The Frost Team The News at Imperial Golf Estates Helping you make wise real estate decisions. March 2015 Issue 03-15 PENDING GIB GATEHOUSE Voice Mail: GIB Gatehouse Fax: 2095 Imperial Circle - 3 Bedrooms, 2½ Baths - $469,000 Charmingly delightful! From the great curb appeal and warm and inviting entrance to the new kitchen open to the family room this home is full of nice surprises. Great custom floor plan. On a quiet street with lots of privacy, abuts a preserve on two sides. Room to add a pool. Debbie Frost 239-250-8701 • 597-2005 597-1069 IGEHOA TOWNE PROPERTIES Property Manager: Sue Murphy, LCAM 596-1031 Towne Properties Fax 596-1082 Email: WEB MASTER: Mike Shields IGEHOA Website: www.IGENaples.Info THE BOARD 2015 Pres. TBD V.P. Scott Toth 216-2907 Sect. Len Joyce 384-9181 Treas. Tom Harruff 591-8049 Dir. Charles McElligott 591-2313 Dir. Tom Nessling 414-429-8218 Dir. Pat Keating 414-217-5895 Dir. Dan Castaldini 254-1952 COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS: ARB - Scott Toth 216-2907 Safety and Security – Patrick Keating 414-217-5895 Entrada Ave-Back Gate Charles McElligott 591-2313 Tom Nessling 414-429-8218 Beautification Charles McElligott 591-2313 Drainage – Dan Castaldini 254-1952 Perimeter Awareness Patrick Keating 414-217-5895 IGE Superintendent Mark Thieme 227-9201 ARB Committee Members: Scott Toth, Janard Clemente, Duff McKenzie, and Steve Schroeder IMPERIAL GOLF ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION INC. Reminders: Prime Fire Season: Unfortunately we are, according the recent news reports, at extreme fire hazard conditions. Recently we had a fire of cut palm fronds, started on the grass in the common area behind 1925 to 1953 IGCB. Had the grass caught fire the homes in that area could have been in danger. If anyone knows anything about this fire please contact our Property Manager Sue Murphy. We need to be aware of what is happening around our property when in these dangerous fire conditions. Your next quarterly assessment of $398 per quarter was due April 1st. Please include the coupon with your payment. You should have received new coupons in the mail. If you did not receive your coupons, please contact Towne Properties at 239-596-1031. It is your responsibility to call in all vendors and visitors to allow pre-authorized access through the front gate. Call 239-597-2005 to enter the automated call in system. You can include your regular vendors on your pre-authorized access list. A copy is available at This includes your favorite pizza vendor unless you want it delivered cold! Vendors are not allowed access into Imperial on Sundays and most holidays. Please do not try to schedule a delivery or work on Sunday or a Holiday! Large Trucks and SUVs using Entrada Gate: If your large/tall vehicle is having bar code reader issues move further to the left/away from the bar code reader. The dual laser readers fan out as you move further away from the reader head thereby increasing the chance for reading a bar code on a large/tall vehicle. You can update your personal information in the Property Manager’s data base using the Owner Contact Form on line at or you can fill out the Owner Contact Form that was mailed to you. Highlights of Mar 26th BOD Meeting: The meeting was called to order at 8:30 A.M. by Vice President Scott Toth. Directors Tom Harruff, Chuck McElligott, Patrick Keating, Tom Nessling and Dan Castaldini were in attendance. Len Joyce – absent with notice; and Superintendent Mark Thieme was present. Homeowners present - 1805 IGCBlvd; 1938 IGCBlvd; 2033 Castle Garden; 2106 Imperial Circle; and Michael Towns, District Manager Towne Properties was present in the absence of PM Sue Murphy. Review of Minutes: February 26, 2015 meeting minutes of the Board of Directors were distributed to the Directors in advance and were approved as presented. Approval of Preservation of Documents Tom Harruff summarized the need for the approval based on current Florida Statute. Copies of the preservation documents were previously distributed by US Mail to all registered lot owners. A motion to approve and record the Preservation of Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions of Imperial Golf Estates pursuant to Chapter 712, Florida Statues was approved by the board unanimously. 1 Imperial Golf Estates Homeowners Association, Inc. Towne Properties 1016 Collier Center Way, Ste. 102 Naples, FL 34110 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT 524 NAPLES, FL In attendance were: Scott Toth – ARB Patrick Keating – Safety and Security and Perimeter Awareness Charles McElligott – Beautification and Entrada/Back Gate Tom Harruff – Treasurer Len Joyce – Roads and Walk Paths Tom Nessling – Entrada and Back Gate Dan Castaldini – Storm Water Drainage Mark Thieme – IGE Superintendent Each committee head agreed to prepare a draft of what each committee’s purpose and responsibilities entailed. Dan Castaldini provided an example of what is needed in his preparation of this for Storm Water Drainage. The long term goal of these documents is to facilitate transfer of responsibilities as new directors come on the board and for the new directors to better understand the function of these roles. A sort of living document of responsibilities of our Board of Directors. These will be reviewed at the next board meeting on Mar. 26, 2015 Summary Treasurer's Report: (Treasurer Tom Harruff) Financials–As of Feb 28, 2015 Operating Cash $133,631 Reserves $447,217 (MMA $251,066) Other Current Assets $(9,316) Net Fixed Assets $686 Total Assets $572,219 Total Current Liabilities $7,500 Total Equity $564,719 Total Liabilities/Owner Equity $572,219 Treasurers Comments: (Treasurer Tom Harruff) Total Operating Income for February is over budget by $17,774. Sales/Transfer Fees for the month were $1,000 and under budget by $2,333 for the month and under budget Year to Date by $4,666. We had one transfer in each month for January and February. Year to Date for Total Operating Income we are under budget by $92,570 primarily due to the prepaid assessments of $97,682. GIB Report (Director Castaldini) GREATER IMPERIAL BOARD, INC Total Operating Expenses for the month of February were $2,890 over budget. Monthly over budget expense categories include Utilities ($103), Grounds Care ($1,909) – primarily driven by paying for 2014 Tree Trimming that was billed late, Administrative Expense ($1,552) – primarily driven by Legal Expenses, and Maintenance was under budget by ($308) and Recreation was under budget by ($367). Treasurers Summary Report for Jan – GIB Mtg. 2-26-15 Income and Expense Statement as of 1-31-15: Total