IJBPAS, April, 2015, 4(4): 2118-2127 ISSN: 2277–4998 EBN- E- BITAR AND HERB- PHARMACOLOGY REZVAN YAZDANI* * Doctoral student in Theology, Islamic Azad University of Tehran, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran ABSTRACT The blossom of the knowledge of Moslems' pharmacology started in Angeles in the middle of the third century Hijra. A few big a cadmic personalities appeared in the area of science in Angeles who had the purpose of studying plants precisely from different points of view. They had the goals of plant's exploitation for making drugs, agricultural and gardening drugs and made some progress in the independence of pharmacology in Andeles. In this field, works of authors such as Ebn-e- vafed, Ebn-eJaljal, Aboalhojaj Ashbily, Ebnalroomiyeh, Ghafeghi, and Ebn-e-Bitar are highly noticeable. The purpose of this research is to introduce the most popular Muslim pharmacologists in Andeles and the world of Islam such as Zia aldin Aboo Mohammad Abdollah en Ahmadlamaleghi known as Ebne Bitar (593-654 luner). It is the purpose of this research to analyze the achievement of this scientist who discovered hundreds of herbal plants and put Persian, Barbari, Arabic, Greek and Andelesi names on them. We will also critique the past pharmaceutical, recognition of plants based on experimental tests, field researches observations and also reaching a conclusion in regards to the single subject of drug in the Science of pharmacology and the big share that it has had in the revival and progress of the knowledge. Keywords: Drugs, Ebn-e- Bitar, Plant, Pharmacology, Andeles INTRODUCTION The subject of drug and medical things old practice of medicine. There fore, the have been in the center of attention authors of medical works have dedicated because and a segment of their works to this application in the treatment of illnesses discussion [2]. Although this subject has [1]. It has also had a special status in the been discussed in general by Andeles of its importance 2118 IJBPAS, April, 2015, 4(4) Rezvan Yazdani Research Article physicians while discussing other issues. of the scientists in this field was Ebn-e- this is while Andeles physicians had Bitar [5]. In this article, we are making different methods which was the same an attempt to introduce the academic scientific and research views about status of Ebn-e- Bitar and his academic drugs. This approach had huge impact achievements in this field. on the growth and blossoming of plant – Ebn-e- Bitar;s academic Status pharmacology and resulted in the herbal Ziaddin medicine reach independence in the fifth Bitaralmaleghi known as Ebn-e-Bitar is century [3]. a well- known scholar from Andeles in Many medicine Mohammad have the seventh century Hijra (646) who left blossoming of this behind a very rich cultural inheritance. branch of knowledge as a result of He had done very profound studies in Islamic herbal the field of herbal medicine. He was a medicine scientists. This lead into the first scholar who discussed peculiarities idea work of all plant and he left behind as a independently and specializing in this memorandum an encyclopedia which broach of knowledge. This approach was published in the east and the west. helped the appearance of big scientists In the last three decades, a group of who helped the world tremendously. orientalist have conducted wide- spread One of these scientists who left fantastic researches about Ebn-e- Bitar;s works works behind because of his academic and have discussed his importance and influence was zahravi (329), Ghafeghi his status in the area of herbal sciences. (467L.), Ebn-e- Rommiyeh (632 L.) and They Ebn-e- Bitar [4]. almofradat and his innovations in the We can probably say one of the most field of pharmology and have praised his outstanding physicians in Andeles who status in the history. Those who have focused and admired him are researches such as succeeded to discover and introduce Lousian Leclark [6], Max Meier Hof hundreds of herbal medicine, to write [7] Roska numerous books, to critique the books of [9], Sayed Hossein Nasr his predecessors about the science of Takriti. Lousian Leclark, for example, herbal medicine and make it reach the who was a French physician in the lath highest points in the world of Islam. One century (1877 M) has called Ebn-e- considered the historians Aboo rulers' of support many on of scientists herbal medicine have admired his Jam- e- [8], Ebrahim ebne Morad [10], Abbas 2119 IJBPAS, April, 2015, 4(4) Rezvan Yazdani Research Article Bitar the greatest eastern herbalist in the Describing world. Disghoridos is one of the most Ebn-e- He can be