International Journal on Applications in Science, Engineering & Technology Volume.1, Issue.3, 2015, pp.35-38 Optimization of Partial Replacement of Natural Sand By Manufactured Sand In Concrete N. NAVEENTH, G. SATHEESHKUMAR Department of Civil Engineering, CMS College of Engineering, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India Email:, This paper presents the results of experimental work conducted on performance of concrete made with manufactured sand as fine aggregate. The natural sand was replaced with manufactured sand by four proportions (i.e. 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80%).The effect of concrete made with different proportions of Manufactured sand has been discussed. Abstract- Sand is basic concrete making construction material required in large quantities. Hence, in the Present scenario, it is necessary to find the most suitable substitute for sand, easy to produce and has all the required qualities for use in concrete. Manufactured sand (M-sand) is one among such materials to replace river sand, which can be used as an alternative fine aggregate in mortars and concretes. Two basic mixes were selected for natural sand to achieve M30 grade concrete. The equivalent mixes were obtained by replacing natural sand by M-sand partially. The test result indicates that M-sand can be used effectively to replace natural sand in concrete. In the experimental study of strength characteristics of concrete using M-sand as fine aggregate it is found that there is increase in compressive strength of concrete. II. OBJECTIVE To investigate the properties of manufactured sand and comparing with the natural sand and using as a partial replacement for fine aggregate. And to optimize replacement percentage for natural sand by manufactured sand in concrete by comparing the compressive strength result Index Terms— Compressive strength, manufactured sand. III. EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION I. INTRODUCTION 3.1 Materials used Due to rapid growth in construction activity, the consumption of concrete is increasing every year. This results in excessive extraction of natural aggregates. Ordinary concrete, typically, contains about 12 percent cement, 8 percent mixing water, and 80 percent aggregate by mass. This means that, in addition to 1.5 billion tonnes of cement, the concrete industry is consuming annually 9 billion tonnes of sand and rock together with one billion tonnes of mixing water. The 11.5 billion tonnes-a-year concrete industry is thus the largest user of natural resources in the world. Sand is the one of main constituents of concrete making which is about 35% of volume of concrete used in construction industry. Fine particles below 600 microns must be atleast 30 % to 50% for making concrete will give good results Normally particles are not present in river sand up to required quantity. Digging sand, from river bed in excess quantity is hazardous to environment. The deep pits dug in the river bed, affects the ground water level. Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) 43 grade conforming to IS 8112. Locally available river sand was used as fine aggregate. Crushed granite coarse aggregate of size 12.5mm was used. Portable water was used for mixing of concrete and curing purpose. Manufactured Sand 3.1.1 Cement Portland pozzolanic cement 53 grade conforming to IS 8112 – 1989, and specific gravity of cement is found to be 3.15. The properties of cement given in Table 1. Table -1 Properties Of Cement Component Fineness (m2/kg) Initial setting time (Minutes) Final setting time. (Minutes) Standard consistency Soundness Erosion of nearby land is also due to excessive sand lifting. Also, good quality sand may have to be transported from long distance, which adds to the cost of construction. In order to full fill the requirement of fine aggregate, some alternative material must be found. The cheapest and the easiest way of getting substitute for natural sand is by crushing natural stone to get artificial sand of desired size and grade which would be free from all impurities is known as Manufactured sand. 35 Results 4% 50mins 190mins 33% 1mm Requirements <10% Minimum 30mins Maximum 600hrs ---Maximum 10mm International Journal on Applications in Science, Engineering & Technology, 1 (3), 2015, 35-38 5 6 Mechanical properties of cement (Compressive strength, Mpa) 3-days 23 Minimum 16 7-days 30 Minimum 22 28-days 55 Minimum 33 0.3 0.15 5-20 0-10 17.5 5.4 25.5 7.9 3.1.4 Coarse Aggregate Crushed angular aggregate with maximum grain size of 20mm and downgraded was used and having bulk density 2770kg/m3. The specific gravity and fineness modulus was found to be 2.88 and 2.75 respectively. Chemical properties of cement Oxide composition Cao Sio2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 SO3 MgO 3.1.4 Water Percent 63.3 21.64 5.97 3.85 1.66 0.78 Fresh potable water, which is free from acid and organic substance, was used for mixing the concrete. IV. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE 3.1.2 Fine aggregate The mix ratio is prepared for M30 grade concrete for both conventional sand and also M-Sand. The Cube size of (150 x 150 x 150) mm Specimen is prepared for compressive strength. The cylinder of height 30 cm and 15 cm diameter is prepared for tensile strength. The specimens are tested for 7 days, 14 days and 28 days for M30 grade with varying percentages of Manufactured sand (0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80%.) of natural sand in concrete. The mix proportions adopted are presented in Table 4. Locally available river sand having bulk density 1762 kg/m3 is used and the specific gravity 2.52 and fineness modulus of river sand is 3.65 3 .1.3Manufactured sand Manufactured sand is a purpose-made, fine crushed aggregate produced under controlled conditions from a suitable sound source rock. It is designed for use in concrete, asphalt and other specific products. 