Paper Int’l J. of Aeronautical & Space Sci. 16(1), 28–40 (2015) DOI: Experimental Study of Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for Vibration of a Flexible Rectangular Plate Jingyu Yang*, Zhiqi Liu, Xuanming Cui, Shiying Qu and Chu Wang Joint Laboratory of Spacecraft Dynamics and Control, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Shenyang Aerospace University,Shenyang, China, 110136 Zhou Lanwei and Guoping Chen The State Key Laboratory of Mechanics and Control for Mechanical Structures, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China 210016 Abstract This paper aims to address the intelligent active vibration control problem of a flexible rectangular plate vibration involving parameter variation and external disturbance. An adaptive sliding mode (ASM) MIMO control strategy and smart piezoelectric materials are proposed as a solution, where the controller design can deal with problems of an external disturbance and parametric uncertainty in system. Compared with the current ‘classical’ control design, the proposed ASM MIMO control strategy design has two advantages. First, unlike existing classical control algorithms, where only low intelligence of the vibration control system is achieved, this paper shows that high intelligent of the vibration control system can be realized by the ASM MIMO control strategy and smart piezoelectric materials. Second, the system performance is improved due to two additional terms obtained in the active vibration control system. Detailed design principle and rigorous stability analysis are provided. Finally, experiments and simulations were used to verify the effectiveness of the proposed strategy using a hardware prototype based on NI instruments, a MATLAB/SIMULINK platform, and smart piezoelectric materials. Key words: Plate Vibration, Active Control, ASM MIMO Controller, Intelligent Experimental ASM MIMO Control System, Smart Piezoelectric Materials 1. Introduction structures have been presented in several investigations. The development of active vibration control experienced two stages: ‘classical’ active vibration control and intelligent active vibration control. With respect to classical active vibration control, Dixiong Yang (1) revealed the essential connections among several popular chaos feedback control approaches, investigated the intrinsic relationship between the stability transformation method and speed feedback control method for controlling the equilibrium of continuous autonomous systems. Danfeng (2) applied a harmonic balance method to investigate the amplitude of the self-excited vibration, and designed a PI controller to control the amplitude of the vibration at a Typically, modern spacecraft include some flexible structures, such as solar arrays and antennas. Attitude maneuvers are prone to excite vibrations in these flexible structures because of their typically low damping. Such vibrations have characteristics of large amplitudes and long periods of time. Moreover, the coupling between elastic and rigid-body motions can be aroused during the orientation of a spacecraft. As a result, the issues of dynamic modeling and vibration control of flexible spacecraft structures have been studied intensively recently. Literature reviews on active vibration control of flexible This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Received: November 5, 2014 Revised : February 26, 2015 Accepted: March 2, 2015 Copyright ⓒ The Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences (28~40)14-070.indd 28 28 * Associate professor, Corresponding author: pISSN: 2093-274x eISSN: 2093-2480 2015-03-30 오후 3:39:41 Jingyu Yang Experimental Study of Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for Vibration of a Flexible Rectangular Plate for suppressing the vibrations of the bending and torsional modes, based on two low-order models of the bending and torsional motion. Using adaptive control theory and fuzzy control theory, Zolfagharian (12) presented a mechatronic approach integrating both passive and active controllers to deal with unwanted noise and vibration produced in an automobile wiper system operation; a bi-level adaptive-fuzzy controller was used where the parameters were tuned simultaneously by a multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) to deal with the conflicting interests in the wiper control problem. Jaroslaw (13) presented a fuzzy logic-based robust feedback anti-sway control system that could be applicable with or without a sensor of sway angle of a payload, and proposed an iterative procedure combining a pole placement method and interval analysis of closed-loop characteristic polynomial coefficients to design a robust control scheme. Nemanja (14) dealt with active free vibration control of smart composite beams using a particle-swarm optimized self-tuning fuzzy logic controller, and proposed integration of a self-tuning method with membership function optimization using the PSO algorithm to improve FLC performance and robustness. Young presented the concept of sliding mode control in 1978, since when it has been used by many researchers in the field of engineering control. However, few papers talked about AVC of flexible structures using the sliding mode control algorithm. A. El et al. (15) presented a nonlinear controller design for biaxial feed drive systems for reducing the control input variance while maintaining motion accuracy. Experimental results demonstrated a significant performance improvement in terms of control input variance while maintaining motion accuracy. Oliveira et al. (16) presented an automatic tuning method for the discontinuous component of the Sliding Mode Generalized Predictive Controller (SMGPC), subject to constraints. Simulations and performance indexes for common process models in industry, such as non-minimum phase and timedelayed systems, resulted in better performance, improving robustness and tracking accuracy. Chen et al. (17) proposed an intelligent self-repairing control scheme for a class of nonlinear MIMO systems; the control method was applied to a helicopter flight control system with loss-in-effectiveness faults. Some simulation results illustrated the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed control scheme in the paper. Ghasemi et al. (18) used the notion of finite-time stability to apply it to the problem of coordinated motion in multi-agent systems, obtained non-Lipschitzian closed-loop dynamics restricted to the surface, which leads to the convergence of the system trajectories to the origin in finite time. Acosta et al. (19) introduced a sliding mode control approach for given level. The effectiveness of this method showed good prospects for its application to commercial maglev systems. Bin (3) proposed a non linear dynamic modeling method for a rigid-flexible coupling satellite antenna system composed of laminated shell reflector undergoing a large overall motion, and used a PD with a vibration force feedback control strategy to eliminate the system vibration. Previdi (4) presented a full analysis and the complete development of a system for mechanical vibration reduction in a kitchen hood using piezoelectric actuators, and provided a minimum variance (MV) controller to get the theoretically ‘best’ performance in terms of noise reduction. Xiuting (5) investigated the potential beneficial performance of a quasi-zero-stiffness vibration isolator (QZS-VI) with a simple linear time-delayed active control strategy, provide a time-delayed active control which can not only further strengthen the robustness of the system in stability, but also noticeably improved system transmissibility performance both in force and base excitations and obviously decrease the settling time of system transient response subject to an impact load. Dafang (6) investigated active vibration control of a flexible beam with piezoelectric pieces on the surface using an independent modal space control method, which was able to control the first three modes of the beam independently. Cazzulani (7) proposed exploiting the measurements of Fiber Bragg Grating sensors as feedback for active vibration control applications. The experimental tests confirmed that smart structures with embedded FBG sensors could be profitably designed to suppress