The World's Original Oasis Fanzine! 'T he secrets behind the sleeves - the albums' - Our world exclusive interview with Oasis designer, Brian Cannon••••lnterview with Digsy's band, Smaller••••The Oasis Cafe!••••Oasis on the internet••••B-Sides chords & lyrics & Much much more! Are YOU hungry? Lasagne I The World's Original Oasis Fanzine . ,. ~ 1Ie lIu fe llow Oasis fans..... LasaeJu'! is just about two and a half years old' Ifyou've just moved into I .asagnclund. welcome. lfyou'rc reading this IrOl11 a IIMV shell. g" and buv it now' No-one with unv interest in Oasis should be without Issue & of LllS:l~II"! W~ arc . and always will be the world's first andoriginal Oasis lanzinc. This is gonna be a hig year tor Oasis , What with the 'dilficult' third album 'Ih' 11"1"(' ;'\ow' (working lille). looking set lor a May release and a single before thal. Something worth living for? W~II. close sources say it's coming along 'fantastically' (sec Brian Cannon interview later). 1 can only speak for myself but I'm huzzin'! Even if it's just at the fact that they're still together. Don't deny you weren't worried for a few days back last September: So Liam's shaved his hair off then . Front page news Oil The Mirror no less' So he went to some little barber shop in Cheshire, got a £4,50 cut and gave a £5 .50 tip and now he's 'Wonderbald', says The Sun (not me!) They've made the guy that did it, 16yr old Scou Minshull, a 'star barber', Apparently he's wondering which celebrities an: now gonna come running tor one of his famous 'No .J's' Dream on Scort: Give vour bed-ridden Granny some clippers and she'll show you how ea sy it's done. Blindfolded: Nevertheless. it looks cool. BUI i1 is Liam Gallaghcr we're talking about. I suppose this now means that a 'No,J cut' will become a I.iam-Iike cut . So . in cllcct. hallthe population of Britain will now he Liam-a likes , So lots more people can form No- Wav-Sis's, get a record deal. and appear on Top Of The Pops! Anvwav. what am I on about? Let's get on with it. or roll with it, some might say! (Sorry.) Thanks for all the kind letters, and contributions. If you've sent on..: in and it's not in this issue it'll probably IX' in the next, Contributions arc welcome now for Issue 9. Remember this is a fanzine & it's written by fans for fans , so your opinions count. Oh . and did l mention thal Oasis read it too! Wit" nil contributions, orders, letters, queries write to " Lasagne! 10 Oakdale Road Binley Woods Coventry CV32BL It's getting better. man! Just take a look at the contents, (man)! 0 Here's The Story .... The News Update 0 f (What's The Story) Berwick St? .... Abbey Road for the 90s 0 Oasis on the Internet .... Get your boards we're going surfing 0 Crossword .... We'll amuse ourselves 0 The Oasis Cafe .... Yeah, there's now tribute food 0 Contacts .... Meet new people 0 Smaller Interview .... Lasagne! talks to Digsy's brother 0 B-Side Chords Pt 4 .... We're now upto date on every Oasis release. Are you ready to be a tribute band now? 0 Talk Tonight .... Your letters 0 Brian Cannon interview Pt 2 .... He loves his mother and designs thecovers 0 ENJOY! 0 STAY HUNGRY! -:-:: - , . . '. :.r - t" the Lasagne I , Parallelogram '. It appears it • on KnetMorth to Squire joined them on stage were -. ~t ... • • ~ o -e • ~ ...... f::l ~ ...... ~ ~ ~ ~ :t: Have you ever studied the Morning Glory album sleeve in great detail? You can't park on the left you know, but you can on the right! Fact! Anyway, Lasagne! thought it would be fun to investigate the shops featured on Berwick Street, the home to the 'Glory, and get reactions to the fact that their shops have been on billboards all across the world.... Speaking to Phil from 'Selectadisc' Speaking to man from 'Zacharia Jewellers' who is a bit baffled by it all & has a strange accent. He's either struggling to grasp the English language or he's on another planet... Has it affected business? Yeah , quite alot. We've sold shedloads of Oasis Did you realise that your shop features on the albums. We still get people coming in asking do we album cover? realise it's on the cover! No. Do you see people re-inacting the famous scene? You know who Oasis arc though don't you? No. Yeah , quite a lot. All the time when it came out. It's died down a bit now , but it still happens. What? You've never heard of them? So I guess it was quite a thrill when you first saw it. No. No. It was brilliant. We knew someone who worked in the They're onc of the biggest bands in the world today place where it was designed & we got the artwork a and your shop features on an album cover that is in ~-j-----'------".'millions of homes all over the couple of weeks before & we were so pleased. We've not heard it.: ~luti.n l~Ll!LUm~u: world . anything from Oasis. We thought We don't ...want to we might get loads of freebees! advertise, OX, Bye. So are you Oasis fans then? O.K. then. Thank you very much YEAH! We all liked them anyway for all your bell). Cheers! & after we liked them even more! Favourite song? Perhaps one day he will Some Might Say. discover.... I RECKLESS RECORDS • reprD Cop, "'4 " ,,, ill CDlo1I1 Speaking to 'Lovely' Rlta from 'Pro-Repro' printing. Speaking to Martin from 'Reckless Records' Has it affected business? Yeah , we're having one of our best ever years . I don't know if that's a co-incidence. We're a second hand shop , but we sell alot of Oasis promos. Do you see people re-inacting the famous scene? Yes, I've seen several tourists doing it and it never fails to anlUse me. I always want to run into the shot and spoil it for them! How does it feel that your shop is in millions of homes all over the world? Well, when we found out we were really excited about it all. So you're an Oasis fan? Yeah, definitely! Favourite song? Slide Away. Better than The Beatles? No. But they could be if they keep together. What do you think of Liam's haircut?! I'm thinking of getting it done myself! Did you realise your shop is on the cover? YEAH! (Rita's very excited) We've got a poster of it , and our shop is right there at the front...PRO-REPRO! So has it affected business in any way? No it hasn't brought any business in, but I'm not selling Oasis records. Have you seen people re-inacting the famous scene? Yeah , we see tourists taking photos, trying to do it in the busy traffic! So how does it feel that your shop is in millions of homes all over the world? Feels alright s'pose ...nothing exciting. So you're not a fan then'! No they only copy other people's music and I don't like that. What? You don't like any of their music? I suppose it's quite catchy. I wasn't keen on The Bcatles either. I like soul music personally. What about Liam's haircut? Hc looks horrible! Are you him? (No) Are you his brother? (No I'm not. .. but I wish I was, Rita!) I Thanks to all the shops that took part. Lasagne! 