Operating Income is over budget for the month and Year to Date by $2,669 primarily due Gate Access Fee exceeding the monthly budget. Total Operating Expenses are under budget by $4,195 primarily due to unprocessed Gate Access Control (Universal Protection contract) invoices ($6,578). These invoices will be processed this month. Miscellaneous Expense is over budget by$8,040 for the month due to the payment of the purchase of Smart Passes for inventory. Our Net Income for February 2015: February Net Income after Expenses of $14,486 is based primarily on our Total Operating Income for the month exceeding budget by $17,774. We have been working with our Insurance agency to be sure that all of our coverages are adequate. The agency has confirmed that our General Liability Policy does cover the Entrada roadway just like the rest of the roads (Common Areas) in IGEHOA. Last month we increased our Crime/Fidelity Bond/Employee Dishonesty to $600,000 from the previous coverage of $100,000 based on the total of our Operating Cash and Reserves. We asked that they upgrade the length of our covered roadway in our General Liability policy to 7 miles with the addition of Entrada. We are waiting for any premium change. The $30,000 transfer from our Contingency Reserve to our Road Reserve will appear in next month’s financials. The discussion to remove eleven (11) delinquency balances, each balance being $15.00 or less; the collection expense after the first attempt was made to collect is greater that the delinquent balance due to the association therefore these balances will be removed from these accounts. Delinquent balances greater than $15.00 will continue forward for possible collection action per our Delinquent Assessment Rule. Board of Directors Workshop Minutes-Feb. 26, 2015 Following the IGEHOA Directors meeting of Feb. 26, 2015, there was a workshop regarding how to describe the various officer/committee chair person position functions, duties, and responsibilities. Balance Sheet Items as of 1-31-15: 1.Cash for Operations 2. Cash for Reserves Balance: (CD $250,935) 3. Other Assets, incl. Accts Rec and Prepaids: 4. Total Current Assets: 5. Owner’s Equity 6. Current Year Income/ (Loss) 7. Replacement Reserve Prior 8. Replacement Reserve Current 9. Total Equity $29,374 $319,574 $ 1,822 $350,770 $24,225 $6,966 $315,436 $4,143 $350,770 Balance Sheet Discussion: We have adequate cash on hand to meet our monthly bills. We have received two bids for the audit (three year cycle) that will be accomplished in 2015 on our 2014 financials. T.M. Hayes did our last GIB Audit in 2011. 2 Towne Properties has signed a contract with Wiebel, Hennels & Carufe to do the taxes for the Associations that they manage. It is anticipated that the cost for our tax preparation (IRS Form 1120H) will be less than last year. Unfinished Business: Rules and Regulations for the community will be reviewed by Board members to determine the need for the specific rule(s), the consequence of any suspension of amenities usage and to include the review of specific wording of rules. (Discussion item) Operational procedures for the Homeowners Association are being developed and reviewed by each Board and committee member to facilitate transfer of responsibilities between old and new Board members. (Ongoing project) A homeowner voiced a concern regarding overflow and maintenance of lakes. Director Castaldini answered those SDWMD related questions to include the lake drain pipe action plan with updated pipes. The Board is working diligently to keep lakes in healthy conditions and at a healthy level for wildlife in /out of lakes. An attending homeowner reported that a travel trailer is being stored on driveway for over two days. Manager will follow up with a site inspection and appropriate action. completed by D.H. Horton. The Board will supplement this area/or portions thereof located at the Marquis Park. Director Mc Elligott will evaluate that area that has no irrigation and the possibility of a booster pump. Director Castaldini stated that the temporary fence installed by Horton (Marsilea development) will be removed by IGEHOA to reclaim the 3 feet error prior to any landscape installation. Director Mc Elligott will research bids for the fence replacement to include the black metal. Water drainage from the sidewalk could go into a 16 inch pipe that then pushes the water into the wetlands; offsetting the volume of standing water on IGEHOA property. Owner on Imperial Circle voiced concern regarding water over flow into streets. Director Castaldini stated that there is a pump that was purchased for Phase 5 for drainage emergencies/ there is a 9 inch opening out of the weir that keeps water at the appropriate level. This 9 inch opening is non controlled (open all the time). All the underground concrete pipes are open and working; the over flow water during significant rain events is stored on the streets, which is the design. SFWMD permit restrictions will not permit a larger outlet from the weir. An attending homeowner stated that there is a cracked sidewalk located on Imperial Circle that needs to be evaluation for trip hazard. Superintendent Thieme will investigate. New Business: Homeowner’s responsibility to remove exotics per Collier county Web site was discussed. No action needed. Entrada gate pass failures particularly with SUV’s and large trucks. Large trucks and SUV’s when entering or leaving the Entrada gate need to be further away from the bar code reader to activate the gate. The dual laser readers fan out as they project away from the bar code reader head and the further a large vehicle is away from the bar code reader the better the chance that their bar code will be read. Insurance confirmation from Brown + Brown ; Any and all bridges, roads, and property that Imperial Golf Estates is responsible for including the private road that connects IGE to Livingston road is covered under the General Liability policy (which includes 7 miles of roads). Review of Entrada Gate suspension of privileges: procedures were reviewed; Homeowners have the right to a hearing within 14 days of letter of notice to deactivate. The hearing date and time will be reserved through the Management Company with the cited owner. Resolution to February 26, 2015 minutes: included attachment revokes the motion to transfer funds from Owner’s Equity to Road and Drainage Reserves. It now approves the transfer of $30,000 from the Contingency Reserve to the Drainage Reserve. Ratified approval of BOD signed Resolution: The Golf Club requested that the GIB consider seventy-five employees (75) be permitted to