ISSN(Online): 2320-9801 ISSN (Print): 2320-9798 International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization) Vol. 3, Special Issue 2, March 2015 Alive Human Detection in Disaster Zones using Manually Controlled Robots Geetha Bharathi.V.S 1, Dr.S.Sudha 2 PG Student, Department of ECE, Easwari Engineering College, Chennai, TN, India1 Professor, Department of ECE, Easwari Engineering College, Chennai, TN, India2 ABSTRACT: Natural calamities like Earthquakes, Tsunami and man made disasters bomb explosion, building collapse often occur and they cannot be stopped. Humans are getting increased knowledge in the concept of intelligent rescue operations in such calamities so as to save precious life and material, however calamities cannot be stopped. Still there are many natural and man-made disasters that occur all of a sudden. They produce a devastating effect and find no difference among human and material. Therefore many a times humans are buried among the detritus and it becomes impossible to detect them. Only a timely rescue can only save people those have been buried and wounded. Detection by rescue workers like policeman, fire fighters and medical services is time consuming because of the vast area that gets affected. Human rescuers must make quick decisions under stress and try to get victims to safety at their own risk. They need to gather and find the location, status of victims and the stability of the structures as fast and early as possible so that medics and fire fighters can enter the disaster area and save the victims. Mostly trained dogs and humans, perform all these tasks. This project proposes a mobile robotic vehicle that moves in the disaster prone area for detecting alive humans in such devasting environments and helps to identify the live people and rescue operations. In this project Passive Infra Red (PIR) sensor has been used. KEYWORDS: Human Detection, Mobile Robotic vehicle, SAR, Urban Search and Rescue I. INTRODUCTION Every year, various collapse of man-made structures such as bridges, buildings and also natural catastrophes like Earthquake, landslides occur in various parts of the world. The Urban search and Rescue (USAR) says, the probability of saving a victim is high only within the first 48 hours of rescue operation, and then the probability becomes Zero. In such cases, humans are being trapped in the cavities created by collapsed building either in conscious or unconscious state. One of the major Natural disaster that took place in January 2001, at Gujarat resulted in a huge loss of Human lives and property. A recent collapse of man-made multi-storied building at Moulivakkam in July-2014 claimed nearly 60 lives as per „Hindusthan times. In the time of Rescue operation, several persons like fire fighters, policemen, and medical assistance are deployed. These people are exposed to very dangerous situations caused by the destructed environment they work in like collapsed buildings, landslides, crater, etc. So, there is a chance for the rescuer to become a victim who needs to be rescues. It means the rescue operation imposes a substantial risk on rescue personnel themselves. So, from this point of view, we need to look for an alternative to Human rescuers. This has always been a great challenge. II. LITERATURE SURVEY In initial days dogs were used because of their High sensitivity to any slight motion or Human presence. But it was hard to totally depend on them since they can predict the presence of a living victim and dead victim and also they were not able to expose the exact situation of the human. Copyright to IJIRCCE 11 ISSN(Online): 2320-9801 ISSN (Print): 2320-9798 International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization) Vol. 3, Special Issue 2, March 2015 One major drawback was dogs couldn‟t work independently; they need assistance of a human. It means, the need is totally or partially independent to human factor but still depends on human. Later techniques such as 1. 2. Optical devices namely Tactic Pole Utility system Acoustic devices like Microphones and Amplifiers were used but with limited applications. Robots are now achieving good progress in many fields like Military, Industry, Medicine, etc., with proven efficiency. They are playing an important role in replacing Human factor in almost all fields. Usha Tiwari, Rahul Kaushik, Shraddha Subramaniyan, (2012), “A technical review on Human Rescue Robots”, VSRD-IJEECE, Vil. 2 (3), 127-134 has explained about designing a Robot to navigate in the rubble with various sensors. This method used 2 methods to detect alive human, one is IR radiation emerging from the live humans and other is using the sound or cry for the help made from the humans. Mauricio Correa, Gabriel Hermosilla, Rodrigo Verschae, Javier Ruiz-del-Solar, (2012), “Human Detection and Identification by Robots using Thermal and Visual information in Domestic Environments”, J Intell Robot Syst (2012) 66:223-243 has given the concept of enabling robots to detect and identify humans in domestic environment. This work was done with the aid of Thermal and Visual Information sources that were integrated to detect humans and further processed to verify it. Remote Operated and Controlled Hexapod (ROACH) is a six-legged design that provides significant advantages in mobility over wheeled and tracked designs. It was equipped with predefined walking gaits, cameras, which transmit, live audio and videos of the disaster site, as well as information about locations of objects with respect to the robot‟s position to the interface on the laptop. Specialized robots have been designed for these types of environments such as KOHGA the snake like robot. This robot was constructed by connecting multiple crawler vehicles serially, resulting in a long and thin structure so that it can enter narrow space. Quality work has been done in the field of robotics. They came into existence in the early 21 st century but since then enormous improvements have been made in its concept, design based on purpose of use. Various rescue robots have been developed and some of these are – CRASAR (Centre for Robot-Assisted Search and Rescue) in University of South Florida.This robot was used for first time in real conditions on 11 th September 2001 