Ukulele Christmas Sing-A-Long ANGELS WE HAVE HEARD ON HIGH 1. Angels we have heard on high 2. Shepherds why your jubil – ee? 3. Come to Bethle hem and see Sweetly singing o’er the plains Why your joyous strains pro-long? Him whose birth the angels sing. 1. And the mountains in re - ply 2. What the gladsome tidings be? 3. Come adore on bended knee Echoing their joyous strains Which inspire your heavenly song Christ the Lord the newborn King CHORUS: Glo - o - In o - ex - cel - sis Glo - o - In o– o– o - ex - cel - sis o– o– o - ria de – o o– o– o - ria de – e - o Ukulele Christmas Sing-A-Long AWAY IN A MANGER 1. A - way in a manger 2. The cattle are lowing 3. Be near me Lord Jesus No crib for a bed The baby a - wakes I ask thee to stay 1. The little Lord Jesus 2. But little Lord Jesus 3. Close by me forever Lay down His sweet head No crying He makes And love me I pray 1. The stars in the sky 2. I love thee Lord Jesus 3. Bless all the dear children looked down where He lay Look down from the sky In Thy tender care 1. The little Lord Jesus 2. And stay by my cradle 3. And fit us for Heaven a - sleep on the hay Till mor - ning is nigh To live with Thee there Ukulele Christmas Sing-A-Long CHILDREN GO WHERE I SEND THEE D Children go where I send thee! D How shall I send thee? G D I'm gonna send you seven by seven D 7 for the Son of God who came from Heaven! G D I'm gonna send you six by six D 6 for the innkeeper pickin' up the sticks! G D I'm gonna send you five by fiveD 5 for the angels who sang, "He's alive!" G D I'm gonna send you four by fourD 4 for shepherds knockin' at the door, G D I'm gonna send you three by threeD 3 for the wise men who followed the star, G D I'm gonna send you two by twoD 2 for Mary and Joseph, G D I'm gonna send you one by oneD 1 for the little bitty baby, D G D A D Who was born, born, born in Bethlehem Ukulele Christmas Sing-A-Long GOD REST YOU MERRY, GENTLEMEN (Santana “Evil Ways” Style) 1. God rest you merry gentle - men 2. From God our heavenly fa ther 3. But when to Bethle hem they came Let nothing you dis A blessed angel Where our dear Savior 1. Remember Christ our Sa - vior 2. And unto certain shep- herd 3. They found Him in a manger Was born on Christmas day Brought tidings of the same Where oxen feed on hay 1. To save us all from Satan’s power 2. How that in Bethle - hem was born 3. His mother Mary kneel - ing When we were gone astray The Son of God by name Unto the Lord did pray CHORUS: Oh ti - dings of comfort and joy Oh ti - dings of com - fort and joy Comfort and joy may came lay Ukulele Christmas Sing-A-Long GOOD CHRISTIAN MEN REJOICE 1. Good Christian men re- jo - ice 2. Good Christian men re- jo - ice 3. Good Christian men re- jo - ice With heart and soul and vo - ice With heart and soul and vo - ice With heart and soul and vo - ice 1. Give ye heed to what we say 2. Now ye hear of endless bliss 3. Now ye need not fear the grave Jesus Christ is born to - day Jesus Christ was born for this Jesus Christ was born to save 1. Ox and ass be - fore Him bow 2. He hath opened heaven’s door 3. Calls you one and calls you all And He is in the manger now And man is blessed ever - more To gain His ever – lasting hall 1. Christ is born to - day 2. Christ was born for this 3. Christ was born to save Christ is born to - day Christ was born for this Christ was born to save Ukulele Christmas Sing-A-Long GOOD KING WENCESLAS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Good king Wenceslas looked out Hither page and stand by me Bring me flesh and bring me wine Sire the night is darker now In his master’s steps he trod On the feast of Stephen If thou knowest tell me Bring me pine logs hither And the wind blows stronger Whence the snow lay dented 1. When the snow lay round about 2 Yonder peasant who is he 3. Thou and I will see him dine 4. Fails my heart, I know not how 5. Heat was in the very sod Deep and