obtain windshield passes for entry through the owners gate, also to permit more staff in the gate house during golf event dates. Treasurer Harruff discussed the rights of owners vs. rights of the golf members. Discussion ensued to include options to this request. Motion was made by Treasurer Harruff that the IGE Board of Directors not approve changing the GIBs gate entrance policy. Motion seconded by Director Castaldini. All in favor. Motion approved unanimously. Homeowner Issues: Eugene Bannon seeks additional landscape by the Marsilea developer, D. H. Horton, abutting the fence in Phase 5 near the Entrada gate. Developers are obligated to install “Minimum type A landscape which includes a tree installed every 30 ft. with a bush in between trees.” Landscape screening plans will be available before the 19 villas are Quarterly Maintenance Fees - Coupon/Due Dates 2015 Quarterly Maintenance Fee $398.00/Qtr. 2015 Quarterly Payment due beginning Jan 1, 2015 at the new rate of $398.00 per quarter. Statement/coupon about Dec 1, Payment due Jan 1; Statement/coupon about Mar 1, Payment due Apr 1; Statement/coupon about Jun 1, Payment due Jul 1: Statement/coupon about Sep 1, Payment due Oct 1. Quarterly Maintenance Fees - Please include your Resident Number and your Account Number (Phase and Lot Number) on all check payments to preclude any delay in processing. The Resident Number and Account Number are on the coupon that must be returned with your payment. Owners with multiple lots must indicate how they wish their payments applied by including the appropriate coupons with each check. The correct mailing address for IGEHOA Quarterly Maintenance Assessments is: Iberia Bank, P.O. Box 9056, Naples, FL 34101. If you are using an automatic bill pay service, give them this address for mailing purposes and ask that they include your Account Number (Phase and Lot Number) on all payments. Lot Owners can contact Towne Accounting at 239-596-1031 if you need another coupon book or to discuss the coupon book process. Future Board of Director Meetings – BOD Meetings are held at the Island/Weybridge Clubhouse, 8:30 AM; BOD Meetings, Feb26, Mar 26, Apr 23, May 21, Jun 25 7 If you would like to advertise a service or product in the Estates Newsletter please contact: Tom Harruff 239-591-8049, or e-mail to: For rate and deadline information. An Advertising Request Form will be sent to you for completion. We accept existing ads, business cards and photos. Submissions of existing art needs to be in jpg, tiff or pdf format, (300DPI, RGB or CMYK). We can also design an ad for you. For submissions of art work and files or ad design and layout please email your information to: Greg Hierro 592-7501 email: Classifieds The committee is waiting for Sewer Viewer to investigate the condition of three (3) large drains pipes that cross under the Boulevard at the four way intersection. The pipes have out lived their life span and any failure would result in great disruption and inconvenience to all our residents. By being proactive we can plan ahead and limit the disruption if replacement is required. Additionally, Director Castaldini escorted our LCAM around the subdivision, to provide her with an overall review of IGEHOA’s drainage system and how it interacts with communities upstream, the Golf Course and communities downstream. It is difficult if not impossible to understand how the system was designed and build without the benefit of physically observing how the system is laid out. NO JOB TOO SMALL! FIX-IT-FAST SCREEN REPAIR Your “Pool Cage Mechanics” Newsletter-Estates: - (Treasurer Harruff): Tom Harruff stated that two ads are not being renewed in the Newsletter. He encouraged the other Board members to seek ads from local businesses. Complete Re-Screens Screen Doors and Hardware Installed Rusted Anchors and Screws Replaced Reminder - It is the responsibility of each Lot Owner to assure that their current contact information is in the Property Manager’s data base. That includes local and alternate mailing addresses, local and alternate telephone numbers, email addresses, home watch services, etc. This is important for notices to the entire community of important information like road closures, Estates newsletter and official notifications from the Association including Association Maintenance Fees. You can do this on line at DAN GREEN 1836 Imperial Golf Course Blvd. Naples, FL 34110 Mobile: 239-398-7835 l’auberge Top Cut USA t ra d i t i o n a l f r e n c h c u i s i n e Twilight Menus 4:30 to 6:00 $18.50 or $26.50 for 3 course dinner Landscape Maintenance Weekly Specials We service all your property needs! Open For Lunch Wed - Fri 11-2 Dinner Tues - Sun 4:30-close Celebrate your birthday with complimentary cake! 239-949-0653 French Chef Owned & Operated Open All Major Holidays! 239-596-4303 Reservations recommended TOPCUTUSA@YAHOO.COM WWW.LAUBERGENAPLES.COM 975 IMPERIAL GOLF COURSE BLVD. #116 NAPLES, FL 34110 Serving homes in your area! 6 To obtain an Exterior Change Request form on line:, log-in with name “imperial” and password “2011” From Towne Properties email your request to: Please remember that ARB approval is required for the use of PODS, Dumpsters and Port-a-Potties even if the renovations involve only interior changes. Superintendents Report: Feb 26, 2015 (Superintendent Mark Thieme) Superintendent Thieme reviewed the Bonness, Inc. proposal to approve the ‘exploration’ for cause of sinkhole located at 2216 IGCB – repair the cost of sinkhole on a time/material basis and to include backfill with excavated materials. Bid proposal = $4,121.77 Board approved Platinum Coast Irrigation to do the exploratory digging by the sinkhole before moving ahead with repair proposals. Dan Castaldini gave an overview history and problems with all drain pipes and the continued need for repairs. Superintendent Thieme reviewed his design for a Weir for both Bismarck and Majestic Lakes. Total proposal was $3,509.00. Board approved purchasing the parts for the fabrication of the new weirs. Director Castaldini spoke about the plan to move forward on the replacement of selected underground drainage piping; and describe the function of the weirs. The Board discussed the options and plans to try to get completed by rainy season. Superintendent Thieme presented the RIOS Painting Corp. proposal to have 36 stop signs painted ($3,690.00) 15 directions signs painted ($1,125.00) and 26 speed signs painted ($1,170.00) to total $5,985.00. Approved. Violations and Fining Committee – (PM Murphy): No report. Property Manager’s General report: (Submitted by PM Murphy) Vice President Toth signed