INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS MEETING PROGRAM nd Ferrum Rex 2 Meeting of The Polish Iron Club Institute of Genetics and Animal Breediing, PAS Jastrzębiec, May 12-13, 2015 THE POLISH IRON CLUB 1 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS Dear Colegues, Following the maxim ut ferrum sinon utaris, obdicitur rubigine (iron not used soon rusts) we organize a meeting that is yet another initiative taken up in the last 5 years whose aim it is to integrate the actions of biologists, doctors and pharmacologists dealing in the various aspects of iron biology. Despite visible progress in the popularization of this subject matter in the Polish science milieu, iron as a biometal mainly attracts the attention of hematologists. We try to change this state of affairs. The main motif of our Ferrum Rex meeting does not indicate we want to establish the supremacy of iron over other biometals, even though we could with no effort at all point to some royal attributes of iron in biology – the good and the bad ones. Indeed, it is our intention to draw attention to iron’s unique place in biology, but also to its participation in many biological processes, which is very well illustrated by the abundance and great variety of research themes mentioned during our meeting. A special place during our meeting is dedicated to heme iron. Recent research indicates the existence of an autonomous system of proteins participating in intracellular and systemic transport of heme in mammals. It seems that understanding the functioning of this system as well as finding molecular links between the turnover of heme iron and the turnover of ion iron in an organism is one of the most important scientific challenges for Iron Men. Paweł Lipiński THE POLISH IRON CLUB 2 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Paweł Lipiński Rafał R. Starzyński Agnieszka Styś Ewa Smuda Robert Staroń Małgorzata Prokopiuk Anna Gajowiak CONTACT Paweł Lipiński 694489 005 Rafał R. Starzyński 509 818 609 SPONSORS Beckman Coulter Polska Sp. z.o.o. Roche Diagnostics, POLAND Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding, PAS Medpharm Polska Supported by National Science Centre grant № 2012/05/E/NZ5/02126 THE POLISH IRON CLUB 3 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS PROGRAM SCHEDULE Monday, May 11 16:00 REGISTRATION Tuesday, May 12 9:00 OPENING Jarosław Horbańczuk, Director of IGAB PAS, Jastrzębiec, Poland Paweł Lipiński, IGAB PAS, Jastrzębiec, Poland, on behalf of the Organizing Committee 9:10-12:45 HEME METABOLISM SESSION (presentations of invited speakers: 30 min +10 min discussion) 9:10-9:50 Alicja Józkowicz, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland Through stress or not through stress: how heme oxygenase-1 affects myogenesis 9:50-10:30 François Canonne-Hergaux, INSERM, Centre de Physiopathologie Toulouse Purpan, Toulouse, France Erythrophagocytosis and heme iron recycling by macrophages 10:30-10:45 COFFEE BREAK THE POLISH IRON CLUB 4 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS 10:45-11:25 Jozsef Balla, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary Heme-stress in vascular biology 11:25-12:05 Søren Moestrup, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Danmark Receptors for heme and hemoglobin scavenging 12:05-12:45 Francesca Vinchi, Heidelberg University Medical Center, Heidelberg, Germany Regulation and dysregulation of iron and heme metabolism 12:45-14.15 LUNCH (BANQUET HALL) 14:15-16:15 SESSION 1 Presentations of young Polish researchers (15 min + 5 min discussion) 14:15-14:35 Robert Staroń, Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding PAS, Jastrzębiec Regulation of the molecular mechanisms of heme absorption: studies on piglets with iron deficiency anemia supplemented with heme iron. 14:35-14:55 Aleksandra Bednarz, Jagiellonian University, Kraków Identification of reticuloendothelial cells in kidneys of young mice and their plausible function in iron metabolism 14:55-15:15 Agata Szade, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland Cobalt propoporphyrin: unexpected effect on mobilization of hematopoietic cell 15:15-15:35 Anna Woziwodzka, Intercollegiate Faculty of BiotechnologyUniversity of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk Genetic background of iron homeostasis disturbances in chronic hepatitis C patients 15:35-15:55 Katarzyna Sikorska, University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk IL-28 polymorphisms and iron homeostasis disturbances in relation to hepcidin expression in chronic hepatitis C: polish single center study 15:55-16:15 Artur Słomka, Collegium Medicum of Nicolaus Copernicus University, Bydgoszcz The impact of treatment for acute ischemic stroke on hepcidin levels 16:15-16:30 COFFEE BREAK THE POLISH IRON CLUB 5 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS 16:30-16:45 Rafał Kochanowski, Roche Dignostics Poland Roche Molecular Diagnostics and Sequencing 16:45-17:00 Izabela Sadowska-Bartosz, University of Rzeszów, Rzeszów Modification of the deoxyribose test to detect strong iron chelators 17:00-17:20 Ewelina Łukaszyk, Medical University, Białystok, Poland. Association of serum levels of FGF23 with iron status, inflammation and kidney functionamong patients with early stages of chronic kidney disease 17:20-17:40 Radosław Kuliński, Medical University of Warsaw, Warszawa, Are the mechanisms of nigral cells neurodegeneration in typical and atypical parkinsonism different—MRI and Mössbauer spectroscopy studies 17:40-18:00 Agnieszka Styś, Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding PAS, Jastrzębiec Overexpression of both non-mutated human SOD1 and mutated SOD1G93A genes induces changes of iron metabolism genes in mice 18:00-18:20 Mateusz Ogórek, Jagiellonian University, Kraków Key role of copper in spermatogenesis 18:30-19:30 CONCERT OF CLASSICAL MUSIC (CONFERENCE ROOM) 19:30 GALLA DINNER (BANQUET HALL) THE POLISH IRON CLUB 6 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS Wednesday, May 13 9:00-12:00 SESSION 2 Presentations of young Polish researchers (15 min + 5 min discussion) 9:00-9:20 Monika Kasztura, Wroclaw Medical University, Wroclaw Influence of iron availability on the cell viability and the expression of genes associated with intracellular iron metabolism within rat H9C2 cardiomyocytes and L6G8C5 myocytes cultured either in static conditions or upon mechanical stretch 9:20-9:40 Magdalena Stugiewicz, Wroclaw Medical University, Wroclaw Influence of hypoxia on the molecular machinery involved in iron metabolism within rat H9C2 cardiomyocytes and L6G8C5 myocytes cultured in differential iron availability either in static conditions or upon mechanical stretch 9:40-10:00 Witold Nowak, Jagiellonian University, Kraków Still alive: mesenchymal stromal cells are resistant to oxidative stress despite the low level of heme oxygenases . 10:00-10:20 Mateusz Manicki, Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk Binding of Hsp70 chaperone Ssq1, and frataxin homologue Yfh1, to the iron-sulfur cluster scaffold Isu1 protein is mutually exclusive 10:20-10:40 COFFEE BREAK 10:40-11:00 Jędrzej Antosiewicz, Medical University of Gdansk Homocysteine impairs iron metabolism in HUVEC cells 11:00:11:20 Olga Pierzchała, Jagiellonian University, Kraków Impact of the copper deficiency on the expression of CTR1 gene and cellular localisation of CTR1 protein in mice with mutation in ATP7A gene 11:20-11:40 Sabina Galiniak, University of Rzeszów, Rzeszów Is iron chelation important in preventing glycation of bovine serum albumin in vitro? THE POLISH IRON CLUB 7 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS 11:40-12:00 Magdalena Zielińska-Dawidziak, Poznań University of Life Sciences Why do results of in vivo and in vitro experiments on ferritin iron absorption greatly differ? 