crisp and even When and what his dwelling? When we bear them thither I can go no longer Which the saint had printed 1. Brightly shone the moon that night 2 Sire he lives a good league hence 3. Page and monarch forth they went 4. Mark my footsteps, my good page 5. Therefore Christian men be sure Though the frost was cruel Under neath the mountain Forth they went to - gether Tread thou in them boldly Wealth or rank poss- essing 1. When a poor man came in sight 2. Right a - gainst the forest fence 3. Through the rude wind’s wild la-ment 4. Thou shalt find the winter’s rage 5. Ye who now will bless the poor Gathering winter fu - el By St. Agnes foun tan And the bitter weath - er. Freeze thy blood less co - ldly! Shall your- selves find bless - ing! Ukulele Christmas Sing-A-Long HARK THE HERALD ANGELS SING (EASY D) 1. Hark the herald angels sing 2. Christ, by highest heaven a - dored 3. Hail the heav’nborn Prince of Peace Glory to the new - born king Christ the ever - last - ing Lord Hail the Sun of Right-eous - ness 1. Peace on earth, and mercy mild 2. Come desire of nations come 3. Light and life to all He brings God and sinners re- con- ciled Fix in us thy hum- ble home Ris’n with healing in His wings 1. Joyful all ye na - tions, rise 2. Veiled in flesh the God-head see 3. Mild He lays in glo- ry by Join the triumph of the skies Hail the incarnate di - e - ty Born that man no more may die 1. With angelic hosts pro- claim 2. Pleased as man with men to dwell 3. Born to raise the sons of Earth Christ is born in Beth - le- hem Jesus our Im - man –u - el Born to give them se - cond birth REFRAIN Hark! the herald an - gels sing, “Glory to the newborn king.” Ukulele Christmas Sing-A-Long HARK THE HERALD ANGELS SING (A LITTLE HARDER) 1. Hark the herald angels sing 2. Christ, by highest heaven a - dored 3. Hail the heav’nborn Prince of Peace Glory to the new - born king Christ the ever - last - ing Lord Hail the Sun of Right-eous - ness 1. Peace on earth, and mercy mild 2. Come desire of nations come 3. Light and life to all He brings God and sinners re- con- ciled Fix in us thy hum- ble home Ris’n with healing in His wings 1. Joyful all ye na - tions, rise 2. Veiled in flesh the God-head see 3. Mild He lays in glo- ry by Join the triumph of the skies Hail the incarnate di - e - ty Born that man no more may die 1. With angelic hosts pro- claim 2. Pleased as man with men to dwell 3. Born to raise the sons of Earth Christ is born in Beth - le- hem Jesus our Im - man –u - el Born to give them se - cond birth REFRAIN Hark! the herald an - gels sing, “Glory to the newborn king.” Ukulele Christmas Sing-A-Long JINGLE BELLS (IN D) 1. Dashing through the snow 2. Day or two ago 3. Now the ground is white 1. O’er the fields we go 2 And soon Miss Fannie Bright 3. Take the girls tonight 1. Bells on bob-tail ring 2 The horse was lean and lank 3. Just get a bob-tail nag In a one horse open sleigh I thought I’d take a ride Go it while you’re young Laughing all the way Was sitting by my side And sing this sleighing song Making spirits bright Misfortune seemed our lot Two-forty for his speed 1. What fun it is to ride and sing A sleighing song to-night. 2. We got into a drifting ban And then we got up – sot (or set) 3. Then hitch him to an open sleigh And crack you’ll take the lead. REFRAIN Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way! Oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh – eigh! Ukulele Christmas Sing-A-Long Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way! Oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh. Ukulele Christmas Sing-A-Long JINGLE BELLS (IN G) 1. Dashing through the snow 2. Day or two ago 3. Now the ground is white 1. O’er the fields we go 2 And soon Miss Fannie Bright 3. Take the girls tonight 1. Bells on bob-tail ring 2 The horse was lean and lank 3. Just get a bob-tail nag In a one horse open sleigh I thought I’d take a ride Go it while you’re young Laughing all the way Was sitting by my side And sing this sleighing song Making spirits bright Misfortune seemed our lot Two-forty for his speed 1. What fun it is to ride and sing A sleighing song to-night. 