4.1 Concrete Mix Design for M30 Grade for one m 3 concrete in ratio 1:1.48:3 at w/c: 0.45 General crusher fines (dust) and sand resulting from lightly crushing (disaggregating) decomposed granite or weakly cemented sandstone rocks are not considered to be manufactured sand. The latter are usually classified as natural sands of residual origin. Table 4 Concrete Mix Proportions For One M 3 Material Total Quantity Total Proportion M-Sand is replaced is fully replacement of river sand. The bulk density of manufactured Sand 1790 kg/m2 and the specific gravity 2.9 and fineness modulus of river Sand is 2.78. The comparision of natural sand and M-sand is shown in table2 and table 3. 0% MSand(MS) 20% Msand(MS1) 40% M – sand(MS2) 60% M – Sand(MS3) 80% M – Sand(MS4) Table 2 Properties of Natural sand and manufactured sand S.N0 Property 1 2 3 Specific Gravity Fineness modulus Bulk Density KN/m3 Natural Sand 2.6 2.78 Manufactured Sand 2.9 2.97 17.9 15.6 Table 3 Sieve Analysis Of River Sand & M – Sand S.NO 1 2 3 4 Sieve size (mm) 4.75 2.36 1.18 0.6 %Passing Zone-1 Natural Sand 90-100 98.7 60-95 91 30-70 73 15-34 49.3 Cement kg Water Lit Sand Kg Coarse Aggregate Kg 383 191.6 563 1130 1 0.45 Natural MSand Sand 1.48 3 383 191.6 569 - 1130 383 191.6 455.2 113.8 1130 383 191.6 341.4 227.6 1130 383 191.6 227.6 341.4 1130 383 191.6 113.8 455.2 1130 4.2 Compressive Strength Measurements The concrete cubes of size 150 mm×150mm×150mm were casted using 1:1.48: 3 mix with a W/C ratio of 0.5 with manufactured sand. During casting the cubes were filled by three layers and each layer is compacted by tamping rod by giving 35 stocks. After 24 hours the specimens were remolded and subjected to curing for 7, 14 and 28 days in portable water. M-Sand 95.4 88.5 65.2 40.3 36 International Journal on Applications in Science, Engineering & Technology, 1 (3), 2015, 35-38 It also stated in IS 516-1959 that the load was applied without shock and increased continuously at the rate of approximately 140 Kg/sq cm/ min until the resistance of specimen to the increasing loads breaks down and no greater load can be sustained. The maximum load applied to the specimen was then recorded as per IS: 516-1959. The testing of cube and cylinders under compression were shown in figure 1. The compressive strength was calculated as follows: Compressive strength 50 Compressive strength (MPa) = Failure load / cross sectional area. 40 MS 30 MS1 20 MS2 10 MS3 0 MS4 7th day 14th day 28th day No of days Fig.2 Compressive Strength Of Concrete Compressive strength 50 Fig. 1 Compression Testing Machine For Cubes 14th Day 28th Day 1 MS 19.25 24.73 31.25 2 MS1 20.29 30.51 35.11 3 MS2 22.36 31.84 40.59 4 MS3 26.37 31.87 42.84 5 MS4 26.04 31.02 40.66 14 th day 10 28th day Days Fig.3 Compressive Strength Of Concrete From the above graph, the 60% replacement shows the maximum compression strength of 42.84 N/mm2 on 28th day testing. So, the optimum percentage of replacement of natural sand by manufactured sand is 60%. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH 7th Day 7th day 20 MS MS1 MS2 MS3 MS4 Table 5 Compressive Strength on 7th, 14th and 28th Day TYPE 30 0 After curing, the specimens were tested for compressive strength using compression testing machine of 1000KN capacity. The results and comparisons are shown in table 5, fig2 and fig3. S.NO 40 V. CONCLUSION From the cube results, it is found that the compressive strength for 7, 14 and 28 days of curing for the concrete cubes keeps on increasing with the percentage of manufactured sand replacement up to 60%, beyond 60%, the compressive strength decreases. The overall strength of concrete linearly increases from 0%, 20%, 40%, 60% and start decreasing above 80% replacement of natural sand by manufactured sand. From the above experimental results it is proved that, manufactured sand can be used as partial replacement for the natural sand, and the compressive strength are increased as the percentage of manufactured sand is increased up to optimum level. The optimum percentage of replacement of natural sand by manufactured sand is 60%. Considering, the acute shortage of river sand, huge short coming on quality of river sand, high cost, greater impact on road damages and environmental effects . The Construction 37 International Journal on Applications in Science, Engineering & Technology, 1 (3), 2015, 35-38 [8] IS 10269-2009, “Concrete Mix Proportioning Guidelines”. Industry shall start using the manufactured sand to full extent as alternative; reduce the impacts on environment by not using the river sand. [9] IS 1199- 1999, “Methods of Sampling and Analysis of Concrete”. Presently there is a need for 20,000 units of sand per day for the private and public construction works. But the supply from the currently functional sand quarries does not meet the demand. In this situation, an alternative to the natural sand gains significance. [10] IS 516 - 1999, “Methods of Tests for strength of Concrete”. The requirement of cement is reduced considerably by using the manufactured sand. The Local Authorities/PWD/ Government, shall encourage the use of Manufactured sand in Public Construction Works, if possible, shall make mandatory to use Manufactured sand wherever available with immediate effect. The Government Shall come out with, Policy on Sand – encourage the industry people to set up more number of Sand crushing Units across the all Districts, States to meet the sand requirements of the Construction Industry. Manufactured Sand can be produced to fall in the desired Zone according to our requirement. This can definitely ensure the quality of concrete. The utilization of manufactured sand leads to ecofriendly construction and economic construction. A capital investment in the range of Rs. 1 crore to 5 crore becomes vital for the crushing units to buy the machinery. The state government of TamilNadu grant of atleast 30% subsidy for the purchase of the machinery. 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