'MY· BIG,' MOUTH' The way to a man's heart is through his stomach...allegedly. The way to my heart is the glorious sound 01 a band called Oasis. Put these t ether. and what have ou ot...The Oasis theme cale! ....It was in the Corn photocopied and send if to us. Based in the Coliseum, a shopping arcade in the hearl of Manchester , this is surely the ultimat e comb ination. While everyo ne else was out forming tribute bands (OK, we've got enough now, you 've had your fun) , Neil Thompson was 'half the world away' on holiday in America , dreaming up his own unique tribute. ~urrounded by Hard Rock theme cafes, the idea hit him like a Gallag her uppercut. Recovering nice ly, Exchange in Manchester city Its all going up. At the moment there's loads of Oasis posters, and at months before the Manchester weekends we have Oasis videos bomb. We were j ust down the playing. Come in nine times out road from if and were left with of ten and you 'll hear Oasis, or nothing. We'd put all our money ot her Oasts-related bands, like into it, so we've had to start off the ~tone Roses. again from scratch. I lost a lot of There are special framed pidures with personal stuff as well as the plaques saying what everything cafe. is and where its from. We've got a themed menu. Within a month's time, if you came in the job, and a roll with it , please... Well, I'm an Oasis fan. A massive Oasis fan. I thought this would be somewhere where fans as enthusiastic as me could go and hang out. This is proving to be the case, especially at the a Hard Rock Cafe would be. we are involved with. It sort of runs in conju nd ion, and we do ~o what's on the menu? you feel a 'ho me pride ' in Oasis? Yeah, being based in Manchester, people do generally believe it's all part of the scene. If there was an Oasis care anywhere, this is the place where it should be. specialise a lot in Oasis stuff. like imports and colledable posters. ~pec ia ls , Digsy's Dinners Favourites, 5upersonic lunches. ~o why not make a day of it There's sandwiches like the kids! Eat Oasis...Drink Oasis... 'Wonderwall', 'l.iaros Choice', and hear Oasis all under one 'Noel's Choice', 'My Big Mouth'. roo f. A lternatively, 'Iou could 'Headshrinker ~alads ' , 'Guigsy's go to 'Iceland Freezer ~ to res ', Delight'. ~o up of the Day - you get some o f those choc olate get a roll with it, of course. coconut bars, some of that What sorl o f people co me in eve n fiZzy and wait fo r then ? Wonderwall to co me o n the in weekends. Being based in Manchest er, do There's a record shop in the basement as well, which Mo rning Glory I'll have a j ustification of you r Anything else to declare? cafe, it'll look like similar to how Lasagne! caught up with him in the kitchen (where else!)... centre, and it only opened four Fruit flavoured drink that's not There are a lot of sto re radio . Which wou ld you Oasis fans coming in. When No rather do?!... ~ee you in Way ~i s played in Manchester Manchester! they all came down and hung oasis out. Bonehead's been in. Noel knew about our original cafe. I'm sure they can't disagree with the cafe. Its more of a tribute than • TH EMED CAFE THE PLACE TO BE IN TOWN trying to cash in on Oasis. Its What' s the inte rior like? The last cafe had a lot of memorabilia which was lost in the bomb last year - signed photos, framed pidures, ek. purely through being fans ourselves. We're toget her...What shall we call it? ..Righl, we'll have a theme cafe and call it the Oasis cafe. We've adually been appealing for any memorabilia from people. If anyone has any autographed You mentioned an original cafe . What was t hat like? pidures, or anything, get it GREAT CHOICE OF FOOD FROM Barn DAILY GREAT SOUNDS & THEME DAYS EVERY SATURDAY/SUNDAY lowe r Groum J Floor Colise um Church S lreel MDo ch e stor Tel 0161 907 3281 Lasagne! If it wasn't for this Liverpool band, there would be no 'Digsy's Dinner', and if wasn't for 'Digsy's Dinner' there would have been no mention of lasagne! So you lot out there wouldn't be reading the famine of the same name... Just a thought!... Connections aside tbough, this band are one fantastic venture into the world of guitar driven MELODIC pop. The world will wake up to them soon. You can wake up to them now thanks to your favourite Oasis 'zine! Lasagne! spoke exclusively to ' d r um m er Steven (Liam's best mate and a bloody nice bloke!), who quite possibly has the most famous - unfamous brother in the world today. His brother is frontman - guitarist, singer and songwriter with the band. His name is Digsy. The band are SMALLER!!!!! So Steven, to get the ball rolling I'll ask the obvious. How did you come into contact with Oasis? We first met them when Noel was roadie for the Inspiral Carpets. The Real People (who are my cousins) were on tour with them and they were going on about having met these two fellas who turned out to be Marc Coyle • (Oasis producer) and Noel. He \ was then introduced to me and he .was a sound lad . He was saying "What do you do" I told him Iwas in a band with me brother. He said he was too. I said "I hate me brother" Noel said "I fuckin' hate me brother!" It was like "Put it there , mate!" We've been mates since . We exchanged demos , which happens all the time, but we were both well impressed with them and we met up the next night. So from then on we started supported each other. They supported us in Liverpool and vice versa in Manchester. It's been sound .. a good long friendship, like. At what stage did you know Noel was writing Digsy's Dinner? That came about a bit later. Oasis started coming over to Liverpool recording their first demo tape in The Real People's studio. They gave them free studio time, just to help them along. We used to go down just for the crack and to have a jam. One night Noel was on the drums and 'our kid' (that's Lasagne! Digsy!) was being his usual stupid self, singing stupid words about how he had lasagne for his tea. He was just making it up on the spot. The next day, noel rang our kid up and said he'd come up with an idea for a song and he wants to use the Lasagne! bit and could he call it 'Digsy's Dinner'. Our kid was like "Yeah! Sound!" Did he feel honoured then? Yeah I suppose he did , and he still does. He'll always claim that he's getting a bit sick of the 'Digsy's Dinner' tag, but he's made up secretly! It must seem strange that his name, but not his song is in millions of people's homes all over the world Yeah, that's true . But there's two ... "">"YIMI \ ~ sides to it There's that side . but we're Smaller. Wc'rc a band or our own. Wc'rc getting tagged in the press all the time ... 