1 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord – April 5, 2015 Easter Wishes from the Pastor A very blessed and happy Easter to all of you. Undoubtedly you have noticed the new Tabernacle and stand that it sits upon. The Tabernacle was given to us by Fr Fred, he said it was sitting in the basement of St. Joseph’s church and he didn’t see any reason for that when in his opinion it would fit really nicely in the niche we have for the Tabernacle over here. I agree with him that its design fits nicely with the rounded arches we have in our church. The new stand was designed and constructed by Randy Barnes to match the Altar and Ambo in the Sanctuary area. He is an associate of Charlie Giebler’s and they were involved in all the marble and granite work inside the church. The labor costs were paid for by an anonymous donor. I am grateful to all who made this new adaptation possible. I intend to offer the old Tabernacle to the diocese for repurposing somewhere in the Diocese, failing that we will see if King Richards, a church supply reclamation company, will find a new home for it. The old stand, donated by the Al and Frances Rupp, will be repurposed somewhere in the church building at a later date. Peace & Prayer: Fr. Kevin The IHM Parish Staff wishes everyone a joyous and blessed Easter! He is Risen, Alleluia! Immaculate Heart of Mary Weekly Planner: April 6 - April 12 Date Monday 6 Mass Times and Intentions Mass Readings Acts 2: 14, 22-33 Mt 28: 8-15 Parish Office Closed Evening Prayer: 6:30p Cry Room Parish Council: 7p UR 8:00 a.m. + Eugene Karlin Acts 2: 36-41 Jn 20: 11-18 Evening Prayer: 6:30p Cry Room RCIA: 7:15p UR 6:45 a.m. L/D Mem. Linus, Luella & Leslie Dreiling Family 6:30 p.m. + LaVerna M. Herl Acts 3: 1-10 Lk 24: 13-35 Faith Formation Classes 6:30-8p Whole Building Evening Prayer: 6:30p Cry Room 8:00 a.m. L/D Mem. Bruno & Pauline Herl Family Acts 3: 11-26 Lk 24: 35-48 Weekly Music Ministry Practice: 6:30p Church Evening Prayer: 6:30p Cry Room K of C Mtg: 7:30p AC 6:45 a.m. Acts 4: 1-12 Jn 21: 1-14 Evening Prayer: 6:30p Cry Room 6:45a.m. + Gerald Braun Rosary Group Intention of the Week That persecuted Christians may feel the consoling presence of the Risen Lord and the solidarity of all the Church. Tuesday 7 Wednesday 8 Thursday 9 Friday 10 Saturday 11 Sunday 12 Sunday of Divine Mercy Parish Events L/D Mem. Pius & Anna Leiker Family 8:30 a.m. Daily Mass 5:00 p.m. + Walter Baker Acts 4: 13-21 Mk 16: 9-15 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Acts 4: 32-35 1 Jn 5: 1-6 Jn 20: 19-31 L/D Mem. Fred & Sherrill Ruda Family + Seraphine Dreher + Citlatli Armendariz People of the Parish 2 Third Presentation of Confirmation Prep II: 10a Mass Divine Mercy Service: 3p Church Stewardship of Treasure Wishing you Easter Blessings Weekly Budget for 2014-2015 Fiscal Year: $31,687.00 Adult Envelopes $ 36,338.00 Loose Plate $ 1,717.98 Children’s Envelopes $ 5.10 the World that Total Giving for this week 3/29/2015 $ 38,061.08 He gave His only For God so loved Begotten Son that Fiscal Year July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 Budgeted offertory as of last day of Feb. 2015 1,077,358.00 Whoever believeth in Actual tithing total as of last day of Feb. 2015 1,088,574.72 Him should not parish, Fiscal Year Collections on Feb. 2015 ahead 11,216.72 Loan Balance—New Church as of Feb. 23 $ 445,000.00 Interest paid to date on the Loan $ 243,953.42 But have everlasting life. John 3:16 Stewardship of Time and Talent Liturgical Ministers April 11th Divine Mercy Saturday 5:00 p.m. April 12th Divine Mercy Sunday 8:00 a.m. April 12th Divine Mercy Sunday 10:00 a.m. Cantors Kiley Dinkel Bob Dreiling Aaron Jacobs Accompanist Debbie Klaus Bob Dreiling, guitar Billie Jacobs Altar Servers Kolby Haselhorst Natalie Taylor Noah Taylor Madison Rohr Matthew Vahling