Page CHORD-INATOR JUNE 2013 OFFICIAL BULLETIN OF THE MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA, CHAPTER **** A CHAPTER WITH AN ENVIABLE PAST - AN UNBOUNDED FUTURE **** JUNE 2013 - VOL. 69 - NO. 6 “As My World Turns…” This is my last article written while I am an employed music educator. I have been incredibly fortunate to work with many, many talented young people for the past 34 years. The most amazing thing I have discovered is the inseparable bond that great music-making can create among people- both young and old! I tell my students- current and formerthat I consider myself to be their music teacher for life. By that, I mean to let them know that they can always ask me for help if they are preparing an audition, looking for a particular piece of music, or simply need to reconnect with music as a performer. I am very proud to say that I have a goodly number of students who are working as professional musicians, music educators, or have simply gone on to participate in music at the college level. The greatest joy I have experienced is simply that of seeing young people so deeply affected by music, that they just cannot exist without it in their lives. truly believe that we are working toward moving to yet a higher level of performance for the Commodores. Our new young singers are terrific additions, the use of video taping of rehearsals to assist in improving our visual skills, the increased intensity of requiring members to memorize music more quickly; these are just a few of the exciting things I see and hear at rehearsals each Tuesday night. I am personally working to bring another couple of adult men (yes… fathers of students!) to come as guests. When I start talking about what we do, and how we do it, I find myself getting genuinely excited! It’s an easy sell! We sing in a large group (safety in numbers!), we work at a level of music- making that is very probably at a much higher level than in most church choirs; we supply learning tracks and music to every member, we offer vocal techniques to singers for improvement of skills, we have the opportunity to perform in public in formal and informal settings, Mr. Paul Wigley and we offer a congenial atmosphere for As I look at my next “phase” as a musiall of this to happen! For guys that have been singers a cian, I realize even more how lucky we are to have orfew years ago, possibly in good college or semiganizations like the Minneapolis Commodores. I tell professional choirs, the Commodores are a perfect fit! people that I am so lucky to have an opportunity to sing Hard work, with an emphasis on the very best performwith a great organization every week, and to work to ance possible. create the very highest level of musicianship possible. There are very, very few places where an adult singer Now that my world will probably include more “adult” can get these opportunities, and the Commodores offer contact, I plan on telling other “men of good charac“men of good character” the opportunity to sing toter” (who can also sing well!) about the incredible orgether. We must keep spreading the good news of the ganization to which we belong. I invite every one of Barbershop gospel- the news that invites a man to make you guys to bring a singer as a guest- you, and he, will music at a higher level than he ever thought possible! I be glad you did! t 10,000 LAKES DIVISION - LAND O’LAKES DISTRICT CHORD-INATOR Minneapolis, Minn. Chapter Land O’Lakes District, BHS Meetings every Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. House of Prayer Lutheran Church 7625 Chicago Avenue South Richfield, MN 55423 Chapter Officers President …………….....Dan Cole 612/376-0779 Past Pres……………...Dan Slattery 651-747-6384 Exec. VP…………….Dan Williams 952/974-0026 Co-Marketing/PR V P….Russ Born 406/670-2098 Bill Ward 763/413-9273 V P Music & Perform...Carl Pinard 612-927-9363 V P Membership ….…..Kris Vance 952/829-7009 Program V P .…..….Paul Swanson 763/242-8042 Secretary………...…..Ken Glover 763/441-1292 Treasurer …………...John Carlotto 952-925-0886 Board Members Through 2013 Vern Johnson……………………....763/561-3343 Steve Mangan……………… ……...952/715-0206 Paul Martz………………………….952/435-3159 Through 2014 Chuck Gribble……………………..612/377-5140 Gene Heupel……………………….612/309-3127 Mike Hojan………………………...952/435-6647 Directors Director…………………………..