vibrations. Hu (8) presented a new and effective approach for vibration suppression of large space structures, and developed the equations of motion of a flexible structure with a set of arbitrarily distributed CMGs. Xianglong (9) presented an analytical study of active structural acoustic control of an elastic cylindrical shell coupled to a two-stage vibration isolation system, and developed an analytical activepassive model to attenuate sound radiating from the base shell structure, which consisted of a rigid-body machine, an intermediate rigid mass, and a supporting cylindrical shell, all connected by a combination of passive and active isolators. Regarding intelligent active vibration control research, using robust control theory, Zhang (10) investigated the robust finite frequency H∞ passive fault-tolerant staticoutput-feedback controller design problem, used the finite frequency H∞ control to attenuate the effect from the external disturbance to the controlled output. Zhicheng (11) developed an active vibration control for a two-hinged plate, obtained state space representations for bending and torsional vibrations, and designed two H∞ robust controllers 29 (28~40)14-070.indd 29 2015-03-30 오후 3:39:41 controller design with MIMO features, and the effectiveness of the vibration control c m,1 m, i m 1, i 1 c theory. Int’l J. of Aeronautical & Space Sci. 16(1), 28–40 (2015) m k 1,1 1,2 m m k 1, i 1, i 1 1, i 1 c k n,1 m k n, i 2 n,1 m n, i 2, i 1 1 c k 2, i 2 2, i 2 c 2, k 1 m k m, k k m, i 1 m 1, i 1 m m, k c c m 1, i 1 c m, k m, k n,1 n, i 1 n, i 1 c k n,1 m 1,2 k c k 1, k 1, k m, k m 1, i 1 m n,1 n,1 m c c ck k m, i c c k 2, k 1 m k m 1,2 m, i 1 c m 1,2 2, i 1 c 1, i 1 1, k 2, i 2 k m c c k c 2, i 2 m k system can maintain the vibration reduction performance based on intelligent control m m k m 1,2 2,1 2, i 1 2, i 1 m,1 c k 2,1 c k 2,1 2,1 1,2 1, i 1 1,2 k c c k c k m k n, i 1 c n, i 2 m k n 1,2 n, i 1 n, k 1 n, i n, i 1 c k k m c k n, i 2 n, i 2 c n, k 1 n 1, i 1 m k n, i 1 n n, k c c plate structure will be considered. The proposedc method designing multiple discontinuous control inputs, where the c c c c c c c k k k k achieves an accurate dynamics model and its structure is control effort overcame only uncertainties, disturbances or simple,1.thereby providing MIMO unstable dynamics. Two illustrative examples were given to Figure Cantilever plate controller design with Figure 2. The discrete cantilever m m m m 2. The discrete cantilever plate k kFigure 1. proposed Cantilever plate k features, and the effectiveness of the vibration control system show the feasibility of the method. ZhangFigure et al. (20) c c c can maintain the vibration reduction performance based on a fractional order sliding mode control (FROSMC) scheme Considering the continuous cantilever plate (Fig. 1) and discrete state of the intelligent controlplate theory. for the velocity control of permanent magnet synchronous Considering the continuous cantilever (Fig. 1) and discrete state of the plate c c continuous k c c k k k Considering the cantilever plate (Fig. 1) and motor (PMSM), and used a fuzzy logic inference scheme (Fig. 2) (22), we can establish a model of thea rectangular plate m m m m k k discretek state of the plate (Fig. 2) dynamic (22), we can establish (FLIS) to obtain the gain of switching control. Simulations (Fig. 2) (22), we can establish a dynamic model of the rectangular plate dynamicc model of the rectangular plate and experiments demonstrated that the proposed FROSMC c c [ M ][ Y ] [ P P( L0 Y Y Y )][Y ] [ K K ( L0 Y Y Y )][Y ] [ L][ F ] not only achieved better control performance with smaller [ M ][Y] [ P P( L0 Y Y Y )][Y ] [ K K ( L0 Y Y Y )][Y ] [ L][ F ] (1) (1) chatting than1. that with integer order sliding mode control, Figure Cantilever plate Figure 2. The discrete cantilever plate m11 y11 F11 but it was also robust to external load disturbance and y11 y F m11 F11 12 12 parameter variations. Zhang et al. (21) exploited the robust F y y F 12 12 13 13 Consideringcontroller the continuous plate of the plate (Fig. 1) and discrete state H∞ sliding-mode design cantilever problem for discrete F y 13 13 F y 21 21 F y21 time Markovian jump linear systems, and provided two where inertia 21 mij matrices; [Y ] y22 ; [ F ] F22 ; matrices; where [ M ] inertia ; F ; m y M [ ] inertia matrices; [ ] [ F ] where Y ij plate 22 y F 22 numerical examples illustrate the aadvantages and theof the rectangular (Fig. 2) (22), wetocan establish dynamic model 23 23 y F 23 y F 23 efficacy of the proposed method when simultaneously 31 31 y F 31 31 F y 32 32 [ L ][ F ]an accurate dynamics and considering intermittent observations, system model its structure is simple, the [ M ][Y] [ P P(uncertainty, L0 Y Y Y )][Y ] [ K K ( L0 Y Y Y achieves )][ Y ] (1) y F m jj 32 y F 32 33 33 and external disturbance. In 2014, Yang et al. (22) presented m F y jj 33 33 an experimental study about flexible plate using adaptive y11 controller K11 m11 11 F11 K design with MIMO features, and the effectiveness of the 3 1 1 11 K11 F y K fuzzy sliding mode (AFSM) control strategy; however, the 12 12 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 F y 13 13 1 3 1 1 limitations of above control strategy were more complex 1 1 2 the vibration reduction maintain performance based on F can K y system K 21 21 21 21 1 2 1 and it was difficult to be applied in control engineering, so 1 4 1 1 K K F ; y ; 21 21 inertia matrices; mij where [M ] [ ] [ F ] Y K [ ] 22 22 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 there is still s need to investigate vibration [ K ] control using F y 23 1 1 4 1 23 theory. 1 1 1 3 other intelligent control methods. Then, the advantages F y K 31 1K 32 1 3 1 31 31 3 1 1 K K 31 32 y F of different control strategies could be compared. Surely, m m k1 3m 1 3 32 32 1 k 1 m jj F y33 33 1 33 K331 3 1c K the feasibility of control algorithms in engineering practice 1 c 1 K 33 K 33 1 1 2 would be confirmed. K11 K11 c c k k k 3 1 1 The proposed ASM MIMO control scheme can be used stiffness matrices; K ij K ij ( L0 Yij Y ij Yij ) where i j 1 2 3 1 3 1 1 stiffness K ij ( L0 Yij Y ij Yij ) where i j 1 2 3 in active vibration control systems in which matrices; unknown Kij m m m k k 1 2 1 K K 21 21increase the complexity of disturbances and perturbations 1 4 1 1 c c [ K ] model and its structure is simple, achieves accurate dynamics thereby providing a non-linear complex vibration system. an Thus, the intelligent 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 3 1 controller design becomes more challenging. Moreover, K 31 K 32 c k c k k 1 3 1 features, and controller design with MIMO the effectiveness of the vibration control the proposed scheme incorporates an adaptive control m m m 1 1 3 1 k k K 33 law mechanism to deal with uncertainty. To achieveK 33better 1 1 2 c c system can the vibration reduction performance based on intelligent control tracking vibration control performance in amaintain limited time and to attenuate efficiently the effects of both disturbances and stiffness matrices; Kij Kij ( L0 Yij Y ij Yij ) where i j 1 2 3 Fig. 1. Cantilever plate Figure 1. Cantilever plate Figure 2. The discrete c theory. uncertainties to an expectation level, an ASM MIMO control scheme was adopted in the control design for a structure m m m m k k k vibration control system with parameter uncertainties. c c c Considering the continuous cantilever plate (Fig. 1) and discrete sta Finally, experiments and numerical simulation examples c c c c k k k k of a flexible plate structure vibration system are provided (Fig. 2) (22), we can establish a dynamic model of the rectangular p to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed intelligent m m m m k k k vibration control scheme. 