biltcliffe 33Surface Histories 34Rhian Thomas Sat 10 September 14 Spotlight:Open 16 Interface 20Promenade 28Heritage Open Days 29Hastings Film Challenge 29From Pier to Eternity 33Coastal Landscapes 33Len Shelley & Angie Biltcliffe 33Surface Histories 33Four 34Rhian Thomas 34Lovely and Local 35From Tat to Treasure 35London Road 35144 36Heroes, Dreams and Visions Fri 09 September Biltcliffe 33Surface Histories 33Four 34Rhian Thomas 34Lovely and Local 35From Tat to Treasure 35London Road 35144 14 Spotlight:Open 16 Interface 20Promenade 29Stade Stories 30Battle Art Trail 30From Pier to Eternity 32Twelfth Night 32Watching Me Watching You 33Coastal Landscapes 33Len Shelley & Angie Biltcliffe 33Surface Histories 34Rhian Thomas 34Lovely and Local Fri 23 September 14 Spotlight:Open 16 Interface 17 Artists’ talk 20Promenade 29Stade Stories 30Battle Art Trail 33Coastal Landscapes 33Len Shelley & Angie Biltcliffe 33Surface Histories 34Rhian Thomas 34Lovely and Local 35London Road 35144 36The Lie of the Land 36Inside Out 37 Pocket Companions 37 Battle Art Fair Thurs 22 September 34Rhian Thomas 34Lovely and Local 35London Road 35144 36The Lie of the Land 36Inside Out 37 Battle Art Fair 38Benda Bilili 39Wednesday Talks 14 Spotlight:Open 16 Interface 20Promenade 29Stade Stories 33Surface Histories 34Rhian Thomas 35From Tat to Treasure 35London Road Mon 12 September 14 Spotlight:Open 16 Interface 20Promenade 28Heritage Open Days 29Two Figures (LIDO) 29Stade Stories 33Coastal Landscapes 33Len Shelley & Angie Biltcliffe 34Rhian Thomas 34The Drawing Room 34Lovely and Local 35Musings 36Heroes, Dreams and Visions 36Conversations Amongst Gulls 37 Cosi Fan Tutte 40Open Studios Sun 11 September 34The Drawing Room 34Lovely and Local 35From Tat to Treasure 35London Road 35Musings 36Inside Out 36Heroes, Dreams and Visions 36Conversations Amongst Gulls 40Open Studios 14 Spotlight:Open 16 Interface 20Promenade 29Stade Stories 30Battle Art Trail 31 Art in Romney Marsh 32Watching you Watching Me Sun 25 September 14 Spotlight:Open 16 Interface 20Promenade 29Stade Stories 30Battle Art Trail 31 Art in Romney Marsh 32Watching you… 32Twelfth Night 32Watching Me Watching You 32Winalot- Greig Burgoyne 32Family Creative Workshop 33Coastal Landscapes 33Len Shelley & Angie Biltcliffe 33Surface Histories 34Rhian Thomas 34The Drawing Room 34Lovely and Local 35London Road 36The Lie of the Land 36Inside Out 37 Pocket Companions 37 Artists’ Books 37 Evening of Dance & Music 38Les Miserable & The Rich Sat 24 September 35London Road 35144 36The Lie of the Land 36Inside Out 37 Pocket Companions 37 Artists’ Books 37 Battle Art Fair 38Les Miserable & The Rich 14 Spotlight:Open Thurs 15 September 14 Spotlight:Open 16 Interface 20Promenade 29Stade Stories 33Coastal Landscapes 33Len Shelley & Angie Biltcliffe 34Rhian Thomas 34Lovely and Local 35London Road 35144 36Inside Out 36Heroes, Dreams and Visions 38Adventures in Lo-Fi 39Wednesday Talks Weds 14 September 14 Spotlight:Open 16 Interface 20Promenade 29Stade Stories 33Coastal Landscapes 33Len Shelley & Angie