International Journal of Digital Communication and Networks (IJDCN) Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2015 Adaptive Tree Based Energy Efficient Routing In Mobile Sink on WSN P.N.N.Priya Dharshini, S.Suvitha and G.Rekha Abstract —Big Data is a broad term for massive data sets having large, more various structure with the difficulties of storing and analysing for further processes and results. Energy efficient big data gathering in wireless sensor networks is a challenging research area. The most effective solution to overcome this challenge is to make the use of Sink node’s mobility. It also have some additional challenges like Sink node trajectory and Cluster Formation. To avoid these challenges a new mobile sink routing is proposed. This method is a clustering based EM technique. In previous research ‘LEACH’ algorithm is used for clustering. But in order to increase the efficiency ‘HEED’ algorithm is used in this paper. So the Energy consumption is reduced and increases the lifetime of the sensors. Keywords: WSN, Clustering, HEED algorithm, and Energy efficiency. I. INTRODUCTION Because of the tremendous growth of ICT, the Big data has emerged as a hot topic [1]. Since gathering Big data is a very difficult task. There are many existing approaches such as data compression technology [2] that is capable of shrinking the volume of the data. Though it is easy to implement it requires large storage and high power. Further more flow control and routing can choose the path which consists of nodes having high remaining energy [3],[4]. But these are not able to deal with the divided network problem. In conventional research works, Data gathering using the Mobile sink in WSN has been widely studied in literature. Data MULE is one of the most prominent Mobile sink schemes [5]. In this method the Mobile sink might fail to collect information. LEACH is one of the important clustering algorithm [6]. It uses static sink node. Therefore it is not able to use this algorithm. Some of the distributed clustering algorithm are KOCA and K-CONID [7],[8], these algorithm cannot achieve optimization. Then PEGASIS [9] and KAT mobility. (K-means and TSP mobility) [10] are the centralized clustering algorithms. These algorithms achieves uniform energy consumption. But the algorithm does not achieve Manuscript received March, 2015 P.N.N.Priya Dharshini, UG Student, KLN college of Information Technology –Tamilnadu, India S.Suvitha, UG Student KLN college of Information Technology –Tamilnadu, India G.Rekha , Assistant Professor, KLN college of Information Technology –Tamilnadu, India minimization of energy consumption because these clustering algorithm uses Greedy algorithm. In [11] the limitation is the maximum acceptable latency of data collection. It also defines the limitation by a node’s buffer size. In our paper we present how to evaluate the optimal number of clusters to minimize the energy consumption of the sensor nodes. The rest of this paper is ordered as follows: Section II discusses the techniques such as Rendezvous algorithm, Mobile Sink, Clustering. Section III detailed network model, and analysis of the HEED algorithm. Section IV evaluates the performance of the HEED algorithms. Section V concludes the paper. II. RELATED WORK A wireless sensor network (WSN) (sometimes called a wireless sensor and actor network (WSAN) of spatially distributed autonomous sensors to monitor physical or environmental conditions and to cooperatively pass their data through the network to a main location. To gather a Big Data generated by the densely distributed WSN is not an easy task since the WSNs may be divided into sub-networks because of the limited wireless communication range of the sensors. First the sensor nodes are clustered. Then data from all nodes are forwarded to the cluster head. Then these data will be gathered by Mobile Sink. The Mobile Sink can collect large amount of the packets without travelling long distance. So by the use of this Mobile Sink we can reduces the Energy Consumption and Data Loss. Here we introduced a data collection protocol that is based on Rendezvous Point. This creates a RP point based on the shortest path between the Node and the Mobile Sink that is whose location is at the place where the Sink node meets the Cluster. The CH transfers the packets to this RP. Then these packets are collected by the Sink node through the RP. In this paper, we also present how to evaluate the optimal number of clusters to minimize the Energy consumption of the sensor nodes. Here we assume that the required energy for data transmission of a node is directly proportional to the square of transmission distance. The best Clustering algorithm should minimize energy consumption for data transmission must minimize the sum of square of data transmission distance in a network. To demonstrate that our approach is possible, we proposed HEED algorithm. Since it is an area based clustering algorithm, all the nodes in the area will be clustered. Also this algorithm is designed to select different Cluster Heads in a field according to the amount of energy that is distributed in relation to a neighboring node. 41 All Rights Reserved © 2014 IJDCN International Journal of Digital Communication and Networks (IJDCN) Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2015 III. HEED ALGORITHM In this section, we describe the HEED protocol. First, we define the parameters used in the process of clustering. Second, we present the design of protocol and pseudo-code. Here we consider