2. We got into a drifting ban And then we got up – sot (or set) 3. Then hitch him to an open sleigh And crack you’ll take the lead. REFRAIN Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way! Oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh – eigh! Ukulele Christmas Sing-A-Long Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way! Oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh. Ukulele Christmas Sing-A-Long JOY TO THE WORLD (Beach Boys Style) 1. Joy to the world! The Lord is come 2. Joy to the earth! The Sav - ior reigns 3. He rules the world With truth and grace 1. Let earth re - ceive Her king 2 Let men their songs em- ploy 3. And makes the nations prove 1. Let ev’ - ry heart 2 While fields and floods 3. The glo - ries of Pre - pare Him room Rocks, hills and plains His right – eous - ness 1. And heav’n and nature sing 2. Re - peat the sounding joy 3. And wonders of His love And heav’n and nature sing Re - peat the sounding joy And wonders of His love | 1. And heav’n and heav’n 2. Re - peat, re - peat 3. And wonders, and wonders And na - ture sing The sound– ing joy. Of His love | Ukulele Christmas Sing-A-Long LET IT SNOW 1. Oh the weather out- side is frightful 2. It doesn’t show signs of stopping CHORUS 3. The fire is slowly dying 1. But the fire is so de - lightful 2. And I’ve brought some corn for popping CHORUS 3. And my dear we’re still good- byeing 1. And since we’ve no place to go Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! 2 The lights are turned way down low Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! CHORUS 3. But as long as you love me so Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! CHORUS When we finally kiss good night How I’ll hate going out in the storm! But if you’ll really hold me tight, All the way home I’ll be warm! Ukulele Christmas Sing-A-Long MARY’S BOY CHILD 1. 2. 3. 4. Long time ago, in Bethlehem So the Holy Bible say Shepherds watched their flocks by night They saw a bright new shining star Now Joseph and his wife, Mary Came to Bethlehem that night By and by they found a little nook In a stable all for lorn 1. 2. 3. 4. Mary’s boy child Jesus Christ Was born on Christmas Day/ Heard a choir from Heaven sing The music came from afar. They found no place to bear her child, not a single room was in sight. And in a manger cold and dark Mary’s little boy child was born. CHORUS 1, 2, 3 Hark now hear the angels sing 4. Trumpets sound, Angels sing New King’s born to - day Listen to what we say 1, 2, 3 And man will live forever more 4. That man will live forever more Because of Christmas day Because of Christmas day Ukulele Christmas Sing-A-Long O COME ALL YE FAITHFUL (IN F) 1. O come, all ye faithful 2. Sing choirs of angels 3. Yea, Lord we greet thee, Joyful and tri - um phant Sing in exul tation born this hap - py morning 1 O come ye, O come ye to Be - th 2. O sing all ye citi zens in heaven 3. Je - sus to thee be all glor - y 1. Come 2. Glo 3. Word and be - hold Him, ry to God all of the Fa - ther, - le hem above given Born the king of angels glory in the Highest now in flesh ap - pearing CHORUS: O come let us a - dore Him O come let us O come let us a - dore Him a - dore H - im Chri st the Lord Ukulele Christmas Sing-A-Long SILENT NIGHT 1. 2. 3. 4. Silent night, holy night Silent night, holy night Silent night, holy night Silent night, holy night All is calm, all is bright Shepherds quake, at the sight Wondrous star, lend thy light Son of God, Love’s pure light. 1. 2. 3. 4. Round yon virgin, Glories stream from With the angels Radiant beams from Mother and child heaven afar let us sing Thy holy face 1. 