517 N. Howe Street Southport, NC 28461 Office: 910.457.3720 Fax: 910.457.3728 THE DIFFERENCE IS IN THE DETAILS BILL DINNEAN I must have been born with salt water in my veins. I have always gravitated to the water and have lived on Nantucket, Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard and coastal Connecticut. It is no surprise that the allure and charm of Southport and the Carolina coast was a natural fit for our family. Our two Newfoundlands have discovered the delight of swimming the waves on the dog-friendly beaches of Oak Island. In addition to the beach, I have found tennis, golf and paddle boarding to be great fun here. I have spent the last 35 years in a clientcentered business that built its success on creating a foundation of trust, knowledge and communication, but most importantly the art of listening. The key to my success then and now is to listen first, communicate frequently and deliver always. “With Bill, it will be all about you!” Bill Dinnean Broker 910.477.0657 BillDinnean@gmail.com Three Rivers Realty has been based in Southport, NC since it first opened in 2005. The unique towns of Southport, Oak Island, St. James and Boiling Spring Lakes are the cornerstones of our business. Our company is purposefully small with the ability to devote focused attention on our client’s needs. www.ThreeRiversRealtyNC.com
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