compared with only four Bitar's valuable academic works. By other scientists in the field of herbal describing this book and giving his medicine and they are Aboalabbas academic and critical views, he shows Annabi [11], Sharif Edriysi, Rashid-e- the write method of doing research to bn Soori and Aboaljafar- ebne Ghazal the next generation of researchers and [12]. by doing so, he reached a status that no In Quiro, Ebn-e-Bita was respected other highly Additionally, in recognition of plant and by Malek kamel Ayoobi and at his order explanation of disghoridos and Jalinoos' he was selected as the head of Egypt's writings, he was so academically precise herbalists [13]. He took advantage of that surprised everyone. Therefore, we this great can say that he was a modern herbalist scientists from all over the w orld to in his own era because by precise Quiro. for recognition of all kinds of plant and discussion and spreading sciences in this their peculiarities, he set the foundations field. By doing so, he expanded the for one of the most valuable methods of cultural – academic fields and revivied researches in physiology [15]. Islamic – by Additionally, he paid attention to Ebn-e- supporting the scientists he played a role Bitar's Aljame Almofradat and called it, in the existence of pharmacology during the masterpiece of the school of Ayoobian period. His academic status in pharmacology / herbal – Islamic and had Ayobians' count after becoming the considered it the debtor of all the works manager of pharmacist made other written after than. Lekirk translated this scholars in the same field jealous of him. book in the nineteenth century (1877 m) For example, Tanavokhi in a book in French in three volumes in France. called, Alashraf Fi Sanao Aldiaregh There is only one hand – written copy of Almonghazi Alsharifa Men Altalaf has this book in Tunis; bookstore [16]. written, some scholars such as Ebn-e- Rooska has also found out about the Bitar become very proud [14]. Of importantance of Aljame Almofradat course, these kinds of accusations never book in the progress of the science of diminished the Bitar;s academic status. physiology and has considered it as the opportunity and invited And opened the door Arabic culture and the herbalist book, Hashayesh had attained. 2120 IJBPAS, April, 2015, 4(4) Rezvan Yazdani Research Article most complete work about this single him belonged to Ebn-e-Abi Asibehe drug [17]. who was with him in most of Ebn-e- Another important work of Ebn-e-Bitar Bitar's scientific trips. There are also which was important for botanical researches of scholars such as Leclark scientists and Ben Morad [21]. was Moghani feladviyeh Almofread. This book was classified in All these people looked into these chapters and became a part of excellent accusations, Studied them in detail and academis acquitted him of all these charges. books [18]. Scientific researches in pharmacology by Ebn-e- Ebn-e- Bitar's compiling Method Bitar has had important and applicable There are many works in the medicine role for the future generation and his and pharmacology areas left behind. academic goals became the field of Some of these works are about his skills experimental examinations based on in medicine due to his tough and long academic trips. In his opinion, no researches in countries such as Greece, knowledge is exclusive and all sciences Andeles, Morocco and Asia Minor. In need one another for development. his researches, Ebn-e- Bitar has trusted Some researchers have accused him of on credible resources and more than 150 academic and literary plagiarism. Max authors and often times has assessed Meijer Critical previous pharmacists. He has assessed researcher has repeatedly accused Ebn- scholars such scholars such as Hanin- e-Bitar of getting the rough draft of ebn-e- Eshagh Jammeol some Ac), Aboobakr- ebne Zakaria Razi, information in it and publishing or Aboo Jafar Ahmadebne Ghafeghi [23]. distributing it in his name. the strongest Since argument to acquit him of the accusation pharmacologist, Ebn-e- Bitar's works was his researches and innovations such show the great ability and knowledge he as adding 300 new drugs that were not had in recognition of herbal medicine known before [19]. For example, Arjan and accurate distinction of different meaning perfume, a tree having sugar kinds of drugs- For example he has flower, Zalm a plant without any seeds accurately described the similarities and and blossoms whose roots are in the difference ground and has sweet and energetic ''Alazkhar'' and ''Alasl'' while Razi and seeds [20]. Another testimony to acquit Ebn- e – Sinna were