12:00-CLOSING REMARKS Paweł Lipiński, IGAB PAS, Jastrzębiec, Poland, on behalf of the Organizing Committee CONFERENCE VENUE MAP THE POLISH IRON CLUB 8 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS THE POLISH IRON CLUB 9 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS ORAL PRESENTATIONS / ABSTRACT Through stress or not through stress: how heme oxygenase-1 affects myogenesis 1 1 1 1 1 1 M. Cieśla , P. Marona , M. Seczynska , M. Kozakowska , M. Jez , A. Szade , M. 1 1 1 2 2 1 Walawender , J. Stepniewski , W.N. Nowak , A. Urbanik , B. Kazanowska , J. Dulak , 1 A. Józkowicz 1 Department of Medical Biotechnology, Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University, Kraków 2 Department of Oncology, Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplantation, Wroclaw Medical University, Wroclaw Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) degrades heme to ferrous iron, carbon monoxide (CO) and biliverdin. Apart from inhibition of oxidative stress and inflammation, HO-1 facilitates angiogenesis and influences both cell differentiation and cancer development. Here we investigated the role of HO-1 in myogenic differentiation of myoblast and rhabdomyosarcoma. We found that retroviral overexpression of HO-1 in C2C12 myoblast cell line impairs myogenic differentiation. It also reduces the expression of DGCR8 (heme-regulated dimeric protein, involved in miRNA processing) and inhibits production of myomirs, including miR-206. Inhibitory effects of HO-1 on maturation of myoblasts is independent of oxidative stress but relies mainly on CO-mediated decrease in c/EBPδ binding to myoD promoter. HO-1 inhibits also differentiation of rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS), the soft tissue sarcoma characterized by abrogation of myogenic program. Two main subtypes of RMS are distinguished – benign embryonal (eRMS) and aggressive alveolar (aRMS). HO-1 expression is elevated in cell lines or clinical primary tumors of aRMS phenotype and HO-1 upregulation is induced in eRMS by forced expression of aRMS hallmark Pax3/7FoxO1 fusion oncogene. Incubation of RMS cells with SnPP increases expression of myogenic differentiation markers (e.g. myogenin, miR-206) and inhibits expression of Pax3/7-FoxO1 target genes (SDF-1, CXCR4, c-met, HGF). Differently than in myoblatsts, these effects are independent of cEBPδ/myoD interaction. Instead, high level of HO-1 in aRMS is associated with decreased generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) leading to reduced translocation of nuclear histone deacetylase-4 (HDAC-4) to cytoplasm, what results in repression of miR-206 production. Inhibition of HO-1 with tin protoporphyrin (SnPP) leads to elevation of ROS, oxidation and cytoplasmic translocation of HDAC-4, and de-repression of miR-206, what triggers myogenic differentiation of RMS cells. Accordingly, inhibition of HO-1 in nude mice reduces growth and vascularization of human RMS tumors, what is accompanied by upregulated expression of miR-206. Like in myoblasts, high level of HO-1 reduces expression of DGCR8 protein and decreases production of pre-miRNAs. In summary, HO-1 inhibits myogenic differentiation both in myoblasts and RMS cells. The molecular pathways are, however, distinct: independent of oxidative stress (in myoblasts) or dependent on antioxidative properties of HO-1 (in rhabdomyosarcoma). THE POLISH IRON CLUB 10 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS Erythrophagocytosis and heme iron recycling François Canonne-Hergaux INSERM UMR 1043; CNRS UMR 5282; Université de Toulouse, UPS, Centre de Physiopathologie de Toulouse Purpan (CPTP), Toulouse, France. Macrophages play a critical role on the maintenance of iron homeostasis through heme iron recycling following phagocytosis and degradation of senescent red blood cells (sRBC). Erythrocyte ageing is associated with appearance of several senescence markers at their cell surface which allow the specific recognition and engulfment of sRBC by macrophages. Such process known as erythrophagocytosis (EP) or extravascular hemolysis occurs mainly in the spleen and the bone marrow and in a lesser extent in the kupffer cells of the liver. Following EP, heme catabolism by heme oxygenase1 (HO1) lead to the release of heme iron which isthen recycled to the plasma by macrophages through ferroportin (Fpn), the only known mammalian iron exporter. This recycling process is highly regulated and is critical for mammalian iron homeostasis, participating when disturbed to the development of anemia or iron overload diseases such as hemochromatosis. Using a model that mimics the process of erythrophagocytosis including red blood cells ageing, recognition and engulfment by macrophages, we clarified the different steps of heme iron recycling by macrophages. Subcellular localization studies of various heme- and iron-related proteins during early steps of EP suggest a model for heme catabolism occurring outside the erythrophagosome, with heme transported into the cytosol through HRG1. Heme derived from RBC then leads to a predominantly iron-independent transcriptional activation of Fpn and HO1 genes. Iron released from heme catabolism subsequently strongly stimulates Fpn mRNA and protein expression through a post-transcriptional regulation. Such increase of Fpn expression isassociated with accumulation of the iron transporter at the plasma membrane. At the cell surface, Fpn is enriched in lipid raftsmicrodomaines(cholesterol rich membrane compartments) which are important for its regulation by hepcidin, a small peptide considered as the major hormonal regulator of iron homeostasis. Some oxidases likely stabilize Fpn at the cell surface and participate to the export of iron outside the macrophages. Interestingly, both hemeand iron can inducethe presence of HO1 protein in lipid raftsand partialcolocalisationof HO1 with the transporter Fpn at the cell surface. Integrating all of these observations, a model of heme iron recycling in macrophages will be discussed. THE POLISH IRON CLUB 11 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS Heme-stress in vascular biology József Balla Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary. MTA-DE Vascular Biology, Thrombosis and Hemostasis Research Group, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Debrecen, Hungary. Iron-derived reactive oxygen species are involved in the pathogenesis of numerous vascular diseases. One abundant source of redox active iron is heme, which is inherently dangerous when it escapes from its physiologic sites. In this review we present the nature of heme-mediated vascular damage and of the strategies by which vascular cells manages to protect itself from this clear and present danger. Of all sites in the body, the endothelium and vascular smooth muscle cells may be at greatest risk of exposure to heme. Heme greatly potentiates endothelial and smooth muscle cells damage mediated by leukocytes and other sources of reactive oxygen. Heme also promotes the conversion of low-density lipoprotein and atherosclerotic plaque lipid to cytotoxic oxidized products.Reb blood cell lysis and oxidation of ferro-hemoglobin during plaque rupture occur generating ferri- or ferryl-hemoglobin, followed by transfer ofheme to cells and lipid domain of the arteries representing a severe heme-stress. Moreover in the process of hemoglobin oxidation protein radicals are also formed.Oxidized hemoglobin exhibits pro-inflammatory properties. As a defense against such stress, endothelial and smooth muscle cells upregulate heme oxygenase-1 and ferritin. Heme oxygenase opens the porphyrin ring, producing biliverdin, carbon monoxide, and a most dangerous product-redox active iron. The latter can be effectively controlled by ferritin via sequestration and ferroxidase activity. These homeostatic adjustments have been shown to be effective in the pathology of endothelium and smooth muscle cells against the damaging effects of heme and oxidants. THE POLISH IRON CLUB 12 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS Receptor systems for hemoglobin and heme – role in inflammation 1,2 1 1,2 Pia Svendsen , Anders Etzerodt and Søren K. Moestrup 1 Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University, Denmark Inflammation Research, Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Southern Denmark 2 The haptoglobin-CD163-heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) and the hemopexin-CD91HO pathways are efficient captor-receptor-enzyme systems that circumvent hemoglobin (Hb)/heme-induced toxicity during physiological and pathological hemoglobin/heme release. The receptors CD163 and CD91 that only display a high affinity for haptoglobin or hemopexin when these form complex with hemoglobin or heme, respectively, are expressed in restricted but overlapping subsets of cells. CD163 expressing is largely restricted to the various type ‘alternatively’ activated ‘M2-like’ macrophage whereas CD91, besides being highly expressed in the same group of macrophages, also is expressed in many other cell types like hepacytes, neurones, fibroblast and syncytotrophoblasts. Removal of hemoglobin and heme and generation of the heme metabolites indicate an anti-inflammatory role of the pathways. In accordance with this function the haptoglobin-CD163-HO-1 pathway proteins are regulated by interleukin-6 (IL-6) that is known as an acute phase mediator that lead to a counteracting antiinflammatory response on acute inflammation We have now further explored the antiinflammatory properties of the CD163 by studying the effect of targeting-disruption of CD163 in inflammatory models. THE POLISH IRON CLUB 13 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS Regulation and dysregulation of