Evan Lind Megan Koenigsman Carson Klaus Aubrey Koenigsman Lectors Vali Leis Michelle Schlyer Jim Thyfault Lisa Gabel Dan Schmidt Deanne Schmidt Gift Bearers Teckla Baker Sherrill Ruda Confirmation Students EMEs Karen Bieker Bev Brinkman Jerry Brinkman Janice Collins Dean Haselhorst Julie Haselhorst Don Klaus Dan Leis Nick Leis JoAnn Berens Ken Debes Wanda Koerner Roger Linenberger Virginia Linenberger Doug Nehls Suzie Nehls Karen Rohr Darlene Schippers Bill Klaus Brenda Klaus Nicole Linenberger Shaun Linenberger Vince Newell Shelton Renz Lester Robben Katrina Staab Wanda Tabor Wee Words Melissa Romme Jaymie Ruder Tracy Dague Sacristans Ruth Moriarity Wilma Braun Lorraine Brungardt Hospitality / Greeters Rich & Deanna Augustine Kelly Cole Family Brad & Mindy Ricke Neil Gottschalk Family Cynthia Augustine Family Paul Briseno Family Josh Callahan Family Dennis & Elaine Pfannenstiel Roger Bixenman Family Kevin Gottschalk Family Stacey Komarek Family Dustin Washburn Family Money Counters April 12th: Todd & Lisa* Gabel and Jim Miller Bulletin Helpers for April 9th: Elgerine Gross and Sandra Herrman Group Rosary Leaders: Knights of Columbus Council Traveling Chalice Recipient: Holy Family Elementary from January to May Traveling Icon Recipient: Leon & Joan Heier 3 Sunday Reading Reflections ♦ Peter and Cornelius received a divinely inspired vision that led them to one another. They must have recognized the gift of that grace because it was extremely unlikely that a Jew would be a guest in a Gentile home. What they heard remains our today as we hear the First Reading: Jesus of Nazareth, anointed by God with the Holy Spirit, healed many people. He was put to death but was raised by God. We have seen him and have eaten with him. He has sent us to preach this Good News. And this is the truth we speak to you today: “ Everyone who believes in him will receive forgiveness of sins through his name.” Peter took a very bold step that day to broaden the mission of the followers of Jesus. Because of the vision he received, Peter had come to believe that all people were to be included in the great work of preaching the story of Jesus Christ. The Good News could not and should not be contained, for it is meant for all people. ♦ Some have called this Corinthians reading the first Easter sermon. Leading up to this passage, Paul has chastised the people for their wicked behavior. Now he makes it clear that to honor the Paschal sacrifice and live as the new life demands, Christians have a responsibility to one another to live with sincerity and truth. ♦ Mary Magdalene is the first person at the tomb in all four Gospel accounts. In John’s account of the Gospel, the anointing of the body has already taken place, but Mary is still the first person on record to go the tomb. She is the messenger who then brings Peter and the Beloved Disciple to see that the stone has been moved. Cloths lay on the ground, the head cloth indicate that this is not the scene of a robbery. Time and future appearances o the Lord will add believers to the community. Food For Thought Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, imagine with me: April 8th—CLASS Confirmation Prep II writes Letter to Bishop All Jerusalem sits in turmoil, in the wake of the last few days. Oh, what is to become of us? Recount with me the strange, horrifying, and overwhelming events of this latest Passover: April 12th—Confirmation Prep II(TMP & Faith Formation 8th Gr.) Final Presentation to the Parish 10AM Mass. Candidates & Sponsors meet in HFE Gym at 9:30AM. A week ago, peaceful Jerusalem began to see its yearly invasion of thousands of Jewish pilgrims from all over the world, coming even from Cyrene in northern Africa! And rumors were running about that among the pilgrims coming from up north in Galilee, there was a certain Jesus who has healed the sick and brought sight to the blind and even raised the dead to life! A prophet, for sure, maybe even the long-awaited Messiah, the Son of David, the king of the Jews long foretold! April 15th—CLASS - Final First Communion Practice. Parents and Children meet in the Church at 6:30pm. Confirmation Prep II sign up for Confirmation Interviews April 19th—FIRST COMMUNION!! 