The INDIANA DAIRY GOAT ASSOCIATION Invites you to join us at the 43rd Annual HOOSIER CLASSIC Saturday June13 and Sunday June 14, 2015 -- Wayne Co. Fairgrounds, Richmond, IN Judges: Yvonne Blosser and Jennifer Peterson-Lohman BUCKS, JR DOE, SR DOE Shows & SHOWMANSHIP NIGERIAN DWARF SPECIALTY RING A NUBIAN SPECIALTY RING B As always, the Hoosier Classic committee & IDGA will be providing exhibitors with a memorable weekend. There will be a food booth available all weekend. Each year, registered kids are donated by accomplished breeders, and the winner of the raffle drawing may choose one of the dairy goats or $100.00. Tickets are $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00 and may be purchased from, any club member, or at the show. Please indicate whether you wish to receive a kid (and its breed) or the money on your tickets. You need not be present to win but must have made prior arrangements to pick up a kid. This year doe kids have been generously donated by: Look on our website for details!! (Alpine) – (LaMancha) – (Nubian) -(Toggenburg) -(Saanen) -(Oberhasli) – Pedigrees will be available closer to show date. Please see our Web Page. -- Our IDGA auction will be held after the kid raffle. IDGA will auction any remaining animals to the highest bidders after the drawing, followed by an auction of goat supplies, doodads, knickknacks and more! Proxy bids will be accepted. Prior to the auction, you may direct your proxy bids to IDGA President Tim Vanzant(765-352-0684) . To donate auction items, contact Shelley Young ( 812-371-4871) or any IDGA member. All proceeds go to support the IDGA and the Hoosier Classic, one of the largest and most prestigious shows in the U.S. Thank you to the donors and buyers in advance for your support. -- The Travelers Award. We appreciate the many exhibitors who travel long distances to participate in the Hoosier Classic and annually present this award to the exhibitor traveling farthest. To qualify, write in your estimated mileage to the fairgrounds on your entry form. -- The Exhibitors Award presented to the exhibitor who enters and shows the most animals on both days of the Hoosier Classic. -- Barn prizes given away to those exhibiting animals on both days of the Classic. -- There will be a meal provided for exhibitors and family at 5:00 P.M. -- The auction will start immediately following the meal. 2015 HOOSIER CLASSIC Saturday & Sunday, JUNE 13 & 14, 2015 -- Wayne County Fairgrounds, Richmond, Indiana 2 Rings -- Judges: Yvonne Blosser and Jennifer Peterson- Lohman SHOW CHAIRMAN: SHOW SECRETARY, Ring A: Patty Baker -- 8115 E. St. Rd. 38 -- New Castle, IN 47362 -- 765-332-2081 SHOW SECRETARY, Ring B: Evy Ingle –574-699-6233 RULES & REQUIREMENTS FOR ENTRY The Indiana Dairy Goat Association, Inc. will hold its 43rd annual Hoosier Classic Dairy Goat Shows on June 13 & 14, 2015, at the Wayne County Fairgrounds, Richmond, IN. All shows are official ADGA Shows, and ADGA rules shall govern. The Junior & Senior Doe Shows are separately sanctioned. FEES The deadline for entry is June 1, 2015. All fees are payable with your mailed entry. MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO INDIANA DAIRY GOAT ASSOCIATION (IDGA). If payment does not accompany your entry form, you will be considered a Late Entry and will be charged accordingly! Entry fees are $4.00 per animal PER RING, if postmarked by the deadline. Entry fees postmarked after the deadline will be $6.00 per animal, PER RING. An exhibitor who has pre-entered animals may exchange one animal for another animal, within the same show ring, at the time of check-in and may add additional animals at $4.00 per animal. Pen fees will be $3.00 for animal pens and for tack pens. Pen fees include one or both days. While the number of pens has been decreased since last year, pen availability for late entries CANNOT BE GUARANTEED. Mail entries to Patty Baker -- 8115 E. St. Rd. 38 -- New