iron and heme metabolism Francesca Vinchi Molecular Medicine Partnership Unit,University of Heidelberg & EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany; Molecular Biotechnology Center, University of Turin, Turin, Italy Despite their essential role for fundamental metabolic processes in cells and organisms, heme and iron, when in excess,could be potentially toxic due to their ability to participate in ‘Fenton-type’ redox chemistry, thus leading to the generation of highly reactive hydroxyl radicals that damage lipids, proteins and nucleic acids. Indeed, heme and iron metabolism needs to be finely regulated.Different tissues and cell types play a crucial role in heme and iron metabolism: the erythroid compartment that uses most of the absorbed and recycled iron and synthesizes the highest amount of heme, the duodenal enterocytes that are responsible for heme and iron absorption into the circulation, the reticulo-endothelial macrophages that recycle heme-derived iron to render it available for erythropoiesis and the liver, that serves as the main iron storage and heme-detoxifying tissue. The intracellular amount of both heme and iron is controlled at multiple levels: uptake, utilization, storage and export in the case of iron; synthesis, incorporation intohemoproteins, degradation and trafficking in that of heme. Additionally extracellular heme and iron scavenging by Hemopexin and Transferrin (Tf), respectively, regulates cell heme and iron uptake and prevents tissue oxidation. Disruptions in iron and heme homeostasis, from both deficiency and overload, account for some of the most common human diseases. Iron metabolism is balanced by two coordinated regulatory systems, one that functions systemically to maintain physiological Tf saturation and relies on the hormone hepcidin (Hamp) that controls systemic iron influx via the iron exporter ferroportin (FPN), and another that predominantly controls cellular iron metabolism through iron-regulatory proteins (IRPs) that bind iron-responsive elements (IREs) in regulated mRNAs. Inherited and acquired disorders that perturb hepcidin production, consequently cause iron deficiency (high hepcidin levels) or iron overload (hepcidin deficiency). Similarly heme metabolism is balanced by different mechanisms, one that works systemically by scavenging free hemoglobin and hemein order to avoid heme-mediated tissue oxidative damage, and a second one that maintains intracellular heme at a physiological concentration by coordinating its rate of synthesis, degradation and export. A misbalance in these systems leads to tissue heme overload (sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, malaria, HO1 deficiency) or heme deficiency (porphyria, sideroblastic anemia). THE POLISH IRON CLUB 14 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS Mechanisms of heme iron absorption in young pigs orally supplemented with hemoglobin 1 1 1 1 2 Robert Staroń , Paweł Lipiński , Anna Gajowiak , Ewa Smuda , Tomasz Dziaman , 3 3 4 Wojciech Krzeptowski , Małgorzata Lenartowicz , Małgorzata Gajewska , Marek 5 5 6 6 Pieszka , Dorota Bederska-Łojewska , Dorine Swinkels , Rachel van Swelm , Rafał 1 StarzyńskI 1 Department of Molecular Biology , Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding PAS, Poland 2 Depatment of Clinical Biochemistry, Collegium Medicum UMK, Poland 3 Department of Genetics and Evolution, Jagiellonian University, Poland 4 Departament of Physiological Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland 5 Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science, National Research Institute of Animal Production, Poland 6 Department of Laboratory Medicine, Radboud University Medical Centre, Netherlands Neonatal iron deficiency anemia (IDA) commonly occurs in young pigs, as a consequence of a negative iron balance resulting from both insufficient iron stores and dietary intake. Therefore, to counteract the reduction of iron supply for erythropoiesis and the development of anemia in piglets, an exogenous iron must be administered. Heme is an efficient source of iron in the diet, which strongly implies the existence of a regulated pathway for the absorption of heme-derived iron. However, mechanisms responsible for heme absorption remain uncharacterized. We aimed at determining the efficacy of oral heme-iron supplementation of piglets and investigating the molecular basis of heme-iron absorption. Polish Landrace piglets from three groups were treated as follows: A. intramuscular injection of iron dextran (FeDex) (150 and 40mg Fe/kg b.w. on day 3 and 21 after birth, n=8); B. oral supplementation with bovine hemoglobin (38g/kg diet, 612mg Fe/kg diet, n=15); C. no iron supplementation (n=15). Blood samples were collected on days 3, 14, 21, 28 after birth. On day 28 piglets were euthanized and duodenum and liver samples were collected for the expression analysis of iron-related genes and biochemical iron parameters measurements. Hematological indices revealed that oral supplementation of piglets with heme rescues these animals from IDA observed in non-supplemented controls. However, in contrast to the massive iron deposition observed in the livers of FeDex-treated piglets, animals supplemented with hemoglobin showed moderate hepatic iron content suggesting a shift of the heme-derived iron for erythropoiesis. In the duodenum of those piglets, the expression of apical, basolateral heme (HRG1, HCP1) and non-heme (Fpn) iron transporters was increased. Interestingly, we found that unlike FeDex-injected piglets, hemoglobin supplemented animals show very low hepatic expression of hepcidin mRNA as well as serum and urine hepcidin levels (comparable to anemic controls). In conclusion, our results show the effectiveness of oral heme supplementation in fighting IDA and elucidate duodenal pathways of heme-derived iron absorption and their regulation. Supported by NCN grant no. 2012/05/E/NZ5/02126. THE POLISH IRON CLUB 15 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS Identification of reticuloendothelial cells in kidneys of young mice and their plausible function in iron metabolism 1 2 1 Aleksandra Bednarz , Paweł Lipiński , Małgorzata Lenartowicz 1 Department of Genetics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences, Jagiellonian University, 2 Department of Molecular Biology, Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding, Polish Academy of Sciences Macrophages of reticuloendothelial (phagocytic) system play a crucial role in iron recycling in the organism due to the ability to recover and recirculate iron from old and damaged cells, especially from senescent erythrocytes. Resident macrophages are found in spleen (red pulp macrophages), liver (Browicz-Kupffer cells), lungs (alveolar cells), central nervous system (microglia), bones (osteoclasts) and bone marrow. However, very little is known about reticuloendothelial cells present in kidneys under physiological conditions. In our study, we attempted to identify macrophages in kidneys of healthy mice during ontogenic development from day 14 after birth until the age of 6 months. Eosin/hematoxylin staining of renal sections from 14-day-old mice revealed a population of numerous cells showing morphology very similar to that of Browicz-Kupffer cells. Interestingly, in kidneys of 6-month-old animals these cells were absent. To confirm the macrophage identity of these cells in kidneys of 14-day old mice, we performed immunofluorescence (IF) studies using an antibody directed against the plasma membrane macrophage marker - F4/80 and showed its strong expression in examined cells. Dual staining with antibodies specific for ferroportin (Fpn) and/or heme oxygenase 1 (HO1) and F4/80, indicated a strong co-localization of examined proteins under the confocal microscope, suggesting that both Fpn and HO1 are localized in kidney macrophages of suckling mice. HO1/F4/80 and Fpn/F4/80 dual staining in kidneys from 21-, 28-, and 36-day-old mice revealed that macrophages slowly disappear with age. We hypothesize that kidney macrophages are engaged in iron recycling from apoptotic cells derived from the reconstruction of kidney during the process of organogenesis, which is accomplished in 13-day old mice. Macrophages digest apoptotic cells in the kidney, recover and recycle their iron in a HO1- and Fpndependent process. Iron metabolism in young mice must be very strictly regulated because their molecular mechanism of iron absorption are not fully developed. Under such conditions recovering and recirculation of iron by kidney macrophages may be an important element of systemic iron management. Supported by NCN grant no. 2012/05/B/NZ4/02423. THE POLISH IRON CLUB 16 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS Cobalt protoporphyrin: unexpected effect on mobilization of hematopoietic cells 1 1 1 1,2 1 1 A. Szade , K. Szade , W. N. Nowak , K. Bukowska-Strakova , J. Dulak , A. Józkowicz 1 Department of Medical Biotechnology, Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology, 2 Department of Clinical Immunology, Polish-American Institute of Pediatrics, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Krakow Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is an enzyme degrading heme into ferrous ions, carbon monoxide and biliverdin, which is subsequently reduced to bilirubin. Cobalt protoporphyrin IX (CoPP) is an inducer of HO-1 expression and activity. We have previously observed that treatment of mice with CoPP increases the number of leukocytes in the blood. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of CoPP on hematopoietic cell populations. Mice were injected intraperitoneally with CoPP (10 mg/kg) or G-CSF (250 µg/kg) once a day, for 5 days. Six hours after the last dose mice were sacrificed, and both peripheral blood and bone marrow samples were collected. Mice treated with CoPP and GCSF had increased number of leukocytes in the blood compared to control mice. Relative spleen weight was similarly increased after CoPP and G-CSF treatments. The populations of leukocytes, which were affected by CoPP administration, were characterized in more detail using a flow cytometer. Treatment with CoPP resulted in + + increased number of circulating granulocytes (CD11b Ly6C Ly6G ) in the blood. However the granulocytes mobilized by CoPP were more mature than granulocytes mobilized by GCSF, what was demonstrated by higher granularity and Ly6G expression. + + CoPP induced mobilization of KLS (c-Kit Lin Sca-1 ) cells to the blood. We observed + increased numbers of KLS CD48 CD150 , KLS CD48+CD150+CD34+ and multipotent progenitors (KLS CD48+CD150-CD34+) in the blood of mice treaded with CoPP. Numbers of committed progenitors (KLS-, c-Kit+Lin-Sca-1-): granulocyte-macrophage progenitor cells (GMP, KLS- CD48+CD150-CD34+) and megakaryocyte–erythroid progenitor cells (MEP, KLS- CD48+CD150+CD34-) were also increased in the blood in response to CoPP treatment. To conclude, administration of CoPP results in the mobilization of granulocytes and hematopoetic progenitor cells into the blood. THE POLISH IRON CLUB 17 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS Genetic background influences iron homeostasis and hepatic injury in chronic hepatitis C patients 1 1 1 1 1 2 Woziwodzka , A. Bernat , M. Rybicka , A. Wróblewska , K.P. Bielawski , K. Sikorska 2 Medical University of Gdansk, Department of Tropical Medicine & Epidemiology, Gdańsk, Poland 1 Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology UG-MUG, Laboratory of Molecular Diagnostics, Gdańsk, Poland Iron, involved in several crucial metabolic pathways, can serve as both an essential nutrient and a potential toxin. Clinical manifestation of iron overload, observed in patients with hereditary hemochromatosis, includes iron storage in the liver, often leading to progressive fibrosis, cirrhosis, and eventually hepatocellular carcinoma. It is supposed that even modest symptoms of iron overload may increase the severity and progression of other liver diseases. Mild to moderate iron overload is common among patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC). Excessive iron accumulation in the liver is hepatotoxic and thus may lead to poor clinical outcome in CHC patients. The most common genetic factor leading to iron overload is polymorphism in HFE gene, encoding protein that regulates iron absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. Three polymorphisms in HFE gene have been described: C282Y, which is associated with iron overload symptoms and is present in 85-90% of patients with hemochromatosis, and H63D and S65C, for both of which clinical significance for iron overload is still unclear. Apart from HFE gene, polymorphisms in TF gene encoding transferrin and TFR2 gene encoding transferrin receptor protein 2, have been demonstrated to affect iron homeostasis. The aim of the study was to assess the impact of polymorphisms in HFE and other genes (TF, TFR2, HAMP, HDAC, CYBRD1) relevant for iron homeostasis, on both serum iron parameters and histopathological markers of liver injury in patients with CHC. 250 individuals with confirmed CHC were enrolled in the study. Polymorphisms in selected genes were determined with MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry using Sequenom MassARRAY platform, and correlated with ALT activity, serum iron overload parameters (serum iron, transferrin saturation, serum ferritin) as well as histopathological parameters of liver injury and iron overload (inflammation, fibrosis and iron deposits in liver tissue). Patients carrying HFE C282Y polymorphism more often developed iron deposits in the liver. Elevated parameters of serum iron overload were observed in CYBRD1 variant patients. Interestingly, the 0.46 frequency of C allele in TFR2 gene (rs7385804) observed in this study was significantly higher than its 0.31 frequency in a general European population, suggesting its role as a potential risk factor in course of HCVrelated disease. To conclude, this study provided evidence that genetic background might influence iron homeostasis in CHC patients. THE POLISH IRON CLUB 18 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS Il-28b polymorphisms and iron homeostasis disturbances in relation to hepcidin expression in chronic hepatitis c. 1 1 1 2 1 A. Wróblewska , A. Bernat , A. Woziwodzka , J. Markiewicz , K.P. Bielawski , T. 2 3 Smiatacz ,K. Sikorska 1 Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology UG-MUG, Laboratory of Molecular Diagnostics, Gdansk, Poland 2 Department of Infectious Diseases, Medical University of Gdansk, Poland 3 Department of Tropical Medicine and Epidemiology, Medical University of Gdansk, Poland Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection pose an important healthcare problem worldwide due to a poor response to common therapies and a prevalent development of chronic hepatitis C (CHC). Iron overload, frequently observed in CHC, is an important predictive marker for treatment failure and progression of liver fibrosis.Three major SNPs in the region of IL-28B gene, encoding interferon λ3: rs12979860, rs8099917 and rs12980275were identified as strong predictors of sustained viral response in HCVinfected patients.Expression of hepcidin(HAMP) gene encoding iron-regulatory hormone is regulated by inflammatory cytokines and plasma ironand could be a link between systemic iron status and immune response. In 192 CHC patients 3 IL-28B SNPs: rs12979860, rs8099917 and rs12980275 were genotyped using AS-PCR. HAMP gene expression in 185liver biopsies was determined using real time PCR in relation to GUS. In recruited patientsbiochemical analysisof liver function tests, serum iron and ferritin concentrations and transferrin saturation, and assessment of inflammation, fibrosis, steatosis, hepatocyte iron deposits inliver biopsy specimens were performed. Unfavourable IL-28B genotypes rs12979860 TT and rs8099917 GG were associated with higher incidence of systemic iron overload (OR 2.8, P=0.004 and OR 2.9, P=0.03, respectively).Patients possessing either of 3 unfavourable IL-28B genotypes had a significantly elevated serum iron levels.The presence of favourable haplotype rs12979860 C, rs8099917 T and rs12980275 A decreased chances for systemic iron overload (OR 0.3, P=0.002). The presence of unfavourable genotype rs12979860 TT or rs8099917 GG predisposes to more intense steatosis (P values 0.03 and 0.008, respectively) and favourable genotype rs12979860 CC to an increased degree of inflammation in liver tissue (P=0.03). Downregulated expression of the HAMP gene correlated with the lack of serum markers of iron overload as well as the presence of favourable rs12979860 CC, rs8099917 TTor rs12980275 AA genotype (P values 0.001, 0.003, 0.3 and 0.005, respectively). Conclusion: Our study points out the existence of an important link between systemic iron overload in CHC patients and genetic background of immune response to HCV infection. Iron overload observed frequently in CHC may be associated with an aberrant immune response to HCV infection. THE POLISH IRON CLUB 19 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS The impact of treatment for acute ischemic stroke on hepcidin levels 1 2 1 Artur Słomka , Milena Świtońska and Ewa Żekanowska 1 Department of Pathophysiology, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Ludwik Rydygier Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz, Poland 2 Neurology and Stroke Care Unit, Jan Biziel University Hospital № 2, Bydgoszcz, Poland A series of studies published over 15 years ago have shown that hepcidin