the re-submitted Management contract with edits to include the Late Assessment fee collection process. Website posting: from Collier County Sheriff Kevin Rambosk regarding burglaries. Compliance of mail boxes and posts/ review of strategy for out of compliance posts/ mailboxes discussion ensued. In summary, the maintenance standard will include the existing mailbox/ mailbox post as to what is present at that address, and maintenance is to include painting, cleaning or necessary replacement due to unacceptable existing mailbox/ or post. PM Beautification, Common / Park Areas Committee Reports: (Director McElligott) Jose Pineda and Top Cut fertilized trees and shrubs in the community. The project of tree trimming was finished up this month. Banks surveyors came out last week to survey the property line between IGE and Marsilea development. The current fence is 3’ on our side of the property line so we will be moving the fence to the correct property line. The Racquet Club recently cut down the trees between the Charleston Square Condos and the shop building, making our work shop visible to the Charleston Square. Mark has been working to clean the area around the shop, to make it more eye appealing for the condos. Jose Pineda will be replacing the dead plants behind the flowers at the wing wall. Perimeter Awareness: (Director Keating) Supervisor Thieme is working with Director Keating to review the area and draft a guideline for reporting conditions. Traffic Safety and Security Committee: (Director Keating): Director Keating has met with Corporal John Madden to discuss the general safety of the community and how the Board and membership can be an active part of a safety conscious community. Roads & Walk paths: (Director Harruff for Director Joyce) The committee met with Holes Monte in March with attending members Len Joyce, Mark Thieme and Nicole Monahan; the team inventoried the Estates and reviewed conditions of the asphalt in the community’s different phases, including cul de sacs and courts. Included in the discussion were topics of Poly Tar as a material – a proposal from Hole Montes “Pavement Rehabilitation Evaluation for $5,800.00’. A meeting with Johnson Engineering Services on April 9th to refine a verbal proposal of $2,500.00 for evaluation purposes, if needed. Entrada Gate Issues: (Director McElligott) We had a number of back gate violations this month ranging from cars pulling up to the gate and then pulling away so the next car could go through, to a motorcycle tailgating out on a repeat occurrence. The first notice of violation includes the deactivation of pass for ninety (90) days. Light #22 is out and Mark will be rebuilding the LED light to replace the burned out bulb. We had 2 new gate arms that where broken by vendors tailgating into the community. Both company’s where charged $300 for replacement arms. Please remember to tell all of your vendors that they have to use the 41 entrance and exit to IGE. If vendors aren’t instructed on directions, their GPS will take them to the back gate. Architectural Review Board Report: (Vice President Toth) The ARB committee reviewed and approved eleven requests last month with no pending. The approved requests included repaint exterior, pavers, roof, shutters. There were no disapproved requests. 3 Drainage Report: (Director Castaldini) The committee continues to investigate the best way to mechanize the operation of both the Majestic Weir and the Bismarck Weir. The Weirs are currently operated by physically removing or replacing the various boards to either slow or increase the water discharge during extended times of drought or prolonged periods of rain. It is also a physically demanding and dangerous procedure especially at night. The proposed process is fairly complex and we need to be sure that it will be affordable, durable and will meet the current requirements dictated by Collier County and various other Government entities. While we hope that you support our advertisers, the Board of Directors of Imperial Golf Estates HOA, Inc. does not officially endorse any producs or services advertised herein. Superior Service - Extraordinary Results Do you know the value of your Imperial home? As Imperial Golf Estates residents we know how special our community is. Planning to build or remodel in Naples? Trust in the integrity, craftsmanship and artistry of our professional team. Contact Us Today For A Free Home Valuation. THE PAPPAS-BURBACK TEAM Debra Pappas-Burback Lawrence Burback REALTORS5. N U Classifieds CON R E D T R A CT 239-404-4900 t0WFS4BMFT t$POTJTUFOU5PQ1SPEVDFST t5PQPG#SPLFSBHF Christina & Rodney Moulder D OW N I N G - F RY E R E A LT Y, I N C. Kitchen and Bath Designers Featured Listing: 2055 Imperial Circle 3+Den 2-1/2 Bath $489,000 An Equal Housing Opportunity Broker. If Your House is Currently Listed This is Not Intended As a Solicitation. ©1995-2008 ProspectsPLUS® Let Royal Constructors Help • We Specialize In Remodeling, Kitchens & Bathrooms. Call Rodney at 239-537-4489 • Naples, Florida • License# CBC 1255700 To Our Imperial Golf Estates Neighbors We invite you to visit our beautiful and spacious flooring showroom in North Naples. We’re located just north of Imperial Golf Estates in the Royal Cove Plaza. $100 OFF * YOUR PURCHASE OF $999 OR MORE. *PRIOR PURCHASES EXCLUDED. NOT VALID ON CLEARANCE ITEMS. ONE CERTIFICATE PER PERSON. EXPIRES 5/31/15. IMPERIAL PRESSURE CLEANING Pool Decks • Driveways • Sidewalks Tyler Green 1836 Imperial Golf Course Blvd Naples, FL 34110 4 239-287-3725 Come Visit the Flooring Experts Naples Finest Flooring Showroom Royal Cove Plaza • 13250 Tamiami Trail North • One Block South of Wiggins Pass Road • Naples, Florida 34110 239-596-5959 • • Monday - Friday 9 - 6 • Saturday 9 - 5 5 While we hope that you support our advertisers, the Board of Directors of Imperial Golf Estates HOA, Inc. does not officially endorse any producs or services advertised herein. Superior Service - Extraordinary Results Do you know the value of your Imperial home? As Imperial Golf Estates residents we know how special our community is. Planning to build or remodel in Naples? Trust in the integrity, craftsmanship and artistry of our professional team. Contact Us Today For A Free Home Valuation. THE PAPPAS-BURBACK TEAM Debra Pappas-Burback Lawrence Burback REALTORS5. N U Classifieds CON R E D T R A CT 239-404-4900 t0WFS4BMFT t$POTJTUFOU5PQ1SPEVDFST t5PQPG#SPLFSBHF Christina & Rodney Moulder D OW N I N G - F RY E R E A LT Y, I N C. Kitchen and Bath Designers Featured Listing: 2055 Imperial Circle 3+Den 2-1/2 Bath $489,000 An Equal Housing Opportunity Broker. If