Chords Names and Symbols for Teachers/Advanced Students Harmony by Rowy Chords Foreword --This paper is a condensed translation of the original paper in Dutch. English is not my native language. I apologize for any mistakes in my English. --Chords was written in Dutch for Dutch teachers and advanced students of harmony and composition. It is based on classical Dutch/German (North-West European) harmony, but if you're curious about the modern notation of chords, as used in jazz and popular music, you will not be disappointed. In modern notation, a chord symbol is made as simple as possible. All it does, is tell you which notes to play. In classical harmony however, a chord is named after its position and function within a mode (key). Harmony symbols don't tell you where to put your fingers on the guitar or piano. If you studied classical harmony, you might want to use this paper to learn and understand the modern notation of chords. Chords is not a course in classical harmony. If you're really interested in harmony, I suggest you study the excellent Harmony & Voice Leading by Aldwell & Schachter. Some symbols and musical terms might seem a bit strange to you, especially if you're not from NorthWest Europe, but remember, this is merely a translation. I hope you will find Chords to be very useful. © 2011 Rowy Chords Abbreviations These abbreviations are being used in Chords: 1/9 add. aeol. alt. aug. dim. dm dom. Gr. Fr. harm. hf. hd. It. maj. md min. N (or n) no inc. Pic. 3rd sus number of a tone in the diatonic scale or the symbol of an interval (3 = third). added, for instance add4, a fourth added to the chord. Aeolian, natural minor scale, sometimes written as eolian. altered, a raised or lowered tone that, as a result, no longer belongs to the main key. augmented, a major or perfect interval raised by a half tone. diminished, a minor or perfect interval lowered by a half tone. Dur-Moll (durmoll), German, 6th tone in a minor scale raised by a half tone. dominant, standard chord on the fifth tone of the diatonic scale. German sixth, augmented 6th chord, first inversion of the double diminished 7th chord. French sixth, augmented 6th chord, second inversion of the hard diminished 7th chord. harmonic, usually the harmonic minor scale. half. hard. Italian sixth, augmented 6th chord, first inversion of the double diminished 6th chord. major. Moll-Dur (molldur), German, 6th tone in a major scale lowered by a half tone. minor. Neapolitan, lowered 2nd tone in a diatonic scale. as in no5, the 5th of the chord is missing. incomplete, a chord missing one or more tones. C7no5 is an incomplete chord. Picardy third. Major third on the tonic of a minor scale at the end of a musical section. suspended, a 2nd or a 4th (temporarily) replaces the 3rd of (or is added to) a chord. Special symbols, as used in the modern notation of chords: ± augmented chord, C± — diminished chord, B— Ÿ half diminished chord, FŸ‡ Chords You may use Chords for non-commercial purposes. Download, or have your pupil