1, i 1 1,2 n 1,2 1, k n 1, i 1 n 1, k n 1, i 1 n 1,2 n 1, i 1 n 1,2 2,1 2,1 m,1 2, i 1 2, i 1 m 1,2 2, i 2 m, i m 1, i 1 m 1,2 n,1 n,1 n 1,2 m, i 1 n, i 1 n 1, i 1 n, i 2 n, k 1 n, k 1 n, i 1 n, k n 1, k n 1, i 1 n 1,2 m, k m, k m, k n, i 2 n, i n n 1, k 2, k 1 2, k 1 m 1, i 1 n, i 1 n,1 2, i 2 n 1, k 1,1 1, i 1,2 1, i 1 1,2 2,1 2,1 m,1 2, i 1 2, i 1 m, i m 1,2 n, i 1 n, i 1 n, i 2 n, i n 1,2 1, i 1,2 n 1, i 1 2,1 m,1 m, i m 1,2 n,1 c In this section, the present discretization and reducedorder modeling method (DROMM) for modeling of a flexible Figure 1. Cantilever plate Considering the DOI: n, i 1 k n,1 n 1,2 c n 1,2 m n, i c m11 [ M ][Y]c [ P P( L0 Y Y Y )][Y ] [ K K ( L0 Y Y Y )][Y ] [ m, k c k n, i 1 n 1, i 1 c k n, i 1 n 1, k c n 1, i 1 [M ] Fig. 2. The where discrete cantilever plate n 1, k mij c n, k 1 m n, k inertia matrices; Figure 2. The discrete cantilever plate continuous cantilever plate (Fig. 1) and discrete state of the plate m 30 [ M ][Y] [ P P( L0 Y Y Y )][Y ] [ K K ( L0 Y Y Y )][Y ] [ L][ F ] jj n, k 1 m K11 rectangular plate (Fig. 2) (22), we can establish a dynamic model Kof 11 the (28~40)14-070.indd 30 k n, i 2 n, i 2 k m, k m, k m 1, i 1 k n,1 m 2, k 1 2, k 1 m, i 1 c m 1,2 k 2, i 2 2, i 2 m 1, i 1 c 2. Dynamics Model of Flexible Plate 1, k 2, i 1 2, i 1 1, k 1, k 1, i 1 1,2 2,1 1, i 1 1, i 1 [K ] K 21 K 21 n, i 1 n 1, i 1 n 1,2 1,1 m, i 1 m 1, i 1 n,1 n,1 2, i 2 m 1, i 1 m 1,2 n,1 1, i 1, i 1 2015-03-30 y11 y12 y13 y21 [Y ] y22 y23 ; [F ] y31 y32 y33 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 (1) 1 4 1 오후13:39:41 1 4 where ] we can establish m matrices; [Y ] y ; [ F ] F ; (Fig. 2)[ M (22), a dynamic model of inertia the rectangular plate q for t for tracks the desired trajectories after an law initial rectangular plate system output the the actuator actuator forces forces andinitial and an an estimation estimation law forfor thethe unknown unknown parameter parame rectangular plate q t and tracks the desired trajectories after an output ysome for system the actuator forces an estimation law forFall thethe unknown parameters such that the or rectangular plate system parameters being unknown, d adaptation process. [ M ][Yall ] [ P the P( L Yrectangular Y Y )][Y ] [ K K ( L Y Y plate Y )][Y ] [ L][ Fsystem ] (1) F being unknown, derive a control law somerectangular or y tracks plate system output q t parameters the desired trajectories after an initial F plate y rectangular rectangular plate system system output outputq t q ttracks tracks thethe desired desired trajectories trajectories after af adaptation process. m F y q t tracks theactuator trajectories an initial adaptation process. m systemy output Fdesiredforces yfor the and anafter estimation law for the unknown parame rectangular plate F 11 11 jj ij 0 jj 22 23 31 32 33 0 11 12 13 21 22 23 31 32 33 11 12 13 21 22 23 31 32 33 22 23 31 32 33 steady-state position errors can be eliminated if wethe restrict them to lie on a : for the actuator forcesUndesirable and an estimation law for the unknown parameters such that adaptation process. K [M]K m inertia matrices; ; position ; where adaptation adaptation process. process. Undesirable steady-state eliminated if we restrict to lie ondesired a 1 can be 3 1errors system rectangular platefor output tracks thePlate trajectories aft Undesirable steady-state position errors can be eliminated if we restrict to lie on qa tthem adaptation Rectangular 1 1process. Yang Experimental Study of Adaptive Sliding Mode Control Vibration of a Flexible 3 Jingyu them 1 3 1 1 sliding surface rectangular plate system output q t tracks the desired trajectories after an initial 1 Undesirable 1 steady-state 3 1 can1be eliminated if we restrict them to lie on a position 2 1 errors 1 K2 m surface1 K Undesirable Undesirable steady-state steady-state position position errors errors cancan be be eliminated eliminated if we if we restrict restrit sliding 1 4 1 1 C C if we restrict them to lie on a surfaceUndesirable position errorsadaptation can besystem eliminated process. K] 4 steady-state [sliding unknown, 1 1 plate parameters being derive a control 1 q q 0 1 1 4 1 1 adaptation process. sliding surface 1 1 4 1 1 1 law 1for3 the actuator 1 forces and an estimation law for the K K q q 0 (3) 1 1 3 1 sliding sliding surface surface 3 steady-state 1unknown parameters 1 0 Undesirable (3)be the rectangular plate system C C sliding surface position errors can eliminated if we restric q q such that 1 3 1 is aerrors constant matrix, eigenvalues are strictly in the right-half complex where 3 1if 1 eliminated 1whose Undesirable steady-state position can be we restrict them to lie on a Assumed that: output q(t) tracks the desired trajectories after an initial q q 0 (3) 1 1 3 K 1 K 1 1 2 C C q q q 0q 0 adaptation process. is a1constant whose eigenvalues are strictly in the right-half complex where 1 2matrix, C C q surface in q 0 right-half complex where isa3 constant areachieve strictly the 3 1 1 1 1 matrix, whose eigenvalues 1 Undesirable 3 1we sliding q t in (3) the above plane. Formally, this by replacing the desired trajectory steady-state position errors can be eliminated 1 3 1surface sliding 1 whose strictly in the right-half complex 1 3 1 1 1 where is a constant matrix, eigenvalues are 3 1 1 2, stiffness matrices; matrices; i, j=1, stiffness K K ( L Y Y Y ) where where i j 132 3 if we restrict to lietrajectory on a sliding surface matrices; j i 11 plane. vector;this rices; C ( L 1Y Y Ystiffness ) where 2 3,2 U Formally, is where the1 s 1 we input 1 2C q t eigenvalues ineigenvalues the above achieve desired X 1by 1 where where isthe aisthem constant a constant matrix, matrix, whose whose areare strictly strictly in the in the righ r 2replacing Assumed C C Assumed that: that: matrix, whose q t in in the above plane. Formally, this by replacing the desired trajectory Cwe C achieve q q 0 is a constant eigenvalues are strictly the right-half complex where 4 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 derivation by the virtual “reference trajectory.” q q 0 (3) (3) trajectory q t in the above this1 by replacing 1 1 4 1 [ P]1 1 plane. 1 Formally, 1we achieve 4 1 1 4 1 the desired 1 X is the n 1 nodal velocity vector; odal displacement vector; X is the plane. plane. Formally, we1we achieve thisthis by by replacing replacing thethe desired desired trajectory trajectoryq tq 1 1 3 1 1 1 by 1 3 the virtual derivation “reference 1trajectory.” 1 Formally, 3 by replacing achieve C Cderivation q eigenvalues t in the above plane. Formally, achieve this desired by virtual “reference trajectory.” a constant matrix, whose are strictly are strictly in the ri wherethe C we the isis where a1 constant matrix, eigenvalues trajectory 1 1 3C1 3 1 q q whose qdt 1 3 is a constant matrix, where whose eigenvalues are strictly inplane. the right-half in the Formally, wecomplex achieve this by derivation “reference trajectory.” 1 1 damping cceleration vector; [1P] 3isCthe matrix, 1n by n ; 1the [ M]3virtual is1 the mass 1 right-half 1 3 complex 1 C C C (4) q q qdt derivation derivation by by the the virtual virtual “reference “reference trajectory.” trajectory.” 1 1 2 1 1 2 replacing the desired trajectory q (t) in the above derivation 1 1 2 d plane. Formally, we (4) q q trajectory.” qdt achieve this by replacing q the desired trajectory derivation by the virtual “reference Accordingly, and by are replaced by trajectory.” qreplacing q the virtual “reference q t in the above plane. Formally, we achieve this by the desired trajectory (4) q q qdt ; F is a concentrated force that is applied to m ; [ K ] is the stiffness s; 2 3 ,CU is C the ( L Y sY 1 Y input )damping where vector; j matrices; i 1X2 3 ,Accordingly, U Cis the vector; qdt q qq q qdt matrices; C ( LsY1 Yinput where ji=1, X i 1replaced 2 3 3, , U X is by the s 1 input vector; X damping where 2, q Y )and q j, are damping matrices; where , is the input vector; the virtual “reference trajectory.” (4) (4) q q qdt Accordingly, q and q are replaced by derivation by q q q q q q is the s×1derivation input vector; X is the nd×1 nodal displacement “reference trajectory.” ; and [ L] is influence isUcoefficient matrix, n by s . the virtual Accordingly, and are replaced by q q the n nodal displacement vector;velocity X is the n nodal velocity vector; X is the vector; the ×1 nodal vector; the n aln displacement 1 nodal velocity vector; nthe 1nddisplacement nodal velocity vector; the isvector; theX nisXthe 1 isis nodal vector; X Xisisis the n d×1 1 Accordingly, nodal the Accordingly, are replaced replaced q qvector; and qX q is (5) q qqand qare qvelocity and are replaced by by by Accordingly, q q (5) qareqreplaced qd; q by damping matrix, q q qdt Accordingly, and q q nodal acceleration vector; [P] is the n ×n d n nodal acceleration vector; P is the damping n n ; M is