XXIIIInterna onal GrasslandCongress IGC2015 November20-24,2015,DelhiNCR,India Sponsorship Prospectus Sustainable use of Grassland Resources for Forage Produc on, Biodiversity and Environmental Protec on OrganizedBy: RangeManagementSocietyofIndia ICAR-IndianGrasslandandFodderResearchIns tute www.igc2015.org Hkk-p-pk-v-laI G F R I TABLE OF CONTENTS Message from the Chair, National Organizing Committee IGC 2015 1 The International Grassland Congress 2 IGC 2015 India 2 About the Hosts 2 IGC 2015 - New Delhi 3 Steering Committee and National Organizing Committee 3 Key Dates 3 Themes & Sub-themes 3 Congress Venues - Vigyan Bhawan and The Leela Ambience Hotel & Residences 4 Why You should Participate 4 Sponsorship Categories 5 The Exhibition 6 General Information for Sponsors & Exhibitors 8 Terms and Condititions 9 www.igc2015.org XXIIIInterna onalGrasslandCongress-IGC2015 MESSAGE FROM THE CONGRESS CHAIR It is my proud privilege to inform you that India will host the XXIII International Grassland Congress from November 20-24, 2015, at New Delhi. The Congress will be jointly hosted by the Range Management Society of India (RMSI) and the Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute (IGFRI) in association with the International Grassland Congress (IGC). Being held for the first time in India, the Congress will provide a rare opportunity for the National Agricultural Research System to showcase its grassland environments, R&D and technologies to an international audience. The Grassland Congresses provide a forum for scientists, agricultural engineers, and researchers in the fields of grassland improvement, plant physiology, plant ecology, environmental science, grazing management etc., to come together to exchange ideas and information. The aim of the International Grassland Congress is to promote interchange of information on all aspects of natural as well as sown pastures for the benefit of mankind, including sustained development, forage production and the maintenance of biodiversity. The main theme of the Congress is “Sustainable use of grassland resources for forage production, biodiversity and environmental protection" with five sub themes viz. I) ii) iii) iv) v) Grassland Resources Grassland Production and Utilization Sustainability of Grassland - Social and Policy Issues Biodiversity Conservation & Genetic Improvement of Range and Forage Species Environmental Issues related to Grassland. We invite your organization to partner with us at IGC 2015. The organizers have created several sponsorship options, the details of which are available in this brochure. We hope that you will come forward to support us in the interest of science at this important event. Dr. P. K. Ghosh Director, IGFRI, Jhansi & Chair, National Organizing Committee - IGC 2015 www.igc2015.org 1 2 XXIIIInterna onalGrasslandCongress-IGC2015 THE INTERNATIONAL GRASSLAND CONGRESS (IGC) The first Grassland Congress was held in Germany in 1927, with just 16 participants. Since then the Congress has increased in size and significance to become one of the pre-eminent meetings in its field. Headquartered in Quebec, the International Grassland Congress promotes interchange of information on all aspects of natural and cultivated grasslands and forage crops for the benefit of mankind, including sustained development, food production and the maintenance of biodiversity. IGC ANNUAL CONGRESSES 2013: 2008: 2005: 2001: 1997: 1993: 1989: 1985: 1981: Sydney, Australia Hohhot, China, P.R. Dublin, Ireland Piracicaba, Brazil Winnipeg, Canada Palmerston, New Zealand Nice, France Kyoto, Japan Lexington, USA 1977: 1974: 1970: 1966: 1964: 1960: 1956: 1952: Leipzig, Germany Moscow, Russia Surfer's Paradise, Australia Helsinki, Finland Sao Paolo, Brazil Reading, United Kingdom Palmerston. New Zealand USA ABOUT THE HOSTS Range Management Society of India (RMSI) The Range Management Society of India (RMSI) was founded in 1978 to promote client-oriented ecologically sustainable range and forage husbandry with economic productivity to support excellence in scientific research in agriculture with a focus on grassland and fodder resources, agroforestry, plantanimal inter-relationships, environment, dairy industry and allied sciences. One of the major objectives of the Society is to provide national and global platforms to scientists, development workers, practitioners, planners and policy makers, industrialists, financial managers and donors related to grassland and fodder resources development for exchange of ideas to benefit all. The Society has organized several workshops, seminars, symposia and conferences in the past, in addition to the III International Rangeland Congress in 1988 and International Conference on Agroforestry for the Asia-Pacific region in 1994. The present Congress is intended to involve a wide range of experts to present concrete recommendations based on their research, experience and discussions during the meeting, regarding the present grassland and forage