download, the latest version from This is Version 4 - 2013. The system There are 15 numbered sheets with examples. The measures are numbered per sheet. In some of the measures you will find two chords instead of one. The second chord is exactly the same as the first one. It is being used to make room for an alternative name or code. Below the staffs there are 4 lines: Line a: Line b: Line c: Line d: Harmonic (classical) analysis of the chord in Roman numerals. The origin of the alteration (Neapolitan, Moll-Dur). Popular (modern) notation of the chord, as used in popular music and jazz. Type of chord (dominant, diminished). Chords are numbered like this: [1 Number of the sheet. -1 Number of the measure on that sheet. a] Line a, b, c or d. Examples: [1-1a] = sheet 1, measure 1, line a. [6-7d] = sheet 6, measure 7, line d. Classical Symbols - line a and b All non-altered chords are printed in bold. On sheet number 1 you'll find the alterations that are common in classical harmony: a lowered 2 (Neapolitan) in minor and major, a raised 2 in major, a raised 4 in minor and major, a lowered 6 in major (Moll-Dur) and a raised 6 in minor (Dur-Moll). A lowered 7 is also quite common, usually as part of a dominant seventh chord, but in classical harmony most dominant chords are secondary dominants and the 7 is not an altered tone. Use either the code in line a or the code in line b. md (Moll-Dur) and dm (Dur-Moll) in line b are typical of North-West Europe, but n (Neapolitan) is generally known. There are several ways to describe a Neapolitan chord, as you can see in [2-2a+b] and [11-11a+b]. Because the use of the Moll-Dur and the Dur-Moll tone leads to a minor instead of a major and a major instead of a minor chord, these chords are also known (mostly in the USA) as borrowed chords. In North-West European classical harmony however, we do not use the term 'borrowed chords'. The symbols n, md or dm are not being used if there's a second alteration within the chord. In [3-18b] the chord is called II Moll-Dur because of the lowered 6 in A flat, but in [3-19b] the fourth is altered too, which makes it into a plain 'altered' chord and not a 'Moll-Dur' chord. Nevertheless, if the root of the chord is being altered, the symbols n, md and dm still apply [4-12b], [6-14b], [14-9b]. Symbols that mark accidentals in the staff must also appear in line a [2-4a], [3-11a]. A symbol without a number always applies to the third (3) [2-10a], [3-12a]. If the root of the chord has been altered, the corresponding symbol has to be placed before the Roman numeral [3-6a], [3-13a]. If the lowest tone of an inversion is an altered tone [11-6a], [11-20a], the symbol that marks the accidental can't be used in line a. To avoid misunderstandings some teachers prefer to describe the type of the chord, for example [11-6a] (dim. is diminished) or [12-7a] (hf. dim. is half diminished). It is obvious that symbols like n, md and md in line b are to be preferred in cases like the above, since they refer to the origin of the alteration [11-6b], [11-12b]. When the chord is inverted and the lowest tone is an altered tone, you still have to use the symbol for the altered root of the chord [12-10a], unless the root is an n, md or dm tone [11-12b], [11-24b]. Terms like aeol. (aeolian minor) [4-19b] and harm. (harmonic minor) [4-20b] in line b are optional. Since harmonic minor - a raised 7 by a half tone - is the standard in classical harmony, there's no real need for a natural in [4-8a], [4-14a], [4-20a] or a sharp in [9-17a]. On sheet number 13 you'll find a collection of sus (suspended) chords. Because in classical harmony a suspended chord and the original chord are harmonically the same, only one symbol is being used in line a. The anticipations however are part of two different chords, hence two symbols. On sheet number 14 there are some examples of chords that are being interpreted in several ways thanks to enharmonisation and interpretation. 16 diminished seventh chords, starting in measure 7, sound exactly the same if you play them, but enharmonically they are all different. The exercises on sheet number 15 are an example of harmonic analysis in North-West European style in line 1 and 2, and popular (modern) symbolization in line 3. Popular (modern) Symbols - line c In the popular notation of chords the symbols are kept as simple as possible. Use enharmonisation if you think it will make a chord easier to play [2-7c], [3-16c], for instance on a guitar. A major chord is being symbolised by a capital. A stands for A major chord, C is the C major chord [2-1c]. A lower case m next to the capital means that the chord is a minor chord. Am is the A minor chord, Cm stands for C minor chord [4-1c]. A small circle is the symbol for a diminished chord [2-4c]. If a diagonal line is going through the circle, the chord is half diminished [6-4c]. A half diminished chord can also be symbolised by a 7 followed by a lowered 5. An augmented chord gets a small + next to the chord [2-15c]. A minor 7 in a seventh chord is standard in modern notation [6-15c] thanks to the frequent use of dominant seventh chords. Add maj to the symbol in case the 7 is a major seventh [6-1c], [6-2c]. Always use a flat to indicate a lowered tone and a sharp for a raised tone. In popular notation a double sharp, a double flat or a natural is not a legit symbol [3-14c], [3-16c]. Some musicians use + instead of a sharp and - instead of a flat, but in North-West Europe we prefer to use a sharp or a flat. The usual sequence of symbols is: 1. the chord in upper case, 2. a small m (in case of a minor chord) or the symbol for a diminished [2-4c], half diminished [6-4c] or augmented chord [6-18c], 3. maj and a 7 for a major 7 [6-19c] or a 9 for a major 9 [10-8c], 4. sus4 or sus2 [13-8c], 5. altered tones [10-18c], 6. no and/or add [15-16c], 7. a slash followed by a note in upper case, if the chord is inverted [12-11c]. An added major sixth to a major or minor chord is symbolised by a 6 next to the chord [12-6c]. However, as you can see, this chord can