thesliding mass Ifmatrix, we define the surface (4) (5) q q qdt q q q q q q [M] is the mass matrix, ndn×n gferation matrix,vector; nPlate n ; [Modeling P[]M ]is is damping mass matrix, dn; F;ij is [ Ma[]Pconcentrated r is and Note that the matrix (25) is force nowthat a function q r , rather than qd and q(5) n matrix, the 1 the nodal vector; ]Yisisthe themass damping matrix, n n ;of[ M ]q the mass Flexible d . ; acceleration F is a concentrated force that is applied to m ; K is the stiffness q qq qq q q qq qq q If we define thematrix, sliding is applied to the mij; [K] is the stiffness nd×nsurface d ; and [L] is (5) q q q q q q qand q are replaced Accordingly, by If we define sliding surface s surface If we define the sliding q q q q q Accordingly, replaced by qd×s. and q n sare influence matrix, n matrix, n n coefficient ; and L is influence coefficient matrix, . Note that the matrix Y (25) is now a function of and rathert q Note that the matrix Y (25) is now a function of and q q q , ,rather Fplied is a concentrated to m ; [ K ] isforce the stiffness that is m define ; [ K ] isthe theforce stiffness sliding n applied n ; F If matrix, istowe a concentrated thatsurface is applied to m ; [ K ] is the stiffness Weiscan demonstrate convergence of the tracking by now using the 10 m, the elasticityglobal modulus E If we s used for illustration. The plate 10 magain s define qthe sliding q sliding q surface (6) q qthe (6) If we define surface s q q q q q q q q q q q (6) If we define the sliding surface 3. Example of Flexible Plate Modeling The control law and adaptation law become q q (5) qagain q demonstrate and trix, [ Ln] is s influence . coefficient We global convergenceofofthe thetracking tracking bynow now global convergence matrix, n matrix, n ; andn [ Ls ].is influence coefficient matrix, nq We sq . can scan qcontrol again q q law demonstrate q and q adaptation (6) by The law become Plate Modeling oisson’s ratio = 0.3, 3.=Example 7900 kg/mof, Flexible the elasticity shear modulus s s q q q q q q q q q Lyapunov function control law and adaptation become Note that the qmatrix Y (25) is now a functio An control example is used illustration. The plate is 10 m become 10 m, the elasticity law modulus q define q q the q sliding q (6) The lawforThe and adaptation law IfE swe surface Mˆ q q Cˆ q q q Kˆ q K s aˆ Y q q q q s If we define the sliding surface Lyapunov function Lyapunov function An example is used for illustration. The plate is 10 m × 10 The control law and adaptation law become = 206 GPa, ratio =dynamics 0.3, = 7900 kg/m , thethat elasticity modulus and thePlate thickness is 3. 0.001 m. Poisson’s Using the modeling method above, (7) ofq .q and q , rath Note the shear matrix Y (25) is nowthat a function of rather than q Yand q ,is q and lexible Modeling matrix now a demonstrate function Example of Flexible Plate ˆ qqThe T qnow can again convergenc Note the Y ˆ Modeling (25) isPoisson’s now a function , rather than and matrix ratio Mˆ q= q0.3, of CThe q Note now Kˆ that law Kthe s the aˆadaptation Y (25) qqWe .,qlaw q sbecome qq a qYq(25) qand control control law and and adaptation law become and m, theNote elasticity = 206 GPa, matrix is a function of rather than q V t that12 smodulus Msmatrix 12 a TEMa q q , (7) ˆ Note that the Y (25) is function of and rather than and .global ˆ q q M q and K sbecomeaˆ Y q q q q s q C q q q K q law s (7) q q q qq q The control =79.4 GPa, and the thickness is 0.001law m. Using the adaptation dynamics modeling method above, ρ = 7900 kg/m , the elasticity shear modulus G =79.4 GPa, s q q q (6) q q V t s Ms Ma V t s Ms Ma Y q q q q s q Kˆ q Ka as demonstrate Mˆ q q Cˆ q qglobal (7) s of the model ([M],[K],[P],[L]) can be obtained. We again convergence ofaˆisthe tracking by now using theq ,q rather becan Lyapunov function ˆand and the thickness 0.001 m. the dynamics modeling Note Note that that the the matrix matrix Ydemonstrate Y(25) (25) is now now aˆ qfunction aqglobal function of of and , rather than qY than by We can again demonstrate convergence of the tracking ˆby ˆnow ˆis ˆq qqK the parameters ofisthe ([M],[K],[P],[L]) can obtained. Weis can again demonstrate global convergence of the tracking by now using the 10 is10 sed m for illustration. m, the elasticity The plate modulus 10 m Emodel m,illustration. theUsing elasticity modulus E m Note that the matrix Υ(25) now a function of and , ˆ ˆ 1 and We can again global convergence of the tracking M q M C q C q q q K q K s K s a a Ynow qqqand using qqby qqqn q q q An example used for The plate is 10 10 m, the elasticity modulus E T T We can again demonstrate global convergence of the tracking using the T q tq C ˆ control (8) sˆ q qThe C aˆ s Ms qqrKG s M qr and sK Mˆ V Y a qaq q qlaw s become (7) q law adaptation method above, the parameters of the model ([M],[K],[P],[L]) Note Notethat thatthe thematrix matrix Y Y (25) (25)isisnow nowa afunction functionofof q q and and q q, rather , rather than than and2 q q.. We . can again 1 1 rather thanq q and and demonstrate global a a Ms The the control and adaptation law become (23) confirmed validity oflaw theby new model obtainedessential by comparing essential VVtt s s CC s sq q a a GGMMqq s sMs nfirmed the validity ofPaper thebe new model obtained comparing Lyapunov function can obtained. tracking 2 2using V t using s Ms Ma a the convergence offunction the global tracking by now Lyapunov Lyapunov function son’s , theratio elasticity = 0.3,shear ==modulus 7900 kg/m , the elasticity shear We We can can again again demonstrate demonstrate global convergence convergence ofthe of the tracking byby now now using thethe 206 GPa, Poisson’s ratio = 0.3, modulus = 7900 kg/m , the elasticity shear modulus Lyapunov function Lyapunov Lyapunov function element model features between a finite obtained of model, as natural Paper (23) confirmed the and validity thesuch model tracking function Mˆ q q Cˆ q q q Kˆ q K s aˆ Y q q q We Wecan can again again demonstrate demonstrate global global convergence convergence thetracking by now using the the d by using Considering the equation M of qof K qnow Ya (26). qthe new d C ˆ q q q K ˆ q K s een a finite element model and by obtained model, such as q Considering M ˆ equation V t natural s between MsMˆ qa Ma C q q a Y q q s (7) q q q q C q q K q Ya (26). Considering the equation q q the M q C q q K q Ya (26). obtained comparing essential features a finite q q Ma V t s C s V t s Ms 11 21 K11 K11 [K 31 31] 21 21 21 33 11 11 ij ij ij 0 ij ij C C 11 11 31 31 [ P] 33 33 21 K 33 K 33 ij ij 31 K 31 K 32 ij ij 0 K ij K ij ( L0 Yij Y ij Yij ) 21 ij C21 C21 31 C31 C31 d d 0 ij ij ij Cij Cij ( L0 Yijij Y ij Yij ) ij d d d d d d d ij 0 d 1 d F 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 3 1 33 33 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 d 1ij2 3 j iij d F F d U 1 1 1 3 33 1 1 2 3 1 d 1 1 3 1 r1 3 d 1 1 d2 1 d r d [ ] d d d r 0 d ij d [ ] d d d ij ij r d d 3 d d 0 d r 0 r d [ d] r r d dr d d t t 0 0 d dd d t d r t r d r d 0 d d d r r d 0 d r d d d r dd d r rd rd d r rd r r r d d r r r r r r d d r r ij r d 0 t r ij 0 t r [ ] ij d d s 1 rd d t d d t t d 1 d d d 1 nd nd y 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 31 4 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 33 1 d d d 33 C33 C ij ij y y i j 1 2 3 d ij ij 3 1 32 1 F F [F ] F F 21 ij 3 ij 21 K21 K 21 33 y y [Y ] y y r d r r d r d r r r r r 1 T D r r r r 3 r G r r r r r 3 r r r r T D r 1 r r D 1 1T T r 2 2 r 1 1TT 2 2 D D r r d r r 1 d r d r r r r T d d 1 T 2 1 T 2 r r T r d r r r r r TT 1 2 1 d r d r r 3 1 T 2 1 T 2 r r T 1 1 d d r T T T 1 2 r r D r D r r 1 r r r T 1 TT r r T d r rr TT 1 D d T r 1 1 d d 1 T 1 T GPa, above, a thickness Lyapunov Lyapunov function 2 the dynamics V tfunction dthe thedynamics thicknessmodeling is 0.001 m. method Using modeling above, Ma 1 T 2 a 1 T Vis t 0.001 smethod Msm. aUsing G frequencies. Ma =79.4 and 2the the dynamics method above, V modeling t 2 s Ms Ma 2 s Ms 2 a element model and obtained model, such as natural Lyapunov Lyapunovfunction function 1 T a TaT T T V t a T Y T s 1 T1 aT 11sVTT1TKt DTssT TsTCs (9)(8) C s qs r K GDMCqrs 0sTMs frequencies. T T TKqq 1Cs 00q s sTsK KMsD s TsCs VVVttt a a q sd TsTC K C aTTaYYs(8) dssK the 4. The DESIGN MIMO CONTROLLER V t sT C s equation sqT Ms qC s 2Ms V2ats2Ma qsr Ms Ta Vt G t 2 M asMa fbethe obtained. model ([M],[K],[P],[L]) can ofbeASM qrs M a D1aD(8) Ms a Tsa C Ts q r G D(8) 2 Ms the parameters ofobtained. the model ([M],[K],[P],[L]) can beqVr obtained. Ca s q r G M qr 12 s2TConsidering a Ta 2 V t s C s G M sT Ms q q r r 1 1T T 1 1T T V V Ma t t 2 s2 sMsMs 2 a2 aMa 2 Considering Ya (26). T T An n degree of freedom plate system (24) model is described as the equation M q qd C q q q d K q 1 T1 T T T V t T Y T s a V t position q q q not q(8) qcontain a theposit V t s s C C s s G G M M s Ms s Ms a a q q q q Considering the equation M C K Ya (26). q q is Note that control law does a term in, because the error a a that ra the rmed l obtained validity byMIMO comparing of the essential model obtained comparing rterm Considering equation (26). d essential d the equation C qcontain qcontain Ya law (8)Mdoes does not in,because because the posi that law (8) term q qd not rq d r K q a (26). Considering equation MNote qConsidering Ya Paper (23) confirmed thebyvalidity of the newthe model obtained comparing qcontrol GN ofthe ASM CONTROLLER Note qby q q control The Design of Asm Mimo Controller 2 (26). 