SABRE EXPRESS For the Staff of South Mecklenburg High School Monday March 23, 2015 EvENt s UPCOMING MARCH JE DuNN CoNstruCtIoN DElIvErs . . . AgAIN! IDEA ACADEmy rECEIvEs $5,000 EXAMS AHEAD mid term Exams schedule Wed 3-25 - 3rd period thur 3-26 - 4th period Fri 3-27 - No Exams mon 3-30 - 1st period tue 3-31 - 2nd period If you have any questions please contact our Testing Coordinator, Ms. Elaine Miller: 12 reasons Why Colleges recruit south meck students with Awards South Meck High School has become a prime recruiting area for colleges and universities seeking gifted and accomplished students. see pgs 2-3 science olympiad team Competition at uNCC regionals Fantastic! Eight South Meck students placed in events: Air Trajectory, Green Generation, Crave The Wave, Write It Do It and Astronomy. read more pg 7 south meck HosA students Create National Dental Health Curriculum Partnering with the ATF Foundation, South Meck HOSA rolls out results of its pilot lesson plan at the State HOSA Conference next week. read more pg 6 moNDAy 3/23 • men’s golf v Providence @ larkhaven gC • men’s tennis @ Ashbrook 4pm • softball v rocky river 5:30pm • Athletic Boosters meeting (6pm at Media Center) • lacrosse Women’s v Porter ridge 7pm tuEsDAy 3/24 • Baseball v Providence 4pm JV/6:30pm V • men’s tennis v olympic 4pm • Women’s soccer v Providence 4:30pm JV/6pm V • softball v Providence 5:30pm WEDNEsDAy 3/25 • slt meeting (3pm at Media Center) • lacrosse Women’s v myers Park 7pm • track @ Independence tHursDAy 3/26 • men’s tennis v Providence 4pm • lacrosse men’s @ myers Park 5pm JV/7pm V FrIDAy 3/27 • Homeroom for student Council Elections 8:46-9.01am • NAACP student Faculty Basketball 2:45pm • Baseball @ Ardrey Kell 4pm JV/6:30pm V • Women’s soccer @ Ardrey Kell 4:30pm JV/6pm V • softball @ Ardrey Kell 5:30pm • lacrosse men’s v Comm sch of Davidson 7pm V Student Faculty Basketball Friday March 27 @ 2:45pm Hosted by the NAACP sAturDAy 3/28 • lacrosse men’s v Providence 11am JV • rugby Club @ Ardrey Kell 2pm • track @ myers Park - Queen City Relays tuEsDAy 3/31 • third Quarter Ends APRIL FrIDAy 4/3 to FrIDAy 10 • Easter Break moNDAy 4/13 • PtsA Board meeting 6:15pm tHursDAy 4/16 • senior Presentations moNDAy 4/20 • sabre Invitational golf tournament MAY sAturDAy 5/9 • Prom: Link- shannadickerson moNDAy 5/18 • senior Awards Night Use this link for details about South Mecklenburg High School SABRE EXPRESS AmElIA CACCHIoNE Carolina Summer Research Fellowship at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. JEssICA golDFArB Awarded part of the Katabnik Memorial fund from the Art Department at Appalachian State University. 2 JorDAN DErvIsHIAN Awarded a scholarship to Wellesley College. JEssICA HArrIs Awarded the Woodrow Scholars Award for excellent academic achievement at the University of South Carolina. WIll FItCH The Trustee Scholarship to Gardner Webb University and an academic scholarship to High Point University. KrIztINA HECKErt Received the Presidential Award to William Peace University for her academic achievement. SABRE EXPRESS tHomAs HEENAN The Blue and Gold Level 2 Scholarship at West Virginia University for his outstanding academic achievements. CAsHAE sPEArs The Opportunity Award to Indiana Wesleyan University. 3 IsAAC lugo A University Scholarship and a Department of Music, Theatre and Dance Scholarship to Queens University of Charlotte. tAHJAmArE WArrEN Awarded the Dean's Scholarship to University of Rochester. ElIzABEtH NElsoN The Flinn Scholars Award at the University of South Carolina and an out of state scholarship from Clemson University. CAlEB WHItloCK The Bell Tower Scholarship to Furman University. SABRE EXPRESS JE Dunn Construction Delivers . . . Again! 4 South Meck IDEA Academy Receives $5,000 to Spearhead a Scholarship Fund for Academy Students D ebbie Dunn, Jenna Israel and Dr. Maureen Furr graciously received a $5,000.00 donation for South Meck's IDEA Academy. Melissa Countryman, IDEA Board President and Blair Smith IDEA board member presented the funds which will spearhead a scholarship fund for academy students. JE Dunn Construction has been our IDEA Academy's #1 corporate partner since fall of 2013. In addition to providing industry support and future internships and marketing support, JE Dunn and over 25 of their employees have worked side by side with academy students in planning and building our new campus greenhouse. The greenhouse will be presented to the community and parents during a ribbon cutting in May. PHoto lEFt to rIgHt: Debbie Dunn, IDEA Academy Director; melissa Countryman, JE Dunn vice President - Healthcare management; Jenna Israel, IDEA Academy sophomore; Blair smith - JE Dunn marketing manager; Dr. maureen Furr, Principal smHs SABRE EXPRESS south meck Percussion Wows at Fundraiser Dinner 5 S Then Next Day Takes First Place at Ardrey Kell CWEA Competition outh Meck Percussion’s Pasta & Percussion fundraiser dinner and performance on Friday, March 13, 2015 was a huge success. Families and friends filled the candle-lit Small Cafeteria and enjoyed a delicious pasta meal. Immediately afterward, SMP performed their 2015 show “STOLEN” - which was written and directed by SMP’s director Travis Simpkins - in the gym. South Meck students, alumni, staff members, middle school students, relatives and friends enthusiastically cheered the group. South Meck Percussion is