March 19, 2015 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL ON-CALL ENVIRONMENTAL AND PLANNING SERVICES The City of Desert Hot Springs, hereinafter referred to as the City, is inviting proposals from qualified consulting firms to provide Planning Services to the City for overflow environmental and entitlement work. To be considered for this contract, your firm must meet the qualifications and satisfy the requirements as stated in the Request for Proposal (RFP). The list will be maintained by the City for a minimum one year period, July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016. Time Schedule: The following is the City's tentative schedule for the selection of a Consulting firm to provide Planning and Environmental Services to the City: 1. Request for Proposal Dated: March 20, 2015 2. RFP Question Deadline May 11, 2015 3. Deadline for filing RFP: May 20, 2015 4. City review of proposals: May 26 –June 8, 2015 5. Interviews (If needed) June 10, 2015 6. City Council Approves Consultant List Decision July 1, 2015 Prior to 5:00 p.m., on May 20, 2015 five (5) proposals and an electronic version (either e-mailed or submitted via USB Storage Device) shall be submitted to: Rich Malacoff, AICP, Senior Planner Community Development Department City of Desert Hot Springs 65-950 Pierson Blvd. Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240 All Proposals must be received by the City no later than 5:00 PM, PST, May 20, 2015 where at such time and said place Proposals will be publicly opened, examined and declared. Any proposal may be withdrawn by Offeror(s) prior to the above scheduled time for the opening of Proposals. Any proposal received after that time and date specified shall NOT be considered. All questions regarding this RFP should be directed to Rich Malacoff, AICP, Senior Planner at Contact with City of Desert Hot Springs personnel other than those listed above regarding this RFP may be grounds for elimination from the selection process. If you are interested in receiving answers to questions and/or updates contact Rich Malacoff as soon as possible so that you will have the most current information. The City will also accept questions by email; however, all emailed questions must be received by the City no later than 6:00 PM, PST, May 11, 2015 Send email questions to Rich Malacoff, AICP, Senior Planner, at Inquiries received after 6:00 PM May 11, 2015 will not be accepted or answered. Responses from the City will be communicated in writing to all parties who have expressed interest to this RFP via e-mail. Sincerely, Rich Malacoff, AICP Senior Planner CITY OF DESERT HOT SPRINGS REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR ON-CALL PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES PART I: SELECTION CRITERIA A final retainer contract will be awarded to the five (5) most highly qualified Consultants who can best meet the requirements as specified; and provide high quality, productive Planning Services to the City, as determined by the City Council based on the following factors which are listed without implication of priority: 1. The Consultant’s experience with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Entitlement Review, Presentations, and the ability to Provide Outstanding Customer Service. 2. The consultant’s ability to function independently as an extension of staff with regard to answering the public’s questions, preparing staff reports, review of building plans, presentations at public hearing, providing inspections for planning, and knowledge of the State’s hearing and notice requirements. 3. The ability and willingness of the Consultant to meet all requirements as outlined in the scope of work (see Exhibit A). 4. The thoroughness of the proposal package and the ability to follow direction. 5. Provide an organizational chart, list of all employees, and contractors who may be involved in providing this service to the City PART II: INSTRUCTIONS, CONDITIONS, and LEGAL REQUIREMENTS 1. The City of Desert Hot Springs has outlined the Scope of Work in Exhibit A. All firms are encouraged to identify any additional project related tasks not identified by the City. Creativity in providing services is encouraged and will be looked at favorably. 2. The Consultant shall defend, indemnify, and hold the City of Desert Hot Springs, its officers, agents, volunteers, and employees free and harmless from any and all causes of action or claims of damages arising out of or related to the Consultant’s performance under this contract. 3. The City reserves the right to negotiate terms and scope of work with the highest ranked Consultants. If an agreement cannot be negotiated the City reserves the right to negotiate with any other Consultant. 4. Selected Consultants is required to comply with all existing State and Federal labor laws. If the Consultant out-sources any work or job to a Sub-Contractor/Consultant, it will be the prime Consultant’s responsibility to ensure that all Sub-Contractors/Consultants meet the requirements as stated in this RFP. 5. The City will choose five (5) firms to be on retainer to work with the City on overflow development projects that will be paid for by the project applicants. The City will rotate work among the five (5) firms selected. 6. Before execution of any potential contract, the selected Consultant will be obligated to provide evidence of liability insurance to include: Worker’s Compensation, General Liability, and Automobile Liability of $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 aggregate. 7. The successful Consultants will be independent contractors, and nothing shall be construed to cause the Consultants to be deemed or represent itself as an employee of the City. 8. Any evidence of agreement or collusion among Consultants acting illegally to restrain freedom of competition by agreement to propose a fixed price, or otherwise, will render the proposal of such Consultant void. 9. The selected Consultants agree to maintain a City of Desert Hot Springs Business License for the duration of the retainer agreement. 10. The Consultant shall submit a list of at least ten (10) references that have purchased similar Environmental/Planning/ and/or CEQA Services from the Consultant and provide samples of work such as Staff Reports and/or CEQA Documents. References with local government for large scale development are preferred. Consultant shall provide company name, contact name and phone number for each reference and also a brief explanation of each project explaining the service performed. 