Details - Indira Gandhi National Tribal University

National Conference cum Workshop
Skill Acquisition, Entrepreneurship Development and
Employment Generation towards Skill India Initiative
with special focus on Mining and Steel Industries
8th and 9th April 2015
New Auditorium - Conference Hall
Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak, (M.P.)
Phone: 07629-269701, Website:
There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why...
I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?
Robert Kennedy
The University:
The Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak has been established by an Act
of the Parliament of India. It came into existence by the Indira Gandhi National Tribal
University Act, 2007 and came into action on July 2008. The jurisdiction of the University
extends to the whole country and it is fully funded by the Central Government through the
University Grant Commission.
About the Conference cum Workshop:
Youth employability has become a national issue, as the rates of unemployment and
under-employment for 18 to 35 year olds continue to increase. In spite of their education
levels, for many youth finding a job related to their skills remains a challenge. Selfemployment, business start-ups and the development of entrepreneurial skills are
solutions, among many others, enabling young people to find employment.
In light of the present national situation, IGNTU wishes to support the strengthening of
Skill India Initiative. The other purpose to have services offered that are adapted to the
realities of women and youth, which enable them to start up or consolidate micro and small
enterprises or develop self-employment. In addition to business development, for nation,
entrepreneurship also signifies any skills, knowledge and behaviours which facilitate the
creation of economic wealth, jobs and social development in communities.
Entrepreneurship is one of the important aspects of the economy. The concept of
entrepreneurship differs from place to place and person to person. It is therefore,
imperative to have basic understanding of the concept of entrepreneurship. Hence, there is
a need to follow a dynamic and pragmatic approach to motivate and create trained
entrepreneurs at the government as well as at the educational level by a balanced
approach through public-private partnership and a host of other arrangements for the
growth and development of India.
Against this backdrop, this Conference cum Workshop aims at providing a platform to
share the ideas and research results & obtain feedback on this emerging and
contemporary topic in order to explore the best practices and alternatives for the Skill
Acquisition, Entrepreneurship Development and Employment Generation among youths,
students and groups, which in turn leads to the skill development. The other objective of
this occasion is that the scientists, faculties, industrialists and thinkers of various industries
and universities from all over India will be participating so that they may get a common
platform to put up their creativity and innovation to promote and successful implementation
of GOI’s ambitious initiative known as“Skill India Initiatives”.
Who can attend:
Academicians, Economists, Entrepreneurs, Industry Professionals, Practitioners,
Consultants, Students, Research Scholars, Technocrats and Researchers of all
Scope of the Conference cum Workshop:
To strengthen “Industry Academic Interface” so that as per demand of the industry,
we may start skill based courses.
To start skill oriented courses on PPP Model for supply of skilled man-power as per
demand of the mining industries, mineral based industries and steel industries, so
that such industries may function smoothly without any limitation.
To provide employment after proper training to the youth and students of tribal and
rural areas because generally, mining industries are being preferred in tribal and
rural areas. It would help to utilize the youth class of such areas not only to provide
them employment but also to full-fill the demand of skilled men-power to the
industries in future.
To discuss on proper utilization and sustainable development of mines and mineral
based industries.
To discuss on social and local responsibilities of mining industries, steel industries
and mineral based industries.
To create opportunities, space and scope for the development of the talents of the
Indian youth and to develop more of those sectors which have already been put
under skill development for the last so many years and also to identify new sectors
for skill development.
The new programme aims at providing training and skill development to 500 million
youth of our country by 2020, covering each and every village.
Objective of the Conference cum Workshop:
Finding out various new avenues, challenges, opportunities and the emerging
trends in Skill Acquisition, Entrepreneurship Development and Employment
Emphasis is to skill the youths in such a way so that they get employment and
also improve entrepreneurship.
To create an environment conducive to Entrepreneurship by knitting together all
relevant players viz. support system institutions, governments and potential and
existing entrepreneurs.
Skill acquisition and skill development on new areas like real estate, construction,
transportation, textile, gem industry, jewellery designing, banking, tourism, IT,
agriculture, food-processing and various other sectors, where skill development is
inadequate or nil.
Unleashing rural Entrepreneurship.
Strengthen Rural India Skill and Make in Village in India initiative and design skill
oriented courses and certify the training process.
Facilitating interaction among academicians and existing pool of entrepreneurs.
Tailor-made, need-based programmes would be initiated for specific age groups
which can be like language and communication skills, life and positive thinking
skills, personality development skills, management skills, behavioral skills,
including job and employability skills.
To undertake and support research in Skill Development, Entrepreneurship and
disseminate the findings through this conference cum workshop and publish them
in a national volume.
Conference cum Workshop Themes:
 Skill and Entrepreneurship development for Art, Commerce, Science, Management
& Technology Graduates
 Entrepreneurship development programmes on renewable energy technologies,
women self help groups (SHGs),
 Skill-cum-technology up-gradation programmes in readymade garments/apparels,
leather, plastics, handicrafts, and gem cutting
 Skill opportunities in medicinal and aromatic plants
 Skill opportunities in Insurance Industry, Herbal Industry, IT Sector, Food Sector,
Agriculture Sector, MSM Enterprises
 Emerging trends in Entrepreneurship
 Role of Entrepreneurship in economic development/ development of India
 Entrepreneurship development initiatives by Government and Private educational
 Role of industry, organizations, civil society and NGOs in Skill Development and
 Role of MSME Development Institutes in promoting Skill Development and
 Role of technology for success of entrepreneurs
 Role of social/media in creating avenues for Skill Development and
 Management education for Entrepreneurship Skill Development
 Rural Skill Development and Entrepreneurship in India
 Skill Development and e-Entrepreneurship in MSMEs
 Women Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
 Skill Development and Entrepreneurship for Mining Industries
 Skill Development and Entrepreneurship for Steel Industries
 Skill India Initiative with focus on Digital India Initiatives.