resources to meet the increasing demand of livestock products and challenges faced due to climate change in an eco-friendly sustainable manner. ICAR - Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute (IGFRI) ICAR-Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, a national Institute under the administrative control of Indian Council of Agricultural Research, is mandated to conduct basic, strategic, applied and adaptive Hkk-p-pk-v-laI G F R I research, development and training in forage production and it's utilization. The Institute has highly experienced and internationally trained human resources engaged in need-led, participatory, inter-disciplinary approaches. With more than 50 years of experience in forage research and development, IGFRI today stands as the premier R&D institution in South Asia for sustainable agriculture through quality forage production for improved animal productivity. The Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, established in 1962, has been instrumental in fostering research, training and extension programmes on all aspects of forage production and utilization through an inter-disciplinary approach. It has provided technologies, human resource development skills, consultancy and technical services on forage production and utilization to government and non-government organizations, agri-business and farmers. www.igc2015.org XXIIIInterna onalGrasslandCongress-IGC2015 IGC 2015 - NEW DELHI The XXIII International Grassland Congress will be held at Vigyan Bhawan (Opening Ceremony) on November 20, 2015 and at The Leela Ambience Hotel & Residences from November 21-24, 2015. The 4 day Congress will be preceded by three workshops on November 20, 2015. Aside from the scientific sessions, participants will have the opportunity to enjoy Indian cultural programmes and savour local cuisine at the social functions. Technical visits and a variety of Pre and Post-Congress tours are also being arranged. STEERING COMMITTEE Patron Chairman : Shri Radha Mohan Singh, Hon'ble Union Minister of Agriculture, Government of India, & President, ICAR Society : Dr. Panjab Singh, Ex Secretary, DARE & Ex DG, ICAR, New Delhi NATIONAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Patron Co-Patron Chairman : Dr. S. Ayyappan, DG ICAR & Secretary, DARE : Dr. J. S. Sandhu, DDG (Crop Science), ICAR : Dr. P. K. Ghosh, Director, IGFRI, Jhansi KEY DATES May 31, 2015 : Extended Abstract Submission Deadline July 31, 2015 : Early Bird Deadline November 20, 2015 : IGC 2015 Opens THEMES & SUB-THEMES Theme 1: Grassland Resources Dynamics of grassland resources – global database Global monitoring of grasslands Theme 2: Grassland Production and Utilization Quality production, conservation and utilization Integration of plant protection for optimizing production Soil-plant-animal-human inter-relationships Water harvesting for increasing production from grasslands Validation and dissemination of ancient/tribal knowledge Inter-dependence of grasslands vis-à-vis arable lands Seed availability, production, storage and quality Theme 3: Sustainability of Grassland – Social and Policy Issues Multi-stakeholder learning platforms for grassland management Factors affecting grassland resource Sustainable use of grassland resources including alternate use Improvement of grasslands through education and practice Policy issues related to sustainable production of grasslands Public-private partnership in managing common property resources Grassland-Market linkage Theme 4: Biodiversity Conservation & Genetic Improvement of Range and Forage Species Plant genetic resource and crop improvement Theme 5: Environmental Issues related to Grassland Climate Change and grassland management www.igc2015.org 3 4 XXIIIInterna onalGrasslandCongress-IGC2015 CONGRESS VENUES - VIGYAN BHAWAN & AMBIENCE HOTEL & RESIDENCES THE LEELA The Inaugural Session will be held on November 20, 2015 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi, India's first Conference Centre. It has been the venue for many Heads-of-State level meets such as CHOGM, NAM and the Seven Nation Summit attended by distinguished world leaders and dignitaries. Built in 1956, it has a splendid ambience and is conveniently located in the heart of Lutyen's Delhi. It is within walking distance of Gallery of Modern Art, the National Museum, India Gate and other sites of tourist interest. The Leela Ambience Hotel & Residences The Leela Ambience Gurgaon Hotel & Residences is located on the fringe of the Gurgaon Central Business District, fifteen minutes from Delhi's International Airport and thirty minutes from Central Delhi. The 27,000 square feet, beautifully finished convention facilities, meeting and board rooms were recently awarded the prestigious 5-Star deluxe “Best Luxury Hotel and Conference Centre – India”. The hotel also features 322 contemporary and world class five star deluxe rooms and suites. WHY YOU SHOULD PARTICIPATE The Congress will focus on the basic and applied