a Network which consists of 100 sensor nodes with one Mobile sink distributed within a limited communication range. By using Localization Technology each sensor nodes its own location and the Mobile sink knows all nodes locations. Let R be the limited communication range. So, the communication within R will always be a successful one. In order to minimize the energy consumption the Mobile sink go around the cluster centroids and collects the datas. We assume a WSN having L*L area and N-number of sensor nodes are distributed in the network. Let K be the clusters centroid. Then the nodes are grouped based on its communication range. Let G-number of groups are in the field. Then Ng-number of nodes in the gth group. Kg-number of cluster in the gth group. HEED Algorithm is used to select different cluster heads in a field according to the amount of energy that is distributed in relation to a neighbouring node. Parameters for Electing cluster heads are, 1. Primary parameter: Residual Energy(er). 2. Secondary parameter: Communication cost i.e., to maximize energy and minimize cost. A. Pseudocode for HEED I. Initialize: 1. Snbr ←{v:v lies within cluster range } 2. Compute and broadcast cost to ∈Snbr 3. CHprob ← max(Cprob × Eresi/ Emax,pmin) 4. is final CH ← FALSE II. Repeat 1. If ((SCH ←{ v: v is a CH})6= φ) 2. my cluster head ← least cost(SCH) 3. If (my cluster head = N ID) 4. If (CHprob = 1) 5. CH msg(N ID,final CH,cost) 6. is final CH ← TRUE 7. Else 8. CH msg(N ID, Ten CH,cost) 9. ElseIf ( CHprob = 1) 10. CH msg(N ID,final CH,cost) 11. is final CH ← TRUE 12. ElseIf Random(0,1) ≤ CHprob 13. CH msg(N ID,Ten CH,cost) 14. CHprevious ← CHprob 15.CHprob←min(CHprob×2,1) Until CHprevious =1, Ten=tentative III. Finalize 1. If (is final CH = FALSE) 2. If ((SCH ←{ v:v is a final CH}) 6= φ) 3. my cluster head ← least cost(SCH) 4. join cluster(CH ID, N ID) 5. Else CH msg(N ID, final CH, cost) 6. Else CH msg(N ID, final CH, cost) B. Steps for HEED Algorithm Initialization Main Processing Discover neighbour within cluster range . Compute the initial CH probability CH prob= f(Er/Emax) If we receive some cluster head messages, choose one head with minimum cost. If there is no CH elect to become a CH with CH prob. CH prob= min(CH prob*2,1) If there is CH, join its cluster, otherwise elect to be CH. Finalization HEED also has many major advantages. They are, 1. Create well distributed clusters. 2. Terminates in constant Time. 3. Reduces energy load. 4. Extends network lifetime. IV. PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS This section is focused on the comparision of our paper performance with the existing paper performances. In Existing paper LEACH algorithm is used. A. Optimal Number of Clusters To evaluate our proposed method of optimizing number of clusters, the Energy Consumption is measured by varying the number of clusters. The energy consumption will be reduced by reducing the number of clusters. By optimizing the number of clusters, Throughput will be increased. B. Energy Consumption Energy Consumption is defined as the sum of energy consumption of data transmission (Dtran) and the energy consumption of data request (Dreq). Thus the Energy Consumption will be reduced by the use of Mobile Sink. Even by increasing the number nodes, Energy consumption can be reduced. 42 All Rights Reserved © 2014 IJDCN International Journal of Digital Communication and Networks (IJDCN) Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2015 Throughput 60% 90% Packet Delivery Ratio 85% 98% References 1. Four Vendor Views on Big Data and Big Data Analytics: IBM IBM, Jan., 2012, Armonk, NY, USA, [online] C. Efficient Data Collection Since our proposed algorithm (HEED) is area based routing protocol, all the sensor nodes in the given area will be clustered. So that almost of the data generated by the nodes will be received by the sink node. Therefore the data loss will be reduced. So the Efficiency will be increased. 2. S. Katti, H. Rahul, W. Hu, D. Katabi, M. Medard and J. 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V. CONCLUSION In this paper we have created a wireless sensor network with number of static sensor nodes and a mobile sink node that act as a base station. Energy Efficiency by using Mobile Sink can be increased more than by using static sink node. Since our proposal algorithm is area based routing it gives the better result than the existing algorithm. By using our proposed HEED algorithm and Rendezvous based data collection efficiency will be increased more than the existing LEACH algorithm. The Energy absorption will also be reduced and the lifetime of the sensor nodes will also be increased by optimizing the number of clusters. The numerical representation for the effectiveness of our proposal is 80% that is 20% more than of Existing. The effectiveness of our proposed algorithm is proven by the following comparision table. Parameters LEACH HEED Packet Dropped 63% 40% Efficiency 60% 80% Energy Remaining 60% 95% 6. W. Heinzelman, A. 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G.Rekha , received BE degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from KLN college of Information Technology –Tamilnadu, India in 2008 and M.E degree in Communication Systems from KLN college of Enginering , Tamilnadu, India in 2012. She has been working as an in KLN college of Information Technology since 2008. Her main research areas are wireless communication and Mobile computing. 44 All Rights Reserved © 2014 IJDCN
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