'Digsy from Digsv's Dinner fame .' It is great . and we're proud to be associated with them . They're the best luckin' band in thc world. but we're a band ourselves. Wc'rc having a go. Wc'vc got good songs. we're a great band. So have all thc Oasis conncctions helped you? Oh yeah. loads . They've donc so much for us. Wc supported thcm on their lust British tour. which was great of them to do. They've just sent down three grand's worth of amps for us thc other week.' Wc'rc still in total contact with them . So they really do stick with their old matcs then'! Yeah that's true, They lire great lads. It's a bit strange...He's :lIl1 ays in the press as the big pop star and I laugh at sonic of rhc things. but I still love him as a mate. It's a bit different for rue. Liam's my mate. and Noel's our kid's mate in a way. Wc'rc thc younger brothers I suppose' So what other conncctions have you l!,ot'! Wcll. Marc Coylc's produccd om nC\1 album. 'Bad ly Badly' which is coming out in Fcbmary . (which judl!,inl!. h~ the sinl!.les so far. pop pickcrs. will he fantastic~) Thcrc's anothcr conllcction - Tim Abbot is our managcr. (Thosc who hought Lasagnc! #7 will know that's thc guy' with the bottle in his hand on thc 'Cigs & Alcohol' slccYc). Tim was vicc-prcsidcnt at Crcation Rccords at thc timc . Oasis told him all about Smallcr. He'd nC\'cr managcd a band beforc and hc wasn't interested. but Noel and Liam persuadcd him that wc wcrc worth taking on and wc signed to his label, Bcttcr Rccords . So . I \IC'\'C gOI Oasis to thank for gcuing signed . There's a picture in thc Oasis hook. 'Definitely', of you signing you deal. Liarn's sitting there between you and Digs~·. What's the Story? WeIl we'd played that night with Oasis in Leicester and that's a picture of us signing in the hotel after some heavy panying. The next day. the two bands were going their separate wavs after touring together. Wc were carrying on ourselves and Liam decided he was gouna stay on tour with us and he just jumped in our shittv little van which we call 'The Stinkvan' , He did a few dates with us.... That was funnv: In the honk it sa~'s 'lie was last seen hcading off on a hin lnrrv'? Thai,s totally true . Wc'd becn 10' a club and he'd lost his bag. He was like "Whcre's me bag·.'" The funny thing is. it Itad a in cash in it! we found it cvcntuallv and said our ta-rn's. and tltc next thing he jumps on the back of a bin lorry. 1'111 just left standing there ! Thc bin lorry kicks off and lie's heading for the city centre . He's clutching 01110 his bag \lith onc hand and the bin lorry with thc olhcr. He's as mad as hc sounds . honcst to god!! , can wcll hclic,e it. But when I'yc mct him. hc's alway's struck mc as a "cl!' gcnuine pcrson as wcll... Hc is lhc most gcnuinc fclla I'vc evcr mc\. Pcoplc s<Iy it's likc a big act. but hc's becn likc that from the day I met him. ycars ago. He's the most gcnuinc. honest person going. He makes me laugh so much. When hc's talking. "m laughing mc head otTand he's staring at me. He doesn't realise how funny he actually is... a naturally funny guy. He's just a cracking fella! So what arc thc chances of Smaller gctting higgcr then? I've seen you live and in thc press pla~'ing on the band's name. emphasising how small you arc in tcrms of popularity. Is that just tonguc-in-chcck? That would be our kid. He likes to sav that all the time . It's just a contradiction in terms. Wc wanna be the smallest band in the world? l'm just likc "Shut the fuck up. you boring bastard!" . Wc wanna be as big as we can be. Wc'rc not like Oasis. in that we don't go round saying we're the best band in the world. Thai's just not in lily nature. and it's not in our kids. but al the same time. putting us down by saying we're the smallest. that's our kid talking a load of bollocks. which is generally all Ihat comes out of his mouth an~ Il"ay' ~ow that YOU'le been playlistcd on Radio One though, and you're pla~ ing higger gigs. do you not fccl likc saying 'We're grcat. buy our records'? No 1'1\1 not into all that. ( think the records and the live performances speak for thcmsclvcs. I I' we need people to gCt to our gigs. we've got people who \Iork for thc rccord company lhcrc to promotc us. It's nol in our naturc to s<Iy 'Comc and sec us 'cnusc wc'rc brilliant' and all that. If people wanna scc and ha\'c hcard us. that's sound . Thc fanbase is gClling biggcr and wc'rc gClling playcd on thc radio. but it's not down 10 us promoling it ['m tclling ya!! ... Wcll Stevcn, we'll do our bit hcre at Lasagne! Smallcr are off to Japan soon and the album Badly Badly is out in February. Don't miss the 2nd part of this exclusive interview in Lasagne! #9. Steven tclls aJl about Liam. Order yours today! WIN! Hip Hip Hooray! IoU up, roll up! We've got some fantastic Small~r , goodies to give away... See the competition towards the hack for details. Lasagne! qalk q"l1i(J/'t 41",,,· teuevs ... Letter Of The Issue! I've been an Oasis fan for two years now. I know, it' s not reall y a long time, but I've fell so many different feelings during those two years, and .. . . . 0 only because of this baud. I've fell such incredible joy and happiness while listenin g to t~elr son t>I~ ', I've felt sadness and f ear while read ing news about ' Oasis splitting up.. , I' ve felt 'long distan ce love' for Liam , and some kind of j ealousy when I ve seen a picture of him and Patsy or some other girl. .. . . I've felt wOI7Y when I' ve noticed in what kind of conditi on Liarn IS nowa days and how much he drink s. . . ' I've felt admiration and respect for Noel. I think he IS a gemus. I've fell irritation while reading their comment s in newspapers from when they've been drunk . . . I've fell disgust toward s the press because of all the untrue ston es written about Oas is. I've felt uncertainty because I haven 't knO\\'11 how the things reall y are . I've fell ....a lot. I' m no longer j ealous of Pats y Kensit. I dou 't reall y think. 