aspects of the use of forage, grassland and rangeland, including grassland production, management, ecology; breeding, genetics, nutrients utilization of forage crops and roughages; and also the impact on animal industries and environment and climate change. This five-day event will create a rare opportunity to promote your organization's initiatives, policies, programmes and best practices for the gathering. This visibility has immense potential for knowledge exchange, joint ventures and new business avenues. Compelling Reasons to Invest in the XXIII International Grassland Congress The IGC is the largest meeting of the Grassland and Forage Community. The Congress brings together the Government, Research Institutes, Multilateral Agencies, commercial and professional sectors, policy-makers and international stakeholders from around the world. Increasing focus on new research and initiatives in the field to improve methods, education, training, knowledge and practice. Participants have an ideal platform to explore new challenges facing grasslands and the proactive role that can be played by sharing evidence for finding effective solutions. Internationally acknowledged experts will enrich the scientific value of the sessions, discussions and workshops. Participation as exhibitors and sponsors will ensure premium high-value visibility amongst the target audience. Promotion of the Congress will be done extensively through electronic, print and social media. Latest products and technology showcased at the focussed exhibition will enrich the learning experience for the attendees. Reinforce organization's credentials as a key player and supporter of these industries. www.igc2015.org XXIIIInterna onalGrasslandCongress-IGC2015 5 SPONSORSHIP CATEGORIES Platinum Sponsor INR 15 lakhs/USD 25,000 Three complimentary Delegate Registrations Complimentary Exhibition stand (3m x 3m) Sponsor’s literature in delegate bag Hyper linked logo on home page of the website Logo on front cover of the Final Programme Full page advertisement in the Final Programme - 210mm (W)x 297mm (H) without bleed 200 word promotional write-up on the website Logo on signage and write-up in the Final Programme Logo in promotional emails to delegates Framed Certificate of Appreciation Gold Sponsor INR 10 lakhs/USD 17,000 Two complimentary Delegate Registrations Sponsor’s literature in delegate bag Hyper linked logo on home page of the website Full page advertisement in the Final Programme - 210mm (W)x 297mm (H) without bleed 100 words promotional write-up on the website Logo on signage and write-up in the Final Programme Logo in promotional emails to delegates Framed Certificate of Appreciation Silver Sponsor INR 5 lakhs/USD 9,000 One complimentary Delegate Registration Sponsor’s literature in delegate Bag Hyper linked logo on home page of the website Half page advertisement in the Final programme - 210mm (W) x 148mm (H) without bleed Logo on signage and write-up in Final Programme Logo in promotional emails to delegates Framed Certificate of Appreciation Early confirmation of your sponsorship will ensure a higher level of exposure. An extensive promotional campaign including advertisements, direct mail campaigns, email broadcasts and web presence will be implemented in the lead up to the Congress. Other Sponsorship Opportunities Concurrent Session Sponsor Workshop Congress App Delegate Bag Customized Lanyards Delegate Gifts Pocket Programme Cyber Café Notepads & Pens INR (`) 7,50,000 5,00,000 5,00,000 5,00,000 5,00,000 5,00,000 3,00,000 3,00,000 2,00,000 Note: Service tax, as applicable, will be additional www.igc2015.org USD ($) 12,500 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 5,000 5,000 3,500 6 XXIIIInterna onalGrasslandCongress-IGC2015 THE EXHIBITION The exhibition of IGC 2015 is an integral part of the XXIII International Grassland Congress. It will be held in the Royal Room at The Leela Ambience Hotel & Residences. As an exhibitor, you will enjoy prime exposure and direct marketing opportunities with the key players. Highlights The exhibition at the XXIII International Grassland Congress is a focussed trade show for the Grassland, Rangeland and Forage sector. Its multi-faceted format caters to a wide array of products, services, technology and solutions. This is a rare and premium opportunity to impact a global audience. The winning elements of the exhibition include: Exhibition set-up designed for maximum interaction with delegates Dedicated exhibition hours Welcome Reception in the exhibition area Poster sessions within the exhibition area to maximise delegate traffic Duration of Exhibition November 21-23, 2015 Venue The Leela Ambience Hotel & Residences, Delhi NCR Delegate Profile Delegates from the following backgrounds are expected to attend: Grassland Scientists Extension Workers Postgraduate and Undergraduate Students Agri-business Professionals Planners and Policy-makers Leading Livestock Producers and Farmers Exhibitor Profile Exhibitors