Dear Sir/ Madam, IFA-India Academy Noida is pleased to invite you to attend the programme as per the details below. The registration form and the programme details are enclosed. There is no participation fee for this programme. Programme: SEMINAR ON BLACK MONEY LAW Time: 10.00 am -5.30 pm Day: Saturday Date: 30th May 2015 Venue: IFA-India Academy, C-56/9A, Sector 62, Noida. IFA-India Academy: IFA-India Academy is a part of the International Fiscal Association- India Branch. The campus is situated in its own building in the Institutional Area in sector 62 of Noida. The Academy was inaugurated in October 2014. It has an impressive infrastructure with state-of-art theatre style auditorium with balcony and has a seating capacity of 260. It is fully air conditioned and is fitted with the latest audio video sound system, projector and lighting. The Academy is engaged in imparting and sharing knowledge and experience in the area of various fiscal laws, viz., international taxation, transfer pricing, and other aspects of direct and indirect tax laws by holding training courses, seminars and conferences. IFA and IFA-India: IFA or International Fiscal Association has more than 12,000 members spread across 106 countries with branches in 62 countries. Established in 1938 with its headquarters in the Netherlands, it is the only non-governmental and nonsectoral international organisation dealing with fiscal matters. Its objects are the study and advancement of international and comparative law and the financial and economic aspects of taxation. IFA seeks to achieve these objects through its Annual Congresses and its scientific publications relating thereto which come out of scientific research. The subjects selected take account of current fiscal developments and changes in local legislations. Its membership consists of high level representatives from both, the private as well as the public sectors, including the Courts, Universities, and international governmental and non-governmental organisations. IFA offers the necessary forum to experts belonging to different sectors of society where opinions on topics of international taxation can be exchanged. IFA-India is the India Branch of International Fiscal Association (IFA). Its activities in the northern region are organised under Northern Region Chapter (NRC). Membership: Membership is open to individuals and corporates alike. Membership gets you free-of-cost two volumes of the “Cahiers de Droit Fiscal Association” published annually. These publications are a very useful high quality research material on the topics listed for the annual IFA Congress and contain country specific view on the topic by the respective IFA Branches all over the world. Members also get online access to the earlier Cashiers. You also get benefit of a reduced registration fee for the annual IFA Congress. For the members in Northern Region, free of charge monthly study meetings are held on topics of interest. NRC holds an annual International Tax Conference and the members can join at reduced fee. Members will also be entitled to special concessional fee for the seminars, conferences and training courses to be organised by NRC and/or the Academy. A one-time admission fee Rs 1000 for Individuals and Rs 2000 for Corporate membership is applicable. Annual membership is Rs 6,000 and Rs 14,000 for Individuals and corporates respectively. Young members (below the age of 30 years as on the first day of the calendar year, are to pay only Rs 500 as admission fee and Rs 3,500 as annual fee. (Service tax is to be added for all). Membership Forms are enclosed. The Seminar: This Seminar on 30th May, is a good opportunity for you to explore for yourself what IFA has to offer you. As you will always notice in IFA programmes, the topic for the seminar is on the most recent development and is carefully chosen, programme is meticulously designed and speakers are the best of the lot. CA. T. P. Ostwal is a well-known tax expert and is representing India in G20-OECD Project. Shri Sanjiv Sharma is Commissioner of Income Tax and has a very rich experience as he has been representing Indian government at OECD on Exchange of Information. CA. RashminSanghvi is again a very well-known expert with excellent ability to combine the knowledge of tax laws with various other financial and economic laws to give a 360 degree view on the subject. Then of course, we have our in-house tax and regulatory experts Advocate V. P. Gupta (Chairman NRC of IFA-India), CA. Rakesh Nangia (Nangia and Associates) and CA. Rohit Jain (Vaish Associates) to give us their respective perspective. This is possibly the first ever complete seminar with that kind of contents and speakers. A real not-tomiss! For any clarification, you are welcome to write to me (details below) or to connect with PreetiTyagi on or0120-4281045. We look forward to welcoming you at the seminar. Kind Regards, CA. Ratan Gurtoo Director T: 98104-31786 E: E: W: IFA-India Academy C-56/9A, Sector 62, Noida. IFA - Y EM SEMINAR ON BLACK MONEY LAW DIA ACAD IN Saturday, 30th May 2015 organized by IFA-India Academy in association with Northern Region Chapter of International Fiscal Association – India Branch At : IFA-India Academy, C-56/9A, Sector 62, Noida (U. P.) PROGRAMME 10.00 am – 10.15 am Registration; Tea / Snacks 10.15 am – 10.30 am Address by Academy Chairman