IDRA Newsletter_May_2015

Iona and
May 2015 Newsletter - Delivered Free
Chairman’s Report
IDRA Officers
Due to the departure of Dr Robert Scanlon, I have assumed the
role. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Robert for all
his hard work with IDRA, especially with his leadership dealing
with Croke Park and the Smurfit Planning concerns last year which
required a lot of his personal time and effort which I commend and
thank him for.
Acting Chairperson:
Cormac McKay
Acting Secretary:
Philippa Kidd
Anna Broderick
I would also like to extend my gratitude to IDRA’s long serving
secretary Philippa Kidd who is retiring from the role of secretary
after many years of hard work and service. On behalf of IDRA, a
big thank you very much from everyone.
Croke Park Rep:
Dave Purdue
Since assuming the role I’ve tried tackling the serious litter
problem we have in our area. I do want to thank Dublin City
Council litter collectors who have tried to stay on top of the
matter. Unfortunately due to the sheer volume being dumped
and lack of enforcement from the litter warden it has been very
Environment Rep:
Clare Gormley
Membership Rep:
Marie Fox
Planning Rep:
Ita McTigue
Dublin City Council do have a number of ways of reporting such
litter including taking pictures and reporting them on twitter
@Dublinlitter and the and DDC litter warden
Dublin City Hotline 1800 250 500
DCC are also having a public consultation for ideas on combating
the litter problem, with some of our neighbours now considering
taking legal action against landlords whose tenants continuously
litter illegally, bringing our neighbourhood into disrepute. The
IDRA will be more than happy to assist in anyway it can.
I do look forward to meeting you all at our AGM on Wednesday
27th May and I encourage all new residents to the area to come
along and have this opportunity to meet your neighbours. We are
also looking for new members to join our committee.
Multi Media Rep:
Cormac McKay
Cormac McKay
IDRA’s Interim Chairman
AGM 2015 Wednesday May 27th
Join the committee for a glass of wine at 7.30, before getting
down to business at 8pm. We will be joined by our public
representatives, many of whom will be new to our AGM, as we are
now represented by Co. Councilors for the Ballymun Ward, due to
the change in constituency boundaries.
Members from An Garda Síochána will also attend and report
on crime statistics in our area for the past year. If you have any
queries, or issues you might like to raise with the committee/
public representatives/Gardai/DCC, we ask that you e-mail them
to prior to the AGM so that we can ensure that they
are included on the agenda.
Cormac McKay
Interim Chairman
Annual Clean-Up
The IDRA annual area clean-up will take place on Saturday 6th
June. Bags, gloves and litter pickers, supplied by Dublin City
Council, can be collected at St. Columba’s School, Crawford
Avenue at 10.30am.
Rubbish from the clean-up will be collected by DCC. We would ask
all residents to make a special effort to help clean up their area.
Membership Fees
Please support the work carried out by IDRA on your behalf by
becoming a member. You can join at our AGM or alternatively,
send or drop in your contribution (making sure to include your
name & address) to Marie Fox, Membership Secretary, at |
@IonaResidents |
14 St. Brigid’s Road Upper, Tel. no.: 01 5042388. Fees are €10
annually per household, or the reduced rate of €5 for pensioners/
unwaged. Our membership year runs from May 2015 - May 2016 all contributions gratefully received.
Iona and District Resident’s Association (IDRA)
IDRA Garden Competition
The Annual IDRA Garden Competition Prize
Giving took place on January 19th at the
Maples Hotel.
Mr. Matthew Jebb, Director of the National
Botanic Gardens and judge of the garden
competition, presented the winners with their
prizes. He thanked and complimented the
10 entrants for the work they had put into
their front gardens. Mr Jebb also thanked the
committee, in particular Celine Byrne, Marie Fox
and Clare Gormley for all their work in helping to
organise the event. A great night was had by all.
The 2014 winners were as follows;
1st place - Lillian Rath, St. Patricks Road
2nd place - Frank Cullen, Crawford Avenue
3rd place - Thomas Scanlon, Iona Park
Highly Commended;
Maureen McQuirk, Iona Villas
Brian McLoughlin, Whitworth Road
Par King, Botanic Road
Calling all Greenfingers! We are also grateful to the folks at Dublin
City Storage (St. Josephs Avenue) and
Independent Pizza (Lower Drumcondra Road)
have very kindly offered to help get the project
up and running.
6th June
Annual clean-up for
the whole area.
6th June
Plant Sale.
7th June
Family Fun Day.
IDRA would like to say a special thanks to all the
local businesses that supported this event, a list
of which is on our website. Please support our
local businesses.
IDRA Garden Competition winner, Lillian Rath.
We are delighted that Croke Park has awarded
funding for a landscape architect to help
redesign the green area on St. Annes Road. Dates for
your Diary
We will be holding a community meeting to
discuss the garden in the near future so if you
would like to join in please keep your eye out
at or
contact Jen at
Jen Martin
Iona & District
Iona & District Neighbourhood
Watch meet on the first
Tuesday of each month in the
Maples Hotel at 8 o clock. The
local Garda from Mountjoy
Garda Station attend each
month and report on the
previous month crime in the
area. For Anti-social behaviour,
refer to An Garda Síochána.
Tel no. 01 6668107
Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm.
Top 5 burglary prevention tips;
1. Secure all doors and
2. Light up your house. Use
timer switches when out.
3. Store keys safely and
away from windows and
4. Record details of valuables
and don’t keep large
amounts of cash at home.
5. Use your alarm, even when
you’re at home.
For more information see: |
@IonaResidents |
Iona and District Resident’s Association (IDRA)