from the following backgrounds from India and abroad will participate : Government Organizations and Ministries Dairy Co-operatives/Industries Multilateral Agencies Environmental Conservation Organizations Machinery Tractors/Power Tiller Manufacturers Scientific Equipment & Bio-tech Companies Seed Processing Companies Journals/Trade Magazines and Web Portals Financial Institutions/Banks IT & Software Service Providers Universities Publishers NGOs www.igc2015.org XXIIIInterna onalGrasslandCongress-IGC2015 7 Exhibition Booths Booth Size 3m x 3m Badges Per Booth Early Bird Rate till Jul 31, 2015 Regular Rate from Aug 1, 2015 2 Exhibitor Badges INR 2,50,000 / USD 4200 INR 2,75,000 / USD 4600 Service tax as applicable will be additional. Larger booths are available on request. Facilities to the Exhibitors (for every 9 sq mtr booth): Octonorm shell scheme with company name 2 chairs, 1 counter, 1 waste paper basket 1 plug point, 2 spotlights Carpet Free listing of exhibitor's name, booth number and products in the Exhibtor Catalogue and Congress website Company Profile (50 words) in Final Programme Two exhibitor badges (including tea/coffee breaks and lunches) Additional exhibitor badges available @ INR 10,000 / USD 300 for 3 days The exhibitor badge allows entry into the Exhibition area only Additional furniture items available on rental Company Profile (50 words) in Final Programme Booth dimensions: 3m x 3m shell scheme Exhibition booths will be allocated on first-come-first served basis (with the exception of sponsors who have first refusal). The exhibition form needs to be properly completed and faxed to +91 124 410 2075 or scanned and emailed to sponsorships@igc2015.org To get your preferred location as per the floor plan, contact us now at exhibition@igc2015.org The floor plan is tentative and subject to change. Exhibi onFloorPlan Royal Room 5 4 3 2 6 7 8 9 10 20 19 18 17 16 21 22 23 24 25 11 12 13 14 15 1 Tea & Coffee station Entry Entry Way to Pearl Ballroom (Congress Sessions) Way to Congress Secretariat Central Lobby (1st Floor) www.igc2015.org 8 XXIIIInterna onalGrasslandCongress-IGC2015 GENERAL INFORMATION FOR SPONSORS AND EXHIBITORS Sponsorship & Exhibition In order to be valid, Sponsorship or Exhibition application form(s) may be sent by email or post to: Congress Secretariat: Secretariat, IGC 2015 Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi – 284003, Uttar Pradesh, India, Tel.: +91 510 2730666, Fax: +91 510 2730833 Email: sponsorships@igc2015.org, Website: www.igc2015.org or PCO: KW Conferences Pvt. Ltd. A-56/12, DLF Phase 1, Gurgaon - 122 002 Tel: +91 124 463 6700, Fax: +91 124 410 2075 Email: info@igc2015.org, Website: www.kwconferences.com The application form must be accompanied by 50% advance payment for booth reservation and the final allocation would be made on receipt of total payment only. All payments must be cleared on or before September 30, 2015. The Organizers reserve the right to cancel the booking in event of non-payment within the stipulated time. Payments Demand Draft in favour of IGC INDIA 2015 - for Indian sponsors/exhibitors only. Demand drafts to be mailed to: KW Conferences Pvt Ltd., A 56/12, DLF Phase I, Gurgaon 122002, India. Bank Transfer as per the following details: Name of Bank : Axis Bank Ltd. Account No. : 914010056106423 Account Name : IGC INDIA 2015 IFSC Code : UTIB0000337 Bank Address : Civil Lines Jhansi SWIFT Code : AXISINBB133 (for international transfers) Please ensure the amount transferred is equal to the total due INCLUDING any bank charges. For prompt identification of your payment, please email the remittance advice to sponsorships@igc2015.org with a copy to secfc.igc2015@gmail.com or fax to +91 124 410 2975 immediately after the transfer. Please ensure that your name, congress acronym IGC2015 are included on the bank advice. Exhibitor's Manual An Exhibitor's Manual will be sent to the exhibitors two months prior to the show. This manual will contain information on order forms, rules & regulations, safety regulations and contacts. Cancellation conditions (applicable to Sponsorship and Exhibition) 25% of the payable amount will be retained if the cancellation is made before July 31, 2015 75% of the payable amount will be retained if the cancellation is made between August 1 and October 31, 2015 100% of the payable amount will be retained if the cancellation is made after November 1, 2015 Note: Applicable taxes and bank charges will be deducted from refund amounts. All refunds will be made within 60 days of the conclusion of the Congress. For queries related to Sponsorship or Exhibition, please write to: sponsorships@igc2015.org or exhibition@igc2015.org respectively. www.igc2015.org XXIIIInterna onalGrasslandCongress-IGC2015 TERMS AND CONDITIONS Additional services (electricity, water, furnishings, staff, shows, etc.) will be charged in accordance with the relevant price lists. Separate orders, depending on specification by KWC, must be made for such services. Details