Shri S R Wadhwa 10.30 am – 12.00 pm First Technical Session BLACK MONEY LAW – AN OVERVIEW • Tax and Regulatory Aspects of Overseas Funds • Exchange of Information between Governments • One time Window For Disclosure CA Rohit Jain • Case Studies on Black Money Bill CA Rohit Jain 12.00 pm – 12.30 pm Tea Break 12.30 pm – 2.00 pm Second Technical Session CA Rakesh Nangia Shri Sanjeev Sharma, CIT (APA) BLACK MONEY LAW – IMPORTANT ISSUES CA T P Ostwal • Issues under the Undisclosed Foreign Assets & Income (Imposition of Tax) law • Denial of Foreign Tax Credit • Change in Residential Status 2.00 pm – 2.45 pm Lunch Break 2.45 pm – 3.30 pm Third Technical Session BLACK MONEY LAW – LINKAGES • 3.30 pm – 4.15 pm CA Rashmin Sanghvi Multilateral Attacks on Black Money – Covering: FEMA, PMLA and a Macro View on the subject – Part 1 Fourth Technical Session BLACK MONEY LAW – LINKAGES • Multilateral Attacks on Black Money – Covering: FEMA, PMLA and a Macro View on the subject – Part 2 4.15 pm – 4.45 pm Tea Break 4.45 pm – 5.30 pm Fifth Technical Session BLACK MONEY LAW – LINKAGES 5.30 pm – 5.45 pm CA Rashmin Sanghvi • Benami Transactions Prohibition Law • Income Tax Law Shri V.P. Gupta - Advocate Concluding session by Academy Chairman Shri S R Wadhwa For Registration : Please contact Smt. Preeti Tyagi @ # 0120-4281045 or Shri Ratan Gurtoo (Director, IFA- India Academy) @ #9810431786 or send an email to or to Please note that there are no charges for attending the seminar on BLACK MONEY LAW. Kindly note, all interested participants are requested to register by filling the registration form attached in this document. IFA - Y EM SEMINAR ON BLACK MONEY LAW DIA ACAD IN Saturday, 30th May 2015 organized by IFA-India Academy in association with Northern Region Chapter of International Fiscal Association – India Branch At : IFA-India Academy, C-56/9A, Sector 62, Noida (U. P.) I confirm that I am interested in attending your Seminar on Black Money Law. I request to you reserve a seat for me . Name of the Participant : _____________________________________________________ IFA Membership No.: _______________________________________________________ Organization Name : ________________________________________________________ Designation _____________________________________ Industry : ________________ Mobile # ______________________________ Landline # _________________________ Email : ___________________________________________________________________ Postal Address : ___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Permanent Address: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Employment Status : Corporate / CA Firm / Consultancy / Law Firm / Govt. / Others Signature : Date : International Fiscal Association - India Branch Registered Address: Dakshneswar Flat Nos.5-7, Hailey Road, Connaught Place, New Delhi - 110001 Correspondence Office: 111, Jolly Bhavan No.1, 10 New Marine Lines, Mumbai-400 020 Tel: 91-22-22075673, 66331720. Email: _______________________________________________________________________ APPLICATION FORM FOR INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP OF IFA (Please complete in print or type) Full Name _________________________________________________________ (Surname) (First Name) (Middle Name) PASSPORT SIZE PHOTOGRAPH OF THE MEMBER Name of Firm/ Organisation __________________________________________ Designation ____________________________________________________________ Mailing Address ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ City____________________ Pin Code______________ State __________________ Tel (O) (1) _____________________ (2) _____________________ Mobile _____________________ Fax (O) (1) _____________________ (2) _____________________ Tel (R) (1) _____________________ (2) _____________________ E-mail _________________________________________________ Date of Birth _______________ (DD/MM/YY) Name of Spouse _________________________________________ Academic/Professional Qualification____________________________________________________ Professional Status In Practice In Service In Business Company Director Trustee Lecturer Areas of Interest/ Specialisation _______________________________________________________ (say Inbound, Outbound, Transfer Pricing, M&A, FEMA, Others) Expectations from IFA What according to you should IFA be doing which would be of maximum interest/value to you? E.g. Study Circles, International Tax courses (for beginners/Advanced), RRC, Seminar/ Conferences in Mumbai (including suggested topics if any), Newsletter, Updates/ News Flashes, any other ________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Participation Interests Would you be interested in playing a more active role in IFA activities? If so in what areas would you be most interested? Leading study circle discussions Being part of team for organising study circle meetings Writing in IFA Newsletters Speaking at seminars/conferences Being part of the team organising seminars/conferences Others ____________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Membership of other professional bodies' _________________________________________________ Page 1 of 2 Annual Membership for the year 2014 New Member - Rs.7,865/- is inclusive of Service Tax @ 12.36% (i.e. Admission Fee Rs. 1,000/(One Time + 12.36%) and Annual Fee Rs. 6,000/- + 12.36%) Renewal Fees - Rs.6,742/- is