….Paul Wigley Assistant Directors James Souhan Gary Jacobson David Speidel Section Leaders Tenor Section Leader ……………..…Rollie Neve Assistant-Kevin Huyck Lead Section Leader. ……..……....Gary Jacobson Assistant - Dan Smith Bari Section Leaders ……………….Dave Speidel Assistant-Pete Villwock Bass Section Leaders……………......Jim Richards Assistant-Dave Casperson Committee Chairmen Audio/Visual Mgr……………….….Kirk Douglas 2013 Show Chairman ……...….Mark Ortenburger 2012 Show Chairman…………..…..BlakeWanger Afterglow Chairman……………….Travis Wuttke Attendance/Sgt. at Arms…….…..Loren Berthilson BOTY Party Chairman………..… …… .Dan Cole Chord-Inator Staff Editor ……………….…..……Dr. Hardin Olson Artist…………….………………...Glenn Retter Chorus Performance Managers………..John Lloyd .Bob Ostergaard Groupanizer Manager……………..…Gene Heupel Harmony Foundation…...………….....Jack Beaver Historian ……………………….Mark Bloomquist Learning Tapes and CDs...…………….Dan Smith Librarian…………………………......Kaleb Smith Name Tags ………………………….Dan Slattery Nut Chairman……………..Dick Riemenschneider Pay-As-You-Sing ………………....…..Bill Kinkel Performance Mgr…………………..Paul Swanson Presentation Chairman ………….……..Dan True Quartet Promotion…………………Gary Jacobson Riser Boss……………… ….….Dan Cole (Temp) Roster ……………….…….….…Dr. Jim Richards Singing Valentines………….……Neal Mortenson Sunshine ……………………...………Rich Ongna Swipe Editor …………………..……......Bill Warp Tickets/A-Commodears Pres.……….Diana Pinard Transportation Mgr…………….….Dick Hartmann Uniform Committee Chairman……...Vern Johnson Uniforms (Dress & Casual)……....…Dan Williams Page 2 On Yewer Behalf By Dan Cole, President Maybe it’s just my imagination, but I feel like I’ve been living under a cloud this past month. The trees of green and lilacs too, I’ve see them bloom for me and you, and I think to myself, there’s so much to do, so Dan Cole much to do. Spring seems to bring on that time of renewal and regrowth. A time to plant and cultivate new seeds that will produce a new model ME. Now if it will just stop raining long enough for me to get to my to do list. Oh yeah, you heard me, a new model ME. Sometimes it just becomes apparent that the old car you’ve been driving for 10 years needs updating to something newer, or, at the very least some major repairs. Okay, maybe just a new set of tires. Maybe that pair of running shoes has reached their mileage limits and are starting to let you down. They aren’t supporting you enough. Maybe your favorite pair of Levis are to the point where they aren’t even good enough for casual wear anymore. Maybe your Honey is still impressed with the way you look and act, but love can accept a lot of faults and imperfections. Besides she probably still sees you as you were, not as you really are. Take a good look in the mirror; you’ll know what I mean. Something has changed and furthermore needs changing and updating. So, back to model ME. I’ve decided to add a new part to my singing model ME. I’ve decided to add depth and range to model ME. I’m adding power and optimizing my vocal chords to set records of achieving tonal quality unheard of in the old model me. I’m about to change the sound of The Minneapo- JUNE 2013 Commodore Spotlight Dan True... is that dynamic, peripatetic, diminutive (in stature only), 28-year veteran Barbershopper who emanates complete dedication to our wonderful avocation, particularly since becoming a Minneapolis Commodore in 2002 when he emigrated from the Fairmont Chapter by way of Albert Lea. His Barbershop bucket is quite capacious and probably yet to be completely filled. His Tuesday evenings are, of course, taken up by the Minneapolis chapter meetings where he assists with choreography. However for relaxation Thursday evenings will find Dan at the Hilltop Chapter where he also has significant administrative responsibilities. And then, just for kicks, he currently is serving as 10,000 Lakes Division Vice-President. All in all, a very busy man and an ever-loyal Commodore who deserves your well-earned respect. lis Commodores and have hopes of taking us to new levels. But, I realize that I can’t do it alone. I need you to do the same to your model U’s. You have to commit to helping me lift this Chorus to where you and I know we can make the best music possible. Glorious