Decreasing the Memory Footprint of Virtual Machines Karim Elghamrawy, Diana Franklin, Fred Chong Difference Cache Design We provide five Ubuntu virtual machines running commonly used cloud applications as shown in the following Table VM1 Ubuntu 14 running apache benchmark VM2 Ubuntu 13 running apache benchmark VM3 Ubuntu 14 compiling the linux kernel VM4 Ubuntu 14 running redis benchmark VM5 Ubuntu 14 running sysbench Workload Characterization Our Experiment uses the KVM hypervisor and eight workload mixes. Each workload mix is comprised of two virtual machines. Figure 1 shows the number of identical and similar pages for the eight mixes classified as stable, pseudostable, and unstable pages in a period of 10 minutes. It is shown that the vast majority of identical pages remain stable. For similar pages, the vast majority of pages are either stable or pseudostable. Figure 2 shows the number of similar pages with different divergence sizes (d) Mix1 VM1 and VM3 Mix2 VM1 and VM4 Mix3 VM1 and VM5 Mix4 VM2 and VM3 Mix5 VM2 and VM4 Mix6 VM2 and VM5 Mix7 VM3 and VM4 Mix8 VM4 and VM5 Unlike traditional page sharing, pages that are identical or similar share parts of the physical address and differ in the MSBs of the address. Those different bits allow the difference cache to store page differences among pages that start out as identical or similar. Block threshold Analysis Efficiency (η) is defined as the ratio of the absolute memory saved to the difference cache size required for this savings, Savings (S) is the absolute memory saved in MegaBytes. 1800 1600 1400 1200 Mix1 Mix2 Mix3 Mix9 Mix4 Mix5 Mix6 Mix7 Mix8 1000 S * η (MB) VM Configurations Since many DRAMs now allow for DRAM caching by having a cache attached to the DRAM, we implement our Difference cache using a DRAM cache and a new design of the memory controller. Our implementation requires no change in the processor or the operating systems running on top of the VMM. 800 600 400 Block threshold is the the number of blocks per page that a difference cache can track. As block threshold increases, (S) is expected to increase, but (η) is expected to decrease 200 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Block threshold Figure 3: The savings-Effciency Product for different block thresholds and different workloads 600 500 In Figure 3 the (savings * efficiency) is plotted. For all the workloads, the maximum (Savings * efficiency) product happens around 4blocks. In Figure 4 and Figure 5, the absolute memory savings and the difference cache size required for each of the workloads at three different block thresholds. 4 (the sweet spot), 8, and 32 (the maximum absolute savings achievable) are presented. Absolute Memory Savings in MB Multiple virtual machines usually run on the same physical server. These virtual machines often run similar operating systems and applications resulting in duplicate memory data. Reducing the memory footprint of those VMs decreases the energy consumed by the memory system. Transparent page sharing is a memory deduplication mechanism that detects duplicate memory pages and keeps only one copy in the physical memory. We achieve more memory savings by further storing page differences. To mitigate the associated performance overhead, we try to predict the state of the page. Stable pages are good candidates for traditional page sharing, pseudo-stable pages are good candidates for storing the differences, and unstable pages are ignored. 400 S at 4-blocks (MB) S at 8-blocks (MB) S at 32-blocks (MB) 300 200 100 0 Mix1 Mix2 Mix3 Mix4 Mix5 Mix6 Mix7 Mix8 Mix9 Mix10 Mix11 Mix12 Mix13 Mix14 Figure 4: Memory Savings for 4,8, and 32 block-thresholds 160 140 120 Cache Size in MBs Abstract 100 Cache Size at 4-blocks (MB) Cache Size at 8 blocks(MB) Cache Size at 32 blocks(MB) 80 60 40 20 0 Mix1 Mix2 Mix3 Mix4 Mix5 Mix6 Mix7 Mix8 Mix9 Mix10 Mix11 Mix12 Mix13 Mix14 Figure 5: Difference Cache capacity required for 4, 8, and 32 blockthresholds Figure 1: The number of identical and similar pages for each workload. Figure 2: The number of similar pages categorized by divergence size d Performance Considerations To reduce the performance overhead associated with merging pages that are highly dynamic, we try to expect the behavior of pages based on their linux kernel flags. Figure 6: Flags breakdown of physical pages that start out as “identical” and are referenced by a “single” process Figure 7: Flags breakdown of physical pages that start out as “similar” and are referenced by a “single” process Figure 8: Flags breakdown of physical pages Figure 9: Flags breakdown of physical pages that start out as “similar” and are referenced that start out as “identical” and are by a “many” processes referenced by a “many” processes
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