ISSN 2394-3777 (Print) ISSN 2394-3785 (Online) Available online at International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET) Vol. II, Special Issue XXIII, March 2015 in association with FRANCIS XAVIER ENGINEERING COLLEGE, TIRUNELVELI DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RECENT ADVANCES IN COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES (ICRACST’15) TH 25 MARCH 2015 Video De-interlacing with Scene Change Detection Based on 3D Wavelet Transform M. Nancy Regina1, S. Caroline2 PG Scholar, ECE, St. Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil, India1 Assistant Professor, ECE, St. Xavier’s College of Engineering, Nagercoil, India2 Abstract: Video de-interlacing is the key task in digital video processing. The de-interlacing is the process of converting source material that contains alternating half-picture to a computer screen that displays a full-picture. The paper proposes novel scene change detection based on the 3D wavelet transform. Scene change includes cut, dissolve and fade; the frames have particular temporal and spatial layouts. The dissolve and the fade have strong temporal and spatial correlation; on the contract the correlation of the cut is weak. The 3D wavelet transform can effectively express the correlation of the several frames since the low-frequency and high-frequency component coefficients have proper statistics regularities which can effectively identify the shot transition. Three features are computed to describe the correlation of the shot transitions, which are input to support vector machines for scene change detection. Experimental results show that the method is effective for the gradual shot transition. Keywords: Video de-interlacing, scene change detection, wavelet transform, support vector machine (SVM). I. INTRODUCTION The amount of digital videos has been increasing rapidly and thus an effective method to analyse video is necessary. Detection of scene changes play important roles in video processing with many applications ranging from watermarking, video indexing, video summarization to object tracking and video content management. Scene change detection is an operation that divides video data into physical shots. Over the last three decades, scene change detection has been widely studied and researched. As a result, many scene change detection techniques have been proposed and published in the literature. Scene change detection is used for video analysis such as indexing, browsing and retrieval. Scene changes can be categorized into two kinds: the abrupt shot transitions (cuts) and the gradual shot transitions (fades and dissolves).Abrupt scene changes result from editing “cuts” and detecting them is called cut detection either by color histogram comparison on the uncompressed video or by DCT coefficient comparison. Gradual scene changes result from chromatic edits, spatial edits and combined edits. Gradual scene changes include special effects like zoom, camera pan, dissolve and fade in/out, etc.[7]. considerably challenging field for its lack of drastic changes between two consecutive frames, which has a potential mixture with local object and global camera motion. Xinying Wang et al. [2] suggested a twice difference of luminance histograms based framework for temporal segmentation which is expended to detect complex transitions between scene change as fades and dissolve. W. A. C. Fernando [3] proposed an algorithm for sudden scene change detection for MPEG-2 compressed video can detect abrupt scene changes irrespective of the nature of the sequences. K. Tse et al. [4] presents a scene change detection algorithm which is based on the pixel differences and compressed (MPEG-2) domains which has the potential to detect gradual 140 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARTET ISSN 2394-3777 (Print) ISSN 2394-3785 (Online) Available online at International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET) Vol. II, Special Issue XXIII, March 2015 in association with FRANCIS XAVIER ENGINEERING COLLEGE, TIRUNELVELI DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RECENT ADVANCES IN COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES (ICRACST’15) TH 25 MARCH 2015 scene changes. Anastasios Dimou et al. [5] proposed Scene change detection for H.264 scribes the correlation between local statistical characteristics, scene duration and scene change and it uses only previous frames for the detection. Seong- Whan Lee has presented a method for scene change detection algorithm using direct edge information extraction from MPEG video data [6]. In this paper, a scene change detection algorithm is proposed based on the 3D wavelet transform. Compared with the previous works, the proposed 3D wavelet transform algorithm effectively utilizes the correlation of several successive frames. For a cut, where the dissimilarity of two neighbouring frames is heavy, the correlation of the frames is weak. For the fade and the dissolve, as the two neighbouring frames are different in the pixel value, and similar in the edges and the texture, the correlation of the spatial layout is very strong. The proper statistical regularities of the coefficients can effectively express the scene change. The three features are defined using the 3D wavelet transform coefficients, and then apply the Support Vector Machine (SVM) for scene change pattern classification. This algorithm robustly tolerates the global camera motion and the object motion, and makes the scene change detection more accurately. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives a detailed analysis of the proposed features. Section 3 provides an overview of the algorithm. Section 4 & 5 presents the experimental results and conclusion. II. PROPOSED METHOD Scene changes happens quite often in film broadcasting and they tend to destabilize the quality of performance such as jagged effect, blurred effect and artifacts effect, while de-interlacing technique is utilized. The first stage of de-interlacing is scene change detection, which is to ensure that the inter-field information can be used correctly. The inter-field information is invalid; if the scene change detected; then all interpolated pixels are taken as intra-field de-interlacing interpolation. progressive frames [1]. The two basic de-interlacing methods are commonly referred as bob and weave.motion artifacts is performed through line repetition method. It is one of the deinterlaced methods. For edge adaption de- interlacing, the edges of the video file is detected using fuzzy logic. The FIS rule is performed to detect the edges of interlaced video file. Line Repetition Line repetition method is a spatial filtering method. It is one of the de-interlacing methods which are used to remove the motion artifacts. Line repetition method is based on repeating the odd (or even) rows of the image or video frame to fill the blank even (or odd) row respectively. B. Feature Extraction Wavelet transform is a desirable tool to decompose a signal into sub bands. They can represent low frequency and high frequency information of the image accurately and quickly. In this section, the features are defined using the 3D wavelet transform coefficients. For the 3D wavelet transform, the 2D wavelet transform is performed first to each of the video frames with the 3 decomposition level. A 1D wavelet transform is then imposed on pixel at the same position through the resulting successive coefficient frames. The Haar wavelet is used with 3 decomposition level for the temporal transform. The 3D wavelet decomposition is shown in Fig.2, which shows the LLL, LLH, LH and H subbands in the temporal direction. Ck, l(x,y) is the wavelet transform coefficient at the pixel (x, y) in the kth temporal and lth spatial subbands. So, a series of coefficient is obtained in one 3D wavelet transform. A. De-interlacing De-interlacing is the process of taking a stream of interlaced frames and converting it to a stream of 141 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARTET ISSN 2394-3777 (Print) ISSN 2394-3785 (Online) Available online at International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET) Vol. II, Special Issue XXIII, March 2015 in association with FRANCIS XAVIER ENGINEERING COLLEGE, TIRUNELVELI DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RECENT ADVANCES IN COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES (ICRACST’15) TH 25 MARCH 2015 c) Low-frequency component coefficients difference The static frames, which are the same image in the successive frames, have an approximate characteristic in high-frequency component with a gradual shot transition. However, different behaviours exist in low-frequency component coefficients. This is computed from the LLL subband and the LLH subband in fig 2. sliding window. The sliding window moves for m frames once. Now, the three features are defined using the low-frequency and high-frequency component coefficients in Fig.1. c (x, y) c 2,1(x, y) 1,1 DL(i) x y x c y (x, y) 1,1 a) x y High-frequency component coefficient difference The difference of the high-frequency image is Gradual shot transition frames also are more coefficients, which is smaller in the gradual shot transition, different than the static frames, so the difference between the is calculated to identify the gradual shot transition. It is first temporal subband and the second temporal subband in described as VH(i) which is given by, the gradual shot transitions is smaller than in the static 2 10 frames in Fig.2. The difference of the lowest frequency component of the frame 1 and the frame 2 can make a VH (i) (c5,l (x, y) c 6,l (x, y)) x y l 1 distinction between the gradual shot transitions and the static 2 10 frames. (c x y l 1 6,l (x, y) c 7,l (x, y)) 2 10 (c x y l 1 III. SCENE CHANGE DETECTION 7,l (x, y) c8,l (x, y)) this is computed from the H subband in Fig.2. In this section, the scene change detection algorithm is described which employs the features defined in section2. The features VH(i), EH(i) and DL(i) describes the correlation among the successive frames from ith frame to the i + 7 th frame. b) High-frequency component coefficient energy A. Framework of Scene Change Detection When a gradual shot transition occurs, the edges and textures in the successive frames are similar. However, In this section, the framework for detecting the large differences appear when cuts or motions (such as local scene change is described as shown in Fig.4.The input object motions and global camera motions) occur. sequence is in the form of video sequence. First of all, In the 2D wavelet transform, the high frequency we move the sliding window and perform the 3D wavelet transform in the window. The features VH(i), EH(i) and component coefficients reflect the edges and textures of a DL(i) are computed in the 3D wavelet transform frame. In the 3D wavelet