2 in, d C d K q essential 1 1T T T T Considering T T ˆ ˆ ˆ the equation M q C q q K q Ya (26). q q M q C q q K q (2) q q (8) (8) d VV M qr q t t s s C C s s q rq r G G M r 2 s2 sMsMs a a aa d V Tt a T Y T s a sT K D s sT Cs sT K D C s 0 (9) (9) T T t a T Y T s a sConsidering TYa T(8) does Tthat Note control not at V K s s Cs s K C s 0 (9) T T T T Considering the the equation equation M M q q C C q q q q K K q q Ya (26). (26). T q q q q t aas D D Y s a Y(10) s ashows sT K law sthat Cs the the sT Koutput C contain s (9) 0errors ned a finite model, element such as model natural and obtained such as natural d s VKd t dCa s shows output Vsuch sin K 0(10) D s that D qsd.Cs features between aincluded finite element model and natural An n degree model, of freedom plate (24)obtained model(10) ismodel, system already included in . Expression output errors Ds D converge Expression c already included q already in . Expression shows that the errors to the q r r r of freedom plateConsidering system (24) model is described as T T T T T Ya (26). Considering the the equationMM qqqdqd C Cq qqqdqd K K qq (26). Ya a in, s K D s s Cs s K D C s t a Ya sterm Note that control law (8) does notVcontain described asequation Note that control law (8) does not contain a term Vin, because the position q is T T T T error T Talready V included .is Expression (10) show s t does t aqT ais Yis sYalready T sacontain K sincluded sthe D sa s Cs s nCs in sTin, vector sof s0applied 0the position sKqqTrDbecause Note that control law (8)Note does that not contain aqterm in, because the position error not aposition because the position error .K DK DC C where law is(8)the nNote 1not vector of nodal displacements, is 1in that control law (8) term er frequencies. control does contain a term in, because the error ˆ ˆ ˆ sliding surface (2) sliding surface q r K q T T T T T T M q q C q q (2) T T T T r VV t t a aYYs s ais a sthe sK DKsDsns Cs s1 Cs vector s s KDK C sExpression s 0 0 (9) (9) sliding surface (10) shows that the output errors converge to the DC where q is the n 1 vector of nodal displacements, of applied where q is the already n 1 vector of nodal displacements, is the nthat 1law vector of applied Note that control does not contain a term included in q r . Expression (10) shows the(8) output errors converge to thein, because the p sliding surface sliding ˆ the included in nodal (10) thatMthat output errors converge to the Note Note (8) (8) does does not contain contain a (10) term a surface term in, in, because because thethe position position error error q qi q r . Expression qalready iscontrol the nlaw law nshows symmetric positive definite manipulator inertia matrix, nodal forces, included inthat .the Expression shows thattothe output errors conve that control q r not already included in n×1 (10) output errors converge the wherealready q is the n×1 vector of displacements, τ isshows the q r . Expression s q q 0 s q q 0 Rofnodal ASMforces, MIMO Note Note that control control law (8) (8) does does not notcontain athe aterm term in,because because the the position position error error q q isis The DESIGN of ASM MIMO MˆCONTROLLER is the n law symmetric positive manipulator inertia matrix, q4. that vector ofn applied nodal forces, isisthe n×n nodal forces, Mˆcontain n in, nsymmetric symmetric positive inertia matrix, q definite CONTROLLER s q definite q included 0 manipulator (10) that the(10) already in q r . Expression (10) shows output erro sliding surface ˆ ˆshows already already included included in in . . Expression (10) (10) shows that that the the output output errors errors converge converge toto ths q r q rExpression sliding surface positive definite manipulator inertia matrix, is the n 1 n 1 C q q q is the vector of damping forces, and K q is the vector of elastic sliding surface sliding surface ˆ qshows already included included Expression (10) (10) that that the output output errors errors converge converge tothe to the the ˆr q.qr Expression qC This, in turn, implies that as t t .. .Thus, Thus,the theadaptive adaptivecontrolle controll vector ofinin and isisthe n×1 offorces, n 1 n×1 n vector 1the Cˆ q q q is thealready vector of damping and the vector of elastic This, in turn, implies q q 0 0 elastic as the as Thus, This, implies that shows n 1K vector n 1that isasthe of damping and Kˆin is vector of .q forces, q forces, q turn, sreedom described plate assystem (24) isofdamping described An n model degree freedom system (24)qmodel is described as s q qcontroller 0 (10) 0 as t . Thus, the adaptive defined by (8) is This, in turn, plate implies that sliding surface q 0 as t . Thu This, in turn, implies that elastic forces. adaptive controller defined by (8) is globally asymptotically qsliding q 0surface (10)s q q 0 surface forces. s sliding s q q 0 (10) The controller ˆ design problem is as follows. Given the stable and guarantees zero steady-state error for node sliding sliding surface surface asymptoticallystable stableand and guarantees zero steady-state errorf globally asymptotically zero error Kˆ q Mˆ q qr Cˆ q q q r forces. K q (2) ˆ q q Cˆ q q q Kˆ q q r forces. M globally (2)guarantees This, in turn, implies that(2) qpositions. 0 as t . Thus, the adaptive controller defined by steady-state (8) is r r desired trajectory q (t), and with some or all the rectangular d globally asymptotically s qstable This, in turn, implies that q 0 as The t controller . Thus, thedesign adaptive controller isthes desired sq qqq0 0 problem is as defined Given trajectory q q t 0,and andguarantees with (8) T T r r D r r T r d d r int turn, implies q 0 controller as . Thus, thebyadaptive This, instable turn, implies that q This, 0 as steady-state . Thus, thethat adaptive defined (8) is controller defi globally asymptotically and guarantees zero error fort node positions. q 00 s s q q q (10) (10) The controller design problem is as follows. Given the desired trajectory q t , and with The controller design problem is as follows. Given the desired trajectory q t , and with globally asymptotically stable and guarantees zero steady-state error for node positions. This, This, in in turn, turn, implies implies that that qnode q 0parameters 0stable as ast t and q. Thus, .error the adaptive adaptive controller controller defined defined byno by ( globally asymptotically stable andasymptotically guarantees zero steady-state error for positions. some or all the rectangular plate system being unknown, derive law globally asymptotically guarantees zero steady-state error for This, in turn, implies that 0Thus, asthe t . Thus, thea control adaptive contr globally stable and guarantees zero steady-state for node positions. Numerical example 5.5. Numerical example 5. Numerical example 31 This, This, ininturn, turn,implies implies that that qparameters q 0 0 asas t t . Thus, . Thus, the the adaptive adaptive controller controller defined defined by by (8) (8) is is some or all the rectangular plate system being unknown, derive a control law some or all the rectangular plate system parameters being unknown, derive a control law 5. Numerical example globally globally asymptotically asymptotically