Your House is Currently Listed This is Not Intended As a Solicitation. ©1995-2008 ProspectsPLUS® Let Royal Constructors Help • We Specialize In Remodeling, Kitchens & Bathrooms. Call Rodney at 239-537-4489 • Naples, Florida • License# CBC 1255700 To Our Imperial Golf Estates Neighbors We invite you to visit our beautiful and spacious flooring showroom in North Naples. We’re located just north of Imperial Golf Estates in the Royal Cove Plaza. $100 OFF * YOUR PURCHASE OF $999 OR MORE. *PRIOR PURCHASES EXCLUDED. NOT VALID ON CLEARANCE ITEMS. ONE CERTIFICATE PER PERSON. EXPIRES 5/31/15. IMPERIAL PRESSURE CLEANING Pool Decks • Driveways • Sidewalks Tyler Green 1836 Imperial Golf Course Blvd Naples, FL 34110 4 239-287-3725 Come Visit the Flooring Experts Naples Finest Flooring Showroom Royal Cove Plaza • 13250 Tamiami Trail North • One Block South of Wiggins Pass Road • Naples, Florida 34110 239-596-5959 • • Monday - Friday 9 - 6 • Saturday 9 - 5 5 Classifieds The committee is waiting for Sewer Viewer to investigate the condition of three (3) large drains pipes that cross under the Boulevard at the four way intersection. The pipes have out lived their life span and any failure would result in great disruption and inconvenience to all our residents. By being proactive we can plan ahead and limit the disruption if replacement is required. Additionally, Director Castaldini escorted our LCAM around the subdivision, to provide her with an overall review of IGEHOA’s drainage system and how it interacts with communities upstream, the Golf Course and communities downstream. It is difficult if not impossible to understand how the system was designed and build without the benefit of physically observing how the system is laid out. NO JOB TOO SMALL! FIX-IT-FAST SCREEN REPAIR Your “Pool Cage Mechanics” Newsletter-Estates: - (Treasurer Harruff): Tom Harruff stated that two ads are not being renewed in the Newsletter. He encouraged the other Board members to seek ads from local businesses. Complete Re-Screens Screen Doors and Hardware Installed Rusted Anchors and Screws Replaced Reminder - It is the responsibility of each Lot Owner to assure that their current contact information is in the Property Manager’s data base. That includes local and alternate mailing addresses, local and alternate telephone numbers, email addresses, home watch services, etc. This is important for notices to the entire community of important information like road closures, Estates newsletter and official notifications from the Association including Association Maintenance Fees. You can do this on line at DAN GREEN 1836 Imperial Golf Course Blvd. Naples, FL 34110 Mobile: 239-398-7835 l’auberge Top Cut USA t ra d i t i o n a l f r e n c h c u i s i n e Twilight Menus 4:30 to 6:00 $18.50 or $26.50 for 3 course dinner Landscape Maintenance Weekly Specials We service all your property needs! Open For Lunch Wed - Fri 11-2 Dinner Tues - Sun 4:30-close Celebrate your birthday with complimentary cake! 239-949-0653 French Chef Owned & Operated Open All Major Holidays! 239-596-4303 Reservations recommended TOPCUTUSA@YAHOO.COM WWW.LAUBERGENAPLES.COM 975 IMPERIAL GOLF COURSE BLVD. #116 NAPLES, FL 34110 Serving homes in your area! 6 To obtain an Exterior Change Request form on line:, log-in with name “imperial” and password “2011” From Towne Properties email your request to: Please remember that ARB approval is required for the use of PODS, Dumpsters and Port-a-Potties even if the renovations involve only interior changes. Superintendents Report: Feb 26, 2015 (Superintendent Mark Thieme) Superintendent Thieme reviewed the Bonness, Inc. proposal to approve the ‘exploration’ for cause of sinkhole located at 2216 IGCB – repair the cost of sinkhole on a time/material basis and to include backfill with excavated materials. Bid proposal = $4,121.77 Board approved Platinum Coast Irrigation to do the exploratory digging by the sinkhole before moving ahead with repair proposals. Dan Castaldini gave an overview history and problems with all drain pipes and the continued need for repairs. Superintendent Thieme reviewed his design for a Weir for both Bismarck and Majestic Lakes. Total proposal was $3,509.00. Board approved purchasing the parts for the fabrication of the new weirs. Director Castaldini spoke about the plan to move forward on the replacement of selected underground drainage piping; and describe the function of the weirs. The Board discussed the options and plans to try to get completed by rainy season. Superintendent Thieme presented the RIOS Painting Corp. proposal to have 36 stop signs painted ($3,690.00) 15 directions signs painted ($1,125.00) and 26 speed signs painted ($1,170.00) to total $5,985.00. Approved. Violations and Fining Committee – (PM Murphy): No report. Property Manager’s General report: (Submitted by PM Murphy) Vice President Toth signed the re-submitted Management contract with edits to include the Late Assessment fee collection process. Website posting: from Collier County Sheriff Kevin Rambosk regarding burglaries. Compliance of mail boxes and posts/ review of strategy for out of compliance posts/ mailboxes discussion ensued. In summary, the maintenance standard will include the existing mailbox/ mailbox post as to what is present at that address, and maintenance is to include painting, cleaning or necessary replacement due to unacceptable existing mailbox/ or post. PM Beautification, Common / Park Areas Committee Reports: (Director McElligott) Jose Pineda and Top Cut fertilized trees and shrubs in the community. The project of tree trimming was finished up this month. Banks surveyors came out last week to survey the property line between IGE and Marsilea development. The current fence is 3’ on our side of the property line so we will be moving the fence to the correct property line. The Racquet Club recently cut down the trees between the Charleston Square Condos and the shop building, making our work shop visible to the Charleston Square. Mark has been working to clean the area around the shop, to make it more eye appealing for the condos. Jose Pineda will be replacing the dead plants behind the flowers at the wing wall. Perimeter Awareness: (Director Keating) Supervisor Thieme is working with Director Keating to review the area and draft a guideline for reporting conditions. Traffic Safety and Security Committee: (Director Keating): Director Keating has met with Corporal John Madden to discuss the general safety of the community and how the Board and membership can be an active part of a safety conscious community. Roads & Walk paths: (Director Harruff for