and soluble hemojuvelin (sHJV) play a fundamental role in iron homeostasis. Nevertheless, iron metabolism in ischemic stroke remains poorly characterized. Therefore, in this study, we examined iron homeostasis proteins in relation to type of treatment and time of sampling in patients with acute ischemic stroke. Subjects included 31 patients diagnosed with acute ischemic stroke. Whole blood st th was collected twice: at the time of diagnosis (1 day) and one week after (7 day), and after centrifugation plasma samples were stored frozen. Patients were grouped according to type of treatment: group I – patients receiving intravenous alteplase ® (recombinant tissue plasminogen activator, Actilyse 50 ) at 0.9 mg/kg within 4½ hours of the stroke onset (n=12) and group II – patients not treated with thrombolysis (n=19). ® Of the 19 patients in group two, 11 patients received enoxaparin sodium (Clexane ) with the usual pharmacologic doses given by subcutaneous injection. ELISA kits were used to determine hepcidin (25–amino acid form), sHJV and soluble transferrin receptor st th (sTfR) levels on the 1 and on the 7 day. We first analyzed hepcidin, sHJV and sTfR levels on the 1st day and on the 7th day after stroke diagnosis. It was found that the levels of hepcidin, sHJV and sTfR on the 1st day were similar to the levels on the 7th day (median, 19.82 ng/mL vs 17.35 ng/mL; 443.80 ng/mL vs 386.27 ng/mL; 0.78 µg/mL vs 0.67 µg/mL, respectively). Next, we sought to examine whether stroke therapy has an impact on the levels of iron homeostasis proteins. We failed to find a difference in iron homeostasis proteins levels st between the two treatment groups on the 1 day. In contrast, significantly lower hepcidin th levels were found on the 7 day in the non–thrombolysis group when compared to the thrombolysis group (median, 16.21 ng/mL vs 22.16 ng/mL; p=0.04). Acute ischemic stroke patients not treated with rtPA showed lower levels of hepcidin compared with subjects treated with intravenous rtPA one week after stroke diagnosis. These findings support that stroke therapy has an influence on plasma hepcidin levels. THE POLISH IRON CLUB 20 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS Association of serum levels of Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 with iron status, inflammation andkidney function among patients with early stages of chronic kidney disease Ewelina Łukaszyk, Mateusz Łukaszyk, Jolanta Małyszko 2nd Department of Nephrology and Hypertension with Dialysis Unit, Medical University, M. Sklodowskiej-Curie, Białystok, Poland In patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) iron deficiency is frequently observed. Recent studies have described relationship between iron deficiency, inflammation, kidney function and Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 (FGF23), however it was based on patients in end-stage CKD or dialysis population. The aim of this study was to consider the relation between FGF23 and iron status, inflammation and kidney function in patients with early stages of CKD. The analysis included 150 patients. Among patients enrolled in the study, 96 (64%) were in early stage of CKD (2-4) and 47 (31.3%) had functional (FID) or absolute (AID) iron deficiency. Standard laboratory methods in the hospital central laboratory were used to measure iron, ferritin, transferrin saturation (TSAT), fibrinogen and creatinine levels. Serum concentrations of FGF23, high-sensitive C-reactive protein (hsCRP), growth differentiation factor (GDF-15), hepcidin-25, soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR), interleukin-6 (IL-6) were assessed with the use of commercially available assays. The negative correlation between FGF23 and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was observed (r= - 0.34, P<0.05). FGF23 waspositively correlated with GDF-15 (r=0.22, P<0.05) and IL-6(r=0.16, P<0.05) and negatively with fibrinogen (r=-0.19, P<0.05). There was no correlation between FGF23 and iron, TSAT, sTfR and ferritin. Patients with functional iron deficiency had significantly higher concentrations of GDF15, hepcidin-25, ferritin and fibrinogen in comparison with absolute iron deficiency. FGF23 is not related with classic iron status parameters in patients with early stages of chronic kidney disease. Functional iron deficiency is related to higher novel iron status parameters. Impaired renal function is associated with higher serum concentration of FGF23. THE POLISH IRON CLUB 21 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS Are the mechanisms of nigral cells neurodegeneration in typical and atypical parkinsonism different - MRI and Mössbauer spectroscopy studies 1 2 3 Radosław Kuliński , Andrzej Friedman , Jolanta Gałązka-Friedman 1 Magnetic Resonance Lab, Bródno Hospital, Warsaw Department of Neurology, Medical University of Warsaw 3 Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University of Technology 2 Parkinson’s disease (PD) and atypical parkinsonism e.g. progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) share some similar clinical features. Their motor symptoms are due to death of nervous cells in substantia nigra (SN). As the mechanism of the neurodegeneration in both may be related to the iron mediated oxidative stress injury and as the role of iron may be eventually assessed in the patients by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and in the post mortem tissue by Mössbauer spectroscopy (MS), we decided to compare the results of MRI with those obtained with the use of MS for the concentration of iron. T1 and T2 relaxation times obtained from SN were determined by MRI from 46 PD patients, 6 PSP and 18 control subjects. MS was performed on 17 PD SN samples, 10 PSP SN samples and 29 controls. T1 relaxation time from SN was 663±23 ms in PD, 580±12 ms in PSP and 717±4 ms in controls, T2 was 47.2±0.4 ms in PD, 57.3±1.7 ms in PSP and 51.6±0.6 ms in controls. Iron concentrations as assessed by MS in SN samples were 177±18 ng/mg wet tissue for PD, 301±26 ng/mg wet tissue for PSP and 177±14 ng/mg wet tissue for control. Conclusions: In PSP there is a significant increase of the concentration of iron in SN compared to control which is not detected in PD. This increase of iron is reflected by the significant shortening of T1 relaxation time in PSP. This finding is not paralleled by the change of T2 relaxation time which is the shortest in PD and the longest in control. It seems therefore that the changes in relaxation times depend not only on the concentration of iron. Our results suggest that the neurodegeneration in both diseases may be due to different mechanisms. THE POLISH IRON CLUB 22 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS Overexpression of both non-mutated human SOD1 and mutated SOD1G93A genes induces changes of iron metabolism genes in mice Anna Gajowiak, Rafał R. Starzyński, Paweł Lipiński, Robert Staroń, Agnieszka Styś Department of Molecular Biology, Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding, Polish Academy of Sciences Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative and paralytic disease characterized by degeneration and loss of motor neurons in the spinal cord, brainstem, and motor cortex. Up to 20% of ALS cases are inherited (familial, fALS) and associated with mutations, usually in the superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) gene. Rodent transgenic models of ALS are frequently used to elucidate a complex pathogenesis of this disease. Of importance, both ALS patients and animals carrying mutated human SOD1 gene show symptoms of oxidative stress and iron metabolism misregulation. The aim of our study was to characterize changes in iron metabolism in transgenic G93A mice overexpressing mutant SOD1 gene, a mouse model of ALS. We analyzed expression of iron-related genes in asymptomatic, 2-month old and symptomatic, 4G93A month old SOD1 mice. In parallel, respective age-matched mice carrying normal SOD1 transgene and control mice were analyzed. We demonstrate that the overexpression of both SOD1 and SOD1G93A genes accounts for a substantial increase in SOD1 protein levels and activity in selected tissues and that not all the changes in iron metabolism genes expression are specific for the overexpression of the mutated form of SOD1. Supported by NCN grant no. 2011/01/BNZ23/00632 THE POLISH IRON CLUB 23 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS Key role of copper in spermatogenesis Mateusz Ogórek, Paweł Grzmil, Olga Pierzchała, Aleksandra Bednarz, Małgorzata Lenartowicz 1 Department of Genetics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland Copper is a trace element essential for the functioning and survival of every cell. Though systemic and cellular copper metabolism is widely studied, little