1 love Liam any way. (1 don't know him person ally so how could I?!): I think I would even survive the band ' s split up..(Of course I don't want It to happen! !)..because after that I will still have their music, and that' s all I've ever had, except for stories about them and posters on my wall ... Katri Korhonen , Nokia , Finland . Cheers Katri! You seem a very emotional girl! Katri said her ~n~lisb wasn't very good. Don't be so modest. Have some confidence girl. Have a free fanzine too for your trouble! Remember Letter of the Issue gets a free fanzine every time. Send your letters now! Usual address... ' ". ~f Weird Letter Alert! I'd do everything for them! I just have to tell everyone the way I fel t some months ago when I heard that Oasis were to play a gig in my home city of I've writ.ten ~ tribute to Noel's guitars... Just Imagine if the interment of our belove.d Noel was a penny whistle. Think of the crooning sweeping . about 'ffi It! Instead . n s that lift us when we're down, there would be a tuneless void of nothingness. So thank you, oh great instrument of the master for what you have done to Cheers! us. And just you remember, all you Oasis fans out ~here ... When you're feeling dow.n, think of what Noel would look like playing the penny whistle and bloomin' well cheer up! Susan Thorne Letchworth, Herts. Milan . everyday to my local record shop until fmally the I went tickets arrived . At last, for the first time , I was going to see the best band on the planet. As if this wasn't good enough, I had the No.1 ticket. The no. I of Italy! Just a dream! With my precious ticket I arrived, waiting for my heroes when some body touched my shoulder. I turned around and an English bloke asked me ' Would I like to meet the band after the show'?' A joke? I thought so, until he gave me two backstage passes! Th is reall y did feel like a dream . This was my chance to meet them and tell them how great their music is....but I think they already know that' 7S minutes of music that nobody will ever forget and the night was just begirming. The passes were real\ I spent the whole night backstage wi.ththe guys,... well three of them. (Liam, Gui gsy and Bonehead). Bonehead is so cool, We drank , we talked, we smoked.... and the rest is personal!\ Anyway, he signed my No 1 ticket, making it something very special . him. I love Oas is. But most of all I love their music. I love I now sit and wait for another Italian gig. I flew to Knebworth in the summ for both gigs. I'd do anything for them. Thanks cr naria cappelluto , guys! Milan , Italy. A Request••• : ' .1\"., . . 't' .• "" . - ~• • pear la~a9h81~fter ' readIng the comment In last Issues letters page about how many letters there had been from peop le dlseppolnted when not be Ing able to get tic kets, I decided to wrIte In about my 0..... e xperlence of not gelling tickets , AI though every Oasis gig I have ever "llended W"S e xcellenlly org"nlsed I stl I I think the lIcket busIness Is "bit dodgy, when ticket touts c"n h"ve tickets before the tic kets h"ve gone on s"le. So when the tickets went on s " l e for the fIrst night "t Manchester 's H"lne Ro"d on the 1st of Herch \996, " lot of people h"d st"yed out ,,11 nIght to get tic kets , but some people who h"d been queuIng of three or four hours stll I didn 't get tIcket, Maybe this wes bec"use ' mas t of the tickets had gone to the phone lines snd not to the v"rl OUs ve nu e s "round Manchester . Apparently 4,000 people were queuIng at with more t hen an h ou r to go before the l uck y few got tickets, out side Virgin Mag"store ,. I thInk the worst news for tho se who h"d que ued up "nd stll\ mIssed out on tickets wes, reports around the city "nd In the 10c,,1 presS th"t tic ket touts h"d been sel\lng tickets for £80 "t the end of the queue before the ticket s went on s al el Gre"t neWS, th"t even before the tickets went on sale you could bUy them for four or fIve times 8 :4S,,~ 0..... t hel rHypr! c e . e xperIence wIth Oasis ticket dtsappolntment W"S wIth r t hthe Kne bwor t h tIckets . After gelling the eds for Loch Lomond end Knebwo through the post, I decided that I would be "ble to sdve up the money I would need seeing It wesn't for such a long time. So I s"t down wIth two phones re-dIallIng the same number "gaIn and "gaIn. So "fter four hourS 1 put the phones do..... and went Aout "nd I"ter bought" newout O"sls T-shirt, month , was shoppIng "nd notIced" s I gh In a record shop whi ch "dvertlsed O"sls tickets for both nights of kn e bwor t h end loch Lomond, I bought" ticket, and aft e r th"t I found out th"t there were loeds of un-sold although they were maInly goIng as eoecn trlps. I thInk that my dls"ppolntment of not getting" ticket fIrst try stopped me looking else for them. ... I'm s u r e I W"S not the only person to find thIs, some people I know dIdn 't get tIck ets unt I I lest than a month before the gig . end there were st I I I tickets a ve l I"ble a week before, Why were there SO many reports of "I I of the tickets sell Ing out'ln three hour S? Someone out there In OasIs I end tl cket~ wh~re I have a little request, 1 hope somebod can help me... y In ~elody Maker, 11 May 1996 , after the Maine Road shows, Everett True quoted,a~ officialOasis programme, that states: It s about much more than words. Always.has be~n, always will be. It's about something exhilarating, instinctive, inspirational. Something special' Rock' Roll!' . n I hoped to find this in the-tour programme at the gig in Paris last September, but devastatingly all gigs were cancelled. So I'd like to know if anyone knows where to get a copy of it. If I can't buy one I'd settle for a photocopy. Plea help me! se Jan Koenot, Belgium. Can you help? Get in touch at the usual address and I'll pass anything on. JY. I :! nus t know : ' Lasagne! ,b . th second part of this, our world As promised, L~sagn~. n~gs you e \'~desi ner. You're about Cannon,~ g they sure are exclusive interview with Brian . lb I es and to find out the secrets behmd the a urn s eev ... pretty! So what's it all about?... : .' ; Rumour has it that the glasses contain Ribena... That's true. It was about midday . What, too early for the band to be drinking? . No , but the y're professionals! Was the final product the original