Mechanical Ventilation I Nazir Habib MD MVA Respiration Basics Alveoli:Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide O2 O2 CO2 Minute ventilation:RR x TV (normal 7-8 liters) BUT Anatomical dead space: 150 mls ALVEOLAR Vent 6 liters CO2 O2 Normal pH and pCO2 maintained MVA Spontaneous Breathing Exhalation Inspiration MVA Case Study 48 yr male with diabetes and pneumonia Confused Temp 104 , RR 28/min ABG 7.32, CO2 38 Bicarb 16 pO2 180 on NRB mask MVA Indications for Mechanical Ventilation Respiratory muscle fatigue ALOC :protect airway Acidosis, sepsis, ALOC, old Neuromuscular disease/CNS DRUGS:Decreased ventilatory drive Airway obstruction:COPD Lung Disease: ALI/ARDS MVA Indications for Mechanical Ventilation HYPERCAPNIA: fatigue HYPOXEMIA: P/Fio2 Ratio? Under 250:why? ARDS/ALI or ‘Shunt” Deadspace: why MISC: Cannot protect the airway: Drug overdose, stroke etc. Needs a procedure: EGD, TEE, BAL MVA Goals of Mechanical Ventilation Provide oxygen supplementation Assure adequate alveolar minute ventilation Reduce work of breathing Protect airway from aspiration Ensure patient comfort during respiration AVOID complications MVA Point of Reference: Spontaneous Ventilation MVA Assist-Control Ventilation Preset tidal volume OR pressure Additional patient-initiated breaths receive preset tidal volume Advantages: reduced work of breathing; Rest the muscles Disadvantages: hyperventilation MVA Volume Ventilation Constant flow rate Pressure Guaranteed tidal volume delivery Not affected by lung impedance Flow Variable pressure Time MVA Pressure-Controlled Ventilation Preset airway pressure dialed May limit pressure induced lung injury Tidal volume may vary with EACH breath: patient position, resistance/compliance, efforts CAUTION!!!! MVA Pressure Control Ventilation USE with great caution!! TV will vary …… Set alarms for high and low TV and minute ventilation carefully AVOID paralysis in this mode ASSURE certain TV and VE (VC +, VAPC) Consult Critical care MVA Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (SIMV) Preset tidal volume at a preset rate spontaneous breaths rate determined by patient Often used with pressure support (5-8 cm) MVA Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (SIMV) Potential advantages?? Less stacking Potential disadvantages Higher work of breathing than AC adequately Cannot rest patient Generally not used MVA Pressure-Support Ventilation (PSV) Pressure assist during spontaneous inspiration Patient triggered and cycled: Delivered tidal volume varies: resistance/compliance of lung/thorax Main use for weaning trials:7-8 cm MVA Pressure-Support Ventilation Potential advantages Patient comfort Less WOB than spontaneous breathing USE as a weaning mode mostly MVA Pressure Ventilation Constant insp. pressure Time Cycled Pressure Decelerating, variable inspiratory flow rate Time cycled: (A) Flow Flow Cycled Pressure Control Flow cycled: (B) Pressure Support MVA A B Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) No machine breaths delivered Spontaneous breathing at elevated baseline pressure (PEEP) Patient controls rate and tidal volume MVA Evaluation after Initiation of Mechanical Ventilation Peak and mean airway pressures Exhaled tidal volume and rate Patient-ventilator synchrony /comfort level Auto-PEEP SpO2 and arterial blood gas measurement Hemodynamic status: BP, HR, sats MVB 19 ® MVA Inspiratory Pressures Peak inspiratory pressure (Ppeak) Inspiratory plateau pressure (Pplat) Indicator of alveolar distension Ppeak Pplat Pplat Pplat 30 cm H2O Inspiration Ppeak Expiration MVA Inspiratory: Expiratory Ratio Determinants of inspiratory time with volume ventilation Tidal volume Inspiratory flow rate Inspiratory waveform Inadequate expiratory time Incomplete exhalation Breath stacking ® MVA Auto-PEEP Increases peak, plateau, and mean airway pressures Potential harmful physiologic effects:Discuss How to detect .. MVA Key Points MVA Mechanical Ventilation Monitoring and complications MVB 24 ® MVA Case Study: Intubated 48 yr male with diabetes and pneumonia, 90 kg , 70 in. Confused Temp 104 , RR 28/min ABG 7.32, CO2 40 pO2 180 on NRB mask Initial settings? MVA AVOID Complications Of MV Injury to airway from ETT Infections: aspiration, VAP Lung injury induced by ventilator: it ? Pressure Volume Biotrauma MVA Monitoring Patients Proper monitors ECG, SpO2, vital signs and capnography essential Choose ventilation mode Initial FIO2 = 1.0 always CHECK ABG then decrease to maintain SpO2 > 92%–94% Initial tidal volume = 5-8 mL/kg IBW MVB 27 ® MVA Initiation of Mechanical Ventilation Set rate and tidal volume ? minute ventilation (target pH, not PaCO2). What are the determinants of Minute ventilation? ALWAYS check ABGs Select PEEP Sedate patient !! Insert NG tube immediately ® MVA Respiratory Care Practitioner manage: • Alarms – Set high and low pressure, low and high tidal volume and minute volume • Apnea alarm 20 seconds - 60 sec. • Flow