attention is paid to the role of copper in the male reproductive system. As shown in a murine model of Menkes disease, this disorder of copper metabolism leads to morphological changes in testis, cell damage, decrease in sperm quality and changes in hormone levels. All these changes found in mutant mice are caused by the toxic effects of high copper level in the testis, which results from the dysfunction of copper transporter Cu-transporting ATPase, ATP7A. On the other hand, copper, which provides a signal to begin the process of meiosis during spermatogenesis, is necessary in the male germ cells production,. All this data indicate that copper plays an important role in the production of sperm.Toxicity and indispensability of this trace element requires therefore a strict regulation of its concentration at the cellular level. The concentration of copper, changing with the successive stages of spermatogenesis, leads to a change of the whole suit of protective proteins such as SOD1 or HSP90. We found that ATP7A is expressed in the testis but its expression is restricted to Leydig cells, Sertoli cells and primary spermatocytes. Furthermore, we found that in Menkes disease mice copper level in the testis is elevated. Results of our studies indicate for the specific compensation mechanism when copper concentration increases in testis. It depends on the induction of ceruloplasmin expression, which binds free copper ions inside the cell. Supported by NCN grant no. 2012/05/B/NZ4/02423. THE POLISH IRON CLUB 24 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS The influence of iron availability on the cell viability and the expression of genes associated with intracellular iron metabolism within rat H9C2 cardiomyocytes and L6G8C5 myocytes cultured either in static conditions or upon mechanical stretch 1 2 2 3 4 1,4 M. Kasztura , M. Stugiewicz , K. Kobak , J. Bania , W. Banasiak , P. Ponikowski , EA. 1,4 Jankowska 1 Wroclaw Medical University, Department of Heart Diseases, Wroclaw, Poland Wroclaw Medical University, Students' Scientific Organisation, Department of Heart Diseases, Wroclaw, Poland 3 Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland 4 Military Hospital of Wroclaw, Cardiology Department, Wroclaw, Poland 2 Iron is presumed to affect the functioning of cardiomyocytes and skeletal myocytes. The presence of proteins involved in intracellular iron metabolism in these cells is anticipated. H9C2 rat adult cardiomyocytes and L6 rat adult skeletal myocytes were cultured for 24 hours in static conditions and when exposed to mechanical stretch in optimal or reduced (iron chelation using deferoxamine) or increased (supplementation of ammonium ferric citrate) iron concentrations in cultured media. We analysed the mRNA expression of HIF-1α (hypoxia and iron depletion indicator), ferritin heavy and light chains (FTH and FTL; iron storage proteins), ferroportin type 1 (FPN1; iron exporter), transferrin receptor type 1 (TfR1; iron importer), hepcidin (HAMP; iron metabolism regulator) using qPCR, the level of respective proteins using Western Blot, and the cell viability using FACS. In static conditions, cardiomyocytes exposed to reduced iron concentrations in the medium demonstrated as compared to standard conditions an increased mRNA expression of HIF-1α (r=0.96, p<0.001) and a decreased mRNA expression of FTH, FTL, FPN1, HAMP (all r<-0.7, p<0.001). The increased TfR1 expression (r=0.7, p<0.05) reflected a facilitated iron entrance to the cells. The inverse changes occurred in cells exposed to increased iron concentrations in the medium. The same pattern of mRNA expressions was observed in myocytes. There were strong relations between analogous genes in both cell lines (all r>0.9, p<0.001). The mRNA expression corresponded with the profile of respective proteins. When exposed to mechanical stretch, both cell lines, when cultured in reduced iron availability, demonstrated an increased mRNA expression of TfR1 (both r=0.96, p<0.001) and a reduced mRNA expression of FPN1 (both r= 0.96, p<0.001) similarly as in static conditions. It was accompanied by an increased HAMP mRNA expression in both cell types (both r>0.6, p<0.01 ), suggesting HAMP to be involved in the local regulation of iron metabolism. The culture of both cell types in non-optimal iron supply decreased their viability by 20% in both static conditions and when exposed to mechanical stretch. Rat cardiomyocytes and skeletal myocytes contain genes involved in intracellular iron metabolism and respond similarly to changing iron availability in static conditions. The application of mechanical stretch modulates responses to changing iron availability in these cells. Iron depletion and excess impair the viability of the cells. Supported by NCN grant 2012/05/E/NZ5/00590 THE POLISH IRON CLUB 25 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS Influence of hypoxia on the molecular machinery involved in iron metabolism within rat H9C2 cardiomyocytes and L6G8C5 myocytes cultured in differential iron availability 1 2 1 3 Magdalena Stugiewicz , Monika Kasztura , Kamil Kobak , Jacek Bania , Waldemar 4 2,4 2,4 Banasiak , Piotr Ponikowski , Ewa A. Jankowska 1 Wroclaw Medical University, Students' Scientific Organisation, Department of Heart Diseases, Wroclaw, Poland 2 Wroclaw Medical University, Department of Heart Diseases, Wroclaw, Poland 3 Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland 4 Military Hospital, Cardiology Department, Wroclaw, Poland Hypoxia is expected to affect the functioning of cardiomyocytes and skeletal myocytes. Hypoxia-induced alteration of the cellular machinery involved in iron metabolism is anticipated. H9C2 rat adult cardiomyocytes and L6 rat adult skeletal myocytes were cultured for 48 hours in hypoxia conditions (1% O2) in optimal or reduced (iron chelation using deferoxamine, DFO), or increased (supplementation of ammonium ferric citrate, AFC) iron concentrations in cultured media. We analysed the mRNA expression of HIF-1α (hypoxia and iron depletion indicator), ferritin heavy and light chains (FTH and FTL; iron storage proteins), ferroportin type 1 (FPN1; iron exporter), transferrin receptor type 1 (TfR1; iron importer), hepcidin (HAMP; iron metabolism regulator) using qPCR, the level of respective proteins using Western Blot, and the cell viability by means of MTS. In hypoxic conditions both cardiomyocytes and myocytes exposed to DFO treatment demonstrated as compared to standard conditions an increased mRNA expression of HIF-1α (r=0.93, p<0.01), indicating low oxygen status and depleted intracellular iron. It was accompanied by an increased HAMP mRNA expression in both cell types (both r>0.9, p<0.01), suggesting HAMP to be involved in the local regulation of iron metabolism. The increased TfR1 expression (r=0.93, p<0.01) in both cell types reflected a facilitated iron entrance to the cells. Unlike normoxia conditions, the DFO treatment upon low oxygen status caused an increase in mRNA expression of FTH and FTL (both r>0.9, p<0.01) in L6 cells suggesting cellular response to stress condtions, and an increased FPN1 expression (r=0.93, p<0.01). There was strong relation between HIF-1α and HAMP genes in each cell line (both r>0.9, p<0.01). Both cell lines exposed to AFC treatment demonstrated a decreased mRNA expression of TfR1 (r=-0.9, p<0.01) and an increased mRNA expression of FTH, FTL and FPN1 (all r>0.9, p<0.01). Hypoxic conditions caused the 25% (DFO) or 20% (AFC) decrease in cardiomyocytes viability and 27% (DFO) or 23% (AFC) decrease in myocytes viability. In hypoxia conditions both cardiomyocytes and myocytes respond to changing iron avalaibility. Hypoxia-induced alteration of iron metabolism genes may intervene with the stress response of myocytes. Supported by NCN grant no. 2012/05/E/NZ5/00590 THE POLISH IRON CLUB 26 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS Still alive: mesenchymal stromal cells are resistant to oxidative stress despite the low level of heme oxygenases W. N. Nowak, H. Rostinki, J. Markiewicz, K. Barthenheier, C. Cauvin, N. KachamakovaTrojanowska, J. Dulak and A. Józkowicz Department of Medical Biotechnology, Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) are multipotent cells derived from adult tissues, able to differentiate in vitro to adipocytes, osteoblasts or chondrocytes. Such cells are widely studied as promising tools in regenerative medicine. However, success of cellular therapy depends on the cell survival upon the administration to the patient. Heme 2+ oxygenase-1, enzyme that degrades heme to billiverdin, carbon monoxide and Fe , is important cytoprotective and antioxidant factor, which can affect stem cell performance. Therefore, the aim of our study was to characterize murine bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells