9th April 2015 Professor Byung-Chul Hyun, Chairperson National Human Rights Commission of Korea Gumsegi Building, No. 16, Ulgiro 1-ga, Jung-gu Seoul Republic of Korea Dear Professor Byung-Chul Hyun, It has recently been reported through several online outlets (koreabridge.net and iglhrc.org) that the National Human Rights Commission of Korea recently hosted an event aimed at promoting ‘gay conversion’. The news reports state that the event occurred on the 19th March 2015 and was attended by the groups ‘Holy Life’, ‘Citizens for a Healthy Society’ and ‘the Chosen People Network’. As you know we were extremely pleased to have the Korean Commission (represented by Mr Choe Jun Soek) participate at the APF/UNDP Workshop on the Role of NHRIs in Promoting and Protecting the Rights and Health of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) peoples held in Bangkok, Thailand, from 25th to 25th February 2015 (http://www.asiapacificforum.net/support/issues/sexual-orientation). The Workshop, attended by 16 APF members, representatives of UN agencies and civil society, developed a Programme of Action and Support that I have included for your information and reference. I’d like to highlight some of the recommended action points that you may also find useful in relation to how NHRIs can assist support people of diverse sexuality: - - - Build the capacity of NHRIs (members and staff) in central and regional offices to provide an accessible and safe space for people of diverse SOGI, where their rights are protected and promoted. Ensure visibility and explicit inclusion of SOGI in internal strategic planning processes. Provide a platform for persons of diverse SOGI to engage in dialogue with all relevant groups including parliamentarians, the judiciary, security/law enforcement sector, medical practitioners and community and religious leaders. Promote greater understanding between people of diverse SOGI, their families and the wider community. Advocate for change in the attitudes/behaviours of policymakers, law enforcement officials and society towards people of diverse SOGI. You will be pleased to learn that the APF will be developing a blended learning training program on the role of NHRIs in promoting and protecting the rights of LGBTI next year. We will be seeking contributions from our members, including the Korean Commission, on challenges, successes and lessons learned. We believe this practical support will assist our members’ capacity to understand the often complex and sensitive issues that pertain to this area of human rights. If you would like to discuss any of the issues raised in this letter, including the recommended actions set out in the Programme of Action and Support, please contact our Gender Focal Point and Deputy Director, Ms Pip Dargan on pipdargan@asiapacificforum.net. We look forward to our continued and valued cooperation and we stand ready to assist should your Commission request it. Yours sincerely, Kieren Fitzpatrick Director Attachment: Programme of Action and Support: The Role of NHRIs in Promoting and Protecting Human Rights in Relation to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity including Health Rights in Asia and the Pacific.
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