Castle, IN 47362. Check your entries for the correct class numbers for each animal ( MAKE SURE YOU CHECK EACH RING YOU WANT THE ANIMAL SHOWN IN AND CLASS.) PLEASE mail your entries early! Early entries have priority in pen assignments. ARRIVAL AND CHECK-IN The committee will be available to accept dairy goats at 5:00 PM Friday, June 12 th, unless prior arrangements for early arrival have been made with the chairman. Please check with the committee for the location of your pens before unloading animals, as pens will be assigned. The entry table will be open from 5:00 PM to 11:00 PM on Friday and from 6:00 to 7:30 AM Saturday and Sunday mornings. Bedding will not be provided. Indicate on your entry form the number of bales of hay and/or straw you will need. HAY AND STRAW PAYMENT MUST BE INCLUDED WITH YOUR ENTRY FORM. Hay- $7.00 per bale - Straw$4.00 per bale, prices may vary according to availability. The Indiana Dairy Goat Association, Inc. and the Wayne County Fairgrounds will not be responsible for any losses, damages, or accidents which could result in personal loss or injury. No dogs & no smoking in the barns! HEALTH REQUIREMENTS Out-of-state dairy goats must have health certificates signed by their vet's office. In-state animals do not need health papers. NO UNLOADING OF ANIMALS UNTIL YOU HAVE BEEN APPROVED BY ONE OF THE COMMITTEE MEMBERS DURING CHECK IN HOURS. YOU MUST RECEIVE A PASS OF INSPECTION BEFORE PENNING ANIMALS. WE WILL HAVE DESIGNATED AREAS FOR UNLOADING. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS A registration or recordation certificate is required for any animal six months or older (born before Jan. 14, 2014). A registration or recordation certificate or stamped duplicate application or stamped Faxed duplicate application showing the date received by the ADGA office is required for any animal under six months of age. NO COPIES of the registration or recordation certificate, stamped duplicate application, or stamped Faxed duplicate shall be accepted by the show officials. Any animal without papers will not be allowed in the show ring. No horned animals may be shown. Entries in Champion Challenge classes must present proof of championship in the form of the prefix CH or GCH affixed to the animal’s registration or recordation certificate. It will be the exhibitor’s responsibility to be present for the class unless the Show Secretary (not the ring steward) has been advised differently. The show will proceed uninterrupted unless animals of the same breed are being shown in both rings at the same time! The pace of the show may quicken from time to time, so bring plenty of help. SHOWMANSHIP: There will be four classes of showmanship on Sunday. The base date is June 14, 2015. ORDER OF SHOW - Shows start at 9:00 A.M. Show order subject to change. Ring B will start at the conclusion of first breed in ring A. Saturday, June 13, 2015 RING A Yvonne Blosser JUNIOR DOES RING B Jennifer Peterson-Lohman JUNIOR DOES Alpine LaMancha Nigerian Nubian Oberhasli Recorded Grade Saanen Sable Toggenburg Alpine LaMancha Nigerian Nubian Oberhasli Recorded Grade Saanen Sable Toggenburg BUCKS Ring A BUCKS Ring B Alpine LaMancha Nigerian Nubian Saanen Sable AOP ( Oberhasli and Toggenburg) Alpine LaMancha Nigerian Nubian Saanen Sable AOP ( Oberhasli and Toggenburg) Sunday, June14, 2015 RING A – Ring B – Beginner Showmanship Junior Showmanship Intermediate Showmanship Senior Showmanship Each beginner showman will receive a trophy and a ribbon. We will acknowledge the three top showmen. First place showmanship winners in the three other classes will receive $50.00 along with the usual trophy and ribbon. Sunday, June 14, 2015 SENIOR DOES SENIOR DOES RING A RING B Alpine Alpine LaMancha Nigerian LaMancha Nigerian Nubian Oberhasli Recorded Grade Saanen Sable Toggenburg Nubian Oberhasli Recorded Grade Saanen Sable Toggenburg The base date for all Sunday shows will be June 14, 2015 The show