confused between Hof, the German Mofardat, adding these [22] (260 Hijra / 873 scholars between were two top plants 2121 IJBPAS, April, 2015, 4(4) Rezvan Yazdani Research Article the two. There were plants such as In field of pharmacology including ''Lootoos Bostani'' and Beshnin'' That Greek scholars such as Disghoridos, Hanin Ebne Eshagh and other herbal Jalinoos and eastern pharmacists such as authors were confused about, but Ebn-e- Zakaria Razi and Ebn- e- Sinna. In this bitar made the distinction between them book, he has described 1400 drugs, [24]. mineral, herbal and animal foods in an Ebn- e- Bita complied some of his alphabetical order. This book can be works such as Almoghani Feladviye compared with Ebn-e- Sinna's book Almofrade and Mizan Altabib as a named Ghanoon which includes 800 subject matter and some others such as items of herbal medicine Aljamee Almofradat and analysis of book has 2353 herbal drugs, 1422 pure Disghoridos alphabetical. He wrote all herbal medicine, 921 commentaries and of his works in the east and depended on herbal synonys and 300 new herbal Greek sources and sometimes eastern medicine. In this book, he has precisely physicians such as Ebn-e- Sinna and described these herbal plants and their also his own notes [25]. His books that synonyms in languages such as African, have been proven to be accurate, are a Persian, Barbari and Spanish. One of the total number of seven innovations of the outhor in this book is [26]. These the names of [28]. This works can be analyzed frome two citing new plants dimensional points of view. independently and giving samples for 1. Plant – Single pharmacology those which were known before. For 2. A. Almofradat example, ''Safira'' is a dry plant. Similar Valadeviyeh Valaghziyeh: this is kinds such as ''Alghonob Alhendi'' is a one of the most important works plant coming in three kinds, cold in in Islamic pharmacology and an nature, Bahari and Hendi (warm in important source of botanical nature) and also similar to ''Lelbish'' which was written during the last which is a plant that is used for making years of Ebn-e- Bitar's life [27]. poison. He has mentioned all kinds of The author's intention of writing different plant in a scientific method this book was to say the last [29]. world in herbal medicine, as This book since its publication has had a mentioned very high status among physicians, Aljame' in introduction. the book's pharmacists and scholars and some of 2122 IJBPAS, April, 2015, 4(4) Rezvan Yazdani Research Article them have made a reference to it, [33]. Therefore, he translated all the summarized or even used it in their own non- books. One of these authors is Tabib Disghoridos articles and eliminated all yamani Yousef ebn-e- Rasool Ghassani the ambiguities. To do so, he practiced a (694 Hijra= 1294 Ad) who has referred few methods: 1- precise understanding to Ebn-e- Bitar in his book called of ''Almotamed Fie Adviyeh almofradeh'' Disghoridos. Ebn- e- Abi Assibe states (Bierut, 1975 AD). Ebn- e- Manzoor is that another scholar who has condensed understanding of Disghoridos was so Bitar's book) 711 Hijra= 1311 AD) and much that nobody until then had reach Haji khalifeh [30] who has mentioned a such an accomplishment [34]. 2. About selection of his book in kashf al zonoon his outstanding skills in the recognition [31]. of plants, Ebn-e-Assibe syas, ''He was Aljameh which is hand- written has had the only scientist of his time skillful in a big influence on the east's Islamic and the non- application, and their Islamic pharmacology. Many Arabic the subjects Bitar's recognition terminologies of articles recognition of plants, in by and their specifications authors have used this book after the based on their type [35] (4) because none seventh century [32]. of the previous drugs scholars and 2. Interpretation of Diasghoridos: Ebn-e- authors pa any attention to the native Bitar explains his motivation and goal in terminologies. However, Ebn-e- Bitar this book this way: ''when I studied because of his academic trips around the Diasghoridos (Book) and noticed the world was fluent in dialects of different negligence of many herbalists who did countries [36]. ''The importance of the not mention the names of many plant / book is in the fact that when the author herbs for the herbalists and did not was using Greek terminologies, he translate them in Arabic, I decided to mentioned the equivalent ones in Latin bring big and Bardari too and Came up with a pharmacists and write information in bilingual book in (Greek and Arabic) regards to the interpretation of the [37].i . Therefore, this is a precious