chords, sweet melodies, ring out in heavenly harmonies. I want to thank all of you in advance who want to join ME in this adventure, and by the same token, to those who can’t make the commitment, well, happy bowling. It’s great to be a Commodore! CHORD-INATOR 06/10 06/12 06/12 06/12 06/14 06/19 06/21 06/27 06/27 07/09 Bob Duncan Dave Davies Rod Hall Jim Richards Bryan Langren Paul Swanson Kevin Huyck (50) Lloyd Mikkelson (90) Bob Spong Bill Ward 06/12 Bill & Jean Warp 06/14 Chuck & Bonnie Black Gribble 06/18 Paul & Grayce Jahnke 06/21 Ben & Lynnay Wanggaar(5) 06/22 Ken & Rosie Glover (50) 06/26 John & Char Carlotto 06/27 Rich & Dianne Ongna 07/05 Carl & Diana Pinard 07/07 John & Catherine Lloyd (50) Doc’s Bag By Dr.Hardin Olson, Editor In reflecting on the State of the Chorus discussion of May 28 I could not help but think of an experience a week or two prior standing next to a fellow-Commodore bass at chapter meeting’s end singing Keep America. I could not believe what I was hearing. His rendition was unrecognizable and how could he not know it.? Is it the same with the current repertoire? Is he even aware of his difficulties? Page 3 Board Highlights SUNSHINE HOTLINE By Rich Ongna, Sunshine Chairman Phone: 952-829-7009 From the Meeting of May 16 Reported by Dan Slattery • Treasurer’s report accepted. The annual audit of April 27, 2013 was accepted. • A detailed marketing report was presented and discussed. There are many irons in the fire. • Gene Heupel reported on Groupanizer usage by the members. Participation is increasing. The program has many more facets to offer but will require significant effort to get them operational. In addition, the Groupanizer company is offering upgrades (read mandating?) of arguably questionable worth. • At the chapter meeting on May 21 Diana Pinard will be presented with an honorarium for her tireless work as the Commodores’ ticket agent. A cake will highlight the celebration. • Dan Cole will moderate a State of the Chorus discussion at the May 28 chapter meeting. Board members will report. Our chapter is an open one accepting all who want to sing without any significant rules or demands except for the desire to improve. A desire that requires commitment, dedication, and regular practice. A weaker singer must be made aware of his deficiencies and given every opportunity to correct them; a job primarily for section leaders but aided by directors and coaches—for the betterment of the chapter. JUNE 2013 Email: John Bergseth suffered a heart attack April 27th. He has now had a stent inserted and is recuperating at home doing well. R o m a n a Jorgensen, Rich Ongna Jim’s wife, fell in their bathroom on April 30 and subsequently ended up in the hospital. Since then she has been receiving therapy at Maranatha Care Center in Brooklyn Center. As of this writing she is expected to return home the first weekend in June. Remember: Please keep me informed about who is ailing and don’t assume that I already know because generally I’m in the dark. Help me brighten the days of our ailing members. Just a short note of encouragement or a brief phone call can make the day of a person who’s not feeling well. May Re-enlistments Steve Mangan…………….3 yrs. James Souhan…………….3 yrs. Gerald Koch………………8 yrs. Robert Hartert………...…11 yrs. Dan Cole………………...15 yrs. John Lloyd……….. …….15 yrs. Rod Vink………………..19 yrs. Dan True………………...28 yrs. LeRoy Zimmerman……..46 yrs. Diana and the cake Page 4 CHORD-INATOR JUNE 2013 Hot Commodity !0,000 Lakes Division 2013 Novice Champs icantly reduced the mean age of the Commodore active membership but has stimulated us oldtimers to do more homework and be better prepared at rehearsal time. Things are really looking up in the quartet picture among the ranks of the Minneapolis Commodores particularly since the inauguration of the monthly Quartet Night over two years ago when Gary Jacobson and others conceived the idea of promoting in-chapter “jingle“ quartets for Mark Ortenburger’s 2012 annual show, The Hot Commodity pictured here features two of our more recent inductees, Tony Mason and Ben Wanggaard, Barbershop novices in every respect. Mark Bloomquist is now coordinating the Quartet Night program on the first Monday of each month. Initially Gary Jacobson, Jim Richards, and Dave Speidel