idea? A few days beforehand I had myself photographed in various positions in the room, o~~ of w~ich was on the floor looking at the ceiling. Liam saw that, liked it and thought he'd adopt that pose. . An initial idea was to print the photo up.s~de down, so Liam'd be hovering from the ceiling. But that was a bit too bizarre. So Definitely Maybe, in Bonehead's front room. Where did the idea come from? Wejust wanted a shot of the lads looking natural. Not posin g in any daft way like a lot of bands do . Just them at home, having a drink, watchingTV , playing guitar, chilling out with each other, like they do . So a run through of what's in the room... Well , the things in the room that weren't already there are things like on the TV _ there's a still from 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugl y', which was especially freeze-framed . The globe that's spinning is from Mark Co yle's house (produced 'D efinitely Ma ybe'). On the far window sill is George Best. But he's a red! But as N oel himself said, he's first and foremost an Irishman . Then there's Rodney Marsh, an ex-city player , and Noel's hero Burt Bacharach. The mirror abo ve Noel's head was a mirror from my house, bought from a second hand shop in Manchester. Reflecting Bonehead's garden, right? Yeah, somebody once suggested we'd put some mad effect in it, but it just happened to be the way it was - pure chance. But was it always this room? Yeah, that was it, cause we did it in such a short time . It came out of nowhere, and all of a sudden we had to have this album co ver done within a week . The pictures on the inside? It's just them at home being natural , cause the music does the talking. T hey don't have to get dressed up or do anything stupid . What's happened to the house now? Bonehead still owns it, but rents it out now . It's a beautiful four storey house. o~ the back ~f the album, Noel's standing With a globe ID his hand. A prophecy or what? . No, it wasn't. It's obviously turned out like that. But that wasn't the intention at all. Lasagne! Inside, why is Bonehead the only blur? Well , he had the worst cold ever, he looked like he was gonna die at any minute, but we had do to it then and there, so we had him tottering about with tissues in his hand looking like he was sneezing. So What's the Sto~? Well, at the time Noel had a saying, 'There are no answers, only ever questions'. He also stated the album had an urban feel to it. So I decided on two guys passing on a street where you'd never see the expression of the guy walking away from you. Which was me, incidentally. Time of day? It was about 4a.m. It was pitch black. The reason it looks like its daylight was because of the time exposure used......... (photography jargon). You can actually see the street lamps glowing. Who's the other guy? That's Owen Morris, waving the master tape of the album, shouting 'Hats off to Noel Gallagher', blind drunk. So where had you been beforehand? We stayed in some London hotel and got bladdered . We were all pissed. And then went out and took a few photographs? Yeah, well we took about 300 shots in this street and used the very first shot that we took, believe it or not. Was it always this street? No, I was wandering about for six days doing test shots all over the place, but Berwick Street looked the most interesting, and had the best perspective. I had 100I ideas before this, some of which might be used in the future, so I can't tell you what they are. Any significance to the sugar bowl? That's Noel's sugar bowl, and that's where the line from 'Champagne Supernova' came from, 'caught beneath the landslide' He was sitting at his breakfast one morning and it came to him. What are you working on at the moment? I'm getting ideas together for the next batch of Oasis records. Also Cast's new stuff and Richard Ashcroft's new band, which will have some stuff out next summer. You've done the singles boxes (cigarette style). Any complaints? None to me personally, but apparently ASH - the anti-smoking campaign, were booting off about it, but you know, arsed"?' How big an Oasis fan are you? The biggest. My favourite band...after the Beatles. Favourite Oasis song? An Oasis song called 'Do You Know What I Mean' which is gonna be on the next album. How is the new stuff coming along? It's unbelievable! I knew it was gonna be good , but now I've been in the studio with them, it's even better than I originally thought. It's coming along nicely. If you missed Pa rt I of this interview (the singles..), it's still available in back issue #7. (See later for details). Thanks loads to Brian Cannon for his time. : : !: : : i::t: j : : : ~ : : : ~: : : ~::L:i: : j : :L:: :: :: : :: : : :: :::::: !::: i:: :L i :::i: : : i:::Li::rrr . :FFf: 11 So where do you start in the vast realms of cyberspace? Lasagne! boldly went where other fanzines fear to tread in its quest to bring you up to date on all things Oasis related, and proudly present its guide to surfing the Oasis waves.... The place to start is with the 'Oflicial Oasis Home-Page', This !.. .': ...:...; .. ": ..' :' .' : .. .' :'. ' :' ..:.. IUt ..,...,...,... can be accessed at the site: Once you get there, the limits are boundless. On the home-p age, there's a picture of the band and a list of band members - well, it has to start somewhere! Also, adverts for the latest releases - most recently , the 'There & Then' video and the singles boxes, with track listings and release details. Your options from this page run as follows: Gigography - All gigs including support slots, numbered and dated as far back as 1991, This page brings your gigography from Lasagne!#7 bang up to date , ending with their 279th gig on Sept.lOth at the Wissan Pavilion, Bristow, VA on the ill-fated American tour . Trivia fans do you know Oasis still played 57 gigs in 1996, despite splitting up, getting back together, flying to USA, coming home, etc?! Discography _ Again, accurate and well laid out, containing track .details of UK & US releases along with the option to hear or sec snippets of the songs and their videos , should you have the computer facilities for it. You can also download the cover artwork, to make lovely posters! Press C1ius - No, not just the latest Liam's leaving, oh-no-he's not, Patsy's split the band up, drugs shocker! Oasis split, Oasis don't split, rubbish. - There's some gems on this page, including old interviews and features, British and American record and live reviews, and official press releases (in other words the bland but true versions of the stories keeping the tabloids in business) . Then there's Noel's first on-line session at the end of'95 in USA which gets slightly weird: Q: What are your thoughts on the icNaont mmuusc1h·c. scene? t:.. 