I NTERNATIONAL I NSTITUTE OF S YNTHETIC R UBBER P RODUCERS , I NC . News Release For Further Information www.iisrp.com Or contact: J.L. McGraw Email: jlmcgraw@iisrp.com 713.783.7511 Ext. 222 PR 15.04 IISRP Enlists Newest Affiliate 7 April 2015, Houston, Texas — The International Institute of Synthetic Rubber Producers, Inc. (IISRP) has elected Indo Amines Ltd.as their most recent Affiliate Member. “We are extremely happy to announce the membership of Indo Amines Ltd. to our expanding list of Affiliated Members”, stated James L. McGraw, Managing Director and CEO of the IISRP. The newest IISRP Affiliate, based in Maharashtra, India, has designated Mr. Vijay Palkar as the liaison representative and Mr. N. G. Mane as his Alternate. Indo Amines is a supplier of chemicals to the synthetic rubber industry. The IISRP is an international not-for-profit trade association with over 60 corporate members, domiciled in 22 countries, who produce 80 percent of the world's supply of synthetic rubber. Incorporated in 1960 and headquartered in Houston, Texas, the Institute supports section offices in Milan, Tokyo and Beijing. (30) 3535 Briarpark Drive, Suite 250, Houston, Texas 77042 713.783.7511 • Fax: 713.783.7253 • E-Mail: info@iisrp.com
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