10 AM Mass - 2nd Gr. Meet in HFE Gym at 9:30AM April 22nd—CLASS - Blessing of 1st Communion Gifts - End of the Year Social And behold how this Jesus came, and the city rang with the shouts of “Hosanna! Hosanna! The Son of David! The king has come!” He rode into Jerusalem in triumph, and we were throwing our cloaks on the street before him, and lopping off the branches of trees to pave his royal way! Who had ever seen such excitement at the Passover? ADULT FAITH FORMATION This Thursday, April 9, at 7:00PM Yet how quickly the dream turned into a nightmare! For he was arrested in the dead of night, dragged before the Roman governor, tortured, mocked, and Friday morning we arose to find him carrying the heavy wooden beams up to the great promontory overlooking the entrance of Jerusalem, and there they put him to death like a criminal! in the Sacred Heart Room (IHM Parish Office) CHRIST DIED ON THE CROSS, AND ROSE FROM THE DEAD, TO WIN FOR US A PRIZE WHICH WE COULD NOT MERIT: THAT GIFT IS CALLED: GRACE WHAT IS GRACE? AND HOW DOES IT EFFECT ME? And truly, we saw, he was the Son of God, for at the moment that he died, the sun was eclipsed, and an earthquake shook the whole city, and when all was over, and the moon rose that night, it was a blood moon! Would God destroy us all for what we had done? Would he blot us out, as he blotted out the sun and the moon? THIS WILL BE THE SUBJECT OF THURSDAY’S DISCUSSION But this morning, oh how incredible! The wild message of the Roman soldiers, of the women, of the apostles—can it be? He is risen! He is alive! He is here, in our midst, again! He has sundered the very gates of Hell, and torn Death’s scythe out of his grasp! Run! Spread the word! He is risen! Indeed, He is risen! And He is calling us to join His army, to flock to His banner, to conquer the world in His name! He wants us to be His, to live, to die for Him, as radically as he lived and died for us! If Christ is alive...if He is here in our midst, how must this impact my life? 4 IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY TMP-MARIAN Apr. 5th-11th, 2015 HOLY FAMILY Thomas More Prep-Marian, a Christian community in the Catholic Tradition, challenges its students to spiritual growth, academic excellence, and leadership formation! Enrollment opportunities for gr. 7-12. Contact school at 785-625-6577 or via e-mail at Admissions@tmp-m.org! Apr. 2nd-6th-EASTER BREAK! NO SCHOOL! Apr. 2nd-6th-EASTER BREAK! NO SCHOOL! Apr. 8th-6th gr. Field trip to the Salt Mines! Apr. 8th-3:40 p.m.-All staff mtg. in school library. Apr. 9th-3:30-4:15 p.m.-Bullying Prevention Club mtg. in HFE Music Room. Apr. 10th-8:05 a.m.-Friday Prayer Service at IHM. Apr. 9th-Early release day! Teacher Professional Development. Apr. 10th-1:00-3:00 p.m.-Leadership team mtg. Apr. 10th-All School Mass! HS formal dress; JH regular dress. Apr. 16th-April Birthday Mass & Lunch! Apr. 10th-Junior High Fun Night! Apr. 17th-8:30 a.m.-5th Grade “Famous Figures” in L.T.! Apr. 12th-7:00 p.m.-Fine Arts Night/TMP-M Dreiling Theatre. Apr. 20th-7:00 p.m.-4th, 5th, & 6th gr. Music Program/GYM! Apr. 17th-Freshmen Retreat! Apr. 20th-Service Day-dress accordingly. Apr. 21st-8:00 a.m.-2nd grade 1st Communion Mass Celebration and Reception @ IHM. Apr. 23rd-Early Release Day! Apr. 22nd-3:40 p.m.