Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum 2015

2015‫ملتقى اإلبـداع وريـادة األعـمـال‬
Innovation & Entrepreneurship Forum 2015
29 April 2015 -10 Rajab 1436 H, King Abdulaziz Historical Hall, UQU, Makkah, KSA
& Entrepreneurship
Forum 2015
Market Synergy
Introductory Brochure
29 April 2015, corresponding to 10 Rajab 1436
Umm Al-Qura University – King Abdulaziz Historical Hall
Makkah Al-Mukarama – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Forum 2015
Transforming innovations
into a knowledge-based economy
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum 2015 Entrepreneurship
is the force that drives innovation, and innovation in
entrepreneurship fuels the economy..
Innovation is vital for the durability
of any country.
the kingdom’s entrepreneurial culture
by encouraging and fostering the
development of entrepreneurial ideas and
skills of its students. UQU’s initiatives
are enabling cutting edge research and
knowledge exchange activities on how
innovation can make business more
competitive across all sectors, and help
Saudi Arabia improve public services
and meet the social, environmental and
economic challenges it faces. The center
aims to advance knowledge on innovation
through high quality independent research
that engages directly with policy and
Over the last few decades Saudi Arabia
has changed considerably, growing from
strength to strength because of its focus
on adapting to the unique challenges the
country faces, transforming society into
a knowledge-based economy, through
innovation and entrepreneurship.
Innovation and entrepreneurship form
the backbone of the kingdom, and
are essential for the development and
success of business and industry.
Entrepreneurs are the drivers of the
country’s commerce, and the innovators
of its economy.
Saudi Arabia’s leading universities,
companies and NGO’s have all undertaken
initiatives in order to promote innovation
and entrepreneurship and bring together
the power of ideas and technology to
create new ventures and support the
kingdom’s growth across all sectors.
By embracing innovation to keep up
with the pace of change in the kingdom,
entrepreneurs are moving steadily forward
with a wealth of creative and innovative
ideas that transform into competitive
products and services, helping to fulfil
the kingdom’s needs, while also allowing
entrepreneurs and their businesses to
garner financial gains that in turn help to
boost Saudi Arabia’s economy.
The innovation and entrepreneurship
forum will be a global gathering for the
leading minds in these fields. It will
provide a chance for them to share
best practices, expert knowledge, and
ideas that will contribute towards Saudi
Arabia’s knowledge-based economy.
Umm al Qura’s Innovation and
Entrepreneurship Center, is aiding
Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Forum 2015
The Forum Tracks
A unique gathering of experts and decision makers from around the world will
gather at the forum, to discuss innovation, entrepreneurship and creativity.
By brainstorming best practices, knowledge, research, and innovative and
entrepreneurial ideas, delegates at the forum will contribute to the development
and support of Saudi Arabia’s knowledge-based economy.
The theme of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Forum 2015 is Market Synergy
The forum will be organized around three main tracks:
Building bridges between
universities and market
The private sector
perspective of the liaison
with the universities
In this track success stories of how the relationship
between universities and the market can really work,will
be highlighted. Examples will be given of ideas and
products that were developed at educational institutions
and then transferred to the commercial market
successfully, along with an explanation of exactly how
that success was achieved.
The requirements of the private sector will be explored in
this track, to explain in detail what this sector needs from
universities in order to take products and ideas to market.
Looking at the other side of the relationship, attendees will
also hear what the universities need from the private sector
to establish the same outcome.
Entrepreneurs and
This track will look at entrepreneurs themselves, and hear
what they think they need from universities. This will help
universities to get an idea of what they can do to help
entrepreneurs go to market with their products and ideas.
Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Forum 2015
Target Attendees
Talent alone is not enough for a thriving innovation and entrepreneurship
program, an ‘ecosystem’ is needed
The three pivotal sub-systems include
three clusters of stakeholders: talent,
infrastructure and investment. UQU’s
strategy is to provide regular forums
for these three groups to meet, network
and exchange ideas on how to develop
an innovative and entrepreneurial
environment, that will continue to grow.
Key Stakeholders
of National Innovation
and Entrepreneurship
The forum seeks to attract stakeholders who, when grouped together,
create the required environment for a thriving innovative
and entrepreneurial ecosystem
Forum participants will include:
• Inventors, innovators and entrepreneurs
• Researchers and developers, educators and scientists
• Technology experts and trainers
• Management consultants and financial advisors
• Infrastructure
Technology parks
• University R&D centers
• National innovation and entrepreneurship programs
• Technology incubation programs
• Innovation and entrepreneurship NGOs
• Patent offices and intellectual property protection officers
• Banks and financial institutions
• National funding programs
• University R&D, and innovation funding programs
• Private sector company programs
• NGO’s financial support
• Venture capitalists and private investors
Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Forum 2015
Umm Al-Qura University
Serving the Holy city of Makkah...
Umm Al-Qura University is dedicated to supporting the kingdom’s
policy to advance all research that serves Saudi Arabia’s holy places,
and ensures the safety and comfort of visitors from around the world
Vice Presidency of Business & Innovation
Umm Al-Qura’s position in the holy city of Makkah makes it a distinguished
academic institution dedicated to serving the kingdom’s knowledge based
economy. The Business and Innovation Program continually contributes to the
development of human resources and innovative services and products for
both the public and private sectors, based on the requirements of the city of
Makkah, and the kingdom’s development plans.
The program is designed to meet the kingdom’s aim of transferring and
investing in knowledge to enhance society and services. It boasts a Center of
Innovation and Entrepreneurship, a Center of Technology Transfer, business
incubators, an intellectual property office, and technical innovation centers. It
also houses the Institute of Research and Consulting studies, and a center for
vocational support.
UQU Innovation and Entrepreneurship Institute
The university launched this program as its latest initiative in support of
the strategic development plans of the holy city, to aid and maintain its
transformation into a vibrant knowledge-based economy.
Organizing Committee...
Nabeel A. Koshak, Ph.D.
Badryah Al Jahdali, Ph.D.
Twitter : @nkoshak
Dr. Saleh Basalamah
President f Vice President for Business & Innovation,
Umm Al-Qura University
Vice Chairman of BOD,
Makkah Techno Valley Co.
Vice-Dean for women department,
Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Umm Al-Qura University
Deputy Director
KACST GIS Technology Innovation Center
Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia
Fawaz A. Saad, Ph.D.
Dean of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Institute Twitter : @FawazSaad
Dr. Anas Basalamah
Assistant Professor, Umm Al-Qura University Fahim,
Makani and Core Blu
Prof. Mohammad Kasim Ibrahim
Adviser Vice Presidency of Business & Innovation,
(Intellectual property management)
Dr. Ali Al-Shaery
Dean of the Institute of Consulting Research and
Osamah R. Alamri, Ph.D.
Dr. Wadia Al barqawi
CEO, Makkah Techno Valley Company
Twitter : @alamrio
General Supervisor, Makkah Techno Valley
Supporting Organizations
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Umm Al-Qura University
P.O.Box : 715 Makkah 21955 Saudi Arabia,
Tel.: 00966125270000 ext : 1596,
Fax: 00966125271229
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