lacking functional Hmox1 gene. We employed bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (BM-MSC) +/+ -/isolated from Hmox1 or Hmox1 mice. Using flow cytometry we characterized BM+/+ -/and Hmox1 cells were differentiated to adipocytes, MSC phenotype. Hmox1 osteoblasts and myofibroblasts what was confirmed with analysis of marker expression. Then, we analyzed the MSC response to the stressors such as H2O2, hemin or increased glucose concentration. Both MSC Hmox1+/+ and Hmox1-/- showed similar phenotype, differentiation capacities and production of cytokines or growth factors. Interestingly, Hmox1+/+ and -/Hmox1 cells showed similar survival in response to 50 µmol/L hemin even in the presence of increased glucose concentration, conditions that were unfavorable for -/+/+ Hmox1 bone marrow-derived proangiogenic cells (BDMC). Surprisingly, Hmox1 and -/Hmox1 MSC stood firm against up to 100 µmol/L hemin for 6 hours. What is more, +/+ +/+ MSC but not Hmox1 fibroblasts retained low ROS levels even after Hmox1 prolonged incubation with 50 µmol/L hemin. However, both cell types have comparable level of Hmox1 expression and similarly increase its levels in response to hemin. Concluding, lack of Hmox1 does not influence MSC phenotype and tested functions. MSC Hmox1-/- showed higher resistance to the hemin treatment than BDMC. MSC Hmox1+/+ better withstand hemin than fibroblasts regardless of the similar Hmox1 expression level. The mechanism of such resistance must be further evaluated. THE POLISH IRON CLUB 27 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS Binding of Hsp70 chaperone Ssq1, and frataxin homologue Yfh1, to the iron-sulfur cluster scaffold Isu1 protein is mutually exclusive 1 1 2 2 Mateusz Manicki , Julia Majewska , Szymon Ciesielski , Brenda Schilke , Anna 1 1 2 1,2 Blenska , Jacek Kominek , Elizabeth A. Craig , Jarosław Marszałek , Rafał 1 Dutkiewicz 1 Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Gdansk, Poland Department of Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, USA 2 Fe-S clusters are prosthetic groups critical for the activity of many proteins. In the mitochondria of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Fe-S cluster biogenesis is an essential, complex process involving a dynamic interplay of protein:protein interactions centered on the 14 kDa protein Isu. Isu serves as a scaffold on which Fe-S clusters are assembled in a process involving the formation of an "assembly complex" composed of Isu, Nfs1-Isd11 (the cysteine desulfurase that serves as a sulfur donor) and Yfh1 (the yeast frataxin homolog, a regulator of Nfs1-Isd11 activity and/or iron donor). Nfs1-Isd11 and Yfh1 interact with each other and with Isu. The molecular chaperones Jac1 and Ssq1, the J-protein/Hsp70 pair, are required for transfer of Fe-S clusters from Isu to recipient apo-proteins. Little is known however, about the molecular basis of the transition from the assembly complex to the transfer reaction. Our long-term goal is to dissect the interactions between the assembly complex and Jac1/Ssq1 to understand how these chaperones drive this transition. Here, we report that by using available structural and biochemical data we have modeled the structure of the assembly complex and predicted surface exposed residues critical for individual protein:protein interactions (Nfs1-Isd11:Yfh1 and Isu:Yfh1). We verified our predictions biochemically using a semi-quantitative in vitro pull down assay utilizing Isu-GST and Yfh1-GST fusion proteins. We observed that the reconstituted Isu:Yfh1:Nfs1-Isd11 assembly complex is stable only if both Yfh1:Nfs1-Isd11 and Yfh1:Isu interactions were intact. Disruption of either of these protein:protein interactions, by substituting key amino acid residues, resulted in dissociation of Yfh1 from the assembly complex. Moreover, we observed that Isu:Yfh1 interaction involves a PVK sequence motif of Isu, which is also the site of interaction between Isu and Hsp70, Ssq1. Thus, interactions between Isu and either Yfh1 or Ssq1 are likely mutually exclusive. We hypothesis, that this mutually exclusive binding could have functional consequences for the transition from the assembly complex to the transfer reaction. THE POLISH IRON CLUB 28 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS Homocysteine impairs iron metabolism in HUVEC cells 1,2 1 1 Jędrzej Antosiewicz , Andżelika Borkowska , Katarzyna Kaczor 1 Department of Bioenergetics and Physiology of Exercise, Medical University of Gdansk, Poland 2 Department of Biochemistry University School of Physical Education and Sport Gdansk Homocysteine (Hc) is considered to be a risk factor for arteria dysfunction and vasculopathic effects of homocysteine are iron-dependent. For example iron sucrose exacerbates and iron chelation alleviates homocysteine-induced reduction in flowmediated dialation. However, the impact of homocysteine on iron metabolism is not well understood. To explore the effects of Hc on iron metabolism, we used human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) as a model. Ferritin concentration, transferrin receptor 1 and ferroportin levels were measured. Hc treatment induced changes in both ferritin L and H level. In particular, a minor decrease of both ferritins were observed during the first two hours of Hc treatment, whereas the substantial rises were observed afterwards. Some equivocal changes in ferroportin level were also noticed which indicates that Hc may modify cells’ ability to export iron. In addition, the effects of Hc on serine/threonine kinase (Akt) signaling pathway were measured. We observed that the down regulation of Akt signaling induced by Hc or by transfection of the cells with siRNA against Akt1, Akt2 or Akt3 led to increase in both, ferritin L and H proteins level. Altogether, these data show that Hc induces changes in HUVEC iron metabolism and it is, at least partially, mediated by changes in Akt signaling pathway. Our observations are in agreement with previous studies where the increase of iron accumulation was noticed in people with insulin resistance. THE POLISH IRON CLUB 29 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS Impact of the copper deficiency on the expression of the gene Ctr1 and cellular localization of CTR1 protein in mice with mutation in the Atp7a gene. Olga Pierzchała, Aleksandra Bednarz, Małgorzata Lenartowicz Department of Genetics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland Copper is an essential trace element which takes part in multiple cellular processes including mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, neurotransmitter synthesis and maturation, free-radical detoxification, iron metabolism and pigmentation. In mammals cellular copper import is primarily mediated by protein called CTR1. This protein belongs to the family SLC31 of copper transporters and has a very high affinity + to Cu ions This Cu-specific carrier has been identified in several tissues including intestine, liver, kidneys, brain and mammary gland. In the cells CTR1 is predominantly found at the plasma membrane and constitutively cycles between plasma membrane and intracellular vesicles. Its location may be modified by a few factors including cell type and extracellular copper concentration. It is known that the cell surface pool of CTR1, in response to elevated copper concentration, is rapidly internalized and degradated. Mutation in X-linked ATP7A/Atp7a gene, encoding a Cu-transporting ATPase ATP7A protein, causes Menkes disease in humans and mottled mutation in mice. In both Menkes patients and mutant mice defective intestinal absorption leads to copper deficiency in various organs with subsequent kidney and small intestine Cu accumulation. In our research we analyzed the expression of the Ctr1 gene using RealTime PCR in kidneys derived from the mutant mice. We also investigated CTR1 cellular localization in the mouse kidneys and we found that elevated copper concentration in the mutant cells was correlated with the increase in Ctr1 gene expression and changed intracellular localization of the CTR1 protein. Supported by NCN grant no. 2012/05/B/NZ4/02423. THE POLISH IRON CLUB 30 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS Is iron chelation important in preventing glycation of bovine serum albumin in vitro? 