KØBENHAVNS KOMMUNE Kultur- og Fritidsforvaltningen Vækst, Internationalisering og Borgerservice 30-03-2015 Sagsnr. 2014-0044901 Dokumentnr. 2014-0044901-9 Invitation to workshop about housing for international citizens in Copenhagen Dear international Copenhagener Copenhagen Capacity, City of Copenhagen and City of Ballerup work to improve the housing possibilities for international talents in the Copenhagen area. The initiative is a part of the Regional Talent Strategy. Therefore we want to invite you to a workshop about challenges and experiences with finding housing in the Copenhagen area. We want among other things to know more about: Your preferences for housing. Information needs when looking for housing. How you found your current living place – what helped/challenged you in finding a living place. The workshop will take place Thursday the 23rd of April from 17-20 in International House at Gyldenløvesgade 11. Consultants from This Design Tool will facilitate the workshops and we will serve you a sandwich during the arrangement. Please write Julie Munck Ewert on cm38@kff.kk.dk if you want to help us by participating in the workshop. For further information about the project you are welcome to contact Andreas Poppenbøll Hansen, andreh@kff.kk.dk, 2169 4806 Best regards Vækst og Internationalisering International House Copenhagen Gyldenløvesgade 11 1600 København V E-mail andreh@kff.kk.dk EAN nummer 5798009782601 www.kk.dk
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