assumed coaching roles but in the last several months Mary Dick has made herself available to coach vocal technique. For a fee of $10.00 Mary offers each person a one-on-one albeit abbreviated voice lesson. Tony’s Barbershop epiphany came about in a rather unusual way. After hearing his daughter, Sarah, singing Barbershop in a quartet at Lakeville North High School and having so much fun doing it, Tony had to try it himself and, of course, knowing Sarah’s music teacher, Paul Wigley, made it that much easier. Already he is a champion and looking forward to even more Barbershop challenges. A welcome influx of quality singers has not only signif- Who says parents can’t learn from their children. Magic That Was Radio. Seen here displaying their “A” faces and their newly–won trophies are Hot Commodity, from left to right, Tenor Paul Swanson, Lead Tony Mason, Bass Ben Wanggaard, and Bari Dave Speidel. Photo courtesy of Chord Candy #112 By Dr. Jim Richards, Der Tagmeister The late Freddy King was a great musician, teacher, comic, and a world class practical joker. Barbershoppers who never experienced him can gain some insight by reading the article written by one of his former students, Mike Rowe, the “Dirty Jobs Guy,” that appeared in the November-December 2008 Harmonizer (available from the Society web-site). Freddy’s comical false teeth will remain for another story. This month’s Chord Candy is a tag that I had the embarrassing experience of teaching all four parts to Freddy only to discover, after I had done so, that he had written it! He just let me go on and on. I hope that at he at least was pleased to have someone appreciate his handiwork. You too, may enjoy his handiwork if you are willing to give it a try. It sings quite easily. There is a delicious 13th chord (contains both a Barbershop 7th interval between the bass and bari as well as a major 7th interval between the bari and the tenor) in the word “used” in Measure 6. It used to be Jim Richards an illegal chord for Barbershop but the late Ed Waesche made it work for Second Edition in their run for the gold medal when they sang “I Dream Of Jeanie With The Light Brown Hair.” Enjoy! CHORD-INATOR Quartet Quaffs Four Seasons Like the countryside suddenly bursting forth in greenery heralding the rebirth of spring, so the campus of Northwestern College in Roseville burst forth in harmony as 10 choruses and 11 quartets Rollie Neve ushered in the month of May by competing for top honors in the 10,000 Lakes Division Contest and LOL District International Preliminaries. No doubt the harmony and the greening go together because they produce such a delightful lift to the soul. The fun of competing and identifying with all the competitors gives one a broader perspective of the scope of our Society and with it the realization that there’s a Barbershop chapter active close by no matter where you live. Fast forward now to the Memorial Day weekend and follow the escapades of the Four Seasons Quartet as they crossed the border into the state of Wisconsin (visa not required) and enjoyed the hospitality of Dan and Carol Smith at their lake home on Lake Wapogasset. When entering Wisconsin one must consider the potential perils a person can encounter when entering a neighboring state and prepare purposefully to prevent any possible pain. Having been invited to sing at the outdoor Sunday morning church service at the Lake Wapogasset Lutheran Bible Camp, the job of insuring the safety of all added urgency to the need to neutralize these potential perils. Take for example the saga of Big Foot in the forests of California, and the spectacle of the Loch Ness Monster in Scotland. There wasn’t a high degree of concern for a Wis- Page 5 consin Loch Ness Monster, but the spectacle of Big Foot was quite another matter. You see, there could be the threat of a “Little Big Foot” in the Badger State. It has been a well-known fact that a fundamental baritone identified as Gentleman JIM ERICKSON spends a good deal of his summer time in Minnesota East. That together with his affinity to Baritonia could lead one to think that an alien from Baritonia masquerading as Little Big Foot could be on the loose in the countryside surrounding the Smith summer home and the Lake Wapogasset Lutheran Bible Camp. The