-Faculty mtg. in school library. Apr. 25th-ACE Auction! You can support HFE by collecting Box Tops, Campbell’s & Tyson labels, cell phones, batteries, and McDonald’s receipts. Every bit helps our school! Don’t forget to recycle aluminum cans in our trailer in the north parking lot. Thank you! Apr. 28th-Early Release Day! Apr. 29th-High School service interviews. May 1st-All School Mass! IHM-CYO IHM-JR. CYO Apr. 8th-7:30 p.m.-ROC session in the church basement. Apr. 18th-2:00-9:00 p.m.-Jr. CYO lock-in! After check in lockin attendees will go to Via Christi Village to spend 2 hours visiting and playing games with residents of the nursing home then return to the parish to attend the 5:00 p.m. Mass. Following Mass their will be pizza, games, and a prayerful reflection with closing prayer at 9:00 p.m.! Apr. 15th-7:30 p.m.-ROC session in the church basement. Apr. 22nd-7:30 p.m.-Pre-party for our Seniors in the church basement followed by Senior Recognition at 8:00! Apr. 22nd-8:00 p.m.-Senior Recognition Night! Parents and members of the parish community are invited to join us in the Little Theatre to celebrate our seniors for their dedication to following the footsteps of Christ the past 4 years! May 23rd-26th-Jr. CYO Camp at Rock Springs Ranch! July 30th-Worlds of Fun/Oceans of Fun trip! Apr. 29th-7:30 p.m.-Activity Night in the church basement. Apr. 29th-8:00 p.m.-Youth Council mtg. in the Upper Room. HOST FAMILIES NEEDED! May 6th-7:30 p.m.-CYO meeting the church basement. 8th grade Confirmation students are welcome to begin attending all CYO functions. TMP-M has partnered with NACEL Open Door (NOD) to support and manage the host family settings. Families that have a student placed with them will receive a monthly stipend to help offset costs. Students will have their own medical insurance and spending money. May 13th-7:30 p.m.-Summer ROC in the church basement. SUMMER MISSIONS July 12th-17th-“Prayer and Action” mission in Ellsworth, KS. Please contact Angie Roth, Director of Admissions, 785-625-6577 (TMP-M main line), 785-621-5424 (direct line), or rotha@tmp-m.org to learn more. Aug. 2nd-7th-“Youthworks” mission in Dallas, TX. Please pray for our youth as they prepare for summer missions! 5 Parish and Community Announcements Easter Wishes from the Parochial Vicar Dear Brothers and Sisters; I wish you a very Heart full Wishes to you all May the Rison Lord will come to your Heart and to your Family, Friends, and your loved ones know how much I mean to you this Easter season by sending this special Easter wishes. May you feel the hope of new beginnings, love and happiness during this joyful Easter. I hope this Easter fills your home with peace, joy, and plenty of colorful Easter eggs. As we know Easter symbolizes the renewal of life. I wish you and your family the renewal of life, love , and happiness. May the spirit of the Lord fill your home this Easter and all the rest of your days. I sending you joyful hugs this Easter, May all of your dreams and wishes come true, May God bless you. Thank you Yours in Christ Jesus; Fr. Joseph Asirvatham Please join us for an hour of adoration of the Most Holy Eucharist each week. Our goal is to have each hour of each day covered by two (or more) adorers. That way, if one needs to be absent, their would be no need to find a sub. More importantly, our troubled world (and each one of us) will see a change for the better. Bob & Carol Feauto (12am-6am) 628-1429; Lorraine Brungardt (6am-12pm) 625-3021; Yvonne Demuth (12pm-6pm) 628-2172; Geri Rupp (6pm-12am) 6281801. WE OFFER OUR CONDOLENCES: Frank Rohleder - buried April 1, 2015 May he and all the souls of the faithfully departed, through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen. If you or your loved ones need prayers, call Pat at 628-1138 or Lil at 625-7474. The Divine Mercy Prayer Service will be held at 3 p.m., Sunday, April 12, at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church. The hour will include Eucharistic