transform, the high-frequency coefficient. Then the three features are given as input to component coefficients reflect the dissimilarity of the edges the SVM. The SVM is used to detect the gradual shot and textures of the successive frames. Moreover, a small transition. Then the feature DL(i) is used to distinguish difference in the edges and textures of the frames can the fades from the dissolves. contribute to big coefficient. Therefore, the high-frequency component coefficients energy is defined as, 142 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARTET ISSN 2394-3777 (Print) ISSN 2394-3785 (Online) Available online at International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET) Vol. II, Special Issue XXIII, March 2015 in association with FRANCIS XAVIER ENGINEERING COLLEGE, TIRUNELVELI DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RECENT ADVANCES IN COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES (ICRACST’15) TH 25 MARCH 2015 8 10 EH (i) ( | ck , l (x, y) |) x y k 5 l 8 this is computed from the H subband in Fig.2. output image. Thus to compute the PSNR and MSE is calculated using the following equation. MSE & PSNR 1 MN M 1 N 1 [ A(i, j) A' (i, j)] m0 n0 2 10 log MAX 10 MSE Fig.4 The framework for scene changedetection B. Detect the Gradual Shot Transition Besides the cuts, the video frames can be classified as the gradual shot transitions, the static frames and the motion frames (local object motions and global camera motions). The features VH(i), EH(i) can be utilized to distinguish the motion frames from the static frames and the The proposed algorithm has been implemented and gradual shot transition. The DL(i) feature can distinguish the applied for variety of video sequences. The motion adaption static frames from the gradual shot transition. Now, we employ Support Vector Machine (SVM) for the gradual shot transition recognition. In our application, we employ C-Support Vector Classification (CSVC) for the gradual shot transition recognition. The vectors of [VH(i), EH(i),DL(i) ] are trained and classified by and edge adaption are de-interlaced through the SVM into the gradual shot transition, the static frames simulation. Then, the performance metrics of the MATLAB and the motion frames. video file is evaluated through PSNR and MSE values. The figure shows the results of video de-interlacing of motion and IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULT 143 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARTET ISSN 2394-3777 (Print) ISSN 2394-3785 (Online) Available online at International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET) Vol. II, Special Issue XXIII, March 2015 in association with FRANCIS XAVIER ENGINEERING COLLEGE, TIRUNELVELI DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RECENT ADVANCES IN COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES (ICRACST’15) TH 25 MARCH 2015 true detection (performed by the detection algorithm) with respect to the overall events (scene changes) in the video streams. Similarly, the precision is the percentage of correct detection with respect to the overall declared event. The three video sequences are used for evaluating the performance of the proposed detection algorithm. Approximately 1000 frames including dissolve and nondissolve are used for SVM training and set Tfd=0.93. The results of proposed algorithm are listed in TABLE II. The recall and precision are defined as, Pre = Nc /(Nc + Nm) Ppre = Nc /(Nc + Nf ) Where, Nm Nf Nc video culture donqui eyeexam video culture donqui eyeexam number of missed detection. number of false alarms. number of correct detection. TABLE II Performance of the proposed algorithm Fade Nc Nm Nf Pre Ppre 10 0 1 1 0.90 12 0 2 1 0.85 47 4 3 0.94 0.94 Dissolve Nc Nm Nf Pre Ppre 28 12 16 0.7 0.93 10 5 9 0.66 0.83 56 31 11 0.64 0.83 REFERENCES [1] Haan, E.B. Bellers, De-interlacing: an overview, proceeding of the IEEE (1998) 1839-1857. [2] Wang, Xinying, Zhengke VCT eng 2000, Scene Abrupt Change Detection, In: Electrical & computer Engineering, CanadianConference on, vol.2, pp.880-883. 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Circuits and Systems for Video technology, Dec. 2000, vol. 11, no. 2, pp:1281-1288. BIOGRAPHY ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author would like to thank Mrs. S. Caroline for her useful suggestions and comments. M. Nancy Regina pursuing her M.E V. CONCLUSION Applied Electronics in St. Xavier‟s The de-interlacing of video material converted from film Catholic College of Engineering. Her can be perfect, provided it is detected correctly. The area of interest is image processing. occurrences of scene change affect the quality of deinterlacing seriously if they are not processed properly. The proposed scene change detection scheme is based on 3D wavelet transform. Three features are computed to describe Second Author: S. Caroline, Assistant Professor, the correlation of the shot transitions, which are input to Department of ECE. She is currently working in St. Xavier‟s support vector machines for scene change detection. Catholic College of Engineering Experimental results show that the method is effective for the gradual shot transition. Based on the better performance 144 in the experiment, it is able to identify more types of the shot transition in video sequences. 140 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARTET
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