will proceed uninterrupted unless animals of the same breed are being shown in both rings at the same time! The pace of the show may quicken from time to time, so bring plenty of help. CLASS NUMBERS NOTE: Class numbers only indicate the class your goat will be in and you must select which ring(s) the animal will be shown in on the entry sheet. JUNIOR DOES (Saturday) 1. Junior Kids - Born on or after April 1st of current year 2. Intermediate Kids - Born March 1st to March 31st of current year 3. Senior Kids - Born in January 1st to the end of February of current year 4. Junior Yearlings (never fresh) - Born May 1st to December 31st of previous year 5. Senior Yearlings (never fresh) - Born on January 1 through April 30th of previous year. -- Grand Champion [Rosette] & Reserve Grand Champion [Rosette] -- Best (Junior) Doe In Show BUCKS (Saturday) st 6. Junior Buck Kids- Born on or after April 1 of current year. st 7. Senior Buck Kids- Born January 1 to March31st of current year. --Junior Champion (Rosette) & Reserve Junior Champion (Rosette) st st 8. Junior Yearling Bucks—Born May 1 to December 31 of previous year. th 9. Senior Yearling Bucks—Born January 1 through April 30 of previous year. 10. 2 year old Bucks--- 2 years and under 3 years as of day of show. 11. 3-5 year old bucks—3 years and under 5 years as of day of show. 12. Aged Bucks—5 years and older as of day of show. --Senior Champion (Rosette) & Reserve Senior Champion (Rosette) --Best Of Breed— --Best Buck In Show SHOWMANSHIP (Sunday) 13. Beginners Showmanship - Under 10 years of age day of show 14. Junior Showmanship - 10 to 12 years of age day of show 15. Intermediate Showmanship - 13 to 15 years of age day of show 16. Senior Showmanship - 16 to 19 years of age day of show SENIOR DOES (Sunday) 17. Milking Yearling under 2 Years as of day of show 18. Milking Doe 2 Years and under 3 as of day of show 19. Milking Doe 3 Years and under 4 as of day of show 20. Milking Doe 4 Years and under 5 as of day of show 21. Milking Doe 5 Years and over as of day of show Grand Champion [Rosette] & Reserve Grand Champion [Rosette] 22. Champion Challenge - GCH or CH animals may show in this class or in their own age class, but not both. Best Of Breed and Best Udder of Breed Best (Senior) Doe In Show and Best Udder in Show NIGERIAN SPECIALTY GROUP CLASSES RING A 23. Sr. Get of Sire 24. Dairy Herd 25. Jr. Get of Sire 26. Jr. Best 3 NUBIAN SPECIALTY GROUP CLASSES RING B 27. Sr. Get of Sire 28. Dairy Herd 29. Jr. Get of Sire The INDIANA DAIRY GOAT ASSOCIATION Dairy Wether Show Saturday June 13, 2015 at 9:00 A.M., at the Wayne Co. Fairgrounds, Richmond, IN Judges: Ring “A” Yvonne Blosser Ring “B” Jennifer Lohman-Peterson SHOW SECRETARY, Ring A: Patty Baker -- 8115 E. St. Rd. 38 -- New Castle, IN 47362 -- 765-332-2081 SHOW SECRETARY, Ring B: Evy Ingle -- 574-699-6233 WETHER RULES & REQUIREMENTS FOR ENTRY All dairy wethers must be tattooed or tagged for identification purposes. No meat crosses shown. A sifting committee will be in place, and all wethers will be weighed. Weigh in by 8:A.M, June 13, 2015. Wethers will be shown by weight not breed. It will be the exhibitor’s responsibility to be present for the class unless the Show Secretary (not the ring steward) has been advised differently. The show will proceed uninterrupted unless animals of the same breed are being shown in both rings at the same time! The pace of the show may quicken from time to time, so bring plenty of help. FEES The deadline for entry is June 1, 2015. All fees are payable with your mailed entry. MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO INDIANA DAIRY GOAT ASSOCIATION (IDGA). If payment does not accompany your entry form, you will be considered a Late Entry and will be charged accordingly! Entry fees are $4.00 per animal PER RING, if postmarked by the deadline. Entry fees postmarked after the deadline will be $6.00 per animal, PER RING. An exhibitor