be analysed as the first inversion of a seventh chord. There are no real standards for the symbolization of ninth chords, except for the major, the minor and the dominant ninth chord (sheet number 10). If the 9th tone is a minor or an augmented 9, it can be seen as a 7th chord with an added 9 [10-2c], [10-10c]. A slash and a capital for the tone after all the other chord symbols is the correct way to indicate an inversion (sheet number 11 and 12). Inversions of ninth chords are very rare. A sus (suspended) chord always represents a sus4 chord, unless sus is followed by a 2 [13-1c]. To avoid misunderstandings one should always use the 4 to indicate a standard sus chord [13-3c]. An added tone is a tone that doesn't belong to the chord according to the popular notation, but in classical harmony there usually is some kind of a connection, like in [13-15c] where the F is an anticipation. Popular symbols tell you which notes to play, not where they derive from. It is not necessary to use no if a chord is incomplete [13-3c]. However, a power chord (not really a chord) can be symbolised with no3, for example Cno3, instead of C5. Sheet 14 shows you how important enharmonisation can be, if you want to keep the notation of chords simple. Although the diminished chords, starting in measure 7, are all different in classical harmony, they do sound the same. That's why we only need one symbolisation (or an alternative) in [14-7c]. Chord Types - line d The chord type is an exact description of how a chord is built. A chord is made by piling up thirds. In classical harmony we use only 3 kinds of thirds: major 3, minor 3 and diminished 3. To explain the types of chords in this paper, we use mj for a major, mn for a minor and dm for a diminished 3. A triad - starting at sheet number 2 - consists of 2 thirds (lower third first): major minor diminished hard diminished double diminished augmented mj - mn mn - mj mn - mn mj - dm dm - mj mj - mj [2-1d] [2-3d] [2-4d] [2-5d] [2-6d] [2-16d] A tetrad (usually a seventh chord) - starting at sheet number 6 - consists of 3 thirds: major 7 minor 7 minor major 7 diminished 7 half dim. 7 hard dim. 7 double dim. 7 augmented 7 dominant 7 aug. dominant 7 mj - mn - mj mn - mj - mn mn - mj - mj mn - mn - mn mn - mn - mj mj - dm - mj dm - mj - mn mj - mj - mn mj - mn - mn mj - mj - dm [6-1d] [6-3d] [6-9d] [6-7d] [6-4d] [6-5d] [6-6d] [6-19d] [6-15d] [6-18d] A pentad (usually a ninth chord) - sheet number 10 - consists of 4 thirds: major 9 minor 9 minor major 9 half diminished 9 hard diminished 9 augmented 9 dominant 9 augmented dom. 9 mj - mn - mj - mn mn - mj - mn - mj mn - mj - mj - mn mn - mn - mj - mj mj - dm - mj - mj mj - mj - mn - mn mj - mn - mn - mj mj - mj - dm - mj [10-1d] [10-3d] [10-5d] [10-21d] [10-9d] [10-8d] [10-6d] [10-7d] If the 9 is a minor or an augmented 9, the chord is called a seventh chord with an added 9. To make things even more complicated, some teachers prefer to loose the 7 in the description of these chords: major 7 minor 9 minor major 