 Skill India Initiative with focus on Make in India Initiatives.
 Skill India Initiative with focus on Make in Village in India Initiatives.
 Skill India Initiative with Digital Agriculture and Digital Village
 Any other relevant topic
Guideline for Authors:
 The participants willing to present papers on any of the sub themes mentioned
above, but not restricted to, can send the title of book chapter or/and title and
abstract of their paper in not more than 250 words before 7th April 2015 on email which will be scrutinized by the editorial committee
before their acceptance.
 Full text of the paper is to be submitted in MS word using Times Roman, font size 12
on A4 size paper in double spacing in not more than 3000 words.
 The abstract and the full papers must be accompanied with the Authors name(s),
Affiliation(s), Full address, EmailID, Mobile number along with title of the paper on
the front page.
 The papers must also provide appropriate bibliography and references in MLA style
(Modern Language Association (MLA Citation Style)).
 The paper submitted must be original, unpublished and the same should not be
simultaneously submitted to any journal or publisher. Best three papers will be
selected and awarded.
 The selected book chapter and papers will be reviewed and published in the form of
edited book and journal bearing ISBN number.
 All authors/contributors should register for the conference. We are also considering
in-absentia papers.
 Those who wish to attend the Conference but cannot contribute papers due to any
reason can attend the Conference cum workshop.
Registration Details:
S. No. Participants
Registration Fee
Students/Research Scholars
No Registration Fees
Faculty Members/Industry People No Registration Fees
Title of Book Chapter, Title of Abstract, Book Chapter and Full paper
should be sent to the Coordinator of the conference at the following email ID:
Opportunity for Students:
Theme Presentation Competition
(UG, PG Students and Research Scholars only)
We are also organizing Theme Presentation Competition for students. Title of
presentation should be based on the themes mentioned above. Title of presentation
should be submitted on or before 7th April 2015.
Duration of Presentation is Maximum 15 Minutes. Maximum three students can form
a team
Cash Prize along with certificate of merit –
1st Prize – Rs.1000/2nd Prize – Rs.750/3rd Prize – Rs. 500/-
Chief Guest
Honorable Union Minister of State
Shri Vishnu Dev Sai
It is really a matter of immense pleasure that our Workshop cum Conference
on “National Level Conference cum Workshop on Skill Acquisition,
Entrepreneurship Development and Employment Generation towards Skill
India Initiative with special focus on Mining and Steel Industries” on 8th April
2015 will be inaugurated by Honorable Union Minister of State Shri Vishnu Dev
Sai (Ministry of Steel and Mines) who is a member of the 16th LokSabha of
India and represents the Raigarh constituency of Chhattisgarh and former
president of state BJP C.G .and is a member of the BharatiyaJanata Party
Prof T.V Kattimani
IGNTU, Amarkantak
Honorable Prof T.V Kattimani will be the chairman of the workshop namely
“National Level Conference cum Workshop on Skill Acquisition,
Entrepreneurship Development and Employment Generation towards Skill
India Initiative with special focus on Mining and Steel Industries” which is
going to be held on 8th April 2015.
Registration Form:
National Level Conference cum Workshop on Skill Acquisition, Entrepreneurship
Development and Employment Generation towards Skill India Initiative with
special focus on Mining and Steel Industries
Organized by
Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarakantak (M.P)
A Central University established by an Act of Parliament
Participation Category**
Specify Yes/No
Present Address
Other than Student: Yes/No
Students /PhD Scholar: Yes/No
Signature of the Participant
Conference cum Workshop Contact Details.
Email: (For all communication regarding Conference cum
Workshop )
Prof. Awadhesh Kr. Shukla
Director of Conference cum Workshop Dean : Faculty of Science & Computronics IGNTU,
Amarkantak (M.P.) Contact No. : 09407656121 Email : ,
Dr. Vikash Kumar Singh
Convener of Conference cum Workshop Head (I/C), Dept. of Computer Science IGNTU,
Amarkantak (M.P.) Mobile: +91 7587169076
Event Organizing Committee
Dr. Vikash Kumar Singh
Head (I/C), Dept. of Computer Science
IGNTU, Amarkantak (M.P.)
Mobile: +91 7587169076
Dr. BiswajitMaji
Assistant Professor
Dr. Virendra Mishra
Assistant Professor
Dr. JayantKumar Behera
Assistant Professor
Dr. Mohan LalChadhar
Assistant Professor
Dr. RichaChaturvedi
Assistant Professor
Dr. SatishModi
Assistant Professor
Dr. Gauri Shankar Mahapatra
Assistant Professor
Dr. AkhileshKumar Singh
Assistant Registrar
Organized by
Indira Gandhi National Tribal
University, Amarkantak (M.P)
A Central University established by
an Act of Parliament