1\ Q: Do you like lemonade? N: Yes 1 like lemonade (//) Q: Liam, why don't you wear y o ur glasses anymore ? Backstage bods: He's lost them . ...Very entertaining though. Overall , this bit's a must-see. Incidentally, this is how the American press release for 'Definitely Maybe' gushingly introduced Oasis to an unsuspecting US audience: ... "The spare arrangement of their sweet and melodic rock ba//ad 'Live Forever' gives the rest ofthe band a chance to alm ost wistful groove...a complex melody line ...Liam 's singing shows Oasi s' vulnerable, heartfelt side " Makes it sound like a Sea/ion Dion ballad doesn't it?! PhotosLSoundsNideos - Sounds and videos need extra equipment , so don't bother. But photos turnrd up some famous & not-so-famous shots. The question really is whether you want to be bothered with the time and expense of loading these (and it does take a while) when you could cut up any magazine. Or newspaper. Or Oasis cash-in biography. :f1:..I.. :r:l:·! £1+ *~~ On-line eyepts - Re-live Loch ::[h~ Lomond through interviews, photos, video clips etc. Or real backstage interviews. Good stuff. :::::: , ,i::L , :rfF : : : :::i:~t: Links - Now this is where you'll keep coming back to again and again . This takes you directely to the myriad fans' web pages, all of which provide varying degrees of news, reviews & photos. At the last count, Lasagne! found 39 yes 39! such sites. A few have been sampled for your information. WARNING! : Some of the sights are about as useful to the discerning Oasis fan as No-Way-Sis! Avoid 'Champagne Supernova' ( like the plague! It's laughable ... Reading the December 8th update, you'llleam about a new single out in December 1996 - either 'My Big Continued... J:tt l ! : : : : : : : : : : : .L..i...[...i ", ~ ...;.)...i) ...j."l...i...~ ...i...i...;...~ ...;...j.•.: \ : !f!HmJ I I~i"' ~WJllfW! !l! • 'i"'!" - .. ]t;t r :1:::1:' Mouth' or 'Its Getting Better.Man'. Urn,...blinked and missed that one then Mr P. Floyd (is that a joke too?). Oh , Definitely Maybe is spelt 'Deflnately' here, and we're also informed that there's no gossip or news as he doesn't have time to keep up on Oasis news. Maybe you'd rather check out his Marilyn Manson or Pantera pages. No, thought not. Alternatively, send hate mail to Likewise, avoid 'Oh Ave Sis'. (www.learn.senccac.on. ca) There's not much happening and the title sounds like a tribute band name . Onwards and upwards, Oasis: BeVlnd lIews (wwwrmindspring.comr-d ougieg/oasis,htm) is an adequate site . Nothing exciting, but it does contain accurate sounding news on the forthcoming album, an Oasisgear link on the band's musical equipment, and a snippet of Noel's Beck remix. Dougie reconunends a couple of other fan pages, 'Niilll's Oasis Abode' , 'Be Here Now' , and 'The Masterplan', (of which more later...) I 'What's The Stirv' (www: staff.dircon.netlmichaell oasis/index.html) is Ok, but hasn't been updated for ages (June 1996, to be exact). You'll find F AQ 'frequentJy asked questions' for the uninitiated - news, pictures, guitar tabs , a discography and some bits & bobs including Noel and Bonehead's on-line interview, and a sound recording of two Liam interviews. Nothing, in short, that the officiaJ site doesn't do better. 'rr::' 'I \ \, t; 1 :1:.,, ",::. : ..·. \ exchange of info between fans and 'making friends' . It's up to date , but a technical problem with the page means it looks Cl bit confusing at the moment. But Lasagne! will be back soon to see what's been happening there , and you'd be advised to as well. Top page we found , before we made ourselves totally skint, was "Tbe Oasis Maslerplan' ( kglemon). This just has everything. It's well laid out , intelligently written, and accurate to boot. You have (deep breath), news , tour dates , tour reviews, guitars. bootlegs, sounds including 'My Big Mouth', pictures, articles, and links to other sites . You could spend hours roaming through each one as well. There are 28 news articles and interviews, for example, and here Lasagne! unearthed the classic Man City version of Wonderwall: 'Because maybe, we should have got Richard Madeley/ but alter all, we got Alan Ball' 'The Masterplan' , we salute you!! And there you have it! If you've never surfed the net, it's time you took the plunge. If you don't have the facilities at home, college or work (when no-one's looking), why not spend an hour or two at one of these cybercafes?! You'll find many a hidden gem. You'll learn, you'll laugh, and you'll cry (when you see your phone bill!) If anyone has visited or runs Oasis fan pages, let Lasagne! know. We'll try to keep you abreast of developments. Access the official site at: You can down-load pictures like this... The 'Whalever' home page, ( looks like a good site for the www.oasisinet.comandgo from there. Lasagne!....... to infinity & beyond! ~ ll il[jl l:; j~ll1." l!: ! ' ; : " ~'].t1!1 1· 1;!t~i!~ii:;, L, , :I;i1UI~tttu COUl1 - Were you there In u j '(3) 22 . The biggest warm up gigs ever? (Inillals I , I) 19. 'Maybe tlust wanllo 17. Forename or re cent author with his 'VVhal's tile Slo,y?" book. (3) 16 and 7 dOIM1. An eally Bvside . (4,2,4) 15. Drink omitted from original version or 'Shakerrnaker.' (4) 12, He was kicked off the et, umslool and oul of the band . (initials 1.1) 7. See 16 dOW1. 6 . The other side in 'The bailie of the bandsl (4) 4 and 5 etOIM!. L1arn's tavourite Bealles hack . (6 ,3,8) 2. No rnernber or Oasis is usually seen wthout thls logo about them (6) 1 and 23 across . 'I met a fUllny looking girl on a crowded beach In Spain'. (9,4,7) 23, See 1 dOW1. 21. See 13 across. 20. Noel's other half . (3) will "/,/,e"r next issue.... Lasagne! ,.o1" s" ·('r.