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Bianca Burini Kojin, Ph.D.
55(11) 98178-2299
Ph.D. degree in Sciences
University of São Paulo (USP) - SP - Brazil
Jan/2004 to Dec/2009
Bachelor degree in Sciences
Mackenzie University - SP – Brazil.
Jan/2000 to Dec/2003
Licensed in Sciences
Mackenzie University - SP – Brazil
Feb/2002 to Feb/2003
Post Doctoral Scholar Position.
University of São Paulo.
Engineering transgenic Culex quinquefasciatus.
Feb/2015 to present
Post Doctoral Scholar Position.
Mar/2011 to July/2013
University of California, Irvine.
Developing a gene drive system for transgenic Anopheles stephensi.
Ph.D. Degree
Jan/2004 to Dec/2009
University of São Paulo
Thesis: Effects of Anti-parasite Genes in Transgenic Mosquitoes.
B.S. Biological Sciences
Jan/2001 to Dec/2003
Mackenzie University
Diploma Thesis: Circumsporozoite Protein cDNA Cloning and
Molecular Biology
Extensive experience in DNA, RNA and protein isolation and
purification, PCR, molecular cloning and subcloning in plasmid
vectors, gel electrophoresis, RT-PCR, Splinkerette PCR, Southern
Blot, Western Blot.
Cell Culture
Maintenance and transfection of mosquito and mouse cell lines.
Mosquito rearing and malaria cycle maintenance.
Wide experience in Anopheles sp. Aedes sp. and Culex sp. rearing, all
stages of life cycle (egg, larva, pupa and adults).
In vivo maintenance of complete life cycle of Plasmodium gallinaceum
in chicken malaria model (Aedes aegypti to Gallus gallus)
Gene Design
Very experienced with designing transgenes to generate transgenic
virus and mosquitoes lines.
Very proficient with DNA microinjection in embryos (Anopheles sp.
and Aedes sp.) to generate transgenic mosquito lines.
Cell transfection with DNA to generate transgenic viruses
(Alphavirus sp.).
Protein Expression
Expression and purification of heterologous proteins in bacterial
Capurro, M de L.; Ribolla, P. E. M.; Bianchi, A. G.; Marelli, T. M;
Caroci, A. S.; Magalhães, M.; Feitosa, F. M.; Chinoca, J. P.; Kojin, B.
B. Mosquitos Transgênicos - Controle da transmissão de
malária e dengue. Biotecnologia ciência & desenvolvimento, Brasil,
p. 26 – 31, 2001.
Wilke, A.B. B.; Nimmo, D. D.; John, O. S.; Kojin, B. B.; Capurro, M.
L.; Marelli, M. T. "Mini-review: genetic enhancements to the
sterile insect technique to control mosquito populations."
AsPac J Mol Biol Biotechnol 17.3 (2009): 65-74.
• Costa-da-Silva, André Luis, et al. "Expression and accumulation
of the two-domain odorant-binding protein AaegOBP45 in
the ovaries of blood-fed Aedes aegypti." Parasites & vectors 6.1
(2013): 364.
• da Costa-da-Silva; A. L.; Danilo Oliveira Carvalho, D. O.; Kojin, B.
B.; Capurro, M. L. "Implementation of the Artificial Feeders in
Hematophagous Arthropod Research Cooperates to the
Vertebrate Animal Use Replacement, Reduction and
Refinement (3Rs) Principle." J Clin Res Bioeth 5.167 (2014): 2.
Marinotti, O.; Ribeiro, J. M. C.; da Costa-da-Silva, A. L.; Silva, M. C.
P.; Lopes, A. R.; Barros, M. S.; Anderson Sá-Nunes, A.; Kojin, B. B.;
Carvalho, E.; Suesdek, L.; Silva-Neto, M. A. C.; Capurro, M. L.
Transcriptome sequencing and developmental regulation of
gene expression in Anopheles aquasalis. PLoS Neglected in
Marinotti, O.; Ngo, T.; Chou, S. P.; Kojin, B. B.; Nguyen, B.;
Carballar-Lejarazú, R.; Marinotti, P.; Walter, M.; Gershon, P. D.;
James, A. A. Integrating proteomics and transcriptomics to
access the composition of Aedes aegypti eggshell. In press.
Kojin, B. B.; Martin, K.; da Costa-da-Silva; A. L.; Marinotti, O.;
James, A. A.; Bonaldo, M. C.; Capurro, M. L. Plasmodium
falciparum and Plasmodium gallinaceum CSP region I
interfere in salivary gland invasion by Plasmodium
gallinaceum in Aedes aegypti . In Preparation.
Participation in Meetings:
XXX Annual Meeting on Basic Research in Chagas Disease - XIX
Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Protozoology.
Poster presentation: Aedes aegypti Hemolymph Proteins And Anti
Dengue Genes. 2003.
XXX Annual Meeting On Basic Research In Chagas Desease - XIX
Meeting Of The Brazilian Society Of Protozoology.
Poster presentation: Aedes aegypti Hemolymph Proteins Expression
During Plasmodium gallinaceum Oocyst Formation. 2003.
IX Encontro Anual do Grupo Arthromint. Effects of Anti-Parasite
Genes in Transgenic Mosquitoes. 2005.
XXXIV Annual Meeting on Basic Research in Chagas Disease XXII Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Protozoology.
Poster presentation: The Effects of Anti-Parasite Genes in
Transgenic Mosquitoes. 2006.
XII Seminário Laveran & Deane Sobre Malária.
Oral Presentation: Effects of Anti-Parasite Genes in Transgenic
Mosquitoes. 2007.
Gordon Research Conference.
Poster presentation: Is the CSP the entry key for sporozoites in
salivary gland? 2009
XXXV Annual Meeting on Basic Research in Chagas Disease/XXIV
Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Protozoology.
Poster presentation: The impact of anti-parasite genes in transgenic
mosquitoes, 2009.
Sep/02 to Dec/03 – Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)
Jan/04 to Sep/02 - Coordination of Improvement of Higher
Education Personnel (CAPES) scholarship.
Dec/04 to Nov/09 - Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)
Jan/10 to Jan/11 - National Council of Scientific and Technological
Development (CNPq) scholarship
Apr/15 to present - Coordination of Improvement of Higher
Education Personnel (CAPES) scholarship
Portuguese – Fluent (Native)
English - Fluent
Italian – Advanced