stable stable and and guarantees guarantees zero zero steady-state steady-state error error for for node node positi pos for the actuator forces and an asymptotically estimation law for the unknown parameters such that the 5. Numerical example globally stable and guarantees zero steady-state err 5. an Numerical example ˆ ˆ M ˆ ˆMnode 5. Numerical example globally globally asymptotically stable stable and and guarantees guarantees zero zero steady-state steady-state error error for for node positions. positions. ˆ ˆ Letting M , C q q P , K Y K q , L F , q q [ L ] , q q 5. Numerical example Letting M , C q q P , K Y K q , L F , q q [ L ] , q q for the actuator forcesasymptotically and estimation law for the unknown parameters such that the such M , C q q parameters Letting that Mthe P , Kr r Y rr K q for the actuator forces and an estimation law for the unknown rectangular plate system output q t tracks the desired trajectories after an initial ˆ M , Cˆ q q Lettingt Mtracks ˆ K q , P , K LY Fexample , q , q qrL qFqr , [ L q],q q q 5[ L] , Numerical P ,Mˆ K MY, after Numerical Letting C q q5. K 5. example the desired trajectories an rectangular plate system Letting output qMrectangular ˆ ˆ M , C q qplate Y1 K q , L F , q q q q 1[ L] , P , an qˆ tL tracks the after P system , K Y Mˆoutput K M q ,, C Letting qKq55 Ydesired q q ˆF q,q ˆ ],,trajectories Letting ,P initial K1initial (28~40)14-070.indd 31 2015-03-30 q q F , K q[ML ,L Cexample 오후13:39:44 M 5. Numerical q q q q[L] ,5 5.5.Numerical Numericalexample example d d d r r r r r r r r KD 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 (10) . ssqqqq00 (10) (10) This, in in turn, turn, implies implies that that qq00 as as tt..Thus, Thus, the the adaptive adaptive controller controller defined defined by by (8) (8) isis This, 0 as t . Thus, the adaptive controller defined by (8) is globally asymptotically asymptotically stable stable and guarantees guarantees zero zero steady-state steady-state error error for for node node positions. positions. globally Int’l J. of Aeronautical & Space Sci. 16(1),and 28–40 (2015) The desired joint trajectory is given by e and guarantees zero steady-state error for node positions. s q q 0 q1_d=sin(2 t); q2_d=sin(2 t); q3_d=sin(2 t); q4_d=sin(2 t); q5_d=sin(2 t); The desired joint trajectory is given by q1_d=sin(2Π t); q2_d=sin(2Πt); q3_d=sin(2Πt); t); q7_d=sin(2 t); q8_d=sin(2 t); q9_d=sin(2 t); q6_d=sin(2 q4_d=sin(2Πt); q5_d=sin(2Πt); q6_d=sin(2Πt); Letting MM M ,, CˆCˆ qq qq Letting ˆˆ M Letting [[LL]],, PP,, KKYYKKqq,, LLFF,, qq qqrrqq qqr rThe q7_d=sin(2 Πt); q8_d=sin(2 Πt); q9_d=sin(2 Πt); displacements and velocities are chosen as K Y K q , L F , q q r q qr [ L] , The displacements and velocities are chosen as 5. Numerical Numerical example example 5. 5. Numerical example 5 1 5 1 5 1 1 5 1 1 5 1 5 1 1 55 11 , 5 1 ,, 1 , 5 1 5 1 , 1 5 1 5 1 1 5 1 5 1 1 5 1 1 55 11 1 100 y2 y3 y 2 y 3 y4 y 4 y5 y 5 y6 y 6 y7 y 7 y8 y 8 y9 y 9 0 0 basis of the intelligent control scheme shown in Figures 3 and 4. When conducting 2 0active velocity-tracking-23 velocity-tracking-43 velocity-tracking-39 velocity-tracking-59 system. The desired joint 2trajectory is given10by 0 y 1 The initial displacements and velocities are chosen as The initial displacements and velocities are chosen as x0=[1.0,0,1.0,0,1.0,0,1.0,0,1.0,0,1.0,0,1.0,0,1.0,0,1.0,0]; Using control law (8), Fig. 3 shows the ASM MIMO control x =[1.0,0,1.0,0,1.0,0,1.0,0,1.0,0,1.0,0,1.0,0,1.0,0,1.0,0]; of the 57th, 59th, 61st, 39th, 41st, 43rd, 21st, 23rd, and 25th nodes. Fig. 4 shows PD position tracking control of 57th, 59th, 61st, Using control law (8), Figure 3 shows the ASM MIMO control of the 57th, 59th, 6 39th, 41st, 43rd, 21st, 23rd, and 25th nodes. In this section, the effectiveness of ASM MIMO control 39th, 41st , 43rd , 21st, 23rd, and 25th nodes. Figure 4 shows PD position tracking contr is examined with the new plant model. Comparison of vibration tracking th st of 57th, response 59th, 61st, 39 , 41st ,control 43rd , 21during , 23rd,the and simulation 25th nodes. time, and vibration control for the flexible plate vibration system is discussed oneffectiveness the basis of of the intelligent In this section, the ASM MIMO control control is examined with the new scheme shown in Figs. 3 and 4. When conducting active suppression ofComparison the vibration, nine points are tracking preferably plant model. of vibration response control during the simulatio chosen as the tracking signal. From Figs. 3 and 4, the time, and vibrationtracking control for the flexible plate vibration vibration response control at each point is notsystem is discussed on the position-tracking-23 position-tracking-43 position-tracking-39 position-tracking-59 100 100 . 100 100 100 there are some disturbances in the 100 100 velocity-tracking-25 velocity-tracking-21 velocity-tracking-41 velocity-tracking-61 velocity-tracking-57 100 position-tracking-25 position-tracking-21 position-tracking-41 position-tracking-61 position-tracking-57 KD x y1 10 suppression of the 0 vibration, nine points are preferably chosen as the tracking q1_d=sin(2 t); q2_d=sin(2 t); q3_d=sin(2 t); q4_d=sin(2 t); q5_d=sin(2 t); -2 0 5 time(s) 10 -10 0 5 time(s) 10 -2signal. From Figures -10 3 and 0 5 10 0 4, the 5 vibration 10 time(s) time(s) q6_d=sin(2 t); q7_d=sin(2 t); q8_d=sin(2 t); q9_d=sin(2 t); 2 10 The displacements0 and velocities are0 chosen as x y1 y 1 y2 y 2 -2 y3 0 y 3 5 10 y 4 y5 y 5 time(s) y4 2 -10 y6 0 y 6 5 10 y 7 y8 y 8 time(s) y7 10 -10 0 of the proposed ASM MIMO control algorithm behavior are very good, especially w -2 0 time(s) 2 time(s) 10 5 y 9 time(s) 10 2 0 -2 x =[1.0,0,1.0,0,1.0,0,1.0,0,1.0,0,1.0,0,1.0,0,1.0,0,1.0,0]; 0 5 10 0 5 10 0 0 when the PD control method is adopted. In contrast, numerical simulation resu 10 0 y9 The initial displacements and velocities are chosen as 0 0 -2 2good response tracking control at each point is 5 time(s) 10 2 -10 0 5 time(s) 10 0 5 time(s) 10 10 0 -10 10 Using control law (8), Figure 3 shows the ASM MIMO control of the 57th, 59th, 61st, 0 0 0 0 st rd th -2 , 23 , and 25 -10 -2 -10 39th, 41st , 43rd , 21 nodes. Figure 4 shows PD 5position tracking control 0 5 10 0 5 10 0 10 0 5 10 th th of 57 , 59 , 61st, 239th, time(s) st rd 41 , 43 , 0 2110st, time(s) rd th time(s) time(s) 23 , and 25 nodes. 0 In this section,-2the effectiveness -10 of ASM MIMO control is examined with the new 0 5 time(s) 10 0 5 time(s) 10 plant model. Comparison of vibration response tracking control during the simulation th th st Fig. 3. Position tracking of the3.57Position , 59th, 61sttracking , 39th, 41st, of 43rdthe , 21st57 , 23thrd,, 59 andth,2561 nodes. Figure , 39thUnit: , 41stm., 43rd , 21st, 23rd, and 25th time, and vibration control for the flexible plate vibration system is discussed on the nodes. Unit: m. DOI: 32 basis of the intelligent control scheme shown in Figures 3 and 4. When conducting active suppression of the vibration, nine points are preferably chosen as the tracking signal. From Figures 3 and 4, the vibration response tracking control at each point is not (28~40)14-070.indd 32 2015-03-30 오후 3:39:44 Jingyu Yang Experimental Study of Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for Vibration of a Flexible Rectangular Plate Table 1. Contrastive analysis results Natural 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Frequency FEA result (Regular 0.8359 2.027 5.0545 6.3662 7.2835 12.459 14.451 plate) FEA result (Piezoelectric 0.8392 2.0547 5.1419 6.5629 7.4702 13.05 14.792 plate) Absolute 0.0033 0.0277 0.0874 0.1967 0.1867 0.591 0.341 error Model test results and contrast analysis This section presents the results obtained on the test-flexible plate. The plate is composed of several segments, as shown in Figures 8-10. Table 2 shows the experimental th th st results th ofstnatural rd frequency, st rd obtained from different model test m th st st PDth, position tracking error of 57 Fig. 4. PD position tracking error of 57Figure , 59th, 614. , 39 41st, 43rd, 21 , 23rd, and 25th nodes. , 59 , 61 , 39 , 41 , 43 , 21 , 23 , and We can see that data of Groups 7 and 8 are better than the other groups. In parti 25th nodes. flexible plate. The plate is composed of several segments, as see8-10. that Table the data of Groups and 8 are in agreement shown incan Figs. 2 shows the 7experimental results with the results of the of natural frequency, obtained from different model test numerical simulation. Additionally, the results of flexible cantilever plate struct methods. We can see that data of Groups 7 and 8 are better than the other groups. In particular, we can see that the data 6. Experimental study with smart piezoelectric nine PZT materials patches are shown in Table 3. good when the PD control method is adopted. In contrast, numerical simulation results of the proposed ASM MIMO control algorithm behavior are very good, especially when there are some disturbances in the system. 