BROWARD COUNTY Economic Impacts (2012) Client Satisfaction (2010) Agricultural and related industries generate Quality 177,251 $9.99 12.1% $1 $20 95% jobs (17.6% of total) in Broward County. billion in revenues. Effectiveness 85% 91% contribution to gross regional product. It is estimated that for every Based on an annual UF study State funds for Extension Federal funds for Extension County funds for Extension Number of volunteers Hours worked Dollar value of hours worked Recent donors residing in county FY 2014 donors residing in county Gifts to UF from county residents Gifts to IFAS from county residents Clients who shared the information with someone else. Clientele Contacts (2014) $332,479 (35%) $40,759 (4%) $588,640 (61%) 739 95,101 $2,193,980 Giving (FY 2014) Said it solved their problem or answered their question. Alston, Andersen et al. (2010) Volunteers (2014) 85% to the community. Funding (FY 2015) Clients who had an opportunity to use the information received, and... Leverage invested in agricultural research and extension, there is a return of Residents who used Extension services and were satisfied with the service provided. Field and office consultations Participants at group learning events Phone and email consultations Educational materials created 2,282 61,190 71,863 206 Statewide Clientele Outcomes (2014) Clients reporting an increase in knowledge or skill Clients reporting a change in behavior or attitude Clients adopting best practices resulting in societal, economic, or environmental benefits to community 87% 72% 61% Students and Alumni (Fall 2014) 26,315 10,111 $3,557,394 $115,691 EXTENSION: 4-H youth development; Family and consumer sciences/ Nutrition; Master Gardener training and activities; Environmental education; Commercial horticulture/Urban forestry COMMODITIES: Palms, Turfgrass, Ornamentals, Termites, Ants, Bees, UF students from county CALS students from county UF alumni residing in county IFAS alumni residing in county 4,746 379 21,353 1,397 Geomatics, Aquatic plants, Wildlife and landscape ecology RESEARCH: Technologies for sustainable maintenance & management of structures & landscapes. Reduce the impact of invasive animals & plants on natural & urban habitats. UF/IFAS Extension Broward County Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center 3900 SW 100th Avenue Davie, FL 33328 954-357-5270 Director: Brenda Marty-Jimenez Email: Web: 3205 College Avenue Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33314-7719 954-577-6315 Director: Dr. Monica Elliott Email: Web: FY 2014 Expenditures: $6,176,431
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