Exposition, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy in song, litany of prayers and meditation. Jesus entrusted Saint Maria Faustina with the task of spreading the message of his Divine Mercy through a series of visions and interior locutions in the 1930s. When Pope John Paul II canonized Saint Faustina April 30, 2000, he declared that the Sunday after Easter to be Divine Mercy Sunday and an official feast day of the Church. The following hour is open: Wednesday, 11:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. Engaged Couples are invited to a one day retreat - God’s Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage. It offers a refreshing and positive vision of marriage and marital love. It helps couples fully embrace God’s glorious plan for their marriage, love, and human sexuality. The seminar is based on Pope John Paul II’s revolutionary insights found in his Theology of the Body. Everyone is encouraged to pray the novena to the Divine Mercy, which begins on Good Friday. Leaflets on this novena are in the brochure rack of the church. Date & Time: May 2, 2015 at 8:15 am Location: Immaculate Heart of Mary – Upper Room PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED by April 24, 2015. To register or questions please contact Susan at 785-625-7339 or skisner@ihm-church.com or Nancy at nurban76@gmail.com CONFESSIONS WILL BE HEARD BEGINNING DURING THE SERVICE. This prayer service is sponsored by Divine Mercy Radio 88.1. 6 Parish and Community Announcements IF ANY PARISHIONERS HAVE EXCESS PLASTIC EGGS PLEASE CONSIDER DONATING THEM TO IHM FOR NEXT YEAR'S EASTER EGG HUNT. YOU CAN DROP THEM OFF ANYTIME THIS WEEK AT THE PARISH OFFICE. THANK YOU! 7 Parish and Community Announcements LAND SALE FOOD PANTRY ANNOUNCEMENTS 181 Boxes were distributed on the March 21st Pantry Day. April FOOD PANTRY Dates are: April 4th & 18th. St. Joseph Church will be selling 66.3 acres of inherited, prime crop land that borders the city of Hays on Monday, April 6, 2015. Farmland Auction is donating their services in memory of Larry Brenner and Dale Simoneau for this sale. Contact Farmland Auction at 785-628-2851 for details. Items of the month for April—Fruit Items (canned, sauces, dried, juices etc.) and Cereal Items (hot/ cold) are appreciated and most in need of this month!! The money from this sale will be used to help finance the church renovation & building project. Monetary Donations can be sent through the weekend collections or left at the Parish Svc. Ctr. For the present time, all donations of food and boxes will remain at the Parish Service Center. Thank you for your support. Call/email Renee to volunteer @ 628-8434 or michauds@ruraltel.net Ellis Auction Tickets on Sale!!! “Peace, Love and St. Mary’s” is the theme for the 21st Annual Auction at St. Mary’s Church in Ellis on Saturday, April 11, 2015 in the school gym. Begins with Mass at 4 p.m., the gym doors open at 5 p.m., Silent Auction will begin immediately. Dinner will be served at 6 p.m. (wedding roast, smothered chicken breast, chicken and noodles, mashed potatoes, vegetables, rolls, salad and dessert), with the Oral Auction to follow at 8 p.m. Snacks and refreshments will be provided throughout the evening; you must be 21 years of age to attend. Tickets are $45 each and are available at the church rectory. Tables may be reserved for $45. For questions or donations for the auction, contact Sister Doris Flax at 785-726-4522. GRAB YOUR TYE DYE AND COME JOIN US FOR A FUN EVENING!! GOD’S PLAN FOR A JOY FILLED MARRIAGE Apr. 18, 2015- Our Lady of Perpetual Help ChurchConcordia May 2, 2015-Immaculate Heart of Mary, Hays Prayer Hour for Our Nation A “Prayer for Our Nation” prayer hour will be held every third Tuesday of the month from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Basilica of