Biltcliffe 33Surface Histories 34Rhian Thomas 35London Road 35144 36Inside Out 36Heroes, Dreams and Visions Tues 13 September 35144 36Inside Out 36Heroes, Dreams and Visions 14 Spotlight:Open 16 Interface 20Promenade Weds 28 September 14 Spotlight:Open 16 Interface 20Promenade 29Stade Stories 33Coastal Landscapes 33Len Shelley & Angie Biltcliffe 34Rhian Thomas 35London Road 35144 36The Lie of the Land 38Bob’s Garage Tues 27 September 14 Spotlight:Open 16 Interface 20Promenade 29Stade Stories 33Surface Histories 34Rhian Thomas 35London Road 35144 36The Lie of the Land 37 Pocket Companions Mon 26 September 32Winalot- Greig Burgoyne 32Twelfth Night 33Coastal Landscapes 33Len Shelley & Angie Biltcliffe 34Rhian Thomas 34The Drawing Room 34Lovely and Local 36The Lie of the Land 37 Pocket Companions 37 Artists’ Books 38Les Miserable & The Rich 39Short Fuse 1066 14 Spotlight:Open 16 Interface 17 Pieces to Fit 20Promenade 29Stade Stories Sat 17 September 14 Spotlight:Open 16 Interface 20Promenade 29Stade Stories 30From Pier to Eternity 33Coastal Landscapes 33Len Shelley & Angie Biltcliffe 33Surface Histories 34Rhian Thomas 34Lovely and Local 35London Road 35144 36The Lie of the Land 36Inside Out 36Heroes, Dreams and Visions 37 Battle Art Fair Fri 16 September 16 Interface 17 Here & There seminar 20Promenade 29Stade Stories 33Coastal Landscapes 33Len Shelley & Angie Biltcliffe 33Surface Histories 34Rhian Thomas 34Lovely and Local 35London Road 35144 36Inside Out 36Heroes, Dreams and Visions Coastal Currents 2011 Diary cont... 14 Spotlight:Open 16 Interface 20Promenade 26From Pier to Eternity 29Stade Stories 32Winalot- Greig Burgoyne 33Coastal Landscapes 33Len Shelley & Angie Biltcliffe 33Surface Histories 34Rhian Thomas 34Lovely and Local 35London Road 36The Lie of the Land 37 Pocket Companions 38Last Night on the Prom Fri 30 September 14 Spotlight:Open 16 Interface 20Promenade 29Stade Stories 33Coastal Landscapes 33Len Shelley & Angie Biltcliffe 33Surface Histories 34Rhian Thomas 34Lovely and Local 35London Road 35144 36The Lie of the Land 37 Pocket Companions Thurs 29 September 29Stade Stories 33Coastal Landscapes 33Len Shelley & Angie Biltcliffe 34Rhian Thomas 34Lovely and Local 35London Road 35144 36The Lie of the Land 38Underground Worlds 39Wednesday Talks 14 Spotlight:Open 16 Interface 20Promenade 29Two Figures (LIDO) 29Stade Stories 30Battle Art Trail 30Seafood & Wine Festival 31 Art in Romney Marsh 33Coastal Landscapes 33Len Shelley & Angie Biltcliffe 34Rhian Thomas 34The Drawing Room 34Lovely and Local 36To Be Me 36The Lie of the Land 36Heroes, Dreams and Visions 37 Pocket Companions 37 Battle Art Fair Sun 18 September 30Battle Art Trail 30Seafood & Wine Festival 31 Two Figures (LIDO) 31 Art in Romney Marsh 33Coastal Landscapes 33Len Shelley & Angie Biltcliffe 33Surface Histories 34Rhian Thomas 34The Drawing Room 34Lovely and Local 35London Road 36To Be Me 36The Lie of the Land 36Inside Out 36Heroes, Dreams and Visions 37 Pocket Companions 37 Battle Art Fair 64
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