CLASS 1: Corrindon Dancer Colour: Chestnut DOB: 01/04/2011 UELN: 372414005461401 Height: 16.2 hh/167.5 cms IHR: 5461401 Girth: 80"/203 cms Bone: 8.9"/22.6 cms King of Diamonds (IDC1) Flagmount Diamond (IDC1) Gowran Betty (RID) Pride of Shaunlara (IDC1) Crosstown Dancer (IDC1) Tara Sky (RID) Softee (RID) Merry Gold (IDC1) C1/13387/M/001 Year approved: 2015 ADDITIONAL MERITS Irish Draught Horse Studbook Showjumping Eventing Dressage Own Performance ---- Progeny Performance ---- Merry Mate (IDC1) Silver Queen 8 (RID) Carrabawn View (IDC1) Moylough Holly (RID) Killenana View (RID) Killenena Pride (AID) Breeder: Owners: Address: Telephone: Email: Standing 2015: Enquiries to: Telephone: Service Fee: Mr P Hoare Mrs M J Brooks and Mrs D Hoare 2 Camperdown Road, Salcombe, Devon TQ8 8AX 00-44 (0)1548 844199 Twemlows Hall Stud Farm, Whitchurch, Shropshire SY13 2EZ Mrs M J Brooks 00-44 (0) 1548 844199 Apply to owners Venue: Date: Inspectors: Warwickshire College 01 April 2015 Dr Charlotte Moore (Horse Sport Ireland) Mrs Vicky Mathews (IDHS GB) Mr John Newborough (IDHS GB) Profile Recording: Mrs Heather Chaplin (IDHS GB) Veterinary Surgeon: Veterinary Report: Mr Liam Kearns MVB MRCVS Within normal limits Photo Mrs Norma Grubb . Chairman’s Report with Upper Beam Scores Conformation Type Movement Athleticism (Min required for Class 1 is 70) (Min required for Class 1 is 65) (Min required for Class 1 is 70) (Min required for Class 1 is 65) 75 70 77.5 Score / 100 Walk: 75 Trot: 80 Overall Comments: 73.75 Canter: Reflexes: Technique: Scope: 75 70 75 75 Corrindon Dancer is a well-proportioned Irish Draught horse that stands over plenty of ground. He has three good, powerful and active paces. He showed good technique and scope when jumping. Notes: The Irish Draught Main Studbook classification system is as follows: Class 1: for inspected animals that meet veterinary requirements and all the inspection requirements for conformation, type, movement and (where applicable) athleticism. Class 2: for inspected animals that meet veterinary requirements but do not meet all the requirements for conformation, type, movement and athleticism. NB: Both Class 1 and Class 2 animals can produce progeny by a Class 1, Class 2 or RID stallion that are eligible for inspection for Class 1. Class 3: for animals that do not meet veterinary requirements for Class 1 or Class 2. Class 4 / Uninspected: Entry level into the Main Studbook, for animals that have not yet been inspected, or where the inspection could not be completed. NB: Progeny of Class 3 and Class 4 / Uninspected animals are not eligible for inspection. Please see next page for the bar chart for this stallion: Bar Chart for Corrindon Dancer Conformation trait 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Body Shape Head appearance Head/neck connection Length of neck Muscling of neck Position of neck Height of withers Position of shoulder Barrel Line of back Line of loins Shape of croup Length of croup Forearm Cannon bone length Substance of legs Stance of forelegs Stance of pastern Heels Stance of hind legs Knees (front view) Stance of forelegs Shape of feet Quality of legs Hindquarters/gaskins Stance of hind legs Type Movement trait 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Walk: length of stride Walk: correctness Trot: length of stride Trot: correctness Trot: elasticity Trot: impulsion Trot: balance Canter: length of stride Canter: impulsion Canter: balance Athleticism trait 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Reflexes: Technique: forelegs Technique: back Technique: haunches Scope: Elasticity: Care: Attitude: Description Obvious a b c Average d e f Obvious g h i rectangular fine light long heavy vertical high sloping deep strong strong sloping long strong short heavy over at knee sloping high sickle big toed in wide lean strong cow-hocked breed standard Description square plain heavy short poor horizontal flat straight shallow weak weak flat short weak long light back at knee upright low straight small toed out narrow blurred weak bow-hocked not breed standard Obvious a b c Average d e f Obvious g h i long toed in long correct elastic powerful carrying long powerful carrying Description quick bent rounded open much supple careful much Description Description short toed out short incorrect stiff weak pushing short weak pushing Obvious a b c Average d e f Obvious g h i Description slow stretched hollow tight little stiff not careful little Comments from profile: None Completed on behalf of the inspection team by Heather Chaplin Registration and inspection administration manager IDHS (GB) 03/04/2015
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