Director Joyce) The committee met with Holes Monte in March with attending members Len Joyce, Mark Thieme and Nicole Monahan; the team inventoried the Estates and reviewed conditions of the asphalt in the community’s different phases, including cul de sacs and courts. Included in the discussion were topics of Poly Tar as a material – a proposal from Hole Montes “Pavement Rehabilitation Evaluation for $5,800.00’. A meeting with Johnson Engineering Services on April 9th to refine a verbal proposal of $2,500.00 for evaluation purposes, if needed. Entrada Gate Issues: (Director McElligott) We had a number of back gate violations this month ranging from cars pulling up to the gate and then pulling away so the next car could go through, to a motorcycle tailgating out on a repeat occurrence. The first notice of violation includes the deactivation of pass for ninety (90) days. Light #22 is out and Mark will be rebuilding the LED light to replace the burned out bulb. We had 2 new gate arms that where broken by vendors tailgating into the community. Both company’s where charged $300 for replacement arms. Please remember to tell all of your vendors that they have to use the 41 entrance and exit to IGE. If vendors aren’t instructed on directions, their GPS will take them to the back gate. Architectural Review Board Report: (Vice President Toth) The ARB committee reviewed and approved eleven requests last month with no pending. The approved requests included repaint exterior, pavers, roof, shutters. There were no disapproved requests. 3 Drainage Report: (Director Castaldini) The committee continues to investigate the best way to mechanize the operation of both the Majestic Weir and the Bismarck Weir. The Weirs are currently operated by physically removing or replacing the various boards to either slow or increase the water discharge during extended times of drought or prolonged periods of rain. It is also a physically demanding and dangerous procedure especially at night. The proposed process is fairly complex and we need to be sure that it will be affordable, durable and will meet the current requirements dictated by Collier County and various other Government entities. In attendance were: Scott Toth – ARB Patrick Keating – Safety and Security and Perimeter Awareness Charles McElligott – Beautification and Entrada/Back Gate Tom Harruff – Treasurer Len Joyce – Roads and Walk Paths Tom Nessling – Entrada and Back Gate Dan Castaldini – Storm Water Drainage Mark Thieme – IGE Superintendent Each committee head agreed to prepare a draft of what each committee’s purpose and responsibilities entailed. Dan Castaldini provided an example of what is needed in his preparation of this for Storm Water Drainage. The long term goal of these documents is to facilitate transfer of responsibilities as new directors come on the board and for the new directors to better understand the function of these roles. A sort of living document of responsibilities of our Board of Directors. These will be reviewed at the next board meeting on Mar. 26, 2015 Summary Treasurer's Report: (Treasurer Tom Harruff) Financials–As of Feb 28, 2015 Operating Cash $133,631 Reserves $447,217 (MMA $251,066) Other Current Assets $(9,316) Net Fixed Assets $686 Total Assets $572,219 Total Current Liabilities $7,500 Total Equity $564,719 Total Liabilities/Owner Equity $572,219 Treasurers Comments: (Treasurer Tom Harruff) Total Operating Income for February is over budget by $17,774. Sales/Transfer Fees for the month were $1,000 and under budget by $2,333 for the month and under budget Year to Date by $4,666. We had one transfer in each month for January and February. Year to Date for Total Operating Income we are under budget by $92,570 primarily due to the prepaid assessments of $97,682. GIB Report (Director Castaldini) GREATER IMPERIAL BOARD, INC Total Operating Expenses for the month of February were $2,890 over budget. Monthly over budget expense categories include Utilities ($103), Grounds Care ($1,909) – primarily driven by paying for 2014 Tree Trimming that was billed late, Administrative Expense ($1,552) – primarily driven by Legal Expenses, and Maintenance was under budget by ($308) and Recreation was under budget by ($367). Treasurers Summary Report for Jan – GIB Mtg. 2-26-15 Income and Expense Statement as of 1-31-15: Total Operating Income is over budget for the month and Year to Date by $2,669 primarily due Gate Access Fee exceeding the monthly budget. Total Operating Expenses are under budget by $4,195 primarily due to unprocessed Gate Access Control (Universal Protection contract) invoices ($6,578). These invoices will be processed this month. Miscellaneous Expense is over budget by$8,040 for the month due to the payment of the purchase of Smart Passes for inventory. Our Net Income for February 2015: February Net Income after Expenses of $14,486 is based primarily on our Total Operating Income for the month exceeding budget by $17,774. We have been working with our Insurance agency to be sure that all of our coverages are adequate. The agency has confirmed that our General Liability Policy does cover the Entrada roadway just like the rest of the roads (Common Areas) in IGEHOA. Last month we increased our Crime/Fidelity Bond/Employee Dishonesty to $600,000 from the previous coverage of $100,000 based on the total of our Operating Cash and Reserves. We asked that they upgrade the length of our covered roadway in our General Liability policy to 7 miles with the addition of Entrada. We are waiting for any premium change. The $30,000 transfer from our Contingency Reserve to our Road Reserve will appear in next month’s financials. The discussion to remove eleven (11) delinquency balances, each balance being $15.00 or less; the collection expense after the first attempt was made to collect is greater that the delinquent balance due to the association therefore these balances will be removed from these accounts. Delinquent balances greater than $15.00 will continue forward for possible collection action per our Delinquent Assessment Rule. Balance Sheet Items as of 1-31-15: 1.Cash for Operations $29,374 2. Cash for Reserves Balance: $319,574 (CD $250,935) 3. Other Assets, incl. Accts Rec and Prepaids: $ 1,822 4. Total Current Assets: $3590,770 5. Owner’s Equity $24,225 6. Current Year Income/ (Loss) $6,966 7. Replacement Reserve Prior $315,436 8. Replacement Reserve Current $4,143 9. Total Equity $350,770 Board of Directors Workshop Minutes-Feb. 26, 2015 Following the IGEHOA Directors meeting of Feb. 26, 2015, there was a workshop regarding how to describe the various officer/committee chair person position functions, duties, and responsibilities. 