inclusive of Service Tax @ 12.36% (i.e. Annual Fee Rs. 6,000/- + 12.36%) Young Member (New) - Rs. 4,494/- is inclusive of Service Tax @ 12.36% (i.e. Admission Fee Rs. 500/- (One Time + 12.36%) and Annual Fee Rs. 3,500/- + 12.36%) Young Renewal Fees - Rs.3,933/- is inclusive of Service Tax @ 12.36% (i.e. Annual Fee Rs. 3,500/- + 12.36%) Young Member means below the age of 30 years as on 1.1.2014 (i.e. the year of birth should be 1984 or later). Said member will not be eligible for the election of the Members of the Executive Committee of IFA -India Branch and will also have no right to vote at the General Meetings of IFA -India Branch. IFA PAN NO. IFA SERVICE TAX NO. AAATI2778P AAATI2778PSD001 Enclosed Bank Cheque/Draft No. __________ dated ______ drawn on _____________________ Bank in favour of "INTERNATIONAL FISCAL ASSOCIATION - INDIA BRANCH - Membership" I give my consent to IFA India Branch to include my personal details included above in the members' directory being published by them. Date _________________ _______________ Signature Page 2 of 2 International Fiscal Association - India Branch Office No.111, Jolly Bhavan No.1, 10, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400 020, India Tel: 91-22-22075673, Telefax: 66331720. Email: ________________________________________________________________________________ APPLICATION FORM FOR CORPORATE/ INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP OF IFA Please complete in print or type Name of Company/Institution Mailing Address PASSPORT SIZE PHOTOGRAPHS OF BOTH REPRESENTATIVES _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ City: ___________________ Pin Code: ____________________ Phone: __________________ Fax: ________________________ E-mail: ______________________________________________ Corporate/Institutional Member Representatives* 1) Name Designation Mailing Address _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________ Fax: ________________________ Date of Birth _____________________________________________________ Name of Spouse: _____________________________________________________ Membership of other professional bodies_____________________________________________________ Academic Qualification _____________________________________________________ Areas of Interest/Specialisation _____________________________________________________ (say Inbound, Outbound, Transfer Pricing, M&A, FEMA, Others) Expectations from IFA: What according to you should IFA be doing which would be of maximum interest/value to you? E.g. Study Circles, International Tax courses (for beginners/Advanced), RRC, Seminar/Conferences in Mumbai (including suggested topics if any), Newsletter, Updates/News Flashes, any other _______________________________________________________________________ Participation interests: Would you be interested in playing a more active role in IFA activities? If so in what areas would you be most interested? E.g. leading study circle discussions, being part of team for organising study circle meetings, writing in IFA Newsletters, speaking at seminars/conferences, being part of the team organising seminars/conferences, any other area ________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Page 1 of 2 2) Name Designation Mailing Address _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________ Fax: ________________________ Date of Birth _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Name of Spouse: Membership of other professional bodies_____________________________________________________ Academic Qualification _____________________________________________________ Areas of Interest/Specialisation _____________________________________________________ (say Inbound, Outbound, Transfer Pricing, M&A, FEMA, Others) Expectations from IFA: What according to you should IFA be doing which would be of maximum interest/value to you? E.g. Study Circles, International Tax courses (for beginners/Advanced), RRC, Seminar/Conferences in Mumbai (including suggested topics if any), Newsletter, Updates/News Flashes, any other _______________________________________________________________________ Participation interests: Would you be interested in playing a more active role in IFA activities? If so in what areas would you be most interested? E.g. leading study circle discussions, being part of team for organising study circle meetings, writing in IFA Newsletters, speaking at seminars/conferences, being part of the team organising seminars/conferences, any other area ________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ The Corporate Membership Fee for the year 2013 is Rs.17,978/- . This is inclusive of Service Tax @ 12.36%. (I.e. Admission fee Rs.2,000/- + Service Tax @ 12.36% (One Time) for the New Members and Annual Fee Rs.14,000/- + Service Tax @12.36%). IFA PAN NO. AAATI2778P IFA - SERVICE TAX NO. AAATI2778PSD001 Enclosed Bank Cheque /Draft No. ___________ dated ________ drawn on _________________________________ (Name of the bank) in favour of "INTERNATIONAL FISCAL ASSOCIATION-INDIA BRANCH" Payable at New Delhi . Date _________________ • • ____________________ Signature Corporate/Institutional member is eligible to nominate two representatives. Note: New Members have to pay Rs. 17,978/- and renewal of Rs. 15,730/- every year. Page 2 of 2
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