7 minor 9 major 7 augmented 9 diminished 7 minor 9 half diminished 7 minor 9 hard diminished 7 minor 9 double diminished 7 minor 9 dominant 7 minor 9 major minor 9 minor major minor 9 major augmented 9 diminished minor 9 half diminished minor 9 hard diminished minor 9 double diminished minor 9 dominant minor 9 - The End - mj - mn - mj - dm mn - mj - mj - dm mj - mn - mj - mj mn - mn - mn - mj mn - mn - mj - mn mj - dm - mj - mn dm - mj - mn - mj mj - mn - mn - mn [10-2d] [10-4d] [10-10d] [10-12d] [10-11d] [10-22d] [10-18d] [10-20d] -1- Alterations Major and Minor C major scale &w 2 1 bw bw #w w w lowered 2, usually + perfect 5th Neapolitan b &bb b b & b 1 raised 2 2 #w bw b b ww lowered 2 Neapolitan nw raised 3 Pic. 3rd 4 #w 5 raised 4 w 3 Alterations of the minor scale bw w 4 C minor scale w w 3 Alterations of the major scale & bw w w w raised 4 w 6 7 # b ww lowered 6, usually + perfect 5th combination Moll-Dur w 5 nw w w 6 7 aeolian nw nw raised 6, usually + perfect 5th Dur-Moll © 2011 Rowy nw 7 harmonic nw n # ww combination -2- Chords Triads in Major & www a. b. c. d. 1 CI b b ˙˙˙ maj. 8 ww w Dm maj. 15 V ˜fi aug. b www ≤VI VI md A≤± aug. b b www # b www II ¯fi II md D— D ≤5 dim. hd.dim. w # b ww 11 dim. ≤VI ¯fi VI md A≤ maj. www 12 ≥IV ¯ md ≥IV F≥— ≤3 F≥— 17 5 II ¯fi ˜ ≥IV min. 16 4 b www w # ww 10 IV ¯ IV md Fm F min. min. b www 9 IV Em G± www maj. III #w & ww ˙˙˙ 3 ≤II ¯fi II ≤II II n D≤ C & www 2 db.dim. 18 VI Am min. © 2011 Rowy www 19 VII B— dim. # www 6 E≤— ≤3 db.dim. 13 V G maj. b www # # www ≥II ˜ ≥II www 7 20 VII ¯ VII n B— ≤3 db.dim. E≤— dim. b www 14 V ¯fi Vn G ≤5 hd.dim. # www 21 VII ˜ B ≤5 hd.dim. -3- Chords Triads in Major & www a. b. c. d. & a. b. c. d. 1 b b ˙˙˙ CI ≤II II n D≤ C maj. #### ˙˙˙ www 8 www EI E maj. 15 A≤I A≤ maj. 3 b www Dm min. n˙ n ˙˙ 9 ˙˙ ˙ Î II Î II Îfi II F n maj. ∫ b ˙˙˙ 16 ww w 10 n ww w www b www dim. min. 18 II ¯fi II md B≤— dim. © 2011 Rowy # n www # # www 12 II Îfi ˜ F≥ ≤5 hd.dim. n b www 19 II ¯fi Î B≤ ≤5 hd.dim. E≤— ≤3 db.dim. w ‹ ww 13 Ï II E≤— dim. w ‹ # ww 14 Ï II G— ≤3 db.dim. n www 7 ≥II ˜ ≥II hd.dim. 11 6 # www D ≤5 F≥m 17 5 II ¯fi ˜ II Îfi II md F≥— II ≤≤II ≤≤II ¯fi II II n A B≤m maj. # b www dim. min. ˙˙˙ 4 II ¯fi II md D— ≤II ¯fi II maj. bb w & b b ww a. b. c. d. 2 20 Î II B— ≤3 db.dim. ˜ G— dim. n n www 21 Î II Î B— dim. -4- Chords Triads in Minor b & b b www a. b. c. d. 1 n www IΩ Pic. 3rd I C cI Cm min. b & b b n ˙˙˙ 2 maj. 8 ww w ˙˙˙ III III Ω fi IV harm. III E≤± Fm aug. b b˙ & b b n ˙˙ V ¯fi n V G ¯fi hd.dim. ˙˙ ˙ www ≤II n II D≤ II maj. w # ww V ¯fi VI Î A≤ maj. 11 ≥IV w # n ww n n www ΩVI dm VI A— dim. ΩVI Ω fi dm VI Am min. © 2011 Rowy www 19 www V aeol. V Gm maj. n ˙˙˙ n ˙˙˙ ˙˙˙ 20 dim. 14 ˙˙˙ V VΩ harm. V G min. VII VII ΩVII aeol. harm. VII VII B≤ B— maj. III aeol. III E≤ hd.dim. 13 7 ww w D ¯fi 12 dim. 6 II ˜ ≥IV Ω dm ≥IV F≥— db.dim. 18 # www min. F≥— ≤3 17 5 II Ω fi dm II Dm dim. 10 n www n www D— maj. 16 4 www IV Ω dm IV F min. 15 b www n www 9 3 maj. n b ˙˙˙ 21 ˙˙˙ VII ¯ ΩVII ¯ n VII B— ≤3 db.dim. -5- Chords