1 1,2 1 Sabina Galiniak , Grzegorz Bartosz , Izabela Sadowska-Bartosz 1 Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, University of Rzeszów, Poland Department of Molecular Biophysics, University of Łódź, Poland 2 It has been proposed that decompartmentalized metal ions are a major contributor to the development of diabetic complications and that metal chelation may be responsible for the inhibition of advanced glycation end products (AGE) formation by a variety of drugs commonly used for the treatment of diabetic complications. However, when studying the glycation of bovine serum albumin (BSA) by sugars, glyoxal (GO) and methylglyoxal (MGO) we found limited or no protection by metal chelators such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DETAPA) or nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) in the simple in vitro system. This prompted us to perform a systematic comparison of the chelating activity of compounds affecting the rate of BSA glycation. We compared the iron-chelating activity (estimated by the ferrozine test) and the extent of inhibition of BSA glycation in vitro induced by glucose, fructose and ribose of 38 compounds and found no correlation betweeen these parameters. In line with these results, treatment of the glycating solution with the metal ion-binding resin Chelex X-100 did not affect the course of glycation. These data indicate that the glycation of BSA in vitro is iron-independent and that is not a proper system to study the role of metals in protein glycation. THE POLISH IRON CLUB 31 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS Modification of the deoxyribose test to detect strong iron chelators 1 1,2 1 Sabina Galiniak , Grzegorz Bartosz , Izabela Sadowska-Bartosz 1 Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, University of Rzeszów, Poland Department of Molecular Biophysics, University of Łódź, Poland 2 Since introduction, the deoxyribose test based on inhibition of damage to deoxyribose induced by a Fenton system of hydrogen peroxide, ferric chloride and ascorbic acid has been frequently used to estimate the reactivity of various compounds for the hydroxyl radical. The generation of hydroxyl radical in this system is dependent 3+ upon redox cycling via reduction of Fe by ascorbate. We observed that even in the 2+ absence of ascorbate and H2O2, Fe induced oxidative damage to deoxyribose albeit of lower magnitude. It is not easy to determine whether inhibition of deoxyribose damage is due to competitive scavenging of the hydroxyl radical or to prevention of the hydroxyl 2+ radical formation by iron chelation strong enough to prevent the participation of Fe in 2+ the Fenton reaction. We studied the effect of chelator concentration at constant Fe 2+ concentration and the effect of Fe concentration at constant chelator concentration on 2+ the deoxyribose damage. The titration of chelators with increasing Fe concentrations from substoichiometric to suprastoichiometric yielded two types of plots, the dependence being hyperbolic for most substances but sigmoidal for some chelators. The same type of dependence was observed in the absence and in the presence of ascorbate and H2O2. We interpret the sigmoidal dependence of the deoxyribose damage on Fe2+ concentration, at a fixed inhibitor concentration, with inflection point 2+ corresponding to a 1:1 ratio, as indication of strong Fe binding by a chelator. THE POLISH IRON CLUB 32 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS Why do results of in vivo and in vitro experiments on ferritin iron absorption greatly differ? Magdalena Zielińska-Dawidziak Department of Food Biochemistry and Analysis, Poznań University of Life Sciences, Poland Ferritin is a very conservative protein which is present in cells of almost all living organisms. It has many unique features of which the most crucial is the possibility to accumulate plenty of iron ions - up to 4500 of atoms in one molecule. Moreover, iron in mineral core is isolated from the surrounding environment by the protein’s shell. The protein is thermally stable and resistant to a wide range of pH changes. Ferritin expression may be increased in plants, both through genetic engineering methods and modification of plants growth conditions. It is not surprising that the protein has interested nutritionists as a potential source of iron supplement for individuals suffering from its deficiency. The ferritin obtained from legumes sprouts was successfully used in bioactive food production. Many studies were conducted on its bioavailability, but discrepancies were observed in the obtained results; specifically results from some in vitro experiments suggest ferritin instability during digestion in the stomach and differ from those obtained from animal and clinical studies. Ferritin iron uptake depends on different mechanisms and involves proteins different from the ones that participate in heme and Fe(II) ions transport. Its availability is comparable to pharmaceutical preparations and depends on the organism iron status. These results were confirmed during in vivo experiments. It may be concluded that a diet composition may strongly influence the stability of ferritin, preventing protein denaturation by the acid secreted in the stomach. There is also possibility that ferritin can be renaturated in the small intestine . Incorrect sample preparations for in vitro experiments were also proven. That is why, even if results of in vitro analyses are disturbing, they should not restrain ? the studies on plant ferritin nutritional value, but should constitute a challenge for the future. THE POLISH IRON CLUB 33 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS LIST OF PIC MEETING PARTICIPANTS Jędrzej ANTOSIEWICZ Medical University of Gdansk ul. M. Skłodowskiej-Curie 3a 80 80-210 Gdańsk, Poland Alicja JÓZKOWICZ Jagiellonian University ul. Gronostajowa 7 30-387 Krakow, Poland Jozsef BALLA University of Debrecen Egyetem tér 1, 4032, Debrecen, Hungary Monika KASZTURA Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, ul. Rudolfa Weigla 12, Wroclaw, Poland Grzegorz BARTOSZ University of Lodz ul. Narutowicza 65, 90-131 Łódź, Poland Kamil KOBAK Wrocław Medical University Wybrzeże Ludwika Pasteura 1, 50-367 Wrocław, Poland Aleksandra BEDNARZ Jagiellonian University ul. Gronostajowa 9 30-387 Kraków, Poland Radosław KULIŃSKI Medical University of Warsaw ul. Żwirki i Wigury 61 02-091 Warszawa, Poland François CANONNE-HERGAUX CHU Purpan Place du Dr Baylac BP 3028 31024 TOULOUSE Cedex 3, France Andrzej FRIEDMAN Bródno Hospital ul. Kondratowicza 8 03-242 Warszawa, Poland Anna GAJOWIAK Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding PAS ul. Postepu 36a 05-552 Magdalenka, Poland Jolanta GAŁĄZKA-FRIEDMAN Warsaw University of Technology ul. Koszykowa 75 00-662 Warszawa, Poland Sabina GALINIAK University of Rzeszów ul. Zelwerowicza 4 35-601 Rzeszów, Poland Małgorzata LENARTOWICZ Jagiellonian University ul. Gronostajowa 9 30-387 Kraków, Poland Ewelina ŁUKASZYK Medical University of Bialystok ul. Jana Kilińskiego 1 15-089 Bialystok, Poland Paweł LIPIŃSKI Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding PAS Jastrzębiec, ul. Postępu 36a 05-552 Magdalenka, Poland Jolanta MAŁYSZKO Medical University of Bialystok ul. Jana Kilińskiego 1 15-089 Bialystok, Poland Mateusz MANICKI University of Gdansk, Poland Jana Bażyńskiego 1A, 80-952 Gdańsk, Poland THE POLISH IRON CLUB 34 INSTITUTE OF GENETICS AND ANIMAL BREEDING PAS Søren MOESTRUP University of Aarhus Ole Worms Allé 3 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark Rafał R. STARZYŃSKI Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding PAS Jastrzębiec, ul. Postepu 36a 05-552 Magdalenka, Poland Witold NOWAK Jagiellonian University Gronostajowa 7 30-387 Krakow, Poland Magdalena STUGIEWICZ Wrocław Medical University Wybrzeże Ludwika Pasteura 1, 50-367 Wrocław, Poland Agnieszka STYŚ Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding PAS Jastrzebiec, ul. Postepu 36a 05-552 Magdalenka, Poland Mateusz OGÓREK Jagiellonian University ul. Gronostajowa 9 30-387 Kraków, Poland Natalia PIEKUŚ Collegium Medicum of Nicolaus Copernicus University ul. Jagiellońska 13-15 85-067 Bydgoszcz, Poland Olga PIERZCHAŁA Jagiellonian University ul. Gronostajowa 9 30-387 Kraków, Poland Agata SZADE Jagiellonian University Gronostajowa 7 30-387 Krakow, Poland Francesca VINCHI Heidelberg University Medical Center Neuenheimer Feld 672, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany Izabela SADOWSKA-BARTOSZ University of Rzeszów ul. Zelwerowicza 4 35-601 Rzeszów, Poland Anna WOZIWODZKA Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Gdansk and Medical University of Gdansk Kładki 24 80-822 Gdańsk, Poland Katarzyna SIKORSKA Medical University of Gdansk ul. M. Skłodowskiej-Curie 3a 80 80-210 Gdańsk, Poland Magdalena ZIELIŃSKA-DAWIDZIAK Poznań University of Life Sciences ul. Mazowiecka 48 60-623 Poznań, Poland Artur SŁOMKA Collegium Medicum of Nicolaus Copernicus University ul. Jagiellońska 13-15 85-067 Bydgoszcz, Poland Robert STAROŃ Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding PAS Jastrzębiec, ul. Postepu 36a 05-552 Magdalenka, Poland THE POLISH IRON CLUB 35
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