2 Balance Sheet Discussion: We have adequate cash on hand to meet our monthly bills and it looks like we will end the year with a positive Net Operating Income when we finish reconciling our year end reports. We have received two bids for the audit (three year cycle) that will be accomplished in 2015 on our 2014 financials. T.M. Hayes did our last GIB Audit in 2011. Towne Properties has signed a contract with Wiebel, Hennels & Carufe to do the taxes for the Associations that they manage. It is anticipated that the cost for our tax preparation (IRS Form 1120H) will be less than last year. Unfinished Business: Rules and Regulations for the community will be reviewed by Board members to determine the need for the specific rule(s), the consequence of any suspension of amenities usage and to include the review of specific wording of rules. (Discussion item) Operational procedures for the Homeowners Association are being developed and reviewed by each Board and committee member to facilitate transfer of responsibilities between old and new Board members. (Ongoing project) A homeowner voiced a concern regarding overflow and maintenance of lakes. Director Castaldini answered those SDWMD related questions to include the lake drain pipe action plan with updated pipes. The Board is working diligently to keep lakes in healthy conditions and at a healthy level for wildlife in /out of lakes. An attending homeowner reported that a travel trailer is being stored on driveway for over two days. Manager will follow up with a site inspection and appropriate action. completed by D.H. Horton. The Board will supplement this area/or portions thereof located at the Marquis Park. Director Mc Elligott will evaluate that area that has no irrigation and the possibility of a booster pump. Director Castaldini stated that the temporary fence installed by Horton (Marsilea development) will be removed by IGEHOA to reclaim the 3 feet error prior to any landscape installation. Director Mc Elligott will research bids for the fence replacement to include the black metal. Water drainage from the sidewalk could go into a 16 inch pipe that then pushes the water into the wetlands; offsetting the volume of standing water on IGEHOA property. Owner on Imperial Circle voiced concern regarding water over flow into streets. Director Castaldini stated that there is a pump that was purchased for Phase 5 for drainage emergencies/ there is a 9 inch opening out of the weir that keeps water at the appropriate level. This 9 inch opening is non controlled (open all the time). All the underground concrete pipes are open and working; the over flow water during significant rain events is stored on the streets, which is the design. SFWMD permit restrictions will not permit a larger outlet from the weir. An attending homeowner stated that there is a cracked sidewalk located on Imperial Circle that needs to be evaluation for trip hazard. Superintendent Thieme will investigate. New Business: Homeowner’s responsibility to remove exotics per Collier county Web site was discussed. No action needed. Entrada gate pass failures particularly with SUV’s and large trucks. Large trucks and SUV’s when entering or leaving the Entrada gate need to be further away from the bar code reader to activate the gate. The dual laser readers fan out as they project away from the bar code reader head and the further a large vehicle is away from the bar code reader the better the chance that their bar code will be read. Insurance confirmation from Brown + Brown ; Any and all bridges, roads, and property that Imperial Golf Estates is responsible for including the private road that connects IGE to Livingston road is covered under the General Liability policy (which includes 7 miles of roads). Review of Entrada Gate suspension of privileges: procedures were reviewed; Homeowners have the right to a hearing within 14 days of letter of notice to deactivate. The hearing date and time will be reserved through the Management Company with the cited owner. Resolution to February 26, 2015 minutes: included attachment revokes the motion to transfer funds from Owner’s Equity to Road and Drainage Reserves. It now approves the transfer of $30,000 from the Contingency Reserve to the Drainage Reserve. Ratified approval of BOD signed Resolution: The Golf Club requested that the GIB consider seventy-five employees (75) be permitted to obtain windshield passes for entry through the owners gate, also to permit more staff in the gate house during golf event dates. Treasurer Harruff discussed the rights of owners vs. rights of the golf members. Discussion ensued to include options to this request. Motion was made by Treasurer Harruff that the IGE Board of Directors not approve changing the GIBs gate entrance policy. Motion seconded by Director Castaldini. All in favor. Motion approved unanimously. Homeowner Issues: Eugene Bannon seeks additional landscape by the Marsilea developer, D. H. Horton, abutting the fence in Phase 5 near the Entrada gate. Developers are obligated to install “Minimum type A landscape which includes a tree installed every 30 ft. with a bush in between trees.” Landscape screening plans will be available before the 19 villas are Quarterly Maintenance Fees - Coupon/Due Dates 2015 Quarterly Maintenance Fee $398.00/Qtr. 2015 Quarterly Payment due beginning Jan 1, 2015 at the new rate of $398.00 per quarter. Statement/coupon about Dec 1, Payment due Jan 1; Statement/coupon about Mar 1, Payment due Apr 1; Statement/coupon about Jun 1, Payment due Jul 1: Statement/coupon about Sep 1, Payment due Oct 1. Quarterly Maintenance Fees - Please include your Resident Number and your Account Number (Phase and Lot Number) on all check payments to preclude any delay in processing. The Resident Number and Account Number are on the coupon that must be returned with your payment. Owners with multiple lots must indicate how they wish their payments applied by including the appropriate coupons with each check. The correct mailing address for IGEHOA Quarterly Maintenance Assessments is: Iberia Bank, P.O. Box 9056, Naples, FL 34101. If you are using an automatic bill pay service, give them this address for mailing purposes and ask that they include your Account Number (Phase and Lot Number) on all payments. Lot Owners can contact Towne Accounting at 239-596-1031 if you need another coupon book or to discuss the coupon book process. Future Board of Director Meetings – BOD Meetings are held at the Island/Weybridge Clubhouse, 8:30 AM; BOD Meetings, Feb26, Mar 26, Apr 23, May 