4/27/2015 The Unified Modeling Language Class Diagrams 1 UML 2.0 Unified Modeling Language Graphical modeling language for OO systems Industry-wide standard Based on a metamodel Build “blueprint” of key system properties Means of communication Among developers Between developers and users Applicable across development phases Languages Structure Behavior Class diagram Activity diagram Component diagram UML state machine diagram Composite structure diagram Use Case Diagram Deployment diagram Interaction diagrams Object diagram Package diagram Profile diagram OCL (Object Constraint Language, Textual) 1 4/27/2015 Association vs. Attribute What is the difference between Associations and Attributes? Both attributes and associations capture relationships between classes. Can an association represent any attribute? Can an attribute represent any association? Do they differ only in graphical representation? Class Diagrams Created with Papyrus, a UML tool for Eclipse Class Diagrams Abstract Class 2 4/27/2015 Class Diagrams Interface Class Diagrams <<Interface>> is a stereotype Class Diagrams Inheritance 3 4/27/2015 Class Diagrams Attribute (Java class field) Operation (Method in Java) Class Diagrams Association (has name: assocName) Class Diagrams Multiplicity (0 or more) Multiplicity (exactly 1) Multiplicity (1 or more) 4 4/27/2015 Class Diagrams Association End Name Domain Model of the Library 14 The Library Goal: Implement fines on rentables to increase revenue from delinquent returns The library provides members with the opportunity to check out Publications that include books, periodicals, DVDs and (old) Video Tapes, each of which have a different fine associated with it. Publications are due two weeks after checkout and a fine of $1 is incurred for every day late. If this recurs, the fine is doubled. Model this domain using UML. Discuss what patterns you would use to notify members if they have reserved a book. 15 5 4/27/2015 From java code to UML Class Diagrams Can you write the class diagram for the Library Java code? 16 UML for Strategy (Sample) 17 Strategy Introduces dependency to interfaces in the abstract class. Each concrete implementation depends on an concrete implementation of the encapsulated behavior. Picture from Eric Freeman, Elisabeth Robson, Bert Bates, and Kathy Sierra: Head First Design Patterns, O'Reilly, 2004 6 4/27/2015 Strategy Tradeoffs <<Interface>> AlgorithmUser uses Algorithm Algorithm myAlgorithm Introduces dependency to interfaces in the class. You can change the algorithm at runtime. Alg1 doSomething() Alg2 doSomething() doSomething() You need to assign a concrete implementation of Algorithm to the AlgorithmUser. Can you add a Strategy to Library? Can we make the algorithm to compute late fees pluggable? Show this in the Class Diagram. 20 Take-Aways User stories are a starting point for an architecture Architecture documents Helps in uncovering new requirements Helps in managing risks UML Model the domain 21 7 Book.java 1 package edu.ucsd.cse110.library; 2 3 public class Book extends Publication { 4 private String title; 5 public Book(String string) { 6 title=string; 7 } 8 9 protected boolean isLate(int days, String type) { 10 if (type.equals("Teacher")) { 11 //teachers can keep books for 2 weeks 12 return days>14; 13 } 14 if (type.equals("Student")) { 15 if(getCheckoutDate().getMonthValue()>6 && 16 getCheckoutDate().getMonthValue()<9) { 17 //In summer students can keep books for 1 month 18 return days>30; 19 } 20 //Usually students can keep books for 2 weeks 21 return days>14; 22 } 23 //Everybody else can keep the books for 1 week 24 return days>7; 25 } 26 27 protected double lateFee(int days, String type, double currentFee) { 28 if (type.equals("Teacher") || 29 type.equals("Student") ) { 30 //We charge 1 dollar per late day to students and teachers 31 double assessed = (days‐14)*1; 32 if (type.equals("Student") && 33 (currentFee+assessed)>10) { 34 //Students are never charged more than 10 dollars per month 35 if (currentFee<10) 36 assessed=10‐currentFee; 37 else 38 assessed=0; 39 } 40 return assessed; 41 } 42 //Everybody else pays 1.5 dollars per late day 43 return (days‐14)*1.5; 44 } 45 46 @Override 47 protected void computeLateFee(int days, Member member) { 48 if (isLate(days, member.getType())) 49 member.applyLateFee(lateFee(days, 50 member.getType(), 51 member.getDueFees())); 52 } 53 54 } Member.java 1 package edu.ucsd.cse110.library; 2 3 public class Member { 4 private String memberType; 5 private String name; 6 private double fees; 7 public Member(String string, String type) { 8 name=string; 9 memberType = type; 10 } 11 12 public double getDueFees() { 13 return fees; 14 } 15 16 public void applyLateFee(double i) { 17 fees+=i; 18 } 19 20 public String getType() { 21 return memberType; 22 } 23 24 } Publication.java 1 package edu.ucsd.cse110.library; 2 3 import java.time.LocalDate; 5 6 public abstract class Publication { 7 8 private Member hasBook; 9 private LocalDate checkoutDate; 10 11 public void checkout(Member member, LocalDate checkoutDate2) { 12 hasBook=member; 13 this.checkoutDate = checkoutDate2; 14 } 15 16 public boolean isCheckout() { 17 return checkoutDate!=null; 18 } 19 20 public Member getMember() { 21 return hasBook; 22 } 23 24 public LocalDate getCheckoutDate() { 25 return checkoutDate; 26 } 27 28 public void pubReturn(LocalDate returnDate) { 29 int daysKept = Period.between(checkoutDate, returnDate).getDays(); 30 computeLateFee(daysKept, hasBook); 31 hasBook=null; 32 checkoutDate=null; 33 } 34 35 protected abstract void computeLateFee(int days, Member member); 36 37 }
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