Triads in Minor b & b b www a. b. c. d. min. Am min. f ≥I F≥m min. # www I˜ Pic. 3rd I F≥ maj. www w n ww ΩII n II G dim. maj. 12 II ˜fi dm II Bm B— ww w min. # ww w 11 II 17 II Ω fi dm II Dm dim. ww w 10 5 n www D— maj. maj. 16 4 II ≤II n II B≤ maj. 15 3 ≤II n II D≤ w b ww 9 I˜ Pic. 3rd I A aI b www maj. # www 8 2 IΩ Pic. 3rd I C Cm ### w & ww a. b. c. d. n www cI w & ww a. b. c. d. 1 II G≥— dim. © 2011 Rowy # ww w # www II ˜ D ¯fi hd.dim. # www 13 II ˜ B ¯fi min. 18 6 hd.dim. 19 II ˜fi dm II G≥m min. # www 20 II ˜ A≤ ¯fi hd.dim. 7 ww w III aeol. III E≤ maj. www 14 III aeol. III C maj. www 21 III aeol. III A maj. -6- Chords Tetrads in Major & a. b. c. d. ˙˙˙ b b˙ 1 ww ww maj.7 www w Em7 7 dim.7 ˙ & # ˙˙˙ ≥IV ‡ dim.7 ˙˙˙ ˙ b #b wwww 7 ≤VI ‡ VI 7md A≤± maj7 aug.7 ≥IV F≥—7≤3 21 w bw b ww ≤VI ‡¯fi VI 7md A≤ maj7 maj.7 ww ww dom.7 22 VI ‡ Am7 min.7 16 V ˜‡ G7 db.dim.7 w b www ˙˙˙ ˙ G maj7 maj.7 23 VII ‡ Bm7≤5 hf.dim.7 ˙˙˙ ˙ BŸ 7 © 2011 Rowy min.maj.7 17 V ‡¯fi 7n V G 7≤5 hd.dim.7 b www 24 w VII ¯‡ VII 7md B— 7 dim.7 # www w 18 V ‡˜fi G± 12 IV ¯¯‡ IV 7md Fm maj7 b www w 7≤3 db.dim.7 bw b www 11 IV ‡¯ maj.7 # www w 15 V‡ 7md hf.dim.7 ww 20 & b ww www w 14 E≤— hd.dim.7 10 6 ≥II ‡ D 7≤5 F maj7 maj7 www #w 5 II ‡¯ fi ˜ IV ‡ min.maj.7 ≥IV ¯¯‡ F≥m7≤5 F≥Ÿ ww ww 9 Em # b wwww hf.dim.7 III ˜‡ III ‡ ≥II ‡˜ 13 # www w fi ˙˙˙ ˙ II 7md Dm7≤5 DŸ ‡ min.7 8 4 II ‡¯ Dm7 maj.7 7 b ˙˙˙˙ 3 II ‡ II 7n D≤ maj7 C maj7 E≤— www w ≤II ‡¯fi ≤II ‡ CI ‡ & # # wwww ˙˙˙ ˙ 2 7 aug.dom.7 bb www 25 w VII ¯¯‡ VII 7n B— 7≤3 db.dim.7 IV 7md Fm7 min.7 # # www w 19 V ˜˜fi‡ G± maj7 aug.7 26 w w # ww VII ‡˜ B7≤5 hd.dim.7 -7- Chords Tetrads in Major & a. b. c. d. bb wwww 1 ww ww ≤II ‡¯fi CI ‡ maj.7 www w E≤— dim.7 b. c. d. AI ‡ A maj.7 II 7n B≤ maj7 maj.7 19 ≥II ‡˜ C— www w 7 dim.7 www w 20 III ‡ C≥m7 min.7 II ‡ II 7md Bm7≤5 hf.dim.7 21 III ˜‡ C≥m ww ww 22 min.maj.7 D maj7 maj.7 © 2011 Rowy 17 II ‡Ω fi ˜ B7≤5 BŸ 7 IV ‡ maj7 # n wwww hd.dim.7 w n www 7≤3 db.dim.7 12 IV ¯¯‡ min.maj.7 ˙˙˙ ˙ E≤— bw b www 11 IV 7md Fm maj7 II ‡Ωfi min.7 hd.dim.7 IV ‡¯ 16 www #w 6 ≥II ‡ D 7≤5 w b www maj.7 Bm7 5 II ‡¯ fi ˜ DŸ ‡ 10 n ˙˙˙˙ 15 # www w # b wwww F maj7 min.maj.7 14 ˙˙˙ ˙ IV ‡ Em maj7 ≤II ‡Ωfi maj7 # # # # # wwww & nb wwww ww ww 9 III ˜‡ min.7 13 hf.dim.7 # www w Em7 7 # # # www & w min.7 III ‡ ≥II ‡˜ fi II 7md Dm7≤5 7 8 4 II ‡¯ Dm maj.7 7 b ˙˙˙˙ 3 II ‡ II 7n D≤ maj7 C maj7 & # # wwww a. www w 2 23 IV ‡Ω IV 7md Dm maj7 min.maj.7 IV 7md Fm7 min.7 www #w 18 ≥II ‡ C— 7≤3 db.dim.7 nw n www 24 IV ΩΩ‡ IV 7md Dm7 min.7 -8- Chords Tetrads in Minor b & b b www w a. b. c. d. b &bb 1 n www w cI ‡ I 7harm. Cm maj7 min.7 b www w III ‡Ωfi 7harm. III maj7 E≤± aug.7 b n˙ & b b n # ˙˙˙ 16 ≥IV ΩΩ‡ ˙˙˙ ˙ III ¯‡ III ¯Ω ‡ fi 7n III E≤± ‡ 7n III E≤ ‡ dom.7 ww ww b b n ˙˙˙˙ b & 24 17 V‡ ˙ n ˙˙˙ 7aeol. ΩVI ‡ min.7 ˙˙˙ ˙ min.7 ˙˙ ˙˙ Fm ‡ # ww ww #w n www 7dm IV F maj7 19 V ˜Ω ‡ G b ˙˙˙˙ maj7 min.maj.7 maj.7 www 26 w VII ‡ ˙˙ n ˙˙ 27 ˙˙˙ ˙ dom.7 dim.7 © 2011 Rowy ≥IV ‡Ω F≥—‡ db.dim.7 ˙˙ ˙˙ w n b www dim.7 22 ‡ V ¯fi V‡ Ω ¯fi 7n 7n V V 7≤5 Gm GmŸ ‡ G 7≤5 hf.dim.7 