21, Jun 25 7 If you would like to advertise a service or product in the Estates Newsletter please contact: Tom Harruff 239-591-8049, or e-mail to: For rate and deadline information. An Advertising Request Form will be sent to you for completion. We accept existing ads, business cards and photos. Submissions of existing art needs to be in jpg, tiff or pdf format, (300DPI, RGB or CMYK). We can also design an ad for you. For submissions of art work and files or ad design and layout please email your information to: Greg Hierro 592-7501 email: The Frost Team The News at Imperial Golf Estates Helping you make wise real estate decisions. March 2015 Issue 03-15 PENDING GIB GATEHOUSE Voice Mail: GIB Gatehouse Fax: 2095 Imperial Circle - 3 Bedrooms, 2½ Baths - $469,000 Charmingly delightful! From the great curb appeal and warm and inviting entrance to the new kitchen open to the family room this home is full of nice surprises. Great custom floor plan. On a quiet street with lots of privacy, abuts a preserve on two sides. Room to add a pool. Debbie Frost 239-250-8701 • 597-2005 597-1069 IGEHOA TOWNE PROPERTIES Property Manager: Sue Murphy, LCAM 596-1031 Towne Properties Fax 596-1082 Email: WEB MASTER: Mike Shields IGEHOA Website: www.IGENaples.Info THE BOARD 2015 Pres. TBD V.P. Scott Toth 216-2907 Sect. Len Joyce 384-9181 Treas. Tom Harruff 591-8049 Dir. Charles McElligott 591-2313 Dir. Tom Nessling 414-429-8218 Dir. Pat Keating 414-217-5895 Dir. Dan Castaldini 254-1952 COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS: ARB - Scott Toth 216-2907 Safety and Security – Patrick Keating 414-217-5895 Entrada Ave-Back Gate Charles McElligott 591-2313 Tom Nessling 414-429-8218 Beautification Charles McElligott 591-2313 Drainage – Dan Castaldini 254-1952 Perimeter Awareness Patrick Keating 414-217-5895 IGE Superintendent Mark Thieme 227-9201 ARB Committee Members: Scott Toth, Janard Clemente, Duff McKenzie, and Steve Schroeder IMPERIAL GOLF ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION INC. Reminders: Prime Fire Season: Unfortunately we are, according the recent news reports, at extreme fire hazard conditions. Recently we had a fire of cut palm fronds, started on the grass in the common area behind 1925 to 1953 IGCB. Had the grass caught fire the homes in that area could have been in danger. If anyone knows anything about this fire please contact our Property Manager Sue Murphy. We need to be aware of what is happening around our property when in these dangerous fire conditions. Your next quarterly assessment of $398 per quarter was due April 1st. Please include the coupon with your payment. You should have received new coupons in the mail. If you did not receive your coupons, please contact Towne Properties at 239-596-1031. It is your responsibility to call in all vendors and visitors to allow pre-authorized access through the front gate. Call 239-597-2005 to enter the automated call in system. You can include your regular vendors on your pre-authorized access list. A copy is available at This includes your favorite pizza vendor unless you want it delivered cold! Vendors are not allowed access into Imperial on Sundays and most holidays. Please do not try to schedule a delivery or work on Sunday or a Holiday! Large Trucks and SUVs using Entrada Gate: If your large/tall vehicle is having bar code reader issues move further to the left/away from the bar code reader. The dual laser readers fan out as you move further away from the reader head thereby increasing the chance for reading a bar code on a large/tall vehicle. You can update your personal information in the Property Manager’s data base using the Owner Contact Form on line at or you can fill out the Owner Contact Form that was mailed to you. Highlights of Mar 26th BOD Meeting: The meeting was called to order at 8:30 A.M. by Vice President Scott Toth. Directors Tom Harruff, Chuck McElligott, Patrick Keating, Tom Nessling and Dan Castaldini were in attendance. Len Joyce – absent with notice; and Superintendent Mark Thieme was present. Homeowners present - 1805 IGCBlvd; 1938 IGCBlvd; 2033 Castle Garden; 2106 Imperial Circle; and Michael Towns, District Manager Towne Properties was present in the absence of PM Sue Murphy. Review of Minutes: February 26, 2015 meeting minutes of the Board of Directors were distributed to the Directors in advance and were approved as presented. Approval of Preservation of Documents Tom Harruff summarized the need for the approval based on current Florida Statute. Copies of the preservation documents were previously distributed by US Mail to all registered lot owners. A motion to approve and record the Preservation of Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions of Imperial Golf Estates pursuant to Chapter 712, Florida Statues was approved by the board unanimously. 1 Imperial Golf Estates Homeowners Association, Inc. Towne Properties 1016 Collier Center Way, Ste. 102 Naples, FL 34110 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT 524 NAPLES, FL NORTH COLLIER FIRE CONTROL AND RESCUE DISTRICT Prevention Bureau BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSION J. Christopher Lombardo, Chairman Norman E. Feder, Vice Chairman Richard Hoffman, Secretary-Treasurer James Burke Ramon E. Chao Christopher L. Crossan Margaret Hanson John O. McGowan (Via Email: April 17, 2015 Mr. Tom Harruff Treasurer Imperial Golf Estates Home Owners’ Association Naples, FL 34110 Dear Mr. Harruff: The North Naples Service Delivery Area of the North Collier Fire Control and Rescue District has an ISO rating of 3. The ISO rating of 3 applies to properties located within a defined distance of a fire station, usually a five road mile radius in most instances. According to MapQuest, North Collier Fire Station #48 is located within the five mile radius from all residential structures located within the Imperial development. Additionally, the development does have fire hydrants, with all residential structures being located within 1,000 feet of a fire hydrant. The North Collier Fire Control and Rescue District’s standard response to a reported structure fire for an area with hydrants within 1,000 feet is three (3) Engines, one (1) Ladder Truck and two (2) Chief Officers. Please distribute this letter to the residents within the Imperial development for forwarding to their homeowner’s insurance company. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Orly C. Stolts Fire Chief Enclosures: 1. Letter from Insurance Services Office 6495 Taylor Road Naples, FL 34109 (239) 597-9227 Fax (239) 597-3522
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