2. 3. 4. Holy infant so Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia With the dawn Tender and mild aleluia to our King of redeeming grace 1. 2. 3. 4. Sleep in heavenly Christ the Savior is Christ the Savior is Jesus, Lord at that Sleep in heavenly peace Christ the Savior is born Jesus the Savior is here! Jesus Lord at Thy birth. peace born! here! birth Ukulele Christmas Sing-A-Long THE FIRST NOEL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The They And This Then Then first No el, the angel did looked up and saw a by the light of that same star drew nigh to the northentered in those Wise men let us all with one ac- say star star west three cord 1. Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they 2. Shining in the east be - yond them 3. Three Wise men came from country 4. O'er Bethle hem it took its 5. Full reverent - ly u pon their 6. Sing praises to our heavenly 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. In And To And And That 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. On a And And Right Their And lay. far far rest knee Lord fields where they, lay keeping their sheep, to the earth, it gave great light seek for a King was their in tent there it did both Pause and stay offered there in His pres - ence hath made Heaven and earth of nought cold winter’s so it con to follow the o'er the gold and with his night that tinued both star wher place where myrrh and blood man - was so deep. day and night. ever it went. Jesus lay. frankin cense. kind has bought Ukulele Christmas Sing-A-Long CHORUS: No-el, no-el, No-el, No - el, Born is the King of Is- ra- el Ukulele Christmas Sing-A-Long WE THREE KINGS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. We three kings of Orient are: Born a King on Bethlehem’s plain: Frankincense to offer have I, Myrrh is mine, its bitter per- fume Glorious now be - hold Him a- rise: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bearing gifts we Gold I bring to Incense owns a Breathes a life of King and God and 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Field and King for Prayer and Sorr’wing, Al - le - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Following Over us Worship Him, Sealed in the Earth to traverse a - far crown him a - gain, Deity nigh; gathering gloomSacri fice fountain, ever, praising, sighing, luia, yon all God stoneheav’n moor and mountain ceasing never, all men raising, bleeding, dying, Al – le - luia! der to on cold re - star reign high. tomb. plies: Oh, star of wonder, star of night, Star with royal beauty bright, Westward lead- ing, still pro - ceeding, Guide us to thy perfect Light Ukulele Christmas Sing-A-Long YOU’RE A MEAN ONE, MR GRINCH Am Dm G E7 You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch Am D E You really are a heel. Am Dm You’re as cuddly as a cactus, G C F E You’re as charming as an eel, Mr. Grinch E7 Am Dm Am E7 You’re a bad banana, With a greasy black peel! Am Dm G E7 You’re a vile one, Mr. Grinch Am D E You have termites in your smile. Am Dm You have all the tender sweetness G C F E Of a seasick crocodile, Mr. Grinch E7 Given the choice between the two of you Am Dm Am E7 I’d take the seasick crocodile! Am Dm G E7 You nauseate me, Mr. Grinch Am D E With a nauseous super “naus.” Am Dm Your heart’s a dead tomato G C F E Splotched with moldy purple spots, Mr. Grinch Your soul is an appalling dump heap overflowing with the most disgraceful assortment of rubbish imaginable E7 Am Dm Am E7 Mangled up in tangled knots. Ukulele Christmas Sing-A-Long Am Dm G E7 You’re a foul one, Mr. Grinch Am D E You’re a nasty, wasty skunk! Am Dm Your heart is full of unwashed socks G C F E Your soul is full of gunk, Mr. Grinch The three words that best describe you are as follows, E7 E7 Am Dm Am Dm Dissonant chord And I quote: Stink, stank, stunk!
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