Democratizing Communications Your premier conference in wireless ... Global Wireless Summit 2015 is being held in Hyderabad, India during December 13 to 16 and hosts WPMC 2015 , WirelessVITAE 2015, IC5 2015 and WWSMC 2015. Under the theme "Democratizing Communications", the conference brings together academia, industry and standardization bodies working on green and secure communication. The conferences will explore activities, trends and future challenges towards ICT globalization including energy and security issues in existing and future wireless technologies. To submit proposals and papers, please proceed to the home pages of the individual conference from the link below. Advisory Committee H Vince Poor, Princeton University, USA Liljana Gavrilovska, UKIM, Macedonia T.R.Dua, GISFI, India Parag Pruthi, NIKSUN, USA Milica Pejanovic-Djuriscic, UoM, Montenegro Knud Erik Skouby, CTIF, Denmark Murli Dhar Tiwari, Barakatullah Univ, India Uday B. Desai, liT Hyderabad, India K.C. Chen, NTU, Taiwan Kiritkumar Lathia, GISFI, Belgium _Guo Jun, BUPT, China . D WPMC2015 WirelessVI1TAE 2015 ICS WWSMC2015 2015 18th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications Hyderabad, India Dec. ·1 3-16,2015 ·C ALL 'F OR Th e 18th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC '15) is being held in Hyderabad, India jointly with GWS 2015. The WPMC symposia series were inaugurated in 1998, as a global platfo1rm which aims at enabling collaboration in the field of wireless information . Held in Asia, Europe and America, WPMC .has'hed itself as aunique global conference dedicated to wireless multimedia convergenoe. Continuing the series, the 18th International Symposium on Wireless Persona 1 Multimedia Communications will be held for the second time in India. The theme of WPMC 2015 is Global Digitization. In addition to ihighquality technical sessions, the symposium will feature workshops and tutorials. It will also offer an exciting social program. 1 T:he topics of li,nterest include, but are not limited to: • Wireless Communii cations and PHY • Internet of Things and M2M Communications • Wireless Networks • Communications Services and Multimedia Applications IMPO.RTANT DATES ' PAPER SUBMISSION July 15. 2015 WORKSHOP & TUTORIAL PROPOSAL July 15. 2015 ACCEPTANCE NOTIFICATION September 15.2015 CAMERA-READY MANUSCRIPT October 1. 2015 COMMITTEE General Chair R.V Rajakumar, liT Kharagapur, India General Co-Chairs Smrltl Dagur, IETE, India Dasrath R. Gude, lneda Systems, Hyderabad, India Devendra Jallhal, liT Madras, India Organizing Chair: B.N. Bhandari, JNTUH, Hyderabad, India Organizing Co-Chairs S.S. Rao, Aponline, Hyderabad, India Jaya Sankar Kottareddygari, IETE, Hyderabad, India Finance Chair Sandlp lnamdar, Vlshwanlketan/GISFI, India Finance Co Chairs N. Mangala Gourl, JNTUH, India Kodurl Srlnlvas, IEEE, India Executive TPC Chair Ashok Chandra, Former Wireless Advisor, Gol, India TPC Co-Chairs Shunsuke Hara, Oasaka City University, Japan Ernestlna Cianca, Unlverlsty ol Rome 'Tor Vergata ' , Italy Anand R Prasad, NEC, Japan M H Korl , IETE, India Sudhlr Dixit, HP; USA Workshop/TutorlaV Panel Co-Chairs Soloklis Kyrlazakos, CTIF, Denmark Ashutosh Dutta, AT&T, USA Publicity/Sponsor Co-Chairs Krishna Strohl, GISFI, India Albena Mlhovska, CTIF, Denmark D ~ . eless ae The Fifth International Conference on Wireless Communications, Vehicular Techn-ology, Information Theory and Aerospace & !Electronic Systems C:ALl FOR Hyderabad, India- Oec.13-16, 2015 Wireless VITAE is the only international conference broadly addressing the wireless developments in the world by merging the communities from four different IEEE societies. ((< l.YFI))) ~&~--""' · · The conference will address the trends, challenges and future roadmaps within a conglomerate of existing and novel wireless technologies, including cellular, short-range, sensor and embedded ones . Cognitive and selforganizing networks, Internet of Things, nano sensors, positioning and localization, recent advances in information theory and its applications, space technology for very high data rates, and techno-economic aspects of telecommunications are part of the scope, among others . . The topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Cf'nter fo r TelrlnFrns/rtt~ ru r • Wireless Networking • Aerospace Techrno:l ogies • Electronic Systems • Information Theory • Vehicular Communications • Signal Processing IMPORTANT DATES PAPER SUBMtsSION July 15. 2015 WORKSHOP & TUTORIIAL PROPOSAL Julv 15, 2015 ACCEPTANCE NOTIFICATION Septernber15,2015 CAMERA-READY MANUSCRIPT October 1. 2015 COMMITTEE Generai .Chalr R.V Rajakumar, liT Kharagapur, India General Co·Chalrs Smriti Dagur, IETE, India Dasrath R. Gude, lneda Systems, Hyderabad,lndia Devendra Jalihal, liT Madras, India or,anlzlnc Chair: B.N. Bhandari, JNTUH, Hyderabad, India Or,anlzlnc Co-Chairs S.S. Rao, Aponline, Hyder a bad, India Java Sankar Kottareddygari, IETE, Hyde rabad, India Finance Chair Sandip lnamdar, Vishwani ketan/GISFI, India Finance Co-Chairs N. Mangala Gouri, JNTUH, India Kod uri Srinivas, IEEE, India Executtve TPC Chair Ashok Chandra, Former Wireless Advisor, Gol, India TPC Co-Chairs Neeli R Prasad, CTif, Denmark T Rama Rao, SRM Univ, Chennai. Mari C. Aguayo Torres, Univ of Malaga, Spain KVS Hari, liSe, India Workshop/Tutorial/ Panel Co-chairs Sofoklis Kyriazakos, CTif, Denmark Ashutosh Dutta, AT&T, USA Publicity/Sponsor Co-Chairs Krishna Sirohi, GISfl, India Albena Mihovska, CTIF, Denmark D
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