in the World Trade Centre disaster. Different sensors like millimeter wave radar for measuring distance, a color CCD camera for vision and a forward-looking infrared camera for the human heat detection were used in it. Shwetha, R, Dr. Chethan H K, (2014), “Automatic and Manual Controlled Alive Human Detection Robot during disaster Management”, International Journal for Technological Research in Engineering”, ISSN: 2347-4718, Volume 1, Issue 11 has done a work on designing an economical robot, which works using AVR, MCU, PIR sensor. This robot senses the human body temperature using PIR sensor and an alarm/indicator is used to indicate the signal when it detects alive body and this message is sent through SMS using GSM technology to enable rescue operation. Burion presented a project that provided a sensor suitable for human detection for the USAR robots. It evaluated several types of sensors for detecting humans such as pyro electric sensor, USB camera, microphone, and IR camera. The pyro electric sensor was used to detect the human body radiation. The USB camera was used for motion detection. A microphone was used for long duration and high amplitude sound detection. The IR camera was used to detect humans by their heat image. The main idea was to detect a change in the image scene by checking the values of the pixels. Several images for the scene were acquired and subtracted from each other to discover if a motion has occurred. The used technique was fairly efficient in detecting the victims. But still, the robot was not fully autonomous and was dependent on the operator. II. BLOCK DIAGRAM As shown in fig 1, this system consists of a Robot section and Control section. Furthermore Robot section consists of a movable unit, which has Bluetooth module, GPS Receiver, an LCD display, PIR sensor mount on it and a Copyright to IJIRCCE 12 ISSN(Online): 2320-9801 ISSN (Print): 2320-9798 International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization) Vol. 3, Special Issue 2, March 2015 microcontroller Atmega-328. Control unit consists of a manual control using a remote to control the movement of the robot and a PC interfaced with the robot section using Bluetooth to get the output of GPS receiver. i.e. To find the exact location of the human. Fig. 1 Human Body Detection System III. FLOW CHART As shown in fig 2, in the flow chart of developed system first the Robocar navigates in an open field and PIR sensor checks for the alive human. If yes, then the GPS shows the exact location of the human in the PC screen that is in the Control section, with the rescuers. This will show the presence of human being and the PIR sensor can detect motion in around 1200. Copyright to IJIRCCE 13 ISSN(Online): 2320-9801 ISSN (Print): 2320-9798 International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization) Vol. 3, Special Issue 2, March 2015 IV. HARDWARE RESULTS In order to simulate the robot, a remote was designed and the control was with the rescue team. This helped the rescuers to move the Robot in various directions. This Robot consists of a PIR Sensor and a camera fitted to it so as to record and display data when sensor triggers it. Fig 3. PIR Detection Angle This Robocar is set ON with the help of ON button present in the Robocar. Once this starts, the remote control with four keys is used to move this car. Among the four keys, two are used to move this car forward and backward and other two are used to move it left and right. Fig 4. Mobile Rescue Robot with LED ON The PIR sensor triggers and starts sensing. The PIR detection angle is 120 0 around it. Fig 5. LED Output-1 Fig 4 represents the LED output of the PIR Sensor when it is in rescue operation and when no human is found around its detection angle. Fig 5 represents the output of PIR sensor, when any Human being is found alive around its detection angle. It displays in the screen as Human detected. This output lasts for few seconds and again it starts searching for human. Copyright to IJIRCCE 14 ISSN(Online): 2320-9801 ISSN (Print): 2320-9798 International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization) Vol. 3, Special Issue 2, March 2015 Fig 6. LED Output-2 A GPS fitted with the Robot section helps to get the exact location of the victim. Fig 7. LED Output-3 This output is displayed in the PC as shown in Fig 6 that is being interfaced with the Robocar using Bluetooth. Fig 8. PC Output Copyright to IJIRCCE 15 ISSN(Online): 2320-9801 ISSN (Print): 2320-9798 International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization) Vol. 3, Special Issue 2, March 2015 V. APPLICATIONS Robots can perform variety of functions independently. General-purpose robots may perform a variety of functions simultaneously or they may take on different roles at different times of day. This specific Rescue robot that has been designed for a specific purpose can be used for the following applications: In disaster zones, whether it natural or man-made disaster. In military applications to detect the presence of militants. In Rescue operations where human reach is not possible. In Medical applications to detect motion. In Warfield affected areas, to detect the presence of bomb. VI. CONCLUSION The goal of this work was to provide a rescue robot for human detection in a disaster environment. Though, the existing Urban Search and Rescue Robots are equipped with various sensors, but the problem with them is the cost and complexity of circuit. The sensor used in the development of this project is easily available and cost effective. In this paper, a new method for detecting surviving humans in destructed environments using simulated autonomous robot has been proposed. The robot uses two sections for this operation and these two sections are inter-related to each other. The first section is the Robot section, which moves into the debris and searches for the alive humans. The second section is the Control section, which is with the Rescue team and used to control the movement of Robocar. Adding more number of DC motors to the Robocar can further enhance this, so that the torque can be still improved. A timer can be built-in and this complete system can be made automated. REFERENCES 1. 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