Integrating Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) and Geomatics for Modeling and Monitoring Forest Dynamics Nathaniel C. Bantayan, PhD Professor and Director Makiling Center for Mountain Ecosystems UPLB Precision Agriculture synonymous with Conservation Agriculture RFI D compu ters Data bases Space Techno logy Smart Phone Internet GIS Wireless Technolo gy Geoma tics Radio TV GPS Remote Sensing Sustainable Agriculture Precision Forestry synonymous with Conservation Forestry RFI D compu ters Data bases Space Techno logy Smart Phone Internet GIS Wireless Technolo gy Geoma tics Radio TV GPS Remote Sensing Sustainable Forestry Presentation Outline • INTRODUCTION RFID Technology • Geomatics • • RFID Applications in Forestry • RFID-assisted data collection • Mt Makiling PERMANENT LONG-TERM ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH PLOTS • Geolocation of trees • PROPOSED RFID-enabled SYSTEM FOR MODELING CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACTS ON THE FOREST RFID Technology Applications Source: Source: Timpe, 2006 RFID Tag (with string, ring, label) RFID Reader Communication (computer hardware/software) (Bantayan, 2015) • Automatic tracking, credit/debit cards, anti-theft, employee ID; assets location; inventory systems; library systems, logistics data processing; supply chain information systems; mass transit; toll collection system, etc. RFID Technology Applications Source: Source: Timpe, 2006 RFID Tag RFID Reader (with string, ring, label) Communication (computer hardware/software) (Bantayan, 2015) Four common benefits: • replacement of labor through automation, cycle time reduction, enabling self- service, and loss prevention (Ferrer, et al., 2010) • Increased productivity by 20% and reduced cost by 10% (Oghazi, 2013) RFID in Forestry TU Munich Germany : RFID-enabled harvester Germany : RFID-based log tracking system FOREST Harvester FELLING AREA Forwarder LOG LANDING Truck (Jung TW et al, 2009) SAW MILL Wood supply chain (after Timpe, 2005) (Wessel, 2006) Korea : tested the reading capacity between a clear and rainy day Univ Washington USA : Tree Tour (Timpe, 2006) Mt Makiling Forest Reserve MMFR ASEAN Heritage Park • As outdoor laboratory for forestry / environmental education • Demonstration site for technologies on tropical forest science • As a setting for floristic / faunal studies in ASEAN and elsewhere • As a venue for studies on the role of forests in climate change mitigation/adaptation, DRRM, among others 8 Mt Makiling Forest Reserve MMFR ASEAN Heritage Park We use geomatics Tigbi Plot • Primary forest • ca. 600 masl Sipit Plot • Mossy forest • ca. 900 masl Measure. . . Map . . . Monitor . . . Every Tree MolawinDampalit Plot • Secondary forest • ca. 400 masl Cambantoc Plot • Agroforest • ca. 500 masl Mt Makiling Forest Reserve MMFR ASEAN Heritage Park Molawin-Dampalit 2-ha Long-Term Plot • 57 families • 145 tree species • 1315 trees (>10cm DBH) • Shannon Diversity Index (SDI) is 3.57 which indicates high species richness and evenness Mt Makiling Forest Reserve MMFR ASEAN Heritage Park Systematic and periodic monitoring provide insights into the impact of climate change (eg. extreme rainfall) on forests (Bantayan, et al., 2014) Mt Makiling Forest Reserve MMFR ASEAN Heritage Park Systematic and periodic monitoring help identify resilient and vulnerable species Damage Assessment: • 5% damage to trees • Damage concentrated on ridges • Vulnerable species: Diplodiscus paniculatus and Microcos stylocarpa BEFORE Super Typhoon GLENDA (RAMMASUN) AFTER Super Typhoon GLENDA (RAMMASUN) (Castillo, et al., 2015) Mt Makiling Forest Reserve MMFR ASEAN Heritage Park Given the amount of data that we already have, we propose to automate the assessment and monitoring process by installing an RFID system Putra Jaya, Malaysia operationalizes an RFIDbased urban forestry management system Will be installed to the forest of FRIM (Forest Research Institute of Malaysia) They’re already doing it in Malaysia Mt Makiling Forest Reserve MMFR ASEAN Heritage Park The Mt Makiling RFID-enabled system will provide the following benefits: • Reduce time for assessment and monitoring • Facilitate processing and modeling • Increase efficiency by installing an information system • Decrease human error Follow ©PhilTROPCenter Email: Visit Acknowledgments
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