11. The City will issue an RFP each year for a list of qualified consultants for On-Call Planning and Environmental Services and this status is not transferrable. 12. Future potential contracts between any Consultant and the City are non-transferable. Consultants shall not assign any potential agreement without written permission of the City. Consultants shall notify the City, in writing, of any potential change in ownership at least thirty (30) days prior to said change. 13. Prohibited Interest – No officer, elected official, or employee of the City of Desert Hot Springs shall have any financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement, the proceeds thereof, the Consultant, or Consultant’s sub-Contractors/Consultants for this project, during his/her tenure or for one year thereafter. The Consultant hereby warrants and represents to the City that no officer or employee of the City of Desert Hot Springs has any interest, whether contractual, non-contractual, financial or otherwise, in this transaction, or in the business of the Consultant or Consultant’s subContractors/Consultants on this project. Consultant further agrees to notify the City in the event any such interest is discovered whether or not such interest is prohibited by law or this Agreement. PART III QUALIFICATIONS Please provide a resume of the key professional staff members that will be working with the City directly to provide Planning and Environmental Services for the City of Desert Hot Springs. The resumes should include but are not limited to the following information: • Project manager with experience in CEQA, and Project entitlement work at the local governmental level. Project Manager should also have experience with working with the public, presentations, and writing staff reports. Experience with Microsoft Office Products is expected. • Also provide the resume of any other staff and/or outside firm that would be involved in aspects of the projects such as engineers, biologist, air quality, greenhouse gasses, noise, archeologists and architects. PART IV: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Consultant is required to carefully and fully investigate all of the requirements of this RFP. By submitting a proposal, Consultant represents and certifies to the City that such investigation has been completed and that it fully understands the scope of work. 2. The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals where deemed necessary. 3. The City will not reimburse Consultants for any costs involved in the preparation and submission of proposals. Furthermore, this RFP does not obligate the City to accept or contract for any expressed or implied services. 4. The City reserves the right to request any Consultant submitting a proposal to clarify its proposal or to supply additional material deemed necessary to assist in the selection process. 5. All submitted proposals and information included therein or attached thereto shall become public record. 6. Consultant is requested to provide any exceptions, additional information or suggestions that will aid in the City’s selection process. 7. The City expects a concise document with no more than thirty-five (35) pages. 8. Required Format a. b. b. c. Cover Letter with Contact Information to include phone, address, and e-mail Table of Contents Overview of Firm Work Experience d. e. f. g. h. i. j. 9. Organizational Chart Project Team Project Management Philosophy and Qualifications with Public Agencies Customer Service Philosophy Resumes of Key Staff Members, References, and Writing Samples Cost Schedule of all Employees (Hourly Fully Burdened Rate) and Administrative Costs Any questions regarding this RFP should be referred, to Rich Malacoff, AICP at by May 11, 2015. EXHIBIT A POTENTIAL SCOPE OF WORK Task 1 Environmental Review and Processing Sub-Task 1a: Prepare potential CEQA documents including Negative Declarations, Mitigated Negative Declarations, Environmental Impact Reports, Supplemental Environmental Impact Reports, or Addendum Environmental Impact Reports. Sub-Task 1b: Provide potential Peer Reviews of CEQA/NEPA documents such as Negative Declarations/Environmental Assessments, Mitigated Negative Declarations, Environmental Impact Reports/Environmental Impact Statements, Supplemental Environmental Impact Reports, or Addendum Environmental Impact Reports prepared directly by applicants to ensure that they satisfy all requirements. Sub -Task 1c: Prepare and distribute potential Notices of Availability, Notices of Completion and Notices of Determination during the appropriate time in the life of a potential project. Sub -Task 1d: Assemble, review, and respond to public comments. Sub -Task 1e: Prepare potential environmental analysis sections of staff reports and/or resolutions. Sub-Task 1f: Respond and distribute and documents that are necessary. Sub-task 1g: Preparation of other potential NEPA/CEQA documents such as Mitigation Monitoring Programs, Findings of Fact, and Statement of Overriding Considerations. Task 2 Sub-Task 2a: potential final environmental Permit Processing Review potential application packages for completeness on projects such as General Plan Amendments, Zone Changes, Specific Plans, Specific Plan Amendment, Subdivision Maps, and Development Permits, Design Reviews, and Conditional Use Permits. Sub-Task 2b: If needed participate in potential Meetings such as Pre-Application Meetings, Scoping Meetings, Development Review Meetings, and Neighborhood Meetings Sub-Task 2d: Review Site Plans, Architectural Elevations, and Landscape Plans for compliance with City Regulations. Sub-Task 2e: Prepare necessary Hearing Notices and Staff Reports for Landscape and Architectural Review Committee, Planning Commission, and City Council. Sub-Task 2f: Prepare Transmittals and coordinate with either Responsible or Reviewing Agencies. Sub-Task 2g: Respond to potential questions from the public or other agencies. Sub-Task 2h: Assist the City’s in preparation of mapping and other visual displays such as PowerPoint. Task 3 Sub-Task 3a Post-Approval Process Participate in potential activities such as Coordination with the applicant, conducting plan checks, and performing Final Inspections and for compliance with all Conditions of Approval.
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