names of drugs to make their thoughts heritage for linguists [38]. clear because of not translating some of 2. the non- Arabic terminologies, this book pharmacology together the views of Combination of plant – was like the moon hidden in the clouds 2123 IJBPAS, April, 2015, 4(4) Rezvan Yazdani Research Article A. Fi Tadavi Alsomoon article: This the writer's name and the way to book belongs to Ebn-e-Bitar, but Ebn-e- expressing it for next scientists. Abi Assibe does not mention it. E. This work that is written based on a B-Al Ebane va Al Elam Bema Fi request by SHAHAB AMAD IN EISA Menhaj Men Alkhelal val oham: As you is about the ways to cure diseases. He can see by the title, the author has has written it in eight chapters and in written this book with the goal in mind each chapter , introduces suitable drugs to eliminate ambiguities and awareness for treating each body organ. A copy of of correct methods and prevention of this book is available in Sweden ii mistakes about drugs [39]. . This book ABSALAI University. has been written in alphabetical order Ibn e Bitar innovations in plant – and includes one hundred and thirty one Pharmacology subjects about Ibn e Bitar compared to Muslim doctors vegetables and herbal plants. Ibn e Bitar before him, was more accurate. And in this book, recognizes two faults of relying on objective and empirical previous Pharmacologists and explains observations, left most of his scientific them in two parts: 1. Distortion of achievements. Medical terminology and its application innovations based on scientific scrutiny in a different way 2. Wrongs in herbal that they can be classified in three medicinal properties categories: C. Strange works and strange properties: A. Understanding the characteristics of this effect that has treated diseases is the the only work of Ibn e Bitar that is not Bitar available right now. properties of each drug and its effects on D. The writer in this book in comparison the body as well. And to prove his claim with JAME AL MOFRADAT is not he has mentioned to several reasons: concerned and 1. To ensure the purity of the drug it taxonomy of herbs and tries to prescribe should be tested, because the essence of a drug that fits to the body organs. He medicine is in its purity. For example, has organized this book alphabetically when we add salt to hot water, since the and tries to transfer contemporary and reaction is heated, when cooled, returns previous scholars' information about to Advieh Mofradeh with mentioning to 2. In case of testing a drug on the body and it with is mostly specifications He has a lot of drug has had its knowledge about essence. 2124 IJBPAS, April, 2015, 4(4) Rezvan Yazdani Research Article of a temperate man, if he responds to The principles and rules in his three heat, cold or fatigue, this special feature works is 1. In the first book in which with related to that drug. are briefly 3. The diseases is essence for ever and scientific symptoms such as fever, sweats and DIOSGHORIDOS book. So that it was other symptoms. if a drug is tested warm considered to be an important reference and symptoms of heat occur in the body for physicians [42]. , indicates that the patient has bile 2. In this book he introduces plants' phlegm heat. benefits and identifies the components 4. Sometimes medical properties of a of each of them. In a cognitive way and plant depending on the disease, shows by regarding to the properties of drugs various symptoms. In other words, if a and their impact he has introduced them drug is hot , it may be harmful for a in a scientific and accurate manner. And patient who has a cold nature. So be with scrutinize mentions to the errors of careful of the type of a medicinal plant previous authors. Thus it can be seen as which is cold or warm. the best book of him in treatment of 5. The duration of effect on the patient's diseases [43]. body should be considered, because 3. The recognition of the diseases, some herbal medicines have two effects: symptoms and causes of the diseases, the effect on the disease, and another that introduces any part of the body. one :disease symptoms. It means that it And appropriate treatment of diseases is is possible that the effect of the drug associated with organic herbal drugs would be on one of them earlier [40]. tailored to each organ. In addition, he B. Defection from Sumerian medicine explains about Another innovation of Ibn e Birtar is medicines, minerals in surgery [44]. describing the plant in a scientific C. Trusteeship of Ibn e Bitar Ibn e method, understanding the rules of Bitar composition, and realize the benefits of In accordance