BPER Best Practice in Education Rounds Cultivating Humanistic Care – Reflection, Narratives, and Medical Education Date: April 7, 2015 Time: 12:00-1:00PM Location: Li Ka Shing Building, 209 Victoria St., 2nd floor, Allan Waters Family Auditorium (LKSKI Auditorium) Presenter: Dr. Arno Kumagai Professor, Departments of Internal Medicine and Medical Education, University of Michigan. Session Description: This talk will be on ways in which one can engage narratives, reflection, and dialogues to enhance empathy and patient-centered care. The purpose of this talk is: 1. To explore the meanings of empathy and reflection, as well as their role in health professions education and clinical practice; 2. To understand how stories may stimulate perspective-taking, identification with the Other, critical self-reflection, and moral actions in the world; 3. To understand the emancipatory potential that teaching and learning may have to transform students into clinicians who embrace and embody humanistic values in medical care. For more information contact: sheehanj@smh.ca/ 416-864-6060 x77419 http://cfd.utoronto.ca/bper To view this session via webcast: http://webcast.otn.ca/index/browse?page=1&type=3 Please be sure to test your browser beforehand at http://webcast.otn.ca/support Follow us live on Twitter @CentreforFacDev or add us to Facebook: Centre for Faculty Development, and ask questions during the session. This event is an accredited learning activity as defined by the Maintenance Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and the College of Family Physicians of Canada. Video Conferenced Sites: 1) Sunnybrook (E3-15/17) sonya.boston@sunnybrook.ca 2) Sick Kids (rm 2232 Burton Wing) saima.navsariwala@sickkids.ca 3) Baycrest (Telehealth Boardroom) tpatterson@baycrest.org 4) Holland Bloorview Kids Rehab (rm OW220) bsmith@hollandbloorview.ca 5) NYGH (Classroom A) Mabel.Chan@nygh.on.ca 6) Ontario Shores (OTN studio) henryt@ontarioshores.ca 7) CAMH (250 College St & 1001 Queen St W) Sherryl.Dizon@camh.ca 8) St. Joseph’s (rm 2S257) GALBRJU@stjoe.on.ca MASTES@stjoe.on.ca 9) TEGH (rm C-410) adper@tegh.on.ca 10) Providence KWalford@providence.on.ca 11) PMH mary.hooey@uhn.on.ca
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