\ 10 th e crossword A controversial article? What do you think? let US know... Although in the media Noel is supremely confident,one wonders if he be lieves that his band is up there with his heroes. (check early interviews where Noel is very happy to have Oasis compared wi th The Stone Rose~ I . No one cou l d have predicted the impact that Oasis have had,with the the expectation one wonders whether Noel will play it safe with new album or risk his mass credibility for a change in style.The former is more likely,and if this is so then within the historical context Oasis will be placed along the line of British retro groups such as The Jam,rather than innovators like The Beatles and Stones.Recent comments from Noel indicate that Captain Beefheart has been on his listening agenda,and as Beefheart fans will know,if Noel has plaigerised anything from "Trout Mask Replica" then everyone will be in for a surprise.Whatever it is like, for the majority it won't dissapoint,but as for music journalists,they can be cynical buggers. The real musical innovators of the last ten years have been mavericks such as Prince and Tricky,but still a classic guitar band can still set the music world alight.Bands such as R.E.M and Nirvana have achieved mass and critical acclaim through brilliant self analytic lyrics coupled with innovative guitar play.Then I look at Noel,his lyrics are generally bland and a cynic might say that his guitar is merely a tool of the back catalogue in his mind. • j M~, [~U On the eve of the third album the expectation is huge, will Oasis produce a truly great album?Critical acclaim must now be the sole ambition for Noel,money and fame is no longer the driving force.What's The Story (morning glory) was critically hammered and whatever Noel states pub l kc Ly he won't want it to happen again.So why haven't the critics universally applaUded Noel's songwriting?On the release of Supersonic i'd heard that Oasis were the new Stone Roses.On further inspection it was clear in the music that Noel is a fan of The Beatles,Stones,Pistols etc ... ,but to me his heroes were too obviously flaunted,there has never been any truly great band where the heritage is so obviously traceable.True,The Beatles and Stones started off by playing Blues covers but in time they created their own original styles .Is it now time for Noel to create his own style , Bf NuJ, J., FAME AND CRITICAL ACCLAIM? DOWN .N1( • ~ Conuratulatinns lkhorah! =1You win Issue H's prize fur hest runt ri hut ion .. The Untold Story' is Oil it's way! Send your cuntrihution NOW for inclusion in ISSUl' I) and I'll think up a prize for the hest one. COOlI Luck: IJ It would be very surprising if the new album is a drastic change from the first two albums,firstly does Noel posses that much talent and in what direction could guitar music go?Truly original guitar music is a rare talent,even latter day guitar God John Squire has been described as the "master of the cliche."The only justification for claiming that Oasis are a new musical force is in the way that they've so blatantly used the past on a scale not seen before. liI,' t III CROSSWORD SUPERNOVA BY DEBORAH NICHOLS - WATFOf!Q J ~ 18. Infamous Manchester venue , (9) 13 and 21 across . The make of Noel's lavourite guitar. (3,4) 11. '95? (5) 10. How Peggy addresses L1arn or Noel. (3) 9 and 14 across. It's a good job he was In Glasgow that night! (4,5) 8. He's knOIMI simply as 'The Manager' (Initials 1,1) 3. A living band Oasis aclually like! (4) 1. The town Wle,e It all began. (7) ACROSS f \ 11 Contacts••• I1 Ateyou on a flues! 10 IlndsomebodywlJO Is as big an Oasis IPn asyou? LOOK no IUttlJet tlJals wAaltlJls section s (ot, Wtlle 10 Oasis lans a// Of/et tlJe wotld/Ifyou wanla messageIn Lasagne~ send 1IIn 10 tlJe USUa/ addtess,,,, Hello, I'm Simon and I'd like any 'mad for it' Oasis fans to get writing. Take the time to make some sense of what you want to say. Would you like to swap recordings exchange views etc. ? Roll with it to Simon Hughes 25038805, Number Two Company Clerk, lst Battalion Irish Guards, Elizabeth Barracks, Pirbright, Surrey, GU24 OOT Hello! I'm looking for Oasis fans from Wirral. I went to Maine Road and Knebworth. I'm thirteen years old and I'm also into bands such as Kula Shaker, Cast and Manic Street Preachers etc. Write to Lynsey Scott, 69 Shamrock Road , Claughton, Birkenhead, Merseyside , L410EG. Don't Look Back Issues In Anger! If you've just discovered the feast, that is . Lasagne!, you'll be wanting back issues. Here's what we've got. All previous issues are sold out. Lasagne! #6 Includes;. ~ VERY rare Noel interview ~ No Way-Sis ~ Live Reviews & Loads more••• ~ Morning glory chords Lasagne! #7 Includes: ~ Brian Cannon interview (part 1) ~ Maine Road The Untold Story );- B-side chords >- Each Issue is available for the bargain price of £1.26 inc P&P, (7irc's, overseas). Hurry if you want to take advantage of this delicious offer! Hello! I'd like anyone from anywhere, who is mad for Oasis to write to me. Reply guaranteed. My address is Lama Collins, Jumbl e Hole, Jumble Hole Road, Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire, HX7 6PR. Hey Now! My name is Tanya , I'm 21 and I'm from Moscow, Russia . I'm desperately seeking Oasis pen-pals from all over the world . Please write to me to: Tanya Sosova, Priorov Street 2a-8 1, 125299 Moscow, RUSSIA. Roll With It! I'm an avid collector of Oasis rarities. What I'm after is mostly vinyl promo's and limited 7" and CD's. Also red double decker bus. die-cast toy with Morning Glory livery . Please send lists to Kev Richardson , 64 Oakwood Road, Hollywood. Birmingham, B47. I'll just tau this opporluni1y to mention the people down at Danilo PI'omotions who pl'inted the O(ficial Oasis calendal' this yeat. They sent us a complimentaty copy! cheers! I( you haven't got yoUl'S yet, don't (I'et, send IS/19 Onc. PIP) to unit " Indeseo» Courl, Millhal'hOUl', London, El'! 