10th Anniversary Celebrations of YouTube “Best of YouTube”

Computer Society of India, Chennai
IEEE Computer Society, Madras
IEEE Professional Communication Society, Madras
Cordially invite you to the
10th Anniversary Celebrations of YouTube
Screening and Discussions on
“Best of YouTube”
A select no. of video clips crowd sourced from our members of our societies and
supporting organisations and others will be screened.
The event is scheduled on Monday, 18th May 2015 at 6.00 p.m.
at CSI Education Directorate, Taramani, Chennai – 600113
(Situated in the opposite lane to Indira Nagar MRTS Railway Station.
About 100 meters away from the Dharmambal Women’s Polytechnic &
Opposite to the Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Institute of Hotel Management)
Mr. K. Bhaskaran
Chairman, CSI, Chennai
Mr. H.R. Mohan
Chairman, IEEE CS & PCS, Madras
Programme: 6.00: Tea & Fellowship :: 6.30: Screening of videos :: 7.45 Dinner
Participants are requested to pre-register for logistics at
NOTE: If you had already registered based on our invite for the same pgm planned to be held on 11th May and
which had to be cancelled due to some unavoidable circumstances, there is NO NEED to re-register. Your
earlier registration will be considered valid. However, if you decide not to attend the pgm on 18th May due to
some reasons, you may email us at ramasamy.csi@gmail.com about your inability to attend.
About the Programme: YouTube, the largest video sharing site allows billions of people to discover, watch
and share videos. YouTube provides a forum for people to connect, inform, and inspire others across the
globe and acts as a distribution platform for original content creators and advertisers large and small.
YouTube was officially launched / opened to public access in May 2005, though on 23rd Apr 2005, the firstever video was posted on the site. According to the official site of YouTube, as on 25th Apr 2015, it has
more than 1 billion users and everyday people watch hundreds of millions of hours on YouTube and
generate billions of views. It may be of interest to note that 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube
every minute and about 60% of a creator's views come from outside their home country. YouTube is
localized in 75 countries and available in 61 languages. YouTube has millions of video clips and deal with a
variety of themes like entertainment, education, music, technology, medicine, science, motivation, skill
development, cuisine, travel, advertisement to name a few. These clips satisfy the needs of people of
different age groups and other demographics.
This programme is being organised to celebrate the 10th anniversary of YouTube by screening some
crowd sourced video clips from our members/participants.