with the principles and medical plants. With these initiatives rules which he has created specifies obsolete those Sumerian traditions that specific methods and new versions of were common among Arab physicians medicines. to write medical textbooks. And other pharmacology principles and critique rules and principles were invented [41]. previous works, the scientific integrity and has method stated: He explains the use of herbal gathered earlier 2125 IJBPAS, April, 2015, 4(4) Rezvan Yazdani Research Article of the degree of perfection has, for Bitar example, in universities word "MC" is Pharmacology is that he mentions to a defined as: "Based on Dyasqvrydvs new procedure in this way and studies There are three types of chamomile. The pharmacology and difference in color is their horns. This independently and studies it as a main kind of plant called "Balkrakas" can be part of medical science. This approach is found in Egypt. Andalusian people based on extensive research studies of called it "Balmqarh" as such term is the present era and previous times. He Latin, and African people known as believes that pharmacology is not an "Alaqhvan" means "chicken feet". Galen exclusive science. And to maintain the considered in this paper is that these vitality and dynamism of the extensive plants close third Mufradah spice jar and in-depth studies in diverse fields, shaped like flowers and heating oil. It is admit mistakes and attempt to resolve in sleep medicine. Abu'l Albabvnq the error till new discoveries are to be (Balqaf) the specific name for a perfume achieved. of Babvnj knows. Avicenna also a kind Although Ibn e Bitar is a narrator in of warm and dry, and it is known to most of his works but by studying harm the fetus, kelp is known as the old, Predecessors and contemporaries about the young, according to Galen plant, botanical medicine in particular has a power collectors and mild. Dysqvydvs view of the criticism. The number of also suggests that the plant collector and resources that he uses in ALJAMEH is [45]. book to be 150. In books such as According to Maimonides force and its ALJAMAH and ALTAFSIR Ibn e Bitar strength varies depending on the type of observed DISGHORIDOOS innovations roots. Damascene Jesus says if you mix to be able to describe plant science, with water and let stand the pain acts as interests, properties, and knowledge of housing. Razi says it will stop vomiting the names till remains nothing unclear to and stomach boost. Ibn Sina says aroma the reader. of this plant is good for the soul essence. REFERENCES useful for uterine pains thoughts about herbal Herb- Mofradat "These are a few examples of the ways [1] Biruni,68. to be trustful by a scientist [46]. [2] Al Havi,1/23.Ghanoon,1/50. CONCLUSION [3] Ghazi Saad,237. The most important result from Ib e [4] Al Teb V Ateba,1/13. 2126 IJBPAS, April, 2015, 4(4) Rezvan Yazdani Research Article [5] Ebne Abi Osaeibae,8. [32] Ensycolopedya of Islamic, 3/143. [6] Histoire de la medicine Arabe,230. [33] Interpretation of Diasghoridos,74. [7] Jamal al mofradat,40. [34] A’yoon Al Anba’,128. [8] Ensycolopedya of Islamic,1/78. [35] A’yoon Al Anba’, 128. [9] Tafsir Discoridos,50. [36] Interpretation of Diasghoridos,88. [10] Alm dar Islam,195. [37] Interpretation of Diasghoridos,31. [11] Tarikh Aloom Anal Arab,450. [38] There is only one hand – written [12] Histoire de la medicine Arabe,II/235. copy of this book in Vataniyeh library in Paris and it was [13] Drasat Torasiyah,45. published by Ebrahim ben Morad [14] Abol Fotooh Al Tavnesi.56. in [15] Ebne Abi Osaybaae, 130. Beirut.45. Daralmaghreb Hleslami in Kashf Al [39] Brokelman,3/487, [16] Lousian Leclark,114. [17] Ensycolopedya of Islam, 1/123. Zenoon,2/1772. [18] Kashfo Al Zenoon,1/256. [40] Jama’l Mofradat,5-56. [19] Montakhab Jama Al Mofradah,78. [41] Ebne Abi Osyba’h, 131, Interpretation of Diasghoridos,19. [20] Jama Al mofradat,35. [21] Ebne Abi Osaybaae, 130. [42] Interpretation of Diasghoridos,31. [22] Jama Al Mofradat, 38. [43] Jama’ Al Mofradat,4-27. [23] That Same.19. [44] Ebrahim Ben Morad,305. [24] Jama Al mofradat,16-140. [45] Jama’a Al Mofradat,101. [25] Ebne Abi Osybaaeh, 40. [46] That Same, 104. [26] That Same,130. [27] That Same,131. [28] Ensycolopedya of Islam,3/146. [29] amao Al Mofradat, 1/15. [30] Kashfo Al Zenoon, 2/1722. [31] ''Detiz'' a German orientalist published this book in 1883. this book was published in 4 parts in Quiro, but the most important translation is the one translated by Lusian Le kirk which was referred to before. Ben Morad 473. 2127 IJBPAS, April, 2015, 4(4)
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