rate with volume ventilation • Sputum • Medications ® MVA Oxygenation Evaluate: Hypoxemia What is normal ? Reason s for HYPOXEMIA : review at this point Correct hypoxemia HOW?.............. MVA ® Ventilation Adequate?: pH or PaCO2 Determine: Tidal volume ml/kg IBW Respiratory rate Dead space…….normal? Value ETCO2 monitor MVB 31 ® MVA Patient Intubated :Acute Lung Injury / ARDS Peak airway pressure (AWP) 52 cm H2O Inspiratory plateau pressure (IPP) 48 cm H2O RR 20/minute, PEEP 8 cm, TV 600 ml on VC Auto-PEEP 0 cm H2O SpO2 88% pH 7.38, PaCO2 36 torr (4.8 kPa), PaO2 57 torr (7.6 kPa) MVA Next steps…? Plateau pressure is HIGH Solution? Consequence? What is your goal..? HYPOXEMIA: Why –shunt or deadspace How would you know? Solutions Goal? MVA ARDS Management Define ARDS and ALI Most common causes Clinical Manifestations MVA CT Scan ARDS MVA Ventilation-Induced Lung Injury* Atelectrauma: Volutrauma: Repetitive alveolar collapse and reopening of the under-recruited alveoli Over-distension of normally aerated alveoli due to excessive volume delivery *Dreyfuss: J Appl Physiol 1992 MVA MVA Barotrauma MVA Level 1 Recommendation MVA Lung Protective Strategy 1. Set PEEP above the lower Pflex to keep the lung open and avoid alveolar collapse Volume 2. Apply small Vt to minimize stretching forces 3. Set Pplat below the upper Pflex to avoid regional overdistension Pressure MVA Trials of Volume- and Pressure-Limited Ventilation Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Fan, E. et al. JAMA 2005;294:2889-2896. Copyright restrictions may apply. MVA ARDS net strategy Adjust TV to 7-5 ml/kg IBW Maintain plateau pressure under 30 mm Adjust PEEP 8-15 cm to recruit lung Wean FiO2 ASAP Lower Mortality (31% vs 40%) NEJM 2000:342:1301 FLUIDS? Other? MVA Putting Things Together Obstructive Airway Disease L.W. is a 62-yr-old, 52-kg female with severe emphysema. For 2 days she has had progressive dyspnea and was found unresponsive. Required intubation and initiation of mechanical ventilation. MVA Putting Things Together Obstructive Airway Disease ER ventilator settings AC rate 14 breaths/min FIO2 1.0 Tidal volume 600 mL PEEP 5 cm H2O BP is 70/40 mm Why..? MVA Hypotension after Initiation of Mechanical Ventilation Ventilator: positive intrathoracic pressure Decreased venous return, cardiac output, sedation Myocardial ischemia – stress of respiratory distress, intubation, hypoxemia, acidemia Auto-PEEP – effect on intrathoracic pressure Hypovolemia Tension pneumothorax? MVB 45 ® MVA Auto PEEP What is Auto-PEEP? What situations is it likely to occur? How do you detect auto-PEEP? Clinically On the ventilator Decreased expiratory times can lead to Auto-PEEP 120 . V SEC LPM 1 2 3 Complete exhalation 120 4 5 Incomplete exhalation causing air-trapping 6 Putting Things Together Obstructive Lung Disease Peak AWP 50 cm H2O, plateau AWP 30 cm H2O; auto-PEEP 12 cm H2O Total rate 18 breaths/min I:E ratio = 1:3 SpO2 100% pH 7.20, PaCO2 80 torr , PaO2 115 torr BP 80/60 mm Hg, heart rate 130–140 beats/min MVA Problems Hypotension: Why Solutions Consequences pH is low : resp or metabolic Solution Consequences Hypoxemia: why –shunt or deadspace Solution Consequences MVA Permissive Hypercapnia Acceptance of an elevated PaCO2, e.g., lower tidal volume to reduce peak airway pressure Contraindicated with increased intracranial pressure Consider in severe asthma/COPD and ARDS ALLOW low NOT correct IF risk of injury to patient Discuss with Intensivist advised MVA Capnography Depicts Respiration MVA Elements of a Waveform Dead Space Beginning of exhalation Alveolar Gas End of exhalation Alveolar gas mixes with dead space Inspiration MVA Deadspace? MVA SEDATION ?Ideal sedative( short acting, causes amnesia and relieves anxiety) Minimal hemodynamic effects Is the patient in pain? Is the patient at risk of delirium ( old, dementia, alcoholic), longterm effects? PTSD Use protocol driven titration to scale(RASS or Ramsey) MVA Sedation: Options ALWAYS Use sedation scale eg. Ramsey 1-6 or RASS to titrate medications Versed drip or bolus : fat stores accumulation Propofol: short-term, sepsis, BP, Tglyceride? Precedex or demametomidine : best? Haldol PRN Analgesia: Fentanyl, morphine Refer: guidelines/book MVA Neuro-muscular blockers AVOID: ULTIMATE chemical restraint!! ALWAYS sedate first till asleep Check mode and RR set on ventilator Check ABG List INDICATIONS What are the complications Summary :Ventilator ARDS/ALI: TV 6-8 ml/kg RR 20-30/min Keep Plateau <30 cm PEEP 8-14 cm Wean O2 Fluids /EGDT Asthma/COPD: -TV 6-7mls/kg -RR <14/min -PEEP low -Auto PEEP risks -Give Fluids for BP -No pressors -Allow low pH Pressors keep MAP >65mm MVA Summary Evaluate lung pathology: NORMAL vs. Obstructed vs. ARDS UNDERSTAND the physiology!!! Hypoxemia? WHY? Ventilation:Perfusion matched? Evaluate adverse physiological effects:waveforms Plateau pressure <30 cm? MVB 58 ® MVA
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