Saint Fidelis. Tuesday, April 21st LENTEN FORMATION OPPORTUNITY For many of us, prayer becomes a source of frustration as we struggle to calm our minds and to find even a few minutes to pray. The good news is that you can overcome your difficulties with prayer, and it is easier than you might think. Salina Diocese will be blessed with priestly ordinations this May. If you would like to remember Deacon Andrew Rockers and Deacon Kyle Berens with a gift or words of congratulation, you might consider stopping by Messenger and contributing towards their priestly vestments. Messenger 2512 Vine Street, Centennial Plaza, Hays, 785-621-2085. Join Deacon Dave Kisner as he presents Oremus, an eight week study on prayer and teaches you the essentials of an effective and fruitful prayer life. Thursdays 7:00 pm February 19 - April 16 In the Upper Room of Parish Office For more information please contact Deacon Dave at deacondave@ihm-church.com Thinking about the Seminary? Conception Seminary College is hosting its annual spring “Encounter with God’s Call Weekend” April 18-20. For more info, see Fr. Kevin or Rick about the weekend or visit the Conception Seminary College website at www.conception.edu. Welcome Blessing ( March 2015 ) The Catholic Community of Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish welcome: Tyler Klaus Kyle & Trista Gasper Family Audrey Werth Zachary Patterson Felipe Alejandre Family Brett & Megan Gerber Family As new members of our parish family. We ask that they will always be welcome in our parish family and that they will be inspired by the example of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. May they experience the presence of Christ within our communities finding renewal and strength in their faith. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. 8 Lawrence & Martina Arnhold Fred T. Jacobs Dolores Tremblay Eddie Augustine Irv & Marie Karlin Joseph D. Unrein Sr. Walter Baker Debra Kisner Lucia Vicario Clarence & Regina Basgall Maxiline Kisner John & Irene VonFeldt Francis Becker Tony Kisner Bill Walters Jr. Ralph & Rosie Berens Walter & Bernice Klaus William & Fidelia Walters Cecilia Bickle Cynthia Kleczka Del Washburn Harold Boor Julius & Florence Koerner William J. Weber Family Frank & Helen Braun Joe & Julia Kronewitter Rosella Werner Gerald Braun George Legg Rudy & Irene Werth Larry Brenner Tony Legleiter Allen Wolf Melvin Brown Gerhard & Agnes Leiker Carl & Lucy Zimmerman Tom Brown Peter & Sophia Leiker Roman (Roy) Zimmerman Cecilia Terese Budke Severin & Marie Leiker Charles H. Budke Janet Mayo Kathleen Maria Budke Esther McMurtrie Alberto & Evelyn Carrasco Sr. Patrick Moriarity John Degenhardt Daniel Munsch Illa DeWitt George & Almira Murphy Carl Diederich Ted Nowak Victor & Juliana Dinkel Ron Pfannenstiel Don Doerfler Ted & Rosie Pfannenstiel Joe & Anna Dreiling Joseph Rack A special thank you to Maria de Jesus Fernandez Mary Lou Rodgers everyone who donated to Pablo Fernandez Clarence J. Rohr this year’s Easter Lily fund! Brenda Gabel Fred Ruda Your donation is greatly Jose C. Garcia Alois & Agnes Ruder appreciated in beautifying Jose Garcia-Vicario Ana Ma Rueda James E. Giebler Dan & Alexia Sander our worship space this holy Stephen Jude Giebler Jacob & Susanna Schoendaller Easter season! Ralph Gnad Celly & Verlene Schumacher Jailyn Diego Goetz Cletus Schumacher Randy Goetz Issy & Cecelia Schumacher Marvin F. Gross Jake Schuster Irvin & Ludwina Haselhorst Keith & Eleanor Sexson Merlin Haselhorst Francis Jerome Staab Cheryl Helget Emil & Odesia Stramel George & Alberta Helget Lynn Stramel Herbert & Lillian Hutchison Jr. Wendelin Suppes I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. 9 Thank you to our parishioners who advertise through our parish bulletin! 10
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