fear that Little Big Foot would kidnap our “Rich” baritone could ARE YOU WEARING YOUR “I SING” BUTTON? not be discounted. The prospect of singing the Sunday service as a baritone-less trio or conducting a frantic search for a substitute baritone was unacceptable, so our resources were concentrated on removing the Little Big Foot threat. Our review of the pages of the Georgia Grind alerted us to the fact that baritone Jim uses “apps” from time to time to spice up his rhetoric. This gave us a clue that electronics would enter into the fray, and an app titled “Kidnap Rich” could be active. Little Big Foot roaming the woods with this app could not be discounted! Gathering all the electronic expertise that resides in the Four Seasons Quartet, we devised an app entitled “Here’s Rich” and circled hundreds of them around the area of Chippewa Falls where Gentleman Jim’s headquarters and JUNE 2013 theater of operations are located. Having encrypted our app with countermeasures Jim’s attempt to penetrate our brilliant creation failed. Dear hearts, you will be thrilled to know that the threat of Little Big Foot upsetting our Sunday Church service performance never materialized, and everyone was unknowingly blessed. There could have been some residual consequences of all of the above, however, since during the service the wind blew and the temperature dropped and we experienced a wind-chill estimated to be in the 40s. We rose to the occasion, however, and delivered a real cool performance. It’s doubtful that this weather could have any baritone overtones, but you know that the frustration of baritones of the Erickson ilk knows no bounds. For all we know, Little Big Foot with the “Kidnap Rich” app may still be out there trying to neutralize all the “Here’s Rich” apps he can find. The foregoing once again proves what every Barbershopper knows: Harmony Wins! Rollie Neve for Dan, Rich, and Tom 5th Annual BHS Open Elk River Country Club August 12, 2013 Tee off at noon. Register on line at Sponsored by TFLBTMOT for the benefit of The Society’s Harmony Foundation Page 6 CHORD-INATOR What a Wonderful World By Blake Wanger, 2014 Show Chairman Preparations are well underway for the Commodores 2014 Annual Show, and I am very excited to return to the Show Chairman’s... chair. In 2014 we will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Commodores Blake Wanger Chorus, and the annual show will capture the excitement, joy, and nostalgia of the last seven decades. The show title is “What A Wonderful World” and the storyline will revolve around a quaint, old-fashioned small town whose residents are always able to find happiness, friendship, laughter, and harmony, despite a distinct lack of modern conveniences. The signature song of the first half also the inspiration for the show title - will be the beautiful ballad, “What a Wonderful World”. Other chorus show songs will include, “(I Get By) With a Little Help from My Friends”, “Jeepers Creepers”, “Pure Imagination” and “If I Love Again”. The show will open with the new Commodores theme song “Commodores Tonight”. Of course, any celebration of the Commodores is not complete without the terrific chapter quartets and VLQs, so look for those groups to join in the fun with wonderful songs of their own. Our guest quartet for the show will be the incredibly talented “A Mighty Wind”, who, if the predictions are to be believed, might even arrive in Minneapolis next spring as international gold medallists! They are extraordinary singers who are, as their website says “...committed to taking a truly American centuryold musical art form and entertain- ing their audiences with a mighty sound and whimsical flair!” This is one guest quartet you do not want to miss! Though there are, in keeping with the annual show tradition, approximately 72,691 details left to iron out, I am certain of one thing: This show is going to be a fantastic celebration of 70 years of the Commodores Chorus, 70 years of sharing the joy of singing, 70 years of harmony, laughter, friendship and happiness. After all, when you’re standing on those Commodore risers, in rehearsals and performances, ringing out glorious chords with such a great group of talented guys, you just can’t help but think to yourself, “What a Wonderful