n www 28 w VII ‡ ΩVII ‡ VII Ω‡ VII 7aeol. VII 7harm. B≤ ‡ B— ‡ 21 15 F≥— 7≤3 maj.7 20 maj.7 ww # n ww 14 ≥IV ‡ IV ΩΩ‡ dom.7 7aeol. III maj7 E≤ hd.dim.7 ww # ww VII 7dm B≤maj7 maj.7 n ˙˙˙ n˙ 7 III ‡ D7≤5 13 7dm IV F‡ www w 6 II ‡˜ n n wwww 12 Gm maj7 dom.7 II Ω‡fi IV Ω‡ V ‡Ω V ˜‡ V 7harm. G‡ 25 w n n www ΩVI ‡Ωfi 18 V‡ VI 7dm VI 7dm Am7≤5 AmŸ ‡ Am ‡ hf.dim.7 IV ‡ aug.dom.7 min.7 V 7≤5 F≥m F≥mŸ ‡ Gm ‡ hf.dim.7 n wwww 11 w # www min.7 hf.dim.7 www w 10 n wwww 5 II 7dm DmŸ ‡ Dm‡ Dm7≤5 maj.7 n b wwww 9 ˙˙ ˙˙ 4 II ‡ II 7n D≤ maj7 min.maj.7 8 ˙˙ ˙˙ 3 ≤II ‡ I Ω‡ cI 7aeol. Cm‡ n wwww ww b ww 2 www 23 w VI ‡ A≤ maj7 hd.dim.7 maj.7 29 ΩVII Ω‡ ˙˙˙ ˙ 30 w w n b ww ΩVII ‡¯ VII 7dm VII 7n Bm7≤5 BmŸ ‡ B—7≤3 hf.dim.7 db.dim.7 -9- Chords Tetrads in Minor b &bb 1 ww ww n ww ww cI ‡ a. I 7harm. Cm maj7 min.7 b n ww b & b ww b www w III ‡Ωfi 7harm. III ¯‡ III ¯Ω ‡ fi 7n III E≤± ‡ 7n III III maj7 E≤ ‡ E≤± aug.7 # ww & ww a. b. c. d. 16 eI ‡ eI 7aeol. Em ‡ min.7 # # www & w 23 III ‡˜fi 7harm. III maj7 G± aug.7 dom.7 # ww ww www nw 17 II 7n F maj7 min.maj.7 III Ω‡ III 7n G‡ dom.7 18 ΩII ‡ I 7harm. Em maj7 24 ww ww w n www 11 IV ‡ IV ‡Ω Fm ‡ maj.7 # n www w 25 Ω‡ III ˜fi III 7n G± ‡ ˙˙˙ ˙ 12 IV F‡ II ‡ ˙˙˙ ˙ hf.dim.7 IV ‡ Am ‡ aug.dom.7 min.7 min.7 nw n www 13 IV ΩΩ‡ 7dm F≥m7≤5 F≥mŸ ‡ ww 26 ww II 7dm Dm ‡ 7dm IV F maj7 dom.7 19 ww 27 # ww IV ‡˜ IV 7dm A‡ dom.7 © 2011 Rowy # wwww 5 II Ω‡fi hf.dim.7 aug.dom.7 min.7 I ˜‡ n www w 10 n wwww Dm7≤5 DmŸ ‡ maj.7 n b www w 9 ˙˙˙ ˙ 4 II ‡ II 7n D≤ maj7 min.maj.7 8 ˙˙˙ ˙ 3 ≤II ‡ I Ω‡ cI 7aeol. Cm‡ b. c. d. www bw 2 maj.7 # wwww II ‡˜fi D7≤5 hd.dim.7 ww # ww 14 ≥IV ‡ F≥— 7≤3 db.dim.7 21 II ‡˜ II 7dm F≥m‡ F≥ 7≤5 min.7 # ww28 # ww II ‡˜ # wwww 20 6 hd.dim.7 IV ˜˜ 7 IV 7dm A maj7 maj.7 ww 29 # ww ≥IV ‡ B≤— 7≤3 db.dim.7 www w 7 III ‡ 7aeol. III maj7 E≤ maj.7 ww n # ww 15 ≥IV Ω‡ F≥— ‡ dim.7 www w 22 III ‡ 7aeol. III maj7 G maj.7 ww30 # # ww ≥IV ‡˜ B≤— ‡ dim.7 - 10 - Chords Pentads & a. b. c. d. www ww b www ww 1 CI · C 9n I maj7≤9 C maj.9 ˙˙˙ # & ˙˙ ˙˙˙ ˙˙ V· ˜fi V ·˜‡ ˜fi G± maj9 aug.dom.9 a. b. c. d. b &bb www ww aug.9 n ˙˙˙˙ ˙ 13 cI · 14 I· 9harm. I Cm maj9 Cm · min.9 www # n ww ≥IV ·Ω F≥— 7≤9 dim.(7)min.9 ˙˙ n ˙˙˙ V· 15 BŸ 7≤9 Dm 7≤5≤9 b wwww w IV ·Ω III ·¯ ‡ 9n III E≤ · hf.dim.(7)min.9 dom.9 20 V 9harm. G 7≤9 ˙˙˙ ˙˙ V ·Ω dom.(7)min.9 Bm 7≤5≤9 www 17 n ww 16 nb www21 ww V Ω· ¯fi GŸ · hf.dim.9 © 2011 Rowy ww n b www 22 · V ¯fi Ω V 9n G 7≤5≤9 G· IV F· dom.9 b wwww w maj.(7)aug.9 hf.dim.(7)min.9 II · I ·Ω‡ VII · fi 9md www ww ˙˙˙ ˙˙ 11 6 V· min.maj.9 ˙˙˙ ˙˙ 10 VI A≤ maj7˜9 hd.dim.9 ˙˙˙ ˙˙ maj7≤9 ≤VI ·¯ V· ¯fi 9n V G 9≤5 min.maj.9 19 ww b b www ww www 5 IV · ¯ 9md IV maj9 Fm min.maj.(7)min.9 9 w w b www 8 G 9˜5 G · G± Em min.9 # # wwwww www b ww 4 III · ˜‡ Dm · maj.(7)min.9 7 # wwww w 3 II · I ¯· maj· b &bb www ww 2 www # ww 12 VII ·¯ ‡ 9md VII B— 7≤9 dim.(7)min.9 18 ≥IV · 9dm F≥— 7≤3≤9 dom.9 db.dim.(7)min.9 ww 23 n www www b ww VI · A≤ · hd.dim.