9TN. There's still loads of months left! \ BONEHEAD'5 BANK HOUDAY (...On the viny\ of What's fh e5tory ...) Capo on fret 1 Fm A C7 G little break to get away for a holiday, so I can see the sun a You know I need A C7 Fm 'Cos in the sun they say it's fun, i f you get some C7 G Fm A G or I could steal a car train or a boat or an aeroplane, Oh I could take a G A C7 Fm 'Cos in a car you can go far, it just depends what kind of car you are G A C G G La la la la la la la la la la la. What kind of car you are C A G La la la la la la la la la la la A Fm G met a funny looking girl on a crowded beach in Spain, her A C7 Fm She said she came to Spain to have a good time A G Fm Well she was with her mum who had a face like a nun in pain A C7 G Fm She said her name was Dot, she didn't half talk alot A C7 G I couldn't tell if she was mad or not, la la la la la la la G A G C If she was mad or not, la la la la la la la la la la la I G C7 name was Avaline G C la la la la C7 G Don't you know, I should've stayed in England C7 G On my polluted beach with all my special friends C7 G And don't you know I should've stayed in England 0 A Fm 0 C With my big house and me big car and all my friends there at the bar. La la la. Fm G You know A G Q need a little break to get away for a holiday, so I can see the sun A Fm C7 'Cos in the sun they say it's fun, if you get some G A Fm C7 G well I could take a train or a boat or an aeroplane, or I could steal a car Ern C7 A G 'Cos in a car you can go far, it just depends what kind of car you are A C G La la la la la la la la la la la, what kind of car are (x4) I G Boneheads's got the lot. Boneheads got the lot C G Boneheads got the lot. He hasn't got the lot o C G C G C G C G C Bonehead's got the lot. Bonehead's got the lot. He hasn't got the lot! Lasagne! G STEP OUT ••• Best playing the G & C chords with two fingers on B & E strings (3rd fret) .•• o C G C G C 0 What she said, she said to me. Take me high on a mountain side G C G C 0 o C She was dressed up in leopard skin, and her soul would never be denied C A G C G I met her down a disco in a beat up car, she was burning down the road E A G She looked just like a star in her Jaguar, she needs to lighten her load o G C And when you might, think you're gonna cry o G C You will be alright, step out tonight o G C You might think you're gonna cry o G C It will be alright, step out tonight C 0 G G C C 0 What I said, I said to her, I'm alive when you walk that way 0 Can C G you hear what I can hear? It C I S C G 0 the sound of a brand new day A G C She met me down a disco in a beat up car, I was burning down the road A E G lcanbea star in a Jaguar, I need to lighten my load Chorus ... G o My whole life's been sinking in the water C A I need a ship, not your sweet lip tonight Chorus (x2) Step out tonight (xlO) Tonight (x6) Lasagne! C G UNDERNEATH THE SKY Stick a capo on fret bI.U and away you go! F/E/ ... Am/F/G/Am/F/G/Am/E (x2) G Am F GAmE Am F Underneath the sky I've read, there's a storyteller sleeping alone G Am F G Am Am F He has no face and he has no name, and his whereabouts is sort of unknown E F G Am All he needs is his life in a suitcase F G Am It belongs to a friend of a friend F G Am And as we drink to ourselves, we'll amuse ourselves F E G F#min/F/Am/ F#min/F Underneath the sky, underneath the sky, again , Am F#min/F/Am ... F/E/G Underneath the sky again Am/F/G/Am/F/G/Am/E Am wish F Am G F G Am E away to an unknown place, amI livin' in a land with no name? Am F G F G Am Am I'll be making a start with my brand new heart. Stop me making sense once again So me E F G Am All we need is our lives in a suitcase F G Am They belong to a friend of a friend F G Am And as we drink to ourselves we'll amuse ourselves F E G F#min/F/Am/ F#min/F Underneath the sky, underneath the sky, again Am F#min/F/Am ... F/E/G Underneath the sky again Am/F/G/Am/F/G/Am/E (x2) Repeat Chorus ... Am F#min/F/Am Underneath the Sky, again (x3) F E Again, (again) , Again, (again) G Am Underneath the sky again CUM ON FEEL THE NOlZE Baby, baby, baby, baby.... C / G / Am ( x2 ) F G Get ya boots off skinheads C So Am E you think I've got an evil mind, well I'll tell you honey F C G F C G And I don t know why, and I don't know why I C Am E So you think my singing s out of time, well it makes me money Am G F C G F C G And I don't know why, and I don't know why, anymore, oh no I Am Am C G C G cum on feel the noize. Girls grab their boys C G C F G F we'll get wild, wild, wild. we'll get wild, wild, wild C G Am Am C G So cum on feel the noize. Girls grab their boyz F C G We'll get wild, wild, wild, out 'till dawn So Am E you think I've got a funny face, well I ain't no worry F C G F C G And I don't know why, and I don't know why E Am C Say I'm a dog but God it's no disgrace and I ain't no hurry C So F C G F C Am G G And I don't know why, and I don't know why, anymore, oh no Chorus ... Wooh! ... C / G / Am (x2)/ F /G C So E C E Am you think we have a lazy time and you should know better F C G F C G And I don't know why, I just don't know why Am And you say I've got a dirty mind, well I'm a mean go-getter F C G Am G F C G And I don't know why, I just don't know why, anymore, oh no Repeat chorus (to fade) .•. Spoken in wolverhampton-esgue, Bonehead and Liam-esgue drunken style banter: "Alright, so cum on feel the noize, girls grab their boys. Ya more crazy now. Ya more crazy now. Ya cum on, goodbye to Jane. Alright. Crack the whip when the whip comes down. Girls grab your boys ... Get wild, wild, wild!!!" Lasagne! ] It's time to say BYE! Issue 8 is history... Right Here Right Now! Hope you enioyed it! The contents were written by John (me/editor), unless otherwise stated. Remember, We ARE history... lasagne! was the world's first Oasis fanzine. Always has been. Always will be. Beware of pale imitations! s'rop PRESS! Lasagne! is just so packed, we've had to resort to using the back cover to bring you exclusive details of what you can look forward to on the new Oasis album! I Do you ever wonder why Oasis are constantly compared to The Beatles? It's because they were actually InThe Beatles. No, It's true. Deep In the vaults, Lasagne! has uncovered this exclusive photographic evidence to prove It. Forget Pete Best, Noel and Liam Gallagher were the original members. Critics hang your head In shame! TRACKS INCtUDE: 1. Don't Go Away 2. Stand By Me 3. A 11 Around The World 4. On my OH'11 5. It's Gelling Better, Man 6. My Big Mouth 7. The Fame 8. I Hope , 1 Think, I Know 9. The Red, The White & The Blue 10. Do YOII Know What I Mean ? • , L '. ~ It's gonna be a cracker!... In Noel we trust! If you want to order Issue 9 Of course you do! (or any back issues), fill out the order form below and you'll make sure of your copy. You'll be the first to get it too .... and [ust like the little bunny rabbits, it's out at Easter-time! Hope to hear from you soon! Cheers! ~~ -----------------Please rush me my copy of Las8{fnel the world's original Oasis fallzine ' Tick the appropriate line of the issue you would like and send to the address at the front: For Issue 9, Cheques/Pu's, £2 payable to J.Yates. (7 !RCs overseas). Remember, back Issues only £1.25 (5 IRCs) Lasagne! 116 ......... Lasagne! 117 .. Lasagne! 119 . (The next issue) Lasagne /
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