World!” It’s great to be a Commodore and it’s going to be a great Commodore show! JUNE 2013 Bogi No, Who’s on first. Dob O.K. let’s go to the second batter The BASS is batting second What do you mean the base is batting second? That’s right The base is batting second? Yes So who is the second batter to stand at home plate? No, Who’s on first I don’t know who’s on first and I don’t know who’s batting first. I told you, the LEAD is first and the BASS is second Who’s on second base? No Who’s on first and I Don’t Know’s on second Bogi Dob Bogi Dob Bogi Dob Bogi Dob Bogi Dob Bogi Dob Bogi Dob A Day at the Ballpark Bit of Whimsy by Mark Ortenburger Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, I’m Dob Bykstra and I’m here with my pal, Bogi Yerra to announce today’s game between the Mason City Mohawks and the Minneapolis Millers. We’ll start with the visitors line-up since they’ll be first to bat. Dob Bogi Dob Bogi Dob Bogi Dob Bogi Dob Bogi Dob Bogi Dob So Bogi, who’s up first? No, Who’s on first. Who? Who. So who’s the first batter? No, Who’s on first. I’m asking for the name of the first batter. The LEAD. O.K. - if you want to call him the lead. He’d be batting first. Who? No, the LEAD. Yes who’s the first batter? Bogi Dob: Bogi Dob Bogi Dob Bogi Dob Bogi Dob Bogi Dob Alright, let’s go to the third batter. If I asked you which batter was going to hit third, what would I hear? The TENOR I don’t care what his general sense of things is, I just want to know who’s batting third. No, Who’s at first No one’s at first because the first batter hasn’t come up yet and I don’t know what’s his name No, What’s His Name’s at short. Who’s batting third? No, Who’s on first Give me the name of the guy batting third The TENOR Just a name, please. The TENOR I don’t understand. No, he’s playing third. Can you give me the name of the clean-up hitter then? Bogi BARI. Dob Barry who? Bogi No, BARI TONE Dob Finally a name, and Barry’s hitting behind who? Go to Whimsy, Page 7, Column 3 CHORD-INATOR Georgia Grind By Jim Erickson, Blossoming Baritone I was going to write about springtime in my last article, but this spring has been so delayed that I considered writing about it a bit late, too. That poses a problem because, in my w e l l -p l a nn e d , Jim Erickson completely organized and precisely executed writing plan for articles, it throws a monkey wrench into the whole works. And, how many young readers today even have any inkling of what a monkey wrench is? Regardless (notice that I did not use the non-word, “irregardless”), I will stay with my original plan. A plan to write on the subject, “Twenty-five good things about being a baritone.” But where to start? I researched many sources although that, I found out (and should have known), was really unnecessary. The good things about being a baritone are so abundant as to mirror the number of dandelions in the wild outdoors. Then I decided to use just those items that went into considerable detail on the subject. That turned out to be an exercise in abundant futility. But, during the exercise I came across some learned scholar’s iteration on details. He said, “Details are vastly overrated.” That was enough for me. Simplicity is always more simple, anyway. So, I’ll keep this list simply elegant. The only problem again is where to start? Speaking of “start,” did you know that among the versions of Gummy Bears, there is one called, “Boondock Bears?” I discovered these in Green Valley, Arizona, at the pecan company’s retail store. In the midst of hundreds of pecan trees in the surrounding orchards, there was this little store that sold all Page 7 kinds of pecans. Yogurt covered, plain, dark chocolate covered and more, all in the middle of other touristy pecan-related pencils, towels and on and on. Dick Riemenschneider, nut purveyor extraordinaire, would have been in pecan heaven if only he could have been there. Stuck in between the pecan offerings I found these little bags of “Boondock Bears.” What were they? Well here is how they described themselves. Boondock Bears were Gummy Bears from the Backwoods of the Great Northwest. “These delicious Boondock Gummy Bears come from deep in the woods of the North forests. Their forefathers were from Germany and date back to the 1920s. The first Boondock