who has pre-entered animals may exchange animals one-for-animals one for one, within the same show ring, at the time of check-in and may add animals at $4.00 per animal per, within the same show ring. Pen fees will be $3.00 for animal pens and for tack pens. Pen fees include one or both days. Pen availability for late entries CANNOT BE GUARANTEED. Mail entries to Patty Baker -- 8115 E. St. Rd. 38 -- New Castle, IN 47362. Check your entries for the correct class numbers for each animal (and make sure to check each ring in which you want that animal shown). PLEASE mail your entries early! Early entries have priority in pen assignments. ARRIVAL AND CHECK-IN The committee will be available to accept dairy goats at 5:00 PM Friday, June 12th, unless prior arrangements for early arrival have been made with the chairman. Please check with the committee for the location of your pens before unloading animals. PENS WILL BE ASSIGNED. The entry table will be open from 5:00 PM to 11:00 PM on Friday and from 6:00 to 7:30 AM Saturday. Hay and straw will be available on a preordered and prepaid base. Bedding will not be provided. Indicate on your entry form the number of bales of hay and/or straw you will need. HAY AND STRAW PAYMENT MUST BE INCLUDED WITH YOUR ENTRY FORM. The Indiana Dairy Goat Association, Inc. and the Wayne County Fairgrounds will not be responsible for any losses, damages, or accidents which could result in personal loss or injury. No dogs & no smoking in the barns! HEALTH REQUIREMENTS Out-of-state dairy goats must have health certificates signed by their vet's office. In-state animals do not need health papers. NO UNLOADING OF ANIMALS UNTIL YOU HAVE BEEN APPROVED BY ONE OF THE COMMITTEE MEMBERS DURING CHECK IN HOURS. YOU MUST RECEIVE A PASS OF INSPECTION BEFORE PENNING ANIMALS. WE WILL HAVE DESIGNATED AREAS FOR UNLOADING. 2015 HOOSIER CLASSIC DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES: June 1, 2015 Please mail your entries early! Early entries have priority in pen assignments! Fees are payable with your mailed entry. See the 2015 Hoosier Classic Show bill for all rules and fee information. Mail entries to Patty Baker, 8115 E. St. Rd. 38, New Castle, IN 47362. Make all checks payable to INDIANA DAIRY GOAT ASSOCIATION (IDGA). Check your entries for the correct class numbers. Be sure to check each ring in which you want the animal shown. Herd Name: ___________________________ Exhibitor Name: ______________________ _ ___ Number of pre-entry animals x $4.00 per ring $ _________________ Address: ______________________________ ____Number of tack pens x $3.00 $ ________________ ______________________________________ Phone: _____________________________ _ ___ Number of animal pens x $ 3.00 $ ________________ ____Number of bales of straw x $4.00 $________________ Miles traveled to show: ________________ _ ___ Number of late-entry animals x $6.00 per ring $ ________________ ____Number of bales of hay x $7.00 $________________ Total Due $______________________________________ *Straw and hay will need to be paid for with entry form.. Price will be $5.00 per bale for hay and $4.00 per bale for straw . We will have the best quality of hay and straw as possible. RING A RING B BREED CLASS NUMBER ANIMAL NAME REGISTRATION NUMBER TATTOO RIGHT TATTOO CENTER TATTOO LEFT D.G.B. MM/DDIYY I / / / I I / / / I I I I I I I I / I I Fees are payable with your mailed entry. See the HOOSIER CLASSIC SHOWBILL for all rules & fee information. Entries must be postmarked by JUNE 1, 2015, or late fees will apply. PEN AVAILABILITY FOR LATE ENTRIES CANNOT BE GUARANTEED. For questions and late-entry information, contact the Show Chairman. RING A -- RING B -- . BREED CLASS NUMBER ANIMAL NAME --- ._-- REGISTRA TION NUMBER TATTOO RIGHT TATTOO CENTER TATTOO LEFT D.O_B. MM/DDfYY I I / I / / / I / I / / I / I I I / / I / / / / I / I I / / I / I I I I I I
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