comprised of 32 students and 3 staff – Travis Simpkins, Corey Bell and Ed Harper. The group performs at indoor percussion competitions in North and South Carolina. SMP won first place in their class at the Ardrey Kell CWEA Competition on Saturday, March 14th. They compete at Northwest Guilford High School on March 21st, and then at CWEA Championships at Winthrop University on March 28th. SMP members are: Johann Atilano, louis Bouchard, Harrison Cameron, Joseph Cameron, John Clare, luke Davis, samantha Dukes, rebecca Eshleman, gia Figallo, CeCe garner, Ken gerrish, sandy ghannam, zachary groce, Hank Hester, miles Johnson, Jake Kendall, Nathaniel King, Paul lowder, Bryce mauldin, Adrian meyer, glenn Navarro, zack Nelli, Alex olinger, max Pitney, matias sanchez, Brandon sanders, Cody smith, Kristen st. John, Eric vega-Diaz, meghan Webster, lauren White and rob young. PHoto By JuDy mCNAmArA S A V E 5.18.15 T H E D A T E Senior Awards Program SABRE EXPRESS south meck HosA students Asked to Help Create A National Curriculum to Promote Dental Health by Debbie Beam, rN BsN Health sciences and Project lead the Way Biomedical Instructor south mecklenburg High school T 6 his past January, the American Tooth Fairy Foundation contacted South Meck HOSA to partner with them in developing a national oral health curriculum. Last year at the HOSA State Conference, one of our HOSA members, Hope Strickland, presented a lesson plan for oral health she had done for a special needs class. One of the judges for that event was so impressed with her presentation that she contacted us and requested the partnership. Hope Strickland, Tiffany Lineberger & Emilee Vue took on this project. Throughout the process they were in contact with dentists and multiple organizations that worked with special needs children to verify the content of their curriculum. On March 8th, 2015 these students piloted their lesson plans to a special needs class at Alexander Graham Middle School, and the results were phenomenal; all the students in the class were excited and participated in every activity that HOSA students offered. One of their favorite activities was creating a mouth out of sandwich materials. At the very end of the lesson, the students were given an evaluation assessment and it was evident, learning had taken place. Students also created a weekly plan to take home and monitor brushing, flossing, and choosing healthy snacks. This curriculum will be distributed nationally in the upcoming months and these girls will be acknowledged. Hope, Tiffany, and Emilee will present their results at the 2015 HOSA State Conference next week as they compete in the Community Awareness event! Good luck girls! Emilee vue, ms. Nettles (the teacher assistant), tiffany lineberger, ms. Caudill and Hope strickland. AttENtIoN: HosA members: teacher Health supply Drive There is a teacher health supply drive going on right now. Please donate bandaids, hand sanitizer, Kleenex, and any other health items. Please drop them off in Mrs. Lloyd's room, 1306, which is on third floor of O Building. Thank you. SABRE EXPRESS science olympiad Competition at uNCC regionals Fantastic! by Jennifer Knowlton Earth and Environmental science science olympiad Advisor Students competed all day Saturday and did fantastic! Eight South Meck students placed in events! Carrie sanford John Cordova sarah Barnett Kristen Barnes Erin Patterson -2nd place - air trajectory tristan Williams -2nd place - air trajectory Nina grant - 6th place - astronomy Kali Pietras - 6th place -astronomy Nick lowell - 7th place - Green Generation & 1st place Crave the wave rick Kim - 7th place - Green Generation & 1st place Crave the wave maegan Addison - 3rd place - write it, do it Nishi Patel -3rd place - write it, do it Nishi Patel and meagan Addison took 3rd place Write, Do It! (won last year 1st place in Write it, Do it! ) 7 s Av E t H E D At E saturday may 9, 2015 Charlotte Convention Center Crown Ballroom 8 Pm—12 Am For info: SOMECKA second Chance to Buy Past year’s yearbooks Yearbook Advisor DAWN LANGE has limited quantities of past SOMECKA yearbooks for only $20 (Beginning with 2013, 2012, etc.) CtE Fair Event Displays Projects The CTE Fair event displays student projects to educate students and staff about CTE curriculum allowing students to visualize what they could do as projects/assignments in these classes. Pictured are students with a robotic arm. Please contact her at Friendly Reminders Second Semester 3rd Quarter – 45 days (1/21 to 3/21) 4th Quarter – 45 days (4/1 to 6/11) PowerSchool Maintenance Weekends (Fri 5pm to Mon 6am) April 24-27 May 15-18 Progress Reports May 7-8 Report Cards April 22 June 25 Teacher Workdays April 3 June 12 June 15 ACT exams April 18 June 13 SAT exams May 2 June 6 AP exams May 4 to 8 May 11 to 15 CMS A/B Calendar CMS Code of Conduct CMS Email Access/Microsoft Outlook CMS Employee Calendar CMS High School Planning CMS Intranet CMS Parent-Student Handbook CMS Religious Calendar South Meck Student Info, Rules and Responsibility South Meck Instagram South Meck Tumblr South Meck Twitter Directions to “P” Drive Click on the round windows icon, click on "computer", c lick on "public drive", look for 2014-15 and click on that List of Counselors’ Emails A – Ce Ch – Gi GL – K L–O P – Sm Sn – Z Special Populations
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