Bear was spotted here, in the United Thanks for the Memories The Hut Four CD All Proceeds to Harmony Foundation Order at JUNE 2013 by then they will have gummy space creatures. Think? Well, I started out to write about spring, and then good things about baritones, but forgot about where I was going. Did you know that a goldfish has a memory of three seconds? He has me beat by about two and a half seconds, it seems. And an ostrich eye is bigger than its brain. I won’t make a similar comparison to me. Too threatening. But I will leave you with an important message about our Barbershop pursuits. Singing is the heart of it, of course, and Ella Fitzgerald hit the nail on the head when she said, “The only thing better than singing is more singing!” So here’s to more and more singing… In the meantime, hold fast to that which is good and keep on recruiting! Whimsy from Page 6 Bogi Dob States, around 1982. Their popularity is only outdone by the more recently discovered Gummy Worms.” Who’d uh guessed? And why do you need to know more about the origins of the Gummy Items? Just go back to my article last month where I describe the virtues thereof. Oh, you don’t really need to know any more about those origins. But you should remember that they will help overcome performer’s “cotton mouth.” I won’t say more except to give you a great tip. Costco carries a combination bag of Gummy Bears and Gummy Worms. They come in a big package similar to a large plastic cereal bag and sell for $6.99 for six pounds of Gummy’s. That ought to be enough to supply your family, your children, grand-children, and there should be a few left for your great grandchildren. Then they can buy their own future supply. Maybe Bogi Dob Bogi Dob Bogi Dob Bogi Dob Bogi Dob Bogi No, BARI’s trying to bring home the BASS if he gets on. He’s going to carry the base? It’s been known to happen. Wait that’s against the rules, is he going to steal the base? No, he’s going to run through it unless I Don’t Know How stops him. Who is going to stop him? No, Who’s going to backup the base. Won’t that confuse the lead? Only if the TENOR gets caught in a run-down. By who? By Who and I Don’t Know and maybe What’s His Name. I’ve got an incredible headache and I think I’m hearing voices in my head. Good, get out the pitch pipe, I think were ready for The Star Spangled Banner. CHORD-INATOR 1st CLASS POSTAGE HERE MINNEAPOLIS COMMODORES Minneapolis Chapter of SPEBSQSA Dr.Hardin Olson, Bulletin Editor 306 13th. Ave. N. Hopkins, MN 55343 952/930-9443 MEETING EVERY TUES –7:00 PM House of Prayer Lutheran Church 7625 Chicago Ave. S. Richfield, MN 55423 Neither shared with the Girl Scouts nor dumped by the Sweet Adelines. Logo courtesy of Bob Clark RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED GUESTS ALWAYS WELCOME Chapter Quartets EASY LISTENIN' Dan Slattery……………………... 651/747-6384 FOUR SEASONS Rollie Neve…………………...….. ..952/470-2129 GOOD NEWS! Rod Johnson………………..….....612/978-8237 HAPPINESS EMPORIUM….…...….1975 IQC Rod Johnson………………..….....612/978-8237 HOT COMMODITY Dave Speidel…………………..….612-437-4325 MINNESOTA GO-4’S Lyle Smerud…………………...…952/474-3436 SOUNDS of RENOWN………… ……….VLQ Mark Ortenburger…………….…..952/942-8382 TETRA Jim Erickson………………..…...952-934-9692 TRIPLE Q………………………………….VLQ Dave Speidel……………………...952/941-7153 TURNING POINT Judd Orff………………………….651/439-3108 To: LOOKING AHEAD Barbershopper Of The Year Chapter Level Mark Ortenburger • June 9 - Ladies Night/BOTY • July 11 - Plymouth • August 7 - Maple Grove • August 13 - Como Park District Level • October 25-27, Fall Convention, La Crosse, Wisconsin International Level Commodores and others * contributing to this issue. Dan Cole Jim Erickson Rollie Neve Hardin Olson Rich Ongna Mark Ortenburger Jim Richards Dan Slattery Blake Wanger Paul Wigley • June 30-July 7, International Convention, Toronto, Canada The Chord-Inator is available on the Minneapolis Chapter’s website, beginning with the January 2006 issue. BINOs All copy and photos herein without a byline as well as those opinions and commentaries under his byline are the sole responsibility of the Chord-Inator editor and do not necessarily reflect the views of those of the Minneapolis Chapter Board and its officers.
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