(7)min.9 maj.9 24 VII ·Ω‡ ¯ B≤m maj9 min.maj.9 - 11 - Chords Triad Inversions & ww w a. b. c. d. ww w 1 C # ˙˙ ˙ 7 E≤— ≤3 db.dim. 13 ww w 14 Cm min. II ˜ D ¯fi hd.dim. b b ˙˙˙ 6 ≥II 4 E≤— ≤3/A db.dim.4/6 ww w 15 I4 Cm/G w # ww # ww w 20 II 6 hd.dim. D ¯fi/F≥ hd.dim.6 min.4/6 21 II 4˜ 6 D ¯5/A≤ aug.4/6 6 10 ˙˙˙ ≤II ¯5 ≤II II n D≤ maj. b b ˙˙˙ www 11 ˙˙ ˙ 6 ≤II 6 ≤II ¯ II 6n D≤/F dim. b www ≤II II n D≤ 22 6 ˙ b b ˙˙ ˙˙ ˙ 12 6 maj.4/6 ww w 18 6 D—/F D—/A≤ b ww w b www 23 ≤II 6 II 6n D≤/F maj.6 6 ≤II 4 maj. ≤II 4 II 6n 4 D≤/A≤ II 4 dim.6 maj. © 2011 Rowy ww w 17 II 6 D— 6 ˙˙ ˙ dim.4/6 maj.6 16 6 II 4 dim.II 4 II 6md 4 D—/A≤ dim.6 II Cm/E≤ min.6 19 9 ˙˙ b˙ 5 II ¯ II 6md D—/F dim. 6 I6 cI b & b b # www ˙˙ ˙ # www aug.6 b & b b ww w a. b. c. d. 8 maj.4/6 ≥II 6 ≥II It.6 ≥II It.±6 E≤— ≤3/F ≥II II ¯5 II md D— C/G maj.6 b www 4 b www I4 C/E maj. 3 6 I6 CI & # www ww w 2 dim.4/6 24 6 ≤II 4 II 6n 4 D≤/A≤ maj.4/6 - 12 - Chords Tetrad Inversions & www w a. b. c. d. wwww 1 CI 7 I 65 C maj.7 I 43 maj.5/6 # ˙˙˙ ˙ 9 ≥II 7 ˙˙˙ ˙ 10 db.dim.7 aug.5/6 b. c. d. b &bb ˙˙˙ w 5 ˙ b ww w 17 cI # wwww 7 I 19 6 5 6aeol. 5 7 I 4 3 4aeol. 3 7 cI 7aeol. I I 7 Cm Cm /E≤ E≤6 Cm /G min.7 w # www 25 min.5/6 ww # ww 26 6 II 5 7 hd.dim. II ˜ D 7 ¯fi min.3/4 #˙˙˙ ˙ 2 V I 2 n wwww 28 w ˙ w # ˙˙˙ ww II 2˜4 III Ωfi aug.7 29 7 hd.dim.2 dim.7 II 2md DŸ 7/C hf.dim.2 w16 www V2 G 7/B G 7/D G 7/F n wwww 6 III fi Ω dom.3/4 23 w n www aug.5/6 30 ˙˙˙ n wwww ˙ B— 7/D dom.2 n ww24 ww 4 III 3 III 4harm. 3 E≤± 7 /B aug. III 6harm. 5 7 E≤± /G VII ΩVII 7 VII 65 © 2011 Rowy ≤6 II 42 V 43 22 7 Fr. 6 II II ± D 7 ¯5 /C B—7 D 7 ¯fi/F≥ D 7 ¯5 /A≤ hd.dim.7 hd.dim.5/6 aug.3/4 b ww 8 ww V5 dom.5/6 21 ˙˙˙ n˙ hf.dim.3/4 6 7 I 2aeol. III 7harm. Cm7/B≤ E≤± 7 min.2 7 15 wwww 14 www w 13 db.dim.2 dom.7 27 ˜6 4 II 3 Fr.6 ww ww E≤— 7≤3 /C G 7 www20 w ˙˙˙˙ ˙˙˙˙ wwww 18 ˙˙˙ b wwww ˙ hf.dim.7 hf.dim.5/6 ≥II db.dim.3/4 6 II 7 md DŸ 7 12 w w # ww ≥II 43 6 hf.dim. 4 II 5 II 3 ¯ 4 II 3 md II 65 md DŸ 7 /F Fm6 DŸ 7/A≤ II ¯fi maj.2 11 b ˙˙˙˙ 7 I 24 ≥II Gr. 6 ≥II Gr.±6 E≤— 7≤3 /A E≤—7≤3 /F E≤— 7≤3 a. 4 I2 maj.3/4 ≥II 65 b & b b www w ˙ ˙˙˙ 3 C maj.7 /E C maj.7/G C maj.7/B maj.7 & # wwww wwww 2 aug.3/4 n wwww 31 VII 43 B—7/F dim.5/6 dim.3/4 Ω6 III 42 III 2harm. E≤±7 /D aug.2 w n www 32 VII 2 B— 7 /A≤ verm.2 - 13 - Chords Suspensions and Anticipations Suspensions 1 & ˙˙ ˙ a. b. c. d. CV 6 C sus2 maj. ˙˙ ˙ ˙˙ ˙ G/B C sus2 I maj.6 b & b b ˙˙ ˙ 5 ˙ n ˙˙ min. CI V6 C sus2 G/B maj. min. maj. maj. 6 maj. V6 V 6harm. G/B maj.6 I C sus2 min. C sus4 7 6 ˙˙ ˙ min.4/6 inc.dim.7 14 ˙˙˙ ˙ II 2 DŸ 7/C hf.dim.2 ˙˙ <--- b ˙˙ ˙ ˙ I C sus4 maj. IV 4¯ IV 64 md Fm/C 6 min.4/6 ˙ <--- ˙ ˙˙ ˙ ˙ n ˙˙ 15 I Cm add4 min. © 2011 Rowy ˙˙˙ 6 V5 V 65 harm. G 7/B dom.5/6 C maj. ˙˙˙ ˙ Fm/C min. 4 I 11 VII ¯‡ VII 7md B— 7no5 ˙˙ ˙ <--- G 7no5 /B C C sus4 inc.dom.2 C sus2 ˙˙ ˙ IV 4 D 7no5 /C min. ˙ ˙˙ inc.dom.5/6 ˙˙ ˙ # ˙˙˙ C sus2 I b & b b ˙˙ ˙ ˙ <--- n ˙˙ C sus2 C sus4 b˙ ˙˙ ˙ <--- ˙˙ maj.6 cI C 6 V5 (V 2) V 13 a. b. c. d. ˙ ˙˙ 10 & ˙˙ ˙ ˙ <--- ˙˙ 3 ˙˙˙ ˙ ˙˙ maj.6 Anticipations 9 a. b. c. d. maj. cV 6 V 6 harm. C sus2 G/B a. b. c. d. 2 maj. 8 6 ˙ n ˙˙˙ V5 6 harm. 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