6. Experimental study with smart piezoelectric materials FEA calculation and contrast analysis FEA calculation and contrast analysis These results are shown in Table 1 and Figs. 5-7. These results are shown in Table 1 and Figures 5-7. It is easy to see that there are small difference between the frequency of the PZT plate and the frequency of the regular It is easy to see that there are small difference between the frequency of the PZT plate plate. and the frequency of the regular plate. Model test results and contrast analysis This section presents the results obtained on the test- Figure 5. PZT plate Fig. 5. PZT plate Table 1. Contrastive analysis results Table 1. Contrastive analysis results Natural Table 1 2 3 4 5 6 2. Modal 7 test value 8 of natural 9 frequency before installed actuators/sensor Frequency FEA result (Regular 0.8359 2.027 5.0545 6.3662 7.2835 12.459 14.451 14.669 16.525 plate) FEA result (Piezoelectric 0.8392 2.0547 5.1419 6.5629 7.4702 13.05 14.792 15.453 17.111 plate) Absolute 0.0033 0.0277 0.0874 0.1967 0.1867 0.591 0.341 0.784 0.586 error Model test results and contrast analysis 33 This section presents the results obtained on the test-flexible plate. The plate is composed of several segments, as shown in Figures 8-10. Table 2 shows the (28~40)14-070.indd 33 2015-03-30 오후 3:39:45 locations. This is illustrated in the example. Mechanical-electric coupled model The procedure of a new modeling method is discussed in this section, and the Int’l J. of Aeronautical & Space Sci. 16(1), 28–40 (2015) parameters of dynamic Eq. (3) are shown in Tables 4-10. of Groups 7 and 8 are in agreement with the results of the numerical simulation. Additionally, the results of flexible cantilever plate structure with nine PZT patches are shown in Table 3. Optimal piezoelectric actuator locations and orientations An intelligent optimal algorithm design method is presented for the orientation, placement, and numbers of actuators and sensors in closed-loop intelligent vibration control systems (Fig. 10). The method can be used to develop the non-linear programming problem; it is efficient and can handle complex optimization 6. PZT plate FEA model Fig. 6. PZT plateFigure FEA model Table 2. Modal test value of natural frequency before installed actuators/sensors Location A Method Group 1 Group 2 Random Group 3 Group 4 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Sine Sweep Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8 Hammer Shot Group 1 Group Random 2 Group 3 B Sine Sweep Hammer Shot 1 Table 3. Model test values of natural frequency 2 3 4 2.8 6.9 7.4 2.8 7 10.5 2.6 7.1 5 6 7 8 9 10.6 15.2 17.3 21.6 25.2 15 17.3 21.8 25.3 28.3 10.5 15.1 17.3 21.8 25.3 26.4 7.2 10.6 15.2 16.9 21.7 25.3 28.3 34.1 0.8 2.6 4.1 7.4 10.7 13.1 15.2 17.3 21.8 0.8 2.6 4.9 7.7 10.7 13.1 15.2 17.3 21.8 0.8 2.6 4.1 7.4 10.7 13.1 15.2 17.2 21.8 0.8 2.6 4.1 7.4 10.7 13.1 15.2 17.2 21.8 0.8 2.6 4.4 5.2 6.9 7.5 10.8 12.9 15.2 0.8 2.8 4.4 5.2 6.9 7.8 10.7 13.0 15.2 0.7 2.8 4.0 5.3 6.9 7.6 8.8 10.6 13.2 0.7 2.8 4.0 5.3 6.9 7.6 8.8 10.6 13.2 Failure 2.6 3.9 6.8 7.4 10.8 12.9 15.3 17.1 2.8 3.9 6.8 7.4 10.6 12.9 16.6 17.1 2.8 4 6.9 7.5 10.8 12.9 15.3 17.1 Group 0.7 2.7 1 3.9 6.7 7.4 8.6 10.5 13.0 15.2 Group 0.7 2.7 2 3.9 6.7 7.4 8.6 10.5 13.0 15.2 DOI: Failure 34 Optimal piezoelectric actuator locations and orientations An intelligent optimal algorithm design method is presented for the orientation, (28~40)14-070.indd 34 2015-03-30 오후 3:39:45 Jingyu Yang Experimental Study of Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for Vibration of a Flexible Rectangular Plate objective optimization problem, and generated a set of solutions that can be used to configure the number and the actuators’s orientations and locations. This is illustrated in the example. problems and deal with many optimization variables. Several numerical analysis results (27,28) were performed to confirm the effectiveness of the method. Multiple procedures for the scheme are possible for the multiTable 3. Model test values of natural frequency Frequency Frequency 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Experiment Group 1 0.7 2.8 4.0 5.3 6.9 7.6 8.8 10.6 13.2 Experiment Group 1 0.7 2.8 4.0 5.3 6.9 7.6 8.8 10.6 13.2 Group 2 0.7 2.7 3.9 6.7 7.4 8.6 10.5 13.0 Group 2 0.7 2.7 3.9 6.7 7.4 8.6 10.5 13.0 Average 0.7 2.75 3.95 5.30 6.8 7.5 8.7 10.55 13.1 Average 0.7 2.75 3.95 5.30 6.8 7.5 8.7 10.55 13.114.67 FEM Group 1 0.84 2.03 5.05 6.37 7.28 12.46 14.451 FEM Group 1 0.840.14 2.030.72 Error Error 0.14 0.72 5.050.25 6.370.437.280.22 12.46 3.7614.451 3.90114.67 1.57 0.25 0.43 0.22 3.76 3.901 1.57 (a) (b) Figure 7. first Contrastive analysis of common the first FEA mode shape FEA model and Fig. 7. Contrastive analysis of the mode shape between model andbetween PZT platecommon FEA model. (a) Common plate FEA model (b) PZT Figure 7. Contrastive analysis of the first mode shape between common FEA model and plate FEA model 35 (28~40)14-070.indd 35 2015-03-30 오후 3:39:45 Int’l J. of Aeronautical & Space Sci. 16(1), 28–40 (2015) shown in Tables 4-10. Mechanical-electric coupled model To establish the vibration control model, in this section, The procedure of a new modeling method is discussed PZT PZTplate plateFEA FEAmodel. model.(a) (a)Common Commonplate plateFEA FEAmodel model(b) (b)PZT PZTplate plateFEA FEAmodel model experimental tests of the plate are used to determine in this section, and the parameters of dynamic Eq. (3) are parameters the model.andThe reason for using Figureof8. Experiment control instruments (1) an experiment for the input matrix L, instead of the finite element method (FEM) is because the base displacement of the controlled system can easily reflect the real situation of an intelligent vibration control system. This would make the control system (Figs. 8, 9) for vibration more effective. Moreover, the other system parametric values as presented in Tables 6-10. Establish the experimental system The experimental test results are shown in Figures 11-15. Some experiments must be performed if the ASM MIMO Figure 9. Experiment and control instruments (2) Figure 8.8.Experiment and (1) Fig. 8. Experiment and control instruments (1) Figure Experiment andcontrol controlinstruments instruments (1) Figure 9.9.Experiment and (2) Fig. 9. Experiment and control instruments (2) Figure Experiment andcontrol controlinstruments instruments (2) Figure 10. Five locations of PZT Fig. 10. Five locations of PZT Table 4. Experiment test values strain rangetest values of strain range Table 4. of Experiment Location Static Figure Figure10. 10.Five Fivelocations locationsofofPZT PZT Deformed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Group 1 995 977 131 140 131 968 131 140 1012 Group 2 986 968 140 123 140 986 123 149 995 Group 3 977 977 123 131 123 997 114 131 1004 Average 986 974 131 137 137 983 123 140 1003 Group 1 995 986 123 131 105 123 123 123 986 Group 2 986 1012 114 114 114 114 114 114 995 Group 3 977 995 131 123 131 105 140 131 977 Average 986 992 123 123 117 114 126 123 986 0 18 -8 -14 -20 3 -17 -17 DOI: Table 5. Model test value of natural frequency 36 after installed actuators and sensors Frequency (28~40)14-070.indd 36 Location Type Sine A Sweep 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.68 2.72 3.91 6.54 7.14 10.40 7 8 9 13.03 14.96 17.17 2015-03-30 오후 3:39:45 Static Group 1 995 977 131 140 131 968 131 140 1012 Group 2 986 968 140 123 140 986 123 149 995 Group 3 977 977 123 131 123 997 114 131 1004 Average 986 974 131 137 137 983 123 140 1003 Group 1 995 986 123 131 105 123 123 123 986 Jingyu Yang Experimental Study of Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for Vibration of a Flexible Rectangular Plate control design is to be accepted by people in the research Group 2 986 1012 114 field. From the experimental set-up photograph in Figure Deformed 8, a steel cantilever plate bonded Group with nine piezoelectric 3 977 995 131 actuators is shown. Moreover, near the fixed end, a PCB sensor is used to acquire the displacement plate. 