ITS 424: Electronic Business ND HUNG Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology April 20, 2015 ND HUNG (ICT, SIIT) Transaction costs April 20, 2015 1 / 21 How Internet reduce transaction costs Reducing visibility costs Reducing bargaining costs Automated bargaining/negotiation Reducing policing and enforcement costs ND HUNG (ICT, SIIT) Transaction costs April 20, 2015 2 / 21 Reducing bargaining costs Successful stories: Ebay ND HUNG (ICT, SIIT) Transaction costs April 20, 2015 3 / 21 Ideal model of two-party negotiations Each agent participating in negotiation fully knows the following information A = {β, δ}: the participating agents D: a set of deals ua : D → R is the utility function of agent a ∈ A. ra ∈ R + : reservation value for agent a ∈ A Z = {d ∈ D | uβ (d) ≥ rβ and uδ (d) ≥ rδ } P: concession negotiation protocol ND HUNG (ICT, SIIT) Transaction costs April 20, 2015 4 / 21 Minimal concession strategy 1 Start negotiation with the most preferred deal in the zone of agreements, and 2 Concede minimally if the other agent has conceded in the previous step or it is making a third move of the negotiation, and 3 Standstill if the other agent standstills in the previous step. Proven result: The minimal concession strategy is in symmetric Nash equilibrium. That is, if one agent uses this strategy, then the other agent can not do better by not using this strategy. ND HUNG (ICT, SIIT) Transaction costs April 20, 2015 5 / 21 Extending the ideal model We will consider two extensions: Reward-based negotiation: During negotiation about a main product/service, seller (resp. buyer) could introduce (request) for value-added products/services Zone of agreement changes during negotiation by this new kind of moves. Multi-party negotiation: more than one seller/buyer like real market. ND HUNG (ICT, SIIT) Transaction costs April 20, 2015 6 / 21 Reward-based negotiation δ is an Industrial Estate Manager β is an investor looking for a land to set up a factory. Suppose the initial zone of agreement is Z = {97, 98, 99, 100} rβ = 100 rδ = 97 ND HUNG (ICT, SIIT) Transaction costs April 20, 2015 7 / 21 Reward-based negotiation Negotiation: β : 97, δ : 100, β : 98, δ : 99 ND HUNG (ICT, SIIT) Transaction costs April 20, 2015 8 / 21 Reward-based negotiation Suppose that Investor needs waste disposal service. Reservation value of Investor for waste disposal is 5 Minimal market price of waste disposal is 4 ND HUNG (ICT, SIIT) Transaction costs April 20, 2015 9 / 21 Reward-based negotiation ND HUNG (ICT, SIIT) Transaction costs April 20, 2015 10 / 21 Reward-based negotiation Suppose Estate Manager has a waste-disposal facility Estate Manager’s reservation value for waste-disposal is 2 Note: cheaper than the minimal market price (4) because difference in transaction costs ND HUNG (ICT, SIIT) Transaction costs April 20, 2015 11 / 21 Reward-based negotiation ND HUNG (ICT, SIIT) Transaction costs April 20, 2015 12 / 21 Best strategy for reward-based negotiation Reward-based minimal concession strategy calls for agent 1 start bargaining with its best offer 2 standstill only if the other agent standstills 3 make only minimal concession in concession move 4 never makes concession moves that leads to successful termination if there are value-added services to introduce/request Proven result: The reward-based minimal concession strategy is also in symmetric Nash equilibrium. ND HUNG (ICT, SIIT) Transaction costs April 20, 2015 13 / 21 Multi-party negotiation A = {β1 , β2 , . . . βn , δ1 , δ2 , . . . δn }: the participating agents ra ∈ R + : reservation value for agent a ∈ A Due to difference in transaction costs, buyers have different reservation values sellers also have different reservation values. Suppose that each buyer (seller) will buy (sell) from one seller (buyer). ND HUNG (ICT, SIIT) Transaction costs April 20, 2015 14 / 21 Multi-party negotiation ND HUNG (ICT, SIIT) Transaction costs April 20, 2015 15 / 21 Multi-party negotiation ND HUNG (ICT, SIIT) Transaction costs April 20, 2015 16 / 21 Multi-party negotiation Questions: Which seller a buyer will select to buy from? β1 will buy from δ1 or δ2 ? Which buyer a seller will select to sell to? δ1 will buy from β1 or β2 ? ND HUNG (ICT, SIIT) Transaction costs April 20, 2015 17 / 21 Multi-party negotiation A party can predict the outcome of a negotiation and basing on this prediction, he can determine if he prefer negotiating with one party to negotiating with another party. Roughly speaking, a buyer β prefers negotiating with seller δ to negotiating with seller δ 0 if |Zβ−δ | > |Zβ−δ0 | i.e. the size of the zone of agreement between β and δ is greater than the size of the zone of agreement between β and δ 0 ND HUNG (ICT, SIIT) Transaction costs April 20, 2015 18 / 21 Multi-party negotiation β1 prefers negotiating with δ2 to δ1 β2 prefers negotiating with δ2 to δ1 δ1 prefers negotiating with β1 to β2 δ2 prefers negotiating with β1 to β2 ND HUNG (ICT, SIIT) Transaction costs April 20, 2015 19 / 21 Multi-party negotiation Question: Which is a reasonable objective of β2 ? buy only from δ2 ? buy from either seller? ND HUNG (ICT, SIIT) Transaction costs April 20, 2015 20 / 21 Multi-party negotiation A = {β1 , β2 , . . . βn , δ1 , δ2 , . . . δn }: the participating agents Suppose that rβ1 > rβ2 > · · · > rβn rδ1 < rδ2 < · · · < rδn rβn > rδn then βi will try to negotiate with δj for j ≤ i ND HUNG (ICT, SIIT) Transaction costs April 20, 2015 21 / 21
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