on order forms available in exhibitor’s manual or on request: exhibition@igc2015.org The exhibitor must order additional services and facilities latest by the dates listed in the respective order documents. Should the exhibitor fail to meet these dates, a surcharge of up to 100% on the list price may be imposed. Fees must also be paid in full in cases of cancellation, if the host or its agents have already passed the orders on to the stand builder or service partner. They shall be automatically deemed to have been passed on if five days have elapsed since the date given in the order. No nails, screws or other fixtures may be attached to any part of the venue including floors and ceilings. No painting of any part of the venue is to be carried out. The exhibitor shall be responsible for any charges incurred by the venue for any damage or disfigurement caused by the exhibitor or its agents. The exhibitor will ensure that its employees and contractors will, at all times, act in accordance with the reasonable directives of the Organizer and will conduct themselves in an orderly manner, in full compliance with the reasonable directives and requirements of the venue management and with all applicable laws, ordinances and directives. KW Conferences shall be the sole contracting partner for all queries involving stand construction and stand-construction packages, and for the inspection and licensing under construction law, of stands commissioned individually by the exhibitor. The terms & conditions of business of KWC shall apply thereto by way of supplement. Conditions and times governing the delivery of exhibitors' own stand-construction materials or of larger products for the exhibition and their assembly must be agreed with KWC no later than 30 days prior to the start of the exhibition. Exhibitors who construct their own stand, or commission a third party to do so, must submit the stand design and other requisite proof in accordance with technical guidelines, to KWC for agreement and confirmation no later than 30 days prior to the exhibition. Otherwise permission for the stand cannot be given, or may be withdrawn on the spot. This shall also apply in cases where the documents show discrepancies from the actual stand structure. The organizer shall not be liable for any claims arising from loss or damage from any cause whatsoever in respect of any property brought to the venue by the exhibitor or by a third party hired by the exhibitor. The exhibitor shall indemnify the organizer for any claims arising from death, bodily injury or damage to property arising in connection with the booth, supply of any mechanical equipment supplied by the exhibitor or anything permitted done thereon. The indemnity shall include any claim for consequential loss and all actions, proceedings, costs and demands for each and every claim. The exhibitor shall effect adequate insurance in respect of public liability and shall, on request, provide the organizer with satisfactory evidence that adequate insurance is in force. In the event of postponement or cancellation of the exhibition for any cause not within the control of the organizer, the organizer shall not be liable to the exhibitor in respect of any actions, claims, costs or expenses including claims for consequential losses. If the exhibition can be postponed or rearranged, the contracts for space shall be binding on all parties. In the event that the exhibition is cancelled or abandoned by the organizer with no intention to rearrange at a future date, only then the exhibitor shall be entitled to a refund of the exhibition fee. The exhibitor may increase the size of the exhibition stand area after signing this agreement at the same rate per square metre as previously agreed but subject to the further availability of suitable exhibition space at the venue. Smoking is not allowed in the exhibition stand/venue except in designated smoking area(s). Exhibitors will not be allowed to play loud music as that will disturb other fellow exhibitors. Exhibitors will limit their display within the allotted area. No display/promotional material will be allowed in the exhibition aisles/open spaces. In case of sponsorship of line or actual items, the items provided by the sponsor will have to be approved by IGC 2015. In case the item is not approved, IGC 2015 reserves the right to disallow distribution to delegates, without any refund to the sponsor. www.igc2015.org 9 Congress Secretariat: Secretariat, IGC 2015 Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute Jhansi – 284003, Uttar Pradesh, India Tel: +91 510 273 0666, Fax: +91 510 273 0833 Email: igc2015india@gmail.com, Website: www.igfri.res.in Professional Conference Organiser: KW Conferences Pvt. Ltd. A-56/12, DLF Phase 1, Gurgaon - 122 002 Tel: +91 124 463 6700, Fax: +91 124 410 2075 Email: info@igc2015.org, Website: www.kwconferences.com OrganizedBy: Hkk-p-pk-v-laI G F R I www.igc2015.org
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