123 Averageof flexible 986 992 Then, the acquired displacement signal is transmitted to 0 18 is -8 the NI data acquisition (DAQ). Next, the NI compactrio used to process experiment data and generate the actuating control voltage signals for piezoelectric patches to actuate the cantilevered plate. The computer loads the LABVIEW 114 114 114 114 114 995 control programs to the NI compactrio and achieves current collect, process, 123 131 105 store, 140 and 131display 977 of experimental data. Finally, the experimental results above are presented to confirm the capacity of the 123 117 114 126 123intelligent 986 vibration controller. Additionally, in the experiments, two different control -14 -20 3 to-17 -17the effectiveness of the schemes are presented confirm intelligent control system described. The validity of vibration suppression with the ASM MIMO was tested effectively. Table 5. Model test value of natural frequency after installed actuators and sensors Table 5. Model test value of natural frequency after installed actuators and sensors Frequency Location Type Sine A Sweep Sine B Sweep Average 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.68 2.72 3.91 6.54 7.14 10.40 13.03 14.96 17.17 0.67 2.75 3.86 6.54 7.14 10.53 13.03 14.96 17.17 0.675 2.735 3.885 6.54 7.14 10.465 13.03 14.96 17.17 Table 6. Experimental test values of displacement voltages Table 6. Experimental test values of displacement andand voltage Voltage (V) To establish the vibration control model, in this section, experimental tests of the plate CM C O L U M N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 × 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 4 4 6 5 9 6 9 8 7 9 10 10 9 9 are parameters for × used×to determine × × × of the × model. × The reason × × using×an experiment × ×for × × 8 10 8 10 6 10 7 8 10 8 8 8 9 10 the input matrix L, instead of the finite element method (FEM) is because the base -1.5 -2.1 -2 -2 -1 -2 -0.5 -1.9 -2.2 -2 -2 -2 -2.5 -1.9 -0.5 -0.8 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -1 -0.2 -1.2 -1.5 -0.5 -0.9 0 -1 -1 -0.7 -0.8 -1 0 -0.7 -1.2 -1 -1 -1.1 -1.2 -1.2 -1 -1 3 2.8 2.5 3 1.5 2.8 2 2.8 2.5 2.5 3.5 2 2.5 3 2.5 2.2 2 2 1 1.2 1.3 2.5 1.5 2.5 2 2.3 2 2.2 2.3 1.7 2.5 2.4 1.5 2.3 1.3 2.3 2 2 1 2.3 1.3 1.6 -0.45 -0.5 -0.55 -0.45 -0.25 -0.45 -0.27 -0.57 -0.45 -0.25 -0.58 -0.32 -0.27 -0.28 -0.55 -0.35 -0.4 -0.17 -0.05 -0.27 -0.17 -0.37 -0.25 -0.15 -0.4 -0.23 -0.2 -0.25 2.8 2.5 2.5 2.2 2 3 2.1 2.8 2.1 2.5 2 2.3 2 2.1 Table 7. Experimental test values of input matrix Table 7. Experimental test values of input matrix LL Row C O L U M N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0.000189 0.000237 0.00028 0.000355 0.00037 0.00041 0.00047 0.00048 0.00053 2 0.00016 0.00020 0.00024 0.00030 0.00032 0.00035 0.00040 0.00041 0.00045 3 0.00021 0.00026 0.00031 0.000398 0.00042 0.00046 0.00053 0.00053 0.00059 4 0.00022 0.000286 0.00034 0.000429 0.00045 0.0005 0.00057 0.00057 0.00064 5 0.00020 0.00026 0.00031 0.00039 0.00041 0.00045 0.00052 0.00052 0.00058 37 (28~40)14-070.indd 37 6 0.00020 0.00025 0.00031 0.000388 0.000414 0.00045 0.00051 0.00052 0.00058 7 0.00016 0.000204 0.000245 0.000306 0.000326 0.00035 0.00040 0.00041 0.00045 8 0.00020 0.000251 0.000301 0.000377 0.000402 0.00044 0.00050 0.00050 0.00056 9 0.00018 0.000232 0.000279 0.000349 0.000372 0.00040 0.00046 0.00047 0.00052 2015-03-30 오후 3:39:46 Int’l J. of Aeronautical & Space Sci. 16(1), 28–40 (2015) 7. Conclusions In this paper, we studied the vibration tracking control problem of a flexible plate structure system and proposed an ASM MIMO control method. ASM MIMO control is a combination of adaptive control and sliding mode control, having the advantages of intelligent control, MIMO control, and non-linear control in the sense of robustness of the control system. The proposed sliding mode control law is an intelligent feedback control law that involves tracking positions and tracking velocities. One advantage of the proposed ASM MIMO controller is that it is a MIMO control law that differs from a SISO controller; it can be used to deal with a complex system with features of non linearity and parameter coupling. The robust design of the ASM MIMO control is another advantage compared with a conventional PD control method. Simulation results demonstrated that Table 8. ExperimentalTable test values of mass matrixtest M values of mass matrix M 8. Experimental Table 8. Experimental test values of mass matrix M Row 1Row 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 02 03 04 05 06 07 C 1 0.88 C 21 00.88 0.88 0 O 00 00 00 00 00 0 LO 32 00 00.88 0.88 00 00 00 00 L 3 0 0 U 4 0 00 00.88 0.88 00 00 00 U 4 0 M 0 5 0 00 00 00.88 0.88 00 00 M 5 0 N 0 00 00 00 00.88 0.88 00 N 6 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0.88 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.88 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 00.88 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 9. Stiffness matrix K value Table 9. Stiffness matrix K value Table 9. Stiffness matrix K value Row N/M Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/M 1 2 3 4 1 202.7 -67.6 0 -67.6 05 06 07 202.7 654.6 -67.6 -218.2 0 -67.6 0 21 -218.2 0 -218.2 00 00 C 2 -218.2 654.6 -218.2 -218.2 0 0 -10.4 20.8 00 0 -10.4 00 C 3 O 3 0 -10.4 20.8 0 0 -10.4 0 4 -262.5 0 0 1050 -262.5 0 -262.5 LO 4 -262.5 0 0 1050 -262.5 0 -262.5 5 0 -138.1 0 -138.1 552.4 -138.1 0 UL 5 0 -138.1 0 -138.1 552.4 846.6 -138.1 6 0 0 -282.2 0 -282.2 00 U M 6 -282.2 0 -282.2 846.6 0 00 00 0 -67.6 0 0 202.7 M 7 N 7 0 0 0 -67.6 0 0 202.7 0 0 0 0 -218.2 0 -218.2 N 8 -218.2 0 -218.2 98 00 00 00 00 0 -10.4 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 -10.4 0 8 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 0.88 0.88 0 0 9 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 0.88 0.88 8 9 08 09 00 00 00 00 0 0 00 0 -138.1 00 -138.1 0 0 -282.2 0 -282.2 -67.6 0 -67.6 0 654.6 -218.2 654.6 -218.2 -10.4 20.8 -10.4 20.8 Table 10. Damping matrix c value Table 10. Damping matrix c value 1 2 3 4 Row 5 6 7 8 9 1 202.7 -67.6 0 -67.6 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -218.2 654.6 -218.2 0 -218.2 0 0 0 0 0 -10.4 20.8 0 0 -10.4 0 0 0 -262.5 0 0 1050 -262.5 0 -262.5 0 0 0 -138.1 0 -138.1 552.4 -138.1 0 -138.1 0 0 0 -282.2 0 -282.2 846.6 0 0 -282.2 0 0 0 -67.6 0 0 202.7 -67.6 0 0 0 0 0 -218.2 0 -218.2 654.6 -218.2 0 0 0 0 0 -10.4 0 -10.4 20.8 N·S/ M C O L U M N 7. Conclusions DOI: 38 In this paper, we studied the vibration tracking control problem of a flexible plate structure system and proposed an ASM MIMO control method. ASM MIMO control is (28~40)14-070.indd 38 a combination of adaptive control and sliding mode control, having the advantages of 2015-03-30 오후 3:39:46 Figure 11. Location 1’s forced vibration response (controlled with 10 V voltage) Jingyu Yang Experimental Study of Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for Vibration of a Flexible Rectangular Plate uncontrolled controlled uncontrolled uncontrolled Figure 11. Location1’s 1’sforced forced vibration response (controlled with 10with V voltage) Fig. 11. Location vibration response (controlled 10 V Figure vibration response (controlled with voltage) Figure 13.Location Location 3’sforced forced vibrationresponse responseofof (controlled with 2020VV20 voltage) Fig. 12. L12. ocation 2’s2’s forced vibration (controlled with V voltage) voltage) uncontrolled controlled uncontrolled controlled controlled controlled uncontrolled controlled Fig. 13. Location 3’s 3’s forced vibration (controlled V Figure 13. Location forced vibration response response (controlled withwith 20 V 20 voltage) voltage) Figure 12. Location 2’s forced vibration response of (controlled with 20 V voltage) uncontrolled uncontrolled controlled controlled Figure 14. Location forced vibration response response (controlled withwith 10 V 10 voltage) Fig. 14. 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