Action Learning and Phenomenology (Followed by the IFAL 2014 AGM) How does what you feel make you think? With Trevor Marchand, Emeritus Professor of Social Anthropology, SOAS Monday 18th May 2015 Registration, tea and coffee 13:30 Workshop 14:00 to 17:00 AGM 17:30 to 19:00 Diorama Arts Studios 201 Drummond Street, London NW1 3FE Prior knowledge of phenomenology is not required for attending this workshop. Phenomenological methods can be used to illuminate the subjective aspects of our actions and reactions. This workshop will investigate how phenomenology can inform Action Learning practice and enrich the quality of experience for presenters, set members and facilitators. Phenomenology is the study of subjective experience; the study of being in the world. It’s about the in‐the‐ moment experience ‐ grounded in our bodily sensory perceptions ‐ before we layer that experience with our reasoning, interpretation and explanation. Starting from the in‐the‐moment experience deepens learning and enables us, as set participants, to more deeply understand the issues we are grappling with. What will participants gain? • An introduction to phenomenology • The opportunity to consider the added value of a phenomenological approach for AL practice • Phenomenological inquiry techniques to support and value honesty, vulnerability, integrity and authentic expression • The opportunity to work in practice AL sets: formulating questions that excavate the layers of reasoning, interpretation and explanation that are added to experience • A final opportunity for sense‐making, reflection, discussion and application Workshop places are limited to 25. To book, go to or contact The IFAL Annual General Meeting will follow the workshop. Participants (both IFAL members and non‐members) are welcome to attend. Join us to help shape the charity’s future, meet the executive and share a glass of wine.
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